GR 11 Biology Mock Test Paper (2024-25)

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Class:11th Max.Marks:70
Subject:Biology Time:3.0hrs
 SectionAconsistsofQ1toQ16.Each question carries 1mark.
 SectionBconsistsofQ17toQ21. Each question carries 2 marks.
 SectionCconsistsofQ22toQ28.Each question carries 3marks.
 SectionDconsistsofQ29&30(CASEBASED)of4markseach..
 SectionEconsistsofQ31toQ33(Longtype)of5markseach.All questions are compulsory.

Q1.Asexual reproduction is lacking in:
a) Sponges b) cnidarians c) ctenophores d)none of these
Q2. Flame cells are present in:
a) Sponges b) cnidarians c) ctenophores d)platyhelminthes
Q3. Pneumatophores are present in :
a) trapa b) Rhizophora c) Pea plant d)none of these
Q4. Radicle is covered by in Monocots :
a) coleoptile b) coleorhiza c) scutellum d)all of these
Q5. Exarch xylem is a feature of :
a) dicot root b) monocot root c) dicot stem d)both a and b
Q6.If Cambium is present between Xylem and phloem,such vascular bundles are known as:
a) open b) closed c)can be open or closed d) any of these
Q7.Life cycle of gymnosperms is:
a) diplontic b) haplontic c) haplodiplontic d) diplohaplontic
Q8. Heart of Frog has chambers :
b) two b) three c)four d)five
Q9. A link between nonchordates and chordates is :
a) Tadpole larvae b) Balanoglossus c) Sphenodon d)Crocodile
Q10. Carrageenin is obtained from:
a) Chondrus b) Gelidium c) Sargassum d)Fucus
Q11. Naked seeds of gymnosperms meant for the absence of which of the following?
a) Seed coat b) integument c) embryo d)none
Q12. Respiratory organ in frog is:
a) Skin b) lungs c) buccal cavity d)All of these

Forquestion number13to16,two statements are given-oneAssertion(A)and the other Reason(R).

Select the correct answers to these questions from the codes (a), (b), (c), (d) as given below:
b) Both AandRare true and Ris the correct explanation ofAssertion.
c) BothAandR are true and Ris not the correct explanation ofAssertion
d) Ais true but R is false.
e) A is false but R is true.
Q13.Assertion:Cnidoblasts are present in coelenterates.
Reason:Cnidoblasts function like stem cells and can form any other cell types,when necessary.

Q14.Assertion:Hemichordata was previously included as a sub-phylum in the phylum chordata.

Reason:Hemichordates lack a true notochord.

Q15.Assertion:The leaflet of a compound leaf is not a true leaf.

Reason:There is no bud in the axil of leaflet.

Q16.Assertion:The narrow band of meristematic tissue present between phloem and xylem is called cambium.
Reason:In dicot stem,a part of the procambium remain meristematic which is called cambium.

Q17.What are Pedicellariae?
Q18.Draw a well labeled diagram of monocot leaf.
Q19. What is Bidder’s canal?
Q20.Why is the presence of water must for fertilization in bryophytes?
Q21. On the basis of following features, write the floral formula :Bracteate, Bi-sexual flower with
actinomorphic symmetry, tepals 6 arranged in two whorls of 3 each,stamens6 arranged in two
whorls of 3 each,tricarpellary syncarpous condition with superior ovary.

Q22.a)What are rhizoids and what is their function?
b) What are“strobili”in gymnosperms?
Q23.Explain the types of aestivation with the help of diagrams.
Q24. Differentiate between monocot and dicot stem .
Q25.Draw a well labelled diagram of female reproductive system of frog.
Q26 Name the algae which is used for obtaining agar. Write different uses of agar.
Q27a)Why do birds feed more often than lizards?
b)How do sponges reproduce asexually?
Q28.Differentiate between osteichthyes and chondrichthyes.

Q29. The leaf is lateral, flattened structure borne on the stem. It has three main parts-leaf base, petiole
and lamina.Lamina is the green expanded part with veins and veinlets.A leaf can be simple when
its lamina is entire or when incised, incisionsdo not touch the mid rib.When incisions reach upto
the mid rib, breaking the leaf into leaflets, such leaf is called compound leaf.

A) What is venation?
B) What is unicostate reticulate venation?
C) What is a pinnately compound leaf?
D) The pattern of arrangement of leaves on the stem is called----------.
Q30. Plants can be dicot or monocot depending upon the number of cotyledons present in the seed.The
anatomy of the dicot and the monocot plants is different in terms of the structure of root , stem
and leaves.

A) The innermost layer of cortex in the dicot root is called-----------.

B) The parenchymatous cells which lie between the xylem and phloem in dicot root form-------tissue.
C) The tissue between upper and lower epidermis of dicot leaf is called-----------.
D) Bulliform cells are present in-----------leaf.


Q31.Write the general features of phylum mollusca.

Q32 Differentiate between bryophytes& pteridophytes.

Q33.a)Draw a well labeled diagram to show various regions of root tip.

b)What are pneumatophores?

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