Signed Work Program Romblon Marinduque June July 2023

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Forte pres hw 1S roe fe) 18 Pa roe of Mrs) Gore Wo. ‘Name of Project Location ‘Amount (in| Name of Contractor | Reference No./Page No. | Date Report Submitted Assigned to: Pee Ti 1 [Provincial Goverment of Rombion | [sc ry PAGCOR a a jn cacy foram cmon ener crema 2S SOR faidoon tontion | ensen2o1 ke weston? [reroerateata oo lumbeng Mergnten ova Rand fap, Rambo | aegonaasin [ME Gutre Gatng [Rote 2am. 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Name of Project Location ‘mount ( ot Pesos) [zeno0s - Tatas restore Rod, Joonev991- kode 72, wa0s+ 309.50 joons+43s, 1cons+919°kooo7+asa, frabias sand Raion | 9585-¥.%4 jooos+703 - 003+ 103.50, o0b¢ 17 aa fcc Fzeronz7 -Tabas Grameen Rand, fcorsvora-saot3veas, ee ener | cae fzen007: «ots [seuyan Creer Road 1 Jt tana Rood gag Scare sam: |(oownstream) along Dulangan River Contra, 45,829,108. [Noriwere Rover RSS oxercion Praia Jere! 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