Case Study Egyptian Refining Company Project Cairo
Case Study Egyptian Refining Company Project Cairo
Case Study Egyptian Refining Company Project Cairo
The work for this project was generously funded by the Climate and Clean Air Coalition to Reduce Short-Lived Climate Pollutants.
have been constructed since 1973 and the second-largest driver of the decision to produce Euro V fuel (Tom
facility was built in 1913 (Citadel Capital, 2012). Thomason, personal correspondence).
There is one major initiative that will increase the flow ERC has the backing of the EGPC, a state-owned entity
of low sulfur fuel in Egypt: a new facility planned by the that administers the industry under the Ministry of
Egyptian Refining Company (ERC). The ERC was incorpo- Petroleum. All feedstock utilized by the ERC refinery will
rated in July, 2007, and its refinery will be a major upgrade be provided by CORC, and EGPC will purchase all refined
to the existing Cairo Oil Refinery Company (CORC). CORC products. Coke and sulfur, byproducts of the refining
is the nation’s largest refinery, located near Cairo. It has process, will be sold on the open market. The facility will
been in operation since 1969 and is relatively inefficient in also produce reformate and naphtha which EGPC will
terms of producing diesel and gasoline: 67% of its output is blend into existing stocks to increase the quality of other
fuel oil. The ERC refinery will take straight run atmospheric products, primarily gasoline (Citadel Capital, 2012). Initial
residue from CORC—this is essentially low quality fuel oil work on site preparation began in July 2012, and the
that CORC does not have capacity to upgrade—and refine project manager, is currently mobilizing subcontractors
it into diesel and other higher-value products. The total to start construction. Operations are scheduled to begin
expected production of the ERC refinery will be about in early 2017 and continue for 25 years (Egyptian Refining
4.5 million tons of refined products and byproducts per Company, 2011; Oil & Gas Journal, 2014).
year. Of this, 2.255 million tons will be Euro V diesel, 599
thousand tons jet fuel, 522 tons reformate (a blending
component of gasoline), 336 tons naphtha, 315 tons fuel 5. Refinery financing
oil, and 79 tons LPG annually. The refinery is also expected ERC was incorporated in 2007 for the sole purpose of
to produce 453 tons of coke and 96 tons of sulfur as constructing and operating this refinery. The company is
byproducts of the refining process. The refinery will have owned 82% by Orient Investment Properties Limited, 15%
a hydrocracker (capacity of 40,800 barrels per day, with by EGPC, and 3% by other investors (IFC, 2014).
hydrogen produced onsite), delayed coker (25,000 bpd),
diesel hydrotreater (32,100 bpd) and naphtha hydrotreater At a total expected cost of 3.7 billion USD, ERC’s refinery
(22,600 bpd) (Citadel Capital, 2012; GS E&C). is financed by a number of international investors and
development banks. $1.1 billion in equity was provided
by EGPC, Qatar Petroleum International (QPI), Citadel
4. Refinery project overview Capital (owns 11.7% of the project), the World Bank
While the ERC project has been developed in close coop- affiliated IFC (3% share), the Dutch and German develop-
eration with the Egyptian Government, the initial impetus ment banks FMO and DEG, InfraMed Fund, and investors
for the project came from the private sector (Citadel from Egypt and Gulf Cooperation Council countries
Capital). The opportunity for developing the ERC project (Citadel Capital, 2012; IFC). The remaining $2.6 billion
comes from the large local supply of low-cost fuel oil needed for the project was secured in a debt package
feedstock, and the context of Egypt’s increasing demand provided by a number of private and development banks,
for diesel and dependence on diesel imports, which has including: Japan Bank for International Cooperation and
enabled Government support. While there are environ- Nippon Export and Investment Insurance (JBIC and NEXI,
mental side benefits, primarily producing ultra-low sulfur providing 0.9 billion USD combined), Export-Import Bank
diesel at 10 ppm (Citadel Capital, 2012; Egyptian Refining of Korea (KEXIM, providing 0.8 billion USD), European
Company, 2011), fuel desulfurization is not seen as a Investment Bank (EIB, providing 0.5 billion USD), African
primary driver of the project. The capacity being built Development Bank (AfDB, providing 0.2 billion USD),
for the ERC project consists entirely of complex refining with the remainder of debt provided by Mitsui & Co, Bank
units able to upgrade fuel oil. These units generally have of Tokyo-Mitsubishi, HSBC, Calyon Credit Agricole, and
the highest operating margins (IEA, 2014). By separating CIB (Citadel Capital, 2012; Korea Investment & Securities
high-margin complex refinery units (coker, hydrocracker Co., Ltd, 2012). $2.35 billion of this debt package is
etc.) from the lower-margin simple refinery units operated senior debt, or debt for which the lenders have priority
by CORC, the ERC project is able to offer better returns to in repayment, and $225 million is subordinated debt, for
investors than would be possible if building entirely new which lenders do not have priority in repayment (Citadel
refinery capacity including atmospheric distillation. Capital, 2012; Egyptian Refining Company, 2011). This
major debt package was completed in August, 2010
The Egyptian Petroleum Corporation (EGPC) will blend (Citadel Capital, 2010).
clean fuel produced at ERC with lower quality fuel from
other refineries, which will improve the overall quality of The project’s developers took several measures to
the fuel mix in Cairo. The opportunity to deliver improved improve the environmental footprint of the refinery
local air quality through improved fuel quality was one in order to facilitate financing with international
institutions such as the European Investment Bank. of Beijing, where the city government secured mainland
The decision to produce Euro V fuel was made partly China’s first supply of 50 ppm and later 10 ppm sulfur
for this reason. As another example, CORC will switch diesel, later followed by national commitments to follow
to using natural gas in its on-site operations that had these standards (, 2014), and Bogota,
previously burned high sulfur fuel oil, one of a handful which spearheaded the adoption of 50 ppm sulfur diesel
of measures that will improve local air quality (Tom for the city’s bus fleet, which has been followed by a 50
Thomason, personal correspondence). ppm nationwide standard for Colombia (UNEP, 2012;
Minambiente, 2014).
ERC will sell diesel to EGPC at a 1% discount on market
prices for ultra low sulfur diesel. This discount, combined
with savings to the Government due to lower transporta- 7. Conclusions and lessons learned
tion costs and with various fees paid by the ERC, will
The ERC project suggests a pathway towards fuel desulfur-
deliver approximately $300 million savings annually for
ization for countries with existing low-complexity refinery
the Egyptian Government (Citadel Capital, 2012; Tom
capacity, but which are not producing low-sulfur fuels.
Thomason, personal correspondence). Note that while
Complex, high-conversion refinery units (such as cokers
this arrangement will deliver savings to the Egyptian
and hydrocrackers) deliver better margins than simple
Government as compared to importing the equivalent
refinery units such as atmospheric distillation. By creating
volume of fuel, the Egyptian Government currently
in ERC a separate financial entity operating only the high-
subsidizes fuel by buying and selling petroleum at below
margin part of the refinery business, financing was made
international market prices (African Economic Outlook,
2013), while ERC will be allowed to sell its products to much more viable. Upgrading high-sulfur fuel oil to diesel
EGPC at market price (Citadel Capital, 2012). This context and other higher-value products allows the quality of road
is starting to change, and the Egyptian Government fuel to be improved while reducing industrial emissions.
recently reduced the subsidies for liquid fuel and natural
This project demonstrates that major refinery upgrades
gas, increasing fuel prices at the pump by more than 70%
can make economic sense at a national level, even ignoring
(Reuters, 2014).
environmental benefits, if they allow the production of
more valuable fuel and alleviate import dependence (and
6. B
arriers/opportunities to low sulfur reduce the risk domestic fuel shortages in this case). ERC
also demonstrates that with a solid and environmen-
fuel adoption
tally responsible plan, it is possible to attract sufficient
The development of the ERC project has withstood a financing through a combination of different types of
global financial recession (starting in 2008) as well as a financial institutions.
revolution (2011) and ongoing political crisis. In particular,
there were concerns about the validity of the Egyptian
Government’s guarantee status for lenders following References
the 2011 revolution (Credit Suisse, 2012). These financial
African Economic Outlook (2013). “Egypt.” Report accessed
concerns contributed to delaying the ERC from securing
on April 11, 2014. Available at http://www.africaneco-
financing for a number of years (Korea Investment &
Securities Co., Ltd, 2012), resulting in a delay in construc-
tion from an original schedule of 2007-2011 to 2014-2017 Asian Clean Fuels Association (July, 2010). “Africa Fuel
(Oil & Gas Journal, 2014). Quality Update—Progress & Challenges. Monthly pub-
lication, Vol. 8 Issue 5.
ERC’s facility will produce fuel at the EURO V standard,
Citadel Capital (2010). “Citadel Capital Announces US$2.6
far cleaner than other fuel available in the country,
bn Debt Package for Refinery.” Press release. Accessed
and the output of this refinery could supply 35% of
on April 2, 2014. Available at: http://citadelcapital.
Egypt’s current diesel demand. 3 This high contribu-
tion of ultra-low sulfur diesel could potentially allow
the Egyptian Environmental Affairs Agency to begin
mandating diesel fuel quality standards in the future. Citadel Capital (2012 note I’m guessing on the publica-
One pathway could be to first implement a low sulfur tion year based on when the majority of articles
diesel standard for Cairo alone, paving the way for a later reporting on this release were published). How to:
nation-wide standard. This would follow the examples Finance a $3.7 billion Refinery Project Despite Global
Crises and a Revolution.
3 Calculated from the ERC facility’s expected diesel import displacement
of 50% (Citadel Capital, 2012), and estimate that 70% of Egypt’s diesel Credit Suisse Securities Research & Analytics. (April 10,
consumed in the country is imported (Financial Times, 2013). 2012). Equity Research: GS E&C.
Crude Oil Peak. (June 28, 2013). “Egypt Diesel shortages: Minambiente (2014). “030210 Euro IV: Minambiente
Feeling the pinch in Egypt’s new era.” Accessed announces modern and efficient engine technology
April 17, 2014. Available at: to reduce vehicle emissions. Website accessed April
egypt-diesel-shortages 11, 2014. Available at
Egyptian Environmental Affairs Agency, within the Ministry
of State for Environmental Affairs (2009). “Minister Oil & Gas Journal (2012). “2012 Worldwide Refinery
Interviews: What is the Egyptian Government doing to Survey—Capacities as of Jan. 1, 2013”, Edited by Leena
solve air pollution in Cairo?” Website accessed on April Koottungal. PennWell Corporation: Houston, TX.
2, 2014. Available at: Available at
main/allinterviews.asp?Interview_ID=3 Oil & Gas Journal (2014). “Construction nears for Egyptian
Egyptian Environmental Affairs Agency, within the refinery project.” Website accessed on July 8, 2014.
Ministry of State for Environmental Affairs (2010). Available at:
Egypt State of the Environment Report: 2009. construction-nears-for-egyptian-refinery-project.html
Egyptian Refining Company (2011). “Project Overview.” Reuters (2014). “Egypt’s prime minister seeks to justify fuel
Website accessed on April 2, 2014. Available at: http:// subsidy cuts.” Website accessed on July 8, 2014. Available at:
Financial Times. (April 1, 2013). “Diesel shortages fuel
Egypt’s challenges.” By Bourzou Daraghi. Article (2014). China: Fuels: Diesel
accessed on April 11, 2014. Available at http://www. and Gasoline. Website accessed on April 11, 2014. Available at
00144feabdc0.html#axzz2ybYycdj6 php?title=China:_Fuels:_Diesel_and_Gasoline
GS E&C (GS Engineering & Construction). ERC Refinery UNEP (2012). Status of Fuel Quality and Vehicle Emission
Project. Presentation accessed on April 11, 2014. Standards: Latin America and the Caribbean. Website
Available at accessed on April 11, 2014.
ERC-Refinery-Project. transport/pcfv/PDF/Maps_Matrices/LAC/matrix/
International Energy Agency (IEA, 2014). Oil Market
Report. Website accessed on August 13, 2014. Available U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) (2012).
at Report to Congress on Black Carbon, Appendix
4: Efforts to Limit Diesel Fuel Sulfur Levels.
International Finance Corporation (IFC ,2014). IFC Projects
Database: “ERC Refinery, Summary of Proposed
Investment.” Website accessed on April 11, 2014.
Available at
Korea Investment & Securities Co., Ltd. (2012). Company
note, June 14, 2012: GS E&C (006360). Website accessed
on April 11, 2014. Available at