ACC Tips On Requests July 2023

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ACC Request Tips

July 2023
Dear Newman Village Homeowner:

As a resident of Newman Village and member of the HOA, you are required to submit an online ACC
Request for most exterior modifications to your home. Before doing so, please review all relevant
sections of the following documents and their associated amendments, which may be found on the
HOA website under Governing Documents:
1) NV Community Design Guidelines (latest revision is #3, dated 25 March 2019)
2) NV Architectural & Development Guidelines
3) NV Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions

Roughly 15% of all requests are delayed and eventually denied simply because of lack of sufficient
information. The document most frequently missing is the lot survey.

All requests must include a description of the project, the materials to be used, a lot survey and
photographs of the area where modifications will take place.

If you are working a project in stages, please submit information about only that which you are ready
to have approved. For example, including an outdoor kitchen on a drawing when all you want to have
approved is a pool is confusing and may cause you to have to resubmit.

If you are resubmitting a request that was previously denied, please include a complete set of
documents with the new request.

The following lists for the most frequent types of requests were created to help homeowners with
submitting needed information.

Outdoor Kitchen:

1. Survey of Lot.
2. Site Plan, indicating location.
3. Large-scale floor plan, fully dimensioned.
4. Elevations, all sides, with finish materials and height noted.
5. All finishes, materials, and color selections.
6. Photographic images of the area for the proposed improvements.


1. Survey of Lot.
2. Site Plan showing location of the proposed and all existing fences. Existing fence type and
height must be noted.
3. Proposed fence type, details, height, material and color selections.
4. Photographic images of the areas for the proposed improvements.
5. The approved stain for wood fences is Cumberland Brown by Wood Defender. There are no
other approvable colors. All iron fencing must be painted black. (CDG Rev 3, pg 64)
Roof Replacement:

1. Survey of Lot.
2. Roof manufacturer's specifications for the roofing product series and color selection.
3. Indicate whether the request includes a color change or if the color will remain the same.
4. Color photographic images of all elevations of the existing residence and roof.
5. Many roof replacements include gutter replacements. Indicate if that is to be included as part
of the project, whether or not there will be a change in the color of the gutter.
6. Indicate if there are any other auxiliary structures on the lot with the same type of roofing. If
you are changing the color of the roof of the residence, then the color of the roof of auxiliary
structures must also be changed at the same time.

Solar Panels:

1. Survey of Lot.
2. Photographic images of all four sides of house from street level, showing the roof.
3. Manufacturers specifications of panels and installation hardware.
4. Overhead view indicating the proposed location of solar panels.
5. Indicate location of auxiliary hardware (inverter, etc). Photo of that location.
6. Auxiliary hardware located on the exterior of the home must be screened from view from the
street 100% at the time of installation. Indicate screening method, generally evergreen plantings.
7. View of solar panels from the street. must be minimized.

Artificial Turf:

1. Survey of Lot.
2. Large-scale plan, indicating where turf is to be installed.
3. Specifications, including color, of selected turf.
4. Description/diagram of turf subsurface installation.
5. Photographic images of the area for the proposed improvements.
6. Artificial turf must be screened to minimize view from the street with evergreen plantings.
Indicate screening method on plan.
7. Lot grading, particularly in side yards, may not be changed when installing artificial turf.
8. If installing a large amount of turf, please consider the need for additional drains to capture
and manage the water flow which will no longer be absorbed into the ground.

Exterior Modifications:

1. Survey of Lot.
2. Large-scale floor plan, fully dimensioned.
3. Elevations, all sides, with finish materials and height noted.
4. All finishes, materials, and color selections.
5. Actual photographic images of the area for the proposed improvements.
Dish/ satellite:

1. Survey of lot with the location noted and described.

2. Photographic image of the location.


1. Survey of lot with the location of changes noted.

2. Description of changes, including types of plants, sod, and trees.
3. Photographic images of existing location.


Prior to submitting your request online…

1) Vet your pool contractor
Are they a licensed contractor with the City of Frisco?
Verify their insurance – personal and property damage liability, worker’s comp.
Do they obtain all necessary permits?
Check referrals – preferably from within Newman Village.
Are they a BBB Accredited Business? How long have they been in business?
Do they perform background and criminal history checks on employees and subcontractors?
Watch out for scams!
2) Discuss the need for soil stabilization with your pool contractor. This is highly recommended due to
the expansive clay soils in Newman Village.

3) Follow the submission requirements as described below, which have been developed to facilitate
the smooth flow of pool/spa requests through the online ACC Request system. Your request will not be
forwarded for approval until your submission is complete which may substantially delay the processing
of your request.

4) Familiarize yourself and your contractor with all Newman Village pool related CC&Rs and

As indicated in the table below, your submission must consist of the following filenames and their
content as described:

Filename Required Contents

Survey.pdf Yes 1) Survey of lot including dimensions and easements, without
pool overlay.
2) Survey of lot with dimensions and showing pool overlay.
Note: Pools and associated decks may not be located in
easements or setbacks.
PoolDesign.pdf Yes 1) Fully dimensioned pool plan.
2) Depth profile.
3) Point of construction access. Must be through applicant’s
property only.
DrainagePlan.pdf Yes Plan showing:
1) Direction of water flow.
2) Method of collection and discharge of water from pool
deck or perimeter.
3) Location and type of deck and yard area drains.
4) Subsurface drain lines and discharge location.
Materials.pdf Yes 1) Picture of materials to be used, labeled with name and
LandscapePlan.pdf Yes 1) Plan specifying location and species of all plantings.
2) If landscaping is to be done at a later date, as a separate
project, or by a separate contractor, provide a statement of
Screening.pdf Yes 1) Location of pool equipment and screening method –
evergreen or same material as home (no wood).
2) Full description of any screening for other purposes, i.e.
Photographs.pdf Yes 1) Photographs of area where pool and pool equipment are
to be installed.
2) Photographs of construction access point, beginning at
street and including curb.
PlayFeatures.pdf Yes, if If to be installed, location should be indicated in pool design,
planned and provide:
1) Full description/brochure of play feature, including
Note: Play features should not be visible over privacy fences
and must be screened from public view. Individuals standing
on top of features such as slides, grottos or jumping rocks
should not be able to see into neighboring yards.
PoolscapeRenderings.pdf No Renderings for pools are optional, and are not considered to
be part of documentation for approval.
HighProfileLot.pdf Yes, if If your lot is a High Profile Lot, submit statements or drawings
applicable to support the following:
1) Pool equipment must be screened from view from all
2) All exposed vertical edges of pool and any features must
be finished when visible from public right of ways or HOA
common areas.

Additional considerations:
1) All state laws, city rules and Newman Village governing documents apply.
2) The ACC reserves the right to request additional information as required.
3) Auxiliary structures, such as outdoor kitchens, cabanas, or pergolas may be submitted in
separate files in the same request, or in a separate request if preferred.
The following are additional frequent reasons for denial of a request:

1) Items not screened from public view ( i.e, pool equipment, artificial turf)
2) Ancillary Structures (gazebos, trellis, tool sheds, playhouses, etc.) must be “carefully designed to
maintain the architectural integrity and aesthetic continuity of the main residence in massing,
scale, materials, detailing and color.”
3) Proposed materials are not allowed (e.g., Paint or stain, type/color of stone, edging materials,
palm trees)

After approval, please remind your contractor of the following:

1) Construction Activity Times - The time of construction will be limited to the period from 7:00am until
6:30pm (or City of Frisco time frames, whichever is more restrictive) Monday through Friday, and
9:00am until 5:00pm on Saturday. Construction on Sunday is not permitted. No personnel are to remain
at the construction site after working hours.

2) Curb Protection – whenever heavy equipment is used during a project, your contractor should take
measures to protect the street curb (owned by the HOA) from any damage.

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