Antenatal Care
Antenatal Care
Antenatal Care
childbearing age?”
Mother and children are priority
• Many diseases occurring during pregnancy also affect the foetus. Ex-
Syphilis, german measles
• After birth also exclusive breast feeding and child care are again
mother’s responsibility. Atleast upto the age of 6-9 months ,the
child is completely dependant on mother for feeding.
• Postpartum care including advice regarding family
planning also affect the health of new born
• These conditions can cause fatal effects on mothers, unborn and new
born babies.
1. Antenatal examination
2. Prenatal advice
3. Specific protection
4. Mental preparation
5. Family Planning
6. Paediatric component
Ideally – ANC visits
• First 28 weeks – once a month
• Up to 36 weeks – twice a month
Thereafter weekly till delivery
• History taking
• Examination
• Investigation
History taking
• 1. Particulars of the patient –after confirmation of pregnancy
• 2. Chief complaints with duration –Medical/Surgical/Obstetric
• 3. Past history
• 4. Obstetric history –Bad Obs H/O
• 5. Menstrual history (LMP and EDD-9months and 7days)
• 6. Family history – DM, HTN, TB, Thalassemia,
Twins/Congenital Malformation
• 7. Drug History
• 8. History of immunization
• 9. Socio-economic history
• 10. Contraceptive history
• 11. History of allergy
• 12. Symptoms indicating complications- Fever,
Persistant Vomiting, Abnormal Vaginal
discharge/bleeding, palpitation, easy fatiguebality,
breathlessness at rest/ mild exertion, generalised
swelling, sever headache, blurring of vision, burning
urination, decreased or absent fetal movements.
• 13. Any current systemic illness- Hypertension, DM,
TB, Renal disease, Epilepsy, Asthma, Jaundice,
Malaria, RTI, STD, HIV-AIDS, Sickle cell anaemia,
Physical examination
Pallor – Examine palpebral conjunctiva, nails, tongue,
oral mucosa, palms in each visit and correlate with
Hb estimation.
Pulse – 60-90 / min. (To be monitored high/Low)
R.R. – 18-20 breaths / min. (Relevant in case of
Edema-Evening appearance and morning
disappearance is normal. Any edema of face, hands,
abdominal wall and vulva is abnormal.
( Edema with HTN/Heart disease/Anaemia/Protenuria
to be reffered).
B.P. – Two consecutive readings – systolic > 140
mmHg and / or diastolic > 90 mmHg---two
consecutive readings four hours/more apart –(PIH)
Check urine for the presence of albumin
Pre eclampsia – Hypertension + albuminuria(+2)
Imminent eclampsia – D.B.P. > 110 mmHg.—refered
to MO at 24x7 PHC
If with albuminuria—refered toFRU immediately
Eclampsia – Hypertension+ albuminuria +Convulsions
Referral needed. (24x7 PHC /FRU)
Regular weight monitoring each visit
• 9-11 kg. wt. gain entire pregnancy
. After first trimester, wt. gain 2 Kg. / month.
Breast examination
Abdominal Examination
Abdominal examination
Measurement of fundal height
Fetal heart sounds
Fetal movements
Fetal parts
Multiple pregnancy
Fetal lie and presentation
Inspection of abdominal scar or any other relevant
Measurement of fundal height
• 12 weeks- uterine fundus just palpable
• 20 weeks- fundus flat at lower border of
• 36 weeks- Fundus felt at the level of
Foetal findings
• Foetal heart sounds - heard after 6 months, 120-130/min.
• Heard in midline and after 28 weeks can change its
• Foetal movement can be felt around 18-22wks on
palpation of abdomen
• Foetal parts felt around 22nd weeks and after 28th week
distinguished head, back and limbs.
• Multiple pregnancy large uterus or palpation of multiple
fetal parts.
• Foetal lie and presentation relevant after 32 weeks of
Assessment of gestational age
• The gold standard for assessment is routine early
ultrasound along with foetal measurements
ideally in first trimester.
• Initially LMP was the most widespread method.
• Now “Best Obstetric Estimate” combining
ultrasound and LMP.
• Poor resource setting- fundal height, LMP and
newborn clinical assessment, birth weight are
used for gestational age assessment.
Laboratory investigations
• Hb estimation
• Blood grouping & Rh typing
• Urine R/M/Proteinuria
• Urine protein
• HBs Ag test
• USG for Pregnancy profile.
Risk approach
• Elderly primi (30 yr. and above)
• Short statured primi (140 cm and below)
• Mal presentations (breech, transverse lie)
• Threatened abortion
• Pre – eclampsia, eclampsia
Risk approach
• Anaemia
• Twins,
• Hydramnios
• Previous still birth
• Manual removal of placenta
• Elderly grandmultipara
• Multipara
• Prolonged pregnancy (14 days after EDD)
• H/o past caesarean or instrumental delivery
Risk approch
• Pregnancy associated with general diseases –
cardiovascular ,kindney, diabetes, TB, Liver,
malaria,convulsion,asthma, HIV, RTI and STI
• Treatment for infertility
• Three or more spontaneous consecutive
“Risk approach”- a managerial tool for
improved MCH care.
In subsequent visit
• Patient complains
• General examination
• Gestational age to be calculated
• Identification of problem
• Foetal movement
• SFH measurement (Symphysis Fundal Height )
• Health education
• Prophylaxis & treatment of anemia
• Developing individualized birth plan
Second visit (14-26 weeks)
• SFH measurement (Symphysis Fundal Height
measurement practised to detect foetal IUGR)
• To detect Multiple pregnancy
Third visit (28-34 weeks)
Screen for
1. Preeclampsia
2. Multiple pregnancy
3. Anemia
Fourth visit (36 weeks)
Identification of foetal
1. Lie
2. Presentation
3. Position
4. Birth plan
Maintainence of records
• MCP card should be duly filled and maintained for
every registered pregnant women.
(MCTS, identification proof, previous health history
and recent health events.)
• This card is joint venture of MOHFW and MOWCD.
• MCP card data to be included in HMIS format.
• Home visits – mother must be paid atleast one
home visit during antenatal period by ANM/HWF
for social and environmental monitoring.
2. Prenatal advice (diet)
Sedentary- 1900kcal/day, Mod- 2230kcal/day,
Heavy- 2850kcal/day
Entire pregnancy – +350 Kcal/day (extra)
Lactation – First 6 months 600 Kcal/day and next
6 months 520kcal/day.
Iron and Calcium supplemntation)
Under NIPI (Iron supplemtation)
Pregnant female- 100mg/60mg elemental iron and 500
microgram folic acid (one tablet for 180 days after first
trimester and 360 tablets for anaemic women in 6
Post partum- 100mg/60mg elemental iron and 500
microgram folic acid for 180 days
Calcium supplementation
500mg calcium+ 250 IU Vit D twice daily with meals from
14 weeks of gestation till 6 months post partum.
• Daily bath is recommended, as it stimulation
refreshing and relaxing.
• Avoid hot water bath.
• Bowel care: As there is increase chance of
constipation, regular bowel movement may be
facilitated by regulation of diet taking plenty
of fluids, vegetables and milk.
Breast Care - Wash the breast with clean tap
Exercise - Walk in moderation.
Avoid lifting heavy things.
Avoid long time standing.
Avoid sitting with crossed legs as this may
impede circulation.
• Tight clothes and belts are avoided The patient
should wear loose but comfortable dresses. High
heel shoes are better avoided.
2. Good and balanced nutrition practice for young children and after birth until
practices to be strengthened
Due to intervention, omissions, incorrect Not due to direct obstetric causes but
treatment aggravated by physiological effects of
Determinants of maternal mortality in
Medical Causes Social Factors
Obstetric Causes: Age t child birth
Toxaemia of pregnancy Parity
Haemorrhage Too close pregnancies
Infection Family size
Obstructed labour Malnutrition
Unsafe abortion Poverty
Ignorance & Prejudices
Lack of maternity services
Shortage of health manpower
Non-obstetric causes: Delivery by untrained data
Anaemia Poor environmental sanitation
Associated diseases, e.g. Cardiac, renal Poor communictions and transport
hepatic metabolic and infectious facilities
Malignancy Social customs,etc
Approaches for measuring maternal
1. Civil registration systems- Routine registration of birth & death
5. Verbal autopsy- interview with family or community members to know the cause
Social srata)
Factors related to Health System contributing to
Maternal deaths
I SC/ EOC 24 x 7
(3 NVD/month) PHC, SBA
Fourth stage:
For 2 hrs after delivery of the baby
Second visit 3rd day after delivery 3rd day after delivery
Third visit * 7th day after delivery 7th day after delivery
* There should be three additional visits in case of babies with low birth weight, on days 14, 21 and 28
as per Integrated Management of Neonatal and Childhood Illness (IMNCI) guidelines.
2. Nutritional Advice
• To increase intake of fluid and food especially iron and
protein rich foods like green leafy vegetables, jaggery, lentils,
eggs and meat
• Increase intake of milk and milk products like curd, cheese
4. IFA Supplementation
• Women with normal Hb are advised to take 1 IFA tablet daily
for 3 months
• If Hb below 11 gm%, advise her to take 2 IFA tabs daily and
repeat Hb after 1 month
5. Contraception
• Counsel couple regarding contraception
6. Breastfeeding
Advise the mother-
• For exclusive breast feeding on demand, at least 6 to 8 times
during day & 2-3 times during night
Engorged breasts
Advise the mother:
• to continue breast feeding
• to put warm compresses
• Fever
• Convulsions
• Excessive bleeding
• Severe abdominal pain
• Difficulty in breathing
• Foul smelling lochia
Refer to FRU if
• Not feeding well
• Cold to touch or fever
• Baby is lethargic or has had convulsions
• Difficulty in breathing
Congenital If present
and Birth injury
A baby well attached to the breast A baby poorly attached to the breast
History taking:
As on first visit
In addition ask for history of
• Continued bleeding P/V, foul discharge P/V
• Swelling or tenderness of breast.
• Feeling unhappy or crying easily
History taking:
Ask the mother for following:
• Has vaginal bleeding stopped?
• Has menstrual cycle returned?
• Is there any foul smelling vaginal discharge?
• Any problems regarding breast feeding?
• Any other complaints?
• Give relevant advice & refer to M.O. if needed
Emphasize importance of using contraceptive methods for
spacing and limiting family size
• Check weight of baby.
• General examination of baby
• Explain reason for transferring baby to higher facility
• If possible transfer the mother with baby so that she can feed
the baby
• A health care worker should accompany baby
• Ask relative to accompany baby and mother
• Keep the baby clothed and wrapped with the head covered.
• Use kangaroo care for stable LBW babies and for re-warming
stable bigger babies.
• Body temperature below the normal range
(36.5°C – 37.5°C)
• mild (36.0°C – 36 .5°C),
• moderate (32.0°C – 35.9°C),
• severe (<32.0°C) hypothermia
Vulnerability of newborn to hypothermia
1. Temperature maintenance
with a reduced risk of
2. Increased breastfeeding
3. Early discharge from the
health facility
4. Less morbidities
5. Less stress (for both baby
and mother)
First 24 Hours
1st hour
• Essential newborn care
• Inj Vit K
• Breast feeding
• Next 23 Hours
• Birth Weight
• Immunization
• Monitoring
• MCP Card
Neonatal Health
Learning Objective
1. Significance of child health
2. Burden
3. Neonatal Health
4. Burden
5. Causes of death
6. Preventive measures
Child Health
• nation’s present and its future
• warrant special attention: Growth,
Development , Dependence
• Health,
• Safety,
• Well-Being
0-5 36.6
0-1 29.9
4. Wipe both the eyes from the medial side (inner canthus) to the
5. Once the cord is cut, the baby should be placed between the
part of antenatal care in settings where the tuberculosis prevalence in the general
2. Full blood count testing is the recommended method for diagnosing anaemia in