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Handbook of B.Tech. Programmes offered by USICT at Affiliated Institutions of the University.

Paper Code(s): ES-201 L P C

Paper: Computational Methods 4 - 4

Marking Scheme:
1. Teachers Continuous Evaluation: 25 marks
2. Term end Theory Examinations: 75 marks
Instructions for paper setter:
1. There should be 9 questions in the term end examinations question paper.
2. The first (1 ) question should be compulsory and cover the entire syllabus. This question should be
objective, single line answers or short answer type question of total 15 marks.
3. Apart from question 1 which is compulsory, rest of the paper shall consist of 4 units as per the syllabus.
Every unit shall have two questions covering the corresponding unit of the syllabus. However, the student
shall be asked to attempt only one of the two questions in the unit. Individual questions may contain upto 5
sub-parts / sub-questions. Each Unit shall have a marks weightage of 15.
4. The questions are to be framed keeping in view the learning outcomes of the course / paper. The standard
/ level of the questions to be asked should be at the level of the prescribed textbook.
5. The requirement of (scientific) calculators / log-tables / data – tables may be specified if required.
Course Objectives :
1. To understand numerical methods to find roots of functions and first order unconstrained
minimization of functions.
2. To introduce concept of interpolation methods and numerical integration.
3. To understand numerical methods to solve systems of algebraic equations and curve fitting by splines.
4. To understand numerical methods for the solution of Ordinary and partial differential equations.
Course Outcomes (CO)
CO 1 Ability to develop mathematical models of low level engineering problems
CO 2 Ability to apply interpolation methods and numerical integration.
CO 3 Ability to solve simultaneous linear equations and curve fitting by splines
CO 4 Ability to numerically solve ordinary differential equations that are initial value or boundary value
Course Outcomes (CO) to Programme Outcomes (PO) mapping (scale 1: low, 2: Medium, 3: High)
PO01 PO02 PO03 PO04 PO05 PO06 PO07 PO08 PO09 PO10 PO11 PO12
CO 1 3 2 2 2 2 - - - 2 2 2 3
CO 2 3 2 2 2 2 - - - 2 2 2 3
CO 3 3 3 3 3 2 - - - 2 2 2 3
CO 4 3 3 3 3 2 - - - 2 2 2 3


Review of Taylor Series, Rolle ’s Theorem and Mean Value Theorem, Approximations and Errors in numerical
computations, Data representation and computer arithmetic, Loss of significance in computation
Location of roots of equation: Bisection method (convergence analysis and implementation), Newton Method
(convergence analysis and implementation), Secant Method (convergence analysis and implementation).
Unconstrained one variable function minimization by Fibonacci search, Golden Section Search and Newton’s
method. Multivariate function minimization by the method of steepest descent, Nelder- Mead Algorithm.


Interpolation: Assumptions for interpolation, errors in polynomial interpolation, Finite differences, Gregory-
Newton’s Forward Interpolation, Gregory-Newton’s backward Interpolation, Lagrange’s Interpolation,
Newton’s divided difference interpolation
Numerical Integration: Definite Integral, Newton-Cote’s Quadrature formula, Trapezoidal Rule, Simpson’s one-
third rule, simpson’s three-eight rule, Errors in quadrature formulae, Romberg’s Algorithm, Gaussian
Quadrature formula.

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System of Linear Algebraic Equations: Existence of solution, Gauss elimination method and its computational
effort, concept of Pivoting, Gauss Jordan method and its computational effort, Triangular Matrix factorization
methods: Dolittle algorithm, Crout’s Algorithm, Cholesky method, Eigen value problem: Power method
Approximation by Spline Function: First-Degree and second degree Splines, Natural Cubic Splines, B Splines,
Interpolation and Approximation


Numerical solution of ordinary Differential Equations: Picard’s method, Taylor series method, Euler’s and
Runge-Kutta’s methods, Predictor-corrector methods: Euler’s method, Adams-Bashforth method, Milne’s
Numerical Solution of Partial Differential equations: Parabolic, Hyperbolic, and elliptic equations
Implementation to be done in C/C++

1. E. Ward Cheney & David R. Kincaid , “Numerical Mathematics and Computing” Cengage; 7th ed (2013).

1. R. L. Burden and J. D. Faires, “Numerical Analysis”, CENGAGE Learning Custom Publishing; 10 Edition
2. S. D. Conte and C. de Boor, “Elementary Numerical Analysis: An Algorithmic Approach”, McGraw Hill, 3rd ed.
3. H. M. Antia, “Numerical Methods for Scientists & Engineers”, Hindustan Book Agency, (2002).
4. E Balagurusamy “Numerical Methods” McGraw Hill Education (2017).

Applicable from Batch Admitted in Academic Session 2021-22 Onwards Page 282 of 427
Handbook of B.Tech. Programmes offered by USICT at Affiliated Institutions of the University.

Paper Code(s): HS-203 L P C

Paper: Indian Knowledge System 2 - 2

Marking Scheme:
1. Teachers Continuous Evaluation: 25 marks
2. Term end Theory Examinations: 75 marks
3. This is an NUES paper, hence all examinations to be conducted by the concerned teacher.
Instruction for paper setter:
1. There should be 9 questions in the term end examinations question paper.
2. The first (1 ) question should be compulsory and cover the entire syllabus. This question should be
objective, single line answers or short answer type question of total 15 marks.
3. Apart from question 1 which is compulsory, rest of the paper shall consist of 4 units as per the syllabus.
Every unit shall have two questions covering the corresponding unit of the syllabus. However, the student
shall be asked to attempt only one of the two questions in the unit. Individual questions may contain upto 5
sub-parts / sub-questions. Each Unit shall have a marks weightage of 15.
4. The questions are to be framed keeping in view the learning outcomes of the course / paper. The standard
/ level of the questions to be asked should be at the level of the prescribed textbook.
5. The requirement of (scientific) calculators / log-tables / data – tables may be specified if required.
Course Objectives :
1. To understand the Indian knowledge System.
2. To understand the foundational concepts for science and technology.
3. To understand the ancient Indian mathematics and astronomy.
4. To understand the ancient Indian engineering and technology.
Course Outcomes (CO)
CO 1 Ability to understand the Indian knowledge System.
CO 2 Ability to understand and apply foundational concepts for science and technology.
CO 3 Ability to understand and apply ancient Indian mathematics and astronomy
CO 4 Ability to understand ancient Indian engineering and technology.
Course Outcomes (CO) to Programme Outcomes (PO) mapping (scale 1: low, 2: Medium, 3: High)
PO01 PO02 PO03 PO04 PO05 PO06 PO07 PO08 PO09 PO10 PO11 PO12
CO 1 - - - - - 3 - - - - - 2
CO 2 - - - - - 3 - - - 2 - 2
CO 3 3 3 - - - - - - - - - 2
CO 4 3 3 - - - - - - - - - 2


Indian Knowledge System (IKS) - An Introduction:

Overview of IKS - Importance of Ancient Knowledge; Defining IKS; The IKS Corpus – A Classification Framework;
Chaturdaśa-Vidyāsthāna; History of IKS, Some unique aspects of IKS;
The Vedic Corpus – Introduction to Vedas; The Four Vedas and their divisions; Vedāngas; Vedic Life;
Philosophical Systems – Indian Philosophical Systems; Vedic Schools of Philosophy; Non-Vedic Philosophical
Systems; Wisdom through the Ages – Purānas, Itihāsa as source of wisdom, Rāmāyana, Mahābhārata, Niti-
śāstras, Subhāssitas.


Foundational Concepts for Science and Technology:

Linguistics - Components of Language; Pānini’s work on Sanskrit Grammar; Phonetics in Sanskrit; Patterns in
Sanskrit Vocabulary; Computational Concepts in Astādhyāyi, Logic for Sentence Construction; Importance of
Verbs; Role of Sanskrit in Natural Language Processing
Number System and Units of Measurement – Number System in India; Salient Features of the Indian Numeral
System; Unique approaches to represent numbers; Measurements for Time, Distance and Weight; Pingala and

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the Binary System

Knowledge: Framework and Classification – The Knowledge Triangle; Prameya; Pramāna; Samśaya; Framework
for establishing Valid Knowledge


Mathematic and Astronomy in IKS:

Mathematics – Unique aspects of Indian Mathematics; Great Mathematicians and their Contributions;
Arithmetic; Geometry; Trigonometry; Algebra; Binary Mathematics and Combinatorial Problems in Chandah-
śāstra of Pingala, Magic Squares in India
Astronomy - Unique aspects of Indian Astronomy; Historical Development of Astronomy in India; The Celestial
Coordinate System; Elements of the Indian Calendar; Āryabhatiya and the Siddhāntic Tradition; Pancānga;
Astronomical Instruments; Jantar Mantar of Rājā Jai Singh Sawai


Engineering and Technology in IKS:

Engineering and Technology: Metals and Metalworking – The Indian S & T Heritage; Mining and Ore Extraction;
Metals and Metalworking Technology; Iron and Steel in India; Lost wax casting of Idols and Artefacts;
Apparatuses used for Extraction of Metallic Components
Engineering and Technology: Other Applications – Literary sources for Science and Technology; Physical
Structures in India; Irrigation and Water Management; Dyes and Painting Technology; Surgical Techniques;
Shipbuilding; Sixty-four Art Forums; Status of Indigenous S & T

1. B. Mahadevan, Vinayaka Rajat Bhat & Nagendra Pavana R.N., “Introduction to Knowledge System: Concepts
and Applications” PHI (2022).

1. C.M Neelakandhan & K.A. Ravindran, “Vedic Texts and The Knowledge Systems of India”, Sri Sankaracharya
University of Sanskrit, Kalady (2010).
2. P.P. Divakaran, “The Mathematics of India: Concepts, Methods, Connections”, Springer (2018)
3. C.A. Sharma, “Critical Survey of Indian Philosophy”, Motilal Banarasidass Publication (1964)
4. G. Huet, A. Kulkarni & P. Scharf, “Sanskrit Computational Linguistics”, Springer (2009).
5. A.K. Bag, “History of Technology in India”, Indian National Science Academy, Vol 1, (1997)

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Handbook of B.Tech. Programmes offered by USICT at Affiliated Institutions of the University.

Paper Code(s): CIC-205 L P C

Paper: Discrete Mathematics 4 - 4

Marking Scheme:
1. Teachers Continuous Evaluation: 25 marks
2. Term end Theory Examinations: 75 marks
Instructions for paper setter:
1. There should be 9 questions in the term end examinations question paper.
2. The first (1 ) question should be compulsory and cover the entire syllabus. This question should be
objective, single line answers or short answer type question of total 15 marks.
3. Apart from question 1 which is compulsory, rest of the paper shall consist of 4 units as per the syllabus.
Every unit shall have two questions covering the corresponding unit of the syllabus. However, the student
shall be asked to attempt only one of the two questions in the unit. Individual questions may contain upto 5
sub-parts / sub-questions. Each Unit shall have a marks weightage of 15.
4. The questions are to be framed keeping in view the learning outcomes of the course / paper. The standard
/ level of the questions to be asked should be at the level of the prescribed textbook.
5. The requirement of (scientific) calculators / log-tables / data – tables may be specified if required.
Course Objectives :
1. To introduce the concept of Mathematical Logic, concepts of sets, relation and functions
2. To introduce the concept of Algorithm and number theory
3. To understand Group theory and related examples
4. To use Graph theory for solving problems
Course Outcomes (CO)
CO1: Ability for constructing mathematical logic to solve problems
CO2: Ability to Analyze/ quantify the efficiency of a developed solution (algorithm) of a computational
CO3: Ability to Understand mathematical preliminaries to be used in the subsequent courses of the
curriculum. This includes Boolean algebra, number theory, group theory, and combinatorics.
CO4: Ability to Understand diverse relevant topics in discrete mathematics and computation theory with an
emphasis on their applicability as mathematical tools in computer science.
Course Outcomes (CO) to Programme Outcomes (PO) mapping (scale 1: low, 2: Medium, 3: High)
PO01 PO02 PO03 PO04 PO05 PO06 PO07 PO08 PO09 PO10 PO11 PO12
CO 1 3 3 3 2 2 - - - 2 2 3 3
CO 2 3 3 3 2 2 - - - 2 2 3 3
CO 3 3 3 3 3 2 - - - 2 2 3 3
CO 4 3 3 3 3 2 - - - 2 2 3 3


Sets, Logic, and Relation: Sets, Subsets, powerset, operations on sets, Propositional Logic, Rules of inferences
in propositional logic, Quantifiers, Predicates and validity, Predicate Logic, normal forms. Proof Techniques-
Direct Proof, Proof by Contraposition, and proof by contradiction. Principle of inclusion and exclusion,
pigeonhole principle, permutation and combination. Principle of Well Ordering, principle of mathematical
induction, principle of complete induction. Relation, properties of binary relation, equivalence relation and
class, closures (symmetric, reflexive, and transitive).


Functions, Order relations and Boolean Algebra: Functions, Growth of functions, Permutation functions,
Partially ordered sets, lattices, Boolean algebra, Minimization of Boolean Expressions. GCD, LCM, prime
Recurrence relations, solution methods for linear, first-order recurrence relations with constant coefficients,
generating functions, Analysis of Algorithms involving recurrence relations, solution method for a divide-and-

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conquer recurrence relation. Masters theorem (with proof).


Group theory: Semi-group, Monoid, Groups, Group identity and uniqueness, inverse and its uniqueness,
isomorphism and homomorphism, subgroups, Cosets and Lagrange’s theorem, Permutation group and Cayley’s
theorem (without proof), Normal subgroup and quotient groups. Groups and Coding.


Graph theory: Graph Terminology, Planar graphs, Euler’s formula (proof), Euler and Hamiltonian path/circuit.
Chromatic number of a graph, five color theorem (proof), Shortest path and minimal spanning trees and
algorithms, Depth-first and breadth first search, trees associated with DFS & BFS, Connected components.
Complexity Analysis of the graph MST.

1. B. Kolman, R. C. Busby & S.C. Ross “Discrete Mathematical Structures”, 6th edition, PHI/Pearson, 2009.
2. R. L. Graham, D. E. Knuth & O. Patashnik, “Concrete Mathematics”, Pearson Education, 2000.

1. Neal Koblitz, “A course in number theory and cryptography”, Springer – Verlag, 1994.
2. J.P. Tremblay & R. Manohar, “Discrete Mathematical Structure with Application to Computer Science,” TMH,
New Delhi (2000).
3. Norman L. Biggs, “Discrete Mathematics”, Second edition, Oxford University Press, New Delhi (2002).
4. T .H . Cormen, C . E . Leiserson, R .L . Rivest “Introduction to Algorithms”, 3rd edition, PHI/Pearson.
5. Anne Benoit, Yves Robert, Frédéric Vivien “A Guide to Algorithm Design: Paradigms, Methods, and
Complexity Analysis”, CRC Press, 2013.

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Handbook of B.Tech. Programmes offered by USICT at Affiliated Institutions of the University.

Paper Code(s): ECC-207 L P C

Paper: Digital Logic and Computer Design 4 - 4

Marking Scheme:
1. Teachers Continuous Evaluation: 25 marks
2. Term end Theory Examinations: 75 marks
Instructions for paper setter:
1. There should be 9 questions in the term end examinations question paper.
2. The first (1 ) question should be compulsory and cover the entire syllabus. This question should be
objective, single line answers or short answer type question of total 15 marks.
3. Apart from question 1 which is compulsory, rest of the paper shall consist of 4 units as per the syllabus.
Every unit shall have two questions covering the corresponding unit of the syllabus. However, the student
shall be asked to attempt only one of the two questions in the unit. Individual questions may contain upto 5
sub-parts / sub-questions. Each Unit shall have a marks weightage of 15.
4. The questions are to be framed keeping in view the learning outcomes of the course / paper. The standard
/ level of the questions to be asked should be at the level of the prescribed textbook.
5. The requirement of (scientific) calculators / log-tables / data – tables may be specified if required.
Course Objectives :
1. To introduce basic concepts of Boolean Algebra and Combinational Logic
2. To introduce various sequential circuits, designing with examples
3. To relate combination circuit design and sequential circuit design with respect to the design of a
computer system
4. To introduce machine learning, computer arithmetic, modes of data transfer with respect to I/O and
Memory organization of a computer
Course Outcomes (CO) :
CO 1 Ability to understand Boolean Algebra and Design Combinational Circuits .
CO 2 Ability to understand and Design Sequential Circuits.
CO 3 Ability to understand Design of a basic computer.
CO 4 Ability to understand Input-Output and Memory Organization of a Computer.
Course Outcomes (CO) to Programme Outcomes (PO) mapping (scale 1: low, 2: Medium, 3: High)
PO01 PO02 PO03 PO04 PO05 PO06 PO07 PO08 PO09 PO10 PO11 PO12
CO 1 3 2 3 2 2 - - - 3 2 2 3
CO 2 3 2 3 2 2 - - - 3 2 2 3
CO 3 3 2 3 3 2 - - - 3 2 2 3
CO 4 3 3 3 3 3 - - - 3 2 2 3


Boolean Algebra and Combinational Logic: Review of number systems , signed, unsigned, fixed point, floating
point numbers, Binary Codes, Boolean algebra – basic postulates, theorems , Simplification of Boolean
function using Karnaugh map and Quine-McCluskey method – Implementations of combinational logic
functions using gates, Adders, Subtractors, Magnitude comparator, encoder and decoders, multiplexers, code
converters , parity generator/checker, implementation of combinational circuits using multiplexers.


Sequential Circuits: General model of sequential circuits, Flip-flops, latches , level triggering, edge triggering,
master slave configuration , concept of state diagram , state table, state reduction procedures , Design of
synchronous sequential circuits , up/down and modulus counters , shift registers, Ring counter , Johnson
counter , timing diagram , serial adder , sequence detector, Programmable Logic Array (PLA), Programmable
Array Logic (PAL), Memory Unit, Random Access Memory

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Basic Computer organization: Stored Program, Organization, Computer registers, bus system, instruction set
completeness, instruction cycle, Register Transfer Language, Arithmetic, Logic and Shift Micro-operations,
Instruction Codes, Design of a simple computer, Design of Arithmetic Logic unit, shifter, Design of a simple
hardwired control unit, Programming the basic computer, Machine language instructions, assembly language,
Microprogrammed control, Horizontal and Vertical Microprogramming, Central Processing Unit, instruction
sets and formats, addressing modes, data paths, RISC and CISC characteristics.


Computer Arithmetic, addition, subtraction, multiplication and division algorithms, Input-Output Organization,
Modes of data transfer, Interrupt cycle, direct memory access, Input-Output processor, Memory Organization,
Memory Hierarchy, Associative Memory, Cache Memory, Internal and external Memory, Virtual Memory.

Text Book(s)
1. M. Morris Mano, “Digital Logic and Computer Design”, Pearson Education, 2016
2. M. Morris Mano, Rajib Mall “Computer System Architecture”, 3 Edition Pearson Education, 2017

1. Leach, D. P., Albert P. Malvino, “Digital Principles and Applications”, McGraw Hill Education, 8 Edition ,
2. Jain, R.P. ,”Modern Digital Electronics”, McGraw Hill Education, 4 Edition , 2010
3. Floyd, Thomas L. , “Digital Fundamentals” Pearson Education, 11 Edition, 2017
4. M. Rafiquzzaman, “Fundamentals of Digital Logic and Microcomputer Design”, Wiley, 5 Ed., 2005.

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Handbook of B.Tech. Programmes offered by USICT at Affiliated Institutions of the University.

Paper Code(s): CIC-209 L P C

Paper: Data Structures 4 - 4

Marking Scheme:
1. Teachers Continuous Evaluation: 25 marks
2. Term end Theory Examinations: 75 marks
Instructions for paper setter:
1. There should be 9 questions in the term end examinations question paper.
2. The first (1 ) question should be compulsory and cover the entire syllabus. This question should be
objective, single line answers or short answer type question of total 15 marks.
3. Apart from question 1 which is compulsory, rest of the paper shall consist of 4 units as per the syllabus.
Every unit shall have two questions covering the corresponding unit of the syllabus. However, the student
shall be asked to attempt only one of the two questions in the unit. Individual questions may contain upto 5
sub-parts / sub-questions. Each Unit shall have a marks weightage of 15.
4. The questions are to be framed keeping in view the learning outcomes of the course / paper. The standard
/ level of the questions to be asked should be at the level of the prescribed textbook.
5. The requirement of (scientific) calculators / log-tables / data – tables may be specified if required.
Course Objectives :
1. To introduce basics of Data structures (Arrays, strings, linked list etc.)
2. To understand the concepts of Stacks, Queues and Trees, related operations and their implementation
3. To understand sets, heaps and graphs
4. To introduce various Sorting and searching Algorithms
Course Outcomes (CO)
CO 1 To be able to understand difference between structured data and data structure
CO 2 To be able to create common basic data structures and trees
CO 3 To have a knowledge of sets, heaps and graphs
CO 4 To have basic knowledge of sorting and searching algorithms
Course Outcomes (CO) to Programme Outcomes (PO) mapping (scale 1: low, 2: Medium, 3: High)
PO01 PO02 PO03 PO04 PO05 PO06 PO07 PO08 PO09 PO10 PO11 PO12
CO 1 3 2 2 2 3 - - - 2 2 2 3
CO 2 3 2 2 2 3 - - - 2 2 2 3
CO 3 3 2 2 2 3 - - - 2 2 2 3
CO 4 3 2 2 2 3 - - - 2 2 2 3


Overview of data structure, Basics of Algorithm Analysis including Running Time Calculations, Abstract Data
Types, Arrays, Arrays and Pointers, Multidimensional Array, String processing, General Lists and List ADT, List
manipulations, Single, double and circular lists. Stacks and Stack ADT, Stack Manipulation, Prefix, infix and
postfix expressions, recursion. Queues and Queue ADT, Queue manipulation.


Sparse Matrix Representation (Array and Link List representation) and arithmetic (addition, subtraction and
multiplication), polynomials and polynomial arithmetic.
Trees, Properties of Trees, Binary trees, Binary Tree traversal, Tree manipulation algorithms, Expression trees
and their usage, binary search trees, AVL Trees, Heaps and their implementation, Priority Queues, B-Trees, B*
Tree, B+ Tree


Sorting concept, order, stability, Selection sorts (straight, heap), insertion sort (Straight Insertion, Shell sort),
Exchange Sort (Bubble, quicksort), Merge sort (External Sorting) (Natural merge, balanced merge and

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polyphase merge). Searching – List search, sequential search, binary search, hashing methods, collision
resolution in hashing.


Disjoint sets representation, union find algorithm, Graphs, Graph representation, Graph Traversals and their
implementations (BFS and DFS). Minimum Spanning Tree algorithms, Shortest Path Algorithms

1. Richard Gilberg , Behrouz A. Forouzan, “Data Structures: A Pseudocode Approach with C, 2 Edition,
Cengage Learning, Oct 2004
2. E. Horowitz, S. Sahni, S. Anderson-Freed, "Fundamentals of Data Structures in C", 2nd Edition, Silicon Press
(US), 2007.

1. Mark Allen Weiss, “Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C”, 2 Edition, Pearson, September, 1996
2. Robert Kruse, “Data Structures and Program Design in C”, 2 Edition, Pearson, November, 1990
3. Seymour Lipschutz, “Data Structures with C (Schaum's Outline Series)”, McGrawhill, 2017
4. A. M. Tenenbaum, “Data structures using C”. Pearson Education, India, 1 Edition 2003.
5. Weiss M.A., “Data structures and algorithm analysis in C++”, Pearson Education, 2014.

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Paper Code(s): CIC-211 L P C

Paper: Object-Oriented Programming Using C++ 4 - 4

Marking Scheme:
1. Teachers Continuous Evaluation: 25 marks
2. Term end Theory Examinations: 75 marks
Instructions for paper setter:
1. There should be 9 questions in the term end examinations question paper.
2. The first (1 ) question should be compulsory and cover the entire syllabus. This question should be
objective, single line answers or short answer type question of total 15 marks.
3. Apart from question 1 which is compulsory, rest of the paper shall consist of 4 units as per the syllabus.
Every unit shall have two questions covering the corresponding unit of the syllabus. However, the student
shall be asked to attempt only one of the two questions in the unit. Individual questions may contain upto 5
sub-parts / sub-questions. Each Unit shall have a marks weightage of 15.
4. The questions are to be framed keeping in view the learning outcomes of the course / paper. The standard
/ level of the questions to be asked should be at the level of the prescribed textbook.
5. The requirement of (scientific) calculators / log-tables / data – tables may be specified if required.
Course Objectives :
1. To introduce the basic Concepts of Object Oriented Programming (data types, operators and
functions) using C++
2. To introduce concepts of Classes and Objects with the examples of C++ programming
3. To understand object oriented features such as Inheritance and Polymorphism
4. To use various object oriented concepts (exceptional handling) to solve different problems
Course Outcomes (CO)
CO 1 Ability to have an in-depth knowledge of object oriented programming paradigm
CO 2 To be able to develop basic C++ programming skills
CO 3 To be able to apply various object oriented features using C++
CO 4 Ability to have an understanding of generic programming & standard templates
Course Outcomes (CO) to Programme Outcomes (PO) mapping (scale 1: low, 2: Medium, 3: High)
PO01 PO02 PO03 PO04 PO05 PO06 PO07 PO08 PO09 PO10 PO11 PO12
CO 1 3 2 2 2 3 - - - 3 2 2 3
CO 2 3 2 2 2 3 - - - 3 2 2 3
CO 3 3 2 2 2 3 - - - 3 2 2 3
CO 4 3 2 2 2 3 - - - 3 2 2 3


Object Oriented Programming Paradigm, Basic Concepts of Object Oriented Programming, Benefits of Object
Oriented Programming, Object Oriented Languages, Applications of Object Oriented Programming, C++
Programming Language, Tokens, Keywords, Identifiers and Constants, Data Types, Type Compatibility,
Variables, Operators in C++, Implicit Type Conversions, Operator Precedence, The Main Function, Function
Prototyping, Call by Reference, Return by Reference, Inline Functions, Function Overloading, Friend Functions,
default parameter value.


Specifying a class, Member Functions, Encapsulation, information hiding, abstract data types, objects & classes,
Static Member Functions, Arrays of Objects, Constructors & Destructors, Parameterized Constructors, Copy
Constructors, Dynamic Constructors, Destructors, identity and behaviour of an object, C++ garbage collection,
dynamic memory allocation, Explicit Type Conversions, Operator Overloading.


Inheritance, inheritance methods, Class hierarchy, derivation – public, private & protected, aggregation,

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Inheritance Constructors, composition vs. classification hierarchies, Containership, Initialization List,

Polymorphism, categorization of polymorphic techniques, polymorphism by parameter, parametric
polymorphism, generic function – template function, function overriding, run time polymorphism, virtual


Standard C++ classes, using multiple inheritance, persistant objects, streams and files, namespaces, exception
handling, generic classes, standard template library: Library organization and containers, standard containers,
algorithm and Function objects, iterators and allocators, strings, streams, manipulators, user defined
manipulators, vectors.

1. Stanley B. Lippman, Josée Lajoie, Barbara E. Moo, “C++ Primer”, Addison-Wesley Professional, 2012.
2. Ivor Horton, “Using the C++ Standard Template Libraries”, Apress, 2015.
3. R. Lafore, “Object Oriented Programming using C++”, Galgotia.

1. A.R.Venugopal, Rajkumar, T. Ravishanker “Mastering C++”, TMH
2. Bjarne Stroustrup, “Programming: principles and practice using C++”, Addison-Wesley, 2015.
3. Bjarne Stroustrup, “A Tour of C++”, Addison-Wesley Professional, 2018.
4. Bjarne Stroustrup, “The C++ Programming Language”, 4th Edition, Addison-Wesley Professional, 2013.
5. Peter Van Weert and Marc Gregoire, “C++17 Standard Library Quick Reference: A Pocket Guide to Data
Structures, Algorithms, and Functions”, Apress (2019)
6. Rumbaugh et. al. “ Object Oriented Modelling & Design”, Prentice Hall
7. G . Booch “Object Oriented Design & Applications”, Benjamin,Cummings.
8. E.Balaguruswamy, “Objected Oriented Programming with C++”, TMH
9. Steven C. Lawlor, “The Art of Programming Computer Science with C++”, Vikas Publication.
10. Slobodan Dmitrović, Modern C++ for Absolute Beginners”:A Friendly Introduction to C++ Programming
Language and C++11 to C++20 Standards”, Apress, 2020.

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