Ch.2 Workbook

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Electrostatic potential and capacitance

1 mark questions
1. The figure shows the field lines of a
positive charge. Is the work done by
the field is moving a small positive
charge from Q to P positive or negative?
2. For any charge configuration equipotential surface through a point is a normal to the
electric field. Justify.
3. Two charges of 2µC and -2µC are placed at point A and B 5cm apart. Depict an
equipotential surface of the system.
4. Why electrostatic potential is constant throughout the volume of the conductor and
has the same value as on its surface?
5. Why is the potential inside a hollow spherical charged conductor is constant and has
the same value as on its surface?
6. Why there is no work done in moving a charge from one point to another on an
equipotential surface?
7. A hollow metal sphere of radius 5 cm is charged such that potential on its surface is
10 V. What is the potential at the centre of the sphere?
8. Can two equipotential surface intersect each other? Justify your answer.
9. A point charge Q is placed at point O as shown in the figure. Is the potential
difference (VA – VB) positive, negative or zero if Q is (i)positive (ii) negative

10. Draw equipotential surfaces due to a single point charge.

11. Name the physical quantity whose SI unit is J/C. Is it a scalar or a vector quantity?
12. What is the work done in moving a test charge q through a distance of 1 cm along the
equatorial axis of an electric dipole?
13. Define the term potential energy for charge q at a distance r in an external field.
14. The potential due to a dipole at any point on its axial line is zero.
15. What is the electric potential due to an electric dipole at an equatorial point?
16. A 500µC charge is at the centre of a square of side 10cm. Find the work done in
moving a charge of 10 µC between two diagonally opposite points on the square.
17. The given graph shows the variation of charge q versus potential difference V for two
capacitors Cl and C2. Both the capacitors” have same plate separation but plate area of
C2 is greater than that C1 .Which line (A or B) corresponds to and why?

18. A capacitor has been charged by a DC source. What are the magnitude of conduction
and displacement current when it is fully charged? Distinguish between a dielectric
and a conductor. Define the dielectric constant of a medium. What is its unit?

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19. A metal plate is introduced between the plates of a charged parallel plate capacitor.
What is its effect on the capacitance of the capacitor?
20. In the figure given below X, Y represent parallel plate capacitors having the same
area of plates and the same distance of separation between them. What is the relation
between the energies stored in the capacitors?

21. The following graph shows the variation of charge Q with voltage V for two
capacitors K and L In which capacitor is more electrostatic energy stored?

22. Define dielectric strength of a dielectric.

2 Marks Questions

23. Two point charges q1 and q2 are located at r1 and r2, respectively in an external
electric field E. Obtain the expression for the total work done in assembling this
24. A test charge q is moved without acceleration from A to C along the path from A to B
and then from B to C in electric field E as shown in the figure.
(i)Calculate the potential difference between A and C.
(ii)At which point (of the two) is the electric potential more and why?

25. Graph the electric potential (V) with distance r due to a point charge Q.
26. Two uniformly large parallel thin plates having charge densities +σ and –σ are kept in
the XZ – plane at a distance d apart. Sketch an equipotential surface due to electric
field between the plates. If a particle of mass m and charge –q remains stationary
between the plates. What is the magnitude and direction of this field?
27. A dipole with its charge -q and +q located at the points (0, – b,0) and (0,+b,0) is
present in a uniform electric field E. The equipotential surfaces of this field are planes
parallel to the Y Z-plane.
(i)What is the direction of the electric field E?
(ii)How much torque would the dipole experience in this field?
28. Two point charges 3µC and -3µC are placed at points A and B, 5 cm apart.
(a) Draw the equipotential surfaces of the system
(b) Why do equipotential surfaces get close to each other near the point charge?
29. Find out the expression for the potential energy of a system of three charges q1, q2 and
q3 located at r1, r2 and r3 with respect to the common origin O.

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30. Draw three equipotential surfaces corresponding to a field that uniformly increases in
magnitude but remains constant along Z-direction. How are these surfaces different
from that of a constant electric field along Z-direction?
31. (i)Can two equipotential surfaces intersect each other? Give reasons,
(ii)Two charges – q and + q are located at points A (0, 0, – a) and B{0, 0, +a)
respectively. How much work is done in moving a test charge from point P{7, 0, 0)
to Q(- 3, 0, 0)?
32. (i)Write two characteristics of equipotential surfaces.
(ii) Draw the equipotential surfaces due to an electric dipole.
33. Two point charges, q1 =10xl0-8 C and q2 =-2×10-8C are separated by a distance of 60
cm in air.
(i)What a distance from the 1st charge q1 would the electric potential be zero?
(ii)Also, calculate the electrostatic potential energy of the system.
34. Two point charges 4Q, Q are separated by lm in air. At what point on the line joining
the charges, is the electric field intensity zero? Also calculate the electrostatic
potential energy of the system of charges taking the value of charge, Q = 2 X 10-7 C.
35. Define the dipole moment of an electric dipole. How does the electric potential due to
a dipole vary on the dipole axis as a function of r distance of the point from the mid-
point of the dipole at large distances?
36. Derive an expression for the electric potential at any point along the axial line of an
electric dipole.
37. Two charges of 5 nC and – 2 nC are placed at points (5 cm, 0, 0) and (23 cm, 0, 0) in
the region of space, where there is no other external field. Calculate the electrostatic
potential energy of this charge system.
38. A parallel plate capacitor of capacitance C is charged to a potential V. It is then
connected to another uncharged capacitor having the same capacitance. Find out the
ratio of the energy stored in the combined system to that stored initially in the single
39. Two parallel plate capacitors of capacitances C1 and C2 such that C1 =2C2 are
connected across a battery of V volt as shown in the figure Initially, the key (k) is kept
closed to fully charge the capacitors.The key is now thrown open and a dielectric slab
of dielectric constant K is inserted in the two capacitors to completely fill the gap
between the plates. Find the ratio of
(i) the net capacitance and
(ii) the energies stored in the combination before and after the introduction of the
dielectric slab.

40. Find the charge on the capacitor as Shown in the circuit.

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41. Determine the potential difference across the plates of the capacitor C1 of the network

shown in the figure, (assume, E2 >E1 )

42. Net capacitance of three identical capacitors in series is 1µF. what will be there net
capacitance if connected in parallel? Find the ratio of energy stored in the
configurations if they are both connected to the same source?
43. Two identical parallel plate (air) capacitors C1 and C2 have capacitance C each. The
space between their plates is now filled with dielectrics as shown in the figure. If the
two capacitors still have equal capacitance, they obtain the relation between dielectric

constants K, K1 andK2.
44. You are given an air filled parallel plate capacitor C1. The space between its plates is
now filled with slabs of dielectric constants K1 and K2 as shown in figure. Find the
capacitance of the capacitor C2 if area of the plates is A and distance between the
plates is d.

45. Figure shows a sheet of aluminium foil of negligible thickness placed between the
plates of a capacitor. How will its capacitance be affected if
(i)the foil is electrically insulated?
(ii)the foil is connected to the upper plate with a conducting wire?

46. (i)Obtain the expression for the energy stored per unit volume in a charged parallel
plate capacitor.
(ii) The electric field inside a parallel plate capacitor is E. Find the amount of work
done in moving a charge q over a closed rectangular loop abcda.

3 Marks Questions

47. A wire AB is carrying a steady current of 12A and is lying on the table. Another wire
CD carrying 5 A is held directly above AB at a height of 1mm. Find the mass per unit
length of the wire CD, so that it remains suspended at its position when left free. Give
the direction of the current flowing in CD with respect to that in ( the value of g =10

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48. (i) Depict the equipotential surfaces for a system of two identical positive point
charges placed a distance d apart.
(ii) Deduce the expression for the potential energy of a system of two point charges
q1 and q2 brought from infinity to the points with positions and r 2 respectively, in
presence of external electric field E.
49. Calculate the work done to associate the system of three charges q, -4q and 2q placed
on the vertices of equilateral triangle of side 10cm. here q = 1.6 х 10-10 C.
50. (i) Two points charges q1 and q2 initially at infinity, are brought one by one to points
P1 and P2 specified by position vectors r1 and r2 relative to same origin. What is the
potential energy of this charge configuration? Define an equipotential surface.
(ii) Draw schematically the equipotential surface corresponding to a field that
uniformly increases in magnitude but remains constant in direction.
51. (i) Derive the expression for the capacitance of a parallel plate capacitor having plate
area A and plate separation d.
(ii) Two charged spherical conductors of radii r1 and r2 when connected by a
conducting plate respectively. Find the ratio of their surface charge densities in terms
of their radii.
A capacitor of 200 pF is charged by a 300 V battery. The battery is then disconnected
and the charged capacitor is connected to another uncharged capacitor of 100 pF.
Calculate the difference between the final energy stored in the combined system and
the initial energy stored in the single capacitor.
52. A parallel plate capacitor is charged by a battery. After sometime, the battery is
disconnected and a dielectric slab with its thickness equal to the plate separation is
inserted between the plates. How will
(i)the capacitances of the capacitor,
(ii)potential difference between the plates and
(iii)the energy stored in the capacitors be affected? Justify your answer in each case.
53. A parallel plate capacitor, each with plate area A and separation d is charged to a
potential difference V. The battery used to charge it remains connected. A dielectric
slab of thickness d and dielectric constant K is now placed between the plates. What
change if any will take place in
(i)charge on plates?
(ii)electric field intensity between the plates?
(iii)capacitance of the capacitor? Justify your answer in each case.
54. A parallel plate capacitor is charged to a potential difference V by a DC source. The
capacitor is then disconnected from the source. If the distance between the plates is
doubled, state with reason, how the following will change?
(i)Electric field between the plates
(iii)Energy stored in the capacitor
55. Find the ratio of the potential differences that must be applied across the parallel and
the series combination of two identical capacitors so that the energy stored in the two
cases becomes the same.
56. (i) How is the electric field due to a charged parallel plate capacitor affected when a
dielectric slab is inserted between the plates fully occupying the intervening region?
(ii) A slab of material of dielectric constant K has the same area as the plates of a
parallel plate capacitor but has thickness 1/2 d,where d is the separation between the
plates. Find the expression for the capacitance when the slab is inserted between the
57. (i) Plot a graph comparing the variation of potential V and electric field E due to a
point charge Q as a function of distance R from the point charge.
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(ii) Find the ratio of the potential differences that must be applied across the parallel
and the series combination of two capacitors, Cl and C2 with their capacitances in the
ratio 1 : 2, so that the energy stored in the two cases becomes the same.
58. A parallel plate capacitor is charged by a battery. After sometime, the battery is
disconnected and a dielectric slab of dielectric constant K is inserted between the
plates. How would
(i)the electric field between the plates
(ii)the energy stored in the capacitor be affected? Justify your answer.
59. A system of capacitors connected as shown in the figure has a total energy of 160 mJ
stored in it. Obtain the value of the equivalent capacitance of this system and the

value of Z.
60. The two plates of a parallel plate capacitor are 4 mm apart. A slab of dielectric
constant 3 and thickness 3 mm is introduced between the plates with its faces parallel
to them. The distance between the plates is so adjusted that the capacitance of the
capacitor becomes (2/3 )rd of its original value. What is the new distance between the

5 Marks Questions

61. (i)Show that in a parallel plate capacitor if the medium between the plates of a
capacitor is filled with an insulating substance of dielectric constant K, its capacitance
(ii) Deduce the expression for the energy stored in a capacitor of capacitance C with
charge Q.
62. A small sphere of radius a carrying a positive charge q is placed concentrically inside
a larger hollow conducting shell of radius b(b> a). This outer shell has charge Q on it.
Show that if these spheres are connected by a conducting wire, charge will always
flow from the inner sphere to the outer sphere irrespective of the magnitude of the two

Chapter 2 Electrostatic Potential and Capacitance:

MCQ Based questions:
Q1. A positively charged particle is released from rest in an uniform electric field.
The electric potential energy of the charge
(a) remains a constant because the electric field is uniform.
(b) increases because the charge moves along the electric field.
(c) decreases because the charge moves along the electric field.
(d) decreases because the charge moves opposite to the electric field.
Q2. Figures show some equipotential lines distributed in space. A charged object is
moved from point A to point B.

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(a) The work done in Fig. (i) is the greatest.
(b) The work done in Fig. (ii) is least.
(c) The work done is the same in Fig. (i), Fig.(ii) and Fig. (iii).
(d) The work done in Fig. (iii) is greater than Fig. (ii) but equal to that in Fig. (i).
Q3. Equipotential at a great distance from a collection of charges whose total sum is
not zero are approximately
(a) spheres (c) paraboloids
(b) planes (d) ellipsoids
Q4. Two small spheres each carrying a charge q are placed r metre apart. If one of the
spheres is taken around the other one in a circular path of radius r, the work done will
be equal to
(a) force between them × r (b) force between them × 2πr
(c) force between them/2πr (d) zero
Q5. The electric potential V at any point O (x, y, z all in metres) in space is given by
V = 4x² volt. The electric field at the point (1 m, 0, 2 m) in volt/metre is
(a) 8 along negative x-axis (b) 8 along positive x-axis
(c) 16 along negative x-axis (d) 16 along positive z-axis
Q6. If a unit positive charge is taken from one point to another over an equipotential
surface, then
(a) work is done on the charge. (b) work is done by the charge.
(c) work done is constant. (d) no work is done.
Q7. A hollow metal sphere of radius 5 cm is charged so that the potential on its
surface is 10 V. The potential at the centre of the sphere is
(a) 0 V
(b) 10 V
(c) Same as at point 5 cm away from the surface
(d) Same as at point 25 cm away from the surface
Q8. The electrostatic force between the metal plates of an isolated parallel plate
capacitor C having a charge Q and area A, is
(a) proportional to the square root of the distance between the plates.
(b) linearly proportional to the distance between the plates.
(c) independent of the distance between the plates.
(d) inversely proportional to the distance between the plates.
Q9. A capacitor is charged by a battery. The battery is removed and another identical
uncharged capacitor is connected in parallel. The total electrostatic energy of resulting
(a) increases by a factor of 4. (b) decreases by a factor of 2.
(c) remains the same. (d) increases by a factor of 2.
Q10. A conductor with a positive charge
(a) is always at +ve potential. (b) is always at zero potential.
(c) is always at negative potential. (d) may be at +ve, zero or -ve potential.
Q11. Figure shows the electric lines of force emerging from a charged body. If the
electric field at A and B are EA and EB respectively and if the displacement between
A and B is r then

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(a) EA > EB (b) EA < EB
(c) EA = EB/r (d) EA = EB /r²
Q12. Which of the following options are correct? If a conductor has a potential V 4- 0
and there are no charges anywhere else outside, then
(a) there must not be charges on the surface or inside itself.
(b) there cannot be any charge in the body of the conductor.
(c) there must be charges only on the surface.
(d) there must be charges inside the surface.
Q13. Which of the following options is correct? In a region of constant potential
(a) the electric field is uniform. (b) the electric field is zero.
(c) there can be charge inside the region.
(d) the electric field shall necessarily change if a charge is placed outside the region.
Q14. 64 drops each having the capacity C and potential V are combined to form a big
drop. If the charge on the small drop is q, then the charge on the big drop will be
(a) 2q (b) 4q
(c) 16q (d) 64q
Q15. The radii of two metallic spheres A and B are r 1 and r2 respectively (r1 > r2).
They are connected by a thin wire and the system is given a certain charge. The
charge will be greater
(a) on the surface of the sphere B. (b) on the surface of the sphere A.
(c) equal on both. (d) zero on both.
Q16. A parallel plate condenser is connected with the terminals of a battery. The
distance between the plates is 6mm. If a glass plate (dielectric constant K = 9) of 4.5
mm is introduced between them, then the capacity will become
(a) 2 times. (b) the same.
(c) 3 times. (d) 4 times.
Q17. Three charges Q, +q and +q is placed at the vertices of an equilateral triangle of
side l as shown in the figure. If the net electrostatic energy of the system is zero, then
Q is equal to

(a) –q (b) +q
(c) zero (d) –
Q18. Two metal plates form a parallel plate capacitor. The distance between the
plates is d. A metal sheet of thickness and of the same area is introduced between
the plates.What is the ratio of the capacitance in the two cases?
(a) 2 : 1 (b) 3 : 1
(c) 2 : 1 (d) 5 : 1
Q19. A capacitor of 4 pF is connected as shown in the circuit. The internal resistance
of the battery is 0.5 Q. The amount of charge on the capacitor plates will be ______

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(a) 0 (b) 4
(c) 16 μC (d) 8 μC
Q20. A capacitor is charged by using a battery which is then disconnected. A
dielectric slabthen slipped between the plates, which results in
(a) reduction of charge on the plates and increase of potential difference across the
(b) increase in the potential difference across the plate, reduction in stored energy, but
no change in the charge on the plates.
(c) decrease in the potential difference across the plates, reduction in the stored
energy, but no change in the charge on the plates.
(d) none of these
Q21. Which of the following statement is true?
(a) Electrostatic force is a conservative force.
(b) Potential at a point is the work done per unit charge in bringing a charge from any
point to infinity.
(c) Electrostatic force is non-conservative
(d) Potential is the product of charge and work.
Q22. 1 volt is equivalent to
(a) N/s (b) N/C
(c) J/C (d) J/s
Q23. The work done in bringing a unit positive charge from infinite distance to a
point at distance x from a positive charge Q is W. Then the potential at that point is
(a) WQ/x (b) W
(c) W/x (d) WQ
Q24. Consider a uniform electric field in the z-direction. The potential is a constant
(a) for any x for a given z (b) for any y for a given z
(c) on the x-y plane for a given z (d) all of these
Q25. Equipotential surfaces
(a) are closer in regions of large electric fields compared to regions of lower electric
(b) will be more crowded near sharp edges of a conductor.
(c) will always be equally spaced.
(d) both (a) and (b) are correct.
Q26. In a region of constant potential
(a) the electric field is uniform. (b) the electric field is zero.
(c) there can be no charge inside the region. (d) both (b) and (c) are correct.
Q27. A test charge is moved from lower potential point to a higher potential point.
The potential energy of test charge will
(a) remain the same (b) increase
(c) decrease (d) become zero
Q28. An electric dipole of moment is placed in a uniform electric field . Then
(i) the torque on the dipole is
(ii) the potential energy of the system is
(iii) the resultant force on the dipole is zero. Choose the correct option.
(a) (i), (ii) and (iii) are correct (b) (i) and (iii) are correct and (ii) is wrong
(c) only (i) is correct (d) (i) and (ii) are correct and (iii) is wrong
Q29. If a conductor has a potential V ≠ 0 and there are no charges anywhere else
outside, then
(a) there must be charges on the surface or inside itself.
(b) there cannot be any charge in the body of the conductor.
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(c) there must be charges only on the surface.
(d) both (a) and (b) are correct.
Q30. Which of the following statements is false for a perfect conductor?
(a) The surface of the conductor is an equipotential surface.
(b) The electric field just outside the surface of a conductor is perpendicular to the
(c) The charge carried by a conductor is always uniformly distributed over the surface
of the conductor.
(d) None of these.
Q31. Dielectric constant for a metal is
(a) zero (b) infinite
(c) 1 (d) 10
Q32. When air is replaced by a dielectric medium of constant K, the maximum force
of attraction between two charges separated by a distance
(a) increases K times (b) remains unchanged
(c) decreases K times (d) increases K-1 times
Q33. In a parallel plate capacitor, the capacity increases if
(a) area of the plate is decreased. (b) distance between the plates increases.
(c) area of the plate is increased. (d) dielectric constantly decreases.
Q34. A parallel plate air capacitor is charged to a potential difference of V volts.
After disconnecting the charging battery, the distance between the plates of the
capacitor is increased using an insulating handle. As a result the potential difference
between the plates
(a) increases (b) decreases
(c) does not change (d) becomes zero
Q35. Two identical capacitors are joined in parallel, charged to a potential V,
separated and then connected in series, the positive plate of one is connected to the
negative of the other. Which of the following is true?
(a) The charges on the free plated connected together are destroyed.
(b) The energy stored in this system increases.
(c) The potential difference between the free plates is 2V.
(d) The potential difference remains constant.
Q36. A capacitor has some dielectric between its plates, and the capacitor is
connected to a dc source. The battery is now disconnected and then the dielectric is
removed, then
(a) capacitance will increase. (b) energy stored will decrease.
(c) electric field will increase. (d) voltage will decrease.
Q37. Two spherical conductors each of capacity C are charged to potential V and -V.
These are then connected by means of a fine wire. The loss of energy is
(a) zero (b) CV2
(c) CV (d) 2 CV2
Directions: These questions consist of two statements, each printed as Assertion and
Reason. While answering these questions, you are required to choose any one of the
following four responses.
(a) Both Assertion and Reason are correct and the Reason is a correct explanation of
the Assertion.
(b) Both Assertion and Reason are correct but Reason is not a correct explanation of
the Assertion.
(c) Assertion is correct, Reason is incorrect
(d) Both Assertion and Reason are correct.

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Q.1. Assertion : If the distance between parallel plates of a capacitor is halved and
dielectric constant is three times, then the capacitance becomes 6 times.
Reason : Capacity of the capacitor does not depend upon the nature of the material.
Q.2. Assertion : A parallel plate capacitor is connected across battery through a key.
A dielectric slab of dielectric constant K is introduced between the plates. The energy
which is stored becomes K times.
Reason : The surface density of charge on the plate remains constant or unchanged.
Q.3. Assertion : The total charge stored in a capacitor is zero.
Reason : The field just outside the capacitor is σ/ε0 . (σ is the charge density).
Q.4. Assertion : The electrostatic force between the plates of a charged isolated
capacitor decreases when dielectric fills whole space between plates.
Reason : The electric field between the plates of a charged isolated capacitance
increases when dielectric fills whole space between plates.
Q.5. Assertion : Two concentric charged shells are given. The potential difference
between the shells depends on charge of inner shell.
Reason : Potential due to charge of outer shell remains same at every point inside the

Q.6. Assertion : Two equipotential surfaces cannot cut each other.

Reason : Two equipotential surfaces are parallel to each other.
Q.7. Assertion: The potential difference between any two points in an electric field
depends only on initial and final position.
Reason: Electric field is a conservative field so the work done per unit positive
charge does not depend on path followed.
Q.8. Assertion : Electric field inside a conductor is zero.
Reason: The potential at all the points inside a conductor is same.
Q.9. Assertion : Electric field is discontinuous across the surface of a spherical
charged shell.
Reason : Electric potential is continuous across the surface of a spherical charged
Q.10. Assertion : Work done in moving a charge between any two points in an
electric field is independent of the path followed by the charge, between these points.
Reason: Electrostatic force is a non-conservative force.
Q.11. Assertion : Two adjacent conductors of unequal dimensions, carrying the same
positive charge have a potential difference between them.
Reason : The potential of a conductor depends upon the charge given to it.
Q.12. Assertion : Electric potential and electric potential energy are different
Reason : For a system of positive test charge and point charge electric potential
energy = electric potential.
Q.13. Assertion : For a non-uniformly charged thin circular ring with net charge is
zero, the electric field at any point on axis of the ring is zero.
Reason : For a non-uniformly charged thin circular ring with net charge zero, the
electric potential at each point on axis of the ring is zero.
Q.14. Assertion : For a charged particle moving from point P to point Q, the net work
done by an electrostatic field on the particle is independent of the path connecting
point P to point Q.

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Reason : The net work done by a conservative force on an object moving along a
closed loop is zero.
Q.15. Assertion : Polar molecules have permanent dipole moment.
Reason : In polar molecules, the centres of positive and negative charges coincide
even when there is no external field.
Q.16. Assertion : Dielectric polarization means formation of positive and negative
charges inside the dielectric.
Reason: Free electrons are formed in this process.
Q.17. Assertion : In the absence of an external electric field, the dipole moment per
unit volume of a polar dielectric is zero.
Reason : The dipoles of a polar dielectric are randomly oriented.
Q.18. Assertion : For a point charge, concentric spheres centered at a location of the
charge are equipotential surfaces.
Reason : An equipotential surface is a surface over which potential has zero value.
Q.19. Assertion : Electric energy resides out of the spherical isolated conductor.
Reason : The electric field at any point inside the conductor is zero.
Q.20. Assertion : Two equipotential surfaces cannot cut each other.
Reason : Two equipotential surfaces are parallel to each other.
Q.21. Assertion: Two equipotential surfaces can be orthogonal.
Reason: Electric field lines are normal to the equipotential surface.
Q.22. Assertion: The equatorial plane of a dipole is an equipotential surface.
Reason: The electric potential at any point on equatorial plane is zero.
Q.23. Assertion: The electric potential at any point on the equatorial plane of a dipole
is zero.
Reason: The work done in bringing a unit positive charge from infinity to a point in
equatorial plane is equal for the two charges of the dipole.
Q.24. Assertion : A parallel plate capacitor is connected across battery through a key.
A dielectric slab of dielectric constant k is introduced between the plates. The energy
stored becomes k times.
Reason : The surface density of charge on the plate remains constant.
Q.25. Assertion : Two metal plates having charges Q, –Q face each other at some
separation and are dipped into an oil tank. If the oil is pumped out, the electric field
between the plates increases.
Reason : Electric field between the plates, Emed = Eair/K
Q.26. Assertion : When a dielectric slab is gradually inserted between the plates of an
isolated parallel-plate capacitor, the energy of the system decreases.
Reason : The force between the plates decreases.
Q.27. Assertion : A dielectric is inserted between the plates of a battery connected
capacitor. The energy of the capacitor increases.
Reason : Energy of the capacitor, U=CV2/2

Chapter 2 Electrostatic Potential and Capacitance

Case Study Question 1
When an insulator is placed in an external field, the dipoles become aligned. Induced
surface charges on the insulator establish a polarization field Ē i in its interior. The net
field Ē in the insulator is the vector sum of Ē, and Ē i as shown in the figure.

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On the application of external electric field, the effect of aligning the electric dipoles
in the insulator is called
polarization and the field Ē; is known as the polarization field.
The dipole moment per unit volume of the dielectric is known as polarization (P).
For linear isotropic dielectrics, P =χE, where χ = electrical susceptibility of the
dielectric medium.
(i) Which among the following is an example of polar molecule?
(a) O2 (c) N2
(b) H2 (d) HCI
(ii) When air is replaced by a dielectric medium of constant K, the maximum
force of attraction between two charges separated by a distance
(a) increases K times (c) decreases K times
(b) remains unchanged (d) increases 2K times.
(iii) Which of the following is a dielectric?
(a) Copper (c) Antimony (Sb)
(b) Glass (d) None of these
(iv) For a polar molecule, which of the following statements is true ?
(a) The centre of gravity of electrons and protons coincide.
(b) The centre of gravity of electrons and protons do not coincide.
(c) The charge distribution is always symmetrical.
(d) The dipole moment is always zero.
(v) When a comb rubbed with dry hair attracts pieces of paper. This is because
(a) comb polarizes the piece of paper
(b) comb induces a net dipole moment opposite to the direction of field
(c) electric field due to the comb is uniform
(d) comb induces a net dipole moment perpendicular to the direction of field

Physics/XII Page 35

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