1 Cycle Reports and Progress
1 Cycle Reports and Progress
1 Cycle Reports and Progress
Due Date: Deliverables: Team Assessment: Overview Cycle reports are used to analyse the results of the previous cycle and plan the work for the upcoming cycle. It will then assist in communicating your progress and cycle plan with your supervisor. Submission 1. Cycle reports (in paper form) must be presented to your supervisor/lecturer at your designated supervisor meeting time for discussion regarding what you have achieved in the previous cycle and what you plan to do for the next cycle. The cycle report must be signed and handed back to the students for later assessment Cycle report documents Team and individual
2. Assessment of cycle reports Cycle reports are assessed along with progress in the week 7 workshop. Contents Your cycle reports must contain the following sections 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Red Flags This is a section highlights important issues to the managers without too much detail. As bullet points it lists disasters or large changes that should be brought to management's attention. An incredibly lucky person might never have to write anything in this section. Don't list trivialities. Previous Cycle Results With reference to the previous cycle report (or the beginning of the project for the first report). What did you complete or fail to complete in the last cycle? Present as a bullet points. Customer Feedback What customer feedback did you get from the work you did last cycle? Be specific and complete. How did you get this feedback? Present as text, bullet points, or a diagram. Red Flags Previous Cycle Results Customer Feedback Cycle Plan Top Ten Requirements (Features) Supporting Documentation
Cycle Plan What do you plan to complete during the upcoming cycle? Suitable formats Cycle WBS - hierarchical text format- this cycle's tasks only (preferred) Cycle WBS - diagram format - this cycle's tasks only Mini Gantt chart - this cycle's tasks only; don't just show a huge Gantt chart of your whole project as that hides the iterations Story cards (photocopy hand drawn cards never computer generated) Estimate tasks in PEDs or IEHs and include the name of the member responsible for that task Don't include subject tasks like writing your progress presentation - everyone is doing that! Include only technical work on your project or direct customer feedback activities you have arranged. Don't include vague statements like "work toward the beta version". The goals should be specific so that it is possible to check whether you achieved your goal. Use implementable and testable features and tasks. It is highly recommended to discuss the creation of your cycle plan with your client. When you submit your cycle report you will discuss it with your supervisor, and if necessary modify your cycle plan. Top Ten Requirements (Features) Provide a list of the current top ten functional requirements ordered from most important to least important. Ordering should be assessed in conjunction with your client based on value delivered to client. At the end of a cycle, when features are complete, they are to be removed from the list and the others move up or otherwise reordered. A new feature may also be discovered and added to the list. Supporting Documentation Here we want at least one diagram that communicates something, such as an ER diagram, class diagram, state diagram, character sketch, terrain map, game logic etc. It is important that you do NOT include a useless diagram that does not convey anything of relevance (web site map for a simple web site, diagram of a browser and a web server). The goal of the cycle report is to communicate progress and planning for the cycle to you supervisor. Do not pad it out with fluff.
Please see the sample cycle report Progress/Complexity Progress will be assessed in relation to difficulty (material developed - lines of code, multimedia) and also consistency of progress over the three cycles. Any added complexity due to new skills required (not refinement and application of existing skills) will be taken into account along with any innovation in your work