The Yoga Sutra Part 5
The Yoga Sutra Part 5
The Yoga Sutra Part 5
Practice Accomplishment
Verse 1
tp>SvaXyayeñrài[xanain i³yayaeg>
tapa sv dhy ya varapra idh n ni kriy yoga
Austerity, study of the psyche,
profound religious meditation on the Supreme Lord
is the dynamic kriya yoga practice.
Verse 2
smaixÉavnawR> ¬eztnUkr[awRí
sam dhi bh van rtha kle a tan kara rtha ca
It is for the purpose of producing
continuous effortless linkage of the attention
to a higher concentration force and for causing
the reduction of the mental and emotional afflictions.
Verse 3
Aiv*a=iSmtaragÖe;aiÉinveza> p¬eza>
avidy asmit r ga dve a abhinive a pañca kle
The mental and emotional afflictions
are spiritual ignorance, misplaced identity,
emotional attachment, impulsive-emotional disaffection
and the strong focus on mundane existence,
which is due to an instinctive fear of death.
Verse 4
AinTyazuicÊ>oanaTmsu inTyzuicsuoaTmOyaitriv*a
anitya a uci du ka an tmasu nitya uci
sukha tma khy ti avidy
Spiritual ignorance is exhibited when what is temporary,
impure, distressful and mundane, is identified
as being eternal, pure, joyful and spiritual respectively.
Verse 6
d g dar ana aktyo ek tmat iva asmit
Mistaken identity occurs when the supernatural vision
and what is seen through it seems to be identical.
Verse 7
suoanuzyI rag>
sukha anu ay r ga
Craving results from a devoted attachment to happiness.
Verse 8
Ê>oanuzyI Öe;>
du kha anu ayi dve a
Impulsive emotional disaffection results
from a devoted attachment to distress.
Verse 9
te àitàsvheya> sUúma>
te pratiprasavahey s km
These subtle motivations are to be abandoned
by reverting their expressions backwards.
Verse 11
dhy nahey tadv ttaya
Their vibrational modes are to be abandoned or ceased
by the effortless linkage of the attention
to a higher concentration force or person.
Verse 12
Verse 13
Verse 14
te adpirtap)la> pu{yapu{yhetuTvat!
te hl da parit pa phal pu ya apu ya hetutv t
They produce happiness and distress as results,
on the basis of merit and demerits.
Verse 15
Verse 16
hey< Ê>omnagtm!
heya du kham an gatam
Distress which is not manifested is to be avoided.
Verse 17
Verse 18
Verse 19
ivze;aivze;il¼maÇail¼ain gu[pvaRi[
vi e a avi e a li gam tra ali g ni gu aparv i
The phases of the influences of material nature
are those which are specific, regular, indicated or not indicated.
Verses and Translation 25
Verse 20
Verse 21
tdwR @v ZySyaTma
tadartha eva d yasya tma
The individual spirit who is involved in what is seen,
exists here for that purpose only.
Verse 22
Verse 23
Verse 24
tSy heturiv*a
tasya hetu avidy
The cause of the conjunction is spiritual ignorance.