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Unit 7 File Handling

7.1 Introduction Objectives
7.2 Introduction to FileStream
7.3 StreamReader and StreamWriter Classes
7.4 BinaryReader and BinaryWriter Classes
7.5 File and Directory classes
7.6 Summary
7.7 Questions and Exercises
7.8 Suggested Readings

7.1 Introduction
In the previous unit we discussed the attributes in VB .NET its role, and also to create the
custom attributes. We also discussed the delegates that are important to hold the reference of
the methods.

In this unit we will explore the different file handling techniques available in VB.NET. File is
generally defined as a named collection of related bytes of data stored on a secondary device -
example disk. When your application accesses a file, it must assume whether the bytes
represent characters, data records, integers, strings, and so on. The file's access type will
inform the application that what type of data that the application will be handling.

The file access type we use, depends on the kind of data that the file contains. Visual Basic
provides three types of file access:
 Sequential, for reading and writing text files in continuous blocks. 

 Random, for reading and writing text or binary files need not be continuous order. 
 Binary, for reading and writing binary data. 

This unit is also focusing on StreamReader and StreamWriter classes, and various other
methods supported by these classes. We will also discuss the BinaryReader and BinaryWriter
class which supports to read the binary data from the file. Finally this unit explores the details of
file and directory classes, various methods that support the operation on files and directories
like create, move, copy, delete etc.

After studying this unit, you will be able to:
 explain the role of FileStream in file handling 
 discuss the StreamReader support for file reading 
 list and explain the methods of StreamWriter class 

 discuss to read and write binary data using BinaryReader and BinaryWriter 
 list the methods that supports file and directory operations. 
7.2 Introduction to FileStream
File can be defined as “a collection of data stored in a disk with a specific name and a directory
path”. When a file is opened for reading or writing, it becomes a stream.

In earlier versions you would have studied about the concept of reading or writing a data from
the file as a single character or as a string. In this unit we are going to discuss the concept of file
streams. When a group of or a sequence of bytes passes through the communication path is
called streams. Input stream and output stream are the two major file streams. As the name
indicates the input stream is use to read a data or information from the file and the output
stream is used to write the data or information in to the file.

Various file operation are supported by the Sysem.IO name space. It consist of class that
supports operations like reading and writing data from and to the file, creating and deleting files
and opening and closing files etc.

The following table 7.1 lists few commonly used System.IO name space with its descriptions.
Table 7.1: I/O classes in System.IO namespace.
I/O Class Description

BinaryReader Reads primitive data from a binary stream.

BinaryWriter Writes primitive data in binary format.
BufferedStream A temporary storage for a stream of bytes.
Directory Helps in manipulating a directory structure.

DirectoryInfo Used for performing operations on directories.

DriveInfo Provides information for the drives.
File Helps in manipulating files.
FileInfo Used for performing operations on files.
FileStream Used to read from and write to any location in a file.
MemoryStream Used for random access to streamed data stored in memory.

Path Performs operations on path information.

StreamReader Used for reading characters from a byte stream.
StreamWriter Is used for writing characters to a stream.
StringReader Is used for reading from a string buffer.
StringWriter Is used for writing into a string buffer.

The FileStream class that belongs to the System.IO namespace is used for the various
operations like read, write and close the files. FileStream class is derived from abstract class
called Stream. To use these stream objects, first we need to create the FileStream object to
open an existing or create a new file. Below is the syntax to create a FileStream object
Dim <object_name> As FileStream = New FileStream(<file_name>, <FileMode
Enumerator>, <FileAccess Enumerator>, <FileShare Enumerator>)

If you want to create an object say obj1 to read a file “file1.txt” the syntax will be
Dim obj1 FileStream=New FileStream(“file.txt”, FileMode.OpenOrCreate,
Table 7.2 explains the FileMode, FileAccess and FileShare parameters that are used in the
above syntax.
Table 7.2: File reading method parameter with its description
Parameter Description
The FileMode enumerator defines various methods for opening
files. The members of the FileMode enumerator are:
 Append: It opens an existing file and puts cursor at the end of file, or creates the file, if
the file does not exist.

 Create: It creates a new file.

 CreateNew: It specifies to the operating system, that it should
create a new file.
 Open: It opens an existing file.
 OpenOrCreate: It specifies to the operating system that it
should open a file if it exists, otherwise it should create a new
 Truncate: It opens an existing file and truncates its size to zero
FileAccess enumerators have members: Read, ReadWrite and
FileShare enumerators have the following members:
 Inheritable: It allows a file handle to pass inheritance to the
child processes
FileShare  None: It declines sharing of the current file
 Read: It allows opening the file for reading
 ReadWrite: It allows opening the file for reading and writing
 Write: It allows opening the file for writing

The FileStream class gives you access to files. You start working with a file on disk by opening
it or creating it. You can use the members of the FileAccess, FileMode, and FileShare
enumerations with the constructors of the FileStream class to determine how the file is created,
opened, and shared. In addition, the FileStream class can open a file in one of two modes,
either synchronously or asynchronously, which can have significant performance differences in
different circumstances. FileStream defaults to opening files synchronously, but also has a
constructor to open files asynchronously. After you have opened or created a file, you can pass
its FileStream object to the BinaryReader, BinaryWriter, StreamReader, and StreamWriter
classes to actually work with the data in the file, which we will discuss in later sections.

FileStream Seek method can be used to move to various locations in a file. This is called
moving the read/write position or the read/write pointer. This allows you to break a file up into
records, each of the same length. For example, if you're keeping track of 2,000 employees, you
can create 2,000 records in a file, each with data on the corresponding employee.

Because you know the length of each record, it's easy to move to the beginning of a specific
record and read it or overwrite it with new data. This
record-based process, where you can move around in a file and select the data you want, is
called random access. The other form of file access, where you just read or write data to a file
one item after the other is called sequential access. The only difference between these types of
access from our point of view is that for random access, you use the Seek method. The
following example helps you understand the use of file stream.

Imports System.IO Imports System.Text

Public Class Form1
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _ ByVal e As
System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim file1 As System.IO.FileStream Dim byteData() As
byteData = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("FileStream Test1") file1 = New
FileStream("streamtest.txt", FileMode.Append) file1.Write(byteData, 0,
Catch ex As IOException MsgBox(ex.ToString)
End Try End Sub
End Class

You can observe from the above program that the file1 is declared as a file stream object. It is
been set to the file called “streamtest.txt” opened as a append mode. Stream of bytes will be
written in to this file using the write () method. In the above example the 3 parameters of write
methods are buffer, offset and count respectively.
 buffer (byteData) - Array of bytes copied from buffer to current stream 

 offset (0) - position from where to start copying bytes to the current stream 

 count (byteData.Length) – number of bytes to be written on the current stream 

After completion of writing process the file is been closed with close () function.
7.3 StreamReader and StreamWriter Classes
If you want to work with text data files, to do the operations of read, write and store text data in
the file it is recommend to use either StreamWriter or StreamReader classes. Basically the
TextWriter is the base class for the StreamWriter class and the StreamReader class is derived
from the TextReader base class. Both these classes are used to read and write the stream of
bytes from and to the file.
StreamReader class
As already we discussed it is extracted from the abstract base class TextReader. Table 7.3; list
the methods that are commonly used from StreamReader class with its purpose.
Table 7.3: StreamReader class methods

Method Name Description

lose() Closes the StreamReader object and release the
resource availed.
Peek() Returns the next available character
Read() Reads the next character from the input stream and
advance character position by one.

Imports System.IO Module fileProg

Sub Main () Try
Using sr1 As StreamReader = New StreamReader ("Streamread.txt")
Dim line1 As String line1 = sr1.ReadLine ()
While (line1 <> Nothing)
Console.WriteLine(line1) line1 = sr1.ReadLine
End While End Using
Catch e1 As Exception
Console.WriteLine("The file could not be read:")
End Try Console.ReadKey()
End Sub
End Module

The above given program is to explain the StreamReader class. Here we have created an
instance sr1 for the class StreamReader to read the data from the file “Streamread.txt”. Variable
line1 is declared as string variable. This program starts reading the data from the file line by line
and display on the screen, until it reaches the end of the file. Here using statement is used to
close the file. In this program we also have the code for error handling. The catch block catches
the error thrown from the try block and prints the error message if any on the screen. In the
above program when error encountered while opening the file the error will be thrown from the
Try block.
StreamWriter class
As already we discussed the StreamWriter class is inherited from the abstract TextWriter base
class. This writes the series of bytes of information to the file. Following table 7.4 lists the
methods that are commonly used with this class.
Table: 7.4 StreamWriter class
Method Name Description
Close() Close the current StreamWriter object
Flush() Clears all buffers for the current writer
Write(value as Boolean) Writes the text representation of the boolean value
to the stream
Write(value as Char) Writes the character to the stream
Write(Value as Decimal) Writes the text representation of decimal value
Write(Value as String) Writes String to the Stream
WriteLine() Writes a line terminator to the text string
Now we will discuss an example that writes a stream of data into the file using StreamWriter

Imports System.IO Module fileProg1

Sub Main()
Dim namelist As String() = New String() {"C Language", _ "OOPS Concepts", "Java
Programming", "System Software"}
Dim s1 As String
Using sw1 As StreamWriter = New StreamWriter("namelist.txt") For Each s1 In
Sw1.WriteLine (s1) Next s1
End Using

Dim line1 As String

Using sr1 As StreamReader = New StreamReader("namelist.txt") Line1 =
While (line1 <> Nothing)
Console.WriteLine(line1) Line1 =
End While End Using
Console.ReadKey() End Sub
End Module

The above program creates an instance for the class StreamWrite and writes the data using
WriteLine () function. The same file is reopened and displays the content that was written
The output of the program will be
C Language
OOPS Concepts
Java Programming
System Software

Now We will see one more example that uses classes named StreamWriterReader; this
example will write text to a file, “file.txt”, and then
read that text back, and display the same in the text box. We are going to start this program by
importing the System.IO namespace, and by creating file.txt and connecting a FileStream object
to it. Next, we are going to create StreamWriter object and use various methods to move around
and write text to the file.
Public Class Form1
Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _ ByVal e As
System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim fs As New System.IO.FileStream("file.txt", FileMode.Create,
Dim w As New StreamWriter(fs) w.BaseStream.Seek(0,
SeekOrigin.End) w.WriteLine("Here is the file's text.")
w.Write("Here is more file text." & ControlChars.CrLf) w.WriteLine("And
that's about it.")
fs = New System.IO.FileStream("file.txt", FileMode.Open, _ FileAccess.Read)
Dim r As New StreamReader(fs) r.BaseStream.Seek(0,
SeekOrigin.Begin) While r.Peek() > -1
TextBox1.Text &= r.ReadLine() & ControlChars.CrLf End While
r.Close() End Sub
End Class

In this case, we use the Seek method to move the pointer to the beginning of the file. This is not
applicable in newly created or opened files because when you open a file, you start at the
beginning of the file since the file is empty. Then write a line of text to the file with the WriteLine
method, and then write some text to the file with the Write method. The WriteLine method is the
same as Write, except it adds a carriage-return/linefeed pair at the end of the text it writes.

We are using Flush method because the file handling is buffered in Visual Basic, nothing will be
written to disk until the buffer is flushed. This happens automatically when the buffer is full or
when you close a file or when the associated stream object goes out of scope. But you also can
use the Flush method to explicitly flush data to the disk. Flush works automatically, in this
program but we are using Flush to know the role of this method. Finally, we are closing the file
with the Close method; this closes the file on disk, which finishes our work with the file and
makes it available to other programs:

You can see the results of this code in Figure 7.1, depicting the creation of new file, filled it with
text, and read that text back in.

Fig. 7.1: Writing and reading a text file.

7.4 BinaryReader and BinaryWriter Classes

BinaryReader and BinaryWriter classes are used to read and write the content in the binary
BinaryReader class
As the name indicates this class is used to read a binary data from the file. Here FileStream
object will be passed through the constructor to create the
BinaryReader object. Following table 7.5 lists the methods of BinaryReader class.
Table 7.5: BinaryReader methods
Method Name Description
Close() Closes the BinaryReader object
Read() Reads the character from the stream
ReadBoolean() Reads boolean value and advance the pointer by one
ReadByte() Reads next byte from current stream and advance the
pointer by one byte
ReadChar() Reads next character from current stream and advance
the pointer by one byte
ReadDouble() Reads 8 byte floating point value from current stream
and advance the pointer by one byte
ReadInt32() Reads 4 byte signed integer value from current stream
and advance the pointer by one byte
ReadString() Reads String from current stream of fixed length
encoded as seven bits at a time.

BinaryReader Object works at lower level of Streams. BinaryReader is used for read premitive
types as binary values in a specific encoding stream. Binaryreader Object works with Stream
Objects that provide access to the underlying bytes. For creating a BinaryReader Object, you
have to first create a FileStream Object and then pass BinaryReader to the constructor method.
Imports System.IO
Public Class Form1
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _ ByVal e As
System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim readStream As FileStream Dim msg As String
readStream = New FileStream("c:\testBinary.dat", FileMode.Open) Dim readBinary As
New BinaryReader(readStream)
msg = readBinary.ReadString() MsgBox(msg)
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End Sub
End Class
BinaryWriter class
BinaryWriter creates a binary file. This file contains a certain layout of bytes. With BinaryWriter,
we write individual bytes, integers or strings to a file location. This makes possible the creation
of files in certain formats. The BinaryWriter Object works at lower level of Streams. BinaryWriter
is used for write primitive types as binary values in a specific encoding stream. BinaryWriter
Object works with Stream Objects that provide access to the underlying bytes. For creating a
BinaryWriter Object, you have to first create a FileStream Object and then pass BinaryWriter to
the constructor method.

The main advantage of Binary information is that it is not easily human readable and stores files
as Binary format is the best practice of space utilization. Table 7.6 lists the methods of
BinaryWriter class.
Table 7.6: Methods of BinaryWriter class

Method Name Description

Close closes the BinaryReader object
Read Reads the characters from the current
stream and advances pointer position
ReadBoolean Reads a Boolean value from the current
stream and advances pointer position
ReadByte Reads the next byte from the current
stream and advances pointer position
ReadBytes ( count As Integer ) Reads the specified number of bytes from
the current stream
ReadChar Reads the next character from the current
stream advances the current position
ReadChars ( count As Integer ) Reads the specified number of characters
from the current stream

ReadDouble Reads an 8-byte floating point value from

the current stream advances the current
ReadInt32 Reads a 4-byte signed integer from the
current stream
ReadString Reads a string from the current stream.
The string is prefixed with the length

Following program explain how BinaryWriter can be used to write the data in the file through
binary stream.
Imports System.IO
Public Class Form1
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _ ByVal e As
System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim writeStream As FileStream Try
writeStream = New FileStream("c:\testBinary.dat", FileMode.Create) Dim writeBinay As
New BinaryWriter(writeStream) writeBinay.Write("This is a test for BinaryWriter
!") writeBinay.Close()
Catch ex As Exception MsgBox(ex.ToString)
End Try End Sub
End Class
7.5 File and Directory Classes
Now we are going to discuss the other important classes apart from what we discussed above,
namely File and Directory.
File class
The File class supports in various file operations like open, move and copy a file to the different
location and so on. Similarly the Directory class supports in creating, renaming and deleting the
directories. Here the methods that we are going to use are class methods, so you are free from
creating an object to do these operations.
Following are the list of syntaxes that supports various file operations.
File Creation: First we will start with the method that does the file creation.
File.Create (Path and file name)
Here the parameter requires for the file create method is name of the file along with the path
where you wanted to create that file.

Check for File Existence: You must have observed in the above discussed examples, that
before we create an object for the file we check for the availability of the particular file.
File.Exists (Path and file name) as Boolean

This particular file check method for its existence it require single parameter, that indicates the
path of the file and returns the status of the file with the Boolean expression. If it returns True
means the file is existing and false state indicates the absence of the file.

Imorts System.IO Public Class Form1

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _ ByVal e As
System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
If File.Exists("c:\testFile.txt") Then MsgBox("File
'testFile' Exist ")
Else File.Create("c:\testFile.txt")
MsgBox("File 'testFile' created ") End If
End Sub End Class
The above program is to illustrate the two file operations such as File exist and create. Program
given above first checks for he file existence if it exists already it will display the message “File
already exits” otherwise using create function it creates File object. Next we will see how to
make a copy of an existing file
Copy: Copy (source filename, Destination filename)

Here this copy method requires two parameters, first is the source file that you wanted to move.
Second is the destination to where you wanted to move the file.

Delete: This method is used to delete an existing file, below is the syntax for delete operation
Delete (Path and file name)

This operation requires single parameter, the name and path of the file that you wanted to
Imports System.IO
Public Class Form1
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _ ByVal e As
System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
If Not File.Exists("c:\testFile.txt") Then MsgBox("FIle not
exist ")
File.Copy("c:\testFile.txt", "c:\testDir\testFile.txt") MsgBox("File
Copied ") File.Delete("c:\testFile.txt")
MsgBox("file deleted ") End If
End Sub End Class

The above program is to exhibit the copy and delete operations. It checks for the given file
availability, if it exits it will be copied to the different location and it gets deleted or it prints the
error message that the specified file does not exist.
Directory class
Similar to File class in directory class also, you can do directory operations like create, move or
delete directories. We can use or call the methods directly with the directory class. Now we will
discuss various operations of directories.

Create: We can use CreateDirectory method from the Directory class the syntax is as follows
Directory.CreateDirectory (DirPath)

This method requires one parameter to execute the function, Path of the directory to specify
where the new directory needs to be created and located.

Directory Existence: Generally we check for the availability of the particular directory before
we create any directory.
Directory.Exists (Path and directory name) as Boolean

This particular directory check method requires only one parameter that indicates the path of the
directory and returns the status of the directory with the Boolean expression. If it returns True
means the directory is existing, and the false state indicates the absence of the directory.

Move: This method will be useful whenever you wanted to move the contents of directory from
one location to other.
Move (source DirName, Destination DirName)

Here the parameters require for this method is two, the source directory from where you wanted
move and the destination indicates the new location to move.
Delete: This method is useful where you want to delete a directory
Delete (Path and directory name)

One parameter is required for this method which is the path of the directory that you wanted to

The below program is basically to exhibit the various directory methods that we discussed
earlier. Here first we are checking for the availability of the testDir1 directory if it already exists
we are going to display the message

“Directory Exist”. Otherwise using CreateDirectory method the directory will be created. Next
using same method testDir2 is created inside the testDir1 directory. Now, using move function
testDir2 is been relocated then the testDir1 has been deleted.
Imports System.IO
Public Class Form1
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object,_ ByVal e As
System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
If Directory.Exists("c:\testDir1") Then MsgBox("Directory
'testDir' Exist ")
Else Directory.CreateDirectory("c:\testDir1")
MsgBox("testDir1 created ! ")
MsgBox("testDir2 created ! ") Directory.Move("c:\testDir1\testDir2",
"c:\testDir") MsgBox("testDir2 moved ")
MsgBox("testDir1 deleted ") End If
End Sub End Class

We will see here now one more example that Open File dialog to select a file that gets copied to
the new directory, using the File class's Copy method, here the pathname of the filename
returned by the Open File dialog using handled and using String class's SubString method.
Imports System.IO
Public Class Form1
Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
MsgBox("Could not create directory.")
Exit Sub
End Try
MsgBox("Directory created.")
End Sub

Private Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _ ByVal e As

System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click
If OpenFileDialog1.ShowDialog <> DialogResult.Cancel
File.Copy(OpenFileDialog1.FileName, TextBox1.Text & "\" & _
End If Catch
MsgBox("Could not copy file.") Exit Sub
End Try
MsgBox("File copied.") End Sub
End Class

Here the Form has inherited the System window to generate the Windows Form Designer code
window. Using createDirectory method it tries to create the method taking the parameter value
from the TextBox control (path and name of the Directory given by the user). The code is written
inside the try block if it encounters any error will throw to catch block and the error message will
be displayed. These business logics are written in the Button1 click event. You can observe one
more Button control is available named Button2 where we are going to write the code to copy a
file to the new directory. Here also we have try catch block to display the error message if the
program encounters any error. When you run the above program the output appears as shown
in figure 7.2.
Fig. 7.2: creating a directory and copying a file to it

7.6 Summary
 File is a collection of data stored in a disk with a specific name and a directory path. 

 Group of data channeled through the communication path is called stream. 

 Input and the output streams are considered as the two major streams in FileStream. 

 FileStream is base class belongs to the System.IO namespace used for various file
 operations. 
 There are 5 different file opening modes are supported in VB .NET. 
 Seek method helps to browse through the file. 

 BinaryReader and BinaryWriter classes are used to read and write the content in the binary
files. 

 The File class supports in various file operations like open, move and copy a file to the
different location. 
 Using directory class, you can do directory operations like create, move or delete directories. 

7.7 Questions and Exercises

1. What is FileStream? Discuss the parameters required to create a FileStream object.
2. Discuss the various file modes used to open a file with appropriate example.
3. Explain the StreamReader class with appropriate example.
4. List and explain the StreamWriter class methods.
5. Explain brief about the BinaryReader and BinaryWriter classes.
6 What are File and Directory classes discuss with example

7.8 Suggested Readings:

 / book/ id_ 5526 /
 viewer.asp@ bookid= 5526& chunkid=0326962437.htm 
 
 

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