Fosroc Conbextra Cementitious Grouts Application Guide
Fosroc Conbextra Cementitious Grouts Application Guide
Fosroc Conbextra Cementitious Grouts Application Guide
Application of Conbextra Cementitious Levelling Screws (Bolts) - the best method. Threaded holes
Grouts are made through the baseplate; bolts are threaded into these
holes from the top and the tip of the bolt rests on metal pads
Installing Conbextra Grouts positioned on the foundation. The bolts are turned up or down
to achieve the correct level of the machine; the grout installed
The following information is provided as a guide to typical
and when hard enough the bolts can be backed out of the
grouting of machine bases. If any doubt exists on site
threaded holes leaving only the grout to support the weight of
regarding the product or process being used it is important
the machine. One of the things to make this process a success
that consultation with all parties involved takes place and
is to isolate the thread of the leveling bolts from adhering to the
then proceed with an agreed plan.
grout (especially resin grouts) - this can be achieved with
petrolatum tape or rubber tubing around the bolt.
Preparation of the foundation
The concrete foundation or plinth on to which we are
grouting our machine or similar will generally have been cast
weeks before the grouting is to take place. A minimum 28
days (4 weeks) curing should be allowed unless special
concrete mixes are being used.
Remove the laitance layer from the surface of the cured
concrete. This is a weak layer which could affect the bond
strength to the foundation. It is critical that the laitance layer
is removed without damaging the concrete below. The end
result should be a surface showing around 50% clean
aggregate with no dust or loose material evident.
Scabblers and Chipping guns are very effective methods of
preparation. When using the correct multi-point heads, these Typical levelling screw
machines produce a sufficiently low impact force which will arrangement
not disrupt the aggregate in the concrete but easily removes
the cement matrix. Small hand units are available and larger
units for larger areas.
Anchor bolts
Captive Blast machines are very effective for preparing large
It is common practice for anchor bolt / holding down bolts to
areas. These machines are adjustable to meet most concrete
be grouted into preformed pockets as part of the grouting
strength and depth of removal required.
process. Epoxy resin based grouts or specialist anchoring
products are best for this as they have greater bond strength
Machine / Baseplate Installation and tensile strength than typical cement based grouts. It is
The baseplate will first be positioned and levelled to the important that the filling of the anchor pockets is done as a
required height leaving a gap to be grouted. Following are separate process to the general grout application to ensure
several leveling methods commonly used on site. the anchor pockets are filled without entrapping air.
Threaded bolt with 2 nuts - this is a If cement based grouts are being used for anchoring then the
common way to level small baseplates in anchor pocket must be pre-soaked with water for at least 2
non-critical applications. The lower nut hours (preferably 24 hours) and the water vacuumed out just
under the baseplate can be adjusted up prior to the grout being placed. The anchor holes must also
or down to suit and the top not is be undercut (tapered) or rough sided to provide mechanical
tightened to “sandwich” the baseplate resistance to pulling out. This is also the case when using
into position. This method is not polyester resin based anchoring systems which have limited
recommended as after grouting, the bond strength and are prone to shrinkage.
weight of the machine is still resting
mostly on the lower nut and the threaded Depending on the particular application and engineering
bolt; post-tensioning is impossible requirements, there may be a requirement for the anchor
(tightening the top not just squashes the bolts to be isolated from the grout and even from part length
baseplate without tensioning it down) of the anchor material to allow for free stretch in the bolt
when tensioned at the end of the installation. This can be
Metal shim plates - a common process used to level large achieved using foam pipe insulation or petrolatum wrapping
equipment. The machine is lifted and thin metal shims are tape or similar. Refer to the relevant design requirement on
placed under the baseplate on to the concrete foundation and site.
the machine lowered on to the shims however unless the shims
are removed after grouting, they will (like the bolt and 2 nuts)
bear most of the weight; post tensioning is not possible unless
the shims are removed.
The method of installation (placement) will determine the
extent and type of formwork required. Small baseplates
which are being grouted using a “dry pack” method will only
require basic formwork to be erected on the 2 back edges to
provide a “stop” to pack the grout in against and then work
forward. Trowel applied grouts will be similar to dry pack and
both of these types of applications will typically be done
using a suitable cement based grout.
Flowable and fluid applications require much more complex
formwork to achieve the desired result. The grout should be Typical lateral formwork arrangement
flowed in a single pass from one side of the baseplate to the
other – ideally across the smaller dimension. The most Pre-soak the substrate
common arrangement is a header box on one side into which One step in process of installing cement based grouts which
the grout will be poured, lateral formwork against the is often overlooked is pre-soaking the concrete foundation
baseplate to direct the flow and maintain the head of before applying cement based grout. This simple thing can
pressure and the exit form which allows the progress of the have a dramatic effect on the outcome. This only applies to
grout to be monitored. For large pours it may be necessary cement based grouts – do NOT pre-soak when using resin
to construct a moveable header box which can be moved based grouts.
along the length of the pour or have several header boxes
Once the formwork is in place and any sealant applied had
and simultaneously pour the grout in. NEVER attempt to
cured sufficiently the formwork should be filled with clean
pour grout from more than one side unless the pour has
potable water for a minimum of 2 hours, preferably 24 hours
been well planned with air relief holes positioned in the
before the grout is applied. This has three benefits;
minimises moisture loss into a dry concrete foundation
Formwork materials – it is important that once the installed during the initial setting of the grout; increases flow
grout has set that any formwork can be easily removed properties – pouring a flowable or fluid cement based grout
without damaging the grout. This is particularly the case with on to a dry concrete foundation will result in greatly reduced
cement based grouts which will often be “stripped” before the flow of the grout; increases bond strength to the concrete
grout has achieved significant strength. Good quality new foundation.
form-ply can generally used for cement based grouts without
During construction of the formwork, incorporate sealable
the need for form release agents however if the grout is
outlets for the pre-soaking water to be drained out.
found to be sticking to the formwork a thin application of a
quality form release should limit this – be careful not to allow
form release agent to contaminate the prepared concrete Mixing
foundation. Correct mixing of the grout is critical to the success of the
total job. Sufficient man power and suitable equipment is
When it does come time to remove the formwork use a essential.
gentle tapping action to protect the fresh grout which may
still be relatively weak. Temperature considerations - All grouts should be stored
(pre-conditioned) at suitable temperatures – typically above
The following drawings are examples of formwork set ups 10oC and below 30oC; ideal conditions are at 23oC. This not
when installing flowable / fluid grouts. There may be only protects the shelf life of the product but also improves
variations of these required on site depending on the actual the mixing and placement properties of the products. In hot
configuration and shape of the situation but the basic regions, chilled water should used in cement based grouts to
principle remains to flow the grout via a header box on one help lower mixing temperatures; products should be kept in
side, under the baseplate in one flow to the opposite side. shaded areas to lower mix temperatures.
The water:cement ratio in cement based grout is critical to
the strength achieved and to the consistency required for the
application. Water must be of drinkable quality (potable) and
must be accurately measured in line with the product data
sheet – never exceed the recommended maximum water
addition. The water should always be poured into the mixing
vessel first then the grout powder added while mixing
progresses. Mixing time should be monitored with a
stopwatch / clock to ensure sufficient time for the additives to
begin working to produce the required final product –
generally in the range of 3 to 5 minutes once all the powder
Typical grout formwork set up has been added.
Mixing equipment - Various mixing equipment is available Larger baseplates should be grouted by forming up the area
for cement based grouts from simple 20 litre bucket and and pouring or pumping the grout into place. When flowing a
hand held mixers to complex high volume mixing machines grout under a baseplate it should be done in one continuous
with built in pumps for large projects. The important thing is pour action, from one side only, until the grout emerges from
that the mixer can shear the grout powder and water for under the baseplate on the opposite side. This helps ensure
around 3 minutes (refer to specific product data sheet) to any air or residual pre-soak water is expelled and there
produce a thoroughly mixed product before it is pumped. should be complete contact of the grout and the entire
Free-fall type “concrete mixers” are generally not suitable underside of the baseplate. During this process it is
and should not be used. BEWARE: some “grout pumps” are acceptable to gently “rod” the grout or use flexible strapping
only suitable for cement slurry grouts containing no to help the flow however with cement based grouts this
aggregate – these machines will generally not be suitable for should be kept to a minimum as excessive vibration of the
Conbextra cementitious grouts. Mixing by hand is also not mix could result in water segregating from the grout which
acceptable except for cement based “dry-pack” consistency will accumulate under the baseplate and severely affect the
applications. Parchem can provide advice on suppliers of effective bearing area. Vibrators should never be used.
suitable mixing equipment.
Pumping grouts through injection ports in a baseplate is
possible providing it is well planned to ensure air pockets are
not created. Pumping grout under baseplates horizontally is
Place cement based grout in small volumes by mixing the also acceptable; the hose should be inserted to the farthest
product to a trowellable consistency, push the product into point under the baseplate and slowly withdrawn as the grout
place under the baseplate and finish the edges generally at a is pumped in. This can also be a useful procedure to
45o slope from the bottom of the baseplates out onto the complete a failed grout pour where the initial grout pour has
foundation as shown in the image below; failed to reach to opposite side for some reason.
Important notice
A Safety Data Sheets (SDS) and Technical Data Sheets (TDS) are available from the Fosroc website. Read the SDS and TDS carefully prior to use as application or performance data may
change from time to time. In emergency, contact any Poisons Information Centre (phone 13 11 26 within Australia) or a doctor for advice.
Product disclaimer
This Application Guide summarises our best knowledge of the product, including how to use and apply the product based on the information available at the time. You should read all literature
carefully and consider the information in the context of how the product will be used, including in conjunction with any other product and the type of surfaces to, and the manner in which, the
product will be applied. Our responsibility for products sold is subject to our standard terms and conditions of sale. Parchem does not accept any liability either directly or indirectly for any
losses suffered in connection with the use or application of the product whether or not in accordance with any advice, specification, recommendation or information given by it.
Fosroc, Conbextra and the Fosroc logo are Parchem Construction Supplies Pty Ltd
trade marks of Fosroc International Limited, 7 Lucca Road, Wyong NSW 2259
used under license. Ph: 1800 812 864 ABN 80 069 961 968
Distributed in New Zealand by: Concrete Plus Ltd
constructive solutions 150 Hutt Park Road Gracefield Ph: 0800 657 156
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