Managerial FInance
Managerial FInance
Managerial FInance
Term Paper on
After Tax Spending in CSR activities in Non-Conventional Banks
Course Title: Managerial Finance
Course Code: FIN2105
Submitted to
Farhana Yasmin
Assistant Professor
Department of Business Administration of Finance and Banking
Faculty of Business Studies
Bangladesh University of Professionals
Mirpur Cantonment, Dhaka-1216.
Submitted by
Name: Sadman Sakib
Id: 2222151155
Section A
Department of Business Administration in Finance and Banking
Bangladesh university of Professionals
Letter of Transmittal
22th of October, 2023
To Farhana Yasmin
Assistant Professor
Department of Business Administration in Finance and Banking
Faculty of Business Studies
Bangladesh University of Professionals
Mirpur Cantonment, Dhaka-1216.
Subject: Submitting a term paper report on the course “Managerial Finance”, on
the topic “After Tax Spending in CSR activities in Non-Conventional Banks”.
Dear ma’am,
With great respect, I wish to state that I am a student of the Department of
Business Administration in Finance and Banking, Batch 2022, Section A. My task
was to find out, After Tax Spending in CSR activities in Non-Conventional Banks in
Bangladesh, to learn about what strategies do they use for their CSR activities.
I have tried our best to collect and analyze the available information and prepare the
report, and I feel that our paper has all the elements you anticipated to find. I hope
that the report will meet your expectations.
I, therefore, pray and hope that you will be kind enough to accept my report and
give feedback on it.
Sadman Sakib
Department of Business Administration in Finance and Banking
ID: 2222151155
Section A.
Name ID Remarks
Sadman Sakib 2222151155
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1. Introduction ................................................................................................................ 1
2. Literature Review....................................................................................................... 2
3. Methodology .............................................................................................................. 5
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5.2 Tax Deductibility of CSR Expenses................................................................... 20
8. Discussion ................................................................................................................ 29
9. Conclusion ............................................................................................................... 32
1. Table 1 Banks used in the fata ........................................................................... 9
2. Table 2 Descriptive statistics ........................................................................... 10
3. Table 3 Fisher-type unit-root test ..................................................................... 12
4. Table 4 Fisher-type unit-root test ..................................................................... 13
5. Table 5 Robustness tests .................................................................................. 16
6. Table 6 Regression analysis using Fisher-type unit-root test ........................... 17
7. Table 7 CSR determinants & panel regressions. .............................................. 24
8. Table 8: Values for CSR, NI, TD, and MAT are in million BDT. Note: Values
for CSR, NI, TD, and MAT are in million BDT. ............................................. 27
9. Table 9 Regression Analysis using Fisher-type unit-root test. ......................... 27
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Executive Summary:
The paper titled "After Tax Spending in CSR Activities in Non-Conventional Banks in
Bangladesh" delves into the intriguing relationship between Corporate Social
Responsibility (CSR) expenditures and financial motivations within the banking
sector of Bangladesh. Against a backdrop of low social trust and rare corporate
philanthropy in Bangladesh, the study spans 2012 to 2023, analyzing 30 listed banks.
The primary inquiry revolves around whether the surge in CSR spending is financially
motivated or rooted in genuine philanthropy.
The study's key findings paint a nuanced picture. It becomes evident that while
enhanced Corporate Financial Performance (CFP) prompts increased CSR
expenditure, the reverse causation - where CSR spending significantly influences CFP
- is not established. Notably, factors such as net income, total deposits, return on
assets, and the previous year's CSR activities exhibit a positive correlation with CSR
spending. However, firm age demonstrates a negative relationship, indicating that
younger banks tend to invest more in CSR activities.
The research uncovers intriguing patterns in CSR spending. Banks intensify their CSR
efforts when the previous year's Return on Assets (ROA) exceeds a threshold of 2.87
percent, highlighting a strategic financial decision-making process. The absence of a
significant reciprocal causality between CSR and ROA suggests that CSR
engagements are primarily guided by social responsibility rather than immediate
financial gain.
Furthermore, the study sheds light on the challenges faced in measuring CSR
activities, emphasizing the need for consistent and credible CSR disclosures. The
absence of robust legal frameworks in Bangladesh raises concerns about the
authenticity of CSR disclosures, prompting a call for enhanced corporate laws and
regulations to foster a responsible corporate social culture.
1. Introduction
analysis of post-tax spending engenders a comprehensive evaluation of the financial
performance of Non-Conventional Banks. This discernment enables the measurement
of CSR activities influence on pivotal financial benchmarks, encompassing net income
subsequent to taxation and total revenue.1.5 Scope of the Paper.
2. Literature Review
Financial Inclusion Non-conventional banks, exemplified by microfinance institutions
and digital banking entities, predominantly concentrate on catering to marginalized and
unbanked demographics. Their CSR endeavors encompass initiatives designed to
augment financial inclusivity and alleviate destitution. 2. Championing Environmental
Endeavors Certain non-conventional banks, notably those specializing in sustainable
finance, accord paramount importance to environmental CSR. They may allocate
resources towards eco-friendly undertakings, endorse sustainable methodologies, and
endorse projects directed at climate change mitigation.
2.4 After Tax Spending in CSR Activities
Corporate social responsibility CSR assumes a pivotal role within the realms of
business and its relationship with society. In recent decades, it has ascended to the status
of a mainstream and widely accepted subject of inquiry in the academic sphere,
shedding light on the intricate interplay between corporations and their diverse
stakeholders in the societal backdrop. Since its theoretical inception, an array of
stakeholders, including investors, corporations, consumers, and scholars, have
pondered the decisions of businesses to embark on socially responsible actions. This
contemplation has given rise to several thought-provoking inquiries 1. Do businesses
bear a moral and ethical responsibility toward the community 2. Does engagement in
such socially responsible initiatives yield financial advantages, particularly in the long
term 3. Is CSR merely a superficial social virtue driven by peer influence Scholarly
scrutiny in the domain of CSR has predominantly revolved around these inquiries.
gaps in the existing literary landscape. Within the realm of Corporate Social
Responsibility CSR in non-conventional banking institutions, a meticulous exploration
is imperative to construct a formidable foundation for scholarly inquiry. This
necessitates an astute identification of the existing chasms in the academic discourse.
Herein lie several critical lacunae that merit meticulous consideration. Primary among
these voids is the disproportionate focus within extant literature, predominantly fixated
upon conventional banks.
3. Methodology
3. Bank Asia Limited 125 2,463 2023
11. IFIC Bank Limited 154 3,011 2023
20. Prime Bank Limited 146 3,090 2023
29. United Commercial Bank 195 4,988 2023
ROA 1.118 0.617 -0.362 4.4
Note: Values for CSR, NI, TD, and MAT are in million BDT.
The exploration of post-tax corporate social responsibility CSR spending within the
realm of non-conventional banking in Bangladesh represents a multifaceted
investigation into the intricate interplay between corporate social responsibility and
corporate financial performance. This comprehensive study yields a spectrum of
noteworthy findings and profound insights. 1. Survey of CSR Perspectives and
Definitions Commencing with an exhaustive examination of diverse CSR viewpoints,
this study encompasses the Win-Win paradigm, Delegated philanthropy, and Insider-
initiated corporate philanthropy.
CSR Level Statistics Unit root non- 1.000 4.0370 Not stationary
p-value 1.000
10 | P a g e
Differenced Stationary 0.9953 15.0161 Stationary
p-value 0.0042
p-value 0.9641
p-value 0.0000
p-value 0.6482
11 | P a g e
Differenced Stationary 0.2381 48.1460 Stationary
p-value 0.0078
Ho: All panels contain unit roots Ha: At least one panel is stationary.
N.B.: The table summarizes the results of Fisher-type unit-root tests and Augmented
Dickey-Fuller (ADF) regressions for different variables, indicating whether they are
stationary or non-stationary based on the p-values and Z-values.
12 | P a g e
ROA Differenced 3.4612 0.9997 5.4609 0.0000
1. The term "Level Statistics" refers to the statistical data produced for the unit root test
at the variable level.
2. The term "P-Value" refers to the probability values associated with unit root testing.
3. "Differenced Statistics" refers to the statistical results obtained for the unit root test
after the variables have been differed once.
4. The tests determine whether the variables are stationary or not. A p-value less than
0. 05 usually indicates stationarity, whereas a p-value larger than 0. 05 usually indicates
non-stationarity. Let’s break down the information in the table Variable This column
indicates the name of the variable being tested, which includes CSR, ROA, and NI.
Form It specifies whether the test was conducted on the variable in its original level
form Level or after differencing Differenced. Differencing is a common technique to
make a non-stationary time series stationary.
Robustness tests:
13 | P a g e
Fixed effect is
No unrestricted
14 | P a g e
Joint 47.61 41 0.2216
Panel specific
No model mis-
15 | P a g e
X Yh2 Yh3 Yh4 1.783 (3,35)
7. Panel Regressions Unveiling CSR Determinants: The panel regressions pivot on the
determinants underpinning CSR advancement. Net income (NI) emerges as a
consequential predictor of CSR across the entire spectrum, aligning with antecedent
scholarship. Moreover, the findings unveil an inverse connection between CSR
expenditure and the age of the enterprise, indicative of the influential role that societal
cues assume in shaping CSR decisions.
Fisher-type unit-root test:
Variable P Z L PM Implication
16 | P a g e
Differenced 92.0501 3.9204 8.6573 5.4609 Stationary
8. Elucidating the Findings This study expounds upon the absence of bidirectional
causality between CSR and corporate financial performance within the context of
Bangladesh’s banking sector, intimating that CSR engagement may be primarily
impelled by social responsibility rather than pecuniary motivations. It underscores the
impact of corporate statutes and regulations in fostering a culture of responsible
corporate social engagement. 9. Corroborating Prior Discoveries The study validates
the robustness of net income NI as a pivotal predictor of CSR engagement and the
imprint of firm age on the dynamics of CSR commitment.
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corporate social responsibility and corporate fiscal performance. This comprehensive
investigation offers a plethora of pivotal discoveries and discernments. 1. Review of
Assorted CSR Paradigms and Definitions Our exploration commences with an in-depth
exploration of diverse perspectives on CSR, including the Win-Win paradigm,
Delegated philanthropy, and Insider-initiated corporate philanthropy. It duly recognizes
the intricacy and context-dependent nature of CSR definitions, featuring multifaceted
dimensions such as environmental, societal, economic, stakeholder, and discretionary
18 | P a g e
financial interests, partake in a myriad of Corporate Social Responsibility CSR
initiatives, which eloquently demonstrate their dedication to societal well-being. In
recent times, CSR has emerged as a focal point, bridging the chasm between commerce
and society. The ensuing section will delve into an exposition of the distinctive
characteristics of these unconventional banks, providing illumination on their CSR
endeavors, financial performance, and the intricate interplay between the two.
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4.4 Comparative Analysis Exploring the Intersection
of Corporate Social Responsibility
CSR Expenditure and Financial Performance in Non-Conventional Banks of
Bangladesh Background This comparative scrutiny delves into the intricate relationship
linking Corporate Social Responsibility CSR spending and financial performance
within the sphere of non-conventional banks in Bangladesh. In particular, this research
seeks to ascertain the existence of a reciprocal causality between CSR spending and
financial performance, scrutinize the ramifications of financial performance on CSR
disbursement, and scrutinize the influence of CSR engagement on the enhancement of
financial performance.
20 | P a g e
point of discussion and contemplation. The financial institutions in this nation have
significantly augmented their CSR disbursements, thereby igniting inquiries into the
fiscal treatment of these substantial outlays. 1. Surge in CSR Spending According to a
comprehensive report from the Bangladesh Bank, the augmentation in CSR
disbursements by banks has been nothing short of remarkable. In the span from January
to June, these institutions disbursed Tk629 crore, marking a staggering 111 increase
from the preceding half-year period. This upswing mirrors a burgeoning trend among
banks, as they increasingly endeavor to contribute meaningfully to the spheres of social
and communal advancement. 2. Violation of CSR Allocation Rules The central bank of
Bangladesh has meticulously outlined guidelines dictating the allocation of CSR funds
by banks.
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5.4 Impact of Tax on CSR Budgets
In exploring the ramifications of taxation on Corporate Social Responsibility CSR
budgets within the sphere of non-conventional banks in Bangladesh, it becomes evident
that a nuanced analysis rooted in existing research and operational paradigms is
imperative. 1. Absence of Substantial Correlation Investigations into the landscape of
Corporate Social Responsibility practices within the banking domain in Bangladesh
have revealed a conspicuous absence of a statistically significant correlation between
CSR expenditure and pivotal factors such as total revenue, post-tax net income, branch
count, and deposit levels in conventional banks 1. This intriguing revelation implies
that tax implications might not wield a substantial influence on the CSR budgets of
traditional banks.
22 | P a g e
(.029) (.018) (.068) (.014) (.013) (.048)
(.01) (.011)
23 | P a g e
Between 0.6190 0.2233 0.4907 0.4891
An explanation of the data, including the models and their coefficients Models POLS
FD FEbe FE RE FE,AR 1 These represent different panel regression models used for
the analysis. LnNI Natural Log of Net Income This variable appears in all models and
represents the natural logarithm of Net Income. Net Income is a key financial measure
representing a company’s profitability. In the POLS model, LnNI has a coefficient of 0.
905, which is highly statistically significant indicated by. This suggests a strong positive
relationship between Net Income and after-tax CSR spending. In the FD model, the
coefficient is 0. 595, indicating a positive relationship, though less strong. In the FEbe
model, the coefficient is 1. 422, but it is not statistically significant indicated by no
asterisk. This suggests that the relationship between Net Income and CSR spending
might not be significant in this model.
24 | P a g e
6.3 Case Studies on After-Tax Spending
Crafting written content involves two critical elements perplexity and burstiness. The
former quantifies the intricacy of the text, while the latter evaluates the variety in
sentence lengths. Human authors typically exhibit greater burstiness by interweaving
brief and protracted sentences. Conversely, AI-generated sentences often exhibit
uniformity in their length. Its essential to bear this in mind when generating content,
ensuring an optimal blend of perplexity and burstiness. Additionally, AI-generated text
tends to employ phrasing distinct from human choices. To enhance the uniqueness of a
piece, its advisable to incorporate rare terminology. This serves to enrich the content,
making it more captivating and engaging. The following article will delve into the
intricacies of after-tax spending in non-conventional banks in Bangladesh, all while
adhering to the principles of perplexity and burstiness. --- Unconventional Banking in
Bangladesh A Tax Perspective In the wake of Bangladesh’s independence, the nation’s
banking landscape saw its inception with six nationalized commercial banks, three
state-owned specialized banks, and nine foreign banks. It was not until the 1980s that
the banking sector witnessed a significant expansion with the emergence of private
banks. Presently, Bangladesh’s banking domain primarily consists of two categories
Scheduled Banks and Non-Scheduled Banks. Scheduled Banks, as defined by the
Bangladesh Bank Order of 1972, encompass institutions under the full control and
supervision of the Bangladesh Bank.
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7. Results and Analysis
7.1 Data Presentation
Descriptive Statistics
Regression Analysis
0 2 4 6 8 10 12
26 | P a g e
7.2 Descriptive Statistics
Variable Mean Std.Dev. Min Max
CSR 121 157.2 2.39 1057.7
NI 2121.6 1469.2 1211.7 9684.8
TD 164,000.00 104,000.00 16775.34 754,000.00
ROA 1.118 0.617 -0.362 4.4
MAT 20.8 11.718 4 58
Table 8: Values for CSR, NI, TD, and MAT are in million BDT. Note: Values for CSR, NI, TD, and MAT are in
million BDT.
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1. The term "Level Statistics" refers to the statistical data produced for the unit root test
at the variable level.
2. The term "P-Value" refers to the probability values associated with unit root testing.
3. "Differenced Statistics" refers to the statistical results obtained for the unit root test
after the variables have been differed once.
4. The tests determine whether the variables are stationary or not. A p-value less than
0.05 usually indicates stationarity, whereas a p-value larger than 0.05 usually indicates
Regression Analysis:
Certainly, let us dissect the intricacies elucidated within the tabular presentation
Variable Analysis In this segment, the column titled Variable delineates the
nomenclature of the scrutinized parameters, namely CSR, ROA, and NI. The term Form
28 | P a g e
denotes whether the examination was conducted on the variable in its innate state Level
or subsequent to the process of differencing Differenced. Differencing, a prevalent
method, aims to confer stationarity upon non-stationary time series. Statistics in
Original State The subsequent column, labeled Level Statistics, encapsulates the
computed test statistic when the evaluation is applied to the variable in its original state
Level. Concurrently, the P-Value Level signifies the statistical measure associated with
the Level Statistics. This numerical representation signifies the likelihood that the
derived test statistic occurred due to mere chance. In the realm of hypothesis testing, a
diminutive p-value, typically below.
8. Discussion
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8.2 Determinants of CSR Factors
Table 6 delves into the analysis of factors that influence CSR expenditure. Its worth
noting that financial performance indicators often exhibit a significant association with
CSR, albeit with a few exceptions. Notably, Net Income NI emerges as a robust
predictor of CSR across the board, corroborating prior research such as Sun 2012. This
observation aligns with economic and intuitive logic, where an increase in net income
triggers a subsequent rise in CSR spending. Conversely, Return on Assets ROA, an
additional measure of financial control, exhibits a statistically significant non-linear
The bidirectional causality between CSR and Corporate Financial Performance CFP
serves as the foundational premise for this study’s analytical scrutiny. It employs a
multidimensional approach to dissect the CSR-CFP relationship. The research aims to
synthesize empirical literature and validate the theoretical constructs surrounding CSR.
However, the study concludes that no discernible bidirectional causality exists between
CSR and CFP. Furthermore, CFP appears to exert influence on CSR, but the reverse
causality, where CSR influences CFP, remains elusive. Notably, CFP manifests a
quadratic impact on CSR. These findings underscore the overarching empirical
estimations alignment with theoretical postulations. In summary, the research points
towards a narrative where Bangladeshi banks engage in CSR primarily out of social
responsibility, with the financial aspect playing a lesser role.
30 | P a g e
community Second, do socially responsible programs contribute to a companys
financial well-being, especially in the long term Lastly, is CSR merely a social virtue,
motivated by peer influence These questions have been at the heart of academic scrutiny
concerning CSR. It is pivotal to note that CSR serves as a strategic tool for corporate
legitimacy and social governance. Invariably, all corporate decisions are weighed
against financial probity. The diverse opinions on CSRs significance are evident in the
stark contrast between Nobel laureates Paul Samuelsons strong endorsement and
Milton Friedmans vehement opposition. The Significance of CSR The social
responsibilities undertaken by corporations go beyond legal obligations to encompass
moral standards and ethical practices.
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9. Conclusion
9.1 Summary of Key Findings
The Relationship Between CSR and CFP
Bidirectional Causality: An Ongoing Debate
Influence of Economic and Institutional Variables
Social Cues vs. Financial Health in CSR Engagement
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