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Sorry I'm still reeling over the page 10 confessions
There was nothing really that shocking. Especially for a place like this.
pg 10 confessions are all lies.
wtf jewpress
It wasn't a lie
It is my first scale. I've never gotten one of these before and never really planned on it, but I felt I had to for this
one. I am pleased with it.
nigga you gay
Very nice, beautiful tits
How's the back?
Post tummy.
Nice Lum Bum
Accidentally broke a finger on a statue’s hand out of my own carelessness but going to pretend it came like that and see if I can get a replacement. Luckily places don’t ask for unboxing videos and you usually have a month or so to put in a claim.
Boring because it's all basically covered up
I don't have a photo right now
>I've never gotten one of these before and never really planned on it
Run as long as you can, or it won't be the last.
Nice Lum, though.
I see, thanks for sharing, and good choice by the way, she's beautiful.
She's amazing, anon, good choice.
Now get the fuck out of here before you wallet get raped.
Did this get a rerelease?
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9/17/24, 9:15 PM /a/ - Buyfag Thread - Anime & Manga - 4chan
>> Anonymous 09/16/24(Mon)23:04:37 No.271098166 ▶ >>271098280 >>271105827
File: IMG_6608.jpg (3.05 MB, 5291x3762)
One of my friends who rents a room in my place specifically singled out the fact that she has a navel as being comical
during his mockery of me.
Yeah, I already have the Kyoko Otonashi 1/7 Scale preordered. I don't know what I am gonna do with it, since it doesn't match the Lum one.
At least she’s okay, but her box is a bit
damaged and dirty.
Thanks, none of the store pictures were showing it. Nice navel.
first time posting some of my Yu Gi Oh stuff, looking to get the new exodia figure when it comes out. (couldn't adjust my led lights, they were not
working with the app)
>inb4 youtooz/funko/dusty
Nice, that Obelisk looks sweet
I still have her po'd
that Obelisk is so cool, hope they re-release it eventually
I unboxed
Thanks! its about $210 before tax on ebay right now. i paid $197.99 for it. That's not too bad, Slifer on the other hand is $400+
The hair looks kind of bad on this one but all the details on the gun are neat. The surefire logo is funny, I doubt the manufacturer got permission to
use their name.
No panties. Sad.
her tits look bigger here
They removed it due to pedophile issues
Hard to get a good picture, but surprised to find out she has a pussy. I swear I recall seeing one where she had panties or the tail was covering it.
Fuck bfull
Huh, so weird. Looks like she was sculpted with castoff in mind, but they settled for non-removable, and there's a version someone posted on MFC where she has a tail camel toe instead.
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9/17/24, 9:15 PM /a/ - Buyfag Thread - Anime & Manga - 4chan
I regret not getting Obelisk and Ra from Kotobukya but my autism was preventing me if I was never going to get Slifer. I
hope they get a rerun.
are people really clubfagging on a monday? is there a club in the tower? fags snorting coke off the asses of naked 1/1 loli statues? amichan blowing anyone who didn't cancel this month?
It's Respect for the Aged Day so Ami didn't update last night!
Both Kinomoto and Tomoyo are predator anon wtf are you
even talking about
figmas are so much fun than nendos. how come it didn't take off?
those joints make me sick
they're asstrash dumpsterfire shitpiles that'll fall apart if you fart 500 miles way
some owners can make amusing pics with them but they're they're a pain to actually display
be honest, how many times did you change your nendo pose in a month? me: once a year max
They did a few already. This is another one. Currently 10% off at $157 pre tax.
I went and looked at my amazon order for the number edition back in 2016. I bought it for $135 pre tax. Mine was #1339.
rate my doll
Why does your doll have a twitter filename?
I don't believe this is your doll. Why don't you man up and post your own dolls instead of posting the ones you get off of twitter.
rate my GK
>their inner reaction when
they see your face
I am only interested in robot-wives if they are doll-like
They are not human, they are humanoid objects. Resources and time are being wasted in making them just like the things they are supposed to replace, when instead they should become Überfrauen. Instead of roastie plastic faces I seek Doll perfection. I want beautiful doll joints adorned in golden trim on top
of porcelain-like skin.
Twitter out of 10
Got my FOTS Kunoichi and well, nice ass but goddamn everything else sucks
Looks like she's ungluing at every seam, you can see it in her back, hair, and mask. Fishnets look terrible, the paint in her scarf is bubbling all over and the finish makes her look like she's
covered in glitter.
She also can't balance for shit so she's gotta lean on something.
Needless to say I learned my lesson, control your dick sometimes.
The FOTS Japan quality
Thoughts on AstrumDesign? It's not on the manufacturers list and I saw some figs that look good but I dunno about the quality.
>b full
Ok but post more of her butt
Thanks for the report. I almost bought her. Dodged a bullet there. But I did get a different fots coming in october.
I have this succ and one of their fascemask girls. I think both
came out great.
never undertood why people keep thousands of usd worth of figures in shitty detolfs . If you are spending that much just get custom made cabinets ffs .
Fine, here
Sure, better luck to you anon
Cute JKs
you got some nerve punk
I will buy your figure.
My cute wife Mahiro.
Did you got it from HLJ in the past few days? You saved me from making something stupid if you did.
I also dont understand why would you frogfied sakura
why are you responding to frogposters?
wtf is this real
because im not racist
retards aren't a race, it's a mental defect
Ami-chan, Ami-chan
Sells whatever figi she can
Updates the site, every night
Bins figures all the time
Here updates the Ami-chan
>Updates the site, every night
I wish
They are pretty much instant bin even though their figs look good and are good quality (I also have halloween succy and alyx)
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9/17/24, 9:15 PM /a/ - Buyfag Thread - Anime & Manga - 4chan
Please respect "Respect for Old Ass Niggas" day it's a very important holiday in Nippon considering 84% of the population is over 60
Robo tummy
I got it from a local store
You could say the figure is overpriced but I like it
Im gonna cancel
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GS4FQYbL_RQ [Embed]
That is a nice one
I have this one preorderd
Broken Leg
damn somehow the featurless crotch makes hit hotter
This part of my desk has come together pretty nicely. Overall pretty great Schwi figure, I was worried when I saw how bad Prisma Wing's Shiro came out but somehow they
nailed the Schwi figure.
I didn't PO that one but I do want it. I like that it can be wall-mounted. Hopefully it drops in price after release
>>271096085 (OP)
When you look at it like this, figgies seems like a great deal
until you realize you have to keep buying them every moth
Fine, here
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9/17/24, 9:15 PM /a/ - Buyfag Thread - Anime & Manga - 4chan
control_loss, amico, bin
depends on the face
>Bins figures all the time
But anon, she bins all the figures right after you buy them
Nice comfy video
Only if it's a "fairy" or canonically small as fuck character. Once you're at 1/1 then there's no reason to go bigger unless you're a billionaire and are going to stick it on a roof.
then I won't buy until it bins
Only her cpu form is flat though. But I agree, Freeing and Broccoli made her way bigger than needed. I got sleepy
Uni anyway.
Omg it literly me
face color doesnt match body....
why buys collectible cards, what lame product to collect
dumb gaijin should have chosen
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9/17/24, 9:15 PM /a/ - Buyfag Thread - Anime & Manga - 4chan
Damn, I now know that feel
I'll take the ps5 over the merch of the ugly character
Damn, I almost bought her, looks like I got lucky.
It's not so bad though, the only bad thing I see is the fishnets.
This is a beautiful view though, damn, what an ass. I like her shoes as well.
scrolled through the last few threads and I didn't see anyone mention this other than one dude complaining about no
international shipping
I probably won't buy it but if anyone has been waiting for a copy that isn't $800+, probably should order one asap
Idoru buttsex
was it just the numbered editions that were $800?
no I mean the fact that it's been sold out for years and if you wanted a copy they're $800 on ebay
oh I know, I was just wondering which version is going for that nowadays
max factory and kotobukiya
Isn’t this impractical as shit to read?
it is quite a disaster for buyfags when tiktok discovers something
that saya no uta scale figure goes for over 400 usd usually, and i’ve seen people say that some have bought it because they thought it just looked cute and don’t know anything about the source material
love ward miku sells for 300 usd minimum, and usually with no box
people complain about tiktok ruining the aftermarket prices on the comments of figures that have been affected on mfc, though it is kinda funny reading the seethe.
personally it’s understandable if “real” fans get mad that clueless zoomers will buy figures at jew prices, causing the aftermarket scene to surge, but at the same time it’s their money and people can buy a figure if they simply like it and want to.
It is. I have one of the number one. It's just for collectors to display or store away to sell later.
Reminds me of the retards that bought into the manufactured Pokémon hype/grift
gs shanghai if it ever goes up for PO
cool boomer buyfagger
>>271095609 →
Were you serious?
https://youtu.be/dgUbRpdUN1w?si=5hsTUPFN9rj_sItE [Embed]
Isn't it owned by germans tough?
DHL is awesome man, they deliver really fast
Did you do it for free?
>> Anonymous 09/17/24(Tue)11:43:12 No.271114006 ▶ >>271114428 >>271115537 >>271115637 >>271115816 >>271115851 >>271116915 >>271121279 >>271122284 >>271124459 >>271124854
File: 4550.jpg (89 KB, 864x938)
Saw that we’re doing page 10 confessions now but fuck it I gotta sleep soon
Sometimes when I see myself and all the figures around my room and compare myself to people my age with their own wives and children I get really sad. After mom dies I’ll truly have no one in my life. Sometimes buyfagging isn’t enough to fill
this hole in my heart
i know a couple of weebs who have a lot of figgies and cats and I used to have a liking for them because our few interactions were positive .now i cant stand to watch them because the girl looks like my ex and i want what they have and fuck this gay world [/spoiler[
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9/17/24, 9:15 PM /a/ - Buyfag Thread - Anime & Manga - 4chan
>> Anonymous 09/17/24(Tue)13:07:20 No.271115193 ▶
File: GXqwD5NWAAAfrwC.jpg (387 KB, 2048x2048)
I kinda know that feel
>still caring about normies
NGMI. Yeah it’s pathetic to be the stereotypical creepy otaku guy with no gf or social life but most of us have accepted it. At least we’re doing the world a favor by not reproducing and spreading our genes to the future, and just keep to ourselves.. Natural selection takes care of everything in the end.
How old are you?
If you've actually tried the dating scene you'll realize it's not worth it.
sadly relatable
This is why gatekeeping is a good thing. The moment you let zoomer faggots and tiktok retards in, it all goes to shit.
forever alone stops being a meme and starts being a concern past 30
theres "the scene" and then theres actually dating someone who loves and appreciates you
stay away from casual sex apps man
Amiami doesn't give you a shipping update until it's reached your country and is on a ups truck. It likely is already halfway on its journey to you.
Aren't they cheap? How much are these things?
It's too late for us. It's time to reach acceptance.
Word, gatekeeping is important. But unfortunately the anime figure side of tiktok is really big, which should be expected because it’s probably the first or second most active social media app in the world as of now, first being instagram. I don’t count facebook since that’s mostly boomers.
I’ve seen figure videos with over 400k likes, the ones with the most likes have over a million which means it reached into normie territory but the average figure vids can be anywhere to 3 to 5 digits in likes.
Luckily most of the buyfags on tiktok just have cheap miku prize figs since that’s what kids can afford but the ones that actually get attention with their vids are pretty much your average female mfc user with respectable scales
To be honest it can still very be a concern in your 20s, mostly depends if your friends are all getting married as well
Man, I remember when these were supposed to be super limited (TM) then they went and printed more before the numbered edition was even released. To say nothing of the massacre that the entire shipping palooza was
Let’s be real, it was already over for some of you because you unironically buy junior idol dvds. So natural selection is a good thing.
Lucky for me I don't tend to like the same anime that goth girls like
I’m just glad that I have my grails and they weren’t too expensive. Imagine being a chobbitsfag
I'd assume most chobbitfags are cashing in their 401Ks at this point. if they don't already own the
figures, they're just newfags.
yea, but they'll never go into loli, so i'm safe. at worst they'll go into
coomer shit like nikke.
Finally managed to order this smug little shit as another round of them are
releasing in November.
Breh I’m a buyfag with a wife. It’s not that hard. Learn Japanese. Or at least enough that you can communicate with a Japanese woman trying to learn English.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=naueBSpnYY8 [Embed]
Fuck why am I not rich
Check out this fig https://myfigurecollection.net/item/693386
One of the only scales in existence and still a lot of frequent comments searching for the figure every week
I’ve seen girls who are into the “cutecore” aesthetic own a lot of loli figures. Like ichigo milk, monogatari, nekopara if that counts. Some even have some raunchy bikini figs. It’s often met with angry comments though kek. Haven’t seen any r18 figures but I couldn’t anyway since the app doesn’t allow nsfw
Osaka anon you just get worse every thread
That’s the first time I ever tried using “breh”.
I honestly feel shame from having typed it.
Do you like Ilya? This has 14k likes
But as long as it’s not miku or whatever trendy girl the zoomer girls like it probably won’t affect the aftermarket more than
it currently is
commit sudoku
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9/17/24, 9:15 PM /a/ - Buyfag Thread - Anime & Manga - 4chan
yea, but when figures like picrel gets popular on tiktok, i'd start to worry. that one is
too off-model cute ish.
Basically, they just like any figure that’s cute, girls like cute things etc. I wish mfc still had the gender ratio visible when you clicked on who owned a figure, I loved seeing the statistics and noticing patterns with each character and anime/mangas.
I bought like 30 (iM@S) and then fully understood how heavy they can get when you have a lot so I'm not buying any more until I move
pay your 13 euros
That they do. I can't ever justify picking them because not only it's expensive, they will also inevitably tax your shit for yuropoors such as me, no chance of the package slipping through customs
t. dhl employee
>>271096085 (OP)
You will never catch me alive
fuck off back to your hell holes
Just started a new anime bros and I think the MC is in love with a loli vampire....dont know if I should continue...
why does it focus butt???
>But as long as it’s not miku or whatever trendy girl the zoomer girls like it probably won’t affect the aftermarket more than it currently is
But this Illya is expensive as fuck now
>"y-you can only like anime here!!!!1"
Post the front.
It's 2024, women are only interested in your money
>implying people here even watch anime considering most figures posted are gachaslop
>no you can’t like games either!
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9/17/24, 9:15 PM /a/ - Buyfag Thread - Anime & Manga - 4chan
Yes, I grew tired of seeing those xenoblade whores almost every single thread for years
They're slot machines
You're not even hiding that you're
Replace games with anime/figures and this is you
I used to make fun of boxfags... Then I became one.
Let them breath...
But we still need her to get a fig
More and more buyfags are seeing the light
My fellow boxgod!
This picture is responsible for the majority of my wife's appearances in these threads
Gamera's husband...
That one's overly cluttered and still looks like shit. I don't know why it gets posted so much.
Bottom looks comfy
>>271096085 (OP)
What's this body type called
She has the squareenix figma blud
imagine needing to dust all of that…
I post more figgies than you, niggy.
I haven't been able to justify buying physical copies of manga. I feel like not only is it pricey, but they take up a lot of space for even one series and I'd have no idea which series to even prioritize.
On top of that, since I'm learning Japanese, I'd also have to decide whether I'd want to get it in Enlish for easier reading or take the dive and just get the original Japanese.
I only buy short series like GLT and Emanon
People my age are desperately hopping from one parttime job to another while trying to finish their studies and/or find an actual job while barely scrapping by because some old boomer is ripping them off with insane rent for a single fucking room and the ones that don't ALL still live with their parents lmao.
Nice pussy bro, where this from?
Waiting for my sale figures from a series no ones gives a shit about but for me its kino(SHaman king,mangafag)
No, you didn't. You did it purely for money, you manwhore bitch.
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9/17/24, 9:15 PM /a/ - Buyfag Thread - Anime & Manga - 4chan
>> Anonymous 09/17/24(Tue)16:56:20 No.271121784 ▶ >>271126755
File: 1726339999790909.jpg (135 KB, 921x1107)
I did it because I liked it though...
No offense, anon. You sound like you're in your early 20s, 25 max.
Do it!
Because they wiggle wiggle.
But then the other anons will bully me for being a dollfag..
what happens if I get a gf one day and she tells me to throw out my figgies?
So bully them for not being
cute and funny
You dump her
My girlfriend said 'don't buy any more'. I just started putting them on the same shelf, I doubt she will notice new Nendos. I will be putting the scale away when she visits though.
>people in their late teens/early 20s coping with not having a gf and worrying about what normies think
4chan never changes
>this anon really saged the thread
Go floss somewhere else.
want sum figy nigi?
I sage when I don't think my post is worth the bump.
This is /a/ not /co/ or /r9k/ you retarded zoomer tourist retard.
>>271096085 (OP)
Where can I buy t-shirts?
ClayM, Chinese manufacturer, made this weird one that was on
Ami-chan as well.
At your local thrift store.
I'm 30 and haven't reached this feeling yet, but I am afraid it may hit me one day when its too late. I do get depressed when loved ones die, but I just can't bring myself to give enough of a shit to date let
alone start a family
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9/17/24, 9:15 PM /a/ - Buyfag Thread - Anime & Manga - 4chan
While I hate the special snowflake sexualites, I wonder if I'm aromatic myself. I'm 35, surrounded by like 700 figures, and I've never even asked a woman out on a date.
Yes but I'm in my mid/late 20s and the reality of dying alone is
actually starting to creep up.
You definitely are aromatic you stinky faggot
Just outlive your whole family and then no one will be around to be ashamed of the state of your room
I can see this being a problem if you’re a woman because you’re approaching your expiry date the older you become but as a man older than you I don’t fucking care. I didn’t fucking care in my teens and early 20s like most guys here posting >tfw no gf. The majority of people with families are due to pregnancy mistakes so they have to settle for that
this, you can always buy a wife if you have money.
Is it more than 800 yen now? That site was good for a while especially for plamo, but the prices for a lot of things have been crept up strategically. I'm hoping to get the Artifact gundam kits before just going back to my usual shops.
I'll take two and an order of small fries.
It was 800 when I ordered last night
I'm on a similar situation but I know it's more of a case of being antisocial and having low libido.
No, just the tip.
Oy vey
Where is melty anon when you need him. He sees one word and gets triggered the fuck out, but when there is endless blogspam he's cool with it
Melty anon is doing the blogposting to punish the figgie posters
I'd still consider it if they did proper packaging but they just stick things in a box with no padding.
probably left because of all the dollfags, there was another anon warning of the infestation of dollfags on other board threads,
you should've listened.
I can become a new meltyanon if you want
Which nendo?
I'm a dollfag and I hate blogposting
I drank the juice of figgi
>usps mail girl who delivered my amiami box knew it was a fig and asked me what I ordered
instant day 1 preorder
hope we get Iroha L2D
figure someday
>ordered a fig
>estimated delivery date is supposed to be next week
>got it today
Damn, that was unexpected
I kinda wish I would be gay at this point in my life
DHL always sandbags their estimates. It is very annoying to plan around.
Lots of ebay sellers do the same thing. They also jack up the price each time
What's stopping you?
Yes as long as they aren't nendos or figma.
I wouldn't mind seeing a fig or two
Soon, wanna find
something else to add to
thanks for reminding me, I still hadn't ordered her
Are you gonna get the rest of Kessoku?
shit, gonna insta-PO
yeah I ordered all of them, also will get Hiroi
I know. There's only one cure for
those type of weirdos.
Time to take out the trash!
muh figgies
>using the default style
wtf bruh
I think we can all agree the worst posters are the homoerotic bocchi posters
They're cute though
they have a homoerotic bocchi general >>271072764 →
dont buy manga and buy ranobe, you get more for your money
Okay but which
Kessoku is the cutest?
>Yen dips under 140. Amico request payment. After payment, yen weakens.
Please enjoy this helpful
Inshallah it weakens more before my October invoice
Stop that
>Yellow Bocchi
Worst Bocchi imo
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9/17/24, 9:15 PM /a/ - Buyfag Thread - Anime & Manga - 4chan
As someone who has not watched this show, why was Kita chosen are the one that boys crossdress as?
pomp it
Haha, I wish.
Melty is looking at the blogposting and is seeing himself, like looking into a mirror. He is now in a state of introspection and will begin a
journey of self-discovery.
>at work
Don't shit where you eat anon.
My desk already has model Shinkansen (Type 0 and N700S), a Gundam, and a miniature Japanese vending machine.
It really wouldn’t look out of place.
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