Electrically Conductive Roller Compacted Concrete RCC

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Advances in Civil Engineering

Volume 2023, Article ID 6036906, 12 pages

Research Article
Electrically Conductive Roller-Compacted Concrete (RCC)
Containing BOFS, Steel Fiber, and Steel Shaving

1 2
Danial Nasr and Ehsan Bavafa
Department of Civil Engineering, Isfahan (Khorasgan) Branch, Islamic Azad University, Isfahan, Iran
Department of Civil Engineering, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran

Correspondence should be addressed to Danial Nasr; [email protected]

Received 31 January 2023; Revised 25 February 2023; Accepted 10 March 2023; Published 17 March 2023

Academic Editor: Wayne Yu Wang

Copyright © 2023 Danial Nasr and Ehsan Bavafa. Tis is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons
Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is
properly cited.
In this study, the feasibility of using steel fbers and steel shavings in roller-compacted concrete containing coarse basic oxygen
furnace slag aggregate was investigated in order to improve its mechanical properties and to produce an electrically conductive
and environment-friendly concrete. For this purpose, various samples containing 0.4, 0.7, and 1% of steel fber and 3, 5, and 7% of
steel shaving were fabricated. Te compressive strength, indirect tensile strength, electrical resistance, and specifc density tests
were conducted on the samples. Te results demonstrated the positive efect of steel fber and the destructive efect of steel shaving
on the compressive and tensile strengths of RCC containing BOFS. Te results of the electrical resistance test showed a more
positive efect of steel shaving than steel fber in the conductivity of RCC samples. Regarding the specifc gravity results, the natural
aggregate replacement with BOFS as well as steel fber and steel shaving resulted in an increase in the specifc gravity of the
mixtures. Utilizing the both steel fber and steel shaving can compensate the unfavorable properties on the RCC containing BOFS.

1. Introduction [2]. Some favorable properties of BOFS are high abrasion

resistance, high shear strength, and low cost. Te use of
As the cost of bitumen and asphalt pavement construction BOFS as an aggregate replacement in RCC to pave roads can
continues to rise, there is a growing demand for alternative prevent damage to the environment [3] and in countries
materials that can improve the mechanical and physical with a low area and difculty in the provision of aggregate,
properties of concrete used in road construction [1]. Roller- the use of BOFS for pavement construction is a logical
compacted concrete (RCC) pavement is an increasingly solution. One of the most suitable methods for using the
popular option for medium to high volume trafc due to its waste and preventing the deposition of the product in nature
cost-efectiveness and longer lifespan when compared to would be using in cement and asphalt concrete [4]. Despite
other pavement types such as Portland cement concrete the advantages of BOFS in the pavement construction, there
(PCC) and asphaltic pavements. is still limited research on its use as an aggregate replacement
RCC is a type of concrete with very low-workability (zero in RCC. Terefore, there is a need for further investigation
Vee-Bee tests) that its water content is lower than that of on the feasibility and potential benefts of using BOFS in the
conventional concrete. In RCC, natural and synthesized RCC pavement.
aggregate or a combination of both can be used. One of the Another issue to be addressed is the problem of ice
new materials that can be used in pavements is basic oxygen formation on the surface of road and airport pavement. Ice
furnace slag (BOFS) which is the by-products of the steel formation causes delays and reduces road safety, and at
manufacturing process that contains the nonmetallic blend airports, it can lead to fight delays and millions of dollars in
of materials such as silicate, calcium, calcium ferrite, calcium damage [5]. Chemical deicing and salts can also be harmful
oxide, iron oxide, aluminum oxide, and magnesium oxide to concrete pavements and the environment, reducing the
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2 Advances in Civil Engineering

pavement’s longevity [6]. To address this problem, an results of compressive and tensile strength tests of the
electrically conductive concrete (ECC) was developed based samples indicated an increase in their resistances [12].
on the Canadian National Research Council method, which Chang and Chai evaluated the efect of adding steel fbers
creates thermal energy when a voltage is connected to it, to concrete. Tey performed fracture and fatigue tests on the
making it useful for melting snow and ice on the pavement samples. It was concluded that adding 1 to 1.5 volumetric per
[7, 8]. cent of steel fbers to concrete can increase the amount of
Several investigations have been performed to address passed charge about 2–2.5 times [13].
the issue. Research conducted by Abdualla et al. aimed to Qasrawi investigated the infuence of steel slag and
investigate the efectiveness of the hot pavement system recycled concrete aggregate in conventional concrete. In the
(HPS) in melting ice and snow on airport pavement surfaces study, steel slag and recycled materials were replaced partly
under various winter weather conditions. Using the data or totally by a natural concrete aggregate. According to the
collected and the performance of the slabs, under real results of the study, the addition of steel slag increased the
weather conditions, the ECON-based HPSs can distribute mechanical properties of concrete [3].
heat in the slab and have the ability to melt the ice and snow In a study, Chunlin et al. replaced the natural concrete
under diferent winter conditions [5]. In another study, aggregate with rubber particles and steel slag. Te results
Abdualla et al. examined and identifed the requirements of represented that the mechanical strength of concrete con-
an electrically conductive concrete (ECON) system to be taining steel slag is acceptable, although the fexural strength
high performance and cost-efective. A small sample of the is slightly lower than that of conventional concrete [14].
heated conductive concrete system was designed and op- Yehia and Tuan made the construction of conductive
timized with ECON at Iowa State University and then tested concrete containing steel shaving, steel fber, and carbon
to determine its efciency. Te results demonstrated that powder and used it on the deck of the bridge to test its
energy consumption was lower than that of the ECON deicing characteristics. It was concluded that the imple-
prototype [9]. mentation of a thin coating layer of conductive concrete and
Zhang et al. sought to address the issue of thermal the connection of the electric current to the bridge deck
cracking in overwintering layers of roller-compacted con- could prevent surface ice formation. Te cost of energy used
crete (RCC) dams. To achieve this, the researchers designed to defrost is estimated to be about $0.6 to $0.8 per square
a novel type of hydraulic concrete, referred to as electrically meter. Moreover, the mechanical strength of concrete met
conductive roller-compacted concrete (ERCC). Te in- AASHTO and ASTM standards requirements [6].
vestigation cantered around the electro-thermal properties Devi and Gnanavel evaluated the infuence of re-
of ERCC, with a focus on its resistivity and its capacity to placement of steel slag instead of coarse and fne natural
regulate temperature distribution and reduce the likelihood aggregate on the mechanical and durability properties of
of cracking. In addition, the mechanical and compaction concrete. Te compressive strength, tensile strength,
properties of ERCC were evaluated, and the superiority of bending strength, and durability tests performed on the
the roller compaction method was demonstrated. Te study samples. Te results showed that the partial replacement of
results revealed that ERCC has considerable potential as fne-andcoarse-grained aggregate with steel slag increases
a material for overwintering layers in RCC dams located in compressive, tensile and fexural strengths [15].
extremely cold regions, presenting a more adaptable and According to a study, steel slag was replaced with
intelligent solution for temperature control. Tis innovative a natural aggregate in concrete to enhance the mechanical
approach represents a signifcant breakthrough in the feld of properties of concrete under fre exposure conditions. Te
RCC dam engineering, and it could pave the way for more samples were exposed to a temperature of upto 800°C at the
efcient and durable dam construction in the future [10]. age of 56 days. Te results of the compressive strength and
In another study, the use of ground granulated blast- other characteristics were examined, and it was observed
furnace slag (GGBFS) and BOFS on the mechanical prop- that the slag could improve the strength of the concrete
erties of RCC was addressed. Te research results showed against fre upto 400°C [16].
that RCC containing the BOFS could not produce higher In order to improve the mechanical properties of roller-
compressive strength than conventional RCCs, but the re- compacted concrete (RCC) containing coarse blast furnace
placement of 25% of natural aggregate with BOFS yielded slag (BOFS) aggregate and to develop electrically conductive
the highest resistance in comparison with other aggregate and environmentally-friendly concrete, this study in-
replacement percentages and fulflled the requirements of vestigates the feasibility of incorporating steel fbers and steel
RCCP. However, replacing the GGBFS as the fller with shavings into the concrete mix. To achieve this objective,
a natural one was not recommended [11]. various concrete samples were fabricated with steel fber
In a study, the addition of carbon fber to RCC was percentages of 0.4%, 0.7%, and 1% per the total volume of
investigated to produce electrically conductive concrete. the concrete mixture and steel shaving percentages of 3%,
After producing the samples, the 3.7 volts electrical current 5%, and 7% per the volume of fne aggregate. Te mechanical
to the samples was applied, and the temperature of the slab properties of the samples were evaluated through com-
surface during the test was measured. It was concluded that pressive strength and indirect tensile strength tests, while
the concrete temperature containing 1% and 2% carbon fber electrical resistance and specifc density tests were conducted
with the implementation of an AC current of 3.75 V in- to assess the electrical conductivity and density of the
creased from 10°C to 11.7°C after 200 minutes. Also, the concrete, respectively.
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Advances in Civil Engineering 3

2. Materials 2.4. Basic Oxygen Furnace Slag. Tis research project utilized
BOFS from Isfahan Steel Company as the primary raw
2.1. Aggregate. Natural aggregate constitutes about 75% to material. Te use of BOFS as a partial replacement for
85% of concrete and signifcantly afects its properties in natural coarse-grain aggregate was a key element of the
both the fresh and hardened states. Te size of the ag- experimental design, with the exception of the control
gregate must comply with the ASTM C33 standard, and in sample (RCC-P0). Tables 4 and 5 provide a detailed overview
roller-compacted concrete (RCC), it afects the perfor- of the physical and chemical properties of the BOFS utilized
mance, quality, density, and segregation. Te physical in this study. Te BOFS material was carefully selected based
properties of the aggregate also impact the resistance, on its quality and consistency to ensure that the resulting
modulus of elasticity, thermal properties, and durability RCC would meet the required standards for strength, du-
of the hardened concrete [17]. To achieve the desired rability, and other critical performance factors. As a by-
surface quality, the nominal maximum size of the coarse- product of the steelmaking process, BOFS has proven to be
grain aggregate should be limited to 19 mm. Te fne- an efective and sustainable alternative to traditional coarse-
andcoarse-grinded aggregate can be either natural or grain aggregates, reducing the environmental impact of RCC
crushed aggregate or a mixture of both. Te crushed fabrication while maintaining its structural integrity. Te
aggregate is preferred for RCC as it requires less energy for physical and chemical properties of the BOFS were thor-
compaction and generally results in less segregation and oughly examined and characterized to ensure that the
higher fexural strength. Te crushed aggregate used in resulting RCC would meet the desired specifcations and
this research is sourced from Isfahan limestone mines, performance standards.
and its physical characteristics and gradation are given in
Table 1 and Figure 1, respectively.
2.5. Steel Fibers. Steel reinforced concrete is a composite
material made of cement, crushed aggregate, water, and
2.2. Cement. Te choice of cement type is an essential a certain percentage of steel fbers that are evenly dispersed
aspect of RCC fabrication, as it can signifcantly afect the in various directions. Te addition of steel fbers to concrete
material’s properties and performance. Type I or II has been found to increase bending strength, compressive
Portland cement and F or C grade Fly ash are commonly strength, shear strength, and cracking resistance, as well as
used in the production of RCC pavements. To ensure the conductivity and thermal conductivity of the concrete
quality and reliability, the Portland cement must meet the [20], and also increases the conductivity of the concrete. Tis
ASTM C150 [18] standard requirements, which ensure study focuses on using steel fbers to improve the mechanical
that it meets specifc chemical and physical character- properties of RCC and to enhance its electrical conductivity,
istics. However, Portland cement type III (early hard- thermal conductivity, and resistance to electrical fow, as
ening) is typically not used in RCC due to the lack of shown in Figure 2. Te steel fbers used in this study are
sufcient time to work with the concrete. In the present double-hooked with a length of 35 mm and meet other
study, Portland cement Type II of Ardestan Cement specifcations as outlined in Table 6.
Factory in Isfahan was utilized. Tables 2 and 3 provide
detailed information on the chemical and physical
characteristics of the cement, respectively. Te careful 2.6. Steel Shaving. Steel shavings have been increasingly used
selection of cement type and adherence to standard re- as an additional component in reinforced concrete to en-
quirements is crucial in achieving the desired properties hance its electrical conductivity and reduce its electrical
and performance of RCC. resistance. In this study, steel shavings were incorporated
along with steel fbers in various volumetric percentages of
the fne aggregate to improve the electrical properties of the
2.3. Water. Te quality and requirements of water used in concrete. Te steel shavings were obtained from CK45 steel
RCC are critical factors that can impact the material’s overall and had a uniform length within the range of 7–9 mm which
strength and durability. Te ASTM C1602 [19] standard sets is presented in Figure 3. Tey were thoroughly mixed with
out the specifcations for the quality of water to be used in other components of the concrete to ensure even distri-
RCC, which is similar to the requirements for ordinary bution. Te efect of diferent volumetric percentages of steel
concrete. It is essential to ensure that the water used is free shavings, in combination with steel fbers, on the electrical
from contaminants and impurities that could negatively conductivity and other properties of RCC are presented in
afect the RCC’s properties. In addition to the quality of the the subsequent sections.
water used, the amount of water must also be carefully
controlled during the RCC fabrication process. Te Vee-Bee 3. Mix Design and Tests
test is typically used to determine the low-workability range
for RCC, which requires that the amount of water used be Two methods are commonly used for making laboratory
restricted to achieve the desired workability while main- samples of RCC concrete. In the frst method, the sample is
taining the optimal strength and durability of the material. poured into the mold and compressed on a vibration table
Careful attention to the quality and quantity of water used is under an overweight according to ASTM C1176 [21]. In the
crucial in producing high-quality, reliable RCC that meets second method, the specimen is constructed in a multilayer
the required performance standards. and compacted with the application of a Marshall Hammer
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4 Advances in Civil Engineering

Table 1: Physical properties of aggregate.

Property Standard Fine gravel Coarse gravel
Nominal maximum aggregate size ASTM-C136 4.75 19
Los angles abrasion (%) ASTM-C131 — 16.0
Bulk density (g/cm3) ASTM-C127 2.710 2.680
SSD density (g/cm3) ASTM-C127 2.730 2.716
Water absorption (%) ASTM-C127 0.58 0.53
Clay lump (%) ASTM-C142 0.017 0.01

100 Table 4: Technical specifcation of slag.

Property Standard Coarse gravel
Nominal maximum aggregate size ASTM-C136 19
Percent Passing (%)

Los Angles abrasion (%) ASTM-C131 18.0

60 Bulk density (g/cm3) ASTM-C127 2.710
SSD density (g/cm3) ASTM-C127 3.25
40 Water absorption 24 h (%) ASTM-C127 1.50

Table 5: Chemical analysis of BOFS.
0.01 0.10 1.00 10.00 100.00 Component Percentage
Sieve size (mm) SiO2 11.22
Lower Limit
FeO 12.26
Used Grading
AL2O3 0.73
Upper Limit
MgO 2.15
P2O5 2.35
Figure 1: Grading of aggregate. MnO 5.02
K 2O 0.01
Na2O 0.02
Table 2: Chemical analysis of cement. CaO 50.11
TFe 15.39
Component Percentage
SiO2 22.0
Fe2O3 3.82 a 14.5 cm steel plate was placed on top of the aggregate.
AL2O3 5.00 Ten, 40 blows were applied by a 4.5 kg hammer falling from
MgO 1.90
a height of 45 cm. Te other three layers were similarly
CaO 64.00
SO3 1.50 compacted. After compaction, the specimens were left in the
K2O 0.49 mold for a day and then removed and kept in water for
Na2O 0.25 28 days to ensure complete hydration of the concrete. Tis
L.O.I 1.0 method of sample preparation allowed for consistent and
reliable results in testing the mechanical and electrical
properties of the RCC samples.

Table 3: Physical properties of cement. 3.1. Mix Proportion. Te volumetric method was chosen for
this study due to the higher specifc gravity of the added
Setting time Compressive strength materials, including slag, steel fbers, and steel shavings,
Blaine (cm2/gr) (min) (kg/cm2) compared to the natural aggregate. Tis method ensures that
Initial Final 3 days 7 days 28 days the proportion of each component is accurately measured by
3000 ± 50 95 ± 5 150 ± 10 >170 >275 >370 volume. In this study, steel fbers were added at volumetric
percentages of 0.4, 0.7, and 1% of the total aggregate, while
steel shavings were added at volumetric percentages of 3, 5,
according to ASTM D1557 [22]. Te Marshall Hammer can and 7% of the fne aggregate. Te mix designs for all samples
compact samples and produce a similar density compared to are presented in detail in Table 7. Te precise amounts of
the samples taken from the feld compacted RCC pavement. each component were carefully calculated to ensure optimal
In this study, cylindrical molds with a diameter of performance and economy of the fnal RCC. Te mix designs
150 mm and a height of 300 mm were used to compact the were formulated to achieve the desired strength and dura-
RCC samples in four layers using a Marshall Hammer. For bility properties while also considering the cost-efectiveness
the frst layer, the materials were poured into the mold, and of the fnal product. Te use of the volumetric method for
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Advances in Civil Engineering 5

(a) (b)

Figure 2: Steel fbers used in this study (a) separately and (b) in the mixture.

were evaluated for each mix design to ensure the accuracy

Table 6: Properties of steel fbers. and reliability of the results. During the test, a vertical
Property Value compressive force was applied, which resulted in tensile
Fiber diameter (mm) 0.8 tension in the horizontal direction. Te ITS value was cal-
Tensile strength (MPa) 1150 culated using the following equation:
Elongation (%) <3 2P
Length (mm) 35 ITS � , (1)
Specifc gravity 7.69
Aspect ratio 43.74 where P, D, and t represent the peak load until failure in
Newtons, the diameter in centimeters, and the thickness in
centimeters, respectively. Te study was conducted using the
proportioning the components of RCC is essential to ensure observed average diameters and thicknesses, and no ad-
the accurate and efcient production of high-quality and justments were made to the readings acquired from the test
cost-efective materials. instrument. At least four replicate samples were evaluated
for each of the mix designs to ensure the accuracy and
3.2. Compressive Strength Test. To test the compressive consistency of the results. Te ITS values obtained from the
strength of the RCC samples, cylindrical specimens with test were used to evaluate the performance of the RCC
a diameter of 150 mm and a height of 300 mm were prepared samples with diferent mix designs.
in accordance with the ASTM C39 [23] standard. In total,
three samples were taken from each mix design to ensure 3.4. Specifc Gravity. Te specifc gravity of a material is an
accuracy and reliability of the test results. After casting and important factor that can afect its properties, such as com-
compaction, the samples were left to cure in water for pressive strength, durability, and workability. Since the specifc
28 days to attain maximum strength. Te compressive gravity of slag and steel fbers and shavings is diferent from that
strength was then tested using a hydraulic compression of natural stone, it was expected that the specifc gravity of the
machine, and the average value of the three samples was mix designs would be altered compared to ordinary RCC.
recorded. Te results of the compressive strength tests for all Terefore, in this study, a specifc gravity test was performed for
the samples are presented in Figure 4. It should be noted that all of the mix designs. Initially, the specimens’ saturated surface-
compressive strength is an essential parameter for evaluating dry weight was measured, and then, the weight of each sample
the ability of RCC to withstand compressive loads and is an under water was determined using an Arashmidus scale. Te
important factor in designing RCC pavements. SSD specifc gravity of the samples was calculated based on these
measurements. Te results of the specifc gravity test provided
useful information for evaluating the mix designs’ properties and
3.3. Split Tensile Strength Test. Te indirect tensile stress
helped to ensure that the required specifcations were met.
(ITS) of RCC samples was evaluated using the IDT test
method according to the ASTM C496 [24] standard, which
involved applying a uniform compressive force of 50 mm per 3.5. Electrical Resistance. To perform the electrical resistivity
minute to cylindrical samples of 150 × 300 mm after 28 days test on all samples, a thin layer of cement paste was used to
of water curing (Figure 5). At least four replicate samples make a proper contact between the concrete sample surface
7074, 2023, 1, Downloaded from https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1155/2023/6036906 by University of San Carlos, Wiley Online Library on [09/07/2024]. See the Terms and Conditions (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/terms-and-conditions) on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
6 Advances in Civil Engineering

Figure 3: Steel shaving used in this study.

and two copper metal electrodes. Te sample was in the form replacing the coarse aggregate with slag slightly decreases the
of a wet cylindrical shape, as shown in Figure 6. Te elec- compressive strength of concrete compared to the control
trodes were then connected to a 3.75-volt AC power supply, samples. Tis could be attributed to the low glass content
and the current passing through each sample was measured and high iron oxide content of the basic oxygen furnace steel
during the test. Te electrical resistance of the cylindrical slag, which limits the formation of calcium silicate hydrate
sample was calculated using the following equation: (C-S-H) gel and, therefore, reduces its pozzolanic activity
V with Portland cement. However, the addition of steel fbers
R� , (2) to the concrete leads to a signifcant improvement in
compressive strength, with the strength improving greatly as
where R is the apparent resistance in ohms, V is the voltage in the percentage of steel fbers increases. On the other hand,
volts, and I is the current in amperes. When a current passes replacing the fne aggregate with steel shavings causes
through concrete without conductive components, it must go a remarkable reduction in the compressive strength of
through aggregate or cement paste, which has a very high concrete compared to the control samples. Tis may be due
electrical resistance and cannot easily pass the current. How- to the difculty of dispersing the steel shavings in the cement
ever, when conductive materials such as steel fbers and steel mortar and the lack of pozzolanic reaction between steel
shavings are added to the concrete, they can easily pass the shavings and cement paste, as steel shavings are metallic in
current through the material due to their connection with each nature and lack the chemical properties necessary to un-
other and with the concrete matrix (Figure 6). As the charge dergo a pozzolanic reaction. Nevertheless, the incorporation
passes through the concrete, the specimen acts as a thermal of steel fbers into samples containing steel shavings com-
element and its temperature begins to increase. After mea- pensates for the strength reduction, and with a higher
suring the apparent resistance of each sample using equation percentage of steel fbers, the strength loss reduces and
(2), the specifc electrical resistance of the concrete was cal- approaches the level of the fber-reinforced concrete samples
culated using the following equation for all specimens: without steel shavings.
L 4.2. Indirect Tensile Strength. Te results of the indirect
tensile strength test are presented in Figure 8. Te BOFS
� (3) sample showed a slight decrease in tensile strength com-
IL pared to the control sample, which may be due to the lower
1 pozzolanic reaction between the cement paste and BOFS
� , aggregate. On the other hand, the addition of steel fbers to
Condu ctivity
RCC samples resulted in higher tensile strength, with the
where ρ is specifc electrical resistivity (Ω.m), R is apparent sample containing 1% of steel fbers exhibiting the highest
resistance (Ω), A is the cross section of the sample (m2), and strength (4.5 MPa). Te split tensile strength decreased
L is the height of sample (m). slightly with the replacement of steel shavings, which could
be attributed to the lower pozzolanic reaction between the
4. Results and Discussion cement paste and BOFS aggregate. However, the addition of
0.7% and 1% of fbers increased the tensile strength com-
4.1. Compressive Strength. Te compressive strength test pared to the control sample. For the samples containing steel
results are presented in Figure 7. Te results indicate that shavings with 0.7% and 1% of steel fbers, the introduction of
Advances in Civil Engineering

Table 7: Te characteristics of RCC mix design used in the study.

Natural coarse aggregate BOFS Natural fne aggregate
RCC sample Steel fber (%) Steel shaving (%) Water (kg/m3) Cement (kg/m3)
(kg/m3) coarse aggregate (kg/m3) (kg/m3)
RCC-P0 830 0 1190 0 0 114.0
BOFS 0 1022 1190 0 0 116.1
BOFS-F0.4 0 1018 1184 0.4 0 114.3
BOFS-F0.7 0 1015 1180 0.7 0 112.5
BOFS-F1 0 1012 1177 1 0 110.2
BOFS-S3 0 1022 1153 0 3 115.9
BOFS-S5 0 1022 1130 0 5 115.7
BOFS-S7 0 1022 1106 0 7 115.4
BOFS-F0.4-S3 0 1018 1149 0.4 3 114.3 300
BOFS-F0.4-S5 0 1018 1125 0.4 5 114.1
BOFS-F0.4-S7 0 1018 1101 0.4 7 113.9
BOFS-F0.7-S3 0 1015 1145 0.7 3 112.6
BOFS-F0.7-S5 0 1015 1121 0.7 5 112.3
BOFS-F0.7-S7 0 1015 1097 0.7 7 112.1
BOFS-F1-S3 0 1012 1041 1 3 111.2
BOFS-F1-S5 0 1012 1018 1 5 111.0
BOFS-F1-S7 0 1012 994 1 7 110.5

7074, 2023, 1, Downloaded from https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1155/2023/6036906 by University of San Carlos, Wiley Online Library on [09/07/2024]. See the Terms and Conditions (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/terms-and-conditions) on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
7074, 2023, 1, Downloaded from https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1155/2023/6036906 by University of San Carlos, Wiley Online Library on [09/07/2024]. See the Terms and Conditions (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/terms-and-conditions) on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
8 Advances in Civil Engineering

Figure 4: Compressive strength test.

Figure 5: Tensile strength test.

higher percentages of steel shavings resulted in a strength control sample. Tis can be attributed to the lower pozzo-
loss. Tis could be due to the lack of or weaker transmit lanic activity and weaker transmit region of the slag ag-
region around the steel shavings, resulting in a reduction in gregate, which outweighs any positive efects of the high iron
tensile strength. Furthermore, the strength compensation of oxide content on electrical resistance.
steel fbers decreased. Upon adding 0.4% of steel fbers to the concrete mix,
a sharp drop in electrical resistance is observed, which
slightly decreases with higher percentages of steel fbers. In
4.3. Electrical Resistance. Figures 9 and 10 depict the elec- contrast, the addition of steel shavings leads to a signifcant
trical resistance and specifc electrical resistance, re- reduction in electrical resistance in the RCC samples. In
spectively, of the RCC samples. As seen in the fgures, the samples containing 1% steel fbers with varying percentages
BOFS sample exhibits higher electrical resistivity than the of steel shavings, the electrical resistance is slightly lower
7074, 2023, 1, Downloaded from https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1155/2023/6036906 by University of San Carlos, Wiley Online Library on [09/07/2024]. See the Terms and Conditions (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/terms-and-conditions) on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
Advances in Civil Engineering 9

Heavy weight
Copper plate

Fresh cement paste

RCC sample

Figure 6: Electrical resistance test.

Compressive Strength (Mpa)


















Figure 7: Compressive strength of 28 days cured specimens.

compared to samples with only steel shavings. Notably, the 4.4. Bulk Specifc Gravity. In Figure 11, the bulk specifc
samples containing 0.7 and 1% of steel fbers with 7% of steel gravity of various mixtures is presented. It is observed that
shavings exhibit a sharp decrease in electrical resistance and the specifc gravity of all the samples is higher than the
a signifcant increase in concrete conductivity when com- control sample. Te addition of the slag aggregate to the
pared to the control sample. Tis is likely due to the presence concrete results in an increase in the specifc gravity com-
of more electrically conductive compounds, namely, steel pared to the control sample. Tis can be attributed to the
fbers and shavings, which create a network of conductive higher specifc gravity of slag than conventional natural
pathways throughout the material. Tis network facilitates materials. Moreover, specimens that were solely made up of
the fow of electricity through the concrete, leading to steel shavings or steel fbers exhibited a higher specifc
a decrease in electrical resistance and an increase in gravity than the control sample and the BOFS specimen, as
conductivity. steel has a high specifc gravity. In composite samples, the

Specific Electrical Resistance (ohm.m) Electrical Resistance (ohm) Indirect Tensile Strength (MPa)






BOFS-F0.4-S3 BOFS-F0.4-S3 BOFS-F0.4-S3



BOFS-F0.4-S5 BOFS-F0.4-S5 BOFS-F0.4-S5

BOFS-F0.4-S7 BOFS-F0.4-S7 BOFS-F0.4-S7

Figure 9: Electrical resistance.

BOFS-F0.7-S3 BOFS-F0.7-S3 BOFS-F0.7-S3

Figure 10: Specifc electrical resistance.

BOFS-F0.7-S5 BOFS-F0.7-S5 BOFS-F0.7-S5

BOFS-F0.7-S7 BOFS-F0.7-S7 BOFS-F0.7-S7

Figure 8: Split tensile strength of 28 days cured specimens.




Advances in Civil Engineering

7074, 2023, 1, Downloaded from https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1155/2023/6036906 by University of San Carlos, Wiley Online Library on [09/07/2024]. See the Terms and Conditions (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/terms-and-conditions) on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
7074, 2023, 1, Downloaded from https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1155/2023/6036906 by University of San Carlos, Wiley Online Library on [09/07/2024]. See the Terms and Conditions (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/terms-and-conditions) on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
Advances in Civil Engineering 11




Specific Gravity




















Figure 11: Specifc gravity.

specifc gravity continued to increase with the addition of (4) Te BOFS aggregate, steel fbers, and shavings, when
fbers and steel shavings. Furthermore, it was observed that added to the concrete, result in an increase in the
a higher percentage of steel fbers led to a higher specifc bulk specifc gravity.
gravity. (5) Considering all the test results, it can be concluded
that BOFS concrete samples containing 0.7% steel
5. Conclusion fbers along with 7% of steel shavings result in
comparable and better performance in terms of
In this study, the feasibility of using steel fbers and steel
compressive and tensile strengths, while producing
shavings in RCC containing coarse BOFS aggregate was
signifcantly lower electrical resistivity in compari-
investigated in order to improve its mechanical properties
son with the control mixture.
and to produce electrically conductive and environmentally-
friendly concrete. Te following conclusions can be drawn In summary, the fndings of this study indicate that the
based on the compressive, tensile, electrical resistivity, and use of steel fbers and steel shavings in RCC containing
specifc gravity of the various mixtures: BOFS aggregate can improve its mechanical properties,
make it electrically conductive, and maintain its environ-
(1) Te use of BOFS in RCC as coarse aggregate alone is
mental friendliness. Terefore, the use of these materials is
not enough and cannot achieve the mechanical
a feasible and practical solution for the production of RCC
properties required for RCC, but its compressive
with improved properties, which can be used in various
strength can be increased by adding steel fbers to RCC.
applications, such as pavements and dam constructions.
Te use of steel fbers reinforces the RCC samples and
the compressive strength of concrete increases. How-
ever, the steel shavings have a destructive efect on Data Availability
compressive strength, but with a combination of steel Te data that support the fndings of the study are available
fbers, this destructive efect reduces. from the corresponding author upon request.
(2) Te addition of BOFS aggregate and steel shavings
replacement causes a reduction in the tensile Conflicts of Interest
strength of the RCC, which can be compensated by
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