involves not only the physical security of computer equipment, but also
the security of the data contained on the storage media
1. the computer should be protected from damage (hardware and
2. data should be backed up and protected from viruses
3. passwords must be used for hardware and software
4. back-ups are essential.
They are copies of all software files and information when you have in
your computer system; use it when the original copies are damage
because of physical failure use errors; accidents, or carelessness
Backups can be made by different methods:
1. copying onto CD or external hard disk
2. copying onto remote servers
3. copying a hardcopy
in all cases:
1. backup must be made on regular basis.
2. the user can use back-up programs that make the operation
automatic in special times
3. keeping back-ups in a secure and safe place
4. make different copies and keep them different locations
5. label each CD or external hard disk.
6. disks should be write protected.