Module Framework

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Department of Business Management FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT


Selection of exploratory 3
research technique
1 Sampling
Problem Discovery Probability probability
and Definition

Experience Pilot Case
4 Data processing
(historical) study
data survey study Data gathering

Problem definition Editing and
Data Processing coding data
(statement of research objectives)
2 and Analysis
Research design Data-verwerking
Selection of basic research method

6 Interpretation
Conclusion of findings
Experiment Survey and Report
Observation Secondary
Laboratory Field Interview Questionnaire Data Study
MODULE OUTCOMES Lecturer details and other contacts
At the end of the module
students will be able to Me H Mulholland Lecturer and Course co- [email protected]
conduct and interpret basic ordinator (021) 808 3401
research. This includes (but is Mnr M Daniels Course admin
not limited to):
Prof PD Erasmus Internal Moderator
1. Understand the research process Prof CH van Schalkwyk Exteranal Moderator
2. Understanding of the individual steps
in the research process as well as the
importance of each of the elements
in the process
1. Text book:
3. Understand and explain concepts Zikmund, WG, Babin, BJ, Carr, JC, Griffen, M. 2013. Business Research Methods. 9th Edition New York: Thomson
with regards to data collection and South-Western Publishing. (e-Chapters available on, ISBN 978 1 133 19094 3)
2. Other research material provided during the semester
4. Able to formulate a research question
5. Able to formulate a research proposal MODUS OPERANDI
6. Able to perform basic statistical
The Financial Management (a) Request that you see the Financial Management 352 module as a
analyses, and interpret results and
352 (Research) module will shared journey – please join me on the journey and stay in conversation
be presented in its entirety with me. If you are uncertain – please chat to me, if you have ideas
7. Able to compile a research report in online mode as a result for improvement – please let me know, if you think we can do things
of COVID-19. Although, differently – please do not hesitate to discuss it with me, if you have
as lecturer, I’ll try my best personal struggles – please get in touch.
to ensure that you are (b) I encourage you to take your own learning extremely serious. This mode
equipped with everything of learning places a unique responsibility on the lecturer, but also on the
you need, I would like to: learner. The aim is LEARNING – it might be different than in the past, you
might learn in a different way or even different content than in the past.
However, we are committed to your LEARNING and that you should be a
“clued up” researcher at the end of this journey.

This module has been divided into: In this module you will be required to:
• Familiarise yourself with all the requirements and administration of the subject
• Fifteen topics • Study the prescribed chapters required for each of the fifteen topics, from the textbook, BEFORE the
• A forum discussion will be made available at commencement of online teaching
the end of each week for each of the topics • Recap the chapters relevant to each of the fifteen topics, from the textbook, by means of the provided
in order to further assist student learning and PowerPoint slides and recordings and/or lecturer notes where applicable
knowledge. Please make use of the FORUMS • Identify the aspects that you are uncertain about or the concepts that are unclear so that you can discuss these
PROVIDED (and not individual e-mails) for any with me:
academic uncertainty or further clarity that • During the online meetings
might be needed pertaining to the chapter(s) • Via the forums provided on SUNlearn for each topic the fifteen topics
related to each topic. The forum will be • Complete the questions posed to you at the end of each topic in order to test your own progress and
attended to, by the lecturer, by on Mondays, understanding of the topic
Wednesdays and Fridays. • Complete tasks prescribed via SUNlearn after each TOPIC (forum discussion; individual formative task
• A forum discussion for each of the assessment submissions, etc.)
opportunities (A1, FAS, A2 and A3) will be • Complete formative group assignments in order to assist in successful completion of the Research proposal
made available on SUNlearn. Please make use project (A1 and FAS)
of the FORUMS PROVIDED (and not individual
e-mails) for any uncertainty or further clarity
and guidance that might be needed pertaining When attending online sessions:
to the assessment opportunities. The forum
• Ensure that the MS Teams App is downloaded onto your device
will be attended to, by the lecturer, by noon on
• Click on the link at the bottom of your meeting invite to attend
Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.
• Arrive a few minutes early
• Adhere to the provided guidelines – the typical protocol will be as follow:
PLEASE NOTE: • Lecturer offers brief welcome and introduction
• Participants can post questions or comments in the “chat” section or by taking the opportunity
General enquiries about the module must be when invited to speak
directed to Ms Mulholland (Module co-ordinator) • Adhere to requirements from the lecturer, e.g. mute microphone of camera, etc.
by making use of the relevant forums provided.
Please take note that the lecturer will at a In the schedule provided below, you will notice the dates on which the fifteen different topics will be
minimum address any items for discussion on released on SUNlearn. With the introduction of each topic you will receive the following:
the relevant forums on a Monday, Wednesday • A topic introduction page(s) summarising the:
and Friday by noon. • Purpose of the topic
In cases where students have to contact the • Prescribed material
lecturer via e-mail it is important to note that • A reminder of important dates
e-mail responses might not always be attended • An assignment(s) reminder.
to immediately. Please follow up with your
• PowerPoint slides including:
lecturer should you not receive feedback within
• information throughout the slides
48 hours (2 working days).
• links to relevant online content
PLEASE NOTE that lecturers will not become • questions at the end of each chapter that students have to consider
involved with administrative or theoretical
explanations via e-mail. • Voice recording(s) and/or lecturer notes, clarifying the chapters and theory as clear, but brief as possible.
ASSESSMENTS The following assessment dates are scheduled for this module
Practical assessment: Research Proposal Group project (3 – 6 group members) 7 September 20%
Part 1 - Submitted via TURN-IT-IN
Practical assessment: Complete Research Group project (3 – 6 group members) 30 October 30%
Submitted via TURN-IT-IN
A2 All chapters as indicated in the Schedule 17 November 50%
Official Examination
A3 All chapters as indicated in the Schedule 10 December See further notes as per the documentation on SUNlearn
Official Examination

Main assessment opportunity A1: Main assessment opportunity A2:

1. This component refers to the research proposal PART 1 that 1. This component refers to the exam scheduled for 17
needs to be submitted via TURN-IT-IN on 7 September 2020 November. PLEASE CONSULT
2. Late submissions will be scored 0. 2. Students who do not complete A2 do not have to submit THE DOCUMENT PROVIDED
any medical certificates or other documents. ON SUNlearn FOR FURTHER
Further assessment (FAS): DETAIL WITH REGARDS
1. This component refers to the research proposal PART 1 and 2 that Main assessment opportunity A3: TO THE ASSESSMENT
needs to be submitted via TURN-IT-IN on 30 October 2020 1. This component refers to the exam scheduled for REGULATIONS.
2. Students who fail to complete this assessment will receive a 0 mark. 10 December.
3. Late submissions will be scored 0.


Each of the fifteen topics will be presented in Afrikaan and English seperately. Please take note that work No official Code of Conduct are
Learning opportunities, such as group work, assignments, tutorials and that has been submitted required by the Department of
practical online session involving students from both language groups are previously elsewhere Business Management. This module
utilised to promote integration within programmes. (e.g. another department will however be conducted in such
or another module or a way to continuously improve
Students are supported in Afrikaans and English during a combination of the same module in a academic and personal integrity.
appropriate, facilitated learning opportunities (e.g. consultations during office previous academic year) The following values will be used as
hours or scheduled MS team sessions, forum discussions). In cases where constitutes selfplagiarism guiding principles – honesty, fairness,
students require further assistance with regards to the language specifications and is just as serious respect and accountability. Any form
they are welcome to contact the lecturer ([email protected]). a transgression as of academic dishonesty will lead to
plagiarism. disciplinary action.
Financial Management 352
Familiarise yourself with all relevant course administration
Module framework 2020
Welcome and course
introduction video
TOPIC 1: Topic 1 outline
Course outline and
administration Project introduction MS teams
Introduction to module approach, assessments and administration
sessions (A1 and FAS)
Project description
27–31 July document(s)
Chapter 6
Gain an understanding of the importance and role of Business research
TOPIC 2: Define business research
Business research Topic 2 outline
introduction and the Understand the systematic approach to Business research Chapter 1 and Chapter 4
business research process Understand the individual steps that make up the research process, their purpose and importance
in detail
Define the meaning of theory
Understand the goals of theory with regards to business research problem identification
TOPIC 3: Topic 3 outline
Theory Building Understand terms and different environments Chapter 3
Understand the scientific method of theory and how this is used in order to transition from a real-
world problem to a research problem

Understand why proper problem definition is essential to business research

Gain an understanding for how to recognise problems Topic 4 outline

Problem definition Understand the process and how to translate business problems (managerial decision statements) Chapter 4 and Chapter 6
into relevant research problems and objectives

Understand the elements that make up a research proposal

Understand the importance of identifying and choosing the correct research
TOPIC 5: design for the research problem
Research design: The Tema 5: outline
Gain a thorough understanding of the three types of business research that exist
three types of business Chapter 4
research Understand the elements that result from each of the types of business research and how this will
impact further decisions with regards to research design and methodology
17–21 Understand the characteristics of quantitative and qualitative data as well as the various methods
Augustus for collecting each of these types of data
Research design: Develop the ability to choose the correct type of data that will be best suited Tema 6: outline
Quantitative vs for the business research and research problem Chapter 7
Qualitative Understand the benefits of each of the types of data and when which type
would be most appropriate
Understand the advantages and disadvantages of secondary data
TOPIC 7: Define different types of secondary data and how this is useful for research Tema 7: outline
Research design:
Secondary data Gain knowledge of different external sources of secondary data in the business world Chapter 8
24–28 Understand the process of evaluating secondary data
Augustus Identify sources of errors in survey research and understand why and how they can occur
Distinguish among the various categories of survey errors and the potential impact that these Tema 8: outline
errors can have on research
Primary data errors Chapter 9
Be able to identify alternative survey methods to minimize errors; formulate an argument for why
certain survey methods will be best for a specific research question
31 Distinguish between various categories of surveys
TOPIC 9: Augustus Tema 9: outline
Research design: –4 Understand the advantages and disadvantages of each of the various categories of surveys and
Primary data September be able to formulate and argument for which survey type will be most appropriate in different Chapter 9 and 10 and 18
research scenarios
Determine what needs to be measured in order to address a research question
Distinguish levels of scale measurement
TOPIC 10: Understand and explain the three criteria for good measurement
7–11 Tema 10: outline
Measurement Understand basic approaches for measuring attitudes
September Chapter 13 and 14
and scaling
Understand the use of rating scales for measuring attitudes
Understand different types of rating scales and gain the ability to formulate an argument in order
to justify the use of specific scales in different research scenarios

7 September A1 submission via TURN-IT-IN

TOPIC 11: Explain the significance of decisions about questionnaire design and wording
Research Topic 11 outline
methodology: Chapter 15
September Understand when to use open-ended vs fixed alternative questions
Questionnaire design

Describe the process of identifying a target population and selecting a sampling frame
TOPIC 12: Topic 12 outline
Research Identify and summarise the different types of probability and non-probability sampling methods,
September Chapter 16
methodology: including advantages and disadvantages
Sampling Be able to formulate an argument that will clearly explain and justify the choice of sampling type(s)
for a specific research question
TOPIC 13: Appreciate the importance of coding and editing Topic 13 outline
Research 5–9 Understand coding of qualitative research and structured responses Chapter 19
methodology: October
Data preparation Know when a response should be edited
TOPIC 14: Know what descriptive statistics are and why it is used
Topic 14 outline
Research Perform basic data transformations
methodology: Chapter 20
October Understand the elements that make up descriptive statistics
Data analysis –
descriptive analysis Be able to interpret data by means of descriptive statistics
19–23 Know what inferential statistics are and why it is used
October Formulate hypothesis statements; Null hypothesis; Alternative hypothesis Topic 15 outline
methodology: Understand terms related to inferential statistics such as Type I and Type II errors, Notes provided
Data analysis – 26–30 probability levels and p-values,
inferential analysis October
Perform the 12 step inferential statistics process and interpret the results
30 October FAS submission via TURN-IT-IN
17 November A2 assessment
10 December A3 assessment

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