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Republic of the Philippines

Catanduanes State University

Virac, Catanduanes
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GEC 1 – Understanding the Self with Family Planning

I. School First Semester, AY 2024-2025

II. University Vision: A globally-recognized green research University committed to excellent service to the nation.
Mission Foster excellence, holistic, and inclusive education attuned to the demands of a diverse world towards the
formation of productive and value-laden lives.
Goal Uphold the tradition of excellence in instruction, research, extension and production geared towards a
strong academe-industry interface for societal development.
Core Values Respect, Integrity, Social Responsibility, Excellence, Commitment
Institutional Outcomes:
A. A Professional who is morally upright, socially responsible and globally employable.
B. A Leader and Innovator who inspires others and is committed to social transformation and national
C. An Environmental Advocate committed to research, extension and production initiatives.
III. College/Campus College of Humanities and Social Sciences / CatSU Main Campus
IV. Program/Degree Bachelor of Science in Nursing
V. Program Outcomes This program aims to produce graduates who are able to:

A. Apply knowledge of physical, social, natural and health sciences and humanities in the practice of nursing;
B. Provide safe, appropriate and holistic care to individuals, families, population group and community utilizing
nursing process;
C. Apply guidelines and principles of evidenced-based practice in the delivery;
D. Practice nursing in accordance with existing laws, legal, ethical and moral principles;
E. Communicate effectively in speaking, writing, and presenting using culturally-appropriate language;
F. Report and document up to date client care accurately and comprehensively;
G. Work effectively in collaboration with inter-intra and multi-disciplinary and multi-cultural teams;
H. Practice beginning management and leadership skills and delivery of client care;
I. Engage in lifelong learning with a passion to keep current with national and global developments in general, and
nursing and health developments in particular;
J. Demonstrate responsible citizenship and pride of being a Filipino;
K. Conduct research with an experienced researcher;

CSU-F-ACAD-07 Rev. 2 Effectivity: February 13, 2023

Republic of the Philippines
Catanduanes State University
Virac, Catanduanes
Page 2 of 9

L. Support local, regional and national development plan along educational, socio-economic, scientific, health and
nutrition program; and
M. Promote environmental awareness through environmental education.
VI. Course Code/Title GEC 1 – Understanding the Self with Family Planning
VII. Course Description The course deals with the nature of identity, as well as the factors and forces that affect the development and maintenance of
(CMO 20 s 2013) personal identity. It is intended to facilitate the exploration of the issues and concerns regarding self and identity to arrive at a better
understanding of one’s self. It strives to meet this goal by stressing the integration of the personal with the academic,
contextualizing matters discussed in the classroom and in the everyday experiences of students, for better teaming,
generating a new appreciation for the learning process, and developing a more critical and reflective attitude while enabling them
to manage and improve their selves to attain a better quality of life.
VIII. Course Credit 3 units (Lecture)
IX. Prerequisite None
X. Contact Hours 3 contact hours per week (54 hours a semester)
XI. Course Outcomes At the end of the course, the students shall be able to:
Cos Description
CO1 Identify the nature, concepts and meaning of self;
CO2 Determine the parts and needs of physical self;
CO3 Show different emotional coping and adjustment techniques;
CO4 Explain the concept of rational and moral self;
CO5 Show competence in managing oneself in different life situation;
CO6 Appreciate the complexity of the human condition;
CO7 Work effectively in a group;
CO8 Organize one’s self for lifelong learning;
CO9 Manage one’s knowledge, skills, and values for responsible and productive living.

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Republic of the Philippines
Catanduanes State University
Virac, Catanduanes
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XII. Course Outline/Learning Plan

Desired Learning Course Content/ Textbooks/

Time Table
Outcomes Subject Matter References
After studying the chapter, the A. Defining the Self
students shall be able to: from Various
Perspectives Corpuz, Ronald
a. Compare and contrast the two M., et al., (2019)
major philosophical approach of 1. Rationalism vs Understanding 6 hours
knowledge; Empiricism the Self. Manila,
2. Mentalism, Philippines: C & E
Behaviorism and Publishing, Inc.
b. Describe and synthesize the
different psychological perspective
3. Nature vs Nurture Alata, Eden Joy
in understanding the self;
4. The Three Domains of P., et al., (2018)
Human Development Understanding
c. Examine yourself against the
the Self. Manila,
different philosophical views on the
Philippines: Rex
self; and
Book Store.

d. Explain the importance of the Macayan,

three domains of human Jonathan V.,
development (2018) et al.,
the Self. Manila,
Philippines: C & E
Publishing, Inc.
Lahey, B.
y:An Introduction,
New York, Mc
Graw Hill

CSU-F-ACAD-07 Rev. 2 Effectivity: February 13, 2023

Republic of the Philippines
Catanduanes State University
Virac, Catanduanes
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Desired Learning Course Content/ Textbooks/

Time Table
Outcomes Subject Matter References
After studying the chapter, the B. The Self in the
students shall be able to: Adolescent Stage Corpuz, Ronald 7.5 hours
M., et al., (2019)
a. Describe the parts of the brain 1.The Physical Aspects
and explain how they function in of the Self Macayan,
relation to emotions, decision- a. The Brain and the Jonathan V.,
making and sensory faculties; Senses (2018) et al.,
b. Acquire knowledge, motivation b. Brain Processing (2019)
and skills in making effective Adolescent's Emotions
and healthy decisions Alata, Eden Joy
pertaining to sex and sexuality; 2. The Sexual Aspects P., et al., (2018)
c. Understand the changes of late of the Self
adolescence and adjust to the a. a. Sex and Sexuality
developmental tasks required of b. Gender Identity and
adolescence; and Sexual Orientation
d. Explain the aspects of material c. Paraphilia and
and digital self; Paraphilic Disorder

3. The Developmental
Tasks of Adolescence

4. Material and Digital

Aspects of Adolescence

After studying the chapter, the C. Family Planning

students shall be able to:
b. 1. The Consequences of 3
a. Explain the importance of family Sexual Choice Corpuz, Ronald hours
planning and discuss its methods c. M., et al., (2019)
d. 2.Family Planning
Methods Macayan,
e. Jonathan V.,

CSU-F-ACAD-07 Rev. 2 Effectivity: February 13, 2023

Republic of the Philippines
Catanduanes State University
Virac, Catanduanes
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Desired Learning Course Content/ Textbooks/

Time Table
Outcomes Subject Matter References
(2018) et al.,

Alata, Eden Joy

P., et al., (2018)

After studying the chapter, the

D. The Self in the
students shall be able to:
Social Setting
Corpuz, Ronald 9 hours
a. Identify the sociological M., et al., (2019)
1. Bioecological Systems
perspective about self;
2.Individualism vs
b. Explain how culture affects or Jonathan V.,
a. Filipino Traits/Kapwa-
shapes one’s identity; (2018) et al.,
centered Filipino
c. Examine your sense of self
3. Looking-Glass Self
through the different I-positions and Alata, Eden Joy
4. Johari’s Window of the
the three fundamental selves. P., et al., (2018)
c. Demonstrate critical and
reflective thinking in showing
different aspects of the self.

d. Examine yourself using Charles

Horton Cooley’s looking-glass self
theory and Johari’s Window of the
After studying the chapter, the
students shall be able to:
E. The Self in the
Learning Process
a. Explain the three cognitive 8 hours

CSU-F-ACAD-07 Rev. 2 Effectivity: February 13, 2023

Republic of the Philippines
Catanduanes State University
Virac, Catanduanes
Page 6 of 9

Desired Learning Course Content/ Textbooks/

Time Table
Outcomes Subject Matter References
1. Learning, Memory and Corpuz, Ronald
b. Assess the role of culture in your
Intelligence M., et al., (2019)
sense of self and identity;
2. Social Learning
Theory Macayan,
c. Identify and explain multiple
3. Multiple Intelligence Jonathan V.,
(2018) et al.,
d. Develop ways to become an
effective learner.
Alata, Eden Joy
P., et al., (2018)

After studying the chapter, the F. The Self in the

students shall be able to: Emotional Experience
Corpuz, Ronald
a. Describe and explain their 1.Emotions and M., et al., (2019)
emotional development as Emotional
adolescents; Regulation Macayan, 6 hours
Jonathan V.,
b. Examine specific mechanisms of 2.Emotional Intelligence (2018) et al.,
emotional expression and (2019)
regulation; and
Alata, Eden Joy
c. Identify appropriate situations in P., et al., (2018)
which emotional regulation should
be practiced.

CSU-F-ACAD-07 Rev. 2 Effectivity: February 13, 2023

Republic of the Philippines
Catanduanes State University
Virac, Catanduanes
Page 7 of 9

Desired Learning Course Content/ Textbooks/

Time Table
Outcomes Subject Matter References

After studying the chapter, the G. The Self in Success

students shall be able to: and Happiness
Corpuz, Ronald 7 hours
a. Define personality and identify its 1.Personality M., et al., (2019)
domains, types and determinants; a.The Big Five
Personality factors Macayan,
a. Describe what constitutes the big 2. Dweck’s Core Jonathan V.,
five personality factors; Attitudes (2018) et al.,
3. Duckworth’s Grit: (2019)
b. Identify core attitudes and their Passion and Persistence
implications to one’s growth and 4.Seligman’s Positive Bulaong, Oscar
development; Psychology Jr. G., et al.,
5. Harvard’s Study on (2018)
c. Explain the importance of Life Satisfaction
positive psychology; and

e. Discuss Harvard’s Study on Life


CSU-F-ACAD-07 Rev. 2 Effectivity: February 13, 2023

Republic of the Philippines
Catanduanes State University
Virac, Catanduanes
Page 8 of 9

Desired Learning Course Content/ Textbooks/

Time Table
Outcomes Subject Matter References

H. The Self in Facing

After studying the chapter, the
Challenges Corpuz, Ronald
students shall be able to:
M., et al., (2019) 4.5 hours
1.Managing Stress
a. Explain the effects of stress to
2.Self-efficacy and Social Macayan,
one’s health.
Support Jonathan V.,
b. Examine cultural dimension of (2018) et al.,
stress and coping. (2019)

c. Use Bandura’s Self-Efficacy Alata, Eden Joy

theory for self-assessment. P., et al., (2018)

d. Design a self-care plan


XIII. Suggested Readings AGUIRRE, Felisa U. et al., (2008), Introduction to Psychology, Malabon City: Mutya Publishing House Inc.
and References
LEONANO, Ma. Sofia B., Flora Q Resurrection and Edna B Gatmen,(2003), Psychology and You, Quezon City: Philippine Christian
University and New day Publishers.
MYERS, Anne and Christine Hansen, (2002), Experimental Psychology, 5th Edition Wadsworth Thomson Learning Asia.
SANCHEZ, Custodiosa A. Paz F. Abad and Loreto V. Jao, (2002), General Psychology, 4th Edition, Manila, Philippines: Rex Book
SANTROCK, John W., (2004), Psychology, 6th Edition, United State; McGraw Hill Publisher
XIV. Course Requirements A. Written output (Self-Assessment questions and other outputs)
B. Performance output (Recitation and Project)
C. Midterm and Final Examination

CSU-F-ACAD-07 Rev. 2 Effectivity: February 13, 2023

Republic of the Philippines
Catanduanes State University
Virac, Catanduanes
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XV. Course Policies A. Only students with reasonable absences from the class will be given examination and quizzes missed (Student Handbook
2018 Edition, Section 14 a-f)
B. Projects will be due a week before the midterm and final examination or as agreed upon. Late submission shall no longer be
given a grade higher than 2.0.
C. Cheating and plagiarism are NOT allowed. Students caught doing these acts shall be dealt in accordance with the provisions
in the Student Handbook.
D. All sanctions for major college offenses, major academic offenses and major personal offenses will be dealt with accordingly
as reflected in the student handbook (approved as Per Board of Regents Resolution No. 44 series 2018).

XVI. Grading System Criteria Weight

(Approved per Board
Resolution Nos. 3, 4 & Midterm /Final Exam --------------- 30%
5, s. 2016; dated Quizzes/Homework/Seat Work- - - - - - - - - - 30%
March 8, 2016). Performance ---------------- 40%
Total 100%
Distribution of Weight for the Overall/Final Grade
Mid-Term Grade --- 50%
Final Tentative Grade ---- 50%


Time/Venue MTh 9:00 AM – 10:30 AM / TF 10:30 AM-11:30 AM (CHUMSS 202)

CSU-F-ACAD-07 Rev. 2 Effectivity: February 13, 2023

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