This manifesto aims to address students' essen al needs and
improve campus facili es and services. Thus, this manifesto aims; 1. To establish and ac vate placement cells in all departments. 2. To ini ate mental health care center and availability of mental health counciler and therepist in campus. 3. To provide hostel accommoda on for scholars with external guides. 4. To build a library in the South Campus. 5. To construct a student centre on the South Campus. 6. To create a designated si ng area in UIET. 7. To implement a special helpline for PWD students and start e- rickshaw services for them. 8. To install water coolers on every floor of the boys' hostels. 9. To recruit female security guards to enhance safety for female students. 10. To open a dispensary with round-the-clock services. 11. To ensure fellowships for all non-JRF full- me enrolled research scholars. 12. To open the library 24/7 for student access. 13. To ensure air condi oning in all hostel messes. 14. To provide free bus service from hostels to departments. 15.To create online accounts for students to monitor results and We are thrilled to announce that the USO has successfully addressed documents. the maximum number of concerns related to student welfare at the university over the past year. This achievement re lects our commitment 16.To include contemporary books and regularly update the library to enhancing the overall well-being of our student community, demonstrating collec on. the effectiveness of our efforts in advocating for and implementing positive 17.To construct an athle cs track on campus. changes on campus. 18.To ensure the availability of generators in all departments. 19.To regularly maintain all hostels and campus buildings. 20. To open ground gates 24/7 and ensure ligh ng services. 21.To ensure adequate types of equipment in science lab departments. 22.To construct a ach bathroom with visiter’s room in every boys Unity, Empowerment, Facilitation INITIATIVES 15.Launched an ini a ve called 'Lekhan Sahai', to assist disabled 1. Addressed the issue of food quality in the girls' hostels and the students during exams. repair of water pumps in various hostels by submi ng a 16.Raisedissues with insufficient evening e-rickshaw services. memorandum to the concerned authori es. 17.Advocated for be er medical considera on for all students. 2. Raised voice against the inappropriate behaviour of staff of all of the 17.Advocated for be er medical considera on for all students. girls' hostels. 18.Protested against mess fee hikes 3. Organized a successful blood dona on camp on November 16, 2023 19.Led indefinite protest against rejec on of medical cer ficates to for a noble cause. consider leave. 4. Submi ed a memorandum addressing the issue of faulty li s and 20.Submi ed a memorandum reques ng to consider a revalua on proposing to extend the opera ng hours of the li s in the girls' scheme in the ISSER department. hostels. 21.Submi ed a memorandum to ensure be er food quality and 5. Protested, against the Head of the Department of Forensic Science, hygiene in all hostels' messes. along with the students of the Forensic Science department. 22.Protested against the issues related to M. Pharma admissions,along 6. Submi ed a memorandum reques ng the implementa on of with pharmacy students. reserva on norms, for the recruitment in Panjab University, as 23.Protested, against the chief of security for frequent security lapses prescribed by the Government of Punjab. on campus, to keep the campus safe. 7. During an inspec on of water tanks dead pigeons, monkeys, and 24.Protested against the double payment of rent for staying in hostels lizards were discovered inside. Following protests, the tanks were during summer break. cleaned by the authori es. 25.Submi ed a memorandum objec ng removal of 5% admission 8. Submi ed memorandum regarding the construc on of reading weightage for PU students halls in all the hostels, demanding maintenance of the exis ng ones. 26.Raided student centre shops for hygiene issues and all the shops 9. Submi ed a memorandum to address the issue of tobacco sales were required to maintain hygiene by doing all the necessary within near the campus to the DSW PU, and Deputy Commissioner of a day Chandigarh. 27. Joint protest for implementa on of post matric scholarship 10.Raised issue regarding abandoned student facility shops inside the scheme for SC, ST Category Student.. campus. 28. Wifi exten on for students ll July. 11.submi ed a memorandumaddressing the lack of ameni es in UBS, Arts Block 6. We are proud to report that, despite not having any 12.Submi ed a memorandum to impose a ban on disposable plas cs USO party members in the student council, 70% at the student centre. of the initiatives we proposed were successfully 13.Submi ed a memorandum reques ng the installa on of more completed in the last academic year. garbage bins on campus. 14.Submi ed a memorandum to highlight the lack of Wi-Fi facili es in Unity, Empowerment, Facilitation
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