Disaster Management

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Roel Delos Reyes Remorca, RN, EMT-B

At the end of the lecture/discussion, the student
should be able to:
LEARNING 1. Describe the different types of disaster planning.
OBJECTIVES 2. Describe the different styles of disaster
leadership and when to use each one.
3. Describe five phases of disaster management.
DISASTER  Maintain a safe environment
PREPAREDNESS  To continue providing essential services while
AND responding to disruptions cause by an emergency.
MANAGEMENT  Events can be internal, external or combination.
 Preparedness/Risk Assessment
DISASTER  Prevention
MANAGEMENT  Mitigation
 Response
 Recovery
• TYPES OF  Agent-Specific Approach
DISASTER  All-Hazards Approach
 Communities only plan for threats most likely to
occur in their region (i.e., earthquakes, hurricanes,
floods, tornadoes).
Agent-Specific  Communities are more likely to be motivated by
what are perceived locally as the most viable
Approach threats.
 For example, planning for earthquakes, floods, and
wild fires will be more useful in California than
planning for hurricanes and tornadoes.
 The level of preparedness is maximized for the
All- effort and expenditures involved.
Hazards Approach  Involves planning for the common problems and
tasks that arise in the majority of disasters.
 Directive
TYPES OF  Supportive (Collaborative)
LEADERSHIP  Participative
 Achievement-Oriented
Directive Leadership
 It is a task-oriented style in which the leader takes
an active role in setting clear objectives and
ensuring employees follow through on them.
Directive Leadership
 Directive leaders may provide coaching, clarify the
responsibilities, remove any roadblocks, and give
praise when appropriate.
Supportive  A leadership style where a manager does not
(Collaborative) simply delegate tasks and receive results but
Leadership instead supports an employee until the task's
 A leadership style whereby leaders listen to their
Participative employees and involve them in the decision-
Leadership making process.
 Everyone works together for the decision-making
process and address issues, sometimes employing
an internal vote to address problems or challenges.
Oriented Leadership
 A leadership style where the leader encourages
individual growth and progress by setting goals that
Achievement- are challenging.
Oriented  Achievement oriented leadership is a style of
Leadership leadership that focuses on setting goals and
achieving them.
 The leader encourages the individual to strive for
continuous improvement.
The Role of Leadership
 Risk assessment and Planning
(Mitigation and Preparation)
 Participative and Achievement-
Noncrisis Phases Oriented Management styles work
 Workers to identify what will work
and not work.
 A more directive style of leadership
is required.
 The leader must act quickly and
Response Phase
 There is little time for extended
 Experiences leaders should be
given the leadership tasks.
 Leadership that is more
collaborative (supportive) and
participatory will prove effective.
 Less commanding approach will
Recovery and encourage honest assessment by
Evaluation Phase participating staff.
 Essential information for future
 Traumatized staff may require
support from the leader.
 Veenema, T. G. (2018). Disaster Nursing and
Emergency Preparedness for Chemical, Biological,
Reference: and Radiological Terrorism and Other Hazards, 4th
Edition. New York: Springer Publishing Company,
pages 400-416.

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