U.S. v. Combs - Judge ROBYN F. TARNO SKY Order

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Case 1:24-cr-00542-ALC Document 14 Filed 09/18/24 Page 1 of 3



24 CR 542 (ALC) (RFT)


------------------------ ----------------------------------X
ROBYN F. TARNO SKY, United States Magistrate Judge:

This Order is entered, pursuant to Federal Rule of Criminal Procedure 5(f) and the Due

Process Protectio s Act, Pub. L. No 116-182, 134 Stat. 894 (Oct. 21, 2020), to confirm the

Government's dis losure obligations under Brady v. Maryland, 373 U.S. 83 {1963), and its

progeny, and to s mmarize the possible consequences of violating those obligations.

The Gover ment must disclose to the defense all information "favorable to an accused"

that is "material ei her to guilt or to punishment" and that is known to the Government. Id. at

87. This obligation applies regardless of whether the defendant requests this information or

whether the infor ation would itself constitute admissible evidence. The Government shall

disclose such infor ation to the defense promptly after its existence becomes known to the

Government so th · t the defense may make effective use of the information in the preparation

of its case.

As part oft ese obligations, the Government must disclose any information that can be

used to impeach t e trial testimony of a Government witness within the meaning of Giglio v.

United States, 405 U.S. 150 (1972), and its progeny. Such information must be disclosed
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sufficiently in adv nee of trial in order for the defendant to make effective use of it at trial or at

such other time a the Court may order. 1

The forego ng obligations are continuing ones and apply to materials that become

known to the Gov rnment in the future. These obligations also apply to information that is

otherwise subject o disclosure regardless of whether the Government believes it.

In the even the Government believes that a disclosure under this Order would

compromise witne s safety, victim rights, national security, a sensitive law-enforcement

technique, or any ther substantial government interest, it may apply to the Court for a

modification of its bligations, which may include in camera review or withholding or subjecting

to a protective ord r all or part of the information otherwise subject to disclosure. 2

For purpose of this Order, the Government has an affirmative obligation to seek all

information subjec to disclosure under this Order from all current or former federal, state, and

local prosecutors, I w enforcement officers, and other officers who have participated in the

prosecution, or inv stigation that led to the prosecution, of the offense or offenses with which

the defendant is ch rged.

If the Gover ment fails to comply with this Order, the Court, in addition to ordering

production of the in ormation, may:

(1) specify the t rms and conditions of such production;

(2) grant a conti uance;

1. This Order does not purport to set forth an exhaustive list of the Government's disclosure obligations.

2. The Classified lnfor ation Procedures Act sets forth separate procedures to be followed in the event
that the Gove nment believes matters relating to classified information may arise in connection
with the pros cution. See 18 U.S.C. app. 3 §§ 1 et seq.
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(3) impose evi entiary sanctions;

(4) impose co tempt or other sanctions on any lawyers responsible for violations of the

Govern me t's disclosure obligations, or refer the matter to disciplinary authorities;

(5) dismiss charges before trial or vacate a conviction after trial or a guilty plea; or

(6) enter any o her order that is just under the circumstances.

DATED: Septembe 18, 2024

New York, Y

United States Magistrate Judge

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