Tuition, Costs & Fees - Delta College
Tuition, Costs & Fees - Delta College
Tuition, Costs & Fees - Delta College
ALERT: Due to severe weather, Delta College Main Campus and all Downtown
Centers will close at 3pm on Monday, February 27, 2023. Read more about
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APPOINTMENT We know that cost plays a big role in whether you decide to go to a college or not.
( H T T P S : / / A P P S . D E LTA . E D U We think this will help you make your decision!
Keep in mind, the costs listed here do not include your meals, housing,
transportation or other personal expenses you may have while attending college.
Also, these rates are subject to change by the Delta College Board of Trustees.
Tuition and fees are based on contact hour, not credit hour.
( H T T P S : / / A P P S . D E LTA . E D U
/NE TPRICEC ALC/NPC ALC.H 2022-2023Tuition&Fees
Financial Aid
Residency status Cost
[email protected]
(mailto:[email protected]? In-district $121 per contact hour
Out-district $205 per contact hour
Monday, 8am – 7pm
Tuesday – Thursday, 8am – Out-of-state $214 per contact hour
Friday, 8am – 4pm
Dual enrollment $121 per contact hour
If you are a resident of the Delta College district, 60 years of age or older, you may
register for courses at 50% of the current tuition rate (excludes fees). Contact the
Registrar's office at 989-686-9305 or [email protected]
(mailto:[email protected]?subject=) for more information.
Students will be charged tuition based on the total number of contact hours for
each class, which is the amount of instruction time. Because instruction times vary,
classes may have different tuition costs such as those with tutorials, laboratory
hours or additional in-class time.
2/27/23, 7:07 PM Tuition, Costs & Fees - Delta College
The tuition costs may vary from the number of credits earned in the class because
credits are determined by national standards and allow for transferability to other
colleges and universities.
The money you pay the college for instruction and services. A dollar amount is
assigned to each contact hour. Tuition is determined by multiplying the dollar
amount by the number of contact hours for which you are registering. In-district,
out-of-district, and out-of-state tuition rates are different.
Tuition, Technology Fees and the Online Course Fees are charged based on contact
hour. All other course-specific fees are determined by the course.
Registration Fee
A non-refundable, per semester fee charge upon registration. No refund, unless all
courses are cancelled by the College.
Technology Fee
This fee is based on class contact hours and supports increased use of technology
in classrooms, labs, library and Teaching/Learning Center.
Additional course-specific fees, such as online, nursing or course content fees are
charged to cover additional service relative to those courses.
The costs for books and supplies varies greatly depending on the class. So, we can't
really estimate that. But, we guarantee it's as low as we can get away with, and still
give you the best education possible. That's what we do here at Delta.
Visit the Delta Bookstore to see your required list of books and supplies.
Less than half the cost of a public An interest-free tuition plan that
university, with the same quality spreads out your payments.
2/27/23, 7:07 PM Tuition, Costs & Fees - Delta College