M Tech (SE NDM) W e F 2009-10 Admitted Batch
M Tech (SE NDM) W e F 2009-10 Admitted Batch
M Tech (SE NDM) W e F 2009-10 Admitted Batch
(Structural Engineering & Natural Disaster
(w.e.f 2008 -09 admitted batch)
1.1 Admissions into M.Tech. (Structural Engineering & Natural Disaster Management) programme of
GITAM University are governed by GITAM University admission regulations.
The actual weightage to be given to the above items will be decided by the authorities before the
commencement of the academic year. Candidates with valid GATE score shall be exempted from
appearing for GAT (PG).
2. Carry out a technical project approved by the Department and submit a report.
3.2 Each academic year consists of two semesters. Every branch of the M.Tech programme has a
curriculum and course content (syllabi) for the subjects recommended by the Board of Studies
concerned and approved by Academic Council.
3.3 Project Dissertation has to be submitted by each student individually.
4.1 The course content of individual subjects - theory as well as practicals – is expressed in terms of
a specified number of credits. The number of credits assigned to a subject depends on the
number of contact hours (lectures & tutorials) per week.
4.2 In general, credits are assigned to the subjects based on the following contact hours per week
per semester.
4.3 The curriculum of M.Tech programme is designed to have a total of 70 -85 credits for the award
of M.Tech degree. A student is deemed to have successfully completed a particular semester’s
programme of study when he / she earns all the credits of that semester i.e., he / she has no ‘F’
grade in any subject of that semester.
The medium of instruction (including examinations and project reports) shall be English.
Every student, has to register himself/herself for each semester individually at the time specified by the
College / University.
7.1 The assessment of the student’s performance in each course will be based on continuous
internal evaluation and semester-end examination. The marks for each of the component of
assessment are fixed as shown in the Table 2.:
* Head of the Department concerned shall appoint two examiners for conduct of the examination.
8.1 A Student, who has secured ‘F’ Grade in any theory course / Practicals of any semester shall
have to reappear for the semester end examination of that course / Practicals along with his /
her juniors.
8.2 A student who has secured ‘F’ Grade in Project work shall have to improve his report and
reappear for viva – voce Examination of project work at the time of special examination to be
conducted in the summer vacation after the last academic year.
9.1 A student who has completed the stipulated period of study for the degree programme
concerned and still having failure grade (‘F’) in not more than 5 courses ( Theory / Practicals),
may be permitted to appear for the special examination, which shall be conducted in the
summer vacation at the end of the last academic year.
9.2 A student having ‘F’ Grade in more than 5 courses ( Theory/practicals ) shall not be permitted to
appear for the special examination.
10.1 A student, whose attendance is less than 75% in all the courses put together in any semester will
not be permitted to attend the end - semester examination and he/she will not be allowed to
register for subsequent semester of study. He /She has to repeat the semester along with his /
her juniors.
10.2 However, the Vice Chancellor on the recommendation of the Principal / Director of the
University college / Institute may condone the shortage of attendance to the students whose
attendance is between 66% and 74% on genuine medical grounds and on payment of prescribed
11.1 Based on the student performance during a given semester, a final letter grade will be awarded
at the end of the semester in each course. The letter grades and the corresponding grade points
are as given in Table 3.
O 10 90 and above
A+ 9 80 – 89
A 8 70 – 79
B+ 7 60 – 69
B 6 50 – 59
C 5 40 – 49
11.2 A student who earns a minimum of 5 grade points (C grade) in a course is declared to have
successfully completed the course, and is deemed to have earned the credits assigned to that
course. However, a minimum of 24 marks is to be secured at the semester end examination of
theory courses in order to pass in the theory course
12.1 A Grade Point Average (GPA) for the semester will be calculated according to the formula:
C x G
12.2 Semester Grade Point Average (SGPA) is awarded to those candidates who pass in all the
subjects of the semester.
12.3 To arrive at Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA), a similar formula is used considering the
student’s performance in all the courses taken in all the semesters completed up to the
particular point of time.
12.4 The requirement of CGPA for a student to be declared to have passed on successful completion
of the M.Tech programme and for the declaration of the class is as shown in Table 4.
Distinction ≥ 8.0*
Pass ≥ 5.0
* In addition to the required CGPA of 8.0, the student must have necessarily passed all the courses of every
semester in first attempt.
A student is ordinarily expected to complete the M Tech. programme in four semesters of two
years. However a student may complete the programme in not more than four years including
study period.
13.2 However the above regulation may be relaxed by the Vice Chancellor in individual cases for
cogent and sufficient reasons.
13.3 Project dissertation shall the submitted on or before the last day of the course. However, it can
be extended up to a period of 6 months maximum, with the written permission of the Head of
the Department concerned.
13.4 A student shall be eligible for award of the M.Tech degree if he / she fulfils all the following
a) Registered and successfully completed all the courses and projects.
curriculum corresponding to the branch of his/her study within the stipulated time.
c) Has no dues to the Institute, hostels, Libraries, NCC / NSS etc, and
13.5 The degree shall be awarded after approval by the Academic Council.
1. With regard to the conduct of the end-semester examination in any of the practical courses of the
programme, the Head of the Department concerned shall appoint one examiner from the department not
connected with the conduct of regular laboratory work, in addition to the teacher who handled the
laboratory work during the semester.
2. In respect of all theory examinations, the paper setting shall be done by an external paper setter having a
minimum of three years of teaching experience. The panel of paper setters for each course is to be
prepared by the Board of Studies of the department concerned and approved by the Academic Council.
The paper setters are to be appointed by the Vice Chancellor on the basis of recommendation of Director
of Evaluation / Controller of Examinations.
3. The theory papers of end-semester examination will be evaluated by two examiners. The examiners may
be internal or external. The average of the two evaluations shall be considered for the award of grade in
that course.
4. If the difference of marks awarded by the two examiners of theory course exceeds 12 marks, the paper
will have to be referred to third examiner for evaluation. The average of the two nearest evaluations of
the three shall be considered for the award of the grade in that course.
5. Panel of examiners of evaluation for each course is to be prepared by the Board of Studies of the
department concerned and approved by the Academic Council.
6. The examiner for evaluation should possess post graduate qualification and a minimum of three years
teaching experience.
7. The appointment of examiners for evaluation of theory papers will be done by the Vice Chancellor on the
basis of recommendation of Director of Evaluation / Controller of Examinations from a panel of
examiners approved by the Academic Council.
8. Project work shall be evaluated by two examiners at the semester end examination. One examiner shall
be internal and the other be external. The Vice Chancellor can permit appointment of second examiner
to be internal when an external examiner is not available.
* Viva-voce shall be conducted at the end of the semester based on the project report submitted by the
Course Code Name of the Course Credits L P Total Sem end Continuous TOTAL
Exam Evaluation
Marks Marks
**Project shall be initiated and problem must be defined (Supported by Literature Survey) with
evaluation and presentation in the third semester.
TOTAL 18 - 50 50 100
***Final Project/ Dissertation for the problem defined in previous semester shall be completed and
report submission and presentation with evaluation shall be done in the fourth semester.
Total credits: 78
M.Tech. (SE&NDM)
* Viva-voce shall be conducted at the end of the semester based on the project report submitted
by the student
Course Code Name of the Course Credits L P Total Sem end Continuous TOTAL
Exam Evaluation
Marks Marks
**Project shall be initiated and problem must be defined (Supported by Literature Survey) with
evaluation and presentation in the third semester.
Plane stress and plane strain: Components of stress, strain, Hookes law, Stress and Strain at a point,
Plane stress, Plane strain, Equations of equilibrium, Boundary conditions, Compatibility equations, stress
Two Dimensional Problem in Polar Coordinates: General equations of equilibrium, stress function and
equation of compatibility with zero body forces. Analysis of thick cylindrical shells with symmetrical
loading about the axis, Pure bending of curved bars, Strain components in polar coordinates, Rotating
Analysis of Stress and Strain in Three Dimensions. Introduction - Principal stresses - Determination of
principal stress – Stress invariants – Maximum shearing stress & strain at a point.
Torsion: Torsion of straight bars – St. Venant solution; Stress function; Warp function – Elliptic cross
section – Membrane analogy torsion of bar of narrow rectangular cross section.
Deflection of Reinforced Concrete Beams and Slabs: Introduction, Short-term deflection of beams and
slabs, deflection due to imposed loads, short-term deflection of beams due to applied loads, Calculation
of deflection by IS 456. Estimation of Crack width in Reinforced Concrete Members: Introduction,
Factors affecting crack width in beams, Calculation of crack width, simple empirical method, estimation
of crack width in beams by IS 456, Shrinkage and thermal cracking.
Approximation Analysis of Grid Floors: Introduction, Analysis of flat grid floors, Analysis of rectangular
grid floors by Timoshenk’s plate theory, Analysis of grid by stiffness matrix method, analysis of grid
floors by equating joint deflections, comparison of methods of analysis, detailing of steel in flat grids.
Design of Reinforced Concrete Members for Fire Resistance: Introduction, ISO 834 standard heating
conditions, grading or classifications, effect of high temperature on steel and concrete, effect of high
temperatures on different types of structural members, fire resistance by structural detailing from
tabulated data, analytical determination of the ultimate bending moment, capacity of reinforced
concrete beams under fire, other considerations.
Earthquake Forces and Structural Responses: Introduction, Bureau of Indian Standards for earthquake
design, Earthquake magnitude and intensity, Historical development, Basic seismic coefficient and
seismic zone factors, determination of design forces, Choice of method for multi-storeyed buildings,
Difference between wind and earthquake forces, Partial safety factors for design, Distribution of seismic
forces, Analysis of structures other than buildings.
Ductile detailing, Increased values of seismic effect for vertical and horizontal projections, Proposed
changes in IS 1893 (Fifth revision). Ductile Detailing of Frames for Seismic Forces: Introduction, General
principles, Factors that increase ductility, Specifications for material for ductility, ductile detailing of
beams – Requirements.
Introduction: A brief history of FEM, Need of the method, Review of basic principles of solid mechanics
– principles, equations of equilibrium, boundary conditions, compatibility, strain – displacement
relations, constitutive relationship.
Theory relating to the formation of FEM: Coordinate system (local & global); Basic components – A
single element, Derivation of stiffness matrix, Assembly of Stiffness, matrix boundary conditions – All
with reference to trusses under axial forces.
Concept of element; various element shapes, Triangular element, discretisation of a structure, Mesh
refinement vs higher order element; inter connections at nodes of displacement models on inter
element compatibility.
1. “The Finite Element Method in Engineering Science” by P.Zienkiewiez, McGraw Hill, 1971.
2. “The Finite Element Analysis Fundamentals” by Richard H.Gallagher, Prentice Hall 1975.
3. “Introduction to the FEM” by Desai C.S and Abbels, J.F Van Nostrand, 1972.
4. “Finite Element Method for Engineers” by Reger, T.Fenuer, The Macmillan Ltd.,London,1975
5. “Fundamental of Finite Element Techniques for Structural Engineers” by Drabbia, C.A.and Conner,
J.J., John Wiley and Sons, 1971.
6. “Numerical Methods in Finite Element Analysis” by Klaus Jurgen and Edward, L., Wilson, Prentice
Hall of India, New Delhi, 1978.
One-degree systems: Undamped systems; various forcing functions damped systems; response to
pulsating force; support motion.
Lumped mass multi-degree systems: Direct determination of natural frequencies; characteristic shapes
Stodola-Vianelle method; Modified Rayleigh-Ritz method; Lagrange’s equation model analysis of multi
degree systems; multistorey rigid frames subjected to lateral loads; damping in multi degree systems.
Structures with distributed mass and load; single span beams; normal modes of vibration; forced
vibration of beams, Beams, with variable cross-section and mass.
Approximate design methods; Idealized system; transformation factors; dynamic reaction response
calculations; Design example (RC beam, steel beam, RC slab), Approximate design of multi degree
Matrix Approach: Coordinates and Lumped masses, Consistent mass matrix, Undamped force vibration
of a system with one degree freedom, response of single degree freedom undamped system, viscous
damped vibration of a single degree freedom system, Undamped vibration of multi degree freedom
system, Orthogonality of natural nodes, normal coordinates.
Computer Oriented Methods In Structural Analysis: Stiffness Method: Developing a Computer Program
for the analysis of Grid Floors by using Stiffness Method.
Flexibility Method: Developing a Computer Program for the analysis of Portal Frames by using Flexible
Finite Difference Method (FDM): Determination of deflections of plates by using FDM, & Determination
of Natural Frequency in a Beam.
Finite Element Method: Discussion of engineering problems to demonstrate the versatility of finite
element method. Coordinate system (local & global) definition of stiffness matrix for a truss element
and a beam element, element assembly into global stiffness matrix, Boundary conditions.
Soft Ware Applications In Structural Engineering (by Using STAAD, STRAP, STRUDS etc.,):
Analysis of Plane and Space Truss and Frames subjected to Gravity and lateral loads
Design Of Reinforced Concrete Members: Design, Detailing and Estimation of Beams, Slabs, Columns
and Foundations Shear Wall Design
Design Of Steel Members: Design of Truss Members, Design of Beams and Columns.
1. “The Finite Element Method” by Zienkiewicz, O.C., McGraw Hill Publications, London.
2. “Concepts and Applications of Finite Element Analysis: by Cook, R.D.
3. Reference Manual for STADD, STRAP, STRUDS, ANAYS, NISA, etc.
Loading Standards.
Design of prestressed concrete girder and box girder bridges considering only primary torsion, design of
end block.
Piers, Abutments, Wing walls factors effecting and stability, Well foundations, design of well,
construction, open sinking of wells, plugging, sand filling and casting of well cap.
Buckling of Columns: Method of neutral equilibrium, Critical load of the Euler column, Linear column
theory - An Eigen value problem, Effective length concept, Higher order differential equation for
columns initially bent columns, effect of shear stress on buckling, eccentrically loaded columns, beam
columns (Beam columns with concentrated lateral load, distributed, load end moment), Inelastic
buckling of columns, Double modulus theory, Tangent modulus theory, Shanley theory of inelastic
column behaviour.
Approximate methods of analysis: Conservation of energy principles; calculation of critical loads using
approximate deflection curve; Principle of stationery potential energy, Raleigh – Ritz method, Buckling
load of column with variable cross section, Galerkin’s method; Calculation of critical load by finite
differences, Unevenly spaced pivot points, Matrix stiffness method; effect of axial load on bending
stiffness – slope deflection equations, Buckling of column loaded along the length using energy
Buckling of Frames: Modes of Bucking, Critical load of simple frame using neutral equilibrium, Slope
deflection equations and matrix analysis.
Lateral buckling of cantilever and simply supported beams of rectangular and I-sections and use of
energy method and finite differences.
Buckling of Plates: Differential equation, Strain energy of bending, Critical load, Finite difference
approach inelastic buckling of plates.
Matrix approach for Frames: Criterion for determination of critical loads, Stiffness influence coefficients
for members without axial load, derivation of stability functions, Problem involving Non-sways,
Modified stiffness of beams, frames with sway, Multi-bar frames.
Concepts of Structural Safety: General, Design methods. Basic Statistics: Introduction, Data reduction,
Histograms, Sample correlation. Probability Theory: Introduction, Random events, Random variables,
Functions of random variables, Moments and expectation, common probability distribution, Extremal
Basic Structural Reliability: Introduction, Computation of Structural reliability. Monte Carlo Study of
Structural Safety: General, Monte Carlo method, Applications.
Level 2 Reliability Methods: Introduction, Basic variables and failure surface, First-order second-
moment methods (FOSM).
Reliability Based Design: Introduction, Determination of partial safety factors, Safety checking formats,
Development of reliability based design criteria, Optimal safety factors, Summary of results of study for
Indian standard – RCC Design.
Earthquakes, Epicenter, Hypocenter and earthquake waves, Measurement of ground motion, Seismic
Regions, Intensity and Isoseismals of an earthquake, Magnitude and energy of an earthquake,
Consequences of earthquakes, Seismic zoning.
Part-A: Response history analysis, Modal analysis, Multistorey buildings with symmetric plan.
Multistorey buildings with unsymmetric plan, Torsional response of symmetric plan builds, response
analysis for multiple support excitation, structural idealization and earthquake response.
Part-B: Response Spectrum Analysis: Peak response from earthquake response spectrum, Multistorey
buildings with symmetric plan, Multistorey buildings with unsymmetric plan.
Earthquake Response of Linear Elastic Buildings: Systems analysed, Design spectrum and response
quantities, Influence of T1 and p on response, Modal contribution factors, Influence of T1 on higher-
mode response,. Influence of p on higher-mode response, Heightwise variation of higher-mode
response, How many modes to include.
Aseismic Design of Structure: Design data and philosophy of design, Seismic coefficients. Permissible
increase in stresses and load factors, Multistorey buildings, Base shear, fundamental period of buildings,
distribution of forces along the height, Dynamic analysis, Effective weight. Miscellaneous
considerations. Earthquake resistant construction of buildings, Ductility provisions in reinforced
concrete construction. Water towers, introduction. Behaviour under earthquake loads. Design
features, Water tower as a rigid jointed space frame, Hydrodynamic pressures in tanks, Stack like
Introduction. Fundamental period of vibration, Seismic coefficient, Dynamic bending moment. Shear
diagram, Bridges, Introduction, Seismic force, Live load, Super structure, substructure. Hydrodynamic
pressures on dams, Introduction, Zanger’s method, vertical component of reservoir load, Concrete or
masonry gravity dams Introduction, Natural period of vibration, Virtual mass, Dynamic displacements
and acceleration, Dynamic shears moments, Geometric method of stress analysis, Earth and rock fill
dams, Introduction, Fundamental period of vibration, Stability of slope, Retaining walls, Introduction,
Active and passive pressure due to fill, point of application, Earth pressure due to uniform surcharge,
effect of saturation.
Concept of Disaster Management. Types of Disasters. Disaster mitigating agencies and their
organizational structure at different levels.
Overview of Disaster situations in India: Vulnerability of profile of India and Vulnerability mapping
including disaster – pone areas, communities, places. Disaster preparedness – ways and means; skills
and strategies; rescue, relief reconstruction and rehabilitation. Case Studies: Lessons and Experiences
from Various Important Disasters in India
Seismic vulnerability of urban areas. Seismic response of R.C frame buildings with soft first storey.
Preparedness for natural disasters in urban areas. Urban earthquake disaster risk management. Using
risks-time charts to plan for the future. Lateral strength of masonry walls. A numerical model for post
earthquake fire response of structures.
Landslide hazards zonation mapping and geo-environmental problems associated with the occurrence of
landslides. A statistical approach to study landslides. Landslide casual factors in urban areas. Roads and
landslide hazards in Himalaya. The use of electrical resistivity method in the study of landslide. Studies in
rock-mass classification and landslide management in a part of Garhwal-Himalaya, India.
Cyclone resistant house for coastal areas. Disaster resistant construction role of insurance sector.
Response of buried steel pipelines carrying water subjected to earthquake ground motion. Preparedness
and planning for an urban earthquake disaster. Urban settlements and natural hazards. Role of
knowledge based expert system in hazard scenario.
1. “Natural Hazards in the Urban Habitat” by Iyengar, C.B.R.I., Tata McGraw Hill.
2. “Natural Disaster Management”, Jon Ingleton (Ed), Tulor Rose, 1999.
3. “Disaster Management”, R.B.Singh (Ed),Rawat Publications, 2000.
4. “Anthropology of Disaster Management”, Sachindra Narayan, Gyan Publishing House, 2000.
1. Materials: Construction chemicals, Mineral admixtures, Composites, fibre reinforced concrete, High
performance concrete, polymer-impregnated concrete.
2. Techniques to test the existing strengths: Destructive and Non destructive tests on concrete.
3. Repairs of Multistorey structures: Cracks in concrete, possible damages to the structural elements
beams, slab, column, footing etc., Repairing techniques like Jackchu, Grouting, external prestressing,
use of chemical admixtures, repairs to the fire damaged structure.
4. Repairs to masonry structures & Temples: Damages to masonry structures – repairing techniques,
Damages to temples – repairing techniques.
5. Foundation problems: Settlement of soil – Repairs, Sinking of piles – repairs.
6. Corrosion of reinforcement: Preventive measures – coatings – use of SBR modified cementitious
mortar, Epoxy resin mortar, Acrylic modified cementitious mortar, flowing concrete.
7. Temporary structures: Need for temporary structures under any Hazard, various temporary
structures, Case studies
8. Case studies: Atleast 10 case studies.
5. Concrete Structures: Repair, water proofing and protection, by Philip H. Perkins Applied Sciences
publications Ltd., London. pp 302.
9. Design and Construction Failures Lessons from Forensic Investigation by Dov Kaminetzky, McGraw
Hill, pp 600.
Bending of Long Rectangular Plates to a Cylindrical Surface: Differential equation for cylindrical bending
of plates – Uniformly loaded rectangular plates with simple supported edges and with built in edges.
Pure bending of plates slopes – Curvatures of bent plates – Relations between bending moments and
curvature – Particular cases – Strain energy in pure bending – Limitations. Symmetrical bending of
circular plates: Differential equation – Boundary conditions.
Simply supported rectangular plates under sinusoidal loading – Naviers solution and its application to
concentrated load – Levy’s solution for uniformly distributed load or hydrostatic pressure .
Membrane analysis: a) Shells of revolution (axi-symmetrical loading), Spherical shells, Conical Shells,
Elliptical shell of revolution. Torus, Hyperboloid of revolution of one sheet, shells of uniform strength
membrance deformation. b) Membrane analysis of shells of translation, circular cylinder, Directrix,
Parabola, Cycloid, Catenary and Membrane deformations.
1. “Stresses in Shells” by Flugge.
Elements of Soil Dynamics: Free and forced vibrations with and without damping for single degree of
freedom, Natural frequency of foundation soil system – Barken, Pressure bulb concept, Pauw’s analogy
and Vibration isolation.
Wave Propagation: Waves in elastic half space, Elements of seismic methods, steady state vibrations,
Influence of soil condition on shaking intensity and associated structural damage and land slides.
Elastic Properties of Soil: Field and laboratory methods, Stress strain characteristics of soil under
dynamic loads, Damping properties, Bearing capacity of soil under dynamic loads by pseudo static
Foundations: Foundation types, Design Principles, Special foundations for high speed machines and
earthquake zones.
1. “Soil Dynamics & Machine Foundations” by Swami Saran
1. “Dynamics of Bases and Foundations” by Barken
3. Relevant IS Codes
Gravity Dams and Spillways: Force acting on gravity dams and spillways including earthquake effects, 2-
D stress Analysis, and Stress distribution around openings in a gravity dam.
Earth and Rock Fill Dams: Seepage analysis for homogeneous dams and zoned dams, Stability analysis
for an earth dam by slip circle analysis – Ordinary method of slices, Bishop’s Method and Spencer’s
method, including earthquake effects.
Floods: Flood routing in reservoirs and rivers, Dam break/ breach analysis, Flood control.
Waves, Tides and storm Surges: Linear wave theory, higher order wave theories, wave prediction, Wave
shoaling, Refraction, Diffraction, Reflection, Braking and Run-up. Tidal characteristics, Tide prediction,
Storm surge computation.
Marine structures: Wave forces on small and large cylinders, Sea walls, Design of break waters and
1. “Engineering for Dams” by Creager,W.P, Justin, J.D and Hinds, J.Vol II, Wiley Eastern Pvt Ltd.,1968
2. “Soil Mechanics” by T.W.Lambe and Witman, R.V., Wiley Eastern Ltd., 1979.
3. “Open Channel Flow” by Hanif Choudhry, M., Prentice Hall of India, 1994.
4. “Mechanics of Wave Forces on Offshore structures”, Turgut Sarpkaya and Michael Isscson, Van
Nostrand Reinhold Company, 1981.
5. “Shore Protection Manual”, U.S.Army Coastal Engineering Research Centre, Vols. I, II & III,
Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Govt. Printing Office, Washington D.C. 1977.
UNIT-I: Introduction to E.I.A., Definition of E.I.A. and E.I.S., Guidelines for preparation of environmental
impact statements.
UNIT-IV: Environmental impact analysis – Energy production, Impact analysis, Cost-Benefit analysis,
Material recycling, Environmental impact mitigation and control measures.
UNIT-V: Environmental Protection Act and Standards, State laws and local Ordinances, Land use
planning, priorities and management, Environmental Audit.
1. “Environmental impact analysis by Urban & Jain.
UNIT-I: Materials Properties in fire, Classification systems for high temperature concretes. Design of
Structures at normal temperatures – Loads, Structural analysis, Material Properties, Probability of
failures. Design of structures under fire conditions – Design equate loads for fire design, structural
analysis. Design of individual members exposed to fire – Tension members – Compression members –
UNIT-III: Mechanical properties steel at elevated temperatures Components of strain, Thermal strain
Creep strain, Stress – related strain
UNIT-V: Design of Concrete members exposed to fire member design, Simply supported slabs and
1. “Fire Safety in Buildings” by Jain, V.K
2. “Structural Design for Fire safety” by Andrew H. Buchanan.
UNIT-I: Introduction: Basic wind speed, Design wind speed, Design wind pressure, offshore wind
velocity, Wind pressures and forces in buildings/ structures. External pressures coefficients for various
roofs, Dynamic effects. Design of Tall Buildings: Analysis of tall building for lateral loads, cantilever
method, Portal method, Factor method; Design of structures for wind; Computer application in analysis
& design.
UNIT-II: Design of shear wall: Introduction, Types of shear walls, behaviour of cantilever walls with
rectangular cross section, Flange cantilever shear walls, Moment – Axial load interaction for shear wall
section, Interaction of shear walls and Rigid jointed frames, Shear walls with openings, Coupled shear
UNIT-III: Design of Steel Towers, Trestles and Masts: Introduction, Loads on towers, Analysis of towers,
Masts, Trestles, Stresses in trestles due to vertical loads and horizontal loads, Design of members in
towers, Design of foundations.
UNIT-IV: Design of Chimneys (RCC): Introduction, Wind pressure, Stresses in chimney shaft due to self
weight and wind, Stress in horizontal reinforcement due to wind shear, Stresses due to temperature
difference. Design of RC chimney.
UNIT-V: Design of steel chimneys: Introduction, Types of chimneys, Forces acting on steel chimneys,
design of various components, Stability of steel chimney.
1. Reinforced Concrete Structures – R.Park & T.Paulay
2. Design of Steel Structures vol-II – Ramachandra
3. Reinforced Concrete Structures – Punmia, Jain & Jain
4. Tall Chimneys – S.N. Manohar.