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1. Summary for senior management. This is self-evident & usually concentrates on profits, sales & resources.

Many companies suggest that the summary should produced on a single side of paper. 2. Marketing Objectives. The should be stated concisely & be related to the mission statement. A number of related marketing objectives may be grouped such as promotional objectives. 3. Situational analysis / SWOT As noted above, the SWOT should be related to the competition & produce a coherent & related set of recommendation. ANSWER TEAKWOOD SUMMARY FOR SENIOR MANAGEMENT One of the important characteristics of the business entity is good management. If a business entity managed properly can improve the performance of business entities and business entities will increase the value for shareholders. Management of a business entity is generally done by the managers. Manager is the person who led the employees to achieve certain goals. The function of the managers vary according to rank each in the company. In this case, the level or levels of management in large enterprises usually there are three levels of management, is as follows. 1. Top management or senior managers (top management) has a position as a board of directors, chief executive officer (CEO = Chief Executive Officer), as well as other leaders, such as financial director and marketing director. The tasks of top management is to make the general plan of business entities and make important decisions. 2. Middle management (Midle management) has a position as plant manager or division manager. Therefore, middle managers more involved in the production process and are responsible for short-term decisions. Middle managers are also responsible for making operational plans to realize the general plan of top managers. 3. Management or supervision of first line supervisors (lower management) has a position as office manager. Managers supervisors on duty as the executor of the plan are made by middle managers. Managers supervisors are also responsible for overseeing the work of employees. Therefore, the managers are very involved with employees who do the production process. In managing the business entity, the managers perform management functions. Although management functions suggested by different experts, but the actual contents of the same management functions. The difference lies in the angle of view and the function implementation. The following management functions will be explained according to James Stoner.

1. Planning (Planning) Planning function is the most important functions of management functions that must be done first before ainnya management functions. In planning, made decisions about: a. what will be done; b. how the division of work; c. when to do it; d. who will do it. Why planning is important for any business enterprise? This is because planning is a preparation for business entities to deal with future business conditions. The future is uncertain and will always be changing. To be able to anticipate these changes, one of them is to make plans. In connection with the plan, known as the four types of plans, which are as follows. a. Strategic planning, a plan that describes the company's main business center of gravity for the long term. In the strategic plan, typically covered by the objectives and strategies that will be used to achieve corporate objectives. b. Tactical planning, a plan that has a smaller scale, for example, for a period of one or two years. Tactical plan refers to the strategic plan that has been made. Tactical Rencanarencana made taking into consideration existing economic conditions, the level of competition, and technological developments. c. Operational planning, a plan on ways to carry out certain activities in order to run effectively and efficiently to achieve tactical plans. d. Emergency planning, an alternative plan that was developed to deal with changing business conditions and the various problems that may occur. 2. Organizing (Organizing) Organizing function is the regulation of employees and other sources in a consistent way so that all work performed focused on one goal. To that end, the organization must be a structure of tasks and authority to facilitate the achievement of results that have been planned. Thus, the organizing function bridge between planning and implementation. If the planning function nentu me what (what) and how (how), organizing function to determine who (WHO), ie who will work to achieve the desired results. Organizing function occurs continuously during the company is still running. During the passage of a company can occur pe-change in the organizational changes that lead to changes in job duties and employees. This condition occurs if the company restructuring in the company's operations. So, organizing is an attempt to determine the structure of duties and authority, to determine work to be done, determine the line of activity, forming a number of relationships within the organization and selecting, placing and training employees. 3. Leadership (Leadership) Both the poor performance of employees affected by the way managers lead their employees. Therefore, in the lead must be done consistently in line with corporate strategic plans. Lead not only provide command completion of a task, but should be coupled with incentives so that tasks can be completed properly. The function of leadership is a process of habit-habit influence employees to achieve targets.

This can be done with the task of communicating to employees and ways of solving the task. In this case, effective communication is necessary in order to support the achievement of common goals. In addition, attitudes and role models of leadership also affects the morale of employees. Each manager has a style of leadership different in running the organization. 4. Supervision (Controlling) Control function is an activity performed by managers in monitoring and evaluating the results achieved. So, through the oversight function can be measured how much wherewith results achieved compared with the results that have been planned. In conducting the evaluation tasks, managers can measure the employee's performance compared to predetermined standards. Standards can also be applied to the amount of production, amount of fees, the amount of gain, and the number of sales. Determine the reason the standard is to detect and find out deficiencies so that managers can take immediate corrective action. Thus, the monitoring function can help improve company performance. Oversight function should be performed at each stage so it's easy to make improvements in the event of irregularities. Repairs can be done simply, can also be related to major changes. For example, changes in structure and develop new plans. From the description, the control process will follow the sequence of implementation ranging from setting standards, measuring performance, and correct irregularities. Supervision in the performance of the company's management is needed so that all things do go as planned. CEO Marketing Wish List Business executives want three basic performances from their marketing department: 1. A strategy that clearly justifies the marketing expenditures, not just a list of tactics 2. Effective execution of the tactics while managing the costs and deadlines 3. Adequate review of the results to determine if the marketing investment is or is not delivering the intended impact Missing any of these elements will cause your marketing process to fall short of delivering it full potential. 3 Steps to Rejuvenating Company Marketing Strategy 1. Redefine Your Marketing Vision - When CEOs turn to their marketing department for visionary opportunities, often the responses they receive come from the tactical perspective, not the visionary level. To deliver what the CEO desires requires the unique ability to blend: - Vision for future possibilities - Discernment to identify true opportunities - Application of business principles to plot a realistic course to achieve the new vision 2. Break Out of the Routine Marketing Plan - The "Weve always done it this way" marketing plan delivered positive results in the past, but not any more. So new tactics are tried without clear results. That's not surprising since the marketplace is constantly changing. What needs to be transformed is the marketing strategy, not necessarily the tactics. Trying new tactics without looking at the strategy is treating the symptom and not the problem. Breaking out of the routine marketing plan often requires resources from outside your company that can bring success principles that have been proven with other businesses and industries.

3. Execute, Measure, Review - Marketing is a fascinating combination of science and art. You can chart ROI, but the emotional response to marketing tactics is subjective. CEOs can be confident that their marketing efforts are on track by monitoring these performance elements: - Effective Execution requires the marketing management team to know when to approve a tactic in development for launch. The development of the last 5% of a project can push deadlines so that the launch opportunity is undermined. - Managing Measurement requires deliberation during the development stage. Todays technological advancements have created the opportunities to track individual ROI by tactic. To be effective, the measurement element must be addressed during the development stage. - Regular Review gives the CEO the opportunity to quickly assess the overall effectiveness of the marketing plan. Key Performance Indicators (KPI) are very helpful to the CEO and can determine or predict future trends. CEO Solution for Marketing Rejuvenation Sometimes, all that is needed is an experienced marketing strategist with an energetic perspective and new ideas to jump start your current marketing performance. Other times, a CEO may realize that the skills required to move to the next level of success are not currently available. Marketing Services Teakwood Marketing Spectrum of Services From Strategic to Tactical, through Development to Implementation: Chief Marketing Officer Marketing Leadership Marketing Strategy Development Website Strategy and Development Brochure and print media Development Radio and TV spot Development PowerPoint presentation strategies Brand Message Development Direct Mail Strategies Customer Survey and Analysis Online Advertising Broadcast Management Convention/Exhibit Strategies One to One Marketing Spokesperson/Presenter Copywriting

Executive Summary Senior Management Guide

Management Development for Senior and Top Managers If you are like most senior and top managers, you have on average only 3 hours a month to really focus on the strategy of your business. The rest of your time is spent on a mix of operating reviews, crisis of the moment, administrative issues, workforce issues, and so on.

These 3 hours are insufficient to adequately take in the developments in the market place, understand their implications for the business, plot an updated course, and get your organization to actually implement it. Marketing Plan One of the toughest marketing assignments is to write a marketing plan that is ambitious yet still attainable. By following the guide and using the template below, anyone will be able to write a top rate marketing plan. Before starting on your written plan, you should answer the following questions: 1. What is the product or service you are selling? 2. Who is your market that will buy the product or service? 3. What need does the above market have for your product or service? 4. What is the basic message that you would like to send to this market in regards to your product? 5. What is the best way of getting in contact with your projected market? (i.e.- T.V, Radio, Print, Online) After answering the above questions you will ready to start on your marketing plan. When answering question five keep in mind your budget limitations as you do not want to set yourself up for committing too much money to advertising. Follow the template below using your answers to the above questions to guide you through. Executive Summary The Executive Summary can be taken straight from the business plan or it can be newly written for the marketing plan. Below is a suggested list of things to be included. Description of the Company The description of the company should include a brief summary of the company including when it was founded and some general details about your company. It should not be more than about 10 lines and should not go into too much detail about the companies mission or products and services as this comes later in the Executive Summary. Mission Statement This should not be anything new and should be taken directly from the Business Plan. Most companies have mission statements from day one and this should be included on all marketing plans. Products and Services The information in this category could vary depending on the purpose of the plan. If this is a company wide marketing plan then all products and services should be listed briefly giving a good description of what each of them can provide. If this marketing plan were specific to a product, then a description in more detail would better suit the marketing plan. Financial Feasibility This section should also come straight from the business plan and give a brief description of the financial outlook of the company and what effects may arise if the marketing is not successful.

You should not discuss financial plans for the marketing program in this section of the document. Strategic Focus and Plan Mission/ Vision Not to be confused with the Company Mission, this statement is what you would like to get out of the marketing plan. If this is a marketing plan for a single product, then this statement should state what your company expects out of the product and they plan to achieve this. Objectives The objectives of the marketing for the particular product, service or company should be outlined in this section. If one of the objectives is to make 50,000 people aware of your new product then this is something that should be included in your objectives. You can also include company objectives in this section if they are directly affected by your marketing. For instance, if your goal is to make one million dollars in sales the first year, then this is an objective that comes in direct contact with the marketing program. Competitive Environment Here is where you need to outline the competitive environment of your market. This would include any competitors whether they are in direct or indirect competition. Situation Analysis There are two effective marketing tools that can be used in a situation analysis purpose. The SWOT analysis and the BCG Dot Matrix. For an in-depth analysis include both the SWOT Analysis and the BCG Dot Matrix in the Situation analysis. Competitive Analysis This section differs from the competitive environment as it describes more in-depth how you plan to effectively market against the competition. This section should outline direct competition's weaknesses and how you plan to capitalize on these weaknesses to grab the market share. Market Product Focus Marketing Objectives These objectives can work in two different ways depending on what type of marketing plan you are writing. If you are writing a company wide marketing plan, then this section would outline all of the objectives you wish to attain through your marketing program. They should be listed in a number format along with a detailed description of how you wish to accomplish these objectives. If the plan were being created on an individual product/service basis then the marketing objectives would be what the company expects to gain from this product/service. Once again, objectives should be listed in a number format with a detailed description of how this products/services marketing will tie in with the marketing of the program and how this will be accomplished.

Target Markets This section will define in detail the market in which you will be marketing your product. It should be described in detail, and should outline how you come to the conclusion that this is the right market for your product/service. You should also state why this market is going to use your product and show what research has been conducted to come to this conclusion. Marketing Program Product Strategy The product strategy should give a detailed description of what your product(s) are and how they are going to benefit your company. You describe which products you think will be most popular and describe which ones you want to be the most popular (The BCG Dot Matrix is very good in helping you determine this). If you are doing an individual product marketing plan, then this section would describe in detail what your product is and what strategies you have to make it beat out your competitors. Price Strategy The price strategy is where you will describe your key pricing issues. It is a good idea to state whether you are taking the high cost-low turnover method or the low cost/high turnover method. If you think your key selling point is going to be the price, then explain that here. If you are taking the low cost/high turnover approach then explain how your company will succeed with the low profit-margin on each product. Be sure to include rough estimates of profit-margins, manufacturing costs and end consumer prices. Promotion Strategy The promotion strategy is one of the most important sections of the marketing plan. This is where it can make or break a marketing program. This section should include advertising strategies you plan to engage in, any marketing strategies for your products such as attending trade shows, conferences etc. Also you should explain what message you want to promote in all of the items mentioned above. You should send the same message through all channels of communication.

Marketing Objectives.
The purpose of marketing or marketing objectives, is what will be achieved by the company through the marketing 1. starting point is the target consumer 2. the focus is on consumer needs 3. the goal is to profit through customer satisfaction 4. the way through a blend of promotional and marketing communications -> integrated marketing communications Consumer satisfaction will be achieved if the firm is able to provide consumer value package, which includes: 1. products -> quality and meet consumer needs 2. price -> can be reached by the target consumers 3. service -> to satisfy consumer 4. image of its products -> both from the standpoint of the consumer If customer satisfaction is met, then the product sales will increase, and finally marketing objectives can be achieved, namely profitability.

Conversely, if the company neglects the needs of consumers and only think from the standpoint of the manufacturer alone, the possibility of the sale of its products will decline, so that the profits derived minimal, even a loss can occur. Consumer satisfaction is everything to a company oriented to the marketing / marketing

SWOT analysis became one of the techniques used by managers to make quick overview of
the situation of corporate strategy. It is based on the assumption that an effective strategy comes from a balanced state between: 1. Company's internal resources (strengths and weaknesses) 2. Company's external situation (opportunities and threats) SWOT FROM TEAKWOOD Strengths Usage of recycled teakwood Quirky design Right price for the handcraft product Weakness Long production time Basic material is not too easy to find The number of the labor is so small Opportunities Expand the variety of design to rings Internet usage to meet the customers (to market the product) Many ways to promote the product (mailing list with the help of nylon Indonesia, social networking cities COMPETITOR TERROR WOODEN JEWELRY Terror is a local jewelry line that specializes in wood materials. Terror many products inspired by the punk fashion accessories. According to them, punk style fashion products always deliver terror in every design. Because it is, they chose the name of Terror to their line. Punk on the accessories usually have material of metal or metal materials, Terror try to experiment with different types of wood. Terror open cooperation for anyone, ranging from individuals, institutions or groups of artists who want to realize the wild ideas or intangible dreams into a tangible form, unique and amazing. Gusto Sign is a workshop located in Bandung, West Java, who handle a variety of products, including Terror jewelry with specialization using laser technology. And we at Gusto help to

refine the existing design of Terror with the application of laser cutting and laser engraving Engrave or products on Terror in the form of rings and necklaces. Products that we do this, use the multiplex material 3 mm. To make it look thicker then our multiplex is divided into three layers affixed together. Terror products can now be found in boutiques Happy Go Lucky, Bandung and Voila boutique in Jakarta. Strengths Use the regular teakwood Paint the wood has a well-known brand names widely terror has a more unique design and modern, to follow the development of the existing modes terror in collaboration with many artists and designers, both individual and group artists media campaign through advertisements in fashion magazines, TV ads, and the wider local designers an affordable price Weakness Long production time Basic material is not too easy to find if it is seen that there is a strategy, known to be four strategies, namely SO strategy. This strategy is based on the company's way of thinking, namely by using all the power to seize and exploit opportunities as much as possible. ST strategies. This is the strategy of using / utilizing the company's strengths to overcome threats. WO strategies. This strategy is applied based on the utilization of opportunities to minimize weaknesses. WT Strategies. This strategy is based on activities that are defensive and try to minimize the weaknesses that exist to avoid the risks. Of the four strategies above, this could serve as a vicarious attempt to analyze the strengths, opportunities, weaknesses and threats. For example, a company must know what the strengths so that he can take advantage of market opportunities that exist, such as one owned power companies are having employees who have good skills, so that he can market the products produced right on target companies. Another example, the power company that owned the resulting product quality, with affordable prices so the market who would be more people choose the product in question.

The company's efforts to avoid the weaknesses of the threat in the market can be described by the following example: the company's weakness is not done to have adequate facilities and infrastructure, so it becomes a threat in the market from which this product is derived. Consumers are also sometimes-be careful with their consumption of products. So in anticipation of problems / threats. Companies may be able to cover up this weakness with how to leverage existing opportunities in which the resultant product with good quality at affordable prices so as to minimize the weaknesses that exist (WO strategy), perhaps slowly at this rate the company can earn additional to the addition of facilities or technologies used in the process creation of its products.

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