Final Report - Water Management - Fina - Print
Final Report - Water Management - Fina - Print
Final Report - Water Management - Fina - Print
1 RATIONALE ........................................................................................................................................................ 1
1.1 The SIP........................................................................................................................................................ 1
1.2 Organization Setup ...................................................................................................................................... 1
2 PROJECT COMPONENTS .................................................................................................................................. 3
2.1 Headworks................................................................................................................................................... 3
2.1.1 Barrage ............................................................................................................................................... 3
2.1.2 Intakes ................................................................................................................................................ 7
2.1.3 Settling Basin ...................................................................................................................................... 7
2.2 Right Main Canal ......................................................................................................................................... 9
2.3 Left Main Canal ........................................................................................................................................... 9
3 OPERATIONAL ASPECTS ............................................................................................................................... 10
3.1 General ...................................................................................................................................................... 10
3.1.1 Policy Arrangement........................................................................................................................... 10
3.1.2 Proposed O&M Plan ......................................................................................................................... 11
3.2 Irrigation Water Requirement..................................................................................................................... 11
3.2.1 Cultivable Command Area ................................................................................................................ 11
3.2.2 Water Availability .............................................................................................................................. 11
3.2.3 Efficiencies and Duties...................................................................................................................... 12
3.2.4 Crop Calendar and Peak Water Demand ......................................................................................... 13
4 PRINCIPLES OF OPERATION.......................................................................................................................... 15
4.1 Full Supply Operation ................................................................................................................................ 15
4.2 Partial Supply Operation............................................................................................................................ 15
4.3 Mode of Operation ..................................................................................................................................... 15
4.3.1 Operation Principles.......................................................................................................................... 16
4.3.2 Irrigation Interval and Response to Rainfall ...................................................................................... 17
5 SYSTEM OPERATION PLAN............................................................................................................................ 19
5.1 Headworks................................................................................................................................................. 19
5.1.1 Barrage ............................................................................................................................................. 19
5.1.2 Sediment Removal and Flushing ...................................................................................................... 23
5.1.3 Discharge Regulators at 0+650 km Right Main Canal ...................................................................... 24
5.1.4 Issues of headworks Operation ........................................................................................................ 25
5.2 Operation of Main Canal ............................................................................................................................ 26
5.3 Operation within the Command Area......................................................................................................... 27
5.3.1 General Planning .............................................................................................................................. 27
5.3.2 Control Mechanism ........................................................................................................................... 28
List of Tables:
List of Figures:
Ministry of Irrigation
Department of Irrigation
Division No. 1 Division No. 2 Division No. 3 Division No. 4 Division No. 5
Account Section
Engineer-3 Engineer-3 Engineer-2 Engineer-2 Engineer-2
Account Oficer-1
2.1 Headworks
The Sikta Headworks has been completed and ready for operation. The major components that make up the
Headworks are:
1. The barrage: The structure constructed across the Rapti River is the main diversion structure that will
raise the river’s water level to the desired head and control the flow.
2. Intake: The structure that allows a regulated flow into a canal system. In this system, there are two
intakes – on the left and right of the diversion barrage.
3. Sediment exclusion devices: A structure/arrangement that attempts/facilitates to remove suspended
sediment from the river water and helps in reducing sediment entry through the intakes. In this system,
two undersluices at both the ends of the barrage have been provided.
4. Gates and Stoplogs: Gates are used to control flow through the main diversion structure as well as
through the intakes. Stop logs are used for emergency closure of the flow through the bays of a barrage
or an intake. Gates and Stoplogs for the barrage have been installed installed.
5. River training works: These arrangements are necessary to guide the water towards the barrage and
from the barrage towards the natural river course without causing any harm to the Headworks. The river
training works for the Headworks have already been completed.
6. Fish pass: The obstruction of a river caused by the construction of a barrage also obstructs the migration
of fish up and down the river. An elaborate fish passing arrangement has been made near the right
undersluice similar to that of the Babai Irrigation Project.
2.1.1 Barrage
The barrage, constructed across the Rapti River, is the main diversion structure that will raise the river’s water level to
the desired head and control the flow. The barrage is 317 m long, with 13 spillway bays with 17 m wide by 4.0 m high
gates and five undersluice bays with 10 m wide and 5.5 m high gates. Two undersluices with total spans (including
intermediate piers) of 22.0 m and 34.0 m are provided in the left and right ends of the barrage respectively to ensure
relatively clear and smooth flow of water towards the left as well as right intakes. A single lane road bridge is provided
over the barrage. A general layout map of the barrage as constructed is shown in Figure 2.1.
The crest level of the undersluice is at 168.0 m+msl, taking it to be the lowest average bed level of the river near the
barrage axis. The crest level of the spillway is 1.5 m higher than the undersluice crest, i.e., at 169.5 m +msl. The
design pond level is 173.5 m+msl. The total floor length (along the river) of the spillway including upstream floor,
sloping glacis and downstream cistern is 118.0 m. Similarly, the floor length of the undersluice is 145.0 m. The general
floor arrangement with levels of spillway and undersluice are shown in Figures 2.1 and 2.3.
Spillway Bays
Rajkulo Intake
n gB Road to Left
Se Command Area
5.6 183.50
178.30 178.0
1 m x 1m x 1 m Cut Off Line
Concrete block pitching 100 dia perforated pipe drain
2.0 3.0
20.50 43.50 16.50 8.50
175.0 US HFL 175.34
Barrage Axis
35.0 12.0 17.0 9.25
1mx1mx1m 159.0
Concrete block
157.0 Cut Off Line Perforated drain pipes
2.1.2 Intakes
The right bank intake structure is designed for a discharge withdrawing capacity of 62.5 m3/s at Pond Level (173.5
m+msl). The crest of the intake is placed at 171.50 m+msl, 3.5 m above the undersluice crest level. There are, in
total, 14 bell mouthed entrances that converge to 7 barrels. The gates are placed at the end of the barrels. The
gates have been motorized.
The left bank intake is designed for 14.7 m3/s capacity. Similar to the right intake, the crest level has been placed
at 171.50 m+msl. The intake orientation and the design of entrance are similar to that of the right intake. There
are two gates in the left intake.
The left intake gates have not been motorized and for the time being, these gates will have to be operated manually.
However it is possible to motorize them and possibly the best time would be when the left Main Canal is constructed
and the left intake becomes operational.
A 610 m long settling basin is provided downstream of the right bank intake to maintain the sediment size and
concentration to the acceptable level of the Main Canal by trapping excess sediment load. The settled sediment
in the basin is planned to be flushed and returned to the Rapti River again using hydraulic flushing arrangement.
The bed width of the basin is 50 m, with two separator walls that extend up to the basin length. Near the entrance
of the basin, submerged vanes have been provided to guide the flow and the sediment equally to the whole width
of the basin.
Two ramps have been provided to assist the movement of equipment into the basin, in case hydraulic flushing
could not remove the sediment load and the deposited sediment needs to be removed using machines. Also,
steps have been provided on both sides at suitable intervals to facilitate the manual sediment removal activities, if
the need arises (Figure 2.4). The general arrangement of the appurtenances of the settling basin is given in Table
Steps @ 30m
ht I
Settling Basin
R a mp
Service Road
Flushing Canal
Right Main Canal
Discharge Regulator
Right Main Canal
Right Main Canal
Discharge Regulator
The sediment ejector has been provided at the end of the Settling Basin. Three modes of control and operation are
possible by suitably adjusting the discharge regulator as well as the sediment ejector gates - continuous separation of
sediment and flushing, periodic flushing and no flushing and diverting all the water to the main canal, depending upon
the quality of diverted water and the need of sediment scouring in the settling basin (Figure 2.5).
θ 1.5
h θ
3.1 General
As per the Irrigation Policy 2070, for the use of operation and management, the irrigation systems are classified as
a. Systems operated by the users
• Traditional irrigation systems
• Systems transferred by the government or nongovernmental organizations to the users’ association.
b. Systems operated by the Government of Nepal
c. Systems operated in joint management by the Government of Nepal and water users’ association.
d. Systems operated in joint management by local bodies and water users’ association.
e. System operated in private level.
The Policy also postulates that the responsibility of maintenance and operation of water courses to tertiaries of large
irrigation projects operated by the Government of Nepal shall be of water users’ association. Government of Nepal
shall maintain the irrigation infrastructures and operate sub-secondary to secondary level canals with the participation
of water users’ association. All the other canals above this level shall be maintained by the Government of Nepal. But,
in the case of irrigation projects already transferred to the water users’ association, maintenance and operation of the
systems shall be done as specified in the agreement.
Responsibility of partial or full maintenance, rehabilitation and operation of different canals and water courses that are
under joint management or operated by the government of Nepal, can be given to any person or nongovernment
organizations on a competition basis with the coordination of the project and concerned water users’ association.
The Policy has classified the irrigation system as follows:
• "Major Project/System" means the project/ system having more than 1000 hectare of irrigation area in the hills and
5000 hectares in Terai and inner Terai.
• "Large Project/System" means the project/ system having 500 to 1000 hectare of irrigation area in the hills and 2000
to 5000 hectares in Terai and inner Terai.
• "Medium Project/System" means the project/ system having 25 to 500 hectare of irrigation area in the hills and 200
to 2000 hectares in Terai and inner Terai.
• "Small Project/System" means the project/ system having less than 25 hectare of irrigation area in the hills and less
than 200 hectares in Terai and inner Terai.
Further, the canal systems have been defined as follows:
• "Main Canal" means the canal off-taking directly from the intake or headwork.
• "Branch or Secondary Canal" means the canal off-taking from the main canal.
• "Distributary or Sub-Secondary Canal" means the canal off-taking from any of the main canal or branch or
secondary canal having 100 to 500 hectares of irrigated area.
• "Minor or Tertiary Canal" means the canal off-taking from any of the main canal or branch or secondary canal or
distributary or sub-secondary canal having more than 30 hectare to 100 hectares of irrigated area.
• "Water Course" means the canal off-taking from any of the main canal or branch or secondary canal or distributary or
sub- secondary canal having more than 10 to 30 hectares of irrigated area.
• "Field Channel" means the canal off-taking from any of the main canal or branch or secondary canal or distributary or
sub-secondary canal or any water course that supplies water to each field up to the area of 4 hectares.
Based on the classification of Irrigation Policy 2070, SIP is a major irrigation project with complex infrastructure for
water acquisition and conveyance, which require specialized technical input and a considerable resource for operation
and maintenance. Hence, it should be operated under joint management mode. For joint management, the Headworks,
Main Canal, Secondary and Sub-Secondary Canals will have to be managed by the agency while Tertiary, Water
Course and Field Canals will have to be managed by the WUA.
Since this is a new project, the local farmers are yet to be organized based on irrigation units. An organizational setup
compatible with the system planning, resource and responsibility sharing should be formulated in time. The institutional
development activities should be given due preference and activities for capacity development conducted before or
parallel to the construction activities, so that they understand the system right from the beginning, in which they will
have to be involved or be responsible for during operation and maintenance.
As per the reports, the total cultivable command area of SIP is 42,766 ha (33,766 ha in the right bank and 9,000 ha in
the left bank of Rapti River. The final CCA could be somewhat different, most probably less, than the present value
due to rapid urbanization around the Nepalgunj area, which lies within the command area.
As per the design, the peak diversion requirement is 64.7 m3/s, i.e. 50 m3/s in Right Main Canal and 14.7 m3/s in the
Left Main Canal. The half monthly water requirement that was derived considering agro-climatic conditions, soil type,
water delivery schedule, irrigation method and proposed crop calendar in the area has been indicated in Table 3.1 (for
details Main Design Report could be referred). The Table also depicts the 80% reliable flow, which is net divertible flow
after deducting the mandatory environmental release in the downstream. The mandatory environmental release is 10%
of average non-monsoon monthly flow (17.1 m3/s), which comes out to be about 1.7 m3/s.
Table 3.1: Dependable Flow and Diversion Requirement
Available flow in the source indicates that water shortage could be experienced during March 1 and May 1. The demand
exceeded the supply due to provision of spring paddy, which require excessive water. This could be managed by
cultivating the spring paddy near head reach of the command area, thus reducing the conveyance losses.
As also indicated in the main report, the duty of the irrigation system is already fixed, i.e. the design discharge is 64.7
m3/s for the estimated command area of 42,766 ha. The duty could vary depending upon the actual command area
that will be established after CAD works of the whole area. For the planning and design purpose the following efficiency
have been adopted and the same will be the basis for system operation. Though the efficiencies were back calculated,
it is worth noting that the values adopted are comparable to the values adopted in other irrigation projects of Nepal and
that recommended by FAO. Table 3.2 summarises the efficiency adopted for various canal levels.
Table 3.2: Efficiency for different canal system
Efficiency (%)
Efficiency Type
Paddy Dry Foot Crops
Field Application Efficiency (Ef) 85 60
Water Course Conveyance Efficiency 90 90
Tertiary Canal Efficiency 85 85
Sec/ Sub Sec Canal Efficiency 90 90
Main Canal Efficiency 95 95
Overall Efficiency 55.60 39.24
Considering that the planned water is available near the intake of the Main Canal (Right), the depth and duty available
at each level of canal is summarized in Table 3.3. The values could be different in case of Left Main Canal.
70 Wheat (35% )
L Monsoon Paddy, Early
P Sown(61% )
Command area
Potato (10% )
Summer Paddy(1% )
Summer Maize (9% )
L Monsoon Paddy, Late
20 P Sown(39% ) Oilseed (10% )
Pulses (10% )
0 Sugarcane (5% )
The prepared cropping pattern is for the total command area of SIP. The major issues to be considered during operation
of the system are:
• Proposed to cultivate summer paddy (spring/early paddy) in around 1% of the area, i.e. 428 ha. The water
requirement for summer paddy is very high, about 3.26 l/s/ha near the tertiary head during second half of
March. This arrangement was made to address the existing water right scenario of Raj Kulo IP and Fattehpur
IP, as both the systems have been diverting the flow from the Rapti River to irrigation Summer Paddy through
their independent intakes. Now, when these systems are integrated into SIP, they might ask for the
continuation of their prior water rights.
• It is, however, be noted that the summer paddy should not be the priority of SIP owing to the limited available
water in the source. The same water could be used to cultivate Summer Maize in around 10% additional area
(duty of Summer Maize during second half of March is 0.36 l/s/ha near the tertiary head);
• It has been assumed that the water requirement for the crops will be met entirely by the irrigation water. In
case of conjunctive use of ground water, the water delivery schedule could be adjusted accordingly, especially
during peak demands such as during land preparation for paddy.
• During monsoon, paddy has been assumed to be the preferred crop, covering around 95% of the CCA.
Considering availability of water in the source, the water delivery plan should be scheduled such that in
around 61% of the area, the land preparation works are deferred by about 2 weeks.
• Demand wise there are two conditions of peak water demand, peak discharge and peak duty. Peak discharge
is during the second half of June (65 m3/s) required that is basically due to the crop coverage in 100% of the
command area at a time. Peak duty will be for spring paddy – 3.26 l/s/ha during second half of March for land
preparation. As explained above, the provision of spring paddy was included to address the existing water
right of Rajkulo and Fattehpur area. The system (water courses) in that area should be designed to match the
peak duty during CAD works for the Left Main Canal.
4.1 Full Supply Operation
The design of the CAD works below 35+000 km of the Right Main Canal (14,000 ha) is based on the Full Supply
Operation Principle. The water delivery and control is as listed in the followings and it is suggested to follow the same
principle in whole command area.
• The secondary/branch and sub-secondary canals from main canal are operated continuously with regulated
flow as per the requirement. For this gated flow control structures have been provided in the Main Canal. The
maximum duty of a secondary/branch canal is 2.37 l/s/ha.
• The tertiary canals are operated on/off basis. At the head of tertiary canals, flow regulating gates are provided.
The regulation downstream of the tertiary canals are proportional, though stop-log gaps have been provided
so that the flow distribution can be controlled/regulated, if required. The situations could arise during winter
and spring crops, where different crops with different irrigation needs might be present within one water course
or field channel.
• Since sediment will be the integral part of the irrigation water, especially during monsoon, excessive water
stagnation in the canal network should be avoided as far as practical.
• This is an upstream control type system. The operation of the upstream controlled systems have longer
response time, and high operational losses, if there is frequent change in discharges. As the canal length is
high, the response time is naturally longer and operational losses will be further higher. Hence frequent
changes in water delivery schedule should be avoided
• As the operational requirements of headworks and settling basin requires closure of canal, especially during
monsoon season, contingencies allowances should be made in irrigation scheduling.
The irrigation interval depends upon various factors like – type of crop, root zone depth, soil characteristics and water
holding capacity among others. Irrigation interval for various crops proposed in the area have been computed following
the FAO guidelines. The soil characteristics of Terai region has been taken while effective rainfall derived for that
particular period has been used. In case, the rainfall is more than the average, the irrigation interval will have to be
increased. The Rapti River has small catchment, so the chances are high that when there is rainfall in the catchment
it will be in the command area also. When there is excessive rainfall in the catchment, the possibility of high sediment
concentration in the river is also more. As per the operational guidelines of settling basin, the intakes will be closed if
sediment concentration in the river exceed 4000 ppm. The irrigation interval for the representative crops have been
summarized in Table 4.2.
Table 4.2: Summary of Irrigation Interval for the representative crops in the area
Crop Period (Month/Half Month)
Determining Description Jan(31) Feb(28) Mar(31) Apr(30) May(31) Jun (30) Jul(31) Aug(31) Sep(31) Oct(31) Nov(30) Dec(31)
Interval 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2
Spring Paddy
Net Irrigation Requirement (mm/half month) 275 149 151 149 143 123 20.9
Irrigation Requirement (mm/day) 18.3 9.96 10 9.96 9.52 8.22 1.39
Permitted Soil Water Depletion (mm) 42 42 42 42 42 42 42
Irrigation Interval (days) 2 4 4 4 4 5 30
Net Irrigation Requirement (mm/half month) 27.9 30.5 30.5 29.2 18.9 14.2 17.7 25.6
Irrigation Requirement (mm/day) 1.86 2.04 2.03 1.95 1.26 0.95 1.18 1.71
Permitted Soil Water Depletion 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54
Irrigation Interval (days) 29 27 27 28 43 57 46 32
Net Irrigation Requirement (mm/half month) 12.1 19.9 24.2 35 49.5 54.6 0 9.75
Irrigation Requirement (mm/day) 0.81 1.33 1.61 2.33 3.3 3.64 0 0.65
Permitted Soil Water Depletion 59 60 60 60 60 60 60 59
Irrigation Interval (days) 73 45 37 26 18 16 0 91
Net Irrigation Requirement (mm/half month) 24.5 30 29.9 36.1 44.3 43.8 13.9 15 19.3
Irrigation Requirement (mm/day) 1.63 2 1.99 2.41 2.95 2.92 0.92 1 1.28
Permitted Soil Water Depletion 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14
Irrigation Interval (days) 9 7 7 6 5 5 15 14 11
Spring Maize
Net Irrigation Requirement (mm/half month) 21.2 34.2 54.1 71.9 70.4 63.8 32.4
Irrigation Requirement (mm/day) 1.41 2.28 3.6 4.79 4.69 4.25 2.16
Permitted Soil Water Depletion 40 40 40 40 40 40 40
Irrigation Interval (days) 28 18 11 8 9 9 19
Early M Paddy
Net Irrigation Requirement (mm/half month) 180 116 56.5 64.3 69.4 68.7 88.1 28.8
Irrigation Requirement (mm/day) 12 7.76 3.76 4.29 4.63 4.58 5.88 1.92
Permitted Soil Water Depletion 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42
Irrigation Interval (days) 4 5 11 10 9 9 7 22
Late M Paddy
Net Irrigation Requirement (mm/half month) 103 156 58.9 69.4 71.5 88.1 104 36
Irrigation Requirement (mm/day) 6.86 10.4 3.93 4.63 4.77 5.88 6.92 2.4
Permitted Soil Water Depletion 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42
Irrigation Interval (days) 6 4 11 9 9 7 6 17
5.1.1 Barrage
The primary objectives of an irrigation barrage operation are basically to maintain the required water level in the river
and assist in diverting the required water to the Main Canals. While performing the primary objectives, the barrage
operation should also ensure that:
• A barrage is such a structure that has gates for controlling flow across almost the whole river section with their
crest levels being close to the riverbed. Hence operation of any gate or groups of gates not only affects the
flow pattern in the upstream, that is, in the pool, and the downstream, but also the river bed level changes
associated with the changes in flow velocity. Further, the undersluice bays have to be operated in such a way
that there is not significant entry of silt into the off-taking canal. In order to prevent any unnatural flow
behaviour and river morphological changes while satisfying the requirements of maintaining the pond level
and preventing the sediment entry into the canal, the following general guidelines have been suggested:
• The required pond level is to be maintained during the irrigation season for both the winter flows and pre/post
monsoon flows.
• The winter and pre/post monsoon flows remain as far as possible near the undersluice bays so that supply of
water to the canal systems through the intakes is not affected. In order to achieve this, therefore, most of the
spillway bays should be kept shut or opened very marginally depending upon the available water and minimum
required flow in the downstream criteria. As far as possible, only the undersluice bays should be operated to
pass most of the river discharge which, in turn, will help to create deep channels in the riverbed towards the
banks where the intakes are located.
• Though it is essential to draw water towards the canal intake sides by operating the undersluices, it is also to
be ensured that a fairly uniform distribution of discharge takes place along the width of the barrage, as far as
• The gate operations should be such that the risk of deep scours or shoal formations (that is, deposition of
sediments to form mounds) in the vicinity of the barrage both in the upstream and downstream is minimized,
as far as possible. In order to achieve this, it is essential that the gate openings of adjacent bays should not
be abruptly different.
• A gate opening sequence has to be evolved such that deposition of silt and debris is avoided as far as possible
in the upstream pool.
• In the downstream of the barrage structure, the hydraulic jump should not be allowed to form beyond the toe
of the downstream glacis.
• A relatively high intensity of flow is to be avoided in the regions of deep scour, if any has been formed.
• If a shoal has formed on either upstream or downstream, it has to be washed out by an appropriate gate
opening sequence.
• The gate operation schedule should also consider the safe rate of lowering or rising of the pond level.
• Constant and regular supply of water into an off-taking canal has to be ensured even though the discharge
coming into the barrage pool may fluctuate.
The operation and regulation of barrage gates can be divided into three distinct periods:
• Before monsoon (pre-monsoon)
• During monsoon
• After monsoon (post-monsoon)
The following general gate operation strategies for these three periods are suggested:
A. Pre-monsoon operation
• This is a low flow period and wastage of water has to be avoided during this time, as far as possible. The
barrage gates shall have to be regulated such that all the available supplies are conserved and pond level is
maintained. Any excess flow over and above the requirements through the intakes has to be released through
the undersluice bays.
• The flows to the Main Canal depend upon the irrigation demands and the flushing requirements, if any. To
assist the easy operation of the barrage, gauge discharge relationships at suitable locations will have to be
developed, preferably in a tabular form. These tables have to be occasionally checked for accuracy by taking
actual measurement of flows in the canal. For any flash flood, the canal may have to be closed temporarily,
to avoid the entry of excessive sediment load. In this project, the Settling Basin is designed assuming that
the intake (Right Main Canal) is closed for suspended sediment concentration in excess of 4,000 ppm.
B. Monsoon operation
• During the monsoon, maintaining the pond level should not be an issue, unless there happens to be a long
dry spell while the irrigation requirement in the command area is at its peak. However, the flood management
will be one of the major activities in this barrage. Here, SIP needs to be more alert as the downstream area
has a history of serious inundation and erosion problems. With the barrage, there is little space for flood water
detention. However, it has been observed that even a small time lag in the flood flows could save lives and
properties. Timely warnings could be very useful in reducing casualties. This barrage can be and should be
managed to reduce the flood damage in the area.
• So far as upstream is concerned, the nearest settlement and cultivated land that could be affected by the
barrage is Sikta village. This village is around 2 km upstream of the barrage axis. The modelling results
indicate that the effect of afflux due to the barrage does not move upstream beyond 0+750 km of the barrage.
Hence, there will be no problem from the barrage operation to the village. However, it was observed that the
area used to be affected by the flood in the Rapti River and this is expected to be repeated in the future as
well. Hence, SIP built the river training and protection works to save this village from erosion/inundation.
• For the correct operation of the barrage gates, early warning systems are a pre-requisite. The accurate and
timely information on the actual time and the extent of the flood that might arrive at the barrage site could be
very helpful for better flood management. For this the gauging station at Jalkundi may be used. This station
is about 42 km upstream of the barrage site. Since no major tributary joins the Rapti River between these
two points, the flows is expected to remain unchanged.
• For regular monitoring of water levels at the barrage, a staff gauge and a mechanical water level recorder
have been installed. The water level in the river should be constantly monitored and the gate operation
synchronized to have the desired result.
C. Post-monsoon operation
• The sediment concentration observations and the sediment deposition in the settling basin have to be
continued but at less frequent intervals till satisfactory conditions are established. Still or semi-still pond
operations, with sediment scouring/flushing at regular intervals, depending on the surplus water available,
have to be continued till the water becomes reasonably clear.
• When a canal is first opened, a low supply has to run for a few hours and the depth should gradually be raised
up to the desired level according to the requirements. The rate of filling and lowering of the canal should be
prescribed and these should not be transgressed. In this case, the main canal is lined and the problem of
sudden rise or fall of water level will be negligible. However, it is always safe to follow the rule as that will
ensure sufficient time to take preventive measures in case of some problems.
• It is recommended to make a baseline survey (topographical) of the area both upstream and downstream of
the barrage. To monitor the shoal formation or shifting nature of spill channels, the survey will have to be
done yearly after the end of the monsoon irrigation season. If a study of the survey data indicates that shoal
formation has occurred upstream and/or downstream of the barrage in spite of a judicial operation of the gates
during normal and flushing operations of the pool, the shoal will have to be removed by dredging to the extent
possible so that satisfactory flow conditions are established and also the desired capacity is restored.
• Satellite imageries may be used to detect significant changes of the bank-lines for over the past years and
remedial measures taken to improve the river behaviour.
• The barrage allows for the control of sediment load towards the intake. The basic features that help to reduce
the sediment load are:
• The curved approach: the upstream abutment wall and the separator wall upstream of the right intake have
been made curved to create rotational flow near the intake similar to the convex side of a meandered river
flow. Experiments/observations have shown that intakes placed near the convex side of river draw less
sediment. This type of orientation, however, has not been adopted in the left intake;
• Crest level of the intake: the crest level of the intake is 3.5 m higher than the crest level of the undersluice.
This provides sufficient margin for settling the coarser fraction of the sediment in the undersluice bays.
• Hence, if proper use of the barrage structural arrangements is made, the sediment entry to the canal systems
could be greatly controlled. In order to create the most favourable conditions for sediment exclusion from the
canal, “Still-Pond” regulation has to be adopted, as explained below. However, in conditions when the canals
cannot be closed for silt removal, “semi-still-pond” regulation may be adopted. These two modes of operation
are explained below.
A. Still pond operation
• In still pond operation, all the gates of the undersluice bays have to be kept closed so as to limit the discharge
flowing into the pocket to be equal to the canal withdrawal. The specified or required discharge only should
be drawn into the canal and the surplus river discharge should be passed through the spillway bays. As the
undersluice bays are kept closed, the low velocity in the pocket causes the sediment to settle down and
relatively clear water enters the canal. However, the pocket gets silted up in this process after sometime.
• On a regular basis, the intake gates should be closed and the deposited sediment in the undersluice pocket
should be flushed out by opening the gates of the undersluice bays. The canal supply may be stopped during
this scouring operation, the duration for which depends upon the amount and type of sediment deposited, the
frequency of flushing, the amount of available water for flushing, and the sediment concentration in the river
water. After the deposited silt has been flushed out sufficiently, the intake gates should be opened and
undersluices closed. This mode of operation is suitable in this barrage as the crest of the head regulator is at
a sufficiently higher level (3.5 m) than that of the upstream floor of the undersluice bays. This still pond
operation should be continued till the river stage reaches the pond level after which the undersluice gates
should be opened to avoid overtopping.
B. Semi-still pond operation
• In the semi-still pond operation, the gates of the canal intakes are not closed for scouring/flushing of the
sediment deposited in the undersluice pocket. The gates of the undersluice bays should be kept partially
open to the minimum necessary so that the coarser fraction of suspended sediment and the bed material load
in the pocket could be passed downstream. The discharge in excess of the canal requirement should be
passed through the undersluice bays.
• During the monsoon months, it is important to keep a constant watch over the amount of sediment entering
through the canal intakes. A portion of the sediment that finds its way towards the canals may have to be
removed through a sediment ejector provided in the settling basin. Further, it may have to be ensured that
the sediment deposition takes place only to the extent that can be washed out early in the winter season
before the full demand develops. For these conditions to be satisfied, the following actions may be necessary:
• Sediment concentration observations have to be made at least once a day in low floods immediately
downstream of the intake and at a point downstream of the settling basin. The frequency of observations may
have to be increased in medium and high floods as required.
• The deposition in the undersluice pockets as well as in the river upstream of the barrage should be constantly
monitored, by taking cross-sections at predefined locations to keep a watch on the extent of sediment
• The intakes will have to be closed under the following situations:
o The sediment concentration is more than 4,000 ppm during floods and re-opened when the sediment
concentration drops down below the specified limit. This limit has been based on the design
assumptions of the settling basin. If, due to some reason, the settling basin could not function
properly and the sediment deposits in the main and lower order canals, this upper limit could be
revised. The sediment transport capacity of the main and other canals is not known yet. The upper
limit of sediment concentration for intake closure should be reviewed once the canal system is
o When sediment deposition at the critical points has reached the maximum permissible bed level.
This limit along with the sediment concentration in excess of which the intakes are to be kept closed,
may have to be fixed for different months during the monsoon period in order to be able to meet the
irrigation demands.
• Since cross flows and vertex formations dangerously cause deep scours both on the upstream and
downstream of the barrage leading to washing away or sinking of cement concrete blocks and loose stone
aprons, and damage to the nose and shanks of guide bunds, visual observations of the direction of current
and vortex formation during low and medium floods should be made. After critically observing the effects of
different patterns of gate operation on the formation of vortices, the barrage management would have to
judiciously select the correct patterns which cause only minimum scour and minimum shoal formation.
• The management shall also have to monitor the shoal formations, changing network of downstream channels,
etc., which cause unequal distribution of flows through different bays, cross flow near the barrage floor ends,
etc. The shoal formations quite close to the barrage may be washed out by judicious gate operation strategies.
• The pond level has to be kept at the minimum required to feed the canal with the required discharge by suitably
operating the gates. If a higher pond is maintained, then the extent of shoal formation would increase.
SIP, Right Main Canal has been provided with a desilting system, immediately downstream of the intake (ref. Figure
2.4). If operated and maintained properly, the sedimentation problems in the canal system should have been reduced.
In the following sub-sections, some common operational methodologies have been suggested that are based on the
design reports of the settling basin and flushing system. However, the suggestions are indicative only and should be
adjusted by careful observation of the sediment movement process during the actual operation of the system.
The settling basin will have to be constantly monitored, especially during the monsoon season. The cross section of
the settling basin shall have to be taken at least in three points (start, mid and end) to keep a watch on the extent of
sediment deposition in the settling basin. Water surface slopes in the settling basin at the three points have to be kept
under observation with the help of gauge observations of water levels. This will provide an indication of the velocity of
flow in the basin. If the flow velocity exceeds the design limit (0.3 m/s), then it is possible that more sediment is being
passed into the Main Canal and deposited there.
The total storage capacity of the settling basin is 35,740 m3. Under normal loading (design sediment concentration of
1,900 ppm) condition, the basin will be filled completely in 20 days. If operated properly, 90% of the sediment particles
larger than d20 size (0.20 mm) will be settled in the basin.
The basin has been designed with the provision of hydraulic flushing for the deposited material. In case the deposited
material could not be flushed hydraulically, it will have to be removed either manually or by using machines. In that
case, the intake will have to be closed and there will be disturbance in water delivery. Hence, hydraulic flushing of the
sediment from the settling basin is vital for the smooth operation of this project, unless other alternative arrangements
can be provided.
The amount and nature of the sediment entering or likely to enter and settle in the settling basin needs to be established.
This requires measurements over many years to establish the results with the which could be used with confidence.
There are various approaches to this task. Most commonly, sediment transport is measured at a gauging station not
too far upstream of the Headworks and a relationship between flow rate and sediment transport rate is established.
The long hydrological record is then used to compute the total amount of sediment passing the gauging station by
integrating over the period of the record. There are some risks in doing this, because there is no unique relationship
between flow rate and sediment transport rate for fine sediments, the quantities of sediment being determined by the
amount being washed off the catchment, not the capability of the river to transport them. In this case, since the settling
basin is expected to receive mostly fine sediment, it would be very difficult to establish any rational relationship between
the sediment load and discharge.
The sediment size in the river that enters the settling basin is of paramount importance in determining the success of
hydraulic flushing. Deposited coarse sediments are more difficult to remove than fine sediments. From the point of
view of achieving an assumed hydraulic flushing scenario, most of the coarser fraction needs to be separated in the
river itself. As discussed above, the orientation and level of the intake crest with respect to the undersluice is expected
to help control the coarser fraction of sediment from entering into the settling basin. From the point of view of sediment
size alone, deposits of fine sand and coarse silt are the most likely to produce success in hydraulic flushing of the
settling basin. However, the deposition should not contain cohesive material; otherwise it will be difficult to erode the
deposited sediment. Hence, care should be taken so that the velocity of flow in the basin is not overly reduced and
even the cohesive materials are settled.
The structure provided at the end of the settling basin can be used as an ejector as well as the control for the hydraulic
flushing system. The sediment ejector can be operated in three modes:
• Continuous flushing: the diaphragm slab of the sediment ejector will separate the high concentration lower
layer and pass the flow through the tunnels to the flushing canal. In continuous flushing mode, a total
discharge of 62.5 m3/s is passed through the intake, out of which 12.5 m3/s is used for flushing and the
remaining 50 m3/s is supplied to the main canal.
• Periodic flushing: the sediment ejector also supports the periodic flushing option of the settling basin with a
maximum discharging capacity of 62.5 m3/s.
• No flushing: when the settling basin is empty and there is no sediment in the river water, especially during
non-monsoon season, all the water diverted through the intake could be supplied to the main canal.
Proposed operation mode of sediment ejector:
• As far is possible, operate the sediment ejector system in continuous flushing mode. This will reduce the
deposition rate in the settling basin and prolong the duration of complete filling of the settling basin. In addition,
the continuous flushing will not disturb the water flow in the main canal.
• Although the settling basin will be enough to contain the sediment for 20 days, it is suggested to flush the
basin by fully opening the ejector gates before the basin is filled by 50%. The shorter the interval, the lesser
will be the time of flushing. The flushing interval, hence, should be selected such that the irrigation program
is not adversely affected.
• During the rainy season, it is advised to flush the basin daily in addition to continuous flushing. The time
needed to flush the sediment deposited in 24 hours is approximately 2 hours. This however, depends upon
the concentration of incoming flow, the type of sediment, the river stage, etc.
• At the end of monsoon irrigation season, it is advised to operate the flushing system continuously for 3-4 days.
During this period, the sediment concentration in the river water is generally low and hence will have higher
scouring capacity.
The flushing canal has a composite section that is designed to convey 12.5 m 3/s (continuous flushing) and 62.5 m3/s
(periodic flushing) discharges with sufficient velocity to transport the entire expected sediment load. Under existing
conditions, the flushing system can be operated when the river discharge is 1,800 m 3/s or less. However, this value
will have to be established during operation, as after the operation of the barrage, the river morphology might change.
For the regulation of flow to the Main Canal, the discharge regulator has been provided at 0+650 km. This structure
not only regulates the discharge into the main canal but also the water level in the settling basin. The sediment
movement process in the settling basin can be controlled by adjusting the gates of this structure. Two basic operational
strategies suggested to be followed are:
• The gates should be opened such that the water surface slope in the settling basin never exceeds the maximum limit
such that the settled sediment in the basin is not again picked up by the flowing water and transported to the main
• The gates should be first closed completely before opening the sediment ejector gates during periodic
scouring/flushing of the settling basin and then opened before closing the ejector gates.
In fact, the intake gates, the gates of the sediment ejector and the discharge regulator gates will have to be operated
in a perfect coordination to achieve the optimum sediment removal, ejection, and supply of uninterrupted irrigation
water. The appropriate operational method will have to be evolved based on the sediment characteristics entering the
system, water availability in the river and irrigation water requirement. This requires some years of system operation
and close measurement and monitoring of these variables.
It is proposed that at the end of the system operation for the rainy season, the intake is inspected and/or maintained
every year. For this purpose, 4 labourers for one week duration are required.
Some of the issues indicated below have a great effects on the successful operation and should therefore be
considered with due weightage.
A. Measurement of Discharge in the River
The operation of the canal system and the management of irrigation water demand requires continuous assessment
of available river flow. As the Rapti River is not a snow fed one and the available flow largely depends upon the rainfall
in the drainage area, the available water is highly fluctuating and sometime may not be sufficient to meet the crop
demand even during the monsoon. Therefore it is necessary to know and control this discharge at all times.
The nearest gauging station of the Rapti River from Headworks location is at Jalkundi, about 42 km upstream. That
station could be used for flood management purposes, but for regular operation and control of the barrage, the stage
discharge of the river near the Headworks will have to be known. The barrage itself could be used as a discharge
measurement purpose. The sharp crested weir formula will be applicable for computing discharge for the spillway
section as the maximum head over the crest is more than 1.5 times the crest width, and is given as:
Q Cd L 0.1* 2nH H 2
• Total discharge passing over the spillway section, in m3/s
• Discharge coefficient, 1.84 for a sharp-crested weir
• Total clear waterway of the spillway, in m
• Number of piers in the spillway
• Head over the spillway crest, in m
While, in case of the Undersluice the discharge formula will be the same as given above, the difference being only in
the value of the discharge coefficient Cd = 1.705, as in case of Undersluice, the crest could be schematized as a broad
crested weir.
Similarly, the orifice formula could be used for computing discharge through a barrage span, when the gate is partially
opened, given by:
Q CA 2 gH
For reading water level upstream of the barrage staff gauges as well as one mechanical gauge (in the left bank) have
been installed. For recording water level in the downstream, staff gauge will have to be installed. Thus the discharge
through the barrage could be measured.
The measurement and reading of discharge in the Main Canal must be easy, fast and reliable. The measurement of
discharge through the intake, however, is more complicated as compared to the discharge through the barrage section.
The water enters the intake through bell mouthed barrels that have curved shapes and varying lengths. For computing
discharge through the barrel, the orifice formula as given above could be used. However, since the length of the barrels
are varying, the head loss and hence the discharge coefficients will be different for each barrels. The uncertainty in the
prediction of discharge through the intake will increase with the operation of gates at discharge regulator and flushing
structure at the end of the settling basin. Hence, the intake structure is not the idle location to measure the discharge
diverted to the main canal. It can, however, be used to regulate the level in the settling basin.
Due to the difficulty of using Intake as discharge measuring structure as mentioned above, a separate discharge
measuring structure in the main canal at 1+200 km has been installed. The discharge measuring structure should be
calibrated to verify the theoretical values and stage discharge tables will have to be developed so that the gate
operators can release the required amount of water to the Main Canal.
The regular monitoring of the discharge from the discharge measuring structure might not always be easy due to the
Jhuri drain, especially during floods. Hence, it is recommended to establish a gauge just downstream of the Discharge
Regulator at 0+650 km. The gauge will have to be synchronized with the discharge measuring structure at least once
every year.
From operational aspects, Main Canal will have no specific issues so far as the conveyance of design discharge are
concerned. The canal is long with ideal length of around 30 km, passes through difficult terrain and suffers from slope
failure problems in many locations. Hence its operation is difficult. Some of the issues identified at this stage are:
• In non-wide canals, the fluctuation in water depth with the fluctuation in the discharge is high. Fluctuations in
discharge in such run-of-river type of scheme cannot be avoided. This might pose additional challenges in
the management of the distribution system.
• To release the uplift pressure, a large number of pressure release valves have been installed in the lined
canal. It will be very difficult to protect these valves from tampering. It is highly likely that after some years,
the flaps of the valves may be removed or damaged. This may provide a path for the precious water to be
lost due to seepage, especially during winter, when the groundwater table goes down.
• To maintain relatively constant water level in the Main Canal, water level regulators have been provided. This
will reduce the velocity and the backwater effects will extend to a larger distance upstream as the canal slope
is flat (1:7000). The sediment transport capacity of the canal will be reduced and the possibility of sediment
deposition will be high. Once the sediment is deposited, the value of Manning’s roughness of the canal could
be expected to increase from the presently assumed 0.015 to around 0.02. This could dramatically reduce
the conveyance capacity of the canal. It was found that the reduction will be about 25%, i.e., only 37 m3/s
discharge will be flowing in the canal at design FSL, once sediment deposition takes place. Hence, the main
challenge in the operation of a lined canal will be to maintain it sediment deposition free.
• The idle length of the Main Canal is high and it passes through the rolling terrain and forest area. Effective
supervision and timely maintenance could be a major issue during system operation, which will have direct
impact on the assured water availability at the head of the secondary canals.
5.3 Operation within the Command Area
• As paddy is and assumed to remain the preferred crop in the area the coverage will be almost in the entire
command area. To meet the high demand of water for land preparation, transplantation has been spread over
a period of one and half month – early and late varieties. During land preparation periods, the irrigation interval
will have to be limited to 4 days owing to high net irrigation requirements. During late paddy land preparation,
the irrigation interval in the transplanted (early paddy) area could be one week or more (11 days). Hence,
while preparing system operation plan for the season, the secondary canals should be grouped as early paddy
group and late paddy group, which will make it easier for efficient water use. Otherwise, if early and later
varieties are transplanted within the same secondary or sub-secondary canal, then it will be difficult to operate
the system with two different rotation plan, thus the farmers in the early planting will simply overuse the water
and drain out.
• The mode of operation for main paddy will be 1:2 during land preparation and plantation, while during the
remaining period the system will be operated in proportional mode. Though the water requirement in the
remaining period (except flowering which is critical) is less, it is suggested to run the system in proportional
• Wheat is the dominant winter crop for which total irrigation water requirement ranges from 10.7% to 32.7% of
the design irrigation water requirement. The irrigation interval for wheat crop ranges from 4-8 weeks. During
the winter, from irrigation interval aspect, potato/vegetables will be critical, whose irrigation intervals are 1-2
weeks. From operational aspects, the water delivery schedule should be guided by the wheat crop.
• One of the major challenges in operating the system in rotation is due to the varying sizes of secondary canals.
The command area and discharges of the secondary canals are:
Table 5.1: Summary of Cultivable Command Area and their respective discharges of Secondary Canals
Location (km) Secondary Canal Canal Code Command Area (ha) Discharge (m3/s)
• Intake gates at the head of the secondary, sub-secondary and tertiary canals for control and diversion of water to and
from the Right Main Canal and the secondary or lower order canals. The gates in the Main Canal and Secondary/Sub-
secondary canals will be controlled by the agency, while the flow control system in the Tertiary and lower order canals
will be controlled by WUA or WUGs as per the institutional arrangement of the system.
• 1:2 rotation design mode of operation for the peak demand. The irrigation water will be released to nearly half the
command area for 4 consecutive days.
• Secondary/Sub-Secondary canals receive irrigation water continuously. Water level regulators have been
provided along the secondary canal to ensure the required supply to the off-takes during off-peak flows.
• Proportional fixed crest weirs in lower level. For diverting water from Tertiary to lower order canals, proportional
fixed crest weirs in the parent and in the off-take have been provided with the provisions of stop-log groove.
• Fixed orifice type outlet to Field channels. The water delivery to the field canals is by a fixed orifice (Unit Outlet and
Field Outlet). The level of the orifice will have to be pre-set to draw the supply as per command area below that point.
Discharge Regulator/Intake
Branch/Secondary Canal
PD : Proportional distributor
FO : Field outlet
UO : Unit outlet
FC : Field canal
Farm Unit Farm Unit Farm Unit Farm Unit Farm Unit Farm Unit Farm Unit
3-5ha 3-5ha 3-5ha 3-5ha 3-5ha 3-5ha 3-5ha
Figure 5.1: Proposed Layout of Irrigation Canal Network for Study Area