Charpit's General Method of Solution

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f of op dy” Oq a ae a oy * a Eliminating _ E from (6) and (7), we get ff ,, of aq) oF (oF oF | oF og) a les pa? * ag eae yet) (f= a 2), ( )s OF ofa ax op ax dp, @p. ap aq ° a2 op dz op " a Eliminating © 7 from (8) dnd (9), we get ( va H OBE A, doa aE a oF @2 dq dz dq) ay\ép eq aq ap) terms cancel each other) (Eee X)% (LHe) s(t oH) (4a @ '\ op) & -(-) 0 a) a which is a linear differential equation of first order in Lagrange’s form , ¥,Z, p,q as independent variable and F as dependent variable. Hence auxiliary equations of (12) are So fone Sa ee dy dF Beit Sed of —alep —oflaq 0 eq op \ ey G2") 6g ép * éq {[Jiwaji (4th Sem), 201 Any integral of (13) satisfies equation (12). ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLES Example 1,4plve by Charpit’s method px + gy = pa. [Sagar 2009; Sagx* (Pourth Sem.) 2016; Jiwaji 1994, 2006, 2013; Jiwaji (Fourth Sem), 20 ‘Vikram 1996, 97, 2001, 2008, 2004; Vikram (Fourth Sem.), 2011; Indore 2007, 20 Indore (Fourth Sem.), 2011; Bhopal (Fourth Sem), 2010, 2011; Rewa Solution. The given differential equation is f= pe+ay~ pq=0 of | pee one oe“ by J — sive shitana's ‘Advanced Cateulua ond Partial Differential ba ‘On integration, we get peg arbitrary constant: : ‘i alue in ( ‘Substituting the above ¥ So, by () pe ow substituting the value of p and gin dz = pdx + ad, : oe a 2 we get deo! fe? —aty? de dy 2. aos, wiz 0y AY «giz = d 2-279 1-4 (> + ye? -a*y On integration, we get (oe age {et -aty? wax +b, > where 6) ny arbitrary constant. ie, Mtn aiy? x(ax+ OP he,2? = ay” +(ax +b) which is the required complete integral of (1). General Solution. Putting b= a)in equation (4), we get 22 =a? + [ax + Kad]? Differentiating equation (5) partially w.r. to a, we get 0=2ay? +2 [ax + Ha)] + ¢ (a) But eliminating a from equations (5) and (6), we get the required genéitl solution. Singular Solution. Differentiating (4) partially w.r. toa and 1b, we get O=2ay? + 2(ar+ b)x and O=2(ax +b) = ax+ b=Oanday? =0 Substituting above values in (4), we get 2? =O, ie, 2=0 ot oe pe nOand quo =a ‘The above values of p and y satisfied (1). Hence the required singular solution of (1) is oO Example 8, Solve by Charpit’s method 2 = px + qy + p? +4” [Indore 1995, 2000; Indore (Fourth Sem.), 2014; Vikram 94, 2006; 5 Bhopal 96, 2008; ; Solution. The given differential bas, patie eranees 2010; Jabal (epae oye lagen ay Bag 1: Lae op, A Honce Charpit’s auxiliary equation ary” Pa fated = te ar bia? oe Be Sag P-P a-q_ >; GE A ~@+ 2p) Taking Ist and Sd ratios of 2), ai weget nintegration, Taking 2nd and Srd radios of 2), we get a On integration, Substituting the above values of pand gin (1), the required complete intogral of) i ymax + by +a? sb? here Gand bare arbitrary constants. Example-4-Solve by Charpit’s method : 2” = paxy. [Uabatpur 2004) Solution: The given differential equation is AC ng “Pays p22 —pgxtq. 2 - P-9)-a(- Each ratio of the above is adp+ pdx _ ydq+ady _, xdp+ pdx _ yda+ady ~ Bpex 2ayz 2 uid On integration, we get 4.) , © or log px = log qy + log c,when C= loge “ ny arbitrary constant. From (1) and (3), we have o 8?*y’ Ctl a2, or ¢ MIA) — Shree Shiksha's Advanced Calculus and Partial Differential Equations Now putting these values of pand gin2 = pdx +q dy, we get (t+ 9) | gy Et Yads +d e | @ ies Ya dz =-2(ax+ 9) d (ax +9) equa Qty nteertion, the required complete solution of the given differential dz =-(ax+ y)dx+ az =-(ax+ 9)? +b - ppleeen sae z= px+ay+ Pd Al) iA ee aie x at paneer ae p-p a-4 -PG+@-a0+P) ‘Taking first and second ratios of equation (2) with the third ratio, we bla dp-0 and dq On integration, p=a and g=b 5 sting ebove values of pand in equation (1), the required complet ag ax + by + ab. @) Singular Solution. Differentiating equation (8) partially w-- 10 ° and & respectively we get : yand b ‘Potting above values in equation (8), we get yee -2) 4291 be, 2-2. Clearly this satisfies: ‘the given differential equation. Hence thisis the required singular solution. ‘Example 9. Solve by Charapt (p+ a) (px +O) Solution. The given differential equation is f= (p+a) (p+ ay) -1 fu pies pacer 49-2 x af f 0, naps +ate*? f pe mie =o. aap eale*” uarpit' General Method of Sotution Seortawwe ncaa As Harvit's auxiliary equations, we gar P+ pa peta? ~apheapag ax = 2px- q+») — ples md From first two ratio of equation (2, ne POP+% G(p+a) Gg p Integrating, q= ap, where ais any arbitrary constant. Putting this value of q in equation (1), we get (9+ op) (pe apy)-1 1 2p te + 9) tap ie, 49 ae Yor a G+ a) ‘Since zis a function of x and 9; s0 that dz=pds+qdy = dz Vaan a On integration the required complete salution of equation (1) is vie ie, (iva .2 9 2]esay+ bwhered=ciTva anda and bare arbitrary constants Example 10, S6tve by Charpit's method = pet B. tndore 2006; Bhopal 2005: @= Bx + B®. [Sagar 2008; Saga: (Fourth Sem.) 2017: Indore s ‘espa crouch Seon), 200; Vikram 200; Vikrazs Fourth Sem) 201; Rews 2008) (9 q=- pet? Solution. (i) Here f a Hence the Charpit's auxiliary equations are dp dq on =e” per-2p-al From the first and third ratios of equation (2), we have dq =0 sothat ¢=4 Putting q = ain equation (1), we get pit pr-a= 0 pap bet ie + 4a pax+qdywe gst Now, putting above values of p and qin ds = 7” Lars txt + da det ady 2 2 “Shree Shiksha's Advanced Caleulus and Partial Differential ‘On integration, the required compete solution of equation (1) is fat 2 ¥ pen Eha pele aa) talents a +40) +07 (Gi) By solving as solution (), the required complate solution is 2 Shahla + dal salons + la? + ta) + oy + © peta. ‘Solution. (i) The given differential equation is fx p-(ay+2)- Be sate ay Zt = 0 m— 2a ay + 2435 2-20 #299? and A a-2yqyte Bere ‘So, Charpit's auxiliary equations are apie eat” ees Bplay +2) day 2) — Ps 2a (+?) ‘Toking first and last ratios, we have BW 10, 2+ H a0 prey ee YY: Integrating, = PY=% 2 pes Putting above value of pin equation (1), we get oven fer. a-3{f2 Beas : Now, putting above values of p and q in dz = p ds +a dy, we got de seent( [3-0 ie gdemo des [S 5 ale. y ie, yézesdyzadse [2 ay die, dye) = das + 2 > ‘On integration the complete integral (C. 1.) ofthe given differential yenaxt 2y(@) + where a and bare arbitrary constants, (ii) By solving as solution (1), the required complete solution is xz <2 Vax) +ay+d where aand bare arbitrary constants, Example 12. Solve by Charpit’s method : pet qy= 21% Pa pits General Method of Solu Solution Se Golution. The given differential ‘ial equation is «a eto go, the Charpit’s auxiliary equation P-P Ae a =ete PM a-aivpg From first two ratios, w dp _ dq e get 2P . 40 ae pa tegrating, OE aida cians patting this value of qin differenti ifferential equation (1), we get p(x+ay)=2{1 + ap? )=2\1+ ap? = p? (e+ ay) =2" + ap?) > p® [e+ ay) -a2"]=2? = p 3 Yee ay)? = a2" ow putting above values of pand q in de= pdi+ a dy. we gst +a dy, we ge ei re shay OO ee + ay)? ~ Ja du, we get du_vu? uations @), we eet = (fot -1+ oldu fo? -1-0 i. Briere <0 Onintogration, the complete intogral (0-1) cof the given differential equation is —y]=b where = 2 log z+ 2 e _ 18, Solve by Charpit’ method : be rast ate te! sons sia (Foust Sem 2818 {Indore 199%; Bhopal 1000, 2004 S869 Solution, The given differential equation * fates = pal - Baers pem AD Qe -Dpr- 2 ay™ si Ge gag and Le » aa alar+ y+ Vax ait sow puting above values of pand gin de pa + qd we gt ee ED, alae rte asi en, — (e+ »)+ Var + 9)? -@7 +) et es (adr + dy). anda dx + dy=dt, we get 1412 -@? +) fs —— = FeO at ic, (a? + dents fP -(a8 + DN oral on integration, the required complete integral (C. 1) of the giv fate? ED tog t+ fF? +14 a= differential (PHD og (ars 9+ Mert 0° ier g and bare arbitrary constant EXERCISE 16(A) Solve the following by Charpit’s method : Bcc ¢ ' Af -¢ 222. % mys pgs ay = 92 A tes pts gy 2? =0. 4 rss 0-24 Sed -2px—2ay+ wa (4th Sem), 2013), [dabalpur 20085 Rewa 1999), "ANSWERS aA ae aft + sort ap terah Peale 1 Wa rears fob

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