Shekhar Pandav Evolution of Hair Oil Report

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© 2024 IJNRD | Volume 9, Issue 6 June 2024| ISSN: 2456-4184 | IJNRD.


Formulation And Evaluation of Herbal Hair Oil

Shekhar Pandav, 2Virendra Gaikwad, 3Gajanan Dhangare, 4 Pooja Jauk, 5Sonali Ugale,
Vikas Raut, 7Dr. Gajanan Sanap
Guide, 2Student, 3Student, 4Student,5Student,
Student, 7Principal

Department Of Pharmacy

Late Bhagirathi Yashwantrao Pathrikar college of Pharmacy, Pathri


Herbal formulations always have lesser or no side-effects comparatively with synthetic. The aim of present study involves
preparation of herbal hair oil Using the herbal ingredients like., Alma, Hibiscus, Bhringraj, Jatamansi, Raw garlic, Muskmelon Seeds,
Moringa, Curry leaves, Guava leaves, Papaya leaves, Methi, Mimosa Pudica and Springonion. Based on the above observations,
mixture of crude drugs was prepared in the form of herbal hair oil by boiling method. We have used five formulas using different
herbal drugs and all the formulation are showing anti-hairfall property with some of other beneficial activities like anti-dandruff
activity, improves blood circulation to the scalp and roots, reduce hair pigmentation, anti-fungal activity, reducing the whitening of
the hair.

The formulated herbal oil was evaluated by using Various parameters such as Organoleptic properties, Specific gravity,
stability, viscosity, Acid value, pH etc. and the value obtained from it are found to be Similar to that of the standard values like there
is no Sedimentation, no grittiness and shows satisfying Organoleptic properties and the results were Determined and are reported in
this work.

Keywords: Hair oil, coconut oil, curry leaves, amla, hibiscus leaves and flowers, Fenugreek seeds.


An essential part of human life is hair (1). Hair care products are those formulations which are used for cleansing, modifying the
texture of hair, changing of the colour, giving life to the Stressed hair, providing nourishment to the hair and giving the healthy
appearance to the hair. Hair oils are the hair care formulations applied for treatment of hair disorders such as baldness, aggression of
hair, discolouring of hair, hair falling and Dryness of hair. The canonical text on Ayurvedic medicine, the Charaka Samhitha,
emphasizes the need of oiling the scalp and hair in order to preserve healthy hair and stop hair loss. It was advised to oil your hair
every day with suitable herbs that suited other ingredients, and this practice has persisted to this day (2).

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Fig 1: Various Herbal Ingredient

The herbal hair oil formulation has significant quality and it provides various essential nutrients Used to maintain the normal functions
of the sebaceous glands and promote the hair growth naturally. The traditional method in India involves making hair oils and mixing
them with different medications that encourage hair growth. Given that Indian women are renowned for having long, lustrous, and
healthy hair, it is not unexpected that self-care rituals heavily emphasize hair maintenance.

Herbal hair oil not only moisturizes the scalp but also addresses dry scalp and hair conditions. It supplies essential nutrients necessary
for the normal functioning of sebaceous glands and supports healthy hair growth. The plant extracts used in the oil are rich in
flavonoids, polyphenols, saponins, tannins, vitamins, proteins, minerals, ricinolein acid, and other beneficial compounds. These
ingredients promote hair growth and provide numerous benefits for hair health (9).

Herbal hair oil strengthens hair and improves its texture. It delivers ample moisture to the scalp, helping to eliminate dandruff. Regular
use increases blood circulation in the scalp, which aids in repairing damaged hair. It also minimizes hygral fatigue, the swelling and
drying of hair. Furthermore, the oil protects hair follicles from surfactants by filling the gaps between cuticle cells, enhancing scalp
health. Massaging the scalp with the oil promotes exfoliation, which can reduce hair fall (10).

Different kinds of oils, such as castor, almond, coconut, and onion oils, are mixed with appropriate herbal medications and applied
topically to the scalp. Because it absorbs into hair strands more effectively than other oils and is more cost-effective than other oils,
coconut oil is the most deserving oil base of them all. For the finest hair development, coconut oil mixed to herbal medications is the
recommended method (3).

There are different types of evaluation test for hair oils such as (15):

 Acid value test

 Saponification test
 Viscosity
 Specific gravity
 Ph etc.


Hair is one of the characteristics features of mammals and has various function such as protection against external factors i.e. heat,
cold, etc. Hair is one of the important parts of body considered to be protective appendages on the body and Accessory structure of
the integument along with Sebaceous gland and sweat gland.

1.1. Structure of hair:

 Hair consists of two parts:

Hair Follicle (5,6,7):

The Follicle is a structure in the skin that resembles a club. There can be a network of blood vessels at the top of the follicle that
supply nutrients to nourish and promote hair growth. We refer to this as the papilla. Every follicle is the result of a communication
between the dermis and epidermis. The folicle is segmented into three parts:
1. Infundibulum: extends from the follicle's surface opening to the sebaceous gland entrance level.
2. Isthmus: Extends from the infundibulum to the level of insertion of the arrector pilli muscle.

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3. Inferior segment: The base of bulb is invaginated by a tuff of vascularized loose connective tissue called dermal papilla.
The papilla of the hair contains many blood vessels and provides nourishment for hair growth

Hair Shaft (5,6,8):

The hair shaft is divided into three layers:

1. Medulla: The medulla is the centre section of hair. It will either be continuous or doubled, or it will be divided or segmented.
They are often packed with cells or resemble a hollow tube. The medulla is absent from the majority of hairs, but it might be
broken or discontinuous in others. It creates the hair shaft's midsection. Particularly fine hairs typically lack this layer.

2. Cortex: The greatest portion of the hair shaft, or melanin (hair pigment), is what gives hair its colour.

3. Cuticle: The hair shaft's transparent outer coat may be called the cuticle. It is constructed from overlapping scales that shield
the hair's inner layers. The hair's proximal end, which is closest to the scalp, and distal end are where the scales point.

Fig 2: Structure of Hair

1. The basic part of hair is bulb, root and shaft.

2. Hair fall, dandruff, lice, Split end, grey hair are some of the well known problems related to hair.
3. A piece of hair looks simple but it is one of the most complicated structures in body. Hair is made up of two structures:-

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1.2. Hair types

Hair type is primarily based on the curl pattern of the hair, which is determined by the hair follicle. Genetics play a key role in
determining hair type. Andre Walker, who has been Oprah Winfrey's stylist for decades, is credited with creating a system that
classifies hair into one of four curl patterns.

 Type 1: Straight
 Type 2: Wavy
 Type 3: Curly
 Type 4: Coily


Hair growth cycle consists of 3 stages: -

1. Anagen stage (Growth)

2. Catagen stage (Transition)
3. telogen stage (Rest)

Fig 3: Hair growth cycle

1. Anagen phase: -

The anagen phase is the growth phase of the hair. The Anagen phase will last from Between 2-6 years. A new hair pushes the new hair
that stopped growing up and out of the follicle.

2. Catagen phase: -

The catagen phase is a transitional stage and 3% of all hairs are in this phase at any given time. This phase lasts for 2-3 weeks.

3. Telogen phase: -

The telogen phase is the resting phase which lasts for about 2-3 months. During the telogen phase, the hair follicle is at rest and the
Club hair is completely formed.


Hair care products include hair oil. Hair care products are characterized as compositions intended to cleanse, alter the texture of hair,
nourish the hair, and preserve the appearance of healthy hair (11). Hair oils are hair care products that are used to the hair to address
conditions like baldness, graying hair, hair loss, and dry hair. They also aid in nourishing the hair (12). Due to the growing interest in
herbal cosmetics among people, as well as the fact that their ingredients are readily available and their effectiveness is greater than
that of their synthetic counterparts, herbal cosmetics are in high demand (13). A crucial component of herbal cosmetics is herbal hair
oil. Herbal hair oil is increasingly widely utilized and preferred for many hair conditions (14). The use of hair oil is growing daily in
tandem with people's rising standards of living. Herbal essences and scents are added to hair oil to give it natural flavors and colors.

Different types of herbal hair oil available in market

i. Amla hair oil

ii. Coconut hair oil
iii. Bhringraj hair oil
iv. Jasmine hair oil

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© 2024 IJNRD | Volume 9, Issue 6 June 2024| ISSN: 2456-4184 | IJNRD.ORG

v. Brahmi hair oil

vi. Cantharidine hair oil
vii. Onion hair oil

Fig 4: Hair oil

3. Hair oil Benefit:

Their benefits are as follow:

 It provides natural goodness to hair. Herbal oil contains vitamins and micro nutrients which acts as a food for hair.
 Hair oil helps in preventing hair loss and fames frizzy hair. Hair ends needs special care and herbal oil pampers them
throughout their nourishment.
 Regular use of hair oil of hair oils cure problem of premature grey hair.
 Keeps the scalp hydrated.
 Improves hair growth.
 Prevents dandruff.
 Offers shine glow.
 Stress relief.

Common hair diseases:

1. Natural diseases of hair growth

2. Acquired diseases of hair growth
3. Dandruff
4. Split Ends.
5. Frizzy Hair
6. Short Crown


Hair oiling has its origin in Ayurveda, one of the prominent schools of medicine that offers holistic solutions. It originated more
than 5,000 years ago and continues to benefit the mind, body, and soul. When you massage oil into your hair, you do not just strengthen
your tresses, but also indulge in self-care Hair oiling has been a part of hair care routines in several cultures. Dating back all the way
to Ancient India, the centuries-old Indian science of Ayurveda involves hair oiling as one of its wellness methods.

Aim & Objective


Formulation and Evaluation of herbal hair oil is to develop a natural product that promotes hair health, including growth, strength,
and shine, while minimizing side effects commonly associated with synthetic hair care products.

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© 2024 IJNRD | Volume 9, Issue 6 June 2024| ISSN: 2456-4184 | IJNRD.ORG

Objectives of the present study are as follows:

Herbal hair oil is one of the most well recognized hair treatments. Herbal hair oil not only moisturizes scalp but also reverses dry scalp
and dry hair condition. It provides numerous essential nutrients required to maintain normal function of sebaceous glands and
promotes natural hair growth.

 Natural goodness of hair

 Relaxing massage for healthy scalp
 Fights against hair fall
 Control frizzy hair
 To promote the hair growth and smoothness of the hair.
 To supplement the hair with vital nutrients such as vitamins, and minerals.
 To prevent the dandruff, spit ends, and dull hair.
 To provide an alternative source from hazardous chemicals.
 Enhance hair growth by stimulating hair follicles and improving blood circulation to the scalp.
 Reduce hair fall by strengthening hair roots and minimizing damage from environmental factors and styling.
 Provide essential nutrients to the hair and scalp, improving hair texture, shine, and manageability.
 Provide essential nutrients to the hair and scalp, improving hair texture, shine, and manageability.
 Increase hair strength and resilience, reducing breakage and split ends
 Hydrate the scalp and hair, preventing dryness and promoting a healthy moisture balance.
 Offer a natural alternative to synthetic hair care products, reducing the risk of allergic reactions and other side effects.
 Improve hair density and volume, making hair appear fuller and healthier.
 Shield hair from damage caused by pollution, UV rays, and other environmental stressors.

Plan of work:

The plan of work is having following points,

1. Sampling

2. Data collection

3. Tools of analysis

Material & Methods


Coconut oil, Curry Leaves, Amla fruit, Fenugreek seed, Hibiscus flowers, Hibiscus leaves and Nagarmotha roots are used.

Raw material characterization


Family- Aceraceae.

Scientific name- Cocos nucifera L.

Other names: Fossil oil.


Lubricating oil

Parts used- kernel oil.

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© 2024 IJNRD | Volume 9, Issue 6 June 2024| ISSN: 2456-4184 | IJNRD.ORG

Geographical location: Southern India.

Active constituents- Fatty acid, capric Acid, lauric acid.

Uses- Used as vehicle, promotes hair growth and Moistures the hair follicles.

Fig 5: Coconut oil

Coconut oil is derived from milk of the coconut palm fruit. Coconut oil is used as A meals oil, and is used in industrial applications
for cosmetics and detergent production. Coconut oil nourishes the scalp and proffer shine to the hairs.


Family- Rutaceae.

Scientific name- Murraya koenigii.

Other names: karivepallai, karivembu, karivepaku, kadipatta

Parts used- Leaves.

Geographical location: Subtropical and tropical region through the Asia.

Active constituents-Bismahanine,



Fig 6: Curry leaves

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© 2024 IJNRD | Volume 9, Issue 6 June 2024| ISSN: 2456-4184 | IJNRD.ORG


 Promotes hair growth and strengths hair roots.

 Help moisturize the scalp and remove the dead hair follicles.

 Preventing hair loss and thinning of hair.


Family- Fabaceae

Scientific name- Trigonella foenum-graecum.

Parts used- Seeds.

Geographical location: Maharashtra.

Active constituents- Trimethylamine, Trigonelline, Quercetin.

Other names: Herbaceous plant.

Fenugreek seed.


Uses- Reduce dandruff,

promotes hair growth and shows anti-fungal activity.

Fig 7: Fenugreek Seeds

Fenugreek seeds (Methi curb) stop hair fall and strengthens your hair from root to tip. Fenugreek seeds also have high protein and
nicotinic acid content, which are known to be beneficial against hair fall and dandruff.

Fenugreek dried seed are known for their valuable antibacterial, Anticancer and anti-inflammatory properties. These seed are also
known to work as anti-oxidants having reviving properties

4. AMLA:


Biological name: Phyllanthus Emblica

Parts used: Fruit powder

Other names: Indian gooseberry, Bhumi amla, Bhumyamalki,

IJNRD2406480 International Journal Of Novel Research And Development ( e882

© 2024 IJNRD | Volume 9, Issue 6 June 2024| ISSN: 2456-4184 | IJNRD.ORG

Active constituents- Vitamin C, Tannins, Phenols


 Reduce premature pigment loss from hair, or greying.

 Stimulate hair growth.
 Reduce hair loss.

Fig 8: Amla Fruit powder

Phyllanthus emblica is an important medicinal plant in Indian traditional system of medicine. The tree is of 1-8 meter in height. The
leaves are simple and intently set alongside branchlets. The flowers are of greenish yellow colour. The Fruit is nearly round in shape
and having hard appearance.

One amla contains up to 80 percent moisture making it a great natural skin conditioner.


Family: Malvaceae

Botanical name: Hisbiscus rosa-sinensis

Other names: Hibiscus arnottii Griff.

Hibiscus boryanus DC.

Hibiscus cooperi auct.

Active constituents- flavonoids, tannins

Parts used: Whole flower & leaves


 Hibiscus flowers are used to clout

 Premature greying of hairs.
 prevent hair loss and spilt ends.

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© 2024 IJNRD | Volume 9, Issue 6 June 2024| ISSN: 2456-4184 | IJNRD.ORG

Fig 9: Hibiscus Flower & Leaves

The leaves are alternate, ovate to lanceolate, frequently with a toothed or lobed Margin. The flowers are large conspicuous, trumptet-
shaped with five or more Petals. This plant is extensively cultivated as an ornamental plant in tropical and Subtropical region. This
plant is commonly found throughout the tropics and Is found as a house plant throughout the world.


Family: Cyperaceae

Botanical name: Cyperus rotundus

Other names: Cyperus rotundus,

Nut grass

Active constituents- Alkaloids

Parts used: dried roots


 Controls hair fall associated with dandruff

 Helps to control the symptoms of skin disease
 Reduces hair greying

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© 2024 IJNRD | Volume 9, Issue 6 June 2024| ISSN: 2456-4184 | IJNRD.ORG

Fig 10: Nagarmotha Root

A perennial herb with long tough rootstock emerging in the rainy season in many parts of the world including India. Rhizome of the
plant is used for its medicinal properties.


Sr. No Ingredient Quantity Taken

1 Coconut oil 100 ml

2 Curry leaves 8 unit

3 Fenugreek seeds 2 gm

4 Amla fruit 2 gm

5 Hibiscus flower 3-4 unit

6 Hibiscus leaves 3-4 unit

7 Nagarmotha root 4-5 unit

Table No 1: Material (ingredients) used in preparation of

herbal hair oil.

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© 2024 IJNRD | Volume 9, Issue 6 June 2024| ISSN: 2456-4184 | IJNRD.ORG

Fig 11: Herbal oil Formulation


Methods of Preparation

1) Various ingredients such as coconut oil, curry leaves, amla fruit, fenugreek seeds, hibiscus flowers, hibiscus leaves, and nagarmotha

roots are used in the formulation of herbal hair oil.

2) Firstly, coarsely grind the fenugreek seeds and gooseberry (amla).

3) Take a glass vessel and transfer the powder into it.

4) After that, add 100 ml of coconut oil into it. Also, add the curry leaves and hibiscus flowers.

5) Now, add the hibiscus leaves to the oil.

6) Switch on the stove and let it boil. In between, mix it well and allow it to boil on a low flame.

7) Boiling takes 10 to 15 minutes. Boil until it gets a brownish color.

8) Now, switch off the stove and allow it to cool down.

9) After that, filter it twice with the help of a clean cotton cloth.

10) To extract the oil completely, use a cotton cloth and transfer the mixture into it, then squeeze it.

11) After extracting, transfer it into a container bottle and store it. Herbal oil is ready for use.

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© 2024 IJNRD | Volume 9, Issue 6 June 2024| ISSN: 2456-4184 | IJNRD.ORG

Experimental Work

Evaluation Of Herbal Hair Oil:

The prepared oils were then subjected to physical and biological evaluation.

Physical evaluation:

In physical evaluation, parameters like specific gravity, pH, acid value, Saponification value are conducted.

Specific gravity:

Initially empty specific gravity bottle was weighed. Then the same specific gravity bottle was filled with water and again weighed.
Later specific gravity bottle was replaced with hair tonic and weighed again. Weights are noted and thus specific gravity of hair oil
was calculated.

• Weight of empty specific gravity bottle = w1gms.

• Weight of specific gravity bottle with water = w2gms.

• Weight of specific gravity bottle with hair oil = W3gms.

• Specific gravity bottle of water = 0.9961 g/cm3.

• Specific gravity of hair oil was calculated as ρ= W3-w1/w2-W1xρ

Fig 12: Specific Gravity


The pH was determined by using digital PH meter. 20ml of herbal hair oil was taken in a beaker and The bulb of PH meter was dipped
in hair oil. The obtained pH values are noted down.

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© 2024 IJNRD | Volume 9, Issue 6 June 2024| ISSN: 2456-4184 | IJNRD.ORG

Fig 13: pH

Parameters Observation

1 Color Brown
2 Odour Characteristics
3 Texture Smooth
4 pH 6.01
5 Specific gravity 0.88 g/cm3
6 Smoothness Smooth
Table no 2: Physical Evaluation

Chemical Evaluation:

Acid value:

One gram of substance was dissolved accurately in 5ml of mixture of equal volume of ethanol and ether previously neutralized with
0.1M KOH. If the sample was not dissolved properly then reflux condenser was connected and the sample was warmed slowly with
frequent stirring until the sample was dissolved. Then1ml of Phenolphthalein solution was added and titrated with 0.1M KOH until
the solution remained as faintly pink after shaking for 30 minutes. Acid Value was calculated from the following equation.

Acid value = 5.61 x n/w

N= No. of ml of 0.1M KOH W= Weight of substance

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© 2024 IJNRD | Volume 9, Issue 6 June 2024| ISSN: 2456-4184 | IJNRD.ORG

Fig 12: Acid value

Saponification value:

2ml of herbal hair oil was weighed and transferred into a 25ml of conical flask. To this 25ml alcoholic KOH solution was added. It
was heated on a water bath for 30 minutes by frequently mixing the content of the flask phenolphthalein was added to cooled liquid
and titrated against 0.5M HCL. Balnk solution was performed and Saponification values were calculated. Saponification value = (b-
a) x 28.05/weight of substance

b=blank value

a= assay value

Saponification values were determined and the Formulations were subjected to biological evaluation.

Fig 13: Saponification value

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© 2024 IJNRD | Volume 9, Issue 6 June 2024| ISSN: 2456-4184 | IJNRD.ORG

Sr. No Parameters Observation

1 Acid value 0.68

2 Saponification value 28.05

3 Viscosity 1.07

Table 3: Chemical Evaluation

Biological evaluation:

Primary skin irritation test:

The prepared formulations were assessed for primary skin irritation test. Healthy human volunteers were selected for the study. The
hair of each volunteer of 1cm2 was shaved which could accommodate three test sites. It was cleaned with surgical sprit. The quantities
of formulations were applied over the respective test sites were observed for erythema and Edema for 48hrs after application.

Sr. No Parameter Observation

1 Irritation test Non irritant

2 Sensitivity test Non sensitive

Table no 4: Biological evaluation

Result & Discussion

The herbal hair oil was prepared with combination of coconut oil, Amla fruit, fenugreek seeds, Hibiscus flowers and leaves, and curry
leaves as the base of the monograph analysis was performed according to WHO guidelines.

Physical evaluation

1. The color is brown.

2. The odor is characteristic.

3. The texture is smooth.

4. The pH level is 6.01

5. The specific gravity is 0.88 g/cm3.

6. The smoothness is consistent.

Chemical evaluation

1. The acid value is 0.68.

2. The saponification value is 28.05.

3. The viscosity is 1.07.

Biological evaluation

1. The irritation test result is non-irritant.

2. The sensitivity test result is non-sensitive.

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© 2024 IJNRD | Volume 9, Issue 6 June 2024| ISSN: 2456-4184 | IJNRD.ORG


Herbal oil provides numerous essential nutrients required to maintain normal function of sebaceous glands and promotes natural hair
growth. All these drugs not only show remarkable activity but are also devoid of potential side effects as compared to synthetic drugs.
So, this polyherbal hair oil has cooling effect and thus relieves headaches and stress due to heavy workloads. It gets absorbed into the
scalp with in a shorter period of time and thus acts as nourishment to hairs. It acts as natural hair nourisher, helping in hair growth by
the reduction of hair fall. Coconut oil moisturizes hair. Amla and Eclipta alba help in thickening and blackening of hair. Hibiscus
helps in hair softening resulting in healthy growth. This hair oil also effectively used in treating headaches because of cooling effects
and thus relieves from stress and strain conditions. It has shown good hair growth results without any allergic or side effects as it is
completely constituted with naturally occurring crude drugs. At last it can be concluded that, this herbal hair oil formulation has
significant quality.


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