Atomic Theory Timeline Project (RUBRICS)
Atomic Theory Timeline Project (RUBRICS)
Atomic Theory Timeline Project (RUBRICS)
Purpose: By completing this activity, students will learn how the understanding of the atom progressed
throughout history and how scientific models change with the introduction of new evidence.
Date – What was the time or year of the scientist’s work concerning the atom? (1 pt)
Discoveries/Conclusions – Explain what discovery or conclusion the scientist came to about the
atom. What was his atomic theory? (2 pts)
Contribution – Explain how the scientist helped in the development of atomic theory. How did his
work contribute to the theory? What did his experiment/discovery/conclusion do for the theory?
Think about the larger picture and how the theory progressed as a result of his work. (2 pts)
4) Bonus: Draw a diagram of the scientist’s model of the atom for Democritus, Dalton, Thomson,
Rutherford, Bohr, and Schrodinger. (Up to 6 pts)
5) You may use your textbook (pp. 43, 67-76, and 97-106), the library, the internet, or other credible
sources to research the information needed to complete the timeline.
***You must document your sources and include them on the project.
Due Date:
March 19 , 2022