Edited Regional Ijtema Waqf-e-Nau Program-2024

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Bismillah Rahman Rahim

Waqf-e-Nau Regional Ijtema 2024 Programme

To Be Held On 14th September, 2024 for Western and Central centers and 13th -14th for
Eastern and Far Eastern Centers Respectively.
Start Finish Activity
08:00am 09:00am
Registration of Participants

Opening Session
09:00am 09:30am  Welcoming remarks from the Waqf-e-Nau
Regional Secretary
 All Waqf-e-Nau children presenting their
academic report cards and achievements
15 Minutes
Hadith competitions
(Area Missionary)
45 Minutes Activity Zone / Bottle Filling/Sack-Racing
(National Secretary’s Representative)
30 Minutes Refreshments (Breakfast)
(Regional Secretary Waqf-e-Nau)
2 Hours Written Exam 13yrs and Above
According to the Waqf-e-Nau Syllabus and the book
Introduction to the study of The Holy Qur’an
(National Secretary’s Representative)

1:30pm Sala'at Zohr/Asr

1:00pm (Area Missionary)

1:30pm 2:30pm Recess (Lunch)

Short Speeches Competitions in
Any of the following
2:30pm 3:30pm a) Khilafat
b) Swala
(Area Missionary and N-Secretary’s Representative)

3:45pm Tilawa – Competitions
(Area Missionary)

Message from Huzoor (aba)
3:45pm 4:15pm To Parents and Waqf-e- Nau Children.
(National Secretary’s Representative)

Closing Session
4:15pm 4:30pm Awards-Giving
D’ua and Departure
Prepared by Ta’alim Waqf-e-Nau Department Uganda

NOTE: The Examinations done should be marked on ground by our

representatives from Markaz, come up with assessments and hand them over
to the Ta’alim’s office for proper monitoring. InshaAllah

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