PT 1 Rubric
PT 1 Rubric
PT 1 Rubric
Appropriate details Most details support main Few details support main No details to support
support main idea idea idea main idea
Accurate and detailed Accurate information for Lacking accurate information Information is not
information almost all subject matter Inadequate information is not accurate
Content 50% Information adequately Information is mostly clearly supportive of visual’s Information does not
supports purpose of adequate and supportive purpose support the visual’s
visual of visual’s purpose purpose
Topic and title clear and Topic and title are mostly Topic and title difficult to Topic and title are not
easily identified clear and easily identified identify clearly identified
Main idea is clearly Main idea is appropriate Main idea not clearly stated No main idea
appropriate to topic to topic Few illustrations complement Illustrations do not
Focus 20%
All illustrations Most illustrations purpose of complement purpose of
complement purpose of complement purpose of visual visual
visual visual
Outstanding use of color, Adequate use of color, Inappropriate use of color, Little attempt to use
design, and space design, and space design, and space color, design and space
Original and creative Design is adequate Design lacks creativity appropriately
Visual design Overall design is mostly Lack of harmonious design in Design is dull
Appeal Overall design is pleasing and harmonious presentation Project has sloppy
pleasing and appearance
Free of grammatical Mostly free of Frequent grammatical errors Too frequent
errors grammatical errors Presentation is illegible and grammatical errors
Mechanics 10% Words are legible and Most words are legible confusing Distractive elements
pertinent to topic and pertinent to topic make illustration
Teacher’s Comments and Suggestion