Risk Profiler Form Individuals

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Deutsche Bank

Client Risk Profiler (Individuals)

First name Middle name Last name

Date of Birth Y Y Y Phone No.

Occupation Service Business/ Self-employed Student/ Homemaker/ Retired

(Please tick):

This questionnaire is designed to help you in identifying an investment approach that could generally suit you. The answers define your
capacity/ tolerance towards the level of risk you may accept on your investments. It attempts to measure your appetite to market volatility,
weigh the importance of your financial goals and uncover your personal investment preferences. It has two parts to identify/ evaluate your
1) Risk Capacity, and 2) Risk Tolerance.

Risk Capacity: It is the level of risk that the investor may take in order to achieve financial goals. It is largely dependent on the investor’s age,
profession, income and financial goals. For example, if you need a retirement corpus of around ₹50 lakhs after 10 years, with current savings
of ₹ 5 lakhs and monthly additions of ₹20,000, you will need a portfolio return of approximately 10% per year. This need comes with a certain
level of risk, which is your risk capacity. In other words, it is the amount of ‘risk you NEED to take to reach your financial objectives’.

1) Your present job or business is:

a. Less secure/ Not Applicable 0 b. Relatively secure 1

c. Secure 3 d. Doesn’t matter as you can easily 3

find a good new job/ career
e. Doesn’t matter as you already
have enough wealth

2) The number of years you have until retirement is:

a. Less than 5 years/ retired/ not applicable 0 b. About 5 - 15 years 2

c. About 15 - 25 years 4 d. More than 25 years 6

3) If your current source of income were to stop today, for how long will your present savings support you?

a. Less than 3 months 0 b. 3 - 6 months 1

c. 6 months to 1 year 2 d. More than 1 year 3

4) You have to financially support:

a. Only myself 3 b. Two people including myself 2

c. 3 - 4 people other than myself 1 d. More than 4 people other than myself 0

5) Your current annual family* savings (income less expenses) are:

a. Under ₹2,00,000 1 b. Between ₹2,00,000 and ₹5,00,000 2

c. Between ₹5,00,000 and ₹10,00,000 3 d. Over ₹10,00,000 4

(*Family to include members whose income you can fall upon. In general, include spouse if married and parents if not.)

6) Which of these objectives is the most important to you from an investment perspective?

a. Preserving wealth 1 b. Generating regular income to 2

meet current requirements
c. Balance current income
and long-term growth 3 d. Long-term growth 4

Total your scores for question 1 to 6, to identify your investment risk capacity.

Total Score: Risk Capacity:

Risk Tolerance: It is the amount of risk that an investor is ‘comfortable’ taking, or the degree of uncertainty that an investor may be able to
handle. This is what most investors usually think and read about ‘the risk you WANT to take’. It is crucial because it can greatly influence your
emotional reaction to your portfolio. Investing too far out of your comfort zone (appropriate risk tolerance) may result into buying-selling for
wrong reasons or react improperly to wild swings in the markets that could hurt your portfolio.

7) Which of the following best describes your understanding of the investment market?

a. An experienced investor, constantly keeps up to date with the investment market. Have exposure to various asset classes and
fully aware of the risks involved to gain high returns 3

b. Awareness of the financial market is limited to information passed on by broker or financial planner.
Rely on professionals to keep me updated 2

c. Little awareness of the investment market. However, want to build my knowledge and understanding 1

8) Given below is a listing of investment choices from least risky to most risky. Which is the riskiest option you have invested in?

a. Savings Account, Fixed Deposit or

Money Market Funds 0 b. Bonds or Debt Mutual Funds 1

c. Equity Mutual Funds 2 d. Real Estate Funds/ Commodity linked Products 3

e. Equity Shares/ Structured Products 4 f. Private Equity/ Venture Capital Funds 5

9) Your preferred strategy for managing investment risk is:

a. Do not want to reduce it as investment risk leads to higher returns over the long-term. 3

b. To have a diversified investment portfolio across a range of asset classes to minimise risk. 2

c. To invest mainly in capital stable investments. 1

10) Over a three-month period, an investment you owned lost 20% and the overall stock market lost 20%.
With the economic climate ambiguous, it could plummet further or bounce right back up, how would you react?

a. Sell all of my investments. (The preservation of capital is extremely important to me and I would rather not take the risk) 1

b. Sell some of the investment. (The climate is risky, and I would rather transfer my funds into more secure investments) 2

c. Do nothing with the investment. (This was a calculated risk, and I will leave the investments in place, expecting performance
to improve) 3

d. Buy more of the investment. (I am a long-term investor and consider this sudden market correction as an opportunity
to purchase additional shares at a lower cost basis) 4

11) An investment portfolio with high exposure to growth assets tends to generate higher returns, albeit with some volatility
(fluctuations in value). To what extent are you willing to experience shorter-term losses/ volatility to generate higher returns?

a. Very comfortable. I understand higher returns may come with risk or fluctuation in the short term. However, over the
long-term, there is a low risk of capital loss 3

b. Somewhat comfortable, assuming there is a limit to the volatility 2

c. Little uncomfortable seeing my investments fluctuate 1

d. More comfortable with investments that have minimal volatility 0

12) How would you describe yourself as a risk-taker?

a. Willing to take risks for higher return 3 b. Can take calculated risks 2

c. Low risk taking capability 1 d. Extremely averse to risk 0

Total your scores for question 7 to 12, to identify your investment risk tolerance level.

Total Score: Risk Tolerance:

Grand Total of Risk Capacity + Risk Tolerance (i.e. All the questions) Score: 0
Overall Risk Profile: __________________________
Note: More often than not, investors have a lower risk tolerance for their required risk capacity. You may want to evaluate your investment
objectives and constraints regularly and see them in alignment. We suggest that it should be done at least once in 3 years. In case, the risk
capacity is higher than the tolerance level, investors should try to build their comfort level by enhancing knowledge on the markets and
products. On the other hand, with a healthy tolerance for risk, a lower capacity suggests a moderate or low risk investment strategy.

The results revealed are for general consideration only and in no way constitute investment advice or a recommendation from the bank.

First time profiling or Profile Renewal (If yes, your earlier profile was )

What percentage of your total Net Assets** will you wish to invest through Deutsche Bank?

Less than 25% 25% - 50% Greater than 50%

** ”Total net assets” means: the amount of Assets available for Investment (including current income, savings, other existing investments, property or securities, with other banks or
brokerages); less your Total Liabilities (i.e. rental, loans, mortgages and general living and educational expenses). Do not include in any calculation of assets or liabilities, the value of or debt
owed on any self-occupied property or businesses you own.

Customer Signature: Place: Date:

Deutsche Bank states:

This risk profiler is intended for use by the customers as a tool for assessing the customer’s risk appetite/ capacity and risk taking ability/ tolerance. Deutsche Bank AG does not assure
the correctness or accuracy of the risk assessment by means of the risk profiler. The risk profiler is not designed to assure or guarantee any returns or success of any particular investment
alternative. Neither Deutsche Bank AG nor any members of Deutsche Bank group nor other respective directors, officers or employees shall be responsible for the contents of the risk profiler
or the outcome of risk assessment. Investment in securities are subject to market risks. All decisions to sell or purchase units/ securities shall be on the basis of own personal judgment of the
customer after consulting his/ her/ their own external investment consultant. Deutsche Bank AG does not in any manner guarantee any returns on any of the investment products.

Risk Capacity and Risk Tolerance Scoring

Risk Capacity Low Medium High

Score 2-9 10-17 18-24

Your risk-taking capacity is Low as Your risk-taking capacity is Medium Your risk-taking capacity is High due to
your earnings and/ or wealth minimally as either you have a medium level of your earnings/ wealth and the financial
matches your current liabilities and earning and wealth and/ or have little goals and/ or time available to fulfill
lifestyle and/ or you have little time time left to retire; any loss on risky them. You may withstand losses on risky
Description left to retire. In order to achieve your investments may have an effect on your investments without a very significant
financial goals, you have low scope for current status. Therefore, you have the effect on your current status. Therefore,
risky investments, as the capital loss capacity to take low to medium risks you have capacity to take high risks
scenario in quest of high returns does on your investments for low to medium on your investments for equally high
not match your risk capacity. returns or losses. returns or losses.

Conservative Moderate Aggressive
Score 3-7 8-14 15-21

You are a Balanced investor who wants

You are a Conservative investor. Risk You are an Aggressive investor
a diversified portfolio to work towards
should be low, and you are prepared to prepared to compromise portfolio
medium to long-term financial goals.
accept lower returns to protect capital. balance to pursue potentially greater
Description You require an Investment strategy that
The negative effects of inflation may long-term returns. Security of capital
may cope with the effects of inflation.
not concern you, provided your initial is secondary to the potential for wealth
Calculated risks may be acceptable to
investment is protected. accumulation.
you to achieve good returns.
Overall Risk Profile Scoring and Classification
The following table gives you a brief description of each Risk Profile along with the Recommended Asset allocation and a list of suitable

Profile Very conservative Conservative Moderate Aggressive Very Aggressive

Score 5 - 11 12 - 19 20 - 28 29 - 36 37 - 45

— Low earning — Seeking stable — Seeking earnings — Seeking higher

— Seeking higher
expectation earnings above market earnings
— No investments — Partial average — Large investments
— Exclusive
with heightened investments with — Mixture of with heightened
Risk Description investments with
risk heightened risks investments with risk
heightened risk
— Very little possible low and high risks — Increased
— High willingness
willingness to lose — Little willingness — Willingness to take willingness to take
to take risks
capital to suffer losses risks higher risks

10% 10% 10% 10%
15% 15% 30% 15%
Model Asset 5%
75% 25% 50% 80%
45% 65%

— Savings/ Fixed
— Savings/ Fixed Deposits
— Savings/ Fixed
Deposits — Liquid/ Money
— Liquid/ Money Market/ Arbitrage
— Liquid/ Money
Market/ Arbitrage / Debt/ Equity
Market/ Arbitrage
/ Debt/ Equity Mutual Funds
— Savings/ Fixed / Debt/ Equity
— Savings/ Fixed Mutual Funds — Bonds
Deposits Mutual Funds
Deposits — Bonds — Gold
— Liquid/ Money — Bonds
— Liquid/ Money — Gold (Commodities)
Market/ Arbitrage — Gold
Market/ Arbitrage/ (Commodities) — Portfolio
Products / Debt/ Equity (Commodities)
Debt Mutual — Portfolio Management
Mutual Funds — Portfolio
Funds Management Services
— Bonds Management
— Bonds Services — Structured
— Gold Services
— Gold — Structured Products
(Commodities) — Structured
Products — REIT’s/ Real
— REIT’s/ Real Estate Funds
— REIT’s (Rental
Estate Funds — Alternative
Yield based
— Alternative Investment Funds
Investment Funds — Private Equity
Keys Money Market/ Liquid Debt Equity Alternatives

Deutsche Bank states:

This risk profiler is intended for use by the customers as a tool for assessing the customer’s risk appetite/ capacity and risk taking ability/ tolerance. Deutsche Bank AG does not assure
the correctness or accuracy of the risk assessment by means of the risk profiler. The risk profiler is not designed to assure or guarantee any returns or success of any particular investment
alternative. Neither Deutsche Bank AG nor any members of Deutsche Bank group nor other respective directors, officers or employees shall be responsible for the contents of the risk profiler
or the outcome of risk assessment. Investment in securities are subject to market risks. All decisions to sell or purchase units/ securities shall be on the basis of own personal judgment of the
customer after consulting his/ her/ their own external investment consultant. Deutsche Bank AG does not in any manner guarantee any returns on any of the investment products.

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