Bubble Cap Fucntion

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So-called bubble-cap or valve-cap trays are examples of the vapor and liquid contact devices used in industrial distillation columns. Another example of vapor and liquid contact devices are the spikes in laboratory Vigreux fractionating columns. The trays or plates used in industrial distillation columns are fabricated of circular steel plates and usually installed inside the column at intervals of about 60 to 75 cm (24 to 30 inches) up the height of the column. That spacing is chosen primarily for ease of installation and ease of access for future repair or maintenance.

Typical bubble cap trays used in industrial distillation columns An example of a very simple tray is a perforated tray. The desired contacting between vapor and liquid occurs as the vapor, flowing upwards through the perforations, comes into contact with the liquid flowing downwards through the perforations. In current modern practice, as shown in the adjacent diagram, better contacting is achieved by installing bubble-caps or valve caps at each perforation to promote the formation of vapor bubbles flowing through a thin layer of liquid maintained by a weir on each tray. To design a distillation unit or a similar chemical process, the number of theoretical trays or plates (that is, hypothetical equilibrium stages), N t, required in the process should be determined, taking into account a likely range of feedstock composition and the desired degree of separation of the components in the output fractions. In industrial continuous fractionating columns, N t is determined by starting at either the top or bottom of the column and calculating material balances, heat balances and equilibrium flash vaporizations for each of the succession of equilibrium stages until the desired end product composition is achieved. The calculation process

requires the availability of a great deal of vapor-liquid equilibrium data for the components present in the distillation feed, and the calculation procedure is very complex.[2][3] In an industrial distillation column, the N t required to achieve a given separation also depends upon the amount of reflux used. Using more reflux decreases the number of plates required and using less reflux increases the number of plates required. Hence, the calculation of N t is usually repeated at various reflux rates. N t is then divided by the tray efficiency, E, to determine the actual number of trays or physical plates, Na, needed in the separating column. The final design choice of the number of trays to be installed in an industrial distillation column is then selected based upon an economic balance between the cost of additional trays and the cost of using a higher reflux rate.

Bubble Cap Tray

We manufacture bubble cap tray with great efficiency. The designing of each type of tray is done by carefully selecting the right type of valve, cap, hole diameter etc. The bubble caps are also flat and perforated but have fixed risers over the holes. The bubble caps so manufactured at our end usually are in high demand among the clients. Our Bubble cap trays, which consists of bell shaped caps fixed to cylindrical risers through which the vapour passes the tray deck, function effectively over wide turn down range without weeping. We have sieve trays, which are mechanically the simplest of the trays, are uniformly perforated metallic plates with round holes. Our range of valve trays have perforated tray decks, which are fitted with movable discs or valves to vary the tray open area with changing vapour load. Trays as the vapour-liquid contacting device are less efficient compared to structured packing for mass-transfer operations and are used when the systems do not need quite high number of theoretical stages for separation.

Sieve & Bubble Cap Trays

Sieve trays are the most widely used mass transfrer devices due to their simplicity, versatility, capacity and cost effectiveness. ACS uses the latest sieve technology in accordance with industry practice and FRI tests. Our designs utilize conventional features such as sweptback weirs, multipass downcomers, and dual flow arrangements. Bubble-Cap trays have numerous applications in refinery and gas plants, due to their effectiveness over a broad range of flow conditions and low susceptibility to fouling. ACS provides both standard and custom designs. We can supply not only standard materials such as 410, 304, and 316 Stainless steels, but also provide special materials such as Monel, Alloy 20, and Hastelloy in a variety of cap styles.

Sieve Tray

Bubble Cap Tray

Specialty Dual Flow Sieve Tray

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