POLL Volume 7 Issue 1 Pages 153-179
POLL Volume 7 Issue 1 Pages 153-179
POLL Volume 7 Issue 1 Pages 153-179
DOI: 10.22059/poll.2020.307069.859
Print ISSN: 2383-451X Online ISSN: 2383-4501
Web Page: https://jpoll.ut.ac.ir, Email: [email protected]
Nik-Abdul-Ghani, N. R., et al.
The common conventional methods that (Burakov et al., 2018; Siddiqui & Chaudhry,
had been utilized to remove heavy metals 2017.) Therefore, adsorption approach is
from wastewater effluents are chemical selected as the best alternative to remove
precipitation, solvent extraction, ion heavy metals from wastewater. It has been
exchange, electrochemical removal, and proved that adsorption is the most preferred
coagulation. However, these methods have method for purification, due to effectiveness,
limitations such as inconvenient, large space convenient stability, utility, low-cost, ease of
needed, incomplete removal, high energy operation and high performance (González et
consumption, low efficiency, generation of al., 2017; İnce & Kaplan İnce, 2017).
toxic sludge, and expensive disposal Adsorption is defined as mass transfer
Pollution, 7(1): 153-179, Winter 2021
Nik-Abdul-Ghani, N. R., et al.
Pollution, 7(1): 153-179, Winter 2021
The Langmuir isotherm model indicates indicates the shape of isotherm (Weber &
that the adsorption of heavy metals occurs by Chakkrovarti, 1974; Kajitvichyanukul &
monolayer adsorption on a homogeneous Ananpattarachai, 2013).
surface where the adsorption sites have equal 1
affinities toward the adsorbate (Azizian et al., RL (2)
1 K L Co
2018; Chen, 2015). Fig. 2 illustrates the
monolayer adsorption mechanism of heavy The value of RL is calculated and the
metals ion on the surface of nanoadsorbent. type of isotherm can be defined as
The important characteristics of the favourable when 0 < RL < 1, linear when RL
Langmuir isotherm can be expressed by a = 1, unfavourable when RL > 1 and
dimensionless constant known as irreversible when RL= 0.
equilibrium parameter RL as defined in
Equation 2 below where this parameter
Nik-Abdul-Ghani, N. R., et al.
Fig. 2. Monolayer adsorption mechanism of Langmuir model adapted from Milewska-Duda et al., (2000)
Fig. 3. Visual representation of Freundlich isotherm model adapted from Singh (2016)
Pollution, 7(1): 153-179, Winter 2021
Peterson isotherm equation (Wu et al., (Kecili & Hussain, 2018). Many
2010). researchers have utilized BET method to
Another isotherm model of adsorption analyze the surface area of various carbon-
process is Bruener-Emmett-Teller (BET) based adsorbents such as activated carbon
isotherm model which represents the and carbon nanotubes (Kacan, 2016;
multilayer adsorption of the adsorbate to Kumar & Jena, 2016; Maryam et al.,
the surface of adsorbent. From BET 2013). The illustration of multilayer
isotherm model, the surface area and the adsorption of heavy metals ions on
porosity of the materials can be determined nanoadsorbent is displayed in Fig. 4.
Fig. 4. Multilayer adsorption mechanism by BET isotherm model adapted from Lyubchik et al., (2011)
Nik-Abdul-Ghani, N. R., et al.
The kinetics model can explain the coefficient, k2 and equilibrium adsorption
adsorption mechanism in detail. The capacity (qe) can be calculated from the
Lagergren, pseudo-first order kinetic model intercept and slope from the graph of t/qt
is used based on the adsorptive capacity. versus t, respectively.
The rate constant of k1 is the time scale for The Elovich model helps to envisage the
the process to achieve equilibrium. It is mass/surface diffusion as well as
stated to decrease when increasing the activation/deactivation energy of a system
initial concentration which is indicates that which includes the chemical reactions
a longer time is needed if the initial (Kajjumba et al., 2018). The model
concentration is higher (Tan & Hameed, assumes that the adsorption rate of solute
2017). Some reports have found that k1 is decreases exponentially as the amount of
independent of initial concentration which adsorbed solute increases. The graph of qt
is expected to be affected by other vs t will aid to determine the nature of
experimental conditions of temperature and adsorption on the heterogeneous surface of
pH (Tan & Hameed, 2017; Yousef et al., the adsorbent. For the intraparticle model,
2011). The first order rate constant, k1 and the rate limiting step during adsorption is
adsorption capacity, qe can be determined examined and it is divided by three steps: i)
from the slope and intercept of linear graph liquid film diffusion to the adsorbent
of (qe−qt) versus t, respectively. The surface, ii) pore liquid diffusion and iii)
pseudo-second order model assumes that adsorption and desorption of the adsorbate
the adsorption rate is controlled by electron (Xu et al., 2018; Kajjumba et al., 2018;
sharing and transfer between adsorbate and Yildiz, 2018). The schematic diagram of
adsorbent through chemical adsorption the three consecutive steps for physical
where the rate of adsorption of solute is mechanism of heavy metal ions adsorption
proportional to the available sites on the on the surface of nanoadsorbent is
adsorbent (Xu et al., 2018). By plotting the illustrated in Fig. 5.
linear graph, values of second order rate
Fig. 5. Schematic diagram of adsorption mechanism for intraparticle kinetics model adapted from Yildiz
Pollution, 7(1): 153-179, Winter 2021
Nik-Abdul-Ghani, N. R., et al.
Fig. 6. Bottom-up and the top-down approaches in synthesis of carbon-based nanomaterials (Habiba et al.,
Pollution, 7(1): 153-179, Winter 2021
Nik-Abdul-Ghani, N. R., et al.
i) interaction of lead ions onto the surface adsorption capacities of copper, zinc,
of GO to form the complex and ii) complex cadmium and lead on GO at pH 5 were
formation of EDTA with lead and -COOH 294, 345, 530, 1119 mg g−1, respectively
group for complete removal of lead while the adsorption isotherms and kinetic
(Kumar et al., 2019; Madadrang et al., studies were fitted well with Langmuir
2012). Previous study by Sitko et al., isotherm and pseudo second order kinetic
(2013) investigated the adsorptive models, respectively for all divalent metal
properties of GO towards divalent metal ions (Sitko et al., 2013). The mechanism of
ions such as copper, zinc, cadmium and adsorption between GO and divalent metal
lead. In this work, the maximum ions is illustrated in Fig. 7.
Fig. 7. Schematic diagram of adsorption process of divalent metal ions on GO (Sitko et al., 2013)
Pollution, 7(1): 153-179, Winter 2021
Nik-Abdul-Ghani, N. R., et al.
limited due to low volume of production ions on the external surface and secondly
and high cost. Besides, CNTs cannot be by the rate limiting intraparticle diffusion
used alone without any supporting or along the micropore (Koeppenkastrop &
matrix to form structural components and Decarlo, 1993; Trivedi & Axe, 2000;
the effective techniques for regeneration or Wang et al., 2020).
reuse of CNTs have not been elucidated yet
(Ihsanullah et al., 2016; H. Lu et al., 2016). Nickel oxide
In addition, some limitations of utilization The adsorption study of nickel oxide in
of GO are high water absorption and poor nanopowder form is reported for the
performance of the solid–liquid separation, removal of lead and zinc with enhanced
thus GO might remain in the filtered water catalytic activity and high adsorption
and will cause a risk of exposure to capacity with 50.5 mg/g and 63.7 mg/g
humans, animals, and other aquatic respectively (Abd El fatah & Ossman,
organisms (Pérez-Ramírez et al., 2016). 2014). The authors reported that lead
Moreover, these nanomaterials of CNTs removal by nickel oxide fitted well with
and GO also have limitations when used in Langmuir isotherm and pseudo second
the packed bed column process due to high order kinetic models while zinc removal
pressure drop when the small particles followed Freundlich isotherm and pseudo
were tightly packed and leading to the low first order kinetic model (Abd El fatah &
adsorption rates because of loss of active Ossman, 2014). Mahmoud et al., (2015)
adsorption sites (Zhang et al., 2019). reported that nickel oxide prepared by
organic solvent is capable of lead removal
Metal oxide-based nanoadsorbent and the equilibrium was achieved at 2-
Metal oxides nanoparticles provide high hour, and the adsorption mechanism fitted
removal capacity, high surface area and to Langmuir model and pseudo-first order
specific affinity towards heavy metal reaction. The green synthesis of nickel
adsorption and become a great potential as oxide from lemon juice extract also
nanoadsorbent for wastewater treatment showed the capability to remove
applications (Hua et al., 2012; Yang et al., chromium, copper and nickel from aqueous
2019). Metal oxides-based nanoparticles solution. The results obtained showed that
are nanosized materials (in range 1-100 the adsorption was highly pH dependent
nm) including manganese oxide, zinc and well defined with Langmuir isotherm
oxide, nickel oxides, iron oxides, and pseudo second order kinetic models
aluminium oxides, titanium oxide, (Panji et al., 2016). Recent finding by
magnesium oxides and zirconium oxides. Krishna et al., (2018) reported that
These metal oxide-based nanoparticles are chromium doped nickel oxide nanoparticle
the promising nanoadsorbents to remove offers a great potential for heavy metals
heavy metals from aqueous system due to removal including lead, cadmium and
their high adsorption capacity and large copper. The cation removal and high
surface areas (Hua et al., 2012; Taman, adsorption capacity in aqueous solution by
2015; Yang et al., 2019). All of these chromium doped nickel oxide is due to the
nanosized metal oxides have been utilized formation of hydroxide on the surface
in various heavy metals removal from nanoparticle with the adsorption kinetic
wastewater. The adsorption mechanisms of and isotherm models were well fitted using
metal oxides were governed by pseudo-second-order kinetic and
complexation between dissolved metals Freundlich isotherm model, respectively
and the oxygen in metal oxides with two (Krishna et al., 2018).
step process; firstly the adsorption of metal
Pollution, 7(1): 153-179, Winter 2021
Nik-Abdul-Ghani, N. R., et al.
Pollution, 7(1): 153-179, Winter 2021
Nik-Abdul-Ghani, N. R., et al.
Pollution, 7(1): 153-179, Winter 2021
Table 7. Summary of efficacy for various nanocomposite adsorbents for heavy metals removal
Heavy Parametric
Nanocomposite Results/Findings Remarks Reference
metals conditions
Magnetic iron oxide pH 5.5
modified with 30 minutes of contact Adsorption capacities for cadmium,
Cd The metal ion adsorption capacity remained
copolymers (acrylic time zinc, lead and copper were 29.6, 43.4,
Zn constant for 4 cycles, indicates no irreversible
acid and crotonic acid) initial concentration of 166.1 and 126.9 mg/g, respectively. Ge et al., 2012
Pb sites on the surface of Fe3O4@APS@AA-co-
and 3- metal ions, 20–450 Langmuir isotherm
aminopropyltriethoxys mg/L Pseudo-second order kinetics
ilane T = 298 K
Superior adsorption capacity property is due
pH = 5 for Pb(II) Langmuir isotherm to the combination of the unique layered
Graphene oxide–
Pb pH = 4 for As(V) Pseudo-second order nature (allowing maximum surface area) of Kumar et al.,
MnFe2O4 magnetic
As pH = 6.5 for Surface complex formation theory the hybrid system and the good adsorption 2014
As(III) -spontaneous and endothermic capabilities of both the GO and NP.
Magnetic separation
Contact time: 20 Maximum adsorption capacities were X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy analysis
Hydrous minutes 62.33 and 41.31 mg/g for As(III) and indicated that the major chemical state of
cerium oxide– As Maximum adsorption As(V) cerium (Ce) element in the adsorbent was Yu et al., 2015
graphene composite at pH 4.0 (As (III)) and Langmuir isotherm +IV and the hydroxyl group might be
pH 7.0 (As (V)) Pseudo-second order involved in the adsorption process.
The sorption process occurs in two steps:
Double-exponential kinetic model
Contact time 6 h, i) external diffusion (transport of the metal
D–R isotherm model indicated that the
U temperature 45 °C, ion to the external surface of the adsorbent)
Electrospun PVA/ZnO mechanism of U(VI), Cu(II) and Ni(II) Hallaji et al.,
Cu adsorbent which is a rapid phase, ii) the pore diffusion
nanofiber sorption on the nanofiber adsorbent 2015
Ni concentration 1 g/L and (sorption of the metal ion on the interior
was physisorption
pH 5 surface of the adsorbent) which is a slow
Endothermic and spontaneous
The composite with absorbed Pb(II) can be
pH=7.0 with the initial
Reduced GO-Fe3O4 Adsorption capacity was 30.68 mg/g easily collected by magnetic separation from
Pb concentration of Pb(II) Cao et al., 2015
composite Langmuir isotherm wastewater because of the excellent
ions of 80 mg/L
magnetism of Fe3O4
Adsorption capacity of Pb2+, Cu2+and
Cr6+ metal ions using chitosan/GO
Reusability studies indicated chitosan/GO
Cu Equilibrium time of 30 nanofibers was found to be 461.3, Hadi-
nanofibers could be reused frequently
Chitosan-GO Pb min and temperature of 423.8 and 310.4 mg/g Najafabadi et
without any significant loss in adsorption
Cr 45 °C Redlich–Peterson isotherm models al., 2015
Double-exponential kinetic
Endothermic and spontaneous reaction
Adsorption capacity of M-GO and
MrGO for As(III) and As(V) were 85
As (III) adsorption at Electrostatic interaction between the
mg/g (M-GO for As(III)), 38 mg/g (M-
Magnetite–graphene pH 7 positively charged surface of Fe3O4–
GO for As(V)), 57 mg/g (M-rGO for
oxide and magnetite- As (III) As (V) adsorption at graphene-based adsorbents and anionic Yoon et al.,
As(III)), and 12 mg/g (MrGO for
reduced graphene As(V) pH 4 As(V) 2016
oxide composite temperature = 25 ◦C, -adsorption mechanism of As(III) was
Freundlich isotherm
adsorption time = 12 h strongly affected by a surface complexation,
Pseudo-first order
Surface complexation
The maximum adsorption capacities of
Cu and Pb ions were 710.3, 579.1 and The selectivity of metal sorption using
Equilibrium time of 30
Cu 526.5, 475.5 mg/g chitosan/TiO2 nanofibrous adsorbent was in Razzaz et al.,
Chitosan/TiO2 min
Pb pseudo-first order and Redlich– order of Cu > Pb. 2016
Temperature= 45 °C,
Peterson isotherm models Five cycles of adsoprtion/desorption
Hydrated manganese pH 6.7 High adsorption capacity >50 mg/g
GO offered the preconcentration of Pb for
oxide (HMO) on GO sorbent Freundlich isotherm Wan et al.,
Pb enhanced sequestration through the Donnan
nanocomposite dose = 0.2 g/L Pseudo-second order 2016
membrane effect
(HMO@GO) Temperature = 298 K Intraparticle diffusion
Adsorption capacities of 56.43, 24.43
α-FeOOH decorated Arsenic interact with α-FeOOH@GCA to
and 102.11mg/g1 for As(V)
graphene Maximum As form inner-sphere complexes which could be
As Langmuir isotherm Fu et al., 2017
oxide-carbon adsorption at pH 9.5 interpreted through ligand exchange
Pseudo-second order
nanotubes aerogel mechanism
Endothermic reaction
Adsorbent dose:
0.4 g/L Langmuir, and D-R isotherm model
The lead adsorption was governed by the
graphene oxide-MgO 30 min of equilibrium Spontaneous and endothermic Mohan et al.,
Pb external mass transfer which was followed
nanohybrid time Pseudo-second-order kinetic (2017)
by intraparticle diffusion
temperature: 30 °C, pH Intraparticle diffusion
Adsorption capacity was found to be
Optimum pH 2
Polyaniline/ZnO 346.18 mg/g -Langmuir Electrostatic adsorption coupled reduction of Ahmad &
Cr optimum temperature
nanocomposite Pseudo-second order adsorption mechanism Hasan, 2017
60 °C
endothermic and spontaneous
GO-blended Maximum rejection of 98% was GO and NMP in obtaining a highly porous
Ravishankar et
Polysulfone (PSf) Lead concentration = achieved membrane that provides improved flux and
Pb al., 2018
ultrafiltration 50 mg/L and pH = 5.5 -high flux of 43.62 L/m2 h, higher enhanced rejection of lead ions
membrane porosity membrane
pH: 9
Maximum adsorption was 168 mg/g Green synthesis of pure mesoporous KCC-1
Adsorbent dose =
Functionalised Langmuir and pseudo-second-order was prepared through the facile
20 mg, contact time = Zarei et al.,
mesoporous KCC-1 Pb models were found to be the best fit hydrothermal-assisted sol-gel process in a
100 min, initial 2019
and chitosan-oleic acid models to predict isotherms and Teflon-lined stainless steel
kinetics of adsorption, respectively. autoclave at 393 K
100 mg/L
None of nanocrystal aggregation, poor
Cd 0.01 % of metal the removal rate was in the range of stability and large MOF loss when a MOF is
organic framework
Ni organic framework 94% to 99.2% for Ni2+, Cd2+, and Pb2+ , applied to membrane separation He et al., 2020
thin film
Pb concentration respectively new application of nanocrystals in heavy
metals removal
Nik-Abdul-Ghani, N. R., et al.
Pollution, 7(1): 153-179, Winter 2021
much more investigation is required to Disinfection. J. Water Process. Eng., 33, 101044, 1-
show that, the optimization of 12.
nanoadsorbents considering the removal Alam, J., Shukla, A. K., Alhoshan, M.,
capability, reusability, their synthesis, cost Arockiasamy Dass, L., Muthumareeswaran, M. R.,
Khan, A. and Ahmed Ali, F. A. (2018). Graphene
and appropriate strategies are required to
oxide, an effective nanoadditive for a development
improve the efficiency and practicability of of hollow fiber nanocomposite membrane with
the nanoadsorbents in real wastewater antifouling properties. Adv. Polym. Technol., 2017,
treatment. 1–12.
Ali, M. E., Hoque, M. E., Safdar Hossain, S. K. and
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Biswas, M. C. (2020). Nanoadsorbents for
The authors express their gratitude to wastewater treatment: next generation
Ministry of Education (MOE) Malaysia for biotechnological solution. In Int. J. Environ. Sci.
granting a Fundamental Research Grant Technol. (Issue 0123456789). Springer Berlin
Scheme (FRGS), project no. FRGS-19-
194-0803, and to International Islamic Alimohammadi, M., Saeedi, Z., Akbarpour, B.,
University Malaysia for the financial Rasoulzadeh, H., Yetilmezsoy, K., Al-Ghouti, M.
A., Khraisheh, M. and McKay, G. (2017).
support. Adsorptive Removal of Arsenic and Mercury from
Aqueous Solutions by Eucalyptus Leaves. Water
CONFLICT OF INTEREST Air Soil Pollut., 228(11), 1-27.
The authors declare that there is no conflict
Auwal, A. and Hossen, J. (2018). Removal of
of interests, regarding the publication of Phenol From Aqueous Solution Using Tamarind
this manuscript. The authors declare that Seed Powder As Adsorbent. IOSR J. Environ. Sci.
there is not any conflict of interests Toxic. Food Technol. vf 12(3), 41–48.
regarding the publication of this Ayawei, N., Ebelegi, A. N. and Wankasi, D. (2017).
manuscript. In addition, the ethical issues, Modelling and Interpretation of Adsorption
including plagiarism, informed consent, Isotherms. J. Chem., 2017(3039817), 1-11.
misconduct, data fabrication and/ or Azizi, S., Shahri, M. M. and Mohamad, R. (2017).
falsification, double publication and/or Green synthesis of zinc oxide nanoparticles for
submission, and redundancy have been enhanced adsorption of lead Ions from aqueous
completely observed by the authors. solutions: Equilibrium, kinetic and thermodynamic
studies. Molecules., 22(6), 1-14.
LIFE SCIENCE REPORTING Azizian, S., Eris, S. and Wilson, L. D. (2018). Re-
No life science threat was practiced in this evaluation of the century-old Langmuir isotherm for
research. modeling adsorption phenomena in solution. Chem.
Phys., 513, 99–104.
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