SocialStudies Grade10
SocialStudies Grade10
SocialStudies Grade10
Family 1. Understand him/herself 1. Describe the major functions of the 1. Procreation, Socialization, economic unit, emotional and
as a social being, family psychological
relationships with family,
community nation or 2. Compare different family types and 2. Types –nuclear, extended, sibling household, single parent
state, the Caribbean unions in the Caribbean family, reorganized
region and the wider a. Unions – visiting, common law, legal union
world 3. Examine the roles and responsibilities
of adults 3. Status of women, choice of employment, technology,
educational opportunities
4. Explain the changes in the roles of
family members of the Caribbean 4. Identity crisis, marginalization of the male, role conflict,
development of self-esteem
5. Describe factors which assist in the
preparation for parenthood 5. Physical, economic, emotional, psychological readiness
Evaluation Activities
End of month Test
Group Presentations
Term 1 Section A- Individual, family and society
Family/Social 1. Understand him/herself 1. Formulate strategies for dealing with 1. Teenage Pregnancy, street children, alternative lifestyle,
Groups as a social being, contemporary social issues that substance abuse, juvenile delinquency, STDs, child abuse,
relationships with family, influence Caribbean family life poverty, desertion, suicide, incest, domestic violence,
community nation or trafficking in persons, care for the aged
state, the Caribbean 2. Assess the reasons for laws to protect
region and the wider the family in social situations 2. Inheritance, child care, legal separation, divorce, domestic
world violence
3. Account for the cultural diversity of the
2. Appraise critically the Caribbean region 3. Existence of cultural patterns, customs, ceremonies,
prevailing societal religions and festivals
attitudes, norms and 4. Outline the characteristics of primary, a. Promotion of ancestral customs, art, craft,
values secondary, formal and informal groups language, music , dance and folklore
5. Describe the requirements for group 4. Structure, common goals, voluntary or involuntary
cohesion in groups and institutions membership, marks of identity, common needs, interest
and values, specific ways of interacting determined by
6. Explain the different types of rules and regulations
interaction within and among social
groups 5. Established patterns of behavior, cooperation to achieve
group goals, sanctions
7. Describe the characteristics of
institutions 6. Competition, conflict, cooperation, compromise
Evaluation Activities
Multiple choice Quiz
Group Presentations
Term 2 Section A- Individual, family and society
Government 1. Use coherent and 1. Describe the electoral processes and 1. Electoral processes
conscious processes as systems used to elect a government in a. Electoral systems – First past the post and
the principal means of the Commonwealth Caribbean Proportional Representational (advantages and
arriving at decisions disadvantages)
2. Describe how political parties prepare
2. Use skills for social for elections 2. Select candidates, raise funds, conduct campaigns, identify
participation and social important issues, monitor the other party, monitor the
action 3. Outline the factors that influence the electoral process, commission public opinion polls, publish
outcomes of elections manifesto
4. Describe the factors that influences 3. Media coverage, campaign advertisement, public opinion
voter participation in elections polls, voter turnout, voter attitude to government,
campaign strategy, campaign spending
5. Differentiate among the types of
government systems in the 4. Campaign issues, candidates, voter attitudes, voter loyalty,
Commonwealth Caribbean voter apathy, education, age, income
8. Describe the relationship between 7. Raise revenue, social services, manage finances, maintain
citizens and government as stated in law and order, create employment, maintain international
the constitution relations, defend the nation state
Evaluation Activities
End of month Test
Group Presentations
Term 3 Section B- Sustainable Development and Use of Resources
Development 1. Appreciate the 1. Identify the location and uses 1. Uses of natural resources
and Use of human and of the major natural a. Renewable – agricultural land, water, forests, beaches,
Resources natural diversity resources in the Caribbean marine life, solar energy, wind.
of the region region; b. Non-renewable – petroleum, bauxite, gold, diamond,
(Physical and how this other minerals, geothermal energy.
Resources) can be 2. Describe proper and
harnessed to improper practices related to 2. Proper practices, for example, conservation, recycling
promote its the sustainable development a. Effects of proper practices, for example, food security.
sustainable and use of natural resources b. Improper practices, for example, over-cropping.
development and their effects on the c. Effects of improper practices, for example, pollution,
through environment and the global warming, food shortages.
regional population;
integration 3. Data related to human and physical resources: population,
3. Represent and interpret data migration, employment and unemployment statistics.
2. Become aware related to human and
of the global physical resources.
issues and
which influence
his or her life
and the
development of Evaluation Activities
the region. End of month Test