Constitution and Constitution Making
Constitution and Constitution Making
Constitution and Constitution Making
Pre-colonial Era
1) To stop violence
2) Reconciliation
3) Delivering a New Constitution
4) Historical issues
The key Constitutional changes in the New Constitution of
Kenya {2010}
1) Reduction of Presidents executive powers
2) Devolution of power to regions by the creation of
national and county governments
3) Creation of the Senate. The Senate and the Assembly
constitutes the Parliament
4) Establishment of Judicial Service Commission (JSC) which
shall promote and facilitate the independence and
accountability of the Judiciary; ensure efficient, effective
and transparent administration of Justice; and establish
other judicial offices as may be necessary.
5) Citizenship- birth and registration are the only
recognizing ways of attaining Kenyan citizenship while
dual citizenship is constitutionally recognized.
6) Creation of Land Commission which will
ensure effective land use and settle land
disputes in Kenya. The Constitution
stipulates that Land in Kenya will be held,
used and managed in a manner that is
equitable, efficient, productive and
7) Recognition of Kadhis courts as subordinate
courts in the Judicial court system.
8) Expansion of the citizens’ bill of rights to
guarantee equal representation for either
gender in all governance structures and
increased citizens’ participation in
democratic governance.
Features of the Constitution of Kenya
Some of the features of the new constitution
include the following:-
1) Provides for the supremacy of the constitution
2) Provides for a central and devolved government
with shared responsibilities
3) Provides for national values, principles and
4) General principles of citizenship-retention,
acquisition, citizenship and marriage, children
found in Kenya, dual citizenship, deprivation etc
5) Recognition and respect of culture
6) Enhanced bill of rights including human rights and
gender commission
7) Provides for land and property regulation rights
8) Principles and obligations on the environment and
natural resources
9) Provides for leadership and integrity principles
10) Provides for an independent electoral and
boundaries commission
11) Provides for a bicameral parliament consisting of the
senate and the house of representatives/ upper and
lower house
12)Provides for regional and county
governments complete with assemblies
13)Provides for the position of the president
and deputy president
14)Provides for public finance and revenue
15)Provides for independent public service
commission’s- psc, tsc and kcs
16)Establishes the national security organs
17)Establishes commissions and independent
The Structure of the Kenyan Government
Bye 👍