Staffing Scheduling and Patient
Staffing Scheduling and Patient
Staffing Scheduling and Patient
Ruby A. Paderes RN.,MN
• Is the process of determining and
providing the acceptable number and mix
of nursing personnel to produce a desired
level of care to meet the patient’s demand.
• Purpose: to provide each nursing unit
with an appropriate and acceptable
number of workers in each category to
perform the nursing tasks required.
What are the factors affecting
• 1. The type, philosophy and objectives of
the hospital and the nursing service
• 2. the population served or the kind of
patients served whether pay or charity
• 3. the number of patients and severity of
their illness-knowledge and ability of
nursing personnel are matched with the
actual care needs of patients
• 4. Availability and characteristics of the
nursing staff, including education, level of
preparation, mix of personnel,
number and position:
• 5. administrative policies such as rotation,
weekends and holiday off-duties
• 6. standards of care desired which
should be available and clearly spelled
Patient Care Classification System
Primary Hospital 70 25 5 -
Secondary Hospital 65 30 5 -
Tertiary Hospital 30 45 15 10
Special 10 25 45 20
Distribution by Shifts