EconomicsforManagers PYQ 2019

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Shamirpet Campus : Hyderabad-sO01 01


End Trimester Examinations : Oct Z01g

Programme : PGPs Trimester : I

Subject : Economics for Managers Time : 2 hours

Code : 19104 Max Marks : 30
Note: Answer all questions,

Section -l Short Notes (6 x 1 = 6 marks)

Q 1) Answer the following. The answer should not exceed 40 words.

a) Explicit Cost d) Arc Elasticity

b) Cross Price Elasticity e) Economic Value Added
c) Define Market Equilibrium 0 Long run Production function

Section -.ll The answer should not exceed 200 words. (4 x 3 = 12 marks)

Q 2 a) Explain how b.usiness decisions are connectecl to Economics.

b) How economic profits are different from accounting profits.

Q 3 a) Critically discuss the law of variable proportions

b) Explain why Fixed and Sunk Costs are irrelevant for business decisions

Q 4 a) What is Price Discrimination? How does a monopolist indulge in price

b) Explain though a graph the price output decisions of managers in a Perfect
Competitive market.

Q 5 a) Draw and define the Long run and Short run costs of a firm.
b) Explain the Economies of Scope with relevant examples

section: - lll {1 x 12 = 12 marks)

Q 6 a) What are the features of Oligopoly Markets'i Explain collusion among
Oligopolistic with a live exampie.
b) Explain how product differentiation in Monopolistic Competition can create non
price competition among firms. Explain the features of a Monopolistic competitive
market. Do lndian FMCG market gives a glinrpse cf Monopolistic competiiion?

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