Demand Letter To Vacate
Demand Letter To Vacate
Demand Letter To Vacate
It has been more than decades since you have unauthorizedly occupy my property
situated at Blk 19 Lot 14 Mandarin Homes, Brgy. F. De Castro, GMA, Cavite. It was then
come to my attention that you already construct permanent structure inside the premises
and illegally used falsified documents to secure requirements for installation of household
utilities. Thus, I am now going to utilize my property and build a residence thereon.
Please be reminded that I DID NOT give you and your family any authority to permanently
reside on the aforementioned property. Hence, consider this letter as my FINAL DEMAND
for you to vacate the premises within thirty (30) days from the receipt of this notice.
Otherwise, your actions will be construed as willful and in bad faith such that I shall be
constrained to commence lawsuit to protect my interest as legitimate owner of the
property. But your immediate and faithful compliance with this notice will prevent any
further legal action against you.
Attached herewith are the copies of certified photocopy of original Transfer Certificate of
Title, Tax Declaration along with its recent tax receipt and recent clearance from NHMFC
to prove my authority over the property as the LEGAL and ACKNOWLEDGED
MORTGAGOR of National Homes Mortgage Finance Corporation (NHMFC).
Barangay Brgy. F. De Castro
National Homes Mortgage Corporation