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Approximation Algorithms For Partial Covering Problems: Key Words and Phrases

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Approximation algorithms for partial covering problems

(Extended Abstract) Rajiv Gandhi1, Samir Khuller2 , and Aravind Srinivasan3

Department of Computer Science, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742. Research supported by NSF Award CCR-9820965. E-mail: [email protected]. 2 Department of Computer Science and Institute for Advanced Computer Studies, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742. Research supported by NSF Award CCR-9820965 and an NSF CAREER Award CCR-9501355. E-mail: [email protected]. 3 Bell Labs, Lucent Technologies, 600-700 Mountain Avenue, Murray Hill, NJ 07974. E-mail: [email protected].

Abstract. We study the generalization of covering problems to partial covering. Here we wish to cover only a desired number of elements, rather than covering all elements as in standard covering problems. For example, in k-set cover, we wish to choose a minimum number of sets to cover at least k elements. For k-set cover, if each element occurs in at most f sets, then we derive a primal-dual f -approximation algorithm (thus implying a 2-approximation for k-vertex cover) in polynomial time. In addition to its simplicity, this algorithm has the advantage of being parallelizable. For instances where each set has cardinality at most three, we obtain an approximation of 4=3. We also present better-than-2-approximation algorithms for k-vertex cover on bounded degree graphs, and for vertex cover on expanders of bounded average degree. We obtain a polynomialtime approximation scheme for k-vertex cover on planar graphs, and for covering points in Rd by disks.

Key Words and Phrases: Approximation algorithms, partial covering, set cover, vertex cover, primal-dual methods, randomized rounding.

1 Introduction
Covering problems are widely studied in discrete optimization: basically, these problems involve picking a least-cost collection of sets to cover elements. Classical problems in this framework include the general set cover problem, of which a widely studied special case is the vertex cover problem. (The vertex cover problem is a special case of set cover in which the edges correspond to elements and vertices correspond to sets; in this set cover instance, each element is in exactly

two sets.) Both these problems are NP-hard and polynomial-time approximation algorithms for both are well studied. For set cover see 8,23,26]. For vertex cover see 3,4, 9,18,19,27]. In this paper we study the generalization of \covering" to \partial covering" 24,28]. Speci cally, in k-set cover, we wish to nd a minimum number (or, in the weighted version, a minimum weight collection) of sets that cover at least k elements. When k is the total number of elements, we obtain the regular set cover problem; similarly for k-vertex cover. (We sometimes refer to k-set cover as \partial set cover", and k-vertex cover as \partial vertex cover"; the case where k equals the total number of elements is referred to as \full coverage".) This generalization is motivated by the fact that real data (in clustering for example) often has errors (also called outliers). Thus, discarding the (small) number of constraints posed by such errors/outliers is permissible. Suppose we need to build facilities to provide service within a xed radius to a certain fraction of the population. We can model this as a partial set cover problem. The main issue in partial covering is: which k elements should we choose to cover? If such a choice can be made judiciously, we can then invoke a set cover algorithm. Other facility location problems have recently been studied in this context 7]. Regarding vertex cover, a very simple approximation algorithm for the unweighted case is attributed to Gavril and Yannakakis, and can be found, e.g., in 10]: take a maximal matching and pick all the matched vertices as part of the cover. The size of the matching (number of edges) is a lower bound on the optimal vertex cover, and this yields a 2-approximation. This algorithm fails for partial covering, since the lower bound relies on the fact that all the edges have to be covered: in general, approximation algorithms for vertex cover may return solutions that are much larger than the optimal value of a given k-vertex cover instance. The rst approximation algorithm for k-vertex cover was given in 6]. Their 2-approximation algorithm is based on a linear programming (LP) formulation: suitably modifying and rounding the LP's optimal solution. A faster approximation algorithm achieving the same factor of 2 was given in 21]; here, the key idea is to relax the constraint limiting the number of uncovered elements and searching for the dual penalty value. More recently, a 2-approximation based on the elegant \local ratio" method was given in 5].

For the full coverage version, a ln n+1 approximationwas proposed in 23,26]. This analysis of the greedy algorithm can be improvedP H( ) (see the proof to : in 10]) where is the size of the largest set. (H(k) = k=1 1=i = ln k + (1).) i Chvatal 8] generalized this to the case when sets have costs. Slavik 29] shows the same bound for the partial cover problem. When = 3, Duh and Furer 11] gave a 4=3-approximation for the full coverage version. They extended this 1 result to get a bound of H( ) ? 2 for full coverage. When an element belongs to at most f sets Hochbaum 18] gives a f-approximation. 2

Problem De nitions and Previous Work. k-Set Cover: Given a set T = ft ; t ; : : :; tng, a collection S of subsets of T , S = fS ; S ; : : :; Sm g, a cost function c : S ! Q , and an integer k, nd a minimum cost sub-collection of S that covers at least k elements of T .
1 2 1 2 +

k-Vertex Cover: Given a graph G = (V; E), a cost function c : V ! Q+ , and an integer k, nd a minimum cost subset of V that covers at least k edges of G. Several 2-approximation algorithms are known for this; see 6,21,5]. Geometric Covering Problem: Given n points in a plane, nd a minimally sized set of disks of diameter D that would cover at least k points. Previous Results: The full coverage version is well-studied. This problem is motivated by the location of emergency facilities as well as from image processing (see 20] for additional references). For the special case of geometric covering problems, a polynomial-time approximation scheme is shown in 22]. Full proofs of the claims in this paper are given in 12]. k-Set Cover: For the special case when each element is in at most f sets, we combine a primal-dual algorithm 9,15] with a thresholding method to obtain an f-approximation. One advantage of our method, in addition to its simplicity, is that it can be easily parallelized by changing the algorithm slightly. The resulting approximation factor is f(1+ ), where > 0 is any desired constant. The number of parallel rounds is O(log n) once we x > 0. The number of processors required in linear in the problem size. This is the rst parallel approximation algorithm for any partial covering problem. For set cover where the sets have cardinality at most there are results (starting from 13,16]) by Duh and Furer 1 11] for set cover (full coverage) that improve the H( ) bound to H( ) ? 2 . 4 1 For example, for = 3 they present a 3 (= H(3) ? 2 ) approximation using \semi-local"optimization rather than a 11 -approximation obtained by the simple 6 4 greedy algorithm. For the case = 3, we can obtain a 3 bound for the partial coverage case. k-Vertex Cover: By switching to a probabilistic approach to rounding the LP relaxation of the problem, we obtain improved results for k-vertex cover, where we wish to choose a minimum number of vertices to cover at least k edges. An outstanding open question for vertex cover (full coverage) is whether the approximation ratio of 2 is best-possible; see, e.g., 14]. Thus, it has been an issue of much interest to identify families of graphs for which constant-factor approximations better than 2 (which we denote by Property (P)) are possible. In the full coverage case, Property (P) is true for graphs of bounded maximum degree; see, e.g., 17]. How can we extend such a result? Could Property (P) hold for graphs of constant average degree? This is probably not the case, since this can be shown to imply Property (P) for all graphs. As a step toward seeing which graph families of constant average degree enjoy property (P), we show that for expander graphs of bounded average degree, Property (P) is true. We also show Property (P) for k-vertex cover in the case of bounded maximum degree and arbitrary k; this is the rst Property (P) result for k-vertex cover, to our knowledge. We also present certain new results for multi-criteria versions of k-vertex cover. Geometric Covering: There is a polynomial approximation scheme based on dynamic programming for the full coverage version 22]. For the partial coverage 3

Our Results.


k-Set Cover The k-Set Cover problem can be formulated as an integer program as follows. We assign a binary variable xj for each Sj 2 S i.e xj 2 f0; 1g. In this formulation, xj = 1 i set Sj belongs to the cover. A binary variable yi is assigned to each element ti 2 T . yi = 1 i ti is not covered. Clearly, there could be at most n ? k such uncovered elements. An LP relaxationPmobtained by letting the is variablesP reals in 0; 1]. The LP is to minimize j =1 c(Sj ) xj , subject to: be P (i) yi + j :ti2Sj xj 1, i = 1; 2; : : :; n; (ii) n=1 yi n ? k; (iii) xj 0, i j = 1; 2; : : :; m; and (iv) yi 0, i = 1; 2; : : :; n. The dual LP contains a variable ui (for each element ti 2 T ) corresponding to each of the rst n constraints in the above LP. The dual variable z corresponds to the (n + 1)th constraint in the P above LP formulation. The dual LP is to maximize n=1 ui ? (n ? k) z subject i P to: (i) i:ti2Sj ui c(Sj ) for j = 1; 2; : : :; m, (ii) 0 ui z for i = 1; 2; : : :; n, and (iii) z 0. The algorithm SetCover does the following. The algorithm \guesses" the set with the highest cost in the optimal solution by considering each set in turn to be the highest cost set. For each set that is chosen, to be the highest cost set, say Sj , Sj along with all the elements it contains is removed from the instance and is included as part of the cover for this guess of the highest cost set. The cost of all sets having a higher cost than c(Sj ) is raised to 1. Ij = (T j ; S j ; c0; kj ) is the modi ed instance. SetCover then calls Primal-Dual on Ij which uses a primal dual approach 15] to return a set cover for Ij . In Primal-Dual, the dual P variables ui are increased for all ti 2 T j until there exists a set Si such that i:ti 2Si ui = c0 (Si ). Sets are chosen this way until the cover is feasible. The algorithm then chooses the minimum cost solution among the m solutions found. The pseudo-code for this algorithm can be found in 12]. Theorem 1. SetCover(T ; S ; c; k) returns a f -approximate solution, where f is the highest frequency of any element i.e. an element appears in at most f sets. Corollary 1. SetCover(E; V; c; k) gives a 2-approximate solution for k-Vertex

version since we do not know which k points to cover, we have to de ne a new dynamic program. This makes the implementation of the approximation scheme due to 22] more complex, although it is still a polynomial-time algorithm. k-Vertex Cover for Planar Graphs: We are able to use the dynamic programming ideas developed for the geometric covering problem to design a polynomialtime approximation scheme (PTAS) for k-vertex cover for planar graphs. This is based on Baker's method for the full covering case 2]. The details are omitted from this extended abstract; the interested reader is referred to 12].

We assume as before that each element belongs to at most f sets. The framework for the algorithm is the same as the one we described for the primal4

2.1 Parallel Implementation of Partial Set Cover Algorithm

dual serial algorithm. The parallel algorithm runs in \rounds". In each round, we simultaneously raise all dual variables ui corresponding to the uncovered elements. In the serial algorithm we pick one set in each iteration, namely P a set Sj such that ( i:ti 2Sj ui = c0(Sj )). (Recall that c0 denotes the modied cost function.) We change this step in the algorithm to pick all sets such P that (c0 (SjP? i:ti 2Sj ui ) c0 (Sj )). (This condition will let us prove that c0(Sj ) ( i:ti 2Sj ui)=(1 ? ).) We stop as soon as we have covered at least k elements. Suppose the algorithm covers at least k elements after ` rounds. The main problem is that in the last round we can include many sets simultaneously, while we can a ord to include only a few. Let be the number of elements that we need to cover after round ` ? 1. To select an appropriate subset of the chosen sets, we need to pick a minimal collection of chosen sets that cover at least elements. To accomplish this, we order the sets chosen in the last iteration arbitrarily. Now compute in parallel the \e ective" number of elements each set covers and choose a minimal collection based on the xed ordering. (All these steps can be implemented in parallel using pre x computations.) Theorem 2. The parallel algorithm runs in (1 + f log(1= ))(1 + logn) rounds, with each round running in O(log n) time; the number of processors is linear in
f the size of the input. The algorithm produces an 1? -approximate solution.

Problem: Given a collection C of small subsets of a base set U. Each small subset in the collection has size at most , and their union is U. The objective is to nd a minimum size sub-collection that covers at least k elements. Here we have the original partial set cover instance with the additional information that the sets are of \small" size, i.e., is small. We obtain an approximation factor of 4=3 for the case when = 3 using the the idea of (s; t) semi-local optimization 11]. This technique consists of inserting up to s 3-sets (sets of size 3) and deleting up to t 3-sets from the current cover. Then the elements that are not covered by the 3-sets (already existing ones + the newly added) are covered optimally using 2-sets and 1-sets. This can be solved in polynomial time using maximummatching 13]. The vertices are the uncovered elements of U and the edges are the admissible 2-sets. The 2-sets corresponding to the maximum matching edges and the 1-sets corresponding to the vertices not covered by the maximum matching form an optimum covering. We will order the quality of a solution by the number of sets in the cover and among two covers of the same size we choose the one with fewer 1-sets and if the covers have the same size and neither cover has a 1-set we choose the one that covers more elements. The algorithm starts with any solution. One solution can be obtained as follows. Choose a maximal collection of disjoint 3-sets. Cover the remaining elements optimally using 2-sets and 1-sets. Perform semi-local (2; 1) improvements until no improvement is possible. The proof for the bound of 4=3 for full coverage does not extend to the partial coverage version. For the full coverage, to prove the lower bound on the optimal

3 Set Cover for Small Sets

solution Duh and Furer construct a graph G in which the vertices are the sets chosen by OPT and the edges are 1-sets and 2-sets of the approximate solution. They prove that G can not have more than one cycle and hence argue that the total number of 1-sets and 2-sets in the solution is a lower bound on OPT. This works well for the full coverage version but breaks down for the partial covering problem. For the partial covering case G having at most one cycle is a necessary but not a su cient condition to prove the lower bound. In the full version of the problem, to bound the number of 1-sets in the solution they construct a bipartite graph with the two sets of vertices corresponding to the sets chosen by the approximate solution and OPT. If a set corresponding the approximate solution intersects a set corresponding to OPT in m elements then there are m edges between their corresponding vertices in the graph. In each component of the graph they show that the number of 1-sets of the solution in that component is at most the number of 1-sets of OPT in that component. This is clearly not the case in the partial covering case. We obtain a bound on the number of 1-sets as a side e ect of the proof for the lower bound on OPT. Theorem 3. The semi-local (2; 1)-optimization algorithm for 3-set partial cov4 ering problem produces a solution that is within 3 OPT + 1.

4 Probabilistic Approaches for k-Vertex Cover

We now present a randomized rounding approach to the natural LP relaxation of k-vertex cover. Analyzed in three di erent ways, this leads to three new approximation results mentioned in x1: relating to vertex cover (full coverage) for expander graphs of constant average degree, k-vertex cover on bounded-degree graphs, and multi-criteria k-vertex cover problems. The k-vertex cover problem on a graph G = (V; E) can be formulated as an integer program as follows. We assign binary variables xj for each vj 2 V and zi;j for each (i; j) 2 E. Here, xj = 1 i vertex vj belongs to the cover, and zi;j = 1 i edge (i; j) is covered. The LP relaxation is obtained by letting each xj and zi;j lie in 0; 1]: n X xj subject to min xi + xj zi;j ; (i; j) 2 E X zi;j k xj ; zi;j 2 0; 1]; 8i; j:
j =1

i;j )2E

(1) (2)

Our basic approximation recipe will be as follows. The LP relaxation is solved optimally. Let fxi g, fzi;j g denote an optimal LP solution, and let = 2(1 ? ), where 2 0; 1=2] is a parameter that will be chosen based on the application. Let S1 = fvj jxj 1= g, and S2 = V ? S1 . Include all the vertices in S1 as 6

part of our cover, and mark the edges incident on vertices in S1 as covered. Now independently for each j 2 S2 , round xj to 1 with a probability of xj , and to 0 with a probability of 1 ? xj . Let W be the random variable denoting the number of covered edges at this point. If W < k, we choose any k ? W uncovered edges and cover them by arbitrarily choosing one end-point for each of them. We now introduce some notation to analyze the above process. Throughout, we let Pr ] and E ] denote probability and expectation, respectively. Let y represent the optimal objective function value of the LP, and de ne S0 S1 by S0 = fvj : xj = 1g. Let yF and yP be the contribution to y of the vertices in S0 and V ? S0 respectively. Denote by Ui;j the event that edge (i; j) is uncovered. Let C1 be the cost of the solution produced by our randomized scheme before the step of covering k ? W edges if necessary, and let C2 be the cost incurred in covering these k ? W edges, if any. The total cost C is of course C1 + C2; thus, E C] = E C1]+ E C2]. Now, it is easy to check that E C1] yF + yP , and that E C2] E maxfk ? W; 0g]. So we have E C] yF + yP + E maxfk ? W; 0g]: (3) As usual, let E denote the complement of an event E . Lemma 1 on the statistics of W will be useful; we only give a proof sketch here. Lemma 1. (i) E W] k(1 ? 2 ). (ii) Suppose the graph G has maximum degree d. Then, the variance Var W] of W is at most dE W]. Proof. (i) Consider any edge (i; j). Now if xi 1= or xj 1= , Pr Ui;j ] = 0; otherwise, Pr Ui;j ] = (1 ? xi )(1 ? xj ). In the latter case, since xi + xj zi;j and zi;j 2 0; 1], we can show that Pr Ui;j ] (1 ? zi;j =2)2 1 ? zi;j (1 ? 2 ). P Since E W] = (i;j )P Pr Ui;j ], we get E W] k(1 ? 2). 2E (ii) We have W = (i;j )2E Ui;j . It can be checked that if a random variable W 0 is the sum of pairwise independent random variables each of which lies in 0; 1], then Var W 0] E W 0]. However, the terms Ui;j that constitute W do have some dependent pairs: if edges (i; j) and (i0 ; j 0) share an endpoint, then Ui;j and Ui ;j are dependent. De ne to be the sum, over all unordered pairs of distinct edges (i; j) and (i0 ; j 0 ) that share an end-point, of Pr Ui;j ^ Ui ;j ]. Using the above observations and the de : nition of variance, we can show that Var W] E W]+ . Now, for any term p = Pr Ui;j ^ Ui ;j ] in , p minfPr Ui;j ]; Pr Ui ;j ]g (Pr Ui;j ]+Pr Ui ;j ])=2. Finally, since each edge has at most 2(d ? 1) other edges that share an end-point with it, we get X Var W] E W] + E W] + (2(d ? 1)=2) Pr Ui;j ] = dE W]:
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

i;j )2E

4.1 Vertex Cover on Expanders

Suppose we have a vertex cover problem; i.e., k-vertex cover with k = m. The LP relaxation here has \1" in place of \zi;j " in (1), and does not require the 7

variables zi;j and the constraint (2). We focus here on the case of expander graphs of constant average degree. That is, for some constants c and d, we are studying graphs where: (i) the number of edges m is at most nd, and (ii) for any set X of vertices with jX j n=2, at least cjX j vertices outside X have a neighbor in X. Since k = m, it is well-known that we can e ciently compute an optimal solution x to the LP with all entries lying in f0; 1=2; 1g. Let H = fvj jxj = 1=2g and F = fvj jxj = 1g. Also, since W k = m always holds, E maxfk ? W; 0g] = E k ? W] m 2 , by Lemma 1(i). Thus, (3) shows that E C] is at most yF + 2(1 ? )yH + m 2 . (The overall approach of: (i) conducting a randomized rounding and then doing a greedy xing of violated constraints, and (ii) using an equality such as our \E maxfk ? W; 0g] = E k ? W]" here, is suggested in 30]. We next show how expansion is useful in bounding E C] well. However, in the context of partial covering, an equality such as \E maxfk ? W; 0g] = E k ? W]" does not hold; so, as discussed in x4.2 and x4.3, new analysis approaches are employed there.) Choosing = yH =m, we get

E C] yH (2 ? yH =m) + yF :


Case I: jH j n=2. By the LP constraints, the edges incident on vertices in H must have their other end-point in F. Since G is an expander, jF j c jH j. Also, yF = jF j and yH = jH j =2. So, since y = yH + yF , we have yH = y =(1 + a) for some a 2c. We can now use (4) to get E C] 2yH + yF = (2 ? a=(1 + a))y (2 ? 2c=(1 + 2c))y : Case II: jH j > n=2. So, we have yH n=4. Bound (4) shows that E C] (2 ? yH =m)y ; we have m nd by assumption. So, E C] (2 ? 1=(4d))y . Thus we see that E C] 2 ? minf2c=(1 + 2c); 1=(4d)g] y ; i.e., we get a
constant-factor approximation that is strictly better than 2.


k-Vertex Cover:

Bounded-Degree Graphs

We now show that any constant d, k-vertex cover on graphs of maximum degree at most d can be approximated to within 2(1 ? (1=d)), for any value of the parameter k. We also prove that the integrality gap in this case is at most 2(1 ? (1=d)). We start with a couple of useful tail bounds. First, suppose X is a sum of independent random variables Xi each of which lies in 0; 1]; let E X] = . Then for any 2 0; 1], the Cherno bound shows that Pr X (1 + )] is at most e? 2 =3 . Next, suppose X is a random variable with mean and variance 2 ; suppose a > 0. The Chebyshev-Cantelli inequality (see, e.g., 1]), shows that Pr X ? ?a] 2 =( 2 + a2 ). We now analyze the performance of our basic algorithm (of randomized rounding of the LP solution followed by a simple covering of a su cient number of edges), for the k-vertex cover problem on graphs with maximum degree bounded by some given constant d. The notation remains the same. The main problem in adopting the method of x4.1 here is as follows. Since k equaled m there, we could use the equality E maxfk ? W; 0g] = E k ? W], 8

thus substantially simplifying the analysis. Such an equality is not true here; also, E maxfX; 0g] maxfE X]; 0g for any random variable X. (The two sides of this inequality may di er a lot: if X is the sum of n i.i.d. random variables each of which is uniformly distributed on f?1; 1g, then the r.h.s. is zero, while the l.h.s. is (pn).) However, Lemma 1, Chebyshev-Cantelli, and a case analysis of whether k 4d or not, can be used to show p (5) Pr W (k(1 ? 2) ? 2 kd)] 1=5: Next, for a suitably large constant c0 , we can assume that k c0d5 . (Any optimal solution has size at most k, since in an optimal solution, every vertex should cover at least one new edge. So if k is bounded by a constant{such as c0d5 { then we can nd an optimal solution in polynomial time by exhaustive search.) Also, by adding all the constraints of the LP and simplifying, we get that y k=d. Thus, letting = 1=(3d), a Cherno bound shows that immediately after the randomized rounding, the probability of having more than 2y (1 ? )(1 + ) vertices in our initial cover is at most 1=5 (if the constant c0 is chosen large enough). Recall (5). So, with probability at least 1 ? (1=5+1=5) =p the nal 3=5, cover we produce is of size at most 2y (1 ? )(1 + ) + k 2 + 2 kd. We now choose = y (1 + )=k; since y k=d c0 d4 with c0 su ciently large, some simpli cation shows that the nal cover size is at most 2y (1 ? (1=d)). We now brie y consider multi-criteria k-vertex cover problems on arbitrary graphs. Here, we are given a graph G and, as usual, have to cover at least k edges. We are also given ` \weight functions" wi , and want a cover that is \good" w.r.t. all of these. More precisely, suppose we are given vectors wi 2 0; 1]n; i = 1; 2; : : :; `, and a fractional solution x to the k-cover problem on P for G. Let wi = (wi;1; wi;2; : : :; wi;n), and de ne yi = j wi;j xjP 1 i `. We aim for an integral solution z such that for each i, yi = j wi;j zj is not \much above" yi . Multi-criteria optimization has recently received much attention, since participating individuals/organizations may have di ering objective functions, and we may wish to (reasonably) simultaneously satisfy all of them if possible. The result we show here is that if yi c1 log2 (` + n) for all i (where c is a su ciently largep constant), then we can e ciently nd an integral solution z with yi 2(1 + 1= log(` + n))yi for each i.


k-Vertex Cover:

Multiple Criteria

5 Geometric Packing and Covering

Recall this problem's de nition from x1. A polynomial-timeapproximation scheme exists for the case when k = n (full covering). The algorithm uses a strategy, called the shifting strategy. The strategy is based on a divide and conquer approach. The area, I, enclosing the set of given points is divided into strips of width D. Let l be the shifting parameter. Groups of l consecutive strips, resulting in strips of width lD are considered. For any xed subdivision of I into 9

strips of width D, there are l di erent ways of partitioning I into strips of width lD. The l partitions are denoted by S1 ; S2; : : :; Sl . The solution to cover all the points is obtained by nding the solution to cover the points for each partition, Sj ; 1 j l, and then choosing a minimum cost solution. A solution for each partition is obtained by nding a solution to cover the points in each strip (of width lD) of that partition and then taking the union of all such solutions. To obtain a solution for each strip, the shifting strategy is re-applied to each strip. This results in the partition of each strip into \squares" of side length lD. As will be shown later, there exists an optimal covering for such squares. We modify the use of shifting strategy for the case when k n (partial covering). The obstacle in directly using the shifting strategy for the partial covering case is that we do not know the number of points that an optimal solution covers in each strip of a partition. This is not a problem with the full covering case because we know that any optimal solution would have to cover all the points within each strip of a partition. For the partial covering, this problem is overcome by \guessing" the number of points covered by an optimal solution in each strip. This is done by nding a solution for every possible value for the number of points that can be covered in each strip and storing each solution. A formal presentation is given below. Let A be any algorithm that delivers a solution to cover the points in any strip of width lD. Let A(Si ) be the algorithm that applies A to each strip of the partition Si and outputs the union of all disks in a feasible solution. We will nd such a solution for each of the l partitions and output the minimum. Consider a partition Si containing p strips of width lD. Let nj be the number of points in strip j. Let nOPT be the number of points covered by OPT in strip j j. Since we do not know nOPT , we will nd feasible solutions to cover points for j 0 all possible values of nOPT . Note that 0 nOPT kj = min(k; nj ). A dynamic j j programming formulation is as follows: C(x; y) = 0 min (Dix + C(x ? 1; y ? i)) i k
0 x

where C(x; y) denotes the number of disks needed to cover y points in strips 1::x and Dix is the number of disks needed to cover i points in strip x. Computing C(p; k) gives us the desired answer. 0 For each strip s, for 0 i ks ; Dis can be calculated by recursive application of the algorithm to the strip s. We partition the strip into squares of side length lD. We can nd optimal coverings of points in such a square by exhaustive search. With O(l2 ) disks of diameter D we can cover lD lD square compactly, thus we never need to consider more disks for one square. Further, we can assume that any disk that covers at least two of the given points has two of these points on its border. Since there are only two ways to draw a circle of given diameter through 0 two given points, we only have to consider 2 n possible disk positions where 2 n0 is the number of p 2 points in the considered square. Thus, we have to check given for at most O(n02(l 2) ) arrangements of disks. 10

Let Z A be the value of the solution delivered by algorithm A. The shift algorithm SA is de ned for a local algorithm A. Let rB denote the performance ratio of an algorithm B; that is, rB is de ned as the supremum of Z B = jOPT j over all problem instances. We can show: Lemma 2. rSA rA(1 + 1 ) where A is the local algorithm and l is the shifting l

(1 + 1 )2. l Proof. We use two nested applications of the shifting strategy to solve the problem. The above lemma applied to the rst application of the shifting strategy would relate the performance ratio of the nal solution, rSA , to that of the solution for each strip, rA: rSA rA(1 + 1=l). The lemma when applied to the second application of shifting strategy relates rA to the performance ratio of the solution to each square, say rA . Thus, rA rA (1 + 1=l). But since we obtain an optimal solution for each square, rA = 1. Thus we have rSA (1 + 1=l)2.
0 0 0

Theorem 4. The above algorithm yields a PTAS with performance ratio at most

this work was done when the second and third authors attended the DIMACS Workshop on Multimedia Streaming on the Internet at the DIMACS Center, Rutgers University, Piscataway, NJ, on June 12{13, 2000.

Acknowledgements. We thank the referees for their helpful feedback. Part of

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