What Are Zeekler and ZeekRewards
What Are Zeekler and ZeekRewards
What Are Zeekler and ZeekRewards
The company behind Zeekler and Zeekrewards is 14 years old and is named Rex Vent ure Group LLC. Paul Burks is the CEO. They have previously built up a network co mpany with 3 million members. During spring 2010 they started a Penny Auction na med Zeekler.com. What is a Zeekler and a Penny Auction? We will try to explain how a Penny Auction works so that you understand where th e money, that we earn in ZeekRewards, comes from. In principle, you can then for get about the auction itself. Of course you can participate in the auction too i f you think it looks interesting but it is in ZeekRewards we can make money.
Zeekler's Penny Auction works as follows. Customers from all over the world plac e bids in the auction via internet for procucts. The customer buy those "bids" t o place them when the auction begins. For simplicity, we say that each bid costs $ 1. Let us say that there is an IPAD2 in the auction and that the retail price is $ 1000. When the auction starts, the price is $ 0 while a timer is over 20 s econds. When a bid is placed, the price of the product goes up one Penny (where the name Penny Auction) but note that Zeekler received one dollar . At the same time 2 seconds are added to the timer. This will continue until the timer for the firs t time stops below 20 seconds. Let's say that a bid is placed when the timer is at 15 seconds. Let's say that a bid is placed when the timer is at 15 seconds. T hem, the number of seconds added are not beyond 20 seconds but up to. If the pri ce of the IPAD2 would reach $ 50 and the timer is under 20 seconds, that normall y creates a bit of a chaos and tension in the auction as everyone wants to buy a cheap iPad! When the timer is down to zero the auctioncloses and the person who put the fina l bid will buy the product. If the last bid was $ 100, it means that someone bought an IPAD2 with 90% discou nt from the retail price. But what has Zeekler earned? It takes 10,000 bid for t he price to reach $ 100 and each bid costs $ 1. This means that Zeekler has rece ived $ 10,000 and that is for one single product. That is the way Zeekler (aucti on) makes money and from that we get our share in ZeekRewards. What is ZeekRewards? The most important thing for a Penny Auction is of course many customers. Theref ore, in January 2011, they launched the company ZeekRewards. It is a networking company but a very special one. Virtually all networking companies are based on the fact that members have to purchase products and market them to others in ord er to make money. In the ZeekReward's concept, you do not need to recruit any ot her person, but you can make money entirely on your own "work". The work is to p ut an ad about Zeekler on the Internet once a day. The ads themselves have alrea dy been created by ZeekRewards and they also show where we can place them withou t formalities and for free. So your job is basically to cut and paste this ad. T he "work" takes about 2-3 minutes per day. Every day that we do that we are enti tled to a share of the revenue Zeekler gets on its auction site for the day. If you should find that it feels strenuous or perhaps difficult to place this ad ev ery day (which it truly is not), you can for a fee of $ 10 per month have this f ully automated by another company called ZeekSmartZ. How do we make money! As a member of ZeekRewards you buy bids. Zeekler will donate those bids to new c ustomers coming to the auction. Let's say you buy 100 bids for $ 100. The bids w ill be donated to Zeeklers customers. But you now have 100 VIP Points which repres ent your paid and donated bids. These points determine your share from the day's auction profit. If today's income share is 2%, you will get $ 2 on your 100 VIP Points. You can now choose, for the next day, to buy two new bids and thus crea te "compound interest", or to take your $ 2 in cash.
All bids that you buy and/or which are added from profit shares will be valid fo r earnings during 90 days from the date they occur. There is much more to say about Zeekler. Never before has a networking company b een launched where you can make money without talking to others. Well, of course you can do so to increase your income, but it is entirely optional. The interes ting thing is that you probably get so excited that it will be obvious to tell o thers to do the same as you. And when they do so, that will boost your income si mply by word of mouth. You should go here NOW! http://kvonf.zeekrewards.com