2.veterinary Histology I (Vetm1082)
2.veterinary Histology I (Vetm1082)
2.veterinary Histology I (Vetm1082)
1.1. Module related information
Department owning and offering the course: Biomedical Sciences
Program: Doctor of veterinary medicine
Module title: Veterinary Anatomy and Embryology
Module code: Vetm-M011
Module number: 01
Module ECTS: 27
Course title: Veterinary Histology I
Course code: Vetm1082
Status of the course: Core
Course ECTS: 5
Mode of delivery Semester based
Semester for course delivery: II
Instructors contact
information: Contact Hours: Contact Hours:
E-mail: E-mail:
Phone number: Phone number:
1.3. Schedule for Continuous Assessment
Note: The actual date will be specified later based on the academic calendar of the university.
2. Course description
Veterinary Histology is a branch of anatomy concerned with the visual examination of cells,
intercellular structures as well as their organization in tissues and organs, by means of the
microscope and by using appropriate preparations thin enough to transmit light or electrons.
Studying the normal microscopic structure of the animal body is the basis for understanding
abnormal microscopic lesions(histopathology), body functions, immunology, clinical Patholgy
and several other disciplines in veterinary medicine. Veterinary Histology I deal with the tech
niques of studying cells and tissues, cell biology and the four basic tissues of the
body (epithelium, connective tissue, muscle and nervous tissue).
3. Course Objectives
Recognize microscopically the principal cells, cellular organelles and tissues and their
complex organizations and functions in the body.
Interpret accurately the structural details in histological sections and be aware of morp
hologic variations among domestic animal species as described in lectures.
Relate the acquired information on the microscopic structure to function and vice
versa, and deduct (postulate) function from a given structure.
Use the knowledge gained in this course to explain the normal microscopic appearance
of cells and tissues in contrast to abnormal ones due to artifacts (changes by technical
errors) and pathological conditions.
Develop professional attitudes and skills in handling histological preparations and the
light microscope.
4. Course Assignments
Specific course assignments will be prepared by the instructor who is responsible for
delivering the specific topics of the course.
5. Expectations
5.1. Preparation & participation:
[75,80) 2.7≤X<3.0 3.5 B+ Very Good
[70,75) 2.5≤X<2.7 3.0 B Very Good
[65,70) 2.3≤X<2.5 2.75 B- Good
[60,65) 2.0≤X<2.3 2.5 C+ Good
[50,60) 1.7≤X<2.0 2.0 C Satisfactory
[45,50) 1.3≤X<1.7 1.75 C- Satisfactory
[40,45) 1.0≤X<1.3 1.0 D Unsatisfactory
[30,40) =1.0 0 Fx Fail
[<30) 0.0 0.0 F Fail
7. Course contents
lecture 4.3. Types and classification of glandular
8 epithelium
15 Lecture 7. Nervous tissue
7.1. General characteristics Basic histology. 9th ed.pp.153-181,
7.2. Neurons, Synapse, Neuroglia cell biology 115-129 and color
atlas of basic histology pp.52-69.
Laboratory Neurons, Synapse, Neuroglia
16 Lecture 7.3. Types of nerve tissue
7.3.1. Central nervous tissue
7.3.2. Peripheral nervous tissue
8. Required Text Books and Materials
Text Books:
Teaching Materials: Text books, Laptop, LCD projector, Chalk, Markers, Microscope,
Prepared laboratory slides, Drawing charts and Boards and papers.
Histology is the branch of science, which centers on the biology of cells and
tissues within an organism. Histology (Gr. histo = tissue, logos = study) is the
study of cells and extracellular matrix of tissues. Anatomy is divided into gross
anatomy, which is visible to the naked eye and Microscopic anatomy that
seen with the aid of microscopes. In the early times, microscopic anatomy was
subdivided into cytology, histology and organology, study of cells, tissues and
organs, respectively. Now days, histology involves the study of cells, tissues
and organ-systems and their functions.
The small size of cells and matrix components makes histology dependent on
the use of and improvements in microscopes. Advances in chemistry,
physiology, immunology, and pathology and the interaction among these fields
contribute to a better knowledge of tissue biology. Integration of knowledge in
these field has resulted in the development of histochemistry, histophysiology.
Immunohistochemistry, and histopathology, which help students for a better
understanding of tissue biology.
Fundamental physiological properties of cells are expressed in four basic
tissues. The four basic tissues include;
Epithelial tissue - that serve a protective function for they cover external
and line internal body surfaces.
Connective tissue
Nervous tissue
Muscle tissue
Proteins play a key role in the regulation of metabolism. The sum totals of all
the chemical reactions that proceed in a cell, conferring on it the properties of
life, constitute its metabolism. Metabolic reactions involve either destruction
or production of cell substance. Those concerned with the break down of cell
substance are termed catabolic. Those concerned with the synthesis of new
cell substances are termed anabolic. Growth is dependent on anabolic
reactions exceeding catabolic reactions. The chemical reactions involved in
metabolism are catalyzed by enzymes, all of which are proteins. Enzymes and
hormones are proteins.
3. Lipids serve as energy source; they also have important structural functions
and are major components of the membrane systems of cells.
4. Nucleic acids are divided into two classes deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)
represents the genetic material and is found primarily but not exclusively in
the nucleus. Ribonucleic acid (RNA) is present in the cytoplasm and nucleus
and carries information from the nucleus to the cytoplasm. It also serves as
a template for synthesis of proteins by the cell.
6. Water makes up as out 75% of protoplasm part of the water is free and
available as a solvent for various metabolic processes, and part is bound to
Properties of cells
Irritability is a fundamental property of all living cells and refers to the
ability to respond to a stimulus.
Conductivity refers to the ability of a cell to transmit a stimulus from
the point of origin to another point on the cell surface or to other cells. It
is most highly developed in nerve tissue.
Contractility is the ability of a cell to change shape in response to a
stimulus, indicated by a shortening of the cell in some direction. This
property is most prominent in muscle tissue.
Absorption involves transfer of materials across the cell membrane in to
the interior of the cell. All cells show the ability to absorb material, some
very selectively.
Metabolism refers to the ability of a cell to break down absorbed
material to produce energy.
Secretion is the process by which cells elaborate and release materials
for use else where
Excretion is the elimination from cells of metabolic waste products.
Growth of an organism can occur by increasing the amount of cytoplasm
in existing cells or by increasing the number of cells
Reproduction is division of cells
2.1 Microscopy
Several types of microscopes are available for the study of biological material.
Microscopes may be classified by the types of light source used. In most
general use, of course, is the optical microscope using visible light. The
usefulness of any type of microscope depends not only upon its ability to
magnify but more important, upon its ability to resolve detail. The useful
magnification of an ordinary light microscope is about 1500 times (1500x). The
resolving power is a measure of the capacity of the microscope to clearly
separate two points close together. Beyond the resolving power of any
microscope, two points will appear as one. The resolution with lens systems is
limited to the wavelength of light and by the light gathering capacity of the
objective lens. The resolving power of a well-constructed light microscope is
about 0.2 m (Micrometer).
retardation of the light results in interference that can be used to
measure the thickness or refractive index of the object under
e. Dark field Microscope: It utilizes a strong, oblique light that does not
enter the objective lens. Light reaches the object to be viewed at an angle.
The field is therefore dark. Dark field examination is useful in the
examination of small transparent objects, which are invisible in the glare
of bright field illumination.
Cells, tissues and organs cannot be studied unless they are suitably prepared
for microscopic examination. The methods of preparation are;
1. Methods involving the direct observation of living cells.
2. Methods employed with dead cells (fixed or preserved).
In the study of histology, fixed and stained preparations of tissues and organs,
which are permanent, will be used for the most part. Living tissues are ore
difficult to handle and are valuable for a short period only. In the living cell,
structure and function may be studied simultaneously; Living cells may be
seen to move, to ingest foreign material, occasionally to divide, and to carry on
other functions.
Free cells from a complex organism may be studied directly under the
microscope while they are alive. Free cells are colorless, and structures within
them lack contrast. This difficulty may be over come by using a phase –
contrast microscope for instance animal blood can be studied in thin films
while surrounded by their natural environment, plasma, In this way, amoeboid
and phagocytic activity may be recognized within white blood cells.
Thin sections of thick organs such as liver and kidney may be viewed by
transillumination with quartz rods, which produce a cold light and avoid
coagulation of protoplasm. Prolonged preservation of living cells outside the
body can be achieved by a technique known as tissue culture fragments of
tissue are removed aseptically, transferred to a physiological medium, and kept
at a temperature normal for the animal from which the tissue was taken, The
cultures can be placed in thin glass vessels or in hanging drops on a cover
glass mounted over a hollow slide for observation under the microscope. In
tissue cultures, growth, multiplication, and in some cases, differentiation of
cells into other cell types can be observed directly, Tissue culture is a valuable
method for the study of cancer and many viruses.
solidify so that affirms homogenous mass containing the embedded
tissue is obtained.
d. Sectioning: Tissue embedded in paraffin may be sliced/ Sectioned
between 3 and 10 mm thick using a microtome. Each section is then
transferred to a clean glass microscope slide on which a little egg
albumin has been smeared.
e. Staining: The purpose of staining is to enhance natural contrast and to
make m ore evident the various cell and tissue components and extrinsic
material. Before staining the paraffin is removed from the section by
placing in a paraffin solvent or decerating agent usually xylene. The
section is passed through descending strengths of alcohol prior to
staining. Hematoxylin and eosin is most frequently used to stain.
f. Mounting: After staining, excess dye is removed by washing with water
or alcohol depending upon the soul vent of the dye, and section is
dehydrated through ascending grades of alcohol. The section is then
transferred to a solution of clearing agent. After removal from the
clearing agent, a drop of mounting medium, for instance Canada balsam,
which has a refractive index similar to that of glass, is placed on the
section. The preparation is covered with a cover slip and allowed to dry.
Cytology is the branch of anatomy that deals with cell structures and
functions. It includes the identification and description of various cellular
components and the physiological activities associated with each cell. Such
knowledge has provided a better understanding of the nature of development,
the physiological process carried on by the animal body, and changes that
occur in the body as a result of maldevelopment, trauma, or disease.
Although cells differ in size, shape, and function, the protoplasm (contents of
living cells) of each cell consists of two major components nucleus and
cytoplasm. The nucleus contains the hereditary or genetic material and it is
surrounded by cytoplasm and separated by a nuclear envelope. The cytoplasm
is limited by a plasma (cell) membrane, which separates the cell from the
external environment. The cytoplasm consists of several structures
representing organelles and inclusions. The different organelles tend to be
localized in discrete areas of the cytoplasm so that they and their associated
metabolic processes remain separated from other components of the cell.
Fig. 3.1. Cell structure
Organelles are specialized units of the cell that perform specific functions and
constitute part of the living substance of the cell. Organelles inclued structures
like plasma lemma, smooth and rough forms of endoplasmic reticulum,
ribosome’s, Golgi complex, mitochondria, lysosomes, peroxisomes, and
surfaces of the cell membrane forming two parallel layers of phospholipid
molecules lying tail to tail and forming a phospholipid bilayer.
Phagocytosis is a form of endocytosis in which particulate matter is taken in to
a cell. Fluid may be incorporated in to the cell in small cytoplasmic vesicles in
a process called pinocytosis. Both phagoaytosis and pinocytosis can be seen
by light microscope. Materials such as secretory granules are released from the
cell by exocytosis, a process in which the limiting membranes of the granules
fuse with the cell membrane before discharging their contents.
3.3.2 Ribosomes
Free ribosomes are sites of protein synthesis, the protein formed being used
by the cell itself rather than secreted. Messenger RNA is formed in the nucleus
on a template of uncoiled deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA). During synthesis,
mRNA enters the cytoplasm and attaches to ribosomes that move along the
mRNA, translating the code and assembling amino acids in the proper order.
Amino acids are brought to the ribosomes for incorporation in to the protein by
transfer RNA (tRNA), another form of ribonucleoprotein. Formation of
ribosomal RNA is directed by a specific region of a chromosome.
Fig. 3.3 Endoplasmic nuclear & nucleus
3.3.5 Lysosomes
Lysosomes are small, membrane bounded, dense bodies. More than 50
enzymes have been identified in lysosomes. Since they are active at an acid pH,
lysosomal enzymes often are referred to as acid hydrolases. The limiting
membrane of lysosomes protects the remainder of the cell from autolysis. The
appearance of lysosomes varies according to the phase and activity state.
Primary lysosomes are those, which have been newly released at the Golgi
complex and have not engaged in digestive activities. They usually remain
within the cell and are not secreted.
Secondary lysosomes are vacuolar structures that represent sites of past or
current lysosomal activity and include hetrophagic vacuoles, residual bodies,
and cytolysosomes. Some cells, such as macrophages and some granular
leukocytes of the blood, have a special capacity to engulf extracllular materials
and destroy them. The process by which substances are taken in to the cell
from the exterior environment and broken down by lysosomal activity is called
Fig. 3.4. Phagocytosis & endocytosis
3.3.6 Peroxisomes
Peroxisomes, or microbodies, comprise another class of membrane bound
organelles; their internal structure varies and can be crystalline or dense called
nucleoids. Peroxisomes lack acid hydrolases but do contain several enzymes
that can remove hydrogen atoms from organic substrates and produce
hydrogen peroxide, which is essential for many cellular functions and capable
of destroying micro organisms, in excess is lethal to cells. Peroxisomes contain
the enzyme catalase. Excess hydrogen peroxide is converted to water by
catalase. Peroxisemes have been implicated in the oxidation of substrates,
particularly very long chain fatty acids and are abundant in cells involved in
steroid synthesis and cholestrol metabolism.
cell. The main substrates for cellular respiration are simple sugars and lipids
(glucose and fatty acids).
a. Mitochondria
Mitochondria are the principal organelles involved in cellular respiration in
mammals and are found in large numbers in metabolically active cells like in
the liver and skeletal muscle. Mitochondria are membranous structures that
play a vital role in the production of energy required by cells. They are visible in
lairing cells examined by phase contrast microscope. They can be stained in
fixed tissues, appear as rods or thin filaments. Structurally, mitochondria in
show a variety of shapes and sizes, but all are enclosed by two membranes,
each of which has the typical trilaminar substructure.
surrounds the larger intercristal space that contains s slightly more electron-
dengue material called the mitochondrial matrix. Enzymes of the Krebs cycle,
responsible for the final break down of fatty acids, monosugars, and some
amino acids, reside within the mitochondria matrix. The primary function of
mitochondria is synthesis of ATP, the primary source of energy for cell
activities. Mitochondria are unique among organelles because they contain
their own complement of DNA and are capable of self-replication.
3.3.8. Centrioles
Under light microscope, centrioles appear as minute rods or granules located
near the nucleus in a specialized region of the cytoplasm called the
centrosomes. The wall of each centriole consists of nine subunits, each of
which is made up of three fused microtubules; the subunits are referred to as
triplet. Centrioles are self-replicating organelles that duplicate just before cell
3.3.9. Cytoskeleton
The cytoskeleton gives structural support to the cytoplasm and consists of
microfilaments, intermediate filaments, microtubules, and a microtrabecular
lattice. Interaction between the cytoskeleton and the cell membrane is essential
for cell movement, intracellular transport, endocytosis, focal mobility of the cell
membrane, maintenance of cell shape, stabilization of the cell junctions, and
spatial orientation of enzymes and other molecules in the cytoplasm.
Fig. 3.6 Cytoskeleton
3.4. Cytoplasmic Inclusions
Inclusions are nonliving elements found in the cytoplasm and include such
diverse materials as pigments granules, glycogen, lipid droplets, and crystals.
They are not essential to the life or functioning of the cell and represent
metabolic products, storage materials, or foreign substances taken into the cell
from the environment.
c) Lipid: Fat cells are the chief storage sites for lipid, but many other cell
types store lipid droplets of various sizes. Lipid synthesized by a cell
accumulates in cytoplasmic droplets that lack a limiting membrane.
Intracellular lipid serves as a source of energy.
3.5 Nucleus:
The nucleus is an essential organelle present in all complete cells, The only
cytoplasmic structures in which nuclei are absent are mature mammalian
erythrocytes and blood platelets; these should not be regarded as true cells.
Generally, each cell has a single miclwa, but some parietal cells of stomach,
cardiac muscle cells, and liver cells, may possess two nuclei. Giant cells such
as ostcoclasts of bone, and skeletal muscle cells, may have several nuclei.
The nucleus contains all the information necessary to initiate and control the
differentiation, maturation, and metabolic activities of each cell. The dividing
nucleus is enclosed in a nuclear envelope and contains the chromatin material
and one or two nucleoli.
form the antiparallel double helix of the DNA molecule. Genetic information of
the DNA molecule is encoded in the sequence of the bases.
3.5.3 Nucleolus
A Nucleolus appears as a dense, well-defined body, contained within a nucleus.
Nucleoli are sites where ribosomal RNA (rRNA) is synthesized. Since these sites
(nucleolus-organizing regions) are located on five different chromosomes, any
one cell may contain several nucleoli. Nucleoli lie free in the nucleus, not
limited by a membrane. Nucleoli are found only in interphase nuclei and are
especially prominent in cells that are actively synthesizing proteins.
Within tissues and organs, cells interact with one another in numerous ways
during embryological development and growth, maintenance of structural
integrity, response to injury (inflammation and repair), integration and control
of tissue and organ functions and the maintenance of overall biochemical and
metabolic integrity (homeostasis). This involves the elaboration of structural
connection between adjacent cells (intercellular junctions) may also serve as
conduits for information exchange in the form of electrical excitation or
chemical messengers.
Some cells are indirectly bound to one another within tissues by extra cellular
elements (e.g fibers of supporting /connective tissues) within tissues, cellular
functions are integrated by a great variety of local chemical mediators (humoral
factors). At the level of systems and the body as a whole, functions are
coordinated via circulating chemical messengers (hormones) and/or via the
nervous system.
Cell division and differentiation balanced by cell death both during the
development and growth of the immature organism and in the nature adult; in
these circumstances cell death occurs by a mechanism known as apoptosis.
The interphase is divided into three phases, the G1 (gap1) or preduplication
phase, the period between previous mitosis and the beginning of DNA
duplication most cells are in this stage while they perform their particular
functions for example adult nerve cells never divide, but remain in the G1
phase during synthesis phase (S), DNA duplication occurs, resulting in two
daughter chromosomes. Following completion of the S phase and before
mitosis begins; the cell passes through a rather short G2 (gap 2) or post
duplication phase.
3.6.1 Mitosis
Mitosis produces daughter cells that have a genetic content identical to that of
the parent cell. All multicultural organisms grow by increasing the number of
cells. The zygote, which is formed at conception, divides repeatedly and gives
rise to all the cells of the body. Proliferation of somatic cells is the result of
mitosis, which can be defined as the production of two daughter cells with
exactly the same number of chromosomes and the same DNA content as the
original parent cell.What determines if and when a cell divides is not known,
but there are certain requirements that must be met before a cell can enter
mitosis. There is some relations ship between cell mass and cell division.
Nucleoli become smaller and finally disappear, and the nuclear envelope
breaks down. Simultaneously with the nuclear events, the centrioles
replicate, and the resulting pairs migrate to the opposite poles of the cell.
c) Metaphase: The disappearance of the nuclear envelope marks the end of
prohase and the beginning of metaphase, which is characterized by
formation of the mitotic spindle and the alignments of chromosomes
along the equator to form the equatorial plate, the mitotic spindle which
pass from pole to pole of the spindle are called continuous fibers.
Microtubules extend from the poles of the spindle to attach to
Centromere of each chromosome and form the chromosomal fibers. The
Centromere is a specialized region of unduplicated DNA and protein that
holds together the chromatids of each chromosome and forms an
attachment site for the chromosomal fibers. The final act of metaphase is
duplication of the DNA at the centromer after which the centromeres
split, the two chromatids of each chromosome separate and begin to
migrate towards the centrioles at the opposite poles of the cell.
6.3.2 Meiosis
In all somatic cells, cell division (mitosis) results in the formation of two
daughter calls, each one genetically identical to the mother cell. Somatic cells
contain a full complement of chromosomes (the diploid number), which
function as homologous pairs.
Meiosis involves two-cell division processed of which only the first is preceded
by duplication of chromosomes.
1. The first meiotic division: Results in the formation of two daughter cells,
this process differs from mitosis in two important respects;
a. In mitosis each duplicated chromosome divides at the Centromere
liberating two chromatids that migrate to the opposite ends of the mitotic
spindles in the first meiotic division there in no such separation of
chromatids but rather one duplicated of chromosome of each
homologous pair migrates to each end of spindle. Then at the end of the
first meiotic division, each daughter cell contains a half complement of
duplicated chromosomes.
Epithelium is one of the four basic tissues. A basic tissue is a collection of cells
of similar type that together with their associated extracellular substances are
specialized to perform a common function.
Fig 4.1 Basement membrane Fig 4.2 Avascular epithelial sheet
Fig 4.3 Epithelial layers
Simple epithelia provide little protection against mechanical abrasion and thus
are not found on surface subject to such stresses. Simple epithelia may exhibit
a variety of surface specialization such as microvilli and cilia, which facilitate
their specific surface functions. The cells comprising simple epithelia range in
shape from extremely flattened to tall columnar.
tissue fluid into and out of these cavities and also in parietal layer of bowman’s
capsule, thin segment of loop of henle and reti testis.
Fig 4.4 Simple squamous Fig 4.5 Blood vessel (squamus cell)
The term mesothelium is the special name given to the simple squamous
epithelium that forms the serous membrane of the pleura, pericardium and
peritoneum. Endothelium is the epithelium that lines the cardiovascular and
lymph vascular system. Mesenchymal epithelium is special type of simple
squamous epithelium that lines the subarachnoid and subdural spaces, the
anterior chamber of the eye and the perilymphatic space of the ear.
Fig 4.6 Simple cuboidal
Simple coubodal epithelium usually lines small ducts and tubules which may
have excterory, secreory or absorptive functions; examples are the small
collecting ducts of the kidney, salivary gland, pancreas, thyroid, choroids
plexus, inner surface of capsule of the lens, covering surface of ovary and
ciliary body.
Fig. 4.7 Simple columnar
The luminal plasma membranes of highly absorptive epithelia cells are often
arranged into numerous, minute, finger like projections called microvilli,
which greatly increase the surface area of the absorptive interface.
Fig 4.8 Pseudostratified epith Fig 4.9 Respiratory tract
4.10 Keratinized stratified squamus epith. of skin
Fig 4.12 Stratified columnar epith
Fig. 4.13 Trabsitional epith (Urinary tract)
Cells in epithelia sheet often show special adaptations of apical or basis-lateral
surface that increase the surface area of the cell or constitute motile that move
material across the surface. Surface specializations include microvilli, cilia,
2. Cilia are large, elongated evaginations of the apical cell membrane and
motile structures which are easily resolved by light microscopy. Cilia are
numerous on epithelial cells that line much of the respiratory tract and
parts of the female reproductive tract. Groups of cilia beat in one direction
across the epithelial surface. In air waves mucus secreted by goblet cells
traps debris form inspired air and cilia move the mucus up wards to wards
the throat where it is swallowed thus keeping the airway clean. In oviduct,
ciliary’s action plays a part in transporting the ovum from the ovary down to
wards the uterus.
Mode of secretion (merocrine, Apocrine or Holocrine)
Multicellular glands: composed of more than on cell and most glands belong in
this classification.
Exocrine glands
Exocrine glands discharge their sectetory product vai duct on to an
epithelial surface. Exocrine glands classified into two major characteristics;
a. Simple glands: are defined as those with a single, unbranched duct. The
secretory portions of simple glands have two main forms tubular or acinar
IV. Simple branched acinar gland each gland consists of several
sectetory acins, which empty in to a single secretory duct. E.g
sebaceous glands.
secretion and applies to lipid secretory products in the mammary and
some sweat glands.
Holocrinc secretion involves the discharge of whole secretory cells with
subsequent disintegration of the cells to release the secretory product.
Holocrine secretion occurs principally in sebaceous glands.
5.1 Introduction
In any type of connective tissue there are three elements to consider: the cells,
the fibers and the amorphous ground substances. The elements are bathed in
tissue fluid. Connective tissues provide the supporting formwork for organs
and for the body itself and serve to connect distant structures as, for instance,
in the connection of muscle to bone by tendons. Connective tissues bind
organs and unite the organ components in to a functioning unit.
Connective tissues usually contain blood vessels and mediate the exchange of
nutrients, metabolites and waste products between tissues and circulating
system. Connective/supporting tissues occur in many different forms with
diverse physical properties. In most organs, loose connective tissues act as a
biological packing material between cells and other tissues with more specific
Dense forms of connective tissue provide tough physical support in the dermis
of the skin, comprise the robust capsules of organs such as the liver and
spleen, and are sources of great tensile strength in ligaments and tendons.
Cartilage and bone, the major skeletal components, are highly specialized form
of supporting tissue.
Connective tissues have important metabolic roles such as the storage of fat
(white adipose tissue) and the regulation of body temperature in the newborn
(brown adipose tissue). Cells of the immune system enter support tissues
where they assist in defense against pathogenic microorganisms. The process
of tissue repair is largely a function of supporting tissues.
5.2 Organization
Connective tissue contains several different cell types. Some are indigenous to
the tissues: Others are transients derived from blood. The cells may be divided
according to their basic function.
a. Cells responsible for synthesis and maintenance of the extracellular
material are derived from precursor cells in mesenchyme. The most
common connective tissue cells are fibroblasts; large, flattened cells with
elliptical nuclei that contain one or two nucleoli. The cell body is
irregular and often appears stellate with long cytoplasm processes
extending along the connective tissue fiber. The boundaries of the cell are
not seen in most histological preparations, and the morphology varies
with the state of activity.
b. Cells responsible for the storage of and metabolism of fat are known
as adipocytes and may collectively form adipose tissue. Individual fat
cells may be scattered through out loose connective tissue or may
accumulate/ crowded to form adipose tissue. Each fat cell acquires so
much lipid that the nucleus is flattened to one side of the cell and the
cytoplasm forms only a thin rim around a large droplet of lipid. In
ordinary sections, fat cells appear empty due to the loss of lipid during
tissue preparation, and groups of fat cells have the appearance of
chicken wire.
Stored fat with in adipocytes is derived from three main sources: dietary
fat circulating in the blood stream as chylomicrons; triglycerides
synthesized in the liver and transported in blood: and triglycerides
synthesized from glucose within adipocytes. Adipose tissue is important
in general metabolic processes in that it acts as a temporary store of
substrate for the energy-deriving process of almost all tissues. The rate of
fat depositions and utilization within adipose tissue is largely determined
by dietary intake and energy expenditure.
C. Cells with defense and immune functions are also derived from
mesenchyme. This group of cells includes the most cells and tissue
macrophages as well as all types of white blood cells. Traditionally, these
cells have been divided into two categories; fixed (intrinsic) cells and
wandering (extrinsic) cells.
The intrinsic defense cells are the tissue-fixed macrophages
(histiocytes) and mast cells. These macrophages are believed to be driven
from circulating monocytes and resident in connective tissues.
Mast cells are functionally analogous to basophils but there are structural
differences, which suggest that most cells are not merely basophils resident in
the tissues. They are present in variable numbers in loose connective tissue
and often collect along small blood vessels. They are large, ovoid cells with
large granules that fill the cytoplasm. Two populations of mast cells are known
to exist, connective tissue mast cells and mucosal mast cells.
Granules of mast cells contain heparin, a potent anticoagulant; histamine, an
agent that cause vasodilation and increased permeability of capillaries and
venules; and eosinophil chemotactic factor. Mast cells arise from bone marrow
stem cells. They are numerous along small blood vessels and beneath the
epithelia of the intestinal tract and respiratory system. Here they detect the
entry of foreign proteins and initiate a local inflammatory response by rapidly
discharging their secretory granules. Mast cells also can promote immediate
hypersensitivity reactions (hay fever, anaphylaxia, asthma) following their
release of secretory granules, which act as chemical mediators.
Plasma cells: are not common in most connective tissues but may be
numerous in the lamina propria of the gastrointestinal tract and present in
the lymphatic tissues. Plasma cells produce immunoglobulins (antibodies) that
form an important defense against infections. They are a differentiated form of
the B-lymphocytes.
The wandering category of defense and immune cells includes all the remaining
members of the white blood cells series. Although leukocytes are usually
considered as a constituent of blood, their principal site of a activity is outside
the blood circulation, particularly with in loose connective tissues. Leukocytes
are normally found only in relatively small numbers, but in response to tissue
injury and other disease processes their numbers increase greatly.
The supporting tissues of those regions of the body, which are subject to the
constant threat of pathogenic invasion, such as the gastrointestinal and
respiratory tracts, contain a large population of leukocytes, maintaining
constant surveillance.
5.4 Ground Substance (Matrix)
The fibers and cells of connective tissue are embedded in an amorphous
material called ground substances. That is present as a transparent gel of
variable viscosity. Tissue fluid is loosely associated with ground substance,
thereby forming the medium for passage of molecules through out connective
tissues and for the exchange of metabolites with the circulatory system.
Ground substance consists of glycoproteins, glycosaminoglycans, and
proteoglycans that differ in amount and type in different connective tissues.
Each molecule of tropocollagen consists of three polypeptide chains called
alpha units arranged in a helix and linked by hydrogen bonds. In the
extracellular matrix, the tropocollagen molecules polymerize to form collagen.
Not all unit fibrils of the various collagens neither present a banded, fibrils
appearance, nor are they arranged in a similar fashion. At least 19 different
types of collagen have now been delineated on the basis of morphology, amino
acid composition and physical properties.
Type I collagen: is found in fibrous connective tissue, the dermis of the
skin, ligaments and bones, in a variable arrangement form loose to dense
according to the mechanical support required.
Type II collagen: is found in hyaline cartilage and consists of fine fibrils which
are dispersed in the ground substance.
Type III collagen: makes up the fiber type known as reticulin which
was previously thought a separate fiber type because of its affinity for
silver salts. Reticulin fibers form the delicate branched “reticular”
supporting meshwork in highly cellular tissues such as the liver, bone
marrow and lymphoid organs. Reticular fibers are not seen in routinely
prepared sections but can be shown with silver stains or by the periodic
acid-schiff (PAS) reagent.
Type V collagen: forms anchoring fibrils that link to basement
membrane, the remaining types of collagen are present in various
specialized situations.
by fibroblasts in a precursors form known as tropoclastin, which undergoes
polymerization in the extracellular tissues.
Fibrillin is a constituent of elastic fibers where it appears to play role in
the deposition of fibers and enhance adhesion between extracellular
Fibronectin pays a part in controlling the deposition and orientation of
collagen in extra cellular matrix and the binding of the cell to the extra
cellular material. Cell membranes incorporate a group of
transmemberane protein complexes called integrins, which act as cell
adhesion molecules.
Laminin is a major component of basement membranes, binding with
specific cell adhesion molecules so as to form links between cell
membranes %other constituents of the basement membrane.
Entactin is non-fibrillary protein, which has the function of binding laminin to
type IV collagen in basement membranes.
Tenascn binds to integrins and is important in the embryo where it appears to
be involved in control of nerve cell growth.
Epithelia in particular are almost entirely composed of closely packed cells with
minimal intercellular material between them. The basement membrane
provides structural support as well as binding the epithelium to the underlying
connective tissue. Basement membrane is also involved in the control of
epithelial growth and differentiation, forming an impenetrable barrier to down
ward epithelial growth.
Epithelium is devoid of blood vessels and the basement membrane permit the
flow of nutrients, metabolites and other molecules to and from the epithelium.
In the kidney, the glomerular basement membrane is part of the highly
selective filter for molecules passing from the bloodstream into the urine.
Traditionally basement membranes were discovered as a unique epithelial
structure, because of their critical association with epithelial structures and
function but they are considered now as one of the connective tissues.
The main constituents of basement membranes and external laminae are the
glycosaminoglycan (heparin sulphate), the fibrous protein (collagen type IV),
and the structural glycoproteins (fibronectin, laminin and entactin). With the
electron microscope, the basement membrane is seen to consist of three layers;
A. The lamina Lucida, electro lucent layer abuts the basal cell
membrane of the parenchymal tissue;
B. The lamina densa, intermediate layer,
C. Lamina fibroreticularis broad, electrolucent layer beyond the
lamina densa.
5.8.1 Embryonic connective tissue
a. Mesenchyme
Mesenchyme is a loose, spongy tissue that serves as packing between the
developing structures of the embryo. It consists of a loose network of state and
spindle-shaped cells embedded in an amorphous ground substance with thin,
sparse fibers. Mesenchyme cells undergo numerous mitotic cell divisions and
continuously change their shape and location to adapt to the transformations
that occur during embryonic growth. They can give rise to any of the adult
connective tissues, as well as blood and blood vessels.
b. Gelatinous/Mucoid tissue
It occurs in many parts of the embryo but is particularly prominent in the
embryonic hypodermis and umbical cord. It is characterized by stellate
fibroblasts with long processes that make contact with those of neighboring
cells, and the intercellular substance is soft and jelly-like and contains thin
collagen fibers, In the adult animal, mucoid connective tissue occurs in the
core of the papillae on the reticular folds, in the omasal laminae, in the bovine
glans penis, and in the core of the rooster comb.
Mesenchymal tissue Mucoid tissue
Loose connective tissue is present around blood vessels and nerves and
between muscle bundles and the layers of smooth musculature of hollow
organs. It is found beneath many epithelia, where it provides support and a
vascular supply. Many important functions are carried out by loose connective
tissue, that range from the purely mechanical, such as support to more
sophisticated functions, such as tissue repair and defense activities
(inflammation). Cells and ground substance is more abundant than fibers in
loose connective tissue.
5.8.3 Adipose tissue
Adipose tissue differs from other connective tissue; Fat cells and not the
intercellular substances predominated, and unlike other connective tissue
cells, each fat cell is surrounded by its own basal lamina. Reticular and
collagenous fibers also extend around each fat cell to provide a delicate
supporting framework that contains numerous capillaries. In addition to
performing insulating and mechanical functions, adipose tissue plays and
important role in the metabolism of the organism. Two types of adipose tissue,
white and brown, are distinguished in most mammals by differences in color,
vascularity, structure and function.
White adipose tissue Brown adipose tissue
Reticular tissue
5.9 Dense Connective Tissue
Dense connective tissue differs from loose connective tissue chiefly in the
concentration of fibers and reduction of the cellular and amorphous ground
substance. It is commonly classified into dense irregular and dense regular
connective tissue.
fibers. Dense irregular connective tissue is found in a variety of locations, such
as the propria of the initial portions of the digestive system, the visceral pleura
of the lung, the capsule of the various organs (spleen, liver, kidney, testis),
fasciae, aponeuroses, joint capsules, pericardium, and dermis.
Elastic ligaments: branching and interconnected parallel elastic fibers
surrounded by loose connective tissue make up elastic ligament. e.g
ligamentum nuchae and elastic facial of the abdominal musculature of
5.1 Cartilage
The fibers and ground substance form the matrix. Cartilage differs from other
connective tissues in that it lacks nerves, a blood supply, and lymphatic is
nourished by diffusion of material from blood vessels in adjacent tissues.
Based on differences in the abundance and type of fibers in the matrix;
cartilage is classified into hyaline, elastic and fibrous cartilage.
5.1.1 Hyaline cartilage
Hyaline cartilage is the most common type that forms the costal cartilages,
articular cartilage of joints and cartilage of the nose, larynx, trachea, and
bronchi and the sternal ends of the ribs. It is also present in the growing ends
of long bones. In the fetus, most of the skeleton is first laid down as hyaline
cartilage. Cells of cartilage are called chondroblasts/condrocytes and reside
in a small space called lacunae scattered in an amorphous matrix of ground
substance reinforced by collagen fibers.
Interstitial growth: young chondrocytes embedded in cartilage matrix
are able to divide and causes the cartilage matrix as a whole to expand
from within called interstitial growth.
Appositional growth: The other way in which cartilage grows is by
having more matrix deposited on its surface. This growth depends on the
formation of new matrix-secreting chondreoblasts at the cartilage
5.1.5 Functions
Cartilage functions as a rigid yet light weigh and flexible supporting tissue. It
forms the framework for the respiratory passages to prevent their collapse,
provides smooth bearings at joints, and forms a cushion between the vertebrae,
acting as a shock absorber for the spine. Cartilage is important in determining
the size and shape of bones and provides the growing area in many bones. Its
capacity for rapid growth while maintaining stiffness makes cartilage suitable
for the embryonic skeleton. About 75% of the water in cartilage is bound to
proteoglycans, and these compounds are important in the transport of fluids,
electrolytes, and nutrients throughout the cartilage matrix.
5.2 Bone
5.2.1 Structure
Grossly, cancellous and compact forms of bone can be identified. Cancellous
(spongy) bone consists of irregular bars or trabeculae of bone that branch and
unite to form an interlacing network of bony rods, delimiting a vast system of
small communicating spaces that in life are filled with bone marrow. Compact
(dense) bone appears as a solid, continuous mass in which spaces cannot be
seen with the naked eye. The two types of bone are not sharply delimited and
merge into one another.
Except the articular surfaces and where tendons and ligaments insert, bone is
covered by fibroblastic connective tissue called periosteum. The marrow cavity
of the diaphysis (shaft) and the spaces with in spongy bone are lined by
bone cell or osteocyte. Slender tubules called canaliculi radiate from each
lacuna and penetrate the lamellae to link up with the canaliculi of adjacent
The outer and inner circumferential lamellae are present at the external
surface the bone, beneath the periosteum and on the inner surface, just
beneath the endosteum, respectively. The longitudinally oriented neurovascular
channels at he center of osteons are the Haversian canals. They communicate
with one another by oblique branches and transverse connections called
volkmann’s canals that penetrate the bone form the endosteal and periosteal
surfaces. Spongy bone also shows a lamellar structure but differs from
compact bone in that it is not traversed by blood vessels. Therefore, osteons are
rare or lack the irregular rods of lamellar bone.
concentration and mainly consists of chondroitin sulphate and hyluronic acid.
The ground substance controls the water content of bone and probably
involved in regulating formation of collagen fibers in a form appropriate for
subsequent matrix mineralization.
Collagen fiber makes up over 90% of the organic component. The non-collagen
organic material includes osteoclacin, involved in binding calcium salts during
mineralisation process, osteonectin that may serve in binding bone cells to the
The inorganic component is responsible for the rigidity of bone and consists
of calcium phosphate and carbonate with small amounts of calcium and
magnesium fluoride. The minerals are present as crystals with a
hydroxyapatite structure and are present on and within the collagen at regular
intervals along the fibers.
The long bones, vertebrae, pelvis and bones of the base of the skull are
preceded by the formation of a continuously growing cartilage model which is
progressively replaced by bone; this process is called endochondral
ossification and the bones formed are called cartilage bones.
5.2.5 Functions
Bone forms the principal tissue of support and is capable of bearing great
weight. It provides attachment for muscles of locomotion, carries the joints,
serves as a covering to protect vital organs, and houses the hemopoietic tissue.
Bone is the major store house of calcium and phosphorous in the body.
5.3 Joints
The sites where two or more components of the skeleton, whether bone or
cartilage, meet are referred to as joints, or articulations. They may be either
temporary or permanent. Temporary joints occur during the period of growth;
for instance, the epiphysis of a long bone is united to the bone of the shaft by
hyaline cartilage of the epiphyseal disc. Such a joint disappears which growth
ceases and the epiphysis fuses with the shaft. Most joints are permanent and
they are classified on the basis of their structural features as fibrous,
cartilaginous, or synovial.
Most of the joints of the limbs are synovial joints; the bones involved in the
joint are contained within and linked by a capsule of dense over the
articulating bones. The articular cartilages that covered the opposing bony
surfaces provide low-friction gliding surfaces.
A synovial membrane that elaborates the lubricating synovial fluid lines the
inner surface of the capsule. An articular disc may be imposed completely or
partially between the articular surfaces, a partial disc is called a meniscus.
Discs and meniscus are connected to the capsule and consists of fibrous
Articular cartilages usually are hyaline in type although the matrixes contain
abundant collagen fibers. They lack a perichondurim, and joint contact is made
between the free, uncovered surfaces of the opposing cartilages. The deepest
layer of the articular cartilage is calcified and firmly adherent to the underlying
bone. Articular cartilage possesses no nerve fibers of blood vessels.
5.4.1 Cartilage
The ability to regenerate an area of cartilage that has been lost or damaged is
limited due to poor vascularity. Damaged regions of cartilage become necrotic
and filled in by connective tissue from the perichondrium. Some of the
connective tissue may slowly differentiate into cartilage, but most remains as
dense irregular connective tissue that may later calcify or even ossify.
5.4.2 Bone
The size of the bone, the thickness of its compact bone, and the complexity of
the fracture influence repair of a broken bone. After a fracture there is
hemorrhage from ruptured blood vessels and clotting. Proliferating fibroblasts
and capillaries invade the clot and form granulation tissue. The granulation
tissue becomes dense fibrous tissue and later transforms in to a mass of
cartilage that unites the fractured bones. Osteoblasts develop from the
periosteum and endosteum and lay down spongy bone that progressively
replaces the cartilage in a manner similar to endochondral ossification. Bony
union of the fracture is achieved. The spongy bone undergoes reorganization
into compact bone and excess bone is reabsorbed.
Blood consists of a cellular component, the blood cells, and a protein rich fluid
components, the plasma, the cellular component contains erythrocytes (red
blood cells), thrombocytes (platelets), and leukocytes (white blood cells). The
leukocytes in the blood of most vertebrates are five types; neutrophils,
lymphocytes, monocytes, eosinophils, and basophils. The blood plasma
contains 91.92 % water and 8-9% solutes (e.g. proteins, lipids, electrolytes).
Centrifuged or settled blood consists of three distinct layers. The layer, about
45 % of the blood volume, is red, consists of erythrocytes, and is called the
packed-cell volume (PCV) or hematocrit. A thin gray-white middle layer, the
buffy coat, lies above the erythrocytes and accounts for above 1% of the blood
volume. The buffy coat is composed of platelets and leukocytes. The uppermost
layer of centrifuged blood is the plasma, which contains proteins; albumin,
globulin, and fibrinogen, serum is obtained from clotted or defibrinated blood
and does not contain fibrinogen.
The size and number of erythrocytes vary among the animal species. The
smaller the red cell, the greater the umber per unit volume of blood, the dog
has the largest erythrocyte (7.0 Nm) and the goat has the smallest (4.1 Nm).
Slight anisocytosis (variation in size) of erythrocytes is common among animal
species, where as poikilocytosis (Variation in shape) is normally present in the
goat and deer. Spindle, pear, rod, and triangular-shaped erythrocytes are seen
in the goat. Erythrocytes of camel have a characteristic elliptic shape.
The proportion of different types of leukocytes varies among the animal species.
Neutrophils predominate in the dog and cat, where as they exceed lymphocytes
in horse. In ruminants and laboratory animals’ lymphocytes are predominant.
All granulocytes have a life span of a few days, dying by apoptosis
(programmed cell death) in the connective tissue.
Agranulocytes don not have specific granules, but spherical cells. Leukocytes
leave the capillaries by passing between endothelial cells and penetrating the
connective tissue by means of a process called diapedesis. Diapedesis is
increase in individuals infected by micro-organisms. The number of leukocytes
in the blood varies according to age, sex, and physiologic conditions.
a. Neutrophils
Neutrophils constitute 40-75% circulating leukocytes. Mature neutrophils are
12-15 mm in diameter, with a nucleus consisting of 2-5 lobes linked by fine
threads of chromatin. The cytoplasm is pale grayish blue and contains a
moderate number of fine pinkish or pale granules, depending of the animal
species. The immature neutrophil (band form (has a non segmented nucleus in
the shape of a horse-shoe. The immature neutrophlis are normally restricted to
the bone marrow but they may be release into the blood during the
granulocytic response to a disease process.
b. Eosinophils:
Eosinophils are far less numerous than neutrophils, constituting only 2-8%
leukocytes in normal blood. They are 10-15 Nm in diameter and contains a
characteristic bilobed nucleus or less dense and segmented than those of
neutrophils. The size, shape, number, and staining characteristics of
eosinophils vary among different species. Eosinophils of the sheep, goat, cow
and pig have numerous, uniform, spherical granules that stain bright arrange
and nearly fill the cell. The eosinoplils of the horse have the largest granules,
stain bright orange, have a mulberry-like appearance, and fill the cell
Eosinophils remain in the bone marrow for several days after production, and
the majority enters the skin, pulmonary or gastro-intestinal mucosa from
which they may migrate into local secretions. Their principal function is
defense against parasites. Increased number of eosinophils in blood
(eosinophilia) is associated with allergic reactions and helmlinthic (parasitic)
c. Basophils
Basophils are rare in normal blood and account for 0-1.5% of the total
leukocyte count. They are about 10-15 Nm in diameter and have a less
heterochromatic nucleus than do other granulocytes. The nucleus is divided
into irregular lobes, but the overlaying specific granules usually obscure the
division. The size, number and staining reaction of granules vary among
animal species. Basophilic specific granules contain heparin and histamine
which secret substance that cause contraction of smooth muscle.
There is some similarity between granules of basophils and those of mast cells.
Both cells can liberate their granule content in response to certain antigens.
Despite the similarities they are not the same and originate from different stem
cells in the bone marrow.
d. Lymphocytes
The number of circulating lymphocytes varies among the species, of the total
leukocyte count. Lymphocytes account for 20-40% in ruminants, mice and
rats, and 50-60% in pigs. Morphologically, lymphocytes are classified as small
(6-9Nm) and large (9-15Nm) lymphocytes. Lymphocytes are the smallest cells in
the white cell series, being slightly larger than erythrocytes. They are the
second most common leukocytes in circulating blood; increased numbers are
commonly seen during viral infections. Lymphocytes are characterized by a
round, densely stained nucleus and small amount of pale basophils, non-
granular cytoplasm. Small lymphocytes are present in the cow, sheep, and
goat. Large lymphocytes represent activated B-lymphocyte en route to the
tissues where they will become antibody secreting plasma cells, lymphocytes
are the only leukocytes that return form the tissue back to the blood, after
e. Monocytes
Monocytes are the largest of the leukocytes (12-20 Nm diameter), and account
for 3-8% of the total leukocyte count. They have a highly pleomorphic nucleus.
The nucleus is oval, horse-shoe or kidney-shaped, eccentrically place, which is
stained less intensely than that of other luckocytes. The chromatin is less
condensed and has more fibrillar arrangement than lympholytes. The
cytoplasm of monocyte is basophilic and contains very fine azurophilic
granules (lysosomes), a bluish-gray color in stained smears.
Blood monocytes are precursor cells of the macrophages, large phagocytic cells
of various types found in peripheral tissues and lymphoid organs. After
crossing capillary walls and entering monocyte-macrophage system, consists of
the circulating monocytes, their bone marrow precursors, and tissue
macrophages both free and fixed (histocytes). The kupffer cells of the liver,
microglia of the CNS, langerhans cells of the skin, antigen-presenting cells of
the lymphoid organs and the osteoclasts of bone are included in the system.
Secondly, they promote clot formation by providing a surface for the assembly
of coagulation protein complexes that are responsible for thrombin generation.
Thirdly, platelets secrete factors that are involved in vascular repair.
7.3 Haemopoiesis
The progenies of multipotent stem cells differentiate in to unipotent stem cells,
each committed irreversibly to a specific cell lineage, such as erythrocytic,
granulocytic, eosinophilic, and megakaryocytic cell lines.
hemoglobin content. Hemoglobin synthesis begins during the early normoblast
stage and is complete by the end of the reticulocyte stage. Cell division ceases
with the early normoblast stage, after which the nucleus progressively
condenses and is finally extruded at the late normoblast stage.
The process of erythropoiesis from stem cell to erythrocytes takes about one
week. The rate of erythropoiesis is controlled by the hormon erythropotin
secreted by the kidney and by the availability of red cell components
particularly iron, folic acid, and vitamin B12 and protein precursors.
7.3.7 Monopoiesis (Monocyte formation)
There is considerable evidence that monocytes and granulocytes have a
common progenitor, the granulocyte-monocyte colony forming unit (CFU-GH)
and that growth of colonies requires the presence of colony stimulating factors
(csf) with functions analogous to that of erythroprotien in erythrpoiesis.
The precursor of the megakaryocyte in the bone marrow is the mega karyoblast
withch undergoes as many as seven reduplications of nuclear and cytoplasmic
constituents with out cell division (endomitosis), each associated with
increasing ploidy, nuclear lobulation and cell size.
Blood is important in the transport of materials through out the body, maintaining
the acid base balance, and providing defense mechanisms. Transport functions
include carriage of oxygen to all cells of the body, transport of nutrients, and
removal of waste products of cell metabolism. Blood aids in regulating body
temperature by dissipating heal-formed during metabolism and
distributes hormones, thus integrating the functions of the endocrine system.
Through its buffering capacities blood helps maintain the acid-base balance
and ensures and environment in which cells may function normally.
Platelets have diverse functions concerned with maintaining the integrity of the
blood vasculature. They can cover and temporarily plug small gaps in blood
vessels. They play role in blood clotting, releasing factors that initiate the
clotting process; they are necessary for clot retraction, which results in a firm,
dense clot and reduces its bulk to prevent obstruction of the vessel.
Neutrophils are phagocytic and part of the first line of defense against bacterial
infections. Azurophilic granules (lysosomes) are associated with phagocytosis
for digestion of the ingested material. The cells also contains lysozyme, which
hydrolyzes glycosides in bacterial cell walls, and peroxides, which complexes
with hydrogen peroxide to release activated oxygen, and antibacterial agent
hydrolyzes glycosides in bacterial cell walls, and peroxides, which complexes
with hydrogen peroxide to release activated oxygen, and antibacterial agent.
Lymphocytes are concerned primarily with the two major types of immune
responses, humoral and cellular. The basis of humoral immunity is the
production of antibodies and their diffusion through out the body fluids. As an
antigen enters the body, it is complexed on the surface of B-cells. The antigen
is internalized and trigger’s cell proliferation and the differentiation of the
lymphocytes in to antibody-producing cells.
Monocytes leave the blood and differentiate into tissue macrophages, they serve
as tissue scavengers, ingesting and removing particulate matter, tissue debris,
and infective agents and play a role in the immune response. Macrphages
liberate antiviral agents and a number of enzymes that digest collagen, elastin,
and fibrin.
8.1 Introduction
contraction is responsible for beating of the heart, breathing, constriction of
blood vessels, movements of the intestines, emptying of the bladder and other
vital processes.
The unit of structure of muscle is the muscle cells, which because of its
elongated shape also called a fiber. Functionally the shape of the cell is
important because of a greater unidimensional contraction can be achieved by
an elongated cell than by a globular cell of the same volume, with in a muscle
mass the fibers are oriented in the direction of movement.
Skeletal muscle is responsible for the movement of the skeleton and organs
such as the globe of the eye and the tongue. Skeletal muscle contraction is
controlled by large motor nerves, individual nerve fibers branching with in the
muscle to supply a group of muscle fibers collectively described as a motor
unit. Excitation of any one motor nerve results in simultaneous contraction of
all the muscle fibers of the corresponding motor unit.
The individual muscle fibers are grouped together into elongated bundles called
fasciculi with delicate supporting tissue called endomysium occupying the
spaces between individual muscle fibers. Each fascicle is surrounded by loose
collagens tissue called perimysium. Most muscles are made up of many
fasciculi and the whole muscle mass is invested in a dense collagenous sheath
called the epimysium. Large blood vessels and nerves enter the epimpsium
and divide to ramify throughout the muscle in the perimysium and
endomysium. The arrangement of the contractile proteins gives rise to the
appearance of prominent cross-striations in some histological preparations and
hence the name striated muscle is often applied to skeletal muscle. Skeletal
muscle is specialized for relatively force full contractions of short duration and
under fine voluntary control.
8.2.1 Striations of skeletal muscle fiber
They are composed of alternating broad light I bands and dark A bands. The
fine dark lines called Z bands can be seen bisecting the light I bands. The Z
bands are the most electron dense and divide each myofibril in to numerous
contractile units, called sarcomeres, arranged end to end. The sarcomere is
the interval between two adjacent Z-lines.
The sarcomere consists of two types of myofilament, thick filament and thin
filament. The thick filaments, which are composed mainly of the protein
myosin, are maintained in register by their attachment to a disc-like zone
represented by the M line. Similarly the thin filaments, which are composed
mainly of the protein actin, are attached to a disc like zone represented by the
Z line. The I and H bands, both areas of low electron density, represent areas
where the thick and thin filaments do not overlap one another.
The thin and thick filaments remains constant in length irrespective of the
state of contraction of the muscle since contraction is not due to a shortening
of individual filaments, it must be due to an increase in the amount of over lap
between the filaments.
Smooth muscle fibers are elongated, spindle-shaped cells with tapered ends,
which may occasionally be bifurcated. Smooth muscle fibers are generally
much shorter than skeletal muscle fibers and contain only one nucleus, which
is elongated and centrally located in the cytoplasm at the widest part of the
cell. The fibers vary in length indifferent organs, form 20 m in small blood
vessels to 500 to 600 m in the pregnant uterus.
This type of muscle forms the muscular component of visceral structures such
as blood vessels, the gastrointestinal tract, the uterus and the urinary bladder
giving rise to the alternative name of visceral muscle. Since smooth muscle is
under the inherent autonomic and hormonal control, it is also described as
involuntary muscle.
Smooth muscle is specialized for continuous contractions of relatively low
force, producing diffuse movements resulting in contraction of the whole
muscle mass rather that contraction of individual motor unit. Contractility in
an inherent property of smooth muscle, occurring independently of
neurological innervation often in arrhythmic or wave like fashion.
Superimposed on this inherent contractility are the influences of the autonomic
nervous system, hormones and local metabolites, which modulate contractility
to accommodate changing functional demands.
Smooth muscle fibers are bound together in irregular branching fasciculi and
these fasciculi, rather than individual fibers are the functional contractile
units. With in the fascicule, individual muscle fibers are arranged roughly
parallel to one another with the thickest part of one cell lying against the thin
parts of adjacent cells. The contractile proteins of smooth muscle are not
arranged in myofibrils as in skeletal and cardiac muscle, and thus visceral
muscle cells are not striated and in the usual histological preparations appear
homogeneous. Between individual muscle fibers and between fascicule there is
a network of supporting collagens tissue.
Unitary smooth muscle present in the walls of hallow viscera (e.g gut, ureter,
fallopian tube), cells tend to generate their own low level of rhythmic
contraction, which may also be stimulated by stretch and is transmitted from
cell to cell via the gap junctions, such smooth muscle is richly innervated by
the autonomic nervous system, which increases or decreases levels of
spontaneous contraction rather than actually initiating it. This is termed tonic
smooth muscle and is characterized by slow contraction, no action potential
and low content of fast myosin.
Cardiac muscle fibers are essentially long cylindrical cells with one or at most
two nuclei, centrally located with the cell. The fibers may divide at their ends
before joining to adjacent fiber and thus from a network of branching fibers.
Between the muscle fibers, delicate collagenous tissue analogous to the
endomysium of skeletal muscle supports the extremely rich capillary network
necessary to meet the high metabolic demands of strong continuous activity.
Between the ends of adjacent cardiac muscle cells are specialized intercellular
junctions called intercalated discs which not only provide points of anchorage
for the myofibrils but also permit extremely rapid spread of contractile stimuli
from one cell to another and provide areas of low electrical resistance for the
rapid spread of excitation through out the myocardium.
The three types of adult muscle have different potentials for regeneration after
injury. Cardiac muscle has virtually no regenerative capacity beyond early
child hood. Defects or damage (e.g infracts) in heart muscle are generally
replaced by the proliferation of connective tissue forming myocardial scars.
In skeletal muscle, although the nuclei are incapable of under going mitosis,
the tissue can under go limited regeneration. The source of regenerating cells is
believed to be the satellite cells. The satellite cells are a sparse population of
mononucleated spindle shaped cells that lie with in the basal lamina
surrounding each mature muscle fiber. They are considered to be in active
myoblasts that persist after muscle differentiation. After injury or certain other
stimuli, the normally quiescent satellite calls become activated, proliferating
and fusing to form new skeletal muscle fibers. The regenerative capacity of
skeletal muscle is limited, how ever, after major muscle trauma or
9.1 Introduction
Nervous tissue consists of nerve cells (neurons) and supporting cells (neuoglia).
Nerve cells are highly specialized to react to stimuli and conduct the excitation
from one region of the body to another. The nervous system shows both
irritability and conductivity, properties that are essential to the functions of
nervous tissue to provide communication and to coordinate body activities.
Thus the function of the nervous system is to receive stimuli from both the
internal and external environments, which are then analyzed and integrated to
produce appropriate, coordinated responses in various effector organs.
which exerts control over many involuntary functions. By creating, analyzing,
identifying and integrating information, the nervous system generates two great
classes of functions, stabilization of the intrinsic conditions (e.g. blood
pressure, o2 and co2 content, PH, blood glucose levels, and hormone levels) of
the organism within normal ranges; and behavioral patterns (e.g feeding,
reproduction, defense, interaction with other living creatures).
9.2 Neurons
Neurons have a wide variety of shapes, which fall in to three main patterns
according to the arrangement of the axon and dendrites with respect to the cell
body. The most common form is the multipolar neuron in which numerous
dendrites project from the cell body; the dendrites may all arise from one pole
of the cell body or may extend from all parts of the cell body. In general,
intermediate, integratory and motor neurons conform to this pattern. Bipolar
neurons have only a single dendrite, which arises from the pole of the cell body
opposite to the origin of the Oxon. Their unusual neurons act as receptor
neurons for the senses of smell, sight and balance.
Neurons are terminally differentiated cells and are completely incapable of cell
division and replacement in the event of cell death. However, regeneration of
oxons and dendrites can occur in the event of damage, provided the neuron cell
body remains viable.
In the central nervous system, nerve cell bodies are present only in the gray
matter, while matter contains neuronal processes but no nerve cell bodies. In
the peripheral nervous system, cell bodies are found in ganglia and in some
sensory regions (e.g olfactory mucosa).
The cell body contains the nucleus and surrounding cytoplasm, exclusive of
the cell processes, the perikaryon of most neurons receives a great number of
nerve endings that convey excitatory or inhibitory stimuli generated in other
nerve cells.
Nerve processes are cytoplasmic extension of the cell body and occur as
dendrites and axons. Each neuron has several dendrites that extend form the
perikaryone and form branch like extensions,/dendrites increase the receptive
area of the cell. Most neurons have only one axon; a very few have no axon at
all. All axons originate form a short pyramid-shaped region, the axon hillock.
The plasma membrane of the Oxon is called axolemma. All axon branches are
known as collateral branches.
9.7 Neuroglia
Neurons from a relatively small proportion of the cells in the central nervous
system. Most of the cells are non-neuronal supporting cells called neuroglia.
Neuroglia account for over half the weight of the brain. They are smaller than
neurons and found scattered among neurons and their processes. Neuroglia
includes ependymal cells, astrocytes, oligodendrocytes, and microglia.
Astrocytes and oligodendrocytes are called macroglia.
c. Microglia are small, elongated cells with short, spiny processes, they lie in
both white and gray matter, usually near blood vesicles, they are the main
source of phapoeytic cells in CNS.
d. Ependyma are cells lining the cavities (ventricles of brain and central canal
of the spinal cord. They are cuboidal epithelial type with few cilia.
9.8 Ganglia
A collection of nerve cell bodies located outside the CNS is called a ganglion,
although not all ganglia lie outside the CNS. Ganglia are of two main types:
those of the craniospinal group (sensory ganglia), and those of the autonomic
nervous system (visceral, motor ganglia). Each ganglion has a connective
tissue capsule, which may be quite dense around large ganglia.
a. Sensory ganglia: receives afferent impulses that go to the CNS. Two types of
sensory ganglia exist. Some are associated with cranial nerves (cranial ganglia);
others are associated with the dorsal root of the spinal nerves and are call
spinal ganglia.
Schwann cells
Schwann cells have same function as oligodendrocytes but are located around
axons on the peripheral nervous system. A single schwann cell forms myelin
around one axon, in contrast to the ability of oligodendrocytes to branch and
serve more than one neuron and its processes.
The central nervous system consists of the cerebrum, cerebellum, and spinal
cord; it has virtually no connective tissue and is therefore a relatively soft gel-
like organ.
White and gray matter: when sectioned, the cerebrum, cerebellum and spinal
cord show regions of white (white matter) and gray (gray matter). The
differential distribution of myelin in the central nervous system is responsible
for these differences. The main component of white matter is myelinated axons
and the myelin-production oligodendrocytes.
Gray matter contains neuronal cell bodies, dendrites, and the initial
unmyelinated portions of the axons and glial cells, this is the region where
synapses occur. Gray matter is prevalent at the surface of the cerebrum and
cerebellum, forming the cerebral cerebellar cortex, where as while matter is
present in more central regions. Aggregates of neuronal cell bodies forms lands
of gray matter embedded in the while matter are called nuclei.
The cerebral cortex has three layers; an outer molecular layer, a central layer of
large purkinje cells, and an inner granule layer. They purkinje cells have a
conspicuous cells body and their dendrites are highly developed.
In cross sections of the spinal cord, white matter is peripheral and gray matter
is central, assuming the shape of an H. In the horizontal bar of this H is an
opining, the central canal, which is a remnant of the lumen of the embryonic
neural tube. It is lined by ependymal cells, the gray matter of the legs of the H
forms the anterior horns, those contain motor neurons whose axons make up
the ventral roots of the spinal nerves. Gray matter forms the posterior horns,
the arms of the H, which receive sensory fibers form neurons in the spinal
ganglia (dorsal root)
9.9.1 Meninges:
The CNS is protected by the skull and the ventral column. It is also encased in
membranes of connective tissue called the meanings, starting with the outer
most layer, the meanings are the duramater, arachnid, and pia matter. The
arachnoid and the pia matter are linked together and are often considered a
single membrane called the pia arach neid.
Dura matter: is the external layer and is composed of dense connective tissue
continuous with the perioseum of the skull. It is separated from the arachnoid
by the thin subdural space. The internal and external surface of dura mater in
the spinal cord is covered by simple squamus epithelium of mesenchymal
Arachnoid: has two components; a layer in contact with the duramatter, and a
system of trabeculae connecting the layer with the pia mater. The cavities
between the trabeculae from the subarachnoid space, which is filled with
cerebrospinal fluid and is completely separated form the subdural space. This
space forms a hydrautic cushion that protects the CNS from trauma. The
arachnoid is composed of connective tissue devoid of blood vessels.
Blood vessels penetrate the CNS through tunnels covered by pia mater-the
perivascular space.
The peripheral nerves are anatomical structures, which may contain any
combination of afferent or efferent nerve fibers of either the somatic or
autonomic nervous systems. The cell bodies of fibers coursing in peripheral
nerves are either located in the CNS or in ganglia in peripheral sites.
The main components of the peripheral nervous system are the nerves, ganglia,
and nerve endings. Each peripheral nerve is composed of one or more bundles
(fascicles) of nerve fibers. within the fascicles, each individual nerve fiber, with
its investing schwann cell, is surrounded by a delicate packing of loose
vascular supporting tissue called endoneurium.
Peripheral nerves receive a rich blood supply via numerous penetrating vessels
from surrounding tissues and accompanying arteries.
Nerve endings increase the surface contact area between nervous and non-
nervous structures and allow stimuli to be transmitted from nerve endings to
musceles, causing them to contract, or to epithelial cells, causing them to
secrete. When stimulated, dendrites at the periphery generate impulses that
are transferred along the nerve fibers to sensory ganglia and ultimately to the
central nervous system.
Peripheral efferent (motor) nerve fibers can be divided into somatic and visceral
efferent groups. Somatic efferent fibers end in skeletal muscle as small, oval
expansions called motor-end plates. Visceral efferent nerve fibers stimulate
smooth muscle, cardiac muscle, and glandular epithelium. Visceral motor
endings of smooth muscle terminate as two or more swellings that pass
between individual muscle cells.
Terminal peripheral nerve fibers that are excitable to stimuli are receptors and
can transform chemical and physical stimuli in to nerve impulses. Receptors
vary in morphology, may be quite complex, and often are grouped in to free
(naked), diffuse, and encapsulated nerve endings.
Nerve fibers consist of axons enveloped by a special sheath derived from cells of
ectodermal origin. Nerve fibers exhibit differences in their enveloping sheaths,
related to whether the fibers are part of CNS or PNS.
Most axons in adult nerve tissue are covered by single or multiple folds of a
sheath cell. In peripheral nerve fibers the sheath cell is the schwann cell, and
in central nerve fibers it is the oligodendrocyte. Axons of small diameter are
usually unmyelinated nerve fibers. Progressively thicker Axons are generally
sheathed by increasingly numerous concentric wrappings of the enveloping
cell, forming the myelin sheaths. There fibers are known as myelinated nerve