Maldives Marine Aquarium
Maldives Marine Aquarium
Maldives Marine Aquarium
Government Gazette Reference: Volume 49, Issue 253, 16 December 2020
Malé, Maldives
Maldives Marine Aquarium Fishery
Management Plan
December 2020
Copyright © 2020 Ministry of Fisheries, Marine Resources and Agriculture
The Ministry encourages the use, reproduction plan holistic and inclusive. The Ministry also
and dissemination of material in this management thanks the island councils for playing a crucial role
plan. Except where otherwise indicated, material in ensuring that the concerns of fishers and sector
may be copied, downloaded and printed for stakeholders are directly heard at the highest level
private study, research and teaching purposes, or of fisheries governance and policy making.
for use in non-commercial products or services,
provided that appropriate acknowledgement of The Ministry highly appreciates the time,
the Ministry as the source and copyright holder meticulous contributions and the wealth of
is given. knowledge shared by fishers, without whom
this plan would not have been possible. Their
Contributing Authors: meaningful insights and constructive suggestions
Hawwa Raufath Nizar, Munshidha Ibrahim, have been invaluable.
Aminath Lubna
The Ministry recognises Maldives Marine
Other contributors: Research Institute’s efforts to produce research
Mohamed Ahusan, Adam Ziyad, Ahmed Shifaz, on our marine resources and provide technical
Ahmed Najeeb, Hussein Zameel, Hussain Sinan, support for evidence-based policy making.
Mohamed Shimal, Adam Manik.
The Ministry acknowledges and thanks the Blue
Reviewed by: Marine Foundation for their research on the
Dr. Charles Anderson and The Environmental fishery, which helped further refine this Plan.
Markets Solution Lab (emLab), UCSB
Sincere thanks to the World Bank funded Maldives
Acknowledgement: Sustainable Fisheries Resources Development
The Ministry acknowledges the various Project (SFRDP) for providing the Ministry with
government agencies and stakeholders that the essential resources and financial support for
contributed towards making this management the formulation of this plan.
Ministry of Fisheries, Marine Resources and Agriculture (2020), Maldives Marine Aquarium Fishery Management Plan.
MoFMRA, Malé, Maldives
7 Foreword
31 Part 6: Management
8 Abbreviations
Measures Under This Plan
Management Plan
18 Part 3: Overview of the Fishery
24 Part 4: Previous
Management Measures
Maldives Marine Aquarium
Fishery Management Plan
List of Tables
List of Figures
21 Figure 3: Total number of MAF exports and associated FOB from 1997-2015
21 Figure 4: Comparison between the average exports and FOB to major export
destinations, from 1997-2019
Maldives Marine Aquarium
Fishery Management Plan
Praise be to Allah, the Creator of the oceans, marine the Precautionary Approach, Ecosystem-Based
life and other blessings upon the earth. Prayers Management, Sustainable Development and
and peace be upon our Prophet, Muhammad, Equity, with due regard to the various and
who taught us the righteous way to make use of variety of interactions within an ecosystem and
these blessings. to ensuring timely and cost-effective measures
are taken to safeguard ecosystems and prevent
The oceans, lagoons and reefs are national irreparable damage to them. This process has
heritages that are inextricably linked to our been informed by meaningful suggestions and
culture, tradition, and the Maldivian identity. The constructive feedback from various stakeholders
Maldives fisheries are heavily dependent on this including fishers, others engaged directly and
heritage. Hence it is our utmost responsibility to indirectly within the fisheries sector as well as
ensure that they are faithfully passed down to our civil society organisations working towards
future generations. The Ministry is committed natural resource management, conservation, and
to working towards achieving this goal, and protection.
to implement the government’s policies on the
expansion of the blue economy agenda. To this The fisheries management plans will be the
end, we have compiled this plan to steer our primary basis for guiding the authorities as well
efforts towards maximising long-term benefits of as stakeholders in the sustainable management of
marine resources to Maldivians. the fisheries sector in the Maldives. These plans
comprise of developmental goals and objectives
Since the time of our forefathers, the fishery for each fishery, measures and actions to achieve
sector has been a major pillar of our economy, them, the roles and responsibilities of stakeholder
upon which our incomes, our livelihoods and our agencies in the implementation of these measures
sustenance are dependent. Therefore, the measures and an implementation timeline for the measures.
included in these fisheries management plans are It is my sincere hope that these plans contribute
geared towards the sustainable development and towards realising the vision set forth by the
management of these fisheries resources. These Fisheries Act of the Maldives.
legally recognised fisheries management plans
mark a watershed moment in the history of marine
resource management in the Maldives. Zaha Waheed
Maldives Marine Aquarium
Fishery Management Plan
ME Ministry of Environment
Maldives Marine Aquarium
Fishery Management Plan
Chapter 1
1.1 Introduction This Plan is made pursuant to Article 18 of the Act No. 14/2019 (Fisheries Act
and Title of the Maldives) and provides for the management of the fishery stated in
Section 17 (a) (8) of the Act. The plan will be the primary basis for guiding
the authorities as well as stakeholders in the sustainable management of the
marine aquarium fishery and trade in the Maldives. This Management Plan
shall be cited as “Maldives Marine Aquarium Fishery Management Plan”.
(a) Manage all activities that may impact marine aquarium fishery
resources and ensure long-term benefits to the people of Maldives through
the responsible management of the fishery; and
Maldives Marine Aquarium
Fishery Management Plan
1.3 Scope and This Plan applies to all marine species harvested for aquarium and ornamental
This Plan also applies to all activities carried out in the Maldives that may
impact marine aquarium fishery resources, including but not limited to
fishing, fishing related activities, holding, packing, trading and exporting
of marine aquarium species from the Maldives. The Plan also applies to
all parties, vessels, packing and holding facilities or places engaged in or
otherwise connected with any activity within the scope of this Plan.
1.4 Guiding 1.4.1 Precautionary Approach: Timely and cost-effective measures shall
Maldives Marine Aquarium
Fishery Management Plan
1.5 Unless stated otherwise, words or expressions used in this Plan have been
1.6 Entry into This Plan shall come into force upon its publication in the Government
Force Gazette.
Maldives Marine Aquarium
Fishery Management Plan
Chapter 2
2.1 Species The marine aquarium fishery is highly species rich, involving the trade of a
and Their diverse range of marine organisms. In 2017 alone, approximately 250 species
Habitats were exported as marine aquarium fish. However, the aquarium fishery caters
to a highly selective customer base and this is reflected in the export data,
where a small number of species account for a large proportion of exports. For
instance, out of the approximately 250 species recorded to have been exported
in 2017, 9 species accounted for 50% of the exports. Analysis of data available
from reports published in the 1980s, 1995 and 2004, as well as proforma data
from 2011 and 2014-2017 shows that with the exception of 2003, the top 20
species (Table 1) accounted for over 70% of the exports.
The top 20 species exported in the marine aquarium fishery are listed in Table
1 below.
Maldives Marine Aquarium
Fishery Management Plan
Table 1: Top 20 most exported species by number in 2017 and their depths and habitats. Depth and habitat
information, extracted from and
Scientific Common
Local Name Death Habitat
Name Name
Pseudanthias Scalefin anthias Kashikeyo mas Lower depth limit (metres): 40 Adults are found
squamipinnis Upper depth limit (metres): 1 above coral outcrops
lagoons, channels, or
Pseudanthias Yellowback Mathi dhon Lower depth limit (metres): 40 Schooling species,
evansi anthias bureki Upper depth limit (metres): 4 along upper parts
of drop-offs and in
Macropharyngodon Divided wrasse Kurehi hikaa Lower depth limit (metres): 30 Inhabits lagoons
bipartitus Upper depth limit (metres): 1 and sand or rubble
patches on seaward
coral reefs
Pseudanthias Sunset anthias - Lower depth limit (metres): 70 Forms small groups
parvirostris Upper depth limit (metres): 17 and swims close to the
in aggregations above
Labroides Blue streak Theyofulhi Lower depth limit (metres): 40 Inhabits coral
dimidiatus cleaner wrasse mas Upper depth limit (metres): 1 rich areas of inner
Acanthurus Blue surgeonfish Noo kaalhu Lower depth limit (metres): 25 Inhabits shallow,
leucosternon clear coastal and
Nemanthias Carberryi anthias - Lower depth limit (metres): 30 Found in groups off
carberryi Upper depth limit (metres): 4 outer reef slopes
Maldives Marine Aquarium
Fishery Management Plan
exposed habitats.
Common in outer
and surge-swept
Nemateleotris Fire dartfish Dhidha funna Lower depth limit (metres): 61 Inhabits burrows on
magnifica Upper depth limit (metres): 6 the upper portion of
Valenciennea Chalk goby - Lower depth limit (metres): 25 Inhabits silty or sandy
sexguttata Upper depth limit (metres): 3 areas of lagoons and
under rocks
Nemateleotris Elegant dartfish Fari dhidha Lower depth limit (metres): 75 Occurs over hard,
decora funna Upper depth limit (metres): 25 open bottoms at the
subject to strong
substrata. Inhabits
moderately exposed
Pseudanthias Twospot Anthias - Lower depth limit (metres): 100 Inhabits deep coastal
bimaculatus Upper depth limit (metres): 20 drop-offs.
Maldives Marine Aquarium
Fishery Management Plan
Halichoeres Lemon meringue Dhon lunboa Lower depth limit (metres): 60 Found along the reef
leucoxanthus wrasse hikaa Upper depth limit (metres): 7 edge, in sand and
rubble areas
Ecsenius midas Midas blenny - Lower depth limit (metres): 40 Occurs in coral
currents, typically
Naso lituratus Orange spine Ran geri Lower depth limit (metres): 90 Benthopelagic, found
or rubble of lagoon
Cirrhilabrus Exquisite wrasse - Lower depth limit (metres): 32 Occurs over rubble
exquisitus Upper depth limit (metres): 2 or low patch reefs in
around bomboras
juveniles found
shallow, sheltered
rocks or corals
Cirrhilabrus Red scale wrasse Raiy hulhunbu Lower depth limit (metres):50 Marine species,
rubrisquamis hikaa Upper depth limit (metres): 40 associated with
sandy substrate
Pseudocheilinus Sixstripe wrasse Harongu Lower depth limit (metres): 35 Occurs in seaward
hexataenia hikaa Upper depth limit (metres): 2 reefs among coral
in clear coastal
to a depth of about
20 m.
Maldives Marine Aquarium
Fishery Management Plan
2.2 The number of invertebrates harvested by the MAF is low compared to that of
Invertebrates fish, with only approximately 2 % of the MAF exports by number from 2015-
in the MAF 2017 being invertebrate species. These exports were recorded in the pro-forma
sheets, as consisting solely of Echinaster sp., Fromia sp. and nudibranchs.
However, in 2017, the Mediterranean red sea star, Echinaster sepositus, was
one of the top 20 most commonly exported species in the entire trade.
2.3 Ecology A majority of the species listed in the MAF are associated with coral reefs and
some are grazers and thus occupy important niches within the ecosystem.
From the top 20 most exported species in 2017, 2 were noted to be potential
keystone species (Table 2). Of these, the blue streak cleaner wrasse is currently
being exported over the proposed Total Allowable Export (TAE) limits in the
2014 review1 (Wood et al. 2014), while the orange spine unicornfish has had
no proposed or prior TAE limit.
The proposed quota was reviewed by MRC and a number of consultations were held with MAF exporters to finalise quota.
Maldives Marine Aquarium
Fishery Management Plan
carried out in patch reefs where experimental reefs had blue streak cleaner
wrasse removed and control reefs were left untouched, found that client fish
on experimental reefs were smaller sized, and resident fish populations were
37% smaller in number and there was a 23% reduction in species richness, in
comparison to the control patch reefs. Juvenile fish abundance was reduced
by 65% on experimental reefs, pointing to reduced survivorship (Waldie et
al. 2011). Together these results show a clear positive impact of blue streak
cleaner wrasse on community composition and abundance.
Table 2: Two potential keystone species within the 20 most exported MAF species in 2017
Maldives Marine Aquarium
Fishery Management Plan
Chapter 3
Overview of the
3.1 Inception The Maldivian Marine Aquarium Fishery (MAF) came into inception in
and the late 1970s, and is comparatively small scale in the context of the entire
Development Maldivian fisheries sector, accounting for only 0.39% of the total marine export
value from 2010-2019. However, it should be noted that undervaluing of MAF
exports at the time of export is evident, and has also been previously reported
(Saleem and Adam 2004). Consequently, the true economic contribution from
the fishery is not understood. From its early stages till date, several reviews
have been conducted on the fishery to ascertain its viability and sustainability
in the long term. One such document was a reef resource-use review published
in 1997, which commented on the general sustainability of the Maldivian
MAF, especially in comparison to some other reef-based fisheries (Adam et
al. 1997). Since then, the MAF has expanded rapidly and shown a notable
increase in exports.
3.2 Collection Both SCUBA diving and skin diving are employed in the MAF. Free swimming
Methods species are collected using small and large hand-held nets that are used in
combination and separately, depending on the species and aggregation
numbers. Similarly, depending on various factors, the collectors work both in
Maldives Marine Aquarium
Fishery Management Plan
pairs and separately. As the fishery is demand driven, the sites and locations
for collection on any given day, are based on the orders received from the
overseas clients. The methods employed in collecting the fish species that
tend to hide within the reef structure is not known. However, previously, the
use of moxy-nets to capture such species was common. Subsequently, their
use was prohibited in 1997.
Specimens caught in this manner are collected and brought up in plastic bags.
Once on board the vessel, the fish are then transferred to a holding facility in
containers. Specimens caught at greater depths are treated with a hypodermic
needle, to release the air from the swim bladder and prevent it from rapturing
during ascent to the surface
As the fishery is highly demand-driven, the fishing grounds and target species
for any given fishing trip is dependent upon purchasing order lists received
at that point in time.
Maldives Marine Aquarium
Fishery Management Plan
3.3 Export Overall export records for the marine aquarium fishery are available from
Trends 1980 onwards, indicating total exports per annum. However, country specific
export records only became available from the mid-1990s onward. This data
is officially maintained solely by the Maldives Customs Service, documenting
quantities and values declared at the time of export. Furthermore, proforma
data which is for the most part segregated by species and quantity is also
maintained at the Ministry. This data is received by the Maldives Customs
Service at the time of export and is shared with the Ministry digitally.
While export data shows a general increasing trend until 2005, there was a
slight dip in exports over the period 1998-2000. The jump in FOB from 2000 to
2001 and continued increase was due to increased exports to UK and Japan,
as both destinations offer some of the highest prices per unit. From 2005-
2014, exports were stable, at approximately 300,000-350,000 fish per annum.
The average value of marine aquarium exports during this time was MVR
7.9 million per year. The year 2015 shows a considerable number of exports
jumped to 460,000 and over 50% of these exports were sent to Sri Lanka.
Sri Lanka received over 80% of Maldivian MAF exports in the early 1980s
(Wood et al. 2014), but this percentage has decreased significantly in recent
years. The average unit price per fish for exports to Sri Lanka is much lower
than other destinations, mainly because almost all exports to Sri Lanka are re-
exported to European and US markets, therefore increasing overheads before
reaching the final market (Adam 1995). The expansion in to Western markets,
with the development of airports and more efficient transport, meant that the
unit price of fish increased by virtue of having direct access to other markets.
However, data from 2015 onwards indicates a resurgence in exports to Sri
Maldives Marine Aquarium
Fishery Management Plan
Figure 3: Total number of MAF exports and associated FOB from 1997-2015, where FOB refers to the ‘Free on
Board’ value, which indicates the cost and risks involved with shipping and delivery of goods. Data retrieved
from: Maldives Customs Service.
Figure 4: Comparison between the average exports and FOB to major export destinations, from 1997-2019.
Data retrieved from: Maldives Customs Service.
Figure 5: Percentage exports to Sri Lanka from 1997-2019. Data retrieved from: Maldives Customs Service.
Maldives Marine Aquarium
Fishery Management Plan
3.4 While a large percentage of the work force, especially divers, was Sri Lankan
Demography at the beginning of the fishery, fish collection has since been restricted to
and Socio- Maldivian nationals (Wood et al. 2014) due to the re-enforcement of clause 15
Despite the clear expansion of the industry, surveys conducted by the Ministry
in 2017 and 2018 showed that fewer than 100 people work in it, across 8 outer
atolls and Malé atoll. The estimated monthly income for divers is USD 1000,
a notable increase from the previously reported USD 325–650 (Wood et al.
3.5 Reef Area Most MAF operations were positioned around Kaafu atoll in the early 1980s
in Use because of the ease of access to the international airport. This is particularly
important for the MAF because the fishery is solely export based. Operations
expanded to include Baa Atoll by 2004 (Saleem and Adam 2004) and Gaafu
Alifu and Gaafu Dhaalu atolls by 2008 (Saleem and Islam 2008). Resource use
mapping carried out by the Darwin Reef Fish Project in 2012 reported that
collection was also being carried out in Lhaviyani atoll, bringing the number
of atolls in which the MAF operates up to five atolls, as of 2014 (Wood et al.
2014). However, communications with the MAF operators in 2016 indicated
that collections were also happening in Laamu, Addu, Noonu, Raa, Haa
Alifu and Haa Dhaalu atolls, although, the frequency of collection cannot be
estimated at present.
Much research has been undertaken to determine the total area utilised in
this fishery. The first assessment to determine the area of reef used and the
potential yield of the species utilized in the Maldivian MAF showed that
approximately 250 hectares of reef was in use at the inception of the fishery.
The review in 2014 showed a nearly 20-fold increase, with approximately
5000 hectares of reef being utilised in the fishery. These estimates were based
on a study in the early 2000s (Naseer and Hatcher 2004) which estimated the
total coral cover across the Maldives. Table 2 below summarises the findings
from research conducted to determine the total reef area in use for aquarium
fish collection, at various points in time.
Maldives Marine Aquarium
Fishery Management Plan
Researcher and Estimated Total Reef Area in Use for Estimated Average Percentage
Research Period Marine Aquarium Fish Collection Used of Each Individual Reef
A. J. Edwards and A. D.
250 Hectares 11%
Shepherd, 1992
Maldives Marine Aquarium
Fishery Management Plan
Chapter 4
Previous Management
Several of the species exploited under the MAF have TAE limits within the previous management
regime, however not all of the top 20 most exported species in the latest reference year available
(2017) were accounted for within this system. Fluctuations and turn-over in the top 20 most exported
species every few years due to the export demand-driven nature of the fishery makes establishing a
quota system difficult.
Up until 2012, the MMRI set quotas which were implemented by the Ministry of Economic
Development. In 2012, the management of quotas was turned over to the Ministry. Over the years,
important species were declared as export banned species under this fishery, including important
bait species such as blue-green damselfish, as well as some angelfishes, butterflyfishes, pufferfishes
and porcupinefishes, in addition to the bicolour parrotfish, longnose filefish, marble moray and the
palette surgeonfish.
While no MAF fishers or fish collectors were licensed in the past, MAF holding facilities were
licensed from 2010 onwards. In terms of data collection, the submission of proforma data sheets was
enforced with each export consignment. While the system was more manageable in the beginning,
as the number of exports and varieties increased, there was a significant time lag between Maldives
Maldives Marine Aquarium
Fishery Management Plan
Customs Service receiving the data, and it being transferred to the Ministry. This made quota
management and enforcement more difficult. The quotas underwent review in 2014 (Wood, et al.,
2014) and amendments were proposed thorough stakeholder consultation workshops and site visits
were carried out prior to their finalisation.
Furthermore, as a measure to reduce the environmental impact of fishing gears, a ban was placed on
the use of moxy nets to harvest marine aquarium species.
Maldives Marine Aquarium
Fishery Management Plan
Chapter 5
This management plan comprises of objectives, strategies, and actions that would contribute towards
achieving the overall purpose.
(1) Ensure that all activities associated with the harvest and trade of marine aquarium fishes
are carried out through the application of principles of sustainability, ecosystem-based
management and the Precautionary Approach;
(2) Prioritise evidence-based policymaking through the collection of biological, ecological, and
socio-economic data on the marine aquarium fishery and associated resources;
(3) Implement Monitoring, Control and Surveillance (MCS) measures and strengthen data
collection and data reporting mechanisms for the marine aquarium fishery and trade;
(4) Increase education and awareness on marine aquarium fishery and resources amongst
stakeholders and the general public.
Strategies and actions developed to achieve these objectives are summarised in Table 1
Maldives Marine Aquarium
Fishery Management Plan
Table 4: Breakdown of each objective, by strategies, actions, time frame and responsible parties.
Objective 1 Ensure that all activities associated with the harvest and trade of marine aquarium fishes are carried
out through the application of principles of sustainability, ecosystem-based management and the
Precautionary Approach.
o Maldives Customs
1.2 Promote the use of 1.2.1 Implement and enforce the Immediate o MoFMRA
pursuant regulations.
1.3 Maintain a leading role 1.3.1 Actively participate in the Immediate o MMRI
in management of the
associated species
Maldives Marine Aquarium
Fishery Management Plan
Objective 2 Prioritise evidence-based policymaking through the collection of biological, ecological, and socio-
economic data on the marine aquarium fishery and associated resources
and management on
Objective 3 Implement Monitoring, Control and Surveillance (MCS) measures and strengthen data collection and data
reporting mechanisms for the marine aquarium fishery and trade
Maldives Marine Aquarium
Fishery Management Plan
MAF and trade 3.2.3 Require exporters to submit Within one year of o MoFMRA
quota performance.
o Maldives Customs
Maldives Marine Aquarium
Fishery Management Plan
Objective 4 Increase education and awareness on marine aquarium fishery and resources amongst
stakeholders and the general public
Maldives economy
4.1.2 Educate fishers, traders, Immediate o Ministry
science programmes
Maldives Marine Aquarium
Fishery Management Plan
Chapter 6
Management Measures
Under This Plan
The marine aquarium fishery is one that is wholly dependent on the delicate coral reef ecosystems.
The resources utilised in this fishery are prone to adverse impacts from various factors such as
anthropogenic activities, natural disasters and climate change. Therefore, in light of the expansion
of the fishery over the course of the years, as well as giving due consideration to the fishers and all
other stakeholders engaged in this fishery, it is critical that timely management measures and best
practices are introduced to ensure that this important resource is sustainably managed to the benefit
of the stakeholders and future generations. The measures that will be implemented to achieve the
objectives and strategies of this Plan are summarised below.
Establishment management of marine aquarium fishery and trade. The committee will
Committee development of this fishery. The meetings of the committee will be convened
at least once per year.
Maldives Marine Aquarium
Fishery Management Plan
Maldives Marine Aquarium
Fishery Management Plan
The general process of application for and issuance of licenses, their renewal
and revocation as well as conditions of the licenses will be set forth in the
relevant regulations. The Ministry will establish, maintain and update a
database of licensed parties.
6.3 Data Collection and management of comprehensive catch and effort data and
Maldives Marine Aquarium
Fishery Management Plan
in which catch composition, fuel usage, fishing grounds and other trip details,
for each fishing trip, are recorded and submitted by the licensed vessels. Other
vital information collected on the fisheries sector include details on processing
and trade of fish and fishery products.
6.4 Total From the early days of the marine aquarium fishery in the Maldives to the
Allowable present, this fishery has seen swift expansion, with a considerable increase
Export (TAE) in the number of exports. Therefore, with due consideration to the rapid
Limit environmental shifts seen in recent times and the future of this fishery and
its dependants, Total Allowable Export (TAE) limits will be established for
368 marine aquarium fish species. This will also include several species not
accounted for within the previous quota system. Quotas for several species are
based on the proposed limits in the 2014 review of the fishery. A number of
factors have been considered in the formulation of these TAE limits, including
the following:
• Vulnerability;
• Resilience;
• Abundance and population trends;
• Distribution;
• Ecological significance of species;
• Price;
• Demand and ease of capture;
• Suitability for captivity; and
• The importance of the species in the context of other fisheries practiced
in the Maldives.
Maldives Marine Aquarium
Fishery Management Plan
6.5 Catch Catch certification is an essential instrument that helps prevent, deter and
Certification eliminate Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated (IUU) fishing. Through such a
scheme, the catch is certified to have been made in accordance with applicable
laws, regulations and international conservation and management measures,
fully assuring consumers that the fish traded in the Maldives are sourced
from a sustainably and responsibly managed fishery.
6.6 The Precautionary Approach promotes the application of timely and cost-
Measures to them, despite the lack of full scientific certainty. This approach falls within
the purview of international best practices for sustainable management of
natural resources (UNCED, 1982). In this regard, additional measures that are
not stated in this Plan may be taken to protect and manage marine aquarium
fishery resources. These measures may include but are not limited to the
(a) Declaring the closure of a specific area and prohibiting the extraction of
MAF resources from such no-take zones;
(b) Prohibiting the harvesting, trade or export of a specific species
harvested in the MAF;
(c) Introduce additional Total Allowable Export (TAE) limits and Total
Allowable Catch (TAC) limits and revise existing limits; and
(d) Impose other restrictions on activities that may affect MAF resources.
Maldives Marine Aquarium
Fishery Management Plan
Chapter 7
The Ministry is responsible for the implementation of each objective in this management plan, by
strategies and actions, as outlined and in coordination with the relevant agencies. The Ministry shall
also formulate a regulation, under the Fisheries Act of the Maldives, to implement and enforce all
marine aquarium fishery management measures stated in this Plan. The Maldives Marine Research
Institute shall formulate and implement a plan of action to undertake all research activities that the
institute is responsible for under this Plan.
Chapter 8
This Plan will be reviewed and revised every 6 (six) years. The Ministry will ensure the engagement
of marine aquarium fish harvesters, processors, exporters, civil society and other stakeholders in the
review process. Where there is an immediate need to revise any part(s) or measures of this Plan, the
Ministry shall carry out such revisions in consultation with the Committee.
Maldives Marine Aquarium
Fishery Management Plan
Adam, M., R. Anderson, and H. Shakeel. 1997. Saleem, M., and F. Islam. 2008. Management
Commercial exploitation of reef resources: of the aquarium fishery in the Republic of
examples of sustainable and non-sustainable the Maldives. Page Proceedings of the 11th
utilisation from the Maldives. Malé. International Coral Reef Symposium, Session
22: 1038–1042. Ft. Lauderdale.
Adam, M. S. 1995. Review of the aquarium
fish trade of the Maldives with proposals for Saleem, M. R., and M. S. Adam. 2004. Review
monitoring and regulation. Malé. of the Aquarium Fish Industry in the Maldives
– 2003. Malé.
Edwards, A. J. and Shepherd, A. D. 1992,.
Environmental Implications of Aquarium-fish Waldie, P. A., S. P. Blomberg, K. L. Cheney, A.
Collection in the Maldives, with Proposals W. Goldizen, and A. S. Grutter. 2011. Long-Term
for Regulation. Environmental Conservation Effects of the Cleaner Fish Labroides dimidiatus
19(1):61–72. Cambridge University Press. on Coral Reef Fish Communities. PLoS ONE
6(6):e21201. Public Library of Science.
Lefcheck, J. S., A. A. Innes-Gold, S. J. Brandl,
R. S. Steneck, R. E. Torres, and D. B. Rasher. Wood, E., M. Ushan, S. Sattar, A. Najeeb, and
2019. Tropical fish diversity enhances coral F. Islam. 2014. Maldives Marine Aquarium
reef functioning across multiple scales. Science Fishery Review. Male’.
Advances 5(3). American Association for the
Advancement of Science.
Maldives Marine Aquarium
Fishery Management Plan
Annex 1: Glossary
(a) Commercial Fishing or Harvesting for the purpose of obtaining a financial benefit
(b) Enforcement Any officer designated pursuant to Section 57 of the Act No. 14/2019
officer (Fisheries Act of the Maldives) to enforce regulations made under the Act.
(c) Fisheries Persons who are appointed for and by the Ministry under Section 58 of the
(d) Fishing / (1) Searching for the purpose of catching, taking, killing and harvesting
Harvesting of fish;
(2) Attempting to search for, catch, take, kill or harvest fish;
(3) Engaging in any other activity that results in the searching, catching,
taking, killing or harvesting of fish;
(4) Placing or searching or retaking of any fish aggregating device or
equipment including “radio beacons”;
(5) Undertaking any operation at sea or on an island in preparation for
any activity mentioned in subsections (1), (2), (3) or (4).
(e) Fishing Any type of vessel, ship or any other thing which is used for fishing,
vessels which has been prepared for fishing, or which is usually used for fishing
or related activities.
(f) Logbook Any instruments provided to record data on fishing trips, including
catch and effort data, submitted electronically or via any other medium
determined by the Ministry
(g) Management Plans made with regard to fisheries planning, management and
plans development pursuant to Chapter Three of the Act No. 14/2019 (Fisheries
Act of the Maldives).
Maldives Marine Aquarium
Fishery Management Plan
(h) Captain / Person holding the most responsible position at any given time on-board
measures where a matter has not been proved, measures adopted to manage the
natural resources in a sustainable manner considering the possibility of an
adverse outcome if such measures are not taken.
(l) Processing Activities undertaken to package, pack or bring any change to fish in order
to preserve fish for a long period.
(1) fish or aquaculture products are cleaned, packaged, dried, salted,
chilled, frozen or otherwise processed for sale in and outside the
Maldives; or
(2) fish or aquaculture products are stored for the purposes of
packaging, canning, drying, cleaning, salting, chilling, freezing or
otherwise for processing for sale in and outside the Maldives.
(n) Protected All species, including those with size restrictions, protected from targeting,
Information catch data and issue permits and licenses to fishery and fishery related
Maldives Marine Aquarium
Fishery Management Plan
Maldives Marine Aquarium
Fishery Management Plan
Maldives Marine Aquarium
Fishery Management Plan
Maldives Marine Aquarium
Fishery Management Plan
Maldives Marine Aquarium
Fishery Management Plan
Maldives Marine Aquarium
Fishery Management Plan
Maldives Marine Aquarium
Fishery Management Plan
Maldives Marine Aquarium
Fishery Management Plan
Malé, Maldives