Twentieh Century Building Materials 1900-1950

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NPS Reading List

Twentieth Century Building

Materials: 1900-1950

U.S Department of the Interior National Park Service Preservation Assistance Division
L.S Department of Defense The National Council
l.egac) Resource Management Program for Preservation Education
As the Nation's principal conservation agency, the Department of the Interior has responsibility for
most of our nationally-owned public lands and natural and cultural resources. This includes fostering wise use
of our land and water resources, protecting our fish and wildlife, preserving the environmental and cultural
values of our national parks and historical places, and providing for the enjoyment of life through outdoor
recreation. The Department also promotes the goals of the Take Pride in America campaign by encouraging
stewardship and citizen responsibility for public lands and promoting citizen participation in their care. The
Department also has a major responsibility for American Indian reservation communities and for people who
live in Island Territories under U.S. Administration.

U.S. Department of the Interior

National Park Service
Cultural Resources
Preservation Assistance

The Legacy Resource Management Program was established by the Congress of the United States in
1991 to provide the Department of Defense with an opportunity to enhance the management of stewardship
resources on over 25 million acres of land under DoD jurisdiction.
Legacy allows DoD to determine how to better integrate the conservation of irreplaceable biological,
cultural, and geophysical resources with the dynamic requirements of military missions. To achieve this goal,
DoD gives high priority to inventorying, protecting, and restoring biological, cultural, and geophysical resources
in a comprehensive, cost-effective manner, in partnership with Federal, State, and local agencies, and private
Legacy activities help to ensure that DoD personnel better understand the need for protection and
conservation of natural and cultural resources, and that the management of these resources will be fully
integrated with, and support, DoD mission activities and the public interest. Through the combined efforts of
the DoD components, Legacy seeks to achieve its legislative purposes with cooperation, industry, and creativity,
to make the DoD the Federal environmental leader.

Cover photo: The Motohomc — the result of a collaboration between architect Robert W. McLaughlin, Jr., and promoter
Foster Gunnison - was a prefabricated house framed in steel and clad with modular wall panels composed of fiber
insulating boards faced on each side with asbestos cement. A mechanical core, the "moto-unit" gave the house its name and
made it different from other steel-frame, prefabricated houses of the period. Approximately 150 Motohomes were built
between 1934 and 1936. Photo: F.S.Lincoln.
Twentieth Century Building Materials: 1900-1950

An Annotated Bibliography

Compiled by:

George M. Bleekman III

Ann Girard
Karin Link
Donald Peting
Anne Seaton
Jonathan Smith
Lisa Teresi-Burcham
Richa Wilson

U.S. Department of the Interior

National Park Service
Preservation Assistance Division
Washington, D.C.


This Reading List is one of five annotated reading lists on the subject of preservation technology which were
developed and made possible by funding through a joint project of The National Council for Preservation
Education, the National Park Service, and the Legacy Resource Management Program, sponsored by the
Department of Defense. The University of Oregon Associated Students of Historic Preservation are graduate
students in the Historic Preservation, Architecture and Urban Planning Programs at the University of Oregon.
They were awarded a stipend to develop this Reading List, which was prepared with the assistance and technical
guidance of Donald Petting, Associate Dean, and Acting Director, Program in Historic Preservation, University
of Oregon.

Joan Janicki, an architect and graduate student in Historic Preservation at the University of Georgia, prepared
the Reading List for publication by providing technical and editorial review, as well as bibliographic, archival
and photographic research. Anne Grimmer, Preservation Assistance Division, National Park Service, served as
general editor of the Reading List.

Reading lists have been published by the National Park Service, Preservation Assistance Division, since 1975.
Most are selected bibliographies rather than a comprehensive overview of a particular subject. Some of the
reading lists are annotated. Comments or suggestions for additions to the Reading List should be sent to:
Preservation Assistance Division, National Park Service, P.O. Box 37127, Washington, D.C. 20013-7127.

This publication is not copyrighted and may be reproduced without penalty. Normal procedures for credit to the
authors and the National Park Service are appreciated.

For sale by the U.S. Government Printing Office

Superintendent of Documents, Mail Slop: SSOP. Washington. DC 20402-9328
Wood ISBN 0-16-042043-1
Paint ISBN 0 - 1 6 - 0 4 2 0 4 1 - 5
Masonry ISBN 0 - 1 6 - 0 4 2 0 4 0 - 7
Concrete ISBN 0 - 1 6 - 0 4 2 0 4 2 - 3
20thCentuo Materials ISBN 0-1 6 - 0 4 2 0 4 4 - X
Set ISBN 0 - 1 6 - 0 4 2 0 3 9 - 3
Table of Contents

Acknowledgements ii

Introduction 1

General Building Materials: Background Information 2

Historical Information 2
Primary Sources and Early Investigations 2
Recent Publications 5

Classifications of Materials 9
Wood 9
Masonry 10
Brick 11
Clay Tile 11
Hollow Clay Tile 12
Terra Cotta 13
Concrete Block 15
Gypsum Masonry 16
Cast Stone 16
Simulated Stone 16
Related Information 17
Concrete 18
Cast-In-Place 19
Precast 21
Prestressed 21
Related Information 22
Metals 24
Ferrous Metal Alloys 24
Non-Ferrous Metal Alloys 26
Related Information 28
Glass 30
Decorative Glass 30
Glass Block 30
Structural Glass 32
Related Information 33
Plastics, Rubber, and Asphalt 33
Composites and Laminates 36
Wallboard, Stucco, and Plaster 37
Wall Coverings and Coatings 39
Resilient Flooring 41

Construction Systems 43
Concrete Systems 43
Guastavino Vaulting 43
Prefabrication Systems 44
Steel Systems 46

Additional Resources 48
Centers of Research 48
Periodicals 48
Preservation Organizations 49
Professional and Trade Organizations 49
Government Agencies 52

Introduction The bibliography is organized into four major
sections. The first, General Building Materials,
provides sources that cover all (or many) building
materials. Citations for specific materials are
The purpose of this bibliography is to provide located under Classifications of Materials. This
information on building materials introduced or section is divided into the major types of materials
significantly developed during the first half of the (e.g. wood, masonry, concrete), some of which are
twentieth century. The material fabric of twentieth- further subdivided. The third section, Construction
century buildings is often complicated or very Systems, includes entries that focus on the
interdependent in composition. Therefore, it is assembly or construction of new materials.
imperative that reading lists such as this be Finally, the section titled Additional Resources is
compiled and disseminated as means to insure the intended to guide the reader to other organizations
continued evaluation and proper maintenance of or research centers for further information.
early twentieth century architecture.

The extraordinary, and often violent, economic and

political changes from 1900 to 1950 produced
marked changes in the way Americans lived. The
invention of new materials resulted in new patterns
and techniques in American building practices.
Because of an expanding industrial output, as well
as rising building costs, it became necessary to
replace traditional materials and building
conventions with new materials and practices. A
readily seen example is gypsum wallboard, a
material that significantly replaced the labor-
intensive practice of lath and plaster by 1950.

Entries in this Reading List were assembled from

books, periodicals, government documents, and
preservation-related publications. Architectural
journals were especially useful in providing an
understanding of the development and availability
of particular materials. Many architectural journals
from the first half of the century not only had
technology columns, but also provided information
on new products each month. For example,
Architectural Forum featured "Building Reporter"
while Architectural Record had "Better Building
Products." Pencil Points ran "Products Progress"
which became "Products" and "Materials and
Methods" when the journal changed its name to
Progressive Architecture. Advertisements are also
a significant source of information. While
advertisers' claims are always suspect, many took
measures to provide the reader with abundant
information about their product through sample
specifications, descriptions of available sizes or
colors, photographs, and/or drawings.

General Building Materials: Guise, David. Design and Technology in
Architecture. New York, NY: Van Nostrand
Background Information Reinhold Company, 1991.

The author provides an overview of the history

of material and structural technology
Historical Information incorporating a discussion of physical forces,
building materials, structural systems, life
safety and code issues, and various case studies
of steel-framed and concrete-framed buildings
Condit, Carl W. American Building Art: The (mainly late 1950s and 1960s.) The book is
Twentieth Century. New York, NY: Oxford well illustrated with diverse historical
University Press, 1961. highlights.

This book surveys building technology and

materials of the first half of the twentieth Jennings, Jan, and Herbert Gottfried. American
century. It is particularly valuable for locating Vernacular Interior Architecture 1870-1940.
dates, names of people, and specific buildings New York, NY: Van Nostrand Reinhold
relevant to the development of new materials Company, 1988.
and construction systems.
This general book on the elements, spatial
configurations, support systems, and building
Elliott, Cecil D. Technics and Architecture: The types of vernacular interior architecture offers
Development of Materials atui Systems for information on materials that were used
Buildings. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, between 1870 and 1940. Specific names of
1992. products (e.g. Masonite, Carrara glass) are
mentioned along with contemporary sources of
The first half of this book provides a history of information.
materials development from the Industrial
Revolution through the first half of the
twentieth century. Exceptional illustrations are Primary Sources and Early

Guedes, Pedro, editor. Encyclopedia of "Contributions of Science and Technology to

Architectural Technology. New York, NY: Building Design 1891-1941." Architectural
McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1979. Record. Vol. 89, No. 1 (January 1941), pp.
Section Five of this book presents concise
information on a wide range of building The product of a symposium, this brief article
materials supplemented with ample illustrations covers the development of building materials
and photographs. Particular attention is given such as metals, concrete, wood, glass and
to wood, concrete, iron, and steel. Section Six plastics. It provides an overview of progress
discusses tools, techniques, joints, and fixings from the last decade of the nineteenth century
for particular materials. Other sections cover to the first forty decades of the twentieth
stylistic periods, building types, structural century.
design and environmental systems.

Creighton, Thomas H. "Pearl Harbor to Nagasaki: Graf, Don. Basic Building Data: 10,000 Timeless
A Review of Architectural Progress During the Construction Facts. New York, NY: Van
War Years." Progressive Architecture. Vol. Nostrand Reinhold Company, 1975.
27, No. 1 (January 1946), pp. 42-81.
A reprint of the 1949 second edition, this
This extensive article summarizes the changes handbook is a compilation of "Data Sheets"
in American architecture during World War II. produced by the author and printed in Pencil
The development of building materials, Points from 1932 to 1942. Each page provides
construction methods, and building types such line drawings and/or text on a particular
as military and industrial structures, schools, subject. In addition to properties of and
hospitals, and houses are discussed. construction details for materials, Graf covers
such items as furnishings, architectural
systems, log cabins, elevators, and design data
Dietz, Albert G. Materials of Construction: Wood, for building types.
Plastics, Fabrics. New York, NY: D. Van
Nostrand Company, Inc., 1949.
Hoke, John Ray, Jr., editor. Architectural Graphic
This popular reference book of its time deals Standards. New York, NY: John Wiley &
with the identification, characteristics, details, Sons, 1988.
and problems associated with wood
construction with both sawn and re- Known as "the architects' bible," this book
manufactured wood materials. It also covers a provides design data, definitions, charts,
variety of plastics and both natural and dimensions, and extensive line drawings for
artificial fabrics. This relatively early everything from building materials to sitework
description of the chemistry of plastics and to environmental systems. It was first
resins includes information on their published in 1932 and was followed by
manufacture and properties. subsequent editions in 1936, 1941, 1951, 1956,
1970, 1981, and 1988. New to the eighth
edition is a section on historic preservation that
Emerson, David B. "Floors and Flooring includes information on materials, structural
Materials," Parts I and II. Pencil Points. systems, the Classical orders, the Historic
Vol. 14, Nos. 1 and 2 (January and February American Buildings Survey, and interiors.
1933), pp. 55-58; 101-104

Emerson describes the composition, uses, and Kellog, Lester S. "Messages In Materials Price
qualities of various flooring materials in this Trends: A Charting of Post War Price
article, including examples of installations of Trends." Architectural Record. V o l . 9 9 , No.
wood floors, cork tile, rubber tile, mastic, 1 (January 1946), pp. 51-55.
asphalt tile, linoleum, burnt clay tile, terrazzo,
mosaic tile, marble, soapstone, slate, flagstone, This article gives an overview of price trends
and magnesite. during and immediately after World War I and
assesses the situation after World War II.
After discussing the effect of the relative
. "The Specification Desk: Roofs and unavailability of lumber, bricks, insulation
Roofing Materials." Pencil Points. Vol. 11, board, lath, and soil pipe, Kellog makes
No. 3 (March 1930), pp. 229-231. predictions about the supply and demand for
particular building materials during the post-
This article presents a brief history of roofing war period.
materials and applications. Topics include the
comparatively recent development of concrete
tile used over theaters and industrial buildings.

Lopez, Frank G. "Taking Stock for the Future." recommendations for substitutions for materials
Pencil Points. Vol. 26, No. 1 (January 1945), such as metal, rubber, and cork, which were
pp. 69-84. not available during World War II.

The result of a survey of materials and

equipment manufacturers, this article addresses Lowenthal, Milton. "Trends in the Development
aspects of product design and development, of Building Materials." Architectural Record.
including competition, the public attitude, Vol. 85, No. 5 (May 1939), pp. 78-83.
labor, building codes, uses, and innovations.
Charts describe advances in materials and The increased ability to manipulate building
equipment. Trade names, a list of materials and control specific properties are
manufacturers, photographs, and drawings of cited as reasons for the current trend in
new products are included. materials development. This trend — the
integration of structural, insulating, and
. "What Can We Use?" Pencil Points. surfacing requirements into a single system —
Vol. 23, Nos. 4 and 5 (April and May 1942), has led to the development of products such as
pp. 195-197; 261-264. Masonite, Vinylite panels, and Solex glass.

This article includes charts of approved

wartime building materials and makes "Products for Better Building." Architectural
Record. Vol. 106, No. 1 (July 1949), pp. 146,

After a brief introduction to laminated

sheetrock wallboard, this article discusses other
new materials. Included are Allied Synthetic's
Alsynite fiberglass sheets for skylights and
windows, aluminum trim used in place of wood
trim, Plytex plywood decorative panels, and
Neo-Matte Alumilite finish.

"Products for Postwar Plans." Architectural

Record. Vol. 96, No. 6 (December 1944),
pp. 58-67.

This is a comprehensive listing of materials

and products available from 255
manufacturers. Products vary from structural
materials and systems to finishes. Each
manufacturer gives a brief statement of what
they have available.

Reed, J. Ronald. 771*" Craftsmanship Revival in

Interior Design. New York, NY: Henry Holt
& Company, 1989.

After a brief introduction to craftsmanship, this

The exterior of lhe "While Palace Cafe" features pigmented book covers eight sections, each on a different
structural glass and neon signs - two uniquely 20th century material: metal, paint, stone and marble, tile,
building materials. Photo: Richard Wagner.

brick, wood, plaster, and glass. Each section Clinton W. Sweet, owner of The Architectural
includes a brief history of the material's use, Record, in 1906 and was entitled Sweet's
gives a profile of one craftsman, and gives buJexed Catalogue of Building Construction.
restoration guidelines. There is also an Reprints of the catalogs dating from 1906 to
extensive list of sources of associations, 1949 are available on microfiche and are
artisans and suppliers. available at The Library of Congress.
Columbia University's Avery Library has
microfiche for the years 1909 through 1949.
Savage, Bernard A. "Post-War Expectations in
New Materials and Methods of Construction."
AlA Journal. Vol. 1, No. 5 (May 1944), pp. Walsh, H. Vandervoort. "House Building
215-221. Materials Reappraised." Architectural Record.
Vol. 102, No. 5 (November 1947), pp. 115-
The article cautions readers not to be overly 120.
impressed with the wealth of materials
marketed in post World War II America. Aluminum alloys, plastics, lightweight
Savage critiques many new materials, including concrete, and steel house chassis are discussed
plastics, light-gauge metals, tempered glass, in this article. Line drawings of building
Portland cement, improvements in precast components such as aluminum roofing sheets,
blocks, and prefabricated houses, giving a brief precast concrete slabs, and pressed sheet steel
explanation of their strengths and weaknesses. flooring accompany the text.

Shute, M.A. Modern Building Materials. Edited Withey, M.O., and G.W. Washa. Materials of
by F.E. Drury. London, England: Sir Isaac Construction. New York, NY: John Wiley &
Pitman & Sons, Ltd., 1947. Sons, Inc., 1954.

This book is divided into chapters that discuss This book covers a wide variety of building
the history, composition, and properties of materials from building stone to concrete
timber, iron and steel, non-ferrous metals, aggregates to non-ferrous metals and their
alloys, stone, clay, lime and cement, reinforced alloys. It looks at the structural properties and
concrete, asphalt, asbestos, glass and paint. manufacture of these various materials.

Spurr, H. V. "Structural Progress." Architectural

Forum. Vol. 60, No. 6 (June 1934), pp. 405-
422. Recent Publications
This guide illustrates, with photographs and
detail drawings, the structural and finish Belle, John, John Ray Hoke, Jr., and Stephen A.
materials available in 1934. Materials such as Kliment, editors. Traditional Details for
Formica, Micarta, Flexboard, prefabricated Building Restoration, Renovation, ami
laminated wood arches, gypsum plank, and Rehabilitation. New York, NY: John Wiley
synthetic stone are included. and Sons, Inc., 1991.

This guidebook is a compilation of selected

Sweet's Catalog. Published annually by McGraw- entries from the first four editions of
Hill Information Systems Company. Architectural Graphic Standards printed
between 1932 and 1951. Entries were chosen
The Sweet's Catalogs are a compilation of by the editors for their value in the restoration,
product information by American building renovation, or rehabilitation of historic
suppliers. The first catalog was published by buildings. Sections on building materials
include information on masonry, metals,

carpentry, thermal and moisture protection, glass, tinted and mirrored glass, glass block,
glass, and finishes. and neon were utilized for 1920s and 1930s
storefronts. Determining the physical
condition, appropriate treatments, and
Brady, George S., and Henry R. Clauser. replacement procedures for deteriorating
Materials Handbook: An Encyclopedia for examples of these materials is the focus of this
Purchasing Agents, Engineers, Executives, and well-documented brief.
Foremen, l l t h e d . New York, NY: McGraw-
Hill Book Company, 1977.
. Yesterday's Houses of Tomorrow:
Entries in this compact encyclopedia describe Innovative American Homes, 1850-1950.
some 14,000 materials. The 70-page index is Additional essays by John A. Burns, AIA, and
particularly helpful because it includes common Michael J. Auer. Washington, DC: The
and trade names as well as chemical names. Preservation Press, 1991.

This book focuses on 12 unique designs for

Cotton, J. Randall. "Traditional Countertops: American houses that were consciously created
'Old Fashioned' Materials That Still Work." and publicized as being prototypes for the
Old House Journal. Vol. 20, No. 5 future. Some of the designs discussed here
(September/October 1992), pp. 36-41. include a variety of concrete houses, Orson
Fowler's octagon, Buckminster Fuller's
Special kitchen countertop finishes, including Dymaxion house, Frank Lloyd Wright's
monel metal, carrara glass, enameled metal, Usonian House, and prefabricated houses such
plastic laminates and soapstone are discussed as Motohomes, and Lustron houses.
along with their advantages and disadvantages.
A list of current suppliers is provided for some
materials. Knofel, Dietbert. Corrosion of Building Materials.
Translated by R. M. E. Diamant. New York,
NY: Van Nostrand Reinhold Company, 1978.
Hornbostel, Caleb. Construction Materials: Types,
Uses and Applications. New York, NY: John This book concisely presents information on
Wiley & Sons, 1978. corrosion and corrosion protection of a wide
range of materials including hydraulic mortar,
Each entry of this encyclopedia has the concrete, ceramic building materials, glass,
following subheadings: Physical and Chemical stone, gypsum, metals, timber, and plastics. It
Properties, Types and Uses, Application, is organized in a format that is easily
Condensed Checklist, Conditions Favorable, referenced.
Conditions Unfavorable, History and
Manufacture. Although some trade names are
provided in the index, they are only given for Moavenzadeh, Fred, Robert W. Cahn, and Michael
the more commonly known products. B. Bever, editors. Concise Encyclopedia of
Building and Construction Materials. 1st ed.
Oxford, England: Pergamon Press, 1990.
Jandl, H. Ward. Preservation Briefs No. 11:
Rehabilitating Historic Storefronts. This encyclopedia is a collection of articles
Washington, DC: Preservation Assistance grouped into eight categories including General
Division, National Park Service, US Building Materials, Glass, Polymers, Plastics
Department of the Interior, 1982. and Composites, Metals, and Wood. Extensive
bibliographies are provided with each article.
New products such as prismatic glass,
aluminum, stainless steel, pigmented structural

Myers, John H. Preservation Briefs No. 8: After a brief history of floor coverings and a
Aluminum and Vinyl Siding on Historic survey of techniques, floorcovering examples
Buildings: The Appropriateness of Substitute are given along with their names, descriptions,
Materials for Resurfacing Historic Wood Frame date of origin, fiber content, etc. The 1900 to
Buildings. Revised by Gary L. Hume. 1930 section includes wood, brick, tile and
Washington, DC: Preservation Assistance resilient flooring, matting, rag, list and
Division, National Park Service, US handmade rugs, braided and hooked rugs,
Department of the Interior, 1984. flatwoven and pile carpeting, and oriental rugs.
A list of suppliers is provided.
While this brief emphasizes the potentially
destructive effects of aluminum and vinyl
siding on the integrity of historic buildings, it Simmons, H. Leslie. Repairing and Extending
is nonetheless valuable for its information on Doors and Windows. New York, NY: Van
the manufacture, installation, durability, cost, Nostrand Reinhold Company, 1991.
and energy efficiency of these mid-twentieth
century cladding products. The author thoroughly covers the common
problems associated with renovating doors and
windows and makes recommendations about
O'Donnell, Bill. "Restoration Health Hazards." materials and repair. Chapters outline support
Old House Journal. Vol. 16, No. 1 systems, finishes, metal and wood materials,
(January/February 1988), pp. 44-49. sliding glass doors, curtain walls and glazing.
Important information on manufacturers,
The hazards of various historic materials and standards setting bodies, government agencies,
the products used in restorations are discussed. trade associations, books and periodicals is also
Topics include paint stripping, paint included.
application, demolition, wood repair and
preservation, and construction. A list of
sources for safety equipment is also provided. Simpson, John W., and Peter J. Horrobin, editors.
The Weathering and Performance of Building
Materials. New York, NY: Wiley-
Poore, Jonathan. "Maintaining the Kitchen from Interscience, 1970.
Copper to Corian, Linoleum to Laminate."
Old House Journal. Vol. 27, No. 4 Chapters of this book address the major
(July/August 1989), pp. 20-23. material categories (concrete, clay products,
timber, metals, and plastics) in terms of
The author explores a variety of materials that weathering and performance. Reasons for
are likely to be found in an old house kitchen various types of deterioration or failure are
and makes recommendations for each provided, along with recommendationss for
material's maintenance. Wood floors, wood treatment. Each chapter is supplemented by
cabinets, wood trim, wood counters, linoleum, ample illustrations and a bibliography.
tile, stone, porcelain, enameled metal, copper
and brass, chrome and other plate, plastic
laminates and glass are all covered.

Rosenstiel, Helene Von, and Gail Caskey Winkler.

Floor Coverings for Historic Buildings: A
Guide to Selecting Reproductions.
Washington, DC: The Preservation Press,

Weber, Anne E. "Twentieth Century Interior
Materials: New Wall and Ceiling Finishes." In
Interiors Handbook for Historic Buildings,
Volume 2. Edited by Michael J. Auer, Charles
E. Fisher, Thomas C. Jester, and Marilyn E.
Kaplan. Washington, DC: Historic
Preservation Education Foundation, 1993, pp.
4-29 to 4-33.

Zenitherm, Absorbege, and Cushocel, which

were found in the New Jersey State House
Annex, are investigated. Zenitherm is a cast
imitation stone product. Absorbege is a paper
mache material and Cushocel a carpet pad.
Descriptions of the three materials are given
Neon sign in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Photo: Richard Wagner.
based on examination of remaining materials
including laboratory tests, and research
conducted in historic documents such as Sweets

Wilkes, Joseph A. editor. Encyclopedia of

Architecture: Design, Engineering &
Construction. New York, NY: John Wiley &
Sons, 1988.

The entries in this Five-volume set provide

extensive information on all topics related to
architecture. Although most of the information
for building materials pertains to current
applications, a historical background is usually
included. A bibliography at the end of each
entry and an index are also provided.

Wilson, Forrest. Building Materials Evaluation

Handbook. New York, NY: Van Nostrand
Reinhold Company, 1984.

Intended as a guide for the investigation and

evaluation of building materials in existing
buildings, this book discusses applications,
problems, and diagnostic methods. The
concise descriptions, photographs, drawings
and references to other publications provide
vital information pertaining to the preservation,
rehabilitation, or restoration of the built

Classifications of Bienert, John D. "Products and Practice:
Plywood." Architectural Forum. Vol.74,
Materials No. 3 (March 1941), pp. 197-206.

The wonders and versatility of plywood are

revealed in Beinert's discussion of this
Wood laminated product. He discusses recent
developments that improved production and
explains the incredible strength of plywood as
While wood construction is not unique to the well as its varied uses. The article includes
twentieth century, the staggering amount of
photographs, and details of interior and
innovation in its use is a hallmark of the age.
exterior plywood construction.
Advancements in glues and connectors during the
first half of this century led to major changes. As
in previous eras, wood remained the staple of
Browne, F.L. "Water-Repellent Preservatives for
residential construction, but as technology
Wood." Architectural Record. Vol. 105, No.
increased, this traditional product took on new
3 (March 1949), pp. 131-132.
shapes and characteristics. Laminated timbers
provided strength and versatility never before
This is a short but detailed explanation of wood
realized. Plywood production was improved,
preservatives of the time. The article provides
facilitating the introduction of new building
general considerations regarding wood
components such as plywood box beams and
preservatives and explains the differences
prefabricated panels. The following entries provide
between repellents, preservatives, water-
information and insight regarding some of these
repellant preservatives, and sealers.
recent aspects of wood building products.

Dietz, Albert G. Engineering Laminates. New

Allison, David. "Wood Moves Out of the Woods."
York, NY: John Wiley & Sons, 1949.
Architectural Forum. Vol. I l l , No. 2
(August 1959), pp. 138-145.
This book describes many of the applications
of lamination that arose in the early twentieth
This valuable article provides insight into the century. It deals with strengths of laminates
massive changes that took place in twentieth and sandwich structural elements, adhesives,
century wood construction. The resulting plywood, plastic, and metal laminates.
increase in research brought the development
of box-beams, glue-laminated timbers and
related products. These technological
. "Glued Timbers Tailored to Fit."
advances, and a growing aversion among
Architectural Record. Vol. 106, No. 6
architects to a machine aesthetic, helped wood
(December 1949), pp. 139-141.
remain an important building material to the
Patented in Weimar, Germany in 1904, glue-
laminated members became versatile and
widely used in the United States. Through
"Bibliography on Structural Wood." Bulletin of the photographs of buildings and an explanation of
American Institute of Architects. Vol. 3, No. 1 production techniques, the article explains uses
(January 1949), pp. 27-30. for this product.

This is a listing of many of the printed

materials available to architects, engineers, and
builders in the 1940s.

Dietz, Albert G. "Wartime Innovations in Timber plywood in the building industry in postwar
Design." Engineering News-Record. Vol. America. Products such as wall and floor
135, No. 16 (October 18, 1945), pp. 514-517. panels, molded one-piece closets, and columns
and tubes are discussed, as well as the
Dietz discusses design based on stress-graded important role that plywood would play in
wood improvements in wood glue, the use of prefabricated buildings. Included are many
connectors, glue-laminated members, and the diagrams showing joints and connections, as
special considerations involved in the use of well as many photographs. Production methods
those members. The article includes a and resin compositions are also given.
Taylor, Don. "Revival of Wood as a Building
Fisher, Oscar. "Construction with Plywood." Material." Architectural Record. V o l . 8 6 ,
Pencil Points. Vol. 20, No. 11 (November No. 6 (December 1939), pp. 63-72.
1939), pp. 751-760.
This discussion of trends in wood processing of
This article provides information on the the previous twenty-five years looks at
strength of plywood and the qualities of plywood, super-pressed plywood, laminated
plywood that surpass solid wood. It provides beams, and veneers of other types of materials
advice for concrete construction with details on and addresses the use of chemicals to resist
both structural and finish work. bacteria, water, and fire. The article also
reviews the revival of wood in structural
applications, the development of timber
Jay, B. Alwyn. "Development in Timber." connectors, plywood panels, and plank
Architects' Year Book. Edited by Jane B. flooring.
Drew. Vol. 1 (1945), pp. 375-379.

This short article explains some of the

advances in wood technology which were Masonry
spurred on by World War II. Improved
methods of lamination and plywood technology
are discussed, along with timber connectors Although masonry products such as brick, terra
and the grading and seasoning of lumber. cotta, concrete, tile and simulated stone were
developed prior to the twentieth century, after 1900
these products went through many technological
"New Process for Fireproofing Plywood."
advances in terms of manufacturing processes that
California Arts and Architecture. Vol. 6 1 ,
resulted in the availability of many product types.
No. 1 (January 1944), p. 36.
Terra cotta, for example, is an ancient building
material, but between 1910 and 1930 the material
This article explains the American Lumber and
dominated public and commercial architecture.
Treating Company's minalith process, by
During this time many specifications and methods
which phosphate, sulphate and boron chemicals
of attachment were developed, as well as
were used to fireproof plywood. This short
advancements made in polychrome terra cotta.
entry hails the new process and gives details
for its use.
Nearly every building constructed between 1900
and 1950 contains some type of masonry, and it is
important for the restorer/researcher to know how
Ottinger, Lawrence. "Plywood's Future Has Just
it was used in terms of twentieth century building
Begun." Pencil Points. Vol. 25, No. 5 (May
practices. This section is divided into several types
1944), pp. 79-84.
of masonry: Brick, Clay Tile, Hollow Clay Tile,
Terra Cotta, Concrete Block, Gypsum Masonry,
The author, the president of the United States
Cast Stone and Simulated Stone. These are
Plywood Corporation, describes the future of
followed by sources of Related Information.

Brick "Opportunities for Clay Industry in Insulation."
Brick and Clay Record. Vol. 106, No. 1
"5000 Years to Make a Double Brick." California (January 1945), pp. 31-33.
Arts and Architecture. Vol. 57, No. 6 (June
1940), p. 44. The article focusses on the use of Insul-Cla-
Blok, a clay block developed for wartime
A new brick produced by Gladding, McBean & production furnaces, as used in residential and
Company in Northern California is described. cold storage applications. Specifications are
This double brick consists of two 2-1/2" x 8- given for the low-cost insulation of homes.
3/8" x 3-1/4" bricks. Ample detailed drawings and comparisons to
conventional masonry walls are also provided.

Hansen, J. H. "Brick Plus Hy-Rib Metal Lath

Makes Strong, Cheap Floors." Brick and Clay "Products and Practice." Architectural Forum.
Record. Vol. 87, No. 6 (December 1935), pp. Vol. 7 1 , No. 5 (November 1939), p. 367-370.
This article describes the resurgence of the use
This article describes a new process to make of reinforced brick masonry since 1922. It
strong, inexpensive floors by laying one course explains reinforced brick masonry in terms of
of brick with metal lath, resulting in a its uses, advantages, design and materials.
dramatically strong floor able to withstand The Groutlock brick, designed to bond to the
heavy loading. It includes photographs and mortar, is also explained.
specifications, complete with load charts.
Zierer, A. "Closed End Clay Units of Less Weight
and Easier Handling." Brick and Clay Record.
"More on Insul-Cla-Blok." Brick ami Clay Record. Vol. 80, No. 3 (March 1932), pp. 153, 178.
Vol. 106, No. 2 (February 1945), p. 38.
Efforts by the United States clay industry to
This article discusses Insul-Cla-Blok, an introduce lighter and stronger clay block are
insulated clay block product made of clay and discussed. Included are descriptions and
sawdust. Included are diagrams and specifications for the Brick-tile and the Du-
comparisons of heat transfer values to other Brick, which is a block closed on five sides
wall systems. and open on one for tighter units and easier
handling. Industry standards in clay block
units are described.
"New Type of Brick Wall Construction Will Help
Sell Products." Brick and Clay Record. Vol.
80, No. 2. (February 1932), pp. 89-90.
Clay Tile
The article describes the development of a new
type of wall construction using clay block, Bridgman, C. T. "Over 1,000,000 Square Feet of
which is more watertight, stronger, and Tile Floor Installed in Midwest." Brick ami
cheaper than concrete block. The Dubl-Wall Clay Record. Vol. 9 1 , No. 1 (July 1937), pp.
and the Pittsburgh Wall are explained. 34-36.
Specifications, dimensions, and building
procedures are included along with illustrations A new fire-resistant, low-cost clay tile floor
and photographs. system is described. Included are
specifications, photographs, and notes about the
flooring system used on numerous WPA and
PWA buildings built in South Dakota,
Nebraska, Minnesota, and Iowa.

"Build Tile Floor With New System." Brick and Hollow Clay Tile
Clay Record. Vol. 95, No. 2. (August 1939),
p. 4 1 . Cosgrove, J. J. Hollow Tile Construction. New
York, NY: UPC Book Company Inc., 1921.
A new flooring system made of 16-inch clay
tile is discussed. The tile is an integral part of This practical construction guide was the first
the system and is load bearing. Installation book on the subject of hollow tile construction.
procedures and photographs accompany the It provides guidelines, rules, and tables for
masons, along with drawings and photographs,
explaining the different types of hollow tile and
construction techniques.
"Natco Develops Tile for Low-Cost Housing."
Brick and Clay Record. Vol. 87, No. 6
(December 1935), p. 172. "A Hollow Tile Cottage." The Pacific Coast
Architect. Vol. 1, No. 5. (August 1911), p.
This article describes the Natco Speedwall tile 173.
and the Natco Junior Speedwall tile, as
manufactured by the National Fire-proofing This article examines a cottage in Tacoma,
Company. This tile is a clay unit to be used in Washington, built entirely of hollow clay tile.
the rapid erection of walls in residential The use of hollow clay tile in residential
applications. construction is presented as an innovative and
cost-efficient way to build sanitary and
moisture-proof houses.
"New Reinforced Tile Construction Assembled on
Building Site." Brick and Clay Record. Vol.
93, No. 2 (August 1938), p. 26. Plummer, Harry C , and Edwin F. Wanner.
Principles of Tile Engineering. Washington,
This article describes Tilecrete, a fireproof, DC: Structural Clay Products Institute, 1947.
beveled, 16-inch tile set on lightweight steel
trusses and covered with concrete. It includes
This book is an intensive discussion of
specifications, photographs, and construction
structural tile, beginning with the history of
clay tile, and covering properties, design,
construction, and details. It contains detailed
drawings, specifications, and many brand
Stecich, Jack, and Jerry G. Stockbridge. "Turn-of- names such as Joistile, Kalex, Tilecrete, and
the-Century Floor Construction." Association Natcoflor. Detailed discussions are
for Preservation Technology Bulletin. Vol. supplemented with descriptions and installation
XIX, No. 3 (1987), pp. 7-9. procedures.

This article discusses the use of brick or clay

tile spans between structural steel beams in Tile Engineering Handbook of Design.
floor systems. Also covered is flat tile Washington, DC: Structural Clay Products
architecture and the conditions survey approach Institute, 1947.
for determining the use of this system. The
authors address such issues as structural This book traces the development of structural
capacity, how masonry and steel work tile from its invention in 1875 to 1946. It
together, testing deflection, and strain. provides clear explanations and diagrams of
different types of tile and their uses in walls,
foundations, details, floors and roofs. The
book includes an index and construction

"Reinforced Hollow Clay Tile Panels Open Market the building were developed. These aspects are
for Floors and Roofs." Brick and Clay discussed in the article and documented with
Record. Vol. 90, No. 1 (January 1937), pp. many photos.

Kalex reinforced tile panels are described. Daniels, Mark. "The Why of Ceramic Veneer --
These structural clay tiles range in lengths Streamlining an Ancient Building Material."
from six to nine feet and are used for roofing Architect and Engineer. Vol. 159, No. 6
and flooring. The article includes photographs (December 1944), pp. 14-18.
and construction and structural specifications.
Daniels discusses the transition from
architectural terra cotta to ceramic veneer.
White, Charles E. Hollow Tile Construction. While still made of the same material, ceramic
Philadelphia, PA: David McKay Company, veneer was machine made and mass produced.
1924. Illustrations are included.

This book describes different types of hollow

tile and explains the advantages, limitations, "Illustrating the Perfection of Terra Cotta Ceramic
and applications of each. It also includes Veneer. " Architect and Engineer. Vol. 145,
manufacturers' recommendations for wall, arch No. 4 (April 1941), pp. 40-51.
and lintel design in hollow tile construction.
Photographs provide examples of houses built By the end of the 1930s, most terra cotta
using the fireproof material. manufacturers were making ceramic veneer, a
faster and cheaper method of terra cotta
production. The manufacture and popularity of
this machine-made product are discussed, as
Terra Cotta well as methods of attachment. Illustrations are
Croly, Herbert D. "Advantages of Terra Cotta."
Architectural Record. Vol. 18, No. 4 (October
1905), pp. 315-323. Morrow, Irving F. "Clay Products Modernize."
Architect and Engineer. Vol. 145, No. 4
In this article, the second part of a three-part (April 1941), pp. 25-34.
series, the author explores the advantages of
twentieth century terra cotta as a lightweight, Morrow discusses the modernization of terra
low-cost, fireproof material. While the other cotta, from a hand-packed, hand-fired product,
two parts focus primarily on design issues, this to a machine-made, mass-produced product.
part concentrates on terra cotta as a modern Ceramic veneer is covered, as well as other
twentieth century building material. "modern" clay products, in terms of modern
production and design.

Croly, Herbert D. "Glazed and Colored Terra

Cotta." Architectural Record. Vol. 19, No. 4, National Terra Cotta Society. "Standard
(April 1906), pp. 313-323. Specifications for the Manufacture, Furnishing
and Setting of Terra Cotta." Pencil Points.
Croly writes a comprehensive overview of Vol. 4, No. 10 (October 1923), pp. 73-76.
early twentieth century conventions in glazed
and colored terra cotta and their manufacture. This article, a series of specifications compiled
After the turn of the century, new production by the National Terra Cotta Society, gives
methods, a greater selection of colors, and detailed specifications on quality, testing,
modern techniques of fixing the terra cotta to modeling, design, structure (including weeps

and flashing), transportation, storage, erection application of terra cotta. Because of better
and anchoring. A detailed glossary of terra manufacturing and application methods
cotta terms is also included. developed in the early twentieth century, the
terra cotta pieces were larger than previously
used. Thrall describes in detail these new
Putnam, Edward H., "Architectural Terra Cotta larger pieces and new types of fasteners used
Construction," Part I. American Architect and to affix them to the building. Also included
Building News. Vol. 100, No. 1873 are photographs of buildings using terra cotta,
(November 15, 1911), pp. 193-197; Part II, as well as many construction drawings.
pp. 201-207; Part III, pp. 257-261. (Parts II
and III appear in consecutive issues of Vol.
100.) Tiller, de Teel Patterson. Preservation Briefs 7:
The Preservation of Historic Glazed
In the first part, Putnam discusses early Architectural Terra-Cotta. Washington, DC:
twentieth century terra cotta in terms of Preservation Assistance Division, National
manufacture and application. He describes Park Service, US Department of the Interior,
shrinkage, color variances, tolerances, anchors 1979.
and hangers, and proper drainage and
ventilation practices. Tiller discusses the four types of manufactured
terra cotta available after the mid-nineteenth
Part II focuses on terra cotta column and century with special emphasis on ceramic
cornice construction, including detailed veneer (developed during the 1930s) and glazed
descriptions of proper connections and joints. architectural units (predominant during the first
third of the twentieth century). His
Part III discusses the marriage of terra cotta and examination details the material's composition
concrete. Concrete frameworks covered with a and its structural anchoring system, as well as
terra cotta cladding, with both metal and identifies deterioration problems such as
mortar connections, are included, as well as crazing, spalling, mortar and metal anchoring
recipes for both concrete backing and mortar failure, and material fatigue. He also outlines
for the setting and bedding of the terra cotta. techniques for inspection, maintenance, repair
Specification drawings and photographs are and replacement of damaged or lost terra cotta
included in all of the articles. units.

Prudon, Theodore H. M. "Architectural Terra

Cotta and Ceramic Veneer in the United States Tindall, Susan M. "How to Prepare Project-
Prior to World War II." Ph.D. diss., Specific Terra Cotta Specifications."
Columbia University, 1981. Association for Preservation Technology
Bulletin. Vol. 2 1 , No. 1 (1989), 26-36.
This in-depth dissertation includes sections on
definitions, history, manufacturers' processes, The author describes the evolution of terra
deterioration, inspection, testing and cotta standards as well as the critical numbers
evaluation, restoration and repair, and a needed to specify new terra cotta or substitute
bibliography. materials. Tindall notes that there are no
standard specifications for the replacement of
terra cotta work, and the article is aimed at
Thrall, Charles. "Terra Cotta: Its Character and helping restorers prepare their own project
Construction." The Brickbuilder. Vol. 18 specification. Numerous tables and diagrams
(1909), pp. 204-207, 231-235, 249-253. are included.

Thrall writes a comprehensive three-part article

on early twentieth century techniques for the

Warren, Charles P. "Notes on Standard Forms of . "Repairing Ornamental Concrete Block."
Specifications for Architectural Terra Cotta." Old House Journal Vol. 12, No. 9
The Brickbuilder. Vol. 14, No. 1 (January (November 1984), pp. 201-204.
1905), pp. 8-16.
After explaining the importance of preventive
This detailed article describes architectural maintenance, the author makes
terra cotta, both ornamental and structural. recommendations on the cleaning, painting,
Each step in the manufacture and installation of repair, and replacement of ornamental blocks.
terra cotta is described, including the In reference to replacement, he provides
responsibilities of the worker in each step. directions for making a mold to produce new
Detailed drawings and specifications are concrete blocks that will match existing units.

Gillespie, Ann. "Early Development of the Artistic

Wilson, Hewitt. "Polychrome Decoration of Terra Concrete Block: The Case of the Boyd
Cotta With Soluble Metallic Salts." Technology Brothers." Association for Preservation
& Conservation. Vol. 11, No. 1 (Spring 1992), Technology Bulletin. Vol. XI, No. 2 (1979),
pp. 16-17. Excerpted from The Journal of the pp. 30-52.
American Ceramic Society. Vol. 1, No. 5
(May 1915), pp. 353-366. Gillespie traces the history of the imitation
concrete block from 1870 to 1920. Rock-face
Four methods of applying colored glazesare and stone-face block are discussed, as well as
described, with the most attention given to the Jarvis and Wizard concrete block machines.
painting with soluble metallic salts. Mediums, Production methods and the various imitation
experimental solutions, and firing processes are rock faces available are included, along with
explained, along with the proportional photos and illustrations.
measurements of mineral elements used to
create the colors blue, green, and pink. The
article concludes by mentioning the vitreous "Products and Practice: Facade Blocks."
skin "K" colors and methods used by the Architectural Forum. Vol. 58, No. 6 (June
Denver Terra Cotta Company. 1933), p. 38.

This article describes a new product by the

National Facade Corporation. Concrete blocks
Concrete Block are cast with facade material such as brick,
limestone, terra cotta, marble, granite,
Cotton, J. Randall. "Ornamental Concrete Block sandstone, or glass block, creating a single-unit
Houses." Old House Journal. Vol. 12, No. 8 masonry block with both the exterior wall
(October 1984), pp. 165, 180-183. surface and its backing. A diagram of a corner
detail with different types of facade blocks is
Ornamental concrete block, also called included.
decorative or cast block and imitation or
artificial stone, was promoted in the 1910s by
the Sears Roebuck Company as a cheap, quick, Rice, Harmon, and William M. Torrance. 77ie
and practical building material. The height of Manufacture of Concrete Blocks and Their Use
its use occured in the late 1800s until about the in Building Construction. New York, NY: The
1930s. This article provides photographs of Engineering News Publishing Company, 1906.
the various faces available during that period as
well as a description of the blockmaking This is a collection of papers written for a
process. competition held by Cement Age and
Engineering News, covering the manufacture

and use of concrete block. The papers discuss descriptions of a structural gypsum floor,
topics ranging from materials and gypsum tile partitions, and a roof constructed
manufacturing machinery to production of steel beams and structural gypsum.
methods and block design. Illustrations are also
"Novel Building Method Utilizes Precast Gypsum
"Selection and Use of Concrete Block." Pencil Units." Rock Products. Vol. 51, No. 8
Points. Vol. 26, No. 12 (December 1945), pp. (August 1931), pp. 62-64.
This article presents the use of precast gypsum
This discussion of using concrete block in an units as a new building material for walls, both
architecturally aesthetic manner addresses its exterior and interior, and for floors.
various properties such as texture, color, and Specifications and details are included.
size. Specifications of various blocks are
given, along with photographs and detailed
drawings. Case study buildings are also
shown. Cast Stone
Simpson, Pamela H. "Cheap, Quick, and Easy: Walker, C. G. "Recent Developments in the
The Early History of Rockfaced Concrete Manufacture and Use of Cast Stone." Journal
Block Building." In Perspectives in of the American Concrete Institute. Vol. 7,
Vernacular Architecture III. Columbia, MO: No. 4 (March/April 1936), pp. 473-484.
University of Missouri Press, 1989.
Walker relays improvements in the
Due to its low cost and ease of production, manufacturing and use of cast stone. By
Rock-faced concrete block became very treating it as a concrete product, many of the
popular in the early twentieth century. With problems associated with cast stone can be
period advertisements and photographs of eliminated. Finishes, manufacturing processes,
buildings constructed of this material, the seasoning and curing are also discussed.
article chronicles its early history. Illustrations are included.

Warner, Henry P. "Cut Cast Stone." Proceedings

Gypsum Masonry of the American Concrete Institute. Vol. 23
(February 1927), pp. 206-212.
Lenhart, Walter B. "Gypsum Industry on the
Pacific Coast." Rock Products. Vol. 33, No. Warner, who was the president of the
1 (January 1930), pp. 33-39. Onondaga Litholite Company, discusses the
low cost and other advantages of using cast
This article discusses the newest product from stone, and gives a detailed description of the
the gypsum industry: gypsum hollow tiles. manufacturing process.
Manufacturing descriptions, specifications, and
applications are included.
Simulated Stone
"Low Cost Construction." California Arts and Pilling, Ron. "Removing Formstone and Other
Architecture. Vol. 57, No. 10 (November Indignities." Old House Journal. Vol. 10,
1940), p. 34. No. 9 (September 1982), pp. 179-182.

Of particular interest in this article about Formstone, patented in 1937, was a system of
several Los Angeles buildings are the lath and mortar that was rolled with a stone

pattern and sprayed with mica chips or marble allowed the production of large monolithic
dust. The author addresses the methods and pieces in the 1930s that would otherwise have
problems that may be encountered in removing been difficult to produce in real marble. The
this material, which was also known as modern process of making artificial marble
Permastone, Dixie Stone, and Fieldstone. from a mixture of superfine Keene's cement
and mineral colorings is described in detail.

Prudon, Theodore H. M. "Simulating Stone, 1860-

1940: Artificial Marble, Artificial Stone, and Related Information
Cast Stone." Association for Preservation
Technology Bulletin. Vol. XXI, No. 3-4 Emerson, David B. "The Specification Desk:
(1989), pp. 79-91. Burnt Clay." Pencil Points. Vol. 10, No. 12
(December 1929), pp. 881-886.
Prudon traces the history and manufacture of
simulated and cast stone, including In the first of this two-part article, Emerson
specifications and improvements in the describes brick and terra cotta. This
technology of these products as they moved comprehensive article begins with the history
into the twentieth century. Manufacturers such of these materials and then describes modern
as the Pacific Stone and Concrete Company are production methods. Product specifications are
discussed. Photographs are included. discussed, from roman brick to polychrome
terra cotta and terra cotta hollow block.
Ritchie, T. "Roman Stone and Other Decorative
Artificial Stones." Association for Preservation . "The Specification Desk: Burnt Clay."
Technology Bulletin. Vol. X, No. 1 (1979), Pencil Points. Vol. 11, No. 1 (January 1930),
pp. 20-34. pp. 65-68.

Roman Stone, an artificial stone produced by Part two of Emerson's article focuses on clay
the Roman Stone Company of Canada, is the tile. A historical overview is given, followed
focus of Ritchie's article, along with a by a discussion of modern specifications and
discussion of other manufactured simulated production methods. Various types of floor,
stone in Canada and the United States. wall, finish, and roofing tiles are covered and
Illustrations are included. manufacturers are listed.

"Rostone, A New Building Material." Rock Hendry, Arnold W., editor. Reinforced and
Products. Vol. 36 (May, 1933), pp. 44-46. Prestressed Masonry. New York, NY:
Longman Scientific and Technical, 1991.
The development of Rostone, an artificial stone
made of particles of shale, lime and stone, was This book provides a history of reinforced and
a result of the research of several inventors, prestressed masonry and explains material
including H.C. Ross. The manufacture, properties and uses.
chemical composition, and use are several of
the issues addressed in this article.
Masonry Research Foundation. Masonry
Bibliography; 1830 - 1982. Washington, DC:
Spencer, Clifford Wayne. "Artificial Marble and Masonry Research Foundation, 1985.
Scagliola." Architectural Forum. Vol.51,
No. 5, Part 2 (November 1929), p. 557. This extensive bibliography addresses all areas
of masonry products and construction from
The art of artificial marble, first practiced by 1830 to 1982. It contains subject and author
Florentine monks around the fifteenth century, indexes but is not organized chronologically.

"New Products, New Markets Point to Bigger Clay Warland, E. G. Modern Practical Masonry. New
Industry." Brick and Clay Record. Vol. 80, York, NY: Pitman Publishing Company,
No. 1 (January 1932), pp. 25-26. 1953.

Industry standards in products such as This practical guide to methods of masonry

reinforced brick and clay block, tile, glazed construction provides insight into masonry
products and face brick are discussed. building practices up to the mid-twentieth
Products listed include the Pittsburgh Wall and century. It includes diagrams for details and
Du-Brick. Data by the Common Brick construction methods. A well-documented
Manufacturer's Association and the Structural glossary, index and bibliography are also
Clay Tile Association is also provided. included.

"New Walls, More Business." Brick and Clay

Record. Vol. 93, No. 5 (November 1938), pp. Concrete

A number of new clay products and systems, When considering the enormous changes in the
including various methods for tying brick material environment, the most significant
veneer, precast tile beams, interlocking brick, innovations that can be regarded as products of this
and hollow wall construction are discussed. time period came largely in concrete construction.
Brand names include Tilecrete, Farren Wall, New societal demands arising from mechanical
Claycraft Hollow Unit, Speedwall Tile, Dek- inventions, technical developments, building code
Tile, Fabrick, Munlock Dry Wall, Speedtile, requirements, and changes in taste as well as
and Kalex Tile. material wants, led to construction for which
concrete was ideally suited. The result is that from
1900 to 1950, and beyond, the quantity of concrete
used in all construction expanded far more rapidly
"Products." Brick and Clay Record. Vol.105,
than that of all other building materials. The
No. 4 (October 1944), pp. 38-45.
European inventions of prestressing and ferro-
concrete thin shells gave the designers and builders
This explains unit masonry products including:
the means of exploiting the flexibility in form and
Bricon tile, Handi-Grip tile, Tex-Dri Wall, solid rigidity of concrete in structures.
Acoustile, speed tile, flashing tile block, Korok
tile, precast beams, Belden Brick, Dek-Tile,
utility block and interlocking Nail Tile. Comparatively, the United States lagged behind
Numerous photographs and construction details Europe in technological development, largely
are provided. because the ruling corporate economic institutions
of business and labor resisted change and
exploration. Hence, it was early in this century
before American literature began promoting and
"These Are Your Products." Brick and Clay
providing technical assistance on emerging concrete
Record. Vol. 105, No. 4 (October 1944), pp.

This article covers ten "new" clay tile and This section is divided into three principle parts
block products used in residential construction. based on construction methodology or systems
Products such as modular masonry, roman tile, introduced during the twentieth century. These
ceramic veneer, precast lintels, and unglazed sections are Cast-In-Place, Precast, and Prestressed
terra cotta are listed, complete with with Related Information as a fourth. The two
manufacturers' names, photographs, and sections, Concrete Masonry and Cast Stone, located
construction details of each product. under the main heading of Masonry, should be
referenced for additional citations regarding
concrete products.

One of the first examples of the International Style in the United States, the Lovell House, 1929, Los Angeles, Richard Neutra, architect,
was constructed from a steel frame and sprayed with gunite, a thin concrete shot from pneumatic hoses, and an early 20th century exterior
finish. Photo: Marvin Rand, HABS Collection.

Cast-in-place remaining depression-era concrete highway

bridges are now on the National Register. The
Embury, Ay mar, II. "Aesthetics of Concrete." Freyssinet method of arch construction had not
Pencil Points. Vol. 19, No. 5 (May 1938), pp. been attempted in this country until introduced
267-279. in the construction of the Rogue River bridge
in Oregon in 1932. The method is described in
The author addresses concerns about the design
and finishing of concrete. He discusses
textures produced by formwork, washing, or
bushhamrnering and the treatment of pour Hill, George. "Reinforced Concrete Construction:
joints with particular attention given to civil American Methods." The Architectural
engineering structures. Record. Vol. 12, No. 4 (September 1902), pp.

Gemeny, Albin L., and C. B. McCullough. "The This early account was intended to familiarize
Freyssinet Method of Arch Construction designers with concrete as a modern material.
Applied to the Rogue River Bridge in Oregon." After explaining the structural concepts of
Journal of the American Concrete Institute. reinforced concrete, the author reviews
Vol. 29, No. 3 (October 1932), pp. 57-79. applications, fireproofing qualities, wood
formwork, and aggregates.
This is a paper co-authored by Oregon State
highway engineer, C. B. McCullough, whose

Murray, Robert Dennis. "Concrete Virtues." traces the history, technological development
Pencil Points. Vol. 20, No. 4 (April 1939), and design potentials of concrete and its
pp. 213-226. influence on the built environment of the first
half of the twentieth century. It is particularly
The author argues that concrete is an well suited to describe the range of concrete
economical building material and proposes systems and construction methodologies to the
several approaches to finishing. He discusses preservationist who has no architectural
methods of constructing cast-in-place ornament background. Of importance are chapters three
including pneumatically placed Gunite. and four, which deal with "Progress in
Materials and Methods" and "Technical Design
Innovations" respectively. The text is fully
Newlon, Howard, Jr., editor. A Selection of illustrated and there is an extensive
Historic American Papers on Concrete, 1876- bibliography.
1926. Publication SP-52. Detroit, MI:
American Concrete Institute, 1976.
Ransome, Ernest L., and Alexis Saurbrey.
This collection of important papers starts with Reinforced Concrete Buildings: A Treatise on
a reprint of "A Brief History of Lime, Cement, the History, Patents, Design and Erection of
Concrete and Reinforced Concrete," written by the Principal Parts Entering into a Modern
Jasper O. Draffm. Part II outlines the Reinforced Concrete Building. New York,
development of concrete as a building material NY: McGraw-Hill Company, 1912.
through a series of landmark papers by the
following pioneers in cement and concrete: The first part of this treatise, which was
Thaddeus Hyatt, William Evans Ward, Arthur reprinted in A Selection of Historic American
Newell Talbot, Arthur Russell Lord, C. A. P. Papers on Concrete, 1876-1926 (see above),
Turner, Ernest Leslie Ransome, and Duff discusses the history of reinforced concrete
Andrew Abrams. A concise biography with a focus on patents. In Part Two,
precedes each individual paper. Ransome writes a "Personal Reminiscence"
while Saurbrey contributes "Basic Patents and a
Short Survey of the Early History of the Art."
Onderdonk, Francis S., Jr. 77ic Ferro-Concrete
Style. New York, NY: Architectural Book
Publishing Co., Inc., 1928. Shand, P. Morton. "Steel and Concrete: A
Historical Survey." Architectural Review.
The author, an advocate of reinforced concrete, Vol. 72, No. 432 (November 1932), pp. 169-
relies on many photographs and drawings to 179.
illustrate the potential of this building material.
Chapter One covers formwork (metal, This informative historical survey of concrete
composition) and methods of placement, while and steel gives a contemporary view of the
Chapter Two discusses surface treatment, comparative advantages and disadvantages of
aggregate, and color. Tracery, parabolic these two prominent structural materials. The
arches, and architectural design are presented companion article following, "The Evolution of
in following chapters. Design in Steel and Concrete," by Walter
Goldsmith, is a very specific technical history
in a volume of Architectural Review devoted
Raafat, Aly Ahmad. Reinforced Concrete in totally to concrete and steel.
Architecture. New York, NY: Reinhold
Publishing Co., 1958.

A summary of the history and development of

concrete from a global perspective, this book

Stem, Sylvan P. Elements of Reinforced Concrete. precast concrete. Included in the text are:
Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall Inc., design methodology, the processes of
1959. production, transportation and erection, along
with treatment of units and the joinery between
This textbook focuses on the structural design members. The last part is a survey of
of concrete and its reinforcement. Chapter structures erected from precast members or a
topics include Anchorage, Embedment, Anchor combination of such members with cast-in-
Bolts, Reinforced Concrete Columns, and place concrete.
Retaining Walls.
Childe, H. L. Concrete Products and Cast Stone.
Turner, C.A.P. Concrete Steel Construction: Part London, England: Concrete Publications
I Buildings, A Practical Treatise for the Limited, 1st edition, 1929, 9th edition, 1961.
Constructor and Those Commercially Engaged
in the Industry. Minneapolis, MN: Famham This is a summary of the materials and
Printing and Stationery Co., 1909. Also, methods used in making most types of precast
Chapter 8, "Systems of Reinforced Concrete concrete with a significant emphasis upon the
Construction." Reprinted in A Selection of manufacture of cast stone ornamentation and
Historic American Papers on Concrete, 1876- detailing. The text is generously supported
1926. Detroit, MI: American Concrete with details and illustrations.
Institute, 1976. pp. 245-284.

This volume, written by the American who "Prefabrication." Architectural Forum. V o l . 8 2 ,

pioneered (along with Maillart) the twentieth No. 5 (May 1945), pp. 186, 188, 192, 196.
century development of the flat slab system,
focuses on Turner's patented flat slab system This article is important for the method of
reinforced in two orthogonal directions. The manufacture and uses of an early form of
reprint gives descriptions of the various precast lightweight concrete, used in American
systems in common usage. housing. While this type of heat treated or
autoclaved aerated concrete is commonplace in
Europe, it has been minimally used in the
Wyatt, Brummitt. "The Art of Concrete Flooring." United States. There are photographs and
Pencil Points. Vol. 11, No. 11 (November details amplifying the text.
1930), pp. 879-882.

Concrete flooring's various uses are discussed Prestressed

and exhibited through photographs in this
article. Staining, painting, and integral Billig, Kurt. Prestressed Concrete. New York,
coloring of concrete floors is included, as well
NY: D. Van Nostrand Company, Inc., 1953.
as a discussion on terrazzo floors. A table
with commercial names of colors for use in
This is a highly regarded early volume on
cement with the ratio of color to cement is also
prestressed concrete design that was intended
to comprehensively cover the accumulated
information on this relatively new subject. The
first section is focused on the history,
Precast development, and fundamental concepts of
prestressed concrete. The second part covers
Billig, Kurt. Precast Concrete. New York, NY: the design of prestressed concrete structures,
D. Van Nostrand Company, Inc., 1955. and the third section addresses the design
problems. Though technical, it offers the
This four-part volume thoroughly covers the reader an informative text on prestressed
twentieth century developments in the field of concrete issues.

Dobell, Curzon. "Design Progress in Prestressed well illustrated with works by Magnel and
Concrete." Progressive Architecture. Vol. 30, Freyssinet.
No. 10 (October 1949), pp. 84-87.

This is a short history of prestressed concrete. Related Information

The article concludes with information about
buildings in the United States that were under "Asbestos for Fire Protection." The Architect.
construction or being designed at the time. Vol. 12, No. 2 (August 1916), pp. 122, 126.
The Guggenheim Museum by Frank Lloyd
Wright is among them.
This article describes the characteristics and
production of fireproof shingles and panels
made of Portland cement with asbestos fibers
Holley, Myle J. "Prestressed Concrete." Bulletin used as a binder. The panels were used as
of the American Institute of Architects. Vol. 6, ceilings, partitions, and wainscoting.
No. 5 (September/October 1952), pp. 7-10.

This technical article describes issues related to Cadwalader, Burns, and Chris D. Poland.
prestressed concrete and is complete with "Rehabilitation of the Kaiser Convention."
comparative diagrams and loading charts. It Association for Preservation Technology
relates a summary of developments in an Bulletin. Vol. XX, No. 2 (1968), pp. 21-27.
emerging system.
The rehabilitation of the historic Oakland
Nasser, George D . , editor. Reflections on the Auditorium c. 1916 for life-safety requirements
Beginnings of Prestressed Concrete in America. of California's seismic code is the focus of this
Chicago, IL: Prestressed Concrete Institute, article. An analysis of the concrete's
1981. Reprinted from the Journal of the condition, the seismic resistance and structural
Prestressed Concrete Institute. Vol. 23, No. 3 modifications are included. A program for
(May/June 1978) and successive issues through strengthening seismic deficiencies and arresting
Vol. 25, No. 3 (May/June, 1980). the deterioration of concrete is provided.

This series of papers illustrates the early Campbell-Allen, Denison, and Harold Roper.
history of prestressed and precast concrete in Concrete Structures: Materials, Maintenance,
North America. Part One, by Charles C. aiul Repair. New York, NY: John Wiley and
Zollman, traces the events that led to the Sons, Inc., 1991.
construction of Walnut Lane Bridge in
Pennsylvania, the first major linear prestressed Of particular interest to the preservationist are
concrete structure in the United States. Chapter Six, "Maintenance and Repair
Additional articles describe innovators in Strategies" and Chapter Seven, "Materials and
prestressed concrete. The text finishes with a Processes for Repair." Chapter Eight
chronology called "Milestones of Events and provides case studies. A thorough list of
Developments in North American Prestressed references is provided after each chapter.
Concrete Industry."
Coney, William B., AIA. Preservation Briefs 15:
Walsh, H. Vandervoort, and Anselm Preservation of Historic Concrete: Problems
Cefola. "Prestressed Concrete Exploits Virtues and General Approaches. Washington, DC:
of Steel and Concrete." Architectural Record. Rocky Mountain Regional Office, Division of
Vol. 106, No. 2 (August 1949), pp. 136-142. Cultural Resources, National Park Service, US
Department of the Interior (no date).
A concise history of prestressed concrete is
presented in this article as well as present and Both reinforced and unreinforced concrete
future applications in the United States. It is systems are discussed in terms of deterioration,

examination, and repair. Structural design this century. The work contains a
defects, spalling, document review, and comprehensive index.
deflection repair are presented. Especially
helpful are photographs used to illustrate the
step-by-step repair procedure for a 1941 Lesley, Robert W., John B. Lober, and George S.
reinforced concrete industrial building. Bartlett. History of the Portland Cement
Industry in the United States with Appendices
Covering Progress of the Industry by Years and
" 'High Early' Portland Cement." Progressive an Outline of the Organization and Activities of
Architecture. Vol. 29, No. 7 (July 1948) pp. the Portland Cement Association. Chicago, IL:
68-72. International Trade Press, Inc., 1924.
Reprinted by the International Trade Press,
This article traces the history and reports the Inc., 1972.
progress that was made in the twenty years
following the first use of "high-early" strength This early work provides a comprehensive
Portland cement in the 1927 Moffat tunnnel review of the Portland cement industry
project. It has charts comparing "high-early" including manufacturers, development, and
to ordinary concrete, as well as contempory promoters. The four appendices provide useful
uses. historical information regarding the industry
and manufacturers.

Huxtable, Ada Louise. "Concrete Technology in

the U.S.A.: Historical Survey." Progressive "Lightweight Aggregates Win New Attention."
Architecture. Vol. 4 1 , No. 10 (October 1960), Architectural Record. Vol. 104, No. 1 (July
pp. 143-149. 1948), pp. 143-145.

The major developments in the history of This article reports on post-war research on
concrete construction in the United States are lightweight aggregates. Available aggregates
related in this article. As a historical survey, it are classified into four groups: volcanic
is well researched and includes photographs of (perlite, pumice); nicaceous mineral
18 prominent concrete buildings. (vermiculite); clay and shale (Airox, Rocklite);
and by-products (slag, cinders).

Sabnis, Gajanan, editor. Rehabilitation,

Kemp. E. L., editor. American Concrete Institute, Renovation, and Preservation of Concrete and
ACI Committee 120. History of Concrete: 30 Masonry Structures. Detroit, MI: American
B.C. to 1926 A.D., Annotated. Bibliography Concrete Institute, 1985.
No. 14. Detroit, MI: American Concrete
Institute, 1982. This volume presents papers from three
symposia held in 1981 and 1982 and sponsored
As one of the most comprehensive annotated by the Technical Activities Committee of the
bibliographies on the history, development and American Concrete Institute. Many of the
manufacture of concrete, this book has a papers are devoted to early twentieth century
wealth of information on early twentieth building rehabilitation case studies. The first
century research and reporting on precasting, two papers, "Essential Steps in Adaptation of
prestressing, and evolving concrete chemistry. Old Buildings" and "Non-Destructive
Many of the 413 alphabetically organized Evaluation in Rehabilitation and Preservation of
entries are very important to early Concrete and Masonry Materials," are
standardization of the concrete industry during especially useful.

Wiedyke, Robert G., and Mary K. Hurd. Metals
American Concrete Institute: A 55 Year Index
1905-1959. Detroit, MI: American Concrete
Institute, 1960.
The period between 1900 and 1950 was a time of
This comprehensive index of all the papers rapid development in the metallurgy and structural
published in the Proceedings of the American theory. With the increased technology resulting
Concrete Institute facilitates research on a wide from industrialization, alloys such as monel metal
variety of topics relating to concrete. Synopses and stainless steel were developed and utilized for
are provided for volumes 26-55 of Proceedings structural and ornamental applications. Although
which corresponds to the first volumes of the aluminum was developed in 1897, it was not until
Journal of the American Concrete Institute. the early 1930s that it was viewed as a building

In addition to new alloys, new construction systems

evolved with the advancement of the technology of
metal. Conventional construction systems such as
reinforced masonry and wood frame gave way to
steel frame systems which allowed the evolution of
the skyscraper.

This section is divided into Ferrous Metal Alloys

(those containing iron in some form), Non-Ferrous
Metal Alloys (those not containing iron), and
Related Information for sources covering many
types of metals.

Ferrous Metal Alloys

Block, Carl F. "New Developments: Steel in
Building Construction." Progressive
Architecture. Vol. 27, No. 1 (January 1946),
pp. 87-89.

This article discusses the use of steel in

housing. It provides a series of guidelines
which include those for floor and wall
construction, finishes, built-in equipment,
radiant heating, adaptability, and light-gauge
By the 1930s, aluminum was in wide use for exterior, weather-
resistant architectural elements, such as this exterior lantern
outside the U.S. Custom House, Philadelphia, PA. Ritter and
Shay, architects, Edward Ardolino, sculptor. Photo: Esther "Fireproofing Structural Steel with Vermiculite
Mipaas. Plaster." Progressive Architecture. Vol. 30,
No. 4 (April 1949), pp. 85-88.

Vermiculite plaster used with steel is the

subject of this article. This combination results
in a better fire rating, lighter weight,
comparable tensile strength, and lower cost.

Gloag, John, and Derek Bridgwater. A History of Pearsall, William Rice. "T-Flange Girders: A
Cast Iron in Architecture. London, England: New Development in Heavy Steel
George Allen and Unwin Ltd., 1948. Construction." Pencil Points. Vol. 13, No. 9
(September 1949), pp. 630-631.
The majority of this book covers the use of
cast iron prior to the turn of the twentieth Described as "the first radical departure in
century. However, the last section discusses, structural steel design since the introduction,
in a fairly indepth manner, the use of cast iron about 20 years ago, of the rolled broad flange
between 1900 and 1945 from the decorative beam and column sections," the new composite
(grilles) to the utilitarian (fuse box covers). section is reviewed in this article. It discusses
structural integrity as well as implications on
heavy steel construction.
Grinter, Linton. Design of Modern Steel
Structures. New York, NY: The MacMillan
Company, 1941.
Princeton University School of Architecture.
Grinter discusses connections, timber Curtain Walls of Stainless Steel. Princeton,
construction, tension and compression NJ: Committee of Stainless Steel Producers,
members, beams, girders, combined stress and American Iron and Steel Institute, 1955.
flexure, stress and stability. The designs of
plate girders, industrial roofs, low-truss This book explores stainless steel and the new
highway bridges, office buildings, tall buildings construction system of the curtain wall. It
and continuous beams are also reviewed. discusses design issues and examines specific
buildings that utilize curtain wall systems.

Paret, Richard E. "Structural Applications of

Stainless Steel." Progressive Architecture. Sivinski, Valerie. "Preserving Historic Materials:
Vol. 30 (October 1949), pp. 80-83. Ferrous Metals." Architecture. Vol. 75, No.
11 (November 1986), pp. 108-109.
This article encompasses a wide range of
topics, including the types of stainless steel, This concise article on the preservation and
curtain walls, mechanical properties, maintenance of metals provides information on
fabrication, cleaning, exterior and interior trim, methods of preventing deterioration and
roof drainage, and insect screening. repairing damage.

Park, Sharon C., AIA. Preservation Briefs 13: "Steel." Architectural Record. Vol. 87, No. 4
The Repair and Thermal Upgrading of Historic- (April 1940), pp. 73-80.
Steel Windows. Washington, DC: Preservation
Assistance Division, National Park Service, US This is the sixth in a series of articles on trends
Department of the Interior, (no date). in building materials. It is an extensive review
of steel and its structural properties, design
In this examination of rolled steel windows, possibilities, and range of application.
manufactured between 1890 and 1950, Park
identifies the operational types of fire-resistant
steel windows used in masonry and concrete "Trend Notes on a Building World: Designing in
pre-World War II industrial and commercial Welded Steel." Architectural Record. Vol.
buildings. Evaluative criteria for both 38, No. 3 (September 1938), p. 89.
deterioration detection and treatment methods
are discussed. Column beam construction and the Portal Truss
are two systems of rigid frame design

discussed in this article. Designed by Coulter, Lane, and Maurice Dixon, Jr. New
engineers in Chicago and Cleveland, these Mexican Tinwork, 1840-1940. Albuquerque:
systems employ shallower, lighter beams with University of New Mexico Press, 1990.
longer expanses and are welded rather than
riveted. This book delves into the tools, materials,
processes, functional uses, methods for dating,
and craftsmanship of Spanish New Mexican
Wood, B. L. "Research Report: Construction With tinsmithing. Illustrated with color plates and
Light Steel." Progressive Architecture. Vol. black and white photographs, it provides
30, No. 3 (March 1949), pp. 74-78. insight into this lost art form. A glossary of
terms and an appendix of hispanic tinsmiths are
A brief history of steel in building also included.
construction, from the skyscraper to the single-
family dwelling, is provided. The focus is on
light gauge steel and its advantages in design,
fire safety, strength, quality, and design
specifications. Howard-White, F. B. Nickel, An Historical
Review. Princeton, NJ: Van Nostrand Press,

Non-Ferrous Metal Alloys This book traces the development of the nickel
metal industry. It is fairly specific about the
Architectural Aluminum. Pittsburgh, PA: nature of some of its alloys including Monel
Aluminum Company of America, 1929. and nickel silver.

This trade catalog focuses on the use of

aluminum in architecture, from the capping McMullen, A.L. Architectural Metalwork in
of the Washington Monument to the finial Copper and Its Alloys. London, England:
at the top of the Standard Oil building, in Copper Development Association, 1963.
order to show the range of capabilities
aluminum has as a building material. The This is an informative source on copper and its
end of the catalog cites new uses for many alloys. Not only does it discuss the
aluminum in building including rigid properties of the various alloys but it also looks
conduit for floodlight systems, "top-down" at the issues of construction, finishes and
shingles, and complete roofing systems. maintenance. The text is well supported by
photographs and architectural drawings.

Copper Development Association. "The Use of

Copper in Post-War Building." Architects' Moore, R. L. "How and When to Use Aluminum
Year Book. Edited by Jane B. Drew. Vol. 1 Alloys." Engineering News-Record. Vol. 135,
(1945), pp. 332-339. No. 16 (October 18, 1945), pp. 518-524.

Until the outbreak of World War II, the use of R. L. Moore explains war-time performance
copper for construction in the United States tests on aluminum that show its importance as
was limited. In the post-war era, however, it a building material. His article includes
became one of the most sought after materials descriptions of aluminum and its alloys and it
for many applications. This article explains the provides tables regarding properties, forms,
importance and versatility of this material. and characteristics. He discusses available
types, shapes, joints, connectors and finishes
and supplies photos of experimental products
and test results.

Peter, John. Aluminum in Modern Architecture,
Volume I. Louisville, KY: Reynolds Metals
Company, 1956.

This book is a source of specific examples of

aluminum architecture. It contains photographs
accompanied by brief discussions as well as
indexes of architects, architecture, and
aluminum products.

Practical Design in Monel Metal. New York, NY:

International Nickel Company, 1931.

One of the more thorough resources on Monel

Metal, this trade catalog covers Monel from its
structural, chemical and material properties to
its color, feel, texture, weathering, finish and
design. Examples of its varied use are provided
and supported by photographs and detail

Rosenberg, Samuel J. Nickel and Its Alloys.

Washington, DC: Institute for Materials
Research, National Bureau of Standards, May,

This monograph is a review of properties,

production, and uses of nickel and its ferrous Elevator doors, Chrysler Building, 1928-29, New York City.
and nonferrous alloys. In addition to providing William Van Alen, architect. The first extensive use in America
a list of trademarks and owners, it discusses of chromium-nickel steel, commonly known as stainless steel,
the history of nickel as well as its recovery, was displayed on the exterior of the Chrysler Building.
Stainless steel was incorporated with rare woods as illustrated on
production, consumption, uses, and the location
these elevator doors. Photo: Cervin Robinson.
of nickel ore. The publication provides a
wealth of technical and chemical information.

containing conversion tables, specifications,

Weidlinger, Paul. Aluminum in Modern
and designations.
Architecture, Volume 11. Louisville, KY:
Reynolds Metals Company, 1956.
. Aluminum as a Structural Material."
Described as an engineering reference book,
Progressive Architecture. Vol. 29, Nos. 9 and
the second volume in this set is a
10 (September and October 1948), pp. 77-84;
comprehensive guide to aluminum. Its physical
and mechanical properties, production and
fabrication, joints and connections, potential
This two-part article looks in depth at the
and limitations, structural design, architectural
application of aluminum as a structural
design and detail, environmental control
material. The first part concentrates on
systems and use are all discussed. Included are
aluminum and its alloys and on material
charts and line drawings, as well as an index
properties, forming, fabrication and economics.

The second part examines shapes and Chase, David, and Carolyn Laray. Sheet Metal
connections when used structurally, citing Craftsmanship: Progress in Building.
examples of existing structures. Washington DC: Publications Office, National
Building Museum, 1988.

Welsh, Frank Sagendorph. "Architectural Metallic This catalog accompanied a National Building
Finishes in the Late Nineteenth and Early Museum exhibit on the 100 years of the Sheet
Twentieth Centuries: The Great Imitators: Metal Industry in America. It gives a broad
Aluminum and Bronze." In Interiors overview of sheet metal applications, and a
Handbook for Historic Buildings, Volume 2. history of its production. Included are
Edited by Michael J. Auer, Charles E. Fisher, paintings, photographs, and a bibliography.
Thomas C. Jester, and Marilyn E. Kaplan.
Washington, DC: Historic Preservation
Education Foundation, 1993, pp. 3-37 to 3-43. Emerson, David B. "The Specification Desk:
Metals and Alloys." Pencil Points. Vol. 12,
This paper discusses the composition of No. 3 (March 1931), pp. 239-240.
aluminum and bronze, their manufacture, uses,
application techniques, and characteristics. A Ferrous and non-ferrous alloys and their
brief description of microchemical analysis is properties and applications are discussed in this
given as well as a list of buildings where these article. This includes iron, bronze, copper,
metallic finishes were used. German silver, Monel metal, aluminum,
yellow (Muntz) metal, tool-proof steel, and
chrome-nickel steel.
Williams, Hugh R. "Monel Metal; Points of
Superiority of this New Natural Alloy in All
Fields for Non-Corroding Steel." Scientific Gayle, Margot, David W. Look, AIA, and John G.
American Supplement. Vol. 88, No. 2276 Waite, AIA. Metals in America's Historic
(August 16, 1919), pp. 98-99. Buildings: Uses and Preservation Treatments.
Washington DC: Preservation Assistance
This article provides statistics on the structural Division, National Park Service, US
properties of Monel metal and gives examples Department of the Interior, 1980. Revised
of its first applications such as propellers for 1992.
the U.S.S. Dakota, sheet metal roofing for the
Pennsylvania Railroad Terminal, and even golf This book charts the use of metal as a building
clubs. Most of the cited examples attest to its material in America. The history of copper,
superior performance in comparison with nickel, iron, aluminum and their respective
German silver and steel. alloys is discussed as well as the processes of
deterioration and preservation. Also included
is an extensive bibliography.

Related Information Grimmer, Anne E. Preservation Briefs 6:

Dangers of Abrasive Cleaning to Historic
Atchison, Leslie. A History of Metals. New York, Buildings. Washington, DC: Preservation
NY: Interscience Publishers, Inc., 1960. Assistance Division, National Park Service, US
Department of the Interior, 1979.
This historic overview of all metals covers
development and application from the earliest This brief is valuable for its discussion of
use to the date of publication. 1920s and 1930s metals such as chrome, nickel
alloys, aluminum, and stainless steel.
Suggested methods for cleaning, including

glass bead peening, crushed walnut shell noted. The book also contains a listing of other
pressure cleaning, and Tine sand blasting, are buildings across the nation that have iron and
examined for their potential in removing paint bronze detailing.
and corrosion from very plain to highly
articulated metal features. Sivinski, Valerie. "Metals in Interiors: Repair and
Replacement." In The Interiors Handbook for
Historic Buildings. Edited by Charles E.
Lopez, Frank G. "Conserving Metals With Stone Fisher, III, Michael Auer, and Anne Grimmer.
and Glass Veneers." Architectural Record. Washington D.C.: Historic Preservation
Vol. 90, No. 6 (December 1941), pp. 92-96. Education Foundation, 1988, pp. 2-15 to 2-17.

This article suggests substitute materials, A general description of metals used for
primarily stone and structural glass, for interior and exterior applications is given.
materials in short supply due to World War II.
It is followed by time-saving standards which
provide construction details for stone and glass.

Mitchell, Robert A. "What Ever Happened to

Lustron Homes?" Association for Preservation
Technology Bulletin. Vol. XXIII, No. 2
(1991), pp. 44-53.

The housing shortage following World War II

prompted the Lustron Corporation to begin
manufacturing a prefabricated house made of
porcelain enameled steel panels. This article
highlights the historical significance of these
houses. It includes drawings and photographs
of floor plans and various details along with
suggestions for the preservation of Lustron

Ornamental Designs from Architectural Sheet

Metal, The Complete Broschart & Braun, ca.
1900. New York, NY: The Athenaeum of
Philadelphia and Dover Publications, Inc.,

This catalog contains detail drawings,

photographs, dimensions, and prices of the
entire line of architectural sheet metal from the
company of Broschart & Braun.

Ornamental Iron and Bronze. Chicago, IL: The

Winslow Brothers Company, 1910. Goelet Building, 1932. New York City. E.H. Faile, architect,
General Bronze Corp., foundry, Long Island, N.Y. Many 20th
century metals such as copper, brass, nickel silver, and black
This book consists of photographs of buildings enamel have been integrated into the design of this entranceway
that feature architectural iron and bronze work. emphasizing the art-deco style common to the 1920's and
Each building is identified and the architect is 1930's. Photo: International Nickel Company.

Repair, replacement and maintenance Decorative Glass
recommendations are provided for iron, copper
(and its alloys, including monel), aluminum, Harbeson, John F. "Design in Modern
and metal leaf. Architecture: Stained Glass and Mosaic."
Pencil Points. Vol. 11, No. 12 (December
1930), pp. 957-963.
Small, Ben John. "Streamlined Specifications:
Metals." Progressive Architecture. Vol.30 The author discusses modern approaches to
(May 1949), pp. 92-95. stained glass. These include the use of
machine-made commercial glass (chipped,
This concise guide to metals is organized in an rippled, pressed-lens, etched and ground) and
outline form with the following headings: designs that require minimal divisions.
General Requirements, Materials, Gages, and
Treatments. Harrison, Martin. "Twentieth-Century Stained
Glass." In Architectural Stained Glass. New
York: Architectural Record Books, 1979, pp.
Trelstad, Derek H. "Renovation: Stuyvesant Town 65-80.
and Peter Cooper Village." Building
Renovation. (January/February 1993), pp. 28- An analysis of modern stained glass history,
33. this essay begins with the work of the Berlin
expressionists (in particular the Glass Pavilion
Thermal performance and operational problems of 1914). Other significant architects discussed
associated with World War II era steel in connection with the use of stained glass
casement windows resulted in a search for include Auguste Perret, Charles Rennie
sympathetic substitute windows for this 1947 Mackintosh, Frank Lloyd Wright, Henry Ven
public housing project in New York's Lower de Velde, and Peter Behrens. The contribution
East Side. The selection of the new aluminum of the Bauhaus school is also noted.
windows of a similar casement-hopper design,
their specifications and methods of installation
as well as the recycling of the original steel
windows is discussed.
Glass Block
"Announce Building Unit of Glass and Haydite."
Brick and Clay Record. Vol. 94, No. 5 (May
1939), p. 33.

This short article details the development of

Gladstone, a load-bearing glass unit made by
bonding Vitrolite with Haydite, as
Glass manufactured by the Libbey-Owens-Ford Glass
Company. This article notes that many
buildings under construction in Detroit were
Although glass is an ancient building material, it using the product. It includes a photograph
has enjoyed extensive development in the twentieth and cross-section of a Gladstone slab.
century. Shatterproof, x-ray proof, wired,
decorative, and opaque glass are only a few
examples that were introduced and promoted under Clute, Eugene. "Designing for Construction in
a variety of trade names. Two types, Structural Glass." Pencil Points. Vol. 13, No. 11
Glass and Glass Block, were exploited for their (November, 1932), pp. 741-748.
capabilities as load-bearing materials. These, along
with Decorative Glass, serve as the subheadings in This article discusses design possibilities for
this category. glass block, tiles and relief panels.

Versailles Apartment Building, 1936, Brooklyn, N.Y. Kavy and Kavovitt, Inc., architects. These entrance doors were fabricated from
sheets of stainless steel with etched glass in the window. Both the stainless steel frame, produced from rolled sections and the inset glass
blocks at the top and sides, are uniquely 20th century building materials. Photo: David W. Look, AIA.

Applications using these products are "Luxfer Glass Prism Constructions." Architectural
discussed, and several photographs showing Record. Vol. 69, No. 1 (January 1931), pp.
contemporary designs are included. 59-62.

The Luxfer Glass Prism tile unit and its

"Demountable Glass Block Partitions for Stores, application in roof and wall construction is
Offices, Homes." American Builder. Vol. 64, discussed. The diamond or modeled surface of
No. 11 (November 1942), p. 44. this product is compared with flat glass.
Included are photographs of Luxfer Glass in
This article describes a war-time method of buildings in Germany.
building internal glass block walls without the
use of metal or mortar by using prefabricated "New Method of Glass Block Construction."
wood strips and wedges as produced by the American Builder. Vol. 62, No. 2 (February
Insulux Division of the Owens-Illinois Glass 1940), p. 106.
This article describes the Revere System, a
new method for using prefabricated and

interlocking metal members for glass block This brief discusses the aesthetic appeal,
construction. Installation procedures are technical composition, application methods,
explained and a diagram of the product is deterioration processes, maintenance, repair,
shown. and replacement strategies for this material and
its panel system of construction.
"Products and Practice: Glass Block."
Architectural Forum. Vol. 72, No. 5 (May
1940), pp. 327-330. "Manufacture of Structural Glass." Glass Industry.
Vol. 20, No. 6 (June 1939), pp. 215-219.
This article explains glass block in terms of
three categories: residential, institutional/ Works No. 6 of the Pittsburgh Glass Company
commercial, and industrial. It ends with a goes through a complex process to produce
paragraph on new products. Explanations are Carrara glass and Herculite. The plant and the
given regarding directional glass block, production process are described in this article
diffusing blocks, and a new system for and brief references to applications of these
demountable glass block wall systems. materials are included.
Diagrams and many photographs are included.

Polivka, Jaroslav. "Glass: Structural Material of

"Vacu-lite Glass Blocks." American Builder. Vol. Tomorrow." Architectural Record. Vol.85,
62, No. 6 (June 1940), p. 84. No. 2 (February 1939), pp. 66-72.

A new patented form of insulated glass roof In this article, the author proposes the use of
and ceiling construction using Alglas aluminum glass as a load-bearing material. He examines
frames and Vacu-lite partial-vacuum glass uses where glass is treated not as a surfacing
blocks is announced. The description of the material but as a structural component capable
product includes specifications and small of carrying compressive and tensile loads.

Yorke, Douglas A., Jr., AIA. "Material

Conservation for the Twentieth Century: The
Case for Structural Glass." Association for
Structural Glass Preservation Technology Bulletin. Vol. XIII,
No. 3 (1981), pp. 18-29.
Kendrick, Gregory D., editor. Preservation Briefs
12: The Preservation of Historic Pigmented Yorke provides standard sizes, physical
Structural Glass (Vitrolite aiui Carrara Glass). descriptions, and properties for structural glass,
Washington, DC: Rocky Mountain Regional with particular attention given to Vitrolite and
Office, Cultural Resources Division, National Carrara Glass. A chart of colors includes the
Park Service, US Department of the Interior, Munsell notation and decade of availability.
After discussing the three types of failure,
recommendations are made for replacement
and repair.
Popular with the Art Deco, Streamline, and
Moderne designs of the 1920s and 1930s,
pigmented structural glass (commonly known
by the trade names Carrara, Sani Onyx, Rox,
and Vitrolite) emerged in the first decade of
the twentieth century as a substitute for marble.

Related Information McGrath, Raymond, and A. L. Frost. Glass in
Architecture and Decoration. London,
Byrne, Richard O. "Conservation of Historic England: The Architectural Press, 1937,
Window Glass." Association for Preservation revised 1961.
Technology Bulletin. Vol. XIII, No. 3 (1981),
pp. 3-9. Extensive histories of all types of glass are
provided in this thorough book. Numerous
The three types of deterioration black and white photographs, line drawings,
(decolonization, scratching and etching, and and an extensive bibliography are included.
breakage) are described in this article.
Recommendations for treatment and a list of
reproduction glass suppliers are provided. Sheet and Plate-Glass Manufacturers' Association.
"Glass." Architects' Year Book. Edited by
Jane B. Drew. Vol. 1 (1945), pp. 353-354.
de Tailly, M. "Thermolux Glass - Insulating,
Translucid, Light Diffusing." Glass Industry. Explaining advances in twentieth century glass
Vol. 20, No. 7 (July 1939), pp. 265-268. production, this article distinguishes older types
of blown glass from more recent types such as
A layer of very fine glass thread called plate glass, wire glass, hollow glass bricks, and
Vetroflex is fixed between two layers of glass early fiberglass. In addition to clarifying the
to form Thermolux. This article describes the attributes of these materials, the article
make-up of Thermolux as well as its thermal, provides insight into the overwhelming effect
diffusive, and sound-insulating qualities. that World War II had on building technology.

Emerson, David B. "Glass and Glazing," Parts I Plastics, Rubber, and Asphalt
and II. Pencil Points. Vol. 12, Nos. 9 and 10
(September and October 1931), pp. 713-716; Asphalt was first used thousands of years ago, but
789-791. it has enjoyed widespread use in the twentieth
century. While it is generally thought of as a
This first part of this article traces the general paving material, it has been commonly utilized in
history of glass, focusing on the more recently other applications such as roofing and flooring.
developed types such as plate, obscured, wire, Another material that has seen further scientific
ultraviolet transmission, x-ray proof, and developments is rubber. Since the patent for
shatterproof glass. The second part addresses vulcanization was received in 1844, the
prism glass, mirrors, setting of glass and manufacturing processes advanced significantly.
appropriate materials and sizes of frames. The shortage of natural rubber during World War
II led to the further development of synthetic
rubber which was first produced in the late
Lopez, Frank G. "Glass in House Design." Pencil nineteenth century.
Points. Vol. 26, No. 5 (May 1945), pp. 93-
100. Plastic is another material that was also researched
and developed extensively as a result of the two
The properties, applications, and forms of World Wars. Advancements in plastics technology
recently developed glass products are affected many building materials. These include
examined. The types of glass available (e.g. flooring, walls, roofing, waterproofing, paint, and
Lustraglass, Pyrex, Herculite) are listed by adhesives, as well as electrical and mechanical
trade name and manufacturer. equipment. While there are many types of plastics,
they can be classified into two major categories:
thermoplastics (can be reheated and remolded) and
thermo-setting plastics (can only be molded once).

The following entries address these three materials Dawson, T.R., and E. Sopher. "Applications of
which played a significant role in the first half of Rubber in Building." Architects' Year Book.
this century. Edited by Jane B. Drew. Vol. 2 (1947), pp.

The Asphalt Institute. The Asphalt Handbook. The authors list and describe new uses for
College Park, MD: The Asphalt Institute, rubber in building applications. Products such
1947. as sound insulation, wall panels, coverings,
rubber flooring and rubber-coated sheet metal
This thorough handbook provides information are discussed. Also included is a description
regarding various aspects of asphalt. It defines of Ebonite, a hard rubber wall panel.
terminology, specifications, paving equipment, Construction details are provided for the
construction requirements, various applications, products discussed.
and erosion control. The book also includes
lists of Asphalt Institute offices and member
companies. "The House of Plastic Blocks." California Arts &
Architecture. Vol. 5 1 , No. 1 (January 1940),
pp. 10, 32.
"Bakelite, a Growing Factor in the Trend of
Modern Decoration." Dun's International Alden Dow envisioned houses made almost
Review. Vol. 57, No. 4 (June 1931), pp. 32- completely of plastic. He invented the plastic
33. block described in this article, which was to be
an integral part of plastic construction.
This brief article discusses the development of
Bakelite phenol-laminated resinoids and their
applications in furniture and interior design. Koehler, Charles R. Plastics in Building.
Washington, DC: Government Printing Office,
April 1955.
Carr, J. Gordon. "Plastics: Characteristics and
Applications." Architectural Record. Vol. 95, This book is the result of a conference
No. 6 (June 1944), pp. 105-108. conducted by the Building Research Institute in
October of 1954. It discusses the plastics
This group of charts was collected to inform industry, and the standards, codes and present
designers about types of plastics, their and future uses of plastics. "Surfacing and
applications, trade names and manufacturers. Decorative Uses of Plastics in Building," by
They also include information regarding Plastics editor Hiram McCann, evaluates vinyl
chemical composition and the physical and flooring (e.g. Corlon, Plastile, Terraflex),
chemical properties of plastics. decorative laminates (e.g. Formica, Naugatop,
Conolite) and styrene wall tile.

"Construction Units Appear." Modern Plastics.

Vol. 18 (February 1940), pp. 30-31, 70-72. Lougee, E. F. "Plastics for Architecture." Pencil
Points. Vol. 20, No. 6 (June 1939), pp. 395-
A plastic block designed by Alden B. Dow is 403.
presented in this article. The 12" x 12" x 1/8"
units can be transparent, translucent, or opaque Different types of plastics are explained and
and offer extensive building opportunities. identified by trade names. For example,
Lumarith, Masuron, and Nixonite are cellulose
acetate materials; Plexiglas, Crystalite, and
Lucite are acrylic resins; while Durite,
MakaLot, Resinox and Textolite are phenolic

materials. The manufacture and application of Progressive Architecture. Vol. 41 (June 1960).
laminated plastics and translucent laminates are
also discussed. This issue contains eleven articles about
plastics, including "Chemistry's Man Made
Plastics" by William Demarest, "Structural
Lusty, H. H. "Plastics and Their Place in Post- Considerations" by Frederick J. McGarry, and
war Building." Architects' Year Book. Edited "Residential Research" by Lee Frankl.
by Jane B. Drew. Vol. 1 (1945), pp. 364-372.

Lusty concisely describes the difference Progressive Architecture. Vol. 51 (October 1970).
between thermo-plastics (i.e. poly vinyl-
chloride) and thermo-setting plastics (i.e. This issue is devoted to plastics in architecture.
Bakelite). The manufacture of molded and An introductory review by Albert Dietz is
laminated sheet plastics is reviewed in addition followed by articles discussing properties,
to their possible applications as windows, wall building codes, applications, and case studies.
and floor tiles, plumbing, and interior Although much of the information pertains
decoration. specifically to the 1970s, the issue is helpful in
understanding the development of plastics in
the twentieth century.
Marshall, Robert F. "Plastics... Practically
Speaking." Architectural Record. Vol. 93,
No. 4 (April 1943), pp. 54-59, 86. Quarmby, Arthur. Plastics and Architecture. New
York, NY: Praeger Publishers, 1974.
Marshall provides an overview of plastics and
their manufacturing processes. The Although most of this book focuses on
organization of the plastics industry is contemporary design, Chapter Five, "Historical
explained. Applications," summarizes developments in
early architectural applications. Photographs
illustrate pre-fabrication systems and
"Plastics." Architectural Record. Vol. 69, No. 4 component housing systems such as the 1957
(April 1931), pp. 321-322. Monsanto House of the Future.

This article outlines three types of plastic

materials available in 1931 including phenolic Rosato, Dominick V. Rosato's Plastics
resins (e.g. Bakelite), cellulose acetate (e.g. Encyclopedia and Dictionary. Munich,
Lumarith), and urea formaldehyde resins (e.g. Germany: Hanser Publishers, 1993.
Beetle). A chart of architectural uses, trade
names, forms, principal characteristics, suitable Over 11,000 entries are defined in this book by
uses, colors, transparency and effects of an expert in the plastics field. It is
various compounds is included. supplemented with illustrations, a 24-page
chronology (beginning with 1800 B.C.), and a
list of 186 references.
"Plastics in Architecture." Architectural Forum.
Vol. 66, No. 2 (February 1937), pp. 147-149.
Sanders, Morris. "Plastics and Architecture."
This brief article lists the characteristics of Architectural Record. Vol. 88, No. 1 (July
different types of synthetic resin plastics as 1940), pp. 66-76.
well as the manufacturers and trade names of
these products. Supplemented with numerous photographs, this
article describes the different types of
thermoplastics and thermo-setting plastics. A

time line of the evolution of plastics, beginning Building Boards Joint Committee. "Fibre Building
with the discovery of urea in 1773, and ending Boards." Architects' Year Book. Edited by
with developments in 1938, is provided. Jane B. Drew. Vol. 1 (1945), pp. 345-348.

This short but informative article defines and

Singer, Joseph B. Plastics In Building. London, explains the use of each class of wood fiber
England: The Architectural Press, 1952. building boards. It includes a table with
specifics regarding composition, sizes,
In addition to explaining the manufacturing appearance, fasteners and finishes for this
process of plastics, their advantages and material.
disadvantages, and historical applications, this
book provides extensive information on
exterior and interior uses. Particular subjects Dietz, Albert G. H., editor. Composite
include Corroplast roofing, Perspex glazing Engineering Laminates. Cambridge, MA:
and wall panels, Holoplast panels, and Prespine The MIT Press, 1969.
wall coverings. A glossary of trade names
(e.g. Accotile, Durite, Kalistron, Luxorite, Although this books focuses on the
Plastrim), a bibliography, and advertisements development of composite laminates since
are also provided. 1949, it is helpful in providing some historical
background. Particularly useful are Chapter 3,
"Structural Glued Laminated Timber," Chapter
Tetzlaff, Frederick W., and Robert R. Rorke. 4, "Plywood," Chapter 7, "Composite-Glass
"Acrylic Plastics in Architecture." Progressive Structures," and Chapter 12, "Stainless-Steel-
Architecture. Vol. 30, No. 6 (June 1949), pp. Clad Metal."

The authors discuss the various applications of Lewin, Susan Grant, editor. Formica & Design:
acrylic plastics (marketed under the trade From the Counter-Top to High Art. New
names Lucite and Plexiglass), including York, NY: Rizzoli, 1991.
partitions, corrugated panels, storefronts,
lighting and skylights. Recommendations are This book, which describes the evolution of
made for optical considerations, safety, Formica laminate and its pervasive presence in
machining, and installation. American society, grew out of the celebration
of Formica Corporation's 75th anniversary. It
provides ample photographs, many historical,
and includes chapters specifically on Formica
Composites and Laminates use in the fifties and in diners.

During the first half of the twentieth century, many "Products and Practice." Architectural Forum.
innovative composite materials were developed, Vol. 72, No. 6 (June 1940), pp. 413-418.
especially in the 1930s and 1940s. These materials
were often either substitute materials such as This article discusses the role of plastics in
Formica, a replacement for tile and wood building, especially when used as a laminate
countertops, or labor-saving prefabricated and combined with wood. It covers decorative
materials, such as Celotex siding, an asphalt-based laminates, resin bonded plywoods and molded
material with a backing and finished surface. products. Trade names and manufacturers (e.g.
While laminates and composites are often thought Bakelite by the Bakelite Corporation, Vinylite
of as building materials of the latter part of the by the Carbide and Carbon Chemicals
twentieth century, they did play an important role Corporation) are also included.
in construction during the first half.

"Rose Hill Courts." California Arts & Architecture.
Vol. 59 (August 1942), p. 32.

The construction of a World War II housing

project by the Housing Authority of Los
Angeles is the topic of this article. It
describes, among other techniques, the
integration of plastics and masonite-tempered

"Sandwich Panels Tested for Small House."

Architectural Record. Vol. 103, No. 4 (April
1948), pp. 150-151.

The panels discussed in this article were

developed during World War II for high-speed Prefabricated modular panels ready for assembly on site. Photo
aircraft. The honeycomb paper core panel, courtesy H. Ward Jandl.
which can be faced with sheet materials such
as plywood or metal, was being tested for
strength and resistance to decay.
Wallboard, Stucco, and Plaster
"Translucent Laminated Plastics Open New Vistas
to Architects and Industrial Designers."
Modern Plastics. Vol. 13 (January 1935), pp. Although gypsum is one of the oldest building
29-31. materials, particularly as in its use in plaster, it was
not until the 1940s that it was used in sheet form
This short article promotes the use of urea for wall and ceiling systems. The speed of erection
formaldehyde laminations in exterior and and cost placed it in competition with conventional
interior applications. It cites translucence, ease plaster. Although gypsum board, plaster, and
of cutting, heat resistance, and minimal weight stucco may be considered finish materials, they
as some of the advantages of this material. played important roles in the twentieth century
construction industry. The development and
treatment of these materials are addressed in the
"Wood Wool Building Slabs." Architects' Year following entries.
Book. Edited by Jane B. Drew. Vol. 2
(1947), pp. 262-263.
Allan, W.D.M. "The Functions of Modern
This article praises the versatility of this fire- Stucco." Pencil Points. Vol. 12, No. 2
resistant sound-deadening material. It explains (February 1931), pp. 159-160.
the types of wood wool slabs, their uses, and
the process of producing them from wood A general description of stucco, its
fiber. composition, characteristics, and application as
well as a brief history is given. Proper mixing
techniques are also included.

"Buttonlath: An Improved Lathing Material." The plaster coat is the focus of this brief. Attention
Architect. V o l . 1 1 , No. 2 (February 1916), is paid to uses of stucco that began in the late
pp. 120, 124. 1890s with the Prairie style, continued through
the 1920s Art Deco period, and were greatly
This article describes a new material produced popularized during the 1930s and 1940s with
by Buttonlath Manufacturing Company, the various Revival styles.
Buttonlath, which was used as a special lath
system for the application of plaster. It was
made with a plastic base and waterproof paper Ladygo, Andrew C. "New Techniques for
and was thought to work well for Restoring Decorative Plasterwork." The
soundproofing, heat insulation, and fire Construction Specifier. Vol. 4 1 , No. 7 (July
resistance. 1988), pp. 104-112.

Modern methods used to save plasterwork are

Denivelle, Paul E. "Sgraffito." The Architect. outlined in this article, and include adhesion
Vol. 14, No. 5 (November 1917), pp. 287- systems and stabilization methods. One section
292, 337. is devoted to Akoustolith Plaster. This
material's history and composition are
The various methods of sgraffitoare described, described as determined through experiments
first as practiced in Italy with a special lime and information found in patents.
putty; then as used at the 1915 Panama Pacific
Exposition, with a gypsum base; and then as
used with more contemporary Portland cement "Lath and Plaster." Architectural Forum. Vol. 63,
varieties. Photographs show examples of No. 12 (December 1935), p. 607.
sgraffito from Renaissance Italy and John
Galen Howard's Hilgard Hall at the University This article provides definitions and
of California, Berkeley. The author ponders descriptions of terms and accessories relating
problems and the fate of sgraffito in future to plastering as encountered in the 1930s.
architectural endeavors.

Lefebure, Major V. "Some Notes on

Emerson, David B. "The Specification Desk: Plasterboard." Architects' Year Book. Edited
Lime, Cement, and Plaster." Pencil Points. by Jane B. Drew. Vol. 1 (1945), pp. 362-364.
Vol. 10, No. 9 (September 1929), pp. 657-
659, 664. In 1945 North America and Great Britain were
using 200,000,000 square yards of gypsum
This article briefly describes and outlines the plasterboard each year. This material became
principal uses of lime, cement and plaster. a staple of the twentieth century building
Specific areas include hydrated lime, lime industry. Lefebure explains the incredible
stucco, hydraulic lime, Portland cement, white ingenuity entailed in plasterboard production
cement, Lumnite, brick cement, slag cement, and the numerous qualities of the product.
and LaFarge cement.

Grimmer, Anne. Preservation Briefs 22: The MacDonald, Marylee. Preservation Briefs 21:
Preservation and Repair of Historic Stucco. Repairing Historic Flat Plaster Walls and
Washington, DC: Preservation Assistance Ceilings. Washington, DC: Preservation
Division, National Park Service, US Assistance Division, National Park Service, US
Department of the Interior, 1990. Department of the Interior, 1989.

The exterior finishing of stone, brick, log, and With the late nineteenth century substitution of
wood frame buildings with a two- or three-part gypsum for lime as a base material, plaster

evolved into a twentieth-century wall coating. Wall Coverings and Coatings
Combined with rock lath, a paper-faced
compressed gypsum board lath, gypsum plaster
proved an economical finish product for
residential work through the 1930s. This Brief The search for protective coatings for a variety of
provides information on deterioration problems applications during the two World Wars led to
associated with structural failure, poor significant developments in paint technology. The
workmanship, improper curing and moisture composition of paint was particularly influenced by
problems. It also discusses the repair of the use of synthetic ingredients. The following
cracks, replacement of lath, patching of holes, entries address paint and another finish material,
removal, and substitution. wallcoverings, in a twentieth century context.

Phillips, Morgan W. "Adhesives for the Ackerman, Phyllis. Wallpaper: Its History,
Reattachment of Loose Plaster." Association Design and Use. New York, NY: Frederick
for Preservation Technology Bulletin. Vol. A. Stokes Company, 1923.
XII, No. 2 (1980), pp. 37-63.
The author of this book gives a history of
The problems encountered with reattaching wallpaper and describes its use in early
plaster are discussed. The majority of the American homes. The rest of the book is
article provides a description of a devoted to wallpapers from the time around the
recommended method of plaster reattachment. publication of this book, in 1923. The
Sections include materials used, formulation, manufacture of wallpaper and the problems of
application, and the advantages of the method designing with wallpaper, including color
that is described. problems, texture, and the light and scale of
patterns are discussed.

Sleeper, Harold R. "Dry-Wall Construction, Part

I: Fiber Board." Architectural Record. Vol. Alderson, Caroline. "Re-Creating a 19th Century
94, No. 3 (September 1943), pp. 83-88. Paint Palette." Association for Preservation
Technology Bulletin. Vol. XVI, No. 1 (1984),
The development of drywall is discussed in the pp. 47-56.
first of this two-part article. It concentrates on
the attributes of fiber board, explaining its Despite the title, this article provides useful
uses, cost, and sizes, providing details for information on house paint colors popular up
application. The article is meant to provide until 1924. The color palette produced by the
architects with information on the proper author is based on early manuals and textbooks
choice of materials. for painters.

"Dry-Wall Construction, Part II: Long, J.S., Henry A. Gardner, R. L. Hallett, and
Gypsum Board, Plywood, Miscellaneous." John Marshall. "Post-War Paint."
Architectural Record. Vol. 94, No. 4 (October Architectural Record. Vol. 96, No. 4 (October
1943), pp. 77-81. 1944), pp. 68-70, 134-136.

Specifications, applications, and finishing New paints (1944) and their chemical
details for gypsum board, plywood and other compositions are discussed in comparison to
materials are supplied in this article. The existing paints. Guidelines for specifications
different types and grades of these materials and applications (including the Kinatron tube)
are explained, and their appropriate uses are for paints such as lead, enamel, casein
discussed. products, varnishes, and aluminum are given.

Discussion also includes products that are not cinder-concrete block, lightweight-aggregate
available due to the war; and the pros and cons block, new and used common brick, and cast
of painter-mixed versus manufacturer-mixed concrete slabs were painted with cement water,
paints. resin emulsion, oil-base and rubber solution
paints. Recommendations are made based on
the study and are clearly illustrated with a
Lynn, Catherine. Wallpaper in America from the chart.
17th Century to World War 1. New York, NY:
W. W. Norton, 1980.
Price, Burr. "Paints: Present and Post War."
The chapter that deals with wall coverings Architectural Record. Vol. 93, No. 6 (June
between 1890 and 1915 includes many 1943), pp. 81-84.
photographs of period wall coverings. The
influence of wallpaper design, the colors used, The new paint technologies that were
the types and locations of wallpaper, and the developed due to war and war-time shortages
influence of style are discussed. are discussed. Many types of paint and

"New Materials: Rubber Derived Coatings Protect

Materials from Corrosion." Architectural
Record. Vol. 84, No. 1 (July 1938), p. 55.

A rubber-based coating produced by Goodyear

Tire and Rubber Company is introduced as a
corrosion preventative for application to wood,
metal, or concrete. Light reflection, density
and hardness of Aluminum Plicote and Whitel
Plicote are discussed.

Ny lander, Richard C. Wallpapers for Historic

Buildings. Washington, DC: The Preservation
Press, 1983. Revised 1992.

The latter part of this book includes

reproductions of wallpapers from the twentieth
century. Each catalog entry includes useful
information such as the manufacturer's name,
country, as well as date and method of
manufacture of the original paper. A list of
manufacturers of reproduction papers is

"Paints for Masonry Walls." Architectural Record.

Vol. 102, No. 6 (December 1947), pp. 115-
The interior of the Johnson Wax Corporation Building, 1936,
Racine Wisconsin, designed by Frank Lloyd Wright, features
This article discusses the results of a six-year
several uniquely 20th century building materials such as
test in Washington, D.C. on the durability of linoleum, stainless steel, and tube-glass walls. Photo: Jack E.
various masonry paints. Walls of stone and Boucher, HABS Collection.

materials are included, such as pigments, oils, Carroll, Orville W. "Linoleum Used in Restoration
water-mixed paints, cement-based paints, Work." Association for Preservation
casein, synthetic resin, metallic paints, rust- Technology Bulletin. Vol. I, No. 3 (December
resistors, fire retarders and fluorescent paints. 1969), pp. 8-11.

This article describes linoleum found in

Resilient Flooring National Park Service properties. The
problems and solutions to replacing linoleum in
one house are briefly discussed. A photograph
The search for sanitary and attractive resilient of an 1899 linoleum, a brief history, and a few
flooring in the nineteenth century resulted in manufacturers at the time of publication of this
Frederick Walton's development of Linoleum in article are included.
England in 1863. The overwhelmingly prominent
use of this product in later years makes Linoleum
an integral part of any discussion of early twentieth
Kahn, Eve. "Finding Linoleum." Old House
century flooring.
Journal. Vol. 14, No. 12 (December 1986),
pp. 478-481.
As with most building materials of the twentieth
century, the two World Wars resulted in new
This article provides a list of sources with
developments, bringing various vinyls and poured descriptions of the type of linoleum produced,
resilient floors to the fore. The entries below styles, and average prices. Photographs are
include information regarding the development of included.
some of these products, their characteristics, and
Maxwell, Shirley, and James C. Massey. "Before
Vinyl, There Was Linoleum." Old House
Blackman, Leo, and Deborah Dietsch. "Linoleum:
Journal. Vol. 20, No. 5 (September/October
How to Repair It, Install It, and Clean It."
1992), pp. 44-50.
Old House Journal. Vol. 10, No. 2 (February
1982), pp. 36-38.
The authors provide an overview of the history
of linoleum including its popularity after World
The recommended methods for installing,
War I, the manufacturing process, types
cleaning, and repairing historic linoleum are
(Battleship, Plain, Jaspe, etc.), patterns, and
given in this article. Once the initial work is
colors. They also make recommendations on
completed, methods for cleaning and
its conservation, repair, care, and removal of
maintaining this floor covering are outlined.
linoleum adhesive. A list of suppliers is
The installation that is described is based on a
1920s method.

Parks, Bonnie W. "Floorcloths to Linoleum: The

. "A New Look at Linoleum,
Development of Resilient Flooring." In
Preservation's Rejected Floor Covering." Old
Interiors Handbook for Historic Buildings,
House Journal. Vol. 10, No. 1 (January
Volume 2. Edited by Michael J. Auer, Charles
1982), pp. 9-11.
E. Fisher, Thomas C. Jester, and Marilyn E.
Kaplan. Washington, DC: Historic
The history of linoleum and its manufacture is Preservation Education Foundation, 1993, pp.
traced in this article. The article also describes 3-37 to 3-43.
various types of linoleum, such as inlaid,
Jaspe, and Coranite linoleum.
A comprehensive history of the development
and manufacturing techniques of floor cloths
and linoleum is presented. Recommendations

for the repair, cleaning and restoration of
linoleum are included.

"Poured Resilient Flooring for Houses."

Architectural Record. Vol. 103, No. 1
(January 1948), pp. 115-116.

Three types of resilient flooring are discussed

in this article, specifically plastic floorings that
can be poured in place over concrete, wood or
steel subfloors. Included in the article are
descriptions of Silvacon, Oaktred and Dex-O-
Tex brands, along with installation procedures,
specifications, and product compositions.
Photographs are also included.

Construction Systems "New Systems: Walls Built in Horizontal Forms
and Raised to Position." Architectural Record.
Vol. 84, No. 6. (December 1938), p. 58.

A tilt-up stone-faced concrete system developed

During the first half of the twentieth century, many
by Form-U-Lay Homes of Cleveland, this
innovative construction systems were developed for
system allows for the construction of a
both housing stock and commercial buildings.
concrete wall on the ground after which it is
Spurred on by the need for economical and speedy
tilted vertically into position.
construction systems and new building materials,
many manufacturers developed prefabricated and
mass-produced buildings. These products ranged Severud, Fred N. "Forecasting a New Era for
from partial systems such as honeycomb-laminated Concrete." Architectural Record. Vol. 106,
panels and insulated plywood wall panels, to No. 6 (December 1949), pp. 134-138.
complete structures such as the Lustron House and
the Stran Steel Quonset Hut. This article discusses tilt-up and lift-up
construction systems for concrete slabs. The
author advocates the application of gentle
Another popular system, particularly through the
pressure to the concrete during the early curing
1930s, was Guastavino vaulting. The materials
stages, or "densing," as a means to insure
used in this system evolved as new building
against cracks in the slabs.
materials, such as Akoustalith acoustic tiles,
became available. Because of their relationship to
new building materials of the twentieth century,
sources addressing construction systems have been Guastavino Vaulting
Collins, George R. "The Transfer of Thin
Masonry Vaulting from Spain to America."
Concrete Systems Journal of the Society of Architectural
Historians. Vol. 27, No. 3 (October 1968),
pp. 176-201.
De Huff, Paul. "Precastructural Concrete." The
Architectural Forum. Vol. 95, No. 3
This article describes the historical origins and
(September 1951), pp. 194-195, 236, 242, 248,
advantages of thin masonry vaulting that was
popular in the United States from the 1880s to
the 1940s. The contributions of Rafael
This is an early report of tilt-up construction as
Guastavino, Sr., who brought this construction
it was being implemented in the years
technique to the United States from Spain, are
immediately following World War II. The
also discussed.
article contains contemporary costs, usual
materials and details, a limited history of the
system, with patent information and techniques
Prudon, Theodore H. M. "Guastevino [sic] Tile
of construction.
Construction." Progressive Architecture. Vol.
70, No. 9 (September 1989), pp. 137-138.
Ford, O'Neil. "Lift-Slab." Bulletin of the
After providing a concise history of Rafael
American Institute of Architects. Vol. 6, No. 5
Guastavino, Sr. and his company, Prudon
(September/October 1952), pp. 3-6.
describes the materials and construction of
thin-shelled vault construction. He provides
This article discusses early techniques and
information on Rumford and Akoustilith tiles
strategies for the implementing of the lift-slab
(introduced in 1914 and 1916 respectively),
system of reinforced concrete slab floors.
reasons for structural failure, and
recommendations for restoration.

Wight, Peter B. "The Works of Rafael developed new wall systems. The potential of
Guastavino." The Brickhuilder. Vol. 27, Nos. materials such as Santocel, Cemesto board,
4, 5, 9, and 10 (April, May, September, and honeycomb laminated panels, foam plastics,
October 1901), pp. 79-81; 100-102; 184-188; and metal panels is explored here.

Part One (April) discusses the life and early "Door Manufacturers' Prefab House." California
works of Rafael Guastavino, Sr. The materials Arts & Architecture. Vol. 59, No. 11
(hard-burned, flat clay tiles, Portland cement, (November 1942), p. 43.
and plaster), construction techniques, and
structural characteristics of Guastavino vaults The "speed-built" system, developed by Kim
are discussed in Part Two (May). The last two Weber of Los Angeles, was used in the
parts (September and October) focus on the construction of prefabricated houses in
works of the Guastavino Fireproof Washington. This article describes the process
Construction Company, established in 1889. which includes the integration of plywood
panels and stressed skin sheets. It uses
prefabricated panels for the roof, floor, and
Prefabrication Systems walls.

Bemis, Albert Farwell. The Evolving House. Vol. "Factory-Produced Houses in the News."
3. Cambridge, MA: The Technology Press, Architectural Record. Vol. 101, No. 1
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1933. (January 1947), pp. 103-104.

This volume describes a range of innovative This article briefly reports on prefabricated and
construction systems for houses. Each system mass-produced houses such as the Lustron
is explained in detail and also well illustrated House, the B-16 House (insulated plywood
with line drawings. Examples include the panels), the Vultee House (aluminum and
Armastone wall system, the Century House, plastic), the Harman House (steel frame), and
the Fer-O-Con system, and the Masonite the HomeOla House (stressed-skin panels).

"Fifty Plywood-Panel Houses Built at the Rate of

Buell, Temple Hoyne. "Community Planning With One a Day." Architectural Record. V o l . 8 5 ,
Transportable Housing." Architectural Record. No. 3 (March 1939), pp. 38-40.
Vol. 75, No. 1 (January 1934), pp. 11-36.
This article describes a Federal Housing
Various prefabricated houses (complete with Administration project in Fort Wayne, Indiana
plans, details and illustrations) are described in involving plywood box beam panelled houses.
this article. Included are the Buell Fabricated The construction system is discussed and
House System, the Stran Steel System, the illustrated from its preliminary stages to roof
Ferro Enamel House, the House of Tomorrow installation.
by George Keck, the Rostone House, the
Vinylite House, and the One-Plus-Two Diatom
House by Richard Neutra and Peter Pfisterer.
Fouilhoux, J. Andre. "Prefabricated Units for the
Davison, Robert L. "The Better Wall is Coming." Home." Architectural Forum. V o l . 6 3 , No.
Architectural Record. Vol. 100, No. 4 6 (December 1935), pp. 544-576.
(October 1946), pp. 119-123.
Drawings and explanations for a variety of
In response to the need for economy of prefabricated components, such as walls and
materials and construction, manufacturers

Rendering of a model home by General Houses, Inc. The company was founded in 1932 by architect/engineer Howard T. Fisher whose
concept for prefabricated housing utilized a production process based on the production of automobiles. Standardized building elements
such as four foot wide exterior wall panels comprised of sheet steel and rock wool bat insulation; full-length double-glazed windows;
interior partitions; and floor, ceiling and roof panels were fabricated in various factories and bolted together on site in a variety of designs.
Photo courtesy H. Ward Jandl.

floors, are given in this article. It concludes included, as well as many photographs. The
with a summary of the current and future uses system was first introduced at the Chicago
of synthetic finishes, wood, steel, and "Century of Progress" exhibition in 1937.
"Steel-Panel Prefabricated Farm Buildings Erected
in the South." Architectural Record. Vol.85,
Luce, Albert W. "Pre-fabricated Brick Slabs Offer No. 1 (January 1939), pp. 38-39.
House for $5,000 Cost Level." Brick and Clay
Record. Vol. 90, No. 5 (May 1937), pp. 284- This article describes and illustrates Farm
286. Security Administration prefabricated steel
farmstead units. Each building's foundation,
Luce describes a residential building system frame, sides, roof, exterior door, window trim,
that uses a reinforced brick slab, four-inch and fireplace is composed of steel. The article
load-bearing walls and brick partition walls concludes with a discussion of labor and costs.
built into prefabricated panels on site. This work serves as a introduction to pre-war
Construction instructions and specifications are prefabrication.

"T.C.I. Puts the Farmer in Steel." Architectural "Mobilar Structures." Progressive Architecture.
Forum. Vol. 70, No. 1 (January 1939), pp. Vol. 27, No. 3 (March 1946), pp. 87-99.
Konrad Wachsmann's invention of a structural
The construction and cost of Tennessee Coal, system that uses standardized tubular members
Iron and Railroad Company's prefabricated and moveable partitions is the basis of
steel farm buildings for the federal government discussion for this article. This is an extensive
is the basis for this concise article. but concise description of the construction and
design of the system complete with
photographs and line drawings.

Steel Systems
"New Structural Systems: Church in Southern
California Built of Welded Steel Rods."
Drew, Philip. Tensile Architecture. Boulder, CO: Architectural Record. Vol. 84, No. 5
Westview Press, 1979. (November 1938), p. 60.

This book covers the history and development The McLellan steel frame construction system
of tensile structures, from traditional use in the consists of small, round steel rods which are
suspension bridge to its application in modern welded into a network creating walls, roof and
architecture. Photographs, drawings, and a floor joists. Panels are electric welded as a
bibliography are included. covering and metal lath is stitched to the frame
prior to the application of concrete. The
structure is claimed to be resistant to fires,
"A House With No Bearing Walls." Architectural earthquakes, and termites.
Record. Vol. 9 3 , No. 3 (March 1943), pp.
"Quonset Huts Are Back from the War."
An experimental system consisting of pipe Architectural Record. Vol. 101, No. 1
columns and steel beams provides an (January 1947), p. 102.
opportunity for flexibility of interior space and
a curtain wall exterior. This system is This brief article on the varied uses of Quonset
characterized by a reduced initial cost, low
Huts with reference to the Great Lakes Steel
maintenance, ease and speed of erection, and
Corporation is accompanied by black and white
possibilities for prefabrication. Photographs,
floor plans, and construction details are
"Quonsets Turn to Civilian Life." Interiors. Vol.
105, No. 2 (February 1946), pp. 92-93.
Lopez, Frank. "Mass Production + Light Steel:
The Quonset Hut, a Working Example." When the Quonset hut returned to America
Progressive Architecture. Vol. 28, No. 3 after World War II, it rapidly gained
(September 1947), pp. 71-75. acceptance as building stock. Its prefabricated
modular system made it easy to build at a low
Lopez describes the manufacturing of the cost. This article describes the use of this
quonset hut by the Stran-Steel Company. The building system in post-war America.
use of the Quonset as housing and factory stock Construction details and photographs are
is discussed, and model specifications are included.
given. Many detailed construction diagrams
and photographs are included.

"Wartime Quonset to Produce Factories and
Warehouses in a Hurry." Architectural Forum.
Vol. 96, No. 1 (January 1952), pp. 154-156.

This article discusses the use of the Quonset

hut as a modular building system that can be
combined to create large buildings quickly.
These buildings can be rapidly erected and
used as factories and warehouses. Construction
diagrams, photographs and case studies are

Building Design and Construction
Additional Resources Cahners Publishing
1350 East Touhy Avenue
P.O. Box 5080
Des Plaines, IL 60018
Centers of Research
American Institute of Architects The Bulletin
AIA Archives Association for Preservation Technology
1735 New York Avenue, NW International
Washington, DC 20006 P. O. Box 8178
Fredericksburg, VA 22404

Avery Architectural and Fine Arts Library

200 Avery 77ie Construction Specifier
Columbia University Construction Specifications Institute
New York NY 10027 601 Madison Street
Alexandria, VA 22314-1791

Library of Congress
101 Independence Avenue, S.E. CRM Bulletin
Washington, DC 20540 US Department of the Interior
National Park Service
Cultural Resources
National Trust for Historic Preservation Library P. O. Box 37127
McKeldin Library Washington, DC 20013-7127
University of Maryland
Architecture Building
College Park, MD 20742 Historic Preservation
National Trust for Historic Preservation
1785 Massachusetts Avenue, N.W.
Washington, DC 20036

Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians
Architectural Record 1232 Pine Street
McGraw-Hill Information Systems Company Philadelpia, PA 19107
1221 Avenue of the Americas
New York, NY 10020
Metal Architecture
7450 North Skokie Boulevard
Architectural Technology Skokie, IL 60077
1130 Connecticut Avenue, N.W., Suite 625
Washington, DC 20036
Modern Metals
Trend Publishing
Architecture 625 North Michigan Avenue, Suite 2500
BPI Communications Chicago, IL 60611
1515 Broadway
New York, NY 10036

The Old House Journal and National Trust for Historic Preservation
The Old House Journal Catalog 1785 Massachusetts Avenue, N.W.
2 Main Street Washington, DC 20036
Gloucester, MA 01930

Society of Architectural Historians

Preservation News 1232 Pine Street
National Trust for Historic Preservation Philadelpia, PA 19107
1785 Massachusetts Avenue, N.W.
Washington, DC 20036
Vernacular Architecture Forum
c/o Michael Ann Williams
Progressive Architecture Programs in Folk Studies/MLIS
600 Summer Street Western Kentucky University
P.O. Box 1361 Bowling Green, KY 42101
Stamford CT 06904

Professional and
Trade Organizations
Preservation Organizations

Advisory Council on Historic Preservation

1100 Pennsylvania Avenue, Suite 809 General
Washington, DC 20004
American Architectural Manufacturers
American Association for State and Local 1540 E. Dundee Road, Suite 310
History Palatine, IL 60067
530 Church Street, Suite 600
Nashville, TN 37219
American Council of Independent Laboratories
1629 K Street, N.W., Suite 400
Association for Preservation Technology Washington, DC 20006
P. O. Box 8178
Fredericksburg, VA 22404 American Institute of Architects
1735 New York Avenue, N.W.
Washington, DC 20006
Council on America's Military Past
P. O. Box 1151
Fort Myer, VA 22211 American National Standards Institute
11 W. 42nd Street
New York, NY 10036
Friends of Terra Cotta
c/o Susan Tunick
771 West End Avenue, 10E Associated Builders and Contractors
New York, NY 10025 1300 N. 17th Street, 8th Floor
Rosslyn, VA 22209

Associated General Contractors of America National Forest Products Association
1957 E Street, N.W. 1250 Connecticut Avenue, N.W., Suite 200
Washington, DC 20006 Washington, DC 20036

American Society for Testing and Materials Western Wood Products Association
1916 Race Street 522 S.W. 5th Avenue
Philadelphia, PA 19103-1187 Yeon Building
Portland, OR 97204

Construction Industry Manufacturers

Association Masonry
111 E. Wisconsin Avenue, Suite 940
Milwaukee, WI 53202 Brick Institute of America
11490 Commerce Park Drive
Reston, VA 22091
Materials and Methods Standards Association
614 Monroe Street
Grand Haven, MI 49417


American Institute of Timber Construction

11818 S.E. Mill Plain Boulevard, Suite 407
Vancouver, WA 98684

American Plywood Association

P.O. Box 11700
Tacoma, WA 98411

American Wood Preservers' Institute

1945 Old Gallows Road, Suite 150
Vienna, VA 22182

Architectural Woodwork Institute

P.O. Box 1550
Centreville, VA 22020

Forest Products Laboratory

U.S. Department of Agriculture
1 Gifford Pinchot Drive
Madison, WI 53705-2398 Advertisement for Flexglass, an early 20th century real-glass
material that was easily glued to any surface, and came in four
types: opaque, rolled pattern mirror, metallic, and flat mirror.

Masonry Institute of America American Iron and Steel Institute
2550 Beverly Boulevard 1101 17th N.W., Suite 1300
Los Angeles, CA 90057 Washington, DC 20036-4700

Tile Heritage Foundation American Society for Metals

P.O. Box 1850 Materials Park, OH 44073
Healdsburg, CA 95448

Copper Development Association

Concrete 260 Madison Avenue, 16th Floor
New York, NY 10016
American Concrete Institute
P. O. Box 19150
22400 Seven Mile Ferroalloys Association
Detroit, MI 48219 900 2nd Street, N.E., Suite 306
Washington, DC 20002

Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute

933 N. Plum Grove Road Lead Industries Association
Chaunburk, IL 60173-4758 295 Madison Avenue
New York, NY 10017

National Precast Concrete Association

10333 N. Meridian, Suite 272 Metal Construction Association
Indianapolis, IN 46290 1101 14th Street, N.W., Suite 1100
Washington, DC 20005

Portland Cement Association

5420 Old Orchard Road National Association of Architectural Metal
Skokie, IL 60077-1083 Manufacturers
600 S. Federal Street, Suite 400
Chicago, IL 60605
Prestressed Concrete lastitute
175 W. Jackson Boulevard
Chicago, IL 60604 Glass

Flat Glass Marketing Association

Metal 3310 SW. Harrison Street
Topeka, KS 66611-2279
Aluminum Association
900 19th Street, N.W., Suite 300
Washington, DC 20006 Glass Tempering Association
3310 SW. Harrison Street
Topeka, KS 66611-2279
American lastitute of Steel Construction
1 E. Wacker Drive, Suite 3100
Chicago, IL 60601-2001 Iasulating Glass Certification Council
3933 U.S. Route 11
Cortland, NY 13045

National Glass Association General Services Administration
8200 Greensboro Drive General Services Building
McLean, VA 22102-3881 18th and F Streets, N.W.
Washington, DC 20405

Asphalt Institute
Asphalt Institute Building U.S. Department of the Interior
College Park, MD 20740 National Park Service
Preservation Assistance Division
P.O. Box 37127
Rubber Manufacturers' Association Washington, DC 20013-7127
1400 K Street, N.W.
Washington, DC 20005
Superintendent of Documents
Government Printing Office
Society of Plastics Industry Washington, DC 20402-9325
355 Lexington Avenue
New York, NY 10017

Wallboard, Stucco, and Plaster

Plastering Information Bureau

21243 Ventura Boulevard, Suite 115
Woodland Hills, CA 91364

United States Gypsum Association

125 S. Franklin St.
Chicago, IL 60606

Wall Coverings and Coatings

National Paint and Coatings

1500 Rhode Island Avenue, N.W.
Washington, DC 20005

Government Agencies

Federal Housing Administration

U.S. Department of Housing and Urban
451 7th Street, S.W., Room 915B
Washington, DC 20410



ISBN 0-16-042039-3


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