Computer Accessories (Web Application) WEb
Computer Accessories (Web Application) WEb
Computer Accessories (Web Application) WEb
Domain Ecommerce
Project Difficulties level Intermediate
Problem Statement:
• You should include basic workflow and execution of the entire project in the readme
file on GitHub
• Follow the coding standards:
• You are supposed to use a given dataset for this project which is a Cassandra
• You can use any cloud platform for this entire solution hosting like AWS, Azure or
API Details or User Interface:
• You have to expose your complete solution as an API or try to create a user
interface for your model testing. Anything will be fine for us.
• Logging is a must for every action performed by your code use the python logging
library for this.
Ops Pipeline:
• If possible, you can try to use AI ops pipeline for project delivery Ex. DVC, MLflow
, Sagemaker , Azure machine learning studio, Jenkins, Circle CI, Azure DevOps ,
TFX, Travis CI
• You can host your model in the cloud platform, edge devices, or maybe local, but
with a proper justification of your system design.
Solutions Design:
• You have to submit complete solution design strategies in HLD and LLD document
System Architecture:
• You have to submit a system architecture design in your wireframe document and
architecture document.
Latency for model response:
• You have to measure the response time of your model for a particular input of a
Optimization of solutions:
• Try to optimize your solution on code level, architecture level and mention all of
these things in your final submission.
• Mention your test cases for your project.
Submission requirements:
High-level Document:
You have to create a high-level document design for your project. You can reference the
HLD form below the link.
Sample link:
HLD Document Link
Low-level document:
You have to create a Low-level document design for your project; you can refer to the LLD
from the below link.
Sample link
LLD Document Link
Architecture: You have to create an Architecture document design for your project;
you can refer to the Architecture from the below link.
Sample link
Architecture sample link
Wireframe: You have to create a Wireframe document design for your project; refer to
the Wireframe from the below link.
Demo link
Wireframe Document Link
Project code:
You have to submit your code GitHub repo in your dashboard when the final submission
of your project.
Demo link
Project code sample link :
You have to post your project detail on LinkedIn and submit that post link in your
dashboard in your respective field.
Demo link
Linkedin post sample link :