PAFIT01 Handouts JAKE
PAFIT01 Handouts JAKE
PAFIT01 Handouts JAKE
PAFIT01 - Course Handouts
Course Description
PAFIT01/PEDUC1 is a course educate students active participation in physical activity. This course
reintroduces the fundamental movement patterns that consist of Non-Locomotor and Locomotor skills,
exploration of different movements.
Students will be introduced movement competence needed to participate in physical activities through the
development of movement skills and the related application of different movement strategies.
Students will focus on developing their movement training on strengthening various muscle groups,
coordination, cardiovascular circulation, neuromuscular control and improve learning skills and
By the end of the course, the PAFIT01 students will be able to:
Article XIV, Section 19 of the Philippine Constitution (1) The State shall promote physical education and
encourage sports programs, league competitions, and amateur sports, including training for international
competitions, to foster self-discipline, teamwork, and excellence for the development of a healthy and alert
citizenry. (2) All educational institutions shall undertake regular sports activities throughout the country in
cooperation with athletic clubs and other sectors.
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Physical Education is "education through the physical". It aims to develop students' physical competence
and knowledge of movement and safety, and their ability to use these to perform in a wide range of activities
associated with the development of an active and healthy lifestyle.
Physical fitness is a state of health and well-being and, more specifically, the ability to perform aspects of
sports, occupations and daily activities. It is generally achieved through proper nutrition, moderate-vigorous
physical exercise, and sufficient rest.
A fitness test, also known as a fitness assessment, is comprised of a series of exercises that help evaluate
your overall health and physical status. This will be performed according to the set of standards to be able
to evaluate correctly and likewise on the post test. The purpose is to determine whether the performance
as result level to the standard and likewise if there is a positive result or improvement of the exercises
➢ Health related
• Cardiorespiratory Endurance - is the ability of the heart and lungs to sustain a prolong
continued contraction
• Muscular strength - is the extent to which muscles can maximally exert force.
• Muscular Endurance - is the extent to which your muscles can repeatedly exert
a force. This refers to how many times you can do a
movement over and over again before the muscle fatigues
and you need to stop.
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➢ Skill Related
Body Mass Index (BMI) is a person's weight in kilograms divided by the square of height in meters. A high
BMI can be an indicator of high body fatness. BMI can be used to screen for weight categories that may
lead to health problems but it is not diagnostic of the body fatness or health of an individual.
Sample Computation:
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(Family name) (Given name) (Middle initial)
Pre-testing Post-Testing
Teacher Signature: ________________________ Teacher Signature: ________________________
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• What are the different basic body parts and muscle groups?
• What are the different exercises for a particular muscle?
• How important knowing the name and location of every group of muscles?
• How important correct body mechanism in physical activities?
The human body is everything that makes up, well, you. The basic parts of the human body are the head,
neck, torso, arms and legs, it also consists of a number of biological systems that carry out specific functions
necessary for everyday living.
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The bases of muscular fitness program usually include the health status, physical ability, age and athletic and
performance goals of the individual.
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Your upper body muscles are important for completing routine day-to-day tasks. The region of the body
extending from the deltoid to the hands, including the arms and shoulders. It consists of;
• Deltoid - a triangular muscle of the shoulder between the scapula and the humerus
that helps flex the shoulders and adduct the arms. It covers the shoulders.
• Trapezius - a large flat superficial muscle of the shoulders and upper back. These muscles
retract the shoulders.
• Pectoral - group of muscles in front of the chest, it supports the body and help protect
the contents of the abdomen.
• Biceps - a muscle that has two origins or heads, the biceps muscle of the upper limbs
flex the elbow and supinates the arms.
• Triceps - a three-headed muscle of the upper arm.
There are many common misconceptions about the “core” even among fitness professionals. Most people
think that the core is simply the abdominals, also known as, “the 6-pack.” However, the core is much more
than that. The major muscles of the core reside in the area of the belly and the mid and lower back.
Having a strong, stable core helps us to prevent injuries and allows us to perform at our best.
• Rectus abdominis
➢ a muscle of the ventral abdominal wall which originates from the pubis, whose action
flexes the vertebral column and draws the chest downward.
• Transverse abdominis
➢ the deepest of the three flat abdominal muscle that lay under the internal abdominal
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• External Oblique
➢ the most superficial and largest part of the trunk muscle. It can flex the trunk and rotate
towards the opposite sides.
• Latissimus Dorsi
➢ a pair of the broad triangular muscles of the back that serves to retract the forelimb.
In order to have an overall strong body, one must also place legs into their training regiments. It’s important
to train legs because they improve overall strength and well-being.
The main muscle groups that compose the lower extremity includes;
• Gluteus - the muscle of the buttocks that moves the hips and thigh. It’s
one of the strongest muscles in the body.
• Hamstring - muscles that originates from underneath the gluteus maxims
on the pelvic bone and are attached to the tibia.
• Quadriceps - group of muscles located in front of the thigh. It helps in
extending the knee for walking, running and other physical activities.
• Achilles Tendon - the largest tendon in the body. It carries great stress from
different physical activities.
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• Gastrocnemius - located at the back portion of the lower leg. It’s the primary mover in
walking and running
Body mechanics is a term used to describe the ways we move as we go about our daily lives. It includes how
we hold our bodies when we sit, stand, lift, carry, bend, and sleep. Poor body mechanics are often the cause
of back problems.
Most exercise needs correct posturing or positioning; this is to prevent injuries of a certain body parts.
Mechanical analysis should always have given emphasis in order to meet the desired result as expected in
every workout.
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Abduction and Adduction are two terms that are used to describe movements towards or away
from the midline of the body.
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Again, keeping the elbow and shoulder still, flip your hand onto
its front, palm down. This is the prone position, and so this
movement is named pronation.
These terms also apply to the whole body – when lying flat on
the back, the body is supine. When lying flat on the front, the
body is prone.
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Eversion involves the movement of the sole away from the median plane – so that the sole faces in
a lateral direction.
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➢ Circumduction
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The word aerobic literally means "with oxygen" or "in the presence of oxygen”, which refers to the use of
oxygen to adequately meet energy demands during exercise.
Aerobic exercise is defined as any form of physical activity that produces an increased heart rate and
respiratory volume to meet the oxygen requirements of the activated muscle. It is any physical activity that
makes you sweat, causes you to breathe harder, and gets your heart beating faster than at rest.
It is a system of exercise done with accompanying music. It improves cardiovascular fitness, respiratory
capacity, and muscular endurance. It can also lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels.
The health benefits we obtain of the aerobic exercise are almost vital, not only does this kind of exercise
help to regulate weight; it also limits the opportunities of developing many frequent illness and diseases.
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The practice of aerobics has become the most happening workout trend now. There are diverse types of
aerobics such as fitness, water aerobics, step aerobics, swimming, kickboxing, fitness walking, inline skating,
bicycling etc. The best aerobic exercise for you depends on your level of fitness.
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It is an excellent method to burn out unwanted flab from the body and build inner strength. Also
good for people ailing from arthritis and other knee problems.
➢ Step aerobics - Step aerobics is a type of aerobic exercise that uses a low elevated platform, the
step, of height tailored to individual needs. The
"basic" step involves raising one foot onto the
step, then the other so that they are both on the
step, then stepping the first foot back, followed
by the second. This movement means there is a
constant upward travelling motion. As anyone
who has tackled a large flight of stairs knows, this
can be a real challenge.
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➢ Sport Aerobics- Sports Aerobics is the ability to perform continuous complex and high intensity
movement patterns to music which originate from traditional aerobic dance. The routine must
demonstrate continuous movement, flexibility, strength and utilization of the seven basic steps with
a high degree of perfectly executed elements of difficulty.
It is a hard and competitive sport that has a singular connection of aerobic choreography and
gymnastics elements. One example is Cheer dance.
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