DEC 2021 Uea4a

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DECEMBER 2021 U/ID 31542/UEA4A

Time : Three hours Maximum : 75 marks

PART A — (10 × 2 = 20 marks)

Answer any TEN questions in 30 words each.

1. What is the theme of ‘The Bishop’s candlesticks’?

2. Why does Anthony Clifton in Wurzel Flummery’

leave £ 50,000?

3. How many people were trapped in the coalface in

Hewers of coal?

4. Why do the five friends of an Indian Army colonel

meet at an Inn?

5. Why does Mrs. Telford feel uncomfortable with her

new comrades?

6. How does Ravi feel inside the hiding place?

7. Why did Fromton Nuttle run away from

Mrs. Sappleton’s house?

8. Why does Dr. Ponnonner call his friend during the

middle of the night?

9. Why is Mercy better than justice?

10. How Anthony's funeral speech end?

11. How are Malasha and Akoulya wiser than men?

12. What is the dream of the boy in How Far is the


PART B — (5 × 5 = 25 marks)

Answer any FIVE questions in 200 words each.

13. How does Hitler describe Napoleon?

14. What is the role played by persome in the bishop’s

in the Bishop’s candlesticks?

15. How does Nadine Gordimer portray friendship in


16. How did Tom Ramsay suddenly become rich?

17. Why and how did Macbeth kill king Duncan?

18. Write a letter of application for the post of

scientific assistant.

19. Write a report on your visit to a temple, recently.

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PART C — (3 × 10 = 30 marks)

Answer any THREE questions in 500 words each.

20. How did Vera outwit everybody in The Open


21. Sketch the character of Govind Singh through

‘The Gatesman’s gift’.

22. Narrate the story of ‘Some Words With a Mummy’.

23. Consider ‘ The Last Clock’ a fable.

24. Make a precis of the following.

Health is a major problem of modern city life.

Apart from the damage due to smoke, cheap foods
are often deficient in one or other of the vitamins
necessary for health, either because science has
found a way of manufacturing a cheap substitute,
like margarine for butter which does not naturally
contain vitamins or because of method of
manufacture (Like some kinds of canning) and the
method of preservation like some kinds of
refrigeration destroy the vitamins originally
present. Also it is often difficult to get enough
sunlight, fresh air and exercise in a big city.
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Largely as a result of these facts, these
people of industrial nation are very far from
healthy for instance, in our country nearly three
quarters of the children have decayed teeth, and
nearly a quarter have something the matter with
their ears.
Certainly more than half (Probably a good
deal more) are considerably less tall and heavy
and strong than they might be. Certainly more
than half of the world population, grown-ups as
well as children, are much more suceptible to
diseases than they would be if they ate, the right
kind of food, and lived in healthy surroundings.


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