Wood Stoves

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4.1 How Certified Clearances Are Determined chimney may not be reduced if a shield is installed.
Only with the use of certified components, such as a
The clearance information found on the label of a ceiling support or radiation shield, can the clearance to
certified or listed appliance is based on actual full a metal chimney ever be less than 50 mm (2”).
fire tests conducted in a laboratory. Test conditions
are very severe. The appliance is filled with small Many appliances are certified with different clearances
pieces of dry wood and fired continuously with the air for sides and rear. The difference is either because
controls fully open. On the walls, floor and ceiling of of differences in radiant surface area or the presence
the test enclosure are grids of temperature sensors, of additional shields on the back providing a passage
or thermocouples. Full firing continues until the for convection or forced air Row. When installing these
temperatures measured on the enclosure surfaces appliances diagonally in the corner of a room, check
reach equilibrium -that is, when they stop rising. The the label for corner clearances. If no corner clearance is
test enclosure surfaces, painted Rat black to produce given, use the larger of the two dimensions to establish
worst case heat absorption conditions, must not the clearance between the corner of the appliance and
exceed a temperature of 90°C or the appliance fails the wall.
the test.

The size, shape, materials and design of the appliance

affect the intensity of the radiant energy it produces.
This explains the wide variation in the clearance
dimensions found on labels.

Clearance specifications represent the minimum

allow­able distances that the appliance can be
installed from unprotected combustible material.
Without the addition of shielding to safely reduce the
minimum clearance, no compromise can be made
in the established clearance figures. If in doubt as to
the interpretation of clearance requirements, always
choose the larger clearance or check with the appliance
manufacturer, the certifying agency, or the regulatory
authority. Try to get the interpretation in writing so
that if the problem arises again, you will have a record When certification tests are done, the walls, floor
of it. and ceiling of the enclosure are instrumented
with temperature sensing thermocouples. The
Certain products have certified clearances that combustibles within the minimum installation
cannot be reduced by using shielding. For example, clearances proposed by the appliance manufacturer
the minimum 50 mm (2”) clearance to a factory built are not permitted to exceed 900 C.

This information is provided for convenience only and is not in substitution of applicable CRD Bylaws or Provincial or Federal Codes or laws.
You must satisfy yourself that any existing or proposed construction or other works complies with such Bylaws, Codes or other laws.
Revised April 15, 2020
4.2 Front Clearance
200 mm (8”)
While side and rear clearances vary considerably, front 450 mm (18”)
clearances are the same for all certified appliances, A
clear space of 1200 mm (48”) is required in front of the
load­ing door of any wood burning appliance to allow
room for tending the fire and maintaining the system.

4.3 Floor Protection

Appliance test standards have evolved considerably 200 mm

they were first developed in the 1970s. Originally, (8”) 450 mm (18”)
the labora­tory test stand assembly called for floor
temperature meas­uring sensors to be located under an
8 mm (3/8”) floor pad. As a result, certified appliances
had label instructions calling for a non-combustible FLOOR PAD DIMENSIONS
Boor pad at least 8 mm (3/a”) thick. The second If an appliance has two loading doors, the floor
edition of the space heater test standard (S627-1981) pad must extend 450 mm (18”) beyond both sides
eliminated the Boor pad in the test stand. Appliances with doors. A top loading appliance needs a floor
tested after that date were not permit­ted to overheat pad extending only 200 mm (8”) beyond each side,
the unprotected floor. although a 450 mm (18”) extension is recommended
on the side normally used for loading and servicing.
When fired at its maximum rate, an appliance must
not cause the floor temperature to exceed 90°C. Some
appli­ance labels, however, continue to call for an 8 mm
(3/s”) floor pad. It is likely that in the future, appliance 4.4 Top Clearance
labels will specify only a continuous, non-combustible
surface, but until then, you should always follow the The temperatures reached on the ceiling of the
instructions provided on the label. laboratory test enclosure are measured during
testing. Of course, the ceiling temperature must not
The floor pad extensions for certified appliances exceed 90°C. Some certifi­cation agencies publish top
are usu­ally 450 mm (18”) beyond any side having a clearances on appliance labels and others do not.
loading door and 200 mm (8”) beyond the other sides
and rear. These are the same dimensions required for Unless the appliance is robe installed in an alcove,
uncertified appli­ances. Some labels, however, call for or is mounted on a raised platform, ceilings rarely
floor pad extensions of400 mm (16”) beyond sides need shielding from radiation emitted from the
with loading doors and 150 mm (6”) beyond the other top of an appliance. If no top clearance is specified
sides and rear. on the appliance label, you can use the clearance
for uncertified appliances: 1500 mm (60”). As an
alternative, you can use the difference between the
height of the appliance and the height of the enclosure
in which the appliance .was tested. The test enclosure
specified in ULC S627 is 2.1 m (82” or 6’10”) from the
floor. If an appliance is 750 mm (30”) tall and is to be
installed in a room with a 2.46 m (8’) ceiling, it could
be installed on a raised hearth up to 350 mm (14”) in
height without violating the top clearance distance.

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You must satisfy yourself that any existing or proposed construction or other works complies with such Bylaws, Codes or other laws.
Revised April 15, 2020
5.1 General 5.2 The “Air Cooled” Radiation Shield

Wood burning space heaters can take up a lot of living Clearance reduction rules specify air space between
space. An uncertified appliance with 1200 mm (48”) a combustible surface and a radiation shield. This air
clearance to the rear and the standard front clearance space is the most important feature of the clearance
of 1200 mm (48”) can easily occupy more than half the reduction rules found in Table 3 of B365. Air space
width of a room. Most homeowners want their wood works like this: radiation emitted from the appliance
burning installation to take up as little space as possible. strikes the shield and causes its temperature to rise.
As a result, some amount of clearance reduction is used If the shield were placed against the combustible
with nearly every installation. Fortunately, the rules for surface with no air space, heat would be transferred
clearance reduction are very effective in safely reducing by conduction from the shield to the wall behind and
the space occupied by an appliance installation. no cooling benefit would result. However, spacing the
shield away from the wall allows air to flow between
Standard B365 gives percentage reductions of the wall and the shield. The shield is then air cooled
minimum clearances for various forms of protection. and the wall will be effectively protected from both
For minimum clearances of uncertified appliances, radiant and conducted heat.
see Table 2 of B365. On certified appliances, check the
information label or installation manual. Why is an air cooled radiation shield so effective? It
works because hot air rises. The radiation striking
The approach to clearance reduction is the same the shield heats it and, in turn, the shield heats the
for both certified and uncertified appliances. Some air behind. The heated air behind the shield becomes
appliance manufacturers1 however1 place limitations buoyant, begins to rise and sets up a convection flow.
on how dose to combustible material their product Air is drawn in under the shield, flows up behind it,
can be installed, regardless of the shielding provided. and is expelled from spaces at the top of the shield.
Before using shield­ing to reduce clearances for certified The hotter the shield gets, the stronger will be the
appliances, check the label and installation manual for convection flow, meaning that more air will rise behind
restrictions. the shield, increasing the cooling effect. Therefore,


The way clearances are measured and the way clearance requirements are interpreted can have a large effect
on the resulting figures.

For example, if an uncertified appliance has a shield attached to it, the measurement for its clearance to a
wall is taken from the surface of the shielding, not from the firebox wall behind the shield.

The procedure at the other end of the measuring tape is different. If a wall has a suitable shield mounted on
it, the shield is ignored and the measurement is taken from the wall itself Also, if the wall is covered with a
non-combustible material such as tile, brick or brick slices with no air space, the measurement is taken from
the combustible material behind the wall covering.

Perhaps most importantly, clearances are measured with a measuring tape. While this advice may seem
obvi­ous, it is worth remembering. Never guess about a clearance, no matter how good you think your eye is.
The clearance figures on labels are precise and leave little room for error. After all, manufacturers want their
prod­ucts to be capable of placement as close to walls as possible and will make sure that testing reveals the
minimum possible clearance. If the minimum clearance is not provided, there is a good chance that adjacent
combustibles will overheat.

This information is provided for convenience only and is not in substitution of applicable CRD Bylaws or Provincial or Federal Codes or laws.
You must satisfy yourself that any existing or proposed construction or other works complies with such Bylaws, Codes or other laws.
Revised April 15, 2020
as the appliance produces more radiant heat, an air at least 21 mm (7/8”) away from the surface to be
cooled radiation shield becomes more effective in protected. The distance that shields must be spaced
protecting the combustible surface from the heat. away from combustibles was decreased in the 1991
edition of B365 from 25 mm (1“) to 21 mm (7/8”) to
Air cooled shields placed horizontally on ceilings can allow the use of metal strapping or furring strips as
also keep combustible materials cool, although the channel stand-offs.
convection air flow is not as effective as it is with a
vertical shield. Keep in mind that heat can be conducted down the
shank of mounting screws into the studs in which they
5.3 Shield Construction are anchored. Evidence of this phenomenon has been
seen in actual installations where studs have been
Wall shields should be permanently mounted to the charred around the screw threads. For this reason,
wall using screws through non-combustible spacers Table 4 speci­fies that shield mounting hardware should
into wall studs. Use drywall anchors if support is not be placed directly behind the appliance in the
needed where there is no stud. The minimum distance area of the most intense radiation. Where the shield
between the shield and the wall is 21 mm (7/8”). Slices mounting hardware extends from the face of the shield
of metal tubing or electric fence insulators were the into combustibles behind, it must be located only at
traditional forms of shield spacers. Spacers in the form the outer edges of the shield. However, if channel
of sheet metal channels can also be used. Be sure stand-offs are used, they may be located within 200
that whatever type of spacer is used holds the shield mm (8”) from the vertical centre line of the appliance.

This information is provided for convenience only and is not in substitution of applicable CRD Bylaws or Provincial or Federal Codes or laws.
You must satisfy yourself that any existing or proposed construction or other works complies with such Bylaws, Codes or other laws.
Revised April 15, 2020
Shields must be supported at least 25 mm (I”) up from If the installation calls for the shield to extend to ceiling
the floor to provide an entry point for th,; cooling air. level, a 75 mm (3”) space must be left between the
If the shield is large or heavy, or you feel that the wall top of the shield and the ceiling to allow convection
mounting hardware is not sufficient to support it, metal air flow to exit from behind the shield. For the same
feet should be attached at the bottom of the shield for reason, air cooled shields for ceilings should be given a
additional vertical support. 75 mm (3”) edge clearance.

Wall shields are to extend 450 mm (18”) beyond each

edge of the appliance. The spaces at the edges of the
shield should be left open to allow air to flow in from
the sides unless the shield extends more than 450 mm
(18”) beyond the edges of the appliance. The top of
the shield should extend at least 500 mm (20”) above
Channel the top surface of the appliance. The air space at the
stand-off top of the shield must never be closed because the
Non-combustible cooling air flow would be blocked.
The calculation of minimum wall shield size is simple.
For example, a space heater that is 600 mm (24”)
wide needs a wall shield 1500 mm (60”) wide. If the
stove were 750 mm (30”) tall, the shield would have
to protect the wall to at least 1250 mm (50”) above
CHANNEL STAND-OFF the floor. The actual dimension of the shield would
Channel stand-offs provide better shield support and be 1225 mm (49”) because of the 25 mm (I”) space
faster installation than tube spacers. Because the needed under the shield for air flow. The 500 mm (20”)
mounting screws do not pass from the face of the extension beyond the top and 450 mm (I 8 “) beyond
shield to the combustibles behind, channel stand-offs each edge of the appliance are minimum values and
can be placed more directly behind the appliance. must not be compromised.

TABLE 3 OF CSA B365 2001

Reduction in Appliance and Ductwork from Combustile Material with Specified Forms of Protection (Forming part of Clause 7.2.4)
Clearances may be reduced by these percentages
Type of protection (shield) Sides & Rear Top
Sheet metal, a minimum of 29 gauge in thickness spaced out at least 21 mm (7/8”) by non-combustbile 67 50
Ceramic tiles, or equivalent non-combustible material on non-combustible supports spaced out at least 21 50 33
mm (7/8”) by non-combustible spacers
Ceramic tiles, or equivalent non-combustible material on non-combustible supports with a minimum of 29 67 50
guage sheet metal backing spaced out at least 21 mm (7/8”) by non-combustible spacers
Brick spaced out at least 21 mm (7/8”) by non-combustible spacers 50 N/A
Brick with a minimum of 29 guage sheet metal backing spaced out at least 21 mm (7/8”) by non-combustible 67 N/A
1) Minimum space between shield and combustivble: 21 mm (7/8”) 8) Adhesives used in shield construction must not ignite or lose
2) Minimum clearance along the bottom of shield: 25 mm (1”) adhesive qualities at temperatures likely to be encountered
3) Maximum clearance along the bottom of shield: 75 mm (3”) 9) Mounting hardware must allow full vertical ventilation
4) Minimum clearance along the top of shield at ceiling: 75 mm (3”) 10) Mounting hardware must not be located closer than 200 mm (8”)
5) Shield extension beyond each side of appliance: 450 mm (18”) from the vertical centre line of the appliance
6) Shield extension above appliance: 500 mm (20”) 11) Mounting harware that extends from the shield surface into
7) Edge clearance for ceiling shields: 75 mm (3”) combustibles may be used only at the lateral extremities of the
This information is provided for convenience only and is not in substitution of applicable CRD Bylaws or Provincial or Federal Codes or laws.
You must satisfy yourself that any existing or proposed construction or other works complies with such Bylaws, Codes or other laws.
Revised April 15, 2020
5.4 Shielding Materials

A variety of materials may be used in the construction

of air cooled radiation shields. Sheet metal with a
minimum thickness of 29 gauge is the most basic and
inexpensive shielding material. Note that 29 gauge
sheet metal is extremely thin. Unless such thin material
is well supported or is used only for small shields, it
could buckle and sag. A steel thickness of at least 28
gauge is recommended for shields exceeding 600 mm
(24”) in any dimension. Colour coated steel sheets can
be used to produce attractive yet inexpensive shields.

Edge view
Excess mortar should
be removed from
behind bricks


Brick ties spaced on 400 mm (16”) centres are
needed to support brick shields. They should be
anchored firmly into frame studs. The top course
of brick can be set on its narrow edge to give the
minimum 75 mm (3”) edge clearances. This type
of shield provides a 50% reduction of clearance.

Sheet metal shields may distort because of uneven

heat­ing. Distortion could cause the shield to buckle
toward the wall and eliminate the all-important air
space. If you install a shield behind a large appliance
and avoid locat­ing mounting hardware in the path
USING PREFABRICATED METAL SHIELD PANELS of the most intense heat, part of the shield may be
By using channel stand-offs with prefabricated unsupported. One way to prevent buckling is to use
shield panels, you can assemble shields on site shielding materials with sufficient rigidity. However,
quickly. The panels are small enough to be stored when relatively thin sheet metal is used, it should be
easily in the service vehicle and can be assembled formed in several relatively narrow panels with folded
to form a shield of the desired width. Precoated edges to provide greater stiffness. Shallow cross brakes
roof flashing materials are available in a range can also help resist buckling in thin shields. Finally,
of colours. drill slightly oversized mounting screw holes in metal
shields so that the slight expansion of a shield does not
cause binding and stress at mounting points.
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You must satisfy yourself that any existing or proposed construction or other works complies with such Bylaws, Codes or other laws.
Revised April 15, 2020
For those customers who don’t find sheet metal A more practical alternative to a solid brick shield is
pleasing to the eye, other more attractive materials to use a commercial cement board {or equivalent) on
can be used. If the floor is supported properly, a solid which brick slices or tile can be mounted. The original
brick wall can be built behind the appliance to act as a cement board contained large amounts of asbestos,
radiation shield. It must, however, stand away from the which can be a health hazard if its fibres are released
wall at least 21 mm (7/8”) because without the cooling into the air. Products similar to cement board are
air flow, brick does not make an effective radiation available that use safer reinforcing fibres. Make sure
shield. the board you select is either approved for the purpose
or you are sure it contains no combustible material.
It is usually easier to build a solid brick shield farther
from the wall than 21 mm (7/8”). The bottom course The glue used to mount brick slices or tile should,
of bricks can be oriented 90° to the wall with one end according to B365, “not loose adhesive qualities
against the wall. This base course is spaced so that it at temperatures likely to be encountered and not
supports the joints in the second course and spaces are contribute a significant combustible load.” Suitable
left for the entry of convection air flow. The succeeding glues may be specified by the supplier of the brick or
courses are laid at the front edge of the bottom course, tile. Glue manufacturer’s instructions should indicate
leaving about 50 mm (2”) of air space behind. This extra its characteristics and proper use. If you find a glue
space makes construction of the wall much easier. with the adhesive qualities you like but are unsure
of its combustibility, test it yourself. Spread some on
sheet metal and let it dry, then heat it with a propane
torch. If it begins to flame, don’t use it, but if it just
darkens and dries out, it is probably fine for shielding

In terms of the percentage reduction of clearance, not

all air cooled radiation shields are created equal. Sheet
metal is the most effective shielding material because
of its ability to conduct heat across its surface. By
dissipating heat quickly from hot spots directly behind
the appliance, a sheet metal shield can safely handle
more intense radiation. It also gives up its heat readily
to the air flowing behind it.

While a sheet metal shield provides a reduction of 2/3

or 67% from the original clearance, a solid brick wall or
tile mounted on non-combustible board provides only
a 50% reduction. Brick and tile shields can get hot at
the point of the most intense radiation, and the heat
CONSTRUCTION OF A BRICK SHIELD does not spread as quickly as it does in sheet metal.
WITH SHEET METAL BACKING However, if a brick wall or tile/board composite shield
Steel backing for a brick shield should rest on the is backed with sheet metal, the maximum clearance
bottom course of bricks to ensure airflow behind reduction of 67% is permissible.
the shield. If spacer channels rest on the floor or
on the bottom course of bricks, be sure to ventilate Any air cooled radiation shield affords less protection
them at the bottom so that air can flow through the when mounted on a ceiling than it would on a wall
channel. This type fo shield construction provides a because convection air flow behind horizontal shields
67% reduction of clearance. is far less effective. Sheet metal shields spaced out 21
mm (7/8”) from ceilings give a 50% clearance reduction.
This information is provided for convenience only and is not in substitution of applicable CRD Bylaws or Provincial or Federal Codes or laws.
You must satisfy yourself that any existing or proposed construction or other works complies with such Bylaws, Codes or other laws.
Revised April 15, 2020
5.5 Commercial Shields The following formula is used to calculate the length of
the wall shields for a corner isntallation:
Commercial shielding systems are available that have
been tested and labeled. These shields are performance SL = (W + D) X.707 + 450 mm (18”) + RC
tested, and may give more protection than site built
shields. Some shields are certified for clearance Where
reductions of up to 75%. Others may be mounted SL = shield length
directly on a combustible surface with no air space. (W + D) = width plus depth of appliance
For these commercial shielding systems to perform as 0.707 = a constant factor
intended and meet code requirements, the installer 450 mm (18”) = required shild extension
must follow manufacturer’s instructions exactly. Note RC = reduced clearance
that the shield extensions of 500 mm (20”) above and The reduced clearance is the appliance corner
450 mm (18”) beyond each edge required in B365 for clearance less the percentage clearance reduction
site built shields may not necessarily apply to certified factor from Table 4 of B365 or the shield manufacturer’s
commercial shields. The test standard for commercial instructions for the particular shield materials used.
shielding systems is ULCS632.
The formula below is used to calculate the distance
5.6 Locating and Costing a Corner Installation from the corner of the room to the front of the
Many homeowners like the look of a space heater
placed diagonally in the corner of a room. A corner F= RC x 1.414 + W/2 + D
installation provides several decor options and gives
homeowners more freedom in room layout. A large Where
proportion of corner installations call for wall shields F = distance from corner to front of appliance
because, if stand­ard appliance clearances are used, RC = reduced clearance
too much floor area is taken up. 1.414 = a constant factor
W/2 = one half of stove width
The calculation of shield size usually requires that you D = stove depth
produce an accurate scale drawing, but this can be
time consuming. Here is a quick way to calculate shield These formulas should help you to design and estimate
size and the distance from the corner of the room that costs on corner installations for your customers without
the front of the appliance will sit. The latter figure will spending the time to prepare a scale drawing.
help you to calculate floor pad size.

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You must satisfy yourself that any existing or proposed construction or other works complies with such Bylaws, Codes or other laws.
Revised April 15, 2020
Space Wall

Sheet Metal
Air Combustible
Space Wall

Sheet metal shields or those backed with sheet metal give greater
reduction in clearance because of their ability to conduct heat rapidly
Brick across their surface, reducing the intensity of hot spots.

Air Combustible

Brick Space Wall

Brick shields without steel backing (above) give only a 50% reduction
in clearance.
Sheet Metal

Air Ceramic tile

Space Wall

Sheet metal shields with 21 mm (7/8”) air space behind five a 67%
reduction in the minimum clearance. Brick or tile shields backed with
sheet metal also give a 67% reduction in clearance

Ceramic tile Air Combustible

covered non- Space Wall
board 50% Sheet Metal
Shields constructed of tile on non-combustable board (above) also
give a 50% clearance reduction.


This information is provided for convenience only and is not in substitution of applicable CRD Bylaws or Provincial or Federal Codes or laws.
You must satisfy yourself that any existing or proposed construction or other works complies with such Bylaws, Codes or other laws.
Revised April 15, 2020
6.5 Example Three I. What is the minimum reduced clearance
between the rear corners of the stove and the
A space heater is to be placed diagonally in the corner walls?
of a room. It is 31 1/2” high, 29 1/2” wide and its depth 2. What are the dimensions of the wall shields,
is 19 1/2”. The label indicates a side clearance of 19 assuming that this certified shield requires the
1/2” and a back clearance of 15 3/4”. The 6” flue collar same extensions as B365 Table 3?
is on the top of the stove, 2” from the rear edge. The 3. What is the distance between the corner of the
appliance is to be vented into the base of a factory room and the front of the stove?
built metal chimney that terminates directly above the 4. How far will the wall shields extend beyond the
flue collar. The certified wall shielding system provides front corners of the stove?
a clearance reduction of 75%. 5. Give the depth and width of the floor pad.
6. Is flue pipe shielding needed? If so, describe the
options and suggest the most practical solution.
7. Prepare a scale drawing of the top view of the
installation to confirm your calculation

6.6 Example Three Answers

I. 5”
2. Length: 58”, height: 50 1/2” (or 48 1/2”
depending on the air space provided at the
bottom of the shield)
3. 41 1/2”
4. 18”
5. Depth: 45 1/2”, width: 45 1/2”
6. Yes. The flue pipe would be about 16” from the

wall. A curved flue pipe shield could be used

but it would need to wrap around most of the

circumference of the pipe. Such a shield might
interfere with normal maintenance. A wall shield
its appearance may not appeal to the customer.
The most practical solution would be to use a
certified double wall telescopic flue pipe section to
connect the flue pipe and the chimney support.

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You must satisfy yourself that any existing or proposed construction or other works complies with such Bylaws, Codes or other laws.
Revised April 15, 2020

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