JBD - Chapter 03
JBD - Chapter 03
JBD - Chapter 03
It is easy for us to manipulate real-world objects such as a clock or, after a certain learning period, a
car or a computer. Such objects often contain certain information and provide us with means to
manipulate that information. A clock, for example, stores the current time and provides us with
controls to set the time and retrieve it by glancing at the clock’s display. Moreover, small objects are
often part of other objects. Most cars, for example, contain a clock that looks different than a
wristwatch but provides the same functionality. Thus, car manufacturers do not have to recreate a
clock for every car they produce. Instead, they purchase existing clocks and adjust them for their
particular purposes. They do not really need to know anything about clocks, other than how to
interface the clock’s control mechanisms with the particular design features they would like to
implement in their car. And most of us do not know many details about internal combustion engines,
transmissions, and hydraulic suspension systems, yet many of us are perfectly comfortable driving a
car by manipulating the appropriate controls.
This concept of hiding an object’s complexities from a user has worked well in the real world, and
software designers want to emulate it. They want to create pieces of software that can contain
information and provide mechanisms to manipulate that data without bothering a user with the
inner complexities of the code. In creating a large program one can draw on smaller software objects,
adjust their interface as needed, and produce a working, error-free application without having to
study the inner workings of the original objects.
This approach has appropriately been termed object-oriented programming. The goal is to create
abstract software objects that exist inside a computer’s memory but can be used and manipulated
much like real-world objects. Object-oriented programming revolves around six concepts:
• Classes: The fundamental structure of every Java program, containing data fields and
mechanisms to manipulate that data. Classes provide blueprints to construct software
• Instances: Objects constructed according to class blueprints that exist in the memory of the
computer. One class can be used to instantiate any number of objects.
• Encapsulation: Allowing or disallowing access to the data and mechanisms that a class or
object contains.
• Overloading: Providing multiple definitions for certain mechanisms, allowing them to adjust
automatically to different situations.
• Inheritance: A mechanism to impose relationships between classes and their corresponding
• Polymorphism: The ability to deal with multiple related classes based on a common feature,
giving an entire class hierarchy the ability to adjust to an appropriate situation.
This chapter introduces the basic principles of object-oriented programming as they apply to Java,
using concrete examples to highlight the fundamental features of this paradigm. Object-oriented
code is central to programming in Java, and the concepts introduced in this chapter will form the
basis for understanding every Java program. Section 3.1 introduces the fundamental concepts of
class, object, and instantiation. Section 3.2 describes how to regulate access to the pieces of an object.
Section 3.3 describes the process of overloading, while section 3.4 deals with inheritance and creating
class hierarchies. Section 3.5 introduces the basic Java Object, the ancestor of every Java class.
Section 3.6 covers the remaining object-oriented concepts of polymorphism and interfaces. The last
section, which is optional, uses object-oriented design principles to create an invoicing program.
Quick View
3.3. Overloading
Overloading Methods; Overloading Constructors
3.4. Inheritance
Creating Class Hierarchies; Inheritance and Constructors; Overriding; Abstract and Final
Any code written in Java is entirely composed of classes and objects. We have previously written
Java programs and hence we have already created classes.1 This section defines classes formally and
shows how to use them to manufacture objects.
A class is the fundamental structure in Java. It is composed of two sections, fields to contain data
and methods to manipulate data or perform an action. Every class represents a new reference
type that can be used by other classes. Classes are defined using the syntax:
String and StringBuffer in section 1.4, the wrapper classes in section 2.5, the Console class in section 2.4, and
decimal formatting in section 1.5 are examples where we have used existing non-executable classes.
where ClassName is the name of the class, extends indicates that the class is derived from
another class and implements indicates that the class has attributes in common with one or more
Every Java program consists of one or more classes that manipulate each other’s fields and use their
respective methods to accomplish their tasks. Classes containing the method public static void
main(String args[]) are executable. Classes do not need to be executable, and fields and methods
in a class do not need to be prefaced by the keywords public static.
When creating classes, we should initially be less concerned with the inner workings of the class. We
should instead think about all possible uses that our class should allow and worry about what we
want our class to accomplish not how to accomplish it.
Software Engineering Tip: The hardest part in designing a class is not how to implement it,
but to determine the fields and methods it should have. The "has-a" and "does-a" questions can
• If a class "has-a" property, then the class needs a field to store that information. Use field
names that represent the property they are storing.
• If a class "does-a" certain action, then the class needs a method to perform that action. Use
method names representative for the actions they perform.
Problem Analysis: An address "has-a" first name, last name, and email address, so it needs three
fields: one for the first name, one for the last name, and one for the email address. It should perform
the action ("does-a") of displaying its value, so it needs at least one method.
Class Implementation: The fields should store strings so they are of type String. The method to
display an address requires no input because the address information is part of the class as fields
and delivers no output because it will display the address on the screen.2 We name it showAddress.
The class is not a complete program so we do not need the standard main method that was part of all
classes in chapter 2.
See section 2.1 for details on defining methods.
The class can be saved in a file with any name but it must have a .java extension. The preferred file
name is Address.java.
Software Engineering Tip: To easily recognize classes, you should capitalize the class name
and save each class in a separate file with the same name (including capitalization) as the class
name, followed by the .java extension.3 Fields should be listed first before methods in a class,
using names that start with lowercase letters.
We therefore save our class in the file Address.java and compile it by typing javac Address.java.
It compiles without problems even though the showAddress method does not have a method body.
Classes can contain fields of the same or of different type.
Problem Analysis: Using the above "has-a" and "does-a" phrases we could say:
Therefore, our Length class needs at least two data fields and two methods.
Class Implementation: One of the data fields contains the numeric value of the length so we use
the type double. The second representing the scale is of type String. We also need at least two
methods: one to convert the current length to meter, the other to convert to feet. Both methods
return a double value. They do not need any input parameters since they should convert the length
stored in the fields of the class. Our first approach to designing a Length class is:
A class without modifiers could be saved using an arbitrary file name with the .java extension. A class preceded
by the public modifier must be saved in a file named after the class name with the .java extension.
The methods convertToMeter and convertToFeet return a double value, but their method bodies do
not include the return keyword. Therefore the class will not compile. It only specifies what our class
can do without worrying about how to do it.
Software Engineering Tip: It is usually more difficult to decide which methods should be part
of a class and what action they should perform than it is to determine the fields. Use the
following guide when designing methods:
Looking at items (2) and (5) of this guide we should reconsider the design of our Length class:
class Length
class Length
double value;
{ // fields String scale;
double value = 0;
String scale = "none";
// methods
Length convertToMeter() Length convertToFeet()
{ /* implementation */ }
body of method
Length convertToFeet()
{ /* implementation */ } void showLength()
void showLength() body of method
{ /* implementation */ }
} Figure 3.04: 'ew Length class
It might seem impossible for a method in a class Length to return a Length because the very concept of Length is
defined in this class for the first time. But Length itself is a class while methods return an object of type Length.
Classes describe the data to store and the methods to manipulate data but they are only an
abstraction of the actual existing entity: the object.
An object is an entity that has been manufactured according to the blueprint that a class
provides. Objects have the type of the class whose specifications were used to manufacture it.
Objects should be seen as real (inside the computer) whereas classes are conceptual.5
The relationship between objects and classes is similar to the relationship between the blueprints of
a car (the class) and the actual car (the object) manufactured on the assembly line according to the
specifications of the blueprints.
One class can be used to manufacture many objects of its type through a process called instantiation.
These objects have identical capabilities but different reference names.
Instantiation is the process of creating an object according to the blueprint of a class. Memory is
allocated to provide storage space for the fields and methods and any necessary initialization is
performed. The keyword new is used to instantiate an object, using the syntax:
where ClassName is the name of the class providing the blueprint for the object and
referenceName is the name of the object to be instantiated. Each new object gets its own set of
data field.6 Methods are created once and shared by objects instantiated from the same class.
In many situations the distinction between class and object is not necessary. We will occasionally use the word
object when we really should use class.
Fields can be prefaced by the static modifier, in which case they are shared between objects of the same type.
We have already defined the Address class so we need to create another class called, say,
AddressTest. The class contains the standard main method and uses new to instantiate three
Address objects:
class AddressTest
{ public static void main(String args[])
{ Address friend = new Address();
Address mother = new Address();
Address father = new Address();
This class should be saved in a file named AddressTest.java and can be compiled by typing:
javac AddressTest.java
The class refers to objects of type Address whose definition was stored in the file Address.java. Both
files must be contained in the same directory so that AddressTest can find the definition of Address.
To execute AddressTest we type:
java AddressTest
Nothing will appear on the screen because we have not implemented the methods in the Address
class, nor do we specifically execute any method. Only the main method is called automatically by the
Java Virtual Machine.
For the short time the main method was running we created three real existing objects of type
Address in memory,7 referred to by local variables named friend, mother, and father. Each
contained three fields (firstName, lastName, and email) and had access to the shared method
A fourth object of type AddressTest is instantiated by the JVM via the command line java AddressTest.
The Address and Length classes we designed so far have a major deficiency because there is no way
to fill them with actual data. We don’t know how to enter a real first and last name into an Address
object, or how to set the value and scale of a Length object to anything useful. We need to explore
more carefully what happens when an object is instantiated.
A constructor is a special method of a class that is automatically executed when an object is
instantiated from a class. Constructors do not have a return type and they have the same name as
the class name. They use the syntax:
[modifier] ClassName(paramList)
{ /* implementation */ }
where modifier is public, protected, or nothing. Constructors are used to initialize fields,
allocate resources, and perform other housekeeping tasks. The input values to the constructor
must match its parameter list in type and number during instantiation with new.
A constructor is a method defined in a class that has the same name as the class name and no
explicit return type. To set the values for the firstName, lastName, and email fields of our class we
use three input parameters of type String.
class Address
{ // Fields
String firstName;
String lastName;
String email;
// Constructor
Address(String _firstName, String _lastName, String _email)
{ firstName = _firstName;
lastName = _lastName;
email = _email;
// Methods
void showAddress()
{ /* implementation */ }
To enter actual data into an Address object we provide appropriate values to the constructor during
the instantiation process, as in the following statement:
firstName = "Bert"
lastName = "Wachsmuth"
author email = "[email protected]"
= new Address("Bert", "Wachsmuth", "[email protected]")
class Address
String firstName;
String lastName;
String email;
Address(String _firstName, String _lastName,
String _email)
void showAddress()
When this line executes, the input values to the constructor Address are copied into the fields of the
Address object named author. The author object can then manipulate these values as it sees fit.
Classes can be used inside other classes to define fields or local variables.
Problem Analysis: We can use the Address class to store addresses. There are usually two parents
with possibly different names so we need two objects of type Address. We create a Parents class to
combine the addresses for both parents in one object.
Class Implementation: We have already created the Address class in example 3.04, including the
constructor method to set the information for a particular address. The Parents class has two
addresses, so that it will get two fields called father and mother. We add a constructor to Parents
that asks the user for input to initialize the father and mother fields. The constructor obtains the
necessary information from the user, so it does not need any input parameters.
class Parents
{ // Fields
Address father;
Other authors prefer using the same name as the fields that are initialized, but preface the field names inside the
constructor by the special keyword this.
Address mother;
// Constructor
{ System.out.print("Enter first name for father: ");
String first = Console.readString();
System.out.print("Enter last name for father: ");
String last = Console.readString();
System.out.print("Enter email address for father: ");
String email = Console.readString();
father = new Address(first, last, email);
System.out.print("Enter first name for mother: ");
first = Console.readString();
System.out.print("Enter last name for mother: ");
last = Console.readString();
System.out.print("Enter email address for mother: ");
email = Console.readString();
mother = new Address(first, last, email);
This class compiles fine, provided that the Console.java class from section 2.4 and the
Address.java class from example 3.04 are in the same directory as Parents.java. But the class is
not created well since its constructor contains code repetition. A better version of Parents uses one
field of type array of Address. We can store two addresses by using an array of size 2 and we can use
a loop to initialize the fields. Here is the improved version of Parents:
class Parents
{ // Fields
String LABELS[] = {"father", "mother"};
Address parents[] = new Address[2];
// Constructor
{ for (int i = 0; i < parents.length; i++)
{ System.out.print("Enter first name for " + LABELS[i] + ": ");
String first = Console.readString();
System.out.print("Enter last name for " + LABELS[i] + ": ");
String last = Console.readString();
System.out.print("Enter email address for " + LABELS[i] + ": ");
String email = Console.readString();
parents[i] = new Address(first, last, email);
To finish our task, we need to create a third class that we call ParentTest. That class needs a
standard main method so that it becomes executable. All it will do is instantiate an object of type
class ParentTest
{ public static void main(String args[])
{ Parents parents = new Parents(); }
When we execute ParentTest, the following happens (see figure 3.08 for the output):
• the Address constructor executes twice, once for each object, and initializes the fields
It does not matter to ParentTest which version of the Parents class it uses. The user dialog and the
end result of storing two addresses are the same.
When an object is no longer needed the memory and other resources it occupies should be returned to
the JVM for possible reallocation. Java provides an automatic mechanism called garbage collection
to search out objects no longer in use and reallocate the resources they occupied.
Garbage Collection
Garbage collection is the process by which unused resources are returned to the JVM. Java’s
garbage collecting process is automatic and runs in the background.9 When it executes, it
identifies unused objects and returns the memory they occupied to the system.
The garbage collection mechanism can be scheduled by calling the method System.gc().10 It will
then execute at the earliest possible time, but not necessarily immediately.
Reference objects that are no longer needed are automatically recycled. For example, local reference
variables of a private method that is called only once are automatically marked for deletion when
the method exits.
Software Engineering Tip: Usually you need to do nothing to facilitate resource reallocation
but you can specifically mark an object for recycling by setting its reference variable to null. For
example, if you have stored a large amount of text in a String or StringBuffer field you may
want to set it to null when the text is no longer needed to ensure that the memory used by the
object can be recovered as soon as possible.
You can also call System.gc() manually to schedule garbage collection as soon as possible, but
Java's automatic scheme is sophisticated enough to handle most situations on its own.
It is a common source of errors in languages where garbage collection must be handled manually to release
resources still needed or to cling to unneeded resources. Java's automatic garbage collection eliminates such errors.
Java does provide other methods such as System.runFinalization() to fine-tune resource reallocation, but
Java's automatic mechanisms will be sufficient for most projects.
Occasionally it is necessary to perform specific clean-up tasks when an object is destroyed. Java
offers a destructor method for that purpose that executes automatically when an object is
A destructor is a special method that is executed automatically at the time when Java’s garbage
collection mechanism is about to release the resources allocated to an object no longer in use.
The destructor is called finalize and is called automatically, never directly. Its syntax is:
Most classes have at least one custom-made constructor, but few also need a custom-made
The second version of the Parents class uses an array of two Address objects. To facilitate garbage
collection, these objects can be set to null when the garbage collection mechanism tries to recycle a
Parent object.
class Parents
{ // Fields
String LABELS[] = {"father", "mother"};
Address parents[] = new Address[2];
// Constructor
{ /* as before */ }
// Destructor
protected void finalize()
{ super.finalize();
for (int i = 0; i < parents.length; i++)
parents[i] = null;
parents = null;
Now that we understand how to create our own classes we can discuss how to manipulate them,
access their fields and methods, and how to restrict unwanted access if necessary.
Once an object has been instantiated, its fields and methods can be accessed in various ways:
See example 10 in section 3.2. to see how and when a destructor executes.
Every object can refer to itself using the special keyword this and to its own members using
Problem Analysis: The ParentTest class uses a Parents and two Address objects to store the
information. Both classes use constructors to initialize their fields. To obtain output, we delegate the
Class Implementation: The Address class with the implemented showAddress method looks as
class Address
{ // Fields
String firstName;
String lastName;
String email;
// Constructor
Address(String _firstName, String _lastName, String _email)
{ /* as before */ }
// Methods
void showAddress()
{ System.out.println(lastName + ", " + firstName + " (" + email + ")"); }
The Parents class can now call on the showAddress methods of the Address objects it contains:
class Parents
{ // Fields as before
String LABELS[] = {"father", "mother"};
Address parents[] = new Address[2];
// Constructor
Object B can use access modifiers to prohibited access to its fields and methods (see "Encapsulation" below).
{ /* as before */ }
void showParents()
{ for (int i = 0; i < parents.length; i++)
{ System.out.println("Address for " + LABELS[i]);
Finally the ParentsTest class can call showParents after constructing a Parents object:
class ParentTest
{ public static void main(String args[])
{ Parents parents = new Parents();
Figure 3.09: Executing the improved ParentTest class to display the stored information
Problem Analysis: We need to know the formulas for converting feet to meter and back. Recall that
1 meter = 3.2809 feet, or equivalently 1 foot = 1 / 3.2809 meter. Our conversion algorithm therefore
looks as follows:
class Length
double value;
String scale;
Length convertToFeet()
body of method
void showLength()
body of method
The class needs a constructor to set its fields. Since it has two fields the constructor needs two input
The conversion methods need to check the current value of scale to decide whether conversion is
necessary, but they must return a Length as specified by their method headers. If no conversion is
necessary, the current object can return itself using the keyword this. Otherwise a new Length
object is constructed and returned, using the appropriate conversion formula as input to the
Length convertToFeet()
{ if (scale.equals("feet"))
return this;
return new Length(value * 3.2809, "feet");
Length convertToMeter()
{ if (scale.equals("meter"))
return this;
return new Length(value / 3.2809, "meter");
void showLength()
{ System.out.println(value + " " + scale); }
To create, convert, and display a length we can now use statements such as:
But the convertToFeet method returns a new Length object, which has its own showLength method.
We can call that method directly without storing the Length object in a separate variable:
An appropriate LengthTest class can now look as follows (the output is shown in figure 3.11):
We can even convert a length to feet, then to meter, then to feet, and display it in one statement:
because each method except showLength returns a Length object containing all methods specified in
the Length class.
It is often desirable to conceal certain aspects of a class from public view to hide unnecessary details
or to prevent unauthorized access to data. In the LengthTest class of example 3.08 the main method
asks the user to set the scale field of a Length object to "feet" or "meter" but if a user types "foot"
the integrity of our class is destroyed and the convert mechanisms no longer work. There is no logical
mistake in our class, but it should not allow unauthorized access to its data fields. The use of access
modifiers can protect fields and methods through encapsulation.
Java provides the additional modifiers static (see "Static Fields and Methods" below), abstract and final (see
section 3.4), synchronized (see section 5.3), and native and volatile (not used in this text).
[classModifier] ClassName
{ [memberModifier] fieldNames;
[memberModifier] returnType methodName(inputParameters);
where classModifier is either public or none and memberModifier is either public, private,
protected, or none. The access granted by these modifiers is described in table 3.12.
These access modifiers regulate access between objects and complement the scope rules of section
Here is the code for both classes (which must be saved in separate files):
The results of compiling the class Tester are shown in figure 3.13.
Fields and methods without specific access modifiers are also said to have package access.
The error message occurs because the class Tester cannot access the private field of object a of type
After removing line 11 from the Tester class, everything compiles fine and the output consists of the
numbers 2 and 3.
Having various modifiers to regulate access to class members, we need some guidance to determine
when to use which one.
• All fields of an object should be private when possible and protected if necessary.
• Methods should be declared private if they can put an object in an invalid state or if they
are not useful to other classes.
• Methods should only be declared public if they cannot produce any undesirable results.
• At least one method of a class should be public, protected, or friendly
• Classes and constructors should be either public or friendly. 15
We change the field declarations and method headers by preceding them with the appropriate access
modifiers. Fields should be private, while useful methods should be public. Figure 3.14 shows the
old and new class representations.
The source code file name of a public class must be identical to the class name (plus the .java extension).
Public classes have the advantage that they can be recompiled automatically by the Java compiler when necessary.
Figure 3.14: The Length class without (left) and with (right) proper access modifiers
The only way to display the values of a Length object in our new class is by using its showLength
method. That ensures that a length will always be displayed in the proper format.
Marking fields as private does not mean a class is save from corruption. For the Length class, the
statement Length length = new Length(-10.0, "apples"); would compile and execute without
problem, yet create an invalid length.
Problem Analysis: We do not want to change the method headers so that our new Length class can
be used as before. But we need to make sure that the value of a Length is never negative and scale
is either "meter" or "feet". The only method that can set these values is the constructor so we need
to modify that constructor to ensure the safety of our class.
We cannot force a user to use proper input values to the constructor so the class needs an internal
mechanism to mark a Length as invalid if improper input values were used during construction.
Class Implementation: To differentiate valid from invalid lengths we add a private boolean field
isValid to the class. The constructor will set it to true if proper input values are used or to false
otherwise. The remaining methods check isValid before they perform any action. Here is the new,
safe Length class.
return this;
return new Length(value / 3.2809, "meter");
public void showLength()
{ if (isValid)
System.out.println(value + " " + scale);
System.out.println("invalid length");
The constructor ensures that only Length objects with proper input values are marked as valid.
Since isValid is a private field, its value can not change once an object is instantiated. Figure 3.15
shows several runs of the LengthTest class, the same class as in example 3.08:
Figure 3.15(a): Entering an invalid Length scale Figure3.15(b): Entering an invalid Length value
Marking fields as private is sometimes too restrictive, while declaring them as protected or public
may leave a class vulnerable.
Software Engineering Tip: To provide controlled access to private data fields of a class,
create public set and get methods that act as a filter between the user of a class and any internal
requirements the class needs to maintain.
There is no standard for naming these methods, but the usual convention is to use the field
name, capitalize the first letter, and preface it with the words set or get.
Problem Analysis: A Length class might allow changing the value of an existing length but not its
scale. It should produce its current value as a double and its scale as a String. A user may also want
to know whether a given Length is valid.
Class Implementation: To satisfy these requirements we add the following set/get methods to
In addition to private fields many classes also have private methods for internal use. Such
methods are frequently called utility methods.
Utility Method
A utility method is a private method of a class. The user of the class does not need to know its
existence, but the method is needed by the class to perform its tasks and implement its public
In our Length class it seems clear that adding conversions other than from meter to feet and back
will introduce additional methods and a user may get confused about method names.
Starting with the previous definition of the Length class, we change the headers of the
convertToMeter and convertToFeet methods so that they become private utility methods. We can
then simplify these methods because they will be hidden from outside access and are no longer
responsible for maintaining the integrity of the class. We introduce a new convertTo method that
takes as input a String indicating the scale into which the length should be converted. That method
will be public and must ensure that convertToMeter and convertToFeet are only called for valid
Any class that used to call on convertToMeter and convertToFeet will no longer compile. Our
previous LengthTest classes therefore need to change to utilize changeTo.
Software Engineering Tip: If a public method changes to private all classes that used to call
it have to be redesigned. You should be careful when declaring a method as public, only methods
that are not likely to change should be public. Think of public methods and fields as a contract
specifying the services your class offers. If you change them, your class breaks its contract.
Changing the implementation of a public method without changing the method header has no
impact on other classes as long as the new implementation causes the same results. Changing
private methods can by definition not impact on other classes.
Another modifier that regulates ownership and accessibility in conjunction with public, private,
and protected is static. It allows you to define fields that are shared among all objects instantiated
from a class and methods whose action depends only on its input parameters.
A field declared without static modifier is an instance field. Each instantiated object contains
its own copy of instance fields.
Class Objects
public class Test
Figure 3.18: Instantiating objects with one static and one non-static field
A static field exists only once, no matter how many objects are instantiated. If one of these objects
modifies a static field, all other instantiated objects will also receive that modification. Even if no
objects are instantiated, a non-private static field can be accessed using the class name instead of
an object name with the dot operator.
• In line 3 the static field y is incremented by 1, using the class name instead of an object
name. Since it was initialized to 1, it now equals 2.
• Lines 4 and 5 instantiate objects t1 and t2 of type StaticTest. Both objects have their own
copy of the non-static field x, each with initial value 1. The static field y is shared by t1
and t2 and has the value 2 because of line 3.
• Line 6 increments t1.x by 1 so it equals 2.
• Line 7 increments t1.y, which is the same as t2.y and StaticTest.y, so it now has the
value 3.
• Line 8 adds 2 to the current value of t2.x, so t2.x will be 3.
• In line 9 t2.y is again modified and will now have the value of 5. Since y is static, t1.y will
also be 5.
You can also have static methods in addition to static fields. Methods in Java are always shared
between objects, but static methods can be called without instantiation.
Class Methods
Class methods are methods that exist at the class level and can be used without instantiating an
object. Class methods are also called static methods and can be accessed as usual or without
instantiating an object using the class name. They are declared using the static modifier:
A static method can only refer to its input variables and to other static methods or fields.16
Problem Analysis: We need to collect the formulas for the various areas and volumes to compute:
Class Implementation: We implement a class Geometry to contain methods for computing the area
and volumes. All computations depend only on the input parameters, so they can be static.
The methods can now be used quickly and without instantiating any objects, as in:
Software Engineering Tip: There are three frequent uses of the static modifier.
• Methods whose action only depends on the input parameters should be marked as static so
they can be used quickly without instantiating objects. For example, the methods Math.sqrt,
Math.cos, etc. are static methods, and Math.PI, Math.E, etc. are static fields.17
• The most common use of static fields is to define named constants using the modifiers public
static final. Such a field is safe because its value can not be modified once it is initialized
(because of final18) and memory is conserved because it exists only once (because of static).
• Static fields could be used to save memory. For example, if a class contains a large array of
double as a field, marking it static will cause it to exist only once, regardless of the number
of instantiated objects. You must be careful when marking public fields as static because
any modification of the field will carry over to all instantiated objects.
The last example of this section uses a static field to count the number of instantiated objects.
This explains why all fields and methods in chapters 1 and 2 were declared static. Everything was called from
the standard main method without instantiation. Since that method is static it can only use other static fields and
methods. If the main method instantiates objects they can use non-static class members.
Other frequently used static methods include methods in the wrapper classes, methods in the java.lang.System
package such as System.out.println and System.gc, and the standard main method of every Java program.
Discussed in section 3.4.
public CountingObject()
{ counter++;
System.out.println("=> Created object # " + counter);
public void finalize()
{ System.out.println("=> Dismissed object # " + counter);
The standard main method of ObjectCounter contains a reference variable obj of type
CountingObject. You can choose to instantiate a new object or execute System.gc to schedule the
garbage collection mechanism. Figure 3.20(a) shows the results of selecting 'c' three times to create
three objects and then 'r' to schedule garbage collection.
The static field counter is a class field shared between all objects of type CountingObject. Because
it is incremented in the constructor and decremented in the destructor it contains the number of
object of type CountingObject in memory, whether they are referred to by obj or not.
(a): Pressing 'c' three times, then choosing 'r' (b): Pressing 'c' thirteen times without pressing 'r'
Figure 3.20(b) shows a snapshot where 'c' was pressed multiple times without choosing 'r'. After a
while the automatic garbage collection mechanism executes on its own, reclaiming the memory
occupied by all CountingObjects that have no reference.
3.3. Overloading
When calling methods of a class, the input parameters must match the parameter list in the method
header. It would be useful to allow for more flexibility and to be able to call one method with
different input parameters. For example, we may want to construct a new Address using only a first
and last name as input if the email address is unknown, or three input strings if they are known.
Overloading Methods
The idea of multiple definitions of one method is supported using overloading, an object-oriented
concept that applies to all methods, including constructors (but not destructors).19
Overloading is the ability to use one method to perform multiple tasks depending on the input
values. Overloaded methods have the same method name and return type but the input
parameters differ in type, in number, or both.
When an overloaded method is called, Java automatically chooses that definition where the input
values match the parameter list in the method header.
[modifier] returnType overloadedMethod(inputListN)
body of last definition of overloadedMethod
Using overloading, we define two methods called doubleIt with different input parameters:
If another method uses the statement doubleIt(10), the compiler picks the first definition of
doubleIt, displaying 20. If we use the statement doubleIt("Pizza"), the second definition is picked
to display "PizzaPizza".
Software Engineering Tip: Creating overloaded methods does not make the life of the
programmer easier because he or she must still provide a separate method implementation for
each version of the overloaded method. But using an overloaded method is much simpler,
During garbage collection the only destructor called automatically is the one without input parameters.
because you only needs to remember one method that automatically accepts different input
types. You should always consider overloading a public method to make it easier to use.
You cannot use overloading to create versions of a method that return different types. Use
variations of the method name instead, such as methodNameDouble and methodNameString.
The prime example for the usefulness of overloading is the familiar System.out.println method.
We have called System.out.println many times without every worrying about the type of input
value we use. That method must be public, with void return type, and overloaded multiple times:
The programmer who created the method had to provide many different implementations, but we as
users benefit from that work because we can call the method without worrying about the input type.
Method Implementation: Instead of defining methods with different names, we use overloading.
Since the formulas only depend on their input parameters, we can also mark the methods as static:
The user only needs to remember that the method distance will compute the distance to the origin,
regardless of the dimensions of the input points. Since the methods are static, they can be prefaced
by the class name or an object name.
Overloading Constructors
The most common use of this mechanism is to overload the constructor of a class because it allows
you to create multiple versions of an object depending on the input values used during instantiation.
The output for a Student should display only the known information.
Class Implementation: The class needs two fields, one of type String to store the name and one of
type double to store the GPA. To create different students, we overload the constructor. We need a
constructor without input, with a String as input, a double as input, and a String and a double as
input. Each constructor needs to initialize the fields, so they all need essentially the same code. We
need a way to avoid code duplication:
Software Engineering Tip: When you overload a constructor, provide one version that is as
general as possible. All other versions can call this constructor using this(parameterList),
substituting default values for some or all of the parameters. This avoids code duplication and
makes your code easier to manage. The call to the general constructor must be the first line in
the remaining constructors.
public Student()
{ this("unknown", -1.0); }
public Student(String _name)
{ this(_name, -1.0); }
public Student(double _GPA)
{ this("unknown", _GPA); }
public Student(String _name, double _GPA)
{ name = _name;
public void showStudent()
{ System.out.print("Student: " + name);
if (GPA >= 0.0)
System.out.println(" (GPA: " + GPA + ")");
The class is easy to use because of overloading as the following sample program illustrates.
• It needs to handle course names with optional letter grades that need to be converted to numeric
grades before computing an average. We model this situation with a Course class that has fields
to store a name and a grade and methods to define a Course, to display a Course, and to convert
a letter grade into a numeric grade.
• We need to obtain user input, store data, and compute an average. We use a second class
CourseList for this. It has an array of Course objects as a field and methods to initialize the
array and to display it with a computed total GPA.
Class Implementation: The fields for the Course class are of type String. To display a course we
define a method showCourse with no input and void return type. To convert a letter grade to a
numeric grade we declare a method getNumericGrade that returns a non-negative double
corresponding to the letter grade or a negative number if no valid letter grade is available. A course
may or may not have a grade associated with it, so we use an overloaded constructor. One version
creates a course with a name, the second creates a course with a name and grade (see figure 3.24).
public double getNumericGrade()
The CourseList class needs to perform two tasks: obtain user input to initialize the array of courses
and display a list of courses with a computed GPA. Therefore it needs two methods, getCourses to
create and initialize an array of Course objects and showCourses to display each course and to
compute the total GPA. To create a complete program we also need a standard main method. User
input is obtained using the Console class (see section 2.4).
A better implementation would define GRADES and VALUES as static fields. Currently these arrays are created
every time the method is called. As static fields they would be created only once.
return courses;
public static void showCourses(Course[] courses)
{ double sum = 0.0, num = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < courses.length; i++)
{ courses[i].showCourse();
if (courses[i].getNumericGrade() >= 0.0)
{ num++;
sum += courses[i].getNumericGrade();
System.out.println("GPA: " + (sum / num));
public static void main(String args[])
{ System.out.print("Number of courses: ");
Course courses[] = getCourses(Console.readInt());
Figure 3.25 shows the results of executing the program. Grades such as I (for Incomplete) are stored
in the course array and displayed but not used for computing the GPA.
3.4. Inheritance
The great strength of object-oriented programming is that you can create classes that extend the
capabilities of existing classes with little effort. This is especially important when creating programs
with a graphical user interface (see chapter 4). Instead of recreating buttons and windows for every
program, we can utilize "base classes" and extend their capabilities for a particular situation.
As an object-oriented programming language, Java allows you to create classes that form a hierarchy
where one class can inherit properties of another class.
Inheritance is a language construct that allows for classes to be related to one another so that
one class can inherit type and features of another class. The class or classes inherited from are
called superclasses or ancestors. The inheriting classes are called subclasses or descendents.
Inheritance is denoted by the keyword extends, using the syntax:
A subclass automatically possesses all of the non-private superclass methods and fields. It can
access a superclass member by prefacing it with the keyword super and the superclass
constructor using super(parameter list) as the first line in the subclass constructor.
class ClassA
class ClassD extends ClassB class ClassE extends ClassB class ClassF extends ClassC class ClassG extends ClassC
• ClassA is the superclass (ancestor) for ClassB, ClassC, ClassD, ClassE, ClassF, and ClassG
• ClassB is the superclass (ancestor) for ClassD and ClassE and a subclass of ClassA
• ClassC is the superclass (ancestor) for ClassF and ClassG and a subclass of ClassA
• ClassD and ClassE are subclasses (descendents) of ClassB and ClassA
• ClassF and ClassG are subclasses (descendents) of ClassC and ClassA
Inheritance allows classes to utilize non-private fields and methods of their ancestors. It results in a
reduced number of lines of code where features of multiple related classes can be modified by
changing one superclass.
The fields and methods of Address and PrivateAddress are friendly (no access modifier). A better version of
these classes would mark fields as protected and methods as public.
PrivateAddress automatically contains the non-private fields firstName, lastName, and email,
which it inherits from Address. To store a phone number we only need to add one additional field:
The new class also inherits the method showAddress, which does not know anything about the new
field phone. We could add an extra method to display a "private" address22:
An object of type PrivateAddress now contains four fields (firstName, lastName, email, and phone)
and two methods (showAddress and showPrivateAddress).
Software Engineering Tip: We have already seen that the phrase "has-a" implies that a class
needs a field, and "does-a" suggests adding a method.
If a class "is-a" certain existing class, then the new class extends that class. Make sure that the
features the subclass is interested in are not marked as private in the superclass, because
private class members are not inherited. As an alternative, private fields can have public
set/get methods in a superclass. Those methods are inherited and will work fine in the subclass.
Section 3.4 defines overriding, a more convenient way to adjust superclass methods to a particular subclass.
Problem Analysis: Rather than creating different, unrelated classes for each of these objects we
explore whether there is some relationship between them. The first sentence in the example already
indicates that relationship: rectangles and circles are geometric shapes. We can use our "is-a, "has-
a", and "does-a" tests to decide on the fields, methods, and hierarchies to use:
• a Shape:
• "has-a" name, area, and perimeter
• "does-a" display of its properties
• a Rectangle:
• "is-a" shape
• "has-a" width and height
• "does-a" computation of area and perimeter
• a Circle:
• "is-a" shape
• "has-a" radius
• "does-a" computation of area and perimeter
has-a: does-a:
name display
Rectangle Circle
is-a: Shape is-a: Shape
has-a: does-a: has-a: does-a:
width computeArea radius computeArea
height computePerimeter computePerimeter
Figure 3.30: Hierarchy of Shape classes
Class Implementation: The class Shape serves as our superclass. It needs three fields (name, area,
perimeter) and two methods (a constructor and a display method). To enable inheritance, none of
them can be private so we mark the fields as protected and the methods as public.
public Shape()
{ name = "undetermined";
area = perimeter = 0;
public void display()
{ System.out.println("Name: " + name);
System.out.println("Area: " + area);
System.out.println("Perimeter: " + perimeter);
Since we don’t know the actual shape, we can not compute values for area and perimeter. Rectangle
and a Circle are shapes, which we indicate by declaring them as subclasses of Shape. Both get
constructors to set their own fields as well as methods to compute values for their inherited fields.
public class Rectangle extends Shape public class Circle extends Shape
{ protected double length, width; { protected double radius;
public class Rectangle extends Shape pubic class Circle extends Shape
protected double width, height; protected double radius;
/* name, area, perimeter inherited */ /* name, area, perimeter inherited */
public void computeArea() public void computeArea()
One advantage of inheritance is that it is easy to add new classes. We could easily add a Square to
our collection of shapes using
The classes Shape, Rectangle, and Circles must be saved as Shape.java, Rectangles.java, and Circles.java,
respectively. ShapeTester must be saved as ShapeTester.java. All classes must be in the same directory.
But a Square is a special rectangle so it should not extend Shape but Rectangle.
Software Engineering Tip: The keyword extends might imply that a subclass is more general
that a superclass. The contrary is true: subclasses are special cases of their superclasses. A picnic
table extends a table in object-oriented terminology, even though a table is more general.24
When creating a class hierarchy, use superclasses to combine or factor out common features of
Before we can implement a Square class that extends Rectangle we need to clarify the impact of
inheritance on instantiation.
When a class is instantiated, its constructor is called automatically. When a subclass is instantiated,
the constructors of the subclass and that of the superclass are called, even if the code does not
include any calls to a constructor.
This example consists of three classes: a SuperClass, a SubClass, and a simple Test class to
instantiate the appropriate object(s):
If Square extends Rectangle it inherits two fields (width and height) but a Square really needs only one. If
Rectangle extends Square, Rectangle could not use a square's methods to compute area and perimeter and needs
to create new methods. It is better to waste some (cheap) computer memory than programmer's (expensive) time.
Compiling the Test class produces the error message shown in figure 3.33.
When the SubClass is instantiated, its constructor will automatically call the SuperClass
constructor with no arguments. Since the only constructor of the SuperClass requires a String as
input, the SubClass can not be instantiated. We have to choices to fix this problem:
• We can overload the SuperClass to ensure that it contains a constructor with empty
input parameter list:
• We can change the SubClass by adding an explicitly call the original SuperClass
constructor as the first statement of its constructor that providing a String as input:
Software Engineering Tip: To avoid problems with implicit calls to a superclass constructor,
use one of two remedies (or both):
• Every class extending another class should include an explicit call to one of the superclass
constructors. That call must occur as the first line in the subclass constructor.
• Provide a constructor with no arguments for any classes that may become a superclass. If
additional constructors are needed, use overloading to define them.
Now we can add a Square class extending Rectangle to our collection of shapes.
We have already determined that Square should extend Rectangle. The new class is extremely short
since it will inherit everything it needs except an appropriate constructor from Rectangle:
Calling the constructor of the Rectangle class initializes the fields correctly. The inherited methods
computeArea, computePerimeter, and display automatically return the correct values. You should
modify our previous ShapeTester class accordingly to test the new Square class.
A similar situation occurs when classes in a hierarchy contain destructors. Suppose a class serving
as a superclass contains a destructor and another class extends it, containing a destructor of its own.
Then the superclass destructor is implicitly called after the subclass destructor is finished. In this
case few problems can arise because the default destructor does not require an input parameter.
When a class extends another class, the subclass inherits all non-private fields and methods from the
superclass. While that usually results in shorter code for the subclass without loosing any
functionality, some of the superclass methods or fields may not appropriate for a subclass. In those
cases a subclass can redefine or override them.
If a subclass defines a field using the same name as the field inherited from its the superclass, the
new variable overrides, or redefines, the superclass field. This is also known as hiding a
superclass field. The original superclass field is still available to the subclass using the keyword
super and the dot operator.
Since you can use a superclass method while redefining it, overloading is common and can easily
enhance a class.
The Rectangle class inherits a display method from Shape, which we override by using the same
method header in Rectangle as in Shape. The Shape's display method shows the name, area, and
perimeter. To avoid code duplication, we use it in our overridden version and add code to show the
width and height of a Rectangle.
No other class in the Shape hierarchy needs to change, not even the ShapeTester class. The new
definition of the display method is used automatically (see figure 3.34).
The overridden display method of example 3.26 is more appropriate for rectangles but still uses the
superclass method. If the display method of the superclass Shape changes, the modifications will
carry over to the Rectangle’s display method without touching the code of the Rectangle class.
Here is the new definition of our Shape class. Figure 3.35 shows that Rectangle and Circle utilize
the new code even though their own code has not changed.
public Shape()
{ name = "undetermined";
area = perimeter = 0;
public void display()
{ System.out.println("******** GEOMETRIC SHAPE ******************");
System.out.println(name+", area "+area+", perimeter "+perimeter);
While inheritance is useful, there are situations where there clearly is a superclass but it is not
possible to specify what a particular superclass method is supposed to accomplish. The superclass is
simply too abstract to allow a concrete implementation of a method. In that case a class can define a
method without providing an implementation by declaring it abstract.
The Rectangle's display method can only utilize the improved version of Shape's display method if it uses it. If
it was overridden without calling super.display it would not notice the improvements.
A class that extends an abstract class inherits its abstract methods. If it does not implement them
it also becomes an abstract class. Abstract classes can not instantiate objects.
Defining abstract methods is easy, because they do not have an implementation body. When abstract
methods are added to a class, it must be declared as an abstract class.
public Shape()
{ /* as before */ }
public void display()
{ /* as before */ }
public abstract void computeArea();
public abstract void computePerimeter();
You can no longer instantiate any objects of type Shape. The ShapeTester class no longer compiles
until the code instantiating a Shape object is removed.
A natural question is why abstract methods are useful. After all, they do not actually do anything in
the above Shape class and they are immediately overridden in Rectangle and Circle.
Software Engineering Tip: Declaring abstract methods in abstract classes forces a subclass
that wants to instantiate objects to implement the inherited abstract methods.
Declare a method as abstract if you cannot provide a method implementation but need to ensure
that all subclasses implement that method.26
The next example will be longer and uses most of the techniques introduced so far.
Problem Analysis: A checkbook program must be able to add checks and deposits, provide the
current balance, and list all transactions. We create several classes to divide the responsibilities:
• We need a Check class that stores an amount and a description. It should return the
amount as a negative value since money is spent.
Ensuring that all classes in a hierarchy contain certain methods is important for polymorphism (see section 3.6).
• We need a Deposit class that stores an amount and a description. It should return the
amount as a positive value since money is added to the account.
• We need a CheckBook class that stores Check and Deposit objects. It should let us add
transactions such as checks and deposits, and it should display a list of all transactions
together with the current balance. It should be initialized with a specific starting
• We need a class containing a standard main method. That class should display a menu,
ask the user for a choice, and act accordingly.
Software Engineering Tip: Programs are usually created to solve real-world problems.
• Identify real-world entities that make up a problem. Each is a candidate for a separate class.
• Use "has-a", "does-a", and "is-a" phrases to identify fields, methods, and relationships.
• Make each class as smart as possible, but each method as simple as possible.
• Avoid code duplication by using existing classes, inheritance, overloading, and overriding.
• One class – usually containing the standard main method - should act as the master class but
the actual work should be performed by other classes.
A good object-oriented program works like a modern company. Each employee (class) is well
trained and empowered to act as independently as possible, while the executive officer (master
class), knowing the capabilities and limitations of the employees, develops the overall plan,
distributes resources, directs responsibilities, and checks results but leaves the actual execution
to the employees.27
CheckBook CheckBookMain
The Deposit and Check class need fields for the amount and description, and both need to return the
amount, either as a positive or as a negative value. Instead of creating both classes separately we
create a Transaction class and implement Deposit and Check as subclasses of Transaction. The
Transaction class has fields for the amount and description and an additional field to indicate the
type of transaction. It defines a method getAmount, but since it does not know the type of
transaction, the method – and hence the class – is declared abstract. Checks and deposits contain
user-definable fields, so Transaction provides a method getDataFor to interact with the user that
Check and Deposit can use.
Compare the Case Study section for additional details on designing object-oriented programs.
Since Check and Deposit extend Transaction, they inherit its fields and methods. Their
implementation is particularly easy.
public class Deposit extends Transaction public class Check extends Transaction
{ public Deposit() { public Check()
{ getDataFor("Deposit"); } { getDataFor("Check"); }
public double getAmount() public double getAmount()
{ return amount; }
{ return -amount; }
The class CheckBook needs to store the initial balance, which is neither a Check nor a Deposit. To
model the initial balance, we create a class Adjustment. It extends Transaction, sets the type to
"Adjustment", and receives a description and an amount through its constructor. Like every class
extending Transaction it must implement getAmount, which returns the positive amount since a
new account must start with a positive initial balance. In an extended checkbook program the
Adjustment class could be used for administrative transactions such as automatic interest payments
or account corrections.
The class CheckBook needs to store a "list of transactions" and provide methods to add transactions
to that list. We could create an array of Check and another array of Deposit objects, but Check,
Deposit, and Adjustment all extend Transaction. Therefore they are of type Transaction in
addition to their actual types. An array of Transaction objects can therefore store Check, Deposit,
and Adjustment objects simultaneously. This does not violate our definition of an array since all of
these objects are of the same type Transaction. Our next problem is that we do not know the size of
the array of Transaction objects. Therefore we create an array of some large size, which is initially
empty. New Transaction objects can be added to the array and a field numTransactions indicates
the index of the last Transaction stored in the array. A final field MAX_TRANSACTIONS specifies the
maximum number of transactions our program can handle.28
numTransactions = 6
0 Transaction Adjustment
1 Transaction
2 Transaction
3 Transaction Deposit
4 Transaction Check
5 Transaction
6 [empty] Check
7 [empty] Deposit
8 [empty]
9 [empty]
Figure 3.38: Transaction array with 10 possible and 6 actual transactions
The add method of CheckBook adjusts the current balance by calling the Transaction's getAmount
method. A transaction is either of type Check, Deposit, or Adjustment, which each have their own
Java provides a type called Vector to store objects of any type. A Vector's size will adjust automatically to the
number of objects stored. We introduce Vector in chapter 7 and a general list class in the Case Study section below.
getAmount method. The compiler always picks the method of the true type. For example, so if a
Transaction is of type Check, the Check's method getAmount will be used, if a Transaction is of type
Deposit, the Deposit's getAmount method will be used. Every object that extends Transaction has a
getAmount method, because Transaction contains an abstract getAmount method that must be
implement in subclasses.29
The final class, CheckBookMain, is easy because the actual work is handled by other classes. It
instantiates a CheckBook object, displays a menu with choices, asks the user to make a selection, and
acts accordingly by calling the appropriate methods of the CheckBook object. Figure 3.39 shows our
collection of checkbook classes in action.
Figure 3.39: CheckBookMain with initial balance of $234 and after adding a check and a deposit
This is an illustration of polymorphism, which will be discussed in detail in section 3.6.
Just as abstract can force a subclass to implement a method, Java provides a final modifier to
restrict inheritance.
One reason for having final classes and/or methods is to protect the integrity of your class. For
example, it could become a serious breach of the entire Java system if a programmer either by
accident or by design could substitute his or her own String class in place of Java’s String class.
Therefore, the Java String class is a final class so that you can not derive any subclasses from it (for
further security, the JVM performs special checks to be sure the String class is always authentic).
Software Engineering Tip: The most common use of the final modifier is to declare named
constants, as discussed in section 1.5. Instead of using numeric values inside a program, declare
them as final static fields at the beginning of a class and refer to them by name instead of by
value. Because of static such fields exist only once and because of final they cannot change.
Final classes or methods should be used with caution because they disable inheritance and/or
overriding, fundamental properties of object-oriented programming.
Example 3.30: Simple billing system using final fields and abstract methods
Create a billing system for students at Java State University. The rates that the
university charges per credit hour are different for in-state and out-of-state students: $75
per credit hour for in-state students, $200 for out-of-state students. A bill for a student
should contain the university's name, the student's name, the number of credit hours
taken, and the total billing amount.
Problem Analysis: We create a Student class that serves as superclass for an InStateStudent and
an OutStateStudent class. The Student class contains constants for the different rates, a field for
the student’s name, and a field for the credit hours taken. A method showStudent displays the
student’s name and total billing amount and a method showSchoolName displays the name of the
The InStateStudent and OutStateStudent classes inherit the fields and methods from Student and
implement showStudent using the appropriate rate to compute the total billing amount.
Class Implementation: The first class to implement is the superclass Student. The fields for the
rates are marked as final so that subclasses can not change them and as static so that they exist
only once. The showStudent method can not determine the student's billing amount without knowing
the type of student so it is marked as abstract. To ensure that the way the university’s name is
displayed cannot change, we mark showSchoolName as a final method.
The InStateStudent and OutStateStudent classes extend Student and must therefore implement
the showStudent method. The values of the name and hours are set through the constructors.
To test our billing classes we create a simple test class with a standard main method. Figure 3.40
shows its output.
In the previous sections we used the keyword extends to create subclasses, but not every class was
part of a hierarchy. As it turns out, every class declared in Java automatically extends a base class
called Object and inherits all none-private fields and methods of that class. Therefore every class
defined in Java has a minimal set of features as provided by Object.
This idea of a base ancestor for every Java class has two advantages:
• Every class inherits the methods of the Object class. For example, every Java class has a
method toString (compare example 3.31).
• Every class is of type Object in addition to its declared class type (compare example 3.33)
public class Rectangle extends Shape public class Circle extends Shape
protected double width, height; protected double radius;
public void computeArea() public void computeArea()
Figure 3.42 shows the apparent class hierarchy, where Shape seems the only superclass of Rectangle
and Circle. But Object is an ancestor to all classes so that the true representation of the
inheritance hierarchy is as shown in figure 3.41.
For a complete definition of Object, check the Java API. Note that some methods are declared final and thus can
not be overridden
public class Rectangle extends Shape public class Circle extends Shape
/* inherited properties from Object /* inherited properties from Object
+ inherited properties from Shape + inherited properties from Shape
+ declared fields & methods */ + declared fields & methods */
The ShapeTester class compiles since every Java class inherits toString from Object. Since that
method is not specific to one of the Shape classes it prints the class name and memory location of the
instantiated object (see figure 3.43).
Software Engineering Tip: Every Java class implicitly extends Object and contains a public
toString method. The System.out.println method uses toString automatically to convert an
object to its String representation. Therefore, every class you design should override the
toString method to provide useful information about itself. You can then display objects of your
class using System.out.println(objectName) and toString is called automatically.
When we add a toString method, we also use it in display to avoid code duplication:31
The display method is now superfluous but we should leave it in our class because it was a public method.
Removing public methods means that a class breaks its contract and other classes may no longer work.
{ System.out.println(toString()); }
We can now modify ShapeTester to automatically use the overridden toString method. The output
is shown in figure 3.44.
The second advantage of extending an automatic base class is that every Java class is automatically
of type Object in addition to its own type.
This seems impossible. An array must contain elements of the same type but Rectangle and Circle
are objects of different types and double and int are not even objects. We could convert double and
int into objects using wrapper classes (see section 2.5) but they are still objects of different types.
But every Java class extends Object, so all classes are also of type Object. Therefore we can create
an array of Object types to store objects of any type. Elements can be retrieved from the array and
typecast into their original class with the help of instanceof.
The display method can be simplified significantly because every object contains a toString
method, inherited or overridden, and there is no need to typecast the object to call this particular
method. As example 3.32 illustrates, there is not even a need to call toString explicitly because
System.out.println does that automatically.32
Software Engineering Tip: If you declare an array as an array of Object, it can include any
object, because all classes implicitly extend Object. To include basic types, use the wrapper
classes to convert them into objects first. To use objects from the array you can typecast them
back into their actual types. To use methods common to all objects, you do not need typecasting.
To store related objects in an array, create a superclass and declare the objects in the array of
that superclass type. If you declare an abstract method in the superclass, all objects extending
the superclass must implement the method and you can use it without typecasting.
If you know the number of objects to store ahead of time, an array works well. But in many
situations the number of objects to store depends on user action or other parameters that change
during the course of an executing program. An array may not be useful in those cases.
Problem Analysis: An array of Object can store objects of any type, but it has a fixed size once it is
initialized. What we need is a structure where objects can be added and removed after
instantiation.34 We therefore create a class that contains a large array of Object as a field. Initially
the array is empty but with the help of add and delete methods objects can be inserted into and
removed from the array as necessary. The class supports the following operations:
• add an element
• delete specified element
• retrieve a particular element without removing it
• return the current number of elements stored
• find out whether there is room for additional elements to store
• a toString method that should be overwritten in every class
The toString method used is the one contained in the definition of the actual class of the object., or the inherited
one if the class does not override toString . That is the underlying principle of polymorphism, explored below.
Java has several build-in classes to store objects dynamically. The most commonly used is the Vector class of the
java.util package. We will describe these classes in detail in chapter 7.
34 In example 11, section 3.4, we have used that approach (without deletion) to store financial transactions.
Class Implementation: Our class contains an array of Object elements that has a fixed size but
contains no objects. An integer field numItems contains at any time the current number of objects
stored in the array. Every time an object is added to the class, it is inserted in the array and
numItems is incremented by one. That means that our class has upper limit of objects it can store. To
make our class more flexible, we set that upper limit in the constructor. We also provide a
constructor without parameters to use a default upper limit. Here is the class skeleton:
The constructors, getSize, isFull, and get methods are already implemented. The add method
appends the input object to the end of the array list and increments numItems if there is room.
maxItems = 5 maxItems = 5
numItems = 3 numItems = 4
public void add(Object obj)
{ /* ASSUMES that there is room to add obj, 0 Object A 0 Object A
i.e. assumes that numItems < maxItems. */ 1 Object B 1 Object B
list[numItems] = obj; 2 Object C 2 Object C
3 [empty] 3 Object D
4 [empty] 4 [empty]
before inserting after inserting
Object D Object D
To remove the element at position pos, the element at pos+1 is moved into position pos, the element
at pos+2 is moved into position pos+1, etc, until all elements above pos have dropped down by one.
Then numItems is decremented. That overwrites the element at position pos and frees one position at
the end of the array.35
If the element at position numItems is removed, the for loop does not execute but numItems is still decremented.
The previously last element is no longer accessible but is still contained in the array. The situation is similar when a
file is deleted from a disk. It is not physically erased, but its entry in a table of contents called FAT (file allocation
table) is removed. That makes the file inaccessible, but its content is still present until overwritten.
maxItems = 5 maxItems = 5
numItems = 4 numItems = 3
public void delete(int pos)
{ /* ASSUMES that pos is between 0 and numItems */ 0 Object A 0 Object A
for (int i = pos+1; i < numItems; i++) 1 Object B 1 Object C
list[i-1] = list[i]; 2 Object C 2 Object D
3 Object D 3 [empty]
4 [empty] 4 [empty]
before removing after removing
Object B Object B
The method toString loops through all objects in the array and calls their inherited or overwritten
toString method to create a String representation of the list.
It remains to document our class. We embed documentation comments so that we can use the
javadoc tool to create the documentation as described in section 2.4. The most important part of this
documentation is the assumptions that must be satisfied to use add and delete.
/** Class to store objects dynamically up to a fixed limit. Supports basic operations
<code>add</code>, <code>delete</code>, and <code>get</code>. <I>Note the
instructions below before using these operations.</I>
This class provides a generally useful service, it can work with every type of object, and it does not
depend on any other classes. It is our second universally useful class (the first is the Console class).
Class hierarchies can be many levels deep. Subclasses extending a superclass can in turn be
extended without limit, but each class can have at most one immediate superclass.
Multiple inheritance is a concept where a class simultaneously extends more than one superclass
at the same level of a hierarchy. Multiple inheritance is not supported in Java.
class ClassE
Multi-Level class ClassD Multiple Inheritance
extends ClassC, (not supported in Java) extends ClassD, ClassA,
Inheritance ClassA, Object and ClassB
Recall that we defined Square extending Rectangle, which in turn extended Shape (which implicitly
extends Object)36:
The Square class directly extends one class, which in turn extends one other class. Hence, we used
multi-level inheritance, not multiple inheritance (after all, the class compiled so it could not have
been multiple inheritance).
We define three classes, together with a Test class containing the standard main method:
Compiling and executing Test will answer the question, which is left as an exercise.
Multiple inheritance is not allowed in Java, but an interface mechanism can be used instead.
If Square did not include an explicit call to its superclass constructor with two double as parameters, it would not
compile because the superclass constructor would be called implicitly with no arguments.
An interface is a collection of abstract methods and final fields. It serves as a contract or
promise, ensuring that every class implementing it contains the methods of that interface.
Methods in an interface are automatically abstract, fields are automatically final. An interface
cannot be used to instantiate objects, and it is not a class. Interfaces should be public and can
extend other interfaces.
A class can use one or more interfaces via the keyword implements. It inherits the abstract
methods and final fields of the interface(s) and is considered to be of the type of the interface(s) in
addition to its own type. It must implement the inherited methods or be declared abstract.
and we change the definition of the Square class (see example 3.25) to:
Interfaces are conceptually different from classes but work in conjunction with them to provide
"place-holder" methods or types.
Software Engineering Tip: The most common use of interfaces involves three steps:
1. The need to perform an abstract action or possess a conceptual property. That action or
property is specified in an interface, which symbolizes a placeholder for a concrete type.
2. A specific algorithm or plan that relies on the abstract action or property in (1). That
algorithm or plan is implemented in a class using objects defined in the interface.
3. One or more classes that specify a particular incarnation of the action or property in (1) and
use the plan or algorithm provided in (2)
Use these steps if you have a certain plan or algorithm that works great if it could use objects
with property X, but property X is abstract and varies for different groups of objects.
Example 3.38: Sorting arrays using a Sorter class and Sortable interface
Create a reusable Sorter class that can sort arrays of any type. Use that class to sort an
array of Rectangle and Circle objects.
Problem Analysis: We can sort objects if we can compare them. In fact, objects that are comparable
are easy to sort, but different objects compare differently with each other. The above software
engineering tip therefore suggests proceeding in three steps:
Step 1: We need a type that provides a comparison property. It is not important to specify how to
compare two entities, just that they can be compared. Therefore we create an interface Sortable to
provide a lessThan method that decides if an object is less than the input object.
Step 2: Since objects of type Sortable can be compared with each other we create a Sorter class that
implements the following sorting algorithm:
• find the smallest element in the array and swap it with the first element of the array
• find the smallest element in the array except for the first one and swap it with the second
element of the array
• find the smallest element in the array except for the first two and swap it with the third
element of the array
• continue in this fashion until the array is sorted
Step 3: We want to sort rectangles and circles so we need to ensure that these classes implement
Sortable. Therefore we must define the lessThan method using, for example, the area to compare
Rectangle and Circle objects. Then we can use the Sorter class to sort arrays of Rectangle and
Circle objects.
Project Implementation: We need an interface Sortable, a class Sorter, and classes with specific
implementations of the comparison property of the Sortable interface.
Step 1: The interface Sortable needs a method to compare Sortable objects so we include a single
abstract method:
Step 2: The Sorter class needs a method to sort. That method takes as input an array of Sortable
objects, because they are comparable via lessThan. According to the above algorithm we need to find
the smallest element in parts of an array and swap it with another so we create utility methods
findMin and swap, respectively. All methods depend only on input parameters so they can be static.
The Sorter class compiles without problems as long as the Sortable interface is saved into the same
directory but we cannot test it because Sortable is an interface and lessThan is abstract.
Step 3: Now we define Rectangle and Circle so that they are of type Sortable in addition to any
other type. Rectangle and Circle (see examples 3.23 and 3.32) extend Shape. If we redefine Shape to
implement Sortable, every class extending Shape is also of type Sortable. To implement Sortable
we must define the method lessThan to compare shapes according to their area.
All classes extending Shape are also of type Sortable and hence can be sorted by Sorter.
Figure 3.49: The Shape hierarchy with associated Sortable interface and Sorter class
Here is a test program to create and sort arrays of Rectangle and Circle objects (see figure 3.50):
We have accomplished a lot more than may be apparent at first because our Sorter class can sort
objects of any type with little effort. All we have to do is to change a class so that it implements
Sortable and defines lessThan. An array of objects of that class is a valid input variable for
Sorter.sort, which can sort the array without further code adjustments.
It is left as an exercise to determine whether the rectangles will appear first or last in the array after
it has been sorted. 37
Our Sorter class does require existing classes to change before objects can be sorted. That makes it
difficult to provide variable comparison methods. For example, how could you sort an array of objects
once in increasing order and the second time in decreasing order? In example 3.40 we will revisit this
problem, but first we provide at another example to illustrate the usefulness of interfaces.
These steps form an algorithm that would work if we had objects that could perform an action, but
the action performed should be different for different programs. Again our software engineering tip
applies so we proceed in three steps:
Project Implementation: We implement an interface MenuUser and a class Menu to handle the user
interaction and decide when to call performAction. A third class MenuTest tests whether our
mechanism works correctly.
You need to add the methods public abstract void computeArea() and public abstract void
computePerimeter() to Shape and declare the class as abstract so that polymorphism applies (see section 3.6).
Nowadays text-based menus are no longer in vogue and graphical user interfaces as introduced in chapter 4 are
preferred. But text-based menu programs are still useful to create quick solutions for simple tasks.
Step 2: The Menu class displays a menu and calls a MenuUser's performAction method when an
action is necessary. It contains a field choices of type array of String to represent the menu options,
a field title for the title of the menu, and a field user of type MenuUser to provide a performAction
method. The fields are initialized in the constructor, which then calls a utility method named start.
The start method display the menu choices, waits for user input, and calls performAction until the
string "exit" is entered. Since performAction as provided by the field user of type MenuUser is
abstract, no particular action occurs.
Step 3: MenuUser and Menu will compile but we need a third class providing a concrete version of
performAction to test our system.
public MenuTest()
{ mainMenu = new Menu("Multiplication", MAIN_MENU, this); }
public void performAction(String command)
{ if (command.equalsIgnoreCase("A"))
System.out.println("Result: " + (10*20));
else if (command.equalsIgnoreCase("T"))
subMenu = new Menu("Trigonometry", SUB_MENU, this);
else if (command.equalsIgnoreCase("1"))
System.out.println("sin(2) = " + Math.sin(2.0));
else if (command.equalsIgnoreCase("2"))
System.out.println("cos(2) = " + Math.cos(2.0));
public static void main(String args[])
{ MenuTest mt = new MenuTest(); }
interface MenuUser
void performAction(String command)
class MenuTest implements MenuUser
private Menu mainMenu;
private Menu subMenu;
class Menu
public MenuTest()
private String title;
private String choices[]; initializes mainMenu , using this to link to
private MenuUser user; concrete actionPerformed method of this class
public Menu(String _title, String _choices[], void performAction(String command)
MenuUser _user)
concrete action depending on command
initializes fields, starts while loop, calling
user.performAction after each user input void static main(String args[])
MenuTest uses two fields of type Menu named mainMenu and subMenu. It implements MenuUser so it
must define performAction. The constructor of MenuTest instantiates the first Menu object, using
this as input matched to the user parameter of Menu39. That compiles because MenuTest implements
MenuUser so that this is of type MenuUser. When the Menu class executes the user's performAction
method, the concrete version provided by MenuTest is used because MenuTest has been initialized as
user. When option 'T' is chosen, another version of Menu is instantiated, representing the submenu.
The second version of Menu will enter its while loop, again calling the user's performAction method
when appropriate. If the user types 'exit', the loop finishes so that the second instance of Menu is
done. The first instance is still executing its while loop so that the original menu reappears. If
'exit' is typed again, this instance of Menu also finishes, which means that the constructor of
MenuTest can exit and the program closes. Figure 3.52 shows that everything works as it should.
(a) Starting MenuTest, choosing 'a' (b) Typing 'T' for submenu, then '1' (c) Typing 'exit' twice to exit
MenuUser and Menu can be used in every program that needs a text-based menu. They handle the
interaction with the user and can be adapted to a particular program by a concrete performAction
method. The exercises will provide additional details.
We can not initialize mainMenu in the field section with this as input, because this refers to the current object,
which only comes into existence when the constructor is called.
Example 3.40: Sorting arrays using a FlexSorter class and Comparable interface
The Sorter class from example 3.38 can sort arrays of Sortable objects. That means that
existing classes must change to implement Sortable before they can be sorted. Create a
more flexible class to sort arrays of objects without changing the class of the objects. Test
it to sort an array of Length objects (see example 3.12 for a definition of Length)
Problem Analysis: We still need to compare objects before we can sort them. In our previous
approach we created a Sortable interface and objects that wanted to be sorted had to implement
Sortable and define a lessThan method. This time we want to use a method external to existing
classes to compare object so that the objects themselves do not have to provide a comparison method.
The new method must decide how to compare two objects and is not supposed to be part of the
objects. It must therefore take two objects as input.
The conceptual difference to the Sortable interface is that compare uses two objects as input while
lessThan compares an existing object to an input object.
We must change the Sorter class so that it takes as input an array of Object, not Sortable. To sort,
it uses the Comparable type, providing the compare method to compare objects. We call the new
sorting class FlexSort.40 The changes to the previous code are minimal and are shown in italics.
This class sorts an array of Object but requires an instance of Comparable to provide a particular
compare method. To sort an array of Length objects we must first create a class that implements
Instead of creating a new class we could have overloaded the methods in the Sorter class, but then the Sorter
class requires the interface Comparable and Sortable to be present before it compiles.
Comparable to decide how two Length objects should compare. Recall that a Length has a scale and
a value and provides methods to handle conversion from one scale to another. In example 3.12 we
defined a Length class to handle lengths in feet and meter, including set/get methods. We decide to
sort Length objects by comparing their values in meter.
The following program will test our new FlexSorter class, sorting an array of Length objects. Its
output is shown in figure 3.53:
FlexSorter is our third generally useful class,41 in addition to List (section 3.5) and Console (section
2.4). We should provide full documentation using the javadoc tool, which is left as an exercise.
In the Case Study section we change FlexSorter so that it can sort an entire array as well as parts of an array. The
changes are minimal but make our class even more flexible.
It may be confusing to create your own interfaces, but it is easy to use existing ones. Java includes
many predefined interfaces, which we use in chapter 4 to deal with events generated by programs
with a graphical user interface.
Polymorphism is the ability to automatically select appropriate methods and objects from an
inheritance hierarchy. For polymorphism to work the hierarchy of classes must have at least one
common feature such as a shared method header.
class SuperClass
/* fields and methods as necessary */
abstract returnType sharedMethod(inputList)
Figure 3.54: Inheritance hierarchy where polymorphism can select which sharedMethod executes
The test class needs a standard main method to be executable. It declares an array of type
SuperClass, but since SuperClass is abstract in can not instantiate objects. We add an object of type
SubClassA and another of type SubClassB to the array, which works because both objects are also of
type SuperClass. Then we use a for loop to call on display for each object in the array.
The output of PolyTester is shown in figure 3.55. When the display method of object array[0] is
called, the JVM knows that the object is of type SubClassA in addition to SuperClass and chooses to
execute the display method of SubClassA. When executing array[1].display, the object is now of
type SubClassB and the JVM calls its version of display. Polymorphism allows the JVM to decide, at
the time the program executes, which version of the common display method to use based on the
true type of the current object.
This example may not look striking, but the same concept can be applied to considerably simplify
adding new classes and functionality to existing programs as long as the participating classes were
designed with polymorphism in mind. The prime example of the usefulness of polymorphism is the
toString method shared by all objects.
We have seen these classes in earlier examples. Here are simple versions of these classes:
We can use one array of type Object to store these types because every class extends Object.
Since toString is part of every class, System.out.println calls it automatically, but the particular
version of toString is chosen by polymorphism as the program executes. If a class overrides
toString to provide useful information about itself, that version is used, otherwise the default
version of Object is substituted. The output is shown in figure 3.56.
Software Engineering Tip: You should consider polymorphism whenever you create a
hierarchy where all classes can share a common method header but each one needs a different
implementation of that method. Use a generic or abstract method in the superclass and override
or implement it in the subclasses to enable polymorphism.
If multiple overridden methods are available for a class, polymorphism picks the one that is
closest to the true type of an object, eliminating the need for typecasting.
Problem Analysis: Each geometric shape has an area and perimeter but computes them
differently. To enable polymorphism we need to make sure that all shapes can compute their area
and perimeter, but provide different implementations for the computations. Therefore the superclass
Shape contains the abstract methods computeArea and computePerimeter, which are implemented
and overridden in the various subclasses, if necessary. We also add a toString method to Shape that
displays the basic properties of shapes. Here are our classes:
public class Rectangle extends Shape public class Circle extends Shape
{ protected double width, height; { protected double radius;
public Rectangle(double _width, public Circle(double _radius)
double _height) { type = "Circle";
{ type = "Rectangle"; radius = _radius;
width = _width; }
height = _height; public void computeArea()
} { area = Math.PI * radius * radius; }
public void computeArea() public void computePerimeter()
{ area = width * height; } { perim = 2.0 * Math.PI * radius; }
public void computePerimeter() public String toString()
{ perim = 2*width + 2*height; } { return super.toString() +
public String toString() "\n\tRadius = " + radius;
{ return super.toString() + }
"\n\tWidth = " + width + }
"\n\tHeight = " + height;
Now we can easily create instances of these types and let polymorphism pick the most appropriate
methods to deal with them.
The output of executing ShapeTestWithPolymorphism is shown in figure 3.57. Note in particular that
for shapes[2], which is of type Square, Rectangle, and Shape (and Object), the toString method of
the Rectangle was picked, which is the type closest to Square.
When we add a new class to our Shape collection, polymorphism will allow us to do so with little
The advantage of the way we constructed our various Shape classes becomes apparent when we add
a new triangle to ShapeTestWithPolymorphism. All we have to do is to add a new triangle object to
the array of shapes and the rest is handled automatically.42
Inheritance is not perfect. The field names width and height and the toString method of RightTriangle are
inherited from Rectangle, but the fields should really be called base and height. That can only be accomplished if
RightTriangle extends Shape instead of Rectangle, but then we must implement its own toString method.
We have explored all concepts of object-oriented programming. In this section, which is optional, we
create a program using everything we have learned so far.
This problem is too vague to be solved right away, which is typical for real-word programming tasks.
(1) Understand: Write down exactly what the problem entails and what the deadlines are.
Identify tasks you cannot do. Discuss your understanding with the customer and other users.
(2) Analyze: Identify entities as models for classes. Use "has-a", "does-a", and "is-a" to identify
fields, methods, and inheritance. Collect useful existing classes and ask other programmers.
(3) User Interface: Sketch a rough layout for a user interface. Look at comparable programs.
Discuss your layout with the customer and potential users.
(4) Generalize: Look for general concepts and identify classes that can serve as superclasses.
Identify classes that can be useful for other projects.
(5) Divide and Conquer: Divide problem into categories (classes) and categories into tasks
(methods). Create class skeletons and specify field types, method headers, and hierarchies.
(6) Implement: Implement classes designed in (5). Modify class skeletons if necessary. Make
classes as flexible as possible. Restrict user interaction to as few classes as possible.
(7) Test: Test classes individually. Test program to solve original problem. Take user errors and
extreme cases into account. Let customer test your program. Refine classes and retest.
(8) Document: Provide complete documentation and supporting documents for your program.
Clarify usage instructions and limitations of your program.
Step 1: Understand: After extensive discussions with the owner and employees of AWC we
understand that our program should do the following:
• Manage an inventory list. Our program should manage an inventory of labeled items with
descriptions, price, and available units. Employees need to add and remove units, but the
item labels, descriptions, and prices are not likely to change. Items are sorted by label.
• Create invoices. We need to create invoices for customers ordering items from the inventory.
Invoices consist of customer name, a sorted list of items ordered, and the total price.
• The company already has a database of customers that should be interfaced with the
invoicing program.
Based on our knowledge of Java we know we cannot save data to file, we cannot print, we can only
create text-based programs, and we cannot interface Java programs with other programs. We offer to
create a program with these limitations and discuss deadlines and costs. The owner of AWC agrees.
Step 2: Analyze: Based on our understanding there are several distinct entities: inventory items, an
inventory, invoice items, and an invoice.
• The inventory consists of a sorted list of inventory items. Each item has a label, description,
price, and number of units. We need to add and remove units for each inventory item.
• An invoice contains a sorted list of items from the inventory, number of units ordered, their
subtotal, a customer name and a total price. We need to be able to add and delete items.
InventoryItem: InventoryItem
• has-a: label, description, price, available units has-a: ID, desc, price,
• does-a: increase and decrease available units, display does-a: add units, remove
units, display
InvoiceItem: InvoiceItem
• has-a: label, description, price, units ordered, subtotal has-a: ID, desc, price,
• does-a: compute subtotal, display units, total
does-a: compute total,
Inventory: Inventory
• has-a: sorted list of InventoryItems has-a: InventoryItem
• does-a: select InvoiceItem, add or remove units to InvoiceItem, list
does-a: select item, add,
display list remove, display
Invoice: Invoice
• has-a: name, total price, sorted list of InvoiceItems has-a: name, inventory,
InvoiceItem list
• does-a: add and delete InvoiceItem, compute total, display list
does-a: add, delete,
• needs to know the Inventory display, total
Invoice and Inventory need to store sorted lists of items, so List (example 3.34) together with
FlexSorter (example 3.40) may be useful. To interact with the user we could use Menu and MenuUser
(example 3.39). To obtain user input we use the Console class (section 2.4).
Invoice Menu
[A] Add Item
[D] Delete Item
[S] Show Invoice
Main Menu 'Exit' to exit
[I] Invoices
[V] Inventory
'Exit' to exit Inventory Menu
[A] Add Units
[D] Delete Units
[S] Show Inventory
'Exit' to exit
Figure 3.58: Suggested menu-based user-interface
Step 4: Generalize: We need to identify possible superclasses and generally useful classes:
• Inventory and Invoice contain sorted lists of objects that the user can manipulate. Instead
of using a field we could implement these classes as subclasses of List. Implementing
MenuUser can provide user interaction.
• To interact with the user we need to prompt the user to enter a value and read the response
using the Console class. To simplify user input we create a Util class with methods:
• String getString(String prompt): Displays prompt, returns user input as String
• int getInt(String prompt): Displays prompt, returns user input as int
• We identified List as a possible superclass, but it does not provide searching and sorting.
Instead of searching and sorting Inventory and Invoices directly we create a SortedList
class extending List that keeps items sorted and provides a general search mechanisms.
Step 5: Divide and Conquer: We have so far identified the existing classes List, FlexSorter,
Comparable, Menu, and MenuUser, which should be collected into one folder and reviewed. Figure 3.59
show the class skeletons for the Item hierarchy of classes, including field types and method headers.
public class InventoryItem extends Item public class InvoiceItem extends Item
public void add(int num) protected double total;
public void remove(int num)
public String toString() public String toString()
Figure 3.59: The hierarchy of Item classes
The design for SortedList and its subclasses Inventory and Invoice are shown in figure 3.60:
class Inventory extends SortedList implements MenuUser class Invoice extends SortedList implements MenuUser
protected static String MENU[], MENU_TITLE; protected static String MENU[], MENU_TITLE;
public InventoryItem getPart() protected String name;
public void addUnits() private InventoryList inventory;
public void removeUnits() public void addItem()
public String toString() public void delItem()
public void performAction(command) public double getTotal();
public String toString()
public void performAction(command)
Figure 3.60: Outline of SortedList class and its subclasses Inventory and Invoice.
We add constructors and a master class with a main method during the implementation stage.
Step 6: Implement: We start by implementing the generally useful classes. The Util class contains
methods getString and getInt to prompt the user to enter a value and return a String or an int.
We add a method dollar to convert a double to a String representing currency (see section 1.5).
import java.text.*;
To create SortedList we need to extend List and ensure that items are always sorted. We could use
the FlexSorter class to sort the items after every addition, but we need access to the private field
list of the List class and we need to sort only part of that array. Therefore we modify List to
declare its field list as protected, not private, and we overload the sort method of the FlexSorter
class so that it can also sort parts of an array.43
Now SortedList can extend List and override the add method to sort the array list after every
addition.44 We also add a method public int indexOf(Object obj), which compares obj with every
element in the list. If it finds a match as determined by Comparable.compare it returns its index,
otherwise –1. An instance of Comparable is initialized in the constructor.
That modification does not change the previous functionality of List and FlexSorter, so it does not break the
public contract of these classes.
We can use FlexSorter to sort but it makes the add method inefficient. This is a common problem with object-
oriented programming: existing objects offers easy solutions, but to create optimal solutions new code needs to be
written. The benefit is that we know that FlexSorter works, whereas new code may introduce new bugs.
{ super(_maxItems);
comp = _comp;
public void add(Object obj)
{ super.add(obj);
FlexSorter.sort(list, getSize(), comp);
public int indexOf(Object obj)
{ for (int i = 0; i < getSize(); i++)
if (comp.compare(get(i), obj) == 0)
return i;
return -1;
After taking care of our generally useful classes, we need to create the classes specific to our project.
The Item class and its subclass do not need to deal with user input and are defined as follows:
InventoryItem and InvoiceItem extend Item. An InventoryItem initializes its values through its
constructor. An InvoiceItem is always generated from an InventoryItem so its constructor uses an
InventoryItem as input and copies the relevant values into its own fields.
public class InventoryItem extends Item public class InvoiceItem extends Item
{ public InventoryItem(String _ID, { protected double total;
String _desc,
double _price, public InvoiceItem(InventoryItem item,
int _units) int _units)
{ super(_ID); { super(item.ID);
desc = _desc; desc = item.desc;
price = _price; price = item.price;
units = _units; units = _units;
} total = price * units;
public void remove(int num) }
{ units -= num; } public String toString()
public void add(int num) { return super.toString() +" = " +
{ units += num; } Util.dollar(total) +
public String toString() "\t(" + desc + ")";
{ return super.toString() + "\t" }
+ desc; }
To compare objects of these types we create a class implementing Comparable, which can be used as
input to the SortedList constructor. We consider items to be equal if their ID (label) matches.
The Inventory class extends SortedList and implements MenuUser so it needs an appropriate
constructor and a performAction method. To create a basic inventory, the constructor adds a few
sample InventoryItems (which should be sorted automatically). If user input is necessary, the
methods getString and getInt from the Util class are used.
public Inventory()
{ super(4, new ItemComparer());
add(new InventoryItem("0001", "Basic Widget", 3.44, 15));
add(new InventoryItem("3002", "Expensive Widget", 1203.00, 10));
add(new InventoryItem("0011", "Sales Widget", 123.00, 10));
add(new InventoryItem("2001", "Safety Widget", 33.99, 20));
public InventoryItem getPart()
{ System.out.println(this);
int index = indexOf(new Item(Util.getString("Enter ID of item")));
if (index >= 0)
return (InventoryItem)get(index);
return null;
public void addUnits()
{ InventoryItem item = getPart();
if (item != null)
item.add(Util.getInt("Number of units to add"));
System.out.println("Inventory item not found");
public void removeUnits()
{ InventoryItem item = getPart();
int units = Util.getInt("Number of units to remove");
if ((item != null) && (item.units >= units) && (units >= 0))
System.out.println("Item not found or not enough units available.");
public void performAction(String command)
{ if (command.equalsIgnoreCase("S"))
else if (command.equalsIgnoreCase("A"))
else if (command.equalsIgnoreCase("D"))
To make sure the class works properly, we can add a main method and execute it (see figure 3.61).
Figure 3.61: Testing Inventory by selecting 's' (left) and 'a' (right), adding 10 units to item 0001
The next class to implement is Invoice. It obtains a name and a reference to an Inventory through
its constructor. The add method uses inventory.getPart to ask the user for an inventory item and
asks for the number of units to order. If the item is found and has that many units available, they
are subtracted from the InventoryItem and a new InvoiceItem is added to the invoice list.
else if (command.equalsIgnoreCase("A"))
else if (command.equalsIgnoreCase("D"))
Finally we create the master class pulling everything together. All work is done by Inventory,
Invoice, and Menu, so the master class is simple, as it should be in object-oriented programming.
public AcmeInvoicer()
{ menu = new Menu("Acme Invoicing System, Main Menu", MENU, this); }
public void performAction(String command)
{ if (command.equalsIgnoreCase("I"))
menu = new Menu(Invoices.TITLE, Invoices.MENU,
new Invoice(inventory, Util.getString("Name")));
else if (command.equalsIgnoreCase("V"))
menu = new Menu(Inventory.TITLE,Inventory.MENU, inventory);
public static void main(String args[])
{ AcmeInvoicer ai = new AcmeInvoicer(); }
Step 7: Test: We tested the Inventory class on its own (see figure 3.61) and it works properly.
Invoice can be tested separately by adding the standard main method (see figure 3.62 d, e, f):
Figure 3.62 shows some snapshots of executing the complete AcmeInvoicer program.
(a) AcmeInvoicer main menu (b) Inventory menu (c) Invoice menu
(d) Invoice menu, option 'a' to add 2 units of item 2001 (e) Invoice menu, option 'a' to add 3 units of item 0001
(f) Invoice menu, option 's' to see the Invoice (sorted automatically)
Figure 3.62: Testing the AcmeInvoicer program
We discuss these shortcomings with the owner and release the program for testing. The owner would
like the additional features of modifying inventory descriptions and pricing, adding and removing
inventory items, and storing invoices for later modification, otherwise everything works fine. We
leave these features as an exercise.
Step 8: Document: We now embed documentation comments in our classes so that javadoc can
create proper documentation. In particular, the SortedList and Util classes should be carefully
documented because both can be useful to other projects. We also create a separate non-technical
user manual for our program, listing in particular its shortcomings. The details are omitted, but
class documentation and a user manual are essential pieces of a finished program.
Chapter Summary
See section 3.1, examples 3.01 (Simple Address class) and 3.02 (Simple Length class)
Objects and Instantiation
See section 3.1, example 3.03 (Instantiating Address objects)
See section 3.1, examples 3.04 (Address class with constructor) and 3.05 (Using Address as field
types for Parent class)
Garbage Collection, Destructor
See section 3.1, example 3.06 (Creating a destructor method)
Accessing Fields and Methods
See section 3.2, examples 3.07 (Calling on display feature of Address and Parent classes) and 3.08
(Implementing and testing the Length class)
Encapsulation using Private, Public, or Protected
See section 3.2, examples 3.09 (Illustrating private, public, and friendly modifiers), 3.10
(Encapsulating the Length class), 3.11 (Creating a safe Length class), and 3.12 (A safe Length class
with set/get methods)
Utility Method:
See section 3.2, example 3.13 (A safe Length class with utility methods)
Class and Instance Fields
See section 3.2, example 3.14 (Illustrating shared fields)
Class Methods
See section 3.2, examples 3.15 (Creating shared methods) and 3.16 (Using static fields to count
instances of objects in memory)
See section 3.3, examples 3.17 (Simple example using overloading), 3.18 (Presumed definition of
System.out.println), 3.19 (Overloading static methods), 3.20 (Overloading constructor for Student
class), and 3.21 (Using overloading to compute total course GPA)
See section 3.4, examples 3.22 (Extending the Address class) and 3.23 (Creating Shape classes
using inheritance)
Implicit Call of Superclass Constructor
See section 3.4, examples 3.24 (Illustrating implicit call of superclass constructor) and 3.25
(Adding a Square to the Shape classes)
Overriding Methods and Fields
See section 3.4, examples 3.26 (Overriding the display method in the Shape hierarchy) and 3.27
(Illustrating usefulness of using super while overriding)
Abstract Methods and Classes
See section 3.4, examples 3.28 (Abstract methods for Shape classes) and 3.29 (A menu-driven
CheckBook program using abstract methods)
Final Methods and Classes
See section 3.4, example 3.30 (Simple billing system using final fields and abstract methods)
The Object Class
See section 3.5, examples 3.31 (Object as superclass for Shape hierarchy), 3.32 (Overriding the
toString method), 3.33 (Defining an array of Object to store different types), and 3.34 (A general
List class)
Multi-Level and Multiple Inheritance
See section 3.6, examples 3.35 (Inheritance type of Shape hierarchy) and 3.36 (Implicit call of
superclass constructor in multi-level hierarchies)
See section 3.6, examples 3.37 (Interfaces as a new type), 3.38 (Sorting arrays using a Sorter class
and Sortable interface), 3.39 (Creating a general-purpose menu system using classes and
interfaces), and 3.40 (Sorting arrays using a FlexSorter class and Comparable interface)
See section 3.6, examples 3.41 (Illustrating polymorphism), 3.42 (Using polymorphism to call
toString), 3.43 (Using polymorphism for Shape hierarchy), and 3.44 (Adding RightTriangle to
Shape hierarchy)
Case Study: OO Design for Invoice Program