Political Risk

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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Names: Rice,

Condoleezza, 1954- author. | Zegart, Amy B., 1967- author.
Title: Political risk : how businesses and organizations can anticipate global
insecurity / Condoleezza Rice and Amy Zegart.
Description: First edition. | New York : Twelve, 2018. | Includes
bibliographical references and index.
Identifiers: LCCN 2017054476 | ISBN 9781455542352 (hardcover) | ISBN
9781478914792 (audio download) | ISBN 9781549115547 (audio book) |
ISBN 9781455542369 (ebook) Subjects: LCSH: Risk management.Political
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Classification: LCC HD61 .R49 2018 | DDC 658.15/5.dc23
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Title Page

1. The Blackfish Effect: Twenty-First-Century Political Risk

2. Move Over, Hugo Chávez
3. How We Got Here: Megatrends in Business, Technology, and Politics
Since the Cold War
4. Mind Games and Groupthink: Why Good Political Risk Management Is
So Hard
5. Moving Beyond Intuition: Our Political Risk Framework
6. The Art of Boat Spotting: Understanding Political Risks
7. Analyzing Risks Like a Physicist
8. The Nuclear Triad, the Empty Plane, and Other Ways to Mitigate Risks
9. Zulu Time: Responding to Crises
10. Strengthening Your Political Risk Muscles

About the Authors
Also by Condoleezza Rice
Mission Statement
To our Stanford GSB 584
for inspiring us to teach and
asking us each year,
“Why isn’t this course a book?”
The Blackfish Effect: Twenty-First-Century Political Risk

In April 2013, SeaWorld Entertainment, Inc., was riding high. The

American theme park company had completed an initial public offering that
exceeded expectations, raising more than $700 million in capital and
valuing the company at $2.5 billion. “To many Americans, SeaWorld offers
family fun amid penguins and killer whales,” gushed the New York Times.1
The story ran with a picture of two adorable penguins waddling around the
New York Stock Exchange as part of a promotional tour.

Richard Drew, Associated Press

Eighteen months later, SeaWorld Entertainment’s fairy tale had become

a nightmare. The stock price had plunged 60 percent and CEO Jim Atchison
announced that he was resigning. No adorable penguins this time: Instead,
the pictures accompanying the headlines featured a giant orca. Suddenly,
SeaWorld’s famed killer whales were killing the company.

Orlando Sentinel, Getty Images

Atchison and SeaWorld were blindsided by political risk. Not just any
kind of political risk, but twenty-first-century political risk, where the
political actions of small groups, or even lone individuals, supercharged by
connective technologies, can dramatically impact businesses of all kinds.
It all started with a Los Angeles documentary filmmaker named
Gabriela Cowperthwaite, who liked taking her twins to see the orcas
perform at the SeaWorld theme park in San Diego. In 2010, Cowperthwaite
happened to read a tragic story about how an orca named Tilikum killed
veteran trainer Dawn Brancheau in the middle of a show at SeaWorld’s
Orlando park.2 Cowperthwaite spent the next two years making a low-
budget investigative documentary called Blackfish, which depicted how
SeaWorld’s treatment of orcas harmed both the animals and their human
trainers. The film cost a grand total of $76,000.3 Released soon after
SeaWorld’s initial public offering in 2013, the movie captured the attention
of celebrities and quickly went viral.4 Actress Olivia Wilde was just one
among many who took to Twitter.

Animal rights groups seized the initiative. Online petitions mounted.

Public pressure grew. Musical groups including Willie Nelson, Barenaked
Ladies, Heart, and Cheap Trick canceled shows at SeaWorld.5 Corporations
cut sponsorship ties, among them Hyundai, Panama Jack, STA Travel, Taco
Bell, Virgin America airlines, and Southwest Airlines, which had enjoyed a
twenty-six-year marketing relationship with the theme park and even
painted SeaWorld animals on its airplanes.6 Federal regulators and
California lawmakers jumped into action, investigating safety practices and
proposing bills to ban orca breeding in captivity. Attendance at SeaWorld
parks declined and the company’s stock price plummeted. While we often
caution that correlation is not causation—two trends can occur
simultaneously without one necessarily causing the other—the chart here
indicates that the relationship between Blackfish and SeaWorld’s trouble
was causal.7 Just before the film’s release in July 2013, SeaWorld
Entertainment stock was $38.92 a share. By the end of 2014, it had plunged
to $15.77.8 A $76,000 film triggered political action at the grassroots, state,
and federal levels that ended up devastating the company. In 2017,
SeaWorld’s stock had still not recovered—all because one woman read a
story about orcas. This cascading impact of the film has been dubbed “the
Blackfish effect.”9 10
Washington Post

Political risk was once just about the actions of governments, such as
dictators seizing assets or legislatures regulating industries. Today,
governments are still the main arbiters of the business environment, but
they are no longer the only important ones. Instead, anyone armed with a
cell phone or a Twitter or Facebook account can create political risks,
galvanizing action by other citizens, customers, organized groups, and
political officials at the local, state, federal, and international levels. Events
in far-flung places are affecting societies and businesses around the world at
dizzying speeds. Anti-Chinese protests in Vietnam lead to clothing stock-
outs in America. Civil war in Syria fuels a refugee crisis and terrorist
attacks in Europe, leaving nations reeling and the tourism industry shaken.
Video of a United Airlines passenger being forcibly dragged off a plane in
Chicago goes viral in China. A North Korean dictator launches a cyber
attack on a Hollywood movie studio.
This is not your parents’ political risk landscape.
Put in the most elemental terms, twenty-first-century political risk is the
probability that a political action could affect a company in significant

Twenty-first-century political risk is the probability that a

political action could significantly affect a company’s

This definition is more radical than it sounds. We chose the words

“political action,” not “government action,” to highlight the growing role of
risk generators outside of the usual places like capitals and army barracks
and party headquarters. Increasingly, political actions that impact
businesses are happening everywhere—inside homes, on the streets, and in
the cloud; in chat rooms, dorm rooms, and boardrooms; in neighborhood
bars and summit sidebars. Companies that want a competitive edge need to
manage the risks generated by this widening array of global political actors,
from documentary filmmakers to international institutions like the
European Union. As we discuss in the next chapter, the Blackfish effect is
just one type of political risk. There are many others, from traditional risks
like geopolitics to emerging risks that cross borders into boardrooms, like
cyber threats and terrorism.
The idea of writing about political risk percolated between us (Amy and
Condi) for a while. In 2012, we decided to create a new intensive MBA
class examining what global political risks are, how they are changing, and
how businesses can best navigate them. Condi, who has been on the
Stanford faculty for over thirty years, had recently returned after serving as
President George W. Bush’s national security adviser and secretary of state.
She had also served on the boards of Chevron, Transamerica, Hewlett-
Packard, and Charles Schwab. Amy had recently returned to Stanford as
well, joining the Hoover Institution as a senior fellow after spending several
years at McKinsey & Company advising Fortune 500 companies and then
serving on the faculty of the UCLA Luskin School of Public Affairs. For
both of us, the chance to teach together and explore the intersection of
global business and politics—twenty years after first sitting in the
classroom together examining the changing security dynamics at the end of
the Cold War—was exciting.
When we looked for readings to assign, however, we found slim
pickings.11 A search of Harvard Business School’s publishing website
returned nearly twenty times more materials on global business topics (such
as building an effective team or developing an e-commerce strategy) than
on the political dynamics that create global business opportunities and
challenges in the first place.12 So we began reading broadly and developing
our own framework, cases, and simulations.
As political scientists, we naturally started with politics. Tectonic shifts
in geopolitics over the past three decades have dramatically altered the
international economic landscape. The opening of China and a market of
1.4 billion people has had the greatest impact. But so too has the collapse of
the Soviet Union. Thirty years ago, a conversation on investment would not
have included Poland or Estonia, let alone Russia. But today the promise of
relatively sophisticated, industrialized economies with educated and
consuming middle classes has brought these countries and others like them
into view. Markets have been emerging at rates that nobody could have
imagined, with the “BRICs”—Brazil, Russia, India, and China—growing at
more than 8.1 percent a year even in 2010,13 and China poised to become
the largest economy in the world in 2019.14
Even in what was once called the “third world,” opportunities abound.
In Africa, Latin America, Southeast Asia, and even the Middle East,
middle-class consumers and businesspeople alike are connected to the
outside world, looking for products and investment opportunities, a state of
affairs that would have been unthinkable three decades ago. In Silicon
Valley, technology start-ups are moving into foreign markets at warp speed.
As Marc Andreessen, cofounder and partner of one of the world’s most
successful venture capital funds, told us, “In the old days, it just would have
taken companies a long time to get fully global, so the thinking and
planning would have corresponded to the expansion. In the new world, the
expansion happens first, whether you want it to or not. And so kind of by
definition, the thinking and the planning are lagging… Internet companies
might end up with 180 countries before they have 180 employees.”

“Internet companies might end up with 180 countries before

they have 180 employees.”
—Marc Andreessen, cofounder and partner, Andreessen
These major geopolitical shifts have brought politics and business closer
together. When Condi was secretary of state, she spent a great deal of time
on economic issues, not just matters of war and peace. She remembers
discussing the protection of intellectual property rights with the Chinese,
the opening of markets to American agriculture with the Russians and the
South Koreans, and World Trade Organization rules and violations with just
about everyone. In one particularly surreal encounter with Russian
president Vladimir Putin, the subject was not ballistic missile defenses or
NATO expansion. It was pigs. The Russians were putting up trade barriers
to U.S. pork products because of professed concerns over trichinosis, a
parasitic disease caused by undercooked meats. (Many U.S. producers
believed that Russia’s food safety restrictions were based not in science, but
trade—intended to protect Russia’s domestic pork industry.)15
“You wouldn’t believe it,” Condi reflected. “We spent an hour, an entire
hour, on pork. I looked down at my talking points from the United States
trade representative. They said, ‘In thirty years, the United States has had
only a handful of cases of documented trichinosis.’ Putin kept going on
about how Russians don’t cook their pork as much as Americans do, which
is why the trichinosis risk is higher. And we had this long discussion of
cooking habits in Russia compared to Alabama, where I’m from.” The
meeting captured an emerging reality: International security challenges
were no longer so distant from economics. With the Cold War’s end, even
between Russia and the United States, business and politics had become
more tightly intertwined.
Of course, markets have never been just markets, sitting out there in the
world, isolated completely from politics. Markets are created, molded, and
constrained by rules, norms, and institutions in the political sphere. Trade
regimes, sanctions, national laws—these things are highly contested and
determine what playing fields exist, who can play on them, and how level
they are. It matters whether you are operating in India, or China, or Brazil,
or the United States. But globalization and the end of the Cold War have
shrunk the distance between markets and politics just as they have
diminished the distance between producers and consumers.16
In class, Condi taught our students about how political institutions at the
local, national, and international levels—including the United Nations—
channel conflict and cooperation and often inject high levels of uncertainty
into business decisions. Amy, who has written three books about U.S.
intelligence challenges, taught about how the security landscape was
changing, from a half-century of superpower conflict to a more uncertain
world of rising states, declining states, weak states, failed states, rogue
states, and nonstate actors. She was also struck by how many leading
businesses were developing their own intelligence threat assessment
capabilities to deal with this new security landscape. Companies from
consumer products manufacturers to law firms to high-tech firms were
creating in essence mini-CIAs to assess global political trends and how they
might pose physical, business, and reputational risks to a parent company.
We have been teaching the political risk class for several years now, but
it has never been the same course twice. The more we’ve taught, the more
we’ve refined our thinking. After Edward Snowden’s revelations about
National Security Agency surveillance activities, and a series of high-
profile cyber attacks on Target, Home Depot, Sony, and other companies,
we added a large cyber component to the course. In 2015, just after we
finished role-playing a corporate board grilling our student “executives”
about how they were going to handle a major cyber breach, Condi turned to
Amy and said, “You know, we really ought to turn this course into a book.”

Each year, we navigate the political risk landscape with thirty Stanford
MBA students. Our hope is that this book will expand our classroom and
help business leaders at all levels, in all industries, from founders and
entrepreneurs to large multinational corporation executives and directors, to
better manage political risks and opportunities. We share what we have
learned from experience in government and the private sector; interviews
with leading investors, CEOs, and risk managers on the front lines;
academic research in psychology, organization theory, and political science
about why people and organizations make the decisions (and mistakes) they
do; and case studies and simulations that we have created and conducted in
the course. Throughout, we ask you to walk in the shoes of hypothetical
executives making hard choices about realistic risk scenarios. Should an
American cruise line withdraw from the Mexican market as drug-related
violence there rises? How can a fictitious Japanese telecommunications
company mitigate the risks of partnering with the Burmese military in a
country riven by ethnic conflict and facing a difficult transition to
democracy? How should a tech company deal with early reports of a
massive cyber breach? These are among the challenges this book considers.
We also share examples of real companies grappling with real political
risks in real time across a range of industries. Some, like FedEx, Royal
Caribbean International, the Lego Group, and Royal Dutch Shell, highlight
best practices that can be borrowed. Others, like SeaWorld, Boeing, Sony
Pictures, and United Airlines, offer cautionary tales and lessons to be
learned. We also reach outside the business world to some unusual places,
drawing insights from risk management successes and failures in nuclear
force posture, aircraft carrier operations, the NASA space shuttle program,
evidence-based medicine, and winning football coaches.
Our goal is not just to provide some interesting stories. It is to offer a
useful framework that can be deployed in any company to improve political
risk management. Our bottom line is your bottom line: Companies that best
anticipate and manage political risks will have the strongest competitive
edge. The four-part framework we provide is simple yet powerful:

Before we take you step-by-step through the framework, we delve more

deeply into understanding twenty-first-century political risks—what they
are, where they came from, and why they are so challenging to manage.
Chapter 2 examines the proliferation of risk generators and offers our list of
ten political risks that every company should keep on hand. In chapter 3, we
look at how political risk has evolved over time, examining megatrends in
business, politics, and technology that have made political risks more
diverse, pervasive, and consequential. Chapter 4 tackles a puzzle: Why do
studies repeatedly show that most companies see the importance of
managing political risk but have such a hard time doing it? We explore the
key barriers to effective political risk management—what we call the “Five
Chapter 5 then introduces our framework with a closer look at two
companies—Royal Caribbean International, which got political risk
management right, and SeaWorld, which got it wrong. Chapters 6 through 9
cover each step in the framework, sharing insights from academic research
and lessons from interviews with business leaders, class cases, and our
personal experiences. Each of these chapters is organized around three
guiding questions. The questions can be deployed in your own organization
to improve political risk management, whether you are an entry-level
employee, a mid-level executive, or a director on the board. We summarize
them below.

Guiding Questions for Effective Risk Management

Understand: 1. What is my organization’s political risk appetite?

Analyze: 1. How can we get good information about the political
risks we face?
Mitigate: 1. How can we reduce exposure to the risks we have
Respond: 1. Are we capitalizing on near misses?

Understand: 2. Is there a shared understanding of our risk appetite?

If not, how can we foster one?
Analyze: 2. How can we ensure rigorous analysis?
Mitigate: 2. Do we have a good system in place for timely warning
and action?
Respond: 2. Are we reacting effectively to crises?

Understand: 3. How can we reduce blind spots?

Analyze: 3. How can we integrate political risk analysis into
business decisions?
Mitigate: 3. How can we limit the damage when something bad
Respond: 3. Are we developing mechanisms for continuous

In chapter 10, we offer some final thoughts about moving beyond

intuition. Politics will always be an uncertain business, but managing
political risk does not have to be pure guesswork.
While oriented to international business readers, this book is designed to
be a useful primer for anyone wishing to better understand the changing
political and business landscape. Topics we address include:

• Understanding and prioritizing political risks

• Taking advantage of global opportunities and efficiencies without
unduly increasing vulnerability
• Harnessing tools like red teams and scenario planning to make better
• Developing strategies for mitigating political risks and limiting the
damage if something bad happens
• Creating a continuous learning cycle to anticipate, handle, and recover
from political risk crises

As FedEx founder, chairman, and CEO Fred Smith told us, “People who
don’t pay attention to political risk who have any vulnerability to it ignore it
at their peril.”

“People who don’t pay attention to political risk who have any
vulnerability to it ignore it at their peril.”
—Fred Smith, founder, chairman, and CEO, FedEx

As we will see, political risk management has been part of FedEx’s

DNA since the company delivered its first package in 1973. We hope that
this book helps make political risk management part of your organization’s
DNA, too.

Twenty-first-century political risk is the probability that a

political action could significantly affect a company’s business.

Governments are no longer the only important arbiters of

business. Companies that want a competitive edge need to
manage the political risks generated by a widening array of
political actors. These actors include anyone with a cell phone
and 280 characters at their fingertips.
Our goal is to offer a useful framework that can be deployed in
any company to improve political risk management.
Move Over, Hugo Chávez

In June 2009, Venezuelan health minister Jesús Mantilla announced that

Coca-Cola’s diet soft drink Coke Zero would be banned and production
halted immediately “to preserve the health of Venezuelans.”1 Coke Zero,
which was aimed at young men and marketed heavily with the James Bond
movie Quantum of Solace, was a major move by Coca-Cola to capture the
diet soft drink market. In Venezuela, that move did not last long: Coke Zero
was on the shelves just weeks before it was yanked.
The decision to ban Coke Zero in Venezuela was not about health. It was
about politics—namely, President Hugo Chávez’s bid to pursue a radical
socialist agenda. Chávez, who governed from 1999 until his death in 2013,
embarked on an anticapitalist campaign that included attacking symbols of
Western power and nationalizing large segments of Venezuela’s economy.
Coke Zero was just one of his many targets.
In the oil industry, Chávez imposed enormous windfall taxes as oil
prices spiked, took a majority stake in four oil projects that caused
ExxonMobil and ConocoPhillips to leave the country and file arbitration
claims, and seized eleven oil rigs from Oklahoma-based Helmerich &
Payne. In agriculture, Chávez nationalized a rice mill operated by U.S. food
giant Cargill and took control of ranches and lands owned by Vestey Foods,
a British meat company. Chávez also seized the local operations of
Mexico’s Cemex cement company, Switzerland’s Holcim, and France’s
Lafarge. He took over large swaths of the banking, manufacturing, and
telecommunications sectors. The Venezuelan strongman even nationalized
the gold industry.2
Agência Brasil

When most people think about political risk, they picture someone like
Hugo Chávez, a dictator who suddenly captures foreign assets for his own
domestic political agenda. But the truth is that Chávez is a throwback.
Expropriating leaders still exist, but they are far less common than they
used to be. Wharton Business School professor Witold Henisz and
Maryland’s Robert H. Smith School professor Bennet Zelner find that
expropriation risk was prevalent in the 1950s, 1960s, and 1970s, but “has
largely disappeared,” thanks to more robust international law and more
integration between developing and developed economies.3
When you think of twenty-first-century political risk, imagine instead a
crowded landscape of different actors, not just dictators banning soft drinks
and commandeering oil rigs. This landscape includes individuals wielding
cell phones, local officials issuing city ordinances, terrorists detonating
truck bombs, UN officials enforcing sanctions, and many more. It is
complicated and messy, with overlapping and intersecting players
generating risks within countries and across them, often simultaneously. We
simplify the picture to five major “levels of action”: individuals, local
groups, national governments, transnational actors, and
supranational/international institutions.

From Lone Rangers to International Posses: Five Levels of Action Generating

Political Risks

• Individuals such as Twitter users, documentary filmmakers,

activists, consumer advocates, celebrities, ordinary citizens,
and bystanders
• Local organizations such as neighborhood associations,
political groups, and local governments
• National governmental actors and their institutions such
as presidents, executive agencies, legislatures, and the
• Transnational groups such as activists, terrorists, hackers,
criminals, militias, and ethnic or religious communities
• Supranational and international institutions such as the
European Union and the United Nations

Activists and consumer advocates have been creating political risks for
businesses for a long time. Ralph Nader took on the American automobile
industry and succeeded in getting mandatory design standards, including
the use of seat belts, implemented back in 1965.4 Today, activists have new,
more and more powerful technological tools that can dramatically increase
the speed and scale of their efforts and the odds that they will succeed.
Changing a company policy no longer requires face-to-face organizing,
around-the-clock picketing, or testimony before Congress. Connective
technologies enable people to organize and their messages to “go viral.”
Individuals do not have to be part of activist groups to generate risks
these days. They don’t even need to consider themselves activists. They can
be bystanders with 280 characters and a cellular network.
On Sunday, April 9, 2017, United Airlines oversold its afternoon flight
from Chicago to Louisville, Kentucky. When no passengers volunteered to
rebook so that four United staff members could make the flight, the airline
decided to remove four passengers at random. One of them, Dr. David Dao,
refused, explaining that he needed to see patients the next day. Police
officers then forcibly removed him, pulling Dao out of his seat, causing him
to hit his head, break his nose, gash his lip, and lose two teeth. Dao was
dragged off the plane, dazed and bleeding, in front of shocked passengers.
Some videotaped the incident on their cell phones and posted the footage on
Twitter and Facebook. By Monday night, the videos had attracted more than
nine million views, made international headlines, triggered a Transportation
Department investigation, and prompted Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes
Norton, a senior member of the House Transportation and Infrastructure
Committee, to call for hearings.5 The Internet exploded with memes like
this one:

United CEO Oscar Munoz issued an apology that did not improve the
situation. By Tuesday, United stock had lost $255 million in shareholder
value6 and some analysts began worrying about ramifications for the
airline’s Chinese market, after the incident attracted more than one hundred
million views on Weibo, China’s social media platform. Many commented
that they believed Dr. Dao was discriminated against because he is Asian.7
What could have been resolved with a rebooking incentive ended up
costing United Airlines far more, all because new technology platforms
have amplified the voices of individuals, making it more likely that other
customers, investors, and political actors will hear them and respond.
Local Organizations
As the old saying goes, all politics are local—and local politics can generate
risks for businesses. In 2015, after intensive negotiations, the United
Nations Security Council’s five permanent members and Germany reached
an agreement with Iran to lift UN sanctions in exchange for Iran’s
suspension of nuclear activities. On January 17, the day after sanctions were
removed, Iranian president Hassan Rouhani tweeted euphorically, “The
shackles of sanctions have been removed and it’s time to thrive.”8 Foreign
direct investment (FDI) did start to flow, with twenty-two new projects in
the first quarter of 2016, boosting Iran’s FDI ranking from twelfth in the
region to third.9
Yet by April, Iranian leaders were complaining that they were not
reaping the economic benefits of the deal, largely because many American
unilateral sanctions remained. Which sanctions exactly? Not just federal
government ones that had been on the books to condemn Iran’s sponsorship
of terrorism and development of advanced missile technology. It turned out
that thirty-two American state governments had imposed sanctions of their
own worth billions. California law, for example, prohibited state pension
funds from investing in any company that conducted energy or defense
business in Iran. California’s public employee pension systems are among
the largest in the United States, and if it were a country, its economy would
be the sixth largest in the world.10 Some estimated that the state’s
investment ban totaled close to $10 billion. Florida’s state law similarly
prohibited retirement fund investment in companies conducting oil business
in Iran, resulting in $1 billion of divestment. Although the nuclear deal
required that the U.S. government “actively encourage officials at the state
or local level to take into account the changes in the U.S. policy… and to
refrain from actions inconsistent with this change in policy,” several
governors made clear that they had no intention of lifting sanctions. Texas
governor Greg Abbott was one of them. “I am committed to doing
everything in my power to oppose this misguided deal with Iran,” Abbott
wrote to the Obama administration. “Accordingly, not only will we not
withdraw our sanctions, but we will strengthen them to ensure Texas
taxpayer dollars are not used to aid and abet Iran.”11 Analysts expected
protracted litigation.
Labor union disputes are a more common example of how political risks
generated locally can have reverberating effects globally. About half of all
cargo entering or leaving the United States transits through ports on the
West Coast, notably Long Beach and Los Angeles. In June 2014, the labor
contract between the International Longshore and Warehouse Union, which
represents about twenty thousand port workers, and the Pacific Maritime
Association, which represents shippers and negotiates contracts with port
employees, expired. For the next several months an impasse in negotiations
led to work slowdowns, suspended night and weekend operations, and
congestion in key western U.S. ports, leading many multinational
companies to reroute shipments to Canada, Mexico, and the eastern United
States. The situation became so serious that Labor Secretary Tom Perez
joined the negotiations and threatened to force both parties to Washington if
they could not reach a resolution. They eventually did, but not until
February 2015, nine months later.
Big shippers like Walmart, Home Depot, and Target were able to
capitalize on a diversified shipping strategy that enabled them to reroute
cargo and avoid stock-outs. However, longer shipping routes increased
shipping time and costs, doubling the typical two weeks it took to transport
goods from Asia to Los Angeles. Smaller companies and agricultural
businesses were particularly hard hit. Because farmers have to use ports
close to where products are grown, many agricultural containers were
stranded outside Los Angeles, where warm weather accelerated spoilage.12
The Agriculture Transportation Coalition estimated that losses in
agricultural sales reached $1.75 billion per month.13
Outside of local officials and labor negotiations, the most common
examples of local-level political risk generators are “not in my backyard,”
or NIMBY, movements. In 2008, for example, Monterrico Metals, a
London company acquired by China’s Zijin Mining Group, was set to
develop a copper-molybdenum project in northern Peru worth nearly $1.5
billion. Local opposition groups filed a referendum to block the project. As
a result, the company found itself scrambling to bolster local support by
adding local social programs. “We’re trying to make friends,” said company
chairman Richard Ralph.14
Closer to home, a NIMBY movement led by rural landowners in
Nebraska put a halt to TransCanada’s Keystone XL pipeline, a twelve-
hundred-mile-long project spanning an area from Canada to Texas. In 2012,
ranchers whose land would have been impacted by the pipeline filed a
lawsuit against the state challenging a new law that allowed the Nebraska
governor to unilaterally approve the project. Local opposition sparked a
national debate that led President Obama to nix it. In 2017, President Trump
signed an executive order clearing a major hurdle for the pipeline to be
As we will see, companies that manage risks well recognize the
importance of building relationships with local stakeholders before
opposition mounts. Being a good neighbor is good business. Alcoa, for
example, initiated a major public outreach and communications campaign
in Brazil two years before the company opened a bauxite mine there. In
addition, it created a multi-stakeholder council to enable continuous
communication with civil society organizations and local residents and
established a $35 million development fund for initiatives proposed by the
community. Alcoa executives had watched competitors face fierce local
opposition in Brazil (including physical breaches that had temporarily shut
down railroads and mines) and were determined to avoid the same fate. As
one international mining investor put it, “You’re in their backyard and they
need to be on your side. Violent opposition on your doorstep is extremely

National Governmental Actors and Their Institutions

National governments pose evident risks through their power to tax,
regulate, confiscate, expropriate, make or break commitments, and shape
capital markets. Sometimes divisions within governments pose risks for
businesses. Whether a regime is authoritarian, totalitarian, or democratic, all
governments organize activities into offices with specialized portfolios and
competencies to get the work done, each with its own incentives, interests,
traditions, and ways of doing things that can conflict with others.
Jurisdictional lines of authority between agencies at the federal level can at
times be blurry or contested, generating uncertainty and facilitating
corruption in specific industries and situations.
One of the more dramatic jurisdictional disputes arose due to the
collapse of the Soviet Union. Practically overnight, assets and territory that
had been under Moscow’s control became the property of newly
independent states.
Chevron was one company that felt this impact. The company acquired
an oil and gas concession near the city of Atyrau in the Soviet republic of
Kazakhstan in 1989. Before any production could take place, Kazakhstan
became an independent state. Chevron faced thorny questions. Was the
company’s contract still valid in this newly formed nation? Would the
Kazakhs have different regulations or requirements than the Soviets did?
Clearly, negotiations would now go through Almaty, then the Kazakh
capital, and its president, Nursultan Nazarbayev. Nazarbayev had been a
member of the Soviet Politburo. Would Russia, the legal successor state to
the Soviet Union, make claims to Chevron oil revenues as well?
More often, national governments as a whole pose risks. Most countries
consider particular industries to be intimately tied to the national interest.
These are called “strategic industries.” Russia, for example, considers oil
and gas to be a strategic industry, leveraging the full power of the state both
to protect its state-owned gas giant, Gazprom, and to use the company for
political advantage against European countries that rely on Russia for a
substantial portion of their energy supplies. Long considered the Kremlin’s
hammer, Gazprom cut off energy supplies to Europe in 2006 and again in
2009 during times that coincided with rising political tension. Russia’s
“pipeline politics” were serious business.
Many European countries used to consider telecommunications strategic
industries until technological advances led to the demise of landlines and
the disintermediation of the business model. China’s state capitalism model
considers nearly every industry to be strategic, even the Internet. Lu Wei,
who came from the propaganda department to serve as China’s Internet czar
until he was sacked in 2016, told foreign dignitaries in 2015 that “online
space is made up of the Internets of various countries, and each country has
its own independent and autonomous interest in Internet sovereignty,
Internet security and Internet development.”16
If China sits at one end of the strategic industry spectrum, the United
States sits at the other. Where the state in China has a large hand in every
important industry, the U.S. government has always been allergic to state
ownership of industry. As Condi puts it, “We just didn’t grow up as a
country that way.” Economic debates at the nation’s founding were about
charging government tariffs to private industry, not replacing private
industry with state-owned “strategic” businesses. Vital industries to
American growth, including most notably the railroads, remained in private
hands. For the U.S. government, the “national interest” has always meant
breaking up private monopolies, not asserting government ownership.
Moments where the federal government has taken an ownership stake in
private firms have been rare, temporary, and crisis-driven.
This American orientation nearly put Stanford University out of
business in its earliest days. When Leland Stanford died in 1893, the U.S.
government sued his estate to cover long-term government loans he had
used to build the Central Pacific Railroad. While the case was being settled,
Stanford’s assets were frozen. As a result, his widow, Jane Stanford,
scrambled to keep the family’s fledgling university operating. She tried to
sell her jewelry collection to purchase books for the campus library but
found no buyers. She ended up funding the university for six years from her
personal household allowance and put the faculty on her household
The American experience is exceptional. Most countries consider some
key industries to be within the national interest and will use the full power
of the state to protect them. Companies seeking to move into a foreign
market would be wise to understand whether their industry is one of them
and plan accordingly.

Transnational Groups
Technology has enabled transnational groups of all types—
nongovernmental organizations, activists, international labor unions, cyber
vigilantes, criminal syndicates, terrorists, militias, and religious and ethnic
organizations—to become more significant sources of risk for businesses.
Cyber groups are newest on the scene. In February 2015, a cyber security
firm discovered that an international group of cyber criminals, dubbed
Carbanak, had stolen as much as $1 billion from a hundred banks in thirty
countries over two years, the worst known cyber heist in history.18 In
addition to cyber criminal networks, the last decade has seen the dramatic
rise of “hacktivist” organizations like Anonymous and LulzSec. Described
by many as Internet vigilantes, these leaderless groups are loosely
organized, global online communities that are driven by a shared sense of
outrage against any action or entity that restricts the free flow of
information on the Internet. They have vandalized, pranked, stolen data
from, and waged distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) cyber attacks on a
large and varied set of targets, including entertainment companies and
industry associations, financial services companies, American military
contractors, the Vatican, Arab dictatorships, pornography sites, the San
Francisco Bay Area public transit authority, the CIA, and the FBI.
In cyberspace, membership in various communities and groups can be
both fluid and anonymous. The relationship between individual hackers,
groups, and governments is often unclear. And even when a particular
breach can be traced to a computer, determining just whose fingers are on
the keyboard and whether that person is part of an organization that is
tolerated, encouraged, directed, or even employed directly by a nation-state
is a significant intelligence challenge.
In June 2017, for example, a cyber attack called “NotPetya” disabled
computer systems worldwide. The ransomware attacks disrupted everything
from radiation monitoring at the Chernobyl nuclear site to shipping
operations in India, and its victims ranged from Russian oil company
Rosneft to American pharmaceutical giant Merck. The worm permanently
encrypted the hard drives of tens of thousands of computers and demanded
that owners pay a Bitcoin ransom to regain access. Except that the virus
never allowed users to recover their data even if they paid the ransom.
Instead, it permanently damaged the machines it infected. Exactly who was
responsible for the NotPetya attack? Security researchers and law
enforcement officials initially were not sure. The malicious code was for
sale “in the wild,” for anyone to buy and launch from the comfort of their
personal computer. A group calling itself Janus Cybercrime Solutions
authored the malware and got a cut of any ransom paid. Attackers also
utilized a cyber tool called EternalBlue—a highly classified cyber
vulnerability that the National Security Agency (NSA) was stockpiling until
it was somehow stolen from Fort Meade and then leaked online by a
shadowy group calling itself the Shadow Brokers. And just who are the
Shadow Brokers? A corrupted insider at NSA? A nonstate actor group? A
foreign government? Some combination of these actors or something in
between? Were the Shadow Brokers responsible for stealing EternalBlue or
just for releasing the secret code on the Internet for bad guys everywhere?
These are just some of the vexing questions. Notably, even after
investigators successfully traced the method of the global cyber attacks,
clues about the intent of the attackers were harder to decipher. Since
NotPetya initially targeted businesses and government offices in Ukraine
before spreading globally, some quickly pointed to Russia. However, a
major Russian bank and mining company were also struck and international
companies were affected, costing billions in cleanup costs and lost revenue.
It took eight months before the British and American governments publicly
attributed this cyber attack to Russia as “part of the Kremlin’s ongoing
effort to destabilize Ukraine.”19
As these examples suggest, politics, technology, and business can be a
combustible mix. Technology is enabling groups to find, recruit, and
galvanize like-minded members across geographic boundaries at little effort
or cost. The ability of these groups to take politically motivated action—in
virtual space, physical space, or both—poses new and rising challenges for
governments and businesses alike.

Supranational and International Institutions

Supranational institutions, like the European Union, are made up of several
countries who agree to participate in decision-making for the group as a
whole. International institutions are bodies like the United Nations that
function on behalf of essentially all nations in the world.
If individuals lie at one end of the “level of action” spectrum,
supranational and international institutions lie at the other. Individuals start
with the power of one. Supranational and international institutions start with
the power of many. Individuals operate in informal ways, bringing others to
the cause. Supranational and international institutions are formalized
organizations that bind countries and hundreds of millions of people
together. They have bureaucracies and offices, specific rules and
procedures, and collective capabilities and punishments that can be directed
at member states. With so many members, action is often difficult. But at
times, these institutions can impose their will deep inside the economies
and societies of member states, which is why they are so rare. Ever since
the Treaty of Westphalia of 1648 established the principle of national
sovereignty, countries have, for good reason, always been wary of
relinquishing sovereignty to a collective.
The purpose of European integration was initially quite grand—nothing
less than an effort to prevent war for all time on a continent that had
experienced more than two hundred years of destructive conflicts. The EU
and its forerunners were designed with the idea that if Germany and France
were bound together, if their political and economic fates were tightly
intertwined within broader European institutions, they would never go to
war again.20 From the point of view of its neighbors, Germany could be
powerful but not dangerous. The idea was something akin to what political
scientists call the democratic peace—the finding that democracies do not
fight one another.21 Not only did Germans accept this idea, they embraced
Condi saw this firsthand during negotiations for the unification of
Germany. It was very clear that German chancellor Helmut Kohl was
anxious to unify the country. The Soviet Union was in retreat and he knew
that he would be the chancellor who delivered on the forty-year dream of
Germans to live again as one people. It was equally clear that he was
uncomfortable with any suggestion that Germany would again be powerful
in its own right. Thus, whenever an American official said that we
welcomed a unified Germany, Kohl would interrupt. “Within a unified
Europe,” he would say.
This explains in part the psychological attachment of Europeans, and
particularly Germans, to the European Union. Yes, they have hoped that the
common market will lead to greater economic growth. Yes, they have
aspired to make the European Union a political force, equal to the United
States and China in world affairs. But they credit the EU with something far
more important: peace on the continent.
For those outside of it, whether countries or businesses, the European
Union is more likely to be seen as a complicated entity that is difficult to
navigate. Henry Kissinger is said to have asked, “When I have a problem,
do I call Brussels or London, Paris, or Bonn [then the capital of West
Germany]? As secretary of state, I found it better to call all of the above.”
In many ways, Kissinger is still right. The EU actually has three key
institutions: the European Parliament, the European Council, and the
European Commission. The European Parliament consists of legislators
who are elected on a Europe-wide basis. In truth, though, it has relatively
little power to make consequential laws—that function is largely reserved
for national legislatures. The European Council includes the heads of state
and government, as well as other lower-ranking ministers. It is a powerful
institution, but it meets only periodically, tends to reinforce sovereignty, and
on the most important issues must achieve unanimity among states as varied
as Germany and Spain, Slovakia and Sweden.
The European Commission (EC) is a permanent bureaucracy in Brussels
with twenty-eight commissioners, nearly thirty-three thousand staff, and a
budget of €155 million. The commission is arguably the most powerful and
coherent of the EU’s institutions. It is also the least democratic since its
commissioners are appointed, not elected. Moreover, although the EC has a
carefully delineated set of “competencies” or areas of jurisdiction, actual
policy issues can overlap in confusing ways. For instance, energy policy is
largely the purview of the individual states. Germany bans nuclear power,
while France gets 80 percent of its generating power from this source. But
environmental policy is largely within the jurisdiction of the commission.
So, is the use of fracking technologies an environmental issue or a matter of
energy policy?
The United Nations was founded in 1945 to promote international
cooperation on issues such as peace and security, terrorism, humanitarian
crises, and sustainable development. Today it includes 193 member states,
nearly every country in the world. The five permanent members of the UN
Security Council—the United States, the United Kingdom, Russia, China,
and France—wield veto rights. The UN’s large membership and its veto
structure mean that Security Council resolutions are difficult to enact and
enforce. But hard does not mean impossible. The UN has imposed
multilateral sanctions twenty-six times on twenty-two countries since its
founding.22 UN sanctions can have an effect, and they at least inject greater
market predictability by leveling the playing field. International binding
sanctions are usually preferable—even with their drawbacks—to ad hoc
arrangements by one nation or a few.
For example, following the Iranian revolution and the seizure of more
than fifty American hostages in 1979, the United States imposed unilateral
sanctions on Iran. The UN Security Council, however, did not impose
sanctions until a 2006 resolution passed unanimously amid rising
international concern about Iran’s nuclear activities. One result of the lag
between American and UN sanctions was that American companies were
kept out of Iran while some of America’s closest allies continued to do
business there. When the Security Council’s sanctions were finally
instituted, Iran’s two biggest trading partners were Japan and Germany.
Ironically, elaborate sanctions that are in place for a long time tend to get
weaker. Those levied against Saddam Hussein after the 1991 Gulf War are a
case in point. Everyone knew that the Iraqis were selling oil on the black
market well in excess of what was allowed. But the UN and the
international community turned a blind eye to the practice because it
benefited so many countries. Moreover, sanctions on Saddam’s ability to
buy equipment with potential military applications eroded as the UN
committee that was supposed to oversee these prohibitions became a place
of constant bickering. By 2001, the sanctions regime against Iraq was in
Iraq is of course an extreme case, but sanctions regimes generally suffer
from lax enforcement. This is due in part to the fact that countries are
responsible for policing themselves. Not every state lives up to the letter (or
even the spirit) of the law. And because the negotiations often result in least
common denominator approaches with vague language, loopholes abound
and states take advantage of them.

Types of Political Risk Today

What about the political actions that all of these risk generators take? What
do businesses need to worry about most? Here, too, the list is long and
growing. We summarize the ten major types of political risk in the table
here and discuss each one.
You will notice that two major risks are not on the list: climate change
and economic risks. We excluded them for analytical reasons, not because
we think they are unimportant.
Climate change is a global challenge that directly threatens agricultural
production, vital ecosystems such as coral reefs, and the welfare of millions
of people living in low-lying coastal areas. Rising temperatures are already
spurring interstate rivalry over rights in the Arctic, where rapidly melting
ice sheets have created a new ocean, and severe droughts and other major
weather events are inflaming conflicts in weak states. But climate change is
more of a risk multiplier than a separate risk category. It creates the
environmental circumstances that trigger political actions, from social
activism by environmental groups, to new environmental laws and
regulations, to civil wars and interstate conflicts. Our top ten list covers
these risks already.
The omission of economic risks to companies is also deliberate. Most
businesses think about economic risks routinely, examining indicators like
inflation, labor markets, growth rates, unemployment, and per capita
income across markets. MBA programs teach about these risks, and
Amazon.com is filled with business books about them. Our focus is
different. We are interested in how political actions affect businesses, a
topic that receives surprisingly little attention in MBA courses or business
books but that causes a great deal of concern in boardrooms and C-suites.
Corporate boards and executives often think about political risks but have
few resources to develop a more systematic understanding or management
of them.

Ten Types of Political Risk

Geopolitics: Interstate wars, great power shifts, multilateral economic

sanctions and interventions
Internal conflict: Social unrest, ethnic violence, migration,
nationalism, separatism, federalism, civil wars, coups, revolutions
Laws, regulations, policies: Changes in foreign ownership rules,
taxation, environmental regulations, national laws
Breaches of contract: Government reneging on contracts, including
expropriations and politically motivated credit defaults
Corruption: Discriminatory taxation, systemic bribery
Extraterritorial reach: Unilateral sanctions, criminal investigations
and prosecutions
Natural resource manipulation: Politically motivated changes in
supply of energy, rare earth minerals
Social activism: Events or opinions that “go viral,” facilitating
collective action
Terrorism: Politically motivated threats or use of violence against
persons, property
Cyber threats: Theft or destruction of intellectual property,
espionage, extortion, massive disruption of companies,
industries, governments, societies

Geopolitical Events
First and most broadly, political risks arise from geopolitical events like
major wars, great power shifts, and the imposition of multilateral sanctions
or military interventions. These events can redistribute power among
countries and generate reverberating effects across markets. Many market
effects are direct and immediate—think back to what happened to Chevron
with the collapse of the Soviet Union. But as we will keep underscoring, the
indirect effects of geopolitical events are often hidden and yet just as
important for businesses.
Dow Corning, an American silicone products manufacturer, provides a
good example of the indirect effects from major geopolitical events and
how to handle them. In the spring of 2003, it looked like the United States
and Iraq were heading for war. Dow Corning executives were paying
attention. They figured that war in Iraq would probably produce shipping
capacity shortages across the Atlantic, since the United States would need
to mobilize large numbers of troops and large amounts of equipment and
materiel. This was exactly what happened. But before then, Dow decided to
stockpile inventory and accelerate its own shipping schedule, actions that
later enabled the company to mitigate the impact of wartime shipping
capacity reductions on its operations.23

Internal Conflict
Conflicts within countries are often just as serious for businesses as
conflicts between them. Internal conflicts include social unrest, ethnic
violence, and federalist discord about the appropriate allocation of power
between central and regional governments. In more extreme cases,
federalist disputes evolve into separatist movements, such as Scotland’s
referendum to secede from the United Kingdom in the fall of 2014, or
Catalonia’s referendum to secede from Spain in 2017, or the Kurds’ efforts
to secure independence from the central Iraqi government, a struggle that
has simmered and boiled over repeatedly since the end of British rule there
in 1932.
Ultimately, internal conflict may lead to civil wars, coups, and
revolutions, producing mass migrations into neighboring countries. The
past several years have witnessed a dramatic rise in the number of displaced
persons fleeing conflict zones resulting from enduring conflicts such as
Chechnya, Darfur, Somalia, and Afghanistan, as well as newer conflicts
such as the Syrian, Yemeni, and Burundi civil wars. In 2015, the United
Nations high commissioner for refugees found that political conflict and
persecution had displaced more than sixty-five million people, the highest
number ever recorded in the agency’s fifty-year history. That number
amounted to one person in every 113 people on earth, or a population
greater than that of Canada, Australia, and New Zealand combined.24
Mass migrations disproportionately affect neighboring states. In 2015,
for example, six hundred thousand Ukrainians left Ukraine seeking political
asylum or other forms of legal stay in neighboring countries.25 In 2016,
Syrian refugees were estimated to constitute 10 percent of Jordan’s total
population.26 In 2017, more than five hundred thousand Rohingya fled
violence and persecution in Burma by traveling to Bangladesh.27
It should come as no surprise that internal conflict can severely impact
economic welfare. Coups are associated with a cumulative 7 percent
reduction in national income.28 Political scientist Jay Ulfelder finds that
economic growth slows on average by 2.1 percentage points in the year of a
coup.29 Disruptions in business operations, displaced labor forces, sudden
policy changes, corruption—these are just a few of the economic
aftershocks that often add to human suffering in conflict-ridden areas. Even
businesses with the best of intentions, robust corporate social responsibility
programs, and strong relationships with diverse country stakeholders can
find themselves facing significant challenges, including reputational risks.

Laws, Regulations, and Policies

Laws, regulations, policies, and the structure of business ownership vary
considerably around the world. Global business investors and executives, of
course, know this. For Marc Andreessen of the Silicon Valley venture
capital firm Andreessen Horowitz, regulatory risk is top of mind.
“Regulatory capture is probably the single biggest government risk that our
start-ups think about,” he told us.

“Regulatory capture is probably the single biggest government

risk that our start-ups think about.”
—Marc Andreessen, cofounder and partner, Andreessen

Yet businesses can miss and get burned by legal, regulatory, or policy
changes if they assume that political stability and policy stability are the
same thing. They aren’t. Even if a country’s regime is stable, its ownership
rules, taxation, environmental regulations, and other laws and policies may
not be. Political risks for businesses exist even in seemingly “safe”
countries with relatively well-established legal regimes, well-functioning
bureaucracies, well-respected currency controls, and low levels of
In our course, we first wrote a case in 2011 about a shale gas play in
Poland by an Irish company called San Leon Energy. By all accounts,
Poland looked like a good bet. Geologists estimated that the country had
some of Europe’s largest recoverable shale gas reserves. Poland also had a
fervent desire for energy independence from Russia (which provided about
two-thirds of its energy needs), a relatively professional bureaucracy with
moderate levels of corruption, and more than twenty years of democratic
rule. In fact, Poland had agitated against Soviet rule throughout the Cold
War, and in 1989 became one of the first countries in the former Soviet bloc
to democratize. In 2011, fracking was strongly supported by all of Poland’s
major political parties.
What San Leon did not expect was that strong domestic political support
for fracking would lead the Polish government to overreach. Seeking
greater revenues from shale gas exploration, the government in 2013
proposed dramatically increasing taxes to nearly 80 percent of profits and
establishing a state-owned company that would take a compulsory minority
stake in shale investments.30 “What’s been done here is what Poles call
dividing up the bear hide before you’ve shot the bear,” said Tom Maj, the
head of Polish operations for Canada’s Talisman Energy. “This has been
hugely damaging to the shale gas project.”31 Essentially, the government
was planning to increase the regulatory burden on an industry that had yet
to develop.
Prime Minister Donald Tusk’s government eventually reversed course,
but not before Talisman and Marathon Oil pulled out in the spring of
2013.32 Regulation, taxation, and state involvement in oil drilling added
tremendous political uncertainty to the geological and economic uncertainty
of shale gas exploration already at play.
In the summer of 2015, we were talking through the San Leon case and
its broader implications for this book when Condi commented, “Taxes
aren’t usually a sudden market-distorting risk. Governments are always
adjusting some policies like taxes, and most companies watch that carefully.
It’s really about the suddenness and the gravity of change.” The more we
talked and thought about it, the more it struck us that businesses needed to
think of policies, laws, and regulations along a continuum. At one end of
that continuum are those that are almost always changing in some way, like
taxes, and that typically result in incremental, manageable effects for global
businesses. After the 2008 global financial crisis, for example, more than
forty countries cut their corporate income tax rates, many of them
temporarily, to stimulate business activity.33 Another sixteen economies
introduced new taxes such as environmental taxes, road taxes, and labor
taxes.34 In the middle of the continuum are policies like foreign ownership
rules that change less frequently but when they do change are typically
more consequential. At the extreme end of the continuum are major
departures from the status quo like new “champion rules” that essentially
close markets to foreign competitors. These types of policy changes occur
more rarely, are harder to see coming, and are more difficult for a business
to absorb. In these cases, policies create large market-distorting effects.
This is exactly what happened in 2002, when China proposed new
policies stating that a Chinese government agency could buy only Chinese
software. The government’s goal was to stimulate the development of
indigenous software companies. The effect, however, was to ban foreign
software firms from selling to state-owned enterprises, which constituted 80
percent of the Chinese market.

Breaches of Contract, Expropriations, and Defaults

Sometimes governments need not go through the effort of changing national
policy to create political risks for businesses. Instead, they can simply
renegotiate, renege on, or violate existing contracts, or, in extreme cases
like Hugo Chávez’s, expropriate foreign assets entirely. As we noted at the
start of this chapter, outright expropriations have become rare. But
renegotiating or reneging on contracts, including politically motivated
credit defaults, is more common. A 2004 World Bank study found that 15 to
30 percent of contracts in the 1990s involving $371 billion of private
infrastructure investment were either renegotiated or disputed by
governments.35 And as Harvard economist Ken Rogoff notes, “Most
countries have gone bankrupt at least a couple of times.”36 Countries
defaulting on their national debt since 1995 include Russia, Pakistan,
Indonesia, Argentina, Paraguay, Grenada, Cameroon, Ecuador, and
Greece.37 Argentina has defaulted twice in thirteen years. Ecuador and
Venezuela have defaulted ten times in their history, and four other countries
have failed to pay their debts nine times.38
In some cases, countries are simply unable to pay their debts. In others,
countries are unwilling to repay foreign creditors for domestic political
reasons. As our Stanford colleague Mike Tomz and his coauthor Mark L. J.
Wright note, “When governments appropriate funds to service the foreign
debt, they are making a political decision to prioritize foreign obligations
over alternative goals that might be more popular with domestic
constituents.”39 Sometimes, governments prefer to lose access to credit
markets abroad rather than the support of constituents at home.
Russia, for example, defied economists’ predictions in 1998 by
essentially defaulting on its debt and allowing the ruble to float, which
devalued the currency considerably and sent inflation surging to 80 percent.
Many economic analysts were caught by surprise by this move because they
examined only whether Russian leaders could pay off their debt, not
whether they would. As it turned out, the Yeltsin government faced strong
domestic pressures from striking workers, unions, and industry groups to
devalue the ruble and stimulate exports.40
Ecuador in late 2008 failed to repay part of its national debt—for the
second time in a decade—because the country’s populist president, Rafael
Correa, knew the move would be seen favorably by left-wing voters in the
run-up to his bid for reelection in April 2009.41 As Claudio Loser, the
former director of the International Monetary Fund’s Western Hemisphere
department, noted, “The financial need wasn’t so great that it was forced to
declare a default.”42 In Ecuador, as in Russia, domestic political
considerations trumped economic ones.
Domestic political factors also figured heavily into Greece’s 2015
default woes. Although that nation had been confronting a looming
economic crisis for years, the election in January 2015 of leftist prime
minister Alexis Tsipras sent the country spiraling toward default. Tsipras’s
Syriza party ran on a single issue: rolling back Greece’s austerity measures,
which were a condition of the country’s international bailout. And roll back
he did, raising the minimum wage and cutting taxes, and in June 2015
making Greece the first developed country in history to default on its debt
obligations to the International Monetary Fund.43
Russia, Ecuador, and Greece suggest why political risk analysis is so
important, even with issues that are so intimately tied to a nation’s
economy. National decisions about economics are never just about

For the international community as a whole, corruption is a serious
problem, hindering economic development, spurring transnational crime,
and even fueling extremism and terrorism.44 For individual businesses, it is
a recurring and ubiquitous challenge. The United Nations estimates that
corruption adds a 10 percent surcharge to the cost of doing business in
many parts of the world, and the African Union found that in the 1990s a
quarter of Africa’s gross domestic product was lost to graft.45
The World Bank broadly defines corruption as “the abuse of public
office for private gain.”46 As Sarah Chayes of the Carnegie Endowment for
International Peace puts it, “That means when you have to be paid money
on the side to do your job, or you can be paid not to do your job. It means
the monetization systematically of public service.”47 Corruption includes,
among other things, the payment of bribes or special favors by private
interests to secure or breach government contracts; gain special access to
schools, medical care, or other favorable business opportunities; reduce
taxes; secure licenses or exclusive rights; or influence legal outcomes.48
Corruption cannot be avoided. In Transparency International’s 2014
corruption perceptions index, no country earned a perfect score of 100 (on a
scale where 0 is highly corrupt and 100 is very clean). Only two countries
(Denmark and New Zealand) scored above 90. Two-thirds of all the
countries in the world scored below 50. These included half of all G-20
countries and all of the large emerging-market BRIC countries (Brazil,
Russia, India, and China), of which Russia scored so low, it was tied with
Nigeria and Kyrgyzstan.49
Emerging markets are particularly prone to corruption for two reasons.
First, their economic and political spheres are highly interdependent, which
provides incentives for bribery. When public officials have discretionary
power over the distribution of private-sector benefits or costs, the
opportunities for corruption are high. Second, emerging markets typically
have weak institutions. As a result, many laws are on the books, but the rule
of law is not practiced systemically or predictably. A customs officer, for
example, can appeal to the law to threaten punishment of a foreign
company for not filling out a form correctly at the same time that he
demands an under-the-table payment to overlook the transgression.
In addition to increasing the costs of doing business in foreign markets,
corruption leaves companies at risk for criminal and civil prosecution as
well as heavy penalties under the American Foreign Corrupt Practices Act
(FCPA) and the United Kingdom’s Bribery Act 2010. For decades, the
United States was the only nation in the world that banned bribery. In fact,
bribes used to be tax deductible in Germany.50 Those days are over. In 2005
the passage of the United Nations Convention Against Bribery signified
changing international norms and a growing global anticorruption
movement. The United Kingdom’s antibribery law came into force in 2011.
Enforcement of the U.S. law has increased substantially in recent years as
well. Lockheed Martin’s 1994 corruption fine of $25 million held the record
for many years. In 2008, Siemens settled the largest FCPA case in history,
paying voluntary fines, penalties, and profit disgorgements of $1.7 billion to
U.S. and German authorities. In 2009, Halliburton settled a bribery case by
paying a $559 million fine.51 Corporate penalties in 2016 under the FCPA
totaled $2.5 billion, the highest in history,52 and included four landmark
settlements that are among the ten highest in FCPA history. The largest, of
$519 million, was paid by Teva Pharmaceuticals, an Israeli generic drug
manufacturer charged with bribing government officials in Russia, Ukraine,
and Mexico.53
Both U.S. and U.K. anticorruption laws are extremely broad,54 banning
gifts to any foreign government official even if the gift is given by a
company contractor or third-party vendor and even if it is given in places
where the practice is common. “Gifts” can be almost anything—a discount
on a product, a donation to a charity, a used laptop, even payment for
funeral expenses, which is a common form of tribute in many countries.
The title “government official,” moreover, may be held by just about
anyone. In China, for example, doctors and university professors are
considered state employees. The extraterritorial reach of both laws is wide,
applying to the business dealings anywhere in the world of any company
with a presence in either the United Kingdom or the United States.

Bernard Schoenbaum/New Yorker.

Extraterritorial Reach
Corruption laws are one example of a more general political risk: the
extraterritorial reach of powerful states into the affairs of others. American
laws extend most broadly, as the 2015 arrests and indictments against
fourteen international soccer officials showed. The arrests included a made-
for-TV early morning international raid in which Swiss police descended on
a luxury hotel in Zurich, nabbing seven high-ranking Fédération
Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) officers. Hotel officials
erected a shield wall of luxury bed linens in a futile attempt to protect the
FIFA officials’ identities as police carted them away—a moment captured
on video and replayed around the world. The raid was a vivid display of the
long arm of the law: Swiss police arresting soccer officials from Brazil, the
Cayman Islands, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Uruguay, Venezuela, and the
United Kingdom so that they could be charged and tried in American courts
for violating U.S. anticorruption laws.55

Pascal Mora/New York Times

U.S. “311 sanctions” also have extraordinary reach. Developed as an

antiterrorism tool shortly after 9/11, section 311 of the USA Patriot Act
grants the Treasury Department’s Financial Crimes Enforcement Network
the authority to sanction countries and financial institutions anywhere in the
world if they are linked to money laundering. No presidential action or new
action by Congress is required. Perhaps most important, these sanctions bar
any targeted institution from banking with any American financial
institution, essentially cutting off the targeted country or bank from
worldwide trade in U.S. dollars. What’s more, any third party doing
business with a targeted institution of a 311 sanction can also be barred
from conducting business with any American financial institution. Targets
of 311 sanctions include Iran, Burma, Ukraine, Nauru, and banks in Syria,
Macau, and Latvia. The consequences of these sanctions can be severe. The
Lebanese Canadian Bank, which was accused of transferring money for
Hezbollah, was forced to close. Another targeted bank lost 80 percent of its
The signaling effects of 311 sanctions can be powerful as well. In 2005
the United States put Macau-based Banco Delta Asia on the 311 sanctions
list for its involvement in North Korea’s illegal activities. Global banks took
notice: North Korea was off-limits. However, when the United States later
sought to lift the freeze on $25 million in North Korean assets at Banco
Delta Asia as part of ongoing nuclear negotiations with the Hermit
Kingdom, no bank in the world wanted to process the transaction.57 Condi
remembers how Chris Hill, U.S. envoy to North Korea, spent weeks trying
to recruit a bank to execute the transaction, offering assurances that the
United States would not punish any institution for its involvement in the
deal. “Still, nobody wanted to touch it,” Condi recalled. “Even the Central
Bank of Russia wouldn’t do it alone. So the Central Bank of Russia and the
Federal Reserve Bank of New York worked together to process the transfer
of North Korea’s $25 million. Talk about an unusual partnership.”

Manipulation of Natural Resources

In 1960, the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC)
formed to take oil pricing out of the hands of the “seven sisters”
multinational oil companies, which at the time controlled most of the
world’s petroleum extraction and shipping outside the communist bloc.
OPEC’s own website notes that in the 1970s, member countries “took
control of their domestic petroleum industries and acquired a major say in
the pricing of crude oil on world markets.”58 During the 1973 Arab-Israeli
War, Arab members of OPEC launched an oil embargo against the United
States, Portugal, South Africa, the Netherlands, and other countries that
supported Israel. The effects were extreme and global: Oil prices
quadrupled, triggering high inflation and economic slowdowns in the
United States, Europe, and Japan, giving rise to the term “stagflation.” For
energy companies, the crisis eventually triggered investment in new
exploration outside of OPEC countries—in Alaska, the North Sea, the Gulf
of Mexico, and Canadian oil sands—as well as investment in alternative
power sources. Today, world oil production is 50 percent higher than it was
in 1973.59 For automakers, the oil shocks of the 1970s led to new American
fuel efficiency standards that transformed the industry.60
While OPEC’s influence has waned with the rise of shale gas
exploration in non-OPEC countries, state manipulation of other natural
resources poses increasing risks to a large number of industries. China
currently produces more than 90 percent of the seventeen rare earth
minerals, elements like europium and tungsten, which are vital components
in most high-technology devices, including electric car batteries, mobile
phones, computers, and military equipment such as missiles and night-
vision goggles.61 As former Chinese leader Deng Xiaoping once declared,
“The Middle East has its oil, China has rare earths.”62 China has been
accused of manipulating both the pricing and the production of minerals,
charging foreign firms far more than Chinese state-owned enterprises for
the same products and thus giving Chinese companies a competitive edge.63
In 2002, the Molycorp mine in California was forced to close for nearly a
decade when China flooded the market with cheaper minerals.64 In 2014,
the United States, Japan, and the European Union won a World Trade
Organization case against China for Beijing’s tight export controls on rare
earth minerals.65 China has also used its market dominance more directly as
a foreign policy tool. During a territorial dispute in 2010, Beijing canceled
all rare earth mineral shipments to Japan while Tokyo held a Chinese
fishing ship captain in custody.66 Today, many experts worry that China’s
concentrated control over rare earth minerals poses strategic vulnerabilities
to specific industries as well as countries.
Social Activism
As SeaWorld’s troubles made clear, social activism has become
supercharged, generating sudden and sometimes large risks, particularly for
consumer-facing businesses. The spread of social media, cell phones, and
the Internet has empowered individuals and small groups in big ways. From
the Arab uprisings to antifracking protests in Europe, technology has made
it possible for civil societies to organize more suddenly, widely, and
effectively. Technology-empowered social activism offers enormous
potential benefits, enabling citizens to mobilize against repressive regimes,
fostering greater democratic transparency and responsiveness, and bringing
companies and stakeholders closer together. But it also poses new
challenges. Governments and businesses alike must now contend with
events that can go viral with little warning.
Greenpeace exemplifies the growing power of online social activism. In
2010, the environmental group used a creative social media campaign that
took on food giant Nestlé and won. At issue was the sourcing of palm oil, a
key ingredient of many of the company’s products, whose production
involved the destruction of the Indonesian rainforest habitat of orangutans.
While Nestlé had committed to responsible sourcing, Greenpeace believed
the company had not done enough to cut all ties to Sinar Mas, one of its
suppliers. For two years, Greenpeace had been pressing Nestlé to take
greater action. Then Greenpeace took its protest digital. “This is the place
where major corporations are very vulnerable,” said Daniel Kessler, press
officer at Greenpeace.67 On March 17, Greenpeace released a report about
Nestlé’s palm oil use featuring a cover picture of one of the company’s
signature products, KitKat chocolate bars, with the KitKat logo changed to
the word “Killer.”
The same day, Greenpeace protesters dressed as orangutans
demonstrated outside the company’s U.K. headquarters. And the
organization posted a sixty-second video on YouTube mocking Nestlé’s
KitKat ad campaign and its tagline, “Have a break, have a KitKat.” The
video features an office worker opening the chocolate bar wrapper to eat a
bloody orangutan finger, and ends with, “Have a break? Give the orangutan
a break. Stop Nestlé buying palm oil from companies that destroy the rain
forests.”68 Nestlé requested that the video be removed from YouTube, but
Greenpeace then posted it on the video-sharing website Vimeo.com and
spread the word on Twitter. The clip went viral, attracting hundreds of
thousands of views. Meanwhile, protesters “brandjacked” Nestlé’s
Facebook fan page, many of them encouraging a boycott of Nestlé
products. When Nestlé told Facebook users that it would delete any
negative comments that included the doctored KitKat “Killer” logo, the
number of protesting posts exploded. John Sauven, executive director of
Greenpeace U.K. and the Greenpeace global forest team, reflected, “The
moment that will forever stick in my mind was when Nestlé decided to ban
our campaign on the fan site of their Facebook page. Fans of Nestlé
products are only allowed to say nice things about chocolate bars. It
backfired on them and helped us win our campaign.”69


Social activism is not just for committed activists anymore. As we noted

earlier, cell phones and social media are empowering ordinary citizens, too.
“Companies are now being swept up into this political consumer activism in
a way that they have not been in the past,” said Maurice Schweitzer, a
professor at the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School.70 The
Twitterstorm over United Airlines’ passenger dragging incident was so fast
and powerful that the airline quickly conducted a policy review. Just three
weeks after fellow passengers posted their cell phone videos of Dr. Dao
online, United announced that it would no longer force paying passengers
off its airplanes unless safety or security was at risk and that it was
increasing passenger compensation for overbooked flights to as much as

“The moment that will forever stick in my mind was when

Nestlé decided to ban our campaign on the fan site of their
Facebook page. Fans of Nestlé products are only allowed to
say nice things about chocolate bars. It backfired on them and
helped us win our campaign.”
—John Sauven, executive director of Greenpeace U.K. and the
Greenpeace global forest team

It is worth noting that social activism is not always a threat. Sometimes

it is a golden opportunity, galvanizing support for a company, a cause, or
both. In 2014, Procter & Gamble launched an award-winning online
campaign for its Always product line called “Like a Girl.” Feminine
hygiene products don’t exactly spring to mind as winning social media
topics. Nobody likes to talk about them. But the company created an
Always-branded three-minute video on YouTube that transformed the insult
“like a girl” into a message of female empowerment. The video depicts a
casting call for boys and girls who are asked to do athletic activities such as
running and throwing “like a girl.” Ten-year-old girls give it their all,
brimming with self-confidence, while teenage boys and girls follow the
stereotype, interpreting “like a girl” to mean “weakly,” or “not as good as a
boy.” They run flapping their arms and legs, throw poorly, giggle, and flip
their hair. The video caught fire, reaching ninety million viewers in more
than 150 countries. P&G launched a #LikeAGirl Twitter campaign and
aired a Super Bowl ad. Always’s product brand equity rose by double
digits, its Twitter following tripled, and surveys found purchase intent grew
more than 50 percent among the target demographic. In surveys, two out of
three men who watched the video said they would now think twice before
using “like a girl” as an insult. Procter & Gamble harnessed the power of
social media activism to change minds, not just sell products.71

Terrorism comes in many forms—hijackings, kidnappings, bombings,
beheadings, and shootings, to name a few. Terrorist attacks are also
conducted by a variety of actors, from transnational organizations like al-
Qaeda, which operates in over sixty countries, to nationalist movements
like the Tamil Tigers, to “lone wolves.” But all terrorists use violence or the
threat of violence for political purposes. All terrorists deliberately target
innocents. And all terrorists seek to instill fear, terrorizing societies and
their leaders. There is a strong psychological component to terrorism, which
is why terrorists often strike victims and targets that have symbolic
significance—like the Houses of Parliament in London, the 1972 Munich
Olympics, the Taj Mahal Palace hotel in Mumbai, and the Charlie Hebdo
magazine offices in Paris. Terrorists also frequently select “soft” targets.
The more that governments harden the defenses of government buildings
and installations, the more terrorists turn their sights on relatively
vulnerable locations like hotels, restaurants, markets, and even marathon
Terrorism has become a growing economic and security concern for
governments, particularly in Europe. In 2015–16 the Eurozone saw a record
number of successful and foiled terrorist plots, including attacks in Turkey,
Belgium, and Germany, and a wave of mass-casualty attacks in France that
slowed French growth to a halt in the second quarter of 2016 and played a
major role in cutting Eurozone economic growth in half.73 In their July
meeting, finance ministers from the world’s twenty largest economies
emphasized that geopolitical conflicts and terrorism had become growing
threats to the global economy. The French finance minister, Michel Sapin,
singled out terrorism as an economic risk, telling reporters, “Today the
frequency of attacks creates a new situation of uncertainty, which is at least
as damaging as regional destabilizations or a regional conflict.”74
Terrorist attacks often trigger cascade effects for specific companies that
can be widespread, long-term, and surprising. Consider the tragic attacks of
September 11, 2001. For Wall Street trading firm Cantor Fitzgerald, which
lost 658 of its 960 New York employees that day—almost two-thirds of its
workforce—the damage could not have been more direct or searing.75 (As
we discuss in chapter 8, Cantor survived, and its incredible turnaround after
tragedy reveals important lessons about communicating in crises, aligning
incentives, and creating organizational resilience.) For Ford and Chrysler,
the effects of 9/11 were immediate but indirect: These two American auto
manufacturers suddenly found themselves confronting the first total
grounding of American air traffic in history, disrupting shipping in their
supply chains. For Boeing, the full effects of 9/11 took six years to surface.
It wasn’t until 2007, when orders for a new airplane took off, that the
company discovered its principal supplier of specialized nuts and bolts had
laid off nearly half its workforce after 9/11 and could not keep up. Four
American companies in three different industries were all affected by the
9/11 terrorist attacks in very different ways and along very different time

Cyber Threats
John Chambers, executive chairman and former CEO of Cisco, famously
said, “There are two types of companies: those who have been hacked, and
those who don’t yet know they have been hacked.”76

“There are two types of companies: those who have been

hacked, and those who don’t yet know they have been
—John Chambers, executive chairman and former CEO, Cisco

He’s right. Experts estimate that at least 97 percent of Fortune 500

corporations have been hacked already.77 In 2016, a Google director
revealed that Google notifies customers of four thousand state-sponsored
cyber attacks on its systems each month. That’s about one attack every
eleven minutes just from state actors, and just from attacks Google is telling
its customers about.78 Brad Smith, president and chief legal officer of
Microsoft, noted in February 2017 that 74 percent of global businesses
expected to be hacked in the coming year.79 Most cyber victims will not
know for months that they have been breached: The typical time between a
cyber penetration and its detection is 205 days.80 Costs are hard to measure,
but by all accounts are large and growing. The Center for Strategic and
International Studies, a well-regarded think tank, in 2014 estimated that the
annual global cost of cyber crime was as high as $575 billion81—the
equivalent of the entire GDP of Sweden.82 A Juniper Networks study found
that cyber crime is now worth more than the global illicit drug trade.83 For
individual companies, the cost of a single incident can be large, including
everything from customer notification, forensic investigations, legal fees,
and fines to lost business and long-term reputational damage. The Target
breach of 2013 has cost the retailer $292 million so far, with only $90
million covered by insurance.84 The 2017 breach of credit reporting
company Equifax compromised the personal information of 143 million
customers and could become the most expensive in history, with estimated
costs in the billions.85
And that’s just crime. Countries, criminals, hacktivists, and others wage
cyber attacks in many ways for many reasons. Official government systems
are major targets. The United States fends off millions of attempted cyber
intrusions into military and other government networks each month.86 In
2015, hackers most likely acting at the behest of the Chinese government
stole the highly classified security clearance information of twenty-two
million Americans from the Office of Personnel Management. Many
believe it was a massive intelligence operation to find foreign contacts and
compromising information about government officials that could be used to
coerce them later. In 2016, the mysterious Shadow Brokers started releasing
a treasure trove of secret computer vulnerabilities that had been stolen from
the NSA.87 That same year, the Russian government waged an
unprecedented influence operation to disrupt the American presidential
election and undermine American democracy. Russia’s efforts included
hacking into campaign-related websites and servers, releasing data from
those breaches online, penetrating multiple state and local electoral boards,
disseminating propaganda overtly through Russian state-backed media
outlets RT and Sputnik, and inflaming social cleavages by covertly
spreading deceptive information with botnets, fake accounts, and unwitting
users on American social media platforms.88 According to Facebook’s
general counsel Colin Stretch, Kremlin-instigated content may have reached
126 million Americans—more than a third of the U.S. population. “We’re
obviously deeply disturbed,” said Joel Kaplan, Facebook vice president for
United States public policy. “The ads and accounts we found appeared to
amplify divisive political issues across the political spectrum.”89 Experts
expect that attacks on elections and government systems worldwide are
likely to grow.90
For companies, attackers and motives vary widely. Some steal, some
spy, some disrupt, others destroy. Some attack a company to protest a
particular product or action, some to steal intellectual property, some to turn
a quick profit by stealing customer credit card information, some to help a
foreign government, some to gain information that will advantage another
business in an upcoming negotiation, and some simply because they can.
The threat landscape is evolving rapidly and dramatically, raising business
and reputational risks for companies. As U.S. director of national
intelligence James Clapper noted in February 2015, despite improvements
in cyber defenses, the frequency, severity, sophistication, destructiveness,
and scale of cyber breaches all are increasing.91 The cyber dark arts are
growing darker.
Although headlines focus on major breaches in large corporations like
Target, J.P. Morgan Chase, Anthem Insurance, Home Depot, Sony Pictures,
and Equifax, nobody is immune. As Enrique Alanis, chief risk officer at the
Mexican building materials giant Cemex, put it, “You don’t have to be a
sexy company anymore to be hacked. Cyberthreats are real for everybody
and for every company. It could impact any brand.”92 Any company that
relies on information and communications technology—and nearly all
companies do—is inherently vulnerable. Exposure is global: Any device
that is “smart,” any phone or computer or printer or machine that is
connected to the Internet (and even some that aren’t),93 can be used as an
attack vector into your company’s networks. From anywhere. Hackers
pulled off the Target attack of 2013, stealing credit card and personal
information from forty million customers during the peak holiday shopping
season, by getting into the computer system of a Target third-party vendor
—a small family-owned refrigeration, heating, and air-conditioning
company called Fazio Mechanical Services in Sharpsburg, Pennsylvania.94
Many cyber threats are intimately connected to political actors and
actions. By far the most sophisticated cyber attack capabilities reside in the
hands of governments—namely, Russia, China, Iran, North Korea, and the
United States. As a matter of policy, the United States does not conduct
espionage to aid specific companies. But other countries do. And lest
anyone think that cyber attacks on companies are only about profit, talk to
Amy Pascal. She was the studio chief of Sony Pictures Entertainment
during one of the worst cyber attacks in American history. The 2014 hack,
which was eventually attributed to the government of North Korea, stole
terabytes of Sony trade secrets, including upcoming movie scripts and
celebrity contract information; revealed internal emails so embarrassing that
Pascal had to resign; forced the company off the grid for days; publicly
released personal information of thousands of Sony Pictures employees;
destroyed data on thousands of hard drives and servers; and threatened
violence in movie theaters if the studio released The Interview, a comedy
depicting the assassination of North Korean leader Kim Jong-un.


By the end, the Sony hack was not just about Sony. It became a national
security incident involving the highest levels of the U.S. government. It
erupted into an international crisis. And it provided a sneak preview of
cyber threats facing all companies today. As Fortune magazine reported,
“What happened at Sony… struck terror in boardrooms throughout
corporate America, and for all the unique elements in Sony’s situation, the
lessons apply to every company.”95

Risks from Within

A final word about the risk landscape. Our list above focuses on external
challenges—on political risks “out there.” But it’s important to underscore
that sometimes the biggest political risks come from within. Organizations
can hurt themselves by paying too little attention to their own corporate
cultures and practices. In 2017, Uber and Fox News faced firestorms of
criticism and business crises over their treatment of female employees. At
Fox News, sexual harassment scandals led to the firing of cofounder and
chairman Roger Ailes as well as twenty-year veteran host Bill O’Reilly.
Over a fifteen-year period, O’Reilly (and Fox executives) had settled six
complaints of harassment against him. When a New York Times
investigation made some of these settlements public, more women came
forward with allegations, and an advertiser boycott soon followed.96 In
Uber’s case, twenty people were fired, and Uber founder and CEO Travis
Kalanick was forced out, after a blog posting by a former employee
triggered a string of reports describing sexual harassment, discrimination,
and “Silicon Valley start-up culture gone awry.”97 For both companies,
these “sudden” crises were self-inflicted and years in the making.

Political risk used to be driven mostly by the actions of

governments. Not anymore.

Today’s risk generators operate at five intersecting levels of

action: individuals, local organizations and governments,
national governments, transnational organizations, and
supranational and international institutions.

The risks they create are more varied now, too. Old political
risks remain, but new risks have arisen alongside them.

Today’s top ten types of political risk are: geopolitics, internal

conflict, policy change, breaches of contract, corruption,
extraterritorial reach, natural resource manipulation, social
activism, terrorism, and cyber threats.
How We Got Here: Megatrends in Business, Technology, and
Politics Since the Cold War

On February 5, 2014, Manila mayor Joseph Estrada signed a new law to

provide relief to local commuters. Manila, the sprawling Filipino metropolis
of several million residents, was growing so fast that it was being overrun
by traffic. Gridlock was everywhere. Commute times of five hours or more
were common. To ease congestion, the city government passed an
ordinance that banned cargo trucks on main roads from 5 a.m. to 9 p.m.—
sixteen hours a day. “The days when buses and trucks were king of the road
are over,” Estrada proudly declared.1
Greg Elms/Getty Images

But the truck ban quickly led to trouble. Manila was also home to the
country’s most important port, responsible for handling half of all overseas
freight transiting the Philippines. Before Estrada’s truck ban, up to six
thousand containers could be moved in and out of the port each day by
truck. Now the number was closer to thirty-five hundred. Shipping
containers were quickly piling up. Loading equipment was getting stressed.
Streets inside the port complex were clogged with containers, further
impeding the flow of equipment and the efficiency of operations.2 At one
terminal, cargo processing time ballooned from six days to ten.3
Eventually, the national government had to step in. Philippine president
Benigno Aquino III publicly blamed city officials for the port congestion,
noting that the truck ban was “a city ordinance that perhaps, nobody
envisioned how bad this would amount to.”4 In September, after seven long
months, Mayor Estrada finally signed an executive order lifting the ban.
Among those affected was Toyota, the world’s largest automaker, which
had made the Philippines a hub for Toyota suppliers who shipped auto parts
to Thailand for final production. In 2014, thanks to the truck ban and a
political crisis in Thailand, Toyota experienced a 10 percent decline in
shipments from the Philippines, and its exports fell noticeably short of the
company’s $897 million forecast.5
It was a very different world than in 1933, when Sakichi Toyoda started
the Toyota Motor Corporation. In 1950, Toyota sold just 492 cars outside of
Japan.6 The year’s top-selling car in the American market was the
American-made Chevrolet Bel Air. In Moscow it was the Russian-made
GAZ Pobeda, and in Paris it was the French Renault 4CV.7 By 2009, in
contrast, Toyota was selling 80 percent of its vehicles outside of Japan.8 By
2015, the automobile industry was so globalized that the top-selling car in
the United States was a Japanese model (the Toyota Camry) and, for the
first time since the 1970s, the top-selling car in Russia for a given month
was not the Russian Lada, but the South Korean Kia Rio.9 The
globalization of production and markets for automobiles meant that a
Japanese automaker selling cars in other Asian countries had to worry about
the political actions of a mayor in the Philippines.
Toyota’s cargo container woes in Manila illustrate just how much
business has changed, even for traditional industries like automotive
companies. As venture capitalist Marc Andreessen told us, “There is no
substitute for having some sense of a global perspective” today.

“There is no substitute for having some sense of a global

—Marc Andreessen, cofounder and partner, Andreessen

In this chapter, we take a step back and look at history, examining three
trends that have profoundly shaped this landscape over the past thirty years:
supply chain innovations, the communications revolution, and dramatic
changes in politics since the end of the Cold War. The convergence of these
megatrends has created a best-of-times/worst-of-times moment for
businesses: unprecedented economic opportunities coupled with
unprecedented political risks.
Business Trends: Globalization and Supply Chain Innovation
The past thirty years have witnessed a revolution in supply chain
management. Today’s supply chains are longer, leaner, and more global
than at any time in history. Even very small businesses can have long global
supply chains, enabling them to seize opportunities and profits by taking
advantage of lower wages offshore, low shipping costs, and better inventory
management to customize products for different segments. Fairphone is one
of them. A twenty-seven-employee cellular phone company based in the
Netherlands, Fairphone aims to minimize the social impact of
manufacturing smartphones by carefully understanding its supply chain. A
Fairphone smartphone requires thirty-nine minerals. Some, like tungsten
and tantalum, come from notoriously conflict-ridden countries like Rwanda
and the Democratic Republic of Congo. Other components travel from
North America, Europe, and the Middle East before arriving at a handful of
factories in China for production. In total, Fairphone parts travel nearly
once around the world before the phone ever gets turned on by its owner for
the first time.
We interviewed Fairphone’s director of impact and development, Bibi
Bleekemolen, about how Fairphone designed its supply chain. She told us,
“We are different in that we view political risk as maximizing opportunity
rather than minimizing the risks. We don’t shy away from risky places, but
instead find what’s wrong in the world and go after it to try to fix it.”
Fairphone carefully selects its Chinese production partners based on their
willingness to uphold various social and environmental practices and works
closely with local partners in Africa to ensure that Fairphone is using
conflict-free minerals and metals in its phones. Fairphone has nearly as
many nodes in its supply chain as it does employees in the company.10
Supply chains are leaner now, too. Sparked by Toyota’s innovations in
the 1980s, companies have developed just-in-time inventory management
systems that have substantially improved profits by reducing inventory
storage costs and ensuring that this year’s model, or this season’s hottest
item, makes it out of a warehouse and into the hands of consumers while
they still want it. Efficiency and customization are at all-time highs. With
AmazonFresh, you can order Granny Smith apples grown in New Zealand
and have them sitting on your doorstep by morning. Interested in
purchasing a mobile phone handset? There are nine hundred more varieties
to choose from now than in 2000.11
But there is a dark side to the supply chain revolution: Longer, leaner,
more global supply chains have increased supply chain vulnerability to
disruptions in faraway places. As companies extend supply chains to more
locations in search of margin, customization, and speed, chances are that a
political action someplace, sometime will occur, impacting the distribution
of goods and services to customers. Often, these disruptions are immediate.
In 2014, for example, China moved an oil rig just 130 miles off the coast of
Vietnam and 70 miles inside Vietnam’s exclusive economic zone, near the
disputed Paracel Islands. Anti-Chinese protests erupted in Vietnam, leading
to the ransacking and preemptive closing of several factories that sourced
everything from Nike shoes to iPads.12 Li & Fung Ltd., the world’s largest
supplier of clothing and toys to retailers like Walmart and Target, was
forced to close its factories in Vietnam for a week during the riots, halting
delivery of goods to American retailers. What began as a conflict over
disputed territorial waters between China and Vietnam quickly ended up
affecting store shelves in American cities.13
Sometimes, supply chain disruptions take longer to work their way
through a business. Remember Boeing’s troubles in chapter 2? In 2007, the
company’s new 787 Dreamliner became a business nightmare, with
unprecedented three-year delays in production. The root cause: Declining
air travel after the 9/11 terrorist attacks led to reductions in airplane
manufacturing, which in turn triggered layoffs and consolidation in the
fastener industry making the super-strength nuts and bolts that hold
airplanes together. When Dreamliner production finally started to take off
years later, Boeing’s main fastener supplier, Alcoa, could not keep up,
because it had cut its division by 41 percent. Fasteners accounted for only
about 3 percent of the cost of an aircraft, but ended up throwing a wrench in
Boeing’s $136 billion Dreamliner program.14 Even worse, Boeing’s
workaround—buying temporary fasteners from Home Depot and Ace
Hardware to try to keep production going and then removing them later—
ended up damaging the planes.15 CEO Jim McNerney admitted to investors
that executives did not see this slow-motion supply chain disruption
coming. “The fastener industry got consolidated, post 9/11,” said
McNerney. “The consolidators misjudged the demand swingback—a lot of
us misjudged the demand swingback—post 9/11.”16 The fastest-selling
airplane in company history became the most delayed airplane in company
history because of a supply chain disruption that started six years earlier.
Perhaps the most important thing to remember about supply chain
vulnerability to political actions is cumulative risk: The risk of disruption in
any one node of a supply chain may be low, but the cumulative risk of
disruption across the entire supply chain is much higher. With global
businesses, some political action somewhere is nearly always putting a kink
into the smooth flow of business, whether it’s an election, a coup, a local
protest, a territorial dispute, a scandal, a diplomatic crisis, a regulatory
change, a cyber breach, a referendum, a disease outbreak, a government
intervention into the economy, or a terrorist attack. Consider the following
list of events that occurred in 2016, nearly all of them viewed as highly
unlikely beforehand.

• The United Kingdom votes to leave the European Union, the

biggest blow to the European unification project since World
War II.
• Italy’s prime minister, Matteo Renzi, resigns after voters reject
his plan to revamp Italy’s political system, leaving Italy among
the weakest links in the EU.
• Iran and Saudi Arabia sever diplomatic ties.
• Food riots erupt in Venezuela.
• Colombia strikes a peace deal with the FARC, ending a fifty-
year-old conflict with the Marxist guerrilla group.
• Major cyber attacks hit the Democratic National Committee,
Yahoo!, domain name service provider Dyn, and LinkedIn.
• The Zika virus outbreak in Brazil spreads to twenty countries
before the Rio Olympics.
• China’s stock market crashes, leading regulators to halt
• Major military conflicts in Ukraine, Syria, Iraq, and Afghanistan
• An attempted coup in Turkey leads to a crackdown and
democratic backsliding.
• Terrorists wage attacks in more than thirty countries, including
Belgium, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Peru, Thailand,
and the United States.18
• More than 350,000 migrants enter Europe.19
• Brazil’s president, Dilma Rousseff, is impeached.
• South Korea’s president, Park Geun-hye, is impeached.
• North Korea conducts its fifth nuclear test.
• Rodrigo Duterte becomes president of the Philippines, vowing
rapprochement with China and straining U.S. relations.
• Ethiopia is rocked by the largest protests since the ruling party
took power in 1991.
• Islamist violence and protests shake Kazakhstan, Central
Asia’s most tranquil nation.
• Joaquín Guzmán, known as “El Chapo,” the world’s most
powerful drug trafficker, is recaptured following his escape
from a Mexican maximum-security prison.
• The “Panama Papers” scandal prompts international
investigations, regulatory reforms, and the resignation of
Iceland’s prime minister.
• China builds thirty-two hundred acres of land and military
installations atop contested atolls in the South China Sea,
raising regional tensions.
• Donald J. Trump is elected president of the United States.
As FedEx founder, chairman, and CEO Fred Smith told us, “You should
take very seriously political risks to your business that seem far-fetched.” In
2016, FedEx’s own risk analysts estimated that there was a 25 percent
chance of Brexit and a 25 percent chance that Donald J. Trump would win
the 2016 American presidential election. But as we’ll see in chapter 8,
FedEx’s business requires planning for the unexpected so often that the
company always has contingency plans on hand in the event the unlikely
becomes reality.
Natural disasters are even more frequent disrupters and more commonly
the focus of supply chain management. Taken altogether, supply chain
interruptions from rare events turn out to be not so rare after all. As the
saying goes, lightning does not strike in the same place twice. But it does
strike someplace nearly all the time.
“Just in time” inventory management magnifies these disruption risks.
Supply chains have grown so lean that each key link often keeps just days
or even hours of inventory on hand, which means there is no cushion if
something bad happens to a supplier.20 Political scientists Martin Landau
and Donald Chisholm presciently warned that “just in time” has displaced
“just in case.”21 The search for short-term profits has generated longer-term
In the last chapter, we noted how Ford and Chrysler had to contend with
the grounding of all U.S. flights after the 9/11 terrorist attacks. For both
auto manufacturers, the sudden elimination of air shipping threw a wrench
into production lines. Chrysler acted fast, asking logistics suppliers to
switch from air to ground transport. Ford waited, and by the time it tried to
switch to ground shipping, none was available. Ford had to shutter five U.S.
plants for several weeks and reduce its production by 13 percent that
quarter.23 While Chrysler managed the sudden disruption better by
responding immediately, both Chrysler and Ford were extremely vulnerable
to disruption in the first place because their supply chains were so lean.
They had almost no slack in their inventory to keep the production lines
moving more than a few days before new shipments could arrive.24
Supply chain visibility is also a challenge. With so many suppliers
outsourcing to so many sub-suppliers in so many places, business
executives often have only vague ideas of exactly how far their supply
chains extend or just who is doing what where and when. Here, too,
Boeing’s 787 Dreamliner provides a cautionary tale. Fasteners were a major
problem for Boeing, but they were not the only problem. The company also
famously suffered from an exceptionally complicated and opaque supply
chain with poor measures to ensure accountability and coordination. To
meet the unprecedented demand for the 787, Boeing decided to try a new
supply chain system designed to cut delivery time from six years to four
and production costs from $10 billion to $6 billion.25 Using a tiered
structure, it contracted with approximately fifty first-tier partners, who
assembled major parts of the aircraft from sub-systems they received from
second-tier partners, who received the individual components from third-
tier suppliers. In total, Boeing used more than a hundred partners across
twelve countries on five continents in manufacturing and delivering the
787.26 Parts shortages or shipping delays at any of the second-or third-tier
suppliers meant significant production setbacks. To help manage the supply
chain, Boeing utilized a Web-based program to track each component in the
chain. It sounded good. The problem was that second-and third-tier
suppliers often failed to enter accurate and timely information into the
system, which meant that the first-tier partners were often unaware of
delays or shortages. As of February 2016, Boeing had fulfilled only 380 of
the 1,143 orders placed since 2004.27
Boeing has plenty of company when it comes to supply chain visibility
challenges. In a 2008 IBM survey, supply chain executives from twenty-
five countries and twenty-nine different industries—including retail,
industrial products, pharmaceuticals, food and beverage,
telecommunications, and electronics—complained that poor supply chain
visibility was their number one concern. Seventy percent of respondents
said that visibility issues impacted their operations “to a significant or very
significant extent.”28
In addition, the widening geography of supply chains is making them
more vulnerable to production interruptions. The quest for lower production
costs has led many companies to use suppliers in places like Bangladesh,
Indonesia, and Brazil, parts of the world that are more prone to political
instability, natural disasters, and other nasty surprises. “We buy stuff from
all over the world,” said John Hach, risk manager at Lincoln Electric Co., a
Cleveland-based manufacturer of welding products. “I’d estimate we have
suppliers from about 50 different countries other than the United States,
many of them third-world nations, which is where a lot of mining takes
All of these factors explain why supply chain disruptions caused by
political risks are becoming increasingly prevalent. A 2013 World
Economic Forum report noted that more than 80 percent of executives and
corporate directors were concerned about supply chain resilience to
geopolitical instability, extreme weather events, unstable prices, and other
disruptions.30 With good reason. Increasingly, businesses are reporting lost
income from supply chain disruptions, and surveys repeatedly find that
companies do not think enough about supply chain risk management,
especially disruptions arising from civil unrest, policy changes, regime
instability, interstate conflict, terrorism, and other political risks. A 2013
survey conducted by APQC, a leading business practices nonprofit,
interviewed 196 companies in 22 different industries and found an
overwhelming majority of companies—83 percent—were caught off guard
by a supply chain disruption in the previous twenty-four months. In the
majority of these cases, disruptions were serious enough to attract the
intervention or sustained attention of C-suite executives. Perhaps most
interesting, 86 percent of companies surveyed said they were concerned
specifically about political events that had a high impact their supply
chains. Why? Because in the search for margin, they had moved to lower-
cost suppliers in parts of the world known for more political instability and
extreme weather events. Only about a quarter of businesses surveyed
thought that they were well prepared to anticipate and mitigate these

Small Groups, Big Effects: The Rise of Connective

The second megatrend shaping the political risk landscape is technological:
The spread of social media, cell phones, and the Internet has empowered
small groups in big ways. Already, 48 percent of the world is online. There
are more cell phones on the earth than humans.32 By 2020, more people in
the world are expected to have mobile phones than running water or
electricity.33 Connectivity is here to stay, and it is generating profound
transformations in politics, business, and society.34
In 2006, Time magazine’s Person of the Year was You. This was a
radical departure from the magazine’s tradition, in which it chose world
leaders and other well-known public figures who had impacted the world—
in good ways or bad—during the previous year. In years past, for example,
Time had selected Martin Luther King Jr., Adolf Hitler, and Nikita
Khrushchev. But by declaring everyone the 2006 Person of the Year, Time
was onto something. Its editors realized how much innovations in
technology were empowering individuals. Managing editor Richard Stengel
said that the editors wanted to highlight that “individuals are changing the
nature of the information age, that the creators and consumers of user-
generated content are transforming art and politics and commerce, that they
are engaged citizens of a new digital democracy.”35
Economists and political scientists have conducted a great deal of
research about the costs of collective action—the effort it takes for people
to join forces in pursuit of a common cause. What they find is that
normally, such costs are high, even for a cause that every member of a
potential group believes in deeply. Organizing is hard. It drains time away
from family and work. It requires effort up front for benefits that come later,
if ever. It often costs money. It can be difficult, and even dangerous, to try
to discover who might be on your side, to meet with them, and to take
action, particularly if potential members are geographically dispersed or not
already known to one another. What’s more, the bigger the group, the more
concerned each member becomes that others won’t do their share.36
Because everyone worries that everyone else will shirk, shirking becomes
rampant, and not much gets done. On a societal scale, people often feel that
their individual contribution cannot make much of a difference (this is one
of the reasons why only about half of eligible American voters actually vote
on Election Day).37 The costs of collective action help explain why mass
movements historically have been so rare, even when large sectors of a
population might share the same views and goals.
Connective technologies, however, have sent the costs of collective
action plummeting, making it much easier, safer, faster, and cheaper for
like-minded people to find one another, share information, organize, and
take individual actions in loosely coordinated ways toward a common goal,
even across vast geographical distances. Transnational movements of all
stripes, from human rights activists to Taylor Swift fans to jihadi terrorists,
are able to recruit, organize, and act more easily and effectively, in large
part because communications technologies have driven down the costs of
collective action. It is one thing to travel each week to a meeting across
town; quite another to click “send,” “like,” or “upload” on your
The Arab Spring of 2011 revealed just how transformative
communications technology can be in powering collective action. The
protest movements that swept the Middle East and North Africa and led to
the downfall of the Tunisian and Egyptian regimes all started with a rural
Tunisian fruit seller named Mohammed Bouazizi. On December 17, 2011,
Bouazizi was stopped by a police officer. After she demanded that he give
her several free bags of fruit and confiscated his scale, an altercation
ensued. The officer hit Bouazizi with her baton and slapped him across the
face, a public humiliation. Fed up with having to face constant police
corruption and deeply shamed by this particular encounter, Bouazizi went to
city hall and demanded to see an official. Nobody would meet with him.
The next day, he walked to the municipal building, poured paint thinner
over his body, and set himself on fire. Small protests quickly erupted
nearby. Bouazizi’s cousin went to one of them. He took out his cell phone,
recorded a video of it, and posted it online. A thirty-three-year-old blogger
in Tunis named Slim Amamou saw the video and posted it on his Facebook
account. From there, the Facebook postings spread like wildfire. That
evening, the cable television channel Al Jazeera, with a large Arab
audience, started broadcasting the video repeatedly. Protests in Tunisia
grew. Within weeks, Tunisian president Zine El Abidine Ben Ali had fled
the country, and Bouazizi’s self-immolation had ignited rebellions in
Yemen, Syria, Egypt, Libya, and Bahrain.38 As Marc Fisher of the
Washington Post wrote, “This wave of change happened because aging
dictators grew cocky and distant from the people they once courted,
because the new social media that the secret police didn’t quite understand
reached a critical mass of people, and because, in a rural town where
respect is more valued than money, Mohammed Bouazizi was humiliated in
front of his friends.”39
Connective technologies have made it more likely that one person’s act
can have outsized and even unintended effects, and not just when it comes
to protesting long-running corruption in Middle Eastern countries. On April
24, 2013, the eight-story Rana Plaza factory in Bangladesh collapsed,
killing more than eleven hundred garment workers inside. The tragedy was
not a black swan—a bolt from the blue that could never have been
expected. At the time, Bangladesh was the second-largest garment exporter
in the world, with a $20 billion industry, five thousand factories, and 4.5
million garment workers. Safety problems in the country’s factories were
both widespread and widely known. In 2011, just two years before the Rana
Plaza disaster, hundreds of garment workers were killed in a rash of fires
and other incidents caused by building safety lapses. International unions
proposed an Accord on Fire and Building Safety to global retailers,
suppliers, unions, government officials, and NGOs at a meeting in Dhaka.
No retailers signed it.
But in 2013, after the Rana Plaza collapse, the unions’ stalemated safety
plan suddenly gained traction. Why? Because this time, news of the
collapse, and the resulting public outcry, went viral over the Internet.
Within twenty-four hours of the tragedy, the Worker Rights Consortium
started a “name and shame” campaign, listing retailers who had produced
garments in the collapsed factory.40 At the same time, a disturbing photo
from the tragedy taken by a local Time photographer also went viral. The
photo, under the headline “A Final Embrace: The Most Haunting
Photograph from Bangladesh,” depicted an unidentified deceased couple
holding each other, half of their bodies buried in the rubble and a trickle of
blood running down one of the man’s eyes like a teardrop.41 International
labor unions, leading NGOs, and a United Nations expert group
collaborated virtually, using connective technologies to reach their
supporters, launch online petitions, and coordinate. Within a month,
companies, including Swedish retail giant H&M (the largest buyer of
Bangladeshi garments), began signing a legally binding, five-year accord on
fire and building safety that required retailers to undertake independent
safety inspections, publish public reports on their findings, offer safety
training for workers and management, pay for mandatory repairs, and
terminate business with any factory that refused to make necessary safety
upgrades.42 By summer, the United States had announced the suspension of
Bangladesh’s trade benefits under the Generalized System of Preferences
until the country improved its monitoring and inspection of factories and
increased fines and other sanctions for noncompliance. By fall, one hundred
retailers in Europe and the United States had signed the accord, and other
retailers, including Walmart and The Gap, had reached a separate
nonbinding safety accord.
The Lego Group’s experience with Greenpeace shows that the effects of
connective technologies can reach across industries—sometimes in
surprising ways. At first glance, the Danish company known for its Lego
brick toys does not seem like a prime target for an environmental group
known for scaling oil rigs at sea. But the Lego Group was a longtime
partner of Shell, and that gave Greenpeace an idea. In July 2014, as part of
its campaign against Arctic drilling, Greenpeace produced a digital video
depicting a pristine Alaskan Lego brick wilderness, replete with Santa
Claus, polar bears, ice-skaters, and children, being covered in toxic oil
sludge. Greenpeace’s strategy was clear. The organization declared on its

Every company has a responsibility to choose its partners and

suppliers ethically. LEGO says it wants to leave a better world for
children and has a progressive environmental policy. But it’s
partnered with Shell, one of the biggest polluters on the planet, now
threatening the Arctic. That’s a terrible decision and it’s bad news for
kids. We’re calling on LEGO to stand up for the Arctic—and for
children—by ditching Shell for good.43

The video caught on, attracting six million views. Greenpeace’s social
media activism worked.44 The Lego Group eventually ended its fifty-year
partnership with Shell. And then it did much more. As we will see, the Lego
Group is one of the world’s companies who are best at managing political
risk, constantly looking for “risks around the corner.” The Greenpeace
video suggested that environmental activism and consumer preferences for
sustainable products, even in the children’s toy market, were likely to rise.
The Lego Group had already started a sustainability effort that included a
strategic partnership with the World Wildlife Fund, but Greenpeace’s video
kicked these efforts into overdrive. A year after the video, the Lego Group
announced a major new initiative that included ambitious environmental
goals for its materials, packaging, and operations and the creation of a new
Sustainable Materials Center with $150 million in funding and a hundred
employees to implement sustainable alternatives to its materials by 2030.45


Whether it’s the Arab Spring, a Bangladeshi factory collapse, or a toy

company’s remote association with Arctic drilling, connective technologies
are lowering the costs of collective action, making it possible for seemingly
distant events or actions by small groups of people to have substantial
effects. Today, it is far more likely that the word will get out. “News travels
very fast,” noted Enrique Alanis of Cemex, the Mexican building materials
company. “Bad news in Nicaragua is going to be known in the U.S. and in
Mexico, as well as in Europe. And because we are a global player, we have
to manage our brand.”46
These changes in connective technologies offer new hopes for citizens
seeking freedom in repressive societies and new challenges and
opportunities for businesses everywhere.

Key Trends in Politics Since the Cold War’s End

This is the most complex security environment in modern history. During
the Cold War, superpower rivalry between the United States and the Soviet
Union set relatively clear dividing lines between adversaries and allies.
Trade politics and security politics were more sharply delineated, too, with
the world largely split between Western capitalist markets and the command
economies of the Soviet bloc. China’s rise, Russia’s aggression, strains
within the Eurozone, nuclear proliferation, the disintegration of the state in
parts of the Middle East and North Africa, and the rise of nonstate terrorist
groups and cyber criminal networks, to name just a few trends, make the
current global context far more complicated.
Security is not just about security anymore. International economic
challenges have become tightly connected to security politics. States, led by
China, are playing a more direct role in the world economy, investing in the
infrastructure of other countries, making strategic investments using
sovereign wealth funds and state-owned enterprises, and purchasing other
governments’ debt.47 Sanctions have become a more frequent tool of
statecraft across the globe. Prior to 1990, the UN Security Council imposed
sanctions against only two countries: Southern Rhodesia (now called
Zimbabwe) in 1966; and South Africa in 1977. Since then, the UN has
established over twenty sanctions regimes, with the United States also
implementing its own sanctions in some cases. In 2015, the United States
and the European Union imposed sanctions on Russia for invading Ukraine
at the same time that Russian, European, and U.S. negotiators lifted
sanctions on Iran in exchange for a nuclear deal. And it gets even more
complicated than that. In 2016, the United States lifted nuclear sanctions
against Iran but at the same time imposed new sanctions on the regime for
conducting ballistic missile tests in violation of a UN resolution. And while
global international economic policy issues used to be the province of just
seven advanced economies, the rising importance of emerging markets has
expanded the club: The G-7 has become the G-20.
Specifically, four distinct external or “exogenous” shocks have affected
the political world—and by extension the business world—in serious ways.
The most significant shock to the international system was the terrorist
attacks of September 11, 2001. It was a day that no American will soon
For Condi, who was serving as President Bush’s national security
adviser at the time, the biggest effect of 9/11 was the realization that the
United States was threatened by weak and ungoverned spaces, not just
powerful states. This was a radically new world. Once the Treaty of
Westphalia marked the beginning of the modern state system of
international relations, great powers had always been most threatened by,
and most focused on, other great powers. Not anymore. While you could
count on states to control their territory, places like Afghanistan operated as
breeding grounds and safe havens for groups that wanted to do serious harm
to the United States. September 11 also marked the first time since the War
of 1812, when British troops burned the White House, that the United
States had been the victim of such a large attack on its own soil, changing
Americans’ perceptions of what constituted security.
Seven years later, the global financial crisis caused a second shock. The
financial crisis increased political risks to businesses in a different way,
leading to greater government intervention in the form of austerity
measures and new regulations of firms and industries. It also created a
heightened sense of awareness among populations of the impact of the
global economy on their personal well-being. When you lose your house
because of the global financial system, international economics becomes
The other two major shocks involved changes to the international order.
The Arab Spring and the subsequent unrest that unfolded across the Middle
East made it more difficult for both governments and businesses to figure
out how to handle operations in that part of the world and put enormous
pressure on the state system’s ability to endure in the region. Artificially
constructed at the end of the Ottoman Empire by the French, British, and
Italians, the national borders of present-day Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Turkey,
Iraq, Syria, and the Gulf States were drawn on the back of an envelope and
cut across regional concentrations of Shia, Sunni, and Kurds. The Syrian
civil war added an additional level of complexity as nearly seven million
displaced people need shelter. The strain on Turkey, Lebanon, and Jordan
was direct and immediate. But the impact on Europe and the politics of the
refugee crisis may end up being more long-lasting, fueling a strong sense
that the European Union no longer protects its borders and its citizens from
the dangers of the Middle East.
The last shock was what Condi likes to call “Great Powers Behaving
Badly.” With the rise of China and the reemergence of Russia as major
world powers, both governments have become increasingly assertive,
reigniting long-running territorial conflicts—Ukraine in Russia’s case, the
East and South China seas in China’s.
Russia and China have presented different challenges. The former is
essentially an extractive industries giant with only a marginal impact on the
international economy beyond the production of oil, gas, and minerals.
Tensions over Russia’s annexation of Crimea have led to sanctions, making
the business environment there less certain and significantly more
China, on the other hand, as we discussed, has been a critical hub for
manufacturing as well as an essential market for growth. Several years ago,
in conversations with CEOs in almost every industry, China was the hot
topic—the place to be and the future for growth and investment.
Today, there is greater caution about the People’s Republic of China. In
part, this is due to a growth of economic nationalism and continuing
problems in the protection of foreign intellectual property. But it is also due
to rising unease with China’s more assertive foreign policy in the Asia-
Pacific region. The United States and China seem to be on a collision
course over Beijing’s claims in the South China Sea and other territories in
the region and America’s determination to defend freedom of navigation
and protect its allies. Many ask whether these old-fashioned geopolitical
differences will ultimately lead to a less stable environment for commerce
and business in China.
These four shocks have been evident in the international system for
almost a decade. But a new concern has emerged alongside them—the
growth of populism and protectionism as significant political forces. The
global order that businesses have come to take for granted is essentially the
one that emerged after World War II. The United States and its allies were
determined to build a more open international economy that would not be a
fixed pie and thus a zero-sum game. They were haunted by the period after
World War I in which protectionism and beggar-thy-neighbor trading
policies had led to the Great Depression. This time free trade and
comparative advantage among nations would lead to growth. The Bretton
Woods institutions—the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, and
then the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (now the World Trade
Organization)—were the vehicles to support an open economy. It took some
time, and the collapse of the Soviet Union and the opening of China, but
globalization took root thoroughly and comprehensively. The global
company with operations, manufacturing, and labor forces all over the
world is a direct result of those key decisions.
But nativism, populism, protectionism, and isolationism are making a
comeback. Globalization lifted millions of people out of poverty and
benefited millions of others through macroeconomic growth. Still, there
were losers—people who lacked the skills to compete in the modern
economy and those for whom a call center in India, servicing American
customers, became a symbol of threat, not an opportunity.
The Brexit vote in 2016 and the election of Donald Trump in the United
States—the first time that the country elevated someone with absolutely no
government experience to the presidency—stemmed in part from these
reactions to globalization. And while it is not clear that populists will
continue to win elections, it is obvious that all politicians are responding to
the “Do you hear me now?” message from those who feel cheated by
globalization. It is telling that in the American election, not one of the
candidates—Trump or Bernie Sanders or even the former secretary of state,
Hillary Clinton—defended free trade. It is also telling that politicians tread
very lightly in Europe and America on the issue of immigration, careful to
highlight their toughness on the issue.
What is a global business to do when politicians in the United States talk
openly of buying, hiring, and producing goods only in America, and
politicians in the United Kingdom talk openly about promoting industrial
policy? It is likely that economic realities will temper these protectionist
impulses—after all, globalization is a state of being, not a policy. That said,
the risks to a system that for several decades has moved in the direction of
openness and freer trade should not be underestimated, by citizens or
businesses alike.
At this point you may be asking yourselves, “If political risk matters
now more than ever, what can companies be doing to help mitigate and
manage their vulnerability to it? Is there any hope?” The short answer is
yes. Understanding and managing political risk is notoriously difficult for
companies, which may explain why studies repeatedly show that they do
not focus on political risk, and if they do, they do it badly. But good
political risk management mostly comes down to focus. In the next chapter,
we take a closer look at why political risk management is so hard, and then
we turn to solutions, laying out in the second half of the book a framework
that companies of all sizes, operating in all industries and all geographies,
can use to better manage this complex landscape.

Megatrends in business, technology, and politics have created

a best-of-times/worst-of-times moment: Businesses face more
global opportunities but also more political risks.
Supply chains have grown leaner, longer, and more far-flung.
Innovations have reduced costs and increased product
However, the search for margin puts supply chains in higher-
risk locations, and extended supply chains expose companies
to cumulative risks that are often hard to see.

The spread of cell phones, the Internet, and social media is

empowering small groups in big ways. Connective
technologies lower the cost of collective action, making it
easier for like-minded people to find one another and join in
common causes, even across vast distances.
Social activism is not just for activists anymore. In a
hyperconnected world, bystanders can post cell phone videos
and participate in spontaneous “Twitter mobs.” Governments
and businesses must contend with events that “go viral” with
little warning.
Changes in politics have made borders more porous and
economic issues more centrally intertwined with international

The Cold War brought an end to the separation of Western

capitalist economies from the Soviet bloc and ushered in a
period of globalization.
Since then, four shocks have affected the political and
business worlds. The attacks of September 11, 2001,
revealed that the ability to do great harm no longer resided
only in states with great power. The 2008 financial crisis
prompted greater government intervention and rising
populism. The Arab Spring and the subsequent unrest have
stressed the state system in the Middle East. And China’s rise
and Russia’s reemergence are challenging the international
order at a moment when America is turning inward.
Mind Games and Groupthink: Why Good Political Risk
Management Is So Hard

Jack Welch, the legendary CEO of General Electric, was not used to
losing, but in June 2001 he lost big when regulators from the European
Union rejected GE’s $42 billion acquisition of Honeywell International.
The deal at first looked like classic Welch: big, bold, and brilliant. GE,
which is one of the world’s leading manufacturers of airplane engines, had
long been interested in Honeywell, which makes advanced aviation
electronics. In the fall of 2000, Welch heard that a rival American airplane
engine manufacturer, United Technologies, was set to acquire Honeywell.
Welch sprang into action, outbidding United Technologies within forty-
eight hours and nabbing the deal. The GE-Honeywell acquisition was
poised to be the largest merger between two American industrial companies
in history. Welch was so confident the transaction would be successful, he
called it “the cleanest deal you’ll ever see,” and delayed his own retirement
to see it through.1 The proposed merger sailed through the U.S. Justice

AFP PHOTO/Doug Kanter

But the deal also had to be approved by the European Commission, the
executive authority of the European Union.2 American and European
competitors, including Rolls-Royce and United Technologies (still stinging
from losing Honeywell to GE), took their concerns to Brussels. They had a
ready audience: The recently appointed head of the EU’s competition
authority, Mario Monti, was reportedly looking for a chance to show the
EU’s independence from the United States. The United States and the EU
also approached merger decisions with different philosophies and
processes. While American antitrust policy aimed to protect customers
through market efficiencies providing lower prices, EU antitrust policy
focused on protecting competitors and whether the proposed merger
increased market dominance of the new conglomerate. As for process, the
European system gave competitors greater opportunities to voice objections
in private testimony, and voice objections they did.3 Welch said he felt
“profound regret” that eight months of effort came to nothing.4
In the end, Jack Welch moved so fast and was so focused on the
economics of the deal that he did not fully consider the political factors at
play. “We haven’t touched every base,” he said when the proposed merger
was announced and he was asked whether GE and Honeywell had contacted
regulators in the United States and Europe.5 GE apparently did not have a
good system in place to ensure that he did; Welch and Honeywell’s CEO,
Michael Bonsignore, were so eager to close the deal, they reportedly never
consulted with their Brussels lawyers specializing in European competition
concerns.6 When the European Commission announced conditions that
spelled the end of the road, Welch declared that “you are never too old to
get surprised.”7
Jack Welch’s EU experience raises an important question: Why is
managing political risk so hard? That’s the puzzle we tackle in this chapter.
Studies repeatedly find that companies know they are not as good as
they should be at political risk management. Although World Bank surveys
find that companies believe political risks rank among the most important
constraints on investing in emerging markets, many still do not integrate
political risk analysis into their overall risk management.8 In 2015, Aon’s
Global Risk Management Survey of fourteen hundred executives from
public and private companies found that cyber risks were top of mind in C-
suites around the world, but 58 percent of companies reported that they had
never completed a cyber risk assessment. (It turns out that countries aren’t
well prepared for cyber threats, either. A 2017 United Nations report found
that only half of all nations in the world have a cyber security strategy or
are in the process of developing one.)9 In another survey, only 19 percent of
executives gave their own company an “A” grade for reputation risk
management.10 We have been teaching a combined total of more than four
decades, and we have never come across a group of students who would
give themselves such low grades.
Peter Thiel, a cofounder of PayPal and one of Silicon Valley’s most
successful investors, told us that assessing political risk is both essential and
frequently elusive. “Luck and risk are ambiguous words and they can mean
something about the metaphysical nature of the universe—that things are
just random or lucky,” he said. “But it can also be a statement about our
laziness where we don’t want to think about it. I’m open to the idea that
there is such a thing as risk and randomness. But morally, when you
encounter risk, you want to respond and ask what’s really going on, what’s
going to happen, and avoid an excuse for laziness. When you’re investing,
say, a million dollars in a company, it might be a lottery ticket, but it’s likely
that if you thought about it more you’d get to a much clearer answer.”
Thinking hard to get a clearer answer sounded very familiar. It’s a lot
like the work that analysts in the CIA and other agencies of the American
intelligence community do every day. Amy has spent a long time studying
barriers to effective intelligence analysis. Condi has spent a long time living
with them. And it turns out that since 9/11, there has been a convergence
between the intelligence and the business worlds: Many businesses have
been creating their own mini-CIAs, political risk units whose mission is to
identify political risks and opportunities and to work hand in hand with
business unit leaders to mitigate losses and seize new opportunities. And
not just within a certain industry. Political risk units have been arising and
expanding in hotel chains, cruise lines, chemical companies, law firms,
consumer products companies, oil and gas companies, banks, tech
companies, and venture capital firms, among others. So on the one hand,
most companies in surveys were admitting they were not doing enough to
manage political risks. Yet on the other hand, we knew that some leading
companies were innovating, and doing, a great deal. Managing political risk
was elusive for many but considered essential by everyone.
In this chapter, we take a closer look at this capability gap and where it
comes from. Drawing on psychology, our research and experience in
intelligence, and real-world examples from business and international
security, we highlight the most significant barriers to developing effective
political risk management, even for Fortune 500 companies with legendary
CEOs. We call them the “Five Hards.”

The “Five Hards” of Political Risk Management

1. Hard to reward
2. Hard to understand
3. Hard to measure
4. Hard to update
5. Hard to communicate

1. Hard to reward: “Nobody gets credit for fixing problems that

never happened.”
Managing political risk often means raising questions about a business
decision that otherwise looks attractive. Saying, “No, you might not want to
do that,” or “Hold on a minute, have you thought about this potential
downside?” can be unwelcome news to the C-suite or board, particularly if
the immediate economic case looks promising and the political risk may be
longer-term or harder to see.
Nobody likes to be the bearer of unwelcome news. This challenge is one
major reason why the role of chief information officer is less attractive
today than it used to be, despite a fast-rising need for talented cyber security
leaders. CIOs “end up being the wet blankets of the technology field,” notes
Thomas H. Davenport, who has been teaching information technology and
management in universities for over twenty years. “They have to tell the
Chief Marketing Officer that he can’t buy his own server and cool software
for automated ad creation. For years they had to tell executives that they
must use BlackBerrys rather than iPhones. It’s their job to ensure that
company employees will have less powerful and desirable technologies
than the employees’ teenage children.”11
CIOs are not alone. Managing political risk takes leadership and time to
ensure that alternative points of view are heard and rewarded. As one risk
manager from a major international oil and gas company told us, “We have
to take risks. That’s the business we’re in. Our measure of success as a
political risk unit is whether we have a seat at the table, whether business
units are making informed decisions based on our professional expertise.
The chairman is very enlightened about political risk. There was buy-in
from him almost from the beginning and we see him quarterly. Analysts are
as close to the business units as possible. That’s a major key to our
Organizations that do not reward good political risk analysis are unlikely
to get it. Our dear Stanford colleague Bill Perry, who was one of Silicon
Valley’s early successful business entrepreneurs and who served as the
nineteenth secretary of defense, has studied what makes some defense
secretaries more successful than others. He found that some failed for just
one reason, no matter how smart they were: They would not accept
opposing points of view, and when they heard one, they would come down
very hard on the person providing it. “Once that happens a few times, the
message gets out and they don’t get opposing points of view anymore,”
Perry recounted, “and they make big mistakes because of it.”12
FedEx’s legendary founder Fred Smith is a big believer in the Perry
philosophy. “You have to surround yourself with people who will tell you
the truth,” he says. “If you don’t, as your organization gets bigger, you’ll
fall out of touch with what’s going on.”13 Smith, who built FedEx from a
small business in an abandoned Memphis hangar to a $44.6 billion global
giant, says the man who most influenced his views on leadership was one of
Condi’s heroes: George Marshall. Marshall is known for securing the
Allies’ victory in World War II and for his tenure as secretary of state,
where he conceived of the economic plan bearing his name that rebuilt
Western Europe and saved it from communism. For Smith, one of
Marshall’s most important and inspiring qualities was that he “wasn’t afraid
to call it the way it was.” As Smith recounts:
In World War I, when Marshall was the number two man in some
regiment, General John Pershing paid a visit and chewed out
Marshall’s superior. Everybody just stood around, but Marshall said,
“General, with all due respect, you’re wrong, and this is why you’re
wrong.” Of course, everybody was astounded that he did that. But
later Pershing called Marshall and said, “Look, I want you to be my
chief of staff.” And that’s an important lesson that I’ve tried to

Risk management is also a cost center, which compounds the problem.

Cyber protection measures, legal teams, risk officers—these functions
produce no revenues and incur costs that go straight to the bottom line.
Marriott International is one of the world’s leading companies when it
comes to managing global political risk. Marriott believes that superior
security can be a competitive advantage in a post-9/11 terrorist threat
environment. But it does not own any hotels worldwide, it just operates
them. As Marriott’s vice president for global safety and security, Alan
Orlob, told us, sometimes it takes work to convince a hotel owner that the
security investments Marriott wants are worth it.
In 2009, Orlob was meeting with the owner of a new hotel that would
soon be opening in Southeast Asia. “I’m out of money,” the owner told
Orlob. “I’ve gone to the bank but they won’t lend any more to me, so I
cannot put in the security measures you’re requesting.” Orlob didn’t mince
words: “Let me tell you, if you don’t put in these security procedures at this
hotel, you’re going to be just another hotel in the city. I can guarantee you
that if you spend the money, if you put these physical security measures in
that we’re asking, then we can use that to drive business to your hotel.
People will stay there because it’s safer than other hotels in the city. You’ll
see a return on your investment.” The owner found the money and followed
Orlob’s guidance. A year later, a significant terror threat was issued for the
city. A large group staying at a competitor hotel next door moved to the
Marriott-operated hotel because it had better security. “To me, that validated
what I’d been trying to tell that owner,” Orlob reflected.
Those validating moments are rare. More often, business leaders have a
hard time knowing whether all these costs are “worth it”; political risk
management often entails anticipating bad things and taking action so those
bad things never actually occur.
In early 2011, for example, a number of major cruise lines, including
Disney and Holland America, pulled out of the Mexican port city of
Mazatlán, rerouting ships to other destinations. Their principal concern:
Reports of rising drug-related violence suggested increasing risks that
passengers on shore excursions could become victims of wrong-
place/wrong-time crime. Did these companies’ decisions actually prevent
dangerous incidents involving their customers? Nobody will ever know for
Similarly, in 2015, Universal Studios announced a multibillion-dollar
joint venture deal with a Chinese state-owned consortium to open a
Hollywood theme park in Beijing.15 Even though Universal owned a
minority stake in the joint venture, the company ensured that it would have
complete control over the compliance system required by the U.S. Foreign
Corrupt Practices Act. Universal’s position was about prevention—ensuring
that American lawyers and American executives had clear responsibility
and authority for managing compliance with a far-reaching set of legal
requirements from the get-go.16 Was this decision a worthwhile measure
that prevented the occurrence of violations, or was it an unnecessarily
cautious and overly costly move? Time probably will not tell.
The trouble with nonevents is that it is often impossible to know what
caused them not to occur. Intelligence agencies are all too familiar with this
challenge. Suppose one country’s intelligence agency warns the president
that another country appears to be readying for a surprise attack. The
president hears this message and takes some sort of action—maybe he
begins to mobilize troops, or he sends a back-channel diplomatic message
to the adversary. No attack occurs. Does this mean the intelligence warning
was successful, prompting action that prevented an attack? Maybe. Or
perhaps the adversary had no intention of attacking in the first place. Maybe
they were bluffing to gain leverage in a negotiation. Or they were simply
conducting a military exercise, in which case the intelligence warning of a
surprise attack was just a false alarm all along.
This actually happened back in 1983, when the United States conducted
a large NATO nuclear exercise called Able Archer that the Soviets
mistakenly interpreted to be preparations for a surprise nuclear strike,
triggering a series of responses that could have spiraled into war. Recently
declassified documents reveal that this was a hair-trigger moment, the
closest the two superpowers had come to nuclear war since the Cuban
Missile Crisis of 1962.17
The point here is that in the anticipation business, whether it’s about
cruise ships in Mexico or cruise missiles in Europe, success can be difficult
to discern. Warnings can be harmless false alarms. They can be harmful
false alarms that inadvertently lead both sides tumbling into bad outcomes.
Or they can be true alarms that prod action forestalling disaster. In
retrospect, we may never know which is the case.
For all of these reasons—our natural aversion to hearing bad news and
the need for senior-level leadership to overcome it within organizations, the
fact that political risk entails costs without measurable profits, and the
difficulty of knowing whether any political risk analysis was “worth it”—
rewarding good political risk management is hard. As one executive told us,
“Nobody gets credit for fixing problems that never happened.”

2. Hard to understand
Humans are terrible when it comes to probabilities. Americans are far more
afraid of dying in a shark attack than in a car accident, even though fatal car
crashes are about sixty thousand times more likely.18 In fact, many things
are more likely causes of death than shark attacks, including being trampled
in a Black Friday sale or falling off a ladder.19
A large part of this tendency to miscalculate probabilities is caused by
common mental shortcuts, called heuristics, that often make decision-
making easier and more efficient but can lead to serious errors.
Psychologists Amos Tversky and Daniel Kahneman (who later won the
Nobel Prize in Economics) were pioneers in this field. One of their most
important findings was called the “availability heuristic.” The idea is that
people tend to judge the frequency of an event based on how many similar
instances they can readily recall. Horrifying events that stick in one’s mind
are easier to remember than mundane ones. That’s why people fear airplane
crashes more than automobile accidents and Ebola more than influenza—
even though airplanes are estimated to be seventy times safer than cars; and
the worst Ebola outbreak killed about eleven thousand people worldwide
from 2014 to 2016, while influenza, the common flu, killed between half a
million and a million people during the same period.20 The availability
heuristic explains why we tend to attribute higher probabilities to events we
hear about in the news—like shark attacks—than to more likely events like
cardiac arrest or car crashes.21
The most controversial and best-known experiment that Kahneman and
Tversky did together to show how human processing shortcuts can short-
circuit accurate probability calculations was called the “Linda experiment.”
Participants were told about an imaginary woman named Linda. She was
described this way:

Linda is 31 years old, single, outspoken and very bright. She majored
in philosophy. As a student, she was deeply concerned with the issue
of discrimination and social justice, and also participated in
antinuclear demonstrations.

Participants were then asked which was more probable:

(1) Linda is a bank teller; or

(2) Linda is a bank teller and is active in the feminist movement.22

Between 85 and 90 percent of participants in the Linda experiment

chose (2). In Kahneman’s words, this outcome was totally “contrary to
logic.”23 Because every feminist bank teller is a bank teller, (1) always has
a higher probability of being true.
Or consider the “birthday trick,” which is a fan favorite in math circles
and even stumped Johnny Carson when he was hosting The Tonight Show.24
The birthday trick asks: How many people would it take to make the odds
that any two people share a birthday 50/50? The answer is that it takes just
twenty-three people. Really. The human mind is bad with matching
numbers to feelings about likelihood.
For decades, psychologists have found “desirability” or “optimism” bias
in everything from business investments to sports contests to political
events and calculations of personal risk.25 People tend to expect that their
investments will perform better than average;26 that good future events will
happen more to themselves than to others;27 that their favorite sports team
has a higher chance of winning than it actually does;28 and that their
preferred presidential candidate will win an election even when the polls
suggest otherwise.29 In the 1932 presidential election, for example, 93
percent of Roosevelt supporters predicted Roosevelt would win, while 73
percent of Hoover supporters thought Hoover would win.30 A few years
ago, Wharton professors Joseph Simmons and Cade Massey conducted an
experiment with National Football League fans to see if this bias would
persist even if individuals were given financial incentives to predict more
accurately. They asked participants to predict the winner of a single NFL
game. Half of the participants predicted a game involving their favorite
team. The other half predicted a game involving two neutral teams. Even
when participants were offered up to $50 to correctly predict the winner,
fans still overpredicted victories and underpredicted losses involving their
favorite teams. Simmons and Massey found that optimism bias persisted
even “in the face of large incentives to be accurate.”31
Condi fully understands this because she experiences optimism bias at
the start of every NFL football season. The Cleveland Browns haven’t won
a championship since she was nine. But every year, she believes that
they’ve turned things around. She’ll even utter the words, “I’ll only go to
that game if the Browns are in the play-offs.”
Optimism bias helps explain why financial markets, political leaders,
and so many experts were all stunned by the United Kingdom’s June 23,
2016, vote to leave the European Union. For weeks before the “Brexit”
referendum, polls consistently showed a very tight contest. Of the thirty-
five polls conducted in the weeks before the referendum, seventeen showed
the “Leave” campaign ahead, and fifteen showed the “Remain” side
ahead.32 Based on the Huffington Post’s polling average, the Remain side
had just a 0.5-point lead. Take a look at this Bloomberg screenshot of
aggregated polls that Amy captured a week after the vote. Bloomberg notes
that right up to the end, it was “still too close to call.” The average polls on
June 21 in fact showed the Leave campaign with a slight edge, with 10
percent of voters still undecided.
Bloomberg / Number Cruncher

Brexit was never actually a long shot. But many, it seems, were hoping
that the U.K. would never really leave Europe, and looked only at the bright
side of the numbers they saw. The betting markets put “Remain” at 88
percent just hours before the vote. Optimism bias made Brexit seem like a
low-probability event even though it wasn’t.
Finally, political risks are susceptible to being considered in isolation,
making them appear to have lower probabilities than they actually do over
the longer term or in the bigger picture. In the last chapter, we talked about
cumulative risk to supply chains, noting that the risk of disruption in any
one node of a supply chain may be low, but the cumulative risk of
disruption across the entire supply chain for a company over time is much,
much higher. This is also true of political risks more generally.
Let’s take another look at our political risk list.

Ten Types of Political Risk

Geopolitics: Interstate wars, great power shifts, multilateral economic
sanctions and interventions
Internal conflict: Social unrest, ethnic violence, migration,
nationalism, separatism, federalism, civil wars, coups, revolutions
Laws, regulations, policies: Changes in foreign ownership rules,
taxation, environmental regulations, national laws
Breaches of contract: Government reneging on contracts, including
expropriations and politically motivated credit defaults
Corruption: Discriminatory taxation, systemic bribery
Extraterritorial reach: Unilateral sanctions, criminal investigations
and prosecutions
Natural resource manipulation: Politically motivated changes in
supply of energy, rare earth minerals
Social activism: Events or opinions that “go viral,” facilitating
collective action
Terrorism: Politically motivated threats or use of violence against
persons, property
Cyber threats: Theft or destruction of intellectual property,
espionage, extortion, massive disruption of companies,
industries, governments, societies

We know that many of these political risks seem like low-probability

events. Considered in isolation, many of them are. The chance that an
American will be killed by a foreign-born terrorist is about 1 in 45,808—
more remote than the odds that they will die from a heat wave or by
choking on food.33 No EU member state has experienced a revolution or
coup in thirty-five years. But here’s the thing: While the probability that a
single political risk will affect Company A’s business in a particular city
tomorrow may be low, the overall probability that some political risk will
significantly affect Company A’s business in any one of its key locations
over some period of time is surprisingly high. Add up a string of rare events
and you will find that the overall incidence is not so rare after all.
Yossi Sheffi, a professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
zeroed in on the importance of cumulative risk in his book The Resilient
Enterprise. Sheffi describes how General Motors executives came to a
startling realization when they took a closer look at disruptions to the
company’s supply chain from both natural disasters and man-made ones. In
2003, GM’s enterprise risk management team compiled a list of rare events
that could disrupt the supply chain and then systematically asked managers
how many of these events had actually occurred during the previous twelve
months. The answer: quite a lot. “We went through the list and checked off,
‘Yeah, we’ve had that one’ and ‘Yeah, we’ve had that one, too,’” said GM’s
Debra Elkins, senior research engineer in manufacturing systems research.
One GM plant was even hit by a tornado. As Sheffi notes, “While the
likelihood for any one event that would have an impact on any one facility
or supplier is small, the collective chance that some part of the supply chain
will face some type of disruption is high.”34

“While the likelihood for any one event that would have an
impact on any one facility or supplier is small, the collective
chance that some part of the supply chain will face some type
of disruption is high.”
—Yossi Sheffi, The Resilient Enterprise

When it comes to political risks, this is particularly true, because of the

availability heuristic. News headlines tell us what’s happening now, not
patterns over time, so patterns over time can go unrecognized until it’s too
late. In chapter 2, we mentioned credit defaults and how Greece suddenly
defaulted when Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras came to office in 2015. The
default seemed to be a shocking bolt from the blue. It shouldn’t have been.
Mike Tomz and Mark L. J. Wright found that in the 1980s, about fifty
countries, making up 40 percent of all nations owing money to foreign
creditors at the time, failed to pay them fully, on schedule. Looking at
defaults from 1820 to 2004, Tomz and Wright found that new defaults arose
every decade. Since the end of the Napoleonic Wars, 106 countries have
defaulted a total of 250 times. And a handful of countries have been serial
defaulters. Ecuador and Honduras have defaulted a total of 120 times since
the 1820s.35 Defaults surprise investors more often than they should.
Terrorism is also not nearly as geographically isolated as you might
think from following the news. According to the global terrorism database,
in 2014 terrorists waged more than sixteen thousand attacks worldwide. The
vast majority occurred in Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, and Israel. That’s not a
surprise. But this probably is: Ukraine, Somalia, and India each reported
more than eight hundred terrorist attacks that year; the United Kingdom
was home to more than one hundred terrorist attacks by various groups; and
forty-seven countries (including China, the United States, South Africa, and
Germany) experienced ten or more terrorist attacks in 2014. That’s nearly a
quarter of all the countries in the world.36
The first step toward good political risk management is being brutally
honest about the political risks your business confronts. Understanding risks
requires overcoming blind spots. Mistaking easily recalled events for likely
ones, believing desirable outcomes are more probable than they are,
confusing low probability and zero probability, and overlooking cumulative
risks are big ones.

3. Hard to measure
We have just discussed how political risks are hard to understand even
when they are measured and depicted clearly, in quantitative terms, like
Brexit polls. This is the best-case scenario. Many political risks are hard to
measure quantitatively at all. Where financial risk can be more easily
modeled and assessed using metrics like GDP per capita, labor supply,
demographics, interest rates, and exchange rates, political risk is qualitative.
It’s squishy. It requires a sense of the corruption, regime stability, policy
stability, social cleavages, the national mood, cultural norms, geopolitics,
domestic politics, and the motives and capabilities of everyone from
national leaders to neighborhood associations to nongovernmental
organizations and transnational groups. (Sure, there are fragile state indices
and other tools that attempt to provide quantitative baselines and trends for
some of these key factors. But as we note later, these tools should be used
with care, since they tend to record national measures while a great deal of
political risk arises at the local level, and they provide snapshots in time
that can mask important trends.)
Perhaps the squishiest of these squishy qualitative factors involves
political intentions. Intelligence officials have long known that assessing the
intentions of others is the toughest kind of information to get right. Sherman
Kent, a Yale professor and one of the founding fathers of the Central
Intelligence Agency’s analytic branch, famously wrote in 1964 that there
are three types of information for intelligence analysis. The first is
indisputable facts, information that is knowable and known by the
organization. A modern-day example is the number of aircraft carriers
China currently operates (the answer is two). The second category consists
of information that is knowable but happens to be unknown to the
organization. So, for example, the CIA may know that China operates an
aircraft carrier called the Liaoning, but no American has ever captained that
ship, so the Liaoning’s performance characteristics under various conditions
can be estimated but not known with certainty. The third category is
information that is not knowable to anyone. This is the realm of intentions
and decisions that have not yet been taken. An example here would be how
long the Chinese Communist Party will remain in power.37
This third category, the unknowable realm of intentions and future
decisions, is where the rubber meets the road for businesses managing
political risk. The cruise lines we mentioned earlier in the chapter had to
consider whether drug violence in Mexico would rise or decline, and
whether it would affect passengers onshore. For Universal Studios, the big
question was whether Chinese partners had the will and capability to
comply fully with American antibribery laws on their own. More generally,
political risk considerations for companies often hinge on assessing
intentions: Will Burma’s political liberalization continue? Will Iran cheat on
the nuclear deal, triggering snapback multilateral sanctions? Will
Colombia’s historic peace deal with the Revolutionary Armed Forces of
Colombia (FARC) hold, sustaining an end to half a century of violence
there? These are questions that the principal political actors themselves are
probably not able to answer. And even if they could, they may very well be
wrong. People often assess their own intentions incorrectly. They call off
weddings, cancel vacations, switch jobs, vote for different presidential
candidates than they had originally planned to—because their views and
interests change, their options shift, and events intervene. Assessing others’
intentions is even more difficult than assessing your own. And remember
that in international politics, leaders have an interest in deceiving others
about what their true intentions are.38
Political risk is also hard to measure because it often entails anticipating
events that may have a low probability of occurring but that would involve
major consequences for the business if they ever did occur.
Risk always has two components: the likelihood that an event will
transpire and the expected impact if it does.

Risk has two components: likelihood and impact.

Risk assessments that focus on one without the other aren’t worth much.
Cyber threats, for example, are everywhere. Companies know that if they
have not been breached already, they will be. It is only a matter of time. Yet
few companies have a good idea of what the impact of a breach could be.
And as we noted earlier, even fewer have stress tested their systems and
policies to illuminate vulnerabilities and develop robust defense and
response capabilities. The probability of cyber threats is known. The impact
is not. Conversely, Brexit was clearly a high-impact event. The probability
of its occurrence proved harder for analysts to gauge.
Low-probability/high-impact events are especially tricky. It is always
harder to anticipate unusual events than typical ones. Weather forecasting,
diagnosing medical diseases, analyzing intelligence, assessing political risks
to businesses—these endeavors are particularly prone to outlier mistakes
because they are geared toward tracking the most likely outcomes, not the
most consequential ones. Judgment hinges, either explicitly or implicitly, on
historical data. Professionals assess a specific case by examining
accumulated evidence of what happened in similar instances in the past.
The average temperature of a given city comes from tracking daily
temperatures over many years. Medical diagnoses require linking an
individual patient’s symptoms with the most common illnesses that tend to
produce them. In intelligence, analysts typically judge an adversary’s future
behavior based on its past behavior. Businesses assess whether the
regulatory environment tomorrow will resemble the regulatory environment
today. The process ensures that evidence, not wild guessing, informs
judgment. But it also leads the analyst away from outliers. A weather
forecaster will predict typical temperatures with ease, but is likely to miss
predicting an unseasonably cold spell. Even the best doctors often miss rare
diseases. “Investors should be skeptical of history-based models,” Warren
Buffett wrote to his Berkshire Hathaway shareholders after the 2008
financial crisis. After the company posted its worst performance in four
decades, Buffett offered unsparing criticism, reflection, and some golden
advice: “Beware of geeks bearing formulas.”39

“Beware of geeks bearing formulas.”

—Warren Buffett, CEO of Berkshire Hathaway

Predicting sunshine in Los Angeles is no great achievement. Predicting

L.A.’s once-a-decade snowfall, however, would be impressive. The more
frequently something occurs, the more likely you will accurately predict its
occurrence in the future. It’s the outliers that get you into trouble. The same
is true for medicine. Because most patients most of the time with a certain
set of symptoms suffer from the same illness, good doctors are trained to
look for statistically likely diagnoses. Rare cases are the most difficult and
often the most dangerous. Statistical realities naturally steer the estimator to
look for the most frequent occurrences. Outliers, by definition, lie at the tail
end of a distribution curve.
In politics, outliers are especially problematic because often there just
isn’t the information to judge what a “typical” or likely outcome might be.
Doctors can diagnose the flu easily because there is a rich store of historical
data that show if a patient has certain symptoms, she probably has the flu.
But imagine that instead of diagnosing the flu, you’re running a company
that is investing in Iran and you want to know what the likelihood is that
Iran will cheat on the 2016 nuclear deal, subjecting your investment to
renewed sanctions. What can historical data tell us about the likely behavior
of nuclear aspirants under these circumstances? Almost nothing. Only nine
countries in the world have nuclear weapons.40 Five got the bomb so long
ago that nobody had yet landed on the moon. North Korea is the most
recent nuclear power, but the Hermit Kingdom is not a generalizable model
for anything. The only country that ever developed a nuclear arsenal and
then voluntarily dismantled it is South Africa 41—in large part because
apartheid was crumbling and the outgoing white regime feared putting the
bomb in the hands of a black government. A few other countries explored
elements of a nuclear program but never developed a weapon, for a host of
reasons that included American security guarantees, strong U.S. pressure,
and domestic regime change.42 Weather forecasting or medical diagnosis
this isn’t. Major political events occur so infrequently that the evidence base
for predicting the future based on the past is thin.
These kinds of events are known as “black swans.” Nassim Taleb
popularized the term in his 2007 book of the same name. Black swans are
consequential events for which the underlying probability distribution is
simply not known, or at least not known with any degree of certainty or
reliability. In Taleb’s words, “Nothing in the past can convincingly point to
[a black swan’s] possibility.”43 Most of us just think of black swans as
major events we never saw coming, like earthquakes. Calling something a
black swan has become shorthand for saying, “It’s totally unpredictable. We
can’t do anything about it.”
This conventional wisdom about black swans is important to bear in
mind, but it is equally important to put into perspective. Political risks often
do not have the historical data required for good probability assessments.
But many do have three things going for them that make them easier to
anticipate than earthquakes or other “throw up your hands, it’s a black
swan, nothing can be done” pure bolts from the blue: (1) Political events are
man-made, not acts of God; (2) political events require people acting in
some sort of concert, and this can leave telltale signs for those who are
paying attention before major events arise; and (3) with political events,
anticipating directionality is often enough.44 Companies, for example, do
not have to pinpoint Vladimir Putin’s departure date to know that Russian
authoritarianism is likely to continue for the next several years. Similarly,
CEOs do not need to be able to predict the exact time, place, manner, and
perpetrator behind the next cyber attack to realize that cyber threats are
growing more prevalent and serious, and that they require serious C-suite
So while some black swans are political risk events, let’s not get too
carried away. Squishiness, intentions, and black swans all make political
risk hard to measure but not impossible to handle.

4. Hard to update
It is one thing to assess political risk at the time a company is making its
initial decision to move into a foreign market. It’s quite another to update
that assessment so that management stays ahead of the curve. Ian Bremmer,
president and founder of the political risk consultancy Eurasia Group, found
that while 69 percent of firms analyzed political risks for a new investment,
only 27 percent monitored political risk once the investment had been
made.45 A business analyst from a major private equity fund told us the
same thing. Examining investments over a period of several years, he was
stunned when he could not find a single instance where the firm had
updated its political risk analysis after making an initial investment.
Companies often fail to ask, “What’s changed?” before it’s too late. “People
assume things will continue this way forever, but frequently the consensus
is wrong,” notes J. Tomilson Hill, president and CEO of Blackstone
Alternative Asset Management, one of the most successful hedge funds in
the world. Blackstone ensures that its political risk analysis is updated by
including views that challenge the status quo. “We always include a
contrarian view in our scenarios, looking at what can go wrong,” Hill told
While most companies do not update enough, there is also the risk of
updating too much, which can desensitize leaders. Dubbed the “cry wolf”
syndrome by intelligence scholars and the “normalization of deviance” by
sociologists, the basic idea is that humans frequently take false comfort in
false alarms.46 The more often prior warnings turn out to be nothing, the
more current warnings are dismissed.
For several months preceding Japan’s December 7, 1941, surprise attack
on Pearl Harbor, American military officials, including those at the Hawaii
base, were warned that Japan might launch a surprise attack. But the more
warnings they received, the less they paid attention. The Army commander
in Hawaii received word on November 27, 1941, that Japanese officials in
Honolulu were burning their secret codes. He had received many similar
reports over the year, and this one did not seem especially serious. Admiral
Kimmel and his staff were so tired of checking out false reports of Japanese
submarines near Pearl Harbor that Admiral Stark stopped sending new
reports to them.47
The cry wolf syndrome explains why NASA engineers disregarded
warning signs that the space shuttle’s O-rings were cracking in cold weather
conditions, a design weakness that ultimately caused the Challenger
disaster in 1986.48 And it explains why seventeen years later, NASA again
assumed away indicators of looming disaster. NASA officials concluded
that foam debris shedding from the external fuel tank during launch
probably would not be a problem for STS-107, since shedding during liftoff
happened so frequently. It wasn’t supposed to happen at all. This time, a
piece of debris knocked heat shield tiles off the leading edge of the shuttle
wing, causing Columbia to explode on reentry, killing all seven passengers
on board.49
The cry wolf syndrome is common. Ever hear a funny noise in your car?
The first time, it seems alarming. After living with it for a few days,
however, you think it must not be so serious after all. You tell yourself the
car seems to be running just fine. You grow accustomed to the noise. After
a while you don’t notice it anymore. And maybe the car really is fine. Or
maybe the funny noise is an indication that the car is about to experience a
major malfunction. Which is exactly what happened to Amy when she
ignored a strange sound in her car for several weeks until it broke down on
the 405 highway in Los Angeles, at night, “without warning.”
Like military leaders, NASA engineers, and everyday drivers, CEOs
have to work hard to address the cry wolf syndrome. Risk updates have to
strike the balance between too little warning and too much.

5. Hard to communicate
Even if political risk management is rewarded, even if it is well understood,
and even if it is measured and updated well, conveying risk to others is still
fraught with challenges. Political risk is hard to communicate.
We use the following mini-exercise in class every year to send this point
home: Imagine we offered you a pill that would enable you to look your
very best for the rest of your life. Picture your ideal weight, your favorite
age, your best haircut. If you took our pill once, you could keep that look
for the rest of your life. The pill is guaranteed to be 99.9 percent safe, with
no side effects. How many of you would take it?
In class, every hand usually shoots up except for one or two perennial
Now imagine that we told you the pill has a 1-in-1,000 chance of
causing instant death. If you take it, 1 in 1,000 of you will drop dead, right
here, right now. The other 999 will look your best for as long as you live.
How many of you would agree to take the pill now?
Only a few hands go up.
Statistically speaking, 99.9 percent safe and 1-in-1,000 risk of death are
exactly the same. But 99.9 percent safe sure sounds a lot better than having
a 1-in-1,000 chance of instant death.
The beauty pill exercise underscores just how important risk
communication is, even among Stanford MBAs with exceptional math
skills. The same person will make a very different call depending on how a
risk is presented.
Now imagine communicating risk between two people who may come
at political risk from different jobs, vantage points, risk appetites, cultures,
or expectations about the future.50 In the 1990s, an American naval officer
and a Chinese naval officer were discussing China’s aspiration to acquire an
aircraft carrier. The Chinese admiral said he thought China would get a
carrier “in the near future.” The American admiral then asked, “When
exactly?” The Chinese admiral replied, “Sometime before 2050.” Near
future for the American officer was not anything close to near future for the
Chinese admiral.
Condi remembers a moment when the same information was viewed
quite differently by two individual American intelligence agencies, with
potentially grave consequences for international security. It was December
2001, just a few months after the September 11 attacks. Condi, who was
national security adviser at the time, and the rest of President Bush’s foreign
policy team were facing another international crisis, this time unfolding on
the Indian subcontinent. On December 13, five men carrying AK-47s and
grenades led an attack on the Indian Parliament House in New Delhi, killing
nine people. The Indian government suspected that the attack came from
Lashkar-e-Taiba, one of the largest terrorist organizations operating in
South Asia and believed to receive support from the ISI, Pakistan’s main
intelligence agency. Under enormous pressure from the United States and
Britain, Pakistani president Pervez Musharraf condemned the attacks and
sent a letter of condolence to the Indian government. But Musharraf also
issued a warning to India to not take any escalatory actions or else they
would face “very serious repercussions.” The warning did not sit well with
New Delhi, and within a few days, military preparations were under way in
the region. It was a mobilization effort that would eventually result in
nearly a million troops facing off across the border between two nuclear
nations with deep-seated animosity, a war-torn history, and nuclear arsenals
held in a near-constant state of alert.
Condi recalls that the National Security Council (NSC) meeting held in
the Situation Room in the wake of the attack felt extremely tense, perhaps
more so than on any other day since the 9/11 terrorist attacks in New York,
Washington, and Pennsylvania. Pakistan and India, both nuclear powers,
appeared on the brink of war.51 The NSC called on the Pentagon and the
Central Intelligence Agency to assess the likelihood. Looking at the exact
same events unfolding on the ground, the Pentagon and the CIA offered
different answers. The Defense Department—which was largely relying on
reporting and analysis from the Defense Intelligence Agency—saw the
military mobilization at the border as what any country, including the
United States, would do under the same circumstances: Pentagon
intelligence analysts saw the buildup as routine and not necessarily an
indication of anything more serious.52
The CIA, on the other hand, believed that armed conflict was
unavoidable. It assessed that India had already decided to “punish”
Pakistan, and that Islamabad probably felt the same way. The CIA had
become reliant on Pakistani sources in its efforts to fight the Taliban and al-
Qaeda in neighboring Afghanistan, and this deeper understanding of the
Pakistani mind-set may have informed the CIA’s assessment of Pakistan’s
unfolding conflict with India.53
Looking back on the situation now, Condi recalls that the president and
other NSC principals were frustrated by the wide gap between the two
agencies’ assessments. It was clear that where you stood depended on
where you sat. Despite the fact that both agencies were looking at the same
events, the Defense Department approached the conflict through a military
lens. On the other hand, the CIA was informed by the relationships it had
fostered with Pakistani intelligence sources in the few months since 9/11.
The gap in the assessments showed that even when two groups are looking
at identical events, the meaning of those events is colored through
organizational lenses. While the CIA and the Pentagon were using some of
their own sources of intelligence, senior leaders were attending the same
meetings and seeing all available intelligence—yet coming to different
conclusions. The same information at the same moment can mean different
things to different people even when the stakes are high and everyone
shares a fervent desire to “get it right.” Communicating risk is hard.54

Surveys find that executives consider political risk

management essential but elusive.

The “Five Hards” explain why. Political risk is hard to reward,

hard to understand, hard to measure, hard to update, and
hard to communicate.
Nobody gets credit for fixing problems that never happened.
Humans are susceptible to cognitive biases that distort their
probability calculations. Brexit, for example, was not a long-
shot event, but most observers believed that it was.
Political risk often involves hard-to-measure qualitative factors
like social cleavages and leaders’ intentions.
Many companies do not update political risk assessments
once an investment decision is made.
The same data can mean very different things to different
Moving Beyond Intuition: Our Political Risk Framework

We now turn from examining political risk to managing it. In the first
half of the book, we surveyed twenty-first-century political risks; the
megatrends in business, technology, and politics driving them; and the
cognitive and organizational barriers that make political risk management
so challenging. In this half of the book, we offer a step-by-step framework
to overcome these barriers and institute effective risk management. No one
model fits all. Risks are always context-specific. Extractive industries like
oil and gas companies must contend with large long-tail investments that
last thirty years or more and cannot be moved or removed easily. By
contrast, consumer-facing industries like hotel chains, cruise lines, and
theme parks are particularly susceptible to reputational risks and typically
have lower risk appetites as a result. Risk tools come in many varieties, too.
As we will see, some companies like Paychex systematically examine
political risk across the senior levels of the company in a highly structured
process they call the “Tournament of Risk.” A prominent investment firm
conveys fundamentals to employees in a simple way that is easy to
remember. Every investor in every decision is trained to ask: “What if we
are wrong?” Some companies hire outside risk consultants to provide
analysis and advice when they need it. Others rely largely on in-house units.
Many employ a hybrid approach.
Our goal is to provide you with a way of thinking about political risk—
an overarching framework to improve political risk management no matter
what market you may be considering, what industry you may be in, or what
size company you may be operating. The framework is intended to be broad
enough to be generalizable but specific enough to be actionable. Companies
can acquire an edge if they get the basics right. The basics come down to
four core competencies: understanding risks, analyzing risks, mitigating the
residual risks that cannot be eliminated, and then putting in place a response
capability that enables effective crisis management and continuous learning.

Political Risk Framework

Effective political risk management takes work. It takes a team. It takes

practice. It takes time. It takes commitment from the top. And it takes self-
awareness to know what your organization’s strategy is, how political risk
and opportunity fit into it, what your organization does well, what it
doesn’t, and how to narrow the gap.
For each step in the framework, we provide three guiding questions that
everyone in the organization should ask. Good risk management starts with
asking the right questions. Not a million questions. Not a hundred. Not even
twenty. Just three at each step. These questions do not cover everything, but
they cover the most important things.
In each of the next chapters, we take one part of the risk framework and
dive more deeply into its guiding questions, with examples of organizations
that performed these risk management steps well and some that did not.

Guiding Questions for Effective Risk Management

Understand: 1. What is my organization’s political risk appetite?

Analyze: 1. How can we get good information about the political
risks we face?
Mitigate: 1. How can we reduce exposure to the risks we have
Respond: 1. Are we capitalizing on near misses?

Understand: 2. Is there a shared understanding of our risk appetite?

If not, how can we foster one?
Analyze: 2. How can we ensure rigorous analysis?
Mitigate: 2. Do we have a good system in place for timely warning
and action?
Respond: 2. Are we reacting effectively to crises?

Understand: 3. How can we reduce blind spots?

Analyze: 3. How can we integrate political risk analysis into
business decisions?
Mitigate: 3. How can we limit the damage when something bad
Respond: 3. Are we developing mechanisms for continuous

All organizations want to manage political risks. The ones that do it well
work hard to see risks coming; they’re alert. They deploy resources against
priorities—whether it’s talent, capital, or mindshare at the top. And they
know what to do when bad things happen because they have already stress
tested their response systems, incentivized the right people and actions, and
created feedback loops for continuous learning.
To get us started with an overview of how all of these steps fit together,
let’s take a closer look at SeaWorld’s Blackfish crisis, which we introduced
in chapter 1, and compare it to another company’s crisis—Royal Caribbean
International cruise line’s decision to send ships to Haiti immediately after a
devastating earthquake there.1 At first glance, both companies looked like
they were in trouble. Events surprised executives and both companies were
lambasted in the press as callous corporations profiting off the misery of
others. Royal Caribbean International and SeaWorld faced attacks that
“went viral” on the Internet. Things seemed to be spinning out of control.
But as we will see, Royal Caribbean International quickly recovered while
SeaWorld did not. Differences in political risk management help explain

Royal Caribbean International and the 2010 Haiti Earthquake

On January 12, 2010, a 7.0 magnitude earthquake hit the impoverished
Caribbean nation of Haiti, killing an estimated 200,000 people, injuring
another 250,000, and leaving more than a million homeless.2 Three days
later, a Royal Caribbean International cruise ship named Independence of
the Seas landed in the Haitian port of Labadee, sending 3,000 passengers to
swim and bask on a beautiful private beach there, just eighty-five miles
from the hard-hit capital of Port-au-Prince. It was the first of four Royal
Caribbean International cruise ships to dock in Labadee within the next few
days, stops that had all been planned before the earthquake struck.3

Melanie Stetson Freeman/Christian Science Monitor via Getty

Marcelo Casal Jr./ABr.

Public reaction was immediate and blistering. News headlines and blogs
excoriated the cruise line for vacationing next to (and profiting from) such
suffering. While passengers saw gorgeous sand beaches and turquoise
coves, news organizations posted pictures of makeshift tents and squalid
conditions. The tabloid New York Post’s headline screamed “Ship of
Ghouls” and noted that passengers were jet skiing and sipping rum “a mere
60 miles south of the earthquake’s epicenter—where mountains of decaying
bodies foul the air and traumatized residents scrounge for food.”4
Adam Goldstein is the president and chief operating officer of Royal
Caribbean International’s parent company, Royal Caribbean Cruises, Ltd.5
The parent company is the world’s second-largest cruise line operator,
serving more than fifty million customers a year in 490 destinations with
more than forty ships representing six cruise line brands, including the
flagship Royal Caribbean International line.6 Goldstein remembers vividly
what it was like when the earthquake hit. “There was some remarkable
hostility that we encountered,” he told us. “I remember driving home one
night, doing a rush-hour radio interview with the Canadian Broadcasting
Corporation, and they could not comprehend that we would be willing to
send our ships to Haiti. They were simply dumbfounded. It’s the most
hostility I’ve ever encountered in an interview.”
But the tide soon turned. Within days, National Public Radio and ABC
News ran stories highlighting how the company was in fact docking at the
request of the Haitian government, bringing desperately needed
humanitarian relief and economic development.7 Newsweek reported that
despite the controversy, “most passengers and cruise enthusiasts seem to
support Royal Caribbean’s decisions: A company representative said that 85
percent of guests who docked at Labadee ultimately went ashore.”8
Goldstein remembers that one news source sent a reporter on one of the
company’s Haiti-bound cruise ships to investigate. “The journalist talked to
one of the workers on our site,” Goldstein recalled, “and the guy said, ‘If
the ship doesn’t come then we don’t eat.’ And the journalist published that
comment. That was the end of it. When that worker said, ‘If the ship
doesn’t come then we don’t eat,’ people understood the economic aspect
was so dependent on our ships. They understood that for us to withdraw
would amplify the poverty of people in the north and potentially create a
hunger situation there while people in the south were dealing with a
calamity—and that would be a really bad idea.” Around the same time, a
survey of forty-seven hundred people conducted by the website Cruise
Critic found that two-thirds of respondents agreed with the company’s
decision to proceed with scheduled cruises.”9 Leslie Gaines-Ross, a leading
reputation strategist, found that in the end, “Royal Caribbean’s decision not
to halt cruises in the area soon began to be seen less as a callous action and
more as a brave, well-considered attempt to help.”10
How did Royal Caribbean International weather the reputational storm
of continuing its luxury vacation business in a poverty-stricken destination
facing a grave natural disaster? This was not simply a matter of following
well-crafted talking points and providing some humanitarian assistance.
The company did much more than execute a crisis response plan well. It
took political risk management seriously years before the earthquake struck.
And because Royal Caribbean International had developed the core
competencies to handle man-made political risks in Haiti, it was well
positioned to deal with a natural disaster there, too.
Haiti was hardly an ideal tourist destination to begin with. For decades,
the country had been shaken by political violence, instability, and poverty.
The Duvalier era, which lasted from 1957 to 1986, was marked by
corruption and widespread human rights abuses. Haiti has struggled to
transition to democracy ever since, with coups in 1991 and 2004, and more
recently with stalled progress toward democratic elections in 2015 and
In addition to political turmoil, Haiti has suffered endemic poverty. Even
before the earthquake, it was the poorest nation in the Western Hemisphere
and ranked among the poorest in the world. In 2005, about 70 percent of
Haitians lived on less than two dollars per day. Half the population was
classified as malnourished, and one-third of children were not enrolled in
school. In the capital of Port-au-Prince, the vast majority of residents lived
in slum conditions: Half the city’s population lacked access to bathroom
facilities and a third had no access to running water.12
In short, sending vacationing tourists to a country racked by political
instability, repression, corruption, violence, and extreme deprivation posed
reputational risks to Royal Caribbean International even without a natural
disaster.13 As Jean Cyril Pressoir, a Haiti tour operator, put it, “For a long
time, tourism was almost taboo in Haiti.”14
Nevertheless, starting in the 1980s, Royal Caribbean International began
a long-term relationship with Haiti to develop a private, gated luxury beach
destination there. The decision was originally driven by geography: Royal
Caribbean Cruises founder and president Edwin “Ed” Stephan wanted to
develop an “out island” destination along a seven-night cruise route from
Miami to Puerto Rico, Saint Thomas, and back. “He was the real motivating
factor,” recalls Peter Whelpton, a Royal Caribbean International executive
who spent thirty years in the company and was the key player in the
development of Labadee. “Ed dreamed the dream and I was the guy that
went into the woods and made it a reality.” Whelpton looked all over the
Caribbean for a suitable location. “There really was nothing,” he recalled.
“There were lots of islands but they didn’t fit our needs. The ones that fit
our needs, the owners didn’t want to sell.” Then Pierre Chauvet, a Haitian
friend of Whelpton’s who had been integrally involved in the country’s
tourism industry, suggested Labadee. At first Whelpton was skeptical. “I
said, ‘Come on. Haiti? It’s the poorest nation in the world.’ But Pierre said
he wouldn’t lead me astray. So I went and took a look.”
What Whelpton found was an idyllic beach that was so inaccessible by
road at the time, he had to borrow a helicopter from the Haitian government
and bring along a military general to get there. The good news was that the
poorly maintained mountain road to Labadee meant it was far from the
turmoil in Port-au-Prince. The bad news was that Labadee was a mess.
“There were cinder blocks piled to the roof, rusted and abandoned trucks, a
thousand toilets, cows roaming around eating grass,” Whelpton recalled.
There was no running water, no electricity. They would have to develop
Stephan’s “out island” from scratch. “If you could overlook the mess, it was
beautiful,” said Whelpton.
At first, local residents were concerned that the development would
drive farmers and fishermen off the land and feared the company would
reap all of the economic benefits, leaving few jobs or economic gains for
Haitian residents.15 Labadee, in fact, was designed to be a tropical oasis that
would seem worlds away from the impoverished country. Eventually it
grew to include a roller coaster, zip line, aqua park, eight-hundred-foot pier,
and cabanas lining a pristine beach where passengers could vacation in style
in an enclave billed as a “private paradise.”16 Passengers often did not
realize Labadee was in Haiti at all. For a time, Royal Caribbean
International billed Labadee as being on “Hispaniola” (the island that
includes Haiti and the Dominican Republic), until the Haitian government
Still, Royal Caribbean International was committed to Haiti, believing
the country once called the “Jewel of the Antilles” in the 1800s could be a
valuable business opportunity. Whelpton and his team met local concerns
early on. Pierre Chauvet helped organize a meeting with Whelpton and
local residents in a church. At first, residents were skeptical, even hostile.
“My God, they came after me,” recalled Whelpton. “They said that we were
taking the best beaches in Haiti and stealing them for some cruise ship. But
Pierre was there. He spoke Patois and he said, ‘Listen to Peter because he
will bring you some things you haven’t thought of.’” Whelpton explained as
politely as he could that they were too remote for a major tourist hotel—and
in fact a hotel deal there had just failed. Labadee had no major airport
nearby, and building one would take a decade. But Labadee would be ideal
for cruise ships. “And then I said the magic words: As part of the
development, we would build a place for Haitian merchants to sell their
goods.” Whelpton promised jobs for local villagers and a per-guest tax paid
to the government. “The lynch mob mentality turned into a love fest,”
Whelpton recalled. Once Labadee opened, and the promised jobs
materialized, local residents became quite protective of Labadee.17
Royal Caribbean International became one of Haiti’s largest foreign
investors, contributing $55 million to the nation’s economic development in
Labadee in addition to jobs and the tourist tax per passenger.18 Throughout
the process, management took relationship building—with Haitian officials,
NGOs, think tanks, and United Nations organizations—seriously.
As a result, when the 2010 earthquake struck, the company had a deep
reservoir of trust and relationships with key stakeholders to draw upon.
Executives consulted with the government and decided to continue
previously planned stops to Haiti. “We actually felt it was a pretty easy
decision once we realized that the physical site at our property at Labadee
was unaffected by the earthquake and second after the Haitian government
made it clear that they wanted to continue to have our ships visit, both for
the economic benefit that they normally bring as well as the humanitarian
aspect of delivering relief supplies,” noted Goldstein in a National Public
Radio interview.19
The company also launched a well-organized communications plan as
soon as the earthquake occurred. It immediately announced it was donating
$1 million in aid, bringing hundreds of pallets of relief supplies on its cruise
ships, and donating all Haiti shore excursion proceeds to earthquake relief.
Goldstein became the human face of the company, using his personal blog
to post frequent updates on everything from how the company made its
decisions, to daily meeting notes, responses to media reports, and photos of
relief supplies. Company spokespeople stayed on message, expressing their
empathy and their commitment to contributing to Haiti’s recovery. The
company announced that it would be partnering with charitable
organizations—such as Food for the Poor, the Pan American Development
Foundation, and the Solano Foundation, the company’s foundation in Haiti
—to provide additional assistance to the people of Haiti. Finally,
independent advocates and experts came to Royal Caribbean’s defense,
including the founding director of the Burn Advocates Network, a senior
official from the United Nations World Tourism Organization, an official
from Sustainable Travel International, and a professor from Duke
University’s Kenan Institute for Ethics. Leslie Voltaire, Haitian special
envoy to the United Nations, declared in a company press release on
January 15, “Given the terrible economic and social challenges we now
face in Haiti, we welcome the continuation of the positive economic
benefits that the cruise ship calls to Labadee contribute to our country.”20
This outside advocacy was golden.
Just as Royal Caribbean International did not suddenly begin managing
political risk when the earthquake hit, it did not stop once the immediate
press furor died down. Six months after the earthquake, the company
announced that it was building a new school in Haiti, establishing a
strategic partnership with three other companies to build facilities to
provide construction materials for housing and critical infrastructure, and
launching “voluntourism” excursion options for passengers to engage in
community service projects while stopping in some of its locations,
including Labadee.21 Political risk remains: In 2016, Royal Caribbean had
to turn away ships when the Haitian presidential election was postponed
and antitourism unrest grew. But thanks to effective political risk
management, Haiti has proven a valuable destination for Royal Caribbean,
and Royal Caribbean International has proven a valuable development
partner for Haiti for more than thirty years.

SeaWorld’s Blackfish Crisis

Royal Caribbean International’s earthquake experience in Haiti stands in
stark contrast to SeaWorld’s Blackfish crisis. When the movie was released
in July 2013, celebrities and animal rights activists rushed to attack the
company’s treatment of orcas.22 The documentary tracked the life of one
whale in particular named Tilikum who had been captured in the wild in
1983 as a calf, separated from his mother, and placed in captivity for more
than twenty-five years in different amusement parks. The movie suggested
that inhumane treatment in captivity turned Tilikum into a homicidal whale:
The orca was known to be responsible for the deaths of three people,
including veteran SeaWorld trainer Dawn Brancheau. As Variety noted in
its review of Blackfish, “The impression the film leaves is of a deep-
pocketed institution that, for all its claims of humane and professional
treatment, tolerates practices that are fundamentally at odds with the
animals’ well-being and refuses to accept any portion of responsibility.”23
Before Brancheau’s death, SeaWorld routinely cautioned trainers about
working with Tilikum, giving new employees a special “Tili Talk” about his
aggressive behavior, refusing to allow activities in water knee-deep or more
with the whale, and informing trainers of previous human deaths involving
him.24 Yet tragedy still followed. On February 24, 2010, at the end of a
“Dine with Shamu show” in Orlando, Brancheau reclined on a platform that
sat just a few inches below the surface of the water. She was performing
something called a “lay out mimic,” where both trainer and whale lie on
their backs in parallel next to each other. But Tilikum did not roll onto his
back. While horrified audience members watched, he grabbed Brancheau
off the platform, dragged her into the pool, and started swinging her around
underwater—severing her spinal cord, fracturing her jaw and ribs, and
eventually drowning her. The ordeal lasted for forty-five minutes while
SeaWorld park employees desperately tried to corral the whale and save
The film and the outrage it sparked among animal rights activists went
viral. After premiering at the Sundance Film Festival, Blackfish aired on
CNN, then was distributed by Netflix. Twitter was abuzz with anti-
SeaWorld tweets from celebrities. Popular music groups canceled concerts
at SeaWorld parks. Corporate sponsors cut ties. Attendance declined and the
parent company’s share price plummeted. Three years after the release of
Blackfish, SeaWorld’s share price was still 60 percent lower than it was
before the movie.
The “Blackfish effect” caught on in large part because SeaWorld never
built a reservoir of trust with animal rights activists, researchers, political
leaders, or others who could have come to the company’s defense and
stopped the crisis from getting worse when the movie was released. As a
result, the political risks kept multiplying. In April 2014, SeaWorld lost its
long-standing legal battle to keep human trainers performing in pools with
orcas. California state lawmakers and federal legislators started sponsoring
bills to ban orcas in captivity. In October 2015, the California Coastal
Commission went further, banning domestic breeding of orcas at SeaWorld
in California and mandating that no orcas captured in the wild could be
housed there as a condition for SeaWorld’s expansion of its mammal tanks
in the San Diego theme park.26 New regulations are almost always easier to
block than pass. SeaWorld still ended up on the receiving end of new
regulation because the company had not spent enough political capital
before the crisis building relationships or its reputation. When Blackfish
depicted the company as mistreating the animals, misleading the public, and
putting human trainers’ lives at risk, the public mood shifted. And
SeaWorld quickly found itself alone.
While Royal Caribbean International’s third-party supporters defused
the Haiti crisis and helped the company show an empathetic side, SeaWorld
was left trying to repair the Blackfish damage by itself. In the spring of
2015, the company launched a national reputation campaign that included
television and online advertising to showcase the company’s concern for
and treatment of animals. The centerpiece was a website,
AskSeaWorld.com, and a social media campaign under the hashtag
#AskSeaWorld.27 “The campaign emphasized SeaWorld’s 50-year
commitment to continuous evolution while setting the record straight on
false accusations by activists who oppose whales and other animals in
zoological settings,” said Fred Jacobs, SeaWorld’s vice president of
It backfired. Animal rights activists “brandjacked” SeaWorld, jumping
on board the Twitter discussion. Tweets included, “@SeaWorld are your
tanks filled with Orca tears?” Others tweeted, “If you were a killer whale,
would you rather live in the ocean with your family, or in one of your tanks
alone? #askseaworld,” and “Why do you keep breeding whales when you
barely have enough room for one? #askseaworld.”29

The company’s first crisis erupted in large part because executives did
not foresee the power of social media or the new reputational risks this
technology raised. Now it was happening all over again.
After three years of crisis, and under the leadership of new CEO Joel
Manby, SeaWorld finally started turning the page. In a Los Angeles Times
op-ed, Manby announced that SeaWorld was ending all of its orca breeding
programs across the United States, phasing out its theatrical orca shows,30
and dedicating $50 million to a new partnership with the Humane Society
of the United States to create educational programs, rescue animals, and
combat commercial whale and seal fishing. The op-ed garnered the first
positive reaction since Blackfish and was hailed by animal rights groups as
a move in the right direction. SeaWorld also continued discounting
admission prices, built roller coasters and other new rides to reduce its
parks’ reliance on animal shows, and embarked on another advertising
campaign.31 Initially, SeaWorld share prices jumped 25 percent after
Manby’s op-ed.32 As former SeaWorld marketing executive Joe Couceiro
noted, the move enabled the company “to talk about the wonders of
SeaWorld as opposed to more of a defense posture.”33 But by August 2016,
declining Florida tourism and other factors sent the stock back down, with
Manby telling analysts that SeaWorld was in “an environment where we
haven’t proven that we’ve hit the absolute bottom.”34
Blackfish undoubtedly dealt a serious blow to the company, but the crisis
lingered and worsened for three long years because SeaWorld did not
manage political risks well. In both cases, sudden events struck and
companies were pummeled with criticism that quickly spread through mass
media and the Internet. One company rebounded. The other continues to

What Royal Caribbean International Did and SeaWorld Didn’t

In global business, sometimes even the best-prepared companies get caught
in the maw of political events or natural disasters that no one ever saw
coming. But Royal Caribbean International did not just get lucky, it got to
work. Without good risk management in place, the cruise line’s reputational
crisis during the 2010 earthquake, and its future operations in Haiti, could
have taken a very different turn. Royal Caribbean International effectively
implemented the political risk framework—understanding risks, analyzing
them, mitigating the risks that remained, and responding to crisis.
Royal Caribbean International understood Haiti’s political risks early on,
analyzed them, and concluded that they were significant enough to warrant
serious action and sustained attention. The cruise line instituted a number of
risk mitigation efforts before the first ship ever docked in Haiti. These
included building relationships at the local level to reassure the
communities near Labadee and becoming a trusted economic development
partner of the Haitian national government. The company also earned the
support of international NGOs, the United Nations, and national experts
focused on ethics and development. It physically separated the compound at
Labadee from other parts of Haiti with fences and security guards to lower
the chances that violence and wrong-place/wrong-time crime would affect
passengers.35 Executives made sure to diversify the business: Labadee was
just one of more than 250 ports of call at the time, and the cruise line began
developing a Labadee-like private destination in CocoCay, Bahamas, just
four years after it entered Haiti. Over time, risk mitigation also entailed
embracing a corporate philosophy of “destination stewardship” that
encouraged working with a wide range of stakeholders to maintain the local
cultural, environmental, economic, and social integrity of their destinations.
And it included maintaining close relationships over a long period of time.
As Adam Goldstein told us, “The relationships we had built before the
earthquake paid off during the crisis. I had been involved very personally
going back to 1997. It was already thirteen years of knowing the prime
ministers, touring Labadee, talking about what we wanted to do there before
the earthquake.” For Goldstein, that personal trust was essential.

“The relationships we had built before the earthquake paid off

during the crisis. I had been involved very personally going
back to 1997. It was already thirteen years of knowing the
prime ministers, touring Labadee, talking about what we
wanted to do there before the earthquake.”
—Adam Goldstein, president and COO, Royal Caribbean
Cruises, Ltd.

Finally, Royal Caribbean International’s response plan was well

considered and well executed, with clear leadership from the top. Goldstein
made a deliberate call to land in Labadee. Haitian officials wanted the
company, and the company wanted to help, both by providing badly needed
relief supplies and with economic development. Royal Caribbean
International’s actions were not misconstrued for long: Goldstein quickly
and clearly communicated what mattered to him and why. He put a human
face on this human tragedy, explaining in media interviews and on his own
blog what exactly the cruise ships were doing in Haiti and why it mattered.
Haitian government officials, NGOs, and experts that Royal Caribbean had
known for years rallied to the company’s defense. When the earthquake
suddenly hit, all the hard work that Royal Caribbean International had done
to understand, analyze, mitigate, and respond to political risk paid off.
Thanks to good political risk management, Royal Caribbean was able to
assist in earthquake relief efforts in Haiti and continue its business
operations there successfully.
By contrast, SeaWorld struggled at every step of risk management.
Although SeaWorld understood the safety risks posed by human–killer
whale interaction early on and took steps to address them, the company
apparently never analyzed that the risk of trainer injury or death could
jeopardize its core business. SeaWorld’s incident reporting system, which
was supposed to improve training by reporting whenever a whale did not
act as predicted or trained, was voluntary and incomplete: Brancheau’s
death and a second SeaWorld death caused by Tilikum were never included
as incidents.36 In addition, the company allowed trainers to lie on slide-out
platforms inches below the surface of the pool, but considered interaction
with Tilikum in water below knee-depth to be too dangerous—an arbitrary
distinction that eventually led to an OSHA ruling, a fine, and a Labor
Department requirement that trainers be barred from engaging in close
contact with orcas during shows unless they were protected by a physical
barrier. The incident reporting system, moreover, was undercut by
management practice and culture, which strongly encouraged trainers to
keep their shows going and keep audiences happy.37 In 1999, for example,
one whale’s erratic and dangerous behavior caused two trainers to stop a
show. Instead of receiving support or praise, they were criticized in the form
of a strongly worded memo from Michael Scarpuzzi, vice president of
animal training. “The show did not need to be cut short,” Scarpuzzi wrote,
adding, “We have reiterated our existing policy to utilize any and all
resources before canceling a show.”38 In short, safety issues were identified,
but not assessed to be serious enough to warrant more strenuous measures
or systematic safety procedures either before or after Brancheau’s death.
SeaWorld was also flat-footed when it came to understanding and
analyzing the risks posed by animal rights groups, or the impending release
of the Blackfish documentary. Blackfish was not a surprise. Gabriela
Cowperthwaite had asked SeaWorld executives to be interviewed for the
film, but the company had refused. Similarly, animal rights groups had been
criticizing the theme park for years. Although they had not garnered
widespread support before Blackfish, they provided a ready-made
infrastructure to galvanize sustained public action once the movie was
released.39 As American University social change expert Caty Borum
Chattoo noted, “The film wasn’t released into an issue or activism vacuum.
It fell into a prime spot with a social-change infrastructure ready to leverage
a strategic distribution strategy and well-produced story.”40
Because SeaWorld did not understand or analyze these risks sufficiently,
it did not take adequate steps to mitigate them by diversifying its revenue
sources or attractions, dramatically improving safety, or aggressively
pursuing a strategy to build goodwill among external stakeholders—all
steps the company began to take after the crisis hit. Dawn Brancheau died
in 2010. Yet in 2013, when Blackfish was released, six of the eleven theme
parks operated by the parent company, SeaWorld Entertainment, were either
SeaWorld parks or companion parks that extended the SeaWorld brand and
experience.41 The company’s top theme park by attendance and revenue
was SeaWorld Orlando, where Brancheau died. And all three SeaWorld
theme parks still relied heavily on the famed “Shamu” orca shows to draw
visitors. Named after SeaWorld’s first orca, the Shamu shows were so
central to SeaWorld’s value proposition that the logo for SeaWorld parks
was an image of a killer whale, and every SeaWorld park featured a “Shamu
Stadium.”42 Meanwhile, SeaWorld’s good deeds went largely unnoticed.
The company’s rescue and rehabilitation program had saved more than
twenty-three thousand injured, abandoned, or orphaned animals. Its
foundation had awarded millions of dollars for animal research,
conservation, and education over the years. Yet it seemed unable to get the
word out.43 Instead, Shamu was literally and figuratively the face of
SeaWorld to the public, the image most associated with the brand and the
SeaWorld park experience. And that’s precisely why Blackfish’s criticism
went straight to the company’s bottom line. Where Royal Caribbean
International took concerted steps to lower the probability and impact that
something would go horribly wrong in Haiti, affecting its business,
SeaWorld continued to bet big that nothing would go horribly wrong with
Finally, SeaWorld’s crisis response was not knowledgeably executed. As
we discuss in chapter 9, the best crisis response organizations learn from
near misses. They plan for failure instead of assuming continued success.
They reward truth-telling and institute feedback loops for continuous
learning before disaster strikes to lower the odds that it will happen and to
improve the odds that when it does, everyone will be better prepared. And
in the face of crisis, they are quick to communicate their values, tell their
stories, and take serious steps to earn back the trust of their customers.
SeaWorld had plenty of near misses to learn from. In fact, it bought
Tilikum in 1992 from a Canadian company called Sealand of the Pacific
that had gone out of business after Tilikum had killed a trainer in full view
of horrified spectators. In 2006, a San Diego SeaWorld orca bit the foot of
experienced trainer Ken Peters, repeatedly submerging and thrashing him
underwater and nearly drowning him during a performance. In 2009, one of
SeaWorld’s leased whales killed a trainer at a Spanish theme park company.
SeaWorld modified its shows and safety procedures over time. What it did
not do was adequately prepare for the possibility that killer whales killing
humans at its fun-filled family amusement parks might someday create a
public relations and business crisis.44 The company’s voluntary incident
reporting system and trainer confidentiality agreements did not encourage
or reward truth-telling about safety concerns. Management signaled that
canceling performances was highly discouraged. The operating assumption
was that Shamu shows would always be prized assets; nobody was well
prepared when Blackfish made them toxic assets instead.
The company’s response to Blackfish did not help. Before Blackfish was
released, SeaWorld mounted an aggressive, preemptive public relations
campaign attacking the veracity of Cowperthwaite’s claims in a critique
sent to fifty potential film reviewers—a move that many believe garnered
wide attention to what would otherwise have been a small, little-seen
documentary. Eamonn Bowles, president of Magnolia Entertainment, which
released the film, called SeaWorld’s letter to reviewers “the gift that keeps
on giving,” adding, “Frankly, I’ve never seen anything like it.”45
Not until 2016 did the new SeaWorld CEO and board appear to be
aggressively dealing with the crisis, cleaning house among senior
executives, announcing a phased end to orca shows, and making a proactive
public message about SeaWorld’s next steps to improve the treatment of
animals and the protection of its human trainers.
The moral of the Royal Caribbean International and SeaWorld stories is
this: Political risk management really can make a difference. Royal
Caribbean International has not always had smooth sailing in Haiti,
canceling visits to Labadee during moments of unrest in the 1990s, in 2004,
and most recently in 2016.46 But the company has carefully positioned itself
to operate in a challenging political environment. SeaWorld, by contrast, is
learning the lessons of political risk the hard way, in the shadow of crisis,
amid growing pressure and declining profits. To be sure, the Haitian
earthquake affected a small part of Royal Caribbean International’s business
while Blackfish struck at the heart of SeaWorld’s. But it did not have to be
that way. Royal Caribbean International could have fared much worse and
SeaWorld could have fared much better. In the pages that follow, we walk
you through our risk framework so that you can better manage political
risks early and well.

Political risks are context-specific, but there are four basics to

get right: understanding, analyzing, mitigating, and
responding to risks.
Royal Caribbean International and SeaWorld both confronted
sudden crises that went viral. Political risk management helps
explain why one recovered quickly and the other did not.
Royal Caribbean’s decision to send cruise ships to Haiti after
a devastating earthquake initially sparked outrage. But
because the company had spent years understanding and
analyzing political risks in Haiti, it was well prepared for a
natural disaster, too. Royal Caribbean had deep stakeholder
relationships, mitigation strategies, and a response plan in
SeaWorld did not appreciate how a safety incident involving
one of its killer whales could jeopardize the core business or
how easily animal rights groups could amplify the Blackfish
effect, turning a $76,000 film into major losses. Because
SeaWorld did not understand or analyze risks effectively, it
failed to mitigate them by diversifying the business, improving
safety, aggressively building goodwill with stakeholders, or
responding to the crisis with contrition, commitment, and
The Art of Boat Spotting: Understanding Political Risks

Hans Læssøe was not sure where to begin, so he Googled “strategic risk
management.” An engineer by training, Læssøe was a twenty-five-year
veteran of the Lego Group, the privately owned Danish company best
known for its Lego brick toys. It was 2006 and the Lego Group was in
trouble. Global sales had plummeted and the company had narrowly
avoided bankruptcy just two years earlier. Part of the problem was that
executives had no systematic process for understanding, assessing, or
managing strategic risks in an industry dependent on the rapidly changing
tastes of kids and expansion into emerging markets. The Lego Group was
understanding risks, all right, but they were operational risks like what to do
if a machine broke down, a facility caught on fire, or the company’s legal
team found trademark violations. A new chief financial officer began
working with Læssøe to build a strategic risk management capability—
including political risks—from scratch. They had no playbook, so Læssøe
created one as he went along.1
He started by gathering two dozen of the most creative thinkers he knew
in the company across functions. Then he and his team brainstormed with
key people from support functions such as product design, logistics,
marketing, and compliance so that they could understand how risks
interacted with different aspects of the value delivery chain. Læssøe’s group
conducted its own half-day risk identification brainstorming session, then
narrowed down the top risks to about a hundred. In addition to financial and
economic risks, the group identified a number of political and strategic
risks, including the start of a trade war between the United States and
China; a physical threat to its vital factory in Monterrey, Mexico; and a
regulatory change that would prevent the company from using certain
materials to make its toys.2
Next he involved two veteran Lego Group executives with a broad view
of the company to spend several days with him carefully and systematically
estimating both the likelihood and the potential financial impact of each
risk. “We asked ourselves: What is the likely revenue impact given a certain
scenario? Why do we think so? How did we get to that number?” said
Læssøe. They used mini-scenarios for each risk and developed a simple 5-
by-5 scale to measure the probability and impact for each. Læssøe used
numbers that he thought would be easier for most people to distinguish: A
very high likelihood had a 90 percent chance of occurring, high likelihood
meant 30 percent, medium likelihood was 10 percent, low was 3, and very
low was 1 percent. Finally, Læssøe’s team went back to senior managers
who needed to “own” each risk to get their feedback, ideas, and buy-in
about risk identification, prioritization, and mitigation strategies. Læssøe
believed strongly that risk leaders had to develop the risk strategy to own
the risk. He saw his role as partnering with business managers in their effort
to identify and mitigate risks, not serving as a compliance check on them.3
Ultimately, Læssøe’s initiative created a database of strategic risks—
including political risks like what would happen if regulations suddenly
banned the use of certain materials or if the United States and China
engaged in a trade war—and a systematic, continuous process to engage
every important business leader, including the board, in setting the risk
appetite, understanding and identifying risks, and integrating risk
assessment and mitigation into business planning.4
Rather than making the company more risk-averse, the process helped
the Lego Group seize opportunities more aggressively,5 which contributed
to a stunning turnaround. In 2015, Lego posted revenue increases of 25
percent, to more than $5 billion; net profits rose 31 percent to $1.3 billion;
and with 350 new product launches, the company saw double-digit sales
growth in nearly all of its markets.6 The Lego Group began thriving again
thanks in large part to Læssøe’s innovations in risk management.
How can companies more clearly see political risks? There is no one
process or tool that guarantees success. But there are many steps companies
can take to get better at what Læssøe calls “boat spotting”—identifying big
emerging challenges before you miss the boat.7
The most important one is realizing that understanding risks is not just
about looking outside your office, at the risks “out there” in the world. It’s
about looking inside your company—developing the core competencies and
organizational culture for good boat spotting. As we’ll see, companies that
understand risks well develop a common language for seeing and
discussing risk systematically. They evangelize the importance of setting
the risk appetite and owning risk across the company. And they work to
harness creativity, perspective, and truth-telling to reduce blind spots.

The Lego Group

There is seeing, and then there is seeing. Risks are out there, but unless
they are internalized and prioritized, companies are unlikely to take
concerted action to manage them effectively.
It’s much like how many of us treat news about healthy living habits. We
all know we should exercise regularly, sleep well, and eat fruits and leafy
green vegetables instead of fried and processed foods. But few of us
actually do these things. (Condi is one of them, exercising every morning
even as secretary of state, and trying to get seven hours of sleep each night.
“You don’t want me making decisions on behalf of the United States of
America on four hours of sleep,” she told her staff.) Many people do not
take the actions they know they should because the risk is general—and
their life is specific. It often takes a wake-up call—a high cholesterol test, a
back injury, or something worse that translates the general risk into a very
personal one—to prompt concerted action.
The same is true for companies. Knowing or listing risks is the easy part.
Internalizing and prioritizing the management of those risks is much harder.
Asking these three questions—explicitly and often—can help turn
knowledge of the risks “out there” into concerted action “in here,” where it
can make a difference.

Understanding Political Risk: Three Key Questions

1. What is my organization’s political risk appetite?
2. Is there a shared understanding of our risk appetite? If not,
how can we foster one?
3. How can we reduce blind spots?

1. What is my organization’s political risk appetite?

Companies that manage political risk well start with a grounded general
understanding of what risks they are willing to accept and what risks they
are not. Their risk appetite is explicit, updated, widely known, and closely
tied to business strategy.
As we noted in chapter 1, political risk always rides shotgun with
reward. Weighing the risk and reward of a business decision depends on
many factors. These include:

• Time horizon—How long will it take for an investment to pay off?

Oil companies operate with very long time horizons. Retailers, less so.
For Vinod Khosla, the founding CEO of Sun Microsystems and a
leading Silicon Valley entrepreneur and investor, timing is essential.
Khosla’s firm, Khosla Ventures, focuses on both for-profit and social
impact investments. He recalled to us one particular technology start-
up investment. His team assessed that there were substantial political
risks that the start-up’s intellectual property would eventually be taken
if it entered a foreign market. The question was how long before that
happened. Khosla estimated that the start-up probably had a ten-year
window to make profits, which provided sufficient returns to move
forward. As Khosla Ventures notes prominently on its website, “Every
plan has risks, and we both understand and cherish risk.”
• Alternatives—What other investment options is the company
considering to put capital to work? One reason why oil companies end
up in unstable places is that there is only so much good geology in the
• Ease of exit—If political risks become acute, is it possible to exit the
market easily, by, for example, selling a foreign plant or investment to
a local owner? How constrained are exit options by the type of
investment at stake?
• Visibility to customers—How might political risks become
reputational risks for your company’s brand that damage relationships
with key clients?

Risk appetite also often varies in some systematic ways by industry type
and firm size.
Some industries are naturally more accepting of risk than others.
Consider manned spaceflight versus commercial aviation. In its thirty-year
history, the space shuttle program fleet flew 135 missions with 833 total
crew members.8 Two missions ended in tragedy—the 1986 Challenger
accident and the 2003 Columbia accident, which together killed 14
astronauts.9 That’s a crash rate of 1.48 percent. If U.S. commercial airlines
had the same accident rate as the space shuttle, there would be about three
hundred fatal plane crashes every day.10 Fatal accidents are always tragic,
but they are more expected in spaceflight than they are in commercial
aviation because space is seen, correctly, as inherently risky. Astronauts
understand that. Their risk appetite is large, and they are considered heroes
precisely because everyone is well aware of just how dangerous the job is.
Before he became the first astronaut to orbit Earth in February 1962, John
Glenn saw the November 1961 explosion of an Atlas rocket with a monkey
on board. When asked how he felt about his space mission aboard the same
kind of rocket, Glenn joked, “How would you feel sitting on top of a
machine with a million parts all made by the lowest government bidder?”11
Commercial airlines would never stay in business with a risk appetite like
Consumer-facing companies like cruise lines, restaurants, and
amusement parks confront public reputational risks that other industries
(like extractive industries or business-to-business firms such as Oracle,
Salesforce, or Dow Chemical) do not. Manufacturing companies tend to
face greater political risks involving labor shortages, stoppages, and
disputes. Apparel companies face particular corporate social responsibility
risks involving working conditions and human rights in overseas facilities.
Oil and gas companies are accustomed to operating in politically
challenging environments where the “aboveground” risks of political
crackdowns, corruption, instability, asset seizure, and violence are often
persistent and substantial. Their investments can be driven largely by
“belowground” geological factors instead of aboveground ones in part
because consumers do not choose a local gas station based on where its
unleaded fuel is sourced. By contrast, family-oriented entertainment
companies like the Walt Disney Company are hyperaware of where and
how they operate. Disney would never open theme parks in places like
Nigeria, Libya, Venezuela, or Iraq. In fact, Disney has one of the lowest
political risk appetites of any major firm in the world because executives
have long recognized that the company’s brand is its most valuable asset.
Frequently named one of the most powerful global brands,12 Disney has
become synonymous with safe and magical family entertainment, whether
through its theme parks, cruise lines, movies, or cable television channels.
Customers admire, trust, and adore Mickey Mouse, and the company wants
to keep it that way. That means aggressively monitoring and mitigating any
political developments—from terrorist attacks to inhumane overseas labor
practices in the manufacturing of Disney-branded apparel—that could
negatively impact the reputation of the “happiest place on earth.” Disney
was one of the first in a wave of companies after the September 11, 2001,
terrorist attacks to develop a political risk unit, and has been a leader in
political risk management ever since. As one Disney security executive told
us, “Nothing hurts the mouse. It’s a zero-risk threshold across all lines of
the business.”

“Nothing hurts the mouse. It’s a zero-risk threshold across all

lines of the business.”
—Disney security executive

Perhaps the most important source of variation in risk appetite—and one

that companies do not consider enough—is personal. Anyone who has ever
watched kids in a playground knows that risk tolerance varies greatly by
individual. When Amy’s two sons were young, they would go to a weekly
preschool gym class that included obstacle courses. One son raced through,
climbing, diving, and running as fast as he could. The other son never tried
a single course. Instead, he would sit on the side, safely watching everyone
else, memorizing how the different patterns of courses changed from week
to week. Research has found that these differences in risk tolerance tend to
be innate and lasting. One study compared the penchant for risk-taking
among identical and fraternal twins and found that genetics explains as
much as 55 percent of the difference between people’s willingness to take
risks.13 Researchers have identified several genes, such as the “worrier”
gene (COMT) and the “impulsiveness” gene (DRD2), that are associated
with the tendency to take risks.14 (Beyond genetics, many factors, including
geography, gender, age, religion, birth order, friends, and family, have been
found to influence one’s risk tolerance.) Risk tolerance is not just about
physical risks. Claudia Sahm, an economist at the Federal Reserve Board,
surveyed twelve thousand respondents over a ten-year period about a series
of hypothetical gambles of lifetime income. She found that risk tolerance
differed greatly across individuals but was relatively stable for a particular
Every year, we run a simulation in our political risk class in which five
different Stanford MBA teams deal with the same political risks for the
same hypothetical company, an American cruise line named Triton. The
students receive detailed backgrounders on the fake company (including
personnel and financial performance), the cruise industry, and key political
risk considerations. Here is a short summary of the scenario:

Triton Cruise Line in the Mexican Riviera

Triton is a premier cruise line, operating seventeen ships
and offering more than a hundred itineraries to 350 destinations
around the globe. Triton’s seasonal cruises along Mexico’s west
coast constitute 8 percent of the business and make it the
regional cruise leader. In recent years, increasing drug-related
violence in Mexico, including “wrong-place/wrong-time” crime
against twenty-two Carnival cruise line passengers in Puerto
Vallarta during a shore excursion there in 2012 and rising
security concerns in Acapulco, have prompted several
competitors to leave the Mexican market. Triton has been
hearing from Mexican tourism officials that the press stories are
overblown, and other data suggest that tourist destinations in
the Mexican Riviera actually have lower crime rates for
Americans than many American cities. Nevertheless, it is clear
that since the downfall of Colombia’s Cali and Medellín cartels
in the 1990s, Mexican drug cartels have assumed much greater
control over the wholesale illicit drug market, and since 2006,
successive Mexican presidential administrations have been
combating the deteriorating security situation there with varying
degrees of success. Triton’s board of directors has asked for a
strategic review of the company’s Mexican business to
determine whether the company should reposition ships to
other Mexican cities, keep its existing itineraries (with possible
changes to shore excursions and security), or withdraw from
the Mexican Riviera entirely.

In class, each team develops recommendations, presents its analysis, and

fields rapid-fire questions from Triton’s board of directors (played by Amy,
Condi, and class research and teaching assistants).
We have run this simulation for five years, involving 25 teams and 125
students. The results are pretty wide-ranging. About a third of the teams opt
to remain in all existing Mexican ports of call but add various modifications
to onshore excursions. About half the teams elect to shift itineraries across
Mexican destinations (spending more time in Cabo, for example). And
about one team every year or two decides to leave the Mexican market
entirely. That’s a substantial amount of variance. Remember, all five teams
each year have identical background information, and the students are part
of the same business school community, taking the same core first-year
courses. What’s more, this variance is not especially lumpy; we see a spread
of different strategies each year. What best explains these outcomes? To be
sure, this is hardly a scientific study, but we believe the answer lies in
differences in the personal risk appetites of the team “CEOs” who are
selected at random. Two moments drove this point home for us.
In 2016, two student teams took the exact same piece of data as
justification for completely opposite decisions. The first noted that Mexico
was “just 8 percent” of Triton’s business, so the company could afford to
exit the Mexican market. The very next team started by noting that “Mexico
is important to us, 8 percent of our business, and that could grow.” For one
team, 8 percent was low. For another, it was high. The same information
analyzed through different risk lenses led to different decisions.
Another time, in 2012, we were down to the last of our five team
presentations. The four previous teams had all advocated strategies that
involved remaining in Mexico, though some wanted to shift itineraries
within the riviera while others wanted to beef up security and oversight of
onshore excursions. Then Team 5 gathered in front of the room. The team
CEO, Jessica Renier, was confident and adamant: Triton would pull out of
Mexico immediately. You could feel the other students in the room
suddenly growing uncomfortable: The herd had moved in the opposite
direction. Jess and her team were alone, in front of their peers as well as the
“board.” What exactly were they thinking? And why?
Condi and Amy remember pressing Jess. “What’s the business loss to
the company for this sudden move?” Amy asked. “This is a big decision.
How will you communicate this to your customers?” Condi queried. Jess
stood firm. “Triton cruise lines has a zero-tolerance policy when it comes to
safety and security issues involving our passengers. And we mean what we
say. I’m the CEO. It’s my call, I stand behind it, and I want everyone to
know that this is who we are as a company. I’ll take the short-term hit to my
balance sheet. The risk of one passenger being harmed is exponential, and
you can’t ever anticipate how bad that will be.” The room was abuzz. It was
a bold and commanding presentation. And it stemmed entirely from Jess’s
deep-seated views about what risks she was and was not willing to accept as
the leader of her hypothetical company. Before the board presentation, we
had observed all of the team deliberations and we knew that Jess’s team was
evenly split about what to do. The decision was hers.
Later, Jess offered these reflections:
• I remember thinking that it came down to my call. Whatever it
is, in my opinion, with political risk you have to make a bold
call. You can’t “split the baby.” By trying to compromise, you
open yourself to both risks. Which is the worst decision
instead of just calling it one way or the other. I made the
decision and just told the team, “This is the decision that I am
going to make.”

• Evaluating the risk, we looked at general business trends.

Tourism in the area was going down. You generally want to
look for growth markets. I remember other teams arguing that
we should stay because if everyone else leaves, then we can
dominate the market. If the degree of risk is so bad that
everyone is leaving and you are the one that stays, that’s not
a reason to stay. It’s not a reason you want to be known for
owning the whole market share.

• Stats only get you so far. That’s true in all political risk
situations. When evaluating risk, you get inundated with stats
and information, and the first thing you have to do is
immediately cut out the stuff that doesn’t apply. Or else it can
cloud your decision.

There was no right answer to the simulation. The point of the exercise
was to explore how and why different groups of people come to different
judgments about political risk when facing the same situation. Jessica
Renier made a call that most of her classmates did not because she had an
innate view about what the company’s risk appetite should be and what role
the CEO should play.
Companies, like individuals, often see the same risks differently. They
develop with specific cultures, identities, and ways of viewing the world
that filter data in different ways. Yes, risk appetite does vary systematically
across industries, as we noted above. Disney and Chevron are unlikely to
accept the same levels of political risk to their businesses. But that does not
mean firms should make the same political risk calls just because they are
within the same industry. In Iraq, for example, both ExxonMobil and Royal
Dutch Shell originally made a strong play to sign exploration and
production contracts with the Kurdish regional government during 2011.
Both companies were well aware that they faced substantial political risks
operating in northern Iraq at the time. These included a decades-long
independence movement by Iraqi Kurds, disputed territorial claims between
the central government and the Kurdish regional government over the oil-
rich lands involved in the contracts, unresolved legal conflicts over the
management and distribution of oil revenues across Iraq, and a fledgling
Iraqi democratic government struggling to contain sectarian violence. When
Baghdad learned that the Kurdish regional government had signed an oil
deal with ExxonMobil, the first industry “supermajor” to do so, the central
government in Baghdad threatened to cancel Exxon’s contract to develop a
major oil field in the southern part of Iraq. The threat was significant:
Southern Iraq offered some of the largest potential oil reserves in the world.
Despite the threat, Exxon held firm, betting that Baghdad would let both
deals go through. Shell, however, was not willing to take that chance. It
called off its talks with the Kurds to preserve its contracts in the south. Two
supermajors faced the same choice at the same time in the same industry.
Neither one was wrong. Each made the best call they could based on a clear
understanding of their own risk appetites.
The most important thing about risk appetite is that you know what it is.
This sounds obvious. It isn’t. In many organizations, risk appetite is
assumed. It’s implicit. Everyone thinks they understand it. But it is much
better to make the risk appetite as explicit as possible, for three reasons.
First, as we noted in chapter 4, human cognition is a tricky thing; even
when we have the same concrete facts, we can and do interpret them
differently. The second is turnover: New people are always entering an
organization, and they may walk in the door with a very different
understanding of what the company’s risk appetite is or what it should be.
Third, risk is dynamic. It is always changing, and a company’s risk appetite
may shift with it. As Royal Caribbean president and COO Adam Goldstein
told us, “To be successful in managing political risk is very much an
ongoing undertaking. It’s not episodic.” If everyone thinks they know what
the risk appetite is but nobody ever discusses it, misunderstanding is more
likely. Making hidden assumptions less hidden improves decision-making,
whether it is for economic modeling, intelligence analysis, or corporate
strategy. Companies that explicitly set their risk appetite are more likely to
develop a coordinated, effective, and nimble approach to risk management.
There are many ways to establish the risk appetite. At Suncorp Limited,
a leading insurance and financial services firm in Australia, the firm’s risk
appetite is developed deliberately each year. “We formally set the risk
appetite annually, and that’s tied into our strategic planning cycle and
process,” says Clayton Herbert, Suncorp’s chief risk officer. The process
“sets the boundaries within which strategies are built.”16 At Canadian
electricity company Hydro One, chief risk officer John Fraser facilitates a
handful of workshops each year where he asks employees from all levels
and departments to identify and rank the foremost risks they feel the
company faces. Employees use an anonymous voting system to rate each
risk on a scale of 1 to 5 based on its impact, the likelihood of occurrence,
and the strength of existing controls. Fraser then uses the rankings for
discussion at workshops, and employees are given the opportunity to share
and debate their risk perceptions. Based on the discussion, the group
develops a company-wide consensus that is recorded on a visual risk map,
recommends action plans, and designates an “owner” for each major risk.17
The specifics vary by company, but the best practice is the same: Start by
asking what your organization’s risk appetite is. If you do, the business will
be better positioned to make good decisions about what risks to accept, and

2. Is there a shared understanding of our risk appetite? If not,

how can we foster one?
The second question every business leader should ask is closely tied to the
first: Is there a shared understanding of the company’s risk appetite? It is
not enough for a CEO, a chairman of the board, or a senior executive team
to know the company’s risk appetite. Everyone needs to know it. Shared
understanding across the organization is crucial. If political risk
management is the responsibility of just the “risk people,” you’ll be in
trouble. The best companies ensure that political risk is everyone’s
business, from the boardroom to the sales floor, and spend a great deal of
effort evangelizing so that everyone shares a common language for
discussing risk, a consistent and repeated process for identifying risk, and a
sense of ownership about risk.
At Disney, the shared understanding about “not hurting the mouse”
pervades the company. As a Disney security executive told us, “It’s weirdly
inculcated in every business leader.” Disney “is one of the greatest places”
to do political risk management, said the executive, “because everyone
accepts that what you’ve got is going to be valuable. You’re not bugging
anyone when you give them bad news. I don’t know how that got
transmitted, but it’s there.”
Many leaders in political risk management develop formalized processes
for identifying and evangelizing risk, raising both awareness and
understanding across business units. Paychex has one of the most creative.
A public company with more than a hundred offices serving more than half
a million small and medium businesses, Paychex has been providing
payroll, human resources, and benefits services since its founding in 1971.
Each year Paychex’s risk management team holds what they call the
“Tournament of Risk,” modeled after the NCAA men’s basketball March
Madness tournament. About two hundred top leaders, from every business
group and functional unit (including IT, finance, marketing, and sales), meet
to collectively review sixty-four top risks identified by the risk team based
on estimated impact, likelihood, speed, and other factors. During the
tournament, risks such as credit risk, regulatory risk, and data security
“compete” against one another in brackets where all two hundred business
leaders get to vote electronically. The winning risk with the most votes in
each head-to-head match then advances to the next round of “play.” One
year, for example, pricing took the top prize. Frank Fiorille, Paychex’s
senior director of risk management, emphasizes that the final risk scores
don’t particularly matter. “The ultimate goal for the Tournament of Risk is
to gain collective feedback from senior leadership,” he said. “It is one way
to get executives engaged and interested in risk.”18
The Mexican company Cemex is one of the world’s leading building
materials companies, with forty-three thousand global employees, trade
relationships with more than a hundred countries, and $15 billion in annual
sales.19 At Cemex, the chief risk officer and his team prepare a global risk
agenda for the company two times a year—more often if events warrant it.
The global risk agenda includes both country-and corporate-level issues,
and engages all top managers to identify risks and suggest ways to mitigate
them. The results are presented to the executive committee of the board, “so
they are always aware of the issues that we’ll be facing,” notes Enrique
Alanis, Cemex’s chief risk officer. Alanis views communication, or, in his
words, “evangelizing about risks and our preparedness,” as an integral part
of his job.20
At the Lego Group, identifying political and other strategic risks is now
integrated into the business strategic planning process.21 Over the past
decade, Hans Læssøe designed the risk management function to develop a
common understanding of risk appetite, a shared language for discussing
risk, and clear ownership of risk throughout the company. All project
managers at Lego must be trained in risk management. Probability and
impact of risks are rated along consistent quantifiable metrics. And the risk
team calculates a “net earnings at risk” each year that management and the
board use to set Lego’s risk appetite and estimate its risk exposure.22
What Disney, Paychex, Cemex, and the Lego Group have in common is
buy-in from the top about the importance of understanding and managing
political risk, practices that create shared knowledge of the company’s risk
appetite, and a system that ensures there is focused responsibility for
owning specific risks. In all of these companies, the risk appetite is clear,
widely held, and updated. There is enough guesswork in the political risk
business as it is. Knowing your own company’s risk appetite should not be
part of it.

3. How can we reduce blind spots?

Every person and organization has blind spots. The trick is figuring out
ways to reduce them so you can see emerging risks before it’s too late.
Paychex’s Fiorille is particularly concerned with what he calls “risks around
the corner,” whether they are market trends or changing political conditions.
“I always think that it’s the bus that you don’t see coming is the one that
runs you over,” said Fiorille. “The emerging risk piece is the key.”23
Vivek Karve, chief financial officer of Marico, a leading Indian
consumer goods company, is especially concerned about risks that arise
gradually around the corner. “Some aspects of how any business is
conducted can be slow killers,” he notes.24 One such risk is consumer
activism in India. “Inability to deliver quality goods to consumers is one of
our top reputation risks. Marico has invested significantly in ensuring that
top quality products are delivered to its consumers,” he told Deloitte in its
2014 annual reputation risk survey.25 Another slow-killing political risk is
environmentalism. “Companies that disregard the environment in pursuit of
profits may well find that this could come back to bite them,” notes Karve.
Marico is so concerned about rising environmentalism that it has already
started going green, shifting to PVC-free packaging and using renewable
energy for 90 percent of its needs.26
There are three ways that organizations—from toy companies to spy
agencies—reduce blind spots and better see risks around the corner:
imagination, walking in the shoes of others, and processes that prevent
groupthink at the top.

Imagination: Lessons from Star Trek

The Star Trek brand, which started with a television series in 1966 and has
generated a television and movie franchise in the fifty years since, features
two lead characters who provide a nice way of thinking about the role of
imagination. Captain Kirk is the dashing, maverick captain of the starship
Enterprise. Kirk is creative, unorthodox, and emotional, a man who flouts
convention and has a sky-high appetite for risk. Lieutenant Commander
Spock, Kirk’s second in command, is the opposite. He is half Vulcan, a
people who are devoid of human emotions and operate solely on the basis
of logical reasoning. Though Spock’s human half occasionally surfaces, he
is notoriously data-driven, logical, and focused on following established
procedures and conventions. Kirk and Spock are each flawed characters
who would surely fail alone. But together, they have a yin and yang of
imagination and analysis, action and thought, rule-flouting and rule-
following that always wins the day.
This make-believe dynamic duo conveys a real-world message: Kirk and
Spock are far more effective together than they are apart. The same is true
with risk identification and analysis.
Risk analysis, which we turn to in the next chapter, is Spock—it is about
hard-nosed, unsentimental analysis of facts. Risk imagination is much more
Kirk. It is about creativity, emotion, and thinking about what could be, not
just what is. Pure analysis without imagination can fail to see when history
curves, when trends emerge that make discontinuous change more likely.
Pure imagination without analysis can also lead to failure by focusing on
futures that will never happen instead of realities that are already here. It
takes imagination to understand risks. It takes structured thinking to analyze
them. Like Spock and Kirk, imagination and analysis are better together.
Understanding risks as a first step is an exercise in imagination. J.
Tomilson “Tom” Hill serves as the vice chairman of the Blackstone Group
and president and chief executive officer of Blackstone Alternative Asset
Management, the largest discretionary investor in hedge funds in the world,
with $69 billion in assets under management as of July 2016. Blackstone
also has skin in the game, with $1.8 billion of the firm’s and employees’
assets under management. Thinking about risks of all types is core to
everything Hill does. “Our institutional investors,” he says, “expect us to
protect their capital in every different scenario.”27 Hill and his team start
with imagination. They are always thinking about what could change in the
world that would affect Blackstone’s investments. “Frequently the
consensus is wrong,” Hill told us. “People assume things will continue this
way forever… The biggest mistake is believing the future will look like the
present. It almost never does.”

“The biggest mistake is believing the future will look like the
present. It almost never does.”
—Tom Hill, president and CEO, Blackstone Alternative Asset

At FedEx, founder and CEO Fred Smith has long treated risk
identification and management as a board-level and senior management
issue, not just an operational one. Chapter 8 examines how FedEx mitigates
risks operationally at its Global Operations Control Center in Memphis. But
as Smith told us, “We look at [political risk] more at the senior management
level as one of the most important things we have to manage.”
In the 1990s, Smith was serving on board audit committees of other
companies when he noticed something important: The audit committees
were talking increasingly about information technology issues, not just
budget issues. So he decided that his FedEx board should focus more on IT
issues, too. They set up a board information technology and oversight
committee. And over time, FedEx recruited new board members with IT
and cyber security expertise such as Judith Estrin, who served as Cisco’s
chief technology officer and Silicon Valley technology pioneer, and John
“Chris” Inglis, former deputy director of the National Security Agency. Ten
years ago, Smith also elevated the chief information security officer and
began working with cyber security companies like Mandiant to improve
FedEx’s defenses. Smith was able to move faster than many companies
because he first noticed trends while serving on other boards, and he made
sure that his own board would have the expertise to understand and manage
what he calls the “looming cyber risks.”
Companies also use an array of specific tools to help spot emerging
risks. The Lego Group uses Google Trends, which shows word searches by
region over time going back more than a decade, to try to see trends that
could present risks or opportunities for company products.28 Paychex’s
“Tournament of Risk” uses “gamification”—turning an analytic exercise
into something competitive and fun—to get creative juices flowing. Many
organizations, from Blackstone Alternative Asset Management to Shell, the
Lego Group, the U.S. National Intelligence Council,29 the World Economic
Forum, and the University of California, Berkeley’s Center for Long-Term
Cybersecurity, use scenario planning.30 To keep it interesting, the Lego
Group even gives its scenarios fun names like “Murphy’s Surprise” for its
scenario on trade protectionism and lack of resources, and “Brave New
World” for one on significant growth driven by Asian markets.31 (We will
talk more about scenario planning dos and don’ts in the next chapter. The
point here is that scenario planning is first and foremost a tool to spark
imaginative thinking about risks around the corner.)
War games are also becoming increasingly popular tools to identify and
understand risks. Used in the U.S. military since 1886, war games are
exercises that are designed to provide a better understanding of future
possibilities and current weaknesses in thinking and capabilities by
simulating an interaction with an adversary and seeing how that interaction
unfolds.32 One of the most frightening results occurred in a 1983 Pentagon
war game called Proud Prophet, which was declassified a few years ago.
The game ran around the clock for two weeks, included actual U.S.
officials, including the sitting secretary of defense and chairman of the Joint
Chiefs of Staff, and used real American top-secret war plans. Yale professor
Paul Bracken, who advised the war game, writes that it was “the most
realistic exercise involving nuclear weapons ever played by the U.S.
government during the Cold War.”33
Proud Prophet revealed that many of the core ideas that American
military planners and policymakers were employing to deal with the Soviet
Union were, in Bracken’s words, “either irresponsible or totally
incompatible with current U.S. capabilities.”34 Among them was the
strategy of limited nuclear war—the idea that a few, smaller nuclear strikes
against the Soviet Union would lead the Soviets to accept a cease-fire rather
than engage in a total nuclear war with devastating consequences for the
planet. In Proud Prophet, the “Soviets” (played by American officials) did
not show restraint once the United States launched a limited nuclear attack.
Instead, the Soviets viewed the “limited strikes” as an attack on their
homeland and their national honor, and consequently responded with a
massive nuclear retaliatory attack against the United States. The United
States then reciprocated, and in the end half a billion people died, NATO
was no more, and large swaths of the planet were rendered uninhabitable by
radiation.35 Proud Prophet showed that the theory of escalation control
could be wrong and reckless. U.S. war planners assumed limited nuclear
war would reduce catastrophic risks. Proud Prophet revealed that limited
nuclear war might very well magnify them.
War gaming in recent years has spread outside the Pentagon. Procter &
Gamble, Cadbury, Pratt & Whitney, Mars, and market leaders in more than
fifty industries worldwide have all used them. Amy’s former employer,
McKinsey & Company, in 2012 wrote an essay advocating the value and
use of war games by companies seeking to better deal with cyber threats.
The McKinsey essay noted that one cyber war game enabled a public
institution to discover that its risk identification was way off: The
organization’s security processes were focused on online fraud when the
greater risk was a loss of confidence in the aftermath of a breach.36
Like scenario planning, there are better and worse ways to conduct
effective war gaming, and there is a large literature about how to do it
well.37 Here, our aim is to give you a glimpse of the wide range of tools that
are already being used to foster imagination and reduce blind spots.

Walking in the Shoes of Others: Lessons from Labadee

Risks are often hard to see because businesses do not anticipate the
concerns, interests, values, and incentives of others. Trying to imagine any
particular risk or situation from another stakeholder’s perspective can help
uncover hidden risks before they become a problem.
In the last chapter, we recounted that first, difficult meeting in the
Haitian church between Royal Caribbean’s Peter Whelpton and local
residents who were deeply worried about the cruise line’s plans to establish
a private resort in Labadee. “My God, they came after me,” Whelpton
reflected. He thought the entire deal might go down before it ever got
started. Whelpton had the critical support of his Haitian friend Pierre
Chauvet, who knew the residents, spoke Creole, and urged them to listen.
But that was not enough. Whelpton knew he had to look at the situation
from the residents’ perspective, acknowledge their concerns, and address
them. The local community was skeptical. They were worried that the land
would be destroyed and jobs would not be forthcoming. They lived in
abject poverty and political turmoil. They had no relationship with
Whelpton or the company. They had no reason to trust them and no idea
what benefits might ever come to Labadee. “I tried to put myself in their
shoes,” Whelpton told us. “How are they going to look at what I’m doing?
Am I doing it for them? Am I doing this with them? Am I doing this to
them? You don’t want to do it to them.” For every project, he told us, he
tried to think about how others might view it. “I’m saying to myself, ‘I’m
Haitian. I’ve never seen a project like this before. I’m suspicious.’ Once
you can do that, then you know how to go at it and you get a lot farther that
way… Start from that point and work your way to build friends.” What
began as a tense meeting ended in a productive discussion about what the
local residents hoped for and feared. Whelpton left with a better
understanding of what he needed to do to bring them on board, including
providing jobs and running water, and genuinely committing to the
The shooting down of a Malaysian airliner over eastern Ukraine during
Russia’s invasion and resulting civil war in 2014 showed how walking in
the shoes of others, even if you may not agree with or follow their
decisions, can still uncover hidden risks. The Dutch Safety Board
investigation found that the airliner was hit by a missile while it was
traveling from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur. (Many believe the missile was
fired by Russian-backed separatists in Ukraine who mistakenly thought the
civilian airliner was a Ukrainian military plane.) The report faults the
Ukrainian government for not closing its airspace sooner, noting that two
days before the Malaysian airliner was hit, two Ukrainian military planes
were also hit while flying at commercial airliner altitudes. There was good
reason to close the airspace, the report finds, but Ukrainian authorities
resisted. Why? The report offers no answers, but a risk officer with
experience in commercial aviation does.38 “There are reasons governments
don’t want to close their airspace,” he told us. Chief among them are
overflight fees and, perhaps more important, sovereignty. For the Ukrainian
government to have closed its airspace, he said, “would have acknowledged
that they had limited control over their territory. It would acknowledge that
they did not have control over their airspace, that they were in a civil war
and didn’t have sovereign control.” To identify risks well, he told us, risk
managers in airlines have to walk in the shoes of government officials and
understand why their overflight decisions might come too late—and why
airlines need to be more proactive. Some airlines, in fact, were proactive:
Australia’s Qantas and Korean Air both stopped flying over Ukraine several
months earlier amid concerns about increasing tensions on the ground and
implications for overflight safety in the air.39

Preventing Groupthink: Lessons from the Secretary of State

Processes that encourage truth-telling and dissent within the organization
can also reduce blind spots. We have talked a lot about the importance of
developing a shared understanding of the risk appetite across your
organization. But it is also important to create strong channels for dissenting
views, new information, difficult feedback, and unconventional thinking to
get to the top. Those who use these channels also need to be rewarded: Just
because you build it does not mean they will come. The dark side of shared
understanding is developing a siege mentality where everyone believes the
same things, uses the same lenses, and dismisses alternative perspectives.
Psychologists have a name for the organizational pressures that cause
groups to come to a uniform view even when they shouldn’t. It’s called
Earlier, we shared the study that our colleague Bill Perry conducted
about what makes some secretaries of defense more effective than others. It
is a subject of high personal interest: Perry served as Bill Clinton’s
secretary of defense. He found that the secret sauce for success was not
sheer intelligence. The key was their ability to prevent groupthink.
Secretaries of defense who did not welcome opposing points of view rarely
got them—and, as Perry recounted, “they [made] big mistakes because of
When Condi became secretary of state for President George W. Bush,
preventing groupthink was very much on her mind. Inside the State
Department, the secretary is referred to as “S.” It was amazing, she recalls,
how people would walk around Foggy Bottom saying, “S thinks this,” or “S
wants that.” This was all very well-meaning. State Department foreign
service officers, civil servants, and appointees were not trying to lie or hide
the ball. They were trying to fix problems before they ever got to the
secretary’s desk. But that sometimes meant that by the time problems did
arrive on Condi’s desk, they had become even more difficult to fix.
That’s exactly what happened in 2007, when Congress passed the
Western Hemisphere Traveler Improvement Act, mandating that anyone
traveling between the United States and Canada had to have government-
issued identification. It was an effort to improve border security, and it
meant that Americans who had been traveling to Canada without any
documentation now would need travel documents. “When most people hear
they need government ID for travel, they think they need passports,” Condi
thought. “And passports is me.” Envisioning Americans in Buffalo or
Detroit traveling to Canada to watch hockey games, she suspected that the
State Department would face a spike in demand for U.S. passports as a
result of the new law. She gathered her team and asked, “Will we be able to
meet increased demand for passports?” The answer was yes. Some weeks
later, while doing her early morning workout, Condi happened to see on
television the lead local news story: A woman who had spent her life’s
savings on a trip to the Caribbean could not get her passport in time to take
the trip. “So I go into the office,” she recalls, “knowing that Congress
would be all over this by 10 a.m.” She called another meeting with all the
key personnel in charge of passports and asked if there was a problem.
“We’re a little behind,” they admitted. “How far behind?” she asked. “Six
months.” It was April. Summertime travel was fast approaching. “And so
we went on red alert,” she recalled. “I dedicated resources. We mobilized
interns. We brought in retired officers. We brought in anybody who could
process passports so that we could catch up.”
In the midst of the crisis, Condi had dinner with her cousin Lativia.
“This demand for passports is crazy,” Condi said. Her cousin replied,
“Yeah, I went ahead and got mine renewed because it was about to expire.”
Condi asked, “Oh, when does it expire?” Lativia answered, “In a year.”
That moment crystallized what was happening: It wasn’t just Americans
traveling to Canada who wanted passports. Expectations of delay were
causing even more people to get their passports renewed, making matters
By the time hockey season rolled around that winter, the six-month
delay had been cut to two months, but it was still too long. “I had identified
the problem but I did not stay on top of it,” Condi later reflected, “so by the
time it got to me, it had become a crisis.” Looking back, she wished she had
directed someone to stay on top of the passport process every couple of
weeks after the law was first passed. “You know, you’re the secretary of
state. You’re doing Middle East peace. But passports become a crisis. And
you think, ‘Passports? Really?’ It’s a systems issue. People don’t pay
enough attention to systems. I wish the people who had run the passport
office had told me they were behind. I could have gotten more resources on
it earlier to help solve the problem.”
While the passport backlog did not work out as she had hoped, Condi
took deliberate steps to create truth-telling mechanisms so that she could get
information from the ground, and honest advice, early and often. She did
this by hiring in special roles three people she had known for years: Steve
Krasner, Philip Zelikow, and later Eliot Cohen. Steve, an international
relations expert, had been a faculty colleague of Condi’s at Stanford for
more than twenty years and was brought in as the director of policy
planning, the secretary’s think tank. Philip, a historian who had taught at the
University of Virginia and Harvard, had coauthored a book with Condi
about German reunification and served as her counselor. He was succeeded
by Eliot Cohen, an academic colleague of Condi’s for many years. All three
advisers played invaluable roles in giving her information and counsel that
she otherwise would not have heard. “Steve Krasner, Philip Zelikow, and
Eliot Cohen would always tell me what they really thought,” she reflected.
“And as secretary, you really need that. You need to have someone who can
close the door and tell you what you might not want to hear.”
The process generally worked very well. In Iraq in 2005, for example,
state-building efforts were faltering. A major part of the problem was poor
coordination between the State Department and Defense Department efforts
on the ground. So Condi sent Zelikow and Ray Odierno, her military
liaison, to Iraq to get a better understanding on the ground of the challenges
and to recommend some new approaches. “We had to a have a different
system,” Condi recalls. “And they came up with PRTs,” provincial
reconstruction teams. PRTs started in Afghanistan but had been used for a
different purpose: extending the central government into the highly
decentralized country. In Iraq, PRTs would prove highly successful with the
strategy of “clear, hold, and build” to combat al-Qaeda and its associates
and allow economic and political institutions to take hold. Sending two
trusted advisers outside the normal channels proved critical in adapting an
approach from Afghanistan to the very different conditions of Iraq.
The lesson from Condi’s experience is to find ways for truth-tellers to
reach the top of your organization and build systems that keep information
and honest perspectives flowing. For many companies, including the Lego
Group, this means ensuring that the senior executive in political risk reports
directly to the CEO or CFO. For others, like Cemex, it means political risk
falls within the purview of the broader board of directors, not just the audit
committee, which tends to look at issues from a compliance perspective.
The most important thing to remember is not to isolate political risk from
the senior levels of the organization. Do not put political risk in a corner.
Make sure your political risk team has a seat at the senior table.
Organizations cannot identify every risk all the time. But reducing blind
spots through imagination, walking in the shoes of others, and truth-telling
can help master the art of boat spotting.

Know your risk appetite: Managing risks “out there” starts by

understanding priorities “in here.”
It is not enough for senior leaders to know the risk appetite.
Everyone in the organization needs a shared understanding.
Reduce blind spots through creativity, understanding
stakeholder perspectives, and truth-telling.
Analyzing Risks Like a Physicist

The following scenario involves a fictional Japanese telecommunications

company operating in Burma:

Imagine it is August 12, 2014. You are the president of Kiku

Telecom, a large Japanese company with operations in the
United States, Japan, and Asian emerging markets.1 As you
peer out the window of your Tokyo office, you see a crowd of
reporters gathering on the street below. The crisis is escalating
An hour ago, you received an urgent phone call from the
head of your Burma office reporting that peaceful labor protests
by your Muslim workers in the western region known as the
Rakhine State have erupted in violence. Several workers have
been critically wounded, at least a dozen others have been
arrested. Much is still unclear, but it appears the incident was
the result of premeditated ethnic violence perpetrated by the
Burmese army, which is also your telecom joint venture partner.
A shaky cell phone video has already gone viral. It shows the
arrival of a group of radical Buddhist monks and military
personnel. As verbal confrontation between Kiku’s Muslim
workers and the Buddhist monks escalates to rock throwing,
the military charges into the crowd, leaving the monks alone but
assaulting and arresting the workers. The BBC World News is
running a continuous loop of the video under the headline
“Military Beats Muslims at Japanese Telco Site.” The Asia
Director of Human Rights Watch has launched a fast-growing
Twitter campaign, #brutalitypaysKiku. Meanwhile, the Burmese
government has shut down your telecom network indefinitely
for what it claims are “national security reasons.” Your
telephone calls to Burmese officials have not been returned.
A year ago, entering the Burmese telecom market seemed
like a big win. You brokered a $2 billion partnership deal with
the state-owned, army-backed Myanmar Posts and
Telecommunications (MPT), the nation’s monopoly telecom
services provider. Securing the coveted foreign contract license
committed Kiku to building infrastructure over the next ten years
in exchange for splitting earnings 50/50 with MPT. The deal
was a chance to enter one of the world’s most promising
emerging markets, with only 5 to 10 percent mobile phone
penetration and a government trying to transition to a capitalist-
oriented democracy. Now you are wondering: How can we
contain the damage and ensure returns on our investment?
Was entering Burma a mistake?

Although we made up this crisis scenario for our course several years
ago, the general conditions in Burma are real. The country has been riven
by ethnic conflict, corruption, and authoritarian rule for decades. Starting in
2010, however, Burma began opening to the outside world. The military
junta was replaced, national elections were held, and Nobel Peace Prize
winner Aung San Suu Kyi was released from house arrest. In response, the
United States and the European Union lifted a number of sanctions, opening
new opportunities for foreign investment.
In 2017, Burma’s military, its security forces, and others launched a
brutal crackdown against the country’s Muslim Rohingya minority, making
our hypothetical scenario tragically realistic.
We use this case to walk students through the nuts and bolts of analyzing
political risks in a challenging new market. The full case includes
information about Burma’s history, sanctions regimes, human rights
concerns, and telecommunications industry dynamics. As in our Mexican
cruise industry case, there is no right answer. But there are three important
lessons about analytic pitfalls and how to avoid them.
The first lesson is about what constitutes useful data. Each year, when
our MBA students discuss whether entering Burma was a good idea, they
seize on national-level data in the case materials such as literacy rates, GDP,
and cell phone penetration. These figures are quantifiable, available, and
useful for assessing the business opportunity. But they do not say much
about political risks. Instead, as we note in chapter 4, political risk data are
often localized and hard to quantify. What are the prospects for
democratization in Burma? Where is ethnic conflict most severe and likely?
Answering these questions requires more specific and qualitative data.
We write the case deliberately so that Kiku Telecom begins its Burma
operations in a western region called the Rakhine State. In real life, this is
one of the worst locations from a political risk perspective. While central
Burma is populated by an ethnic Bamar majority and is under firm control
of the state, it is surrounded by a horseshoe of ethnic and separatist conflict
involving nearly two dozen groups. The Rakhine State is wracked by
poverty and conflict between Buddhists and Rohingya Muslims, a group
described by the United Nations as one of the most persecuted minorities in
the world.2 Although we include this information about ethnic conflict in
the case materials, it tends to be overlooked. Why? Because for many,
“data” means numbers, not words. People find hard numbers alluring and
The “aha” moment in class usually comes when we point to the
paragraph discussing the Rakhine State and ask, “So why did the company
start here, of all places?” Students realize that they overlooked a major risk.
Investing in Burma is one thing. Making your investment beachhead in one
of the most conflict-prone areas of the country is quite another. The location
and phase of the investment increased the probability of an adverse event
and narrowed risk mitigation options from the start.
The second lesson is that political risk analysis should not stop once an
investment begins. In our Burma case, fictitious company executives assess
political risks before signing the joint venture deal but do not conduct
ongoing analysis afterward. That’s surprisingly common in the real world,
too. Ian Bremmer, CEO and founder of the Eurasia Group, notes that most
businesses analyze political risks for new investments but few continue to
assess political risks once the investment is made.3 A survey conducted by
Bremmer’s firm and PricewaterhouseCoopers in 2006 found that only 24
percent of respondents reported on political risk on a biannual or more
frequent basis.4 Ten years later, a McKinsey global survey of executives
found that only a quarter had integrated risk analysis into a formal process
rather than conducting ad hoc analyses as events arose.5

View from the White House: Keeping Up with the Cold

War’s End
Governments are designed to monitor global politics
constantly, but even policymakers sometimes cannot keep pace
with events. Condi experienced one ill-fated review when she
served on the George H. W. Bush National Security Council
staff. The administration came to office in 1989, and
immediately conducted an assessment of Soviet, Eastern
European, and European policy given the rise of Gorbachev.
Those reviews assessed that Gorbachev would not radically
reform the Soviet Union, and that the United States needed to
institute a more robust containment approach. The ink had not
dried on the documents before events raced ahead and the
Soviet Union soon collapsed.

Especially in today’s environment, political conditions change,

sometimes quickly. Good political risk analysis is not a one-shot deal, it is a
continuous endeavor.
The third lesson is to beware of optimism bias. Most students walk into
class enthusiastic about Burma, seeing a rare opening and a historic
business opportunity.6 After three hours of political risk discussion, they
reach a more sober assessment of the trade-offs. Although many say they
would enter Burma anyway, nearly all say they would enter differently.
Once they focus on political risks, students come up with all sorts of
mitigation ideas—from starting construction in central Burma to building
relationships with human rights groups to insisting on legislation that limits
the government’s ability to cut transmissions. Every year, we find that
optimism bias keeps students from seeing risks and ways to reduce them.
Integrating political risk analysis into business decision-making helps
guard against optimism bias. Not enough companies do this. SeaWorld
executives saw profits, not exposure, in the company’s dependence on orcas
for theme park attendance and brand reputation. Jack Welch got so excited
about the business potential of the GE-Honeywell merger that he did not
take seriously enough the risk that the European Commission would nix the
deal. Boeing executives were so buoyed by demand for the 787 Dreamliner
that they did not see the slow-motion supply chain disruption coming when
the fastener industry contracted after 9/11. By contrast, companies that
manage political risks well make risk analysis a core part of the business.
They bake political risk in. They do not bolt it on. And importantly, they see
political risk as helping the business. The “risk folks” are not the voice of
doom. As Pat Donovan, Chevron’s director for global security, told us, “We
have to speak to people in a way that we aren’t trying to prevent them from
doing their job, but showing them the best way to go about doing it—
politely, diplomatically, but candidly. No doesn’t work. Ninety-nine percent,
yes, we will find a solution, does.”
These takeaways from our Burma case raise three questions that every
organization should ask to analyze political risks.

Analyzing Political Risks: Three Key Questions

1. How can we get good information about the political risks we

2. How can we ensure rigorous analysis?
3. How can we integrate political risk analysis into business

1. How can we get good information about the political risks we

General Michael Hayden, who ran the NSA and the CIA, has a knack for
explaining complex ideas in colorful ways. At his 2006 confirmation
hearing, Hayden described the perils of analysis. “I have three great kids,”
he told the Senate Intelligence Committee, “but if you tell me, ‘Go out and
find all the bad things they’ve done, Hayden,’ I can build you a pretty good
dossier, and you’d think they were pretty bad people, because that was what
I was looking for and that’s what I’d build up. That would be very wrong.
That would be inaccurate. That would be misleading.”7 Hayden’s message
was: Be careful. Good information is not so objective. Context matters.
What you find depends on what you seek.
Companies analyzing political risks confront many of the same
challenges the CIA does. Information often seems straightforward when it
isn’t. The story of Hayden’s kids reminds us that context is crucial. Even
cold, hard facts can tell different stories. Is the drug-related violence in
Mexico increasing or decreasing? It depends on when you start counting
and what cities you use for comparison. Where should Kiku Telecom begin
its operations in Burma? If you are looking to start where cell phone
penetration is lowest, the Rakhine State is a good bet. If you are looking to
mitigate political risks, not so much. Identifying what constitutes “good
information” is itself an act of judgment. What you find depends on what
you seek.
Three rules of thumb are useful.

Rule 1: Good information is specific, not generic.

Good information does more than indicate the political risks of operating in
Country X. It helps answer the question, “What are the political risks to my
organization from this place at this particular time?”
Note the words “my organization.” Political risk information should be
tailored to your company, its risk appetite, alternatives, strategy, and
strengths. Recall that in Iraq, ExxonMobil was willing to assume far greater
political risk in pursuing oil exploration and production contracts with Iraqi
Kurds than Royal Dutch Shell was. That’s because even in the same
industry and location, the two companies had different risk appetites and
For this reason, off-the-shelf products are likely to be off the mark.
Country reports, corruption indices, global industry analyses, and other
generic products are fine places to start analyzing risks, but poor places to
end. For example, Transparency International conducts an annual poll
assessing perceptions of corruption by country. The poll is a valuable
indicator of national-level corruption over time, but not of how corruption
varies within a country. Research finds that within-country variations in
corruption are significant even among EU member states such as Belgium,
Bulgaria, Portugal, Romania, and Spain.8
Similarly, industry-based information about political risks in a particular
market tends to rely on assessments at a single point in time. With today’s
pace of change, the lag between assessment and reality can be substantial.
Argentina is the poster child for just how fast a nation’s economic policies
and political circumstances can shift. In October 2015, Argentina was
poised to continue its leftist rule of heavy government subsidies and
interventionist economic policies. Populism was so deeply rooted, no
center-right candidate had led the nation since democracy was restored in
1983. Daniel Scioli, the ruling-party candidate, was expected to win.
Instead, Mauricio Macri, a millionaire conservative businessman and the
mayor of Buenos Aires, pulled an upset victory. Suddenly, Argentina
appeared poised for transformation. “Today is a historic day,” Macri
declared in his victory speech. “We need to build an Argentina with zero
poverty. A marvelous phase is beginning for Argentina.”9 He moved with
lightning speed, dismantling subsidies and lifting currency controls on the
peso to spur foreign investment. In March 2016, he negotiated an end to the
country’s debt dispute with holdout creditors, clearing the way for
Argentina to access global credit markets.10 Later that month, he restored
relations with the United States, hosting President Obama, the first visit by
an American president in two decades. “Argentina is back,” then finance
minister Alfonso Prat-Gay proclaimed.11 But by summer, Argentina’s
political situation was changing yet again. With a shrinking economy and
surging inflation and unemployment, Macri faced rising popular discontent.
In July, angry citizens reacted to rising utility prices by banging pots and
pans in the streets.12 In August, more protests erupted, with tens of
thousands gathering outside the presidential palace. In September, pilots
halted flights of Argentina’s airline to demand higher wages. Macri’s
approval plummeted. While economic analysts praised his efforts to reform
the nation’s economy and urged patience, political uncertainties grew about
whether he would suffer the same fate as so many Argentine leaders ousted
by popular economic discontent. All of these developments—the predicted
continuation of Cristina Kirchner’s socialist policies, the surprise election of
a pro-business conservative president, the breakneck pace of economic
reforms followed by political backlash, social unrest, and rising uncertainty
about whether Macri would even finish his term—transpired in less than a
In short, generic products are likely to be incomplete and quickly
outdated. Companies need to develop the capability to drill down into
national data, gathering additional information that is more localized,
contextual, and dynamic about the risks that matter most for them.
Doing this well does not require hiring an army of doctoral students or
regional experts. Marriott International, one of the pioneers in global
political risk management, has a full-time team of just two professional
intelligence analysts, one in Hong Kong, one in Washington, D.C., so that
someone is assessing intelligence all the time. Because Marriott operates
properties around the world, including in some high-threat terrorist
locations, Vice President for Global Safety and Security Alan Orlob is
continuously assessing whether to move a hotel up or down a five-tiered
color-coded alert system. He and his team do this by taking the intelligence
they receive and analyzing its implications for specific properties. “We’re
very careful about not spreading threat levels across a country,” Orlob told
us. “For example we don’t say, ‘All of India is at our highest level.’ We
look at it city by city, product by product (what kind of hotel it is), and we
look at it by history.”
Management by walking around goes a long way, too. The best
information about political risks in the field often comes from visiting the
field. Consider Royal Caribbean International’s assessment of the political
risk of developing its port destination in Labadee, Haiti, during the 1980s.
As the crow flies, Labadee is located just eighty-five miles from the
violence-ridden capital of Port-au-Prince, a seemingly poor choice from a
political risk perspective. But when executive Peter Whelpton visited, he
found that Labadee was actually much farther, since there was only one
poorly maintained road that took several hours to traverse.13 “People say,
‘Oh, there’s insurrection in Haiti; my God, there’s shooting in the street,’”
Whelpton told us. “But Labadee is way, way, way from Port-au-Prince.”
Back to the question, “What are the political risks to my organization
from this place at this particular time?” We use the phrase “from this place,”
not “in this place.” As we noted earlier, political risks in one location or
time often produce effects elsewhere. They cascade, thanks to connective
technologies, global supply chains, and politics. In our hypothetical Burma
case, for example, one of the issues we discuss is how human rights abuses
by the Burmese military, which is Kiku Telecom’s joint venture partner,
could generate corporate social responsibility concerns among Kiku’s
Japanese and American customers. Political risks in Burma may not stay in
In the real world, examples of cascade effects abound. The outbreak of
unrest in Yemen hurt tea farmers in Kenya. Progress against the illegal drug
trade in Colombia shifted trafficking to Mexico, which in turn contributed
to rising drug-related violence there. During the Arab Spring, the self-
immolation of a fruit seller in Tunisia ended up bringing down the Mubarak
regime in Egypt. In 2014, China moved an offshore oil rig close to Vietnam,
sparking local Vietnamese protests, factory shutdowns, and clothing stock-
outs in American cities.
Corruption is the most obvious cascading political risk that global
companies face. As we note in chapter 2, the extraterritorial reach of U.S.
and U.K. antibribery laws is extensive, covering activities anywhere in the
world for companies that have some portion of their business operations in
the United States or the United Kingdom. These laws also cover the
activities of third-party contractors. “The middleman did it” is no defense.
Small bribery requests in faraway places may pose no serious political risk
where they occur, but they present substantial political risks of fines and
prosecution in the United States and the United Kingdom.
When we asked Royal Caribbean executive Adam Goldstein to identify
the hardest political risks his company faces, he immediately brought up the
Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, sharing an incident that highlights the
challenge. A few years ago, the company was charged a fee at one of its
ports of call that appeared suspicious. Executives tried to get a justification
from the host government, but as the ship neared the port, no answer came.
“In the end, we were never provided with the proper documentation to
justify the charge and they never backed off insisting on the charge,” said
Goldstein. “And so we did not call on the port. The restitution to our guests
for missing that port of call for a reason that was not an act of God was $1
million to avoid a $5,000 bribe.” Goldstein and his team knew the political
risk was from the foreign port of call but was not confined there. The real
risk was back home, in the potential to expose the company to violations of
the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act.

Rule 2: Good information includes perception and emotion.

Good information also provides insight about perception and emotion.
Perception and emotion are tightly intertwined drivers of human behavior,
whether it’s consumers in department stores, protesters on streets, or
lawmakers in Congress.
Perhaps no episode in Condi’s government service illustrates the power
of perception and emotion better than the Dubai Ports World controversy.
She taught this case to all incoming MBA students for several years. Here’s
what happened.14
In 2006, Dubai Ports World, an award-winning port management
company owned by the government of the United Arab Emirates, acquired
the London-based Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Company
(P&O), one of the world’s oldest and largest port operators. The $6.8 billion
deal made Dubai Ports World the fourth-largest container port operator (by
throughput) in the world, with terminals in the Middle East, Europe, Asia,
Australia, Latin America, and the United States. Because the acquisition
gave Dubai Ports World control over operating container terminals in six
U.S. ports (Baltimore, Miami, New Orleans, New York, New Jersey, and
Philadelphia), it needed to be approved by the Committee on Foreign
Investment in the United States (CFIUS), a federal interagency panel
charged with reviewing the national security implications of transactions
granting foreign control over U.S. businesses. At the time, twelve
government agencies were represented on CFIUS, including the National
Security Council and the Departments of Defense, Homeland Security,
State, and Justice.
The approval process began smoothly. Foreign operation of shipping
terminals in the United States was in fact common: Seventy-five percent of
shipping at the time passed through terminals leased by foreign
companies.15 Security at American ports was the primary responsibility of
the Coast Guard, not terminal operators. What’s more, the CFIUS review
found no specific cause for concern. The Department of Homeland Security
found Dubai Ports World to be fully cooperative with the mission of
protecting American ports and American ships in foreign ports. The UAE
was a longtime American ally and partner in the war on terror. In fact, UAE
ports hosted more U.S. Navy ships than any port outside the United States.
In addition, the UAE was providing valuable assistance to American
missions in both Iraq and Afghanistan, and the government had played an
instrumental role in arresting Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri, the suspected
mastermind of the USS Cole bombing (which killed seventeen American
sailors) and the 1998 U.S. embassy bombings in Kenya and Tanzania.
On paper, everything looked good. CFIUS unanimously approved the
But perception and emotion were quite another matter. Just four years
after 9/11, fears of terrorist attacks on the U.S. homeland remained acute.
The prospect of allowing an Arab government to operate shipping terminals
in American ports sparked concern and outrage in Congress. The UAE was
an Arab country, one of only three nations that recognized the Taliban
regime in Afghanistan before 9/11, home to two of the 9/11 hijackers, and
the place where financial transactions supporting the attack appeared to
have occurred.16 The Dubai Ports World deal quickly came under fire.
Opposition was visceral, bipartisan, and widespread. Democratic senator
Chuck Schumer declared, “Foreign control of our ports, which are vital to
homeland security, is a risky proposition. Riskier yet is that we are turning
it over to a country that has been linked to terrorism previously.”17
Republican representative Sue Myrick wrote a one-sentence letter to
President Bush that read, “Dear Mr. President: In regards to selling
American ports to the United Arab Emirates, not just NO but HELL NO!”18
A Gallup poll found that 66 percent of the American public opposed the
deal, and 45 percent opposed it strongly. On March 8, the House
Appropriations Committee voted 62–2 to block the transaction. Although
the White House wanted the deal to go through, it had little room to
maneuver. On March 9, one day after the House committee vote, Dubai
Ports World announced that it would transfer its shipping terminal
operations to an American entity.
Condi was secretary of state at the time. She remembers thinking that
the facts showed there was no security risk in the deal. No agency in the
U.S. government, including the Departments of Defense and Homeland
Security, believed that having a UAE company operating shipping terminals
in American ports posed a threat to national security. Especially in the
aftermath of 9/11, every department and agency was hypervigilant about
potential homeland security vulnerabilities. But none of that mattered. The
timing and ownership of the company were political killers. As Condi later
reflected, “Americans heard ‘Arabs, ports, and 9/11,’ and those three things
just couldn’t go together. In the aftermath of 9/11 there was no way this deal
was going to go through.”
How can companies avoid a Dubai Ports World moment? For starters,
by realizing that good information includes gathering a sense of the heated
feelings and passions of key audiences. Think of “perception information”
as anything that helps put a finger on the pulse of a group critical to your
business, whether it’s a segment of customers, a leadership group of
government officials, or the political mood of a population. No telepathic
powers or pinpoint accuracy is necessary. Perception is about general feel,
broad trends, the arc of emotion.
Condi spent a great deal of time in the Middle East as secretary of state,
traveling to the region thirty-one times in four years. In 2005, six years
before protests erupted in Tahrir Square and brought down the regime of
President Hosni Mubarak, she went to Cairo and delivered a speech urging
Mubarak to embrace political reform before it was too late. “The Egyptian
government must put its faith in its own people,” she said, “[and] the day
must come when the rule of law replaces emergency decrees.” Years later,
Amy asked why she gave the Cairo speech long before anyone thought
Egypt would experience a major political change, through either evolution
or revolution. “I could not tell you when the Arab Spring was going to
ignite or exactly how a Tunisian fruit seller would lead to the fall of an
Egyptian monarch,” Condi reflected, “but I could tell you even then that the
Middle East had some brittle regimes, bad demographics, rising social
unrest, few outlets for all that pressure, and that time was definitely not on
the side of the autocrats.” Close contact with the region gave her insight.
Rule 3: Good information comes from asking good questions.
Third, and finally, good data come from asking good questions. How you
label a problem can send your team searching in the right direction or in a
very wrong one.
On March 11, 2011, a 9.0 magnitude earthquake struck Japan, triggering
a catastrophic tsunami that hit the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant.
Immediately after the temblor, the plant shut down its nuclear reactors
according to emergency protocols. Then the power went out. Because
power is essential for cooling nuclear fuel rods, diesel backup generators
kicked into action. So far, safety systems were running as planned. But then
the tsunami hit. The wave flooded the backup power generators for five of
the six reactors, knocking them out. Without sufficient power, the plant
suffered partial meltdowns in two reactors. The result was the worst nuclear
disaster since Chernobyl. Nearly two hundred thousand residents were
forced to evacuate as several hydrogen explosions erupted, radioactive
steam and water were released, and officials desperately sought to contain
the contamination and prevent a full core meltdown.19
The conventional wisdom about Fukushima is that nobody could have
seen this disaster coming. The 9.0 magnitude earthquake was one of the
most severe ever recorded. The tsunami, too, was a rare event: There had
been only three tsunamis in fifty years in Japan. Fukushima seemed like a
black swan, so unlikely as to be unpredictable.
But not if you frame the risk differently. Our Stanford colleague Rod
Ewing, a leading expert on nuclear waste, has examined what went wrong
at Fukushima. He found that while the immediate risk of this specific event
might seem remote, the longer-term risk of a major seismic event affecting
a Japanese nuclear power reactor was far more likely. “You could ask,
‘What if I have a string of reactors along the eastern coast of Japan? What is
the risk of a tsunami hitting one of those reactors over their lifetime, say,
100 years?’” said Ewing.20
The answer is, pretty high. For starters, Japan has a lot of nuclear
reactors—fifty-four in 2011, the third most of any country in the world.21
Most are located on coasts. Before the disaster, Japan planned to double the
number of reactors and expected to rely heavily on nuclear power for
hundreds of years. Japan is also located in the Pacific “Ring of Fire,” where
90 percent of the world’s earthquakes originate. Finally, the fact that major
tsunamis had not struck recently gave false comfort: Ten years before
Fukushima, some of Japan’s leading earth scientists, led by Koji Minoura at
Tohoku University, found the interval of major earthquakes and tsunamis to
be about a thousand years, with the last one occurring in 869. “From a
geologic perspective,” Ewing writes, “the earthquake and its great
magnitude should not have been a surprise.”22
Considering long-term seismic risks to nuclear facilities throughout
Japan could have unearthed what turned out to be the critical design failure
at Fukushima: the location of backup power generators. All five failing
generators were located near the low-lying coast, which is why they flooded
so fast. Only backup generator number 6, located on higher ground, kept
working. The flooding of five generators was not an accident; it was a
design flaw. All of the backup generators could have been located farther
from the ocean on higher ground had the risk been framed differently.23
Advances in evidence-based medicine also reveal how finding useful
data begins with asking the right questions. For years, researchers did not
think to conduct experiments gathering data on certain medical procedures
because they assumed the outcomes were obviously better than any
alternative course of treatment. But the evidence-based medicine movement
has shown how doctors’ experience and judgment can be wrong—
sometimes frighteningly so. David S. Jones, a Harvard Medical School
professor, recounts how two of the most common treatments for heart
disease, coronary bypass surgery and angioplasty, have been widely used
for years because doctors believed—falsely, it turns out—that these
procedures would extend life expectancy.24 Physicians believed that
patients suffering from blocked arteries would live longer if the clogs could
somehow be removed or circumvented. Bypass surgery did this by grafting
veins or arteries from another part of the body into the heart vasculature.
Angioplasty involved inserting a balloon into the blocked artery to
compress and shrink the blockage, and then inserting a meshlike stent to
keep future clots from forming. In 1996, doctors performed a peak of six
hundred thousand heart bypass operations. In the 2000s, more than a
million angioplasties were performed annually. Yet when randomized
clinical trials were finally conducted, results showed that bypass surgery
and angioplasty did not extend life expectancy any more than medication
and lifestyle changes did except for a few of the sickest patients. And
importantly, surgery imposed significant risks of side effects, including
brain damage, that medication and lifestyle changes did not. The bottom
line was that for most cardiac patients, noninvasive treatment options
produced equivalent outcomes at a lower risk of serious complications.
For years, the data about bypass surgery and angioplasty were out there,
waiting to be collected. But nobody ever asked: Do these surgical
procedures lead to overall better outcomes than less invasive alternatives
when we consider possible side effects?25 Good information remained
hidden until doctors began asking good questions.
Harnessing the power of information requires searching for data tailored
to your organization’s needs and strengths, considering perception and
emotion, and asking the right questions to search in the right direction.

2. How can we ensure rigorous analysis?

The first step in good political risk analysis is getting good information.
Step 2 is analyzing that information well.
Richard Feynman, one of the world’s great physicists, said that analysis
is how we try not to fool ourselves.26 He was onto something. Whether you
are analyzing next quarter’s prospects in a foreign market or geostrategic
trends over the next five years, good political risk analysis challenges
assumptions and mental models about how the future could unfold. The
goal of political risk analysis is not to predict the future. Nobody can do
that. The goal is to create better decisions for your organization by
developing insight about key drivers and possibilities. Rigorous analysis
hinges on traps, tools, and teams—understanding the cognitive traps and
group pathologies that lead analysts astray, utilizing analytic tools to
overcome these barriers, and enlisting the entire business team.

Cognitive traps are deadly and they are everywhere. In chapter 4, we
discussed how humans are terrible when it comes to statistics and
calculating risk. People are more worried about dying in an airplane crash
than a car crash even though airplanes are about seventy times safer than
cars. All of us suffer from the “availability heuristic,” believing that bad
events which can be recalled easily (usually because of press coverage) are
more likely to occur than they actually are. Optimism bias is also pervasive,
explaining why investors believe their investments will perform better than
average, why NFL fans overpredict wins for their favorite teams, and why
so many were taken by surprise by the “Brexit” vote to leave the European
Union in the summer of 2016 even though polls consistently showed the
vote was statistically too close to call.
Mental mind-sets are particularly challenging. Everyone uses them.
Mind-sets are unconscious analytic frames used to organize information and
make sense of complexity.27 While frequently useful, mind-sets can also
distort thinking in hidden ways. To see how, try your hand at the following
exercise. It first appeared in Norman Maier’s 1930 article “Reasoning in
Humans” and for years has been part of Richards Heuer’s book on
intelligence analysis, a staple in CIA analytic training.28

The Nine-Dot Exercise

Instructions: Without lifting your pencil from the paper, draw no more than
four straight lines that cross through all nine dots.
Many people find this puzzle difficult to solve because they assume they
are not supposed to let the pencil go outside of an imaginary square drawn
around the dots. They try drawing the lines this way:
This obviously does not work: Drawing a line around the perimeter
omits the center dot. However, once you discard the assumption of equal
line length, it should be pretty easy to draw the four-line answer below:
Many also assume that the lines must pass through the center of the dots.
This constraint is entirely in the mind of the problem-solver as well. Once
this constraint is relaxed, you can reach a solution using only three lines,
not four.
Another answer can be found if you relax the mental mind-set that the
puzzle has to be solved in a two-dimensional plane. If you roll the paper
into a cylinder, you can draw a single line passing through all nine dots.

Amy has used this exercise in a number of classes over the years. Each
time, students react the same way: “You never told us we could solve the
puzzle that way!” And that is precisely the point. Students’ own mind-sets
impose barriers to analyzing the problem and finding a solution.
As the nine-dot exercise shows, people are routinely constrained by
mind-sets they do not even realize exist. These mind-sets are formed by
many inputs—past experience, cultural norms, organizational standard
operating procedures, situational context, education, and training.
Recognizing them is the first step toward overcoming them. The simple act
of awareness can unlock a host of possibilities.
In addition to cognitive traps, group dynamics pose analytic challenges.
Nobody wants to be seen disagreeing with the boss. Many bosses do not
like to hear dissenting views. Hierarchy and status often stifle discussion of
vital information without anyone realizing it.
In his bestselling book The Checklist Manifesto, physician Atul
Gawande finds that one of the reasons surgical complications arise with
such frequency has to do with group dynamics: Nurses, doctors, and other
operating room staff typically come together in ad hoc teams for each
procedure. Often, not all the people in the room even know one another’s
names. Add to this the natural tendency to defer to the doctor and you get a
silent social system where dissenting information is hard to elicit. A 2008
study instituted a checklist at eight hospitals worldwide that included a
simple step: Before surgery began, every member of the team had to
introduce herself and say what her job was. That simple act of learning the
names of the team was found to generate different team dynamics and better
patient outcomes. Nobody quite knows how or why, but it’s believed that a
basic act generating familiarity and camaraderie also generated more
valuable dissenting information—a process known as the “activation
phenomenon.”29 In one particular case in Jordan, a surgeon inadvertently
contaminated his glove while adjusting an overhead light. A nurse noticed
and spoke up, requesting that he change his glove to avoid infecting the
patient. The surgeon initially brushed it off, but after the nurse told him not
to be stupid and demanded that he change it, he obliged.30
Research finds that even when dissenting views are encouraged, there
are strong psychological pressures toward conformity. Particularly in high-
pressure situations, individuals may come to value their membership in a
decision-making group more than anything else. Preserving the group’s
cohesiveness takes precedence over considering alternative views, leading
members to adopt a distorted view of reality, unwittingly suppress their own
nagging doubts, silence dissent, and strive for unanimity—a process Irving
Janis called “groupthink.” In his pioneering 1972 study, Janis examined
how psychological dynamics in small groups led to foreign policy fiascoes,
including the Bay of Pigs invasion and escalation of the war in Vietnam.31
Cognitive traps and group dynamics are big challenges. The good news
is that there is help; political officials, intelligence professionals, and
business leaders have developed and deployed a number of tools to combat
cognitive traps, groupthink, and other pitfalls. We discuss some of our
favorites below so that you can use them, too.

Scenario Planning
In 1965, Ted Newland was tapped to start a unit called Long-Term Studies
at Royal Dutch Shell’s London headquarters. “I was placed in a little
cubicle on the 18th floor and told to think about the future, with no real
indications of what was required of me,” Newland later recalled.32 It was
the beginning of Shell’s pioneering use of scenario planning for political
risk analysis. Soon Newland was joined by Pierre Wack, a former magazine
editor who believed in the value of storytelling. In 1971, they began a major
scenario planning exercise, looking for events that could affect the price of
oil. The task was more radical than it sounds: Because the price of oil had
experienced low volatility since the end of World War II, imagining factors
that could dramatically affect oil prices was a venture into the unfamiliar.
The conventional wisdom at Shell was that stable oil prices would continue.
Wack and Newland found a number of reasons why oil prices might
spike at some point down the road. American demand for energy was rising
while domestic reserves were dwindling. The Organization of the Petroleum
Exporting Countries (OPEC) consisted heavily of Arab countries. While
OPEC had not coordinated to boost oil prices yet, their opposition to
Western support of Israel during the 1967 Six-Day War might give them
reason to, and there was already a scheduled renegotiation of the Tehran
price agreement slated for 1975. In September 1972, Wack and Newland
developed two scenarios, a stable price scenario and a drastic price change
scenario. The stable price scenario was eventually called “the three
miracles” because its occurrence hinged on wildly optimistic exploration
and production; all major countries’ willing depletion of their hydrocarbon
resources to meet consumer demand; and no major supply or demand
changes (including regional wars or demand spikes).
Wack and Newland did not know if, when, or specifically why a major
price hike might occur. But their scenario planning revealed something
essential: The possibility was much more likely than Shell executives had
imagined. As Wack later put it, “We wanted to change our managers’ view
of reality.”33
Sure enough, in October 1973, about a year later, OPEC did suddenly
boost oil prices, triggering an energy crisis. Shell was the only major oil
company whose executives were prepared emotionally, strategically, and
operationally, thanks to the scenario planning process.34 Scenario planning
has been at Shell ever since. Angela Wilkinson, formerly on Shell’s
corporate scenario team, and Roland Kupers, a former Shell senior
executive, wrote, “For an operation that doesn’t contribute directly to the
bottom line, and that emphasizes the uncertainty of the future rather than
making bold predictions, this is remarkable.”35
Scenario planning is used more frequently today.36 Bain & Company’s
annual survey queries thirteen thousand respondents from more than
seventy countries about the use and utility of management tools. In 2014,
18 percent of respondents reported using scenario planning and 60 percent
said they expected to use it in 2015.37
As with any tool, there is scenario planning and then there is effective
scenario planning. Simply spinning out possible futures is unlikely to get
attention or action in the C-suite. Pierre Wack and Peter Schwartz, who
worked together at Shell, have each written extensively about what makes
for good scenario planning. We summarize their top tips in the box below.38

Effective Scenario Planning…

• Does not predict the future. Instead, it imagines equally

plausible possibilities to stimulate thinking about forces
driving the system, their connections, and uncertainties.
• Deals with both facts and perceptions.
• Identifies the underlying technological, business, political,
and societal forces driving your business.
• Organizes information into three or four stories of
alternative future worlds, each meticulously researched
and intended to catalyze “unexpected leaps of
• Draws on diverse views, including from unconventional
• Connects tightly with business strategy and the concerns
of managers.
• Includes opportunities, not just threats.
• Uses narratives and language to get managers’ attention,
interest, and buy-in.

It is important to underscore that the test of good scenario planning is

not whether it pinpoints the future but whether it enables managers to view
the future differently—helping them get out of their mental mind-sets.
Wack and Schwartz call this “re-perceiving.”40 Scenarios are not prediction
tools. They are learning tools. They help managers cross the bridge between
their mental mind-set view of the world and future realities that may be far

Red Teams, Devil’s Advocates, Thinking Backwards, and Other

Scenario planning is probably the best-known tool but certainly not the only
one to illuminate “risks around the corner.” Organizations ranging from
military units to start-up companies use many other mechanisms and
processes to help managers “re-perceive” the world, step out of their mental
mind-sets, and overcome team barriers like groupthink.
The Lego Group, for example, uses both scenario planning and Monte
Carlo computer-based simulations, which employ mathematical equations
to quantify the likelihood of possible outcomes, to get a better handle on the
quantification of various risks. Paychex employs a “Tournament of Risk”
that is modeled after the NCAA men’s basketball tournament where
managers vote on risks in head-to-head competition to flesh out ideas.
When Carmen Medina ran the Central Intelligence Agency’s analytic
directorate, she asked a handful of top analysts to create graphic designs of
threat landscapes. The end product had to fit on a single page, and it had to
use images to depict the drivers of conflict and their interconnections. For
analysts accustomed to writing reports in prose, it was a creative, powerful
way to unpack hidden assumptions about the evolving threat environment.
U.S. Strategic Command, the combatant command that oversees U.S.
nuclear forces and has to think long and hard about conflict escalation, has
a dedicated war-gaming unit that designs and role-plays realistic future
conflicts to stress test assumptions about how interactions might unfold. At
STRATCOM headquarters in Nebraska, there is even a special war game
room with a Hollywood-like center stage whose floor is a map of the world.
We use role-playing simulations extensively in all of our Stanford courses
as well as in our cyber “boot camps” for policymakers and have found them
to be invaluable tools for breaking mind-sets and generating fresh insight.

“Call the Russians”: Putting Training into Practice

Condi was a veteran of crisis simulations during her various
tours in government service. Several times she was a part of a
team that was sent out to an undisclosed location to practice
responses to a nuclear attack on the United States. The idea
was that some form of government had to survive so that the
United States would not cease to function. Nuclear war—thank
God—didn’t happen. But September 11 did. Her participation in
those Cold War simulations provided essential training for that
“When I reached the bunker after the attacks two thoughts
immediately occurred to me,” she remembered. “One was that I
had to reach the Russians right away. Our forces were going up
on alert, raising the DEFCON, or Defense Condition, level of
our military around the world. The Russians through multiple
sources—electronic and likely human—would see that and
might raise their DEFCON levels in response. That could set off
a ‘spiral of alerts’ with the two countries’ militaries spiraling
toward a showdown.”
Condi asked to speak to President Putin, who was already
trying to reach President Bush. “Mr. President,” she said,
“President Bush is trying to get to a safe location. But I want
you to know that our forces are going up on alert.” Before she
could say, “Please don’t respond,” Putin replied, “Don’t worry,
we are canceling all exercises. Our defense condition will
remain as it is.” Condi was stunned. “The Cold War really is
over,” she thought. It had been the simulations of nuclear attack
that taught her about the spiral of alerts and caused her to
make that call.
Similarly, the exercises had always emphasized that it was
important that the United States communicate to its allies—and
its foes—that it was still functioning. Remembering this lesson,
Condi asked her deputy, Steve Hadley, to call the deputy
secretary of state, Rich Armitage. “Get a cable out to all posts—
have every ambassador go in and tell foreign officials that the
United States has not been decapitated,” she said, using the
language of nuclear war. She knew that the president wouldn’t
be able to speak for some time. The world would see only
images of planes flying into buildings and the ruins of the
Pentagon and the World Trade Center. “Our friends needed to
know that we were okay. Our foes needed to know, too, just in
case someone might want to take advantage of us at that
moment,” she recalled thinking.
These were reflexive responses, and it was not until days
later that she realized it wasn’t instinct—it was training and

The Intel Corporation, Goldman Sachs, the Central Intelligence Agency,

the New York Police Department, and many others use “red teams,” people
assigned to assume the role of competitors or adversaries.41 Some red teams
conduct cyber hacks of the companies’ own systems to expose hidden
technical and human vulnerabilities.42 Some pretend to be terrorists
smuggling weapons through airport security checkpoints to improve
Transportation Security Administration performance. Some scrub a
potential new business strategy or government policy by exposing it to
contrarian thinking. All are designed to push insiders to “think like the
Jayson E. Street is one of the most colorful and successful cyber red
teamers around. “I promise you, I would never try to steal from you, kill
you, or ruin you financially unless you pay me first,” he declared at a DEF
CON hacker conference. “I am just going to F you up the best possible
way.”44 He makes his penetration tests as easy as possible, spending no
more than two hours conducting reconnaissance on Google and the client’s
own website. His goal is to show that anyone can get in. Using simple
“social engineering” techniques, such as posing as a tech repairman,
customer, or job applicant, he convinces employees to help him
compromise their own systems. He also deliberately escalates until he gets
caught—Street wants to create teachable moments for frontline employees,
not just reports for managers.45 He has conducted red team exercises for
financial institutions around the world. In one, the Beirut Bank of Lebanon
wanted to know whether an online compromise could come from a physical
source. With access to just three branches selected at random, and no
advance research or preparation, Street was able to execute a fraudulent
wire transfer. It took less than three minutes for him to gain full physical
access to the first branch, including the manager’s office. Within twenty
minutes, he was given an employee’s ID card, network password, and smart
card for authenticating network access.46
Not every tool for political risk analysis involves flying wily penetration
testers around the globe, spending half a million dollars on a corporate war
game,47 or building a cool auditorium with a James Bond–like map of the
world. Two frugal tools can help analyze political risks from your desk or
nearby conference room: thinking backwards and devil’s advocates.
Thinking backwards is an exercise that starts by imagining that a
surprising and significant future event has transpired. Your job is then to
look back from this future and understand how the event could have come
to pass.48 Like scenario planning, thinking backwards is not designed to
predict the future. It is designed to help individuals learn, to challenge
mental mind-sets and resist the thinking of the herd.49
Devil’s advocates can be a “quicker and dirtier” version of red teams.
They were first used by the Catholic Church centuries ago to inject more
rigor into the saint-making process. In 1587, church authorities created the
official position of Advocatus Diaboli to serve as an in-house skeptic,
arguing against a candidate’s saintliness, questioning miracles performed,
and exhaustively investigating claims and evidence in a process that could
take decades.50 By the eighteenth century, the term was being used
secularly and broadly to describe any in-house dissenter whose job was to
challenge the predominant view and defend unpopular views even if they
didn’t actually believe them. As many have noted, real devils are always
better than devil’s advocates. Dissenting views carry more weight when
they are genuine. And the more dissent becomes a routine process, the
greater the danger that it will be dismissed or perceived as simply an
exercise in “ritualized compliance.”51 However, devil’s advocates,
particularly on matters where there is strong consensus, can play a useful
The goal of all these analytic tools is the same: opening mental mind-
sets and group processes so that information can be assessed from a range
of perspectives. The most common analytic mistake organizations make is
assuming the future will look like the present. It almost never does.

3. How can we integrate political risk analysis into business

The team, finally, is critical. Business leaders throughout the organization
have to believe that political risk is integral to their jobs or the best
information and analysis won’t accomplish much. Companies that manage
political risk well go out of their way to integrate political risk analysis into
the everyday rhythms and decisions of the business.
Here, too, the Lego Group is an innovative leader. Remember that when
Hans Læssøe started building Lego’s strategic risk management capability
in 2006, he literally began by Googling it. He quickly realized that
instituting a robust risk analysis process was just half the battle: Ensuring
that strategic risks were “owned” across the company was the other half. He
divided the practice of strategic risk management into four building blocks.
Block number 1 was spreading risk management across the company so that
it was genuinely seen as everyone’s business.52 As we mentioned in chapter
6, Læssøe created a systematic, continuous process to engage every
important business leader, including the board, in setting the company’s risk
appetite, understanding risks, and integrating risk assessment and mitigation
into business planning.53 Among his innovations, Læssøe created a
database and risk process that every project manager could easily use, and
he created training in risk management for them all.54 In addition, rather
than putting risk management in the reporting chain to the general counsel,
where it could be seen as another onerous compliance activity, he reported
to the chief financial officer and gave himself the title of Lego’s
“Professional Paranoid.” He told the Wall Street Journal, “I use the title
jokingly whenever I get the chance, because it lets me pose questions that I
couldn’t have gotten away with as a business controller. It removes some of
the defensiveness that managers feel when they are being questioned.”55
Læssøe realized that getting risk analysis embraced by the company’s
board, executive leaders, nineteen senior vice presidents, and ten thousand
employees was an act of persuasion, not authority.
A second building block in Læssøe’s plan was creating a standardized
decision-making process that incorporated strategic risk analysis. He called
it Active Risk and Opportunity Planning, or AROP. As the name suggests,
AROP was designed to ensure that managers consider both downside risks
and upside opportunities. And while Læssøe utilized a number of risk
assessment tools, including Monte Carlo computer simulations, Google
Trends word searches, and scenario planning, keeping business leaders
engaged was always top of mind. The Lego Group’s scenarios used
attention-getting names like “Cut Throat Competition” and “Murphy’s
Surprise.”56 As a result of Læssøe’s efforts, strategic risk analysis that
included political risks became tightly integrated into business decision-
making. Making strategic risk everyone’s business helped the Lego Group
turn the corner after nearly going bankrupt.
We interviewed a number of political risk officers from different
industries. All of them emphasized the same lesson that Læssøe learned
early on: Their most important job is making political risk useful
throughout the company. That starts with developing a deep understanding
of the business and the needs of managers. As one political risk officer at a
major international airline told us, “You’ve got to know what’s going on
and ask, ‘So what for my company? Why does this matter?’ Political risk
analysis has got to be proactive and forward-looking.” This risk officer used
to work in an organization with many academics. “They had a genuine
interest in the issues. They’d sit around and talk about political risks over
morning coffee,” he said. “But company leaders can’t do that. The people
who are consuming what you’re putting out cannot necessarily have a
natural interest in it. It will take them away from running the business, so
you’d better be able to say why you’re telling them what you’re telling
them and why it matters.”
When Pat Donovan was hired to take over Chevron’s global security
unit, the first thing he did was embark on a company listening tour. “I
needed to figure out what they wanted to know but didn’t know yet,” he
told us. “You have to know the business,” he emphasized. “What is it like to
have two hundred customers out there? You don’t take all your problems to
the chairman. You need to go out and learn what the business is and how
you can bring value to that.” Donovan sees business leaders, including the
chairman, regularly, and works hard to ensure that every member of his
eight-person global risk team is “forward deployed,” working as closely as
possible with each business unit. Forward deployment, understanding his
“customers,” and getting buy-in from the top have been essential for his
successful integration of political risk into Chevron’s business decision-
making. When we asked how he judged success, Donovan answered
without hesitation: “Whether the business unit keeps coming back to us and
wanting more, and whether they are considering what we say when they
make their decisions.”
At FedEx, the world’s largest express transportation company, natural
and man-made disruptions to delivery service are a constant concern—from
labor strikes to civil unrest to tropical storms and volcanic eruptions. The
company constantly monitors and mitigates risks of all kinds at its Global
Operations Control Center in Memphis, Tennessee. As we will see in the
next chapter, part of the reason FedEx excels at risk management is its
focus on the human factor: Many company leaders, including Paul Tronsor,
FedEx’s vice president of global operations and service quality assurance,
started out as couriers and package handlers. FedEx’s “Purple Promise” to
make every FedEx experience outstanding is not just a slogan. It is
personal. Company leaders, including risk managers, understand firsthand
how what they do affects the customer.
Ultimately, integrating political risk analysis into business decisions
requires encouraging different perspectives and building trust. In the last
chapter, we talked about how understanding political risks requires seeing
how others may view the world in ways that could generate challenges and
opportunities for your business. Recognizing the incentives, priorities, and
perspectives of others does not apply just to external stakeholders, but
within companies as well. When it comes to corporate roles, where you
stand does depend largely on where you sit. General counsels get paid to
focus on legal restrictions. CFOs naturally gravitate to the financial
implications of decisions. Sales teams are focused on driving revenues.
Strategy shops think about longer-term industry trends, consumer tastes,
competitor moves, market opportunities, and company advantages. Political
risk officers are hired to assess how political actions could affect business
operations and opportunities around the globe. None of these functions
work well in isolation. Effectively integrating political risk analysis requires
developing mechanisms to see these different perspectives so that political
risk can be baked into assessing the trade-offs of a business decision, not
considered as an afterthought.
One final example sends this point home. It involves Nike,57 one of the
world’s largest suppliers of athletic footwear and apparel and the most
valuable brand in sports.58 In 2013, Nike faced a major decision: Should the
company increase its manufacturing relationship with Lyric Industries, a
Bangladeshi supplier? Bangladesh was home to a $20 billion garment
industry, offering some of the lowest-priced labor in the world, along with
notoriously unsafe working conditions. “Our competitors were moving fast
into Bangladesh and the pressure was getting bigger and bigger,” noted
Nike chief operating officer Eric Sprunk. “We needed a strong point of view
to say, ‘Are we going to increase our source base there or not?’”59
While Sprunk and other manufacturing executives believed they could
cut costs, improve margins, and put adequate safety conditions in place,
Hannah Jones, who headed Nike’s sustainable business team, warned that
Nike could not ensure safe working conditions in Bangladesh and that the
cost advantages would not be worth the risk to its brand of another
outsourced labor scandal. Jones’s team had hired a consultant to create a
country risk index for Nike’s global operations, and Bangladesh ranked near
the bottom because of its labor practices and unsafe working conditions.
“We faced a decision,” said Jones. “There was a lot of pressure to say,
‘Let’s go into Bangladesh like everyone else and get great margins and low
costs.’ So we went through this discussion and looked at the risk index and
said, ‘We’re not going to do that.’”60 The issue was especially salient for
Nike. The company had come under heavy fire in the 1990s for child labor
violations, and despite its devoting tremendous resources and effort to
improving working safety and labor conditions in its suppliers since then
and serving as a corporate social responsibility leader, challenges remained.
In 2006, Nike faced another public crisis when a supplier was found to be
using Pakistani children to stitch World Cup soccer balls, forcing Nike to
pull $100 million worth of balls from stores just weeks before the World
Cup began.61
Sprunk and Jones, both of whom reported to the CEO, could not agree
about Lyric Industries. So they decided that their teams should go on a field
trip together to see conditions on the ground and make a joint decision
about what Nike should do. “They had to go together,” said Sprunk,
“because if Hannah came back and said we couldn’t do it there, the
manufacturing guys would be unconvinced, and if only Nick [Athanasakos,
the vice president of global sourcing and manufacturing] went, there would
still be doubts.”62 After visiting the facility and meeting with Lyric
managers, employees, and local residents, the joint team decided to cut ties
with Lyric and reduce its manufacturing footprint in Bangladesh. Months
later, Bangladesh experienced the worst industrial disaster in its history
when the Rana Plaza factory collapsed, killing more than a thousand
people. The disaster caused some companies, including Disney, to pull
manufacturing from Bangladesh, while others stayed and vowed to institute
new safety accords and inspection regimes.63
For Nike, the political risk perspective and the business perspective
suggested different decisions about Bangladesh. But rather than handing
political risk analysis off to business leaders and calling it a day, Nike
executives realized they needed to bring the two teams together, in the field,
to see conditions. Production teams are going to gravitate to the financial
implications of a decision. Corporate social responsibility teams are more
acutely attuned to the potential NGO reaction and damage to the brand.
Spending time together in Bangladesh gave both teams a better feel for
conditions and something else that proved just as essential: trust. Nike
integrated political risk analysis into the business through shared

Collect information that is specific to your needs, includes

perceptions and emotions of key stakeholders, and answers
the right questions. How you frame the question determines
whether insights will emerge or remain hidden.

Harness tools such as scenario planning to combat mental

mind-sets and overcome group decision-making pathologies.
Remember, the goal is not to predict the future but to make
better decisions by “re-perceiving” potential key drivers and
Integrate political risk analysis into business decisions through
top-level buy-in, effective listening, forward-deploying risk
officers, and joint problem-solving.
The Nuclear Triad, the Empty Plane, and Other Ways to
Mitigate Risks

Each night, an Airbus A300 flies from Denver to Memphis. It carries no

passengers and often no cargo. Flight 1311 costs about $30,000 a night and
runs 365 nights a year.1
This nightly flight is part of the secret sauce behind FedEx Corporation,
the world’s largest express transportation company, which delivers four
million packages to 220 countries and territories each day with 650 planes,
48,000 vehicles, and 165,000 employees.2
Flight 1311 is just one component of the company’s risk mitigation
efforts. FedEx’s success depends on delivering packages on time in a world
full of surprises—an erupting Icelandic volcano, missile launches in Syria,
trucker strikes in France,3 protests in Venezuela, typhoons in Asia, cyber
threats, or a sudden spike in Apple iPad orders. The plane’s role: recovering
unanticipated cargo. “It’s our flying spare, attempting to sweep up anything
that our other aircraft don’t pick up,” explains Marcus Martinez, managing
director of FedEx’s global operations control.4
Martinez’s Global Operations Control Center (GOCC) is FedEx’s risk
mitigation nerve center, employing 220 people and located at the company’s
“SuperHub” in Memphis. The SuperHub is a city unto itself, stretching
across more than 800 acres, with 150 airplanes and nearly 80 miles of
conveyer belts that process more than a million packages a day.5 It has its
own hospital, fire, and police departments, 20 backup electric power
generators, and branch offices of the Department of Homeland Security and
other U.S. federal agencies.6 At peak times, planes are landing every 40
seconds.7 That’s about as fast as combat flight operations on an aircraft
Mike Brown for the Washington Post via Getty Images

Daniel Acker/Bloomberg via Getty


The GOCC has hundreds of computer screens displaying real-time

conditions and locations of FedEx flights worldwide. The place is wired
with the latest technology and hums with activity twenty-four hours a day.
The team includes fifteen full-time meteorologists; dispatchers and logistics
experts coordinating with control centers in Asia and Europe; industrial
engineers; scenario and contingency planners; customs compliance experts;
crew scheduling specialists who make sure flight crews are where they need
to be and that they are complying with regulations about flight hours and
mandatory rest; and many more. The center “is kind of like Wikipedia for
the FedEx pilot,” says captain Steve Zeigler. “Wherever we are in the
world, they have the ability to get the answers, which makes our job much
At FedEx, risk mitigation is about people and process, not just
technology. Paul Tronsor, who started out as a package handler, ran GOCC
for a decade and currently serves as vice president of global operations
control and service quality assurance, notes, “One of the things that makes
FedEx such a strong and people-oriented company is that many of us in
leadership roles started out as handlers or couriers. It makes us understand
two things: one, the value of the customer, and two, the value of the team
members working at FedEx.”10 That teamwork is personal. Every FedEx
airplane is named for an employee’s child. (The tradition started when a
Falcon aircraft was named Wendy, after the daughter of Fred Smith,
FedEx’s founder, chairman, and CEO.)11 When it comes to hiring, FedEx
looks for people who are team players, are adept at evaluating large
quantities of information, can make fast decisions, and can stay calm under
pressure. “We have a saying around here: ‘When in control, be in control,’”
notes Tronsor.12
The GOCC also has well-developed processes. The center conducts
regular training to ensure cool, focused action under pressure. Authority is
delegated downward so that managers can change flight paths whenever
necessary rather than wading through layers of bureaucratic approvals each
time. Crisis decision cycles extend over three to four days to limit confusion
and improve coordination. “When you’re in a situation that’s spinning fast,
it’s tempting to change gears daily. This leads to chaos by pulling your
people and systems in different directions,” notes Tronsor.13 Each major
crisis ends with a team debrief to share lessons learned.
In addition, the center invests in anticipation. GOCC leaders know the
earlier they catch a potential disruption, the more options they have to work
around it. Meteorologists forecast weather days in advance. Contingency
planning is continuous so there is always a Plan B on the shelf. Routines are
designed to facilitate flexibility, not impede it. Each morning begins with a
“war room” conference call among FedEx managers to review the previous
day’s operations and plan for the current day.
FedEx is a model of effective risk mitigation. While most companies do
not need a bevy of meteorologists working around the clock or operations
running as fast as aircraft carriers in combat, everyone can learn from
FedEx’s underlying approach. FedEx assumes that political risks can never
be eliminated, no matter how hard you work or how good you are at
identifying and analyzing them. “The GOCC may not be able to foresee
what will cause the next European truck drivers’ strike, but they know
ground delays will happen at some point, and when it happens, the backup
plans are ready to go,” the company once said.14
In the last two chapters, we discussed how to understand and analyze
political risks. This chapter offers a guide for tackling residual risks that
inevitably remain. Success requires a multilayered approach that uses three
interlocking strategies: developing mitigation strategies in advance,
creating warning systems that enable fast action when you need it, and
building resilience so the entire organization can bend without breaking
when bad things happen.

Mitigating Political Risks: Three Key Questions

1. How can we reduce exposure to the risks we have

2. Do we have a good system in place for timely warning and
3. How can we limit the damage when something bad

1. How can we reduce exposure to the risks we have identified?

Organizations can reduce exposure to political risks in many ways, but
every strategy should begin by understanding what most needs protecting.
No company, nonprofit, or government agency can afford to protect
everything from every contingency. Risk mitigation requires trade-offs, and
trade-offs require understanding what assets are most valuable and most

Understanding Where Asset Value and Vulnerability Converge

At FedEx, asset value and vulnerability are clear: On-time delivery is the
company’s holy grail. It is the most important part of FedEx’s value
proposition and also the most vulnerable to man-made and natural events.
FedEx has been innovating ways to reduce the risk of delivery delays for
nearly half a century. “Since FedEx Express started, there’s not been a
minute of any day in our 40-year history that the ops control group has not
been here overseeing the operation,” notes Tronsor.15 FedEx invests in the
GOCC because it must. “You have to put your money where your mouth
is,” says FedEx chief Fred Smith.16 “At the end of the day we’re essentially
selling trust. People give us some of the most important things that they
own. There’s medical equipment that’s going to a surgery this morning or a
part that’s going to determine whether the new 787 flies.”17 Everyone at
FedEx knows that “if we don’t get it there, we don’t get paid,” says
Smith.18 Smith doesn’t even think of risk management as risk management.
“I wouldn’t call this risk management,” he told us, “but instead it’s our
commitment to our customers. It’s the purple promise: We will make every
FedEx experience outstanding.”
A surprising number of firms lack FedEx’s visibility into the
convergence of asset value and vulnerability. A 2013 survey found that 74
percent of companies had encountered significant supply chain disruptions
in the previous two years requiring C-suite attention but still had not
developed an effective continuity plan to deal with them. The risk was there
but the mitigation game plan wasn’t.19 In a 2015 cyber threat survey, two-
thirds of risk management professionals said they did not know the value of
the company’s critical assets being hacked. Nearly 40 percent said they did
not have a clear understanding of what their data assets even were.20
SeaWorld and Sony Pictures illustrate why it is so important to know
asset value/vulnerability convergence. SeaWorld had long recognized that
putting humans in orca tanks was dangerous and that animal rights groups
opposed the company’s treatment of animals in captivity. What company
executives did not realize was just how dependent their brand and core
business were on Shamu. When Blackfish was released, nearly half of all
parks owned by SeaWorld’s parent company were SeaWorld theme parks or
extensions of the SeaWorld brand. Every SeaWorld park featured its famed
“Shamu shows” in “Shamu stadiums.” Shamu was the company’s logo, its
star attraction, and its marketing cornerstone—the image everyone
associated with the brand. That’s why it did not take much to destroy half of
the company’s shareholder value.
After SeaWorld’s stock price plummeted, management began reaching
out to animal rights groups, moving more aggressively into new business
lines such as television programming, and creating more ride-based
attractions as it phased out orca shows.21 These steps could have been taken
before Blackfish if only executives had considered where asset value and
vulnerability converged.
Like SeaWorld, Sony Pictures executives did not see the convergence of
asset value and vulnerability until it was too late. North Korea’s cyber
attack over a Seth Rogen comedy was certainly bizarre and hard to imagine.
But studio executives should have known that yet-to-be-released movie
scripts and contracts with Hollywood stars were among its most valued
assets, and that Sony’s weak cyber defenses left it exceptionally vulnerable
to anyone who wanted them.22 Sony’s parent company had been the victim
of more than twenty cyber breaches in the previous three years, including a
2011 attack on its PlayStation network that cost $170 million. Yet efforts to
improve cyber security floundered. A new cyber chief abruptly quit in 2014
amid speculation that he was frustrated by insufficient authority and
resources. Meanwhile, at Sony Pictures, IT administrator user names and
passwords were stored in unprotected files, including one named
“Password.”23 The studio’s email system did not employ basic protections
such as two-factor authentication (where logging in requires two forms of
identification, usually a regular password and a randomly generated code
sent to a mobile phone). And just weeks before the North Korean breach, a
cyber security firm visited the Sony Pictures offices to sell its services.
After checking in with security, they walked right into the studio’s unlocked
information security offices. Nobody was inside. The computers were
sitting there, connected and unprotected. “If we were bad guys, we could
have done something horrible,” said entertainment attorney Mickey
Shapiro, who was there.24 As cyber expert James Lewis noted, Sony “[left]
the doors wide open and put out the welcome mat.”25
Sketching value and vulnerability along a 2-by-2 matrix helps illuminate
risk mitigation priorities. Start by asking:

• What assets are most valuable to my organization?

• What assets are most vulnerable to political risk?
• Where do high value and high vulnerability cluster?

In the example matrix below, Sony scripts and contracts and SeaWorld’s
Shamu brand are in the “High/High” quadrant, making them top-priority
assets for risk mitigation. Medium priorities include assets that are of lower
value but highly vulnerable to political risks, and assets that are valuable
but not so vulnerable. Coca-Cola’s Angola bottling plant is an example of a
lower-value/higher-vulnerability asset. When Coke decided to build the
plant in 2000, Angola was still experiencing civil unrest, with shooting
between rebel and government forces not far from the plant. But the value
of this site for the company’s global operations was relatively low—a $33
million investment in a $20-billion-revenue business. Coke made the value
even lower by sharing the investment with partners.26
Occidental Petroleum’s West Texas drilling operation is an example of a
higher-value/lower-vulnerability asset. West Texas oil production accounts
for 39 percent of the company’s global total, and the capital investment
required is substantial. But the risk of expropriation or sudden, severe
regulatory change in Texas is extremely low.27
Two Common Mitigation Strategies: Market Avoidance and Timing
Once you have visibility into what needs protecting, you can pursue a
number of mitigation strategies. Market avoidance and timing are the most
frequently used. It should come as little surprise that investors and
companies often make judgments based on general rules of thumb about
country conditions. As Silicon Valley entrepreneur and investor Vinod
Khosla told us, “We’re dealing mostly with small companies, so… we end
up worrying mostly about do we even want to be in a country or not…
There are places where we don’t do business.” Other investors told us the
same thing. As Marc Andreessen explained, early stage investment is a case
where market avoidance can work well. “One of the reasons the U.S. does
so well in tech,” he told us, “is because we’re blessed with such a large and
vibrant early adopter market here, so these companies can get to their $100–
$200 million in sales by just selling in the U.S.”
Timing is another common strategy. Blackstone’s Tom Hill includes
timing in his definition of risk. “In investing, risk is the probability and
magnitude of capital loss over a defined time period,” he told us. “Your
investment time frame and duration of committed capital truly matters. In
private equity, we have capital commitments from our investors which run
ten years, with automatic extensions built into LP agreements. In the 2008
financial crisis, as long as we capitalized our investments well, as long as
we bought them at the right price and had no financing coming due, we
could hold through the crisis, so that we are able to achieve our desired
return when markets recovered. Staying power is really important.” As we
noted in chapter 6, Khosla advised one of his companies to enter a foreign
market knowing that its intellectual property would likely be compromised.
But because the company was estimated to have a ten-year profit window in
that market before that occurred, the entry made sense. Timing helped
mitigate the risk.
Beyond these usual suspects, three mitigation strategies can be useful:
dispersing critical assets, creating flexible surge capacity, and aligning with
others. Or as we like to put it: Build your nuclear triad, fly the empty plane,
and band together.

Build Your Nuclear Triad: Dispersing Critical Assets28

The strategy of dispersing critical assets has been central to nuclear
deterrence. During the Cold War, nuclear planners worried that if a single
massive Soviet strike could eliminate all American nuclear forces, the
Soviets would be more likely to attack. So they arranged American nuclear
forces into a “triad” of hardened intercontinental ballistic missile sites,
distributed bombers, and roving, hard-to-find submarines to ensure that no
enemy first strike could ever eliminate America’s entire arsenal. Dispersing
our most powerful nuclear weapons in three different platforms ensured that
no matter what happened, the United States could retaliate. Paradoxically,
the credible threat of nuclear retaliation lowered the risk of nuclear war.
Survivable second-strike forces kept both sides from stepping into the
nuclear abyss.
Businesses need to build their equivalent of the nuclear triad to reduce
the impact of any single political event on the bottom line. No organization
should have its most valuable resources exposed to the same risk at the
same time. To be sure, dispersing critical assets is more easily done in some
industries than in others—and sometimes may be impossible. For example,
in the oil business, refining standards (which vary by state in the United
States) make it impossible to easily move production from one refinery to
another should a disruption occur. But there are areas—such as data
management capabilities—where creating redundancies is a good
mitigation tool for any company.
FedEx’s equivalent of the nuclear triad is its network of global hubs. The
Memphis SuperHub is the company’s largest, but it is one of a dozen FedEx
hubs around the world, all designed to enable regional flex. Multiple hubs
ensure that a bad day in Memphis does not become a bad day everywhere.
The bond and equity trading firm Cantor Fitzgerald is the most searing
and incredible example of how dispersing assets can make a difference. On
September 11, 2001, terrorists killed 2,977 people in New York,
Washington, D.C., and Pennsylvania. Not since the War of 1812, when
British troops burned the White House, had an enemy attacked the
continental United States so destructively. No company suffered more loss
of life that day than Cantor Fitzgerald, whose offices were located on the
101st to 105th floors of the World Trade Center’s North Tower. The firm
lost 658 employees, nearly two-thirds of its U.S. workforce. And because
hiring friends and family was part of the Cantor culture, many lost multiple
family members. Cantor CEO Howard W. Lutnick, whose younger brother
died in the attack, lived only because he was taking his five-year-old son,
Kyle, to his first day of kindergarten and was not yet in the office.
Few thought Cantor could possibly survive. Yet when Treasury markets
reopened two days later, Cantor was back in business. In the years since, the
firm has not only survived but thrived. How did it manage to hang on in
those dark early days? In part because of the extraordinary dedication of
Cantor’s surviving employees. In part because of Lutnick’s determined
leadership. In part because other firms, even competitors, came to Cantor’s
aid. In part because of what Lutnick calls a series of “miracles” like a golf
outing and a fishing trip that kept several key executives out of the office
that morning.29

“No one ever builds a disaster recovery plan that allows for the
destruction of everybody in the office at 8:45 a.m. That is
never in any plan.”
—Howard W. Lutnick, CEO, Cantor Fitzgerald

But a large, unheralded part of the story is that before 9/11, Cantor
Fitzgerald had dispersed many of its critical assets. After the 1993 World
Trade Center terrorist attack, the company decided to set up a backup
disaster recovery site in Rochelle Park, New Jersey, just in case.30 Cantor’s
eSpeed online trading subsidiary, which was the backbone of the firm’s
real-time electronic trading in Treasury markets, had three data centers, so
when the main New York data center went down on 9/11, eSpeed did not.31
When markets opened at 8:00 a.m. on September 13, eSpeed was ready at
7:00.32 With nearly all of the firm’s voice brokers killed, the firm shifted
even more to eSpeed to keep trading. Finally, though New York was
Cantor’s headquarters and largest office, the firm had a seven-hundred-
person office in London that worked furiously to perform all the jobs of
their lost New York colleagues to keep the company afloat.33 “No one ever
builds a disaster recovery plan that allows for the destruction of everybody
in the office at 8:45 a.m. That is never in any plan,” Lutnick told listeners in
an emotional conference call a month after 9/11.34 But Cantor had built its
nuclear triad. Without a risk mitigation plan that included dispersing key
assets, Cantor Fitzgerald probably would not have survived.

Fly the Empty Plane: Creating Flexible Surge Capacity

Dispersing key assets is closely related to a second mitigation strategy:
creating excess capacity, whether it’s flying FedEx’s empty plane, keeping
warehouses partly empty, or employing personnel who aren’t 100 percent
busy 100 percent of the time. In recent years, slack has become
synonymous with “waste.” Many companies have been trimming margins
by reducing slack, moving to just-in-time inventory management. But slack
has benefits. Without it, unforeseen events—from terrorist attacks to cyber
threats to civil unrest or a surprise referendum result—can take a heavy toll.
Earlier we mentioned Boeing’s 787 Dreamliner, which suffered
unprecedented production delays in part because nobody foresaw that the
9/11 terrorist attacks would lead to a decline in air travel, a contraction in
the fastener industry, and a shortage six years later of the nuts and bolts that
hold jets together. These special fasteners constituted just 3 percent of the
cost of an aircraft, but they became one of the reasons Boeing experienced a
three-year production delay.35
Though better risk assessment certainly could have helped, it wasn’t the
only solution to Boeing’s Dreamliner nightmare. The company did not need
a crystal ball to protect itself from the fastener shortage. It needed more
slack. Even if Boeing executives had missed the ripple effects of 9/11, the
company could have lessened or prevented the disruption of its fastener
supply chain with an inventory policy that required keeping parts on hand
for a minimum number of months.36 Instead, the shortage came as a
surprise, without any slack in the system to keep production lines moving.
This dramatically delayed six hundred airplane orders. It didn’t have to.
Other firms create flexible surge capacity through standardization or
last-minute customization. The Intel Corporation, for example, designs all
of its semiconductor fabrication plants to be identical so that if one plant
cannot function at full capacity, another can quickly step in, decreasing both
response time and cost in a crisis.37

Band Together: Aligning with Others in Your Industry

Aligning with others in your industry takes two forms: sharing information
about risks, and pursuing voluntary collective action to preempt more
damaging legal or regulatory changes to the industry.
Alan Orlob’s experience at Marriott International highlights the benefits
of banding together. Since 9/11, terrorist groups have taken greater aim at
luxury hotel chains. As governments have moved to harden parliaments,
offices, and military facilities, hotels have become “softer” targets. Western
hotel chains are particularly vulnerable because they are seen as symbols of
Western values and have a continual stream of people—including guests,
third-party vendors, and employees—that make security challenging. Hotels
have to strike a careful balance between taking measures to protect guests
(like security guards and metal detectors) and creating a warm and inviting
atmosphere. Terrorist attacks against hotels included the 2003 and 2004 car
bombings of the JW Marriott in Jakarta and the Taba Hilton in the Sinai
Peninsula; the 2005 triple suicide bombings of the Grand Hyatt, Radisson
SAS, and Days Inn in Amman, Jordan; the storming assaults on the Taj and
Oberoi hotels in Mumbai, which killed one hundred in 2008; the double
bombing of the JW Marriott and Ritz-Carlton hotels in Jakarta in 2009; and
the 2011 Intercontinental hotel attack in Kabul.
Orlob told us that when he first started his job, he thought that security
could be Marriott’s competitive advantage. “My early philosophy, and I
used to espouse it frequently, is that in any city we operated a hotel, we
would have more security than any other hotel,” he told us. “By doing this
we knew it would dissuade terrorist organizations from attacking us because
we became in that city the hard target if they were looking for a hotel.”
Operating hundreds of hotels around the world, including in high-threat
cities like Islamabad and Jakarta, Marriott took security seriously. Orlob
developed a process for assessing and hardening the hotels according to a
risk level that was continuously reviewed and adjusted. He created an in-
house intelligence analysis unit to track global events 24/7. And he
developed one of the industry’s first comprehensive crisis management
plans. But after the 2005 Amman attack, when suicide bombers
simultaneously hit the Hyatt, Radisson, and Days Inn, killing fifty-seven
people, Orlob realized that Marriott’s security measures weren’t enough:
The industry needed to work together. The realization came when he
learned that Jordanian police had picked up an Iraqi woman suicide bomber
whose vest failed to detonate in that triple bombing. She told investigators
that her terror cell had looked at the Amman Marriott but found the security
there too robust, which was why they targeted other hotels instead. Even
though Marriott was not struck in the attack, its business was. After the
bombings, Orlob said, “nobody wanted to come to Amman, Jordan, and
stay in a Western-branded hotel.” From a business perspective, an attack on
one Western hotel was an attack on them all.
Orlob thought, “Rather than competing in this space, we should be
collaborating in this space.” So he established a hotel security working
group to share information and best practices among security directors from
the ten biggest hotel companies and got the State Department’s Overseas
Security Advisory Council to sponsor it.
Cruise lines, which also confront rising terrorist threats, have embraced
“aligning with others” as a risk mitigation strategy, too. Royal Caribbean’s
Adam Goldstein told us, “In marketing or sales we fight with our
competitors like cats and dogs. But when it comes to safety, the
environment, and security, we all pitch in because it’s in the interests of our
customers and the industry to do that.”
Aligning with others is not just about improving defenses against suicide
bombers. Sometimes industry action can protect companies from
reputational risks in tough political situations and preempt regulatory or
legal changes. In the 1970s, for example, Reverend Leon Sullivan, an
African-American minister and member of General Motors’ board of
directors, proposed a code of conduct for all American-owned companies
operating in apartheid South Africa. At the time, General Motors was the
largest employer of blacks in the country. Sullivan’s principles included
ending segregation of races in the workplace; equal and fair employment
practices; equal pay; training programs for nonwhite employees; increasing
the number of nonwhites in management and supervisory roles; improving
the quality of life for nonwhites outside the work environment; and working
to eliminate laws and customs that impeded social, economic, and political
justice. Although initially a response to apartheid, the principles eventually
gained popularity among companies not operating in South Africa.
The Sullivan Principles were an early version of what has become
increasingly commonplace: voluntary corporate social responsibility
standards embraced by an industry. American movie studios adopted their
own rating standards in 1930 to fend off government regulation.38 Seventy
years later, as international opposition to “conflict diamonds” grew, the
diamond industry adopted a set of standards called the Kimberley Process
to prevent conflict diamonds from entering the market. After the Rana Plaza
factory collapse in Bangladesh killed more than a thousand employees in
2013, more than 150 major clothing companies signed an accord to inspect,
fix, and publicly disclose safety violations in Bangladesh’s notoriously
unsafe factories. Banding together in these cases is a kind of preemptive
self-regulation. The goal is to reduce the probability of more serious
regulatory and legal changes and to reduce activist and consumer backlash
on salient social issues.
2. Do we have a good system in place for timely warning and
Reducing exposure to political risks through dispersal, flexible surge
capacity, and banding together provides the first layer of risk mitigation.
The next is developing a warning system to spot residual risks in time to
take action. In the last chapter, we suggested tools like scenario planning
and devil’s advocates to analyze risks over the horizon. Warning systems,
by contrast, are designed to deal with risks knocking on the door.
In the national security world, this is the difference between strategic
and tactical intelligence analysis. Strategic intelligence analysis examines
over-the-horizon questions, like “What are the prospects for Egyptian
democracy in the next ten years?” Tactical intelligence analysis examines
questions about the here and now, like “How many improvised explosive
devices has ISIS laid in the Sinai this week?” Translated to the business
context, strategic political risk assessment involves peering into the future
to better see broad trends. Tactical political risk assessment involves
penetrating the present to see imminent challenges. Warning systems are all
about tactical analysis, conveying real-time information to prevent bad
events from occurring or limit the impact if prevention is impossible.
Effective warning systems do two things well: provide situational
awareness and set tripwires and protocols so that certain steps are triggered
automatically when conditions warrant.

Situational Awareness
Situational awareness is a dynamic understanding of political risks
knocking on the door. In our hypothetical Burma case, for example, Kiku
Telecom receives word that a peaceful labor protest by its Muslim workers
has triggered a violent ethnic crackdown by the Burmese military, which
also happens to be Kiku’s joint venture partner. Initial reports are that the
Burmese government has shut down all telecom service in the region,
several Muslim Kiku workers have been injured, and others have been
arrested, prompting outcries from human rights groups.
But first reports are almost always incomplete. Getting an accurate
understanding of a crisis as it unfolds is essential, difficult, and requires
robust information sources and coordination. President John F. Kennedy
realized that he lacked situational awareness within his own government
during the Bay of Pigs invasion. That’s why he created the Situation Room
in the White House to serve as a communications and coordination center,
which it still does.
In the Burma case, our MBA students like to jump into problem-solving
mode even though it’s unclear what the problem is. We usually have to slow
them down with some basic questions:

• Has the situation at the company’s work site stabilized or is there an

ongoing risk of protest, violence, and government action?
• Was this a deliberate attack by the military or was it an effort to
restore order?
• Has telecom service actually been shut down to the region? If so, by
what authority? Who has the power to reverse the decision? What are
the implications for Kiku’s operations in Burma if the government is
arrogating to itself the right to impose a communications blackout
during times of civil unrest?
• What is the reaction to the unfolding incident among key stakeholders
such as parliament, the military, Burmese political opposition groups,
human rights groups, and the press?
• How is the situation likely to unfold in the next several days?
• How does this event change our assessment of the political risks in
Burma, and what additional steps, if any, should we take?

Our student executives struggle to answer these questions because the

fictitious company never developed a robust situational awareness
capability in the first place. We use the case to show the importance of
thinking ahead. The lesson is not to let exciting business opportunities blind
you. Companies need to be able to track developments as they unfold with
diverse information sources in a coordinated manner. If that capability is
not in place before crises hit, you’ll regret it.
Today, companies on the front lines of managing global political risk
have developed in-house threat assessment units staffed with former
intelligence and law enforcement professionals to provide situational
awareness about political developments around the world in real time.
Royal Caribbean’s team is led by a twenty-five-year veteran of the FBI.
Disney’s senior vice president for global security, Ron Iden, served as the
director of the California Office of Homeland Security and spent twenty-
five years at the FBI, including leading the Bureau’s Los Angeles field
office, where he oversaw investigations of terrorism, counterintelligence,
and corruption. Marriott’s Alan Orlob worked in the U.S. Army special
forces for twenty-four years and has been a consultant for the U.S. State
Department’s Anti-Terrorism Assistance Program. Chevron’s eight-person
team of global analysts and risk experts has a combined ninety-two years of
experience in U.S. and other government security services.
The best in-house risk teams have four core competencies to develop
situational awareness:

• An ability to sift through voluminous amounts of information quickly

to determine relevant political risks
• A deep understanding of the business to identify quickly what matters
most for their bosses
• A forward-leaning entrepreneurial approach to collect and share
information that may not be obvious or readily available through
standard products
• A healthy skepticism about how incentives might affect what
information they receive and when they receive it

Above all, situational awareness needs to be proactive and timely to be

useful. Companies that manage political risks well do not sit back waiting
for government advisories or quarterly industry reports. They know that
warning systems need to be fed continuously and creatively. As Chevron’s
director of global security, Pat Donovan, told us, “You have to be informed
about the world. You have to be reading five newspapers a day. If you want
to stay on top of it, you have to be on top of it.” Some companies station
risk analysts in different regions. Some hire analysts with particular
geographic expertise. Some bring in consultants to help the in-house team
surge on a particular issue. Many develop customized tools to identify,
collect, and analyze information. McDonald’s, for example, uses a
sophisticated model developed by Northwestern University to gather press
reports and other information about groups that might launch boycotts or
conduct activities that could disrupt company operations or tarnish the
brand.39 All of the high-functioning political risk units we found are
proactive about getting and vetting information from a variety of sources.
Informal networks play a vital role. As Nenad Pacek and Daniel Thorniley
write, “A manager who relies solely on desk research is like a ship’s captain
who sees only the top of an iceberg; it is the large chunk below the surface
that makes or breaks the business.”40
In chapter 6, we recounted the shooting down of Malaysia Airlines
Flight 17 in July 2014 over Ukraine during conflict between Russian-
backed separatists and Ukrainian forces. That same day, 160 other
commercial airliners were flying through Ukrainian airspace, despite the
fact that it was a war zone. Just two days earlier, two Ukrainian military
planes were shot down while flying at commercial altitudes.41 Still,
Ukrainian airspace remained open, and that was good enough for most
But not every airline was relying on the Ukrainian government to
determine whether it was safe to fly. Months before the Malaysia Airlines
shootdown, as hostilities on the ground escalated, Australia’s Qantas and
Korean Air rerouted flights to avoid passing over Ukraine.42 These two
airlines assessed the political risk of Ukrainian overflight differently than
many of their competitors because they were not passive recipients of
Ukrainian government decisions. Both airlines moved early to mitigate the
risks they saw unfolding. Timing proved critical.

Setting Tripwires and Protocols

Situational awareness goes hand in hand with setting tripwires and
protocols. Tripwires are systems that identify what information to look for
in advance. Protocols make clear what steps should be taken by whom
when the tripwire gets crossed. The idea is to reduce decision-making on
the fly.
Tripwires and protocols are common in high-risk environments like
emergency rooms and aircraft carriers. When a patient comes into a hospital
with symptoms of a heart attack, doctors and nurses don’t sit around
deciding what to do. A flatlined EKG crosses the tripwire, automatically
prompting a team to fetch a crash cart and begin CPR. Roles are clear: One
member prepares and administers a dose of epinephrine if needed. Another
works through the “Hs and Ts,” a mnemonic used to identify possible
causes of cardiac arrest. One keeps time and records the process on the
patient’s chart. Everyone understands what data crosses the tripwire and
who does what.
The same goes for aircraft carrier operations. Because so many hazards
pose lethal risks to the fifty-two hundred sailors on board, tripwires and
protocols must be clear, quick to activate, and universally understood. One
of those tripwires is physical—it’s called the foul line. It’s a bright red line
painted alongside the length of the flight deck. All personnel who are not on
shift must stand behind the foul line during flight operations. There are no
exceptions. Anyone crossing the line for any reason is physically moved by
a designated safety officer out of harm’s way—tackled, if necessary.
Crossing the foul line also triggers a host of other prearranged actions.
Flight operations are immediately suspended. Red lights flash. There is a
system in place for waving off approaching aircraft, rerouting other aircraft
that are airborne farther away, and addressing any other safety concerns,
like FOD (foreign object damage) or small pocket debris, which can get
sucked into jet engines and cause engine failure, resulting in an unsafe or
foul deck.
Like emergency rooms and aircraft carriers, companies can develop
tripwires that identify specific political risk indicators to watch and
protocols that identify specific actions to take when the indicators light up.
To be sure, indicators of political risk are much murkier than indicators of a
heart attack or a safety problem on a carrier flight deck. But the basic idea
is the same: Organizations that identify warning indicators and reaction
protocols are better able to mitigate risk than those that don’t.
How exactly can a company develop tripwire indicators? For starters, by
asking one of Condi’s favorite questions: “How do you know it when you
see it? What evidence would prove your hypothesis right or wrong?” In our
class’s Triton cruise line simulation, students grapple with setting tripwires.
As you may remember, our fictitious cruise line has to decide how to
respond to reports of rising drug-related violence in Mexico that could
result in “wrong-place/wrong-time” crimes against passengers.
One key issue we probe during our “board meeting” with Triton
executives is Condi’s question: How do you know it when you see it? When
does drug-related violence cross a threshold warranting a risk review and
further action?
As in the real world, we provide the students with accurate but
contradictory background information. Here’s a sampling:

• In February 2012, twenty-two Carnival Cruise Line passengers were

robbed at gunpoint near Puerto Vallarta. In February 2013, masked
gunmen attacked and raped a group of Spanish tourists vacationing in
Acapulco. In 2014, unrest rocked Acapulco after the disappearance of
forty-three student teachers in nearby Iguala.
• In May 2015, the U.S. State Department issued a travel warning for
Puerto Vallarta in Jalisco, the twenty-first Mexican state under such a
• Local tourism boards stress that much of the negative press about
Mexico coming from the American media is overblown. The Mexican
government has made the war on drugs a top priority and devoted
significant resources, including forty-five thousand police and military
personnel, to enhancing the safety of tourist areas.
• Data show that Mexican tourist destinations are safer for many
Americans than their home cities. The Department of State recorded
eighty-one American deaths out of more than twenty million
Americans who visited Mexico in 2013.43 That constitutes about 0.4
deaths per 100,000 American tourists, less than a tenth of the national
U.S. homicide rate.44
• In 2013, Detroit, which registered as America’s most dangerous major
city, suffered 45 homicides per 100,000 people, well over a hundred
times the rate for Americans visiting Mexico that year. America’s ten
most dangerous cities each had higher murder rates than Mexico’s
national rate of 19 per 100,000.45
• Mexico was considered so safe that in April 2012 the first daughter,
Malia Obama, took a spring break trip to Oaxaca.

How can analysts make sense of this information? The short answer is
they can’t. The best they can do is make an educated guess. As we
discussed earlier, educated guesses based on press reports often lead smart
people to make cognitive mistakes—by, for example, giving more credence
to vivid stories about tourist violence than broad trends about murder rates
or by discounting evidence that conflicts with their underlying preferences
without even realizing it.
A better approach is to develop tripwires in advance, identifying specific
indicators about safety conditions in each of Triton’s destinations that are
monitored continuously by the director of fleet security. Here’s an example:

Acapulco: Indicators of Improved Security Environment

• Cessation of reports of violence impacting civilians—including
residents and standby tourists—in tourist zones, shore excursion areas,
and primary commercial sites during the daytime
• Overall decrease in cartel-related violence
• Decrease in murder and violent crime rates
• Cessation of narco-motivated intimidation tactics in tourist zones and
primary commercial areas
• Development of a sustainable security strategy, agreed upon by
Mexican port authorities in collaboration with cruise line

Acapulco: Indicators of Deteriorating Security Environment/Markers

for Port-of-Call Review
• Increased violence in tourist areas, shore excursion zones, and
primary commercial routes, particularly during daytime hours
• Narco-violence in tourist zones, particularly the propensity to escalate
into high-probability collateral damage
• Narco-motivated intimidation tactics in tourist zones and shore
excursion routes
• Deteriorating relationships with local port security officials

As this example suggests, tripwires do not have to be overly detailed.

Even basic indicators can help. Identifying what to look for ahead of time
helps guard against cognitive bias and makes data gathering and analysis
more efficient.
To maximize effectiveness, tripwires should be tied to protocols that
specify what actions come next—whether it’s conducting a security review
of a Triton destination, taking additional security measures at a Marriott
hotel, or rerouting more FedEx airplanes through Paris. Connecting
tripwires to protocols reduces the time between warning and action.
Military history is filled with examples where warnings were issued, but not
in time to forestall disaster. General Douglas MacArthur testified that even
if he had received three days’ warning that North Korea would invade the
South on June 25, 1950, it would have made no difference. He needed three
weeks, not three days, to mobilize troops from Japan to the Korean
peninsula. After Japanese forces attacked Pearl Harbor on December 7,
1941, American air units in the Philippines went on full alert and were
ordered to take immediate defensive measures. The attack on Clark Field
came nine hours later. It was not enough time to move all the B-17s out of
harm’s way. The attack on the Philippines was not a surprise, but it was
devastating anyway, destroying twelve of the nineteen American B-17
bombers stationed there.46 Without sufficient time to take action, warning in
both the Korean War and World War II was useless.
Businesses that are good at managing political risk link tripwires to
protocols so they can reduce the lag time between warning and action. At
Marriott, Alan Orlob’s in-house intelligence unit gathers information
continuously. That information is fed into a five-tiered color-coded warning
system that alerts all Marriott hotel managers about any changing threat
conditions affecting them. Each tier includes an assigned list of mandatory
tasks for managers to take. Hotels are regularly audited by a third party to
test compliance. In the highest threat level, for example, called “threat
condition red,” steps include installing walk-through metal detectors and X-
rays at every entrance, limiting the access points to the hotel, enhancing
explosive detection, and, in Orlob’s words, “procedures that are not so
noticeable, like surveillance detection teams.” This is no small operation.
When Marriott acquired Starwood Hotels in the fall of 2016, it became the
world’s largest hotel company, with more than fifty-seven hundred
properties, over a million rooms, and thirty brands worldwide.47 On a
weekly basis, Marriott is moving hotels up or down the threat level.
Earlier, we mentioned McDonald’s Northwestern University model to
collect information about possible sit-ins, protests, or other political risks to
its restaurants. The model is coupled with crisis contingency plans that are
ready to go if necessary. FedEx also understands the value of linking
tripwires to protocols. The GOCC in Memphis can warn and act, rerouting
planes when necessary. Marriott, McDonald’s, and FedEx all have warning
systems for timely warning and action.

3. How can we limit the damage when something bad happens?

The final layer of risk mitigation is damage control. The headline here is to
take action before you need to—specifically, by developing relationships
and contingency plans. FedEx and other resilient organizations have an
exceptional ability to bend without breaking when bad things happen. The
key to their resilience is flexibility, and the key to flexibility is having the
people and plans pre-positioned and ready to go.

Building Relationships: Drink the Cup of Coffee!

There’s a scene in the movie Erin Brockovich that Amy used in her UCLA
public management course for many years. The movie chronicles the real-
life story of how Brockovich brought a successful lawsuit against the
Pacific Gas and Electric Company for contaminating drinking water in the
small Southern California town of Hinkley. In the scene, the lawyer, named
Ed Masry, goes with Erin, a down-on-her-luck high school dropout single
mom scraping by as his assistant, to convince a family to start a class action
lawsuit against the energy company. It’s a make-or-break moment. If they
cannot get the support of Donna and Pete Jensen, their cause is lost. After a
long and tense discussion, Erin convinces the Jensens to sign the suit. The
tension lifts and Donna offers some homemade bundt cake and coffee. But
Ed is all business. “No thanks,” he says curtly and heads for the door, eager
to get back to work. Erin grabs him by the arm and whispers, “Ed, have a
#$! cup of coffee.” Erin knew what her boss didn’t: Coffee was not a waste
of time. It was a golden opportunity to deepen a personal connection.
Relationships are important in any endeavor. Building trust takes effort,
time, and shared experiences. In the moment, drinking the cup of coffee
feels inefficient. There are always too many meetings, too many priorities,
too much to do, and too little time. Former secretary of state George Shultz
has always said that he took the time to do what he called “gardening”—
cultivating relationships with his counterparts—before he had to call and
ask them to do something hard.
Companies that effectively manage political risks develop relationships
with stakeholders early and often. Many work closely with community
groups, NGOs, and local officials to win approval for projects and reduce
the risk of being labeled a bad neighbor later. That’s exactly what Alcoa did
in Brazil before opening a bauxite mine there in 2009. Although the rural
Brazilian region of Juruti contained the world’s largest high-quality deposits
of bauxite—the chief ore from which aluminum is produced—Alcoa
executives were concerned about political risks there. They had watched
competitors in Brazil struggle against fierce local opposition, political
action, and physical security breaches that included railroad blockades,
temporary mine closures, and even an armed takeover using bows, arrows,
and clubs. They were determined to avoid the same fate by winning the
support of stakeholders early on.
Alcoa drank the cup of coffee in a big way. Two years before the bauxite
mine opened, the company launched a major public outreach and
communications campaign to build relationships with residents, organized
civil society groups, and government officials. Partnering with the Getúlio
Vargas Foundation and the Brazilian Biodiversity Fund, Alcoa conducted a
series of surveys and discussions to better understand local needs and
views. The company held three public meetings to educate local residents
and solicit their input. More than eight thousand people attended. Alcoa
also held seventy meetings with community members. By 2008, an
independent survey found that 89 percent of the local population supported
the mine.48
But Alcoa didn’t stop there. Executives believed that an effective
community partnership in Juruti needed to be genuine and sustained. The
company created a multi-stakeholder council to serve as an open channel
between it, the government, and civil society. It developed sustainability
metrics to track progress. And it established a $35 million development
fund for sustainable initiatives proposed by the community. Initiatives
included building a hospital, adding classrooms to local schools, creating a
clean water system, and establishing a local job training program. These
outreach efforts did not eliminate opposition to the mine, but they made a
big difference.49
Walmart took drinking the cup of coffee even further.50 Starting in the
1990s, Walmart came under attack from a number of activists and groups
concerned about many issues, including the company’s environmental
record. By 2004, Walmart was ranked number one on the Fortune 500 list.
But it was also facing a growing chorus of concern as it moved into urban
markets in search of higher growth.51 “When growth was easier, this idea of
critics being ignored was O.K.,” Walmart CEO Lee Scott said.52 But with
growth slowing, Walmart could not ignore it anymore. So Scott launched a
strategy to respond to critics directly in the media while building better
relationships with stakeholders.53 He took a trip to the New Hampshire
wilderness with Fred Krupp, president of the Environmental Defense Fund
and one of Walmart’s toughest critics. They talked about climate change,
and Scott came back convinced that Walmart should do more.54 The
company promised to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in its stores by 20
percent in seven years and improve other environmental standards. With the
help of environmental groups and scholars, the company started using an
electronic product sustainability rating system for its products.55 Scott also
saw profit potential in going green: Walmart started selling energy-saving
lightbulbs and cutting energy costs in its own operations.56 And then coffee
drinking got serious: Walmart created staff positions for Environmental
Defense Fund representatives at its Bentonville, Arkansas, center.57 Fred
Krupp, who began as a fierce opponent, became one of Scott’s staunchest
supporters. He later reflected, “I almost think of Lee Scott as a Gorbachev
leading Glasnost, because Lee was this figure that opened Walmart’s walls
up to the outside and changed how they did business.”58
Relationship building is also a core part of Royal Caribbean
International’s risk mitigation efforts. The company takes a “destination
stewardship approach” to its business, working with a range of local
community groups, residents, government officials, and nonprofits to
maintain the cultural, economic, environmental, and social integrity of
places like Labadee, Haiti. Another way that Royal Caribbean International
develops relationships with stakeholders is by arranging regular ship visits
in port. “One of the very best things we can do for political risk is to take
[local] people on the ship in port so they see our supply chain, they see our
operations. There’s no substitute for seeing it,” said president and COO
Adam Goldstein. “By trying as hard as we can to get people to see the
ships, when something does happen they have a point of reference.”
Goldstein believes this human touchpoint is essential. “Maybe because in
the world today technology is so dominant, it’s so easy to communicate by
text and email and video conference and telephone, I believe that people
value personal visitation much more,” he told us. “There’s a real value in
longevity… People come to believe that they can count on you, that if times
are difficult, that there’s a foundation upon which the dialogue rests that is
at some level tried and trusted. It’s very, very helpful to work your way
through situations.”

“You make relationships when you want to, not when you need
to—because when you need to, it’s too late already.”
—Adam Goldstein, president and COO, Royal Caribbean
Cruises, Ltd.

Here, too, timing matters. Relationships need to be developed before a

crisis hits. For Royal Caribbean International, the advocacy of Haitian
government officials, ethics experts, and NGOs helped the company
weather the media storm following the 2010 earthquake. Adam Goldstein
did not begin cold-calling people once negative news stories started
breaking. He turned to old friends for help. As he put it, “You make
relationships when you want to, not when you need to—because when you
need to, it’s too late already.”

Contingency Planning
Helmuth von Moltke, the nineteenth-century Prussian army commander,
famously said that no battle plan survives contact with the enemy. Plans are
often useless. It’s the planning process that is valuable. Plans will almost
never match the conditions of the future, but planning builds capacity to
succeed anyway by developing what we call the three Rs: roles, repertoires
of action, and routines of coordination. Roles clarify who does what.
Repertoires provide broad options for what can be done. Routines of
coordination determine how it can be done well.
Rule 1: Roles should be clear. By definition, contingency plans are used
when normal processes are not enough and conditions are not ideal. In these
circumstances, there is too much pressure, too many moving parts, and not
enough time to be debating who should be doing what. The more that roles
are delineated, the faster and better your organization can execute its
contingency plan.
Rule 2: The more repertoires of action, the better. By repertoires of
action, we do not mean an exhaustive list of rigid plans for every
conceivable circumstance. Reality is too complex, and flexibility is too
important. Rigid plans of action are likely to be ill-suited. Instead,
repertoires of action develop fundamental skills for the totally unexpected
and provide options that can be used in different combinations and ways.
Condi is a lifelong pianist and thinks about repertoires of action as a
musician does. For her, a repertoire is a go-to repository of songs that can
be easily recalled and deployed in different combinations for different
circumstances. Her repertoire usually consists of about five pieces. Some,
like the Schumann Piano Quintet, she plays all the time, while others, like
the Brahms Piano Quintet, require much more practice before she’s willing
to play them outside of her living room. Her repertoire is the foundation on
which she can build a performance. But it’s just the starting point. Some
concerts consist entirely of songs she has known and played for years. Most
include a combination of old and new songs. With an occasional
In 2010, Condi played a concert with the Philadelphia Philharmonic.
They performed a movement of a Mozart piano concerto that Condi had
worked on for months. The other part of the program featured Condi
playing with the Queen of Soul, Aretha Franklin. They rehearsed the day
before and agreed on the repertoire. At intermission, just before they were
to go onstage, Aretha’s producer told Condi that Ms. Franklin wanted to
sing something else—a song they had not rehearsed. Fortunately, the music
wasn’t difficult, and all those years of learning to sight-read pieces, all those
years of practicing scales, and considerable concert experience led Condi to
just say, “Fine.” And the performance came off without a hitch.
Importantly, mastering and maintaining a repertoire takes practice. But
sometimes it is mastering the fundamentals so that you can deal with a
curveball—a sudden change in plans—that matters.
Repertoires of action play this role in many domains. Research on chess
grandmasters finds that what distinguishes them from weaker chess players
isn’t native intelligence or more time spent playing chess. It’s pattern
recognition. Chess grandmasters have exceptional repertoires of action.
When they see a new move, they compare it to the patterns stored in their
heads to determine a path forward. The process is done in seconds, with
remarkable accuracy, even when grandmasters are playing multiple games
simultaneously.59 Most of us grapple with something new by comparing it
to something known, relying on experience as a guide through the
unfamiliar. The more developed these repertoires are, the better we can
handle new situations. The same is true for organizations. Good
contingency planning develops broad options as well as fundamental skills
that can be deployed to help the entire organization adapt to unforeseen
Rule 3: Coordination routines are essential. Assigning roles is a start.
Developing repertoires of action comes next. Coordination is where roles
and repertoires come together. Coordination routines establish trust and
patterns of interaction that smooth the functioning of groups under stress.
The best way to develop coordination routines is practice.
In the defense world, coordination failures have deadly consequences.
Perhaps the best-known example is Operation Eagle Claw, the failed
operation to rescue fifty-three American hostages in Iran. Launched on
April 24, 1980, the mission had to be aborted—but not before eight service
members died when a helicopter collided with a transport plane in the
desert.60 The botched operation was one of the Carter presidency’s darkest
moments. Thirty-five years later, when asked what he would have done
differently in office, President Carter immediately answered that he would
have fixed Operation Eagle Claw.61
Two postmortems conducted at the time—one by the Senate and one by
a special commission—concluded that coordination problems were the root
cause of failure. The Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marines all insisted on
having a piece of the rescue plan. Yet they never conducted any joint
training. Instead, each service practiced its own part in isolation. When the
rescue day arrived, many of the team members had never met before.
Service commanders did not even have arrangements in place to be able to
communicate with one another. Nobody in the Pentagon had paid enough
attention to coordination.62 The failure of Operation Eagle Claw led in 1987
to the creation of the U.S. Special Operations Command, a new integrated
command led by a four-star general whose mission is to conduct special
operations across the military services. Today, coordination across the
services for special operations is vastly improved.
U.S. Special Operations Command offers a valuable lesson for business:
Coordination should never be assumed, even when the stakes are high, the
mission is clear, and the will to succeed is shared by all. Coordination does
not just emerge organically. It has to be ingrained through practice and
supported by leaders at the top. The natural state of all organizations,
whether military units or corporate departments, is to work in silos or
specialized functions. Silos are important. But they can also be
counterproductive when unity of effort is required. Working across silos is
an unnatural act. And managing political risk is an exercise in silo-crossing.
Political risks do not just involve the finance department, the legal team,
government relations, or the IT folks. Political risks cut across every part of
a company, from strategy to operations to marketing. Planning for political
risk contingencies means practicing coordination.
FedEx follows all three rules—assigning clear roles, developing
repertoires of action, and establishing coordination routines. At FedEx,
contingency planning is everyday life. “We believe in predictable
surprises,” notes former GOCC managing director Paul Tronsor.63 At the
Global Operations Control Center in Memphis, there’s always a Plan B. But
as Tronsor notes, executing any Plan B, even a routine one, “is a
tremendous undertaking.” Flying out of an alternate airport requires getting
the right crews to the right places at the right times, with enough rest to
remain in compliance. It requires making sure there’s enough fuel where
you need it, securing airport space and landing rights. Freight can be
unloaded only if it is cleared by customs, and it can be put on trucks only if
the trucks are positioned where the planes are landing.64
Establishing roles, repertoires, and coordination routines is essential. At
FedEx, roles are clear. The flight dispatcher, known as the “Captain on the
Ground,” is responsible for assessing air routes and conditions. The freight
movement center team focuses on constantly evaluating where freight is in
transit. A service recovery specialist manages the development and
implementation of the overall action plan for “movement solutions.” A
crew scheduling specialist is responsible for getting aircrews to the right
places at the right times in compliance with applicable regulations.
Contingency plans—or repertoires of action—are continually developed
based on most likely scenarios. If the Paris airport hub goes down, for
example, the default contingency plan is to reroute cargo to Frankfurt,
Germany. If Frankfurt goes down, too—which happened in April 2010
when an Icelandic volcano erupted and spread a giant ash cloud over
Western Europe—FedEx moves to a different contingency plan, making up
a new one if necessary. And routines of coordination are established and
reinforced at FedEx’s GOCC. Success each day requires a complex,
coordinated effort between flight dispatchers, freight movement center
teams, crew scheduling, and global trade services to make sure international
freight is in compliance with all laws and customs requirements.65 Each day
begins with a war room conference call among managers. Each major
disruption ends with a team debrief of lessons learned.
That’s not to say FedEx has a cookie-cutter approach to diverting
aircraft. It doesn’t, because it can’t. When the Icelandic volcano erupted,
conditions were changing so fast, European airports were closing, opening,
and closing again within minutes. The usual Plan B, shifting to Frankfurt,
was no good. So the GOCC developed a different Plan B that assumed Paris
would remain closed and positioned flights and crews in Toulouse and
Barcelona. But then Charles de Gaulle Airport in Paris reopened, so they
shifted again, to what they called Plan A. FedEx had planned for that, too.
“Since we had accounted for this possibility,” Tronsor noted, “we were
ready to go.” FedEx restored service and then moved to clear the backlog,
shipping 7.7 million pounds of cargo in two days.66 Like Condi improvising
during her concert with Aretha Franklin, FedEx succeeded by drawing on
its existing repertoire and skills practiced every day.

Prepare for the unexpected.

Know what assets are most valuable and vulnerable.

Reduce exposure by dispersing critical assets, flying the
empty plane, and aligning with others in the industry.

Set tripwires and develop protocols so that you have a system

for timely warning and action.

Remember to drink the cup of coffee! Limit the damage when

something bad happens by building relationships with
stakeholders before you need them.
Develop contingency planning processes built on the three
Rs: roles, repertoires of action, and routines of coordination.
Zulu Time: Responding to Crises

On July 16, 2009, Alan Orlob landed in Jakarta to conduct a security

review of the Ritz-Carlton and JW Marriott hotels. The city’s security
situation seemed to be improving.1 As Marriott International’s vice
president for global safety and security, Orlob knew that Indonesia had long
struggled with Islamist terrorism. But in recent years, Jemaah Islamiyah
(JI), the country’s deadliest group, appeared to be weakening. Best known
for the 2002 Bali nightclub bombings that killed more than two hundred,
the terror group had not waged a significant attack in four years. New
Indonesian security measures, enhanced counterterrorism efforts by
American-trained Indonesian police, and the arrests or deaths of many top
JI operatives led many analysts to believe that JI no longer had the
capabilities to launch a major operation. A year earlier, the United States
had lifted its travel warning on Indonesia.2 More recent political news was
also promising. Indonesia had just celebrated a peaceful democratic
presidential election. Orlob went to bed that night in the Ritz-Carlton
“feeling confident that the authorities were dealing successfully with the
terrorism threat in the country.”3
At 7:30 the next morning, Orlob was getting out of the shower when he
heard an explosion. Out the window, he saw smoke billowing from the JW
Marriott across the street. Having served more than twenty years in Army
special forces, Orlob instinctively rushed toward the danger, not away from
it. But before he could get outside, he felt another explosion—this one
inside the Ritz.4 It was a double suicide bombing, carried out by terrorists
masquerading as guests. Investigators would later discover that the bombers
had worked with an insider, the hotels’ florist, to learn how to evade the
hotels’ stringent security measures.5 The attack killed nine people and
injured dozens.
Romeo Gacad/Getty Images

John van Hasselt/Getty Images

Marriott activated its crisis response team to evacuate and account for all
guests, support victims’ families, assist investigators, tend to employees,
and assess ongoing threats. The company’s communications staff issued
regular updates on Twitter, careful to avoid reporting developments until
they could be verified. Within 150 minutes of the bombings, chairman and
CEO Bill Marriott published a blog post expressing his condolences and
providing details about what the company was doing to help victims and
The company’s response was quick, decisive, and compassionate. There
was just one problem. The terrorist attacks had garnered global news
coverage, and much of it featured scathing and erroneous criticism of
Marriott’s security. “I was listening to the media reports. They were so
inaccurate and it was really frustrating for me,” Orlob told us. “I knew what
had happened. I had been there from the beginning. And I was listening to
this wild speculation from the media.” Some senior executives did not want
anyone from the company talking to the press. As a result, nobody was
defending Marriott.
In truth, the Ritz-Carlton and JW Marriott were among the most secure
hotels in the world. Marriott was widely recognized as an industry leader.
The company considered security a significant competitive advantage in the
business travel market, particularly in cities like Jakarta. Starting in the
1990s, as Marriott’s international footprint grew, its investment in security
did, too. By 2009, the company was operating thousands of properties in
seventy countries.7 Many destinations posed elevated risks of civil unrest,
kidnapping, natural disasters, disease, and terrorism. Senior management
recognized that security was important to the value of the Marriott brand.
As Orlob put it, “They understood the damage that could ensue if terrorists
decided to target Marriott because of its name and its reputation as an
American company.”8 Robust security was a must-have for consumers and
At the time of the bombing, both the Ritz-Carlton and JW Marriott were
operating under “condition red,” the company’s highest threat level.10
Security at these two hotels was arguably the best in the city. At the JW
Marriott, for example, vehicles were inspected at a roadway checkpoint
away from hotel buildings separated by a blast wall and guarded by an
armed police officer. In addition, the company had installed explosive vapor
detection devices, brought in a bomb-sniffing dog, placed security cameras
throughout the facility, and added specially trained security officers to
conduct countersurveillance. Anyone entering the hotel went through a
metal detector monitored by security officers, and luggage was screened
outside the building. These and other procedures were tested by an
independent auditor on unannounced visits, so that implementation could be
confirmed, failures reported, and employees penalized.11 This was no lax
security environment. When tragedy struck on July 17, 2009, it was not
because Marriott was asleep at the wheel.
Frustrated that none of this context was in the news, Orlob made a gutsy
decision: When a friend from CNN called for an interview, he said yes.
That interview began changing the narrative. “I used the interview to tell
our story, to talk about the type of security we did have in the hotel,” Orlob
recounted. “It gave us a chance to push our story out there rather than
listening to all the negative media information that was coming out about
our security procedures.” Senior leadership at Marriott liked what they saw
and asked him to do more. In the next few days, Orlob gave nearly two
dozen interviews. His message: Marriott security was robust, but the
company was committed to conducting a complete review of this attack,
and if additional security measures were necessary, they would be
Marriott’s experience shows how to handle “Zulu time,” when events
erupt and response cannot wait until tomorrow. Everyone knows that crisis
response should be coordinated across time zones and corporate functions.
But good crisis response starts long before any crisis appears. Effective
communication in the heat of the moment is important. It is never enough.
Companies need to lay the foundation, learning from near misses,
rewarding employees for doing difficult and courageous things, leading
with core values, and taking steps to ensure that crisis response capabilities
are honed without being hidebound. These “back room” practices enable
“front room” successes when political risks get real.
In this chapter, we take you through the three questions companies
should ask so that they can perform at their best when crisis conditions are

Responding to Crises: Three Key Questions

1. Are we capitalizing on near misses?

2. Are we reacting effectively to crises?
3. Are we developing mechanisms for continuous learning?

1. Are we capitalizing on near misses?

The best way to deal with crises is not to have them. All organizations want
to learn from failures. Not enough try to learn from near misses, events that
could have ended poorly but didn’t because luck saved the day. Individuals
and organizations tend to take false comfort in near misses, seeing them as
signs of success rather than warnings of potential failure. Even descriptors
mislead. These events are often called “close calls” or “lucky breaks,” not
“near disasters that could get us the next time.”
“A near miss can be evidence of two things,” says Georgetown professor
Cathy Tinsley. “It can be evidence of a system’s resiliency, or it can be
evidence of that system’s vulnerability.”13 Too often, people conclude the
system worked well when in reality it just got lucky. Why? Because we all
like to think we are good at our jobs and because giving luck that much
power is scary.14 Tinsley and her colleagues have studied near misses in
companies, government agencies, and lab experiments. They repeatedly
find that people either disregard or misinterpret them: “When people
observe a successful outcome, their natural tendency is to assume that the
process that led to it was fundamentally sound, even when it demonstrably

“When people observe a successful outcome, their natural

tendency is to assume that the process that led to it was
fundamentally sound, even when it demonstrably wasn’t.”
—Catherine Tinsley, Robin Dillon, and Peter Madsen,
Harvard Business Review, 2011

Apple, for example, had an unusually troubled product launch of its

iPhone 4 in 2010 because the company dismissed earlier consumer
complaints as reassuring signs of loyalty rather than warning signs of
technical deficiencies.16 Customers had been complaining for years that
signal strength declined when they touched the phone’s external antenna,
but they still lined up to buy iPhones. Instead of addressing these concerns,
Apple ignored them. When the iPhone 4 came out, Apple was barraged
with complaints that simply holding the device resulted in dropped calls.
Steve Jobs and other executives blamed customers for holding the phone
incorrectly and labeled the problem a “non-issue.” As Tinsley and her
colleagues write, “If Apple had recognized consumers’ forbearance as an
ongoing near miss and proactively fixed the phones’ technical problems, it
could have avoided the crisis.”17 Instead, Consumer Reports did not
recommend the iPhone for the first time in product history.
The Challenger shuttle tragedy is a classic example of a disaster that
could have been avoided if only managers had paid attention to near misses.
On January 28, 1986, Challenger exploded shortly after liftoff when
unusually cold weather caused O-ring seals in one of the solid rocket
boosters to fail.18 O-ring problems had been a common occurrence on
previous shuttle flights, and although they had not failed before, they had
come close. Just a year earlier, Challenger launched from Florida when the
temperature had dropped to 51.8 degrees Fahrenheit, the lowest for a shuttle
launch to date.19 After the mission, engineers discovered that O-rings in
both rocket boosters had experienced significant damage.20 Engineers at O-
ring manufacturer Morton Thiokol concluded that cold weather was the
culprit and recommended against future shuttle launches if temperatures
dipped below 53 degrees.21 This was a major near miss, but NASA didn’t
see it. Instead, when a cold front sent temperatures in Florida plummeting
to 36 degrees, NASA okayed the Challenger launch anyway. Thiokol
engineers’ worst fears came true: All seven astronauts, including Christa
McAuliffe, the first teacher in space, were killed.
The Rogers Commission that investigated the Challenger disaster
concluded that NASA accepted escalating risk because they “got away with
it last time.” They mistook near misses as signs of resilience, not
vulnerability. Commissioner and physicist Richard Feynman likened the
process to Russian roulette, noting that whenever the shuttle flew with O-
ring erosion and nothing happened, “it… suggested, therefore, that the risk
is no longer so high for the next flights.”22
New York Times

In these cases, Apple and NASA did not take near misses seriously
enough. But in the case of aircraft carrier operations, the U.S. Navy does. In
the summer of 2016, Amy spent some time aboard the USS Carl Vinson
during flight training exercises at sea. There’s a reason carriers are
described as “the most dangerous 4.5 acres in the world.”23 The Vinson is
just 1,090 feet long, with each runway or catapult only 350 feet in length.24
(Runways at London’s Heathrow Airport are ten times longer.)25 Fighter
jets are catapulted from the flight deck, accelerating from zero to 165 miles
per hour in two seconds. Aircraft launch and land less than a minute apart,
sometimes simultaneously. Rather than slowing down to land, pilots touch
down at full throttle so they can take off again if the plane’s tailhook fails to
snag one of the arresting wires stretched across the flight deck. It is a
chaotic work environment. The noise is deafening, with sailors
communicating mostly by hand signals. Weather can be a huge factor. At
night, visibility is poor and landing becomes exponentially more difficult.
The movement of planes, people, fuel lines, parts, and pilots is constant,
with a razor-thin margin of error. Safety hazards are everywhere: Any loose
object—a wrench, a penny, a dropped binder clip—can be sucked into a jet
engine, causing severe damage.
On the Vinson, every landing is considered a near miss. Because it is.
Each is watched, graded, recorded, and debriefed, no matter what the
conditions or time of day or night. A landing safety officer from each
squadron both assists and assesses the pilots as they make all the
corrections in the final thirty seconds before making the controlled crash.
Landing on a carrier requires the confidence and precision of a surgeon and
the humility of a clergyman. The pilot can, at best, achieve a grade of
“okay” for successfully catching the three wire, a two-foot-by-two-foot
space on the deck. The Navy knows that learning from near misses is the
best way to prevent big failures.
Only a handful of nations in the world have aircraft carriers.26 It is not
because these ships are too difficult to build. It is because flight operations
are that difficult to execute. Conducting flight operations is the ultimate
exercise of learning from near misses.

Navinfo East

The USS Vinson highlights three tips for any organization seeking to
learn from near misses:

Tip 1: Plan for failure, not success.27

Organizations that learn from near misses are fundamentally pessimistic.
They assume that failure is always just around the corner and invest in
developing structures, processes, incentives, cultures, and technical tools to
prevent it. They never assume that good outcomes today will continue
tomorrow. In carrier aviation, landings are scrutinized no matter who sits in
the cockpit, how many times they have flown, or what the circumstances
Marriott and FedEx also plan for failure. When Alan Orlob arrived in
Jakarta, he had many reasons to be hopeful about Indonesia’s security
environment. But he was also wary, which was why the JW Marriott and
Ritz-Carlton had such tight security measures in place even though there
had not been a major JI terrorist attack in four years. FedEx relentlessly
plans for contingencies because, as Fred Smith told us, “We brush up
against” risks “so often.” Soon after the company built a large hub in
Guangzhou, China, for example, Smith took the board to meet with Chinese
leader Jiang Zemin. But as tensions began rising in Sino-American
relations, FedEx began building other regional hubs in Osaka, Anchorage,
and Singapore. Smith was not about to wait for a crisis to start developing a
Plan B. “While we’re not sure how U.S.-China relations will play out,” said
Smith, “we’ve been trying to take steps to protect ourselves.”
Organizations that adopt a “planning for failure” mentality are more
likely to see near misses, take them seriously, and learn from them.

Tip 2: Look for weak signals.28

As Karl E. Weick and Kathleen M. Sutcliffe note, organizations that learn
from near misses also look for weak signals that things may not be working
as intended. They know that the earlier they identify a potential problem,
the more time and options they have to prevent disaster. Performance
indicators for people, processes, and parts are critical. Anything that does
not perform as expected could be an early indicator of a serious problem.
Of course, not every weak signal is. That’s why it is important to look
deeper, at possible systemic deficiencies, whenever weak signals are found.
And then take strong action.
Remember General Electric’s botched Honeywell deal? It was the first
time that European regulators had ever rejected a major American merger.
But just barely. Four years earlier, the European Commission made
headlines for opposing the proposed merger of two American civilian
aircraft giants, Boeing and McDonnell Douglas.29 For months, it looked
like that deal was doomed. The commission recommended blocking the
merger, and competition experts from all fifteen EU member nations
unanimously agreed. The merger went through only after Boeing agreed to
several major eleventh-hour concessions. Boeing’s 1997 deal was a signal
that European regulators would no longer rubber-stamp American corporate

Photograph released by the Coast Guard on April 22, 2010.

U.S. Coast Guard via European Pressphoto Agency.

In the Deepwater Horizon disaster, British Petroleum (BP) and its

offshore drilling rig owner/operator, Transocean, responded poorly to a
series of not-so-weak signals.31 On April 20, 2010, a cement seal on the
Macondo well in the Gulf of Mexico failed, creating an explosion that took
the lives of eleven crew and caused one of the nation’s worst environmental
catastrophes.32 Millions of barrels of oil flowed into the Gulf over the next
eighty-seven days, contaminating ecosystems and damaging economies
from Texas to Florida. Five years later, BP reached a $20.8 billion
settlement with the U.S. government. It was the largest American pollution
penalty ever paid.33
Investigations concluded that the Deepwater Horizon disaster stemmed
from complex causes—and that failing to notice warning signs was a big
one.34 Internal BP documents showed that as early as 2009, BP engineers
were expressing concerns about using certain casings for the well because
they violated the company’s safety and design guidelines. The casings were
used anyway.35 A month before the disaster, the oil rig was hit with a burst,
or “kick,” of explosive methane gas. According to the Coast Guard’s joint
investigation, kicks are considered “critical indicators” of potential safety
hazards, but BP and Transocean employees dismissed the incident.36
Around the same time, the well’s blowout preventer, which served as a
last line of defense, was discovered leaking fluids at least three times.37
Problems at the well were so common, Deepwater Horizon personnel
referred to Macondo as the “well from hell.”38 In April, employees at
Halliburton, BP’s cementing contractor, warned that BP’s well design
violated Halliburton’s best practices, and that a “severe” gas flow problem
could result.39 BP drilling engineer Brett Cocales responded in an internal
email, “Who cares, it’s done, end of story, will probably be fine…”40
Perhaps most important, BPs own investigation found that its site
leaders and the Transocean rig crew discounted a negative-pressure test
indicating that the cement barrier around the well casing might not be
secure. These are critical tests, designed to assess the integrity of the well
after it has been cemented. The first test showed pressure buildup in the
drill pipe, a dangerous indication that gas had invaded the well. The finding,
however, was “explained away” as an acceptable anomaly.41 Although there
were no industry standards to interpret or approve negative-pressure test
results, BP’s review concluded that any pressure in the drill pipe should
have been considered unacceptable. “The negative-pressure test was an
opportunity to recognize that the well did not have integrity and to take
appropriate action to evaluate the well further,” the report noted.42 Other
expert investigations came to the same conclusion. A National Academy of
Engineering report called the negative-pressure test “an irrefutable sign”
that the cement did not establish an effective seal.43 James Dykes, cochair
of the Coast Guard’s Joint Investigation Team into the disaster, testified
before Congress that “the crew’s collective misinterpretation of the negative
tests was a critical mistake that would escalate into the blowout, fire and
eventual sinking of the Deepwater Horizon.”44 Missed signals compounded
risks and contributed to disaster. By the time anyone on board Deepwater
Horizon noticed that hydrocarbons were leaking from the well and into the
rig, it was too late.
By contrast, Marriott is constantly searching for weak signals and
reacting strongly to them. Marriott’s Alan Orlob ensures that the thousands
of hotels he oversees around the world are audited at unanticipated times to
make sure they are following security procedures fully. If they aren’t,
individuals face disciplinary action. Partially meeting requirements is not an
option. Threat condition blue, the company’s lowest level of enhanced
security, requires nearly forty different procedures.45
Weick and Sutcliffe discovered that one East Coast power company uses
bees as weak signals. That’s right. Bees. When the rate of bee stings for
linemen in the field goes up, managers know that workers probably are not
looking as carefully as they should before reaching for a power line. They
don’t assume operations “will probably be fine.” Rising bee sting rates
trigger greater attention to addressing safety risks within the company
before something bad happens.46

Tip 3: Reward courageous acts.

Third and finally, organizations that learn from near misses develop cultures
that reward courageous acts. Learning from near misses often requires
someone to say, “Hold on a minute. Why are we moving full speed ahead
when we may have a problem here?” The pressure to stay on schedule and
on budget can be immense. Calling a time out to examine a weak signal is
an act of courage. Recognizing those moments can make a difference.
The night before the Challenger launch, five engineers at Morton
Thiokol recommended postponing the flight because they were concerned
that predicted cold temperatures could cause a catastrophic O-ring failure.47
NASA manager Lawrence Mulloy, the head of NASA’s booster rocket
program, infamously exclaimed, “For God’s sake, Thiokol, when do you
expect me to launch? Next April?”48 Soon after, Thiokol managers
overruled their own engineers, okaying the launch.49 The Rogers
Commission found that launch schedule pressures were very much on the
minds of NASA managers. As a result, the courageous dissent of Thiokol
engineers was not heeded or rewarded. “I fought like hell to stop that
launch,” said one of the engineers on the twentieth anniversary of the
disaster. “I’m so torn up inside I can hardly talk about it even now.”50
Compare the experience of Morton Thiokol engineers to a crew member
working on the flight deck of the USS Carl Vinson. Twenty years before
Amy landed on the carrier, professors Martin Landau and Donald Chisholm
wrote about how a seaman serving on the Vinson lost a tool during flight
operations. The seaman was concerned that the lost tool could be sucked
into a jet engine and cause an engine failure. The Navy repeatedly warns
carrier crews about the dangers of “foreign object debris.” So when the
seaman could not find his tool, he told the air boss. It was a big deal. About
a dozen planes in the air had to be diverted to airfields on land. The flight
deck had to be shut down. Hundreds of people had to stop what they were
doing to “walk the deck,” searching inch by inch until they found the
missing tool. The next day, a formal ceremony was held. Instead of being
punished, the seaman got an award. That’s what we call rewarding
courageous acts. It is one thing to tell the crew they should always report
any foreign object debris. It’s another to show that you mean it.51
Employees often have ideas about how to avoid failure or improve
performance that they never tell the boss. A 2009 survey by the Cornell
University Survey Research Institute found that 53 percent of respondents
admitted they never spoke up about an idea or problem. When asked why,
many said they thought it would be a waste of time or could hurt their
careers.52 After failure, postmortems reveal all sorts of information that
could have been shared beforehand but wasn’t. Rewarding courageous acts
fosters a premortem culture—encouraging people in the organization to
volunteer information about what could go wrong before it does go
Learning from near misses is never easy. Organizations that do it well
plan for failure, look for weak signals and respond strongly to them, and
reward courageous acts that empower everyone to avert disaster.
2. Are we reacting effectively to crises?
No matter how hard an organization works to do everything right—
understanding and communicating the risk appetite, integrating political
risk analysis into the business, collecting good information, using analytic
tools to reduce cognitive bias and groupthink, mitigating risks, and learning
from near misses—big surprises can still occur. Your organization’s
response determines whether that crisis fades or festers. As Warren Buffett
once said, “It takes twenty years to build a reputation and five minutes to
ruin it. If you think about that, you’ll do things differently.”54

“It takes twenty years to build a reputation and five minutes to

ruin it. If you think about that, you’ll do things differently.”
—Warren Buffett

Johnson & Johnson’s handling of the Tylenol tampering deaths is still

considered the gold standard of crisis response. When seven people were
poisoned by laced Tylenol capsules in 1982, Tylenol was the best-selling
nonprescription pain medication in the United States, with 35 percent
market share.55 It was also Johnson & Johnson’s top-selling product.56
Johnson & Johnson (J&J) public relations executives learned of the deaths
from the press. It was the worst possible way for a crisis to unfold. News
quickly spread. According to one news service, it was the biggest media
event since President Kennedy’s assassination.57
Yvonne Hemsey/Getty Images

The company responded decisively. J&J pulled all Tylenol capsules

from store shelves nationwide, offered to replace them with tablets free of
charge, promised a reward for information leading to the arrest of anyone
involved in the murders, issued warnings against using Tylenol, set up a
toll-free hotline for consumers, and communicated directly with the public
through news shows and paid advertising.58 Within ten weeks, the company
launched new tamper-resistant packaging for Tylenol products that became
the industry standard.59 The recall cost more than $100 million, with the
total cost of the crisis estimated between $500 million and $1 billion.60
Many thought Johnson & Johnson would never recover. Yet within two
months, its stock had returned to its fifty-two-week high,61 and within a
year Tylenol had resumed its place as the leading pain relief medication.62
Although the Tylenol crisis occurred more than thirty years ago, Johnson
& Johnson’s approach can be distilled into five steps for any company
confronting a crisis.

Step 1: Assess the situation.

The first step in crisis management is to get a better handle on what is
happening. Early moments of a crisis are swirling with uncertainty. What is
the problem? How serious is it? Is the crisis over or just beginning? How do
you know? Don’t jump to conclusions. Assess the situation.
Assessing the situation takes discipline and time. Yet modern
communications technologies are straining discipline and compressing
time. Twitter, YouTube, Facebook, and “citizen-journalist” Internet
reporting are ever-present and fast-moving. Crisis management isn’t what it
used to be.
We see these pressures every time we teach our cyber crisis simulation.
The simulation involves a hypothetical technology company called Frizzle,
which offers Internet-related services and products, including search, email,
cloud computing, mobile payments, and drone delivery services. Founded
by an East German immigrant, Frizzle is headquartered in California but
operates globally, with 75 percent of revenues generated outside the United
States. Like many Silicon Valley companies, Frizzle believes deeply in
protecting the privacy of its users. Its mission statement declares, “Doing
What’s Right lies at the core of who we are and how we operate. At Frizzle,
Doing What’s Right means having the courage to protect our users, their
information, and their trust in us.”

The crisis starts when executives learn that Frizzle’s email system has
been breached in an attack targeting the accounts of Chechen activists.
Frizzle’s security team believes the attack originated from Eastern Europe.
The U.S. Department of Defense has publicly acknowledged that the
Russian government appears to be behind an escalating number of attacks
ostensibly perpetrated by individuals and other proxy groups against
American companies and government agencies. Still, at this early stage, the
Frizzle security team is unable to determine the person or organizations
behind the attack, although they believe they have identified the computer
used. Company data may still reside on it. Executives must decide how to
respond, including whether and how to work with the U.S. government;
whether to “hack back” against the perpetrators; how to communicate the
breach to customers, partners, and the public; and what, if any, longer-term
steps should be taken to improve Frizzle’s cyber security and political risk
In addition to Stanford MBAs, we have run this simulation for national
reporters and senior congressional staff.63 Each time, most of our Frizzle
“executives”—who come from all over the world and all different industries
and backgrounds—want to get in front of the story as fast as they possibly
can. This instinct is natural. Yet moving too fast runs some hidden risks.
The biggest one is that the engineering team does not yet know what it is
dealing with. Is the worst over or yet to come? Typically, a few hours into
an attack, it is impossible to know. As one real-world chief information
security officer of a major tech company told us, “The first twenty-four to
forty-eight hours of a major breach are usually crazy. We have to let the
engineers do their thing to stop the bleeding. It’s all very foggy. It takes
discipline to stay calm.” Staying calm is especially important in cyber crises
because if adversaries are tipped off too soon, they can change their
methods and inflict even more damage before the company can bolster its
defenses. The company also has to contend with breach reporting and
remediation requirements that vary by state and country and could turn
company offices into a crime scene, making it harder to stop the attack.
Going public as fast as possible may seem like a good idea but may make
life worse for the customers and the company. While responding quickly is
important, executives today need to resist the urge to respond so fast that
they provide inaccurate information, worsen the damage, or make promises
about fixes that they cannot deliver.

“The first twenty-four to forty-eight hours of a major breach

are usually crazy. We have to let the engineers do their thing to
stop the bleeding. It’s all very foggy. It takes discipline to stay
—Tech company chief information security officer

Target could have used this advice when it was hit with a cyber attack
during the 2013 Christmas shopping season. The breach was a watershed
event, one of the largest thefts of consumer information. An estimated forty
million payment cards and personal records of seventy million Target
shoppers were stolen.64 The breach and resulting negative publicity came at
a terrible time for the retail giant, and Target’s response made it worse.
Eager to get in front of the story, Target sent frequent updates. But they
contained conflicting information, giving the impression that executives did
not understand what they were facing. Customers flooded Target with
complaints and questions, jamming phone lines and causing the company’s
credit card website to crash.65 Efforts to provide information backfired and
efforts to reassure customers ended up annoying them. The stock price
tumbled, and within six months, CEO Gregg Steinhafel resigned.
Communications experts often highlight the importance of issuing
statements immediately: Studies find that 20 percent of online news stories
about a subject appear within just eight hours of its occurrence.66 Research
also finds that the longer executives wait to take action, the less moral they
seem, even if they ultimately make a decision judged to be moral.67 But
Target shows that speedier is not always better. As we discuss below, the
best way to navigate this terrain is for executives to communicate values
immediately, explaining what they stand for and what steps they intend to
The upshot is this: Do not say what you know. You could end up being
wrong. Instead, say what values you believe in and what actions you will
take to get to the bottom of the crisis while you figure out what is going on.

Step 2: Activate the team.

In 1982, Johnson & Johnson did not have a crisis response team, so CEO
James Burke formed one as soon as the news broke.68 J&J’s experience is
exemplary, but twenty-first-century crises demand more. Today, no
company should be designating a crisis response team or formulating a plan
after a crisis breaks. Companies should already have a system in place for
reporting crises, a plan for gathering and sharing relevant information, and
well-defined roles that are updated and practiced. Not everything can be
anticipated, but having these basic capabilities in place provides a head
Marriott’s Alan Orlob likens corporate crisis response to military
training. As he puts it, “The military spends a lot of time training soldiers so
that when confronted by the enemy, they don’t need to think. They react to
the training they received.”69 Marriott regularly conducts tabletop exercises
simulating various scenarios to hone processes, define roles, and learn new
lessons. When the Jakarta JW Marriott was attacked by terrorists in 2003, it
took just thirty minutes to assemble Marriott International’s crisis team on a
conference call in the middle of the night. The roles and tasks were already

Step 3: Lead with values.

Reputation expert Daniel Diermeier finds that when crises erupt, managers
too often get sidetracked figuring out who is to blame.70 That is not what
customers and other stakeholders want to hear. They want to hear what your
company stands for and why. They want to know what you will do to earn
back their trust. They want to know that you care, that you are committed,
and that you are contrite.
J&J CEO James Burke knew what his company stood for. Johnson &
Johnson’s credo, crafted in 1943 by founding family member Robert Wood
Johnson, states, “We believe our first responsibility is to the doctors, nurses,
and patients, to mothers and fathers and all others who use our products and
services.” Burke took it seriously. To him, the credo meant that J&J had to
safeguard the well-being of its customers even though the Tylenol deaths
did not result from any corporate wrongdoing. The most important priority
was protecting public health, not shareholder value. “The credo is all about
the consumer,” Burke later said. When the deaths occurred, “the credo
made it very clear at that point exactly what we were all about. It gave me
the ammunition I needed to persuade shareholders and others to spend the
$100 million on the recall. The credo helped sell it.”71 It was Burke who
pushed for a nationwide recall against the wishes and advice of the FBI and
the Food and Drug Administration, who thought a recall might embolden
the perpetrator and stoke public anxiety.72
Burke’s second goal was saving the Tylenol brand. This would only be
possible, he believed, by meeting the crisis head-on, undertaking enormous
costs to pull the product, addressing public fears fast and fully, and then
relaunching a better tamper-resistant Tylenol product as fast as possible. At
the time, Burke’s approach defied conventional marketing wisdom, which
counseled keeping a low profile and circling the wagons until the crisis
passed. “Before 1982, nobody ever recalled anything,” said Albert
Tortorella, a managing director at Burson-Marsteller, the public relations
firm that advised Johnson & Johnson. “Companies often fiddle while Rome
Johnson & Johnson was a victim of a crime. Most companies facing
political crises are not. For them, the lesson from J&J is the power of
accepting responsibility. Assuming full responsibility for a crisis, even one
not of your making, and demonstrating that your organization truly cares
about rebuilding trust can go a long way. In the medical field, for example,
research finds that honest disclosure of mistakes reduces malpractice
lawsuits dramatically.74 Conversely, dodging responsibility for a crisis or
issuing halfhearted expressions of concern is likely to backfire and spark
greater furor.75
That’s what United Airlines CEO Oscar Munoz learned in April 2017
when he issued a lackluster apology for having to, in his words, “re-
accommodate these customers” after video surfaced showing police
forcibly removing a sixty-nine-year-old passenger from an overbooked
United flight to make room for United employees. The passenger, Dr. David
Dao, was seated on the last flight of the day. “I won’t go, I’m a physician,
have to work tomorrow, eight o’clock…,” Dao explained. Police then
proceeded to drag him off the plane in front of horrified passengers. Dao
sustained a concussion, a broken nose, and broken teeth. “Oh my God!
Look at what you did to him!” screamed one passenger in the video.
Munoz’s uncaring apology fueled outrage online and in the press,
prompting calls for new legislation to change airline overbooking practices
and protect consumers. Hours later, Munoz exacerbated the crisis by issuing
a letter to United employees (which leaked immediately) blaming Dao for
being “disruptive and belligerent.”76 Munoz eventually reversed course,
saying, “No one should ever be mistreated this way,” and promising a
review of United policies, but the public relations damage was severe.77 It
was a textbook case of how not to handle a crisis. “The back-against-the-
wall, through-gritted-teeth apology isn’t generally a winning strategy,”
noted Jeremy Robinson-Leon, a public relations partner at Group Gordon.78
The moral of the story is that genuine contrition matters. Corporate
crises are ultimately about trust. The best way to restore trust is to own the
problem, know your company’s core values, and manage to them. That is
particularly true today, when polls show that trust in business executives is
not much higher than it is in used-car salesmen.79 As J&J CEO James
Burke reflected before his death in 2012, “Trust has been an operative word
in my life. [It] embodies almost everything you can strive for that will help
you to succeed. You tell me any human relationship that works without
trust, whether it is a marriage or a friendship or a social interaction; in the
long run, the same thing is true about business.”80

Step 4: Tell your story.

As we discuss above, companies need to be careful about letting their desire
to say something fast cause them to say something wrong that could erode
stakeholder trust. But taking time to gather facts does not mean that
companies should stay silent. They need to tell their story rather than hiding
from the press and difficult conversations. As FedEx’s Fred Smith told us,
“We live in an unprecedented real-time diffuse communications
environment and you’re generally not in control of the narrative that
somebody wants to advance and you have to be equally adept in that milieu
to be able to deal with it.”

“We live in an unprecedented real-time diffuse

communications environment and you’re generally not in
control of the narrative that somebody wants to advance and
you have to be equally adept in that milieu to be able to deal
with it.”
—Fred Smith, founder, chairman, and CEO, FedEx

Smith is no stranger to these real-time communications challenges. On

Thursday, January 26, 2017, a FedEx delivery driver tried to stop some
protesters from burning American flags outside a shopping mall in Iowa. A
video circulated online showing the driver, Matt Uhrin, using a fire
extinguisher to put out the fire, pushing back the protesters, and taking one
of the flags away. It went viral. Then erroneous reports surfaced that FedEx
had decided to discipline or fire Uhrin and an uproar ensued. Online
petitions gathered thousands of signatures. “Let’s make sure Matt Uhrin
keeps his job at FedEx,” noted one petition movement. “He was standing up
for our American flag and should be commended, not punished.”81
FedEx’s crisis team unit jumped into action. As Smith told us, the
company made a decision to support the driver and communicated it
quickly. On Friday, FedEx communications adviser Jim Masilak sent an
initial statement to the Daily Caller News Foundation saying that the
company had “reviewed the facts of the incident and interviewed our
courier to better understand what took place. As with all personnel issues,
we are handling the matter internally.”82 By 7:30 on Saturday morning,
FedEx issued a press release and sent it out on Twitter, stating, “We have
reviewed the matter in Iowa City involving driver Matt Uhrin. He remains a
FedEx employee & we have no plans to change his status.” The crisis
quickly subsided.
FedEx is in many ways a best-practice crisis response company because
it has to respond to crises nearly all the time, from driver interactions
caught on video to lost packages. “We’re primed to respond in this way
perhaps more so than other companies because we operate in real time with
all kinds of major equipment (such as airplanes),” Smith reflected. “We also
try to actively respond to complaints on social media. Given our state-of-
the-art tracking system, we’re usually able within a few seconds to tell
customers where their packages are.”
How can companies in other industries—where the business model does
not demand real-time response to customer concerns—handle sudden crises
effectively? How can they react quickly without falling into the Target trap?
The answer is by carefully distinguishing between facts and values. Facts
take time to unfold. Values can be communicated immediately.
When the 2009 Jakarta terrorist attacks struck two Marriott-operated
properties, some senior executives wanted the company to stay as far away
from the press as possible. That’s a common and natural response. Alan
Orlob, though, sensed that there could be benefits to surfing the media wave
and talking directly about how seriously Marriott took security when the
eyes of the world were on them. As he told us, “There’s a huge advantage to
being able to get your word out when there’s an event like that.” Orlob was
careful to avoid speculating or commenting about what could have gone
wrong; instead, he focused on communicating his determination to find out
and fix it. He told Marriott’s story.
When Royal Caribbean International got hit with a wave of bad
publicity after the 2010 earthquake in Haiti, Adam Goldstein was also quick
to communicate what mattered to him and why. His message: Cruise ships
were not docking in Labadee to party, they were docking there to help—
bringing relief supplies as well as badly needed revenues from tourists to
help the stricken nation recover. Goldstein delivered the message himself,
through traditional media and his blog. He put a human face on the
corporation’s response and explained how Royal Caribbean International
was helping Haiti. Reporters cut and pasted from the blog as though they
were quoting him directly. It was the first time Goldstein used his blog to
communicate during a crisis. Now it is standard practice for him. Goldstein
was ahead of his time. A 2014 study found that two-thirds of Fortune 500
CEOs still had no social media presence.83
Third parties, such as NGOs, foreign government officials, and
academic experts, can also play an important role in telling your story by
lending credibility in times of crisis. This kind of support helped Royal
Caribbean International. Because communications in Haiti were in disarray
after the earthquake, the cruise line could not get an immediate statement
from the Haitian government. But a Haitian official named Leslie Voltaire
was visiting New York at the time, so Goldstein asked if he would issue a
brief statement explaining that the government wanted Royal Caribbean
International ships to keep coming. Voltaire did. “That was very helpful,”
Goldstein told us. “It was not just about us anymore.”
Orlob found the same thing. After a Marriott property in Islamabad was
struck by terrorists, a terrorism expert in Singapore named Dr. Rohan
Gunaratna wrote an article posted on the well-respected SITE Intelligence
Group blog about the increasing threat to hotels and the security measures
that Marriott was taking. Professor Gunaratna called the Marriott in
Islamabad “the world’s most protected hotel.”84 Immediately after the
attack, many American companies and officials said they no longer wanted
to stay in the Islamabad Marriott. Orlob could use Dr. Gunaratna’s article to
show them what type of security Marriott actually had to confront the rising
terrorist threat there. “It wasn’t just me telling the story. It was an outside
expert telling the story,” Orlob told us. It made a difference.

Step 5: Do not fan the flames.

Finally, organizations need to be aware that they are always speaking to
multiple audiences. Each can fan the flames, creating new risks and
worsening the crisis. Media reports. Statements by local and state leaders.
Grassroots boycotts. Congressional hearings and legislative proposals.
Federal investigations and regulations. Actions by international
governments and customers. Each of these actions and audiences can affect
the others. As Daniel Diermeier notes, “Once the company is portrayed as a
villain, many public officials will vie for the role of hero.”85
That’s exactly what happened to British Petroleum after the Deepwater
Horizon oil spill. As oil slicks washed ashore and live underwater video
showed the broken well spewing oil continuously into the Gulf, BP CEO
Tony Hayward declared that the explosion was not BP’s fault, that the
environmental impact was likely to be “very, very modest,”86 and that
everything was under control.87 The attempt at reassurance backfired
horribly, casting the quiet geologist as a callous corporate villain who was
more concerned about blaming others than accepting responsibility or
showing compassion. So Hayward went to Louisiana to apologize in person
and put a human face on BP’s response. But his comments there got him in
more trouble. “There’s no one who wants this thing over more than I do. I’d
like my life back,” he said to a crowd of reporters, on camera.88 Public
anger boiled over. “These are the most idiotic statements I’ve ever heard,”
declared irate Louisiana governor Bobby Jindal. “If I was on that board, I
would wonder about trusting a multibillion-dollar company to somebody
who’s making those kind of statements.”89 Hayward ending up having to
apologize for his apology tour.
BP’s expensive national advertising campaign also struck the wrong
chord, suggesting the company had the spill under control when it didn’t.
“We will get this done, we will make this right,” Hayward declared in one
television spot. Crisis management consultant Glenn Selig likened it to a
doctor in an emergency room full of dying people telling family members
that everything will be fine.90
Tony Hayward became the most vilified man in America. Daily
headlines covered his gaffes. Everyone piled on. Presidential spokesman
Robert Gibbs took aim at him from the White House press room.
Congressional leaders of both parties pummeled BP and its chief executive.
Hayward’s appearance at a June 17 House hearing was described as “a
public execution.”91 The next day, Hayward was removed from day-to-day
control over the company’s oil spill response. In July, he announced his
resignation. At a gathering of board members, he said handling the
Deepwater Horizon crisis was like “stepping out from the pavement and
being hit by a bus.”92

The Spy Plane Crisis and Condi’s Multiple Audience

The risks posed by multiple audiences affect governments,
not just companies. Soon after Condi began serving as national
security adviser, a Chinese fighter jet collided with an American
surveillance plane in international airspace, leading to the death
of the Chinese pilot and an emergency landing of the American
plane in China. The American crew were detained on Hainan
Island while the two governments negotiated the terms of their
release. For President Bush, the goals were clear: The crew
had to be treated well and released; there would be no
compromising of American values by apologizing for
conducting surveillance in international airspace; and the
relationship with China needed to be maintained. Neither side
wanted to escalate the situation. But negotiations were
complicated by the multiple audience problem. “Every time you
speak,” Condi reflected, “all parties are listening. You can’t say,
‘Okay, China, you only listen to this part. Congress, you only
listen to that part.’ You have to think about all of your audiences
in each statement.” At one point, every day a spokesperson
would go out in front of the press. The White House would want
to say something new, but each time a new statement would
escalate the rhetoric from different audiences, which made the
crisis all the more difficult to resolve. So the crisis team met
twice a day every day, carefully working the communications
strategy to show that the two governments were working on the
problem without triggering an escalation spiral. After seven
days of intense negotiations, the United States and China
agreed to a deal: The crew were released, and the Chinese
received a letter from U.S. ambassador to China Joseph
Prueher expressing regret for the pilot’s loss of life without
issuing an apology for the incident.

Multiple audiences also became a challenge for United Airlines, causing

its crisis to escalate. Within forty-eight hours, the passenger dragging
incident moved from social media to mainstream media; triggered calls for
congressional hearings and a federal investigation; outrage in China, one of
United’s most important foreign markets (where more than one hundred
million Chinese viewed the video); and a $255 million loss in shareholder
value. We capture the forty-eight-hour escalation in the chart below.

United’s Unfriendly Skies: Escalating Political Risks

Venture capitalist Marc Andreessen described the predicaments of BP and

United Airlines well. He told us, “Things happen in the world, right? Some
of those things then become big deals in the press. And then there’s a
feedback loop. Something that becomes a big deal in the press, that’s going
to cause governments to come after you. Or vice versa. Governments
coming after you can cause things to happen in the press… That’s a
dynamic that results in your company becoming a political punching bag in
a way that’s kind of hard to recover from.”

3. Are we developing mechanisms for continuous learning?

Responding well to a crisis in the moment is part of the battle. Developing
mechanisms to remember the right lessons from that crisis is another.
Here, too, NASA provides a tragic tale of a learning failure. Seventeen
years after the Challenger tragedy, the space shuttle Columbia exploded,
killing all seven astronauts on board. This time the fatal cause was foam
shedding from the shuttle’s external fuel tank, which damaged a thermal
shield on the wing during liftoff and caused it to fail on reentry. Like O-ring
weaknesses, foam shedding was not a surprise. It had occurred during sixty-
five of seventy-nine previous shuttle launches.93 At first, the shedding was
considered dangerous. But the more it happened, the less dangerous it
seemed. NASA managers fell into the exact same cognitive trap that led to
the first shuttle disaster, seeing sixty-five near misses as sixty-five
successes. NASA did not just fail to learn from near misses. It failed to
learn from tragedy.
Our Stanford colleague Jim March, one of the world’s most eminent
sociologists, spent his career examining how organizations learn. He found
that continuous learning involves two skills: “the exploration of new
possibilities and the exploitation of old certainties.”94 Exploration is the
search for new ways of doing things. Exploitation is the process of
implementing them. Exploration and exploitation often compete and
conflict. “The essence of exploration is experimentation with new
alternatives,”95 March wrote. “The essence of exploitation is the refinement
and extension of existing competences, technologies, and paradigms.” One
process is creative, disruptive, and uncertain. The other is efficient, order-
inducing, and predictable. Companies that excel at continuous learning keep
exploration and exploitation in productive tension.96 This is hard to do.
Even Johnson & Johnson has struggled to balance exploration and
exploitation. Back in 1982, CEO James Burke developed new ways to
manage crises that flew in the face of conventional wisdom. He excelled at
exploration. Exploitation has been more challenging. In 2012, a Wharton
Business School article asked, “Has the Company Lost Its Way?”97 The
article found that J&J wasn’t sustaining its own best practices. In the 2000s,
under the leadership of CEO William Weldon, the company suffered a
string of major product recalls, including household name brands like
Benadryl and Children’s Tylenol as well as products ranging from contact
lenses to Rolaids to artificial hips. J&J also faced heightened regulatory
scrutiny, critical congressional hearings, and several state lawsuits over
improper marketing of its antipsychotic medication Risperdal.98 In 2011,
the Food and Drug Administration put three facilities under consent
decree.99 Johnson & Johnson issued at least eleven major product recalls,
nearly twice as many as health care product giant Pfizer or Procter &
Gamble, the largest consumer products company in the world.100 Quality
control problems cost an estimated $1 billion in lost sales.101
Many believe that one reason for J&J’s decline was the company’s drift
from its core values as the number of its subsidiaries mushroomed, global
business grew, and profit pressures increased. “I think the credo used to be
quite real there,” says Erik Gordon, a professor at the University of
Michigan’s Ross School of Business. “There was a time when people really
believed in it and took great pride in it. But those days are long gone.”102
Fortune described the period as a “cascading reputational and quality-
control crisis” that had “engulfed” the company’s consumer business.103
In February 2012, when CEO Weldon stepped down and Alex Gorsky
took the helm, Gorsky’s first presentation to the board outlining his long-
term vision centered on the company credo.104 Among his priorities:
creating a unified company out of 250 different global subsidiaries, each
operating relatively autonomously. Values were at the core. Today, across
Johnson & Johnson there are “credo challenges” where business decisions
are evaluated according to the credo. There are also biannual credo surveys
that ask employees to assess how well the business is upholding the
credo.105 J&J still has its share of crises, and it is still struggling to respond
effectively to them, but the company is taking major steps to relearn the
lessons of 1982.106
The best learning organizations we know may surprise you: top-notch
football teams. We admit it, we both love football. Condi’s father was a
collegiate athletic administrator who taught her the intricacies of the sport,
among other ways, by insisting she play in his backyard holiday game
called “The Rice Bowl.” Amy’s grandfather was a judge who spent his free
time recruiting young men from nearby western Pennsylvania steel towns to
play for his alma mater, the University of Michigan.
But it also happens to be true. Years ago, Martin Landau and Donald
Chisholm seized on football as the ultimate learning organization.
“American football may be a game of inches, but above all else, it is a game
where success depends on the consistent and progressive reduction of
error,” they wrote.107 In football, error is everywhere and success and
failure are obvious. In every game, only one team wins. Losing coaches do
not keep their jobs for long. The most successful coaches study wins as well
as losses, subjecting “every aspect of their plans and executions to careful
analysis.” Good coaches balance exploration and exploitation and engage in
both processes continuously. Activities like watching game tape, devising
plays to exploit opponents’ weaknesses and capitalize on your strengths,
and adjusting the lineup for better matchups are exercises in exploration—
they are innovations to gain advantage. Activities like practicing hurry-up
offense and conducting drills to hone the capabilities of specialized
positions, including backup players, so they are ready to substitute in at a
moment’s notice are exercises in exploitation. Notably, Landau and
Chisholm wrote that “many (if not most) of the coaching profession see
their task as teaching.”108 Football teams really are learning organizations.
Whether it’s the National Football League or the NCAA, the best teams
may not have the best talent; what they often do have are the best learning
Consider one of our favorite examples, the turnaround track record of
former Stanford coach Jim Harbaugh, who took Stanford from a tough 1–11
season to become a BCS bowl qualifier and top-ranked team in just four
seasons. Harbaugh did the same thing in the NFL. When he joined the San
Francisco 49ers in 2011, the team had not had a winning season in eight
years. In his first season as head coach, the 49ers, with very little turnover
in the roster, won 13 games, the division title, and made it to the NFC
Championship Game.109 Then in 2014 Harbaugh moved to the University
of Michigan. Before he arrived, the Wolverines went 5–7.110 During
Harbaugh’s first season, he took essentially the same players and finished
with 10 wins, 3 losses, and a number 12 national ranking. Three teams,
three turnarounds. What made the difference? Harbaugh’s intensity, his
exceptional ability to motivate a team, and his relentless focus on learning
and competition. Everything to him is competitive. Improvement is a mind-
set. “You are getting better or you are getting worse. You never stay the
same,” he likes to say.111 He’s not afraid to try something new or repeat
what works. He takes exploration and exploitation seriously.
Harbaugh is a good reminder that continuous learning takes a heavy
dose of leadership to work. Jim March is right that learning requires
processes that enable both exploration and exploitation. But real life is not
so sterile. Organizations in the real world are filled with people who
respond to leaders and values that inspire. Creating mechanisms for
continuous learning must involve both the head and the heart—a cold-nosed
assessment of what to keep doing, what to stop doing, what to start doing,
and an inspirational approach to get everyone to join the journey.

The best way to deal with crises is not to have them.

Capitalize on near misses by planning for failure, looking for
weak signals, and rewarding courageous acts.
Follow the five golden rules for crisis response:
(1) Assess the situation.
(2) Activate the team.
(3) Lead with values.
(4) Tell your story.
(5) Do not fan the flames.
Develop mechanisms for continuous learning that balance the
creative search for new ideas (exploration) and the systematic
implementation of proven best practices (exploitation).
Strengthening Your Political Risk Muscles

When we started teaching our political risk course several years ago,
some future trends seemed clear. North Korea’s Kim Jong-un would pose a
growing and grave nuclear danger. China’s rise would probably challenge
American influence in the Asia-Pacific. The brittle state system of the
Middle East—cobbled together on the back of a napkin as the Ottoman
Empire ended—would continue to generate instability and human suffering.
Yet many developments were not so evident back then. We might have
known that Russia would be a problem, but not that it would annex Crimea.
We expected the European Union would face stresses, but we did not expect
Brexit. And many events were simply unimaginable. Who would have
thought that Donald Trump would be elected president of the United States?
Or that France would narrowly escape a National Front victory? Or that a
Filipino strongman would come to power, turning his country away from
the United States and toward China?
Politics has always been an uncertain business. Technological
innovations; government institutions; individual leaders; the ambitions,
emotions, and aspirations of peoples—these are large forces. Sometimes
they move gradually and incrementally. At other times, they move suddenly
and seismically. No one can see precisely how human history will unfold.

Understand: 1. What is my organization’s political risk appetite?

Develop processes (e.g., annual risk setting workshops) to make
risk appetite explicit and updated.
Analyze: 1. How can we get good information about the political
risks we face?
Collect information that is specific to your needs, includes
perception and emotions of key stakeholders, and answers
the right questions.
Mitigate: 1. How can we reduce exposure to the risks we have
Identify where asset value and vulnerability converge; build the
nuclear triad (disperse critical assets); fly the empty plane
(build flexible surge capacity); align with others in the industry.
Respond: 1. Are we capitalizing on near misses?
Plan for failure, not success; look for weak signals; reward
courageous acts.

Understand: 2. Is there a shared understanding of our risk

appetite? If not, how can we foster one?
Create a common language for discussing risk and a consistent
process for identifying, evangelizing, and owning risk.
Analyze: 2. How can we ensure rigorous analysis?
Harness tools like scenario planning, red teams, and thinking
backwards. The goal is not to predict the future but to make
better decisions by “re-perceiving.”
Mitigate: 2. Do we have a good system in place for timely
warning and action?
Develop proactive, timely situational awareness for risks
“knocking on the door” and tripwires that trigger protocols and
Respond: 2. Are we reacting effectively to crises?
Follow five key steps: Stop the bleeding, activate the team,
communicate what matters to you and why, tell your story, and
beware of multiple audiences.

Understand: 3. How can we reduce blind spots?

Develop processes that foster imagination, a better
understanding of others’ perspectives, and truth-telling to
guard against groupthink.
Analyze: 3. How can we integrate political risk analysis into
business decisions?
Bake in political risk thinking instead of bolting it on at the end of
a business decision. Political risk analysts need to be close to
business units, understand their needs, and deliver useful
Mitigate: 3. How can we limit the damage when something bad
Drink the cup of coffee: Build relationships with key stakeholders
before you need them.
Respond: 3. Are we developing mechanisms for continuous
Use counterfactuals; train, train, train; continuously reinforce
company values as a touchstone for action.

But managing political risk does not have to be pure guesswork. You do
not have to know exactly where political risk will come from if you are well
prepared—if you are looking in all directions, considering political risks at
the highest levels, and developing planning and thinking across your
organization. Just as world-class athletes enhance their performance
through strength and conditioning training, companies can improve their
performance by building their all-around political risk muscles. We hope
you will think of our framework as a workout plan or training guide to get
your organization into better shape. Understanding, analyzing, mitigating,
and responding to risks are the key elements. Our guiding questions provide
more detailed exercises to hone your political risk capabilities. We pull
together the main ones in the table above.
The most effective organizations have three big things in common: They
take political risk seriously, they approach it systematically, and they lead
from the top.
Some companies have no choice: They are born into industries that are
buffeted by political action. Royal Dutch Shell invented modern-day
scenario planning in the 1960s because executives knew they faced a
volatile Middle East and a rising organization called OPEC, and they
needed better tools to anticipate the future price of oil. FedEx has been
managing political risk ever since Fred Smith delivered his first package.
Any event that could interfere with a customer experience, whether it’s a
labor strike in Europe, food riots in Venezuela, or a tornado in Oklahoma, is
his business. As Smith likes to say, the most important thing FedEx delivers
is trust. He has been setting the company’s culture and approach to risk for
nearly half a century.
For other industries like movie studios and toy companies, the
imperative to manage political risk is less obvious. Sony Pictures started
caring a lot more about political risk after it was forced off the grid by a
North Korean cyber attack. The Lego Group embraced political risk
management only after a brush with bankruptcy.
Others see the writing on the wall too late. SeaWorld executives knew
they were in an industry that carried significant political risks from animal
rights groups and shows that put humans in tanks with dangerous killer
whales. Yet the company did not take political risk seriously enough,
manage it systematically, or drive action from the top. Instead, executives
bet that the future would resemble the past—that Shamu would always be
the company’s most valuable asset. Risks were not managed so much as
they were wished away.
Bad surprises will always happen. But organizations that take a serious,
systematic, and senior-driven approach to political risk management are
likely to be surprised less often and recover better. Companies that don’t get
these basics right are more likely to get blindsided—as were British
Petroleum CEO Tony Hayward and United Airlines CEO Oscar Munoz.
British Petroleum chief executive Tony Hayward testifies before the
oversight and investigations panel of the Energy and Commerce
Committee, June 17, 2010.
Alex Brandon/Associated Press.

As these embattled corporate leaders learned, if something bad happens,

it won’t just be “the risk people” who have to answer for it.

This book began in a Stanford classroom. Nearly two hundred students

have now taken our political risk seminar. Around a third have come from
countries outside the United States—from places as wide-ranging as Brazil,
China, India, Spain, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Their ideas
and perspectives have sharpened our thinking, and their enthusiasm is what
led us to put our thoughts on paper. This book is dedicated to them.
From the development of our course to the drafting of this manuscript,
our institutional home bases—the Stanford Graduate School of Business
(GSB), the Hoover Institution, and Stanford’s Freeman Spogli Institute for
International Studies (FSI)—have been generous in support and helpful at
every step. We would like to thank the leadership of each organization for
sustaining this project and our work: GSB dean Jonathan Levin, Hoover
director Tom Gilligan, and FSI director Michael McFaul.
We would also like to express our gratitude to the people who took time
out of their busy schedules to assist us and in doing so enabled us to write a
better book. Special thanks are due to the business practitioners who agreed
to sit for interviews, including Marc Andreessen, Bibi Bleekemolen, Cam
Burks, Pat Donovan, Adam Goldstein, Tom Hill, Vinod Khosla, Karen
Laureano-Rikardsen, Alan Orlob, Fred Smith, Joe Sullivan, Peter Thiel, and
Peter Whelpton. Others spoke to us on background. We hope they know
how grateful we are. We are also greatly appreciative of the comments we
received from Craig Mallery, Keith Hennessey, and Wayne Kabak, who
carefully reviewed every word of the manuscript and provided invaluable
Over several years, we have been aided by an all-star team of research
and course assistants led by Taylor Johnson McLamb and Charles Nicas.
This book quite simply could not have been written without them.
Katherine Boyle, Alexa Corse, Caroline Keller-Lynn, Iris Malone, Andrew
Milich, Julia Payson, and Michael Robinson provided outstanding research
and fact-checking. Since our political risk seminar began, we have been
fortunate to have a number of other assistants, many of whom contributed
to the development of case studies in this book. They included Sarah
Benjamin, Nandi Chhabra, Matthew Decker, Torey McMurdo, Astasia
Myers, Jenna Nicholas, Jessica Renier, Sarah Shirazyan, and Derick Stace-
Many colleagues have discussed ideas, read parts of the book, or
answered research queries from one or both of us. To Bill Barnett, Coit
Blacker, Nick Burns, Bobby Chesney, Martha Crenshaw, Tino Cuellar,
Kristen Eichensehr, Karl Eikenberry, Rod Ewing, Jim Fearon, Niall
Ferguson, Joe Felter, Tom Fingar, Frank Fukuyama, Andrea Gilli, Toomas
Ilves, Sean Kanuck, David Kennedy, Steve Krasner, Sarah Kreps, Herb Lin,
Jane Holl Lute, Eric Min, Michael Morell, Chick Perrow, Bill Perry, Jason
Reinhardt, Scott Sagan, Matt Spence, Eli Sugarman, John Taylor, Mike
Tomz, Harold Trinkunas, John Villasenor, Matt Waxman, Jessica Weeks,
and Keren Yahri-Milo, thank you.
We are both grateful to Sean Desmond, our gifted editor, and all of the
fine people of Twelve Books.
Amy would like to thank her incredible Hoover team who make
everything possible: Caroline Beswick, Nga-my Pham Nguyen, and Russell
Wald. She is also deeply grateful to the faculty, fellows, students, and staff
at the Center for International Security and Cooperation, for creating such a
vibrant intellectual home. Literary agent Christy Fletcher has provided
years of great advice. Thank you, Lisa Hammann and Courtney Kingston,
for cofounding Room 130. Thanks to the Zegart and Mallery clans—and
especially Craig, Alex, Jack, and Kate, for indulging in scary international
security dinner conversations every night.
Finally, Amy would like to thank Condi for welcoming her into that
comparative politics seminar back in 1991, inspiring her to become a
political scientist, and being there, always, ever since. Condi’s immense
talent is equaled only by her generosity of spirit. Working with her—first as
a student and now as a colleague—has been the honor and joy of a lifetime.
Condi would like to thank her dedicated staff. She would not have been
able to complete this book while juggling her other commitments without
their untiring support. Enduring thanks goes to her chief of staff Shannon
York (and her predecessor Georgia Godfrey), her office manager Jules
Thompson (and her predecessor Caroline Beswick), and her longtime
assistant Marilyn Stanley. For Condi, working on this book, and the seminar
that predates it, has been a rare and rewarding experience. Amy was a
graduate student of hers many moons ago. Amy has always been a first-rate
scholar, and she has since become a world-class author, professor, expert,
and leader, both within her field and at our university. Teaching alongside
her and collaborating on this project has been one of the true pleasures of
Condi’s professional life. Deepest thanks to her for that, and for her tireless
efforts in bringing this book to fruition.
About the Authors

Condoleezza Rice is the Denning Professor in Global Business and the

Economy at the Stanford Graduate School of Business, the Thomas and
Barbara Stephenson Senior Fellow on Public Policy at the Hoover
Institution, and a professor of political science at Stanford University. She
served as National Security Adviser from 2001 to 2005 and was the sixty-
sixth U.S. Secretary of State from 2005 to 2009.

Amy Zegart is codirector of the Center for International Security and

Cooperation, the Davies Family Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institution,
and a senior fellow at the Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies
at Stanford University. Before her academic career, she was a management
consultant at McKinsey & Company.
Also by Condoleezza Rice

Extraordinary, Ordinary People: A Memoir of Family

No Higher Honor: A Memoir of My Years in Washington
Democracy: Stories from the Long Road to Freedom

Also by Amy Zegart

Flawed by Design: The Evolution of the CIA, JCS, and NSC

Spying Blind: The CIA, the FBI, and the Origins of 9/11
Eyes on Spies: Congress and the United States Intelligence Community


1. William Alden, “Public Offering Values SeaWorld at $2.5 Billion,”

New York Times, April 18, 2013,
2. Samantha Bonar, “How Blackfish Director Gabriela Cowperthwaite
Became SeaWorld’s Worst Nightmare,” LA Weekly, February 6, 2014,
3. Rupert Neate, “Sea World Fights to Restore Its Image as Shares Sink
in the Wake of Blackfish,” Guardian, November 6, 2015,
4. Tim Zimmermann, “First Person: How Far Will the Blackfish Effect
Go?,” National Geographic, January 13, 2014,
seaworld-killer-whale-orcas/. In October, CNN aired the movie alongside
an organized Twitter campaign and cross-promotions on several of its
popular shows, including Crossfire and Anderson Cooper 360. When
Blackfish aired, CNN included #Blackfish on the screen to integrate Twitter
and live-blogged conversations about the movie on CNN.com. Weeks later,
Netflix released the film, and backlash against SeaWorld grew even more.
Simon Rogers, “The #Blackfish Phenomenon: A Whale of a Tale Takes
Over Twitter,” Twitter, November 6, 2013,
5. Ibid.; Aly Weisman, “Big Music Acts Cancel SeaWorld Performance
After ‘Blackfish’ Doc Shows Mistreatment of Whales,” Business Insider,
December 10, 2013, www.businessinsider.com/willie-nelson-barenaked-
6. Christopher Palmeri and Mary Schlangenstein, “Virgin America
Drops SeaWorld in Next Blow to Orca Parks,” Bloomberg, October 14,
2014, www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2014-10-14/virgin-america-
drops-seaworld-in-next-blow-to-orca-parks; Stephen Messenger, “Hyundai
Motor Cuts Ties with SeaWorld,” The Dodo, November 14, 2014,
7. Roberto A. Ferdman, “What the Documentary ‘Blackfish’ Has Done
to Sea World,” Washington Post, December 12, 2014,
8. Aly Weisman, “Why the Director of ‘Blackfish’ Hasn’t Made a Penny
Off the Film,” Business Insider, March 19, 2014,
no-money-from-film-2014-3; Rupert Neate, “SeaWorld Still Battling
Blackfish Fallout as Profits Fall by $10m for the Year,” Guardian,
November 5, 2015, www.theguardian.com/us-news/2015/nov/05/seaworld-
9. Zimmermann, “How Far Will the Blackfish Effect Go?”
10. Ibid.
11. Many articles and books talk about emerging markets. Many others
offer prognostications about the future of geopolitics. Legal experts
examine corruption and the risk of contract breaches. Supply chain experts
talk about global vulnerabilities and how to create more resilient
organizations that can withstand sudden disruptions from natural disasters.
But rarely do these disparate threads come together to offer a coherent
tapestry of how political actions affect business or what business leaders
can do to better handle political uncertainty. Research and teaching about
“strategy beyond markets” in business schools has increased, but it is still
tiny and underdeveloped. One recent study reviewed three years of the
Strategic Management Journal, arguably the most prestigious business
strategy academic journal, and found that fewer than 10 percent of its
papers examined political risk topics. Between 2012 and 2014, fewer than 3
percent of the nearly two thousand presentations at the Strategic
Management Conference, the premier academic strategy conference in the
country, focused on political risk. John De Figueiredo, Michael Lenox,
Felix Oberholzer-Gee, and Richard Vanden Bergh, Strategy Beyond
Markets (Bingley, UK: Emerald, 2016), xvi.
12. In July 2015, “political risk” returned 251 hits, which included
several materials we published for our course. “Business risk” returned
2,806 hits, and “global business” returned 4,518 hits.
13. Samantha Azzarello and Blu Putnam, “BRIC Country Update:
Slowing Growth in the Face of Internal and External Challenges,” Market
Insights, CME Group, July 25, 2012,
14. “Dating Game: When Will China Overtake America?,” Economist,
December 16, 2010, www.economist.com/node/17733177. In 2010, the
Economist predicted the size of China’s economy (calculating for
purchasing power parity) would surpass that of the United States in 2019. In
2014, the IMF announced that using the PPP method, China had surpassed
the United States as the world’s largest economy, nearly five years ahead of
predictions. See International Monetary Fund, World Economic Outlook
Database, April 2015,
www.imf.org/external/pubs/ft/weo/2015/01/weodata/index.aspx. If you had
bet in 1950 what countries would be advanced economies today, the smart
money would have been on resource-rich nations in Africa, not the Asian
tigers of Singapore, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and South Korea. Michael
Spence, The Next Convergence: The Future of Economic Growth in a
Multispeed World (New York: Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 2011); World Bank,
Commission on Growth and Development, The Growth Report Strategies
for Sustained Growth and Inclusive Development, 2008,
15. Renée Johnson and Geoffrey S. Becker, “U.S.-Russia Meat and
Poultry Trade Issues,” Congressional Research Service, April 2, 2010,
16. Globalization has also transformed higher education. Each year,
about 40 percent of our Stanford MBA students have come from outside the
United States, from countries including Brazil, China, Egypt, India, Israel,
Lebanon, Mexico, Nigeria, Poland, Rwanda, Spain, and Ukraine.


1. Rory Carroll, “Chávez Bans Sale of Coke Zero in Venezuela,”

Guardian, June 11, 2009,
2. “Factbox: Venezuela’s Nationalizations Under Chavez,” Reuters,
October 7, 2012, www.reuters.com/article/2012/10/08/us-venezuela-
3. Witold J. Henisz and Bennet A. Zelner, “The Hidden Risks in
Emerging Markets,” Harvard Business Review, April 2010, reprinted in
Harvard Business Review, Thriving in Emerging Markets (Boston: Harvard
Business Review Publishing, 2011), 204.
4. Nader’s book Unsafe at Any Speed attacked the safety record of
American automobile manufacturers, who at the time were largely
unregulated. Nader claimed that in 1964 alone, more than forty-seven
thousand people were killed in auto accidents, and he accused U.S. car
companies of designing vehicles with an emphasis on style rather than
consumer safety. When he presented his findings at a Senate hearing in
1966, a firestorm erupted when it was revealed that General Motors had
hired private investigators to find derogatory information to discredit him as
a witness. In September 1966, President Lyndon Johnson signed the
National Traffic and Motor Vehicle Safety Act, which established federal
safety standards for U.S.-made cars, including seat belts for all passengers.
Patricia Cronin Marcello, Ralph Nader: A Biography (Westport, CT:
Greenwood Press, 2004), 17–27.
5. “Passenger Forcibly Removed from United Flight, Prompting
Outcry,” All Things Considered, National Public Radio, April 10, 2017,
forcibly-removed-from-united-flight-prompting-outcry; Daniel Victor and
Matt Stevens, “United Passenger Dragged from Overbooked Flight,” New
York Times, April 10, 2017, www.nytimes.com/2017/04/10/business/united-
flight-passenger-dragged.html; Roger Cheng, “United Airlines Gets Black
Eye over Passenger Ejection Video,” CNET, April 10, 2017,
video/; press release from Eleanor Holmes Norton, April 10, 2017,
6. Victor Reklaitis, “United’s Stock Falls 1.1%, Wipes Out $255 Million
off the Airline’s Market Cap,” MarketWatch, April 12, 2017,
7. James Griffiths and Serenitie Wang, “Man Filmed Being Dragged Off
United Flight Causes Outrage in China,” CNN, April 11, 2017,
8. Quoted in Mohamad Bazzi, “The Two Greatest Threats to U.S.-Iran
Détente,” Reuters, January 22, 2016, http://blogs.reuters.com/great-
9. Cara Lyttle, “FDI in Iran Soars with Sanctions Relief,” Financial
Times, June 20, 2016, www.ft.com/cms/s/3/549d0dac-36d6-11e6-9a05-
10. “California’s Economy Is Bigger Than All but Five Nations, World
Bank Data Says,” San Jose Mercury News, July 5, 2016,
11. “Governor Abbott Rejects Obama Administration’s Request to Lift
Iran Sanctions,” Office of the Texas Governor, May 16, 2016,
12. Andrew Soergel, “Economy Still Reeling from West Coast
Slowdown,” U.S. News & World Report, February 23, 2016,
disputes-cost-still-unresolved; Laura Stevens and Paul Ziobro, “Ports
Gridlock Reshapes the Supply Chain,” Wall Street Journal, March 5, 2015,
13. Ibid.; Robert J. Bowman, “A Vow After West Coast Port Disruption:
Never Again,” SupplyChainBrain, June 1, 2015,
14. Quoted in Devon Maylie, “Alcoa Invests Near Planned Mines,” Wall
Street Journal, March 24, 2008,
15. Quoted in ibid.
16. Lu Wei, “Dream of the Web,” speech at Diaoyutai State Guesthouse,
February 9, 2015, http://cmp.hku.hk/2015/02/17/lu-wei-on-the-dream-of-
17. “Jane Stanford: The Woman Behind Stanford University,” Stanford
University, http://archive.is/80g7.
18. Mike Lennon, “Hackers Hit 100 Banks in ‘Unprecedented’ $1
Billion Cyber Heist: Kaspersky Lab,” SecurityWeek, February 15, 2015,
19. Statement from the press secretary, the White House, February 15,
20. The effort to integrate Europe began in the aftermath of World War
II, with the creation of the NATO military alliance (1949), the European
Coal and Steel Community (1951), and the European Economic
Community (1957). Membership in European institutions expanded over
the decades and culminated in the creation of the European Union in 1991.
21. Democracies fight wars against non-democracies. The key finding is
that democracies almost never wage wars on other democracies. There is a
rich literature in political science about what explains the democratic peace
and the unique advantages of democratic regimes in international affairs
more broadly. See, for example, Michael W. Doyle, “Kant, Liberal
Legacies, and Foreign Affairs,” Philosophy and Public Affairs 12, no. 3
(Summer 1983): 205–35; Bruce Russett, Grasping the Democratic Peace
(Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1993); John M. Owen, “How
Liberalism Produces Democratic Peace,” International Security 19, no. 2
(Fall 1994): 87–125; James D. Fearon, “Domestic Political Audiences and
the Escalation of International Disputes,” American Political Science
Review 88, no. 3 (September 1994): 577–92.
22. “Security Council Subsidiary Bodies: An Overview,” United
Nations, www.un.org/sc/committees/index.shtml; “UN Sanctions,” Security
Council Report, November 25, 2013,
CF6E4FF96FF9%7D/special_research_report_sanctions_2013.pdf, p. 3.
23. Yossi Sheffi, The Resilient Enteprise: Overcoming Vulnerability for
Competitive Advantage (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2005), 165–66, citing
Christopher B. Pickett, “Strategies for Maximizing Supply Chain
Resilience: Learning from the Past to Prepare for the Future” (Master of
Engineering in Logistics thesis, MIT, June 2003),
24. Adrian Edwards, “Global Forced Displacement Hits Record High,”
UNHCR, June 20, 2016, www.unhcr.org/en-
25. William Spindler, “Ukraine Internal Displacement Nears 1 Million
as Fighting Escalates in Donetsk Region,” ed. Leo Dobbs, UNHCR,
February 6, 2015, www.unhcr.org/54d4a2889.html.
26. Amnesty International, “Syria’s Refugee Crisis in Numbers,”
updated December 20, 2016,
27. The Rohingya are a Muslim minority group in Burma who have
been denied citizenship and for decades have faced discrimination and
persecution by the Burmese government. The United Nations classifies
them as one of the most persecuted refugee groups in the world. Cf. Austin
Ramzy, “Rohingya Refugees Fleeing Myanmar Await Entrance to Squalid
Camps,” New York Times, October 18, 2017,
myanmar.html; Lucy Westcott, “Who Are the Rohingya and Why Are They
Fleeing Myanmar?,” Newsweek, May 11, 2015, www.newsweek.com/who-
28. Paul Collier, Wars, Guns, and Votes: Democracy in Dangerous
Places (New York: HarperCollins, 2009).
29. Andrew Flowers, “How Thailand’s Coup Could Affect Its
Economy,” FiveThirtyEight, May 23, 2014,
30. Marek Strzelecki, “Poland Shale Boom Falters as State Targets
Higher Taxes,” Bloomberg, May 21, 2013,
31. Ibid.
32. “Poland Says Will Not Tax Shale Gas Output Until 2020,” Reuters,
May 22, 2013, www.reuters.com/article/2013/05/22/poland-shale-
idUSL6N0E320Q20130522; “Poland Says Law on Shale Gas to Be Ready
by Year End,” Reuters, November 26, 2013,
33. World Bank, Doing Business 2015: Going Beyond Efficiency, 12th
Reports/English/DB15-Full-Report.pdf, p. 87.
34. Ibid., p. 88.
35. Cited in Witold J. Henisz and Bennet A. Zelner, “The Hidden Risks
in Emerging Markets,” Harvard Business Review, April 2010, reprinted in
Harvard Business Review, Thriving in Emerging Markets (Boston: Harvard
Business Review Publishing, 2011), https://hbr.org/2010/04/the-hidden-
36. Quoted in “When a Country Defaults, Who Comes Knocking?,”
NPR, October 9, 2011, www.npr.org/2011/10/09/141195893/when-a-
37. “To Default, or Not to Default?,” Economist, June 20, 2011,
38. “Usual Suspects,” Economist, July 31, 2014,
39. Michael Tomz and Mark L. J. Wright, “Empirical Research on
Sovereign Debt and Default,” Annual Review of Economics 5 (August
2013): 263, www.annualreviews.org/doi/abs/10.1146/annurev-economics-
061109-080443; Michael Tomz and Mark L. J. Wright, “Do Countries
Default in ‘Bad Times’?,” Journal of the European Economic Association
5, nos. 2–3 (April–May 2007): 352–60,
40. Ian Bremmer and Preston Keat, The Fat Tail: The Power of Political
Knowledge in an Uncertain World (New York: Oxford University Press,
2010), 75–76.
41. “Ian Bremmer on Sovereign Defaults,” Reuters, March 23, 2009,
42. “Correa Defaults on Ecuador Bonds, Seeks Restructuring,”
Bloomberg via Market Pipeline, December 12, 2008,
43. Virginia Harrison and Chris Liakos, “Greece Defaults on $1.7
Billion IMF Payment,” CNNMoney, June 30, 2015,
44. Sarah Chayes, Thieves of State: Why Corruption Threatens Global
Security (New York: Norton, 2015).
45. Patrick Radden Keefe, “Corruption and Revolt,” New Yorker,
January 19, 2015, www.newyorker.com/magazine/2015/01/19/corruption-
revolt. See also Cleangovbiz.org, OECD, “The Rationale for Fighting
Corruption,” 2014, www.oecd.org/cleangovbiz/49693613.pdf.
46. World Bank, “Helping Countries Combat Corruption: The Role of
the World Bank,” September 1997,
www1.worldbank.org/publicsector/anticorrupt/corruptn/cor02.htm, p. 8.
47. Quoted in World Policy Journal blog, February 12, 2016,
48. World Bank, “Helping Countries Combat Corruption.”
49. Transparency International, “Corruption Perceptions Index 2014,”
2014, www.transparency.org/whatwedo/publication/cpi2014.
50. Alvin Shuster, “In Some Countries, Bribes Remain Tax Deductible,”
New York Times, March 20, 1997,
51. Martin T. Biegelman and Daniel R. Biegelman, Foreign Corrupt
Practices Act Compliance Guidebook (Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons,
2010), 2.
52. Richard L. Cassin, “The 2016 FCPA Enforcement Index,” The FCPA
Blog, January 2017, http://www.fcpablog.com/blog/2017/1/3/the-2016-
53. Richard L. Cassin, “Teva Announces $59 million FCPA Settlement,”
The FCPA Blog, December 22, 2016,
54. One key difference is that the FCPA allows “facilitating payments”
that speed the process of business decisions but do not alter the outcome.
The U.K. Bribery Act bans facilitating payments.
55. “Fifa Corruption Inquiries: Officials Arrested in Zurich,” BBC, May
27, 2015, www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-32895048.
56. Stephen Heifetz and Evan Sherwood, “Those Other Economic
Sanctions: Section 311 Special Measures,” Banking Law Journal,
September 2014,
57. Anna Yukhananov and Warren Strobel, “After Success on Iran, U.S.
Treasury’s Sanctions Team Faces New Challenges,” Reuters, April 14,
2014, www.reuters.com/article/2014/04/15/us-usa-sanctions-insight-
idUSBREA3D1O820140415; Steven R. Weisman, “Success in Macao Bank
Case Demonstrates Reach of U.S. Financial Sanctions,” New York Times,
June 27, 2007,
58. “Brief History,” OPEC, n.d.,
59. Greg Myre, “The 1973 Arab Oil Embargo: The Old Rules No
Longer Apply,” NPR, October 16, 2013,
60. Michael L. Ross, “How the 1973 Oil Embargo Saved the Planet,”
Foreign Affairs, October 15, 2013, www.foreignaffairs.com/articles/north-
61. Danielle Venton, “Rare-Earth Mining Rises Again in United States,”
Wired, May 11, 2012, www.wired.com/2012/05/rare-earth-mining-rises-
62. “Manipulation of China’s Rare Earth Minerals Supply Could
Backfire,” Voice of America, October 25, 2011,
63. “Update 2—China Loses Appeal of WTO Ruling on Rare Earth
Exports,” Reuters, August 7, 2014,
64. “Manipulation of China’s Rare Earth Minerals Supply Could
Backfire,” Voice of America; Richard Martin, “Molycorp’s $1 Billion Rare-
Earth Gamble,” Fortune, November 18, 2011,
65. The White House, “Remarks by the President on Fair Trade,” March
13, 2012, www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-office/2012/03/13/remarks-
president-fair-trade; “Update 2—China Loses Appeal of WTO Ruling on
Rare Earth Exports,” Reuters.
66. “Manipulation of China’s Rare Earth Minerals Supply Could
Backfire,” Voice of America.
67. Quoted in Emily Steel, “Nestlé Takes a Beating on Social-Media
Sites,” Wall Street Journal, March 29, 2010,
68. Greenpeace UK, “Have a Break?,” Vimeo, March 17, 2010,
69. Quoted in Chris Rose, “Campaign Case Study: How Greenpeace
Changed Corporate Behaviour over Rainforest Destruction,” Three Worlds,
July 26, 2013, http://threeworlds.campaignstrategy.org/?p=265. See also
Elliott Fox, “Nestlé Hit by Facebook ‘Anti-social’ Media Surge,” Guardian,
March 19, 2010, www.guardian.co.uk/sustainable-business/nestle-facebook;
Paul Armstrong, “Greenpeace, Nestlé in Battle over Kit Kat Viral,” CNN,
March 20, 2010,
70. Julie Creswell and Rachel Abrams, “Shopping Becomes a Political
Act in the Trump Era,” New York Times, February 10, 2017,
71. “Case Study: Always #LikeAGirl,” Campaign, October 12, 2015,
“Case Study: Always #LikeAGirl,” D&AD, www.dandad.org/en/d-ad-
always-like-a-girl-campaign-case-study-insights/; Hannah Goldberg, “This
Ad Completely Redefines the Phrase, ‘Like a Girl,’” Time, June 26, 2014.
72. Scott Stewart, “The Persistent Threat to Soft Targets,” Stratfor, July
26, 2012, www.stratfor.com/weekly/persistent-threat-soft-targets.
73. “List of Terrorist Attacks That Have Struck Europe in 2016,” Indian
Express, July 25, 2016, http://indianexpress.com/article/world/world-
news/list-of-terrorist-attacks-that-have-struck-europe-in-2016/; Lana
Clements, “EU Death Knell: Eurozone Growth HALVES as French
Economy Grinds to a Halt,” Express, July 29, 2016,
74. Quoted in “Brexit Heightens Uncertainty in Global Economy, Says
G20,” Guardian, July 24, 2016,
75. Julia La Roche, “The Amazing and Heartbreaking Story of the CEO
Who Lived and Rebuilt His Firm After 9/11: Howard Lutnick,” Business
Insider, September 11, 2011, www.businessinsider.com/cantor-fitzgerald-9-
76. John Chambers, “What Does the Internet of Everything Mean for
Security?,” World Economic Forum, January 21, 2015,
77. “All Fortune 500 Companies Have Been Hacked, 97% Know It, the
Other 3% Don’t,” Homeland Security News Wire, January 8, 2014,
78. Jonathan Weber, “Google Notifies Users of 4,000 State-Sponsored
Cyber Attacks per Month” Reuters, July 12, 2016,
79. Elaine Edwards, “Cyber Security Experts Warned of a Hacked
World,” Irish Times, February 15, 2017,
of-a-hacked-world-1.2976432. See also ISACA, “State of Cybersecurity:
Implications for 2016,” www.isaca.org/cyber/Documents/state-of-
80. Peter Elkind, “Inside the Hack of the Century,” Part 2, Fortune, June
25, 2015, http://fortune.com/sony-hack-part-two/.
81. “Net Losses: Estimating the Global Cost of Cybercrime,” Center for
Strategic and International Studies, June 2014,
cybercrime2.pdf, p. 2.
82. “GDP (Official Exchange Rate),” The World Factbook, Central
Intelligence Agency, www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-
83. Robert Dethlefs, “How Cyber Attacks Became More Profitable Than
the Drug Trade,” Fortune, May 1, 2015,
84. Adam Janofsky, “Equifax Breach Could Cost Billions,” Wall Street
Journal, September 15, 2017, https://www.wsj.com/articles/equifax-breach-
85. Ibid.
86. Between September 2014 and June 2015, the U.S. Department of
Defense faced thirty million known attempted cyber intrusions. Only 0.1
percent of them compromised a cyber system. Department of Defense,
Cybersecurity Culture and Compliance Initiative (DC3I), September 2015,
Final.pdf, p. 1. During that same period, the Office of Personnel
Management fended off ten million known cyber attacks per month. James
Eng and Wendy Jones, “OPM Chief Says Government Agency Thwarts Ten
Million Hack Attempts a Month,” Reuters via NBC News, June 16, 2015,
87. Bruce Schneier, “Who Are the Shadow Brokers?,” Atlantic, May 23,
2017, www.theatlantic.com/technology/archive/2017/05/shadow-
88. National Intelligence Council, “Assessing Russian Activities and
Intentions in Recent US Elections,” Office of the Director of National
Intelligence, ICA 2017-01D, January 6, 2017,
89. Mike Isaac and Scott Shane, “Facebook’s Russia-Linked Ads Came
in Many Disguises,” New York Times, October 2, 2017.
90. Colin Stretch, Testimony Before the United States Senate Select
Committee on Intelligence, Hearing on Social Media Influence in the 2016
U.S. Elections, November 1, 2017.
91. James R. Clapper, “Worldwide Threat Assessment of the U.S.
Intelligence Community,” Office of the Director of National Intelligence,
February 26, 2015,
_SASC_FINAL.pdf, p. 1. The Navy has become so worried about
vulnerabilities in GPS systems that it has started teaching cadets how to
navigate with stars and sextants again, just in case. NSA director/U.S.
Cyber Command commander Admiral Michael Rogers in 2016 warned that
the next wave of hacking will alter data, not just steal, destroy, or release it.
Imagine a world where military leaders cannot trust their missile defense
systems, where a company’s product designs have been sabotaged but
nobody realizes it, where an individual’s medical records may suddenly
include the wrong blood type, where your bank account seems just a little
off each month but you can’t be sure anything is wrong.
92. Quoted in 2014 Global Survey on Reputation Risk, Deloitte, October
Compliance/gx_grc_Reputation@Risk%20survey%20report_FINAL.pdf, p.
93. Cyber experts note that “air gapped” systems that are not directly
connected to the Internet are not safe from attack.
94. Aimee Picchi, “Target Breach May Have Started with Email
Phishing,” CBS MoneyWatch, February 13, 2014,
phishing/; Brian Krebs, “Email Attack on Vendor Set Up Breach at Target,”
KrebsOnSecurity, February 12, 2014, http://krebsonsecurity.com/tag/fazio-
95. Peter Elkind, “Inside the Hack of the Century,” Part 1, Fortune, June
25, 2015, http://fortune.com/sony-hack-part-1/.
96. Paul Farhi, “Bill O’Reilly’s Fox News Career Comes to a Swift End
Amid Growing Sexual Harassment Claims,” Washington Post, April 19,
2017, www.washingtonpost.com/lifestyle/style/bill-oreilly-is-officially-out-
faff0034e2de_story.html?utm_term=.b56789107826. Emily Steel and
Michael S. Schmidt, “Bill O’Reilly Settled New Harassment Claim, Then
Fox Renewed His Contract,” New York Times, October 21, 2017,
97. Mike Isaac, “Uber Founder Travis Kalanick Resigns as C.E.O.,”
New York Times, June 21, 2017,
See also Mike Isaac, “Uber Fires 20 Amid Investigation into Workplace
Culture,” New York Times, June 6, 2017,
www.nytimes.com/2017/06/06/technology/uber-fired.html; Mike Isaac,
“Inside Uber’s Aggressive, Unrestrained Workplace Culture,” New York
Times, February 22, 2017, www.nytimes.com/2017/02/22/technology/uber-
1. Cecilia Yap and Clarissa Batino, “Cargo Containers Jam Manila
Docks in Rush-Hour Truck Ban,” Bloomberg, May 12, 2014,
2. “Mayor Erap Lifts Truck Ban in Manila,” GMA News Online,
September 13, 2014,
3. Yap and Batino, “Cargo Containers.”
4. Bea Cupin, “Isko Moreno: Port Congestion Preceded Manila Truck
Ban,” Rappler, September 8, 2014,
5. Louella Desiderio, “Toyota Auto Parts Shipments Down 10%,”
Philippine Star, January 22, 2015,
shipments-down-10; Chelsea Cruz, “Port Congestion Dampens Toyota
Philippines’ Parts Exports,” InterAksyon, January 21, 2015,
6. “Sales Volume Overseas,” 75 Years of Toyota, Toyota-Global.com,
2012, www.toyota-
7. John Gunnell, Standard Catalog of Chevrolet, 1912–2003 (Iola, WI:
Krause Publications, 2011); Andy Thompson, Cars of the Soviet Union:
The Definitive History (Sparkford, Somerset, UK: Haynes Publishing,
2008); Matt Gasnier, “France 1950: Renault 4CV and Citroen Traction
Avant Shine,” Best Selling Cars Blog,
8. “Sales Volume Overseas,” Toyota-Global.com.
9. Dan Mihalascu, “Russia’s Best-Selling Car No Longer a Lada for the
First Time Since the 1970s,” CarScoops, January 2, 2015,
10. Fairphone exemplifies just how much supply chains have globalized.
Between 1995 and 2007, the number of transnational companies more than
doubled, from 38,000 to 79,000, and foreign subsidiaries nearly tripled,
from 265,000 to 790,000. “World Investment Report 1996: Investment,
Trade and International Policy Agreements,” United Nations, August 1996;
“World Investment Report 2008: Transnational Corporations, and the
Infrastructure Challenge,” United Nations, July 2008.
11. Yogesh Malik, Alex Niemeyer, and Brian Ruwadi, “Building the
Supply Chain of the Future,” McKinsey on Supply Chain: Select
Publications, January 2011,
12. Demetri Sevastopulo, “Vietnam Riots Land Another Blow on the
Global Supply Chain,” Financial Times, May 20, 2014,
13. Clement Tan, “Li & Fung Sees Limited Impact from Vietnam
Factory Unrest,” Bloomberg, May 15, 2014,
14. Ravi Anupindi, Boeing: The Fight for Fasteners, Case 1-428-787,
Tauber Institute for Global Operations, University of Michigan, November
17, 2009; Ravi Anupindi, “Case Study: Boeing’s Dreamliner,” Financial
Times, October 10, 2011, www.ft.com/cms/s/0/a7d38332-ef70-11e0-941e-
15. Dave Demerjian, “Small Fasteners Cause Big Problems for Boeing,”
Wired, November 10, 2008, www.wired.com/2008/11/the-little-fast/.
16. Quoted in “Boeing CEO Blames Industry for 787 Bolt Shortage,”
Reuters, September 11, 2007, www.reuters.com/article/2007/09/11/us-
17. Chris Matthews, “Why China’s Stock Market Crash Could Spark a
Trade War,” Fortune, January 7, 2016, http://fortune.com/2016/01/07/china-
18. Karen Youresh, Derek Watkins, and Tom Giratikanon, “Where ISIS
Has Directed and Inspired Attacks Around the World,” New York Times,
March 22, 2016,
attacks-around-the-world.html?_r=0; Jessica Roy, “Why You Probably
Didn’t Hear Everyone Talking About These Major Terror Attacks,” Los
Angeles Times, www.latimes.com/world/europe/la-fg-terrorist-attacks-
worldwide-20160329-snap-htmlstory.html; Jonathan Kealing, “This
Weekend’s Terrorist Attacks Are Just a Handful Among Hundreds. Most of
Them You Don’t Hear About,” PRI, July 4, 2016,
19. “Refugees/Migrants Emergency Response—Mediterranean,”
UNHCR, http://data.unhcr.org/mediterranean/regional.php.
20. Yoshi Sheffi, The Resilient Enterprise: Overcoming Vulnerability for
Competitive Advantage (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2005), 88–90.
21. Martin Landau and Donald Chisholm, “The Arrogance of Optimism:
Notes on Failure-Avoidance Management,” Journal of Contingencies and
Crisis Management 3, no. 2 (June 1995): 67–80, at 71.
22. Accenture research found that significant supply chain disruptions
reduced the share price of impacted companies by an average of 7 percent.
Cited in World Economic Forum, Building Resilience in Supply Chains, An
initiative of the Risk Response Network in collaboration with Accenture,
January 2013,
ns_Report_2013.pdf, p. 7.
23. ManMohan S. Sodhi and Christopher S. Tang, Managing Supply
Chain Risk (New York: Springer Publishing, 2012), 70, citing Hicks 2002.
24. Sheffi, The Resilient Enterprise, 13.
25. Christopher S. Tang and Joshua D. Zimmerman, “Managing New
Product Development and Supply Chain Risks: The Boeing 787 Case,”
Supply Chain Forum 10, no. 2 (2009): 74–86.
26. E2open and Exostar, Boeing 787: Global Supply Chain
Management, Case Study, 2013,
27. “787 Model Summary: Orders,” Boeing, February 2017,
28. IBM, “The Smarter Supply Chain of the Future Report,” 2009,
www-935.ibm.com/services/us/gbs/bus/html/gbs-csco-study.html, p. 13.
29. Russ Banham, “Political Risk and the Supply Chain,” Risk
Management, June 1, 2014, www.rmmagazine.com/2014/06/01/political-
30. World Economic Forum, Building Resilience in Supply Chains.
31. Mary Driscoll, “Risk Management: Extreme Weather Increasingly
Disrupts Global Supply Chains,” APQC, June 28, 2013,
32. Zachary Davies Boren, “There Are Officially More Mobile Devices
Than People in the World,” Independent, October 7, 2014,
33. Roger Cheng, “By 2020, More People Will Own a Phone Than Have
Electricity,” CNET, February 3, 2016, www.cnet.com/news/by-2020-more-
34. Other emerging technologies—from artificial intelligence to crypto
currencies—are poised to make profound impacts as well. See Amy Zegart,
“The Tools of Espionage Are Going Mainstream,” The Atlantic, November
27, 2017, https://www.theatlantic.com/international
security/546644, and Reid Hoffman, “Why the Blockchain Matters,”
WIRED Magazine, May 15, 2015, https://www.wired.co.uk/article/bitcoin-
35. “Time Magazine’s ‘Person of the Year’ Is… You,” NBC News,
December 17, 2006, www.nbcnews.com/id/16242528/ns/us_news-
36. Mancur Olson, The Logic of Collective Action (Cambridge, MA:
Harvard University Press, 1971); Sidney Tarrow, Power in Movement:
Social Movements, Collective Action and Politics (New York: Cambridge
University Press, 1994).
37. In the 2012 American presidential election, only 53.6 percent of
eligible voters ended up casting ballots. See Drew DeSilver, “U.S. Voter
Turnout Trails Most Developed Countries,” Pew Research Center, August
2, 2016, www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2015/05/06/u-s-voter-turnout-
trails-most-developed-countries/. A USA Today/Suffolk University Poll
examining the 2012 election found that among unlikely voters, 41 percent
said they were not bothered about not voting because they felt their vote did
not make a difference anyway. See Susan Page, “What the Unlikely Voters
Think,” USA Today, August 15, 2012,
38. Marc Fisher, “In Tunisia, Act of One Fruit Vendor Sparks Wave of
Revolution Through Arab World,” Washington Post, March 26, 2011,
39. Ibid.
40. Worker Rights Consortium, “Update on Bangladesh Apparel Factory
Disaster,” press release,
Apparel%20Factory%20Disaster.pdf; Sarah Stillman, “Death Traps: The
Bangladesh Garment-Factory Disaster,” New Yorker, May 1, 2013,
41. Taslima Akhter, “A Final Embrace,” Time, May 8, 2013,
42. Michael Guerrerio, “The Number: Ten Cents,” New Yorker, May 16,
2013, www.newyorker.com/news/news-desk/the-number-ten-cents; Patrick
Lo, “H&M Responds Slowly to Bangladesh Factory Collapse Killing
1,100,” CorpWatch, May 19, 2013, www.corpwatch.org/article.php?
id=15840; Steven Greenhouse, “Global Retailers Join Safety Plan for
Bangladesh,” New York Times, May 13, 2013,
43. Sara Ayech, “LEGO: Everything Is NOT Awesome,” Making Waves
(Greenpeace blog), July 8, 2014,
44. Simon Mainwaring, “How Lego Rebuilt Itself as a Purposeful and
Sustainable Brand,” Forbes, August 11, 2016,
45. Dominique Mosbergen, “Lego Saying ‘No’ to Plastic, Invests
Millions into Search for ‘Sustainable Material,’” Huffington Post, June 24,
2015, www.huffingtonpost.com/2015/06/24/lego-plastic-sustainable-
materials_n_7651190.html; Mainwaring, “How Lego Rebuilt Itself as a
Purposeful and Sustainable Brand”; Lorenza Brascia, “Lego Puts Big Bucks
Behind Push to Go Green,” CNN, June 25, 2015,
46. Quoted in 2014 Global Survey on Reputation Risk, Deloitte, October
Compliance/gx_grc_Reputation@Risk%20survey%20report_FINAL.pdf, p.
47. Global Risks 2015, World Economic Forum Report,
http://reports.weforum.org/global-risks-2015/, pp. 28–30.
1. Michael Elliott, “The Anatomy of the GE-Honeywell Disaster,” Time,
July 8, 2001.
2. The EU has expanded since 2001 from fifteen member states to
twenty-eight (including the United Kingdom, which voted in 2016 to leave
the union, a process that remains under way). At the time of the proposed
GE-Honeywell merger, the European Union consisted of Austria, Belgium,
Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Ireland, Luxembourg,
the Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, and the United Kingdom. The
thirteen member states that have joined since then are Bulgaria, Croatia, the
Czech Republic, Cyprus, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta,
Poland, Romania, Slovakia, and Slovenia. See “About the EU,” European
Union, March 20, 2017, http://europa.eu/about-eu/countries/member-
3. Raymond J. Ahearn, “U.S.-European Union Trade Relations: Issues
and Policy Challenges,” CRS Issue Brief for Congress, May 1, 2006,
www.au.af.mil/au/awc/awcgate/crs/ib10087.pdf; Elliott, “Anatomy of the
GE-Honeywell Disaster.”
4. Quoted in “Spiking the World’s Biggest Merger,” Economist, July 3,
5. Andrew Ross Sorkin, “Failure to Acquire Honeywell Is Sour Finish
for G.E. Chief,” New York Times, July 3, 2001,
6. Elliott, “Anatomy of the GE-Honeywell Disaster”; Michael D.
Watkins and Max H. Bazerman, “Predictable Surprises: The Disasters You
Should Have Seen Coming,” Harvard Business Review, April 2003, 5; Matt
Murray, Philip Shishkin, Bob Davis, and Anita Raghavan, “As Honeywell
Deal Goes Awry for GE, Fallout May be Global,” Wall Street Journal, June
15, 2001, www.wsj.com/articles/SB992563873127359695.
7. Quoted in “Merger Muddle,” Economist, June 21, 2001,
8. See, for example, 2013 World Investment and Political Risk,
Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency, World Bank Group, 2014,
9. International Telecommunication Union, United Nations, Global
Cybersecurity Index 2017, www.itu.int/dms_pub/itu-d/opb/str/D-STR-
10. 2014 Global Survey on Reputation Risk, Deloitte, October 2014,
11. Thomas Davenport, “Why No One Wants to Be a Chief Information
Officer Any More,” Fortune, March 10, 2016,
12. “Stanford Salutes Professor William J. Perry,” YouTube, February
12, 2016, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p7HSCDHZRYA, at 3:38.
13. Fred Smith and Brian Dumaine, “How I Delivered the Goods,”
CNN, October 1, 2002,
14. Ibid.
15. “Universal Signs Deal for Beijing Theme Park,” Associated Press
via Hollywood Reporter, September 15, 2015,
16. Remarks by Kirtee Kapoor, DavisPolk, Stanford University
Directors’ College, June 21, 2016.
17. The most authoritative account is the President’s Foreign
Intelligence Advisory Board investigation, which was declassified in 2015.
See “The 1982 War Scare Declassified and For Real,” National Security
Archive, the George Washington University, October 24, 2015,
18. Approximately thirty thousand Americans die in car accidents
annually, compared to one fatality about every two years from shark attacks
in the United States.
19. Aaron Brown, “You’re More Likely to Die in a Black Friday Sale
Than a Shark Attack,” Daily Express, November 12, 2015,
20. World Health Organization Influenza Fact Sheet, November 2016,
www.who.int/mediacentre/factsheets/fs211/en/; “Ebola: Mapping the
Outbreak,” BBC News, January 14, 2016, www.bbc.com/news/world-
africa-28755033; Aurelio Locsin, “Is Air Travel Safer Than Car Travel?,”
USA Today, http://traveltips.usatoday.com/air-travel-safer-car-travel-
21. Amos Tversky and Daniel Kahneman, “Judgment Under
Uncertainty: Heuristics and Biases,” Science, New Series, vol. 185, no.
4157 (September 27, 1974): 1124–31.
22. Amos Tversky and Daniel Kahneman, “Extensional Versus Intuitive
Reasoning: The Conjunction Fallacy in Probability Judgment,”
Psychological Review 90, no. 4 (October 1983): 293–315.
23. Daniel Kahneman, Thinking, Fast and Slow (New York: Farrar,
Straus & Giroux, 2011), 158.
24. Steven Strogatz, “It’s My Birthday Too, Yeah,” New York Times,
October 1, 2012, http://opinionator.blogs.nytimes.com/2012/10/01/its-my-
25. R. A. Olsen, “Desirability Bias Among Professional Investment
Managers: Some Evidence from Experts,” Journal of Behavioral Decision
Making 10 (1997): 65–72. As Kahneman wrote in 2011, “In terms of its
consequences, the optimistic bias may well be the most significant of the
cognitive biases.” See Kahneman, Thinking, Fast and Slow, 255.
26. Albesh B. Patel, Investing Unplugged: Secrets from the Inside (New
York: Springer, 2005).
27. N. D. Weinstein, “Optimistic Biases About Personal Risks,” Science
246 (December 8, 1989): 1232–33.
28. Joseph P. Simmons and Cade Massey, “Is Optimism Real?,” Journal
of Experimental Psychology 141, no. 4 (2012): 630–34.
29. D. Granberg and E. Brent, “When Prophecy Bends: The Preference–
Expectation Link in U.S. Presidential Elections, 1952–1980,” Journal of
Personality and Social Psychology 45 (1983): 477–81; Zlatan Krizan,
Jeffrey C. Miller, and Omesh Johar, “Wishful Thinking in the 2008 U.S.
Presidential Election,” Psychological Science 2, no. 1 (2010): 140–46,
30. S. P. Hayes Jr., “The Predictive Ability of Voters,” Journal of Social
Psychology 7 (1936): 183–91.
31. Simmons and Massey, “Is Optimism Real?”
32. Nate Cohn, “Why the Surprise over ‘Brexit’? Don’t Blame the
Polls,” New York Times, June 24, 2016,
33. Dave Mosher and Skye Gould, “How Likely Are Foreign Terrorists
to Kill Americans? The Odds May Surprise You,” Business Insider, January
31, 2017, www.businessinsider.com/death-risk-statistics-terrorism-disease-
34. Yossi Sheffi, The Resilient Enterprise: Overcoming Vulnerability for
Competitive Advantage (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2007), 26.
35. Michael Tomz and Mark L. J. Wright, “Do Countries Default in
‘Bad Times,’” Journal of the European Economic Association 5 (April–
May 2007): 352–60, https://web.stanford.edu/~tomz/pubs/TW2007.pdf.
36. Data from Global Terrorism Database, www.start.umd.edu/gtd/. All
observations are coded based on news and media reports. Therefore the
numbers reported are a lower bound on the total number of terrorist attacks.
37. Sherman Kent, “A Crucial Estimate Relived,” Studies in Intelligence
36, no. 5 (Spring 1964): 111–19.
38. Ibid.
39. Warren Buffett, Annual Letter to Shareholders, Berkshire Hathaway,
February 27, 2009, www.berkshirehathaway.com/letters/letters.html.
40. The nuclear countries are: United States, Russia, the United
Kingdom, France, China, India, Pakistan, and North Korea. In addition,
Israel is widely believed to possess nuclear weapons.
41. When the Soviet Union collapsed, three former Soviet republics—
Ukraine, Belarus, and Kazakhstan—had nuclear weapons on their soil and
ultimately, with the assistance of the forward-looking Nunn-Lugar
Cooperative Threat Reduction Program, gave them up.
42. Sonali Singh and Christopher R. Way, “The Correlates of Nuclear
Proliferation,” Journal of Conflict Resolution 48, no. 6 (December 2004):
43. Nassim Taleb, The Black Swan: The Impact of the Highly
Improbable (New York: Random House, 2010), xxii.
44. Ian Bremmer and Preston Keat, The Fat Tail: The Power of
Knowledge in an Uncertain World (Oxford: Oxford University Press,
2010), 21.
45. Ibid., 179–80.
46. Diane Vaughan, The Challenger Launch Decision: Risky
Technology, Culture, and Deviance at NASA (Chicago: University of
Chicago Press, 1996); Richard Betts, “Surprise Despite Warning,” Political
Science Quarterly 94, no. 4 (Winter 1980–81): 551–72.
47. Roberta Wolhstetter, “Cuba and Pearl Harbor,” Foreign Affairs, July
1965, 699; Richard Betts, Surprise Attack: Lessons for Defense Planning
(Washington, DC: Brookings Institution Press, 1982), 41, 97–99. See also
Frederic L. Borch, “Comparing Pearl Harbor and 9/11: Intelligence Failure?
American Unpreparedness? Military Responsibility?,” Journal of Military
History 67 no. 3 (July 2003): 845–60,
48. Vaughan, The Challenger Launch Decision.
49. Report of Columbia Accident Investigation Board, Volume 1, NASA,
August 26, 2003, www.nasa.gov/columbia/home/CAIB_Vol1.html.
50. For industry differences, see A. L. Pablo, “Managerial Risk
Interpretations: Does Industry Make a Difference?,” Journal of Managerial
Psychology 14, no. 2 (1999): 92–107.
51. Hans M. Kristensen and Robert S. Norris, “Status of World Nuclear
Forces,” Federation of American Scientists, https://fas.org/issues/nuclear-
weapons/status-world-nuclear-forces/; “Nuclear Notebook: Nuclear
Arsenals of the World,” Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists,
52. Condoleezza Rice, No Higher Honor: A Memoir of My Years in
Washington (New York: Crown, 2011), pp. 122–30.
53. Ibid.
54. Ibid.
1. Royal Caribbean International is one of several cruise lines owned
and operated by its parent company, Royal Caribbean Cruises, Ltd.
2. “Haiti Earthquake Fast Facts,” CNN, December 28, 2016,
3. Myat Su Yin and John Walsh, “A Review of the Appropriateness of
Royal Caribbean’s Actions in Visiting Haiti after the 2010 Earthquake,”
Journal of Travel and Tourism Research, Spring/Fall 2010, 1; Leslie
Gaines-Ross, “Reputation Warfare,” Harvard Business Review, December
4. Chuck Bennett, “Ship of Ghouls,” New York Post, January 19, 2010,
5. During the Haiti earthquake Goldstein was president and CEO of
Royal Caribbean International. In 2014, he became president and chief
operating officer of the parent company.
6. Royal Caribbean Cruises, Ltd. Annual Report 2015,
7. “Royal Caribbean Provides Tourists, Relief to Haiti,” NPR, January
19, 2010, www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=122716579; Scott
Mayerowitz, “Cruise-Ship Tourists Visit Haiti,” ABC News, January 19,
2010, http://abcnews.go.com/Travel/cruise-ship-tourists-visit-haiti-royal-
8. Jeneen Interlandi, “Cruises to Haiti Stir Controversy,” Newsweek,
January 27, 2010, www.newsweek.com/cruises-haiti-stir-controversy-
9. Interlandi, “Cruises to Haiti Stir Controversy.”
10. Leslie Gaines-Ross, “Reputation Warfare,” Harvard Business
Review, December 2010, p. 7, https://hbr.org/2010/12/reputation-warfare.
11. On November 20, 2016, after several rounds of voting during a
fourteen-month process, businessman Jovenel Moïse was elected president.
He took office in February 2017.
12. “Haiti Earthquake Facts and Figures,” Disasters Emergency
Committee, www.dec.org.uk/articles/haiti-earthquake-facts-and-figures.
13. Mary Mederios Kent, “Earthquake Magnifies Haiti’s Economic and
Health Challenges,” Population Reference Bureau, October 2010,
14. Kim Wall and Caterina Clerici, “Haiti Sees Tourism Promises Fade
Amidst Electoral Tensions,” Time, January 26, 2016,
http://time.com/4192693/haiti-tourism/, quote at 1:08.
15. Kate Rice, “Haiti Expects Carnival Port to Spur Further Tourism
Development,” Travel Weekly, August 11, 2014,
further-tourism-development; interview with Peter Whelpton.
16. “Labadee, Haiti,” Royal Caribbean International,
17. Rice, “Haiti Expects Carnival Port to Spur Further Tourism
18. Interlandi, “Cruises to Haiti Stir Controversy.”
19. “Royal Caribbean Provides Tourists, Relief to Haiti,” NPR.
20. Royal Caribbean, press release, January 15, 2010,
21. Blog posts, June 11, 2010, and June 23, 2010,
22. Sea World Entertainment, Inc., is the parent company that owns or
licenses several brands, including SeaWorld, Shamu, and Busch Gardens,
and operates about a dozen theme parks in the United States, including
SeaWorld theme parks in Orlando, San Antonio, and San Diego.
23. Justin Chang, “Review: Blackfish,” Variety, January 26, 2013,
24. Secretary of Labor v. SeaWorld of Florida, LLC, OSHRC Docket
No. 10-1705, Decision and Order, Administrative Law Judge Ken S.
Welsch, June 11, 2012, www.oshrc.gov/decisions/pdf_2012/10-1705.pdf.
Lynne Schaber, a Senior Trainer 1 at SeaWorld, stated that employees were
told that “if you found yourself in the pool with Tilikum, you might not
survive” (pp. 22–23).
25. Secretary of Labor v. SeaWorld, p. 9; “Autopsy: SeaWorld Trainer
Died from Drowning, Traumatic Injuries,” CNN, April 1, 2010,
www.cnn.com/2010/US/03/31/florida.seaworld.autopsy/; Orange County
Sheriff’s Office Investigative Report, Case Number 2010-016715,
Detective Samara Melich, EID 2685, April 28, 2010.
26. Tara John, “California Bans Captive Breeding of Killer Whales at
SeaWorld,” Time, October 9, 2015, http://time.com/4067762/california-
bans-captive-breeding-killer-whales-orcas-seaworld/. SeaWorld contested
the legal authority of the Coastal Commission to issue the domestic
breeding ban.
27. “SeaWorld Launches National Television Advertising Campaign,”
press release, SeaWorld, 2015,
28. Becky Peterson, “‘Are Your Tanks Filled with Orca Tears?’:
SeaWorld Twitter Campaign Backfires as Marine Park Hashtag
#AskSeaWorld Is Hijacked by Animal Rights Campaigners,” Daily Mail,
March 31, 2015, www.dailymail.co.uk/travel/travel_news/article-
29. Ibid.
30. Joel Manby, “SeaWorld CEO: We’re Ending Our Orca Breeding
Program. Here’s Why,” Los Angeles Times, March 17, 2016,
31. “The Only Place Where Real and Amazing Live,” TV commercial,
SeaWorld, www.ispot.tv/ad/A68O/seaworld-the-only-place-where-real-and-
32. Sandra Pedicini, “First Orcas, Now Orlando: SeaWorld’s Challenges
Just Don’t Let Up,” Orlando Sentinel, August 21, 2016,
33. Ibid.
34. Ibid.
35. This step served to reduce violence, but it by no means eliminated
the possibility of violence. In 2004, an uprising against former president
Jean-Bertrand Aristide spread, resulting in the shooting death of a security
guard outside the front gate of Royal Caribbean’s Labadee property. The
incident prompted Royal Caribbean to cancel port visits there for three
months. Marc Lacey, “An ‘Uphill Battle’ to Polish Haiti’s Image,” New
York Times, February 15, 2007,
36. Secretary of Labor v. SeaWorld of Florida, LLC, pp. 24–29.
37. Ibid.
38. Quoted in ibid., pp. 36–37.
39. PETA’s SeaWorld campaign website, called SeaWorldofhurt.com,
attracted about two dozen visitors per day before Blackfish. In 2015, the site
had 1.3 million daily visitors all year long. Hugo Martin, “PETA Rakes in
More Donations as It Denounces SeaWorld,” Los Angeles Times, February
16, 2016, www.latimes.com/business/la-fi-peta-donations-20160216-
40. Caty Borom Chattoo, “Anatomy of the Blackfish Effect,” Huffington
Post, March 25, 2016, www.huffingtonpost.com/caty-borum-
41. SeaWorld Entertainment 2013 Annual Report. The six SeaWorld
theme parks and companion parks were: SeaWorld Orlando, SeaWorld San
Antonio, SeaWorld San Diego, Aquatica Orlando, Aquatica San Diego, and
Discovery Cove (which is next to SeaWorld Orlando). The remaining five
theme parks operated by SeaWorld Entertainment were: Busch Gardens
Tampa, Busch Gardens Williamsburg, Sesame Place, Water Country USA,
and Adventure Island (which is next to Busch Gardens Tampa).
42. Secretary v. SeaWorld, Judge Welsch Decision and Order, p. 3.
43. 2013 Annual Report, SeaWorld Entertainment, pp. 1–6; Kenneth
Brower, “SeaWorld vs. the Whale That Killed Its Trainer,” National
Geographic, August 4, 2013.
44. Secretary vs. SeaWorld, Judge Welsch Decision and Order, pp. 19-
21; Kenneth Brower, “SeaWorld vs. the Whale That Killed Its Trainer,”
National Geographic, August 4, 2013; David Kirby, “Near Death at
SeaWorld: Worldwide Exclusive Video,” Huffington Post, July 24, 2012,
45. Michael Cieply, “SeaWorld’s Unusual Retort to a Critical
Documentary,” New York Times, July 18, 2013,
46. Chabeli Herrera, “Royal Caribbean Reestablishes Stop in Haiti,
Deems It Safe,” Miami Herald, January 26, 2016,


1. We are grateful to Mary Driscoll from APQC for sharing this case
study with us. APQC is a leading nonprofit organization that partners with
more than five hundred global member organizations across industries to
improve business productivity. Case study from APQC, “Best Practices
Report, Enterprise Risk Management: Seven Imperatives for Process
Excellence,” 2014. See also Jens Hansegard, “Building Risk Management
at Lego,” Wall Street Journal, August 5, 2013,
management-at-lego/; Mark L. Frigo and Hans Læssøe, “Strategic Risk
Management at the Lego Group,” Strategic Finance, February 2012.
2. Case study from APQC, “Best Practices Report.”
3. Ibid. See also Hansegard, “Building Risk Management at Lego”;
Frigo and Læssøe, “Strategic Risk Management at the Lego Group.”
4. Case study from APQC, “Best Practices Report.” See also Hansegard,
“Building Risk Management at Lego”; Frigo and Læssøe, “Strategic Risk
Management at the Lego Group.”
5. Frigo and Læssøe, “Strategic Risk Management at the Lego Group,”
p. 31.
6. “Lego Is Building Itself Up to Pass Mattell as the World’s Largest
Toymaker,” The Motley Fool, March 4, 2016,
7. Hansegard, “Building Risk Management at Lego.”
8. Some astronauts flew more than once.
9. Tariq Malik, “NASA’s Space Shuttle by the Numbers: 30 Years of a
Spaceflight Icon,” Space.com, July 21, 2011, www.space.com/12376-nasa-
10. In 2014, U.S. carriers flew an average 22,211 flights per day, or
675,000 per month. Bureau of Transportation Statistics, United States
Department of Transportation, www.rita.dot.gov/bts/acts/customized/table?
11. Quoted in Alan Levin, “There’d Be 272 Crashes a Day If Jets Failed
Like Shuttles,” Bloomberg, October 31, 2014,
12. See, for example, “Disney Named World’s Most Powerful Brand,”
Walt Disney Company, February 18, 2016,
brand/; “Disney Tops List of the World’s Most Reputable Companies for
2016,” Walt Disney Company, March 23, 2016,
reputable-companies-for-2016/; “The Harris Poll Releases Annual
Reputation Rankings for the 100 Most Visible Companies in the U.S.,”
press release, Harris Poll, February 18, 2016,
13. Andrey P. Anohkin, Simon Golosheykin, and Andrew C. Heath,
“Heritability of Risk Taking in Adolescence: A Longitudinal Twin Study,”
Twin Research and Human Genetics 12, no. 4 (August 2009): 366-71,
14. David Cesarini, Magnus Johannesson, Paul Lichtenstein, and Örjan
Sandewall, “Genetic Variation in Financial Decision Making,” Journal of
Finance 65, no. 5 (October 2010): 1725–54; Xavier Caldu and Jean-Claude
Dreher, “Hormonal and Genetic Influences on Processing Reward and
Social Information,” Annals of New York Academy of Sciences 1118
(2007):43–73, http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17804523.
15. Claudia R. Sahm, “How Much Does Risk Tolerance Change?,”
Working Paper, Finance and Economics Discussion Series, Federal Reserve
Board, June 26, 2008,
16. 2014 Global Survey on Reputation Risk, Deloitte, October 2014,
Compliance/gx_grc_Reputation@Risk%20survey%20report_FINAL.pdf, p.
17. Tom Aabo, John Fraser, and Betty J. Simkins, “The Rise and
Evolution of the Chief Risk Officer: Enterprise Risk Management at Hydro
One,” Journal of Applied Corporate Finance 17, no. 3 (June 2005).
18. Case study from APQC, “Best Practices Report.”
19. “About Us,” CEMEX,
20. 2014 Global Survey on Reputation Risk, Deloitte, p. 15.
21. Case study from APQC, “Best Practices Report.” See also
Hansegard, “Building Risk Management at Lego”; Frigo and Læssøe,
“Strategic Risk Management at the Lego Group.”
22. APQC, “Best Practices Report.” See also Hansegard, “Building Risk
Management at Lego”; Frigo and Læssøe, “Strategic Risk Management at
the Lego Group.”
23. APQC, “Best Practices Report,” p. 40.
24. Quoted in 2014 Global Survey on Reputation Risk, Deloitte, p. 7.
25. Quoted in ibid., pp. 1–6.
26. Ibid., p. 9.
27. Video, “A Message from Tom Hill, President and CEO of BAAM,”
Blackstone, www.blackstone.com/the-firm/asset-management/hedge-fund-
28. Hansegard, “Building Risk Management at Lego.”
29. National Intelligence Council, “Global Trends 2030: Alternative
Worlds,” Office of the Director of National Intelligence, December 2012,
30. “Cybersecurity Futures 2020,” Center for Long-Term Cybersecurity,
University of California at Berkeley, https://cltc.berkeley.edu/scenarios/.
31. Hansegard, “Building Risk Management at Lego”; Kristina Narvaez,
“Value Creation Through Enterprise Risk Management,” PowerPoint
presentation, ERM Strategies, July 2013, www.erm-
Enterprise-Risk-Management.pdf. In 2008, the Lego Group created four
scenarios based on megatrends defined by the World Economic Forum.
These included “More of the Same,” “Brave New World,” “Cut-Throat
Competition,” and “Murphy’s Surprise.” For each, it identified key issues
that might happen as a result of these trends and action steps for managing
those issues. For more, see Frigo and Læssøe, “Strategic Risk Management
at the Lego Group,” p. 33.
32. Paul Bracken and Martin Shubik, “War Gaming in the Information
Age: Theory and Purpose,” Naval War College Review 54, no. 2. (Spring
33. Paul Bracken, The Second Nuclear Age: Strategy, Danger, and the
New Power Politics (New York: Macmillan, 2012), 85.
34. Ibid., 87.
35. Geoff Wilson and Will Saetren, “Quite Possibly the Dumbest
Military Concept Ever: A ‘Limited’ Nuclear War,” National Interest, May
27, 2016, http://nationalinterest.org/blog/the-buzz/quite-possibly-the-
36. Tucker Bailey, James Kaplan, and Allen Weinberg, “Playing War
Games to Prepare for a Cyberattack,” McKinsey, July 2012,
37. For a business war game primer, see Benjamin Gilad, Business War
Games (Pompton Plains, NJ: Career Press, 2009).
38. Christine Negroni, “Dutch Safety Board: Ukraine Should Have
Closed Its Airspace Before MH-17 Was Shot Down,” Air & Space
Magazine, October 13, 2015, www.airspacemag.com/daily-planet/dutch-
39. Alastair Jamieson, “Why Was Malaysia Airlines MH17 Flying over
Ukraine? Time, Money,” NBC News, July 18, 2014,


1. Kiku Telecommunications is a fictitious company.

2. “Myanmar’s Ethnic War Grinds On,” Stratfor, October 8, 2015,
www.stratfor.com/analysis/myanmars-ethnic-war-grinds; “Why Is There
Communal Violence in Myanmar,” BBC, July 3, 2014,
www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-18395788; “Reforming Telecommunication
in Burma,” report, Human Rights Watch, May 2013,
3. Ian Bremmer and Preston Keat, The Fat Tail: The Power of Political
Knowledge in an Uncertain World (Oxford: Oxford University Press,
2010), 179–80.
4. PricewaterhouseCoopers and Eurasia Group, “How Managing
Political Risk Improves Global Business Performance,” March 2006,
summary of findings available at https://globenewswire.com/news-
5. Drew Erdmann, Ezra Greenberg, and Ryan Harper, “Geostrategic
Risks on the Rise,” McKinsey & Company, May 2016,
6. This enthusiasm was widespread. A 2013 McKinsey study noted that
the country was a “highly unusual but promising prospect for businesses
and investors,” with sixty million people, a large labor pool, vast swaths of
developable land, significant natural resources, a strategic location
(neighboring half a billion people in the world’s fastest-growing region),
and an emerging economy. Heang Chhor et al., “Myanmar’s Moment:
Unique Opportunities, Major Challenges,” McKinsey Global Institute, June
2013, www.mckinsey.com/global-themes/asia-pacific/myanmars-moment.
7. Nomination of General Michael V. Hayden, USAF, to be Director of
the Central Intelligence Agency, Hearing Before the Select Committee on
Intelligence, United States Senate, 109th Congress, Second Session, May
18, 2006, www.intelligence.senate.gov/hearings/nomination-general-
8. Nicholas Charron, Victor Lapuente, and Lewis Dijkstra, “Regional
Governance Matters: A Study on Regional Variation in Quality of
Government Within the EU,” Working Paper, European Commission, 2012,
nance.pdf. See also Enterprise Surveys/World Bank Group corruption
surveys, which in some cases subdivide by regions or states within
individual countries. In Romania, for example, surveys find that the percent
of firms expected to give gifts to secure government contracts ranges from
zero percent in the Northeast, Northwest, South, and West regions to 29.3
percent in the Central region.
9. Juan Forero and Taos Turner, “Challenger Mauricio Macri Wins
Argentine Presidential Runoff,” Wall Street Journal, November 22, 2015,
10. Daniel Bases, Richard Lough, and Sarah Marsh, “Argentina, Lead
Creditors Settle 14-Year Debt Battle for $4.65 Billion,” Reuters, March 1,
2016, www.reuters.com/article/us-argentina-debt-idUSKCN0W2249.
11. Peter Schechter, “Argentina’s Mauricio Macri Needs Concrete
Wins,” Forbes, August 15, 2016,
12. Ibid.
13. Bruce Watson, “Cruise Line Visit to Haiti Highlights Ugly Side of
Paradise,” AOL.com, January 22, 2010,
14. The Dubai Ports World discussion is drawn mostly from
Condoleezza Rice, William Barnett, and Cecilia Hyunjung Mo, “The Dubai
Ports Controversy,” Stanford Graduate School of Business, Case GS-73,
2009, www.gsb.stanford.edu/faculty-research/case-studies/dubai-ports-
controversy; see also “Key Questions About the Dubai Port Deal,” CNN,
March 6, 2006, www.cnn.com/2006/POLITICS/03/06/dubai.ports.qa/.
15. Ibid.
16. Ibid.
17. Quoted in Julio J. Rotemberg, “The Dubai Ports World Debacle and
Its Aftermath,” Harvard Business School Case 9-707-014, August 29, 2007,
p. 4.
18. Quoted in Jim V, eHei [sic: VandeHei], and Jonathan Weisman,
“Republicans Split with Bush on Ports: White House Vows to Brief
Lawmakers on Deal with Firm Run by Arab State,” Washington Post,
February 23, 2006,
19. Rodney C. Ewing and Jeroen Ritsema, “Underestimating Nuclear
Accident Risks: Why Are Rare Events So Common?,” Bulletin of Atomic
Scientists, May 3, 2011, http://thebulletin.org/fukushima-what-dont-we-
common; “A Brief History of Nuclear Accidents Worldwide,” Union of
Concerned Scientists, www.ucsusa.org/nuclear-power/nuclear-power-
20. Quoted in Miles Traer, “Fukushima Five Years Later: Stanford
Nuclear Expert Offers Three Lessons from the Disaster,” Stanford News
Service, March 4, 2016, http://news.stanford.edu/press-
21. The IAEA’s 2010 report finds that Japan operated 54 nuclear
reactors. The United States had 104 reactors and France had 58. See
“International Status and Prospects of Nuclear Power,”
22. Ewing, “Underestimating Nuclear Accident Risks.”
23. Minoura published his findings in respected scientific journals.
Officials at the Tokyo Electric Power Company, which owns the Fukushima
Daiichi nuclear plant, were aware of his findings but dismissed them.
Ewing, “Underestimating Nuclear Accident Risks.” See also “Scientist
Warned of Tsunami Disaster in Japan,” PRI, January 17, 2012,
“Nuclear Aftershocks,” Frontline, PBS, January 17, 2012, at 15:48–19:19,
24. Alice Park, “A Cardiac Conundrum,” Harvard Magazine, March–
April 2013, http://harvardmagazine.com/2013/03/a-cardiac-conundrum;
Amy Beth Zegart, “What March Madness Tells Us About Forecasting,”
Insights by Stanford Business, Stanford Graduate School of Business,
March 18, 2013, www.gsb.stanford.edu/insights/what-march-madness-tells-
25. David S. Jones, Broken Hearts: The Tangled History of Cardiac
Care (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2012).
26. Richard P. Feynman, “Cargo Cult Science,” commencement address,
California Institute of Technology, June 14, 1974,
27. Richards J. Heuer, Psychology of Intelligence Analysis (Center for
the Study of Intelligence, CIA, 1999).
28. Norman Maier, “Reasoning in Humans I,” Journal of Comparative
Psychology 10 (1930): 115–43, 10.1037/h0073232.
29. Atul Gawande, The Checklist Manifesto: How to Get Things Right
(New York: Henry Holt, 2009), 108.
30. Ibid., 150.
31. Irving L. Janis, Victims of Groupthink: A Psychological Study of
Foreign Policy Decisions and Fiascoes (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1972).
32. Angela Wilkinson and Roland Kupers, “Living in the Futures,”
Harvard Business Review, May 2013, https://hbr.org/2013/05/living-in-the-
33. Pierre Wack, “Scenarios: Uncharted Waters Ahead,” Harvard
Business Review, September 1985, https://hbr.org/1985/09/scenarios-
34. Peter Schwartz, The Art of the Long View (New York: Doubleday,
1991), 7–9; Wack, “Scenarios: Uncharted Waters Ahead.”
35. Wilkinson and Kupers, “Living in the Futures.” They note that
scenario planning at Shell has not always been well supported or received.
36. Barbara Bilodeau and Darrell K. Rigby, “A Growing Focus on
Preparedness,” Harvard Business Review, July–August 2007,
https://hbr.org/2007/07/a-growing-focus-on-preparedness; Darrell Rigby
and Barbara Bilodeau, “Management Tools and Trends 2015,” Bain &
Company, June 10, 2015,
37. Bilodeau and Rigby, “Management Tools and Trends.”
38. Pierre Wack, “Scenarios: Shooting the Rapids,” Harvard Business
Review, November 1985, https://hbr.org/1985/11/scenarios-shooting-the-
rapids; Schwartz, The Art of the Long View; Peter Schwartz, Learnings from
the Long View (San Francisco: Global Business Network, 2011); Wack,
“Scenarios: Uncharted Waters Ahead.”
39. Schwartz, The Art of the Long View, xiii.
40. Ibid., p. 9; Pierre Wack, “Scenarios: The Gentle Art of Re-
perceiving,” Shell International Petroleum Company, 1985.
41. Intel’s use of red teams from Rossi Sheffi, The Resilient Enterprise:
Overcoming Vulnerability for Competitive Advantage (Cambridge, MA:
MIT Press, 2005), 53–55. Goldman Sachs’s use of red teams from Micah
Zenko, Red Team: How to Succeed by Thinking Like the Enemy (New York:
Basic Books, 2015), 178.
42. Red team cyber “penetration testing” is required for many large
companies. As Micah Zenko writes, the Commodity Futures Trading
Commission, the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, and
the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard all require that
companies use penetration testing to identify vulnerabilities and verify
safeguards. Zenko, Red Team, 177–78.
43. For more on red team best practices and pitfalls, see Zenko, Red
44. Jayson E. Street, “Breaking in Bad,” DEF CON 23 presentation,
published December 11, 2015, www.youtube.com/watch?v=2vdvINDmlX8.
45. Ibid.; Zenko, Red Team, 202–6.
46. Street, “Breaking in Bad.” One national U.S. bank hired Street to test
cyber security at ten West Coast branches. Posing as a technician needing to
examine “power fluctuations,” Street was granted access throughout the
first branch. He plugged in a small device called a Pwn Plug that looks like
a power adapter but is actually a computer armed with hacking tools for
remote access. After the fourth branch, Street says, the bank told him, “Stop
now please. We give up.” Robert McMillan, “The Little White Box That
Can Hack Your Network,” Wired, March 2, 2012,
47. Zenko, Red Team, 5.
48. Heuer, Psychology of Intelligence Analysis, 71. See also Todd
Conklin, Pre-Accident Investigations: An Introduction to Organizational
Safety (Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press, 2012); Deborah J. Mitchell, J. Edward
Russo, and Nancy Pennington, “Back to the Future: Temporal Perspective
in the Explanation of Events,” Journal of Behavioral Decision Making 2
(1989): 25–38.
49. A 1989 study by researchers at Wharton, Cornell, and the University
of Colorado found that thinking backwards—what they call “prospective
hindsight”—increased by 30 percent the ability to correctly identify reasons
for future outcomes. Mitchell, Russo, and Pennington, “Back to the Future.”
50. Pope John Paul II ended the use of official devil’s advocates in the
Catholic Church in 1983 to make the process faster and less adversarial. He
produced more beatifications and canonizations in two decades than his 263
predecessors did over the previous two millennia. Zenko, Red Team, ix–xii;
Rachel Martin and Ben Zimmer, “Who Is the ‘Devil’s’ Advocate,” NPR,
March 3, 2013, www.npr.org/2013/03/03/173350724/who-is-the-devils-
51. Richard K. Betts, Surprise Attack: Lessons for Defense Planning
(Washington, DC: Brookings Institution, 1982); Alexander L. George and
Eric K. Stern, “Harnessing Conflict in Foreign Policy Making: From
Devil’s to Multiple Advocacy,” Presidential Studies Quarterly 32, no. 3
(September 2002): 484–508.
52. Jens Hansegard, “Building Risk Management at Lego,” Wall Street
Journal, August 5, 2013.
53. We are grateful to Mary Driscoll from APQC for sharing this case
study with us. APQC is a leading nonprofit organization that partners with
more than five hundred global member organizations across all industries to
improve business productivity. Case study from APQC, “Best Practices
Report, Enterprise Risk Management: Seven Imperatives for Process
Excellence,” 2014. See also Hansegard, “Building Risk Management at
Lego”; Mark L. Frigo and Hans Læssøe, “Strategic Risk Management at the
Lego Group,” Strategic Finance, February 2012.
54. Ibid.
55. Quoted in Hansegard, “Building Risk Management at Lego.”
56. Ibid.
57. Full disclosure: Phil Knight, the founder of Nike, came up with the
idea for the company while he was attending business school at Stanford,
and the business school today is named after him.
58. Mike Ozanian, “The Forbes Fab 40: The World’s Most Valuable
Sports Brands 2015,” Forbes, October 22, 2015,
59. Quoted in Shelly Banjo, “Inside Nike’s Struggle to Balance Cost and
Worker Safety in Bangladesh,” Wall Street Journal, April 21, 2014,
60. Quoted in ibid.
61. Ibid.
62. Quoted in ibid.
63. Ibid.


1. Andrew Cave, “The $30,000-a-Night Jet That Flies Empty,” Forbes,

August 29, 2016; “About FedEx,” FedEx website,
2. Ibid. FedEx also delivers 7.3 million packages daily to the United
States and Canada by ground and offers a host of business logistics
3. Henry Samuel, “France Braced for Wave of Strikes over Labour
Reform as Hollande Insists: ‘I Won’t Give In,’” Telegraph, May 17, 2016,
4. Quoted in Cave, “The $30,000-a-Night Jet That Flies Empty.” See
also Karl E. Weick and Kathleen M. Sutcliffe, Managing the Unexpected:
Resilient Performance in an Age of Uncertainty (San Francisco: Jossey-
Bass, 2007).
5. Bonny Harrison and Jeff Martinez, “Fueling E-commerce: FedEx
Super Hub’s Physical Structure Powers Virtual Business,” FedEx Blog,
August 1, 2016, http://about.van.fedex.com/blog/fueling-e-commerce-
6. Jeffrey F. Rayport, “The Miracle of Memphis,” MIT Technology
Review, December 20, 2010, www.technologyreview.com/s/422081/the-
miracle-of-memphis/; Harrison and Martinez, “Fueling E-commerce.”
7. Cave, “The $30,000-a-Night Jet That Flies Empty”; “About FedEx.”
8. Harrison and Martinez, “Fueling E-commerce”; Cave, “The $30,000-
a-Night Jet That Flies Empty”; “About FedEx”; Rayport, “The Miracle of
9. “In Control, Around the Clock,” FedEx website,
10. Ibid.
11. Jason Douglas, “Every Plane Has a Name,” FedEx Blog, September
30, 2015, http://about.van.fedex.com/blog/every-plane-bears-a-name/;
“FedEx Executive Leadership,” FedEx website,
12. FedEx, “In Control, Around the Clock.”
13. Paul Tronsor, “Business Unusual: Flight Planning and the Iceland
Volcano Eruption,” FedEx Blog, May 4, 2010,
14. “In Control, Around the Clock,” FedEx Updates, October 2015.
15. Ibid.
16. Brian Dumaine, “FedEx CEO Fred Smith on… Everything,”
Fortune, May 11, 2012, http://fortune.com/2012/05/11/fedex-ceo-fred-
17. Quoted in ibid.
18. Quoted in “Frederick W. Smith,” Academy of Achievement,
interview, www.achievement.org/achiever/frederick-w-smith/#interview.
19. APQC, “Risk Management: Extreme Weather Increasingly Disrupts
Global Supply Chains,” K04425, 2013, p. 2; Andrea J. Stroud, “Supply
Chain Disruption: What Your Organization Should Know About Managing
Risk in the Supply Chain,” APQC K04424, 2013. APQC is a member-based
nonprofit and one of the leading proponents of benchmarking and best-
practice business research. “Managing the Risk of Supply Chain
Disruption,” May 2013 APQC Summary Report,
20. IRM Security, Finally the Board Is Paying Attention to Cyber. Now
What? 2016, http://info.irmsecurity.com/riskybusinessreport, p.8.
21. 2014 SeaWorld Annual Report,
14-SEAS-Annual-Report.pdf; Arthur Levine, “SeaWorld in 2017: New
Coasters, Rides, and Shows to Turn the Tide,” USA Today, September 26,
2016, www.usatoday.com/story/travel/experience/america/theme-
22. This point is debated. FBI cyber division chief Joseph Demarest and
cyber security expert Kevin Mandia found that the Sony hack was the work
of a sophisticated cyber adversary using malware that was undetectable by
standard antivirus software.
23. Peter Elkind, “Inside the Hack of the Century,” Part 2, Fortune, June
25, 2015, http://fortune.com/sony-hack-part-two/; Sophie Curtis, “Sony
Saved Thousands of Passwords in a Folder Named ‘Password,’” Telegraph,
December 5, 2014, www.telegraph.co.uk/technology/sony/11274727/Sony-
24. Peter Elkind, “Inside the Hack of the Century,” Part 1, Fortune, June
25, 2015, http://fortune.com/sony-hack-part-1/.
25. Ibid.
26. Nenad Pacek and Daniel Thorniley, Emerging Markets: Lessons for
Business Success and the Outlook for Different Markets, 2nd ed. (London:
The Economist in association with Profile Books, 2007), 44–45.
27. “Permian Basin,” Occidental Petroleum Company,
28. We are grateful to Paul Bracken for drawing the parallels between
U.S. nuclear strategy and businesses. See Bracken, The Second Nuclear
Age: Strategy, Danger, and the New Power Politics (New York: Macmillan,
29. Meryl Gordon, “Howard Lutnick’s Second Life,” New York
Magazine, December 10, 2001,
30. Julia La Roche, “The Amazing and Heartbreaking Story of the CEO
Who Lived and Rebuilt His Firm After 9/11: Howard Lutnick,” Business
Insider, September 11, 2011, www.businessinsider.com/cantor-fitzgerald-9-
31. Ivy Schmerken, “Cantor’s eSpeed System Rebounds, Replacing
Voice Brokerage,” Wall Street & Technology, October 10, 2001,
32. Ibid.
33. Richard Blake, “Cantor Fitzgerald: Miracle on Wall Street,”
Institutional Investor, September 3, 2009,
street.html#.WBJ_5JMrJBw; Susanne Craig, “The Survivor Who Saw the
Future for Cantor Fitzgerald,” New York Times, September 3, 2011,
34. Schmerken, “Cantor’s eSpeed System Rebounds.”
35. “Boeing 787 Dreamliner: A Timeline of Problems,” Telegraph, July
28, 2013, www.telegraph.co.uk/travel/comment/Boeing-787-Dreamliner-a-
timeline-of-problems/; Nicola Clark, “Boeing Announces Delay in
Deliveries of 787 Dreamliner,” New York Times, October 10, 2007,
36. Gary S. Lynch, Single Point of Failure: The 10 Essential Laws of
Supply Chain Risk Management (Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, 2009),
37. Yossi Sheffi, The Resilient Enterprise: Overcoming Vulnerability for
Competitive Advantage (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2005), 184, citing
Chris J. McDonald, “The Evolution of Intel’s Copy Exact! Technology
Transfer Method,” Intel Technology Journal, 1998.
38. Stephen Prince, Classical Film Violence: Designing and Regulating
Brutality in Hollywood Cinema, 1930–1968 (New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers
University Press, 2003).
39. Roxanna Guildrod-Blake, “It’s Time to Break Down Silos: Former
NIRI President Points to FedEx as Model of IR, PR Integration,” Bulldog
Reporter, July 29, 2010, www.bulldogreporter.com/its-time-break-down-
40. Pacek and Thorniley, Emerging Markets, 40.
41. “MH17 Ukraine Plane Crash: What We Know,” BBC, September 28,
2016, www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-28357880.
42. Ibid.; Alastair Jamieson, “Why Was Malaysia Airlines MH17 Flying
over Ukraine? Time, Money,” NBC News, July 18, 2014,
43. “Mexico Travel Warning,” U.S. Department of State, October 10,
travel-warning.html; “U.S. Relations with Mexico,” U.S. Department of
State, September 10 2014, www.state.gov/r/pa/ei/bgn/35749.htm.
44. “Crime in the United States: Uniform Crime Reports,” Federal
Bureau of Investigation, 2013, www.fbi.gov/about-us/cjis/ucr/crime-in-the-
45. Kate Abbey-Lambertz, “These Are the Major U.S. Cities with the
Highest Murder Rates, According to the FBI,” Huffington Post, November
12, 2014, www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/11/12/highest-murder-rate-us-
cities-2013_n_6145404.html; Anthony Harrup, “Mexican Homicide Rate
Fell 12.5% in 2013, Statistics Agency Says,” Wall Street Journal, July 24,
2014, http://online.wsj.com/articles/mexican-homicide-rate-fell-12-5-in-
46. Betts, Surprise Attack: Lessons for Defense Planning (Washington,
DC: Brookings Institution, 1982), 91; William Bartsch, December 8, 1941:
MacArthur’s Pearl Harbor (College Station: Texas A&M University Press,
2012), 409.
47. “Marriott Closes $13-Billion Purchase of Starwood to Become
World’s Largest Hotel Chain,” Los Angeles Times, September 23, 2016,
48. Abdala and Archell, “Alcoa’s Juruti Mining Project Seeking to Set
Sustainability Benchmark.”
49. Ibid.; Maylie, “Alcoa Invests Near Planned Mines.”
50. Walmart case abstracted from Daniel Diermeier, Reputation Rules:
Strategies for Building Your Company’s Most Valuable Asset (New York:
McGraw-Hill, 2011), 112–16; Renee Montagne, “Wal-Mart CEO Stepping
Down After 9 Years,” NPR, January 30, 2009,
51. Diermeier, Reputation Rules, 112–16.
52. Quoted in ibid., 114.
53. Ibid., 112–16.
54. Montagne, “Wal-Mart CEO Stepping Down After 9 Years.”
55. Diermeier, Reputation Rules, 112–16.
56. Montagne, “Wal-Mart CEO Stepping Down After 9 Years.”
57. Diermeier, Reputation Rules, 112–16.
58. Quote from Montagne, “Wal-Mart CEO Stepping Down After 9
59. Herbert A. Simon, The Sciences of the Artificial (Cambridge, MA:
MIT Press, 1996); Herbert A. Simon, Reason in Human Affairs (Stanford,
CA: Stanford University Press, 1983); William G. Chase and Herbert A.
Simon, “Perception in Chess,” Cognitive Psychology 4, no. 1 (January
1973): 55–81; Roger Frantz, Two Minds: Intuition and Analysis in the
History of Economic Thought (New York: Springer, 2005), 118.
60. Zegart, Flawed by Design (Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press,
1999), 229–30; Mark Bowden, “The Desert One Debacle,” Atlantic, May
2006, www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2006/05/the-desert-one-
61. Eugene Scott, “Carter: ‘I Wish I’d Sent One More Helicopter’ for
U.S. Hostages in Iran,” CNN, August 20, 2015,
62. Zegart, Flawed by Design, 143, 229–30.
63. FedEx, “In Control, Around the Clock.”
64. Ibid.
65. Ibid.; Tronsor, “Business Unusual.”
66. Ibid.
1. “Profile: Jemaah Islamiah,” BBC, February 2, 2012,
www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-16850706; Alan Orlob, “Traveler Safety Is
Everybody’s Business,” Forbes, January 6, 2015,
business/2/#5e9b3b1b29b1; Tom Wright, “Bombing Suspects Spent Two
Days at Hotel,” Wall Street Journal, July 18, 2009,
2. CRS Report, “Terrorism in Southeast Asia,” Congressional Research
Service 7-5700, October 16, 2009,
www.fas.org/sgp/crs/terror/RL34194.pdf, p. 8.
3. Orlob, “Traveler Safety Is Everybody’s Business.”
4. Ibid.
5. Office of the Coordinator for Counterterrorism, “Country Reports on
Terrorism 2009,” U.S. Department of State, August 5, 2010,
6. Rich Roberts, “Marriott Tweets to Spread Word During Crisis,” Hotel
News Now, August 3, 2009,
7. Marriott Sustainability Report, 2009,
ainability_Report_2009.pdf, p. 5.
8. Alan Orlob, “Protecting Soft Targets: How Marriott International
Deals with the Threat of Terrorism Overseas,” in The McGraw-Hill
Homeland Security Handbook, ed. David Kamien (New York: McGraw-
Hill, 2005), 861–72.
9. Ibid.
10. Their security protections had been ratcheted even higher to
incorporate lessons learned from earlier attacks. Keith Bradsher, “Deadly
Car Bombing Shakes Marriott Hotel in Jakarta,” New York Times, August 5,
2003, www.nytimes.com/2003/08/05/international/asia/deadly-car-
bombing-shakes-marriott-hotel-in-jakarta.html; “JW Marriott Hotel
Bombing,” GlobalSecurity.org,
11. Orlob, “Protecting Soft Targets.”
12. NTDTV, “Security Under Scurtiny for Jakarta Hotels,” YouTube,
July 25, 2009, www.youtube.com/watch?v=hKakvJcwO2A.
13. APPEL News Staff, “Understanding Near-Misses at NASA,”
Academy of Program/Project and Engineering Leadership, NASA,
February 26, 2010, http://appel.nasa.gov/2010/02/26/ao_1-
14. Indeed, some research finds that people engage in riskier behavior
after near-miss events. See Robin L. Dillon and Catherine H. Tinsley,
“Interpreting Near-Miss Events,” Engineering Management Journal 17, no.
4 (2005); Dillon and Tinsley, “How Near-Misses Influence Decisions
Making Under Risk: A Missed Opportunity for Learning,” Management
Science 54, no. 8 (June 2008): 1425–40; Catherine H. Tinsley, Robin L.
Dillon, and Peter M. Madsen, “How to Avoid Catastrophe,” Harvard
Business Review, April 2011, https://hbr.org/2011/04/how-to-avoid-
15. Tinsley, Dillon, and Madsen, “How to Avoid Catastrophe.”
16. Apple case from ibid.
17. Ibid.
18. Chapters III and IV of “Report of the Presidential Commission on
the Space Shuttle Challenger Accident,” Rogers Commission Report
(Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1986), 157–336, available
at https://er.jsc.nasa.gov/seh/explode.html.
19. Rogers Commission Report, 92.
20. AmericaSpace, “Missed Warnings: The Fatal Flaws Which Doomed
Challenger,” Space Safety Magazine, January 28, 2014,
21. “Engineer Who Opposed Challenger Launch Offers Personal Look
at Tragedy,” NASA, October 5, 2012,
22. “Report to the President by the Presidential Commission on the
Space Shuttle Challenger Accident,” NASA, June 6, 1986,
mission_report.pdf, p. 149.
23. Weick and Sutcliffe, Managing the Unexpected, 24.
24. “USS Carl Vinson (CVN 70),” Navy Site,
http://navysite.de/cvn/cvn70.html; information from USS Vinson public
affairs office.
25. “Heathrow Airport,” Optics and Media Access,
26. Kyle Mizokami, “Here Is Every Aircraft Carrier in the World,”
Popular Mechanics, January 25, 2016,
27. See Weick and Sutcliffe, Managing the Unexpected, for more on
planning for failure and responding strongly to weak signals.
28. Ibid.
29. Charles Goldsmith, “EU Agrees to Block Merger of Boeing,
McDonnell-Douglas,” Wall Street Journal, July 7, 1997,
www.wsj.com/articles/SB868213225416324500; “Brussels v Boeing,”
Economist, July 17, 1997, www.economist.com/node/151796.
30. Goldsmith, “EU Agrees to Block Merger of Boeing, McDonnell-
31. BP contracted the Deepwater Horizon rig, which was owned and
operated by Transocean. A third company, Halliburton, was contracted for
cementing and other drilling services.
32. Scientists and analysts are still assessing the long-term
environmental impact of the spill. Chelsea Harvey, “The Deepwater
Horizon Spill May Have Caused ‘Irreversible’ Damage to Gulf Coast
Marshes,” Washington Post, September 27, 2016,
marshes-along-the-gulf-coast/?utm_term=.3550e88324a9; Jacqueline Fiore,
Craig Bond, and Shanthi Nataraj, Estimating the Effects of the Deepwater
Horizon Oil Spill on Fisheries Landings: A Preliminary Exploration,
RAND Report WR-1173-GMA, December 14, 2016.
33. Devlin Barrett, “U.S., BP Finalize $20.8 Billion Deepwater Oil Spill
Settlement,” Wall Street Journal, www.wsj.com/articles/u-s-says-20-8-
34. These included violations of existing government regulations;
lagging government and industry safety standards and unclear guidelines as
offshore drilling grew more technically challenging; unclear management
responsibilities between BP (the well owner), Transocean (the rig
owner/operator), and Halliburton (the cement and drilling contractor); poor
maintenance of electrical equipment that may have ignited the explosion;
bypassed gas alarms and automatic shutdown systems; training
deficiencies; and a flawed safety management system and culture on board
Deepwater Horizon.
35. Ian Urbina, “In Gulf, It Was Unclear Who Was in Charge of Rig,”
New York Times, June 5, 2010,
36. James David Dykes, Co-Chair, USCG/BOEMRE Joint Investigation
into the Deepwater Horizon/Macondo Well Blowout, testimony before the
United States House of Representatives Committee on Natural Resources,
Oversight Hearing on the BOEMRE/U.S. Coast Guard Joint Investigation
Team Report, October 13, 2011, p. 9.
37. Urbina, “In Gulf, It Was Unclear Who Was in Charge of Rig.”
38. Michael R. Bromwich, Director, Bureau of Safety and
Environmental Enforcement, United States Department of the Interior,
testimony to the United States House of Representatives Committee on
Natural Resources, oversight hearing on BOEMRE/U.S. Coast Guard Joint
Investigation Team Report Part I, October 13, 2011.
39. Urbina, “In Gulf, It Was Unclear Who Was in Charge of Rig.” See
also United States House of Representatives, Committee on Energy and
Commerce, Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations, hearing on the
Role of BP in the Deepwater Horizon Explosion and Oil Spill, June 17,
2010, p. 14.
40. Sheila McNulty, “Documents Hint at BP Planning Failures,”
Financial Times, August 26, 2010, www.ft.com/content/752b1c32-b16f-
11df-b899-00144feabdc0?mhq5j=e1; United States House of
Representatives, Committee on Energy and Commerce, Subcommittee on
Oversight and Investigations, hearing on the Role of BP in the Deepwater
Horizon Explosion and Oil Spill, June 17, 2010, pp. 99, 109.
41. The results were discussed among members of the crew, and a
second test was ordered. This second test was successful, so BP and
Transocean officials decided to ignore the first test, explaining the pressure
readings as a “bladder effect.” According to the Coast Guard Joint Inquiry,
the crew continued to overlook “a number of different anomalies” for the
next sixty to ninety minutes that should have signaled the influx of leaking
hydrocarbons up the wellbore, through the riser, and onto the rig. Michael
R. Bromwich, Director, Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement,
United States Department of the Interior, testimony to the United States
House of Representatives Committee on Natural Resources, oversight
hearing on BOEMRE/U.S. Coast Guard Joint Investigation Team Report
Part I, October 13, 2011.
42. BP, Deepwater Horizon Accident Investigation Report, September 8,
2010, www.bp.com/content/dam/bp/pdf/sustainability/issue-
reports/Deepwater_Horizon_Accident_Investigation_Report.pdf, p. 89.
43. Committee on the Analysis of Causes of the Deepwater Horizon
Explosion, Fire, and Oil Spill to Identify Measures to Prevent Similar
Accidents in the Future, National Academy of Engineering and National
Research Council, Interim Report on Causes of the Deepwater Horizon Oil
Rig Blowout and Ways to Prevent Such Events (Washington, DC: National
Academies Press, 2010), 10. In addition, the report, and a second
investigation conducted by the U.S. Coast Guard, found that the Deepwater
Horizon crew disabled or circumvented other systems designed to generate
signals of possible disaster. These included bypassing an automatic
shutdown system intended to prevent flammable gas from reaching ignition
sources. The chief electrician was told by a crew member that it had “been
in bypass for five years” and that “the entire fleet runs them in bypass.” Had
it been activated, the engine room explosion might have been prevented.
See also U.S. Coast Guard, Report of Investigation into the Circumstances
Surrounding the Explosion, Fire, Sinking, and Loss of Eleven Crew
Members Aboard the Mobile Offshore Drilling Unit Deepwater Horizon in
the Gulf of Mexico April 20-22, 2010, vol. I, MISLE Activity Number
3721503, pp. 26–27.
44. James David Dykes, Co-Chair, USCG/BOEMRE Joint Investigation
into the Deepwater Horizon/Macondo Well Blowout, testimony before the
United States House of Representatives Committee on Natural Resources,
oversight hearing on the BOEMRE/U.S. Coast Guard Joint Investigation
Team Report Part I, October 13, 2011, pp. 7–8.
45. Alan Orlob, “Lessons from the Mumbai Terrorist Attacks,” Part II,
Testimony to HSGAC, January 28, 2009.
46. Weick and Sutcliffe, Managing the Unexpected, 47.
47. Howard Berkes, “30 Years After Explosion, Challenger Engineer
Still Blames Himself,” NPR, January 28, 2016,
48. Challenger Commission Report, p. 102.
49. Berkes, “30 Years After Explosion.”
50. Howard Berkes, “Challenger: Reporting a Disaster’s Cold, Hard
Facts,” NPR, January 28, 2006, www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?
51. Martin Landau and Donald Chisholm, “The Arrogance of Optimism:
Notes on Failure-Avoidance Management,” Journal of Contingencies and
Crisis Management 3, no. 2 (June 1995): 67–80, at 77.
52. Darcy Steeg Morris, Cornell National Social Survey 2009 (Ithaca,
NY: Cornell University Survey Research Institute, 2009).
53. One high explosives researcher found that every time an experiment
failed, colleagues lined up outside his door offering their assessments about
what went wrong. Some of this information could be discovered only in
retrospect, but much of it was available beforehand. The researcher began
holding “premortem” meetings to surface ideas about potential failures
before they occurred. Todd Conklin, Pre-Accident Investigations: An
Introduction to Organizational Safety (Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press, 2012).
Psychologist Gary Klein, who has written extensively about premortems,
noted in an interview, “The premortem technique is a sneaky way to get
people to do contrarian, devil’s advocate thinking without encountering
resistance… The logic is that instead of showing people that you are smart
because you can come up with a good plan, you show you’re smart by
thinking of insightful reasons why this project might go south.” Interview
with Gary Klein and Daniel Kahneman, “Strategic Decisions: When Can
You Trust Your Gut?,” McKinsey Quarterly, March 2010,
54. Brad Tuttle, “Warren Buffett’s Boring, Brilliant Wisdom,” Time,
March 1, 2010.
55. Howard Markel, “How the Tylenol Murders of 1982 Changed How
We Consume Medication,” PBS NewsHour, September 29, 2014,
www.pbs.org/newshour/updates/tylenol-murders-1982/; Jerry Knight,
“Tylenol’s Maker Shows How to Respond to Crisis,” Washington Post,
October 11, 1982,
56. Knight, “Tylenol’s Maker Shows How to Respond to Crisis”; Tamar
Lewin, “Tylenol Posts an Apparent Recovery,” New York Times, December
25, 1982, www.nytimes.com/1982/12/25/business/tylenol-posts-an-
apparent-recovery.html; Judith Rehak and International Herald Tribune,
“Tylenol Made a Hero of Johnson & Johnson: The Recall That Started
Them All,” New York Times, March 23, 2002,
57. Diermeier, Reputation Rules, 11; Lawrence G. Foster, “The Johnson
& Johnson Credo and the Tylenol Crisis,” New Jersey Bell Journal 6, no. 1
(1983); Michael Useem, The Leadership Moment (New York: Three Rivers
Press, 1998), also calls it the most covered news story since JFK
58. CEO James E. Burke carried the message personally, appearing on
60 Minutes.
59. Berge, The First 24 Hours; Diermeier, Reputation Rules, 11.
60. Diermeier, Reputation Rules, 11.
61. Rehak, “Tylenol Made a Hero of Johnson & Johnson.”
62. Ibid.
63. See Paresh Dave, “Here’s Why Companies Leave You in the Dark
About Hacks for Months,” Los Angeles Times, June 15, 2016,
64. To add insult to injury, Target at the time was an industry leader in
cyber security, with state-of-the-art malware detection and a security
operations center staffed with more than three hundred analysts.
65. Jim Hammerand, “Target’s Redcard Login Website Crashes After
Data Breach,” Minneapolis/St. Paul Business Journal,
66. Jure Leskovec, Lars Backstrom, and Jon Kleinberg, “Meme-
Tracking and the Dynamics of the News Cycle,” ACM SIGKDD
International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, Paris,
June 28–July 1, 2009, cited in Diermeier, Reputation Rules, 41, note 60.
67. Diermeier, Reputation Rules, 43, citing Philip E. Tetlock, Orie V.
Kristel, S. Beth Elson, Melanie C. Green, and Jennifer S. Lerner, “The
Psychology of the Unthinkable: Taboo Trade-Offs, Forbidden Base Rates
and Heretical Counterfactuals,” Journal of Personality and Social
Psychology 78, no. 5 (2000): 853–70.
68. Thomas Moore, “The Fight to Save Tylenol,” Fortune, November
29, 1982. See also Glen M. Broom and Bey-Ling Sha, Cutlip and Center’s
Effective Public Relations, 11th ed. (New York: Pearson, 2013), 20.
69. Orlob, “Protecting Soft Targets.”
70. Diermeier, Reputation Rules.
71. Quoted in “Tylenol and the Legacy of J&J’s James Burke,”
Knowledge@Wharton, University of Pennsylvania, October 2, 2012,
72. Moore, “The Fight to Save Tylenol.”
73. Quoted in Rehak, “Tylenol Made a Hero of Johnson & Johnson.”
74. Richard C. Boothman et al., “A Better Approach to Medical
Malpractice Claims?,” Journal of Health & Life Sciences Law 2, no. 2
(January 2009); Kevin Sack, “Doctors Say ‘I’m Sorry’ Before ‘See You in
Court,’” New York Times, May 18, 2008,
www.nytimes.com/2008/05/18/us/18apology.html; Michael S. Wood and
Jason Starr, Healing Words: The Power of Apology in Medicine (Oak Park,
IL: Doctors in Touch, 2007).
75. Munoz is not alone. In the fall of 2016, Wells Fargo CEO John
Stumpf appeared before the Senate Banking Committee over a fraud
scandal, attracted bipartisan ire for his tone-deaf testimony, and later lost his
job. Jeffrey A. Sonnenfield, “How Wells Fargo’s CEO Could Have Avoided
His Senate Belly Flop,” Yale Insights, Yale School of Management,
September 23, 2016, http://insights.som.yale.edu/insights/how-wells-fargos-
ceo-could-have-avoided-his-senate-belly-flop; Matt Egan, Jackie Wattles,
and Cristina Alesci, “Wells Fargo CEO John Stumpf Is Out,” CNN, October
12, 2016, http://money.cnn.com/2016/10/12/investing/wells-fargo-ceo-john-
76. Matt Rosoff, “United CEO Doubles Down in Email to Employees,
Says Passenger Was ‘Disruptive and Belligerent,’” CNBC, April 10, 2017,
77. Quoted in Julie Creswell and Sapna Maheshwari, “United Grapples
with PR Crisis over Videos of Man Being Dragged Off Plane,” New York
Times, April 11, 2017, www.nytimes.com/2017/04/11/business/united-
78. Creswell and Maheshwaria, “United Grapples with PR Crisis.”
79. “Honesty/Ethics in Professions,” Gallup poll, 2015,
80. “Tylenol and the Legacy of J&J’s James Burke.”
81. Alex Kirkpatrick, “A FedEx Driver Will Keep Job After Saving Flag
from Burning,” KCCI Des Moines, January 28, 2017,
82. Katie Fratie, “FedEx Releases Statement on Driver Who Saved an
American Flag from Being Burned,” Daily Caller, January 27, 2017,
83. “2014 Social CEO Report,” CEO.com, www.ceo.com/social-ceo-
84. Rohan Gunaratna, “Marriott in Flames: The Attack on the World’s
‘Most Protected’ Hotel,” Insite Blog on Terrorism and Extremism,
85. Diermeier, Reputation Rules, 72.
86. Reuters, “BP CEO Apologizes for ‘Thoughtless’ Oil Spill
Comment,” June 2, 2010, www.reuters.com/article/us-oil-spill-bp-apology-
87. Elizabeth Shogren, “BP: A Textbook Example of How Not to
Handle PR,” NPR, April 21, 2011.
88. Lisa Myers, “BP Goes on PR Offensive,” NBC Nightly News, June
3, 2010, www.nbcnews.com/video/nightly-news/37499024#58503439.
89. Ibid.
90. Elizabeth Shogren, “BP: A Textbook Example of How Not to
Handle PR.”
91. “Facing Congressional Wrath, BP Chief Apologizes for Oil
Disaster,” Fox News, June 17, 2010, www.foxnews.com/us/2010/06/17/bp-
92. Rowena Mason, “BP’s Tony Hayward Resigns After Being
‘Demonised and Vilified’ in the US,” Telegraph, July 27, 2010,
93. Report of Columbia Accident Investigation Board, Volume 1,
August, 26, 2003, http://s3.amazonaws.com/akamai.netstorage/anon.nasa-
global/CAIB/CAIB_lowres_chapter6.pdf, chapter 6, p. 122. See also Ben
Paynter, “Close Calls Are Near Disasters, Not Lucky Breaks,” Wired,
August 14, 2012.
94. James G. March, “Exploration and Exploitation in Organizational
Learning,” Organization Science 2, no. 1 (February 1991): 71–87.
95. Ibid., 85.
96. Marina Krakovsky, “Charles O’Reilly: Why Some Companies Seem
to Last Forever,” Insights by Stanford Business, Stanford Graduate School
of Business, May 31, 2013, www.gsb.stanford.edu/insights/charles-oreilly-
97. “Patients Versus Profits at Johnson & Johnson: Has the Company
Lost Its Way?,” Knowledge@Wharton, University of Pennsylvania,
February 15, 2012, http://knowledge.wharton.upenn.edu/article/patients-
98. Ibid.
99. Erika Fry, “Can Big Still Be Beautiful?,” Fortune, July 22, 2016,
100. David Voreacos, Alex Nussbaum, and Greg Farrel, “Johnson &
Johnson Reaches for a Band-Aid,” NBC News, April 3, 2011,
101. Jonathan D. Rickoff and Joann S. Lublin, “J&J CEO Weldon Is
Out,” Wall Street Journal, February 22, 2012,
102. Quoted in “Patients Versus Profits at Johnson & Johnson.”
103. Fry, “Can Big Still Be Beautiful?”
104. Rockoff and Lublin, “J&J CEO Weldon Is Out.”
105. Fry, “Can Big Still Be Beautiful?”
106. Tanya Gazdik, “Johnson & Johnson Struggles with Brand Image,”
Marketing Daily, May 26, 2016,
107. Landau and Chisholm, “The Arrogance of Optimism,” 75.
108. Ibid., 76.
109. Matt Miller, “Breaking Down the Jim Harbaugh Blueprint for
Success,” Bleacher Report, September 25, 2012,
110. Samuel Chi, “Jim Harbaugh Engineering Another Big Turnaround
at Michigan,” SFGate, September 27, 2015,
111. Taylor Price, “You Never Stay the Same,” News, San Francisco
49ers, September 14, 2011, www.49ers.com/news/article-2/You-Never-
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