Thermodynamics Notes

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Thermodynamics - Notes (Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University)

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B.Tech Students of Second Year
of All Engineering Colleges Affiliated to
Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University,
Uttar Pradesh, Lucknow
(Formerly Uttar Pradesh Technical University)



Sanjay Kumar



Ghaziabad New Delhi
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PUBLISHED BY : Apram Singh

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Thermodynamics (ME : Sem-3)

1st Edition : 2009-10 12th Edition : 2020-21
2nd Edition : 2010-11
3rd Edition : 2011-12
4th Edition : 2012-13
5th Edition : 2013-14
6th Edition : 2014-15
7th Edition : 2015-16
8th Edition : 2016-17
9th Edition : 2017-18
10th Edition : 2018-19
11th Edition : 2019-20

Price: Rs. 100/- only

Printed Version : e-Book.

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UNIT - 1 : INTRODUCTION (1–1 C to 1–42 C)
Introduction- Basic Concepts: System, Control Volume, Surrounding, Boundaries,
Universe, Types of Systems, Macroscopic and Microscopic viewpoints, Concept of
Continuum, Thermodynamic Equilibrium, State, Property, Process, Exact & Inexact
Differentials, Cycle Reversibility Quasi – static Process, Irreversible Process, Causes
of Irreversibility Energy and its forms, Work and heat (sign convention), Gas laws,
Ideal gas, Real gas, Law of corresponding states, Dalton’s law, Amagat’s law,
Property of mixture of gases. Zeroth law of thermodynamics: Concept of
Temperature and its’ measurement, Temperature scales.
First law of thermodynamics: Thermodynamic definition of work, Displacement
work and flow work, Displacement work for various non flow processes, Joules’
experiment, First law analysis for closed system (non flow processes), Internal
energy and enthalpy. Limitations of first law of thermodynamics, PMM-I. Steady
flow systems and their analysis, Steady flow energy equation, Boilers, Condensers,
Turbine, Throttling process, Pumps etc. Analysis of unsteady processes such as
filling and evacuation of vessels with and without heat transfer.
Thermal reservoirs, Energy conversion, Heat engines, Efficiency, Reversed heat engine,
Heat pump, Refrigerator, Coefficient of Performance, Kelvin Planck and Clausius
statementof second law of thermodynamics, Equivalence of the two statements. Reversible
and irreversible processes, Carnot cycle and Carnot engine, Carnot theorem and it’s
corollaries, Thermodynamic Temperature Scale, PMM-II.
Entropy : Clausius inequality, Concept of Entropy, Entropy change of pure substance
in different thermodynamic processes, Tds equation, Principle of entropy increase,
T-s diagram, Statement of the third law of thermodynamics.
Availability and Irreversibility: Available and unavailable energy, Availability
and Irreversibility, Second law efficiency, Helmholtz & Gibb’s function.
Thermodynamic relations: Conditions for exact differentials. Maxwell relations,
Clapeyron equation, Joule-Thompson coefficient and Inversion curve. Coefficient of
volume expansion, Adiabatic and Isothermal compressibility.
UNIT - 4 : STEAM & RANKINE CYCLE (4–1 C to 4–41 C)
Pure substance, Property of Pure Substance (steam), Triple point, Critical point,
Saturation states, Sub-cooled liquid state, Superheated vapour state, Phase
transformation process of water, Graphical representation of pressure, volume
and temperature, P-T, P-V and P-h diagrams, T-S and H-S diagrams, use of property
diagram, Steam-Tables &Mollier chart, Dryness factor and it’s measurement,
processes involving steam in closed and open systems. Simple Rankine cycle.
Psychometric terms and their definitions, Psychometric chart, Different
Psychometric processes and their representation on Psychometric chart.
Reversed Carnot Cycle for gas and vapour. Refrigeration capacity, unit of
refrigeration.Air Refrigeration cycles; Reversed Brayton Cycle and Bell Coleman
Cycle. Vapour compression refrigeration cycle; simple saturated cycle and actual
vapour compression refrigeration cycle. Analysis of cycles, effect of superheating,
sub-cooling and change in evaporator and condenser pressure on performance of
vapour compression refrigeration cycle. Refrigerants; their classification and
desirable properties. Vapour absorption refrigeration system.
SOLVED PAPERS (2011-12 TO 2019-20) (SP-1C to SP-63C)
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Thermodynamics 1–1 C (ME-Sem-3)

1 Introduction

Part-1 ............................................................................ (1–2C to 1–12C)

• System • Surrounding • Concept of Continuum
• Energy and its Forms • Work and Heat
A. Concept Outline : Part-1 ............................................................. 1–2C
B. Long and Medium Answer Type Questions ............................... 1–2C
Part-2 ......................................................................... (1–12C to 1–17C)
• Gas Laws • Real Gas
• Ideal Gas • Dalton’s Law
• Property of Mixture of Gases
A. Concept Outline : Part-2 .......................................................... 1–13C
B. Long and Medium Answer Type Questions ............................ 1–13C
Part-3 ......................................................................... (1–18C to 1–21C)
• Concept of Temperature and its Measurement
• Temperature Scales
A. Concept Outline : Part-3 .......................................................... 1–18C
B. Long and Medium Answer Type Questions ............................ 1–18C
Part-4 ......................................................................... (1–22C to 1–32C)
• Displacement Work and Flow Work
• Joule’s Experiment
• Limitations of First Law of Thermodynamics
A. Concept Outline : Part-4 .......................................................... 1–22C
B. Long and Medium Answer Type Questions ............................ 1–22C
Part-5 ......................................................................... (1–32C to 1–41C)
• Steady State Flow
• Steady Flow Energy Equation and its Application
• Analysis of Unsteady Flow
A. Concept Outline : Part-5 .......................................................... 1–32C
B. Long and Medium Answer Type Questions ............................ 1–32C

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1–2 C (ME-Sem-3) Introduction

Introduction, Basic Concepts : System, Control Volume,
Surroundings, Universe, Types of Systems, Macroscopic and
Microscopic View Points, Concept of Continuum, Thermodynamic
Equilibrium, State, Property, Process, Exact and Inexact
Differentials, Cycle Reversibility, Quasi-Static Process, Irreversible
Process, Causes of Irreversibility, Energy and its forms, and
Work and Heat.


Microscopic and Macroscopic Approaches : A thermodynamic
study can be conducted at the atomic or molecular level is called
microscopic approaches. In contrast, a thermodynamic study on a
large assemblage of atoms or molecules is referred to as a macroscopic
Quasi-Static Process : Quasi means ‘almost’. A quasi-static process
is also called a reversible process. This process is a succession of
equilibrium states and infinite slowness is its characteristics feature.
Concept of Continuum : For a macroscopic analysis, we are
concerned with a large number of molecules disregarding the behaviour
of an individual molecule and as such matter is here treated as
continuous to enable us to investigate the bulk behaviour of a substance.


Long Answer Type and Medium Answer Type Questions

Que 1.1. Write a short note on following :

a. System,
b. Boundary, and
c. Surroundings.

a. System : A system is a finite quantity of matter, or a prescribed region
of space, which is under the thermodynamic study.
i. Closed System : If the system boundary is impervious to the mass
flow, it is called a closed system. No mass can flow in or out of the
system. Energy, both in form of heat and work can cross the
ii. Open System : An open system is the one that allows both mass
and energy
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Thermodynamics 1–3 C (ME-Sem-3)

iii. Isolated System : An isolated system is that system which

exchanges neither energy nor mass with the surroundings.
b. Boundary :
1. The actual or hypothetical envelope enclosing a system is the boundary
of the system.
2. The boundary may be real or hypothetical (i.e., imaginary, Fig. 1.1.1).
Real boundary Convenient
imaginary boundary


Cylinder System



Fig. 1.1.1. A system boundary may be real or imaginary.

3. It may be rigid or it may move (e.g., as and when a system containing a
gas is compressed or expanded).
c. Surroundings : Anything outside the system boundary is termed as
Universe = Systems + Surroundings

Que 1.2. What do you mean by control volume ? Also discuss

about macroscopic and microscopic approaches.

A. Control Volume :
1. If the volume of a system under study remains constant, then the volume
is called the control volume (CV). The control volume is bounded by the
control surface (CS).
2. Various masses and energies can be investigated as they cross the control
surface into, or out of, the control volume.
3. Thus the control volume is similar in concept to the open system. Hence,
the boundary of the open system is known as the control volume.
B. Macroscopic and Microscopic Approaches :
1. A thermodynamic study can be conducted at the atomic or molecular
level. For example, we can consider fusion of four hydrogen nuclei
(protons) into a helium nucleus. This is a microscopic approach.
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1–4 C (ME-Sem-3) Introduction

2. In contrast, a thermodynamic study on a large assemblage of atoms or

molecules is referred to as a macroscopic approach.

Que 1.3. Distinguish between microscopic and macroscopic

approaches of thermodynamics. AKTU 2013-14, Marks 10


S. No. Macroscopic Approach Microscopic Approach

1. It is used in classical It is used in statistical
thermodynamics. thermodynamics.
2. System is co nsidered as System is considered to contain
continuum. i.e., continuous a large number of molecules
distribution of matter without moving randomly.
cavities or voids.
3. Properties of system are their Properties are defined for each
average values. Changes can molecule individually.
be sensed by human. e.g., (Properties like velocity,
pressure, temperature etc. momentum, kinetic energy
which describe a molecule)
changes in it cannot be sensed
by human.
4. Few properties are required Large number of variables is
to describe the system. required to describe the

Que 1.4. Describe thermodynamic equilibrium of a system.

AKTU 2011-12, Marks 3.5

A. Thermodynamic Equilibrium :
1. A system is said to exist in a state of thermodynamic equilibrium when
no spontaneous change in any macroscopic property is registered, if the
system is isolated from its surroundings.
“If the system exists in equilibrium state, there can be no spontaneous
change in any macroscopic property of the system”.
2. A system will be in thermodynamic equilibrium, if following three types
of equilibrium are satisfied.
a. Mechanical Equilibrium :
1. System is in mechanical equilibrium if there is no unbalanced force
(pressure forces) within the system and also between system and its
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Thermodynamics 1–5 C (ME-Sem-3)

b. Chemical Equilibrium :
1. If there is no chemical reaction, or transfer of matter from one part of
system to another, (such as diffusion or solution), system is in chemical
c. Thermal Equilibrium :
1. Condition or state in which the temperature of system is uniform.
Que 1.5. Define the following : thermodynamic properties, path,

process, open system, continuum. AKTU 2011-12, Marks 3.5

A. Thermodynamic Properties :
1. Every system has certain characteristics by which its physical condition
may be described e.g., volume, temperature, pressure etc. Such
characteristics are called properties of the system. They are macroscopic
in nature.
2. In other words, “properties are the coordinates to describe the state of a
3. There are two types of thermodynamic properties :
a. Intensive Property : These are independent of mass and size of
system. e.g., pressure, density, temperature.
b. Extensive Property : These properties depend on mass and size
of system. e.g., volume, energy, entropy.
B. Path : Succession of states passed through during a change of state is
called ‘path’ of the change of state.

p Path

Fig. 1.5.1.

C. Process :
1. When the path is completely specified, the change of state is called
2. In other words, “A process is the cause of change of state of a system”.
e.g. Isothermal expansion, Isochoric, Isobaric etc.
D. Open System : Refer Q. 1.1, Page 1–2C, Unit-1.
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1–6 C (ME-Sem-3) Introduction

E. Concept of Continuum :
1. According to this concept, there is a minimum limit of volume upto
which properties of the systems will remain in continuum. But below
this volume, there is an abrupt change in the value of property.
2. Such a region where properties remain in continuum is known as “region
of continuum” and region in which properties change abruptly is called
“region of discrete particles”.
3. Limiting volume upto which continuum properties are maintained is
called “continuum limit”.
4. According to “concept of continuum” density can be defined as
 = Vlim
  V'

Region of continuum
Region of
m 1
V Asymptotic value

Continuum limit V1
Volume V
Fig. 1.5.2.

Que 1.6. Explain the reversible and irreversible processes.

AKTU 2014-15, Marks 03

A. Reversible Process :
1. A process is called reversible if after the conclusion of reversed process
the initial states of system and surroundings are restored without any
extraordinary changes either in the system or surroundings.
2. A reversible process is a quasi-static process, a process carried out
infinitely slowly with infinitesimal gradient with the system passing
through a series of equilibrium states.
3. Consider a process in which the system undergoes a change of state 1 to
state 2 and during the process, system does work ‘W’ and it transfers
heat ‘Q’ to the surroundings.
4. If at the completion of its reverse process, i.e., from state ‘2’ to state ‘1’
and the system is restored to its initial state then the work ‘W’ must be
done on the system and the heat Q must be transferred from the
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Thermodynamics 1–7 C (ME-Sem-3)

surroundings to the system so that there may be no outstanding changes

either in the system or in the surroundings.
5. After the completion of reversed process no traces will be left in the
universe and such a process is referred to as reversible process.
p 1

Fig. 1.6.1. Reversible process.
B. Irreversible Process :
1. A process is called irreversible if the initial state of the system cannot be
restored without any changes either in the system or surroundings.
2. It can be o bserve d from the conse quence o f se co nd law o f
thermodynamics that all the natural processes are irreversible because
the available work energy either of the system or the surroundings is
converted into heat energy at the completion of reversed process which
is an undesirable or outstanding change from the view point of second
law of thermodynamics.
a. Types of Irreversibility : Followings are various types of irreversibility :
i. External Irreversibility :
1. It is due to dissipative effects like mechanical friction, viscosity,
surface tension, magnetism etc.
2. It is due to finite temperature difference.
ii. Internal Irreversibility : It is related with dissipative effects within
the working substance, e.g., free expansion, throttling etc.

Que 1.7. What do you understand by cyclic and quasi-static

process ? Differentiate between point functions and path functions.
AKTU 2012-13, Marks 05

A. Cyclic Process :
1. A thermodynamic cycle is defined as a series of state changes such that
the final state is identical with the initial state.
2. The processes through which the system has passed can be shown on a
state diagram, but a complete section of the path requires in addition a
statement of the heat and work crossing the boundary of the system.
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1–8 C (ME-Sem-3) Introduction

3. Fig. 1.7.1, shows such a cycle in which a system commencing at condition

‘1’ changes in pressure and volume through a path 1-3-2 and returns to
its initial condition ‘1’.

Pressure (p)
Volume (V)
Fig. 1.7.1.

B. Quasi-Static Process :
1. It is a succession of equilibrium states, “A process is called quasi-static if
it is carried out in such a way that at every instant the system departs
only infinitesimally from previous thermodynamic equilibrium state”.
2. Only a quasi-static process can be reversible and can be represented on
a thermodynamic plane.



Fig. 1.7.2.
3. Consider a gas contained in piston-cylinder assembly. System is initially
in equilibrium state (p1, V1, T1).
Case I : Whole weight is removed in one step. In this case, intermediate
states passed through by system are non-equilibrium states.


Fig. 1.7.3.
Case II : Weight is removed in steps. Now every state passed by system
will be an equilibrium state as shown on p-V coordinate.
“Such a process which is locus of all equilibrium points passed through
by system is called quasi-state process”.
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Thermodynamics 1–9 C (ME-Sem-3)

p Equilibrium
Fig. 1.7.4.
C. Difference between Point Function and Path Function :

S. No. Point Function Path Function

1. Point functio n are those Path function are those functions
function which depend upon whose value depends upon the
the initial and final point of the path traced by them. If their path
curve. If their path is changed is changed keeping the initial and
keeping the initial and final final point same, their value will
point same, their value will not change.
2. Example : Pressure , Example : Heat, work etc.
temperature, volume etc.
3. These are exact differentials These are not exact differentials
i.e., i.e.,

 dV = V2 – V1  W  W2 – W1

Que 1.8. Explain point function and path function.

A. Point (state) Function :
1. Thermodynamic properties are the point functions for a given state
where there is one and only one value for each property.
2. As such, any two thermodynamic properties locate a point on the graph
as and when a change of state is represented graphically by means of
any two thermodynamic parameters.
3. When a change of state occurs, thermodynamic properties of a system
undergo change and their values depend only on the initial and final
states of the system.
4. For example

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1–10 C (ME-Sem-3) Introduction

dV = V2 – V1
 1
dP = P2 – P1
 1
dT = T2 – T1
Point functions are also called as state functions.
5. They are exact differentials.
 z   z 
If z = f(x, y), then dz =   dx    dy

  x  y 
Now, if z is an exact (i.e., perfect) differential, then

2 z 2 z
x y y x
B. Path Function :
1. There are certain quantities which cannot be located on a graph by a
point but are given by the area under the graph. Such quantities are
called path functions. Examples of path functions are heat and work.
2. They are inexact differentials because their change cannot be written
as the difference of their values at the end states.
3. That is,  1
Q  Q2 – Q1, but 1Q2 or Q1–2
 1
W  W2 – W1, but 1W2 or W1–2
which indicated the change in Q or W as and when path 1 – 2 has been
4. The operator  has been used to denote inexact differentials, while the
operator d is used to denote exact differentials.
5. W is an inexact differential, but  V1
PdV is an exact differential. So if
you divide W by P, then it will become a perfect differential.

dV =   W

Que 1.9. Define thermodynamic equilibrium and also show that

energy is a property of a system. AKTU 2015-16, Marks 10

A. Thermodynamic Equilibrium : Refer Q. 1.4, Page 1–4C, Unit-1.

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Thermodynamics 1–11 C (ME-Sem-3)

B. Energy is a Property of System :

1. Let’s consider a closed system which changes its state from 1 to 2 by path
A and comes back to its original state ‘1’ by any of the following paths :
a. Along the path 2-B-1.
b. Along the path 2-C-1.
c. Along the path 2-D-1.
2. For the cyclic process 1-A-2-B-1,

Apply first law,  Q =  W or  (Q  W )  0

2 1
 
1, ViaA
(Q  W )  
2, ViaB
(Q  W )  = 0 ...(1.9.1)


Fig. 1.9.1. Standard energy in a point function.

3. Similarly for the cyclic process 1–A–2–C–1,

2 1
1, ViaA
(Q  W )  
2, ViaC
(Q  W ) = 0 ...(1.9.2)

and for the cyclic process 1–A–2–D–1

2 1
1, ViaA
(Q  W )  
2, ViaD
(Q  W ) = 0 ...(1.9.3)

4. Comparing eq. (1.9.1), (1.9.2) and (1.9.3), we have

1 1 1
(Q  W ) =  2,ViaC
(Q  W ) = 
(Q  W )

5. Since B, C and D indicate arbitrary paths between states 1 and 2, it can

be concluded that the expression  2
(Q  W ) remains the same
irrespective of the path along which the system is proceeding solely
depends on the initial and final states of the system. Therefore energy is
a point function and hence a property of the system.
6. The integral 2
(Q  W ) is called energy of the system and is denoted
by dU.
Therefore for a process, dU = Q – W
or Q = dU + W
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1–12 C (ME-Sem-3) Introduction

Que 1.10. Define work and heat with their sign convention.

A. Work :
1. Work reflects the effect of a force on the system boundary.
2. When there occurs a physical displacement of a system boundary due to
the action of an unbalanced force across the system boundary, then
work is done by or on the system.
3. If a part or whole of a system boundary undergoes displacement under
the action of an unbalanced force, then work done
W = Force × Displacement
4. If work is done by a system on the surroundings, i.e., a residual unbalanced
force acting within the system pushes the system boundary against the
surroundings, the work is said to be positive.
5. Imagine a gas contained in a cylinder enclosed by a piston expands by
pushing the piston up in the same direction in which the residual
unbalanced force acts. Hence, work of the system is positive :
Work output = + W
6. In this case, work is done on a system by the surroundings, e.g., when
the piston compresses a gas, the work is said to negative,
Work input to system = – W
That is, all work input to the system is negative.
B. Heat :
1. Heat is thermal energy that crosses a system boundary when there is a
temperature gradient across the boundary, i.e., a net temperature
difference between the system and the surroundings is a must for heat
transfer. If there is no temperature difference, then there is no heat
transfer. This implies that heat is a transient quantity.
2. For heat inflow into the system, Q is positive. For heat outflow from the
system to the surroundings, Q is negative.
 Heat received by the system = + Q
Heat rejected by the system = – Q

Gas Laws, Ideal Gas, Real Gas, Law of Corresponding States,
Dalton’s Law, Amagat’s Law, and Property of Mixture of Gases.

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Thermodynamics 1–13 C (ME-Sem-3)


Avogadro’s Law : Equal volumes of all gases, at a specified
temperature and pressure, contain equal number of molecules.
Boyle’s Law : The volume of a given mass of a gas is inversely
related to the pressure exerted on it at a given temperature and
given number of moles.
Charle’s Law : For a given mass of an ideal gas at constant pressure,
the volume is directly proportional to its absolute temperature.
Dalton’s Law : The pressure of a mixture of gases simply is the
sum of the partial pressure of the individual components.


Long Answer Type and Medium Answer Type Questions

Que 1.11. Write short note on following :

a. Avogadro’s law,
b. Boyle’s law, and
c. Charle’s law.

a. Avogadro’s Law :
1. Equal volumes of all gases, at a specified temperature and pressure,
contain equal numbers of molecules.
2. Avogadro’s law states that the volume occupied by an ideal gas is directly
proportional to the number of molecules of the gas present in the
3. The relation is given by
V1 V
= 2
n1 n2
Where, n is equal to number of molecules of gas.
b. Boyle’s Law :
1. According to this law, volume of a given mass of a perfect gas varies
inversely with absolute pressure when temperature is kept constant.
2. Product of absolute pressure and volume of a given quantity of gas is
constant when the temperature is kept constant i.e.,
V or PV = Constant.
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1–14 C (ME-Sem-3) Introduction

c. Charle’s Law :
1. According to this law, the volume of a given mass of a perfect gas varies
directly with its absolute temperature when pressure is kept constant
= Constant. (At constant pressure)
2. Charle’s law can also be defined as “The absolute pressure of a perfect
gas varies directly with absolute temperature if the volume of the gas is
kept constant during the process.”
= Constant (At constant volume)

Que 1.12. An insulated tank is divided in two equal parts by a thin

membrane. Air at 1 bar pressure and 300 °C is contained in one half
of the tank and other half is completely evacuated. Membrane gets
punctured and fills the entire volume. Calculate the final pressure
and temperature of air in the vessel. AKTU 2011-12, Marks 3.5


Given : p1 = 1 bar, T1= 300 + 273 = 573 K, V1 = V/2, V2 = V

To Find : Final pressure and temperature of air in the vessel.
1. We know that
p1V1 = p2V2
p1V1 1V / 2
p2 = = = 0.5 bar
V2 V
V1 V
2. = 2
T1 T2
V /2 V
573 T2
T2 = 573 × 2 = 1146 K
T2 = 873 °C

Que 1.13. Define Dalton’s law and Amagat’s law.

A. Dalton’s Law of Partial Pressure :
1. According to this law, “The total pressure exerted by a mixture of gases
is the algebraic sum of partial pressures exerted by the individual
constituents when they occupy the same volume and temperature of
the mixture”.
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Thermodynamics 1–15 C (ME-Sem-3)

2. Consider two individual gases A and B which occupy volume V at

temperature T are mixed together and kept in a third container of
volume V and temperature T.
Volume of gas A = Volume of gas B
= Volume of mixture (A + B)
pA pB p = pA + pB

mA , V, T m B, V , T mA + mB at V, T

Gas A Gas B Mixture of

gases A and B
Fig. 1.13.1.
From mass balance equation,
m = mA + mB
From Dalton’s law of partial pressure,
(p)V, T = (pA)V, T + (pB)V, T
Above equations can be extended for any number of non-reactive gases.
p = pA + pB + ..... = pi
B. Gibbs Dalton’s Law :
1. According to this law, “The internal energy, enthalpy and entropy of
mixture of gases are equal to the algebraic sum of internal energies,
enthalpies and entropies of individual gases where they occupy the
same volume and temperature of mixture of gases.”
2. From this law, following relations can be written
mu = mAuA + mBuB + mCuC + ... = miui
mh = mAhA + mBhB + mChC + ... = mihi
ms = mAsA + mBsB + mCsC + ... = misi
3. Although Gibbs Dalton’s law is applicable to perfect gases, it can be
applied to real gases for approximate engineering calculations involving
mixture of gases at lower pressure.
C. Amagat’s Law :
1. According to this law, “The total volume occupied by a mixture of gases
is equal to the sum of volumes which would be occupied by each
constituent, when they are at the same pressure and temperature as
that of the mixture”.
2. It follows that
(V)p, T = (VA) p, T + (VB)p, T + (VC)p, T + ... = (Vi)p, T

Que 1.14. Explain Van der Waal’s equation of state.

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1–16 C (ME-Sem-3) Introduction

1. Real gases differ from ideal gas because of presence of intermolecular
forces and also due to finite molecular volumes. Van der Waal’s equation
of state has been established by incorporating the following two
corrections in the equations of state, pV = RT.
Correction 1 :
i. Let equation of state pV = RT be represented in the form V = .
When pressure increases, volumes decreases
ii. But in case of real gases, molecules occupy a finite volume and an
allowance is to be made for the volume of voids existing between the
iii. Thus the free volume available for molecular motion will be equal to
[V – b] where b = Vmolecule + Vvoid ; where ‘b’ represents the smallest
volume upto which the gas can be compressed.
Correction 2 :
i. Because of intermolecular forces in real gases, some impacts will be
there on the walls of vessel. It is due to the fact that molecules positioned
at the walls are attracted by adjacent molecules inside the vessel.
ii. As a result, when compared to an ideal gas, the pressure exerted by a
real gas will be smaller by an amount equal to p.
iii. This decrease in pressure is directly proportional to the number of
molecules affected by molecular interaction or directly proportional to
the square of density of gas as given by the expression.
p = a2 or
Where a is the constant of proportionality which has a definite numerical
value for each gas.
2. When the above two corrections are introduced, we get the Van der
Waal’s equation of state
 a 
 p  2  (V – b) = RT
3. In the above equation, a/V2 is known as force of cohesion and ‘b’ is
known as co-volume.

Que 1.15. Derive the relation of Van der Waal’s equation in terms
of critical properties. Explain compressibility factor.
AKTU 2013-14, Marks 10

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Thermodynamics 1–17 C (ME-Sem-3)

A. Relation of Van der Waal’s Equation in Terms of Critical
Properties :
1. Van der Waal’s equation is given as
(p + a/V2) (V – b) = RT
2. This equation can be also written as
pV3 – (pb + RT)V2 + aV – ab = 0
3. This equation will give the three roots with following characteristics :
i. The three roots are real and positive for a certain range of pressure
at low temperature.
ii. With rise in temperature, three roots approach each other and
become equal at critical point.
iii. Above critical temperature, there is only one real root for all values
of pressure.
4. Now, pC, VC and TC denote the symbol at critical point. So at critical
point, Van der Waal’s equation can be written as
pC =  ...(1.15.1)
VC – b VC2
5. Now, at critical point isotherm has zero slope therefore
 p  – RTC 2a
  =  =0
V  C (VC – b)2 VC3
 2 p  2 RTC 6a
  = – =0
V 2  C (VC – b)3 VC4
6. After solving these two equations, we get
VC = 3b, TC =
27 bR
7. Put these values in eq. (1.15.1), we get
pC =
27 b2
B. Compressibility Factor :
1. The compressibility factor is defined as the ratio of actual volume V of
the gas to the value predicted by the ideal gas equation at same
temperature and pressure.
2. It is denoted by Z.
Actual volume of gas
Volume as predicted by ideal gas equation
V pV
= 
RT / p RT

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1–18 C (ME-Sem-3) Introduction

Concept of Temperature and It’s Measurement, and
Temperature Scales.


Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics : This law gives the basis for
measuring the thermodynamic property called temperature. A
reference system known as thermometer is brought in contact
separately with two systems, and if the thermometer shows the
same readings in both the cases, the two systems are at same


Long Answer Type and Medium Answer Type Questions

Que 1.16. State Zeroth law of thermodynamics. Explain how the

Zeroth law of thermodynamics can be used for temperature
measurement. AKTU 2014-15, Marks 05

A. Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics :
1. When a body A is in thermal equilibrium with a body B, and also separately
with a body C, then B and C will be in thermal equilibrium with each
other. This is known as the zeroth law of thermodynamics.
B. Temperature Measurement :
1. Zeroth law forms the basis of temperature measurement. The
temperature of a body can be determined by bringing another body (say
a thermometer) in contact with the first body and allowing the thermal
equilibrium to be attained.
2. The value of temperature is found out by measuring some temperature
dependent property of the thermomete r. Such a property of
thermometer is known as thermometric property which can be volume
of gases, pressure of gases, electrical resistance of solids, magnetic effects
3. To give a numerical value to the thermal state of a body, it is imperative
to establish a temperature scale on which temperature of a body or
system can be read.
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Thermodynamics 1–19 C (ME-Sem-3)

4. It needs selection of basic unit and a reference state. For this purpose,
generally two fixed points are used :
i. Ice point : Ice point is the equilibrium temperature of ice with air
saturated water at standard atmospheric pressure.
ii. Steam point : This is the equilibrium temperature of pure water
with its own vapour at standard atmospheric pressure.

Que 1.17. What do you understand by temperature scales ?

1. The following diagram represents comparison of reference on various
scales :
°C K °F °R

point of 100 373.15 211.95 671.67

of water 0.01 273.16 32.02 491.68

Ice point 0.00 273.15 32.00 491.67

of water
– 273.15 0.00 – 459.67 0
Absolute zero
Fig. 1.17.1.
A. Relation between Centigrade and Fahrenheit Scales :
1. Let ice point be represented as ti and steam point be represented as ts.
2. Let corresponding thermometric properties be represented as xi and xs
3. Considering linear correlation
t = ax + b ...(1.17.1)
between temperature ‘t’ and thermometric property x.
At ice point ti = axi + b ...(1.17.2)
At steam point ts = axs + b ...(1.17.3)
4. Solving eq. (1.17.2) and eq. (1.17.3) we have
ts  ti
xs  xi
 t t 
and b = ti   s i  xi
 xs  xi 
5. Put ‘a’ and ‘b’ in eq. (1.17.1)
t t t t
t = s i x  ti   s i  xi
xs  xi  x  x 
s i
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1–20 C (ME-Sem-3) Introduction

 x  xi 
t = ti  (ts  ti )   ...(1.17.4)
 xs  xi 
6. At ice point for centigrade scale, ti = 0 °C and at steam point for centigrade
scale, ts = 100 °C
 x  xi 
 t °C = 0  (100  0) 
 xs  xi 
 x  xi  t C x  xi
t °C = 100     ...(1.17.5)
 xs  xi  100 xs  xi
At ice point for Fahrenheit scale, ti = 32 °F
At steam point for Fahrenheit scale, ts = 212 °F
7. From eq. (1.17.4),
 x  xi 
t °F = 32  (212  32) 
 xs  xi 
t o F  32 x  xi
or = ...(1.17.6)
180 xs  xi
Equating eq. (1.17.5) and eq. (1.17.6), we get
t C t o F  32 o
C o F  32
= or 
100 180 5 9
8. Similarly relation between other temperature scales can be obtained.
e.g., relation between °C and °R.
t C t oR  491.67 C R  491.67
= or 
100 180 5 9
t C t K  273.14
and = or t °C = t K – 273.15
100 100
or K = °C + 273.15
Que 1.18. Explain how the zeroth law of thermodynamics can be
used for temperature measurement. In an unknown temperature
scale freezing point of water is 0 °X and boiling point of water is
1000 °X. Obtain a conversion relation between degrees X and degree
celsius. Also determine the absolute zero in degree X.
AKTU 2011-12, Marks 3.5

A. Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics : Refer Q. 1.16, Page 1–18C, Unit-1.
B. Relation between °X and °C :
1. As temperature has a linear relationship i.e.,
t = ax + b
For °C, at ice point, ti = axi + b ...(1.18.1)
At boiling point, ts = axs + b ...(1.18.2)
2. Here, x = Thermodynamic property of water.
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Thermodynamics 1–21 C (ME-Sem-3)

°C °X
Boiling point of
water 100 °C 1000 °X

Ice point of
water 0 °C 0 °X
Absolute zero
Fig. 1.18.1.

3. Solving eq. (1.18.1) and eq. (1.18.2) we have,

ts  ti  t t 
a= and b = ti –  s i  xi
xs  xi  xs  xi 
4. Now, t = ax + b
 t t   t t 
t =  s i  x  ti   s i  xi
 xs  xi   xs  xi 

 x  xi 
t = ti + (ts – ti) 
 xs  xi 
 x  xi 
5. Now put ti = 0 °C and ts = 100 °C  t = 100 
 xs  xi 
t C x  xi
= ...(1.18.3)
100 xs  xi
 x  xi 
6. For X° scale, t °X = ti + (ts – ti) 
 xs  xi 
Put ti = 0 °X and ts = 1000 °X
 x  xi 
t °X = 0 + 1000 
 xs  xi 
t X  x  xi 
= ...(1.18.4)
1000  xs  xi 
7. From eq. (1.18.3) and eq. (1.18.4) we have,
t C t X
100 1000
t X
t °C =
8. Now absolute zero in °C = – 273.15
So absolute zero in°X = – 273.15 × 10 °X = – 2731.5 °X

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1–22 C (ME-Sem-3) Introduction

Thermodynamic Definition of Work, Displacement Work and Flow
Work, Displacement Work for Various Non Flow Process, Joule’s
Experiment, First Law Analysis Energy and Enthalpy, Limitations
of First Law of Thermodynamics and PMM-I.


First Law of Thermodynamics : Whenever a system undergoes
a cyclic change, the algebraic sum of work transfers is proportional
to the algebraic sum of heat transfer or work and heat are mutually
convertible one into the other.
Thermodynamic Processes : A process occurs when the system
undergoes a change in a state or an energy transfer at a steady
state. A process may be non-flow in which a fixed mass within the
defined boundary is undergoing a change of state, e.g., closed systems
undergo non-flow processes. A process may be a flow process in
which mass is entering and leaving through the boundary of an
open system.


Long Answer Type and Medium Answer Type Questions

Que 1.19. Derive the expression of workdone for various non-flow


1. Constant pressure process (Fig. 1.19.1) (isobaric or isopiestic process)

1 2 1
p p

p2 2

V1 V2
Fig. 1.19.1. Constant Fig. 1.19.2. Constant
pressure process. volume process.
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Thermodynamics 1–23 C (ME-Sem-3)

W1 – 2 = 
pdV = p(V2 – V1) ...(1.19.1)
2. Constant volume process (Fig. 1.19.2) (isochoric process)

W1 – 2 =  pdV = 0 ...(1.19.2)
3. Constant temperature process (Isothermal process) (pV = C) (Fig. 1.19.3)
 W1 – 2 = 

 pV = p1V1 = C, putting p =
V2 dV V
W1 – 2 = p1 V1   p1 V1 ln 2
V1 V V1
= p1 V1 ln ...(1.19.3)
1 n=0 2
p1 pVn = C

pV = C (Quasi-static)


(Quasi-static) 1
n 2
2 2
p2 2 2
W1 – 2

V1 V V2
Fig. 1.19.3. Process Fig. 1.19.4. Process
in which pV = Constant. in which pVn = Constant.
4. Polytropic process (pVn = C), where n is a constant (Fig. 1.19.4).
pVn = p1 Vn1 = p2 Vn2 = C
 p = ( p1 Vn 1 )
V2 V2 p1 V1n  V  n 1 
 W1 – 2 = 
pdV  
V1 V
· dV  ( p1 V1n )  
  n  1  V1
= (V 1  n  V11  n )
1n 2
p2V2n  V21  n  p1V1n  V11  n
pV  
n 1/ n
p1V1  p2V2 p 
=  1 1 1   2   ...(1.19.4)
n1 n  1   p1  
5. Reversible adiabatic process (Isentropic process) (pV  = c), where
 = cp /cv,
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1–24 C (ME-Sem-3) Introduction

  1

p1V1   p2   
W1 – 2 = 1  ...(1.19.5)
n  1   p1  

Que 1.20. An inelastic flexible balloon is inflated from initial empty

state to a volume of 0.4 m3 with H2 available from hydrogen cylinder.
For atmospheric pressure of 1.0313 bar determine the amount of
work done by balloon upon atmosphere and work done by
atmosphere. AKTU 2014-15, Marks 05


Given : V = 0.4 m3, p = 1.0313 bar

To Find : Work done by balloon and by atmosphere.
1. Here let us assume that the pressure is always equal to atmospheric
pressure as balloon is flexible, inelastic and unstressed and no work is
done for stretching balloon during its filling.
2. Fig. 1.20.1 shows the boundary of system before and after filling balloon
by firm line and dotted line respectively.
Balloon initially empty

Balloon after being inflated

Fig. 1.20.1.

3. Displacement work, W=  pdV   pdV

cylinder balloon

 pdV = 0 as cylinder shall be rigid.

= 0 + p∆V
= 0 + 1.0313 × 105 × 0.4 = 41.25 kJ
4. Work done by system upon atmosphere = 41.25 kJ
5. Work done by atmosphere = – 41.25 kJ

Que 1.21. 3 kg of air at 1.5 bar pressure and 77 °C temperature at

state 1 is compressed polytropically to state 2 at pressure 7.5 bar,
index of compression being 1.2. It is then cooled at constant
temperature to its original state 1. Find the net work done and heat
transferred. AKTU 2016-17, Marks 10

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Thermodynamics 1–25 C (ME-Sem-3)


Given : m = 3 kg, P1 = 1.5 bar, T1 = 77 °C, P2 = 7.5 bar, n = 1.2

To Find : Net work done and heat transferred.
1. For polytropic compression :
PV1.2 = C
Since, P1V11.2 = P2V21.2
 V1   P2 
 V  =  P  ...(1.21.1)
2 1

P1V1 = mRT1
1.5 V1 = 3 × 0.287 × 350
V1 = 200.9 m3
2. From eq. (1.21.1)
P1 1.2
V21.2 = V1
1.5  (200.9)1.2 1.5  580.197
= =
7.5 7.5
V21.2 = 116.039, V2 = 52.54 m3
3. Work done during process 1 - 2;
P1V1  P2V2 1.5  200.9  7.5  52.54
W1 – 2 = =
n 1 1.2  1
W1 – 2 = – = – 463.565
4. Work done during process 2 - 1;
W2 – 1 = P1V1 ln

 7.5 
= 1.5 × 200.9 × ln 
 1.5 
= 485.00 J

5. Hence, net work done = W1 – 2 + W2 – 1

W = – 463.565 + 485.00 = 21.435 J
6. From first law of thermodynamics;
Q = du + W
7. Process is cyclic, therefore
du = 0
Hence, heat transfer during process;
Q = W = 21.435 J.

Que 1.22. Explain free expansion phenomenon.

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1–26 C (ME-Sem-3) Introduction

1. Work transfer is identified only at the boundaries of a system. It is a
boundary phenomenon, and a form of energy in transit crossing the
2. Let us consider a gas separated from the vacuum by a partition
(Fig. 1.22.1).
Partition Boundary Partition

Gas Vacuum Gas Vacuum

(a) Insulation ( b)

1 p

Gas 2

(c ) ( d) (e )
Fig. 1.22.1. Free expansion.
3. Let the partition be removed. The gas rushes to fill the entire volume.
4. The expansion of a gas against vacuum is called free expansion.
5. If we neglect the work associated with the removal of partition, and
consider the gas and vacuum together as our system (Fig. 1.22.1(a)),
there is no work transfer involved here, since no work crosses the
system boundary and hence


W = 0, although 1
pdV  0
6. If only the gas is taken as the system (Fig. 1.22.1(b)), when the partition
is removed there is a change in the volume of the gas, and one is
tempted to calculate the work from the expression  pdV . However,

this is not a quasi-static process, although the initial and final end states
are equilibrium. Therefore, the work cannot be calculated from this
7. The two end states can be located on the p–V diagram and these are
joined by a dotted line (Fig. 1.22.1(c)) to indicate that the process had
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Thermodynamics 1–27 C (ME-Sem-3)

8. However, if the vacuum space is divided into a large number of small

volumes by partitions and the partitions are removed one by one slowly
(Fig. 1.22.1(d)), then every state passed through by the system is an
equilibrium state and the work done can be estimated from the
relation  pdV (Fig. 1.22.1(e)).

9. Yet, in free expansion of a gas, there is no resistance to the fluid at the

system boundary as the volume of the gas increases to fill up the vacuum
space. Work is done by a system to overcome resistance. Since vacuum
does not offer any resistance, there is no work transfer involved in free

Que 1.23. Two insulated tanks are connected through a pipe with
closed valve in between. Initially one tank having volume of 1.8 m3
has argon gas at 12 bar, 40 ºC and other tank having volume of
3.6 m3 is completely empty. Subsequently valve is opened and the
argon pressure gets equalized in two tanks. Determine, (a) the final
pressure and temperature (b) the change of enthalpy and (c) the
work done considering argon as perfect gas and gas constant as
0.208 kJ/kg-K. AKTU 2014-15, Marks 10


Given : Volume, V1 = 1.8 m3, V2 = 3.6 m3

Pressure, p1 = 12 bar = 12 × 102 kPa, Temperature, T1 = 40 °C = 313 K
Total volume, V = V1 + V2 = 5.4 m3
To Find : a. The final pressure and temperature,
b. the change of enthalpy, and
c. Work done.
1. By perfect gas law, p1V1 = mRT1
12 × 102 × 1.8 = m × 0.208 × 313
m = 33.18 kg
2. By gas law for initial and final state,
p1V1 = pfinal × Vfinal
12 × 102 × 1.8 = pfinal × 5.4
1.8 m3
Valve 3.6 m 3
Fig. 1.23.1.
3. Final pressure, pfinal = 400 kPa or 4 bar
4. Since it is insulated system and it has no heat transfer so, there will be
no change in internal energy.
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1–28 C (ME-Sem-3) Introduction

5. Final temperature = 313 K.

q = du + w  du = 0
i.e., Tinitial = T final
Change in enthalpy = 0
Work done = 0

Que 1.24. Write a short note on Joule’s experiment.

1. Let us consider a closed system which consists of a known mass of water
contained in an adiabatic vessel having a thermometer and a paddle
wheel, as shown in Fig. 1.24.1(a).

W1 – 2 Q2 – 1
vessel 1
(a) (b )
Fig. 1.24.1. ( a) Adiabatic work, (b) Cycle completed by a system with two
energy interactions : Adiabatic work transfer W1-2
followed by heat transfer Q2-1.

2. Let a certain amount of work W1-2 be done upon the system by the
paddle wheel.
3. The quantity of work can be measured by the fall of weight which drives
the paddle wheel through a pulley.
4. The system was initially at temperature t1, same as that of atmosphere,
and after work transfer let the temperature rise to t2.
5. The pressure is always 1 atm. The process 1-2 undergone by the system
is shown in Fig. 1.24.1 in generalized thermodynamic co-ordinates X, Y.
6. Let the insulation now be removed. The system and the surroundings
interact by heat transfer till the system returns to the original
temperature t1, attaining the condition of thermal equilibrium with the
7. The amount of heat transfer Q2-1 from the system during the process
2-1, shown in Fig. 1.24.1(b), can be estimated.
8. The system thus executes a cycle, which consists of a definite amount of
work input W1-2 to the system followed by the transfer of an amount of
heat Q2-1 from the system.

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Thermodynamics 1–29 C (ME-Sem-3)

9. It has been found that this W1-2 is always proportional to the heat
Q1-2, and the constant of proportionality is called the Joule’s equivalent
or the mechanical equivalent of heat.
10. In the simple example given here, there are only two energy transfer
quantities as the system performs a thermodynamic cycle.
11. If the cycle involves many more heat and work quantities, the same
result will be found and can be expressed algebraically.
( W)cycle = J ( Q)cycle
Where J is the Joule’s equivalent. This is also expressed in the form

 W = J  Q
Where the symbol  denote the cyclic integral for the closed path.
This is the first law for a closed system undergoing a cycle.
Que 1.25. A piston and cylinder machine containing a fluid system
has a stirring device in the cylinder. The piston is frictionless and it
is held against the fluid due to the atmospheric pressure of
101.325 kPa. The stirring device is turned 10,000 revolutions with an
average torque against the fluid 1.275 N-m. Meanwhile the piston of
0.6 m diameter moves out 0.80 m. Find the net work transfer from
the system. AKTU 2013-14, Marks 10


Given : Pressure, p = 101.325 kPa, RPM, N = 10,000,

Torque, T = 1.275 N-m, Diameter, d = 0.6 m, Stroke, L = 0.80 m
To Find : Net work transfer from the system.
1. Workdone by the stirring device upon the system is given as :
W1 = 2TN = 2 × 1.275 × 10,000 = 80 kJ
2. This work will be negative. So
W1 = – 80 kJ
3. Workdone by the system upon the surrounding
W2 = (pA)L
Where p = 101.325 kPa = 101.325 kN/m2
 2 
A= d = (0.6)2 = 0.2827 m2
4 4
L = 0.80 m
 W2 = (pA)L = 101.325 × 0.2827 × 0.8 = 22.9 kJ
4. This work will be positive.
W2 = +22.9 kJ
5. Net work transfer from the system
W = W1 + W2 = – 80 + 22.9 = – 57.1 kJ
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1–30 C (ME-Sem-3) Introduction

Que 1.26. State first law of thermodynamics with its limitations.

1. First law of thermodynamics is related with principle of conservation of
energy according to which the total energy of an isolated system is
2. It can be concluded that all forms of energies are equivalent and
convertible. If one form of energy disappears, it must appear in an
equivalent amount of some other form of energy.
3. Thus first law stipulates that when a thermodynamic process is carried
out, energy is neither gained nor lost.
4. Energy is only transformed from one form into another and the energy
balance is maintained.
5. First law fails to state the conditions under which energy conversion
takes place.
6. The limitations of 1st law of thermodynamics can be explained with the
help of following illustrations :
a. Temperature of liquid contained in a vessel increases when it is
churned by paddle work. But paddle work can not be restored on
cooling the liquid to its initial state.
b. When a block slides down a rough place, it gets warmer. However,
the reverse process when the block slides up the plane and becomes
cooler is not true even if the first law of thermodynamics still holds
c. Electrical current flowing through a resistor produces heat according
to equation,
H = i2Rt.
Current once dissipated as heat cannot be converted back into
d. Fuel (solid or liquid) burns with air and gets converted into products
of combustion. Fuel once burnt cannot be restored back to its original
e. Work is easily converted into heat. However there is a maximum
limit up to which the conversion of heat is possible in a heat engine.
Work is superior to heat, and a complete transformation of low
grade energy (heat) into high grade energy (work) is not possible.

Que 1.27. Define the first law of thermodynamics. How the first
law of thermodynamics is applied to a closed system undergoing a
non-cycle process ?

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Thermodynamics 1–31 C (ME-Sem-3)

1. The expression ( W)cycle = ( Q)cycle applies only to systems undergoing
cycles, and the algebraic summation of all energy transfer across system
boundaries is zero.
2. But if a system undergoes a change of state during which both heat
transfer and work transfer are involved, the net energy transfer will be
stored for accumulated within the system.
3. If Q is the amount of heat transferred to the system and W is the
amount of work transferred from the system during the process
(Fig. 1.27.1), the net energy transfer (Q – W) will be stored in the system.
4. Energy in storage is neither heat nor work, and is given the name
internal energy or simply, the energy of the system.
Therefore, Q – W = E
Where E is the increase in the energy of the system
or Q = E + W
Here Q, W, and E are all expressed in the same units (in joules).
5. If there are more energy transfer quantities involved in the process, as
shown in Fig. 1.27.2, the first law gives
(Q2 + Q3 – Q1) = E + (W2 + W3 – W1 – W4)
Q3 Q2

System Q1
System W
Q W2
Surroundings Surroundings

Fig. 1.27.1. Heat and work Fig. 1.27.2. System-surroundings

interaction of a system with interaction in a process involving
its surroundings in a process. many energy fluxes.

6. Energy is thus conserved in the operation. The first law is a particular

formulation of the principle of the conservation of energy.
7. This definition does not give an absolute value of energy E, but only the
change of energy E for the process.

Que 1.28. Explain PMM-1.

1. The first law states the general principle of the conservation of energy.
Energy is neither created nor destroyed, but only gets transformed
from one form to another.
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1–32 C (ME-Sem-3) Introduction

2. There can be no machine which would continuously supply mechanical

work without some other form of energy disappearing simultaneously
(Fig. 1.28.1).
3. Such a fictitious machine is called a perpetual motion machine of the
first kind, or in brief, PMM1. A PMM1 is thus impossible.
4. The converse of the above statement is also true, i.e., there can be no
machine which would continuously consume work without some other
form of energy appearing simultaneously (Fig. 1.28.2).

Engine W Machine W

Fig. 1.28.1. A PMM1. Fig. 1.28.2. The converse of PMM1.

Steady Flow System, Steady Flow Energy
Equation and its Application, Analysis of Unsteady Process.


Steady Flow Process : Steady flow means that the rates of flow of
mass and energy across the control surface are constant. At the
steady state of a system, any thermodynamic property will have a
fixed value at a particular location, and will not alter with time.
Steady Flow Energy Equation :
C12 d– Q C2 –
h1 + + Z1g + = h2 + 2 + Z2 g +
2 dm 2 dm
Unsteady Flow Process : In the case of unsteady flow process, the
rate of energy and mass transfer into and out of the control volume
are not same.


Long Answer Type and Medium Answer Type Questions

Que 1.29. What is steady flow energy equation (SFEE) ? What are
the assumptions made for it.
What are the assumptions for steady flow process ? Write the general
energy equation for steady flow process.
AKTU 2011-12, Marks 3.5
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Thermodynamics 1–33 C (ME-Sem-3)

A. Assumptions Made in the Analysis of SFEE :
1. There is no accumulation or decrease of mass in the control volume at
any time i.e., there is no other source or sink of mass in the control
2. Rate of mass flow in and out of the control volume is equal and constant
with respect to time.
3. State, velocity and elevation of fluid mass entering and leaving the
surface do not change with time.
4. Rate of heat and work transfers across the control volume is constant.
B. General Energy Equation For Steady Flow Processes :
1. Let’s consider the flow of a fluid through a control volume as shown in
Fig. 1.29.1. In the time interval “dt”, there occurs a flow (or flux) of mass
and energy into the control volume.
2. Section 1-1 is the inlet side and section 2-2 is the outlet side.
3. At the inlet side (section 1-1) to control volume following are the fluid
parameters :
Average velocity = C1
Pressure = p1
Specific volume = v1
Internal energy = u1
Control surface


1 Control 2
Z1 Q

Z2 2

Datum line
Fig. 1.29.1.
4. At the outlet (section 2-2), following are fluid parameters :
Velocity = C2
Pressure = p2
Specific volume = v2
Internal energy = u2
5. During the flow of fluid through the control volume, heat ‘Q’ and
mechanical work ‘Ws’ are also supposed to cross the control surface.
While writing the energy balance equation on the sides of the control
volume, following energies are taken into consideration :
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1–34 C (ME-Sem-3) Introduction

a. Internal energy stored in the fluid.

b. Potential energy and kinetic energy.
c. Flow energy (or flow work) required to push the fluid in or out of
control volume.
d. Heat and shaft (mechanical) work which may cross the control
6. Since the energy is conserved therefore energy balance for the control
volume mentioned above can be written in the following form

 C2   C22 
m1 u1  p1v1  1  gZ1   Q = m2 u2  p2v2   gZ2   Ws ...(1.29.1)
 2   2 
7. The eq. (1.29.1) is a general energy equation and can be applied to all
fluids compressible or incompressible, ideal or real fluids, liquids and

Que 1.30. What are the applications of SFEE ?

A. Application of SFEE to Engineering Devices :
a. Nozzle and Diffuser :
1. The flow through a nozzle is characterized by following features :
i. Shaft work is zero i.e., Ws = 0
ii. If the flow is reversible adiabatic manner, then Q = 0.
iii. If the nozzle is horizontal, change in elevation, i.e., dZ will be zero
 Z1 = Z2.
2. Under these features, SFEE for a nozzle / diffuser is reduced to
C12 C2
h1  = h2  2
2 2
C22 C12
or h1 – h2 = 
2 2
3. For a nozzle
Enthalpy drop = Increase in kinetic energy
4. For a diffuser,
Rise in enthalpy = decrease in kinetic energy.
b. Boiler :
1. A boiler has following features :
i. Shaft work is zero, Ws = 0.
C22  C12
ii. Change in kinetic energy is negligible, = 0.
iii. Change by
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Thermodynamics 1–35 C (ME-Sem-3)

Z1 = Z2.
2. Therefore SFEE is reduced to
mh1 + Q = mh2  Q = m (h2 – h1)
c. Turbine :
1. A steam or gas turbine has following features :
i. KE or d (kinetic energy) = 0
ii. PE or d (potential energy) = 0
iii. Q = 0 since walls are insulated.
2. Therefore, SFEE for a turbine is reduced to
mh1 = mh2 + Ws
or Ws = m(h1 – h2)
Obviously the work is done by the turbine at the expense of enthalpy.
d. Compressor :
1. A compressor is characterized by following features :
i. Shaft work is negative
i.e., Ws = negative
(Since work is done on the system and working fluid is compressed.)
ii. Change in potential energy is negligible
i.e., d(PE) = 0
iii. Generally heat is lost to surroundings, Q is negative.
2. Therefore SFEE for a compressor is reduced to
 C2   C2 
m  h1  1   Q = m  h2  2   Ws
 2  2
e. Centrifugal Water Pump :
1. For a pump, Q = 0, dU = 0
(Since there is no change in the temperature of water)
2. Work is negative since it is done on the system.
3. SFEE for a pump is reduced to
 C2   C2 
m  p1v1  1  gZ1  = m  p2 v2  2  gZ2   W
 2   2 
f. Heat Exchanger :
1. A heat exchanger is characterized by the following features :
i. Shaft work is zero, Ws = 0
ii. Change in KE = 0
iii. Change in PE = 0
iv. It is a perfectly insulated system i.e., no external heat interaction.
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1–36 C (ME-Sem-3) Introduction

2. From energy balance equation, we can write,

Energy given by fluid A = Energy gained by fluid B
Que 1.31. In a nozzle air at 627 ºC and twice atmospheric pressure
enters with negligible velocity of air at entrance. Find velocity of
air at exit, assuming no heat loss and nozzle being horizontal. Take
CP = 1.005 kJ/kg-K for air. AKTU 2014-15, Marks 3.5


Given : Inlet temperature, T1 = 627 ºC = 627 + 273 = 900 K

Outlet temperature, T2 = 27 ºC = 27 + 273 = 300 K
Negligible inlet velocity, C1  0
To Find : Velocity at exit.
1. Applying steady flow energy equation with inlet and exit states as 1, 2
with no heat and work interaction and no change in potential energy.
C12 C2
h1 + = h2 + 2
2 2
C2 = 2(h1  h2 )
2. Exit velocity, C2 = 2C p (T1  T2 )

C2 = 2  1.005  103  (900  300)

C2 = 1098.2 m/s

Que 1.32. A nozzle is a device for increasing the velocity of a

steadily flowing steam. At the inlet to a certain nozzle, the enthalpy
of the fluid passing is 3000 kJ/kg and the velocity is 60 m/s. At the
discharge end, the enthalpy is 2762 kJ/kg. The nozzle is horizontal
and there is negligible heat loss from it.
a. Find the velocity at exits from the nozzle.
b. If the inlet area is 0.1 m2 and the specific volume at inlet is
0.187 m3/kg, find the mass flow rate.
c. If the specific volume at the nozzle exit is 0.498 m3/kg, find the
exit area of the nozzle. AKTU 2015-16, Marks 10

Given : At the inlet, Enthalpy, h1 = 3000 kJ/kg, Velocity, C1 = 60 m/s
At the discharge end, Enthalpy h2 = 2762 kJ/kg
To Find : i. Velocity at exit.
ii. Mass flow rate.
iii. Exit area.

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Thermodynamics 1–37 C (ME-Sem-3)

1. At the discharge end,


1 2
Fig. 1.32.1.
Enthalpy, h2 = 2762 kJ/kg
It is given that nozzle is horizontal and there is negligible heat loss from
2. Applying SFEE, between section (1) and section (2),
1 gZ1  1 gZ2 
h1 + C12   Q = h2 + C22  w ...(1.32.1)
2000 1000 2000 1000
3. Since, Z1 = Z2
And assuming, there is no heat transfer and work transfer.
Then from eq. (1.32.1),
1 1
h1 + C 2 = h2 + C2
2000 1 2000 2
4. On putting given values,
1 1
3000 + × (60)2 = 2762 + C2
2000 2000 2
C2 = 479600
C2 = 692.53 m/s
Hence, the velocity at exit from the nozzle,
C2 = 692.53 m/s
5. Inlet area, a1 = 0.1 m2
Specific volume, v1 = 0.187 m3/kg
6. Now from continuity equation, at inlet

m v1 = a1 C1

m × 0.187 = 0.1 × 60

m = 32.08 kg/s

Hence, the mass flow rate, m = 32.08 kg/s.
7. Specific volume at exit = v2
v2 = 0.498 m3/kg
8. Then, from continuity equation at exit,

a2 C2 = m v2
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1–38 C (ME-Sem-3) Introduction

a2 × 692.53 = 32.08 × 0.498

a2 = 0.02307 m2
Hence, the exit area of the nozzle,
a2 = 0.02307 m2

Que 1.33. In a gas turbine unit, the gases flow through the turbine
is 15 kg/s and the power developed by the turbine is 12000 kW. The
enthalpies of gases at the inlet and outlet are 1260 kJ/kg and
400 kJ/kg respectively, and the velocity of gases at the inlet and
outlet are 50 m/s and 110 m/s respectively. Calculate :
i. The rate at which heat is rejected to the turbine, and
ii. The area of the inlet pipe given that the specific volume of the
gases at the inlet is 0.45 m3/kg. AKTU 2016-17, Marks 10


Given : m  = 15 kg/sec, Power developed Ws = 12000 kW,

Enthalpy at inlet, h1 = 1260 kJ/kg, Enthalpy at outlet, h2 = 400 kJ/kg,
Velocity at inlet C1 = 50 m/s, Velocity at outlet v2 = 110 m/s
To Find : i. Rate of heat rejected.
ii. Area of the inlet pipe.
1. Q – Ws = KE + PE + H
= × 15 × ((119)2 – 50)2) + 0 + (400 – 1260) × 1000 × 15
= × 15 × 9600 + (– 860) × 15 × 1000
= × 144000 – 860 × 15 × 1000
Q – 12000 × 103 = 72000 – 860 × 15 × 103
Q – 12000 × 103 = 72 × 103 – 860 × 103 × 15
Q = – 828 × 103 J/s
Q = – 828 kJ/s
Hence, the rate at which heat is rejected to the turbine = 828 kJ/s
A1C1 A2C2
2.  =
m 
v1 v2
Specific volume of the gases at inlet v1 = 0.45 m3/kg
A  50
15 = 1
A1 = = 0.135 m2
A1 = 0.135 m2

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Thermodynamics 1–39 C (ME-Sem-3)

Que 1.34. What is unsteady flow processes ? Explain filling and

evacuation process of a vessel. AKTU 2013-14, Marks 10

A. Unsteady Process :
1. A flow process is called unsteady when the fluid parameters vary with
respect to time.
2. Unsteady flow process refers to changing fluid parameters with the
passage of time at a position in the control volume.
3. An unsteady flow process is represented as 0
4. Consider, a vessel initially contains fluid having mass m1 at the state p1,
V1 and T1. The corresponding values after filling operation are m2, p2, V2
and T2.
5. There may be heat and work interaction with the surrounding due to
change in volume of the bottle or by internal electrical/mechanical
Pipe line

Vessel Control volume

Fig. 1.34.1.
B. Vessel Filling Process :
1. Mass of fluid entering = m2 – m1
2. Energy balance equation given as
(m2 – m1) cP + Q = (m2u2 – m1u1) + W ...(1.34.1)
u is the specific internal energy.
3. In filling process of a bottle from large reservoir, the properties of the
entering fluid stream are taken as constant.
4. So, energy of entering fluid cP
v 2P v2
cP = uP + pPvP +  hp  P
2 2
(vP = velocity of entering fluid)
5. From eq. (1.34.1),
 v2 
(m2 – m1)  hP  P  + Q = (m2u2 – m1u1) + W
 2
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1–40 C (ME-Sem-3) Introduction

6. If work transfer zero, W = 0

 v2 
(m2 – m1)  hP  P  + Q = (m2u2 – m1u1)
 2
7. If kinetic energy of entering fluid is neglect, vP = 0
(m2 – m1) hP = m2 u2 – m1u1
8. If the bottle is initially empty, m1 = 0
m2 hP = m2 u2
hP = u2
9. Therefore, specific internal energy of fluid charged into empty insulated
bottle is equal to the specific enthalpy of the filling fluid in the charging
pipe line.
C. Vessel Evacuation Process :
1. Vessel evacuation process is just reverse of filling process.
2. Therefore analogous to filling process,
 v2 
(m1 – m2)  hP  P  + Q = m1u1 – m2u2
 2
3. If Q = 0, vP = 0
(m1 – m2) (hP) = m1u1 – m2u2
4. If vessel is fully empty, m2 = 0
m1 hP = m1u1
hP = u1

Que 1.35. 0.8 kg/s of air flows through a compressor under steady
state conditions. The properties of air at entry are, pressure 1 bar,
velocity 10 m/s, specific volume 0.95 m3/kg and internal energy
30 kJ/kg. The corresponding values at exit are 8 bar, 6 m/s, 0.2 m3/kg,
124 kJ/kg. Neglecting the change in potential energy, determine the
power input and pipe diameter at entry and exit.
AKTU 2013-14, Marks 10


Given : Properties of Air at Entry :

Pressure, p1 = 1 bar = 102 kN/m2, Velocity, C1 = 10 m/s,
Specific volume, v1 = 0.95 m3/kg, Internal energy, u1 = 30 kJ/kg
Properties of Air at Exit : Pressure, p2 = 8 bar = 8 × 102 kN/m2,
Velocity, C2 = 6 m/s, Specific volume, v2 = 0.2 m3/kg,
Internal energy, u2 = 124 kJ/kg
To Find : The power input and pipe diameter at entry and exit.
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Thermodynamics 1–41 C (ME-Sem-3)

1. Using the steady flow energy equation

C12 C2
u1 + + p1.v1 + Q = u2 + 2 + p2.v2 + W
2 2
2. Here Q = 0
So 30 × 103 + + 102 × 103 × 0.95 + 0
= 124 × 103 + + 8 × 102 × 103 × 0.2 + W
125050 = 284018 + W
W = – 158968 J/kg
3. Work input required = 158968 J/kg = 158.968 kJ/kg
W  159 kJ/kg
4. For mass flow rate of 0.8 kg/s the input power required
= W × 0.8 = 159 × 0.8 kW = 127.2 kW
5. Using the continuity equation.
i. Pipe diameter at entry,

m = C1 A1
0.8 = 1 1
0.8  0.95
A1 = = 0.076 m2
 2
d = 0.076  di = 0.311 m = 311 mm
4 i
ii. Pipe diameter at exit,

m = C2 A2
6  A2
0.8 =
0.8  0.2
A2 = = 0.02667 m2

d 2 = 0.02667  do = 0.1843 m = 184.3 mm
4 o


Following questions are very important. These questions
may be asked in your SESSIONALS as well as

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1–42 C (ME-Sem-3) Introduction

Q. 1.Write short notes on following :

d.Macroscopic and microscopic approaches.
Ans. Refer Q. 1.1, and Refer Q. 1.2; Unit-1.

Q. 2. Describe thermodynamic equilibrium of system.

Ans. Refer Q. 1.4, Unit-1.

Q. 3. What do you understand by cyclic and quasi-static process ?

Ans. Refer Q. 1.7, Unit-1.

Q. 4. Define Dalton’s Law and Amagat’s Law.

Ans. Refer Q. 1.13, Unit-1.

Q. 5. Write down zeroth law of thermodynamics. Explain how it

can be used for temperature measurement.
Ans. Refer Q. 1.16, Unit-1.

Q. 6. Derive the expression of work done for various non-flow

Ans. Refer Q. 1.19, Unit-1.

Q. 7. Explain free expansion phenomenon.

Ans. Refer Q. 1.22, Unit-1.

Q. 8. Write short note on Joule’s experiment and explain PMM-1.

Ans. Joule’s Experiment : Refer Q. 1.24, Unit-1.
PMM-1 : Refer Q. 1.28, Unit-1.

Q. 9. What are the applications of SFEE ?

Ans. Refer Q. 1.30, Unit-1.

Q. 10. In a nozzle air at 627 ºC and twice atmospheric pressure

enters with negligible velocity of air at entrance. Find
velocity of air at exit, assuming no heat loss and nozzle
being horizontal. Take CP = 1.005 kJ/kg-K for air.
Ans. Refer Q. 1.31, Unit-1.

Q. 11. What is unsteady flow process ? Explain filling and

evacuation process of a vessel.
Ans. Refer Q. 1.34, Unit-1.

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Thermodynamics 2–1 C (ME-Sem-3)

2 Second Law of

Part-1 ........................................................................... (2–2C to 2–27C)

• Thermal Reservoir
• Heat Engine
• Second Law of Thermodynamics
• Reversible and Irreversible Process
• Carnot Cycle and Engine

A. Concept Outline : Part-1 ............................................................. 2–2C

B. Long and Medium Answer Type Questions ............................... 2–2C

Part-2 ......................................................................... (2–27C to 2–46C)

• Clausius Inequality
• Concept of Entropy
• TdS Equations
• Third Law of Thermodynamics

A. Concept Outline : Part-2 .......................................................... 2–27C

B. Long and Medium Answer Type Questions ............................ 2–28C

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2–2 C (ME-Sem-3) Second Law of Thermodynamics

Thermal Reservoirs, Heat Engine, Second
Law of Thermodynamics, Reversible and Irreversible Process,
Carnot Cycle and Engine, PMM-II.


Thermal Reservoirs : Thermal reservoir is defined as a large
body of infinite heat capacity, which is capable of absorbing or
rejecting an unlimited quantity of heat without suffering appreciable
changes in its thermodynamic coordinates.
Kelvin-Planck Statement : It is impossible for a heat engine to
produce net work in a complete cycle if it exchanges heat only
with bodies at a single fixed temperature.
Clausius Statement : It is impossible to construct a device which,
operating in a cycle, will produce no effect other than the transfer
of heat from a cooler to a hotter body.
Carnot Theorem : It states that of all heat engine operating
between a given constant temperature source and a given constant
temperature sink, none has a higher efficiency than a reversible


Long Answer Type and Medium Answer Type Questions

Que 2.1. What is heat reservoir ? Also discuss about heat engine.

A. Heat Reservoir :
1. A heat reservoir is a body with a very large heat capacity to which,
and from which, heat can be transferred without any change in its
2. Such a body at high temperature is referred to as a high temperature
3. If heat is transferred from it, then it is considered as a heat source.
4. A body at low temperature is referred to as a low temperature
5. If heat is transferred to it, then it is considered as a heat sink.
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Thermodynamics 2–3 C (ME-Sem-3)

6. By definition, a heat reservoir is a closed system with no work

7. The environment constitutes the largest heat reservoir operating
without any change in temperature usually employed as a heat sink,
and sometimes as a heat source.
8. The mediums in the environment which are used as such are generally
the following :
a. Atmosphere air,
b. Ocean, river or well water, and
c. Ground.
9. The characteristic which remains constant for a heat reservoir is its
temperature. Hence, a heat reservoir is characterised by its
B. Heat Engine :
1. A heat engine is a thermodynamic system operating in a cycle to which
net positive amount of heat is added, and from which net positive
amount of work is obtained.

Que 2.2. Write short note on the following :

a. Heat pump, and
b. Refrigerator.

A. Heat Pump :
1. A heat pump is a reversed heat engine. It receives heat from a low
temperature reservoir (source) and rejects it to a high temperature
reservoir (sink).
2. This transfer of heat from a low temperature body to a high
temperature one is essentially a non-spontaneous process. And that
calls for the help of an external work which is supplied to the heat
pump (Fig. 2.2.1).
High temperature sink
T1 > T2
(T 1)


W Heat pump

Low temperature source

Fig. 2.2.1. A schematic diagram of a heat pump.

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2–4 C (ME-Sem-3) Second Law of Thermodynamics

3. A heat pump extracts Q2 amount of heat from the low temperature

(T2) source and delivers Q1 amount of heat to the high temperature
(T1) sink by consuming W amount of external work.
4. Now, the first law of efficiency of a heat pump cycle is usually called the
coefficient of performance.
5. It is the desired effect upon the external work supplied for obtaining
that desired effect,
Desired effect
COP = ...(2.2.1)
Work input
6. Now, the desired effect for a heat pump is to supply heat Q1 to the hot
body. Therefore,
COPHP = ...(2.2.2)
Again, Q = W
cycle cycle
(the first law of thermodynamics)

 Q1 – Q2 = W
Hence, eq. (2.2.2) becomes
COPHP = ...(2.2.3)
Q1  Q2
B. Refrigerator :
1. A refrigerator is similar to a heat pump.
2. It operates as a reversed heat engine.
3. Its duty is to extract heat as much as possible from the cold body/space
and deliver the same to high temperature body/surroundings.
4. The desired effect of a refrigerator, under a steady state, is to pump out
the heat in the same rate as is infiltrating into the system (Q2). And in
order to do so, the refrigerator or an air conditioner takes up W amount
of external work (Fig. 2.2.2).
High temperature sink
(T 1)

W Refrigerator

Low temperature source
Fig. 2.2.2. The working principle
into the cold space of the refrigerator.
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Thermodynamics 2–5 C (ME-Sem-3)

5. The desired effect of a refrigerator is to remove Q2 heat infiltrating into

the cold space.
6. By using the external work, it rejects Q1 heat to the high temperature
reservoir (surroundings). Therefore,
Desired effect Q2
COPref =  ...(2.2.4)
Work input W
Again, Q = W
cycle cycle
(The first law of thermodynamics)

 Q1 – Q2 = W
Hence, eq. (2.2.4) becomes
COPref = ...(2.2.5)
Q1  Q2
Q2 is the heat infiltrating into the cold space of the refrigerator.

Que 2.3. Define second law of thermodynamics.

1. On the basis of limitations of first law of thermodynamics, we have
two statements of second law of thermodynamics which are as
follows :
A. Kelvin-Planck Statement : According to this statement, “It is
impossible to construct a heat engine that operates in a cycle and
produces no effect other than work output and exchange of heat with
a single heat reservoir.”
B. Clausius Statement : According to this statement “It is impossible
to construct a device that operates in a cycle and produces no effect
other than the transfer of heat from a region of low temperature to
another system at high temperature.”
2. The Clausius statement implies that the heat itself cannot flow from
a region of low temperature to a region of high temperature without
the aid of external work.
3. Kelvin-Planck statement is applied to heat engines while Clausius
statement is concerned with heat pumps and refrigerators. Both the
statements of second law of thermodynamics are negative statements,
they do not have any mathematical proofs.

Que 2.4. Write Kelvin Planck and Clausius statements. Establish

the equivalence of above statements. AKTU 2013-14, Marks 10

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2–6 C (ME-Sem-3) Second Law of Thermodynamics

A. Statements : Refer Q. 2.3, Page 2–5C, Unit-2.
B. Equivalence of Kelvin-Plank and Clausius Statements :
1. Both Kelvin Planck and Clausius statements appear to be different but
both are interlinked and are complementary to each other.
2. Equivalence of these two statements can be proved by showing that
violating one statement leads to the violation of other statement and
a. Violating Kelvin Planck Statement Leads to Violation of
Clausius Statement :
1. Let’s consider a heat engine which violates Kelvin Planck statement
by absorbing heat from source at T1 and converts it completely into
 W = Q1
2. Now let’s introduce a refrigerator which gets work input from the
3. The refrigerator extracts Q2 from the low temperature heat reservoir
and rejects heat Q1 + Q2 to the high temperature heat reservoir.
4. Combining the engine the refrigerator into one system working
between same temperature limits, we observe that the sole effect of
combined system is to transfer Q2 from low temperature heat reservoir
T2 to high temperature heat reservoir without any work input thus
violating the Clausius statement Fig. 2.4.1.
High temperature heat
Heat source at T1
reservoir at T1
Q1 + Q2 Q1 Q1

W = Q1 Combined W=0
Refrige- Engine
rator system ref.

Q2 Q2
(Low temperature body) Low temperature heat
Heat sink at T2 reservoir at T2

Fig. 2.4.1. Fig. 2.4.2. Combined system

(refrigerator) violates
Clausius statement.
b. Violation of Clausius Statement Leads to Violation of Kelvin
Planck Statement :
1. Let’s consider a refrigerator which violates Clausius statement as
shown in the Fig. 2.4.3(a).
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Thermodynamics 2–7 C (ME-Sem-3)

2. Refrigerator absorbs heat Q2 from low temperature heat reservoir and

rejects the same to the high temperature reservoir without the aid of
any external work i.e., W = 0.
3. Let’s introduce a heat engine which receives heat Q1 (Q1 > Q2) from the
high temperature reservoir and rejects heat Q2 and produces work,
W = Q1 – Q2.
4. Now combining the refrigerator and heat engine into one system. We
observe that the combined system operates as a heat engine, which
receives heat from a single high temperature reservoir as Q1 – Q2 and
converts the same into equal amount of work energy without any
heat rejection.

High temperature reservoir at T1 High temperature reservoir at T1

Q2 Q1 Q1 – Q2
W = Q1 – Q2

W=0 Refrige- W = Q1 – Q2
Engine Combined system

Q2 Q2
Low temperature reservoir at T2 Low temperature reservoir at T2

(a) Violation of Clausius statement. (b) Combined system (engine)

violates Kelvin Planck statement.
Fig. 2.4.3.

5. This violate s the Kelvin Planck stateme nt of seco nd law of


Que 2.5. Shows that efficiency of an irreversible engine is always

less than the efficiency of reversible engine operating between same
temperature limit. AKTU 2011-12, Marks 10

1. According to Carnot’s theorem, “No heat engine operating in a cycle
between two given heat reservoirs, with fixed temperatures, can be
more efficient than a reversible engine operating between the same
temperature limits (or same heat reservoirs).
2. Let us consider a reversible engine EA and an irreversible engine EB
operating between the same heat reservoirs at temperatures T1 and
T2 .
3. For the same quantity of heat withdrawn from the high temperature
reservoir, the work output from these engines is W A and W B
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2–8 C (ME-Sem-3) Second Law of Thermodynamics

4. Therefore heat rejected by reversible engine will be Q – WA and by

irreversible engine will be Q – WB.
5. Let us assume that irreversible engine EB is more efficient than the
reversible engine EA.

6. Then it follows that  or WB > WA.

7. That is to say that the output of the irreversible engine is more than
that of reversible engine.

Heat source at T1 Heat source at T1



Q – WA Q – WB Q – WA Q – WB

Heat sink at T2 Heat sink at T2

(a) (b)
Fig. 2.5.1.
8. Now let the reversible engine operates as a refrigerator and the
irreversible engine (EB) still continues to act as an engine. Since the
engine EA is reversible, amount of heat and work interactions will
remain the same but their directions will be reversed. Work input to
drive the refrigerator may be received from the irreversible engine
through direct coupling between the two.
9. The Fig. 2.5.1(b) represents heat and work interactions for the
composite system constituted by the reversible engine (which is now
operating as refrigerator) and the irreversible engine.
10. The net effect is
a. No net interaction with the heat source at T1, because it supplies
and recovers back the same magnitude of heat.
b. The composite system withdraws (Q – WA) – (Q – WB) = WB – WA
units of heat from the heat sink at T2 and converts the same into
an equal amount of work output.
11. Therefore the combination of the two constitutes a perpetual motion
machine of 2nd kind violating second law of thermodynamics. Thus the
assumption that the irreversible engine is more efficient than a reversible
engine is wrong.
12. Therefore an irreversible engine cannot be more efficient than a
reversible engine operating between the same heat reservoirs.
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Thermodynamics 2–9 C (ME-Sem-3)

Que 2.6. A reversible heat engine operates between two reservoirs

at temperature of 600 °C and 40 °C. The engine drives a reversible
refrigerator which operates between reservoirs at temperature of
40 °C and – 20 °C. The heat transfer to the engine is 2 MJ and the net
work output of the combined engine and refrigerator plant is 360
kJ. Find the heat transfer to the refrigerant and the net heat transfer
to the reservoir at 40 °C. Also find these values if the efficiency of the
heat engine and COP of the refrigerator are each 40 % of their
maximum possible values.
AKTU 2011-12, Marks 06


Given : Heat reservoirs temperature for heat engine,

T1 = 600 °C, T2 = 40 °C
Heat reservoirs temperature for refrigerator,
T2 = 40 °C, T3 = – 20 °C,
Q1 = 2000 kJ, W = 360 kJ, COPref = 40 % of maximum value.
To Find : Heat transfer to the refrigerant, Net heat transfer to the
reservoir and Efficiency of heat engine.
1. Efficiency of heat engine,
T2 (273  40)
HE = 1 – =1– = 0.642
T1 (273  600)
2. Efficiency is also given as
HE =
0.642 =
W1 = 1284 kJ

T1 = (273 + 600) K T3 = (273 – 20) K

Q1 = 2000 kJ Q4
W1 W2
HE Ref

Q2 W = 360 kJ Q3 = Q4 + W 2

T2 = (273 + 40) K

Fig. 2.6.1.
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2–10 C (ME-Sem-3) Second Law of Thermodynamics

3. COP of refrigeration cycle

T3 (273  20)
COP =  = 4.22
T2  T3 (273  40)  (273  20)
4. COP also given as
COP = = 4.22
5. Since total output of system is W.
 W = W1 – W2
360 = 1284 – W2
W2 = 924 kJ
6. So, Q4 = 4.22 × W2
= 4.22 × 924 = 3899 kJ
7. Q3 = Q4 + W2
= 3899 + 924 = 4823 kJ
8. Q2 = Q1 – W1
= 2000 – 1284 = 716 kJ
9. Heat rejected to the 40 °C reservoir = Q2 + Q3
= 716 + 4823 = 5539 kJ
10. Efficiency of actual heat engine is 40 %.
 '= 0.4 × o = 0.4 × 0.642
W1 = 0.4 × 0.642 × 2000 = 513.6 kJ
W2 = 513.6 – 360 = 153.6 kJ
11. COP of the actual refrigerator
0.4 × 4.22 =
So, Q4 = 1.69 × 153.6 = 259.6 kJ
Q3 = 259.6 + 153.6 = 413.2 kJ
Q2 = Q1 – W1
= 2000 – 513.6 = 1486.4 kJ
12. Heat rejected to the 40 °C reservoir = Q2 + Q3
= 413.2 + 1486.4 = 1899.6 kJ

Que 2.7. All reversible engines working between the two

constant temperature reservoirs have the same efficiency.
Comment. AKTU 2012-13, Marks 05

1. “The efficiency of all reversible heat engines operating between the
same temperature levels is the same”.
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Thermodynamics 2–11 C (ME-Sem-3)

2. From Fig. 2.7.1, let both the heat engines HEA and HEB be reversible
and A > B. Let the rates of working of the engines be such that
Q1A = Q1B = Q1
3. Since A > B
Q1 A Q1B
Source, T1



Source, T2

Fig. 2.7.1. The cyclic heat engines HEA and HEB operating
between the same source and sink.

4. If HEB is reversed to run say, as a heat pump using some part of the
work output (WA) of engine HEA, we see that the combined system of
heat pump HEB and engine HEA, becomes a PMM2.
5. So A cannot be greater than B. Similarly, if we assume B > A and
reverse the engine HEA, we observe that B cannot be greater than
 A = B
6. Since the efficiencies of all reversible engines operating between the
same heat reservoirs are the same, the efficiency of a reversible engine
is independent of the nature or amount of the working substance
undergoing the cycle.

Que 2.8. A temperature of – 5 °C is maintained by steadily

circulating a refrigerant at low temperature through passages in
the walls of the freezer compartment of a refrigerator. The air
surrounding the refrigerator is at 27.1 °C. The power input required
to operate the refrigerator is 3316.5 kJ/h and the rate of heat
transfer from the freezer compartment to the refrigerant is
8140.5 kJ/h. Draw the system and find the coefficient of performance
of the refrigerator and compare with the coefficient of performance
of a reversible refrigeration cycle operating between the reservoirs
at the same temperature limits. Comment on the results.
AKTU 2012-13, Marks 05

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2–12 C (ME-Sem-3) Second Law of Thermodynamics


Given : T2 = – 5 °C = – 5 + 273 = 268 K,

T1 = 27.1 °C = 27.1 + 273 = 300.1 K, Q = 8140.5 kJ/h,
W = 3316.5 kJ/h
To Find : COP of refrigerator.

Source, T1
Q1 Q1
Q2 Q2
Source, T2
Fig. 2.8.1.
1. Since, (COP)ref =
Q1  Q2
Q2 = Q1 – W = 8140.5 – 3316.5 = 4824 kJ/h
 (COP)ref = = 1.45
8140.5  4824
2. Now for reversible refrigerator,
T2 268
[(COP)ref]rev =  = 8.35
T1  T2 300.1  268
 [(COP)ref]rev >> (COP)ref
Que 2.9. Discuss the irreversibility due to :
A. Heat transfer through a finite temperature difference, and
B. Free expansion process. AKTU 2012-13, Marks 05

A. Irreversibility due to Finite Temperature Difference :
1. Consider a heat source at T1 and a body at T2 as shown in the adjoining
Fig. 2.9.1 (T1 > T2).
Heat source at T1 Heat source at T1


W Refrig-

Body at T 2 Body at T2

Fig. 2.9.1.
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Thermodynamics 2–13 C (ME-Sem-3)

2. Heat Q can be transferred from heat source to the body by bringing

them in contact due to finite temperature difference.
3. If the process is to be reversed in order to restore the temperature of
the body, it requires a Carnot refrigerator (or heat pump) which would
transfer heat Q from the body at the expense of external work W and
reject (Q + W) to the heat source at T1.
4. On the completion of reversed process it is observed that work energy
of surroundings has been transformed into heat energy.
5. This transformation of work energy into heat energy is undesirable
from the view point of second law of thermodynamics.
6. Thus it can be concluded that all the processes in which heat transfer
is due to finite temperature difference are irreversible.
B. Free Expansion Process :
1. Let us consider an insulated container divided in two compartments
A and B separated by means of a diaphragm as shown in the
Fig. 2.9.2(a).

Gas at p, V, T Vaccum

Insulated container
(a) (b )
Fig. 2.9.2.
2. Compartment A has a gas system maintained at p, V and T. In
compartment B, vacuum is maintained.
3. If the diaphragm is removed, gas in the compartment A expands into
B until an equilibrium state is established.
4. During this expansion process;
heat Q = 0 (since the system is insulated)
and work W = 0 (i.e., no external work transfer)
5. From the first law of thermodynamics,
For a closed system, Q = dU + W
Here Q and W are zero.
6. Change in internal energy, dU = 0  U1 = U2
7. Only pressure and volume of the gas are changed. Now if the process
has to be reversed so that it may attain its initial state, it requires an
isothermal compression process in which work ‘W’ is supplied to the
system from the surroundings with equivalent amount of heat to be
rejected from the system to the surroundings even if the process is
carried out in the absence of friction.
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2–14 C (ME-Sem-3) Second Law of Thermodynamics

8. The sole effect of the process is the transformation of work energy of

the surroundings into the heat energy.
9. That’s why free expansion process is highly irreversible.

Que 2.10. A reversible heat engine operates between two reservoirs

at 827 °C and 27 °C. Engine drives a Carnot refrigerator maintaining
–13 °C and rejecting heat to reservoir at 27 °C. Heat input to the
engine is 2000 kJ and the net work available is 300 kJ. Determine the
heat transferred to refrigerator and total heat rejected to reservoir
at 27 °C. AKTU 2013-14, Marks 10


Given : T1 = 827 + 273 = 1100 K, W = 300 kJ,

T2 =27 + 273 = 300 K, Q1 = 2000 kJ, T3 = – 13 + 273 = 260 K
To Find : Heat transfer and total heat rejected.
T1 = 1100 K T3 = 260 K

Q1 Q4
W1 W2
Q2 W Q3 = Q4 + W 2

T2 = 300 K

Fig. 2.10.1.
1. Efficiency of heat engine,
T2 300
=1– 1– = 0.7272
T1 1100
2. Again = 0.7272
W1 = 0.7272 × Q1
= 0.7272 × 2000 = 1454.4 kJ
3. Again, at junction,
W1 – W2 = W
W2 = W1 – W
= 1454.4 – 300 = 1154.4 kJ
4. COP of refrigeration,
T3 Q
COP =  4
T2 – T3 W2
260 Q4
300 – 260 1154.4
Q4 = 7503.6 kJ
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Thermodynamics 2–15 C (ME-Sem-3)

5. Now Q3 = Q4 + W2
= 7503.6 + 1154.4 = 8658 kJ
6. Q2 = Q1 – W1 = 2000 – 1454.4 = 545.6 kJ
7. Heat rejected to the 27 °C reservoir
= Q2 + Q3 = 545.6 + 8658 = 9203.6 kJ

Que 2.11. A heat engine operating between two reservoirs at

1000 K and 300 K is used to drive a heat pump which extracts heat
from the reservoir at 300 K at a rate twice that at which the engine
ejects heat to it. If the efficiency of the engine is 40 % of the
maximum possible and the COP of the heat pump is 50 % of the
maximum possible, what is the temperature of the reservoir to
which the heat pump ejects heat ? What is the rate of heat ejection
from the heat pump if the rate of heat supply to the engine is
50 kW ? AKTU 2015-16, Marks 10


Given : T1 = 1000 K, T2 = 300 K, T3 = 300 K, HE = 0.4 (HE)max

COPHP = 0.5 × (COPHP)max, Q1 = 50 kW, Q3 = 2 Q2
To Find : Temperature of reservoir, Rate of heat rejected.

1. Since, (HE)max = 1 –
=1– = 0.7
So, HE = 0.4 × 0.7 = 0.28
2. But HE =
then, W = 0.28 × 50 = 14 kW
T1 T4

Q1 Q4

Q2 Q3

T2 T3

Fig. 2.11.1.
T4 T4
3. Since, (COPHP)max = =
T4  T3 T4  300
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2–16 C (ME-Sem-3) Second Law of Thermodynamics

So, COPHP = 0.5 × ...(2.11.1)
T4  300
4. For heat engine,
Q2 = Q1 – W = 50 – 14
Q2 = 36 kW
Since, Q3 = 2Q2 = 2 × 36 = 72 kW
5. Now, for heat pump,
Q4 = W + Q3
= 14 + 72 = 86 kW ...(2.11.2)
6. Since, we know that,
7. Now from eq. (2.11.1),
86 0.5 T4
14 T4  300
T4 – 300 = 0.08139 T 4
T4 = 326.58 K ...(2.11.3)
8. Hence from eq. (2.11.2) and eq. (2.11.3), the temperature of the
reservoir to which the heat pump rejects heat = 326.58 K, and the
rate of heat rejection from the heat pump = 86 kW

Que 2.12. Explain working of Carnot and reversed Carnot Cycle.

AKTU 2013-14, Marks 10

A. Carnot Cycle Operations (Processes) :
1. The system inside the cylinder has an initial volume and initial
pressure as indicated by the state point ‘1’ on p-V diagram.
2. Let Q1 be the heat supplied to the system at T1 (source temperature).
Since the heat supply (addition) takes place at constant temperature,
the system volume increases at constant temperature thus performing
an isothermal expansion.
a. Process 1-2 : (Isothermal Heat Addition Process)
1. During this process, the working substance (air) expands
isothermally from state ‘1’ to state ‘2’.
2. At point ‘2’ heat supply is cut off and cylinder head is brought
in contact with an insulator or adiabatic cover.
b. Process 2-3 : (Reversible Adiabatic Expansion)
1. Adiabatic cover is brought in contact with the cylinder head and
during this process, the working substance is allowed to expand
Downloaded so that
by Viresh itsMaurya
kumar temperature becomes T2.
([email protected])

Thermodynamics 2–17 C (ME-Sem-3)

c. Process 3-4 : (Reversible Isothermal Heat Rejection)

1. Adiabatic cover is removed and heat sink is brought in contact with
the cylinder head.
2. The working substance is compressed isothermally thus transferring
heat Q2 to the heat sink at T2.
d. Process 4-1 : (Reversible Adiabatic Compression)
1. The adiabatic cover is again brought in contact with the cylinder
head and the system is compressed adiabatically.
2. During this process the temperature of system is raised to T 1
from T2 and it is brought to its initial state.
Heat source T1 Cylinder with insulated walls
Insulator or air
adiabatic cover Q2

Heat sink T2

Fig. 2.12.1. Operation is Carnot cycle.

p Isothermal heat addition
1 T1 2
1 Isothermal heat addition
Adiabatic Q1
Adiabatic Q1 2 compression Adiabatic
compression Adiabatic Isothermal expansion
expansion heat rejection
4 T2 T2
4 3
Q2 3
Isothermal heat rejection
V s

Fig. 2.12.2. Carnot cycle on p- and T-s diagram.

B. Reversed Carnot Cycle :
1. A reversed Carnot cycle, using air as working medium (or refrigerant)
is shown on p-v and T-s diagrams in Fig. 2.12.3(a) and 2.12.3(b)

p3 3 3 2
T2 = T3

p2 2

p4 4 T1 = T4 1
p1 1
3' 2'
v 3 v4 v2 v1 s 4 = s3 s1 = s2
Volume Entropy
(a) p-v diagram. (b) T-s diagram.
Fig. 2.12.3. Reversed Carnot cycle.
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2–18 C (ME-Sem-3) Second Law of Thermodynamics

2. At point 1, let p1, v1, T1 be the pressure, volume and temperature of air
3. The four processes of the cycle are as follows :
a. Isentropic Compression Process :
1. The air is compressed isentropically as shown by the curve 1-2
on p-v and T-s diagrams.
2. During this process, the pressure of air increases from p1 to p2,
specific volume decreases from v1 to v2 and temperature increases
from T1 to T2.
3. We know that during isentropic compression, no heat is absorbed
or rejected by the air.
b. Isothermal Heat Rejection Process :
1. The air is now compressed isothermally (i.e., at constant
temperature, T2 = T3) as shown by the curve 2-3 on p-v and T-s
2. During this process, the pressure of air increases from p2 to p3
and specific volume decreases from v2 to v3.
3. We know that the heat rejected by the air during isothermal
compression per kg of air,
qR = q2 – 3 = Area 2–3–3–2
= T3(s2 – s3) = T2(s2 – s3)
c. Isentropic Expansion Process :
1. The air is now expanded isentropically as shown by the curve
3-4 on p-v and T-s diagrams.
2. The pressure of air decreases from p3 to p4 , specific volume
increases from v3 to v4 and the temperature decreases from T3 to
T4 .
3. We know that during isentropic expansion, no heat is absorbed
or rejected by the air.
d. Isothermal Heat Addition Process :
1. The air is now expande d isothermally (i.e., at co nstant
temperature, T4 = T1) as shown by the curve 4-1 on p-v and T-s
2. The pressure of air decreases from p4 to p1, and specific volume
increases from v4 to v1.
3. We know that the heat absorbed by the air (or heat extracted
from the cold body) during isothermal expansion per kg of air,
qA = q4 – 1 = Area 4–1–2–3
= T4(s1 – s4) = T4(s2 – s3) = T1(s2 – s3)
4. We know that work done during the cycle per kg of air
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Thermodynamics 2–19 C (ME-Sem-3)

wR = Heat rejected – Heat absorbed

= qR – qA = q2 – 3 – q4 – 1
= T2(s2 – s3) – T1(s2 – s3) = (T2 – T1)(s2 – s3)
5. Coefficient of performance of the refrigeration system working on
reversed Carnot cycle,

Heat absorbed qA q4  1
(COP)R =  
Work done qR  qA q2  3  q4  1
T1 (s2  s3 ) T1
= 
(T2  T1 )(s2  s3 ) T2  T1
6. Though the reversed Carnot cycle is the most efficient between
the fixed temperature limits, yet no refrigerator has been made
using this cycle.
7. This is due to the reason that the isentropic processes of the cycle
require high speed while the isothermal processes require an
extremely low speed.
8. This variation in speed of air is not practicable.

Que 2.13. Why Carnot cycle is a theoretical cycle ? Explain. Three

reversible engines of Carnot type are operating in series between
the limiting temperatures of 1100 K and 300 K. If the work output
from engines is in proportion of 3 : 2 : 1, determine the intermediate
temperature. AKTU 2011-12, Marks 10

A. Carnot Cycle is a Theoretical Cycle : Carnot cycle cannot be used
in a practical engine because of following reasons :
1. An isothermal (expansion or compression) process can be achieved
only if the piston moves very slowly to allow time for heat transfer so
that the temperature remains constant.
2. Adiabatic process can be achieved only if the piston moves very fast so
that heat transfer between the system and the surrounding is negligible
due to short time available. In a Carnot cycle, isothermal and adiabatic
processes take place during the same stroke and therefore the piston
has to move very slowly for part of stroke and has to move very fast
during the remaining part of the stroke. This kind of variation of piston
movement during the same stroke is not possible from kinematic
3. It is impossible to achieve a frictionless process.
4. It is not possible to transfer heat without finite difference of temperature
(according to second law of thermodynamics).
Downloaded by Viresh kumar Maurya ([email protected])

2–20 C (ME-Sem-3) Second Law of Thermodynamics

5. Real process can never be reversible process.

6. The atmosphere can be considered an infinitely large sink at constant
temperature but it is never possible to produce a large heat source
that will supply heat without change in the temperature.
7. The above reasons describe that a Carnot cycle cannot be used in a
practical engine.
B. Given : W1 : W2 : W3 = 3 : 2 : 1
To Find : The intermediate temperature.
1. Efficiency of heat engine 1 :
W1 T1  T2
1= 
Q1 T1
Since, W1 = Q1 – Q2
Q1 = W1 + Q2
W1 T  T2 W1  Q2 T1
So, = 1 or =
W1  Q2 T1 W1 T1  T2
Q T1 Q2 T1
1+ 2 = or = –1
W1 T1  T2 W1 T1  T2
Q2 T  (T1  T2 ) T2
= 1 =
W1 T1  T2 T1  T2
 
Hence, W1 = Q2 T1  T2 ...(2.13.1)
 T 
2 
T1 = 1100 K






T4 = 300 K
Fig. 2.13.1.
2. For heat engine 2 :
W T  T3
2 = 2  2
Q 2 T2 ([email protected])
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Thermodynamics 2–21 C (ME-Sem-3)

 T2  T3 
W2 = Q2 ...(2.13.2)
 T 
Since, W2 = Q2 – Q3 = W2 + Q3

W2 T  T3 T2 W  Q3
So, = 2 or = 2
W2  Q3 T2 T2  T3 W2
Q3 T2 Q3 T2
1+ = or = 1
W2 T2  T3 W2 T2  T3
Q3 T  (T2  T3 ) T3
= 2 =
W2 T2  T3 T2  T3
 T  T3 
W2 = Q3  2 ...(2.13.3)
 T3 
3. For heat engine 3 :
W3 T3  T4
3= 
Q3 T3
 T  T4 
W3 = Q3  3 ...(2.13.4)
 T3 
W1 3
Now =
W2 2
4. Put the value of W1 and W2 from eq. (2.13.1) and eq. (2.13.2).
 T  T2 
Q2  1
 T2  3
 T2  T3  2
Q2 
 T2 
2(T1 – T2) = 3(T2 – T3)
5T2 – 3T3 = 2T 1
T1 = 1100 K
5T2 – 3T3 = 2200 K ...(2.13.5)
5. Ratio of W2 and W3
W2 2
W3 1
6. Put the value of W2 and W3 from eq. (2.13.3) and eq. (2.13.4),
 T  T3 
Q3  2
 T3  2
 T3  T4  1
Q3 
 T3 

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2–22 C (ME-Sem-3) Second Law of Thermodynamics

2(T3 – T4) = T2 – T3
T2 = 3T3 – 2T4
T4 = 300 K
T2 = 3T3 – 600 ...(2.13.6)
7. Put the value of T2 into eq. (2.13.5),
5(3T3 – 600) – 3T3 = 2200
12T3 = 5200
T3 = = 433.33 K
8. Put the value of T3 in eq. (2.13.6),
T2 = 3 × 433.33 – 600  700 K

Que 2.14. Explain Carnot’s theorem. Also explain its corollary.

A. Carnot’s Theorem :
1. It states that of all heat engines operating between a given constant
temperature source and a given constant temperature sink, none has
a higher efficiency than a reversible engine.
Source, T1




Sink, T2

Fig. 2.14.1. The cyclic heat engines EA and EB operating

between the same source and sink of which EB is reversible.

2. Let two heat engines EA and EB operate between the given source at
temperature T 1 and given sink at temperature T 2 as shown in
Fig. 2.14.1.
3. Let EA be any heat engine and EB be any reversible heat engine. We
have to prove that the efficiency of EB is more than that of EA.
4. Let us assume that this is not true and A > B.
5. Let the rates of working of the engines be such that
Q1A = Q1B = Q1
Since A > B
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Thermodynamics 2–23 C (ME-Sem-3)

Q1 A Q1 B
 WA > WB
6. Now, let EB be reversed. Since EB is a reversible heat engine, the
magnitude of heat and work transfer quantities will remain the same,
but their directions will be reversed, as shown in Fig. 2.14.2.
Source, T1

Q1A Q1B Q1A = Q1 Q1B = Q1


Sink, T2 Sink, T2

Fig. 2.14.2. EA is reversed. Fig. 2.14.3. EA and  B together violate

the Kalvin-Planck statement.
7. Since WA > WB, some part of WA (equal to WB) may be fed to drive the
reversed heat engine B.
8. Since Q1A = Q1B = Q1, the heat discharged by B may be supplied to
9. The source may, therefore, be eliminated (Fig. 2.14.3). The net result
is that EA and B together constitute a heat engine which, operating
in a cycle, produces net work WA – WB, while exchanging heat with a
single reservoir at T2. Violates the Kelvin-Planck statement of the
second law. Hence the assumption that A > B is wrong.
Therefore B  A
B. Corollary of Carnot’ Theorem :
1. The efficiency of all reversible heat engines operating between the
same temperature levels is the same.
2. Let both the heat engines EA and EB (Fig. 2.14.2) be reversible.
3. Let us assume A > B.
4. Similar if EB is reversed to run, say as a heat pump using some part of
the work output (WA) of engine EA, we see that the combined system
of heat pump EB and engine EA, becomes a PMM2.
5. So A cannot be greater than B.
6. Similarly, if B > A and reverse the engine EA, then B can not be
greater than A.
7. Therefore A = B
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2–24 C (ME-Sem-3) Second Law of Thermodynamics

8. Since the efficiencies of all reversible heat engines operating between

the same heat reservoirs are the same, the efficiency of a reversible
engine is independent of the nature or amount of the working
substance undergoing the cycle.

Que 2.15. A Carnot engine operates between temperatures T1 and

T2 with efficiency 1 and other Carnot engine operates between
temperatures T2 and T3 with efficiency 2. Show that the Carnot
engine operating between temperatures T1 and T3 will have
efficiency given as (1 + 2 – 12).


Given : Carnot engine with efficiency, 1 between T1 and T2.

Other Carnot engine with efficiency, 2 between T2 and T3.
To Find : Show that, efficiency between T1 and T3 = (1 + 2 – 12).
1. Efficiency for temperature T1 and T3 is
3 = 1 – ...(2.15.1)
2. Efficiency for temperature T1 and T2 is
1 = 1 – ...(2.15.2)
3. Efficiency for temperature T2 and T3 is
2 = 1  ...(2.15.3)
4. From eq. (2.15.2), 1 T1 = T1 – T2
T1 – 1T1 = T2
T1 (1 – 1) = T2
5. Put the value of T2 in eq. (2.15.3),
2 = 1 
T1 (1  1 )
= 1 – 2
T1 (1  1 )
= (1 – 2) (1 – 1) = 1 – 1 – 2 + 12
6. Putting value of in eq. (2.15.1), we get
3 = 1 
3 = 1 – [1 – 1 – 2 + 12]
3 = 1 – 1 + 1 + 2 – 12 = 1 + 2 – 12
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Thermodynamics 2–25 C (ME-Sem-3)

Que 2.16. What is perpetual motion machine of second type ? A

gas of mass 1.5 kg undergoes a quasi-static expansion which follows
a relationship p = a + bV, where a and b are constants. The initial
and final pressures are 1000 kPa and 200 kPa respectively and the
corresponding volumes are 0.20 m3 and 1.20 m3. The specific internal
energy of the gas is given by the relation.
u = 1.5 pv – 85 kJ/kg.
Where p is in kPa and v is in m3/kg. Calculate the net heat transfer
and the maximum internal energy of the gas attained during
expansion. AKTU 2015-16, Marks 10

A. Perpetual Motion Machine of Second Kind (PMM-2) :
1. A device or machine which violates the second law of thermodynamics
is known as perpetual motion machine of second kind (PMM-2).
2. A PMM-2 will exchange heat from a single thermal (or heat) reservoir
and produce equal amount of work energy.
Heat reservoir at T1


Engine W

Q2 = 0

Heat reservoir at T2

Fig. 2.16.1.
3. If heat rejection Q2 to the heat reservoir at T2 is zero, then
Q1 = W
i.e., E =  = 100 %
Q1 W
i.e., engine is 100 % efficient.
4. This is a violation of Kelvin-Planck statement of second law of
thermodynamics. So it is impossible to construct a perpetual motion
machine of second kind.
B. Numerical :
Given : m = 1.5 kg, p1 = 1000 kPa, p2 = 200 kPa, V1 = 0.20 m3,
V2 = 1.20 m3, p = a + bV, Assume,  = 1.20.
To Find : Net heat transfer and maximum internal energy.
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2–26 C (ME-Sem-3) Second Law of Thermodynamics

1. Specific internal energy,

u = 1.5 pv – 85 kJ/kg ...(2.16.1)
2. On plotting the p-V curve,
p1 = 1000 kPa
p 2 = 200 kPa 2

V1 = 0.20 m 3 V2 = 1.20 m3
Fig. 2.16.2.
3. Net work done, from Fig. 2.16.2.
W1 – 2 = Area of (1-V1-V2-2)
= × (1.20 – 0.20) × (1000 – 200) + 200 × (1.20 – 0.20)
= 400 + 200 = 600 kJ ...(2.16.2)
4. Now from eq. (2.16.1),
Change in internal energy = u
u = u2 – u1
 V
= 1.5(p2v2 – p1v1)  v  

 1.20 0.2 
= 1.5  200   1000  
1.5 1.5 
u = 40 kJ/kg
U = 40 × 1.5 kJ
U = 60 kJ
5. Net heat transfer,
Q = dU + W
= 60 + 600
Q = 660 kJ
6. For maximum internal energy,
then (1.5pv – 85) = 0
[1.5(a + bV)v – 85] = 0 ( p = a + bV)
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Thermodynamics 2–27 C (ME-Sem-3)

d  V
[1.5(a + bmv)v – 85] = 0  v  m 
a + 2bmv = 0
 v= ...(2.16.3)
 It is given that
p = a + bV
7. Now putting the given values,
1000 = a + b × 0.20 ...(2.16.4)
200 = a + b × 1.20 ...(2.16.5)
8. After solving eq. (2.16.4) and eq. (2.16.5),
a = 1160
b = – 800
9. Putting these values in eq. (2.16.3),
 1160
2  ( 800)  1.5
v = 0.4833 m3/kg
10. Since, u = 1.5(a + bV)v – 85
= 1.5[(a + bmv)v] – 85
11. Now putting the values of a, b and v for maximum internal energy,
umax = 1.5[1160 + (– 800) × 1.5 × 0.4833] × 0.4833 – 85
umax = 335.499 kJ/kg
Umax = 1.5 × 335.499 kJ
Umax = 503.25 kJ

Clausius Inequality, Concept of Entropy, Entropy Change of Pure
Substance in Different Thermodynamic Process, TdS Equation,
Principle of Entropy Increase, T-S Diagram, Statement of the
Third Law of Thermodynamics.


Clausius Inequality : The cyclic integral of for a reversible
cycle is equal to zero.
 T
= 0

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2–28 C (ME-Sem-3) Second Law of Thermodynamics

Entropy : Entropy is a function of quantity of heat which shows the

possibility of conversion of that heat into work. The increase in
entropy is small when heat is added at a high temperature and is
greater when heat addition is made at a lower temperature. Thus
for maximum entropy, there is minimum availability for conversion
into work and for minimum entropy there is maximum availability
for conversion into work.
Third Law of Thermodynamics : The third law of thermodynamics
states, “The entropy of all perfect crystalline solid is zero at absolute
zero temperature.” The third law of thermodynamics, often referred
to as Nernst law, provides the basis for the calculation of absolute
entropies of substances.


Long Answer Type and Medium Answer Type Questions

Que 2.17. What is Clausius inequality ? Explain it with T-V


A. Clausius Inequality :
1. Clausius inequality states that, for a system undergoing a cycle
Q  Q 
  T
 0 or    I  0
T 
2. Consider a cycle LMNO. Let LM be a general process (which may be
reversible or irreversible); while other processes of cycle are reversible.
3. Let the cycle be divided into a number of elementary cycles as shown
in Fig. 2.17.1.
T = constant
L M
Q Reversible

Q 2
O O
Fig. 2.17.1.
4. Let Q – Heat supplied at T and Q2 – Heat rejected at T2
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Thermodynamics 2–29 C (ME-Sem-3)

5. For one elementary cycle LLOO,

Efficiency of the cycle
 = 1 
6. Since efficiency of a general cycle  efficiency of a reversible cycle
 Q2   Q2 
Therefore gen  rev   1   1
 Q   Q  rev
Q2  Q2  Q  Q 
>   
 Q  rev
Q Q2  Q2  rev
 Q  T
7. But for a reversible cycle,  =
 Q2  rev T2
Q T Q Q2
8. Therefore  or  for any process either reversible or
Q2 T2 T T2
Q Q
 T   T 2
irreversible and for a cycle, 

9. But for reversible cycle,   T2

 Q2 

  T2
 dS, which is zero for reversible cycle 

10.  T
   0 ; This is known as Clausius inequality.

Que 2.18. What is Clausius theorem ? Explain it with p-V diagram.

A. Clausius Theorem :
1. Consider a smooth closed curve representing a reversible cycle.
2. Let the cycle be divided in large number of strips by reversible adiabatic
and each strip be closed at top and bottom by reversible isotherms.
3. For the elemental cycle ABCD,
Let Q1 is absorbed at T1 and Q2 is rejected at T2
Q1 Q2
 =
T1 T2
4. If heat supply is taken as positive and heat rejection as negative.
Q1 Q2
 = 0 (for cycle ABCD)
T1 T2
5. Similarly for elemental cycle EFGH
Q3 Q4
 =0
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3 Viresh

2–30 C (ME-Sem-3) Second Law of Thermodynamics

p Reversible adiabatic
T5 Reversible isotherms
Q3 Q5

T2 T4
H G Q
Q2 Q4
Fig. 2.18.1.
Hence for the entire original reversible cycle
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
 +  +... = 0
T1 T2 T3 T4
  T

6. Cyclic integral of for reversible cycle is equal to zero. This is known
as Clausius theorem.
Que 2.19. Define entropy. Prove that entropy is a point function.

A. Entropy :
1. From Clausius theorem, cyclic integral of for a reversible process
is zero. It suggests that is a point function and hence a property
of system. The term is called entropy and its change from state 1
to state 2 during reversible process as
 Q 
2 2

1  T  =  dS  S2  S1
rev 1
2. Entropy is a measure of degree of randomness of molecules comprising
a system. Higher the disorderness, greater is the increase in entropy.
3. In other words, entropy is the function of quantity of heat which shows
the possibility of conversion of that heat into work. On heat addition
entropy of system increases and on heat rejection, it decreases.
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Thermodynamics 2–31 C (ME-Sem-3)

B. Entropy is a point function :

1. Consider a system taken from state ‘1’ to ‘2’ via A and is brought back to
initial state ‘1’ via B and via C.
2. From Clausius theorem, for cycle 1 – A – 2 – B – 1
Q Q
2 1

via A
T 2 via B T
 =0 ...(2.19.1)

1 C

Fig. 2.19.1.
3. For cycle 1 – A – 2 – C – 1
Q Q
2 1

1 T  2 via C T = 0
via A ...(2.19.2)

4. From eq. (2.19.1) and eq. (2.19.2),

Q Q Q
1 1 1

 T
=  T
 
 .... dS
2, B 2, C 2, D

 Q 
5. Integral of   is path independent and depends on end states
T  rev
hence it is a point function.
Que 2.20. Establish the following relations :
T2 V
a. s = cv ln + R ln 2
T1 V1
T2 p
b.  s = cp ln + R ln 1
T1 p2
p2 V
c.  s = cv ln + c p ln 2
p1 V1

A. Entropy Change During a Process :
1. Change of entropy for m kg of perfect gas during heating from state 1
(p1, V1, T1,) to state 2 (p2, V2, T2,) can be found as follows :
a. In terms of volume and temperature (V and T) :
1. From first law of thermodynamics
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2–32 C (ME-Sem-3) Second Law of Thermodynamics

Q = W + dU (for m kg of gas)
q = w + du (for per kg of gas)
2. Divide both sides by T,
q du w
= 
cv dT pdV
ds =  [  w = pdV]
2 2
dV  p R
 ds =  c  pV  RT , T  V 
T 1 V
 R
1 1
 
T2 V
s2 – s1 = cv ln  R ln 2
T1 V1
T2 V
s = cv ln  R ln 2 [per kg] ...(2.20.1)
T1 V1
b. In terms of p and T :
p1V1 pV
1. From equation of state = 2 2
T1 T2
V2 p T
= 1 2
V1 p2 T1
2. Put in eq. (2.20.1),
T2 p T
s = cv ln  R ln  1 2 
T1  p2 T1 
T2  p T 
= cv ln  [ c p  cv ]  ln 1  ln 2 
T1  p2 T1 
T2 p T p T
= cv ln  c p ln 1  c p ln 2  cv ln 1  cv ln 2
T1 p2 T1 p2 T1
T2 p
= c p ln  ( c p  cv ) ln 1
T1 p2
T2 p
s = c p ln  R ln 1 ...(2.20.2)
T1 p2
c. In terms of p and V :
p1 V1 pV T p V
1. From = 2 2 2  2 2
T1 T2 T1 p1 V1
2. Put in eq. (2.20.1),
 p V  V
s = cv ln  2 2   R ln 2
 1 1 
p V V1
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Thermodynamics 2–33 C (ME-Sem-3)

p2 V V
= cv ln  cv ln 2  (c p  cv )ln 2
p1 V1 V1
p2 V V V
= cv ln  cv ln 2  cp ln 2  cv ln 2
p1 V1 V1 V1
p2 V
s = cv ln  c p ln 2 ...(2.20.3)
p1 V1

Que 2.21. Derive the following Tds equation :

Tds = cv dT + dv

1. As we know that, s = f (T, v)
 s   s 
ds =  dT +   dv
 T  v
v T
 s   s 
or Tds = T   dT  T   dv ...(2.21.1)
T  v v T
2. But for reversible constant volume change,
dq = cv(dT)v = T(ds)v
 s 
or cv = T   ...(2.21.2)
T  v
 s   p 
We know,   =   [Maxwell’s equation]
v T T  v
3. Substituting in eq. (2.21.1), we get
 p 
Tds = cvdT + T   dv ...(2.21.3)
T  v
 p   T   v 
Now,    
T  v  v  p  p  T
4. =–1

 p   v   p  v 
   = –       ...(2.21.4)
T  v T  p  v  T Kv K
5. From eq. (2.21.3) and eq. (2.21.4), we get
Tds = cvdT + dv
Que 2.22. Explain the entropy principle and apply it to a closed

system. AKTU 2016-17, Marks 10

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2–34 C (ME-Sem-3) Second Law of Thermodynamics

A. Entropy Principle :
1. According to this principle, “Entropy of an isolated system either
increases, or in the limit, remains constant.”
2. An isolated system does not undergo any energy interaction (i.e., work
or heat energy) with its surroundings, and the total energy of all the
possible states remains constant. Therefore for an isolated system,
Q = 0
 (dS)Isolated  0
If the process is reversible, (dS)Isolated = 0 and if the process is irreversible,
(dS)Isolated > 0.
3. From above we see that the entropy of an isolated system can never
decrease. It always increases with every irreversible process and
remains constant during a reversible process. This is called “Principle
of entropy increase”.
B. Entropy Principle for a Closed System :
1. Let’s consider a piston cylinder arrangement substance at p1, T1 and V1
is expanded reversibly to close state at po, Vo and To.
The working substance expands and Wexpansion is obtained.

System Atmosphere at po, Vo and To

p1, V1, T1 Wexpansion (expansion work)

engine Woutput from engine

To ( S1 – So)

Fig. 2.22.2.
2. From the law of conservation of energy,
Q = dU + W
– Q = Wexpansion + (Uo – U1)
(Heat interaction is negative because it leaves the system.)
Therefore Wexpansion = (U1 – Uo) – Q
3. This heat rejected from the piston-cylinder arrangement can be used
to run a reversible heat engine. Work output of the reversible engine
is equal to
To  T 
Wengine = Q  Q  Q 1  o 
T  T
 Wengine = Q – To (S1 – So)
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Thermodynamics 2–35 C (ME-Sem-3)

4. Maximum work obtained from the cylinder piston assembly is the sum
of Wexpansion and Wengine.
Wmax = Wexpansion + Wengine
= [(U1 – Uo) – Q + Q – To (S1 – So)]
= (U1 – Uo) – To (S1 – So)
And surrounding work, Wsurrounding = po (Vo – V1)
(This is the work which the piston, while moving outwards, has to
spend in pushing the atmosphere against its own pressure.)
5. Therefore maximum available useful net work,
Wnet = Wmax – Wsurrounding
= (U1 – Uo) – To (S1 – So) – po (Vo – V1)
= (U1 + poV1 – ToS1) – (Uo + poVo – ToSo) = A1 – Ao
Where A = U + poV – To S is called non-flow availability function. This
is a composite property of the system and surrounding because it
consists of extensive properties (internal energy U, volume V and
entropy S) and intensive property of the environment (pressure po
and temperature To).
Thus availability is a function of properties of the surrounding and
also of end states of the closed system.
6. Entropy change for a closed system can be calculated from the relation,
Q = dU + W
TdS = m cv dT + pdV
m cv dT pdV
dS = 
 Q 
 dS  T , dU  mcv dT and W  pdV 
 
7. Integrating between initial and final states, we have
2 2 2
m cv dT mRdV
 dS
= 
1 T
1 V
 p mR 
 pV  mRT ,  T  V 
 
T2 V
S2 – S1 = m cv ln  m R ln 2
T1 V1

Que 2.23. Calculate the change in entropy when 0.2 m3 of air at

1 bar and 59.9 °C is compressed to 0.051 m3 according to the law
pV1.29 = constant. Take R = 0.287 kJ/kg-K and adiabatic index is 1.4.
Draw the p-V and T-s diagrams also. AKTU 2012-13, Marks 05

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2–36 C (ME-Sem-3) Second Law of Thermodynamics

Given : V1 = 0.2 m3, p1 = 1 bar, T1 = 59.9 °C = 59.9 + 273 = 332.9 K,
V2 = 0.051 m3, pV1.29 = Constant, R = 0.287 kJ/kg-K = cp – cv,
 = 1.4 =  cp = 1.4cv
To Find : Change in entropy.

1. p1(V1)1.29 = p2(V2)1.29
V 
 0.2 
p2 = p1  1  1 = 5.83 bar
 V2   0.051 
2. For a polytropic process,
V2  T  n1
=  1
V1  T2 
 0.051   332.9  1.29  1
  = 
0.2  T2 
 332.9 
0.255 = 
 T2 
T2 = = 494.68 K
(0.255)1/ 3.45
3. Now change in entropy,
n  T
s2 – s1 = cv  ln 2 per kg of air
 n  1  T1
4. Now, cp – cv = 0.287
1.4cv – cv = 0.287
cv = 0.7175 kJ/kg-K
 1.29  1.4   494.68 
 s2 – s1 = 0.7175  ln 
 1.29  1   332.9 
= – 0.107 kJ/kg-K
Negative sign shows compression process.
p-V and T-s diagrams :
2 2

p T

1 1
V s
Fig. 2.23.1.
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Thermodynamics 2–37 C (ME-Sem-3)

Que 2.24. Prove : Entropy of an isolated system always increases.

1. Let’s consider an isolated system as shown in the Fig. 2.24.1.

System Q Surroundings
Tsys Tsurr

Fig. 2.24.1.
2. Let Q be an irreversible heat transfer from the system to the
(dS)system =  (negative sign due to heat loss)
and (dS)surrounding = (positive sign due to heat gain)
3. Therefore, entropy change for the isolated system or surrounding is
given by :
Q Q
(dS)isolated = (dS)system + (dS)surrounding =  
Tsystem Tsurrounding
 1 1 
(dS)isolated = Q   0
 surrounding
T T 
system 

i.e., the entropy of an isolated system gets increased if the isolated

system undergoes an irreversible process.
4. If Tsystem = Tsurroundings, the process will take place in a reversible manner
and the entropy will remain constant.
5. Thus it can be calculated that dS  0 for an isolated system.

Que 2.25. Deduce two T-dS relations. A metal block of 5 kg and

200 °C is cooled in a surrounding of air which is at 30 °C. If the
specific heat of metal is 0.4 kJ/kg-K, calculate :
i. Entropy change of block.
ii. Entropy change of universe surrounding.
iii. Entropy change of universe. AKTU 2013-14, Marks 10

A. T-dS Relations :
1. From first law of thermodynamics as applied to closed system process,
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2–38 C (ME-Sem-3) Second Law of Thermodynamics

Q = W + dU
Q = pdV + dU ( W = pdV) ...(2.25.1)
2. From second law of thermodynamics,
 Q 
dS =  i.e., Q = T.dS ...(2.25.2)
 T  rev
3. From eq. (2.25.1) and eq. (2.25.2)
TdS = pdV + dU ...(2.25.3)
This is the first T-dS relation.
4. Since Enthalpy, H = U + pV ...(2.25.4)
5. Putting in differential form
dH = d(U + pV)
dH = dU + pdV + Vdp ...(2.25.5)
 TdS = pdV + dU (From eq. (2.25.3))
 dU = TdS – pdV
put dU = TdS – pdV in eq. (2.25.5)
dH = TdS – pdV + pdV + Vdp
dH = TdS + Vdp
or T-dS = dH – Vdp ...(2.25.6)
This is second T-dS relation.
B. Numerical :
Given : m = 5 kg, T1 = 200 + 273 = 473 K,
T2 = 30 + 273 = 303 K, c = 0.4 kJ/kg-K
To Find : Entropy of change of block, entropy change of universe
surrounding and entropy change of universe.
1. Entropy change of block :
(S)1 = mc ln
= 5 × 0.4 × ln = – 0.89 kJ/K
2. Entropy change of surrounding :
Q mc (T1  T2 )
(S)2 = 
T2 T2
5  0.4(473 – 303)
= = 1.12 kJ/K
3. Entropy change of universe :
(S) = (S)1 + (S)2
= – 0.89 + 1.12 = 0.23 kJ/K

Que 2.26. Show that the entropy change for a polytropic process
is given by the following expressions :

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Thermodynamics 2–39 C (ME-Sem-3)

a. ds = (cp – ncv) ln (in terms of volume ratio)
c p  n cv p1
b. ds = ln (in terms of pressure ratio)
n p2
   n T
c. ds =  cv ln 1 (in terms of temperature ratio)
 n  1  T2

a. In Terms of Volume Ratio :
1. For a polytropic process, changes in entropy can be represented as
q   n w
ds =  
T  1 T
  n q 
 q    1 w for polytropic process and ds  T 
 
  n pdV
ds = ( w = pdV)
 1 T
  n RdV  p R
ds =  pV  RT   
 1 V T V
2. Integrating between state 1 and 2,
 n
2 2
 ds =   1R
1 V

 n V
s2 – s1 = R ln 2
 1 V1
 R  V2  R 
s = (  n)  ln  cv    1 
   1  V1
s = (  n) cv ln
c  V  cp 
=  p  n cv ln 2    c 
 cv  V1 v

(c p  n cv ) V2
= cv ln
cv V1
s = (c p  n cv ) ln ...(2.26.1)
The above expression represents an entropy change in terms of volume
b. In Terms of Pressure Ratio :
1. Now from polytropic law,
pVn = C
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2–40 C (ME-Sem-3) Second Law of Thermodynamics

We obtain, p1V1n = p2V2n

p1  V2  V2  p1  n
=    
V1  p2 
or ...(2.26.2)
p2  V1 
2. Put this volume ratio in eq. (2.26.1),
 
1 1
 p1  n V2  p1  n
s = (c p  n cv ) ln     
 p2   V1  p2  

(c p  n cv )  1

p1 ln  p1   1 ln  p1   ...(2.26.3)
s = ln
n p2  
 p2   
n  p2  

The above expression for change in entropy is in terms of pressure
c. In Terms of Temperature Ratio :
1. Again from polytropic law,
n 1
T2  p2  n
=  
T1  p1 
 p2   T2  n1
or =
 p1   T1 
 n 
T   n1 
or =  2 ...(2.26.4)
p2  T1 

2. From eq. (2.26.4) put in eq. (2.26.3) we get

(c p  n cv ) T  n 1
s = ln  2 
n T  1

(c p  n cv )  n  T ( cp  n cv ) T
=   ln 2 =  ln 2
n  n  1  T1 n 1 T1

( cv  n cv ) T  cp 
=  ln 2  c   ,  c p  cv 
n 1 T1 v

cv (  n) T2
s =  ln
n 1 T1
cv (  n) T
 s = ln 1 ...(2.26.5)
n 1 T2
The above expression represents entropy change in terms of
temperature ratio.
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Thermodynamics 2–41 C (ME-Sem-3)

Que 2.27. Explain why the slope of constant volume line is more
than the slope of constant pressure line.
AKTU 2011-12, Marks 06

1. For ideal gas
Tds = du + pdV
= cvdT + pdV
2. At constant volume
Tds = cvdT
 dT  T
 ds  = ...(2.27.1)
v cv
Again, Tds = dh – Vdp
Tds = cpdT – Vdp
3. At constant pressure

Fig. 2.27.1.

 dT  T
 ds  = ...(2.27.2)
p c p
4. Since cp > cv
So >
cv cp

 dT   dT 
and   >  
ds  v  ds  p
Now we can say that slope of constant volume line is greater than
slope of constant pressure line.

Que 2.28. One kg of air occupies 0.084 m3 at 12.5 bar and 537 °C. It
is expanded at constant temperature to a final volume of
0.336 m3. Calculate :
a. Pressure at the end of expansion.
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2–42 C (ME-Sem-3) Second Law of Thermodynamics

b. Work done during expansion.

c. Heat absorbed by the air.
d. Change of entropy. AKTU 2011-12, Marks 06


Given : p1 = 12.5 bar, T1 = 537 °C, V1 = 0.084 m3, V2 = 0.336 m3

To Find : Pressure at the end of expansion, work done during
expansion, heat absorbed by the air and change of entropy.
a. Pressure at the end of expansion :
p1V1 = p2V2
12.5 × 0.084 = p2 × 0.336
p2 = 3.125 bar
p 12.5
b. Work done : W = p1V1 ln 1 = 12.5 × 0.084 ln = 1.45 kW
p2 3.125
c. Heat absorbed by the air :
Q = W = 1.45 kW
d. Entropy change :
p 12.5
S2 – S1 = mR ln 1 = 1 × 0.287 × ln = 0.397 kJ/K
p2 3.125

Que 2.29. Find the change in entropy of steam generated at

400 ºC from 5 kg of water at 27 ºC and atmospheric pressure. Take
specific heat of water to be 4.2 kJ/kg-K, heat of vapourization at
100 ºC as 2260 kJ/kg and specific heat for steam given by;
cP = R (3.5 + 1.2T + 0.14T2) J/kg-K
AKTU 2014-15, Marks 05


Given : m = 5 kg, C = 4.2 kJ/kg-K, T2 = 100 °C, T2 = 27 °C

T3 = 400 °C, heat of vapourization = 2260 kJ/kg
To Find : Change in entropy of steam generated at 400 °C.
1. Total entropy change = Entropy change during water temperature
rise (S1) + Entropy change during water to
steam change (S2) + Entropy change during
steam temperature rise (S3)
2. Heat added for increasing water temperature from 27 °C to 100 °C.
where, Q1 = mcpT = 5 × 4.2 × (100 – 27) = 1533 kJ
S1 =
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Thermodynamics 2–43 C (ME-Sem-3)

Therefore, S1 = = 5.11 kJ/K
3. Entropy change during water to steam change
S2 =
Heat of vapourization Q2 = 5 × 2260 = 11300 kJ
Entropy change, S2 = = 30.28 kJ/K.
4. Entropy change during steam temperature rise :
S3 =  T

dQ = mcp. dT; for steam, R = = 0.462 kJ/kg-K
Therefore, cp for steam = 0.462 (3.5 + 1.2 T + 0.14T2) × 10–3
= (1.617 + 0.5544 T + 0.065 T2) × 10–3
 1.617 
S3 =  5  10  3  
 T
 0.5544  0.065T  dT

= 51843.49 × 10–3 kJ/K
S3 = 51.84 kJ/K
5. Total entropy change
= 5.11 + 30.28 + 51.84 = 87.23 kJ/K

Que 2.30. Each of three identical bodies satisfies the equation

U= CT, where C is the heat capacity of each of the bodies. Their
initial temperatures are 200 K, 250 K, and 540 K. If C = 8.4 kJ/K,
what is the maximum amount of work that can be extracted in a
process in which these bodies are brought to a final common
temperature ? AKTU 2015-16, Marks 10


Given : T1 = 540 K, T2 = 250 K, T3 = 200 K, C = 8.41 kJ/K

To Find : Maximum amount of work.
1. Assuming final temperature of three bodies = TF.
2. According to entropy principle for maximum work output,
(S)universe = 0
(S)1 + (S)2 + (S)3 = 0
 T   T   T 
C ln  F  + C ln  F  + C ln  F  = 0
540  250   200 

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2–44 C (ME-Sem-3) Second Law of Thermodynamics

200 K 250 K 540 K

Q3 Q2 Q1


Fig. 2.30.1.

 TF3 
 ln  =0
 540  250  200 
TF 3
 = e0 = 1
540  250  200
TF = 300 K
3. According to first law of thermodynamics,
q = du + w
4. For maximum work, dq = 0 ;
(dw)max = – du = u1 – u2
It is given that u = CT
So, (w1)max = 8.4 (540 – 300) (where, C = 8.4 kJ/K)
= 2016 kJ
(w2)max = 8.4 (250 – 300) = – 420 kJ
(w3)max = 8.4 (200 – 300) = – 840 kJ
5. (wnet)max = (w1)max + (w2)max + (w3)max
= 2016 – 420 – 840 = 756 kJ.

Que 2.31. Explain Third law of Thermodynamics.

1. According to the third law of thermodynamics, “Entropy of all
homogeneous crystalline substances in equilibrium state is zero at
absolute zero temperature.”
2. The degree of atomic or molecular activity of a substance depends on
its temperature. As the absolute zero temperature is approached, the
randomness of molecules tends to decrease and at absolute zero
temperature the entropy becomes zero.
3. It suggests that the entropy ceases to be a function of state at absolute
zero temperature.
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Thermodynamics 2–45 C (ME-Sem-3)

Mathematically, lim S = 0
T 0

4. But for many substances like alloys, amorphous bodies, chemical

compounds such as carbon mono oxide, NO, etc; entropy does not tend
to zero as T  0 but takes some finite positive value at absolute zero
temperature. The reason being that these substances are not found
in equilibrium state.
5. The third law of thermodynamics provides absolute base which helps
in measuring the entropy of each substance. The third law is also
helpful in measuring the chemical affinity (i.e., action of chemical
forces of reacting substances), explaining behaviour of solids at low
temperature and analyzing the chemical and phase equilibrium.
Que 2.32. Discuss the significance of Clausius inequality and

third law of thermodynamics. AKTU 2014-15, Marks 05

A. Significance of Clausius Inequality :
1. In case of a reversible engine for which
 Q 
    0,
T 

reverse the engine and for the reversible heat pump obtained it is
possible to develop the expression,
 Q 
–    0
T 

2. The negative sign indicates that the heat transfers have all reversed
in direction when the engine was reversed. This means that for the
same machine we have two relations which are only satisfied in the
reversible case,
 Q 
  0
T 

3. For a reversible case, as the number of reservoirs used tends to infinity,

the limiting value of the summation will be
 Q 
  0
T 

4. In other words the Clausius inequality may be expressed as follows :

When a system performs a reversible cycle, then
 Q 
  =0
T 
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2–46 C (ME-Sem-3) Second Law of Thermodynamics

but when the cycle is not reversible

 Q 
   < 0.
T 
B. Significance of Third law of Thermodynamics :
1. The third law of thermodynamics is stated as follow :
“The entropy of all perfect crystalline solids is zero at absolute zero
2. The third law of thermodynamics, often referred to as Nernst Law,
provides the basis for the calculation of absolute entropies of
According to this law, if the entropy is zero at T = 0 the absolute
entropy sab of a substance at any temperature T and pressure p is
expressed by the expression.
Ts  Tf 1 dT hsf T T dT hfg T dT
sab =
0 c ps

Ts Ts
 f 2 g c pf

Tg Tg
 c pg
Where T = Tf1 = Tsf = Tsat ... for fusion,
Tf2 = Tg = Tfg = Tsat ... for vapourization
cps, cpf, cpg = Constant pressure specific heats for solids,
liquids and gas,
hsf, hfg = Latent heats of fusion and vapourization.
3. Thus by putting s = 0 at T = 0, one may integrate zero Kelvin and
standard state of 298.15 K and 1 atm., and find the entropy difference.
Further, it can be shown that the entropy of a crystalline substance
at T = 0 is not a function of pressure, viz.,
 s 
 p  =0
T 0
4. However, at temperatures above absolute zero, the entropy is a
function of pressure also. The absolute entropy of a substance at
1 atm pressure can be calculated using eq. (2.32.1); for pressure difference
from 1 atm, necessary corrections have to be applied.


Following questions are very important. These questions
may be asked in your SESSIONALS as well as

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Thermodynamics 2–47 C (ME-Sem-3)

Q. 1. Define second law of thermodynamics.

Ans. Refer Q. 2.3, Unit-2.

Q. 2. Write Kelvin Planck and Clausius statements. Establish

the equivalence of above statements.
Ans. Refer Q. 2.4, Unit-2.

Q. 3. Discuss the irreversibility due to :

a. Heat transfer through a finite temperature difference, and
b. Free expansion process.
Ans. Refer Q. 2.9, Unit-2.

Q. 4. Explain working of Carnot and reversed Carnot cycle.

Ans. Refer Q. 2.12, Unit-2.

Q. 5. Why Carnot cycle is a theoretical cycle ? Explain. Three

reversible engines of Carnot type are operating in series
between the limiting temperatures of 1100 K and 300 K. If
the work output from engines is in proportion of 3 : 2 : 1,
determine the intermediate temperature.
Ans. Refer Q. 2.13, Unit-2.

Q. 6. Explain Carnot’s theorem. Also explain its corollary.

Ans. Refer Q. 2.14, Unit-2.

Q. 7. What is Clausius inequality ? Explain it with T-v diagram.

Ans. Refer Q. 2.17, Unit-2.

Q. 8. Explain the entropy principle and apply it to a closed system.

Ans. Refer Q. 2.22, Unit-2.

Q. 9. Prove : Entropy of an isolated system always increase.

Ans. Refer Q. 2.24, Unit-2.

Q. 10. Discuss the significance of Clausius inequality and third

law of thermodynamics.
Ans. Refer Q. 2.32, Unit-2.


Downloaded by Viresh kumar Maurya ([email protected])


Thermodynamics 3–1 C (ME-Sem-3)

3 Availability and

Part-1 ........................................................................... (3–2C to 3–15C)

• Available and Unavailable Energy

• Second Law Efficiency
• Helmholtz and Gibb’s Function

A. Concept Outline : Part-1 ............................................................. 3–2C

B. Long and Medium Answer Type Questions ............................... 3–2C

Part-2 ......................................................................... (3–15C to 3–22C)

• Maxwell’s Equations
• Clapeyron’s Equation

A. Concept Outline : Part-2 .......................................................... 3–15C

B. Long and Medium Answer Type Questions ............................ 3–16C

Downloaded by Viresh kumar Maurya ([email protected])


3–2 C (ME-Sem-3) Availability and Irreversibility

Available and Unavailable Energy, Availability and Irreversibility,
Second Law Efficiency, Helmholtz and Gibb’s Function.


Available and Unavailable Energy : The maximum work output
obtained from a certain heat input in a cyclic heat engine is called
the available energy, or the available part of the energy supplied.
The minimum energy that has to be rejected to the sink by the
second law is called the unavailable energy or the unavailable part
of the energy supplied.
Availability : The availability of a given system is defined as the
maximum useful work (total work minus pdv work) that is obtainable
in a process in which the system comes to equilibrium with its
surroundings. Availability is thus a composite property depending
on the state of both the system and surroundings.


Long Answer Type and Medium Answer Type Questions

Que 3.1. What is available and unavailable energy ?

A. Available and Unavailable Energy :
1. The part of heat energy input in a cyclic heat engine which gets converted
into mechanical work is known as available energy.
2. That part of heat energy which is not utilizable and is to be rejected to
the surroundings is known as ‘unavailable energy’.
3. The term ‘exergy’ is synonymous with available energy and the term
‘anergy’ is synonymous with unavailable energy. Therefore, Energy =
exergy + anergy.
4. The concept of availability is related to the maximum amount of
theoretical work (without dissipative effects) which can be obtained
from a system at a given state upto in dead state.
5. Maximum useful work obtained under such ideal conditions is known
as available energy of the system and the part of energy rejected is
known as unavailable energy.
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Thermodynamics 3–3 C (ME-Sem-3)

6. It is worthwhile to note that when the system reaches its dead state, the
transfer of energy ceases, though the system contains internal energy
but this energy cannot be referred to as available energy.

Que 3.2. Explain the availability of a closed system.

A. Availability of a Closed System :
1. Let’s consider a piston cylinder arrangement substance at p1, T1 and V1
is expanded reversibly to close state at p0, V0 and T0.
2. The working substance expands and Wexpansion is obtained.


System atmosphere at po, Vo and To

p 1V1T 1 Wexpansion (expansion work)

engine Woutput from engine

To(S 1 – S0)

Fig. 3.2.1.
3. From the law of conservation of energy,
Q = dU + W
– Q = Wexpansion + (U0 – U1)
(Heat interaction is negative because it leaves the system.)
Therefore, Wexpansion = (U1 – U0) – Q
4. This heat rejected from the piston-cylinder arrangement can be used to
run a reversible heat engine. Work output of the reversible engine is
equal to
To  T 
Wengine = Q  Q  Q 1  o 
T  T
 Wengine = Q – T0 (S1 – S0)
5. Maximum work obtained from the cylinder piston assembly is the sum
of Wexpansion and Wengine.
Wmax = Wexpansion + Wengine
= [(U1 – U0) – Q] + [Q – T0 (S1 – S0)]
= (U1 – U0) – T0 (S1 – S0)
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3–4 C (ME-Sem-3) Availability and Irreversibility

6. Surrounding work, Wsurrounding = p0 (V0 – V1)

This is the work which the piston, while moving outwards, has to spend
in pushing the atmosphere against its own pressure.
7. Therefore maximum available useful network,
Wnet = Wmax – Wsurrounding
= (U1 – U0) – T0 (S1 – S0) – p0 (V0 – V1)
= (U1 + p0V1 – T0S1) – (U0 + p0V0 – T0S0)
= A1 – A0
Where A = U + p0V – T0 S is called non-flow availability function.
8. This is a composite property of the system and surroundings because it
consists of extensive properties (internal energy U, volume V and entropy
S) and intensive property environment pressure p0 and temperature T0).
Thus availability is a function of properties of the surroundings and also
of end states of the closed system.
9. Entropy change for a closed system can be calculated from the relation;
Q = dU + W
TdS = m cV dT + pdV
mcV dT pdV
dS = 
 Q 
 dS  T , dU  mcV dT and W  pdV 
 
10. Integrating between initial and final states, we have
2 2
 p mR 
mcV dT mRdV
 dS = 
V  pV  mRT ,  T  V 
 

T2 V
S2 – S1 = mcV ln  mR ln 2
T1 V1

Que 3.3. Explain the availability of open system.

A. Availability of an Open System :
1. Let’s consider a steady flow system and let the working substance has
following parameters :
u — Specific internal energy
v — Specific volume
h — Specific enthalpy
p — Pressure
C — Velocity
Z — Elevation

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Thermodynamics 3–5 C (ME-Sem-3)

2. When the working substance flows through a system, its properties will
3. At the inlet of a system let fluid properties and characteristics be written
as u1, v1, h1, p1, C1 and Z1.
4. At the outlet the corresponding values will be u0, v0, h0, p0, C0 and Z0.
5. Let Q be the heat rejected by the system and W be the work done by the
6. The SFEE can be written as
C12 C2
u1 + p1v1 + + gZ1 – q = u0 + p0v0 + 0 + gZ0 + w
2 2
Inlet Outlet
p1, v1, T1 p0, v0, T0

engine wengine

T0(s1 – s0)

Fig. 3.3.1. Availability of a steady flow system.

7. Let changes in kinetic and potential energies be negligible

i.e., KE = 0 and PE = 0
8. The SFEE is reduced to
u1 + p1v1 – q = u0 + p0v0 + w
But enthalpy h = u + pv
 h1 – q = h0 + w
or w = (h1 – h0) – q (w is the shaft work)
9. The output of this engine,
wengine = q – q
 T
= q  1  o  = q – T0 (s1 – s0)
 T1 
10. Therefore, maximum available net work
wnet = w + wengine = (h1 – h0) – q + q – T0 (s1 – s0)
= (H1 – T0S1) – (H0 – T0S0)
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kumar B0 ([email protected])

3–6 C (ME-Sem-3) Availability and Irreversibility

Where, B = h – T0 s is called steady flow availability function.

It is also a composite property of system and surroundings.
11. Entropy change can be found from the property and relation,
dh vdp
Tds = dh – vdp  ds = 
12. Integrating between initial and final states
2 2
C p dT 2 dp  v R
1 ds = 1 T  1 R p  pv  RT , 
 T
 
T p
s2 – s1 = Cp ln 2  R ln 2
T1 p1
T2 p
13. S2 – S1 = mcp ln  mR ln 2 therefore, for mass m1
T1 p1

Que 3.4. Discuss exergy destruction. A reversible engine, as

shown in Fig. 3.4.1, during a cycle of operations draws 5 MJ from the
400 K reservoir and does 840 kJ of work. Find the amount and
direction of heat interaction with other reservoirs.
200 K 300 K 400 K

Q3 Q2 Q1 = 5 MJ

W = 840 kJ

Fig. 3.4.1.

A. Exergy Destruction :
1. In thermodynamics, the exergy of a system is the maximum useful
work possible during a process that brings the system into equilibrium
with a heat reservoir.
2. When the surroundings are the reservoir, exergy is the potential of a
system to cause a change as it achieves equilibrium with its environment.
3. Exergy is the energy that is available to be used. After the system and
surroundings reach equilibrium, the exergy is zero.
4. Determining exergy was also the first goal of thermodynamics.
5. Exergy is never destroyed during a process, it changes from one form to
another. In contrast, exergy accounts for the irreversibility of a process
due to increase in entropy.
6. Exergy is always destroyed when a process involves a temperature
change. This destruction is proportional to the entropy increase of the
system together with its surroundings. The destroyed exergy has been
called anergy.
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Thermodynamics 3–7 C (ME-Sem-3)

B. Numerical :
1. Assuming the positive direction of Q1, Q2 and Q3 as shown in Fig. 3.4.2.

200 K 300 K 400 K

Q3 Q2 Q1 = 5 MJ

W = 840 kJ
Fig. 3.4.2.
2. Then, according to first law of thermodynamics,
Q1 + Q2 + Q3 = W
Q2 + Q3 = 0.840 – 5
Q2 + Q3 = – 4.16 MJ ...(3.4.1)
3. Now, according to Clausius inequality principle,
Q1 Q Q
 2  3 =0
400 300 200
Q2 Q3 5
 = or 2Q2 + 3Q3 = – 7.5 ...(3.4.2)
3 2 4
4. On solving eq. (3.4.1) and eq. (3.4.2),
Q2 = – 4.98 MJ, Q3 = + 0.82 MJ

Que 3.5. What is meant by irreversibility and effectiveness of

systems ?

1. Maximum useful work (or net work), from a system corresponds to a
reversible process in which the system has heat interaction with the
environments. Since the processes in real practice are irreversible, the
actual work done by the system for the given change of state is always
less than reversible work.
2. Therefore, irreversibility of a process is defined as the difference of
reversible work and the actual work.
3. In mathematical form,
Irreversibility, I = Wrev – Wuseful
I = (U1 – ToS1) – (U2 – To S2) – [– Q – (U2 – U1)]
= Q + To (S2 – S1)
4. Change in entropy of surroundings due to heat addition at constant
atmospheric temperature, To is
(dS)surrounding =
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3–8 C (ME-Sem-3) Availability and Irreversibility

or Q = To (dS)surrounding
Therefore, irreversibility, I = To (dS)system + To (dS)surrounding
I = To (dS)universe
5. From the above expression irreversibility equals the product of entropy
production and surroundings temperature.
6. The expression T o (dS) universe also represents an increase in the
unavailable part of energy (or Anergy) and therefore it can be stated
that irreversibility causes an increase in Anergy.
Que 3.6. What is the importance of availability, effectiveness and
irreversibility ?

1. First law of thermodynamics has given the concept of efficiency which
can be applied to cycles only, while the concept of availability,
irreversibility and effectiveness have been derived from second law of
thermodynamics and these concepts are applicable to both processes
and cycles.
2. These concepts also help in analyzing the processes since they show the
deviation of actual processes from ideal processes; therefore, these
concepts suggest the improvement in thermodynamic cycles.
3. The derived concepts of availability, irreversibility and effectiveness are
particularly useful in heat transfer processes between two fluids while
first law of thermodynamics does not show any irreversibility during
the process.

Que 3.7. Two tanks A and B contain 1 kg of air at 1 bar, 50 ºC and

3 bar, 50 ºC when atmosphere is at 1 bar, 15 ºC. Identify the tank in
which stored energy is more. Also find the availability of air in each
tank. AKTU 2014-15, Marks 05


Given : po = 1 bar, To = 15 + 273, = 288 K,

For air cp = 1.005 kJ/kg-K, cv = 0.71 kJ/kg-K, R = 0.287 kJ/kg-K
To Find : The tank in which stored energy is more and availability of
air in each tank
p1 = 1 bar p2 = 3 bar
T1 = 50 + 273 T2 = 50 + 273
= 323 K = 323 K
m1= 1 kg m2= 1 kg
Tank A Tank B
1. For tank A, availability
Downloaded is expressed
by Viresh kumar as per unit mass,
Maurya ([email protected])

Thermodynamics 3–9 C (ME-Sem-3)

Wmax = (u1 – uo) + po(V1 – Vo) – To(s1 – so)

T T   T p 
= cv(T1 – To) + poR  1  o  – To  c p ln 1  R ln 1 
 p1 po   To po 
 323 288 
= 0.71(323 – 288) + 1 × 0.287   
 1 1 
 323 1
– 288  1.005  ln  0.287 ln 
 288 1
= 24.85 + 10.045 – 33.19 = 1.705 kJ/kg
2. For tank B,
T T   T p 
Wmax = cv(T2 – To) + poR  2  o  – To  c p ln 2  R ln 2 
 p2 po   To po 
 323 288 
= 0.71 (323 – 288) + 1 × 0.287   
3 1 
 323 3
– 288  1.005  ln  0.287 ln 
 288 1
= 24.85 – 51.75 + 57.6 = 30.7 kJ/kg
Hence stored energy in tank B is more than that of tank A.

Que 3.8. An air preheater is used to heat up the air used for
combustion by cooling the outgoing products of combustion from a
furnace. The rate of flow of the products is 10 kg/s, and the products
are cooled from 300 ºC to 200 ºC, and for the products at this
temperature cp =1.09 kJ/kgK. The rate of air flow is 9 kg/s, the initial
air temperature is 40 ºC, and for the air cp = 1.005 kJ/kgK.
a. What is the initial and final availability of the product ?
b. What is the irreversibility for this process ?
c. If the heat transfer from the products were to take place
reversibly through heat engines, what would be the final
temperature of the air ? AKTU 2015-16, Marks 10


Given : mg = 10 kg/s,

Tg1 = 300 + 273 = 573 K, Tg2 = 200 + 273 = 473 K, cpg = 1.09 kJ/kgK,

ma = 9 kg/s, Ta1 = 40 + 273 = 313 K,
cpa = 1.005 kJ/kgK
To Find : Initial and final availability of product Irreversibility of the
process and final temperature of air.
Data Assume : Let, To = 300 K (atmospheric temperature)
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3–10 C (ME-Sem-3) Availability and Irreversibility

a. Initial and Final Availability :

1. Initial availability of the product,
1 = (h1 – h0) – T0 (S1 – S0)
T 
1 = cpg (Tg1 – T0) – T0 cpg ln  g 1 
 T0 
 573 
= 1.09 (573 – 300) – 300 × 1.09 ln 
 300 
1 = 297.57 – 211.6
1 = 85.97 kJ/kg
2. Final availability of the product,
2 = (h2 – h0) – T0 (S2 – S0)
 473 
= 1.09 (473 – 300) – 300 × 1.09 ln  
300 
= 188.57 – 148.89
2 = 39.68 kJ/kg
b. Irreversibility :
1. Decrease in availability of the products = 1 –  2
= 85.97 – 39.68 = 46.29 kJ/kg
2. By making an energy balance for the air preheater,
 
m g cpg (Tg1 – Tg2) = ma cpa (Ta2 – Ta1)
10 × 1.09 (573 – 473) = 9 × 1.005 [Ta2 – 313]
Ta2 = + 313
Ta2 = 433.508 K
3. Now, increase in availability of the air
= 2 – 1 = (h2 – h1) – T0 (S2 – S1)
 Ta2 
= cpa (Ta2 – Ta1) – T0 cpa ln 
 Ta1 
 433.508 
= 1.005 (433.508 – 313) – 300 × 1.005 ln  
313 
= 121.1105 – 98.2006 = 22.9099 kJ/kg
4. Hence the irreversibility of the process
= 10 × 46.29 – 9 × 22. 9099
= 462.9 – 206.1891 = 256.7109 kW.
c. For reversible Heat Transfer :

 S univ = 0
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Thermodynamics 3–11 C (ME-Sem-3)

 
 S sys +  S surr = 0
 
 S product +  S air = 0
 
 S product = –  S air
 Tg 2  Ta2
mg cpg ln = – ma cpa ln
Tg1 Ta1
 473  T 
10 × 1.09 ln 
 573 
= – 9 × 1.005 ln  a 2 
 313 
 Ta2 = 394.38 K
Hence the final temperature of air = 394.38 K.

Que 3.9. Define dead state and second law efficiency.

AKTU 2012-13, Marks 05

A. Dead State :
1. Dead state refers to the state at which system and environment are at
chemical, thermal and mechanical equilibrium.
2. Thus neither there can be any spontaneous change within the system
or within the environment, nor any spontaneous interaction between
the two. Dead state being a limiting state is also called ‘restricted dead
3. At dead state the system is at same temperature and pressure as that of
its surroundings and shall have no kinetic energy or potential energy
relative to surroundings.
4. Thus, a system shall have zero availability at dead state and yield
maximum possible work only when it follows a reversible process from
its state to the state of its surroundings (dead state).
B. Second Law Efficiency :
1. The second law efficiency ‘II’of a process is defined as the ratio of the
minimum available energy which must be consumed to do a work divided
by the actual amount of available energy consumed in performing the
Minimum available energy to do the work
II =
Actual available energy consumed
or II =
Where, A is the availability or exergy.

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3–12 C (ME-Sem-3) Availability and Irreversibility

Que 3.10. Two kg of air at 500 kPa, 80 °C expands adiabatically in a

closed system until its volume is doubled and its temperature
becomes equal to that of the surroundings which is 100 kPa, 5 °C.
For this process determine.
a. The maximum work,
b. The change in availability, and
c. The irreversibility. AKTU 2016-17, Marks 10


Given : m = 2 kg,
Initial conditions, p1 = 500 kPa, T1 = 80 °C = 273 + 80 = 353 K
Final conditions, p2 = 100 kPa, T2 = 5 °C = 273 + 5 = 278 K
Volume get doubled by adiabatic expands.
To Find : a. Maximum work,
b. Change in availability, and
c. Irreversibility.
1. From the property relation
TdS = dU + pdV
the entropy change of air between the initial and final states is
mcv dT 2 mRdV


dS =
T 1 1 V
T2 V
or S2 – S1 = mcv ln  mR ln 2
T1 V1
a. From Equation of Work Done,
Wmax = (U1 – U2) – T0 (S1 – S2)
  T2 V2  
= m  cv (T1  T2 )  T0  cv ln  R ln  
  T1 V1  
  278 2 
= 2 0.718 (80  5)  278  0.718 ln  0.287 ln  
  353 1 
= 2 [53.85 + 278 (– 0.172 + 0.199)]
= 2 [53.85 + 7.51] = 122.72 kJ
b. The Change in Availability,
1 – 2 = (U1 – U2) – T0(S1 – S2) + p0(V1 –V2)
= Wmax + p0(V1 – V2)
= 122.72 + p0(V1 – 2V1)
2  0.287  353
= 122.72 – 100 × = 82.2 kJ
c. The Irreversibility,
I = Wmax useful – Wact
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Thermodynamics 3–13 C (ME-Sem-3)

From the first law,

Wact = Q – U = – U = U1 – U2
I = U1 – U2 – T0(S1 – S2) – U1 + U2
= T0(S2 – S1)
= T0(S)system
For adiabatic process, (S)surr = 0

I = T0  mcv ln 2  mR ln 2 
 T1 V1 
 278 
= 278 × 2 0.178 ln  0.287 ln 2 
 353 
= 278 × 2 (– 0.042 + 0.199) = 87 kJ
Que 3.11. Prove that in a closed system, when initial and final
temperatures are equal to that of the environment and the system
exchanges heat with the environment only, the work done is either
equal to or greater than the change in the Helmholtz function.
AKTU 2012-13, Marks 05

1. Let’s consider a closed system which is initially and finally at surroundings
temperature around it and has heat interactions with the atmosphere
2. From first law of thermodynamics,
Q = dU + W
3. From the second law of thermodynamics,
dS =  Q = TdS
4. For a non-flow reversible process,
Wmax = (U1 – U2) + Q
= (U1 – U2) + T0 (S2 – S1)
= (U1 – T0 S1) – (U2 – T0 S2)
5. Since the process is taking place at constant temperature, T0 can be
replaced by T1 or T2.
Then we haveWmax = (U1 – T1S1) – (U2 – T2S2)
= A1 – A2
6. The term (U – TS) is known as Helmholtz function and can be defined as
the difference between the internal energy and the product of entropy
and temperature.
7. If a closed system passes from one state to another state at same
temperature while interacting heat only with the surrounding
atmosphere at T0 = T1 = T2, the maximum work obtained from the
process is equal
Downloaded to thekumar
by Viresh decrease in Helmholtz
Maurya function of the system.
([email protected])

3–14 C (ME-Sem-3) Availability and Irreversibility

Que 3.12. Describe the Gibbs function. How does it differ from the
availability function ?
Two tanks A and B contain 1 kg of air at 1 bar, 50 °C and 3 bar, 50 °C
when atmosphere is at 1 bar 15 °C. Identify the tank in which stored
energy is more. Also find the availability of air in each tank.
AKTU 2011-12, Marks 06

1. The Gibbs function G is defined as
G = H – TS = U + pV – TS
2. For two equilibrium states at the same pressure p and temperature T
(G1 – G2)p,T = (U1 – U2)p,T + p(V1 – V2)p,T – T(S1 – S2)p,T
(Wu)max = (G1 – G2)p,T
(Wu)p,T  (G1 – G2)p,T
3. The decrease in the Gibbs function of a system sets as upper limit to the
work that can be performed, exclusive of pdV work, in any process
between two equilibrium states at the same temperature and pressure,
provided the system exchanges heat only with the environment which
is at the same temperature and pressure as the end states of the system.
4. If the process is irreversible, the useful work is less than the maximum.
B. Difference between Gibbs Function and Availability Function :
S. No. Availability Function Gibbs Function
1. Availability Function is a The Gibbs Functio n is the
measurement of total available amount of available work for an
work until a system reaches isothermal and isobaric process.
equilibrium with its
2. The amount of exergy a system The same can not be said for
has is not depende nt o n the Gibbs Function.
isothermal or isobaric process.
It could be any type of process
and it will still have the same
amount of exergy regardless.
3. Exergy is more of a general Gibbs Function is for a specific
te rm use d to describe the pro ce ss (i.e ., co nstant
useable amount of work that temperature and pressure).
can be e xtracted fro m a
thermodynamic system.
4. Exergy is dependent of the Gibbs Function is independent
systems surroundings. of the systems surroundings.
Downloaded by Viresh kumar Maurya ([email protected])

Thermodynamics 3–15 C (ME-Sem-3)

Numerical : Refer Q. 3.7, Page 3–8C, Unit-3.

Condition for Exact Differential Maxwell’s Equations,
Clapeyron’s Equation.


Condition for Exact Differential :
Total differential of a function f (x, y) is given by
f f
df = dx  dy
x y
df = Mdx + Ndy
f f
= M(x, y) and = N(x, y)
x y
M N
For exact differential, 
y x
Maxwell’s Equations :
 T   p 
  = – 
v  s  s  v
 T   v 
 p  =  
s  s  p
 p   s 
  =  
T  v v T
 v   s 
  = – 
T  p  p  T
Clapeyron’s Equation :
 dp   h12 
  = 
dT   Tv12 


Long Answer Type and Medium Answer Type Questions

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3–16 C (ME-Sem-3) Availability and Irreversibility

Que 3.13. What are the mathematical conditions for exact

 dT vdp 
differentials ? Show that   T

T  can be used as property of
the system.

Condition for exact differential : If a relation exists among the
variables x, y and z, then z may be expressed as a function of x and y, or
 z   z 
dz =   dx    dy
 x  y  y  x

 z   z 
If   = M, and   = N
x y  y  x
then dz = M dx + N dy
where z, M and N are functions of x and y. Differentiating M partially
with respect to y, and N with respect to x.
 M  2 z
 y  =
x x y

 N  2 z
  =
x y y x

 M   N 
  y  =  
x x  y
This is the condition of exact (or perfect) differential.
For a thermodynamic property the essential condition is that it should
vdp   dT
be exact differential. The given condition
T    T
is an exact 

differential, hence can be used as thermodynamic property.

 dT vdp  v
i.e.,    =  ln T 1 –  p1
2 2

 T T  T

= (ln T2 – ln T1 ) – ( p 2 – p1 )
which is an exact differential.

Que 3.14. Derive the Maxwell relations and explain their

importance in thermodynamics.

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Thermodynamics 3–17 C (ME-Sem-3)

1. The equations that relate the partial derivatives of pressure ‘p’, entropy
‘s’, temperature ‘T ’ of a system to each other is known as Maxwell
relation. The Maxwell relation can be developed by combining the first
law and second law of thermodynamics.
2. Consider a simple compressible substance that undergoes for reversible
Q – w = dE ...(3.14.1)
3. Assume that ‘E ’ = total energy of system,
and p.dv = dw = work done by the system in the reversible process.
4. From the first law of thermodynamics,
Qrev – p.dv = dU
and Qrev = Tds
Tds = dU + p.dv ...(3.14.2)
dU = Tds – p.dv
5. Properties h, E and g may also given as,
dh = dU + pdv + vdp
= Tds + vdp ...(3.14.3)
6. Helmholtz and Gibbs functions are given as,
df = dU – Tds – s.dT
= – pdv – s.dT ...(3.14.4)
7. Gibbs function, dg = dh – Tds – sdT = vdp – sdt ...(3.14.5)
8. All of these equations are result of the two laws of thermodynamics and
exact differential equations.

 u   u 
du =    ds     dv
 s  v  v  s 
 h   h 

dh =    ds     dp

 ps  s  s 
 f   f 
 ...(3.14.6)

df =    dv  

 T
v   dT
 T  v 

 g 

 T
 g 
dg =    dp     dT
 T  p
9. Comparing this eq. (3.14.6) with eq. (3.14.2), (3.14.3), (3.14.4) and (3.14.5).

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3–18 C (ME-Sem-3) Availability and Irreversibility

 u   h 
 s  = T   
 v  s  p
 u   f 
 v  =  p   v 
 s  T
 h   g 
 p  = v   p 
 s  T
 f   g 
 T  = – s =  
 v  T  p
10. On further solving the above equations, we get
 T   p 
  = –  
v  s s v

 T   v 
 p  =  s 
s p

 p   s 
  =  
T  v v T

 v   s 
=  
 T  p  p  T
11. These equations are known as Maxwell equation. They are very useful
in thermodynamics because they provide a means of determining the
change in entropy which can not be measured directly.

Que 3.15. With the help of Tds equation prove that Cp is equal to Cv

at absolute zero temperature.

1. The first Tds equation,
 p 
Tds = Cv dT  T  dv
 T  v

and second Tds equation,

 v 
Tds = C p dT – T  dp ...(3.15.2)
 T  p
2. At absolute zero temperature, T = 0 K
3. Putting T = 0 K in eq. (3.15.1) and (3.15.2),
Tds = CvdT ...(3.15.3)
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Thermodynamics 3–19 C (ME-Sem-3)

and Tds = CpdT ...(3.15.4)

4. Equating eq. (3.15.3) and (3.15.4), we get
Cv = Cp

Que 3.16. Using Maxwell relation show that

 v 
cp. dT = T. ds +   dp
 T  p

1. Assume entropy (s) as a function of T and v

 s   s 
ds =   dT     dv
 T  v  v  T

 s   s 
Tds = T     dT  T .    dv
  T v  v T
 s 
T  = cv (Heat capacity at constant volume)
 T  v
2. From Maxwell equation,

 s   p 
  =  T 

 T
v  v
 p 
Tds = cvdT + T    dv
 T  v
3. This is known as the first T.ds equation.

 s   s 
ds =   dT     dp
 T  p  p  T

 s   s 
T.ds = T    dT     dp
 T  p  p  T

 s 
 T  p
4. Since = cp

 s   v 
  = 
 T  p
T  p

 v 
Now, T.ds = cp.dT – T   dp
 T  v
5. This is called as second T.ds equation.

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3–20 C (ME-Sem-3) Availability and Irreversibility

Que 3.17. Using Maxwell relation derive the following equation :

 T  T .v
i.  p  =
s cp
 T  T
ii. v  = –
s cv.k
where,  = coefficient of cubical expansion, and
k = isothermal compressibility.

i. Proof : From the Maxwell relation,

 T   v   v   T 
  =   =   
 p s  s  p  T  p  s  p

 s  1  v 
As we have, cp = T   and   v  T 
 T  p  p

 s  cp  v 
 T  = T and  T   .v
p p

 T  T..v
So  p  = c

ii. Proof : From the Maxwell relation,

 T   p   p   T 
  = –        
 v  s s v T  v  s  v

 s  1  v 
As we have cv = T .   and k =  v  p 
 T v  T
T  T   v 
=   and  p    k.v
cv  s  v  T
 T   p  T
  =  
 v  s  T  v cv
 p   v   T 
As we have       =–1
 v T  T  p  p v
 p   p   v  1 
  =     = .v =
 T v  v  T  T  p ( k.v) k

 T  T
So,   = 
 v  s cv .k
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Thermodynamics 3–21 C (ME-Sem-3)

Que 3.18. Derive the Clausius-Clapeyron equation.

Explain Claus ius-Clapeyron equation. Also represent on
p-T diagram.

1. The Clausius-Clapeyron equation is one such equation which is used to
determine the enthalpy change associated with a phase change.
2. Consider the Maxwell relation,

 p   s 
  =  
T  v  v T
Fusion Critical point
curve Liquid
curve Vapour

Solid Triple point


Fig. 3.18.1. p-T diagram.

3. During the phase change the pressure is the saturation pressure, which
depends on the temperature. Therefore the partial pressure derivative
(dp/dT) is expressed by

 dp 
[sg – sf ] =   [v  vf ]
 dT  g

dp sg  sf
dT vg  vf
Where, sg = specific entropy of saturated vapour,
sf = specific entropy of saturated vapour liquid,
vg = specific volume of saturated vapour, and
vf = specific volume of saturated liquid.
4. During this process the pressure also remains constant.

dp s  s f sfg h
= g   fg
dT vg  vf vfg T .vfg
Where, sfg = increase in specific entropy,
vfg = increase in specific volume, and
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3–22 C (ME-Sem-3) Availability and Irreversibility

hfg = latent heat added during evaporation.

 dp  hfg
  = Tv
 dT  fg

5. Which is called the Clapeyron equation.

6. The Clapeyron equation is applicable to any phase change process that
occurs at constant pressure and temperature. It can be expressed by
following relation in general form,
 dp  h12
  =
 dT  T .v12
Where 1 and 2 shows the two phases.


Following questions are very important. These questions
may be asked in your SESSIONALS as well as

Q. 1. What is available and unavailable energy ?

Ans. Refer Q. 3.1, Unit-3.

Q. 2. Explain the availability of a closed system.

Ans. Refer Q. 3.2, Unit-3.

Q. 3. Explain the availability of open system.

Ans. Refer Q. 3.3, Unit-3.

Q. 4. What is mean by irreversibility and effectiveness of

systems ?
Ans. Refer Q. 3.5, Unit-3.

Q. 5. What is the importance of availability, effectiveness and

irreversibility ?
Ans. Refer Q. 3.6, Unit-3.

Q. 6. Define dead state and second law efficiency.

Ans. Refer Q. 3.9, Unit-3.

Q. 7. Prove that in a closed system, when initial and final

temperatures are equal to that of the environment and the
system exchanges heat with the environment only, the work
done is either equal to or greater than the change in the
Helmholtz function.
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Thermodynamics 3–23 C (ME-Sem-3)

Ans. Refer Q. 3.11, Unit-3.

Q. 8. Describe the Gibbs function. How does it differ from the

availability function ?
Two tanks A and B contain 1 kg of air at 1 bar, 50 °C and
3 bar, 50 °C when atmosphere is at 1 bar 15 °C. Identify the
tank in which stored energy is more. Also find the
availability of air in each tank.
Ans. Refer Q. 3.12, Unit-3.

Q. 9. Derive the Maxwell relations and explain their importance

in thermodynamics.
Ans. Refer Q. 3.14, Unit-3.

Q. 10. Derive the Clausius-Clapeyron equation.

Ans. Refer Q. 3.18, Unit-3.


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Thermodynamics 4–1 C (ME-Sem-3)

4 Properties of Steam
and Rankine Cycle

Part-1 ........................................................................... (4–2C to 4–25C)

• Pure Substance
• Property of Pure Substance (Steam)
• Phase Transformation Process of Water
• Graphical representation of Pressure, Volume and Temperature
• Steam Table and Mollier Chart
• Dryness Factor and it’s Measurement
• Simple Rankine Cycle

A. Concept Outline : Part-1 ............................................................. 4–2C

B. Long and Medium Answer Type Questions ............................... 4–2C

Part-2 ......................................................................... (4–25C to 4–40C)

• Psychometric Terms and their Definitions

• Psychometric Chart
• Psychometric Processes and their Representation

A. Concept Outline : Part-2 .......................................................... 4–25C

B. Long and Medium Answer Type Questions ............................ 4–26C

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4–2 C (ME-Sem-3) Properties of Steam and Rankine Cycle

Pure Substance, Property of Pure Substance (Steam), Phase
Transformation Process of Water, Graphical Representation of
Pressure, Volume and Temperature, P-T and P-V Diagrams,
T-S and H-S Diagrams, Steam Table and Mollier Chart,
Dryness Factor and it’s Measurement, and Simple Rankine Cycle.


Pure Substance : A pure substance is defined as one that is
homogeneous and invariable in chemical composition throughout
its mass. The relative proportions of the chemical elements
constituting the substance are also constant. Atmospheric air, steam
water mixture and combustion product of a fuel are regarded as
pure substances.
Steam Table : The properties of steam are estimated and presented
in a tabulated form as steam table. It gives specific volume (V f, V g
and V fg), specific internal energy (uf, ug and ufg ), specific enthalpy
(hf, hg and hfg ). This table is very useful to evaluate entropy drop,
enthalpy drop, or change in internal energy during any process
involving steam as the working fluid.
Dryness Factor : Dryness fraction determines the quality of
steam. The dryness fraction of steam can be measured by using
the following calorimeters :
a. Tank or bucket calorimeter,
b. Throttling calorimeter, and
c. Separating and throttling calorimeter.
Rankine Cycle : It is the theoretical cycle on which the steam
turbine works.


Long Answer Type and Medium Answer Type Questions

Que 4.1. What is meant by pure substance ?

1. Pure substance is defined as single-component system which has a
homogeneous and constant chemical composition irrespective of its phase.

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Thermodynamics 4–3 C (ME-Sem-3)

2. A pure substance can be in solid phase (as ice), liquid phase (as water),
gaseous phase (as vapour) or in mix phase (as ice + water + vapour).
3. Pure substances are the working substances for pe rforming
thermodynamic operations.
4. Therefore, a pure substance is one whose chemical composition is uniform
and remains invariant during heat and work transfer with the
surroundings e.g., water, ice, vapour, oxygen, nitrogen etc.
5. Its phase proportions may vary because of heat transfer with the

Que 4.2. Explain the phase equilibrium of a pure substance on

T-V diagram.

A. Phase Equilibrium of a Pure Substance on T-V Diagram :
1. Consider one kg of water ice contained in a cylinder and loaded piston
arrangement as shown in Fig. 4.2.1(i), such that the pressure on the ice
is one atmosphere.
2. Let the initial temperature of ice be – 40 °C (– 40 °F). Also let heat be
transferred to ice from outside the cylinder.
3. We will now trace the events, i.e., changes of state of water that take
place inside the cylinder as a result of this heating.
p = 1 atm

Mixture state
g G
state B

s s
S f1 F1 f2 f2
(i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (vii) (viii) (ix)
Fig. 4.2.1. Water in different thermodynamic states.

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4–4 C (ME-Sem-3) Properties of Steam and Rankine Cycle

4. It is to be noted here that the pressure on water remains constant

throughout as the weights on the piston, etc., and the cross-sectional
area of the cylinder remain the same.
5. The changes that take place, in a stepwise manner, as depicted in
Fig. 4.2.1, taken together with a temperature-specific volume plot of
changes in Fig. 4.2.2, are follows :
Step I : Process S-s :
1. Ice initially at solid state S rises in temperature from – 40 °C (– 40 °F) to
0 °C (32 °F).
2. At the end of this step, the ice is in state s as in Fig. 4.2.1(ii).
Step 2 : Process s-f1 :
1. On further heating, ice in state s melts to water in state f 1, the
temperature remain constant at 0 °C (32 °F).
2. Thus, there is a change of phase from solid to liquid. In the process,
there is a nominal decrease in the specific volume, since liquid water at
0 °C (32 °F) is heavier than ice.
3. Until all the ice has melted to water as in Fig. 4.2.1(iv), in between such
as at A in Fig. 4.2.2 there is a mixture of solid and liquid in equilibrium as
shown in Fig. 4.2.1(iii).
4. It is seen from Fig. 4.2.2 that water-ice decreases in volume on melting.
Normal substances increase in volume when changing from solid phase
to liquid phase as shown in Fig. 4.2.1.
Step 3 : Process f1 - f2 :
1. More heating causes the temperature of liquid water at f1 at 0 °C (32 °F)
to rise.
2. The temperature continues to rise until point f2 at 100 °C (212 °F) is
3. In the process, the specific volume of water first decreases as the
temperature rises to about 4 °C, and then increases.
4. A state of liquid water in between this process of heating, say F at 60 °C,
is shown in Fig. 4.2.1(v).
5. After reaching 100 °C (212 °F) temperature the state is shown in
Fig. 4.2.1(vi).
Step 4 : Process f2-g :
1. If heating is continued, water in state f 2 starts evaporating, the
temperature remain constant at 100 °C (212 °F).
2. As a result, there is a large increase in specific volume of water as it
changes from liquid phase to vapour phase.
3. Until all the liquid water has evaporated to vapour at g as in
Fig. 4.2.1(viii), in between such as at B in Fig. 4.2.2, there is a mixture of
liquid and vapour in equilibrium as shown in Fig. 4.2.1(vii).
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Thermodynamics 4–5 C (ME-Sem-3)

Step 5 : Process g-G :

1. Further-heating of vapour at g causes its temperature to rise above
100 °C, say to 300 °C at G. The vapour at G, as shown in Fig. 4.2.1(ix),
occupies a greater volume than the vapour at g.
2. We thus see that there are two kinds of changes of state taking place on
addition of heat at constant pressure. These are :
a. Sensible heating, in which the temperature of the substance
changes, but the phase remains the same.
b. Latent heating, in which the phase changes, with temperature
remain constant.
3. In Fig. 4.2.2, we have melting of ice into water, process s-f1 at 0 °C, and
vaporization of liquid water into water vapour (or steam), process f2-g at
100 °C.

p = 1 atm
300 Saturated Superheating G
liquid Desuperheating
100 Subcooled g
liquid F Condensation B
Sensible Subcooling
Temperature t, °C

Saturated liquid
4 Melting
0 Saturated solid
Freezing A s
– 40
Sensible S Subcooled ice
Specific volume, v

Fig. 4.2.2. Changes in state of water on heating and

cooling at constant pressure on t- v diagram.

4. It is seen that if the process is carried in the opposite direction by cooling,

starting from G initially, we will instead have process G-g, sensible
cooling of water vapour first, followed by condensation of steam g into
condensate water f2, sensible cooling of water from f2 to f1, via point F,
fusion of water into ice from f1 to s, and finally sensible cooling of ice
from s to S.

Que 4.3. Draw the p-T diagram of pure substance and explain its
various regions of the diagram in details.
AKTU 2014-15, 2016-17; Marks 05
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4–6 C (ME-Sem-3) Properties of Steam and Rankine Cycle

A. p-T Diagram of Pure Substance :
1. A substance can exist in three different states i.e., liquid, solid and
vapour (gas). These states are known as ‘phases’ and are obtained when
the substance receives or evolves heat.
2. On heating, solid phase first changes into liquid and then to vapour or
gaseous phase. On cooling, phase transformation reverses from gas
(vapour) to liquid and finally to solid state.
3. The change in phase takes place at a specific temperature known as
“transition temperature”.
4. For each substance, there is a set of pressure and temperature at which
any two out of three phases may co-exist in equilibrium.
5. The Fig. 4.3.1 drawn below represents different phases of a substance
as a function of pressure and temperature.
p Upper critical point
A Fusion curve B
Melting Liquid Evaporation

Solid T Vapourization

Sublimation Vapour

Sublimation curve
Fig. 4.3.1.
6. The Fig. 4.3.1 imparts following valuable information :
a. Solid and Liquid Phases :
1. Solid and liquid phases co-exist in equilibrium and are separated by the
line TA.
2. The line TA is referred to as “fusion curve” and represents the variation
of melting point with pressure and temperature.
3. The leftward slope of the line TA indicates that melting point decreases
with pressure rise. These are the characteristics of “ice type substances”.
b. Liquid and Vapour Phases :
1. Liquid and vapour phases co-exist in equilibrium and are separated by
the line TB.
2. The line TB is known as “vaporization curve” vaporization curve has an
upper end point (or upper critical point) above which no substance can
exist in liquidbystate
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Thermodynamics 4–7 C (ME-Sem-3)

c. Vapour and Solid Phases :

1. Vapour and solid phases coexist in equilibrium and are separated by the
line TC. The line TC is known as “sublimation curve”.
2. Sublimation is defined as the process during which a solid phase is
directly changed into a vapour (gas) phase or vice-versa.
d. Triple Point :
1. Triple point is defined as a point at which pressure and temperature are
such that all the three states (solid, liquid and vapour) of a substance co-
exist in equilibrium.
2. Triple point is shown by the point T in the Fig. 4.3.1. At triple point, all
the three curves namely sublimation, fusion and vaporization and phases
of substance meet each other.

Que 4.4. Explain the process of steam formation at constant


A. Formation of Steam :
1. Steam is generally formed at constant pressure. Consider one kg of
water at 0 °C in a cylinder in which pressure ‘p’ is maintained.
2. When heat energy is supplied, the temperature of water increases until
it reaches the saturation temperature (or boiling temperature)
corresponding to the pressure ‘p’ maintained on the water.
3. Volume of water increases a little bit due to heat addition as shown in
Fig. 4.4.1. The quantity of heat added to water during this process is
given by
hf = cWT S ...(4.4.1)
Where hf = enthalpy of saturated water with 0°C as
cw = specific heat of water.
4. Further heat addition changes the phase from liquid to vapour state.
5. When part of water remains in liquid form but major part of it is
converted into vapour form, the steam is known as wet steam. During
this process, there is a large change of volume because water is getting
converted into steam, as is shown in Fig. 4.4.1(c).
6. On further heat addition, remaining part of water gets evaporated into
steam and it is continued till all the liquid is completely evaporated in
steam as shown in Fig. 4.4.1(d).
7. The heat required to evaporate one kg of water from 0 °C is the
summation of hf and hfg and is given by hg = hf + hfg.
Where hf = Sensible heat of water.
hfg = Latent heat of steam.
hg = Total enthalpy or heat of steam at the saturated
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4–8 C (ME-Sem-3) Properties of Steam and Rankine Cycle


W Superheated
W Dry steam,
saturated Tsup
Ts steam, Ts

(a) ( b) (c ) ( d) (e )

Degree of
Tsat A B

hf h fg hsup
Enthalpy (h)
( f)
Fig. 4.4.1. Process of steam formation at constant pressure.
8. Further heat addition increases the temperature of steam above the
saturated temperature (Ts).
9. During this process of superheating, there is an increase in the volume
as shown in Fig. 4.4.1(e).
10. Such a steam whose temperature is above its saturation temperature is
called superheated steam and the amount of heat added above saturation
condition is called enthalpy of superheat (or heat of superheat).

Que 4.5. Draw and explain temperature-entropy (T–s) and

enthalpy-entropy (h–s) diagrams.

A. Temperature-Entropy (T–s) Diagram :
1. On T–s diagram, absolute temperature is plotted on Y-axis (ordinate)
and specific entropy on the X-axis (abscissa).
2. Liquid boundary line originates at the axis of ordinates at 273.16 K; it is
a must because liquid entropy at triple point is zero. The boundary
curves and vapour line divide the entire diagram in three regions.
3. Region to the left of ‘AE’ is called liquid region. Region in between the
line AE and EI is called wet steam region. Region to the right of line EI
known as the region of superheated steam.
by Viresh kumar Maurya ([email protected])

Thermodynamics 4–9 C (ME-Sem-3)

T Critical point
Saturated liquid
line Constant pressure line
p=c Superheated
Temperature p= c
steam region
V= c
p= c Constant dryness line

Vapour Saturated
x=0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 vapour line
Specific entropy
Fig. 4.5.1. T- s diagram.
4. Both the boundary curves (AE and EI) merge at point E which is the
critical point of water with critical pressure of 221.2 bar and a critical
temperature of 374.15 °C.
5. The constant pressure lines are parallel to the constant temperature
lines in the wet steam region. These two lines become curved in the
superheated region. The constant dryness fraction lines are shown only
in the wet steam region.
6. The constant volume lines are steeper than the constant pressure lines
in the superheated steam region.
7. The slopes of constant pressure lines in the liquid region, wet steam
region and superheated regions are governed by the equations
 T  T
  =
s  v cv
 T  T
and  s  =
p c p

8. Area under the reversible process line and abscissa represents the amount
of heat added to one kg of working medium and is given by
q=  T ds
B. Enthalpy-Entropy (h-s) diagram or Mollier diagram :
1. Generation of steam is done at constant pressure and for constant
pressure heating process, q = h.
2. Calculations for heat supplied can be easily done if h-s diagram is plotted
in place of temperature-entropy diagram or (T–s) diagram. In the
enthalpy-entropy diagram, enthalpy ‘h’ is plotted on the axis of ordinate
and entropy is plotted along abscissa.
3. In a Mollier diagram, the point where saturated liquid line and saturated
vapour line merge is known as critical point. After this point, liquid
directly gets by
Downloaded transformed into
Viresh kumar superheated
Maurya steam.
([email protected])

4–10 C (ME-Sem-3) Properties of Steam and Rankine Cycle

4. For a constant pressure process,

q = T ds = dh
 dh 
 ds  p
Therefore, = T

5. The slope of constant pressure lines will be equal to the absolute

temperature on Mollier diagram.
6. In the wet steam region, the temperature of steam remains constant at
a given pressure, hence the constant pressure lines are straight lines in
the wet steam region. These lines become curved in the superheated

h Constant temperature line

liquid line Critical point ( C) T3 Supertheated
T2 steam region
Liquid Saturated vapour line
Enthalphy p2 Constant dryness line
p1 x = 0.9
p Vapour x = 0.8
x = 0.7
Specific entropy

Fig. 4.5.2.

7. In the wet steam region, the constant temperature lines coincide with
the constant pressure lines.
8. In the superheated region, isobaric and isothermal lines diverge. Isobaric
lines turn upwards and have a positive slope and the isothermal lines
tend to become horizontal straight lines. It is due to the fact that at
higher temperature the superheated steam behaves as a perfect gas
h = f(T)
9. The constant dryness fraction lines originate from the point C (in wet
region only). These lines are approximately parallel to the saturation
line (x = 1). On a Mollier diagram, throttling process (also called isenthalpic
or constant enthalpy process) is represented by a horizontal line.
10. The Mollier diagram makes it possible to easily and rapidly find out the
steam parameters with accuracy sufficient for practical purposes and
gives solution to the problems related to changes in the state of steam.

Que 4.6. Define specific volume of a fluid. How volume of dry, wet
and superheated steam is determined ?

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Thermodynamics 4–11 C (ME-Sem-3)

1. Specific volume of a fluid is the volume occupied by a unit mass of fluid.
The value of specific volume decreases with increase in pressure, and
values corresponding to different pressures can be read in the steam
a. Specific Volume of Dry Steam :
1. Its value can also be determined with the help of Clapeyron’s equation.
Let’s consider an elementary Carnot cycle for dry saturated steam on
p-v diagram.
2. Point ‘1’ lies on liquid line, point ‘2’ lies on vapour line, 1-2 and 3-4
represents isotherms.
p Liquid line C
Vapour line
vf Ts vg
1 2
4 3

Fig. 4.6.1.
3. Efficiency of this elementary Carnot cycle
T1  T2 dTs
 =  ...(4.6.1)
T1 Ts
4. Efficiency of a Carnot cycle can also be obtained from the relation,
Work done
 =
Heat supplied
(vg  vf )dp
 = ...(4.6.2)
Where, vg  Volume of dry steam
vf  Volume of liquid
hfg  Heat supply
dp  Pressure difference between isotherms
 From eq. (4.6.1) and eq. (4.6.2),
T1  T2 dTs (vg  vf )dp
 =  
T1 Ts hfg
hfg dTs
or vg – vf =  ...(4.6.3)
Ts dp

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4–12 C (ME-Sem-3) Properties of Steam and Rankine Cycle

5. This equation is known as Clapeyron’s equation and it provides a very

precise method to obtain specific volume at any required pressure or
b. Specific Volume of Wet Steam :
1. Volume of one kg of steam is equal to the sum of volume of dry part of
steam and volume of water particles in suspension.
2. Let ‘x’ be the dryness fraction of wet steam, then 1 kg of wet steam
consists of x kg of dry saturated steam and (1 – x) kg of water particles
in suspension.
Volume of wet steam is
vwet = (1 – x) vf + xvg
Where vg = Specific volume of dry steam and
vf = Specific volume of wet steam
3. If p < 30 bar and x > 0.8 specific volume of water is practically insignificant;
Therefore vwet = x vg
c. Specific Volume of Superheated Steam :
1. Since superheated steam behaves as a perfect gas therefore its specific
volume can be found by applying Charle’s law to steam at the beginning
and at the completion of superheating process.
p vg pvsup vg Tsup
 =  vsup  (Pressure remains constant)
Ts Tsup Ts
Where, Ts = Absolute temperature of dry steam,
vg = Specific volume of dry steam,
Tsup = Absolute temperature of superheated steam.
vsup= Specific volume of superheated steam.

Que 4.7. What is the use of steam table ?

1. Various properties of steam like saturation temperature (or boiling
temperature) and pressure, enthalpies of water, evaporation, dry-
saturated steam and superheated steam and their respective specific
volumes and entropies can be found by experiments and by calculations
with some thermodynamic relations. These properties of steam given in
a tabular form are known as steam tables.
2. The steam tables give values of specific volume, enthalpy and entropy of
saturated liquid and dry steam tabulated against pressure ‘p’ or
corresponding saturation temperature ‘Ts’
3. Steam tables make it possible to rapidly find the basic characteristics of
steam according to given certain parameters.
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Thermodynamics 4–13 C (ME-Sem-3)

4. Parameters for intermediate values of pressure and temperature, which

are not given in the steam tables, can be found by using interpolation
5. Important aspects on the application of steam tables :
a. Values of various properties have been given for one kg of water
and one kg of steam (i.e., per kg basis).
b. Datum taken for calculation of enthalpy and entropy is 0 °C.
c. At lower and moderate pressures specific volume ‘vf’ of water can
be neglected compared to specific volume ‘vg’ of steam but at higher
values of pressure, specific volume of water cannot be neglected.
d. Steam tables give the properties for liquids and dry steam and not
wet steam.
Specific volume, v = (1 – x) vf + xvg
h = hf + x hfg
s = sf + x sfg
e. The properties of superheated steam are tabulated separately.

Que 4.8. What is dryness fraction ? Explain the measurement of

dryness fraction of steam by combined separating and throttling
calorimeter. AKTU 2013-14, Marks 10

A. Dryness Fraction (Quality) of Steam :
1. The wet steam is a mixture of saturated water and steam and the
relative amounts of each which are present in such a two phase mixture
determine the quality of mixture.
2. Dryness fraction of steam is defined as the ratio of mass of dry saturated
steam to the total mass of mixture (i.e., ms + mw)
3. It is generally denoted by x.
Mass of dry steam ms
x= 
Mass of mixture ms + mw
B. Combined Separating and Throttling Calorimeter :
1. Combined separating and throttling calorimeter has separating and
throttling units arranged in series combination and is used for accurate
measurement of dryness fraction of wet steam.
2. In this arrangement, a sampling pipe having transverse holes around
the circumference is inserted into the main pipe which carries wet
steam at p1 whose dryness fraction (quality) has to be determined.
3. The sample of steam thus obtained is passed through a separating unit
through a control valve. This valve is kept fully open so that steam may
not undergo any throttling at this stage.
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4–14 C (ME-Sem-3) Properties of Steam and Rankine Cycle

Steam main Pressure gauge

Pressure gauge
(ms + mw )
Sampling tube
with perforation Manometer

Water level Throttle

indicator valve
Exhaust steam (ms)
Moisture collecting To barrel calorimeter
tank (mw )

Fig. 4.8.1. Combined separating and throttling calorimeter.

4. When this steam is made to strike against the perforated cup, it

undergoes a quick reversal of direction in its motion.
5. The water particles in steam have greater inertia; therefore due to this
sudden reversal of direction are thrown out of mixture.
6. The amount of water thus separated is collected and measured. The
remaining dry steam is now made to pass through a throttling unit
where, while passing through a throttle valve, it gets throttled at constant
7. Steam pressure is measured before and after throttling. Temperature
of throttled steam is also measured.
8. The throttled steam coming out of throttling calorimeter is then
condensed and weighed.
a. Calculations :
1. Let, m = Mass of wet steam taken as sample from steam
m1 = Mass of water particles separated and collected
in separating unit.
m2 = Mass of steam condensed and weighed after
2. Dryness fraction of wet steam considering separating unit
x1 = (m = m1 + m2) ...(4.8.1)
m1 + m2
3. Amount of water separated in separating unit,
= (1 – x1) m = (1 – x1) (m1 + m2) ...(4.8.2)
4. Let x2 be the dryness fraction of steam entering the throttling unit,
Amount of water carried by steam into the throttling unit
= (1 – x2) m2 ...(4.8.3)
5. Now if x be the actual dryness fraction of steam in the steam main, then
amount of water content initially in the steam
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Thermodynamics 4–15 C (ME-Sem-3)

= (1 – x) (m1 + m2) ...(4.8.4)

6. From law of conservation of mass,
(1 – x) (m1 + m2) = (1 – x1) (m1 + m2) + (1 – x2) m2
7. Divide both sides of equation by (m1 + m2)
We have, (1 – x) = (1 – x1) + (1 – x2)
m1 + m2

 m2 
 1 – x = (1 – x1) + (1 – x2) x1  x1 = m + m 
1 2
1 – x = 1 – x 1 + x 1 – x 1x 2
 x = x 1x 2
8. Therefore the actual dryness ‘x’ of wet steam in the product of dryness
fraction determined by separating calorimeter (x1) and throttling
calorimeter (x2).

Que 4.9. Give a neat sketch of “separating and throttling

calorimeter” for dryness measurement. In a throttling calorimeter
the steam is admitted at a pressure of 10 bar. If it is discharged at
atmospheric pressure and 110 °C after throttling, determine the
dryness fraction of steam. Assume specific heat of steam as
2.2 kJ/kg-K. AKTU 2011-12, Marks 06

A. Combined Separating and Throttling Calorimeter : Refer Q. 4.8,
Page 4–13C, Unit-4.
B. Numerical :
Given : Admitted pressure (P1) = 10 bar
Pressure after throttling is atmospheric pressure,
Discharged temperature = 110 °C
To Find : Dryness fraction of steam.
1. Throttling is a constant enthalpy process,
h1 = h2
hf1 + x1 hfg1 = hf2 + hfg2 + cp (Tsup – Ts2)
762.6 + x1 × 2013.6 = 417.5 + 2257.9 + 2.2(383 – 373)
[cp = 2.2 kJ/kg-K]
762.6 + x1 × 2013.6 = 2697.4
x1 =
x1 = 0.96
This is the dryness fraction of steam after throttling.

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4–16 C (ME-Sem-3) Properties of Steam and Rankine Cycle

Que 4.10. During a steady flow process, 4 kg of steam at 15 bar and

260 °C loses 3771 kJ of heat at constant pressure. Determine the final
condition of steam. AKTU 2012-13, Marks 05


Given : Mass of steam = 4 kg, Pressure = 15 bar,

Temperature = 260 °C, Heat loss = 3771 kJ
To Find : Final condition of steam.
1. Fro m steam table at 15 bar the saturation tempe rature is
198.3 °C which shows that initial condition of steam is superheated
hence the enthalpy of superheated steam is
hsup = hg + cps(Tsup – Ts)
2. At 15 bar, hg = 2789.9 kJ/kg and cps = 2.1 kJ/kg-K
so hsup = 2789.9 + 2.1 × (260 – 198.3) = 2919.47 kJ/kg
3. The total enthalpy of steam = 4 × hsup
= 4 × 2919.47 kJ = 11677.88 kJ
4. Heat loses at constant pressure = 3771 kJ
(11677.88  3771)
5. Remaining enthalpy of steam =
h2 = 1976.72 kJ/kg
6. As pressure is constant so,
h2 = hf + x2hfg
7. From steam table at 15 bar,
hf = 844.7 kJ/kg, hfg = 1945.2 kJ/kg, hg = 2789.9 kJ/kg
So, 1976.72 =844.7 + x2 × 1945.2
x2 = 0.582  58.2 %
The final condition of steam or dryness fraction = 58.2 %

Que 4.11. Throttling calorimeter has steam entering to it at

10 MPa and coming out of it at 0.05 MPa and 100°C. Determine dryness
fraction of steam. AKTU 2016-17, Marks 05


Given : P1 = 10 MPa, P2 = 0.05 MPa, T2 = 100 °C

To Find : Dryness fraction of steam.
1. From Steam Table :

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Thermodynamics 4–17 C (ME-Sem-3)

P1 = 10 MPa

T 2
P2 = 0.05 MPa

Fig. 4.11.1.
At P1 = 10 MPa = 100 bar
hf1 = 1408 kJ/kg
hfg1 = 1319.7 kJ/kg
At P2 = 0.05 MPa = 0.5 bar
ts = 81.35 °C, Cp = 4.18 kJ/kgK
hg2 = 2646 kJ/kg
 From 1 to 2 is throttling process. So,
h1 = h2
hf1 + x1 hfg1 = hg2 + Cp (tsup. – ts)
1408 + x1 × 1319.7 = 2646 + 4.18 × (100 – 81.35)
x1 = 0.9971

Que 4.12. Describe simple Rankine cycle with p-V diagram and
any one method of dryness fraction measurement.
AKTU 2014-15, Marks 10

A. Simple Rankine Cycle :
1. Professor Rankine modified the Carnot cycle and presented a technically
feasible cycle known as Rankine cycle. It is also a reversible cycle and it
differs from Carnot cycle in following aspects :
a. The process of condensation is allowed to proceed to completion,
i.e., exhaust steam from the steam turbine or steam engine is
condensed back to liquid water. At the end of condensation process,
the working substance is only liquid (water) and not a mixture of
liquid and vapour.
b. Pressure of water can be easily raised to the boiler pressure by
means of a small sized feed pump.
Moreover, the steam can be superheated in the boiler so as to
obtain the exhaust steam of high quality. It prevents pitting and
erosion of turbine blades.

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4–18 C (ME-Sem-3) Properties of Steam and Rankine Cycle

T 3
2 3 3 3 2 3 3

4 4 4
1 4 4 4

V s
p-V diagram for Rankine cycle T-s diagram for Rankine cycle
3 3
p1 3
2 Saturation line
4 (x = 1)
4 4
h-s diagram for Rankine cycle
Fig. 4.12.1.
Process (1-2) :
1. Pumping of feed water to the boiler from back (or condenser pressure)
pb to boiler pressure p1.
2. Compression process is a reversible adiabatic process.
Process (2-3) :
1. Feed water is converted into steam at constant pressure (boiler pressure
2. Heat added during the process (2-3) is qs.
Process (3-4) :
1. Process 3-4 refers to reversible adiabatic expansion of steam in the
turbine from boiler pressure ‘p1’ to condenser (or back) pressure ‘pb’.
2. During the process 3-4, there is an enthalpy drop which is equal to the
work done ‘WT’ by turbine.
Process (4-1) :
1. Exhaust steam from the steam turbine is condensed back to liquid form
at constant pressure in the condenser.
2. The steam rejects its latent heat of vapourization to the cooling water. It
is denoted by qr.
B. Measurement of Dryness Fraction : Dryness fraction of steam is
determined experimentally with the help of calorimeters. Calorimeters
are of four types :
a. Separating calorimeter.
b. Throttling calorimeter.
c. Combined separating and throttling calorimeter.
Barrel calorimeter.
by Viresh kumar Maurya ([email protected])

Thermodynamics 4–19 C (ME-Sem-3)

a. Separating Calorimeter :
1. In this calorimeter, the dryness fraction of steam is determined by
separating the water particles associated with wet steam. Arrangement
of this calorimeter is shown in Fig. 4.12.2.
Control valve
Pressure gauge

Sampling tube
with perforations
Perforated cup
Water quantity Inner chamber
Outer chamber


To barrel calorimeter
Fig. 4.12.2. Separating calorimeter.

2. Wet steam at pressure ‘p’ is made to pass through the sampling tube
from the steam main via control valve which is kept fully opened. The
steam coming out of steam main tube strikes against the perforated cup
which is called separator.
3. When the steam strikes against the separator, it undergoes a quick
reversal of direction of motion. The water particles present in wet steam,
due to greater inertia, get separated from the wet steam and get collected
at the bottom of inner chamber.
4. The amount of water thus separated is measured with the help of a
water quantity indicator. The mass of water is denoted by ‘mw’
5. Separated dry steam is finally condensed and its mass is measured
which is denoted by ‘ms’.
6. By definition, dryness fraction of steam,
Mass of dry steam (ms )
Mass of mixture (ms and mw )
Mathematically, x=
ms  mw
This calorimeter gives considerably high value of x, since water particles
cannot be completely separated from steam.

Que 4.13. Write down the analysis of Rankine cycle.

Downloaded by Viresh kumar Maurya ([email protected])

4–20 C (ME-Sem-3) Properties of Steam and Rankine Cycle

A. Analysis of Rankine Cycle :
1. Let’s consider one kg of steam flow in the cycle. Apply steady flow
energy equation (SFEE) to various processes discussed earlier :
Process (2-3) : Boiler operation
Heat supplied, qs = (h3 – h2) (There is no work done)
at constant pressure (KE = 0, PE = 0)
Process (3-4) : Turbine (adiabatic expansion)
Turbine work, WT = (h3 – h4) (There is no loss of heat)
Process (4-1) : Condenser KE = 0, PE = 0
Heat rejected to cooling water, qr = (h4 – h1) (Work done is zero)
Process (1-2) : Feed pump

Pump work, Wp =  Vdp  V ( p

1  pb )

2. Shaft work (Net work done),

Wnet = Turbine work – Pump work
Wnet = WT – WP
B. Efficiency of Rankine cycle :
Net work done
1. Rankine =
Heat supplied
WT  WP (h3  h4 )  (h2  h1 )
= 
h3  h2 h3  h2
2. Since compression process in the pump is carried out with liquid only for
which specific volume is very small, therefore pump work (h2 – h1) is
quite small as compared to turbine work (WT) hence can be neglected.
Rankine cycle efficiency now becomes without pump work,
(h3  h4 )
Rankine =
(h3  h2 )
3. Rankine cycle on (p–V) and (T–s) diagram is shown in Fig. 4.13.1.
3 3

p1 2 3 3 3 2

4 4 4

pb 4 4 4
V s
(a) p-V diagram (b) T-s diagram
Fig. 4.13.1.
Downloaded by Viresh kumar Maurya ([email protected])

Thermodynamics 4–21 C (ME-Sem-3)

Que 4.14. Draw simple Rankine cycle on p-V, T-s and h-s diagram.
Steam enters at 80 bar and 450 °C in a steam turbine and expands
isentropically up to condenser pressure of 0.1 bar. Find the state of
steam at turbine exit and power developed by the turbine if the
mass flow rate of steam is 5 kg/s. AKTU 2011-12, Marks 10

A. p-V, T-s and h-s diagram for simple Rankine Cycle : Refer Q. 4.12,
(Fig. 4.12.1), Page 4–17C, Unit-4.
B. Numerical :
Given : (P1) = 80 bar, (T1) = 450 °C, (P2) = 0.1 bar,
Flow rate of steam = 5 kg/s
To Find : State of steam at turbine exit and power developed.
1. Consider T-s diagram
At p1 = 80 bar (450 °C), h1 = 3270.2 kJ/kg, s1 = 6.511 kJ/kg-K
At p2 =0.1 bar, hf = 191.8 kJ/kg, hfg = 2392.9 kJ/kg, hg = 2584.7 kJ/kg,
sf = 0.649 kJ/kg-K, sfg = 7.502 kJ/kg-K, sg = 8.151 kJ/kg-K
2. Now s1 = s2
s1 = sf + x2 sfg
6.511 = 0.649 + x2 × 7.502
x2 = 0.78
h2 = hf + x2 hfg
= 191.8 + 0.78 × 2392.9 = 2058.26 kJ/kg
3. Power developed by turbine :
 (h1 – h2) = 5 × (3270.2 – 2058.26) = 6059.69 kW
WT = m
 = 5 kg/s)
(  Mass flow rate of steam, m

Que 4.15. A steam turbine operating on Rankine cycle receives

steam at pressure 20 bar and degree of superheat is 89 °C. The exhaust
pressure is 0.07 bar and the expansion of steam takes place
isentropically. Calculate :
a. Heat supplied, assuming that feed pump supplies water to the
boiler at 20 bar,
b. Heat rejected in condenser, and
c. Work done by turbine. AKTU 2012-13, Marks 10

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4–22 C (ME-Sem-3) Properties of Steam and Rankine Cycle


Given : Inlet Pressure = 20 bar, Degree of super heat = 89 °C,

Exhaust pressure = 0.07 bar
To Find : Heat supplied, heat rejected, and work done by turbine.
Data Assume : cps = 2.1 kJ/kg-K
1. From steam table, at 20 bar, saturation temperature
Ts = 212.4 °C = 485.4 K
2. Temperature of superheated steam = Ts + degree of superheat
Tsup = 212.4 + 89 = 301.4 °C = 301.4 + 273
Tsup = 574.4 K


3 2

Fig. 4.15.1.
3. Enthalpy, hsup = h1 = hg + cps(Tsup – Ts)
= 2797.2 + 2.1 × 89 = 2984.1 kJ/kg
4. From steam table at 20 bar, hg = 2797.2 kJ/kg and
sg = 6.336 kJ/kg-K
 Tsup 
5. Entropy, ssup = s1 = sg + cps ln 
 Ts 
 Tsup 
s1 = 6.336 + 2.1 ln 
 Ts 
= 6.6895 kJ/kg-K

6. For isentropic expansion process

ssup = s2 (ssup = s1)
6.6895 = sf2 + x2sfg2
7. From steam table at pressure 0.07 bar
sf2 = 0.559 kJ/kg-K, hf3 = 163.4 kJ/kg,
sfg2 = 7.717 kJ/kg-K
Now, 6.6895 = 0.559 + x2(7.712)
x2 = 0.7949
8. Now workdone by pump,
Wpump = hf4 – hf3 = (vF)p2 (p1 – p2)
h – 163.4 = 0.001007(20 – 0.07) × 100
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Thermodynamics 4–23 C (ME-Sem-3)

hf4 = 165.4 kJ/kg

a. Heat supplied,
Q1 = h1 – hf4 = 2984.1 – 165.4 = 2818.7 kJ/kg
b. Heat rejected in condenser,
Q2 = h2 – hf3
(At pressure 0.07 bar, hfg = 2409.1 kJ/kg)
h2 = hf3 + x2hfg
h2 = 163.4 + 0.7949 × 2409.1 = 2077.91 kJ/kg
Heat rejected in condenser,
Q2 = 2077.91 – 163.4 = 1914.51 kJ/kg
c. Workdone by turbine,
WT = h1 – h2 = 2984.1 – 2077.91 = 906.91 kJ/kg

Que 4.16. Discuss the effect of pressure of steam at inlet to turbine,

temperature at inlet to turbine and pressure at exit from turbine
upon Rankine cycle performance. AKTU 2016-17, Marks 10

A. Pressure of Steam at Inlet to Turbine :
1. For same back pressure and steam inlet temperature, the increase in
steam inlet pressure from p1 to p1 is accompanied by the reduction in
net heat added as shown by area A12271 and increase in net heat added
by the amount shown by area A44174.
Generally, A12271' = A44174
(Heat rejected)cycle 1234 < (Heat rejected)cycle 1234
Heat rejected
cycle = 1 
Heat added

T 7

3 2 2

5 6 6 s
Fig. 4.16.1. Rankine cycle showing two different throttle pressures.

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4–24 C (ME-Sem-3) Properties of Steam and Rankine Cycle

2. Increase in steam pressure at inlet to steam turbine is accompanied by

increase in cycle thermal efficiency.
B. Temperature of Steam at Inlet to Turbine :

p1 = p4
T1 1
p2 = p3

T 3 2 2

5 6 6
Fig. 4.16.2. Effect of increasing temperature at inlet to turbine.
1. It is also called superheating of steam at inlet to turbine.
2. From the given Fig. 4.16.2, it is clear that increase in inlet temperature
from T1 to T1 (Let T1 < T1) increases net work and heat addition.
Net increased work = area A11221
Net increased heat addition = area A11661
3. So, it is clear that increase in steam temperature from T1 to T1 increases
mean temperature of heat addition, which increases the thermal
C. Pressure at the End of Expansion :
1. The pressure at the end of expansion is called exhaust pressure or back
pressure or condenser pressure.
2. With same maximum pressure and temperature, the reduction in back
pressure from p2 to p2 causes increment in net work and in heat addition.
4 p2

T 5 p2
3 2


6 6 s
Fig. 4.16.3. Effect of varying exhaust pressure.
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Thermodynamics 4–25 C (ME-Sem-3)

3. From Fig. 4.16.3,

Increment in net work = Area 44322354
Increment in heat addition = Area 44664
So, the thermal efficiency of cycle increases by lowering back pressure
as increase in heat addition is more than increase in heat rejection.

Psychometric Terms and their Definitions, Psychometric Chart,
Different Psychometric Processes and their Representation
on Psychometric Chart.


Psychrometric Chart Terms :
1. DBT lines,
2. Specific humidity lines,
3. DPT lines,
4. WBT lines,
5. Enthalpy or total heat lines,
6. Specific volume lines,
7. Vapour pressure lines, and
8. Relative humidity lines.
Psychrometric Process :
1. Sensible Heating :
Heat added (q) = 1.022 (td2 – td1) kJ/kg
2. Sensible Cooling :
Heat rejected (q) = 1.022 (td1 – td2) kJ/kg
3. Humidification :
LH = h2 – h1
Dehumidification, LH = h1 – h2
4. Cooling and Humidification :
td1  td 2 W2  W1
H = 
td1  td 3 W3  W1
5. Cooling and Dehumidification :
SH h  h2
SHF =  A
SH+ LH h1  h2
6. Heating and Humidification :
hA  h1
h2  h1
7. Heating and Dehumidification :
td 3  td1
H =
td 2  td1

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4–26 C (ME-Sem-3) Properties of Steam and Rankine Cycle


Long Answer Type and Medium Answer Type Questions

Que 4.17.
3.17. With the help of a neat sketch explain the psychrometric

A. Psychrometric Chart :
1. It is a graphical representation of the various thermodynamic properties
of moist air.
2. The psychrometric chart is very useful for finding out the properties of
air and eliminates lot of calculations. The psychrometric chart is normally
drawn for standard atmospheric pressure of 760 mm of Hg (or 1.01325
3. In a psychrometric chart, dry bulb temperature is taken as abscissa and
specific humidity i.e., moisture contents as ordinate.
4. Now the saturation curve is drawn by plotting the various saturation
points at corresponding dry bulb temperatures.
5. The saturation curve represents 100 % relative humidity at various dry
bulb temperatures and it also represents the wet bulb and dew point

Alignment Sensible
Vapour pressure in mm of Hg

Wet bulb circle heat

n t

t io a
r a py

tu al

sa nth

e w em p

t Moisture
l b, o n Dew
b u a ti point content
et t u r
W sa kg of
Dry bulb

Relative moisture
humidity per kg of
dry air
Dry bulb temp, ° C
Fig. 4.17.1. Psychrometric chart.

6. The psychrometric chart has following important terms :

a. Dry Bulb Temperature Lines : These lines are drawn parallel to the
ordinate and the values of dry bulb temperatures are shown on the
saturation curve.
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Thermodynamics 4–27 C (ME-Sem-3)

Sp. humidity
– 6 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
Dry bulb temperature, ° C
Fig. 4.17.2. Dry bulb temperature lines.
b. Specific Humidity or Moisture Content Lines : These lines are
drawn parallel to the abscissa.

20 Sp.


Dry bulb temperature
Fig. 4.17.3. Specific humidity lines.
c. Dew Point Temperature Lines :
1. These are the temperature lines parallel to the abscissa. At any point on
the saturation curve, the dry bulb and dew point temperatures are
2. The values of dew point temperatures are generally given along the
saturation curve.

Wet bulb, point or

saturation temperature

5 Dew point

–6 5 15 25 35 45
Dry bulb temperature
Fig. 4.17.4. Dew point temperature lines.

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4–28 C (ME-Sem-3) Properties of Steam and Rankine Cycle

d. Wet Bulb Temperature Lines :

1. These are shown on the diagonal coordinate coinciding with the heat
coordinates. At any point on the saturation curve, the dry bulb and wet
bulb temperatures are equal.
2. The values of wet bulb temperatures are generally along the saturation
curve of the chart and the diagonals run downwards to the right at an
angle of 30° to the horizontal.

Wet bulb, dew

point or saturation

Sp. humidity
Wet bulb temp.

–6 5 15 25 35 45
Dry bulb temperature
Fig. 4.17.5. Wet bulb temperature lines.
e. Enthalpy or Total Heat Lines :
1. The enthalpy lines are inclined straight lines and these lines are parallel
to the wet bulb temperature lines and are drawn up to the saturation
2. The values of total enthalpy are given on a scale above the saturation
curve and these lines coincide with the wet bulb temperature lines.

h al
Sp. humidity

Dry bulb temperature

Fig. 4.17.6. Enthalpy lines.
f. Specific Volume Lines :
1. These lines are obliquely inclined straight lines and these lines are
drawn up to the saturation curve.
2. The values of volume lines are generally given at the base of the chart.
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Thermodynamics 4–29 C (ME-Sem-3)

Sp. humidity
Sp. volume,
m /kg of dry

Dry bulb temperature

Fig. 4.17.7. Specific volume lines.
g. Vapour Pressure Lines : The vapour pressure lines are not drawn in
the main chart but a scale showing vapour pressure in mm of Hg is
given on the extreme left side of the chart.
Vapour pressure in mm of Hg



Sp. humidity

Dry bulb temperature
Fig. 4.17.8. Vapour pressure lines.
h. Relative Humidity Lines :
1. The relative humidity lines are shown by curved lines and follow the
saturation curve.
2. The values of relative humidity lines are generally given along the lines
themselves and the saturation curve represents 100 % relative humidity.


Sp. humidity





Dry bulb temperature

Fig. 4.17.9. Relative humidity lines.

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4–30 C (ME-Sem-3) Properties of Steam and Rankine Cycle

Que 4.18. Plotting psychrometric charts , explain common

psychrometric processes on this chart.

A. Psychrometric Chart : Refer Q. 4.17, Page 4–26C, Unit-4.
B. Importance of Psychrometric Chart in Air Conditioning :
1. All data essential for the complete thermodynamic and psychrometric
analysis of air conditioning processes can be summarised in a
psychrometric chart.
2. It gives various thermodynamic properties of moist air.
3. It is very useful for finding out the properties of air and eliminates lot of
C. Psychrometric Processes :
1. The processes which affect the psychrometric properties of air are called
psychrometric processes.
The important psychrometric processes are given below :
a. Sensible heating (Process OA),
b. Sensible cooling (Process OB),
c. Humidification and dehumidification (Process OC and OD),
d. Cooling and humidification (Process OG),
e. Cooling and dehumidification (Process OF),
f. Heating and humidification (Process OE),
g. Heating and dehumidification (Process OH), and
h. Mixing of two air streams.




Fig. 4.18.1. Basic psychrometric process.
a. Sensible Heating :
1. The heating of air, without any change in its specific humidity is known
as sensible heating. Thus the heating can be achieved by passing the air
over heating coil like electric resistance heating coils or steam coils.
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Thermodynamics 4–31 C (ME-Sem-3)

2. The heat absorbed by the air during sensible heat is obtained from the
psychrometric chart by the enthalpy difference (h2 – h1) and the specific
humidity during the sensible heating remains constant i.e., W1 = W2
3. Let air at temperature td1 passes over a heating coil of temperature td3 and
the temperature of air leaving the heating coil td2 will be less than td3. The
amount of heat added during sensible heating may be obtain by the relation :

Heating coil

Air out
Air in

(a) Psychometrics process

py h3
h al h
E h
Sp. humidity

1 2 3
W1 = W2
1 2

td1 td2 td3

Dry bulb temperature
( b) Psychometrics chart
Fig. 4.18.2. Sensible heating.

4. Heat added,
q = h2 – h1
= cpa (td2 – td1) + W cps (td2 – td1)
= (cpa + W cps) (td2 – td1)
= cpm (td2 – td1)
Then term (cpa + W cps) is called humid specific heat (cpm) and its value is
taken as 1.022 kJ/kg-K.
 Heat added (q) = 1.022 (td2 – td1) kJ/kg

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4–32 C (ME-Sem-3) Properties of Steam and Rankine Cycle

b. Sensible Cooling :
1. The cooling of air, without any change in its specific humidity is known
as sensible cooling.
2. Thus the sensible cooling can be achieved by passing the air over cooling
coil like evaporating coil of the refrigeration cycle or secondary brine

Cooling coil (td3)

Air in Air out

(td1) (td2)

(a) Psychometrics process

py h
h al 2
E nt h3 2
Sp. humidity

tdp 1
W1 = W2
3 2

td3 td2 td1

Dry bulb temperature
(b) Psychometrics chart
Fig. 4.18.3. Sensible cooling.
3. The heat rejected by air during sensible cooling is obtained from the
psychrometric chart by the enthalpy difference (h1 – h2).
4. Let air at temperature td1 passes over a cooling coil of temperature td3
and the temperature of air leaving the cooling coil (td2) will be more than
td3. The specific humidity during the sensible cooling remains constant
i.e., W1 = W2.
5. The dry bulb temperature reduces from td1 to td2 and relative humidity
increases from 1 to 2.
6. The amount of heat rejected during sensible cooling is obtained from
the relation :
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Thermodynamics 4–33 C (ME-Sem-3)

i. Heat rejected,
q = h1 – h2 = cpa (td1 – td2) + W cps (td1 – td2)
= (cpa + W cps) (td1 – td2) = cpm (td1 – td2)
 Heat rejected q = 1.022 (td1 – td2) kJ/kg
ii. For air conditioning purposes, the sensible heat per minute is given by,
SH = ma cpm t ( ma = V)
= V cpm t kJ/ min ...(4.18.1)
where V = rate of dry air flowing in m3/min,
 = density of moist air at 20 °C and 50 % relative
= 1.2 kg/m3 of dry air,
cpm = humid specific heat
= 1.022 kJ/kg-K, and
t = td1 – td2 = difference of dry bulb temperatures between
the entering and leaving conditions of air in °C.
iii. Putting the value of  and cpm in eq. (4.18.1), we get
SH = V × 1.2 × 1.022 × t
= 1.2264 V × t kJ/min
1.2264 V  t
= 0.02044V × t kJ/s
c. Humidification and Dehumidification :
1. The gain of moisture to the air, without change in its dry bulb
temperature, is known as humidification and removal of moisture from
the air, without change in its dry bulb temperature is known as
2. The humidification and dehumidification processes are shown in
Fig. 4.18.4(a) and (b) on the psychrometric chart :

py h2 h1
al py
h al
nt h1 nt
Sp. humidity

E h2
Sp. humidity

2 E 1
W2 W1

W1 W2
1 1 2 2

Dry bulb temperature Dry bulb temperature

(a) Humidification ( b) Dehumidification
Fig. 4.18.4. Humidification and dehumidification.
3. In humidification, the relative humidity increases from 1 to 2 but decreases
from 1 to 2 in dehumidification and specific humidity also increases from
W1 to W2 but decreases in dehumidification as shown in Fig. 4.18.5(a) and
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4–34 C (ME-Sem-3) Properties of Steam and Rankine Cycle

4. The change in enthalpy in humidification is shown by the intercept

(h2 – h1) on the psychrometric chart by which dry bulb temperature of
air during the humidification remains constant, therefore its sensible
heat also remains constant.
5. So, the change in enthalpy per kg of dry air due to the increased moisture
content equal to (W2 – W1) kg per kg of dry air is considered to cause a
latent heat transfer (LH).
i. Mathematically :
LH = (h2 – h1) = hfg (W2 – W1)
where hfg is the latent heat of vaporization at dry bulb temperature (td1).
ii. Similarly for dehumidification, the above equation can be written as :
LH = (h1 – h2) = hfg (W1 – W2)
d. Cooling and Humidification :

Air in Air out
t1 = tw1

Make-up water
(a) psychometrics process

Sp. humidity

tw1 3
3' 2 2"
2 W2

td3 = tw1 td2 td1

Dry bulb temperature
( b) Psychometrics chart
Fig. 4.18.5. Cooling with adiabatic humidification.
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Thermodynamics 4–35 C (ME-Sem-3)

1. When the air is passed through an insulated chamber having sprays of

water maintained at a temperature (t1) higher than the dew point
temperature of entering air (tdp1), but lower than its dry bulb temperature
of entering air or equal to the wet bulb temperature of the entering air
(tw1), then air is said to be cooled and humidified as shown in Fig. 4.18.6(a)
and (b).
2. Since no heat is supplied or rejected from the spray water as the same
water is recirculated again and again, therefore, a condition of adiabatic
saturation will be reached in this case.
3. The temperature of spray water will reach the thermodynamic wet bulb
temperatures of the air entering the spray water.
4. In an ideal case (i.e., when the humidifying efficiency of the spray
chamber is 100 %), the final condition of the air will be at point 3 but in
actual practice, perfect humidification is never achieved.
5. Therefore, the final condition of air at outlet is represented by point 2 on
the line 1 - 3.
6. The effectiveness or the humidifying efficiency of the spray chamber is
given by,
actual drop in DBT
H =
ideal drop in DBT
actual drop in specific humidity
ideal drop in specific humidity
td1  td 2 W2  W1
= 
td1  td 3 W3  W1
e. Cooling and Dehumidification :
1. In this process, the dry bulb temperature as well as the specific humidity of
air decreases and the final relative humidity of the air is generally higher
than that of the entering air.




h2 h2 3



Sp. humidity
Sp. humidity

W2 W2
ADP 2 A 2
4 4

td2 td1 td4 = ADP td2 td3 td1

Dry bulb temperature Dry bulb temperature
(a) (b )
Fig. 4.18.6. Cooling and dehumidification.
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4–36 C (ME-Sem-3) Properties of Steam and Rankine Cycle

2. The dehumidification of air is only possible when the effective surface

temperature of the cooling coil is less than the dew point temperatures of the
air entering the coil (i.e. tdp1).
3. The effective surface temperature of the coil is known as apparatus dew
point (ADP).
4. The process of cooling and dehumidification is shown below :
i. Let td1 = dry bulb temperature of air entering the coil,
tdp1 = dew point temperature of the entering air
= td3, and
td4 = effective surface temperature or ADP of the coil.
ii. Under ideal conditions, the dry bulb temperature of the air leaving the
cooling coil (i.e. td4) should be equal to the surface temperature of the
cooling coil (i.e., ADP), which is never possible due to inefficiency of the
cooling coil. Thus, the resulting condition of air coming out of the coil is
shown by a point 2 on the line 1 – 4.
iii. The total heat removed from the air during the cooling and
dehumidification process is,
q = h1 – h2 = (h1 – hA) + (hA – h2)
= LH + SH
where LH = h 1 – h A = late nt he at re move d due to
condensation of vapour of the reduced moisture
content (W1 – W2), and
SH = hA – h2 = sensible heat removed.
iv. We know that sensible heat factor,
sensible heat SH h  h2
SHF =   A
total heat LH  SH h1  h2
f. Heating and Humidification :
1. This process is reverse process of cooling and dehumidification.
2. When air is passed through a humidifier having spray water temperature
higher than the dry bulb temperature of the entering air, the unsaturated
air will reach the condition of saturation and thus the air becomes hot.
3. The heat of vaporization of water is absorbed from the spray water itself
and hence it gets cooled.
4. In this way, the air becomes heated and humidified.
5. In this process, the dry bulb temperature as well as specific humidity of
air increases and the final relative humidity of the air can be lower or
higher than that of the entering air.
6. The total heat added to the air during heating and humidification is,
q = h2 – h1 = (h2 – hA) + (hA – h1)
= qL + qS
where qL = (h2 – hA) = latent heat of vaporization of the
increased moisture content (W2 – W1), and
qS = (hA – h1) = sensible heat added
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Thermodynamics 4–37 C (ME-Sem-3)

y l py h
lp ha A
t ha h t LH
En 2 3 ts1 En h 1 SH

Sp. humidity

Sp. humidity
h1 t3 2
ts2 W2
2 W2

1 W1
1 W1 A

td1 td2 td1 td2

Dry bulb temperature
Dry bulb temperature
Fig. 4.18.7. Heating and humidification.
7. We know that sensible heat factor,
sensible heat qS qS h  h1
SHF =    A
total heat q qS  qL h2  h1
g. Heating and Dehumidification :
1. In this process, the air is passed over chemicals which have an affinity
for moisture. As the air comes in contact with these chemicals, the
moisture gets condensed out of the air and gives up its latent heat.
2. Due to the condensation, the specific humidity decreases and the heat
of condensation supplies sensible heat for heating the air and thus
increasing its dry bulb temperature.
3. The effectiveness or efficiency of the dehumidifier is given as,
actual increase in DBT td 3  td1
H = 
ideal increase in DBT td 2  td1
h. Mixing of Two Air Streams :
1. When two quantities of air having different enthalpies and different
specific humidity's are mixed, the final condition of the air mixture
depends upon the masses involved and on the enthalpy and specific
humidity of each of the constituent masses which enter the mixture.
2. The two air streams 1 and 2 mixing adiabatically is shown in Fig. 4.18.8.
al h 3
h1, W1 th 1
E n h2 W1
Sp. humidity

m1 3
3 m1, h3, W 3 W2

m 2, h 2 W
2 td2 td3 td1
Dry bulb temperature
Fig. 4.18.8. Adiabatic mixing of two air streams.
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4–38 C (ME-Sem-3) Properties of Steam and Rankine Cycle

3. Let m1 = mass of air entering at 1,

h1 = enthalpy of air entering at 1,
W1 = specific humidity of air entering at 1,
m2, h2 and W2 = corresponding values of air entering at 2, and
m3, h3 and W3 = corresponding values of the mixture leaving at 3.
4. Assuming no loss of enthalpy and specific humidity during the air mixing
process, we have
For the mass balance,
m1 + m2 = m3 ...(4.18.1)
For the energy balance,
m1h1 + m2h2 = m3 h3 ...(4.18.2)
And for the mass balance of water vapour,
m1W1 + m2W2 = m3W3 ...(4.18.3)
5. Substituting the value of m3 from eq. (4.18.1) in eq. (4.18.2)
m1 h1 + m2h2 = (m1 + m2) h3 = m1h3 + m2h3
or m1h1 – m1h3 = m2h3 – m2h2
m1 (h1 – h3) = m2 (h3 – h2)
m1 h  h2
 = 3 ...(4.18.4)
m2 h1  h3
6. Similarly, substituting the value of m3 from eq. (4.18.1) in eq. (4.18.3)
m1 W  W2
= 3 ...(4.18.5)
m2 W1  W3
7. Now from eq. (4.18.4) and eq. (4.18.4), we get
m1 h  h2 W3  W2
= 3 
m2 h1  h3 W1  W3

Que 4.19. A mixture of dry air and water vapour is at a temperature

of 22 °C under a total pressure of 730 mm Hg. The dew point
temperature is 15 °C. Find :
i. Partial pressure of water vapour;
ii. Relative humidity;
iii. Specific humidity;
iv. Enthalpy of air per kg of dry air;
v. Specific volume of air per kg of dry air.

Given : tdb = 22 °C; tdp = 15 °C;
pt = 1.01325 × = 0.9732 bar
i. From steam tables partial pressure of water vapour at 15 °C dew point
pv = 0.017 bar
ii. Saturation pressure of water vapour at 22 °C DBT,
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Thermodynamics 4–39 C (ME-Sem-3)

pvs = 0.0264 bar

 Relative humidity,
pv 0.017
= 
pvs 0.0264
iii. Specific humidity,
0.622 pv
pt  pv
0.622  0.017
= = 0.011 kg/kg of dry air
0.9732  0.017
iv. Enthalpy of air, h = 1.005 tdb + W (2500 + 1.88 tdb)
= 1.005 × 22 + 0.011 (2500 + 1.88 × 22)
= 22.11 + 27.95 = 50.06 kJ/kg of dry air
v. Specific volume of air is equal to the volume of 1 kg of dry air or 0.011 kg
of water vapour. Based on dry air part
Ra  Ta R  Ta
v = va =  a
pa ( pt  pv )
287  (22  273)
(0.9732  0.017)  105
= 0.885 m3/kg of dry air
Que 4.20. In laboratory test, a psychrometer recorded dry bulb
temperature as 33 °C and wet bulb temperature 28 °C. Calculate :
i. Vapour pressure;
ii. Relative humidity;
iii. Specific humidity;
iv. Degree of saturation;
v. Dew point temperature;
vi. Enthalpy of mixture.
Barometric pressure = 1.0132 bar.

Given : tdb = 35 °C; twb = 28 °C; pt = 1.0132 bar
From steam tables, corresponding to 28 °C,
(pvs)wb = 0.0378 bar
i. Vapour pressure is given by the relation :
[ pt  ( pvs )wb ](tdb  twb )
pv = (pvs)wb –
1527.4  1.3twb
[1.0132  0.0378](35  28)
= 0.0378 –
1527.4  1.3  28
= 0.0378 – = 0.0332 bar
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4–40 C (ME-Sem-3) Properties of Steam and Rankine Cycle

ii. Relative humidity,  =
From steam tables corresponding to 35 °C, pvs = 0.0563 bar
 = = 0.5897 or 58.97 %
0.622 pv 0.622  0.0332
iii. Specific humidity, W = 
pt  pv 1.0132  0.0332
= 0.21 kg/kg of dry air
iv. Degree of saturation,
pv ( pt  pvs ) 0.0332(1.0132  0.0563)
=  = 0.5 %
pvs ( pt  pv ) 0.0563(1.0132  0.0332)
v. Dew point temperature, tdb, corresponding to
pv (i.e., 0.0332 bar)  26 °C (From steam tables)
vi. Enthalpy of mixture,
h = 1.005 tdb + W (2500 + 1.88 tdb)
= 1.005 × 35 + 0.021 (2500 + 1.88 × 35)
= 35.175 + 53.882 = 89.06 kJ/kg of dry air


Following questions are very important. These questions
may be asked in your SESSIONALS as well as

Q. 1. Draw the p-T diagram of pure substance and explain its

various regions of the diagram in details.
Ans. Refer Q. 4.3, Unit-4.

Q. 2. What is dryness fraction ? Explain the measurement of

dryness fraction of steam by combined separating and
throttling calorimeter.
Ans. Refer Q. 4.8, Unit-4.

Q. 3. Describe simple Rankine cycle with p-V diagram and any

one method of dryness fraction measurement.
Ans. Refer Q. 4.12, Unit-4.

Q. 4. Write down the analysis of Rankine cycle.

Ans. Refer Q. 4.13, Unit-4.
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Thermodynamics 4–41 C (ME-Sem-3)

Q. 5. Draw simple Rankine cycle on p-V, T-s and h-s diagram.

Steam enters at 80 bar and 450 °C in a steam turbine and
expands isentropically up to condenser pressure of 0.1 bar.
Find the state of steam at turbine exit and power developed
by the turbine if the mass flow rate of steam is 5 kg/s.
Ans. Refer Q. 4.14, Unit-4.

Q. 6. Discuss the effect of pressure of steam at inlet to turbine,

temperature at inlet to turbine and pressure at exit from
turbine upon Rankine cycle performance.
Ans. Refer Q. 4.16, Unit-4.

Q. 7. With the help of a neat sketch explain the psychrometric

Ans. Refer Q. 4.17, Unit-4.

Q. 8. Plotting psychrometric charts, explain common

psychrometric processes on this chart.
Ans. Refer Q. 4.18, Unit-4.

Q. 9. A mixture of dry air and water vapour is at a temperature

of 22 °C under a total pressure of 730 mm Hg. The dew point
temperature is 15 °C. Find :
i. Partial pressure of water vapour;
ii. Relative humidity;
iii. Specific humidity;
iv. Enthalpy of air per kg of dry air;
v. Specific volume of air per kg of dry air.
Ans. Refer Q. 4.19, Unit-4.

Q. 10. In laboratory test, a psychrometer recorded dry bulb

temperature as 33 °C and wet bulb temperature 28 °C.
Calculate :
i. Vapour pressure;
ii. Relative humidity;
iii. Specific humidity;
iv. Degree of saturation;
v. Dew point temperature;
vi. Enthalpy of mixture.
Barametric pressure = 1.0132 bar.
Ans. Refer Q. 4.20, Unit-4.


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Thermodynamics 5–1 C (ME-Sem-3)

5 Refrigeration Cycles

Part-1 ........................................................................... (5–2C to 5–12C)

• Refrigeration Capacity
• Unit of Refrigeration
• Reversed Carnot Cycle for Gas and Vapour
• Air Refrigeration Cycles
• Reversed Brayton Cycle and Bell Coleman Cycle

A. Concept Outline : Part-1 ............................................................. 5–2C

B. Long and Medium Answer Type Questions ............................... 5–2C

Part-2 ......................................................................... (5–12C to 5–23C)

• Vapour Compression Refrigeration Cycle

• Simple Saturated Cycle and Actual Vapour Compression
Refrigeration Cycle
• Analysis of Cycles
• Effect of Superheating
• Subcooling and Change in Evaporator and Condenser Pressure
on Performance of Vapour Compression Refrigeration Cycle

A. Concept Outline : Part-2 .......................................................... 5–12C

B. Long and Medium Answer Type Questions ............................ 5–13C

Part-3 ......................................................................... (5–24C to 5–30C)

• Refrigerant
• Classification and Desirable Properties of Refrigerant
• Vapour Absorption Refrigeration System

A. Concept Outline : Part-3 .......................................................... 5–24C

B. Long and Medium Answer Type Questions ............................ 5–24C

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5–2 C (ME-Sem-3) Refrigeration Cycles

Refrigeration Capacity, Unit of Refrigeration, Reversed Carnot
Cycle for Gas and Vapour, Air Refrigeration Cycles, Reversed
Brayton Cycle and Bell Coleman Cycle.


Refrigeration : It means a continued extraction of heat from a
body whose temperature is already below the temperature of
Unit of Refrigeration : The unit of refrigeration is TR.
1TR = 232.6 kJ / min
In actual, 1TR = 210 kJ / min or 3.5 kW
Coefficient of Performance of a Refrigerator :
Heatextracted Q
COP = 
Amount of work done W
Refrigeration Effect : The amount of heat extracted from the system
is termed as refrigeration effect.
Air Refrigeration Cycle :
1. Open air refrigeration cycle.
2. Closed air refrigeration cycle.
3. Reversed Carnot cycle.
4. Reversed Brayton cycle.


Long Answer Type and Medium Answer Type Questions

Que 5.1. Define the terms, ‘refrigeration effect’ and unit of

refrigeration ?

A. Refrigeration Effect :
1. It is defined as the amount of cooling produced by a system.
2. This cooling is obtained at an expense of some energy. Hence, it is
customary to define a term known as coefficient of performance.
3. The ratio of heat extracted in the refrigerator to the work done on the
refrigerant is known as coefficient of performance or theoretical
coefficient of performance of a refrigerator (COP).
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Thermodynamics 5–3 C (ME-Sem-3)

COP (theoretical) =
Where, Q = Amount of heat extracted in the refrigerator or
capacity of a refrigerator, and
W = Amount of work done.
B. Unit of Refrigeration :
1. The practical unit of refrigeration is expressed in terms of ‘tonne of
refrigeration’ or TR.
2. A tonne of refrigeration is defined as the amount of refrigeration effect
produced by the uniform melting of one tonne of ice at 0 °C in 24 hours.
Since the latent heat of ice is 335 kJ / kg, therefore one tonne of
refrigeration is given by,
1 TR = 1000 × 335 kJ in 24 hours
1000  335
= = 232.6 kJ / min
24  60
Note : In actual practice, one tonne of refrigeration is taken as equivalent
to 210 kJ / min or 3.5 kW (i.e., 3.5 kJ / s)

Que 5.2. Describe a reversed Carnot cycle with the help of a neat
labelled sketch.

1. A refrigerating system working on the reversed Carnot cycle, will have
the maximum possible coefficient of performance but the production of
such a machine has not been possible practically because the adiabatic
portion of the stroke would need a high speed while during isothermal
portion of the stroke, there is a need of a very low speed. This variation
of speed during the stroke is not practicable.
2. The working of reversed Carnot cycle are shown on p-v and T-s diagram
below :
Isen. exp.
p3 3
Iso. comp.

p2 2

p4 4

p1 Iso. exp.

v3 v 4 v2 v1
(a) p -v diagram
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5–4 C (ME-Sem-3) Refrigeration Cycles

T2=T3 3 2

Temperature T1=T4
4 1

3 2
s4 = s3 s1 = s2
(b) T-s diagram
Fig. 5.2.1. Reversed Carnot cycle.

3. The four processes of the reversed Carnot cycle are as follows :

a. Isentropic Compression Process (1-2) :
1. During this process, the pressure of air increases from p1 to p2, specific
volume decreases from v1 to v2 and temperature increases from T1 to
T2. During isentropic compression, no heat is absorbed or rejected by
the air.
b. Isothermal Compression Process (2-3) :
1. During this process, the pressure of air increases from p2 to p3 and
specific volume decreases from v2 to v3.
2. Heat rejected by the air during isothermal compression per kg of air is
given by,
q2–3 = Area 2 – 3 – 3' – 2'
= T3 (s2 – s3)
= T2 (s2 – s3)
c. Isentropic Expansion Process (3-4) :
1. During this process, the pressure of air decreases from p3 to p4, specific
volume increases from v3 to v4 and the temperature decreases from T3
to T4.
d. Isothermal Expansion Process (4-1) :
1. During this process, the pressure of air decreases from p4 to p1, and
specific volume increases from v4 to v1.
2. Heat absorbed by the air (or heat extracted from the cold body) during
isothermal expansion per kg of air is given by,
q4–1 = Area 4 – 1 – 2' – 3'
= T4 (s1 – s4) = T4 (s2 – s3) = T1 (s2 – s3)
3. Since, in a refrigerating machine, heat rejected is more than heat
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Thermodynamics 5–5 C (ME-Sem-3)

4. Therefore, workdone during the cycle per kg of air

= Heat rejected – Heat absorbed
= q2–3 – q4–1
= T2 (s2 – s3) – T1 (s2 – s3)
= (T2 – T1) (s2 – s3)
5. Therefore, coefficient of performance of the refrigeration system working
on reversed Carnot cycle is given by,
Heat absorbed q4 1
(COP)R = 
Workdone q23  q4 1
T1 ( s2  s3 ) T1
= 
(T2  T1 )( s2  s3 ) T2  T1

Que 5.3. Des cribe a Bell-Coleman or reversed Joule air

refrigeration cycle with the help of a neat labelled sketch.
Discuss the Bell-Coleman cycle for gas refrigeration with the help
of schematic, T-s and p-v diagrams.

A. Bell-Coleman or Reversed Brayton or Joule Cycle :
1. This cycle consists of a compressor, a cooler, an expander and a
refrigerator as shown below :
2 1
1 Cooling
Cooling 2 Compressor
water out in
water out Compressor
Refri- Cooler
Cooler gerator
Cooling Cooling
3 4 out
water in 3 4 water in
3 4 3 4

Expander Expander

(a) Open cycle Bell-Coleman (b) Closed cycle or dense air

refrigerator. Bell-Coleman refrigerator.
Fig. 5.3.1.
2. The Bell-Coleman cycle is a modification of reversed Carnot cycle.
3. The four processes of this cycle are shown on p-v and T-s diagram
below :
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5–6 C (ME-Sem-3) Refrigeration Cycles

3 2
T2 2
p2 = p3


Isen. T3 3
comp T1
1 4
p1 = p4

v3 v4 v 2 v1
(a) p-v diagram. (b) T-s diagram

Fig. 5.3.2. Bell-Coleman cycle.

4. The four process of the cycle are as follows :
a. Isentropic Compression Process (1-2) :
1. During the compression stroke, the cold air from the refrigerator is
drawn into the compressor cylinder where it is compressed
isentropically in the compressor.
2. In this process, both the pressure and temperature increases and
the specific volume of air at delivery from compressor reduces from
v1 to v2.
b. Constant Pressure Cooling Process (2-3) :
1. During this process, the warm air from the compressor is passed
into the cooler where it is cooled at constant pressure p3 (= p2),
reducing the temperature from T2 to T3 (temperature of cooling
water). The specific volume also reduces from v2 to v3.
2. Heat rejected by the air during constant pressure per kg of air is
given by,
Q2–3 = cp (T2 – T3)
c. Isentropic Expansion Process (3-4) :
1. During this process, the air from the cooler is now drawn into the
expander cylinder where it is expanded isentropically from pressure
p3 to the refrigerator pressure p4 which is equal to the atmospheric
pressure and the temperature of air during expansion falls from T3
to T4. The specific volume of air at entry to the refrigerator increases
from v3 to v4.
d. Constant Pressure Expansion Process (4-1) :
1. During this process, the cold air from expander is passed to the
refrigerator where it is expanded at constant pressure p4 (= p1) and
the temperature of air increases from T4 to T1. Due to heat from
the refrigerator, the specific volume of the air changes from v4 to
v1 .
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Thermodynamics 5–7 C (ME-Sem-3)

2. Heat absorbed by the air (or heat extracted from the refrigerator)
during constant pressure expansion per kg of air is given by,
q4–1 = cp (T1 – T4)
5. We know that the work done during the cycle per kg of air,
= Heat rejected – Heat absorbed
= cp (T2 – T3) – cp (T1 – T4)
Heat absorbed
6. Therefore, coefficient of performance (COP) =
T 
T4  1  1
cp (T1  T4 )  T4 
= = ...(5.3.1)
c p (T2  T3 )  c p (T1  T4 )  T2   T1 
T3   1  T4   1
 T3   T4 
7. For isentropic compression process (1-2),
 1
T2 p  
=  2 ...(5.3.2)
T1  p1 
Similarly, for isentropic expansion process (3-4),
 1
T3 p  
=  3 ...(5.3.3)
T4  p4 
8. Since, p2 = p3 and p1 = p4, therefore from eq. (5.3.2) and eq. (5.3.3), we get
T2 T T2 T
= 3 or = 1
T1 T4 T3 T4
9. Now substituting these values in eq. (5.3.1), we get
T4 1
COP = 
T3  T4 T3
1 1 1
 1
  1
=  1

 p3    p2   ( rp ) 
 p  1  p  1
4 1

Where rp = Compression or expansion ratio = p2  p3

p1 p4

Que 5.4. Explain open and closed air refrigeration cycle.

A. Open Air Refrigeration Cycle :
1. In an open air refrigeration cycle, the air is directly led to the space to be
cooled and allowed to circulate through the cooler and then returned to
the compressor to start another cycle.
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5–8 C (ME-Sem-3) Refrigeration Cycles

2. Since the air is supplied to the refrigerator at atmospheric pressure,

therefore, volume of air handled by the compressor and expander is
3. Thus the size of compressor and expander should be large.
B. Closed Air Refrigeration Cycle :
1. In a closed air refrigeration cycle, the air is passed through the pipes and
component parts of the system at all times.
2. The air is used for absorbing heat from the fluid (say brine) and this
cooled brine is circulated into the space to be cooled.
3. The closed air refrigeration cycle has the following advantages :
a. It can work at a suction pressure higher than that of atmospheric
pressure, therefore this reduces the volume handled by the
compressor and expander.
b. The operating pressure ratio can be reduced, which results in high

Que 5.5. Give the difference between open and closed air
refrigeration cycles.


S. No. Open air refrigeration Closed air refrigeration

cycle cycle

1. The air comes in contact The air doe s no t co me in

directly with the space to be contact with the space to be
cooled. cooled.
2. The size of compressor and The size of compressor can be
expander is large. kept within reasonable limit by
using dense air.
3. It requires drier. It does not require any
4. COP is lower. COP is higher.
5. The e xpansion o f the There is no such
refrigerant can be varied restriction.
only upto atmo sphe ric
pressure prevailing in the
cold chamber.

Que 5.6. A scientist claims to have developed a refrigerator which

maintains a freezer temperature of –15 °C in a room whose
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Thermodynamics 5–9 C (ME-Sem-3)

temperature is 35 °C and have a COP of 6.5. Justify, whether his

claim is true or false.


Given : T2 = 273 + (–15) = 258 K, T1 = 273 + 35 = 308 K, COP = 6.5

To Find : Scientist claim is true or false.
1. The COP of the refrigerating unit will be maximum when it is working
on reversed Carnot cycle.
2. Therefore, maximum possible COP
T2 258 258
=   = 5.16
T1  T2 308  258 50
Since, the COP claimed by the scientist is more than the maximum
possible COP, hence claim of the scientist is false.

Que 5.7. A cold storage plant is required to store 20 tonnes of

fish. The temperature of fish when supplied was 27 °C, storage
temperature of fish required = – 9 °C, specific heat of fish above
freezing point = 2.95 kJ/kg-°C, specific heat of fish below freezing
point = 1.25 kJ/kg-°C, freezing point of ice = – 3 °C, latent heat of
fish = 230 kJ/kg. If the cooling is achieved within 10 hours, find the
capacity of refrigeration plant.


Give : T1 = 27 °C, T2 = – 9 °C
Specific heat of fish above freezing point = 2.95 kJ/kg-°C
Specific heat of fish below freezing point = 1.25 kJ/kg -°C
Latent heat of fish = 230 kJ/kg
To Find : The capacity of refrigeration plant.
1. Heat removed in 10 hours from each kg of fish,
= 1 × 2.95 × [27 – (–3)]
+ 230 + 1 × 1.25 [–3 – (–9)]
= 88.5 + 230 + 7.5
= 326 kJ/kg
2. Heat removed by the plant / hour,
326  20  1000
= = 652000 kJ/h
3. Capacity of refrigerating plant,
= = 51.75 tonnes
210  60
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5–10 C (ME-Sem-3) Refrigeration Cycles

Que 5.8. A refrigeration system working on reversed Brayton

cycle operates between 1 bar and 5 bar. The temperatures at the
inlet to the compressor and expander are 30 °C and 40 °C, respectively.
Isentropic efficiency for the compression is 0.8 and same for
expansion is 0.9. If the capacity of the system is 5 tonnes of
refrigeration, determine :
i. Mass flow rate of air, and
ii. Power input to the compressor.
Take :  = 1.4 and cp = 1.004 kJ/kg-K.


Given : p1 = p4 = 1 bar; p2 = p3 = 5 bar;

T1 = 30 °C = 30 + 273 = 303 K; T3 = 40 °C = 40 + 273 = 313 K
C = 0.8; T = 0.9; cp = 1.004 kJ/kg-K; Q = 5 TR;  = 1.4
To Find : i. Mass flow rate of air.
ii. Power input to the compressor.
1. The p-v and T-s diagrams for the cycle are shown in Fig. 5.8.1(a) and (b)

T2' 2'
3 2 2
3 2' T2

313 3
T 303 1
4 1 T4 4'
4 4' 4
v s
(a) p -v diagram. (b) T-s diagram.
Fig. 5.8.1.

2. Let, T2 = Temperature of air at the end of the isentropic

compression in the compressor,
T2 = Actual temperature of air at the end of compression in
the compressor,
T4 = Temperature of air at the end of isentropic expansion in
the turbine, and
T4 = Actual temperature of air leaving the turbine.
3. We know that for isentropic compression process, 1-2,
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Thermodynamics 5–11 C (ME-Sem-3)

 1 1.4 –1
T2  p2    5 1.4
 p    = 1.584
T1 1
 1
T2 = T1 × 1.584 = 303 × 1.584
 T2 = 479.95  480 K
4. Similarly, for isentropic expansion process, 3-4,
 1
 p3 
1.4 –1
T3 
 p   (5) 1.4 = 1.584
T4 4

T3 313
T4 =  = 197.6 K
1.584 1.584
5. We know that isentropic efficiency of the compressor,
Isentropic increase in temperature
C =
Actual increase in temperature
T2 – T1
T2 – T1
480 – 303
0.8 =
T2 – 303
480 – 303 117
T2 – 303 =  = 221.3
0.8 0.8
T2 = 524.3 K
6. Isentropic efficiency of the turbine,
Actual decrease in temperature
T =
Isentropic decrease in temperature

T3 – T4
0.9 =
T3 – T4
313 – T4
0.9 =
313 – 197.6
313 – T4 = 103.86
 T4 = 209.14 K
7. Heat extracted from the refrigerator or refrigeration effect,
= cp (T1 – T4) = 1.005 (303 – 209.14)
= 94.33 kJ/kg
8. Mass of air flowing per minute,
Heat extracted per min
ma =
Heat extracted per kg
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5–12 C (ME-Sem-3) Refrigeration Cycles

210  5
= = 11.13 kg/min
(  1 TR = 210 kJ/min)
9. We know that
Compressor work,
WC = ma cp (T2 – T1)
= 11.13 × 1.005 (524.3 – 303)
= 2475.38 kJ/min
Turbine work,
WT = macp (T3 – T4)
= 11.13 × 1.005 (313 – 209.14)
= 1161.74 kJ/min
Net work done,
Wnet = WC – WT
= 2475.38 – 1161.74
= 1313.64 kJ/min
10. Work done per second is known as power,
Wnet = 1313.64 kJ/min
Wnet 1313.64
Power = 
60 60
= 21.894 kW

Vapour Compression Refrigeration Cycle, Simple Saturated Cycle
and Actual Vapour Compression Refrigeration Cycle, Analysis
of Cycles, Effect of Superheating, Subcooling and Change in
Evaporator and Condenser Pressure on Performance
of Vapour Compression Refrigeration Cycle.


Vapour Compression Refrigeration System : In this low pressure
vapour refrigerant from the evaporator is changed into high pressure
vapour refrigerant in the compressor, therefore it is named as vapour
compression refrigeration system.
Actual Vapour Compression Cycle :
The main deviations between the theoretical cycle and actual cycle
are as follows :
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Thermodynamics 5–13 C (ME-Sem-3)

1. The vapour refrigerant leaving the evaporator is in superheated

2. The compression of refrigerant is neither isentropic nor
3. The liquid refrigerant before entering the expansion valve is
sub-cooled in the condenser.
4. The pressure drops in evaporator and condenser.


Long Answer Type and Medium Answer Type Questions

Que 5.9. Describe vapour compression refrigeration system and

what are its advantages over air refrigeration system ?

A. Vapour Compression Refrigeration System :
1. It is an improved type of air refrigeration system in which a suitable
working substance termed as refrigerant is used.
2. The refrigerant does not leave the system. Condensed and evaporated
alternately and is circulated throughout the system.
3. During evaporation, the refrigerant absorbs its latent heat from the
brine (salt water) which is used for circulating it around the cold chamber.
4. While condensing, it gives out its latent heat to the circulating water of
the cooler.
5. Therefore, vapour compression refrigeration system is a latent heat
pump, as it pumps its latent heat from the brine and delivers it to the
B. Advantages of Vapour Compression Refrigeration System over
Air Refrigeration System :
1. It has smaller size for the given capacity of refrigeration.
2. It has less running cost.
3. It can be employed over a large range of temperatures.
4. The coefficient of performance is quite high.

Que 5.10. Describe the mechanism of a simple vapour compression

refrigeration system.

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5–14 C (ME-Sem-3) Refrigeration Cycles

This mechanism consists of following essential parts as shown in
Fig. 5.10.1.

Insulated cold

Low pressure
liquid vapour

Low pressure vapour

Pressure gauge Expansion valve
Pressure or refrigerant
gauge control valve
High pressure
Low pressure side vapour
High pressure

A B Condenser

High pressure liquid
vapour mixture

Fig. 5.10.1. Simple vapour compression refrigeration system.

a. Compressor :
1. The low pressure and temperature vapour refrigerant from evaporator
is drawn into the compressor through the inlet or suction valve A,
where it is compressed to a high pressure and temperature.
2. This high pressure and temperature vapour refrigerant is discharged
into the condenser through the delivery or discharge valve B.
b. Condenser :
1. The condenser or cooler consists of coils of pipe in which the high
pressure and temperature vapour refrigerant is cooled and condensed.
2. The refrigerant, while passing through the condenser, gives up its latent
heat to the surrounding condensing medium which is normally air or
c. Receiver :
1. The condensed liquid refrigerant from the condenser is stored in a
vessel known as receiver from where it is supplied to the evaporator
through the expansion valve or refrigerant control valve.
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Thermodynamics 5–15 C (ME-Sem-3)

d. Expansion Valve :
1. It is also called throttle or refrigerant control valve.
2. The function of the expansion valve is to allow the liquid refrigerant
under high pressure and temperature to pass at a controlled rate after
reducing its pressure and temperature.
e. Evaporator :
1. An evaporator consists of coils of pipe in which the liquid-vapour
refrigerant at low pressure and temperature is evaporated and changed
into vapour refrigerant at low pressure and temperature.
2. During evaporation, the liquid vapour refrigerant absorbs its latent
heat of vapourization from the medium (air, water or brine) which is to
be cooled.

Que 5.11. Draw a single stage simple vapour compression

refrigeration cycle on (T-s) and (p-h) diagrams and show how can
you make a thermodynamic analysis of the cycle and calculate it’s

1. The four process of the cycle is shown on T-s and p-h diagrams in
Fig. 5.11.1(a) and (b).
p 2=p 3 Cond.
T2 = T3 3
Cond. 2
3 2
p 1=p 4 Exp.



Exp. 1
4 Evap.
T1 = T4
4 Evap.

s1 = s2 hf3= h4 h1 hf1 h2
Entropy Enthalpy
(a) T-s diagram (b) p-h diagram
Fig. 5.11.1. Theoretical vapour compression cycle with dry
saturated vapour after compression.
a. Compression Process :
1. The vapour refrigerant at low pressure p1 and temperature T1 is
compressed isentropically to dry saturated vapour as shown by the
vertical line 1-2 on T-s diagram and by the curve 1-2 on p-h diagram.
2. Work done during isentropic compression per kg is given by,
W = h2 – h1
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5–16 C (ME-Sem-3) Refrigeration Cycles

Where h1 = Enthalpy of vapour refrigerant at temperature

T1 (i.e., at suction of the compressor), and
h2 = Enthalpy o f the vapo ur refrige rant at
temperature T 2 (i.e., at discharge of the
b. Condensing Process :
1. The high temperature and pressure vapour refrigerant from the
compressor is passed through the condenser where it is completely
condensed at constant pressure p2 and temperature T2 as shown by the
horizontal line 2-3 on T-s and p-h diagrams.
2. The vapour refrigerant is changed into liquid refrigerant.
c. Expansion Process :
1. The liquid refrigerant at pressure p3 = p2 and temperature T3 = T2 is
expanded by throttling process through the expansion valve to a low
pressure p4 = p1 and temperature T4 = T1, as shown by the curve 3-4 on
T-s diagram and by the vertical line 3-4 on p-h diagram.
2. During the throttling process, no heat is absorbed or rejected by the
liquid refrigerant.
d. Evaporation Process :
1. The liquid vapour mixture of the refrigerant at pressure p4 = p1 and
temperature T4 = T1 is evaporated and changed into vapour refrigerant
at constant pressure and temperature, as shown by the horizontal line
4-1 on T-s and p-h diagrams.
2. During evaporation, the liquid vapour refrigerant absorbs its latent
heat of vapourization from the medium (i.e., air, water or brine) which
is to be cooled and the process of vaporization continues up to point 1
which is the starting point and thus the cycle is completed.
3. The heat absorbed or extracted by the liquid vapour refrigerant during
evaporation per kg of refrigerant is given by
RE = h1 – h4 = h1 – hf3 (hf3 = h4)
Where hf3 = Sensible heat at temperature T3 (i.e., enthalpy
of liquid refrigerant leaving the condenser)
4. It may be noticed from the cycle that the liquid vapour refrigerant has
extracted heat during evaporation and the work will be done by the
compressor for isentropic compression of the high pressure and
temperature vapour refrigerant.
5. Therefore, coefficient of performance is given by,
Refrigeration effect
Work done

h1  h4 h1  hf 3
= 
h2  h1 h2  h1
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Thermodynamics 5–17 C (ME-Sem-3)

Que 5.12. What are the factors which affects the performance of a
simple vapour compression system ?

1. The factors which affect the performance of a vapour compression system
are as follows :
a. Effect of Suction Pressure :
1. The effect of decrease in suction pressure in p-h diagram is shown in
Fig. 5.12.1.
h2'  h1 ' (h2  h1 )  (h2  h2 ' )
2. COP = =
h3'  h2' (h3 – h2 ) – (h2 '  h2 )  (h3'  h3 )
p (Pressure)

p2 4 3

1 2
p1 2'
h (Enthalpy)
Fig. 5.12.1. Effect of decrease in suction pressure.
3. The above equation shows that when suction pressure decreases, the
refrigerating effect decreases and work required increases.
b. Effect of Delivery Pressure :
1. The effect of increase in delivery pressure in p-h diagram is shown in
Fig. 5.12.2.
2. COP of the cycle when delivery pressure increases is given by,
h2  h1 ' (h2  h1 )  (h1 '  h1 )
COP = 
h3'  h2 ( h3  h2 )  (h3'  h3 )
p (Pressure)

P2 4' 3'
4 3

P1 2
1 1'
h (Enthalpy)
Fig. 5.12.2. Effect of increase in delivery pressure.
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5–18 C (ME-Sem-3) Refrigeration Cycles

3. The effect of increasing the delivery pressure is just similar to the effect
of decreasing the suction pressure. The basic difference is that the
effect of decreasing the suction pressure is more predominant than the
effect of increasing the discharge pressure.
c. Effect of Superheating :
1. The effect of superheating in p-h diagram is shown in Fig. 5.12.3.
p (Pressure)

4 3 3'

1' 2' h (Enthalpy)

Fig. 5.12.3. Effect of decrease in suction pressure.

2. The effect of superheating increases the refrigerating effect which

increases the amount of work spent to attain the upper pressure limit.
3. Since, the increase in work is more as compared to increase in
refrigerating effect, therefore overall effect of the superheating is to
give a low value of COP.
d. Effect of Sub-Cooling of Liquid :
1. Sub-cooling is the process of cooling the liquid refrigerant below the
condensing temperature for a given pressure. The effect of sub-cooling
in p-h diagram is shown in Fig. 5.12.4.
2. The sub-cooling results in increase of COP provided that no further
energy has to be spent to obtain the extra cold coolant required.
p (Pressure)

p2 4' 4 3

p1 2
1' 1
h (Enthalpy)

Fig. 5.12.4. Effect of increase in delivery pressure.

Que 5.13. A vapour compres sion refrigeration system of

5 tonne capacity operates at 40 °C condenser and –16 °C evaporator
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Thermodynamics 5–19 C (ME-Sem-3)

temperatures. The vapour is superheated by 5 °C at the entry to the

compressor. Determine COP and power requirement. Use the
following properties of the refrigerant (do not use other property
tables as refrigerant is not known to you) :
At tsat = 40 °C (psat = 1.0166 MPa);
hf = 256.41 kJ/kg,
hg = 419.43 kJ/kg,
sg = 1.711 kJ/kg K, and
For superheated vapour, cp = 1.145 kJ/kg K
At tsat = –16 °C (psat = 0.15728 MPa);
hg = 389.02 kJ/kg,
sg = 1.7379 kJ/kg K, and
For superheated vapour, cp = 0.831 kJ/kg K


Given : Capacity = 5 tonne, Condenser temperature = 40 °C

Evaporator temperature = – 16 °C
To Find : COP and power required.

T 
1. Since, s1 = s1 + cpv ln  1 
 T1  
 273  5 
= 1.7379 + 0.831 ln 
 273  16 
= 1.8032 kJ/kg K ...(5.13.1)
T 
s2 = s2 + cpv ln  2 
 T2  
 T2 
= 1.711 + 0.831 ln  ...(5.13.2)
 273  40 
s1 = s2

 T 
1.8032 = 1.711 + 0.831 ln  2 
 313 
T2 = 349.74 K
2. And, h1 = h1 + Cpl (T1 – T1)
= 389.02 + 1.415 (278 – 257)
= 418.74 kJ/kg
h2 = h2 + Cpl (T2 – T2)
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5–20 C (ME-Sem-3) Refrigeration Cycles

= 419.43 + 1.145 (349.74 – 313)

= 461.50 kJ/kg

h1  hf3 418.74  256.41

3. Therefore, COP =   3.8
h2  h1 461.50  418.74
4. Work done during compression,

= m v (h2 – h1)
= (h2 – h1)
5  210
= (461.50 – 418.74)
418.74  256.41
= 276.58 kJ/min
Hence, power required = = 4.61 kJ/s or 4.61 kW

Que 5.14. A vapour compression machine is used to maintain

–23 °C in a refrigerated space. The ambient temperature is 37 °C. The
compressor takes in dry saturated vapour of R12. A minimum 10 °C
temperature difference is required at the evaporator as well as at
condenser. There is no sub cooling of liquid. If the refrigerant flow
rate is 1 kg/min, find
a. Tonne of refrigeration,
b. Power required, and
c. Ratio of COP of this cycle to COP of Carnot cycle.


Given : mR = 1 kg/min, T1 = –23°C, h1 = 200.4 kJ/kg, hg1 = 176.5 kJ/kg

T4= 10°C, h4 = 218.6 kJ/kg, hg4 = 191.7 kJ/kg
To Find : a. Tonne of refrigeration,
b. Power required,
c. Ratio of COP of this cycle to COP of Carnot cycle.
a. Tonne of refrigeration :
1. Refrigeration effect produced per kg of refrigerant,
= h1 – hg4 = 200.4 – 191.7 = 8.7 kJ/kg
2. The total heat extracted is given by,
= mR × RE
= 1 × 8.7 = 8.7 kJ/min
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Thermodynamics 5–21 C (ME-Sem-3)

3. So, the capacity of refrigerant is

= 0.041 TR (1TR = 210 kJ/min)
b. Power required :
1. Work done during compression of refrigerant
= mR (h4 – h1)
= 1 × (218.6 – 200.4) = 18.2 kJ/min

 Power required = = 0.303 kW
c. Ratio of COP of this cycle to COP of Carnot cycle :
1. COP of this cycle,
h1  hf 4 8.7
=  = 0.47
h2  h1 18.2
2. COP of Carnot cycle,
RE 8.7
=  =1
W 8.7
3. Ratio = = 0.47
Que 5.15. The temperature limits of an ammonia refrigerating
system are 25 °C and –10 °C. If the gas is dry at the end of compression,
calculate the coefficient of performance of cycle assuming no under
cooling of the liquid ammonia.
Temperature Liquid heat Latent heat Liquid entropy
(°C) (kJ/kg) (hf) (kJ/kg) (hfg) (kJ/kg-K) (hsf)
25 298.9 1166.94 1.1242
– 10 135.37 1297.68 0.5443


Given : T2 = T3 = 25 °C = 25 + 273 = 298 K ;

T1 = T4 = – 10 °C = – 10 + 273 = 263 K ;
hf 3 = h4 = 298.9 kJ/kg ; hfg2 = 1166.94 kJ/kg ; sf 2 = 1.1242 kJ/kg-K ;
hf 1 = 135.37 kJ/kg ;
hfg1 = 1297.68 kJ/kg ; sf 1 = 0.5443 kJ/kg-K
To Find : Coefficient of performance (COP).
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5–22 C (ME-Sem-3) Refrigeration Cycles

1. The T-s and p-h diagrams are shown in Fig. 5.15.1(a) and (b) respectively.

3 3
2 2
Temperature (K)

263 4 1
4 1
sf1 s1 = s2 hf1
hf3 = h 4 Enthalpy
(a) T-s diagram. (b) p-h diagram.
Fig. 5.15.1.
2. Let, x1 = dryness fraction at point 1.
3. We know that entropy at point 1,
x1 hfg1
s1 = s f 1 
x1  1297.68
= 0.5443 
= 0.5443 + 4.934 x1 ...(5.15.1)
4. Similarly, entropy at point 2,
hfg 2
s2 = s f 2 
= 1.1242  = 5.04 ...(5.15.2)
5. Since the entropy at point 1 is equal to entropy at point 2, therefore
equating eq. (5.15.1) and (5.15.2), we get
0.5443 + 4.934 x1 = 5.04 or x1 = 0.91
6. We know that enthalpy at point 1,
h1 = hf 1 + x1 hfg1 = 135.37 + 0.91 × 1297.68
= 1316.26 kJ/kg
and enthalpy at point 2,
h2 = hf 2 + hfg2 = 298.9 + 1166.94
= 1465.84 kJ/kg
7. Therefore, coefficient of performance of the cycle,
h1 – hf 3 1316.26 – 298.9
COP =  = 6.8
h2 – h1 1465.84 – 1316.26

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Thermodynamics 5–23 C (ME-Sem-3)

Que 5.16. Explain the working of an actual vapour compression

cycle with the help of T-s diagrams.

1. The actual vapour compression cycle on T-s is shown in Fig. 5.16.1.
T pd
6 pc
pd 8
10 9
11 pe
3 ps
1 2
4 5

Fig. 5.16.1. Actual vapour compression cycle (T -s diagram).
2. The various processes are given below :
a. Process 1-2-3 : This process represents passage of refrigerant through
the evaporator, with 1-2 indicating gain of latent heat of vaporization
and 2-3, the gain of superheat before entrance to compressor.
b. Process 3-4-5-6-7-8 :
1. The process represents the passage of the vapour refrigerant from
entrance to the discharge of the compressor.
2. In above Fig. 5.16.1, path 3-4 represents the throttling action that occurs
during passage through the suction valves and path 7-8 represents the
throttling during passage through exhaust valves.
3. Both of these actions are accompanied by an entropy increase and a
slight drop in temperature.
4. Compression of the refrigerant occurs along path 5-6, which is actually
neither isentropic nor polytropic and the heat transfer indicated by path
4-5 and 6-7 occurs essentially at constant pressure.
c. Process 8-9-10-11 : This process represents the passage of refrigerant
through the condenser with 8-9 indicating removal of superheat, 9-10
for the removal of latent heat and 10-11 for removal of heat of liquid or
d. Process 11-1 : This process represents passage of the refrigerant (i.e.,
an irreversible adiabatic path) through the expansion valve, both
theoretically and practically.
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5–24 C (ME-Sem-3) Refrigeration Cycles

Refrigerant, Their Classification and Desirable Properties, and
Vapour Absorption Refrigeration System.


Refrigerant : It is a heat carrying medium which during their cycle in
the system absorbs heat from a low temperature system and discards
the heat so absorbed to a higher temperature system.
Types of Refrigerant :
1. Primary refrigerants.
2. Secondary refrigerants.
Principle of Vapour Absorption System : The system uses heat
energy, instead of mechanical energy as in vapour compression system,
in order to change the conditions of the refrigerant required for the
operation of the refrigeration cycle.
Components of Simple Vapour Absorption System :
1. Generator,
2. Condenser,
3. Absorber,
4. Receiver, and
5. Evaporator.
Practical Vapour Absorption System :
1. Analyser,
2. Rectifier, and
3. Heat exchangers.


Long Answer Type and Medium Answer Type Questions

Que 5.17. What is the bas ic function of refrigerants in a

refrigeration cycle and how they are classified ? Write some desirable
properties of refrigerants. What is the basic difference between
primary and secondary refrigerants ?

A. Refrigerant :
1. A refrigerant is defined as any substance that absorbs heat through
expansion or vapourization and loses it through condensation in a
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Thermodynamics 5–25 C (ME-Sem-3)

B. Function :
1. The basic function of refrigerant is take heat from the evaporator and
loose the heat in the condenser with reasonable heat transfer rate and
establishes the effective heat exchange in the system.
C. Desirable Properties of an Ideal Refrigerant :
1. Low boiling point.
2. Low specific heat of liquid.
3. Low specific volume of vapour.
4. Low cost.
5. High critical temperature.
6. High latent heat of vapourization.
7. Non-corrosive to metal.
8. Non-flammable and non-explosive.
9. Non-toxic.
10. Easy to liquefy at moderate pressure and temperature.
D. Classification of Refrigerants : The refrigerants are basically classified
as follow :
a. Primary Refrigerants :
1. Those refrigerants which directly take part in the refrigeration system
and cool the substance by the absorption of latent heat.
Example : Ammonia, Caron dioxide, Sulphur dioxide, Methyl chloride,
Freon group etc.
2. The primary refrigerants are further classified into the following four
groups :
i. Halo-carbon refrigerants,
ii. Azeotrope refrigerants,
iii. Inorganic refrigerants, and
iv. Hydro-carbon refrigerant.
i. Halo-Carbon Refrigerants :
1. The halocarbon compounds are obtained after replacing one or more of
hydrogen atoms of hydrocarbon methane or ethane by one or more of
the three halogens : chlorine, fluorine and bromine.
2. Some of the commonly used halo-carbon compounds are given in the
following table :

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5–26 C (ME-Sem-3) Refrigeration Cycles

Refrigerant Chemical name Chemical

number formula
R-11 Trichloromonofluoromethane CCl3F
R-12 Dichlorodifluoromethane CCl2F2
R-13 Monochlorotrifluoromethane CClF3
R-14 Carbontetrafluoride CF4
R-21 Dichloromonofluoromethane CHCl2F
R-22 Monochlorodifluoromethane CHClF2
R-30 Methylene chloride CH2Cl2
R-40 Methyl chloride CH3Cl
R-100 Ethyl chloride C2H5Cl
R-113 Trichlorotrifluoroethane CCl2FCClF2
R-114 Dichlorotetrafluoroethane CClF2CClF2
R-115 Monochloropentafluoroethane CClF2CF3

ii. Azeotrope Refrigerant :

1. The term ‘azeotrope’ refers to a stable mixture of refrigerants whose
vapour and liquid phases retain identical compositions over a wide range
of temperatures.
2. Some of the azeotropes are given in the following table :
Refrigerant Azeotropic mixing Chemical
number refrigerants formula
R-500 73.8 % R-12 and 26.2 % R-152 CCl2F2/CH3CHF2
R-502 48.8 % R-22 and 51.2 % R-115 CHClF2/CClF2CF3
R-503 40.1 % R-23 and 59.9 % R-13 CHF3/CClF3
R-504 48.2 % R-32 and 51.8 % R-115 CH2F2/CClF2CF3

iii. Inorganic Refrigerant :

1. The inorganic refrigerants were most commonly used before the
introduction of hydro-carbon group for all purposes.
2. These refrigerants are still in use due to their inherent thermodynamic
and physical properties.
3. The important inorganic refrigerants are given in the following table :

Refrigerant Chemical name Chemical

number formula
R-717 Ammonia NH3
R-729 Air —
R-744 Carbon dioxide CO2
R-764 Sulphur dioxide SO2
R-118 Water H2 O

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Thermodynamics 5–27 C (ME-Sem-3)

iv. Hydro-Carbon Refrigerants :

1. Most of the refrigerants of this group are organic compounds and these
are successfully used in industrial and commercial installations.
2. Some of the important refrigerants of this group are given in the table
below :

Refrigerant Chemical name Chemical

number formula
R-170 Ethane C2H6
R-290 Propane C3H8
R-600 Butane C4H10
R-600a Isobutane CH(CH3)3
R-1120 Trichloroethylene C2HCl3
R-1130 Dichloroethylene C2H2Cl2
R-1150 Ethylene C2H4
R-1270 Propylene C3H6

b. Secondary Refrigerants :
1. Those refrigerants which are first cooled with the help of the primary
refrigerants and are then employed for cooling purposes are known as
secondary refrigerant.
2. These refrigerants cool substances by absorption of their sensible heat.
3. The commonly used secondary refrigerants are as follows :
i. Water,
ii. Sodium chloride brine,
iii. Calcium chloride brine,
iv. Ethylene glycol, and
v. Propylene glycol etc.

Que 5.18. Draw a neat and labelled schematic diagram of a simple

vapour absorption refrigeration system.


1. It consists of an absorber, a pump, a generator and a pressure reducing

valve to replace the compressor of vapour compression system.
2. The other components of the system are condenser, receiver, expansion
valve and evaporator.

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5–28 C (ME-Sem-3) Refrigeration Cycles

High pressure NH 3 vapour


Steam or electricity Generator Cooling water


3 NH3 liquid

WP Reducing valve Expansion


Weak solution 4
Low pressure NH3
QA 1
Absorber Evaporator
Cooling water
Fig. 5.18.1. Simple vapour absorption system.

A. Working :
1. In this system, the low pressure ammonia vapour leaving the evaporator
enters in the absorber where it is absorbed by the cold water in the
2. The absorption of ammonia vapour in water lowers the pressure in the
absorber which in turn draws more ammonia vapour from the evaporator
and thus raises the temperature of solution.
3. Cooling arrangement is employed in the absorber to remove the heat of
solution evolved there.
4. This is necessary in order to increase the absorption capacity of water
because at higher temperature water absorbs less ammonia vapour.
5. Thus the strong solution (rich in ammonia) is formed in the absorber
which is pumped to the generator where heat (QG) is supplied from an
external source (i.e., steam, electricity, etc.)
6. Since, the boiling point of ammonia is less than that of water, the
ammonia vapour is driven off from the aqua-ammonia solution at high
pressure, and the weak solution returns to the absorber through a
pressure reducing valve.
7. The high pressure ammonia vapour from the generator is condensed in
the condenser to high pressure liquid ammonia.
8. This liquid ammonia is throttled by the expansion valve and then
evaporates, absorbing the heat of evaporation from the surroundings or
brine to be chilled. This completes the simple vapour absorption cycle.

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Thermodynamics 5–29 C (ME-Sem-3)

Que 5.19. With the help of schematic diagram, explain the working
of a practical aqua-ammonia vapour absorption refrigerating
system. Highlight the advantage of using analyser, rectifier and
heat exchanger.

A. Practical Vapour Absorption System :
1. The simple absorption system is not very economical.
2. In order to improve the performance and working of the plant, following
accessories are fitted :
a. Analyser, b. Rectifier, and
c. Heat exchangers.
Cooling water
Cooling water

Rectifier or
Drip dehydrator


Generator Receiver



Pump reducing
Strong valve


Evaporator Expansion
Cooling water valve
Fig. 5.19.1. Practical vapour absorption system.
a. Analyser :
1. When ammonia is vapourized out of the solution in the generator some
water is also vapourized and will flow into the condenser along with the
ammonia vapours in the simple system.
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5–30 C (ME-Sem-3) Refrigeration Cycles

2. To stop these unwanted water particles flowing to the condenser, an

analyser is used.
3. An analyser (may be built as an integral part of the generator or made
as a separate piece of equipment) is a direct heat exchanger consisting
of a series of trays mounted above the generator.
4. The strong solution from the absorber flows downward over the trays to
cool the outgoing vapours.
5. Since the saturation temperature of water is higher than that of ammonia
at a given pressure, it is the water vapour which condenses first.
6. As the vapour passes upward through the analyzer, it is cooled and
enriched by ammonia, and the liquid is heated.
7. Thus the vapour going to the condenser is lower in temperature and
richer in ammonia and the heat input to the generator is decreased.
b. Rectifier :
1. A rectifier is a water-cooled heat exchanger which condenses water
vapour (and some ammonia) and sends back to the generator by a drip
return pipe.
2. Its function is to cool further the ammonia vapours leaving the analyzer
so that the remaining water vapours are condensed. Thus, only dry or
anhydrous ammonia vapours flow to the condenser.
c. Heat Exchanger :
1. The heat exchanger provided between the pump and the generator is
used to cool the weak hot solution returning from the generator to the
2. The heat removed from the weak solution raises the temperature of the
strong solution leaving the pump and going to analyzer and generator.
3. This operation reduces the heat supplied to the generator and the amount
of cooling required for the absorber. Thus, the economy of the plant
4. The heat exchanger provided between the condenser and the evaporator
also called liquid sub-cooler.
5. In this heat exchanger, the liquid refrigerant leaving the condenser is
sub-cooled by the low temperature ammonia vapour from the evaporator.
6. This sub-cooled liquid is now passed to the expansion valve and then to
the evaporator.
7. In this system, the net refrigerating effect is the heat absorbed by the
refrigerant in the evaporator.
8. The total energy supplied to the system is the sum of work done by the
pump and the heat supplied in the generator.
9. Therefore, the coefficient of performance of the system is given by,
Heat absorbed in evaporator
Work done by pump  heat supplied in generator
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Thermodynamics 5–31 C (ME-Sem-3)


Following questions are very important. These questions
may be asked in your SESSIONALS as well as

Q. 1. Describe a reversed Carnot cycle with the help of a neat

labelled sketch.
Ans. Refer Q. 5.2, Unit-5.
Q. 2. Describe a Bell-Coleman or reversed joule air refrigeration
cycle with the help of a neat labelled sketch.
Ans. Refer Q. 5.3, Unit-5.
Q. 3. Give the difference between open and closed air
refrigeration cycles.
Ans. Refer Q. 5.5, Unit-5.
Q. 4. Describe vapour compression refrigeration system and
what are its advantages over air refrigeration system ?
Ans. Refer Q. 5.9, Unit-5.
Q. 5. Describe the mechanism of a simple vapour compression
refrigeration system.
Ans. Refer Q. 5.10, Unit-5.
Q. 6. Draw a s ingle stage simple vapour compress ion
refrigeration cycle on (T-s) and (P-h) diagrams and show
how can you make a thermodynamic analysis of the cycle
and calculate it’s COP.
Ans. Refer Q. 5.11, Unit-5.
Q. 7. What are the factors which affects the performance of a
simple vapour compression system ?
Ans. Refer Q. 5.12, Unit-5.
Q. 8. Explain the working of an actual vapour compression cycle
with the help of T-s diagrams.
Ans. Refer Q. 5.16, Unit-5.
Q. 9. What is the basic function of refrigerants in a refrigeration
cycle and how they are classified ? Write some desirable
properties of refrigerants. What is the basic difference
between primary and secondary refrigerants ?
Ans. Refer Q. 5.17, Unit-5.
Q. 10. With the help of schematic diagram, explain the working of
a practical aqua-ammonia vapour absorption refrigerating
system. Highlight the advantage of using analyser, rectifier
and heat exchanger.
Ans. Refer Q. 5.19, Unit-5.

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Thermodynamics SQ–1 C (ME-Sem-3)

1 Introduction
(2 Marks Questions)

Memory Based Questions

1.1. What do you mean by open system ?

Ans. Open system is the system in which matter and energy both flows
into or out of the system.

1.2. What do you mean by isolated system ?

Ans. Isolated system is the system which exchanges neither energy nor
matter with any other system or with environment.

1.3. What do you mean by macroscopic approach ?

Ans. Macroscopic approach is the thermodynamic approach in which a
certain quantity of matter is considered without taking into account
the events occurring at molecular level.

1.4. Define microscopic approach.

Ans. Microscopic approach is the thermodynamic approach in which the
system is made up of a very large number of discrete particles
known as molecules. These molecules have different velocities and

1.5. What do you mean by intensive and extensive properties ?

Ans. Intensive Properties : These properties do not depend on the
mass of the system.
Example : Temperature and pressure.
Extensive Properties : These properties depend on the mass of
the system.
Example : Volume.

1.6. Briefly explain quasi-static process.

AKTU 2015-16, Marks 02

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SQ–2 C (ME-Sem-3) 2 Marks Questions

Ans. This process is a succession of equilibrium states and infinite

slowness is its characteristic feature. This process is also called a
reversible process.

1.7. How does a homogeneous s ys tem differ from a

heterogeneous system ? AKTU 2016-17, Marks 02
Homogeneous system : A system consisting of a single phase is
called “homogeneous system”. e.g., milk + water, aqua ammonia.
Heterogeneous system : A system consisting of more than one
phase is called “heterogeneous system”. e.g., wet steam,
water + mercury.

1.8. What do you mean by non-flow process and flow process ?

Ans. Non-Flow Process : It is the process in which a fixed mass within
the defined boundary is undergoing a change of state.
Flow Process : It is the process in which mass is entering and
leaving through the boundary of an open system.

1.9. State steady and unsteady flows.

AKTU 2015-16, Marks 02
Ans. Steady Flow : It is the process in which mass is crossing the
boundary from surroundings at entry, and an equal mass is crossing
the boundary at the exit so that the total mass of the system remains
Unsteady Flow : It is the process in which mass at entry and mass
at exit is not equal i.e., total mass of the system does not remain

1.10. What do you mean by point function ?

Ans. When two properties locate a point on the graph (co-ordinate axes)
then those properties are called as point function. Example :
Pressure, temperature, volume etc.

1.11. State zeroth law of thermodynamics.

Ans. Zeroth law of thermodynamics states that if two systems are each
equal in temperature to a third separately, then they will be equal
in temperature to each other.

1.12. List any five physical properties of matter which can be

used for measurement of temperature.
AKTU 2016-17, Marks 02
Ans. 1. Length 2. Radiation
3. Thermal EMF 4. Volume
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Thermodynamics SQ–3 C (ME-Sem-3)

5. Pressure

1.13. State reversible and irreversible processes.

Ans. Reversible Process : It is defined as the process which can be
stopped at any stage and reversed so that the system and
surroundings are exactly restored to their initial states.
Irreversible Process : It is the process in which heat is transferred
through a finite temperature.

1.14. State first law of thermodynamics.

Ans. First law of thermodynamics states that heat and work are mutually
convertible but since energy can neither be created nor destroyed,
the total energy associated with an energy conversion remains

1.15. Write the limitations of first law of thermodynamics.

1. The first law fixes the exchange rate between heat and work and
puts no restrictions on the direction of change.
2. Process can only take place in a particular direction but these
processes cannot be reversed, though the reversal of a process
does not violate first law of thermodynamics.
3. The first law of thermodynamics provides a necessary but not a
sufficient condition for a process to take place.
4. There exists some directional law which would tell whether a
particular process occurs or not. This forms the basis of second law
of thermodynamics.

1.16. What do you mean by work ?

Ans. Work is said to be done by a system if the sole effect on things
external to the system can be reduced to the raising of a weight.

1.17. Explain free expansion process ?

AKTU 2015-16, Marks 02
Ans. Let us consider a gas separated from the vacuum by a partition. Let
the partition be removed. The gas rushes to fill the entire volume.
The expansion of a gas against vacuum is called free expansion.

1.18. Define heat.

Ans. Heat is defined as the form of energy that is transferred across a
boundary by virtue of a temperature difference.

1.19. Write Boyle’s law and Charle’s law.

Ans. Boyle’s law : According to this law, volume of a given mass of a
perfect gas varies inversely with absolute pressure when
temperature is kept constant.
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SQ–4 C (ME-Sem-3) 2 Marks Questions

Product of absolute pressure and volume of a given quantity of gas

is constant when the temperature is kept constant.
i.e., V  or pV = constant
Charle’s Law : According to this law, the volume of a given mass
of a perfect gas varies directly with its absolute temperature when
pressure is kept constant i.e.,
= Constant. (At constant pressure)

1.20. What do you mean by throttling process ?

Ans. Expansion of working fluid from a region of high pressure across a
restriction or very small opening under a steady flow without any
heat transfer is referred to as throttling process.

1.21. Define perpetual motion machine of the first kind.

Ans. Since there can be no machine which would continuously supply
mechanical work without some other form of energy disappearing
simultaneously. Such a fictitious machine is called a perpetual motion
machine of the first kind. A PMM 1 is thus impossible.

1.22. What do you mean by control surface ?

Ans. Control surface is defined as the boundary of a control volume
which is a fixed region in space upon which attention is concentrated
in the analysis of a problem.


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Thermodynamics SQ–5 C (ME-Sem-3)

2 Second Law of
(2 Marks Questions)

Memory Based Questions

2.1. Define thermal energy reservoir.

Ans. Thermal energy reservoir is defined as a large body of infinite heat
capacity, which is capable of absorbing or rejecting an unlimited
quantity of heat without suffering appreciable changes in its
thermodynamic coordinates.

2.2. Define mechanical energy reservoir.

Ans. Mechanical energy reservoir is defined as a large body enclosed by
an adiabatic impermeable wall capable of storing work as potential
energy or kinetic energy.

2.3. State the various statements of second law of

thermodynamics ? AKTU 2015-16, Marks 02
Ans. Kelvin-Planck Statement : It states that it is impossible for a heat
engine to produce net work in a complete cycle if it exchanges heat
only with bodies at a single fixed temperature.
Clausius Statement : It is impossible to construct a device which,
operating in a cycle, will produce no affect other than the transfer
of heat from a cooler to hotter body.

2.4. Define PMM 2.

Ans. If heat rejection is zero, the heat engine will produce net work in a
complete cycle by exchanging heat with only one reservoir, thus
violating the Kelvin–Planck statement. Such a heat engine is called
a PMM2. A PMM2 is impossible.

2.5. What is exergy ? AKTU 2015-16, Marks 02

Ans. The maximum work output obtained from a certain heat input in a
cycle heat engine is called the available energy (A.E) or exergy.

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SQ–6 C (ME-Sem-3) 2 Marks Questions

2.6. Define heat pump.

Ans. Heat pump is a device which, operating in a cycle, maintains a body,
at a temperature higher than the temperature of the surroundings.

2.7. Compare heat pump and refrigerator.

AKTU 2016-17, Marks 02
Ans. Compare heat pump and refrigerator :
1. A refrigerator is a thermodynamic device which operating on a
cycle removes heat from a low temperature body and reject it to a
high temperature body at the expense of external work supplied.
A heat pump delivers heat energy to a body at higher temperature
T1 at the expense of work energy supplied. A heat pump is generally
used to keep the rooms warm in winter.
Q2 Q2 Heat extracted at low temperature
2. COPref =  
W Q1  Q2 Work Input
Q1 Q1 Heat supplied to high temperature
COPHP =  
W Q1  Q2 Work Input
(COP)HP = 1 + (COP)ref.

2.8. Define coefficient of performance.

Ans. Coefficient of performance is defined as the ratio of desired effect
to the work done.

2.9. What are the causes of irreversibility of a process ?

Ans. Following are the main causes of irreversibility of a process :
a. Lack of equilibrium during the process.
b. Involvement of dissipative effects.

2.10. What is the condition for reversibility ?

Ans. A process will be reversible when it is performed in such a way that
the system is at all times infinitesimally near a state of
thermodynamic equilibrium and in the absence of dissipative effect
of any form.

2.11. What do you mean by Carnot cycle ?

Ans. Carnot cycle is an ideal hypothetical cycle in which all the processes
constituting the cycle are reversible.

2.12. State Carnot theorem. AKTU 2015-16, 2016-17; Marks 02

Ans. Carnot theorem states that of all heat engines operating between a
given constant temperature source and a given constant
temperature sink, none has a higher efficiency than a reversible
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Thermodynamics SQ–7 C (ME-Sem-3)

2.13. What is the corollary of Carnot’s theorem ?

Ans. The corollary of Carnot’s theorem is that the efficiency of a
reversible engine is independent of the nature or amount of the
working substance undergoing the cycle.

2.14. What is the difference between internal and external

irreversibility ?
Ans. The internal irreversibility is caused by the internal dissipative
effects like friction, turbulence etc., within the system.
The external irreversibility refers to the irreversibility occurring at
the system boundary like heat interaction with the surroundings
due to a finite temperature gradient.

2.15. Define entropy.

Ans. Entropy is a function of a quantity of heat which shows the possibility
of conversion of that heat into work.
2.16. What do you mean by Clausius theorem ?
Ans. Clausius theorem states that the cyclic integral of for a
reversible cycle is equal to zero.
i.e.,  R T

2.17. What is the inequality of Clausius ?

Ans. Inequality of Clausius : According to this,
 T

i.e., if  T = 0, the cycle is reversible.

 T < 0, the cycle is irreversible and possible.

 T > 0 ; the cycle is impossible.

2.18. What do you mean by entropy principle ?

Ans. According to this principle, the entropy of an isolated system can
never decrease. It always increases and remains constant only
when the process is reversible.
dSiso  0
2.19. How will you increase the entropy of a closed system ?
Ans. The entropy of any closed system can increase in two ways :
a. By heat interaction and
b. By internal irreversibilities or dissipative effects.
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SQ–8 C (ME-Sem-3) 2 Marks Questions

2.20. Define entropy generation.

Ans. The entropy increase due to internal irreversibility is called entropy
production or entropy generation. It is denoted by Sgen.

2.21. State third law of thermodynamics.

AKTU 2016-17, Marks 02
Ans. Third law of thermodynamics states that the entropy of a perfect
crystal is zero at the absolute zero of temperature and it represents
the maximum degree of order.

Application Based Questions

2.22. Prove that COPP = 1 + COPR. AKTU 2015-16, Marks 02

Ans. Since,
desired effect
work done
then, COPP = ...(i)
Q1 – Q2
and COPR = ...(ii)
Q1 – Q2
where, Q1 = heat transfer to engine, and
Q2 = heat transfer from cold reservoir.
Subtracting equation (ii) from equation (i),
Q1 Q2
Q1 – Q2 Q1 – Q2

Q1 – Q2
= =1
Q1 – Q2
 COPP = 1 + COPR

2.23. A system composed of 2 kg air expands in a frictionless

piston and cylinder machine from an initial state of 1 MPa,
100 °C to a final temperature of 30 °C. If there is no heat
transfer, find the net work for the process. Take air as ideal
gas having (CV = 0.718 kJ/kgK and R = 0.287 kJ/kgK).
AKTU 2015-16, Marks 02
Ans. Given : M = 2 kg
P1 = 1 MPa
T1 = 100 + 273 = 373 K
T2 = 30 + 273 = 303 K
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Thermodynamics SQ–9 C (ME-Sem-3)

CV = 0.718 kJ/kg K
R = 0.287 kJ/kg K
Since, there is no heat transfer. It is an adiabatic process.
P1 V1 – P2V2
Then, net work =
 1
mRT1 – mRT2 mR (T1 – T2 )
= 
 1  1
 CV =
 1
net work = mCV (T1–T2)
On putting the given values,
Net work = 2 × 0.718 (373 – 303)
= 100.52 kJ


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SQ–10 C (ME-Sem-3) 2 Marks Questions

3 Availability and
(2 Marks Questions)

Memory Based Questions

3.1. What do you mean by available energy and unavailable

energy ? AKTU 2015-16, Marks 02
Ans. The maximum work output obtained from a certain heat input in a
cycle heat engine is called the available energy (A.E) or exergy.
The minimum energy that has to be rejected to the sink by the
second law is called the unavailable energy (U.E.) or anergy.

3.2. What is the difference between first and second law of

thermodynamics ?
Ans. The first law states that energy is always conserved quantity wise,
while the second law emphasizes that energy always degrades
quality wise.

3.3. Define dead state.

Ans. Dead state is defined as the state of a system in which the system
must have zero velocity and minimum potential energy.

3.4. Define availability.

Ans. The availability of a system is defined as the maximum useful work
that is obtainable in a process in which the system comes to
equilibrium with its surroundings.

3.5. Is the availability function same for a non-flow and a flow

process ? Justify.
Ans. Availability function is same for a non-flow and a flow process
because for both process, the irreversibility is equal to T0Sgen. It is
equal to decrease in AE or increase in UE.

3.6. Explain reversible process with an example.

AKTU 2013-14, Marks 02

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Thermodynamics SQ–11 C (ME-Sem-3)

1. A process is called reversible if after the conclusion of reversed
process the initial states of system and surroundings are restored
without any extraordinary changes either in the system or
2. A reversible process is a quasi-static process, a process carried out
infinitely slowly with infinitesimal gradient with the system passing
through a series of equilibrium states.

Reversible process

Fig. 3.6.1.

3.7. State the Gouy-Stodola theorem.

Ans. Gouy-Stodola theorem states that the rate of loss of available energy
or exergy in a process is proportional to the rate of entropy
generation, i.e.,
 
I = T0 S gen

3.8. Define second law efficiency.

AKTU 2013-14, 2015-16; Marks 02
Ans. Second law efficiency is defined as the ratio of the minimum available
energy (or exergy) which must be consumed to do a task divided by
the actual amount of available energy (or exergy) consumed in
performing the task.
minimum exergy intake to perform the given task
II =
actual exergy intake to perform the same task

3.9. Define first law efficiency.

Ans. First law efficiency is defined as the ratio of the output energy of a
device to the input energy of the device.

3.10. What do you mean by Helmholtz function ?

Ans. The term (u – Ts) is known as Helmholtz function, this gives
maximum possible output when the heat Q is transferred at
constant temperature.

3.11. What are the Maxwell relations ?

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SQ–12 C (ME-Sem-3) 2 Marks Questions

Ans. Maxwell Relations :

 T   p   T   v 
   , 
 p  s  s  p
i. 
 v  s
ii.  ,
 s  v
 p   s   v   s 
 , and iv.     .
 T  p
iii. 
 T  v  v  T  p  T

3.12. What is the importance of Maxwell equations ?

Ans. Maxwell equations are very useful in thermodynamics because
they provide a means of determining the change in entropy which
cannot be measured directly.

3.13. What do you mean by Clausius-Clapeyron equation ?

Ans. Clausius-Clapeyron Equation : This equation is a relationship
between the saturation pressure, temperature, the enthalpy of
evaporation, and the specific volume of the two phase involved. It
gives the slope of a curve separating the two phases in the p-T
dp s  s f s fg h
= g   fg
dT vg  vf vfg T .vfg
This equation is known as Clausius-Clapeyron equation.

3.14. What is Joule-Thomson coefficient ?

Ans. Joule-Thomson Coefficient : The temperature and pressure
behaviour of fluids during a throttling process is described by the
Joule-Thomson coefficient ().

 =  T 
 p 

3.15. What is coefficient of volume expansion ?

Ans. Coefficient of Volume Expansion : It is defined as,
1  v 
v  T  p
This is also known as volume expansivity. It is a measure of the
change in volume with temperature at constant pressure.

3.16. What is isothermal compressibility ?

Ans. Isothermal Compressibility : Isothermal compressibility ‘’ is
defined as,
1  v 
=   
v  p  T
It is positive quantity for all substances in all phase.

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Thermodynamics SQ–13 C (ME-Sem-3)

3.17. What do you mean by adiabatic compressibility ?

Ans. Adiabatic Compressibility : It is represented by following relation,
1  v 
k=   
v  p  s

Application Based Questions

3.18. An adiabatic vessel contains 2 kg of water at 25 ºC. By paddle-

wheel work transfer, the temperature of water is increased
to 30 ºC. If the specific heat of water is assumed constant at
4.187 kJ/kgK, find the entropy change of universe.
AKTU 2015-16, Marks 02
Ans. Given : m = 2 kg
T1 = 25 + 273 = 298 K
T2 = 30 + 273 = 303 K
c = 4.187 kJ/kgK
 Entropy charge = S
S = mc ln
= 2 × 4.187 ln
S = 0.1393 kJ/K


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SQ–14 C (ME-Sem-3) 2 Marks Questions

4 Properties of Steam
and Rankine Cycle
(2 Marks Questions)

Memory Based Questions

4.1. Define degree of superheat.

Ans. The difference between the temperature of the superheated vapour
and the saturation temperature at that pressure is called the
superheat or the degree of superheat.

4.2. Define triple point.

Ans. Triple point is defined as a point at which pressure and temperature
are such that all the three states (solid, liquid and vapour) of a
substance co-exist in equilibrium.

4.3. State critical point.

Ans. Critical point is the point where distinction between the entropy of
water and the entropy of dry steam disappears.

4.4. Define dryness fraction of steam ?

AKTU 2016-17, Marks 02
Ans. Dryness fraction of steam is defined as the ratio of mass of dry
steam present in a known quantity of wet steam to the total mass
of steam.
ms  mw
where, x = dryness fraction,
ms = mass of dry steam, and
mw = mass of water particle.

4.5. What do you mean by external work and internal latent

heat ?

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Thermodynamics SQ–15 C (ME-Sem-3)

Ans. External Work : When water is evaporated at a specified pressure

and temperature, there is a significant increase in the volume during
conversion of liquid into vapour state. The work is thus done by
steam in increasing its volume. This work is known as external
work of evaporation.
Internal Latent Heat : A certain amount of latent heat supplied
to water during the process of evaporation is utilized in expanding
the volume and thus producing external work.
The difference of latent heat of steam and external work of
evaporation is known as internal latent heat.

4.6. What is a saturation state ?

Ans. Saturation state is a state from which a change of phase may occur
without a change of pressure or temperature.

4.7. What do you mean by vapour dome ?

Ans. The saturated liquid line with respect to vapourization and the
saturated vapour line incline towards each other and form which is
known as the saturation or vapour dome.

4.8. How does triple point exist on the P–V diagram ?

Ans. The triple point is a line on the P–V diagram, where all the three
phases, solid, liquid and gas, exist in equilibrium.

4.9. What advantages are obtained if superheated steam is used

in steam prime movers ? AKTU 2016-17, Marks 02
Ans. It increases the work output of prime movers which directly
increases the efficiency.

4.10. What are the different types of calorimeters ?

Ans. Following are the types of calorimeters :
1. Separating calorimeter,
2. Throttling calorimeter,
3. Combined separating and throttling calorimeter, and
4. Barrel calorimeter.

4.11. Define psychrometry.

Ans. Psychrometry is defined as the branch of engineering science which
deals with the study of moist air i.e., dry air mixed with water
vapour or humidity.

4.12. What do you mean by specific humidity ?

Ans. Specific humidity is defined as the amount of water vapour in kg
present along with 1 kg of dry air in a mixture of dry air and water
vapour. It is also called humidity ratio or humidity. And it is denoted
by .
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SQ–16 C (ME-Sem-3) 2 Marks Questions

It is expressed in terms of kg per kg of dry air.

4.13. What is absolute humidity ?

Ans. Absolute humidity is defined as the amount of water vapour present
in kg in 1 m3 volume of mixture of dry air and water vapour.

4.14. What do you mean by relative humidity ?

Ans. Relative humidity is defined as the ratio between actual amount of
water vapour i.e., present in a given volume of mixture and the
maximum amount of water vapour that could be present in the
same volume at the same temperature when the mixture is
It is denoted by RH or .

4.15. What is dry bulb temperature ?

Ans. Dry bulb temperature (DBT) is the temperature, recorded by an
ordinary thermometer whose reading is not affected by moisture
present in the air or by thermal radiation.

4.16. Define wet bulb temperature.

Ans. Wet bulb temperature is the temperature recorded by a
thermometer whose bulb is covered with a wet cloth and exposed
to current of moving air (atmospheric air).

4.17. What is wet bulb depression ?

Ans. Wet bulb depression is the difference between dry bulb temperature
and wet bulb temperature.

4.18. What do you mean by dew point temperature (DPT) ?

Ans. Dew point temperature (DPT) is the temperature at which the
water vapour present in the moist air just begins to condense when
the mixture of moist air is cooled at constant pressure.

4.19. What is dew point depression ?

Ans. Dew point depression is the difference between the dry bulb
temperature and dew point temperature of air.

4.20. Define degree of saturation.

Ans. Degree of saturation is defined as the ratio of actual humidity ratio
and saturated humidity ratio, both being at the same temperature
and total barometric pressure.
It is denoted by .

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Thermodynamics SQ–17 C (ME-Sem-3)

where,  = actual humidity ratio, and

s = saturated humidity ratio.

4.21. Define bypass factor.

Ans. Bypass factor is defined as the ratio of actual change in temperature
to the maximum change in temperature. It is denoted by x.
For heating,
t2  t3
t2  t1
where, t2 = temperature of heating coil,
t3 = actual temperature of moist air after
heating, and
t1 = temperature of moist air before heating.

4.22. Define humidification and dehumidification.

Ans. Humidification : The addition of moisture to the air, without
change in its dry bulb temperature, is known as humidification.
Dehumidification : The removal of moisture from the air, without
change in its dry bulb temperature, is known as dehumidification.

4.23. What do you mean by sensible heat factor ?

Ans. Since, the heat added during a psychrometric process may be split
up into sensible heat and latent heat. The ratio of the sensible heat
to the total heat is known as sensible heat factor (SHF) or sensible
heat ratio (SHR).
where, SH = sensible heat, and
LH = latent heat.

4.24. What do you understand by adiabatic mixing of two air

streams ?
Ans. When two quantities of air having different enthalpies and different
specific humidity are mixed, the final condition of the air mixture
depends upon the masses involved, and on the enthalpy and specific
humidity of each of the constituent masses which entre the mixture.
This type of mixing of two air streams is known as adiabatic mixing.


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SQ–18 C (ME-Sem-3) 2 Marks Questions

5 Refrigeration Cycles
(2 Marks Questions)

Memory Based Questions

5.1. What do you mean by refrigeration ?

Ans. Refrigeration : It is the science of the producing and maintaining
temperatures below that of the surrounding atmosphere i.e.,
removing of heat from a substance under controlled conditions.

5.2. Write two application of refrigeration.

Ans. Application of Refrigeration :
1. Making of ice, and
2. Used in transportation of food at a required temperature.

5.3. What is unit of refrigeration ?

Ans. The practical unit of refrigeration is tonne of refrigeration. It is
written as TR.

5.4. Define a tonne of refrigeration.

Ans. Tonne of Refrigeration : It is defined as the amount of
refrigeration effect produced by the uniform melting of one tonne
(1000 kg) of ice and at 0°C in 24 hours.
1 TR = 210 kJ / min

5.5. Define refrigeration effect.

Ans. Refrigeration Effect : The amount of heat extracted from the
system is termed as refrigeration effect.

5.6. Define coefficient of performance of a refrigerator.

Ans. Coefficient of Performance of a Refrigerator : It is defined as
the ratio of heat extracted in the refrigerator to the work done on
the refrigerant.

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Thermodynamics SQ–19 C (ME-Sem-3)

where, Q = amount of heat extracted in the refrigerator,
W = amount of work done.

5.7. Define refrigerator.

Ans. Refrigerator : It is a reversed heat engine which cools or maintains
the temperature of a body lower than the atmospheric temperature.
(COP)R =
(COP)R = coefficient of performance of refrigerator,
Q1 = amount of heat taken from the cold body, and
WR = the amount of work required to be done on the

5.8. Name the systems by which mechanical refrigeration can

be accomplished.
Ans. Mechanical refrigeration can be accomplished with :
1. Compressor,
2. Evaporator,
3. Expander, and
4. Condenser.

5.9. What are the components of Carnot refrigeration cycle ?

Ans. Carnot Refrigeration Cycle : It consists of four basic
components :
1. Compressor,
2. A heat rejection device,
3. An expander coupled to the compressor, and
4. A cold chamber.

5.10. Write two merit and demerit of air refrigeration system.

Ans. Merits :
1. The air is easily available and there is no cost of the refrigerant.
2. The air is non-toxic and non-inflammable.
Demerits :
1. Low COP.
2. The rate of air circulation is relatively large.

5.11. Write the components of a Bell-Coleman cycle.

Ans. A Bell-Coleman cycle consists of the following components :
1. Compressor,
2. Cooler,
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SQ–20 C (ME-Sem-3) 2 Marks Questions

3. Expander, and
4. Refrigerator.

5.12. Write two advantage and two disadvantage of VCR system

over air refrigeration system ?
Ans. Advantages :
1. It has smaller size for the given capacity of refrigeration.
2. The coefficient of performance is quite high.
Disadvantages :
1. The initial cost is high.
2. The prevention of leakage of the refrigerant is the major problem
in vapour compression system.

5.13. What are the types of vapour compression cycles ?

Ans. Following are the types of vapour compression cycles :
1. Cycle with dry saturated vapour after compression.
2. Cycle with wet vapour after compression.
3. Cycle with superheated vapour after compression.
4. Cycle with superheated vapour before compression.
5. Cycle with undercooling or subcooling of refrigerant.

2.14. How will you improve simple saturation cycle ?

Ans. The simple saturation cycle may be improved by the following
methods :
1. By introducing the flash chamber between the expansion valve
and the evaporator.
2. By using the accumulator or pre-cooler.
3. By subcooling the liquid refrigerant by the vapour refrigerant.
4. By subcooling the liquid refrigerant leaving the condenser by liquid
refrigerant from the expansion valve.

5.15. What do you mean by refrigeration efficiency (R) ?

Ans. Refrigeration efficiency (R) : is defined as the ratio of COP of
vapour compression cycle to the COP of Carnot cycle.
It is also called performance index (P.I.).
5.16. What will be the effect of superheating the vapour before
suction to compression in a VCR system ?
Ans. Effects of Superheating :
1. Increases the work of compression.
2. Increases the heat rejection in the condenser.
3. May increase or decrease COP.
5.17. What will be the effect of suction pressure on decreasing its
value in a VCR system ?
Ans. The COP of the refrigerating system will be decreased for the same
amount of refrigerant flow. So, the refrigerating capacity of the
system will
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Thermodynamics SQ–21 C (ME-Sem-3)

5.18. Define refrigerant ?

Ans. Refrigerant is a heat carrying medium which during its cycle in the
refrigeration system absorbs heat from a low temperature system
and discards the heat so absorbed to a higher temperature system.

5.19 Define primary and secondary refrigerant.

Ans. Primary Refrigerant : The refrigerants which directly take part
in the refrigeration system are called primary refrigerants.
For example : R-12, NH3 and SO2 etc.
Secondary Refrigerant : The refrigerants which are first cooled
by primary refrigerants and then used for cooling purpose are
known as secondary refrigerant.
For example : H2O, brine solution of NaCl and CaCl2 etc.

5.20. Write two examples of halo-carbon refrigerants ?

Ans. The two examples of halo-carbon refrigerants are as follows :
1. R-11, trichloro-monofluoro-methane (CCl3F), and
2. R-12, dichloro-difluoro-methane (CCl2F2).

5.21. Define azeotrope refrigerants with examples.

Ans. Azeotrope Refrigerants : These are referred to a stable mixture
of refrigerants whose vapour and liquid phase retain identical
compositions over a wide range of temperatures.
Examples :
1. R-500, and
2. R-502.

5.22. Give two examples of inorganic refrigerants.

Ans. Following are the two examples of inorganic refrigerants :
1. R-717 (ammonia), and
2. R-729 (air).

5.23. Write down desirable properties of refrigerants.

1. Low boiling point
2. Low specific heat of liquid
3. Low specific volume of vapour
4. Low cost
5. Nontoxic and non corrosive to metal.

5.24. What is the function of absorber in VAR system ?

Ans. Absorber is used to absorption of the refrigerant vapour by its
weak or poor solution in a suitable absorbent or adsorbent, forming
a strong or rich solution of the refrigerant in the absorbent /

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Thermodynamics SP–1 C (ME-Sem-3)

Time : 3 Hours Total Marks : 100

Section – A
1. Attempt all parts. All parts carry equal marks. Write answer of
each part in short. (2 × 10 = 20)
a. Briefly explain quasi static process.

b. State steady and unsteady flows.

c. Explain free expansion process ?

d. State Carnot theorem.

e. State the various statements of second law of

thermodynamics ?

f. A system composed of 2 kg air expands in a frictionless

piston and cylinder machine from an initial state of 1 MPa,
100 ºC to a final temperature of 30 ºC. If there is no heat
transfer, find the net work for the process. Take air as ideal
gas having (CV = 0.718 kJ/kgK and R = 0.287 kJ/kgK).

g. An adiabatic vessel contains 2 kg of water at 25 ºC. By paddle-

wheel work transfer, the temperature of water is increased
to 30 °C. If the specific heat of water is assumed constant at
4.187 kJ/kg K, find the entropy change of the universe.

h. What is exergy ?

i. Define second law efficiency.

j. Prove that COPP = 1 + COPR.

Section – B

Attempt any five questions from this section. (10 × 5 = 50)

2. Derive available energy and irreversibility for open system
and closed system ?
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SP–2 C (ME-Sem-3) Solved Paper (2015-16)

3. Define thermodynamic equilibrium and also show that

energy is a property of a system.

4. State first law of thermodynamics with its limitations.

5. A nozzle is a device for increasing the velocity of a steadily

flowing stream. At the inlet to a certain nozzle, the enthalpy
of the fluid passing is 3000 kJ/kg and the velocity is 60 m/s.
At the discharge end, the enthalpy is 2762 kJ/kg. The nozzle
is horizontal and there is negligible heat loss from it.
a. Find the velocity at exits from the nozzle.
b. If the inlet area is 0.1 m2 and the specific volume at inlet is
0.187 m3/kg, find the mass flow rate.
c. If the specific volume at the nozzle exit is 0.498 m3/kg, find
the exit area of the nozzle.

6. A heat engine operating between two reservoirs at 1000 K

and 300 K is used to drive a heat pump which extracts heat
from the reservoir at 300 K at a rate twice that at which the
engine ejects heat to it. If the efficiency of the engine is 40 %
of the maximum possible and the COP of the heat pump is
50 % of the maximum possible, what is the temperature of
the reservoir to which the heat pump ejects heat ? What is
the rate of heat ejection from the heat pump if the rate of
heat supply to the engine is 50 kW ?

7. Each of three identical bodies satisfies the equation U= CT,

where C is the heat capacity of each of the bodies. Their
initial temperatures are 200 K, 250 K, and 540 K. If
C = 8.4 kJ/K, what is the maximum amount of work that can
be extracted in a process in which these bodies are brought
to a final common temperature ?

8. An air preheater is used to heat up the air used for

combustion by cooling the outgoing products of combustion
from a furnace. The rate of flow of the products is 10 kg/s,
and the products are cooled from 300 ºC to 200 ºC, and for
the products at this temperature cp =1.09 kJ/kgK. The rate
of air flow is 9 kg/s, the initial air temperature is 40 ºC, and
for the air cp = 1.005 kJ/kgK.
a. What is the initial and final availability of the product ?
b. What is the irreversibility for this process ?
c. If the heat transfer from the products were to take place
reversibly through heat engines, what would be the final
temperature of the air ?

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Thermodynamics SP–3 C (ME-Sem-3)

9. Discuss exergy destruction. A reversible engine, as shown

in Fig. 1, during a cycle of operations draws 5 MJ from the
400 K reservoir and does 840 kJ of work. Find the amount
and direction of heat interaction with other reservoirs.
200 K 300 K 400 K

Q3 Q2 Q1 = 5 MJ

W = 840 kJ
Fig. 1.

Section – C
Attempt any two questions. All questions carry equal marks.
(15 × 2 = 30)
10. Explain the working of a two stroke SI engine giving neat
sketches and differentiate between two stroke and four
stroke spark ignition engine.

11. Explain simple Rankine cycle with neat schematic diagram

and also show different processes involved in it on T-s
diagram, h-s diagram and p-V diagram.

12. What is perpetual motion machine of second type ? A gas of

mass 1.5 kg undergoes a quasi-static expansion which
follows a relationship p = a + bV, where a and b are
constants. The initial and final pressures are 1000 kPa and
200 kPa respectively and the corresponding volumes are
0.20 m3 and 1.20 m3. The specific internal energy of the gas is
given by the relation.
u = 1.5 pv – 85 kJ/kg.
Where p is in kPa and v is in m3/kg. Calculate the net heat
transfer and the maximum internal energy of the gas
attained during expansion.


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SP–4 C (ME-Sem-3) Solved Paper (2015-16)


Section – A
1. Attempt all parts. All parts carry equal marks. Write answer of
each part in short. (2 × 10 = 20)
a. Briefly explain quasi static process.
Ans. This process is a succession of equilibrium states and infinite
slowness is its characteristic feature. This process is also called a
reversible process.

b. State steady and unsteady flows.

Ans. Steady Flow : It is the process in which mass is crossing the
boundary from surroundings at entry, and an equal mass is crossing
the boundary at the exit so that the total mass of the system remains
Unsteady Flow : It is the process in which mass at entry and mass
at exit is not equal i.e., total mass of the system does not remain

c. Explain free expansion process ?

Ans. Let us consider a gas separated from the vacuum by a partition. Let
the partition be removed. The gas rushes to fill the entire volume.
The expansion of a gas against vacuum is called free expansion.

d. State Carnot theorem.

Ans. Carnot theorem states that of all heat engines operating between a
given constant temperature source and a given constant
temperature sink, none has a higher efficiency than a reversible

e. State the various statements of second law of

thermodynamics ?
Ans. Kelvin-Planck Statement : It states that it is impossible for a
heat engine to produce net work in a complete cycle if it exchanges
heat only with bodies at a single fixed temperature.
Clausius Statement : It is impossible to construct a device which,
operating in a cycle, will produce no affect other than the transfer
of heat from a cooler to hotter body.

f. A system composed of 2 kg air expands in a frictionless

piston and cylinder machine from an initial state of 1 MPa,
100 ºC to a final temperature of 30 ºC. If there is no heat
transfer, find the net work for the process. Take air as ideal
gas having (CV = 0.718 kJ/kgK and R = 0.287 kJ/kgK).

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Thermodynamics SP–5 C (ME-Sem-3)

Given : M = 2 kg, P1 = 1 MPa, T1 = 100 + 273 = 373 K,
T2 = 30 + 273 = 303 K, CV = 0.718 kJ/kg K, R = 0.287 kJ/kg K
To Find : Net work for the process
1. Since, there is no heat transfer. It is an adiabatic process.
P1 V1 – P2V2
2. Then, net work =
 1

mRT1 – mRT2 mR (T1 – T2 )  C  R 

=   V
  1 
 1  1 
= mCV (T1–T2)
3. On putting the given values,
Net work = 2 × 0.718 (373 – 303)
= 100.52 kJ

g. An adiabatic vessel contains 2 kg of water at 25 ºC. By paddle-

wheel work transfer, the temperature of water is increased
to 30 °C. If the specific heat of water is assumed constant at
4.187 kJ/kg K, find the entropy change of the universe.
Given : m =2 kg, T1 = 25 + 273 = 298 K, T2 = 30 + 273 = 303 K,
c = 4.187 kJ/kgK,
To Find : Entropy change of the universe
1. Entropy change = S
= mc ln
= 2 × 4.187 ln
S = 0.1393 kJ/K

h. What is exergy ?
Ans. The maximum work output obtained from a certain heat input in a
cycle heat engine is called the available energy (AE) or exergy.

i. Define second law efficiency.

Ans. Second law efficiency is defined as the ratio of the minimum available
energy (or exergy) which must be consumed to do a task divided by
the actual amount of available energy (or exergy) consumed in
performing the task.
minimum exergy intake to perform the given task
II =
actual exergy intake to perform the same task

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SP–6 C (ME-Sem-3) Solved Paper (2015-16)

j. Prove that COPP = 1 + COPR.

desired effect
1. We know, COP =
work done
2. For pump, COPP = ...(1)
Q1 – Q2
3. For refrigerator, COPR = ...(2)
Q1 – Q2
Where, Q1 = heat transfer to engine, and
Q2 = heat transfer from cold reservoir.
4. Subtracting eq. (2) from eq. (1),
Q1 Q2
Q1 – Q2 Q1 – Q2

Q1 – Q2
= =1
Q1 – Q2
 COPP = 1 + COPR

Section – B

Attempt any five questions from this section. (10 × 5 = 50)

2. Derive available energy and irreversibility for open system
and closed system ?
A. Available Energy for Open System :
1. Let’s consider a steady flow system and let the working substance
has following parameters :
u — Specific internal energy
v — Specific volume
h — Specific enthalpy
p — Pressure
C — Velocity
Z — Elevation
2. When the working substance flows through a system, its properties
will change.
3. At the inlet of a system let fluid properties and characteristics be
written as u1, v1, h1, p1, C1 and Z1.
4. At the outlet the corresponding values will be u0, v0, h0, p0, C0 and
5. Let Q be the heat rejected by the system and W be the work done by
the system.
6. The SFEE can be written as

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Thermodynamics SP–7 C (ME-Sem-3)

C12 C2
u1 + p1v1 + + gZ1 – q = u0 + p0v0 + 0 + gZ0 + w
2 2
Inlet Outlet
p1, v1, T1 p0, v0, T0

engine wengine

T0(s1 – s0)

Fig. 1. Availability of a steady flow system.

7. Let changes in kinetic and potential energies be negligible
i.e., KE = 0 and PE = 0
8. The SFEE is reduced to
u1 + p1v1 – q = u0 + p0v0 + w
But enthalpy h = u + pv
 h1 – q = h0 + w
or w = (h1 – h0) – q (w is the shaft work)
9. The output of this engine,
wengine = q – q
 T
= q  1  o  = q – T0 (s1 – s0)
 T1 
10. Therefore, maximum available net work
wnet = w + wengine = (h1 – h0) – q + q – T0 (s1 – s0)
= (H1 – T0S1) – (H0 – T0S0)
= B1 – B0
Where, B = h – T0 s is called steady flow availability function.
It is also a composite property of system and surroundings.
B. Available Energy for Closed System :
1. Let’s consider a piston cylinder arrangement substance at p1, T1
and V1 is expanded reversibly to close state at p0, V0 and T0.
2. The working substance expands and Wexpansion is obtained.
3. From the law of conservation of energy,
Q = dU + W
– Q = Wexpansion + (U0 – U1)
(Heat interaction is negative because it leaves the system.)
Therefore, Wexpansion = (U1 – U0) – Q
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SP–8 C (ME-Sem-3) Solved Paper (2015-16)


System atmosphere at po, Vo and To

p 1V1T 1 Wexpansion (expansion work)

engine Woutput from engine

To(S 1 – S0)
Fig. 2.
4. This heat rejected from the piston-cylinder arrangement can be
used to run a reversible heat engine. Work output of the reversible
engine is equal to
To  T 
Wengine = Q  Q  Q 1  o 
T  T
 Wengine = Q – T0 (S1 – S0)
5. Maximum work obtained from the cylinder piston assembly is the
sum of Wexpansion and Wengine.
Wmax = Wexpansion + Wengine
= [(U1 – U0) – Q] + [Q – T0 (S1 – S0)]
= (U1 – U0) – T0 (S1 – S0)
6. Surrounding work, Wsurrounding = p0 (V0 – V1)
This is the work which the piston, while moving outwards, has to
spend in pushing the atmosphere against its own pressure.
7. Therefore maximum available useful network,
Wnet = Wmax – Wsurrounding
= (U1 – U0) – T0 (S1 – S0) – p0 (V0 – V1)
= (U1 + p0V1 – T0S1) – (U0 + p0V0 – T0S0)
= A1 – A0
Where A = U + p0V – T0 S is called non-flow availability function.
C. Irreversibility for Open and Closed System :
1. Maximum useful work (or net work), from a system corresponds to
a reversible process in which the system has heat interaction with
the environments. Since the processes in real practice are
irreversible, the actual work done by the system for the given
change of state is always less than reversible work.
2. Therefore, irreversibility of a process is defined as the difference of
reversible work and the actual work.
3. In mathematical form,
Irreversibility, I = Wrev – Wuseful
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Thermodynamics SP–9 C (ME-Sem-3)

I = (U1 – ToS1) – (U2 – To S2) – [– Q – (U2 – U1)]

= Q + To (S2 – S1)
4. Change in entropy of surroundings due to heat addition at constant
atmospheric temperature, To is
(dS)surrounding =
or Q = To (dS)surrounding
Therefore, irreversibility, I = To (dS)system + To (dS)surrounding
I = To (dS)universe
5. From the above expression irreversibility equals the product of
entropy production and surroundings temperature.
6. The expression To(dS)universe also represents an increase in the
unavailable part of energy (or Anergy) and therefore it can be
stated that irreversibility causes an increase in Anergy.

3. Define thermodynamic equilibrium and also show that

energy is a property of a system.
A. Thermodynamic Equilibrium :
1. A system is said to exist in a state of thermodynamic equilibrium
when no spontaneous change in any macroscopic property is
registered, if the system is isolated from its surroundings.
“If the system exists in equilibrium state, there can be no
spontaneous change in any macroscopic property of the system”.
2. A system will be in thermodynamic equilibrium, if following three
types of equilibrium are satisfied.
i. Mechanical Equilibrium : System is in mechanical equilibrium
if there is no unbalanced force (pressure forces) within the system
and also between system and its surroundings.
ii. Chemical Equilibrium : If there is no chemical reaction, or
transfer of matter from one part of system to another, (such as
diffusion or solution), system is in chemical equilibrium.
c. Thermal Equilibrium : Condition or state in which the
temperature of system is uniform.
B. Energy is a Property of System :
1. Let’s consider a closed system which changes its state from 1 to 2 by
path A and comes back to its original state ‘1’ by any of the following
paths :
i. Along the path 2-B-1.
ii. Along the path 2-C-1.
iii. Along the path 2-D-1.
2. For the cyclic process 1-A-2-B-1,
Apply first law,  Q =  W or  (Q  W )  0
2 1
 
1, ViaA
(Q  W )  
2, ViaB
(Q  W )  = 0 ...(1)
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SP–10 C (ME-Sem-3) Solved Paper (2015-16)


Fig. 3. Standard energy in a point function.
3. Similarly for the cyclic process 1–A–2–C–1,
2 1
1, ViaA
(Q  W )  
2, ViaC
(Q  W ) = 0 ...(2)
and for the cyclic process 1–A–2–D–1
2 1
1, ViaA
(Q  W )  
2, ViaD
(Q  W ) = 0 ...(3)
4. Comparing eq. (1), eq. (2) and eq. (3), we have
1 1 1
(Q  W ) =  2,ViaC
(Q  W ) = 
(Q  W )
5. Since B, C and D indicate arbitrary paths between states 1 and 2, it
can be concluded that the expression  2
(Q  W ) remains the
same irrespective of the path along which the system is proceeding
solely depends on the initial and final states of the system. Therefore
energy is a point function and hence a property of the system.
6. The integral 
(Q  W ) is called energy of the system and is
denoted by dU.
Therefore for a process, dU = Q – W
or Q = dU + W

4. State first law of thermodynamics with its limitations.

1. First law of thermodynamics is related with principle of conservation
of energy according to which the total energy of an isolated system
is conserved.
2. It can be concluded that all forms of energies are equivalent and
convertible. If one form of energy disappears, it must appear in an
equivalent amount of some other form of energy.
3. Thus first law stipulates that when a thermodynamic process is
carried out, energy is neither gained nor lost.
4. Energy is only transformed from one form into another and the
energy balance is maintained.
5. First law fails to state the conditions under which energy conversion
takes place.

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Thermodynamics SP–11 C (ME-Sem-3)

6. The limitations of 1st law of thermodynamics can be explained with

the help of following illustrations :
i. Temperature of liquid contained in a vessel increases when it is
churned by paddle work. But paddle work can not be restored on
cooling the liquid to its initial state.
ii. When a block slides down a rough place, it gets warmer. However,
the reverse process when the block slides up the plane and becomes
cooler is not true even if the first law of thermodynamics still holds
iii. Electrical current flowing through a resistor produces heat according
to equation,
H = i2Rt.
Current once dissipated as heat cannot be converted back into
iv. Fuel (solid or liquid) burns with air and gets converted into products
of combustion. Fuel once burnt cannot be restored back to its original
v. Work is easily converted into heat. However there is a maximum
limit up to which the conversion of heat is possible in a heat engine.
Work is superior to heat, and a complete transformation of low
grade energy (heat) into high grade energy (work) is not possible.

5. A nozzle is a device for increasing the velocity of a steadily

flowing stream. At the inlet to a certain nozzle, the enthalpy
of the fluid passing is 3000 kJ/kg and the velocity is 60 m/s.
At the discharge end, the enthalpy is 2762 kJ/kg. The nozzle
is horizontal and there is negligible heat loss from it.
a. Find the velocity at exits from the nozzle.
b. If the inlet area is 0.1 m2 and the specific volume at inlet is
0.187 m3/kg, find the mass flow rate.
c. If the specific volume at the nozzle exit is 0.498 m3/kg, find
the exit area of the nozzle.
Given : At the inlet, Enthalpy, h1 = 3000 kJ/kg, Velocity,
C1 = 60 m/s, At the discharge end, Enthalpy h2 = 2762 kJ/kg
To Find : i. Velocity at exit.
ii. Mass flow rate.
iii. Exit area.
1. At the discharge end,

1 2
Fig. 4.
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SP–12 C (ME-Sem-3) Solved Paper (2015-16)

Enthalpy, h2 = 2762 kJ/kg

It is given that nozzle is horizontal and there is negligible heat loss
from it.
2. Applying SFEE, between section (1) and section (2),
1 gZ1  1 gZ2 
h1 + C12   Q = h2 + C22  w ...(1)
2000 1000 2000 1000
3. Since, Z1 = Z2
And assuming, there is no heat transfer and work transfer.
Then from eq. (1),
1 1
h1 + C 2 = h2 + C2
2000 1 2000 2
4. On putting given values,
1 1
3000 + × (60)2 = 2762 + C2
2000 2000 2
C22 = 479600
C2 = 692.53 m/s
Hence, the velocity at exit from the nozzle,
C2 = 692.53 m/s
5. Inlet area, a1 = 0.1 m2
Specific volume, v1 = 0.187 m3/kg
6. Now from continuity equation, at inlet
m v1 = a1 C1
m × 0.187 = 0.1 × 60
m = 32.08 kg/s
Hence, the mass flow rate, m = 32.08 kg/s.
7. Specific volume at exit = v2
v2 = 0.498 m3/kg
8. Then, from continuity equation at exit,
a2 C2 = mv2
a2 × 692.53 = 32.08 × 0.498
a2 = 0.02307 m2
Hence, the exit area of the nozzle,
a2 = 0.02307 m2

6. A heat engine operating between two reservoirs at 1000 K

and 300 K is used to drive a heat pump which extracts heat
from the reservoir at 300 K at a rate twice that at which the
engine ejects heat to it. If the efficiency of the engine is 40 %
of the maximum possible and the COP of the heat pump is
50 % of the maximum possible, what is the temperature of
the reservoir to which the heat pump ejects heat ? What is
the rate of heat ejection from the heat pump if the rate of
heat supply to the engine is 50 kW ?

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Thermodynamics SP–13 C (ME-Sem-3)

Given : T1 = 1000 K, T2 = 300 K, T3 = 300 K, HE = 0.4 (HE)max
COPHP = 0.5 × (COPHP)max, Q1 = 50 kW, Q3 = 2 Q2
To Find : Temperature of reservoir, Rate of heat rejected.

1. Since, (HE)max = 1 –
= 1– = 0.7
So, HE = 0.4 × 0.7 = 0.28
2. But HE =
then, W = 0.28 × 50 = 14 kW
T1 T4

Q1 Q4

Q2 Q3

T2 T3
Fig. 5.
T4 T4
3. Since, (COPHP)max = =
T4  T3 T4  300
So, COPHP = 0.5 × ...(1)
T4  300
4. For heat engine,
Q2 = Q1 – W = 50 – 14
Q2 = 36 kW
Since, Q3 = 2Q2 = 2 × 36 = 72 kW
5. Now, for heat pump,
Q4 = W + Q3
= 14 + 72 = 86 kW ...(2)
6. Since, we know that,
7. Now from eq. (1),
86 0.5 T4
14 T4  300
T4 – 300 = 0.08139 T4
T4 = 326.58 K ...(3)
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SP–14 C (ME-Sem-3) Solved Paper (2015-16)

8. Hence from eq. (2) and eq. (3), the temperature of the reservoir to
which the heat pump rejects heat = 326.58 K, and the rate of heat
rejection from the heat pump = 86 kW

7. Each of three identical bodies satisfies the equation U= CT,

where C is the heat capacity of each of the bodies. Their
initial temperatures are 200 K, 250 K, and 540 K. If
C = 8.4 kJ/K, what is the maximum amount of work that can
be extracted in a process in which these bodies are brought
to a final common temperature ?
Given : T1 = 540 K, T2 = 250 K, T3 = 200 K, C = 8.41 kJ/K
To Find : Maximum amount of work.
1. Assuming final temperature of three bodies = TF.
2. According to entropy principle for maximum work output,
(S)universe = 0
(S)1 + (S)2 + (S)3 = 0
 T   T   T 
C ln  F  + C ln  F  + C ln  F  = 0
540  250   200 

200 K 250 K 540 K

Q3 Q2 Q1

Fig. 6.
 TF3 
 ln  =0
 540  250  200 
TF 3
 = e0 = 1
540  250  200
TF = 300 K
3. According to first law of thermodynamics,
q = du + w
4. For maximum work, dq = 0 ;
(dw)max = – du = u1 – u2
It is given that u = CT
So, (w1)max = 8.4 (540 – 300) (where, C = 8.4 kJ/K)
= 2016 kJ
(w2)max = 8.4 (250 – 300) = – 420 kJ
(w3)max = 8.4 (200 – 300) = – 840 kJ

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Thermodynamics SP–15 C (ME-Sem-3)

5. (wnet)max = (w1)max + (w2)max + (w3)max

= 2016 – 420 – 840 = 756 kJ.

8. An air preheater is used to heat up the air used for

combustion by cooling the outgoing products of combustion
from a furnace. The rate of flow of the products is 10 kg/s,
and the products are cooled from 300 ºC to 200 ºC, and for
the products at this temperature cp =1.09 kJ/kgK. The rate
of air flow is 9 kg/s, the initial air temperature is 40 ºC, and
for the air cp = 1.005 kJ/kgK.
a. What is the initial and final availability of the product ?
b. What is the irreversibility for this process ?
c. If the heat transfer from the products were to take place
reversibly through heat engines, what would be the final
temperature of the air ?

Given : mg = 10 kg/s, Tg1 = 300 + 273 = 573 K,

Tg2 = 200 + 273 = 473 K, cpg = 1.09 kJ/kgK, ma = 9 kg/s,
Ta1 = 40 + 273 = 313 K, cpa = 1.005 kJ/kgK
To Find : Initial and final availability of product Irreversibility
of the process and final temperature of air.
Data Assume : Let, To = 300 K (atmospheric temperature)
1. Initial availability of the product,
1 = (h1 – h0) – T0 (S1 – S0)
T 
1 = cpg (Tg1 – T0) – T0 cpg ln  g 1 
 T0 
 573 
= 1.09 (573 – 300) – 300 × 1.09 ln 
 300 
1 = 297.57 – 211.6
1 = 85.97 kJ/kg
2. Final availability of the product,
2 = (h2 – h0) – T0 (S2 – S0)
 473 
= 1.09 (473 – 300) – 300 × 1.09 ln  
300 
= 188.57 – 148.89
2 = 39.68 kJ/kg
3. Decrease in availability of the products = 1 –  2
= 85.97 – 39.68 = 46.29 kJ/kg
4. By making an energy balance for the air preheater,
 
m g cpg (Tg1 – Tg2) = ma cpa (Ta2 – Ta1)
10 × 1.09 (573 – 473) = 9 × 1.005 [Ta2 – 313]

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SP–16 C (ME-Sem-3) Solved Paper (2015-16)

Ta2 = + 313
Ta2 = 433.508 K
5. Now, increase in availability of the air
= 2 – 1 = (h2 – h1) – T0 (S2 – S1)
 Ta2 
= cpa (Ta2 – Ta1) – T0 cpa ln 
 Ta1 
 433.508 
= 1.005 (433.508 – 313) – 300 × 1.005 ln  
313 
= 121.1105 – 98.2006 = 22.9099 kJ/kg
6. Hence the irreversibility of the process
= 10 × 46.29 – 9 × 22. 9099
= 462.9 – 206.1891 = 256.7109 kW.

7.  S univ = 0
 
 S sys +  S surr = 0
 
 S product +  S air = 0
 
 S product = –  S air
 Tg 2  T
mg cpg ln = – ma cpa ln a2
Tg1 Ta1
 473  T 
10 × 1.09 ln 
 573 
= – 9 × 1.005 ln  a 2 
 313 
 Ta2 = 394.38 K
Hence the final temperature of air = 394.38 K.

9. Discuss exergy destruction. A reversible engine, as shown

in Fig. 7, during a cycle of operations draws 5 MJ from the
400 K reservoir and does 840 kJ of work. Find the amount
and direction of heat interaction with other reservoirs.
200 K 300 K 400 K

Q3 Q2 Q1 = 5 MJ

W = 840 kJ
Fig. 7.
A. Exergy Destruction :
1. In thermodynamics, the exergy of a system is the maximum useful
work possible during a process that brings the system into
equilibrium with a heat reservoir.

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Thermodynamics SP–17 C (ME-Sem-3)

2. When the surroundings are the reservoir, exergy is the potential of

a system to cause a change as it achieves equilibrium with its
3. Exergy is the energy that is available to be used. After the system
and surroundings reach equilibrium, the exergy is zero.
4. Determining exergy was also the first goal of thermodynamics.
5. Exergy is never destroyed during a process, it changes from one
form to another. In contrast, exergy accounts for the irreversibility
of a process due to increase in entropy.
6. Exergy is always destroyed when a process involves a temperature
change. This destruction is proportional to the entropy increase of
the system together with its surroundings. The destroyed exergy
has been called anergy.
B. Numerical :
1. Assuming the positive direction of Q1, Q2 and Q3 as shown in Fig. 8.
200 K 300 K 400 K

Q3 Q2 Q1 = 5 MJ

W = 840 kJ
Fig. 8.
2. Then, according to first law of thermodynamics,
Q1 + Q2 + Q3 = W
Q2 + Q3 = 0.840 – 5
Q2 + Q3 = – 4.16 MJ ...(1)
3. Now, according to Clausius inequality principle,
Q1 Q Q
 2  3 =0
400 300 200
Q2 Q3 5
 = or 2Q2 + 3Q3 = – 7.5 ...(2)
3 2 4
4. On solving eq. (1) and eq. (2),
Q2 = – 4.98 MJ, Q3 = + 0.82 MJ

Section – C

Attempt any two questions. All questions carry equal marks.

(15 × 2 = 30)
10. Explain the working of a two stroke SI engine giving neat
sketches and differentiate between two stroke and four
stroke spark ignition engine.
Ans. This question is out of syllabus starting from session 2017-18.

11. Explain simple Rankine cycle with neat schematic diagram

and also show different processes involved in it on T-s
diagram, h-s diagram and p-V diagram.
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SP–18 C (ME-Sem-3) Solved Paper (2015-16)

1. Professor Rankine modified the Carnot cycle and presented a
technically feasible cycle known as Rankine cycle. It is also a
reversible cycle and it differs from Carnot cycle in following aspects :
i. The process of condensation is allowed to proceed to completion,
i.e., exhaust steam from the steam turbine or steam engine is
condensed back to liquid water. At the end of condensation process,
the working substance is only liquid (water) and not a mixture of
liquid and vapour.
ii. Pressure of water can be easily raised to the boiler pressure by
means of a small sized feed pump.
Moreover, the steam can be superheated in the boiler so as to
obtain the exhaust steam of high quality. It prevents pitting and
erosion of turbine blades.
T 3
2 3 3 3 2 3 3

4 4 4
1 4 4 4

V s
p-V diagram for Rankine cycle T-s diagram for Rankine cycle
3 3
p1 3
2 Saturation line
(x = 1)
4 4 4
h-s diagram for Rankine cycle
Fig. 9.
2. Different processes of simple Rankine cycle are as follows :
i. Process (1-2) :
1. Pumping of feed water to the boiler from back (or condenser
pressure) pb to boiler pressure p1.
2. Compression process is a reversible adiabatic process.
ii. Process (2-3) :
1. Feed water is converted into steam at constant pressure (boiler
pressure p1).
2. Heat added during the process (2-3) is qs.
iii. Process (3-4) :
1. Process 3-4 refers to reversible adiabatic expansion of steam in the
turbine from boiler pressure ‘p1’ to condenser (or back) pressure
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Thermodynamics SP–19 C (ME-Sem-3)

2. During the process 3-4, there is an enthalpy drop which is equal to

the work done ‘WT’ by turbine.
iv. Process (4-1) :
1. Exhaust steam from the steam turbine is condensed back to liquid
form at constant pressure in the condenser.
2. The steam rejects its latent heat of vapourization to the cooling
water. It is denoted by qr.

12. What is perpetual motion machine of second type ? A gas of

mass 1.5 kg undergoes a quasi-static expansion which
follows a relationship p = a + bV, where a and b are
constants. The initial and final pressures are 1000 kPa and
200 kPa respectively and the corresponding volumes are
0.20 m3 and 1.20 m3. The specific internal energy of the gas is
given by the relation.
u = 1.5 pv – 85 kJ/kg.
Where p is in kPa and v is in m3/kg. Calculate the net heat
transfer and the maximum internal energy of the gas
attained during expansion.
A. Perpetual Motion Machine of Second Kind (PMM-2) :
1. A de vice o r machine which vio late s the se cond law o f
thermodynamics is known as perpetual motion machine of second
kind (PMM-2).
2. A PMM-2 will exchange heat from a single thermal (or heat)
reservoir and produce equal amount of work energy.
Heat reservoir at T1


Engine W

Q2 = 0

Heat reservoir at T2
Fig. 10.
3. If heat rejection Q2 to the heat reservoir at T2 is zero, then
Q1 = W
i.e., E =  = 100 %
Q1 W
i.e., engine is 100 % efficient.
4. This is a violation of Kelvin-Planck statement of second law of
thermodynamics. So it is impossible to construct a perpetual motion
machine of second kind.
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SP–20 C (ME-Sem-3) Solved Paper (2015-16)

B. Numerical :
Given : m = 1.5 kg, p1 = 1000 kPa, p2 = 200 kPa, V1 = 0.20 m3,
V2 = 1.20 m3, p = a + bV, Assume,  = 1.20.
To Find : Net heat transfer and maximum internal energy.
1. Specific internal energy,
u = 1.5 pv – 85 kJ/kg ...(1)
2. On plotting the p-V curve,
p1 = 1000 kPa
p 2 = 200 kPa 2

V1 = 0.20 m 3 V2 = 1.20 m3
Fig. 11.
3. Net work done, from Fig. 10.
W1 – 2 = Area of (1-V1-V2-2)
= × (1.20 – 0.20) × (1000 – 200) + 200 × (1.20 – 0.20)
= 400 + 200 = 600 kJ ...(2)
4. Now from eq. (1),
Change in internal energy = u
u = u2 – u1
 V
= 1.5(p2v2 – p1v1)  v  
 1.20 0.2 
= 1.5  200   1000  
1.5 1.5 
u = 40 kJ/kg
U = 40 × 1.5 kJ
U = 60 kJ
5. Net heat transfer,
Q = dU + W
= 60 + 600
Q = 660 kJ
6. For maximum internal energy,
then (1.5pv – 85) = 0
[1.5(a + bV)v – 85] = 0 ( p = a + bV)
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Thermodynamics SP–21 C (ME-Sem-3)

d  V
[1.5(a + bmv)v – 85] = 0  v  m 
a + 2bmv = 0
 v= ...(3)
 It is given that
p = a + bV
7. Now putting the given values,
1000 = a + b × 0.20 ...(4)
200 = a + b × 1.20 ...(5)
8. After solving eq. (4) and eq. (5),
a = 1160
b = – 800
9. Putting these values in eq. (3),
 1160
2  ( 800)  1.5
v = 0.4833 m3/kg
10. Since, u = 1.5(a + bV)v – 85
= 1.5[(a + bmv)v] – 85
11. Now putting the values of a, b and v for maximum internal energy,
umax = 1.5[1160 + (– 800) × 1.5 × 0.4833] × 0.4833 – 85
umax = 335.499 kJ/kg
Umax = 1.5 × 335.499 kJ
Umax = 503.25 kJ


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Thermodynamics SP–1 C (ME-Sem-3)

Time : 3 Hours Total Marks : 100


1. Answer all parts. All parts carry equal marks. Write answer of
each part in short. (2 × 10 = 20)
a. List any five physical properties of matter which can be
used for measurement of temperature.

b. How does a homogeneous s ys tem differ from a

heterogeneous system ?

c. Write Boyle’s law and Charle’s law.

d. State Carnot theorem.

e. Compare heat pump and refrigerator.

f. State third law of thermodynamics.

g. Is the availability function same for a non-flow and a flow

process ? Justify.

h. What advantages are obtained if superheated steam is used

in steam prime movers ?

i. Define dryness fraction of steam.

j. Define brake power in an IC Engine.


Attempt any five questions from this section. (10 × 5 = 50)

2. In a gas turbine unit, the gases flow through the turbine is
15 kg/s and the power developed by the turbine is 12000 kW.
The enthalpies of gases at the inlet and outlet are
1260 kJ/kg and 400 kJ/kg respectively, and the velocity of

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SP–2 C (ME-Sem-3) Solved Paper (2016-17)

gases at the inlet and outlet are 50 m/s and 110 m/s
respectively. Calculate :
i. The rate at which heat is rejected to the turbine, and
ii. The area of the inlet pipe given that the specific volume of
the gases at the inlet is 0.45 m3/kg.

3. 3 kg of air at 1.5 bar pressure and 77 °C temperature at sate

1 is compressed polytropically to state 2 at pressure 7.5 bar,
index of compression being 1.2. It is then cooled at constant
temperature to its original state 1. Find the net work done
and heat transfered.

4. Explain the entropy principle and apply it to a closed system.

5. Two kg of air at 500 kPa, 80 °C expands adiabatically in a

clos ed s ys tem until its volume is doubled and its
temperature becomes equal to that of the surroundings
which is 100 kPa, 5 °C. For this process datermine.
a. The maximum work,
b. The change in availability, and
c. The irreversibility.

6. Show that violation of Kelvin Planck statement of second

law of thermodynamics implies a violation of Clausius

7. Draw the p-T diagram of pure substance and explain its

various regions of the diagram in details ?

8. Discuss the effect of pressure of steam at inlet to turbine

temperature at inlet to turbine and pressure at exit from
turbine upon Rankine cycle performance.

9. Explain the following :

a. Brake specific fuel consumption,
b. Brake mean effective pressure,
c. Mechanical efficiency,
d. Brake thermal efficiency, and
e. Indicated thermal efficiency.


Note : Attempt any two questions from this section. (15 × 2 = 30)
10. a Compare SI engines with CI engines.

b. Define a thermodynamic system. Differentiate between open

system, closed system and an isolated system.
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Thermodynamics SP–3 C (ME-Sem-3)

11. a. Derive the steady flow energy equation applied to


b. Throttling calorimeter has steam entering to it at 10 MPa

and coming out of it at 0.05 MPa and 100°C. Determine
dryness fraction of steam.

12. Three reversible engines of Carnot type are operating in

series as shown between the limiting temperatures of 1100
K and 300 K. Determine the intermediate termperatures if
the work output from engines is in proportion of 3 : 2 : 1.


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SP–4 C (ME-Sem-3) Solved Paper (2016-17)



1. Answer all parts. All parts carry equal marks. Write answer of
each part in short. (2 × 10 = 20)
a. List any five physical properties of matter which can be
used for measurement of temperature.
Ans. 1. Length 2. Radiation
3. Thermal EMF 4. Volume
5. Pressure

b. How does a homogeneous s ys tem differ from a

heterogeneous system ?
Ans. Homogeneous system : A system consisting of a single phase is
called “homogeneous system”. e.g., milk + water, aqua ammonia.
Heterogeneous system : A system consisting of more than one
phase is called “heterogeneous system”. e.g., wet steam,
water + mercury.

c. Write Boyle’s law and Charle’s law.

Ans. Boyle’s law : According to this law, volume of a given mass of a
perfect gas varies inversely with absolute pressure when
temperature is kept constant.
Product of absolute pressure and volume of a given quantity of gas
is constant when the temperature is kept constant.
i.e., V  or pV = constant
Charle’s Law : According to this law, the volume of a given mass
of a perfect gas varies directly with its absolute temperature when
pressure is kept constant i.e.,
= Constant. (At constant pressure)

d. State Carnot theorem.

Ans. Carnot theorem states that of all heat engines operating between a
given constant temperature source and a given constant
temperature sink, none has a higher efficiency than a reversible

e. Compare heat pump and refrigerator.

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Thermodynamics SP–5 C (ME-Sem-3)

S. No. Refrigerator Heat Pump
1. It is a reversed heat engine A heat pump is a device, which
which cools or maintains the operating in a cycle, maintains a
temperature of a body lower body, at a temperature higher than
than the atmo sphe ric the te mpe rature of the
temperature. surroundings.

Q1 Q2
2. (COP)R = (COP)P =

f. State third law of thermodynamics.

Ans. Third law of thermodynamics states that the entropy of a perfect
crystal is zero at the absolute zero of temperature and it represents
the maximum degree of order.

g. Is the availability function same for a non-flow and a flow

process ? Justify.
Ans. Availability function is same for a non-flow and a flow process
because for both process, the irreversibility is equal to T0Sgen. It is
equal to decrease in AE or increase in UE.

h. What advantages are obtained if superheated steam is used

in steam prime movers ?
Ans. It increases the work output of prime movers which directly
increases the efficiency.

i. Define dryness fraction of steam.

Ans. Dryness fraction of steam is defined as the ratio of mass of dry
steam present in a known quantity of wet steam to the total mass
of steam.
ms  mw
Where, x = Dryness fraction,
ms = Mass of dry steam, and
mw = Mass of water particle.

j. Define brake power in an IC Engine.

Ans. Brake power is the useful power available at the engine crankshaft.
In other words, the power developed by an engine at the output
shaft is known as brake power.

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SP–6 C (ME-Sem-3) Solved Paper (2016-17)


Attempt any five questions from this section. (10 × 5 = 50)

2. In a gas turbine unit, the gases flow through the turbine is
15 kg/s and the power developed by the turbine is 12000 kW.
The enthalpies of gases at the inlet and outlet are
1260 kJ/kg and 400 kJ/kg respectively, and the velocity of
gases at the inlet and outlet are 50 m/s and 110 m/s
respectively. Calculate :
i. The rate at which heat is rejected to the turbine, and
ii. The area of the inlet pipe given that the specific volume of
the gases at the inlet is 0.45 m3/kg.

Given : m  = 15 kg/sec, Power developed Ws = 12000 kW,

Enthalpy at inlet, h1 = 1260 kJ/kg, Enthalpy at outlet, h2 = 400 kJ/
kg, Velocity at inlet C1 = 50 m/s, Velocity at outlet v2 = 110 m/s
To Find : i. Rate of heat rejected.
ii. Area of the inlet pipe.
1. Q – Ws = KE + PE + H
= × 15 × ((119)2 – 50)2) + 0 + (400 – 1260) × 1000 × 15
= × 15 × 9600 + (– 860) × 15 × 1000
= × 144000 – 860 × 15 × 1000
Q – 12000 × 103 = 72000 – 860 × 15 × 103
Q – 12000 × 103 = 72 × 103 – 860 × 103 × 15
Q = – 828 × 103 J/s
Q = – 828 kJ/s
Hence, the rate at which heat is rejected to the turbine = 828 kJ/s
A1C1 A2C2
2.  =
m 
v1 v2
Specific volume of the gases at inlet v1 = 0.45 m3/kg
A1  50
15 =
A1 = = 0.135 m2 = 0.135 m2

3. 3 kg of air at 1.5 bar pressure and 77 °C temperature at sate

1 is compressed polytropically to state 2 at pressure 7.5 bar,
index of compression being 1.2. It is then cooled at constant
temperature to its original state 1. Find the net work done
and heat transfered.
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Thermodynamics SP–7 C (ME-Sem-3)

Given : m = 3 kg, p1 = 1.5 bar, T1 = 77 °C, p2 = 7.5 bar, n = 1.2
To Find : Net work done and heat transferred.
1. For polytropic compression :
pV1.2 = C
Since, p1V11.2 = p2V21.2
 V1   p2 
 V  = p  ...(1)
2  1
p1V1 = mRT1
1.5 V1 = 3 × 0.287 × 350
V1 = 200.9 m3
2. From eq. (1)
p1 1.2
V21.2 = V1
1.5  (200.9)1.2 1.5  580.197
= =
7.5 7.5
V21.2 = 116.039, V2 = 52.54 m3
3. Work done during process 1 - 2;
p1V1  p2V2 1.5  200.9  7.5  52.54
W1 – 2 = =
n1 1.2  1
W1 – 2 = – = – 463.565
4. Work done during process 2 - 1;
W2 – 1 = p1V1 ln

 7.5 
= 1.5 × 200.9 × ln 
 1.5 
= 485.00 J

5. Hence, net work done = W1 – 2 + W2 – 1

W = – 463.565 + 485.00 = 21.435 J
6. From first law of thermodynamics;
Q = du + W
7. Process is cyclic, therefore
du = 0
Hence, heat transfer during process;
Q = W = 21.435 J.

4. Explain the entropy principle and apply it to a closed system.

A. Entropy Principle :
1. According to this principle, “Entropy of an isolated system either
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Maurya constant.”
([email protected])

SP–8 C (ME-Sem-3) Solved Paper (2016-17)

2. An isolated system does not undergo any energy interaction (i.e.,

work or heat energy) with its surroundings, and the total energy of
all the possible states remains constant. Therefore for an isolated
Q = 0
 (dS)Isolated  0
If the process is reversible, (dS)Isolated = 0 and if the process is
irreversible, (dS)Isolated > 0.
3. From above we see that the entropy of an isolated system can
never decrease. It always increases with every irreversible process
and remains constant during a reversible process. This is called
“Principle of entropy increase”.
B. Entropy Principle for a Closed System :
1. Let’s consider a piston cylinder arrangement substance at p1, T1
and V1 is expanded reversibly to close state at po, Vo and To.
The working substance expands and Wexpansion is obtained.

System Atmosphere at po, Vo and To

p1, V1, T1 Wexpansion (expansion work)

engine Woutput from engine

To ( S1 – So)

Fig. 1.
2. From the law of conservation of energy,
Q = dU + W
– Q = Wexpansion + (Uo – U1)
(Heat interaction is negative because it leaves the system.)
ThereforeWexpansion = (U1 – Uo) – Q
3. This heat rejected from the piston-cylinder arrangement can be
used to run a reversible heat engine. Work output of the reversible
engine is equal to
To  T 
Wengine = Q  Q  Q 1  o 
T  T
 Wengine = Q – To (S1 – So)
4. Maximum work obtained from the cylinder piston assembly is the
sum of Wexpansion and Wengine.
Wmax = Wexpansion + Wengine
= [(U1 – Uo) – Q + Q – To (S1 – So)]
= (U1 – Uo) – To (S1 – So)
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Thermodynamics SP–9 C (ME-Sem-3)

And surrounding work, Wsurrounding = po (Vo – V1)

(This is the work which the piston, while moving outwards, has to
spend in pushing the atmosphere against its own pressure.)
5. Therefore maximum available useful net work,
Wnet = Wmax – Wsurrounding
= (U1 – Uo) – To (S1 – So) – po (Vo – V1)
= (U1 + poV1 – ToS1) – (Uo + poVo – ToSo) = A1 – Ao
Where A = U + poV – To S is called non-flow availability function.
This is a composite property of the system and surrounding because
it consists of extensive properties (internal energy U, volume V and
entropy S) and intensive property of the environment (pressure po
and temperature To).
Thus availability is a function of properties of the surrounding and
also of end states of the closed system.
6. Entropy change for a closed system can be calculated from the
Q = dU + W
TdS = m cv dT + pdV
m cv dT pdV
dS = 
 Q 
 dS  T , dU  mcv dT and W  pdV 
 
7. Integrating between initial and final states, we have
2 2
m c dT
mRdV  p mR 
 dS = 1 Tv  1 V  pV  mRT ,  T  V 
 
T2 V
S2 – S1 = m cv ln  m R ln 2
T1 V1

5. Two kg of air at 500 kPa, 80 °C expands adiabatically in a

clos ed s ys tem until its volume is doubled and its
temperature becomes equal to that of the surroundings
which is 100 kPa, 5 °C. For this process datermine.
a. The maximum work,
b. The change in availability, and
c. The irreversibility.
Given : m = 2 kg,
Initial conditions, p1 = 500 kPa, T1 = 80 °C = 273 + 80 = 353 K
Final conditions, p2 = 100 kPa, T2 = 5 °C = 273 + 5 = 278 K
Volume get doubled by adiabatic expands.
To Find : a. Maximum work,
b. Change in availability, and
c. Irreversibility.

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SP–10 C (ME-Sem-3) Solved Paper (2016-17)

1. From the property relation

TdS = dU + pdV
the entropy change of air between the initial and final states is
mcv dT 2 mRdV
dS =
T 1 1 V
T2 V
or S2 – S1 = mcv ln  mR ln 2
T1 V1
2. From equation of work done,
Wmax = (U1 – U2) – T0 (S1 – S2)
  T2 V2  
= m  cv (T1  T2 )  T0  cv ln  R ln  
  T1 V1  
  278 2 
= 2 0.718 (80  5)  278  0.718 ln  0.287 ln  
  353 1 
= 2 [53.85 + 278 (– 0.172 + 0.199)]
= 2 [53.85 + 7.51] = 122.72 kJ
3. The change in availability,
1 – 2 = (U1 – U2) – T0(S1 – S2) + p0(V1 –V2)
= Wmax + p0(V1 – V2)
= 122.72 + p0(V1 – 2V1)
2  0.287  353
= 122.72 – 100 × = 82.2 kJ
4. The irreversibility,
I = Wmax useful – Wact
From the first law,
Wact = Q – U = – U = U1 – U2
I = U1 – U2 – T0(S1 – S2) – U1 + U2
= T0(S2 – S1)
= T0(S)system
5. For adiabatic process, (S)surr = 0

I = T0  mcv ln 2  mR ln 2 
 T1 V1 
 278 
= 278 × 2 0.178 ln  0.287 ln 2 
 353 
= 278 × 2 (– 0.042 + 0.199) = 87 kJ

6. Show that violation of Kelvin Planck statement of second

law of thermodynamics implies a violation of Clausius
A. Violating Kelvin Planck Statement Leads to Violation of
Clausius Statement :

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Thermodynamics SP–11 C (ME-Sem-3)

1. Let’s consider a heat engine which violates Kelvin Planck statement

by absorbing heat from source at T1 and converts it completely into
 W = Q1
2. Now let’s introduce a refrigerator which gets work input from the
3. The refrigerator extracts Q2 from the low temperature heat
reservoir and rejects heat Q1 + Q2 to the high temperature heat
High temperature heat
Heat source at T1
reservoir at T1
Q1 + Q2 Q1 Q1

W = Q1 Combined W=0
Refrige- Engine
rator system ref.

Q2 Q2
(Low temperature body) Low temperature heat
Heat sink at T2 reservoir at T2
Fig. 2. Fig. 3. Combined system
(refrigerator) violates
Clausius statement.
4. Combining the engine the refrigerator into one system working
between same temperature limits, we observe that the sole effect
of combined system is to transfer Q2 from low temperature heat
reservoir T2 to high temperature heat reservoir without any work
input thus violating the Clausius statement Fig. 2.
B. Violation of Clausius Statement Leads to Violation of Kelvin
Planck Statement :
1. Let’s consider a refrigerator which violates Clausius statement as
shown in the Fig. 4.
2. Refrigerator absorbs heat Q2 from low temperature heat reservoir
and rejects the same to the high temperature reservoir without the
aid of any external work i.e., W = 0.
3. Let’s introduce a heat engine which receives heat Q1 (Q1 > Q2) from
the high temperature reservoir and rejects heat Q2 and produces
W = Q1 – Q2.
4. Now combining the refrigerator and heat engine into one system.
We observe that the combined system operates as a heat engine,
which receives heat from a single high temperature reservoir as Q1
– Q2 and converts the same into equal amount of work energy
without any heat rejection.

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SP–12 C (ME-Sem-3) Solved Paper (2016-17)

High temperature reservoir at T1 High temperature reservoir at T1

Q2 Q1 Q1 – Q2
W = Q1 – Q2

W=0 Refrige- W = Q1 – Q2
Engine Combined system

Q2 Q2
Low temperature reservoir at T2 Low temperature reservoir at T2

(a) Violation of Clausius statement. (b) Combined system (engine)

violates Kelvin Planck statement.
Fig. 4.
5. This violates the Kelvin Planck statement of second law of

7. Draw the p-T diagram of pure substance and explain its

various regions of the diagram in details ?
A. p-T Diagram of Pure Substance :
1. A substance can exist in three different states i.e., liquid, solid and
vapour (gas). These states are known as ‘phases’ and are obtained
when the substance receives or evolves heat.
2. On heating, solid phase first changes into liquid and then to vapour
or gaseous phase. On cooling, phase transformation reverses from
gas (vapour) to liquid and finally to solid state.
3. The change in phase takes place at a specific temperature known
as “transition temperature”.
4. For each substance, there is a set of pressure and temperature at
which any two out of three phases may co-exist in equilibrium.
5. The Fig. 5 drawn below represents different phases of a substance
as a function of pressure and temperature.
p Upper critical point
A Fusion curve B
Melting Liquid Evaporation

Solid T Vapourization

Sublimation Vapour

Sublimation curve
Fig. 5.

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Thermodynamics SP–13 C (ME-Sem-3)

6. The Fig. 5 imparts following valuable information :

i. Solid and Liquid Phases :
1. Solid and liquid phases co-exist in equilibrium and are separated by
the line TA.
2. The line TA is referred to as “fusion curve” and represents the
variation of melting point with pressure and temperature.
3. The leftward slope of the line TA indicates that melting point
decreases with pressure rise. These are the characteristics of “ice
type substances”.
ii. Liquid and Vapour Phases :
1. Liquid and vapour phases co-exist in equilibrium and are separated
by the line TB.
2. The line TB is known as “vaporization curve” vaporization curve
has an upper end point (or upper critical point) above which no
substance can exist in liquid state whatever amount of pressure is
applied on it.
iii. Vapour and Solid Phases :
1. Vapour and solid phases coexist in equilibrium and are separated
by the line TC. The line TC is known as “sublimation curve”.
2. Sublimation is defined as the process during which a solid phase is
directly changed into a vapour (gas) phase or vice-versa.
iv. Triple Point :
1. Triple point is defined as a point at which pressure and temperature
are such that all the three states (solid, liquid and vapour) of a
substance co-exist in equilibrium.
2. Triple point is shown by the point T in the Fig. 5. At triple point, all
the three curves namely sublimation, fusion and vaporization and
phases of substance meet each other.

8. Discuss the effect of pressure of steam at inlet to turbine

temperature at inlet to turbine and pressure at exit from
turbine upon Rankine cycle performance.
A. Pressure of Steam at Inlet to Turbine :
1. For same back pressure and steam inlet temperature, the increase
in steam inlet pressure from p1 to p1 is accompanied by the reduction
in net heat added as shown by area A12271 and increase in net heat
added by the amount shown by area A44174.
Generally, A12271' = A44174
(Heat rejected)cycle 1234 < (Heat rejected)cycle 1234
Heat rejected
cycle = 1 
Heat added
2. Increase in steam pressure at inlet to steam turbine is accompanied
by increase in cycle thermal efficiency.

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SP–14 C (ME-Sem-3) Solved Paper (2016-17)

T 7

3 2 2

5 6 6 s
Fig. 6. Rankine cycle showing two different throttle pressures.
B. Temperature of Steam at Inlet to Turbine :

p1 = p4
T1 1
p2 = p3

T 3 2 2

5 6 6
Fig. 7. Effect of increasing temperature at inlet to turbine.
1. It is also called superheating of steam at inlet to turbine.
2. From the given Fig. 7, it is clear that increase in inlet temperature
from T1 to T1 (Let T1 < T1) increases net work and heat addition.
Net increased work = area A11221
Net increased heat addition = area A11661
3. So, it is clear that increase in steam temperature from T1 to T1
increases mean temperature of heat addition, which increases the
thermal efficiency.
C. Pressure at the End of Expansion :
1. The pressure at the end of expansion is called exhaust pressure or
back pressure or condenser pressure.
2. With same maximum pressure and temperature, the reduction in
back pressure from p2 to p2 causes increment in net work and in
heat addition.

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Thermodynamics SP–15 C (ME-Sem-3)

4 p2

T 5 p2
3 2


6 6 s
Fig. 8. Effect of varying exhaust pressure.
3. From Fig. 8,
Increment in net work = Area 44322354
Increment in heat addition = Area 44664
So, the thermal efficiency of cycle increases by lowering back
pressure as increase in heat addition is more than increase in heat

9. Explain the following :

a. Brake specific fuel consumption,
b. Brake mean effective pressure,
c. Mechanical efficiency,
d. Brake thermal efficiency, and
e. Indicated thermal efficiency.
Ans. This question is out of syllabus from starting session 2017-18.


Note : Attempt any two questions from this section. (15 × 2 = 30)
10. a Compare SI engines with CI engines.
Ans. This question is out of syllabus starting from session 2017-18.

b. Define a thermodynamic system. Differentiate between open

system, closed system and an isolated system.
A. Thermodynamic System :
1. A thermodynamic system is a macroscopic region of the universe
under study, with a quantity of matter of fixed identity.
2. It is defined by boundaries, which control the transfers between
the system and the surroundings (everything which is outside the
3. The types of transfers that can occur in a thermodynamic process
are mass and energy (work and heat).

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SP–16 C (ME-Sem-3) Solved Paper (2016-17)

B. Difference between Open System, Closed System and an

Isolated System :
S. No. Open Closed Isolated
System System System
1. All such All such All such
ther modynamic thermodynamic t her mo dy namic
systems where both systems where only systems where
the mass interaction e ne rgy inte ractio n neither mass
and e ne rgy occurs between the inte ractio n no r
inte ractio n occur concerned system and energy interaction
be twee n the its surroundings are occurs between the
co ncerned system called closed systems. concerned system
and its surroundings Thus, no mass and its surroundings
are called o pe n interaction o ccurs are called isolated
systems. betwe en a clo se d systems.
syste m and its
2. Examples : Boiler, Examples : Examples : The
Nuclear reactor, Refrigerant or matter inside a flask
Combustion working fluid of having inbuild
chamber, Turbine, refrigerator unit can radiation shields can
Condenser, Pump, be co nsidered as be co nsidered as
Heat exchanger, etc. closed system. isolated system.

11. a. Derive the steady flow energy equation applied to

1. Let’s consider the flow of a fluid through a control volume as shown
in Fig. 9. In the time interval “dt”, there occurs a flow (or flux) of
mass and energy into the control volume.
2. Section 1-1 is the inlet side and section 2-2 is the outlet side.
3. At the inlet side (section 1-1) to control volume following are the
fluid parameters :
Average velocity = C1
Pressure = p1
Specific volume = v1
Internal energy = u1
4. At the outlet (section 2-2), following are fluid parameters :
Velocity = C2
Pressure = p2
Specific volume = v2
Internal energy = u2
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Thermodynamics SP–17 C (ME-Sem-3)

Control surface


1 Control 2
Z1 Q

Z2 2

Datum line
Fig. 9.
5. During the flow of fluid through the control volume, heat ‘Q’ and
mechanical work ‘Ws’ are also supposed to cross the control surface.
While writing the energy balance equation on the sides of the
control volume, following energies are taken into consideration :
i. Internal energy stored in the fluid.
ii. Potential energy and kinetic energy.
iii. Flow energy (or flow work) required to push the fluid in or out of
control volume.
iv. Heat and shaft (mechanical) work which may cross the control
v. Since the energy is conserved therefore energy balance for the
control volume mentioned above can be written in the following
 C2   C22 
m1 u1  p1v1  1  gZ1   Q = m2 u2  p2v2   gZ2   Ws ...(1)
 2   2 
7. The eq. (1) is a general energy equation and can be applied to all
fluids compressible or incompressible, ideal or real fluids, liquids
and gases.

b. Throttling calorimeter has steam entering to it at 10 MPa

and coming out of it at 0.05 MPa and 100°C. Determine
dryness fraction of steam.
Given : P1 = 10 MPa, P2 = 0.05 MPa, T2 = 100 °C
To Find : Dryness fraction of steam.
1. From Steam Table :
At P1 = 10 MPa = 100 bar
hf1 = 1408 kJ/kg
hfg1 = 1319.7 kJ/kg
At P2 = 0.05 MPa = 0.5 bar
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SP–18 C (ME-Sem-3) Solved Paper (2016-17)

ts = 81.35 °C, Cp = 4.18 kJ/kgK

hg2 = 2646 kJ/kg
 From 1 to 2 is throttling process. So,
h1 = h2
hf1 + x1 hfg1 = hg2 + Cp (tsup. – ts)
1408 + x1 × 1319.7 = 2646 + 4.18 × (100 – 81.35)
x1 = 0.9971

P 1 = 10 MPa

T 2
P 2 = 0.05 MPa

Fig. 10.

12. Three reversible engines of Carnot type are operating in

series as shown between the limiting temperatures of 1100
K and 300 K. Determine the intermediate termperatures if
the work output from engines is in proportion of 3 : 2 : 1.
Given : W1 : W2 : W3 = 3 : 2 : 1
To Find : The intermediate temperature.
1. Efficiency of heat engine 1 :
W1 T1  T2
1 = 
Q1 T1
Since, W1 = Q1 – Q2
Q1 = W1 + Q2
W1 T  T2 W1  Q2 T1
So, = 1 or =
W1  Q2 T1 W1 T1  T2
Q T1 Q2 T1
1+ 2 = or = –1
W1 T1  T2 W1 T1  T2
Q2 T  (T1  T2 ) T2
= 1 =
W1 T1  T2 T1  T2
 
Hence, W1 = Q2 T1  T2 ...(1)
 T 
2 
2. For heat engine 2 :
W2 T2  T3
2 = 
Q2 T2
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Thermodynamics SP–19 C (ME-Sem-3)

 T2  T3 
W2 = Q2 ...(2)
 T 
Since, W2 = Q2 – Q3 = W2 + Q3
T1 = 1100 K






T4 = 300 K
Fig. 11.
W2 T  T3 T2 W  Q3
So, = 2 or = 2
W2  Q3 T2 T2  T3 W2
Q3 T2 Q3 T2
1+ = or = 1
W2 T2  T3 W2 T2  T3
Q3 T  (T2  T3 ) T3
= 2 =
W2 T2  T3 T2  T3
 T  T3 
W2 = Q3  2 ...(3)
 T3 
3. For heat engine 3 :
W3 T3  T4
3 = 
Q3 T3
 T  T4 
W3 = Q3  3 ...(4)
 T3 
W1 3
Now =
W2 2
4. Put the value of W1 and W2 from eq. (1) and eq. (2).
 T  T2 
Q2  1
 T2  3
 T2  T3  2
Q2 
 T2 
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SP–20 C (ME-Sem-3) Solved Paper (2016-17)

2(T1 – T2) = 3(T2 – T3)

5T2 – 3T3 = 2T 1
T1 = 1100 K
5T2 – 3T3 = 2200 K ...(5)
5. Ratio of W2 and W3
W2 2
W3 1
6. Put the value of W2 and W3 from eq. (3) and eq. (4),
 T  T3 
Q3  2
 T3  2
 T3  T4  1
Q3  
 T 3
2(T3 – T4) = T2 – T3
T2 = 3T3 – 2T4
T4 = 300 K
T2 = 3T3 – 600 ...(6)
7. Put the value of T2 into eq. (5),
5(3T3 – 600) – 3T3 = 2200
12T3 = 5200
T3 = = 433.33 K
8. Put the value of T3 in eq. (6),
T2 = 3 × 433.33 – 600  700 K


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Thermodynamics SP–1 C (ME-Sem-3)

Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 70

Note : 1. Attempt all sections. If require any missing data; then choose
2. Use of steam tables and Mollier chart is permitted.


1. Attempt all questions in brief. (2 × 7 = 14)

a. What is quasi static process ? Discuss it.

b. Define the Carnot theorem.

c. What is the concept of entropy ?

d. What is the second law efficiency ? Define it.

e. Define Joule-Thomson coefficient.

f. Discuss the triple point and critical point.

g. What is the refrigeration effect ?


2. Attempt any three of the following : (7 × 3 = 21)

a. Derive steady flow energy equation (SFEE). Also write the
steady flow energy equation for heat exchanger, nozzle,
turbine, pump and boiler with suitable assumptions.

b. The following equation gives the internal energy of a certain

u = 3.4 pV + 85; where u is kJ/kg, p is in kPa and V is in m3/kg.
A system composed of 2.5 kg of this substance expands from
an initial pressure of 500 kPa and a volume of 0.25 m3 to a
final pressure 100 kPa in a process in which pressure and
volume are related by pV1.25 = constant.

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SP–2 C (ME-Sem-3) Solved Paper (2017-18)

i. If the expansion is quasi-static, find Q, dU and W for the

ii. In another process, the same system expands according to
the same pressure-volume relationship as in part (i), and
from the same initial state to the same final state as in part
(i), but the heat transfer in this case is 32 kJ. Find the work
transfer for this process.
iii. Explain the difference in work transfer in parts (i) and (ii).

c. Two reversible heat engines ‘A’ and ‘B’ are arranged in

series, engine ‘A’ rejecting heat directly to engine ‘B’. Engine
‘A’ receives 200 kJ at a temperature of 421 °C from a hot
source, while engine ‘B’ is in communication with a cold
sink at a temperature of 4.4 °C. If the work output of ‘A’ is
twice that of ‘B’, find :
i. The intermediate temperature between engine ‘A’ and
engine ‘B’.
ii. The efficiency of each engine.
iii. The heat rejected to the cold sink.

d. An iron cube at a temperature of 400 °C is dropped into an

insulated bath containing 10 kg water at 25 °C. The water
finally reaches a temperature of 50 °C at steady state. Given
that the specific heat of water is equal to 4186 J/kg K. Find
the entropy changes for the iron cube and the water. Is the
process reversible ? If so why ?

e. Discuss the coefficient of volume expansion, adiabatic and

isothermal compressibility. Also find the loss in available
energy due to given heat trans fer. If 3 kg of gas
(Cv = 0.81 kJ/kg K) initially at 2.5 bar and 400 K receives
600 kJ of heat from an infinite source at 1200 K and the
surrounding temperature is 290 K.


3. Attempt any one part of the following : (7 × 1 = 7)

a A nozzle is a device for increasing the velocity of a steadily
flowing stream. At the inlet to a certain nozzle, the enthalpy
of the fluid passing is 3000 kJ/kg and the velocity is 60 m/s.
At the discharge end, the enthalpy is 2762 kJ/kg. The nozzle
is horizontal and there is negligible heat loss from it.
i. Find the velocity at exit from the nozzle.
ii. If the inlet area is 0.1 m2 and the specific volume at inlet is
0.187 m3/kg, find the mass flow rate.
iii. If the specific volume at the nozzle exit is 0.498 m3/kg, find
the exit area of the nozzle.
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Thermodynamics SP–3 C (ME-Sem-3)

b. A mass of 8 kg gas expands within a flexible container so

that the p-V relationship is of the form pV = constant. The
initial pressure is 1000 kPa and the initial volume is 1 m3.
The final pressure is 5 kPa. If specific internal energy of the
gas decreases by 40 kJ/kg, find the heat transfer in
magnitude and direction.

4. Attempt any one part of the following : (7 × 1 = 7)

a. Two kg of water at 80 °C are mixed adiabatically with 3 kg of
water at 30 °C in a constant pressure process of 1 atmosphere.
Find the increase in the entropy of the total mass of water
due to the mixing process (Cp of water = 4.187 kJ/kg K).

b. What are limitations of the first law of thermodynamics ?

Discus s the statements of the second law of
thermodynamics. Also prove that the violation of the Kelvin
Planck statement leads to the violation of the Clausius

5. Attempt any one part of the following : (7 × 1 = 7)

a. What is the maximum useful work which can be obtained
when 100 kJ are abstracted from a heat reservoir at 675 K in
an environment at 288 K ? What is the loss of useful work if
a temperature drop of 50 °C is introduced between the heat
source and the heat engine, on the one hand, and the heat
engine and the heat sink ?

b. Discuss the Clapeyron equation and also explain the Joule-

Kelvin effect with help of inversion curve and inversion

6. Attempt any one part of the following : (7 × 1 = 7)

a. Explain the Rankine cycle with the help of neat sketch, p-V
and T-s diagram. If 5 kg of water at 45 °C is heated at a
constant pressure of 10 bar until it becomes superheated
vapour at 300 °C. Find the change in volume, enthalpy,
internal energy and entropy.

b. A turbine operates under steady flow conditions, receiving

steam at the following state : Pressure 1.2 MPa, temperature
188 °C, enthalpy 2785 kJ/kg, velocity 33.3 m/s and elevation
3 m. The steam leaves the turbine at the following state :
Pressure 20 kPa, enthalpy 2512 kJ/kg, velocity 100 m/s, and
elevation 0 m. Heat is lost to the surroundings at the rate of
0.29 kJ/s. If the rate of steam flow through the turbine is
0.42 kg/s, what is the power output of the turbine in kW ?
Downloaded by Viresh kumar Maurya ([email protected])

SP–4 C (ME-Sem-3) Solved Paper (2017-18)

7. Attempt any one part of the following : (7 × 1 = 7)

a. Explain the vapour compression refrigeration cycle and its
COP with the help of T-s, p-h and flow diagram. Can this
cycle be reversible ? If not, why ?

b. A refrigerator working on Bell Coleman cycle operates

between pressure limits of 1.05 bar and 8.5 bar. Air is drawn
from the cold chamber at 10 °C. Air coming out compressor
is cooled at 30 °C before entering the expansion cylinder.
Expansion and compression follow the pV1.35 = constant.
Determine COP of the system.


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Thermodynamics SP–5 C (ME-Sem-3)


Note : 1. Attempt all sections. If require any missing data; then choose
2. Use of steam tables and Mollier chart is permitted.


1. Attempt all questions in brief. (2 × 7 = 14)

a. What is quasi static process ? Discuss it.
Ans. This process is a succession of equilibrium states and infinite
slowness is its characteristic feature. This process is also called a
reversible process.

b. Define the Carnot theorem.

Ans. Carnot theorem states that of all heat engines operating between a
given constant temperature source and a given constant
temperature sink, none has a higher efficiency than a reversible

c. What is the concept of entropy ?

Ans. Entropy is a function of a quantity of heat which shows the possibility
of conversion of that heat into work.

d. What is the second law efficiency ? Define it.

Ans. Second law efficiency is defined as the ratio of the minimum available
energy (or exergy) which must be consumed to do a task divided by
the actual amount of available energy (or exergy) consumed in
performing the task.
minimum exergy intake to perform the given task
II =
actual exergy intake to perform the same task

e. Define Joule-Thomson coefficient.

Ans. The temperature and pressure behaviour of fluids during a throttling
process is described by the Joule-Thomson coefficient ().

 =  T 
 p 

f. Discuss the triple point and critical point.

Ans. Triple Point : Triple point is defined as a point at which pressure
and temperature are such that all the three states (solid, liquid and
vapour) of a substance co-exist in equilibrium.
Critical Point : Critical point is the point where distinction between
the entropy of water and the entropy of dry steam disappears.
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SP–6 C (ME-Sem-3) Solved Paper (2017-18)

g. What is the refrigeration effect ?

Ans. The amount of heat extracted from the system is termed as
refrigeration effect.


2. Attempt any three of the following : (7 × 3 = 21)

a. Derive steady flow energy equation (SFEE). Also write the
steady flow energy equation for heat exchanger, nozzle,
turbine, pump and boiler with suitable assumptions.
A. Assumptions Made in the Analysis of SFEE :
1. There is no accumulation or decrease of mass in the control volume
at any time i.e., there is no other source or sink of mass in the
control volume.
2. Rate of mass flow in and out of the control volume is equal and
constant with respect to time.
3. State, velocity and elevation of fluid mass entering and leaving the
surface do not change with time.
4. Rate of heat and work transfers across the control volume is
B. General Energy Equation For Steady Flow Processes :
1. Let’s consider the flow of a fluid through a control volume as shown
in Fig. 1. In the time interval “dt”, there occurs a flow (or flux) of
mass and energy into the control volume.
2. Section 1-1 is the inlet side and section 2-2 is the outlet side.
3. At the inlet side (section 1-1) to control volume following are the
fluid parameters :
Average velocity = C1
Pressure = p1
Specific volume = v1
Internal energy = u1

Control surface


1 Control 2
Z1 Q

Z2 2

Datum line
Fig. 1.
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Thermodynamics SP–7 C (ME-Sem-3)

4. At the outlet (section 2-2), following are fluid parameters :

Velocity = C2
Pressure = p2
Specific volume = v2
Internal energy = u2
5. During the flow of fluid through the control volume, heat ‘Q’ and
mechanical work ‘Ws’ are also supposed to cross the control surface.
While writing the energy balance equation on the sides of the
control volume, following energies are taken into consideration :
a. Internal energy stored in the fluid.
b. Potential energy and kinetic energy.
c. Flow energy (or flow work) required to push the fluid in or out of
control volume.
d. Heat and shaft (mechanical) work which may cross the control
6. Since the energy is conserved therefore energy balance for the
control volume mentioned above can be written in the following
 C2   C22 
m1 u1  p1v1  1  gZ1   Q = m2 u2  p2v2   gZ2   Ws ...(1)
 2   2 
7. The eq. (1) is a general energy equation and can be applied to all
fluids compressible or incompressible, ideal or real fluids, liquids
and gases.
C. SFEE for Nozzle :
1. The flow through a nozzle is characterized by following features :
i. Shaft work is zero i.e., Ws = 0
ii. If the flow is reversible adiabatic manner, then Q = 0.
iii. If the nozzle is horizontal, change in elevation, i.e., dZ will be zero
 Z1 = Z2.
2. Under these features, SFEE for a nozzle / diffuser is reduced to
C12 C2
h1  = h2  2
2 2
C22 C12
or h1 – h2 = 
2 2
3. For a nozzle
Enthalpy drop = Increase in kinetic energy
D. SFEE for Heat Exchanger :
1. A heat exchanger is characterized by the following features :
i. Shaft work is zero, Ws = 0
ii. Change in KE = 0
iii. Change in PE = 0
iv. It is a perfectly insulated system i.e., no external heat interaction.
2. From energy balance equation, we can write,
Energy given by fluid A = Energy gained by fluid B

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SP–8 C (ME-Sem-3) Solved Paper (2017-18)

E. SFEE for Turbine :

1. A steam or gas turbine has following features :
i.KE or d (kinetic energy) = 0
ii.PE or d (potential energy) = 0
iii.Q = 0 since walls are insulated.
2. Therefore, SFEE for a turbine is reduced to
mh1 = mh2 + Ws
or Ws = m(h1 – h2)
Obviously the work is done by the turbine at the expense of
F. SFEE for Boiler :
1. A boiler has following features :
i. Shaft work is zero, Ws = 0.
C22  C12
ii. Change in kinetic energy is negligible, = 0.
iii. Change in elevation between inlet and outlet point is negligible,
Z1 = Z2.
2. Therefore SFEE is reduced to
mh1 + Q =mh2  Q = m (h2 – h1)
G. SFEE for Pump :
1. For a pump, Q = 0, dU = 0
(Since there is no change in the temperature of water)
2. Work is negative since it is done on the system.
3. SFEE for a pump is reduced to
 C2   C2 
m  p1v1  1  gZ1  = m  p2 v2  2  gZ2   W
 2   2 

b. The following equation gives the internal energy of a certain

u = 3.4 pV + 85; where u is kJ/kg, p is in kPa and V is in m3/kg.
A system composed of 2.5 kg of this substance expands from
an initial pressure of 500 kPa and a volume of 0.25 m3 to a
final pressure 100 kPa in a process in which pressure and
volume are related by pV1.25 = constant.
i. If the expansion is quasi-static, find Q, dU and W for the
ii. In another process, the same system expands according to
the same pressure-volume relationship as in part (i), and
from the same initial state to the same final state as in part
(i), but the heat transfer in this case is 32 kJ. Find the work
transfer for this process.
iii. Explain the difference in work transfer in parts (i) and (ii).

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Thermodynamics SP–9 C (ME-Sem-3)

Given : Internal energy equation, u = 3.4 pV + 85,
Initial volume, V1 = 0.25 m3, Initial pressure, p1 = 500 kPa
Final pressure, p2 = 100 kPa, Process : pV1.25 = Constant.
To Find : i. Heat transfer, internal energy and work.
ii. Work transfer when heat transfer is 32 kJ.
iii. Difference in work transfer in part (i) and (ii).
1. As we know that,
p1V11.25 = p2V21.25
 p  1.25
V2 = V1  1 
 p2 
 500  1.25
V2 = 0.25 
 100 
= 0.906 m3
2. According to question,
u = 3.4 pV + 85
u = u2 – u1
= 3.4 [p2V2 – p1V1]
U = 3.4 [p2V2 – p1V1]
U = 3.4 (100 × 103 × 0.906 – 500 × 103 × 0.25)
= 3.4 × 105 (0.906 – 5 × 0.25)
= – 3.4 × 105 × 0.344
U = – 116.9 kJ
3. For quasi-static process
p1V1  p2V2
Wqs =  pdV  n 1
500  10 3  0.25  100  103  0.906
1.25  1
= 137.6 kJ
 Q = U + W
= – 116.9 + 137.6
= 20.7 kJ
4. Here, Q = 32 kJ
Since the end states are the same, U would remain the same.
 W1 = Q – U
= 32 – (– 116.9)
= 148.9 kN
Since, the W1 is not equal to Wqs, hence the process is not quasi-

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SP–10 C (ME-Sem-3) Solved Paper (2017-18)

c. Two reversible heat engines ‘A’ and ‘B’ are arranged in

series, engine ‘A’ rejecting heat directly to engine ‘B’. Engine
‘A’ receives 200 kJ at a temperature of 421 °C from a hot
source, while engine ‘B’ is in communication with a cold
sink at a temperature of 4.4 °C. If the work output of ‘A’ is
twice that of ‘B’, find :
i. The intermediate temperature between engine ‘A’ and
engine ‘B’.
ii. The efficiency of each engine.
iii. The heat rejected to the cold sink.
Given : WA = 2WB, Q1 = 200 kJ, T1 = 421 °C, T3 = 4.4 °C
To Find : i. The intermediate temperature (T2) between
engine ‘A’ and engine ‘B’.
ii. The efficiency of each engine.
iii. The heat rejected (Q3) to the cold sink.
1. The efficiency of the engine A is given by,
A =
T1  T2 WA
T1 Q2  WA
 T  T2 
WA = (Q2 + WA)  1
 T1 

T1 = 421 °C

Q 1 = 200 kJ





T3 = 4.4 °C

Fig. 2.
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Thermodynamics SP–11 C (ME-Sem-3)

  T1  T2    T1  T2 
WA 1     = Q2 
  T 1   T1 
 T2   T  T2 
WA   = Q2  1
 T1   T1 
 T  T2 
WA = Q2  1 ...(1)
 T2 
2. The efficiency of engine B is given by,
B =
T2  T3 W
= B
T2 Q2
 T  T3 
WB = Q2  2 ...(2)
 T2 
3. It is given that
WA = 2WB
 T  T2   T  T3 
Q2  1 = 2Q2  2 (From eq. (1) and eq. (2))
 T2   T2 
T1 – T2 = 2T2 – 2T3
3T2 = T1 + 2T3
3T2 = 421 + 2 × 4.4
T2 = 143.26 °C = 416.26 K
4. As we know that,
Q1 T
= 1
Q2 T2
200  416.26
Q2 =
Q2 = 119.96 kJ
Q2 T
5. Also, = 2
Q3 T3
119.96  277.4
Q3 =
Q3 = 79.94 kJ
6. Efficiency of engine A,
T1  T2
A =
694  416.26

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SP–12 C (ME-Sem-3) Solved Paper (2017-18)

A = 40 %
7. Efficiency of engine B,
T2  T3 416.26  277.4
B = 
T2 416.26
B = 33.36 %

d. An iron cube at a temperature of 400 °C is dropped into an

insulated bath containing 10 kg water at 25 °C. The water
finally reaches a temperature of 50 °C at steady state. Given
that the specific heat of water is equal to 4186 J/kg K. Find
the entropy changes for the iron cube and the water. Is the
process reversible ? If so why ?
Given : Temperature of iron cube = 400 °C = 673 K,
Temperature of water = 25 °C = 298 K, Mass of water = 10 kg
Temperature of water and cube after equilibrium = 50 °C = 323 K,
Specific heat of water, Cpw = 4186 J/kg K
To Find : i. Entropy changes for the iron cube and the
ii. Is the process reversible ?
1. Heat lost by iron cube = Heat gained by water
miCpi (673 – 323) = mwCpw (323 – 298)
= 10 × 4186 × (323 – 298)
10  4186  (323  298)
 mi Cpi = = 2990
(673  323)
Where, mi = Mass of iron, kg, and
Cpi = Specific heat of iron, J/kg K.
2. Entropy of iron at 673 K,
 673   673 
= mi Cpi ln 
 273 
= 2990 × ln 
 273 
= 2697.8 J/K [Taking 0 °C as datum]
3. Entropy of water at 298 K,
 298 
= mw Cpw ln 
 273 
 298 
= 10 × 4186 × ln 
 273 
= 3667.8 J/K
4. Entropy of iron at 323 K,
 323 
= 2990 × ln 
 273 
= 502.8 J/K

5. Entropy of water at 323 K,

 323 
= 10 × 4186 × ln 
 273 
= 7040.04 J/K

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Thermodynamics SP–13 C (ME-Sem-3)

6. Changes in entropy of iron = 502.8 – 2697.8 = – 2195 J/K

7. Change in entropy of water = 7040.04 – 3667.8 = 3372.24 J/K
8. Net change in entropy = 3372.24 – 2195 = 1177.24 J/K
Since S > 0, hence the process is irreversible.

e. Discuss the coefficient of volume expansion, adiabatic and

isothermal compressibility. Also find the loss in available
energy due to given heat trans fer. If 3 kg of gas
(Cv = 0.81 kJ/kg K) initially at 2.5 bar and 400 K receives
600 kJ of heat from an infinite source at 1200 K and the
surrounding temperature is 290 K.
A. Coefficient of Volume Expansion : The increase of volume in
the unit area of any substance on increasing the temperature by
1 °C is called coefficient of volume expansion. It is denoted by r.
Increase in volume
Initial volume × Increase in temperature
V  T
B. Adiabatic Compressibility : It is defined as the change in specific
volume with change in pressure at constant entropy. It is given as,
1  dV 
ks = –
V  dp  s
C. Isothermal Compressibility : It is defined as the change in
volume with change in pressure at constant temperature. It is
given as,
1  dV 
kT = –  
V  dP  T
D. Numerical :
Given : Mass of gas, mg = 3 kg, Initial pressure of gas = 2.5 bar,
Initial temperature of gas, T1 = 400 K,
Quantity of heat received by gas, Q = 600 kJ,
Specific heat of gas, Cv = 0.81 kJ/kg K,
Surrounding temperature = 290 K,
Temperature of infinite source, T1 = 1200 K
To Find : Loss in available energy.
1. Heat received by the gas is given by
Q = mgCv (T2 – T1)
600 = 3 × 0.81 (T2 – 400)
 T2  = + 400 = 646.9 K say 647 K
3  0.81

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SP–14 C (ME-Sem-3) Solved Paper (2017-18)

T source T
2 1
1200 K
Gas 2
647 K
400 K

3 4 4 3
290 K 290 K
6 5 s s
5 6
Fig. 3.
2. Available energy with the source = Area 1-2-3-4-1
= (1200 – 290) × = 455 kJ
3. Change in entropy of the gas
T   647 
= mgCv loge  2  = 3 × 0.81 × loge 
 T    400 

= 1.168 kJ/K
4. Unavailability of the gas = Area 3 – 4 – 5 – 6 – 3
= 290 × 1.168 = 338.72 kJ
5. Available energy with the gas = 600 – 338.72 = 261.28 kJ
6. Loss in available energy due to heat transfer
= 455 – 261.28 = 193.72 kJ

3. Attempt any one part of the following : (7 × 1 = 7)

a A nozzle is a device for increasing the velocity of a steadily
flowing stream. At the inlet to a certain nozzle, the enthalpy
of the fluid passing is 3000 kJ/kg and the velocity is 60 m/s.
At the discharge end, the enthalpy is 2762 kJ/kg. The nozzle
is horizontal and there is negligible heat loss from it.
i. Find the velocity at exit from the nozzle.
ii. If the inlet area is 0.1 m2 and the specific volume at inlet is
0.187 m3/kg, find the mass flow rate.
iii. If the specific volume at the nozzle exit is 0.498 m3/kg, find
the exit area of the nozzle.

Given : At the inlet, Enthalpy, h1 = 3000 kJ/kg, Velocity,

C1 = 60 m/s At the discharge end, Enthalpy h2 = 2762 kJ/kg
To Find : i. Velocity at exit.
ii. Mass flow rate.
iii. Exit area.
1. At the discharge
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kumar Maurya ([email protected])

Thermodynamics SP–15 C (ME-Sem-3)


1 2
Fig. 4.
Enthalpy, h2 = 2762 kJ/kg
It is given that nozzle is horizontal and there is negligible heat loss
from it.
2. Applying SFEE, between section (1) and section (2),
1 gZ1  1 gZ2 
h1 + C12   Q = h2 + C22  w ...(1)
2000 1000 2000 1000
3. Since, Z1 = Z2
And assuming, there is no heat transfer and work transfer.
Then from eq. (1),
1 1
h1 + C 2 = h2 + C2
2000 1 2000 2
4. On putting given values,
1 1
3000 + × (60)2 = 2762 + C2
2000 2000 2
C22 = 479600
C2 = 692.53 m/s
Hence, the velocity at exit from the nozzle,
C2 = 692.53 m/s
5. Inlet area, a1 = 0.1 m2
Specific volume,v1 = 0.187 m3/kg
6. Now from continuity equation, at inlet

m v1 = a1 C1

m × 0.187 = 0.1 × 60

m = 32.08 kg/s

Hence, the mass flow rate, m = 32.08 kg/s.
7. Specific volume at exit = v2
v2 = 0.498 m3/kg
8. Then, from continuity equation at exit,

a2 C2 = m v2
a2 × 692.53 = 32.08 × 0.498
a2 = 0.02307 m2
Hence, the exit area of the nozzle,
a2 = 0.02307 m2

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SP–16 C (ME-Sem-3) Solved Paper (2017-18)

b. A mass of 8 kg gas expands within a flexible container so

that the p-V relationship is of the form pV = constant. The
initial pressure is 1000 kPa and the initial volume is 1 m3.
The final pressure is 5 kPa. If specific internal energy of the
gas decreases by 40 kJ/kg, find the heat transfer in
magnitude and direction.
Given : m = 8 kg, p1 = 1000 kPa, V1 = 1 m3, p2 = 5 kPa
U = – 40 kJ/kg
To Find : Heat transfer in magnitude and direction.
1. Since pV = C, it means the process is isothermal process.

Work, W = p1V1 ln  1 
 p 

= 1000 × 1 × ln  1000 
 5 
= 5298.3 kJ/kg
2. Heat transfer = U + W
= (– 40) + 5298.3
= 5258 kJ/kg
3. The value of heat transfer is positive. It means that heat is added
from system to surrounding.

4. Attempt any one part of the following : (7 × 1 = 7)

a. Two kg of water at 80 °C are mixed adiabatically with 3 kg of
water at 30 °C in a constant pressure process of 1 atmosphere.
Find the increase in the entropy of the total mass of water
due to the mixing process (Cp of water = 4.187 kJ/kg K).
Given : m1 = 2 kg, T1 = 80 °C = 353 K, m2 = 3 kg,
T2 = 30 °C = 303 K, Cp = 4.187 kJ/kg K
To Find : Entropy change.
1. During mixing of fluids,
m1C1 (T1 – Tf) = m2C2 (Tf – T2)
Where, Tf = Final temperature
2 × (80 – Tf) = 3 × (Tf – 30) ( C1 = C2)
160 – 2Tf = 3Tf – 90
5Tf = 250
Tf = 50 °C = 323 K
2. Entropy change for 2 kg water = m1C1 ln

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Thermodynamics SP–17 C (ME-Sem-3)

 323 
= 2 × 4.187 × ln 
 353 
= – 0.7437
3. Entropy change for 3 kg water = m2C1 ln
 323 
= 3 × 4.187 × ln 
 303 
= 0.08029
4. Net entropy change = Entropy change for 2 kg water + Entropy
change for 3 kg water
= – 0.7437 + 0.08029
= 0.059 kJ/K

b. What are limitations of the first law of thermodynamics ?

Discus s the statements of the second law of
thermodynamics. Also prove that the violation of the Kelvin
Planck statement leads to the violation of the Clausius
A. Limitations of First Law of Thermodynamics :
1. The limitations of 1st law of thermodynamics can be explained with
the help of following illustrations :
i. Temperature of liquid contained in a vessel increases when it is
churned by paddle work. But paddle work can not be restored on
cooling the liquid to its initial state.
ii. When a block slides down a rough place, it gets warmer. However,
the reverse process when the block slides up the plane and becomes
cooler is not true even if the first law of thermodynamics still holds
iii. Electrical current flowing through a resistor produces heat according
to equation,
H = i2Rt.
Current once dissipated as heat cannot be converted back into
iv. Fuel (solid or liquid) burns with air and gets converted into products
of combustion. Fuel once burnt cannot be restored back to its original
v. Work is easily converted into heat. However there is a maximum
limit up to which the conversion of heat is possible in a heat engine.
Work is superior to heat, and a complete transformation of low
grade energy (heat) into high grade energy (work) is not possible.
B. Second Law of Thermodynamics : We have two statements of
second law of thermodynamics which are as follows :

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SP–18 C (ME-Sem-3) Solved Paper (2017-18)

i. Kelvin-Planck Statement : According to this statement, “It is

impossible to construct a heat engine that operates in a cycle and
produces no effect other than work output and exchange of heat
with a single heat reservoir.”
ii. Clausius Statement : According to this statement “It is impossible
to construct a device that operates in a cycle and produces no
effect other than the transfer of heat from a region of low
temperature to another system at high temperature.”
C. Violation of the Kelvin-Planck Statement Leads to Violation
of the Clausius Statement :
1. Let’s consider a heat engine which violates Kelvin Planck statement
by absorbing heat from source at T1 and converts it completely into
 W = Q1
2. Now let’s introduce a refrigerator which gets work input from the
3. The refrigerator extracts Q2 from the low temperature heat
reservoir and rejects heat Q1 + Q2 to the high temperature heat
4. Combining the engine the refrigerator into one system working
between same temperature limits, we observe that the sole effect
of combined system is to transfer Q2 from low temperature heat
reservoir T2 to high temperature heat reservoir without any work
input thus violating the Clausius statement Fig. 5.

Heat source at T1

Q1 + Q2 Q1

W = Q1
Refrige- Engine

Q2 Q2
(Low temperature body)
Heat sink at T2

Fig. 5.

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Thermodynamics SP–19 C (ME-Sem-3)

High temperature heat

reservoir at T1

Combined W=0
system ref.


Low temperature heat

reservoir at T2

Fig. 6. Combined system (refrigerator) violates

Clausius statement.

5. Attempt any one part of the following : (7 × 1 = 7)

a. What is the maximum useful work which can be obtained
when 100 kJ are abstracted from a heat reservoir at 675 K in
an environment at 288 K ? What is the loss of useful work if
a temperature drop of 50 °C is introduced between the heat
source and the heat engine, on the one hand, and the heat
engine and the heat sink ?

Given : Q1 = – 100 kJ, T = 675 K, To = 288 K

To Find : 1. Maximum useful work.
2. Loss of useful work on temperature drop of
50 °C.
1. Entropy change for this process,
Q 100
s = 
T 675
= 0.14815 kJ/k
Wmax = (T – To) s
= (675 – 288) × 0.14815
= 57.333 kJ
2. Now maximum work obtainable,
 338 
Wmax = 100  1  
625 
= 45.92 kJ
3. Loss of available work = Wmax – Wmax = 57.333 – 45.92 = 11.413 kJ

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SP–20 C (ME-Sem-3) Solved Paper (2017-18)

b. Discuss the Clapeyron equation and also explain the Joule-

Kelvin effect with help of inversion curve and inversion
A. Clapeyron Equation :
1. The Clausius-Clapeyron equation is one such equation which is
used to determine the enthalpy change associated with a phase
2. Consider the Maxwell relation,
 p   s 
  =  
T  v  v T
Fusion Critical point
curve Liquid
curve Vapour

Solid Triple point

Fig. 7. p-T diagram.
3. During the phase change the pressure is the saturation pressure,
which depends on the temperature. Therefore the partial pressure
derivative (dp/dT) is expressed by
 dp 
[sg – sf ] =   [v  vf ]
 dT  g
dp sg  sf
dT vg  vf
Where, sg = specific entropy of saturated vapour,
sf = specific entropy of saturated vapour liquid,
vg = specific volume of saturated vapour, and
vf = specific volume of saturated liquid.
4. During this process the pressure also remains constant.
dp sg  sf sfg hfg
=  
dT vg  vf vfg T .vfg
Where, sfg = increase in specific entropy,
vfg = increase in specific volume, and
hfg = latent heat added during evaporation.
 dp  hfg
  = Tv
 dT  fg
5. Which is called the Clapeyron equation.
6. The Clapeyron equation is applicable to any phase change process
that occurs at constant pressure and temperature. It can be
expressed by following relation in general form,
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Thermodynamics SP–21 C (ME-Sem-3)

 dp  h12
  =
 dT  T .v12
Where 1 and 2 shows the two phases.
B. Joule-Kelvin Effect :
1. A gas is made to undergo continuous throttling process by a valve
as shown in Fig. 8.
Ti Tf

pi pf

Fig. 8. Joule-Thomson expansion.
2. The pressures and temperatures of the gas in the insulated pipe
upstream and downstream of the valve are measured with suitable
manometers and thermometers.
3. Let pi and Ti be the arbitrarily chosen pressure and temperature
before throttling and let them be kept constant.
4. By operating the valve manually, the gas is throttled successively
to different pressures and temperatures pf1, Tf1; pf2, Tf2; pf3, Tf3 and
so on. These are then plotted on the T-p coordinates as shown in
Fig. 9.
States after throttling

f6 State before
f1 throttling


Fig. 9. Isenthalpic states of a gas.
5. All the points represent equilibrium states of some constant mass
of gas, say, 1 kg, at which the gas has the same enthalpy.
6. The curve passing through all these points is an isenthalpic curve.
It is not the graph of a throttling process, but the graph through
points of equal enthalpy.
7. The initial temperature and pressure of the gas (before throttling)
are then set to new values, and by throttling to different states, a
family of isenthalpes is obtained for the gas, as shown in Fig. 10.
8. The curve passing through the maxima of these isenthalpes is
called the inversion curve.
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SP–22 C (ME-Sem-3) Solved Paper (2017-18)

9. The numerical value of the slope of an isenthalpe on a T-p diagram

at any point is called the Joule-Kelvin coefficient and is denoted by
10. Thus the locus of all points at which J is zero is the inversion
curve. The region inside the inversion curve where J is positive is
called the cooling region and the region outside where J is negative
is called the heating region.
 T 
So, J = 
 p  h
11. For achieving the effect of cooling by Joule-Kelvin expansion, the
initial temperature of the gas must be below the point where the
inversion curve intersects the temperature axis, i.e., below the
maximum inversion temperature.
12. For nearly all substances, the maximum inversion temperature is
above the normal ambient temperature and hence cooling can be
obtained by the Joule-Kelvin effect.

temp. Constant enthalpy
T T1 curves (isenthalpes)

+ J Heating region
point – J

Inversion curve (  = 0)

p p
Fig. 10. Isenthalpic curves and the inversion curve.

Inversion curve (  J = 0)
Constant enthalpy

Critical point

Saturation curve
Liquid vapour
Fig. 11. Inversion and saturation curves on T-s plot.

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Thermodynamics SP–23 C (ME-Sem-3)

6. Attempt any one part of the following : (7 × 1 = 7)

a. Explain the Rankine cycle with the help of neat sketch, p-V
and T-s diagram. If 5 kg of water at 45 °C is heated at a
constant pressure of 10 bar until it becomes superheated
vapour at 300 °C. Find the change in volume, enthalpy,
internal energy and entropy.
A. Rankine Cycle :
1. Professor Rankine modified the Carnot cycle and presented a
technically feasible cycle known as Rankine cycle. It is also a
reversible cycle and it differs from Carnot cycle in following aspects :
i. The process of condensation is allowed to proceed to completion,
i.e., exhaust steam from the steam turbine or steam engine is
condensed back to liquid water. At the end of condensation process,
the working substance is only liquid (water) and not a mixture of
liquid and vapour.
ii. Pressure of water can be easily raised to the boiler pressure by
means of a small sized feed pump.
Moreover, the steam can be superheated in the boiler so as to
obtain the exhaust steam of high quality. It prevents pitting and
erosion of turbine blades.
T 3
2 3 3 3 2 3 3

4 4 4
1 4 4 4

V s
p-V diagram for Rankine cycle T-s diagram for Rankine cycle
3 3
p1 3
2 Saturation line
(x = 1)
4 4 4
h-s diagram for Rankine cycle
Fig. 12.
2. Various process of Rankine cycle are as follows :
i. Process (1-2) :
1. Pumping of feed water to the boiler from back (or condenser
pressure) pb to boiler pressure p1.
2. Compression process is a reversible adiabatic process.
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SP–24 C (ME-Sem-3) Solved Paper (2017-18)

ii. Process (2-3) :

1. Feed water is converted into steam at constant pressure (boiler
pressure p1).
2. Heat added during the process (2-3) is qs.
iii. Process (3-4) :
1. Process 3-4 refers to reversible adiabatic expansion of steam in the
turbine from boiler pressure ‘p1’ to condenser (or back) pressure
2. During the process 3-4, there is an enthalpy drop which is equal to
the work done ‘WT’ by turbine.
iv. Process (4-1) :
1. Exhaust steam from the steam turbine is condensed back to liquid
form at constant pressure in the condenser.
2. The steam rejects its latent heat of vapourization to the cooling
water. It is denoted by qr.
B. Numerical :

Given : m = 5 kg, p = 10 bar, T1 = 45 °C = 318 K,

T2 = 300 °C = 573 K
To Find : i. Change in volume,
ii. Change in enthalpy,
iii. Change in internal energy, and
iv. Change in entropy.

1. We know that,
W = p(V2 – V1) = mR (T2 – T1)
10 × V = 5 × 0.462 × (573 – 318)
[ R = 0.462 kJ/kgK]
V = 59 m3
2. Change in enthalpy,
h = mCp (T2 – T1)
= 5 × 4.187 × (573 – 318) [ Cp = 4.187 kJ/kgK]
= 5338.425 kJ/kg
3. Change in internal energy,
U = mCv (T2 – T1)
= 5 × (4.187 – 0.462) (573 – 318)
[ Cp – Cv = R]
= 4749.375 kJ
4. Change in entropy,

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Thermodynamics SP–25 C (ME-Sem-3)

s = mCp ln  2 
 T 

 573 
= 5 × 4.187 × ln 
 318 
= 12.33 kJ/K

b. A turbine operates under steady flow conditions, receiving

steam at the following state : Pressure 1.2 MPa, temperature
188 °C, enthalpy 2785 kJ/kg, velocity 33.3 m/s and elevation
3 m. The steam leaves the turbine at the following state :
Pressure 20 kPa, enthalpy 2512 kJ/kg, velocity 100 m/s, and
elevation 0 m. Heat is lost to the surroundings at the rate of
0.29 kJ/s. If the rate of steam flow through the turbine is
0.42 kg/s, what is the power output of the turbine in kW ?

Given : p1 = 1.2 MPa, T1 = 188 °C, h1 = 2785 kJ/kg, C1 = 33.3 m/s

z1 = 3 m, p2 = 20 kPa, h2 = 2512 kJ/kg, C2 = 100 m/s

z2 = 0 m, Q = – 0.29 kJ/s, m = 0.42 kg/s
To Find : Power output of turbine (W).

1. SFEE for turbine,

 
m  h1  1  z1 g + Q = m  h  C2  z g + W
 C2  2

 2   2
2 1 

  C 2  C2 2 
W = m (h1  h2 )  1  (z1  z2 ) g  + Q
 2 
 (33.3)2  (100) 2 (3  0) 9.81 
= 0.42 (2785  2512)    + (– 0.29)
 2  1000 1000 
= 0.42 [273 – 4.445 + 0.0294] – 0.29
W = – 112.51 kJ/s

7. Attempt any one part of the following : (7 × 1 = 7)

a. Explain the vapour compression refrigeration cycle and its
COP with the help of T-s, p-h and flow diagram. Can this
cycle be reversible ? If not, why ?
1. The four process of the cycle is shown on T-s and p-h diagrams in
Fig. 13(a) and (b).

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SP–26 C (ME-Sem-3) Solved Paper (2017-18)

p 2=p 3 Cond.
T2 = T3 3
Cond. 2
3 2
p 1=p 4 Exp.


Exp. 1
4 Evap.
T1 = T4
4 Evap.

s1 = s2 hf3= h4 h1 hf1 h2
Entropy Enthalpy
(a) T-s diagram (b) p-h diagram
Fig. 13. Theoretical vapour compression cycle with dry
saturated vapour after compression.
i. Compression Process :
1. The vapour refrigerant at low pressure p1 and temperature T1 is
compressed isentropically to dry saturated vapour as shown by the
vertical line 1-2 on T-s diagram and by the curve 1-2 on p-h diagram.
2. Work done during isentropic compression per kg is given by,
W = h2 – h1
Where h1 = Enthalpy of vapour refrigerant at temperature
T1 (i.e., at suction of the compressor), and
h2 = Enthalpy o f the vapo ur refrige rant at
temperature T2 (i.e., at discharge of the compressor).
ii. Condensing Process :
1. The high temperature and pressure vapour refrigerant from the
compressor is passed through the condenser where it is completely
condensed at constant pressure p2 and temperature T2 as shown by
the horizontal line 2-3 on T-s and p-h diagrams.
2. The vapour refrigerant is changed into liquid refrigerant.
iii. Expansion Process :
1. The liquid refrigerant at pressure p3 = p2 and temperature T3 = T2
is expanded by throttling process through the expansion valve to a
low pressure p4 = p1 and temperature T4 = T1, as shown by the
curve 3-4 on T-s diagram and by the vertical line 3-4 on p-h diagram.
2. During the throttling process, no heat is absorbed or rejected by
the liquid refrigerant.
iv. Evaporation Process :
1. The liquid vapour mixture of the refrigerant at pressure p4 = p1 and
temperature T4 = T 1 is evaporated and changed into vapour
refrigerant at constant pressure and temperature, as shown by the
horizontal line 4-1 on T-s and p-h diagrams.
2. During evaporation, the liquid vapour refrigerant absorbs its latent
heat of vapourization from the medium (i.e., air, water or brine)
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Thermodynamics SP–27 C (ME-Sem-3)

which is to be cooled and the process of vaporization continues up

to point 1 which is the starting point and thus the cycle is completed.
3. The heat absorbed or extracted by the liquid vapour refrigerant
during evaporation per kg of refrigerant is given by
RE = h1 – h4 = h1 – hf3 (hf3 = h4)
Where hf3 = Sensible heat at temperature T3 (i.e., enthalpy
of liquid refrigerant leaving the condenser)
4. It may be noticed from the cycle that the liquid vapour refrigerant
has extracted heat during evaporation and the work will be done by
the compressor for isentropic compression of the high pressure
and temperature vapour refrigerant.
5. Therefore, coefficient of performance is given by,
Refrigeration effect
Work done
h1  h4 h1  hf 3
= 
h2  h1 h2  h1
6. The compression refrigeration cycle is not reversible cycle, since it
involves throttling which is an irreversible process.

b. A refrigerator working on Bell Coleman cycle operates

between pressure limits of 1.05 bar and 8.5 bar. Air is drawn
from the cold chamber at 10 °C. Air coming out compressor
is cooled at 30 °C before entering the expansion cylinder.
Expansion and compression follow the pV1.35 = constant.
Determine COP of the system.

Given : p1 = p4 = 1.05 bar, p2 = p3 = 8.5 bar,

T1 = 10 °C = 10 + 273 = 283 K, T3 = 30 °C = 30 + 273 = 303 K,
n = 1.3
To Find : COP of the system.

1. The p-V and T-s diagrams for a refrigerator working on the Bell-
Coleman cycle is shown in Fig. 14(a) and (b) respectively.
2. Let T2 and T4 = Temperature of air at the end of compression
and expansion respectively.

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SP–28 C (ME-Sem-3) Solved Paper (2017-18)

8.5 3 2
pV 1.35 = C T2 2


283 1

1.05 4 1 T4

Volume Entropy
(a) p-V diagram (b) T-s diagram

Fig. 14.
3. Since the compression and expansion follows the law pV1.35 = C,
n1 1.35  1
T2 p  n  8.5  1.35
 1.05 
=  2 = (8.1)0.259 = 1.72
T1  p1 
 T2 = T1 × 1.72 = 283 × 1.72 = 486.76 K
n 1 1.35  1
T3 p  n  8.5  1.35
 1.05 
4. Similarly, =  3
T4  p4 
 T4 = T3/1.72 = 303/1.72 = 176.16 K
5. We know that theoretical coefficient of performance,

T1  T4
n (   1)
 [(T2  T3 )  (T1  T4 )]
n 1 

(283  176.16)
1.35 (1.4  1)
 [(486.76  303)  (283  176.16)]
1.35  1 1.4
... (Taking  = 1.4)
= = 1.26


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Thermodynamics SP– 1 C (ME-Sem-3)

Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 70

Note : 1. Attempt all sections. If require any missing data; then choose


1. Attempt all questions in brief. (2 × 7 = 14)

a. Differentiate between intensive and extensive properties.

b. What do you mean by Joule-Thompson coefficient and

inversion curve ?

c. State Kelvin-Planck and Clausius statement of second law

of thermodynamics.

d. What is refrigeration and what are the required properties

of a refrigerant ?

e. What do you mean by available and unavailable energy ?

f. What is the difference between the critical point and the

triple points ?

g. Explain what you unders tand by thermodynamic



2. Attempt any three of the following : (7 × 3 = 21)

a. A heat pump is used to meet the heating requirement of a
house and maintain it at 20 °C. On a day when the outdoor
air temperature drops to – 2 °C, the house is estimated to
lose heat at a rate of 80000 kJ/h. If the heat pump under
these conditions has a COP of 2.5, determine (a) the power
consumed by the heat pump and (b) the rate at which heat
is absorbed from.

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SP– 2 C (ME-Sem-3) Solved Paper (2018-19)

b. When a man return to his well sealed house on a summer

day, he finds that the house is at 32 °C. He turns on the air
conditioner, which cools the entire house to 20 °C in 15 min.
If the COP of the air conditioning system is 2.5, determine
the power drawn by the air conditioner. Assume the entire
mass within the house is equivalent to 800 kg of air for
which cv = 0.72 kJ/kg °C and cp = 1.0 kJ/kg °C.

c. Define in pure substance by suitable phase change diagram

the term (i) Triple point (ii) Critical point (iii) Saturation
states (iv) Sub cooled state (v) Superheated vapour state.

d. An insulated rigid tank is divided into two equal part by a

partition. Initially, one part contains 4 kg of an ideal gas at
800 kPa and 50 °C, and the other part is evacuated. The
partition is now removed, and the gas expands into the
entire tank. Determine the final temperature and pressure
in the tank.

e. Write down the first and second Tds equations and derive
the expression for the difference in heat capacities, Cp and


3. Attempt any one part of the following : (7 × 1 = 7)

a. A piston cylinder device initially contains 0.4 m3 of air at
100 kPa and 80 °C. The air is now compressed to 0.1 m3 in
such a way that the temperature inside the cylinder remains
constant. Determine the work done during this process.

b. Air at 100 kPa and 280 K is compressed steadily to 600 kPa

and 400 K. The mass flow rate of the air is 0.02 kg/s and a
heat loss of 16 kJ/kg occurs during the process. Assuming
the changes in kinetic and potential energies are negligible,
determine the necessary power input to the compressor.

4. Attempt any one part of the following : (7 × 1 = 7)

a. The two Carnot engines work in series between the sources
and sink temperatures of 550 K and 350 K. If both engines
develop equal power, determine the intermediate

b. Show that the Kelvin-Planck and the Clausius statement

of the second law of thermodynamics are equivalent.

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Thermodynamics SP– 3 C (ME-Sem-3)

5. Attempt any one part of the following : (7 × 1 = 7)

a. In a certain process, a vapour while condensing at 420 °C,
transfers heat to water evaporating at 250 °C. The resulting
steam is used in power cycle, which rejects heat at 35 °C.
What is the fraction of the available energy in the heat
transferred from the process vapour at 420 °C that is lost
due to the irreversible heat transfer at 250 °C ?

b. State the Clapeyron equation and discuss its importance

during phase change of pure substance. Derive the equation
for Clausius-Clapeyron equation for evaporation of liquids.

6. Attempt any one part of the following : (7 × 1 = 7)

a. Steam at 20 bar and 360 °C is expanded in a steam turbine to
0.08 bar. It then enters a condenser, where it is condensed
to saturated liquid water. The pump feeds back the water
into the boiler. (a) Assuming ideal processes, find per kg of
steam the net work and the cycle efficiency. (b) If the turbine
and the pump have each 80 % efficiency, find the percentage
reduction in the net work and cycle efficiency.

b. Explain the following processes and s how them on

psychrometric chart :
i. Sensible heating and cooling.
ii. Heating and humidification.
iii. Cooling and dehumidification.

7. Attempt any one part of the following : (7 × 1 = 7)

a. Explain the vapour compression cycle with the help of T-s
and p-h diagram.

b. A refrigerator operates on ideal vapour compression cycle

between 0.14 MPa and 0.8 MPa. If the mass flow rate of the
refrigerant is 0.06 Kg/s, determine : (a) the rate of heat
removal from the refrigerated space, (b) the power input to
the compressor, (c) the heat rejection rate in the condenser
and (d) the COP.


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SP– 4 C (ME-Sem-3) Solved Paper (2018-19)


Note : 1. Attempt all sections. If require any missing data; then choose


1. Attempt all questions in brief. (2 × 7 = 14)

a. Differentiate between intensive and extensive properties.
S. No. Intensive Properties Extensive Properties
1. These properties do no t These properties depend on the
depend on the mass of the mass of the system.
2. Example : Temperature and Example : Volume.

b. What do you mean by Joule-Thompson coefficient and

inversion curve ?
Ans. Joule-Thomson Coefficient : The temperature and pressure
behaviour of fluids during a throttling process is described by the
Joule-Thomson coefficient ().

 =  T 
 p 
Inversion Curve :
The curve passing through the maxima of isenthalpes is called the
inversion curve.

c. State Kelvin-Planck and Clausius statement of second law

of thermodynamics.
Ans. Kelvin-Planck Statement : It states that it is impossible for a
heat engine to produce net work in a complete cycle if it exchanges
heat only with bodies at a single fixed temperature.
Clausius Statement : It is impossible to construct a device which,
operating in a cycle, will produce no affect other than the transfer
of heat from a cooler to hotter body.

d. What is refrigeration and what are the required properties

of a refrigerant ?
Ans. Refrigeration : It is the science of the producing and maintaining
temperatures below that of the surrounding atmosphere i.e.,
removing of heat from a substance under controlled conditions.
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Thermodynamics SP– 5 C (ME-Sem-3)

Properties of Refrigerant :
1. Low boiling point
2. Low specific heat of liquid
3. Low specific volume of vapour
4. Low cost
5. Nontoxic and non corrosive to metal.

e. What do you mean by available and unavailable energy ?

Ans. The maximum work output obtained from a certain heat input in a
cycle heat engine is called the available energy (A.E) or exergy.
The minimum energy that has to be rejected to the sink by the
second law is called the unavailable energy (U.E.) or anergy.

f. What is the difference between the critical point and the

triple points ?
Critical Point Triple Point
It is the point where distinction It is the point at which all the three
between the entropy of water and states (solid, liquid and vapour) of a
the entropy of dry steam disappears. substance co-exist in equilibrium.

g. Explain what you unders tand by thermodynamic

Ans. A system is said to exist in a state of thermodynamic equilibrium
when no spontaneous change in any macroscopic property is
registered, if the system is isolated from its surroundings.
“If the system exists in equilibrium state, there can be no
spontaneous change in any macroscopic property of the system”.


2. Attempt any three of the following : (7 × 3 = 21)

a. A heat pump is used to meet the heating requirement of a
house and maintain it at 20 °C. On a day when the outdoor
air temperature drops to – 2 °C, the house is estimated to
lose heat at a rate of 80000 kJ/h. If the heat pump under
these conditions has a COP of 2.5, determine (a) the power
consumed by the heat pump and (b) the rate at which heat
is absorbed from.
Given : T1 = – 2 °C = – 2 + 273 = 271 K, Q2 = 80000 kJ/h
T2 = 20 °C = 20 + 273 = 293 K, COP = 2.5
To Find : i. Power consumed by the heat pump.
ii. Rate at which heat is absorbed.
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SP– 6 C (ME-Sem-3) Solved Paper (2018-19)

T2 = 293 K


T1 = 271 K

Fig. 1.
1. COP of heat pump,
Q2 80000
WP = 
COP 2.5
= 32000 kJ/h
= 8.88 kJ/second = 8.88 kW
2. By energy balance,
WP + Q1 = Q2
WP = Q2 – Q1
Q2  Q1
2.5 =
80000  Q1
(80000 – Q1) =
Q1 = 48000 kJ/h =
= 13.33 kJ/second

b. When a man return to his well sealed house on a summer

day, he finds that the house is at 32 °C. He turns on the air
conditioner, which cools the entire house to 20 °C in 15 min.
If the COP of the air conditioning system is 2.5, determine
the power drawn by the air conditioner. Assume the entire
mass within the house is equivalent to 800 kg of air for
which cv = 0.72 kJ/kg °C and cp = 1.0 kJ/kg °C.
Given : T1 = 35 °C = 308 K, T2 = 20 °C = 293 K,
t = 15 min = 900 sec, COP = 2.5, cv = 0.72 kJ/kg °C,
cp = 1.0 kJ/kg °C, m = 800 kg
To Find : Power drawn by air conditioner.
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Thermodynamics SP– 7 C (ME-Sem-3)

1. Heat removed,
mcv (T1  T2 )
Q2 =
800  0.72(32  20)
= 7.68 kW
2. We know that,
Heat removed
Work input
Work input = = 3.07 kW
Power drawn by air conditioner = Work input
= 3.07 kW

c. Define in pure substance by suitable phase change diagram

the term (i) Triple point (ii) Critical point (iii) Saturation
states (iv) Sub cooled state (v) Superheated vapour state.
Ans. Phase Diagram :
A. Temperature-Entropy (T–s) Diagram for Pure Substance :
1. On T–s diagram, absolute temperature is plotted on Y-axis (ordinate)
and specific entropy on the X-axis (abscissa).
2. Liquid boundary line originates at the axis of ordinates at 273.16 K;
it is a must because liquid entropy at triple point is zero. The boundary
curves and vapour line divide the entire diagram in three regions.
3. Region to the left of ‘AE’ is called liquid region. Region in between
the line AE and EI is called wet steam region. Region to the right
of line EI is known as the region of superheated steam.
T Critical point
Saturated liquid
line Constant pressure line
p=c Superheated

p= c
steam region
V =c
p= c Constant dryness line

Vapour Saturated
x=0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 vapour line
Specific entropy
Fig. 2. T-s diagram.
4. Both the boundary curves (AE and EI) merge at point E which is
the critical point of water with critical pressure of 221.2 bar and a
critical temperature of 374.15 °C.
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SP– 8 C (ME-Sem-3) Solved Paper (2018-19)

5. The constant pressure lines are parallel to the constant temperature

lines in the wet steam region. These two lines become curved in the
superheated region. The constant dryness fraction lines are shown
only in the wet steam region.
6. The constant volume lines are steeper than the constant pressure
lines in the superheated steam region.
7. The slopes of constant pressure lines in the liquid region, wet steam
region and superheated regions are governed by the equations
 T  T
  =
s  v cv
 T  T
and  s  =
p c p
8. Area under the reversible process line and abscissa represents the
amount of heat added to one kg of working medium and is given by
q=  T ds
B. Enthalpy-Entropy (h-s) Diagram for Pure Substance :
1. Generation of steam is done at constant pressure and for constant
pressure heating process, q = h.
2. Calculations for heat supplied can be easily done if h-s diagram is
plotted in place of temperature-entropy diagram or (T–s) diagram.
In the enthalpy-entropy diagram, enthalpy ‘h’ is plotted on the axis
of ordinate and entropy is plotted along abscissa.
3. In a Mollier diagram, the point where saturated liquid line and
saturated vapour line merge is known as critical point. After this
point, liquid directly gets transformed into superheated steam.
4. For a constant pressure process,
q = T ds = dh
 dh 
Therefore, 
 ds  p

5. The slope of constant pressure lines will be equal to the absolute

temperature on Mollier diagram.
6. In the wet steam region, the temperature of steam remains constant
at a given pressure, hence the constant pressure lines are straight
lines in the wet steam region. These lines become curved in the
superheated region.
7. In the wet steam region, the constant temperature lines coincide
with the constant pressure lines.
8. In the superheated region, isobaric and isothermal lines diverge.
Isobaric lines turn upwards and have a positive slope and the
isothermal lines tend to become horizontal straight lines. It is due
to the fact that at higher temperature the superheated steam
behaves as a perfect gas i.e.,
h = f(T)

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Thermodynamics SP– 9 C (ME-Sem-3)

h Constant temperature line

liquid line Critical point (C) T3 Supertheated
T2 steam region
Liquid Saturated vapour line
Enthalphy p2 Constant dryness line
p1 x = 0.9
p Vapour x = 0.8
x = 0.7
Specific entropy

Fig. 3.
9. The constant dryness fraction lines originate from the point C (in
wet region only). These lines are approximately parallel to the
saturation line (x = 1). On a Mollier diagram, throttling process
(also called isenthalpic or constant enthalpy process) is represented
by a horizontal line.
10. The Mollier diagram makes it possible to easily and rapidly find out
the steam parameters with accuracy sufficient for practical purposes
and gives solution to the problems related to changes in the state of
C. Triple Point :
1. Triple point is defined as a point at which pressure and temperature
are such that all the three states (solid, liquid and vapour) of a
substance co-exist in equilibrium.
2. At triple point, all the three curves namely sublimation, fusion and
vaporization and phases of substance meet each other.

d. An insulated rigid tank is divided into two equal part by a

partition. Initially, one part contains 4 kg of an ideal gas at
800 kPa and 50 °C, and the other part is evacuated. The
partition is now removed, and the gas expands into the
entire tank. Determine the final temperature and pressure
in the tank.
Given : p1 = 8 bar, T1= 50 + 273 = 323 K, V1 = V/2, V2 = V
To Find : Final pressure and temperature of air in the vessel.
1. We know that
p1V1 = p2V2
p1V1 8V / 2
p2 = = = 4 bar
V2 V
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SP– 10 C (ME-Sem-3) Solved Paper (2018-19)

V1 V
2. = 2
T1 T2
V /2 V
323 T2
T2 = 323 × 2 = 646 K
T2 = 373 °C

e. Write down the first and second Tds equations and derive
the expression for the difference in heat capacities, Cp and
A. Tds Equations :
1. First Tds equation,
 p 
Tds = Cv dT  T  dv
 T  v
2. Second Tds equation,
 v 
Tds = C p dT – T 
 T  p

B. Expression for Difference in Heat Capacities :

1. Consider a perfect gas being heated at constant pressure from T1 to
2. According to non flow equation,
Q = (U2 – U1) + W
3. Also for a perfect gas,
U2 – U1 = mcv(T2 – T1)
Q = mcv(T2 – T1) + W ...(1)
4. In a constant pressure process, the work done by the fluid,
W = p(V2 – V1)
W = mR(T2 – T1) ...(2)
 p1V1  mRT1 
 
 p2 V2  mRT 2 
 p1  p2  p in this case 
5. On substituting value of W from eq. (2) in eq. (1), we get
Q = mcv(T2 – T1) + mR(T2 – T1) = m(cv + R)(T2 – T1)
6. But for a constant pressure process,
Q = mcp(T2 – T1) ...(4)
7. By equating the eq. (3) and eq. (4), we have
m(cv + R)(T2 – T1) = mcp(T2 – T1)
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Thermodynamics SP– 11 C (ME-Sem-3)

 cv + R = c p
or cp – cv = R


3. Attempt any one part of the following : (7 × 1 = 7)

a. A piston cylinder device initially contains 0.4 m3 of air at
100 kPa and 80 °C. The air is now compressed to 0.1 m3 in
such a way that the temperature inside the cylinder remains
constant. Determine the work done during this process.
Given : V1 = 0.4 m3, p1 = 100 kPa = 1 bar, T1 = 80 °C, V2 = 0.1 m3
To Find : Work done.
1. Work done during isothermal process is given as,
W = p1V1 ln

W = 1 × 0.4 ln 
0.1 

 0.4 
W = – 0.55 J
Here negative sign indicates that the work is done on the system.

b. Air at 100 kPa and 280 K is compressed steadily to 600 kPa

and 400 K. The mass flow rate of the air is 0.02 kg/s and a
heat loss of 16 kJ/kg occurs during the process. Assuming
the changes in kinetic and potential energies are negligible,
determine the necessary power input to the compressor.
Given : V1 = 100 kPa = 1 bar, T1 = 280 K, P2 = 600 kPa = 6 bar,
T2 = 400 K, m = 0.02 kg/s, Q = 16 kJ/kg
To Find : Power input to compressor.
1. SFEE for compressor is,
 c2  c2
m  h1  1   Q  m  h2  2   Ws
 2   2 
2. As change in kinetic and potential energies is negligible, therefore
the above equation reduces to
mh1 – Q = mh2 – Ws
W = m(h2 – h1) + Q
W = mcp(T2 – T1) + Q ( h = cpT)
Ws = 0.02 × 1.005(400 – 280) + 16
(cp for air = 1.005 kJ/kg-K)
Ws = 18.412 kJ/s
Ws = 18.412 kW
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SP– 12 C (ME-Sem-3) Solved Paper (2018-19)

4. Attempt any one part of the following : (7 × 1 = 7)

a. The two Carnot engines work in series between the sources
and sink temperatures of 550 K and 350 K. If both engines
develop equal power, determine the intermediate
Given : T1 = 550 K, T2 = 350 K
To Find : Intermediate temperature.
1. The efficiencies of the engines HE1 and HE2 are given by
W T1  T2 W
1 =   ...(1)
Q1 T1 Q2  W
W T2  T3 W
2 =   ...(2)
Q2 T2 Q3  W
2. From eq. (1), we get
 T  T2 
W = (Q2 + W)  1 
 T1 
  T  T2    T1  T2 
 W 1   1   = Q2  
  T1    T1 
T   T  T2 
 W  2  = Q2  1 
 1
T  T1 
 T  T2 
 W = Q2  1  ...(3)
 T2 

550 K



Sink 350 K
Fig. 4.
3. Similarly from eq. (2), we get
 T  T3 
W = Q2  2  ...(4)
 T2 
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Thermodynamics SP– 13 C (ME-Sem-3)

4. Now from eq. (3) and eq. (4), we get

T1 – T2 = T2 – T3
2T2 = T1 + T3 = 550 + 350
 T2 = 450 K
Hence intermediate temperature = 450 K

b. Show that the Kelvin-Planck and the Clausius statement

of the second law of thermodynamics are equivalent.
Ans. Equivalence of Kelvin-Plank and Clausius Statements :
1. Both Kelvin Planck and Clausius statements appear to be different
but both are interlinked and are complementary to each other.
2. Equivalence of these two statements can be proved by showing
that violating one statement leads to the violation of other statement
and vice-versa.
i. Violating Kelvin Planck Statement Leads to Violation of
Clausius Statement :
1. Let’s consider a heat engine which violates Kelvin Planck statement
by absorbing heat from source at T1 and converts it completely into
 W = Q1
2. Now let’s introduce a refrigerator which gets work input from the
3. The refrigerator extracts Q2 from the low temperature heat
reservoir and rejects heat Q1 + Q2 to the high temperature heat
4. Combining the engine the refrigerator into one system working
between same temperature limits, we observe that the sole effect
of combined system is to transfer Q2 from low temperature heat
reservoir T2 to high temperature heat reservoir without any work
input thus violating the Clausius statement Fig. 5
High temperature heat
Heat source at T1
reservoir at T1
Q1 + Q2 Q1 Q1

W = Q1 Combined W=0
Refrige- Engine
rator system ref.

Q2 Q2
(Low temperature body) Low temperature heat
Heat sink at T2 reservoir at T2

(a) (b) Combined system (refrigerator)

violates clausius statement.
Fig. 5.
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SP– 14 C (ME-Sem-3) Solved Paper (2018-19)

ii. Violation of Clausius Statement Leads to Violation of Kelvin

Planck Statement :
1. Let’s consider a refrigerator which violates Clausius statement as
shown in the Fig. 6(a).
2. Refrigerator absorbs heat Q2 from low temperature heat reservoir
and rejects the same to the high temperature reservoir without the
aid of any external work i.e., W = 0.
3. Let’s introduce a heat engine which receives heat Q1 (Q1 > Q2) from
the high temperature reservoir and rejects heat Q2 and produces
W = Q1 – Q2.
4. Now combining the refrigerator and heat engine into one system.
We observe that the combined system operates as a heat engine,
which receives heat from a single high temperature reservoir as Q1
– Q2 and converts the same into equal amount of work energy
without any heat rejection.
High temperature reservoir at T1 High temperature reservoir at T1

Q2 Q1 Q1 – Q2
W = Q1 – Q2

W=0 Refrige- W = Q1 – Q2
Engine Combined system

Q2 Q2
Low temperature reservoir at T 2 Low temperature reservoir at T2

(a) Violation of Clausius statement. (b) Combined system (engine)

violates Kelvin Planck statement.
Fig. 6.
5. This violates the Kelvin Planck statement of second law of

5. Attempt any one part of the following : (7 × 1 = 7)

a. In a certain process, a vapour while condensing at 420 °C,
transfers heat to water evaporating at 250 °C. The resulting
steam is used in power cycle, which rejects heat at 35 °C.
What is the fraction of the available energy in the heat
transferred from the process vapour at 420 °C that is lost
due to the irreversible heat transfer at 250 °C ?
Given : T1 = 420 + 273 = 693 K, T1  = 250 + 273 = 523 K,
T0 = 35 + 273 = 308 K
To Find : Fraction of available energy.
1. LMNP (Fig. 7) would have been the power cycle, if there was no
temperature difference between the vapour condensing and the
vapour evaporating, and the area under NP would have been the
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Thermodynamics SP– 15 C (ME-Sem-3)

unavailable energy. RTWP is the power cycle when the vapour

condenses at 420 °C and the water evaporates at 250 °C. The
unavailable energy becomes the area under PW. Therefore, the
increase in unavailable energy due to irreversible heat transfer is
represented by the area under NW.

T1 (693 K)

R Q1
T1 (523 K) T

P N W Increase in
T0 (308 K) unavailable
s energy

Fig. 7.
2. Now, Q1 = T1s = T1s
s T
= 1
s T1
W = Work done in cycle LMNP
= (T1 – T0) s per unit mass
W = Work done in cycle RTWP
= (T1 – T0) s per unit mass
3. The fraction of energy that becomes unavailable due to irreversible
heat transfer,
W  W (T  T0 )s  (T1  T0 )s T0 (s  s)
= 1 
W (T1  T0 )s (T1  T0 )s
 s  T 
T0   1  T0  1  1 
 s   T1 
= 
(T1  T0 ) (T1  T0 )
T0 (T1  T1) 308(693  523)
=  = 0.26
T1(T1  T0 ) 523(693  308)
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SP– 16 C (ME-Sem-3) Solved Paper (2018-19)

Hence the fraction of energy that becomes unavailable = 0.26 or

26 %.

b. State the Clapeyron equation and discuss its importance

during phase change of pure substance. Derive the equation
for Clausius-Clapeyron equation for evaporation of liquids.
1. The Clausius-Clapeyron equation is one such equation which is
used to determine the enthalpy change associated with a phase
2. Consider the Maxwell relation,

 p   s 
=  
 T  v  v T
Fusion Critical point
curve Liquid
curve Vapour

Solid Triple point

Fig. 8. p-T diagram.
3. During the phase change the pressure is the saturation pressure,
which depends on the temperature. Therefore the partial pressure
derivative (dp/dT) is expressed by

 dp 
[sg – sf ] =   [v  vf ]
 dT  g

dp sg  sf
dT vg  vf
Where, sg = Specific entropy of saturated vapour,
sf = Specific entropy of saturated vapour liquid,
vg = Specific volume of saturated vapour, and
vf = Specific volume of saturated liquid.
4. During this process the pressure also remains constant.

dp s  s f sfg h
= g   fg
dT vg  vf vfg T .vfg
Where, sfg = Increase in specific entropy,
vfg = Increase in specific volume, and
hfg = Latent heat added during evaporation.
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Thermodynamics SP– 17 C (ME-Sem-3)

 dp  hfg
  = Tv
 dT  fg

5. Which is called the Clapeyron equation.

6. The Clapeyron equation is applicable to any phase change process
that occurs at constant pressure and temperature. It can be
expressed by following relation in general form,
 dp  h12
  =
 dT  T .v12
Where 1 and 2 shows the two phases.

6. Attempt any one part of the following : (7 × 1 = 7)

a. Steam at 20 bar and 360 °C is expanded in a steam turbine to
0.08 bar. It then enters a condenser, where it is condensed
to saturated liquid water. The pump feeds back the water
into the boiler. (a) Assuming ideal processes, find per kg of
steam the net work and the cycle efficiency. (b) If the turbine
and the pump have each 80 % efficiency, find the percentage
reduction in the net work and cycle efficiency.
Given : p1 = 20 bar, T1 = 360 °C, p2 = 0.08 bar
To Find : i. Net work and cycle efficiency.
ii. Percentage reduction in net work and cycle efficiency.
1. From steam tables,
At 20 bar and 360 °C
h1 = 3158 kJ/kg
s1 = 6.9917 kJ/kg K
At 0.08 bar,
h3 = hf = 173.88 kJ/kg
s3 = sf = 0.5926 kJ/kg K
hfg = 2403 kJ/kg K
sfg = 7.6361 kJ/kg K
vf = 0.00108 m3/kg

3 p2
Fig. 9.
2. Since process 1-2 is isentropic,
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SP– 18 C (ME-Sem-3) Solved Paper (2018-19)

s1 = s2
s1 = sf + x2sfg2
6.9917 = 0.5926 + x2 × 7.6361
x2 = 0.838
Also, h2 = hf + x2hfg = 173.88 + 0.838 × 2403
= 2187.59 kJ/kg
3. Net work, Wnet = WT – Wpump
Wpump= hf4 – hf3 = vf (p1 – p2)
= 0.00108 × (20 – 0.08) × 102 kN/m2
= 2.15 kJ/kg
hf4 = 173.88 + 2.15 = 176.03 kJ/kg
WT = h1 – h2 = 3158 – 2187.59 = 970.41 kJ/kg
Wnet = 970.41 – 2.15
= 968.26 kJ/kg
4. Cycle efficiency,

Wnet WT  Wpump 970.41  2.15

cycle =  
Q1 h1  hf 4 3158  176.03
= 0.324 = 32.4 %
5. If turbine and pump have 80 % efficiency,
WT(actual) = 0.8 × WT = 0.8 × 970.41 = 776.328 kJ/kg
Wpump (actual) = 0.8 × Wpump = 0.8 × 2.15 = 1.72 kJ/kg
Wnet (actual) = WT(actual) – Wpump (actual) = 776.328 – 1.72
= 774.61 kJ/kg
Wnet (actual)
cycle (actual) =  = 0.2597 = 25.97 %
Q1 2981.97
6. Percentage reduction in net work
Wnet  Wnet (actual)
968.26  774.61
=  = 20 %
Wnet 968.26
7. Percentage reduction in cycle efficiency
  cycle (actual) 32.4  25.97
= cycle 
cycle 32.4
= 19.84 %

b. Explain the following processes and s how them on

psychrometric chart :
i. Sensible heating and cooling.
ii. Heating and humidification.
iii. Cooling and dehumidification.
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Thermodynamics SP– 19 C (ME-Sem-3)

A. Sensible Heating :
1. The heating of air, without any change in its specific humidity is
known as sensible heating. Thus the heating can be achieved by
passing the air over heating coil like electric resistance heating
coils or steam coils.
2. The heat absorbed by the air during sensible heat is obtained from
the psychrometric chart by the enthalpy difference (h2 – h1) and
the specific humidity during the sensible heating remains constant
i.e., W1 = W2
3. Let air at temperature td1 passes over a heating coil of temperature td3
and the temperature of air leaving the heating coil td2 will be less than
td3. The amount of heat added during sensible heating may be obtain
by the relation :

Heating coil

Air out
Air in

(a) Psychometrics process

py h3
h al h
E h
Sp. humidity

1 2 3
W1 = W2
1 2

td1 td2 td3

Dry bulb temperature
( b) Psychometrics chart
Fig. 10. Sensible heating.
4. Heat added,

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SP– 20 C (ME-Sem-3) Solved Paper (2018-19)

q = h2 – h1
= cpa (td2 – td1) + W cps (td2 – td1)
= (cpa + W cps) (td2 – td1)
= cpm (td2 – td1)
Then term (cpa + W cps) is called humid specific heat (cpm) and its
value is taken as 1.022 kJ/kg-K.
 Heat added (q) = 1.022 (td2 – td1) kJ/kg
B. Sensible Cooling :
1. The cooling of air, without any change in its specific humidity is
known as sensible cooling.
2. Thus the sensible cooling can be achieved by passing the air over
cooling coil like evaporating coil of the refrigeration cycle or
secondary brine coil.

Cooling coil (td3)

Air in Air out

(td1) (td2)

(a) Psychometrics process

py h 1
h al 2
E nt h3 2
Sp. humidity

t dp 1
W 1 = W2
3 2

td3 td2 td1

Dry bulb temperature
(b) Psychometrics chart
Fig. 11. Sensible cooling.
3. The heat rejected by air during sensible cooling is obtained from
the psychrometric chart by the enthalpy difference (h1 – h2).

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Thermodynamics SP– 21 C (ME-Sem-3)

4. Let air at temperature td1 passes over a cooling coil of temperature

td3 and the temperature of air leaving the cooling coil (td2) will be
more than td3. The specific humidity during the sensible cooling
remains constant i.e., W1 = W2.
5. The dry bulb temperature reduces from td1 to td2 and relative humidity
increases from 1 to 2.
6. The amount of heat rejected during sensible cooling is obtained
from the relation :
i. Heat rejected,
q = h1 – h2 = cpa (td1 – td2) + W cps (td1 – td2)
= (cpa + W cps) (td1 – td2) = cpm (td1 – td2)
 Heat rejected q = 1.022 (td1 – td2) kJ/kg
ii. For air conditioning purposes, the sensible heat per minute is given
SH = ma cpm t ( ma = V)
= V cpm t kJ/ min ...(1)
where V = rate of dry air flowing in m3/min,
 = density of moist air at 20 °C and 50 % relative
= 1.2 kg/m3 of dry air,
cpm = humid specific heat
= 1.022 kJ/kg-K, and
t = td1 – td2 = difference of dry bulb temperatures between
the entering and leaving conditions of air in °C.
iii. Putting the value of  and cpm in eq. (1), we get
SH = V × 1.2 × 1.022 × t
= 1.2264 V × t kJ/min
1.2264 V  t
= = 0.02044V × t kJ/s
C. Heating and Humidification :
1. This process is reverse process of cooling and dehumidification.
2. When air is passed through a humidifier having spray water
temperature higher than the dry bulb temperature of the entering
air, the unsaturated air will reach the condition of saturation and
thus the air becomes hot.
3. The heat of vaporization of water is absorbed from the spray water
itself and hence it gets cooled.
4. In this way, the air becomes heated and humidified.
5. In this process, the dry bulb temperature as well as specific humidity
of air increases and the final relative humidity of the air can be
lower or higher than that of the entering air.
6. The total heat added to the air during heating and humidification

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SP– 22 C (ME-Sem-3) Solved Paper (2018-19)

q = h2 – h1 = (h2 – hA) + (hA – h1)

= qL + qS
where qL = (h2 – hA) = latent heat of vaporization of the
increased moisture content (W2 – W1), and
qS = (hA – h1) = sensible heat added

py py
al h al h A
n t h2
t LH
E 3 ts1 En h 1

Sp. humidity

Sp. humidity
h1 t3 2
ts2 W2
2 W2

1 W1
1 W1 A

td1 td2 td1 td2

Dry bulb temperature
Dry bulb temperature
Fig. 12. Heating and humidification.
7. We know that sensible heat factor,
sensible heat qS qS h  h1
SHF =   A
total heat q qS  qL h2  h1
D. Cooling and Dehumidification :
1. In this process, the dry bulb temperature as well as the specific humidity
of air decreases and the final relative humidity of the air is generally
higher than that of the entering air.



h2 h2 3 1



Sp. humidity
Sp. humidity

W2 W2
ADP 2 A 2
4 4

td2 td1 td4 = ADP td2 td3 td1

Dry bulb temperature Dry bulb temperature
(a) (b )
Fig. 13. Cooling and dehumidification.
2. The dehumidification of air is only possible when the effective surface
temperature of the cooling coil is less than the dew point temperatures
of the air entering the coil (i.e. tdp1).
3. The effective surface temperature of the coil is known as apparatus
dew point (ADP).
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Thermodynamics SP– 23 C (ME-Sem-3)

4. The process of cooling and dehumidification is shown below :

i. Let td1 = Dry bulb temperature of air entering the coil,
tdp1 = Dew point temperature of the entering air
= td3, and
td4 = Effective surface temperature or ADP of the coil.
ii. Under ideal conditions, the dry bulb temperature of the air leaving
the cooling coil (i.e. td4) should be equal to the surface temperature
of the cooling coil (i.e., ADP), which is never possible due to
inefficiency of the cooling coil. Thus, the resulting condition of air
coming out of the coil is shown by a point 2 on the line 1 – 4.
iii. The total heat removed from the air during the cooling and
dehumidification process is,
q = h1 – h2 = (h1 – hA) + (hA – h2)
= LH + SH
where LH = h 1 – h A = late nt he at re move d due to
condensation of vapour of the reduced moisture content (W1 – W2),
SH = hA – h2 = sensible heat removed.
iv. We know that sensible heat factor,
sensible heat SH h  h2
SHF =   A
total heat LH  SH h1  h2

7. Attempt any one part of the following : (7 × 1 = 7)

a. Explain the vapour compression cycle with the help of T-s
and p-h diagram.
1. The four process of the cycle is shown on T-s and p-h diagrams in
Fig. 14(a) and (b).
i. Compression Process :
1. The vapour refrigerant at low pressure p1 and temperature T1 is
compressed isentropically to dry saturated vapour as shown by the
vertical line 1-2 on T-s diagram and by the curve 1-2 on p-h diagram.
2. Work done during isentropic compression per kg is given by,
W = h2 – h1
Where h1 = Enthalpy of vapour refrigerant at temperature
T1 (i.e., at suction of the compressor), and
h2 = Enthalpy of the vapour refrigerant at
temperature T2 (i.e., at discharge of the compressor).

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SP– 24 C (ME-Sem-3) Solved Paper (2018-19)

p 2=p 3 Cond.
T2 = T3 3
Cond. 2
3 2
p 1=p 4 Exp.


Exp. 1
4 Evap.
T1 = T4
4 Evap.

s1 = s2 hf1 hf3= h4 h1 h2
Entropy Enthalpy
(a) T-s diagram (b) p-h diagram
Fig. 14. Theoretical vapour compression cycle with dry
saturated vapour after compression.
ii. Condensing Process :
1. The high temperature and pressure vapour refrigerant from the
compressor is passed through the condenser where it is completely
condensed at constant pressure p2 and temperature T2 as shown by
the horizontal line 2-3 on T-s and p-h diagrams.
2. The vapour refrigerant is changed into liquid refrigerant.
iii. Expansion Process :
1. The liquid refrigerant at pressure p3 = p2 and temperature T3 = T2
is expanded by throttling process through the expansion valve to a
low pressure p4 = p1 and temperature T4 = T1, as shown by the
curve 3-4 on T-s diagram and by the vertical line 3-4 on p-h diagram.
2. During the throttling process, no heat is absorbed or rejected by
the liquid refrigerant.
iv. Evaporation Process :
1. The liquid vapour mixture of the refrigerant at pressure p4 = p1 and
temperature T4 = T 1 is evaporated and changed into vapour
refrigerant at constant pressure and temperature, as shown by the
horizontal line 4-1 on T-s and p-h diagrams.
2. During evaporation, the liquid vapour refrigerant absorbs its latent
heat of vapourization from the medium (i.e., air, water or brine)
which is to be cooled and the process of vaporization continues up
to point 1 which is the starting point and thus the cycle is completed.
3. The heat absorbed or extracted by the liquid vapour refrigerant
during evaporation per kg of refrigerant is given by
RE= h1 – h4 = h1 – hf3 (hf3 = h4)
Where hf3 = Sensible heat at temperature T3 (i.e., enthalpy
of liquid refrigerant leaving the condenser)
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Thermodynamics SP– 25 C (ME-Sem-3)

4. It may be noticed from the cycle that the liquid vapour refrigerant
has extracted heat during evaporation and the work will be done by
the compressor for isentropic compression of the high pressure
and temperature vapour refrigerant.
5. Therefore, coefficient of performance is given by,
Refrigeration effect
Work done

h1  h4 h1  hf 3
= 
h2  h1 h2  h1

b. A refrigerator operates on ideal vapour compression cycle

between 0.14 MPa and 0.8 MPa. If the mass flow rate of the
refrigerant is 0.06 Kg/s, determine : (a) the rate of heat
removal from the refrigerated space, (b) the power input to
the compressor, (c) the heat rejection rate in the condenser
and (d) the COP.
Given : p1 = p4 = 0.14 MPa = 1.4 bar, p2 = p3 = 0.8 MPa = 8 bar,

m = 0.06 kg/s
To Find : i. Rate of heat removal from refrigerated space.
ii. Power input to the compressor.
iii. Heat rejection rate in the condenser.
iv. COP.
Note : Here, refrigerant is not mentioned so we are letting it
R-717 (i.e., ammonia).
1. The T-s and p-h diagram are shown in Fig. 15(a) and Fig. 15(b)
2. Various properties of R-717 are as follows :
i. At 1.4 bar : hf1 = 81.5 kJ/kg, hg1 = 1428.7 kJ/kg,
sf1 = 0.5465 kJ/kg-K
sg1 = 5.9974 kJ/kg-K
ii. At 8 bar : hf3 = h4 = 284.8 kJ/kg, hg2 = h2 = 1478.3,
sf2 = 1.2963 kJ/kg-K
sg2 = s2 = 5.3971 kJ/kg-K
3. We know that, entropy at point 1,
s1 = sf1 + x1(sg1 – sf1)
s1 = 0.5465 + x1(5.9974 – 0.5465)
s1 = 0.5465 + x1 × 5.4509
4. Also the entropy at point 1 and point 2 are same, therefore equating
the two, we get

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SP– 26 C (ME-Sem-3) Solved Paper (2018-19)

0.5465 + x1 × 5.4509 = 5.3771

x1 = 0.89
5. Now, enthalpy at point 1,
h1 = hf1 + x1(hg1 – hf1)
= 81.5 + 0.89(1428.7 – 81.5) = 1280.51 kJ/kg
6. Heat removed from refrigerated space,

= m (h1 – hf3)
= 0.06 × (1280.51 – 284.8)
= 59.74 kJ/s

3 8 bar
Temperature (K)


4 1.4 bar
4 1
h f3 = h 4

s1 = s2 hf 1 h1
s g1 h2
hg 1
s f1 Entropy Entropy
(a) T-s diagram. ( b) p- h diagram.
Fig. 15.

7. Power input to compressor = m (h2 – hf1)
= 0.06(1478.3 – 1280.51) = 11.86 kW

8. Heat rejection rate in condenser = m (h2 – hf3)
= 0.06(1478.3 – 284.8) = 71.61 kW
h1  hf 3 1280.51  284.8
9. COP =  = 5.03
h2  h1 1478.3  1280.51


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Thermodynamics SP– 1 C (ME-Sem-3)

Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 100
Note : 1. Attempt all sections. If require any missing data; then choose


1. Attempt all questions in brief. (2 × 7 = 14)

a. What is critical point and triple point ?

b. State two limitations of first law of thermodynamics.

c. Explain Carnot theorem.

d. State the third law of thermodynamics.

e. Distinguish between Helmholtz and Gibbs function.

f. What do you understand by 1 ton of refrigeration ?

g. What are the causes of irreversibility of a process ?

h. Draw p-T diagram of pure substance.

i. What is the effect of decrease in evaporator pressure and

superheating on refrigeration effect and COP of vapour
compression refrigeration cycle ?

j. What is inversion curve ?

2. Attempt any three of the following : (10 × 3 = 30)

a. Derive steady flow energy equation (SFEE). Also write the
steady flow energy equation for heat exchanger, nozzle,
turbine, pump and boiler with suitable assumptions.

b. Two Carnot engines A and B are connected in series between

two thermal reservoirs maintained at 1000 K and 100 K
respectively. Engine A receives 1680 kJ of heat from the
high temperature reservoir and rejects heat to the Carnot
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SP– 2 C (ME-Sem-3) Solved Paper (2019-20)

engine B. Engine B takes in heat rejected by engine A and

rejects heat to the low temperature reservoir. If engines A
and B have equal thermal efficiencies, determine :
a. The heat rejected by engine B,
b. The temperature at which heat is rejected by engine A, and
c. The work done during the process by engines A and B
If engines A and B deliver equal work, determine :
d. The amount of heat taken in by engine B, and
e. The efficiencies of engines A and B.
 V   p 
c. Prove that : Cp – Cv =  T 
 T  T   V  T

d. Explain simple Rankine cycle with neat sketch, p-V and

T-s diagram. If 5 kg of water at 45 °C is heated at a constant
pressure of 10 bar until it becomes superheated vapour at
300 °C. Find the change in volume, enthalpy, internal energy
and entropy.

e. Explain the desirable properties required for an ideal

refrigerant. Name some commonly used refrigerants and
also explain their properties.

3. Attempt any one part of the following : (10 × 1 = 10)

a. A gas undergoes a thermodynamic cycle consisting of three
processes beginning at an initial state where p1 = 1 bar,
V1 = 1.5 m3 and U1 = 512 kJ.
The processes are as follows :
i. Process 1–2 : Compression with pV = constant to p2 = 2 bar,
U2 = 690 kJ,
ii. Process 2–3 : W23 = 0, Q23 = –150 kJ, and
iii. Process 3–1 : W31 = + 50 kJ. Neglecting KE and PE changes,
Determine the heat interactions Q12 and Q31.

b. A turbine operates under steady flow conditions, receiving

steam at the following state : Pressure 1.2 MPa, temperature
188 °C, enthalpy 2785 kJ/kg, velocity 33.3 m/s and elevation
3 m. The steam leaves the turbine at the following state :
Pressure 20 kPa, enthalpy 2512 kJ/kg, velocity 100 m/s, and
elevation 0 m. Heat is lost to the surroundings at the rate of
0.29 kJ/s. If the rate of steam flow through the turbine is
0.42 kg/s, what is the power output of the turbine in kW ?

4. Attempt any one part of the following : (10 × 1 = 10)

a. In a Carnot cycle, heat is supplied at 350 °C and rejected at
27 °C. The working fluid is water which, while receiving
heat, evaporates from liquid at 350 °C to steam at 350 °C.
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Thermodynamics SP– 3 C (ME-Sem-3)

The associated entropy change is 1.44 kJ/kgK.

i. If the cycle operates on a stationary mass of 1 kg of water,
how much is the work done per cycle, and how much is the
heat supplied ?
ii. If the cycle operates in steady flow with a power output of
20 kW, what is the steam flow rate ?

200 K 300 K 400 K

Q3 Q2 Q1= 5 MJ

W = 840 kJ
Fig. 1.

b. Establish the equivalence of Kelvin Plank and Clausius

statement. Show that efficiency of a reversible heat engine
operating between the same temperature limits is same.

5. Attempt any one part of the following : (10 × 1 = 10)

a. Discuss the Clapeyron equation and also explain the Joule-
Kelvin effect with help of inversion curve and inversion

b. Heat is supplied reversibly from a heat source to a reversible

engine and during this process, the temperature of the
working fluid increases from 525 K to 875 K. Taking water
equivalent as 100 kJ/K and presuming that heat rejection
during the cycle takes place at ambient temperature of
290 K, determines the total heat abstracted, availability and
the loss of available work.

6. Attempt any one part of the following : (10 × 1 = 10)

a. A steam turbine working on a Rankine cycle is supplied
with dry saturated steam at 25 bar and the exhaust takes
place at 0.2 bar. For a steam flow rate of 10 kg/s, determine :
i. Quality of steam at the end of expansion,
ii. Turbine shaft work,
iii. Power required to drive the pump,
iv. Work ratio,
v. Rankine efficiency, and
vi. Heat flow in the condenser.

b. Define and explain the following terms :

i. Dry bulb temperature, wet bulb temperature and dew point

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SP– 4 C (ME-Sem-3) Solved Paper (2019-20)

7. Attempt any one part of the following : (10 × 1 = 10)

a. Explain the vapour compression refrigeration cycle and
find out its COP with the help of T-s, p-h, and flow diagram.
Can this cycle be reversible ? If not, why ?

b. The air supplied to an air conditioned room is noted to be at

temperature 20 °C and specific humidity 0.0085.
Corresponding to these conditions, determine the partial
pressure of vapour, relative humidity and dew point
temperature. Take barometric or total press ure
= 1.0132 bar.


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Thermodynamics SP– 5 C (ME-Sem-3)


Note : 1. Attempt all sections. If require any missing data; then choose


1. Attempt all questions in brief. (2 × 7 = 14)

a. What is critical point and triple point ?
Ans. Critical Point : Critical point is the point where distinction between
the entropy of water and the entropy of dry steam disappears.
Triple Point : Triple point is defined as a point at which pressure
and temperature are such that all the three states (solid, liquid and
vapour) of a substance co-exist in equilibrium.

b. State two limitations of first law of thermodynamics.

1. The first law fixes the exchange rate between heat and work and
puts no restrictions on the direction of change.
2. The first law of thermodynamics provides a necessary but not a
sufficient condition for a process to take place.

c. Explain Carnot theorem.

Ans. Carnot theorem states that of all heat engines operating between a
given constant temperature source and a given constant
temperature sink, none has a higher efficiency than a reversible

d. State the third law of thermodynamics.

Ans. Third law of thermodynamics states that the entropy of a perfect
crystal is zero at the absolute zero of temperature and it represents
the maximum degree of order.

e. Distinguish between Helmholtz and Gibbs function.


S. No. Helmholtz Function Gibbs Function

1. It is useful for controlled It is useful for controlle d
temperature and volume. temperature and pressure.
2. It is used for closed system. It is used for open system.

f. What do you understand by 1 ton of refrigeration ?

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SP– 6 C (ME-Sem-3) Solved Paper (2019-20)

Ans. It is defined as the amount of refrigeration effect produced by the

uniform melting of one tonne (1000 kg) of ice and at 0°C in 24
1 TR = 210 kJ / min

g. What are the causes of irreversibility of a process ?

Ans. Following are the main causes of irreversibility of a process :
1. Lack of equilibrium during the process.
2. Involvement of dissipative effects.

h. Draw p-T diagram of pure substance.

p Upper critical point
A Fusion curve B
Melting Liquid Evaporation

Solid T Vapourization

Sublimation Vapour

Sublimation curve
Fig. 1.
i. What is the effect of decrease in evaporator pressure and
superheating on refrigeration effect and COP of vapour
compression refrigeration cycle ?
Ans. Effect of Decrease in Evaporator Pressure : The COP of the
refrigerating system will be decreased for the same amount of
refrigerant flow. So, the refrigerating capacity of the system will
decrease and the refrigeration cost will increase.
Effect of Superheating :
1. Increases the work of compression.
2. Increases the heat rejection in the condenser.
3. May increase or decrease COP.

j. What is inversion curve ?

Ans. The curve passing through the maxima of isenthalpes is called the
inversion curve.

2. Attempt any three of the following : (10 × 3 = 30)

a. Derive steady flow energy equation (SFEE). Also write the
steady flow energy equation for heat exchanger, nozzle,
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Viresh and boiler
kumar Mauryawith suitable assumptions.
([email protected])

Thermodynamics SP– 7 C (ME-Sem-3)

A. Assumptions Made in the Analysis of SFEE :
1. There is no accumulation or decrease of mass in the control volume
at any time i.e., there is no other source or sink of mass in the
control volume.
2. Rate of mass flow in and out of the control volume is equal and
constant with respect to time.
3. State, velocity and elevation of fluid mass entering and leaving the
surface do not change with time.
4. Rate of heat and work transfers across the control volume is
B. General Energy Equation For Steady Flow Processes :
1. Let’s consider the flow of a fluid through a control volume as shown
in Fig. 2. In the time interval “dt”, there occurs a flow (or flux) of
mass and energy into the control volume.
2. Section 1-1 is the inlet side and section 2-2 is the outlet side.
3. At the inlet side (section 1-1) to control volume following are the
fluid parameters :
Average velocity = C1
Pressure = p1
Specific volume = v1
Internal energy = u1

Control surface


1 Control 2
Z1 Q

Z2 2

Datum line
Fig. 2.
4. At the outlet (section 2-2), following are fluid parameters :
Velocity = C2
Pressure = p2
Specific volume = v2
Internal energy = u2
5. During the flow of fluid through the control volume, heat ‘Q’ and
mechanical work ‘Ws’ are also supposed to cross the control surface.
While writing the energy balance equation on the sides of the
control volume, following energies are taken into consideration :
a. Internal energy stored in the fluid.
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SP– 8 C (ME-Sem-3) Solved Paper (2019-20)

b. Potential energy and kinetic energy.

c. Flow energy (or flow work) required to push the fluid in or out of
control volume.
d. Heat and shaft (mechanical) work which may cross the control
6. Since the energy is conserved therefore energy balance for the
control volume mentioned above can be written in the following
 C2   C22 
m1 u1  p1v1  1  gZ1   Q = m2 u2  p2v2   gZ2   Ws ...(1)
 2   2 
7. The eq. (1) is a general energy equation and can be applied to all
fluids compressible or incompressible, ideal or real fluids, liquids
and gases.
C. SFEE for Nozzle :
1. The flow through a nozzle is characterized by following features :
i. Shaft work is zero i.e., Ws = 0
ii. If the flow is reversible adiabatic manner, then Q = 0.
iii. If the nozzle is horizontal, change in elevation, i.e., dZ will be zero
 Z1 = Z2.
2. Under these features, SFEE for a nozzle / diffuser is reduced to
C12 C2
h1  = h2  2
2 2
C C2
or h1 – h2 = 2  1
2 2
3. For a nozzle
Enthalpy drop = Increase in kinetic energy
D. SFEE for Heat Exchanger :
1. A heat exchanger is characterized by the following features :
i. Shaft work is zero, Ws = 0
ii. Change in KE = 0
iii. Change in PE = 0
iv. It is a perfectly insulated system i.e., no external heat interaction.
2. From energy balance equation, we can write,
Energy given by fluid A = Energy gained by fluid B
E. SFEE for Turbine :
1. A steam or gas turbine has following features :
i. KE or d (kinetic energy) = 0
ii. PE or d (potential energy) = 0
iii. Q = 0 since walls are insulated.
2. Therefore, SFEE for a turbine is reduced to
mh1 = mh2 + Ws
or Ws = m(h1 – h2)
Obviously the work is done by the turbine at the expense of

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Thermodynamics SP– 9 C (ME-Sem-3)

F. SFEE for Boiler :

1. A boiler has following features :
i. Shaft work is zero, Ws = 0.
C22  C12
ii. Change in kinetic energy is negligible, = 0.
iii. Change in elevation between inlet and outlet point is negligible,
Z1 = Z2.
2. Therefore SFEE is reduced to
mh1 + Q =mh2  Q = m (h2 – h1)
G. SFEE for Pump :
1. For a pump, Q = 0, dU = 0
(Since there is no change in the temperature of water)
2. Work is negative since it is done on the system.
3. SFEE for a pump is reduced to
 C2   C2 
m  p1v1  1  gZ1  = m  p2 v2  2  gZ2   W
 2   2 

b. Two Carnot engines A and B are connected in series between

two thermal reservoirs maintained at 1000 K and 100 K
respectively. Engine A receives 1680 kJ of heat from the
high temperature reservoir and rejects heat to the Carnot
engine B. Engine B takes in heat rejected by engine A and
rejects heat to the low temperature reservoir. If engines A
and B have equal thermal efficiencies, determine :
a. The heat rejected by engine B,
b. The temperature at which heat is rejected by engine A, and
c. The work done during the process by engines A and B
If engines A and B deliver equal work, determine :
d. The amount of heat taken in by engine B, and
e. The efficiencies of engines A and B.
Given : TH = 1000 K, TL = 100 K, (Qs)A = 1680 kJ, A = B
1. For equal efficiencies median temperature,
TM = TH TL  1000  100 = 316.23 K
So, the temperature at which heat is rejected by engine A,
TM = 316.23 K

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SP– 10 C (ME-Sem-3) Solved Paper (2019-20)

TH = 1000 K
(QS )A = 1680 kJ
(QS )B
(QS )B

(QR )B
TL = 100 K
Fig. 3.
2. Efficiency of engine A,
A = (TH – TM)/TH = ((QS)A – (QS)B)/(QS)A
( Heat rejected by engine A = Heat received by engine B)
1 – (TM/TH) = 1 – ((QS)B/(QS)A)
TM/TH = (QS)B/(QS) A
316.23/1000 = (QS)B/1680
(QS)B = 531.266 kJ
3. Efficiency of engine B, B = (TM – TL)/TM = ((QS)B – (QR)B)/(QS)B
TL/TM = (QR )B/(QS) B
100/316.23 = (QR)B/531.266
So, heat rejected by engine B, (QR)B = 168 kJ
4. Work done by engine A, WA = (QS)A – (QS)B = 1680 – 531.266
WA = 1148.734 kJ
5. Work done by engine B, WB = (QS)B – (QR)B = 531.266 – 168
WB = 363.266 kJ
6. For WA = WB
TH – TM = TM – TL
(For Carnot engine, work done = QH – QL = TH – TL)
TM = (1000 + 100)/2 = 550 K
7. Now efficiency of engine A, A = 1 – (TM/TH) = 1 – (QS)B/(QS)A
550/1000 = (QS)B/1680
So, the amount of heat taken in by engine B, (QS)B = 924 kJ
T 550
8. Efficiency of engine A, A = 1  M  1  = 0.45 = 45 %
TH 1000
TL 100
9. Efficiency of engine B, B = 1  1 = 0.81818 = 81.82 %
TM 550

 V   p 
c. Prove that : Cp – Cv =  T 
 T  T   V  T

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Thermodynamics SP– 11 C (ME-Sem-3)

1. We know that,
 p 
i. First Tds equation is given as, Tds = CvdT + T 
 T  V
dV ...(1)

 V 
ii. Second Tds equation is given as, Tds = CpdT – T  dp ...(2)
 T  p
2. Equating eq. (1) and eq. (2) we have
 V   p 
Tds = C p dT  T  dp  Cv dT  T 
 T  p  T  V

 p   V 
(Cp – Cv)dT = T  dV  T 
 T  V  T  p
3. dp

 p   V 
 T  V  T  p
 dT = dV  dp
C p  Cv C p  Cv
 T   T 
dT =   dV   dp
 p  v
V  p
 p   V 
 T  V  T   T  p  T 
Where,   and  
C p  Cv  V  p C p  Cv  P  V
 p   V 
5. Both these equations give Cp – Cv = T 
 T  V  T  p
 p   T   V 
6. But    
T  V  V  p  p  T
 V   p 
 Cp – Cv =  T 
 T  T  V  T

d. Explain simple Rankine cycle with neat sketch, p-V and

T-s diagram. If 5 kg of water at 45 °C is heated at a constant
pressure of 10 bar until it becomes superheated vapour at
300 °C. Find the change in volume, enthalpy, internal energy
and entropy.
A. Rankine Cycle :
1. Professor Rankine modified the Carnot cycle and presented a
technically feasible cycle known as Rankine cycle. It is also a
reversible cycle and it differs from Carnot cycle in following aspects :
i. The process of condensation is allowed to proceed to completion,
i.e., exhaust steam from the steam turbine or steam engine is
condensed back to liquid water. At the end of condensation process,
the working substance is only liquid (water) and not a mixture of
liquid and vapour.
ii. Pressure of water can be easily raised to the boiler pressure by
means of a small sized feed pump.
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SP– 12 C (ME-Sem-3) Solved Paper (2019-20)

Moreover, the steam can be superheated in the boiler so as to

obtain the exhaust steam of high quality. It prevents pitting and
erosion of turbine blades.

T 3
2 3 3 3 2 3 3

4 4 4
1 4 4 4

V s
p-V diagram for Rankine cycle T-s diagram for Rankine cycle
3 3
p1 3
2 Saturation line
(x = 1)
4 4 4
h-s diagram for Rankine cycle

Fig. 4.
2. Various process of Rankine cycle are as follows :
i. Process (1-2) :
1. Pumping of feed water to the boiler from back (or condenser
pressure) pb to boiler pressure p1.
2. Compression process is a reversible adiabatic process.
ii. Process (2-3) :
1. Feed water is converted into steam at constant pressure (boiler
pressure p1).
2. Heat added during the process (2-3) is qs.
iii. Process (3-4) :
1. Process 3-4 refers to reversible adiabatic expansion of steam in the
turbine from boiler pressure ‘p1’ to condenser (or back) pressure
2. During the process 3-4, there is an enthalpy drop which is equal to
the work done ‘WT’ by turbine.
iv. Process (4-1) :
1. Exhaust steam from the steam turbine is condensed back to liquid
form at constant pressure in the condenser.

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Thermodynamics SP– 13 C (ME-Sem-3)

2. The steam rejects its latent heat of vapourization to the cooling

water. It is denoted by qr.
B. Numerical :
Given : m = 5 kg, p = 10 bar, T1 = 45 °C = 318 K,
T2 = 300 °C = 573 K
To Find : i. Change in volume,
ii. Change in enthalpy,
iii. Change in internal energy, and
iv. Change in entropy.

1. We know that,
W = p(V2 – V1) = mR (T2 – T1)
10 × V = 5 × 0.462 × (573 – 318)
[ R = 0.462 kJ/kgK]
V = 59 m3
2. Change in enthalpy,
h = mCp (T2 – T1)
= 5 × 4.187 × (573 – 318) [ Cp = 4.187 kJ/kgK]
= 5338.425 kJ/kg
3. Change in internal energy,
U = mCv (T2 – T1)
= 5 × (4.187 – 0.462) (573 – 318)
[ Cp – Cv = R]
= 4749.375 kJ
4. Change in entropy,

s = mCp ln  2 
 T 

 573 
= 5 × 4.187 × ln 
 318 
= 12.33 kJ/K

e. Explain the desirable properties required for an ideal

refrigerant. Name some commonly used refrigerants and
also explain their properties.
A. Desirable Properties of an Ideal Refrigerant :
1. Low boiling point.
2. Low specific heat of liquid.
3. Low specific volume of vapour.
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SP– 14 C (ME-Sem-3) Solved Paper (2019-20)

4. Low cost.
5. High critical temperature.
6. High latent heat of vapourization.
7. Non-corrosive to metal.
8. Non-flammable and non-explosive.
9. Non-toxic.
10. Easy to liquefy at moderate pressure and temperature.
B. Commonly used Refrigerants :
a. Air (R-729) :
i. Properties :
1. No cost involved, easily available.
2. Completely non-toxic.
3. Completely safe.
b. Ammonia (R-717) :
i. Properties :
1. It is highly toxic, flammable, irritating and food destroying.
2. It has excellent thermal properties.
3. It has the highest refrigerating effect per kg of refrigerant.
c. R-12 (Dichlodifluoromethane) or Freon-12 (CCl2F2) :
i. Properties :
1. It is non-toxic, non-flammable, non-explosive and non-corrosive
therefore, it is most suitable refrigerant.
2. It is fully oil miscible therefore it simplifies the problem of oil return.
3. It does not break even under the extreme operating conditions.
d. R-22 (Monochlorodifluoromethane) or Freon-22 (CHClF2)
1. The compressor displacement per tonne of refrigeration with R-22
is 60 % less than the compressor displacement with R-12 as
2. R-22 is miscible with oil at condenser temperature.
3. The latent heat at – 15 °C is low and is 218.1 kJ/kg.
e. R-113 (Trichlorotrifluoroethane) or Freon-13 (CCl2FCClF2
or C2Cl3F3) :
i. Properties :
1. It has a boiling point of 47.6 °C at atmospheric pressure.
2. It remains liquid at room temperatures and pressures and as such
it can be carried in sealed tins rather than cylinders.

3. Attempt any one part of the following : (10 × 1 = 10)

a. A gas undergoes a thermodynamic cycle consisting of three
processes beginning at an initial state where p1 = 1 bar,
V1 = 1.5 m3 and U1 = 512 kJ.
The processes are as follows :
i. Process 1–2 : Compression with pV = constant to p2 = 2 bar,
U2 = 690 kJ,
ii. Process 2–3 : W23 = 0, Q23 = –150 kJ, and
iii. Process 3–1 : W31 = + 50 kJ. Neglecting KE and PE changes,
Determine the heat interactions Q12 and Q31.
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Thermodynamics SP– 15 C (ME-Sem-3)

Given : p1 = 1 bar = 100 kPa, V1 = 1.5 m3, U1 = 512 kJ, p2 = 2 bar,
U2 = 690 kJ, W23 = 0, Q23 = – 150 kJ, W31 = 50 kJ
To Find : Heat interactions Q12 and Q31.

p3 3

p1 1

V2 = V3 V1 V(m 3)
Fig. 5.
1. For process 1–2, from first law of thermodynamics,
Q12 = (U2 – U1) + p1V1 ln (p1/p2)
= (690 – 512) + 100 × 1.5 ln (1/2)
Q12 = 74.03 kJ
2. For process 2-3, Q23 = U3 – U2 + W23
– 150 = U3 – 690 + 0
U3 = 540 kJ
3. For process 3-1, Q31 = (U1 – U3) + W31 = 512 – 540 + 50 = 22 kJ

b. A turbine operates under steady flow conditions, receiving

steam at the following state : Pressure 1.2 MPa, temperature
188 °C, enthalpy 2785 kJ/kg, velocity 33.3 m/s and elevation
3 m. The steam leaves the turbine at the following state :
Pressure 20 kPa, enthalpy 2512 kJ/kg, velocity 100 m/s, and
elevation 0 m. Heat is lost to the surroundings at the rate of
0.29 kJ/s. If the rate of steam flow through the turbine is
0.42 kg/s, what is the power output of the turbine in kW ?
Given : p1 = 1.2 MPa, T1 = 188 °C, h1 = 2785 kJ/kg, C1 = 33.3 m/s
z1 = 3 m, p2 = 20 kPa, h2 = 2512 kJ/kg, C2 = 100 m/s

z2 = 0 m, Q = – 0.29 kJ/s, m = 0.42 kg/s
To Find : Power output of turbine (W).
1. SFEE for turbine,
 
m  h1  1  z1 g + Q = m  h2  C2  z1 g + W
 C2  2

 2   2 
  C 2  C2 2 
W = m (h1  h2 )  1  (z1  z2 ) g  + Q
 2 
 (33.3)2  (100) 2 (3  0) 9.81 
= 0.42 (2785  2512)    + (– 0.29)
 2  1000 1000 

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SP– 16 C (ME-Sem-3) Solved Paper (2019-20)

= 0.42 [273 – 4.445 + 0.0294] – 0.29

W = – 112.51 kJ/s

4. Attempt any one part of the following : (10 × 1 = 10)

a. In a Carnot cycle, heat is supplied at 350 °C and rejected at
27 °C. The working fluid is water which, while receiving
heat, evaporates from liquid at 350 °C to steam at 350 °C.
The associated entropy change is 1.44 kJ/kgK.
i. If the cycle operates on a stationary mass of 1 kg of water,
how much is the work done per cycle, and how much is the
heat supplied ?
ii. If the cycle operates in steady flow with a power output of
20 kW, what is the steam flow rate ?

200 K 300 K 400 K

Q3 Q2 Q1= 5 MJ

W = 840 kJ
Fig. 6.
Given : TS = 350 °C = 623 K, TR = 27 °C = 300 K, Tw = 350 °C
= 623 K, s = 1.44 kJ/kgK
Data Assumed : Cw = 4.187 kJ/kg K
To Find : i. For mw = 1 kg, work done per cycle and heat supplied (Qs)

ii. For 20 kW power output, steam flow rate (ms )

1. Entropy change, s = (Heat supplied (Qs))/Tw

Qs = Tws = 623 × 1.44 = 897.12 kJ/kg
Heat supplied, Qs = 1 × 897.12 = 897.12 kJ ( mw = 1 kg)
2. Heat available = mwCw (TS – TR) = 1 × 4.187(623 – 300) = 1352.40 kJ
3. Work done per cycle = Heat available – Heat supplied
= 1352.40 – 897.12 = 455.281 kJ
  Heat available Heat supplied 
4. Power output = ms   
 kg kg

20 = ms [1352.40 – 897.12]

 Steam flow rate, ms = 0.044 kg/s
b. Establish the equivalence of Kelvin Plank and Clausius
statement. Show that efficiency of a reversible heat engine
operating between the same temperature limits is same.
A. Equivalence of Kelvin Plank and Clausius Statement :
1. Both Kelvin Planck and Clausius statements appear to be different
but both are interlinked and are complementary to each other.
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Thermodynamics SP– 17 C (ME-Sem-3)

2. Equivalence of these two statements can be proved by showing

that violating one statement leads to the violation of other statement
and vice-versa.
a. Violating Kelvin Planck Statement Leads to Violation of
Clausius Statement :
1. Let’s consider a heat engine which violates Kelvin Planck statement
by absorbing heat from source at T1 and converts it completely into
 W = Q1
2. Now let’s introduce a refrigerator which gets work input from the
3. The refrigerator extracts Q2 from the low temperature heat
reservoir and rejects heat Q1 + Q2 to the high temperature heat
4. Combining the engine the refrigerator into one system working
between same temperature limits, we observe that the sole effect
of combined system is to transfer Q2 from low temperature heat
reservoir T2 to high temperature heat reservoir without any work
input thus violating the Clausius statement Fig. 7.

Heat source at T1

Q1 + Q2 Q1

W = Q1
Refrige- Engine

Q2 Q2
(Low temperature body)
Heat sink at T2
Fig. 7.

High temperature heat

reservoir at T1

Combined W=0
system ref.


Low temperature heat

reservoir at T2

Fig. 8. Combined system (refrigerator) violates Clausius statement.

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SP– 18 C (ME-Sem-3) Solved Paper (2019-20)

b. Violation of Clausius Statement Leads to Violation of Kelvin

Planck Statement :
1. Let’s consider a refrigerator which violates Clausius statement as
shown in the Fig. 9(a).
2. Refrigerator absorbs heat Q2 from low temperature heat reservoir
and rejects the same to the high temperature reservoir without the
aid of any external work i.e., W = 0.
3. Let’s introduce a heat engine which receives heat Q1 (Q1 > Q2) from
the high temperature reservoir and rejects heat Q2 and produces
W = Q1 – Q2.
4. Now combining the refrigerator and heat engine into one system.
We observe that the combined system operates as a heat engine,
which receives heat from a single high temperature reservoir as Q1
– Q2 and converts the same into equal amount of work energy
without any heat rejection.
High temperature reservoir at T1 High temperature reservoir at T1

Q2 Q1 Q1 – Q2
W = Q1 – Q2

W=0 Refrige- W = Q1 – Q2
Engine Combined system

Q2 Q2
Low temperature reservoir at T2 Low temperature reservoir at T2

(a) Violation of Clausius statement. (b) Combined system (engine)

violates Kelvin Planck statement.
Fig. 9.
5. This violates the Kelvin Planck statement of second law of
B. Proof :
1. “The efficiency of all reversible heat engines operating between
the same temperature levels is the same”.
2. From Fig. 8, let both the heat engines HEA and HEB be reversible
and A > B. Let the rates of working of the engines be such that
Q1A = Q1B = Q1
3. Since A >  B
Q1 A Q1 B

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Thermodynamics SP– 19 C (ME-Sem-3)

Source, T1



Source, T2
Fig. 10. The cyclic heat engines HEA and HEB operating
between the same source and sink.
4. If HEB is reversed to run say, as a heat pump using some part of the
work output (WA) of engine HEA, we see that the combined system
of heat pump HEB and engine HEA, becomes a PMM2.
5. So A cannot be greater than B. Similarly, if we assume B > A
and reverse the engine HEA, we observe that B cannot be greater
than A,
 A =  B
6. Since the efficiencies of all reversible engines operating between
the same heat reservoirs are the same, the efficiency of a reversible
engine is independent of the nature or amount of the working
substance undergoing the cycle.

5. Attempt any one part of the following : (10 × 1 = 10)

a. Discuss the Clapeyron equation and also explain the Joule-
Kelvin effect with help of inversion curve and inversion
A. Clapeyron Equation :
1. The Clausius-Clapeyron equation is one such equation which is
used to determine the enthalpy change associated with a phase
2. Consider the Maxwell relation,
 p   s 
  =  v 
T v  T
Fusion Critical point
curve Liquid
curve Vapour

Solid Triple point

Fig. 11.

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SP– 20 C (ME-Sem-3) Solved Paper (2019-20)

3. During the phase change the pressure is the saturation pressure,

which depends on the temperature. Therefore the partial pressure
derivative (dp/dT) is expressed by
 dp 
[sg – sf ] =  [v  vf ]
 dT  g
dp sg  sf
dT vg  vf
Where, sg = specific entropy of saturated vapour,
sf = specific entropy of saturated vapour liquid,
vg = specific volume of saturated vapour, and
vf = specific volume of saturated liquid.
4. During this process the pressure also remains constant.
dp s  s f sfg h
= g   fg
dT vg  vf vfg T .vfg
Where, sfg = increase in specific entropy,
vfg = increase in specific volume, and
hfg = latent heat added during evaporation.
 dp  hfg
  = Tv
 dT  fg
5. Which is called the Clapeyron equation.
6. The Clapeyron equation is applicable to any phase change process
that occurs at constant pressure and temperature. It can be
expressed by following relation in general form,
 dp  h12
  =
 dT  T .v12
Where 1 and 2 shows the two phases.
B. Joule-Kelvin Effect :
1. A gas is made to undergo continuous throttling process by a valve
as shown in Fig. 12.
Ti Tf

pi pf

Fig. 12. Joule-Thomson expansion.
2. The pressures and temperatures of the gas in the insulated pipe
upstream and downstream of the valve are measured with suitable
manometers and thermometers.
3. Let pi and Ti be the arbitrarily chosen pressure and temperature
before throttling
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Thermodynamics SP– 21 C (ME-Sem-3)

4. By operating the valve manually, the gas is throttled successively

to different pressures and temperatures pf1, Tf1; pf2, Tf2; pf3, Tf3 and
so on. These are then plotted on the T-p coordinates as shown in
Fig. 13.
States after throttling

f6 State before
f1 throttling


Fig. 13. Isenthalpic states of a gas.
5. All the points represent equilibrium states of some constant mass
of gas, say, 1 kg, at which the gas has the same enthalpy.
6. The curve passing through all these points is an isenthalpic curve.
It is not the graph of a throttling process, but the graph through
points of equal enthalpy.
7. The initial temperature and pressure of the gas (before throttling)
are then set to new values, and by throttling to different states, a
family of isenthalpes is obtained for the gas, as shown in Fig. 13.
8. The curve passing through the maxima of these isenthalpes is
called the inversion curve.
9. The numerical value of the slope of an isenthalpe on a T-p diagram
at any point is called the Joule-Kelvin coefficient and is denoted by
10. Thus the locus of all points at which J is zero is the inversion
curve. The region inside the inversion curve where J is positive is
called the cooling region and the region outside where J is negative
is called the heating region.
 T 
So, J = 
 p  h
11. For achieving the effect of cooling by Joule-Kelvin expansion, the
initial temperature of the gas must be below the point where the
inversion curve intersects the temperature axis, i.e., below the
maximum inversion temperature.
12. For nearly all substances, the maximum inversion temperature is
above the normal ambient temperature and hence cooling can be
obtained by the Joule-Kelvin effect.

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SP– 22 C (ME-Sem-3) Solved Paper (2019-20)

temp. Constant enthalpy
T T1 curves (isenthalpes)

+ J Heating region
point – J

Inversion curve (  = 0)

p p

Fig. 14. Isenthalpic curves and the inversion curve.

Inversion curve (  J = 0)
Constant enthalpy

Critical point

Saturation curve
Liquid vapour

Fig. 15. Inversion and saturation curves on T-s plot.

b. Heat is supplied reversibly from a heat source to a reversible

engine and during this process, the temperature of the
working fluid increases from 525 K to 875 K. Taking water
equivalent as 100 kJ/K and presuming that heat rejection
during the cycle takes place at ambient temperature of
290 K, determines the total heat abstracted, availability and
the loss of available work.

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Thermodynamics SP– 23 C (ME-Sem-3)

Given : T1 = 525 k, T2 = 875 k, (mc)water = 100 kJ/k, T = 290 k
To Find : i. Total heat abstracted (Q),
ii. Availability (W), and
iii. The loss of available work (WL).
1. Total heat abstracted, Q = (mc)water (TQ – T1)
= 100[875 – 525] = 35000 kJ
2. Entropy change of working fluid,
s = (mcwater) ln (T2/T1) = 100 ln (875/525) = 51.0826 kJ/k
3. Irreversibility, IR = T0(s) = 290 × 51.0826 = 14813.954 kJ
4. Availability, W = Q – IR = 35000 – 14813.954 = 20186.046 kJ
5. The loss of available work,
WL = Q – W = 35000 – 20186.046 = 14813.954 kJ

6. Attempt any one part of the following : (10 × 1 = 10)

a. A steam turbine working on a Rankine cycle is supplied
with dry saturated steam at 25 bar and the exhaust takes
place at 0.2 bar. For a steam flow rate of 10 kg/s, determine :
i. Quality of steam at the end of expansion,
ii. Turbine shaft work,
iii. Power required to drive the pump,
iv. Work ratio,
v. Rankine efficiency, and
vi. Heat flow in the condenser.

Given : ms = 10 kg/s, p1 = 0.2 bar, p2 = 25 bar
1. From steam table,
i. At 25 bar, h2 = 962.0 kJ/kg, h3 = 2800.9 kJ/kg
s2 = 2.5543 kJ/kgK, s3 = 6.2536 kJ/kgK
ii. At 0.2 bar, h1 = 251.5 kJ/kg, h4 = 2609.9 kJ/kg
s1 = 0.8321 kJ/kgK, s4 = 7.9094 kJ/kgK
V1 = 0.001017 m3/kg
T 3
2 3 3
25 bar
0.2 bar
1 4
4 4

T- s diagram for Rankine cycle
Fig. 16.
2. We know that, s3 = s4, s3 = s1 + x(s4 – s1)
6.2536 = 0.8321 + x(7.9094 – 0.8321)
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SP– 24 C (ME-Sem-3) Solved Paper (2019-20)

So, quality of steam, x = 0.766

3. Also, h4 = h1 + x(h4 – h1) = 251.5 + 0.766(2609.9 – 251.5)
h4 = 2058.034 kJ/kg

4. Turbine shaft work, WT = ms (h3 – h4) = 10(2800.9 – 2058.034)
WT = 7428.66 kW
5. Power required to drive the pump,

WP = ms V1 (p2 – p1) = 10 × 0.001017 × (25 – 0.2) × 100
WP = 25.222 kW
W W  WP 7428.66  25.222
6. Work ratio, WR = net  T =
WT WT 7428.66
WR = 0.9966
7. For pump work, h2 – h1 = V1(p2 – p1)
h2 = 251.5 + 0.001017(25 – 0.2) × 100
h2 = 254.022 kJ/Kg

8. Heat supplied, QS = ms (h3 – h2) = 10(2800.9 – 254.022)
QS = 25468.78 kW
9. Rankine efficiency,  = Wnet/QS = (WT – WP)/QS
= 7403.438/25468.78 = 0.29069 = 29.07 %

10. Heat flow in the condenser, QC = ms (h4 – h1)
= 10(2058.034 – 251.5) = 18070.65 kW

b. Define and explain the following terms :

i. Dry bulb temperature, wet bulb temperature and dew point
A. DBT : Dry bulb temperature (DBT) is the temperature, recorded
by an ordinary thermometer whose reading is not affected by
moisture present in the air or by thermal radiation.
B. WBT : Wet bulb temperature is the temperature recorded by a
thermometer whose bulb is covered with a wet cloth and exposed
to current of moving air (atmospheric air).
C. DPT : Dew point temperature (DPT) is the temperature at which
the water vapour present in the moist air just begins to condense
when the mixture of moist air is cooled at constant pressure.
ii. Relative humidity and specific humidity.
A. Relative Humidity : Relative humidity is defined as the ratio
between actual amount of water vapour i.e., present in a given
volume of mixture and the maximum amount of water vapour that
could be present in the same volume at the same temperature
when the mixture is saturated.
It is denoted by RH or .

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Thermodynamics SP– 25 C (ME-Sem-3)

B. Specific Humidity : Specific humidity is defined as the amount of

water vapour in kg present along with 1 kg of dry air in a mixture
of dry air and water vapour. It is also called humidity ratio or
humidity. And it is denoted by .
It is expressed in terms of kg per kg of dry air.

7. Attempt any one part of the following : (10 × 1 = 10)

a. Explain the vapour compression refrigeration cycle and
find out its COP with the help of T-s, p-h, and flow diagram.
Can this cycle be reversible ? If not, why ?
1. The four process of the cycle is shown on T-s and p-h diagrams in
Fig. 17(a) and (b).
p 2=p 3 Cond.
T2 = T3 3
Cond. 2
3 2
p 1=p 4 Exp.



Exp. 1
4 Evap.
T1 = T4
4 Evap.

s1 = s2 hf3= h4 h1 hf1 h2
Entropy Enthalpy
(a) T-s diagram (b) p-h diagram
Fig. 17. Theoretical vapour compression cycle with dry
saturated vapour after compression.
i. Compression Process :
1. The vapour refrigerant at low pressure p1 and temperature T1 is
compressed isentropically to dry saturated vapour as shown by the
vertical line 1-2 on T-s diagram and by the curve 1-2 on p-h diagram.
2. Work done during isentropic compression per kg is given by,
W = h2 – h1
Where h1 = Enthalpy of vapour refrigerant at temperature
T1 (i.e., at suction of the compressor), and
h2 = Enthalpy o f the vapo ur refrige rant at
temperature T2 (i.e., at discharge of the compressor).
ii. Condensing Process :
1. The high temperature and pressure vapour refrigerant from the
compressor is passed through the condenser where it is completely
condensed at constant pressure p2 and temperature T2 as shown by
the horizontal line 2-3 on T-s and p-h diagrams.
2. The vapour refrigerant is changed into liquid refrigerant.

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SP– 26 C (ME-Sem-3) Solved Paper (2019-20)

iii. Expansion Process :

1. The liquid refrigerant at pressure p3 = p2 and temperature T3 = T2
is expanded by throttling process through the expansion valve to a
low pressure p4 = p1 and temperature T4 = T1, as shown by the
curve 3-4 on T-s diagram and by the vertical line 3-4 on p-h diagram.
2. During the throttling process, no heat is absorbed or rejected by
the liquid refrigerant.
d. Evaporation Process :
1. The liquid vapour mixture of the refrigerant at pressure p4 = p1 and
temperature T4 = T 1 is evaporated and changed into vapour
refrigerant at constant pressure and temperature, as shown by the
horizontal line 4-1 on T-s and p-h diagrams.
2. During evaporation, the liquid vapour refrigerant absorbs its latent
heat of vapourization from the medium (i.e., air, water or brine)
which is to be cooled and the process of vaporization continues up
to point 1 which is the starting point and thus the cycle is completed.
3. The heat absorbed or extracted by the liquid vapour refrigerant
during evaporation per kg of refrigerant is given by
RE = h1 – h4 = h1 – hf3 (hf3 = h4)
Where hf3 = Sensible heat at temperature T3 (i.e., enthalpy
of liquid refrigerant leaving the condenser)
4. It may be noticed from the cycle that the liquid vapour refrigerant
has extracted heat during evaporation and the work will be done by
the compressor for isentropic compression of the high pressure
and temperature vapour refrigerant.
5. Therefore, coefficient of performance is given by,
Refrigeration effect
Work done
h1  h4 h1  hf 3
= 
h2  h1 h2  h1
6. The compression refrigeration cycle is not reversible cycle, since it
involves throttling which is an irreversible process.

b. The air supplied to an air conditioned room is noted to be at

temperature 20 °C and specific humidity 0.0085.
Corresponding to these conditions, determine the partial
pressure of vapour, relative humidity and dew point
temperature. Take barometric or total press ure
= 1.0132 bar.
Given : tdb = 20 °C, w = 0.0085, pb = 1.0132 bar = 101.32 kPa
To Find : i. Partial pressure of vapour (pv).
ii. Relative humidity ().
iii. Dew point temperature (tdp).
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Thermodynamics SP– 27 C (ME-Sem-3)

1. We know that, specific humidity, w = 0.622 (pv)/(pb – pv)

0.0085 = 0.622 (pv)/(101.32 – pv)
73.1765 pv = 101.32 – pv
74.176 pv = 101.32
So, partial pressure of vapour, pv = 1.366 kPa
2. Since, saturation pressure is the pressure corresponding to the dry
bulb temperature. So, from steam table at tdb = 20 °C,
ps = 0.0234 bar = 2.34 kPa
3. Relative humidity,  = pv/ps = 1.366/2.34 = 0.58376 = 58.376 %
4. Since, dew point temperature is the temperature corresponding to
the partial vapour pressure. So, from steam table at pv = 1.366 kPa,
tdp = 10 °C


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