2023 Impact Report - MWF Cameroon
2023 Impact Report - MWF Cameroon
2023 Impact Report - MWF Cameroon
Impact Report
Mandela Washington
Fellows Cameroon
Our Vision
Our Mission
Pre-departure orientation
The Mandela Washington Fellowship Association Cameroon is the Alumni Association of Mandela
Washington Fellowship for Young African Leaders. The Mandela Washington Fellowship for Young
African Leaders was initiated by former US President Barack Obama in 2014 and seeks to identify, cel-
ebrate and empower African youths with leadership potential through a six-week fellowship, offering
academic coursework, leadership training, and networking. It is the flagship program of the Young Af-
rican Leaders Initiative (YALI).
Learn about our work at www.mwfcameroon.org and on all social media platforms.
Thanks to the symposium, U.S. Exchange Programs and their impact in Cameroon have gained in-
creased visibility. The event served as a platform for networking, fostering connections among Alum-
ni, and offered an opportunity to strategize on the sustainability of the Alumni Network. This includes
coordinating efforts across Exchange Programs to enhance their collective impact.
The Mandela Washington Fellowship for Young African Leaders will host 700 selected fellows from 48
Sub-Saharan African countries, grouping them into cohorts of approximately 25 to be placed in various
top universities in the United States. Each fellow will encounter peers and Americans from diverse cultur-
al, educational, racial, and professional backgrounds, necessitating integration and adaptation. Exposure to
American lifestyle and feeding habits is crucial for a successful fellowship, as failure to adapt to the new
environment could significantly detract from the experience. Some fellows face challenges upon arriving
in the United States, a markedly different environment, with a few even being expelled and sent back
home for failing to adhere to basic rules, negatively impacting other stakeholders.
Therefore, there is a pressing need for a pre-departure orientation guide to help fellows embrace cultural
differences and maximize this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Equally essential is preparing fellows for
their travel, including experiences of expected travel vessels and the necessary travel documentation, en-
suring they journey safely and arrive on time. Hence, orientation on visa acquisition, travel documenta-
tion, and airport and flight directives is crucial for reaching the designated university and state effectively.
The fellowship's ultimate goal is for fellows to enhance or develop new professional skills, fostering ca-
reer growth and augmenting innovation and impact in their respective communities upon return. It offers a
platform to network and exchange best practices with peers and eminent individuals from various parts of
Africa and the U.S.
2023 Impact Report - January 2024 7
It is therefore essential to provide fellows with the opportunity to learn strategies for maximizing their
fellowship, through sharing best practices with Mandela Washington Fellowship (MWF) Alumni and
U.S Embassy Staff. The transition after returning to Cameroon is often challenging. Committing person-
ally to give back to one’s nation and volunteer in Alumni activities to leverage acquired skills is an en-
deavor undertaken by only a few.
A pre-departure orientation offers the chance to mentor the fellows selected from Cameroon, effectively
preparing them for a successful and memorable fellowship experience in the USA. This preparation aims
to enable them to return and fulfill their two-year commitment to contributing to their local communities
and to Cameroon at large.
Pre-departure orientation
The embassy delegation was well mobilized and educated fellows on the purpose of the fellowship,
American culture, expectations, obligations, travelling directives and documentation.
Mandela Washington Fellowship Alumni in Cameroon takes pride in celebrating Nelson Mandela Day.
On July 22, 2023, the Mandela Washington Fellowship Alumni in Cameroon the association led by Ms.
Virginie Minda dedicated over an hour of servant leadership to plant trees at the Garoua Regional Hospi-
tal Center at the aim to commemoration the 67 years of Nelson Mandela's fight for peace, humanity and
Celebrated under the theme “Climate, Food & Solidarity”, the participants engaged in the planting of
trees around the Regional hospital. Dr. Ina Rakya, Director of the center, invited her staff to become
more engaged and animated by a spirit of servant leadership, which health professionals are called upon
to uphold.
MWF Cameroon led by one of its Alumnus Ms. Virginie Minda, YALI-RLCs Alimuni, YALI network
members and Mister YALI Peace Cameroon 2022, shared about YALI Program and the opportunities.
The 2023 Mandela Day also provided a networking opportunity to learn and share new leadership val-
ues. Members of associations who supported the reforestation action of this hospital were the Associa-
tion of Medical Professionals of the North (APRAMES) headed by Dr. TAÏMOU, the Association of
Health Executives of the North (ACSEN), the Mandela Washington Fellowship Cameroon Association,
Lodging, beverage and Accommodation for 03 nights of 17 fellows and 03 alumni = total of
Round trip Transportation from the region of each fellow = total of $957
Perdiem for the fellow = total of $962
II-Budget for the debriefing and community service
Lodging, beverage for 01 night for 14 fellows= $1325
Round trip for 14 fellows= $=852
Community service materials and donations of cleaning materials = $640
Logistics =$590
Lumpsum = $468
Limited financial resources remain one of the major challenges our Association is facing. We had to short
down one of our major spaces in Buea due to lack of fiancé to sustain
The new executive also faces serious lack of collaboration/support from Fellows. The executive issues
simple survey to fellows to response to but experience very slow response rate. The executive on its own
can be successful unless with the commitment of fellows.
Despite monstrous challenges, the new executive is doing it all it best to lead the MWF Cameroon Asso-
ciation and elevate our impact in Cameroon and beyond. We call on all fellows to collaborate and support
the new executive for a more engaged and impactful Alumni Association.
4-Membership Invitation
We are calling for alumni to renew or initiate their membership to stay connected and benefit from the
network's resources and opportunities.